Newsletter Final-Term 2022-23

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Dear Parents

As we have successfully completed another academic year, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have embarked upon together. This year has been one of growth, resilience, and countless achievements, and I am delighted to share this edition of our end-of-year newsletter, highlighting our collective accomplishments and celebrating the bright future that awaits us. I extend my deepest appreciation to our dedicated staff who have tirelessly supported our students' educational journeys. Their unwavering creativity, and ability to adapt have been instrumental in creating a nurturing and engaging learning environment. I would also like to express my gratitude to our parents for their continuous support and cooperation throughout the year. Your involvement in your children's education, has been instrumental in their success. In closing, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the entire school community—students, parents, and staff—for your fascinating commitment, collaboration, and resilience throughout the year. It is your collective efforts that have made our school a thriving hub of growth and learning.

Lastly I wish our grade 3 students to the best of luck in their future as they embark their new journey in LP1.They will be greatly missed.


Annual Concert

Unleashing the Power of Music: The Annual Concert of 2023, organised for the students of LP-II, promised to be a spectacular showcase of talent, creativity, and the undeniable power of music. We are thrilled to announce that the event exceeded expectations, captivating the audience with a vibrant and entertaining experience. Our students left the audience in awe, and their heartfelt praise for our young artists echoed throughout the venue. Congratulations to our talented sophomores on a job well done!

The Danzoo Adventure

A Memorable Journey of Fun and Discovery

The trip to Danzoo was an absolute blast for our students. From the moment they entered the lively atmosphere, they were captivated by the vibrant array of animals. Majestic lions, playful monkeys, and graceful peacocks entertained and mesmerised. The caring zookeepers provided an enriching experience, allowing the students to interact with gentle giants like giraffes and llamas. The day ended with scrumptious burgers, a satisfying treat after a day filled with exploration. Danzoo exceeded expectations, leaving the students with cherished memories of fun, discovery, and delicious food.

Party Highlights: Celebratory Moments

At BSS LP-II, we believe in creating moments of joy and celebration for our students. Our series of festive parties began with a delightful Eid Milan Party, where students gathered to commemorate the joyous occasion of Eid ul-Fitr. The festivities continued with a mouthwatering Pizza Party, where the enticing aroma of freshly baked pizza filled the air and students indulged in delicious slices, creating a fun and lively atmosphere. Lastly, we concluded the year with an unforgettable End-of-Year Party, a day filled with singing, dancing, games, and delectable food, allowing our young graduates to bid farewell to the past year while creating cherished memories. These celebrations exemplify our commitment to providing our students with joyous experiences and fostering a spirit of togetherness at LP-II.


BSS-LP II has been extremely proud to host a variety of challenging competitions this year which not only widened the learning capacities of the students but also inculcated a deep sense of self-esteem within them. We are immensely delighted to see our students, putting forward their best efforts to prove their competency and expertise in different academic disciplines.



EnglishElocutionCompetition UrduDebateCompetition ScienceScavangerHunt EnglishDebateCompetition ScienceQuiz

BSS Music idol for Students

Our young singers showcased their vocal prowess in an exhilarating Intrabanch Singing Competition held at Kohsar Campus.

BSS Music idol for Teachers

BSS teachers idol was launched to explore the hidden talents of our reachers through a singing competition. Our School coordinator Ms. Sana Noor was selected from the cluster to participate in Grand finale at Auditorium, PECHS Campus,Karachi.

Third Party Competitions

Our immensely talented students went above and beyond by participating in not only school-based competitions but also external platforms to demonstrate their exceptional abilities. They eagerly showcased their linguistic prowess in the 19th International Kangaroo Linguistic Contest and unleashed their creative flair in the CATSO Creative Writing and Art Contest 2023. Their remarkable performances filled them with immense pride as they received well-deserved recognition and appreciation in the form of various prizes. These prizes served as a testament to their commendable participation and outstanding achievements.

International Kangroo Languistic Competition

Enchanting Shadow Play: Artistic Journey

Our Grade II and III students recently embarked on a captivating artistic journey, exploring the enchanting world of shadow theatre. Through cut-out silhouettes and the interplay of light and shadow, they brought stories to life, captivating audiences with their creativity and gaining a deeper understanding of this ancient art form.

STEAM Learning Fest

Open Day is an exciting event that allows students, parents, and visitors to experience the school environment and get an insight into the school's culture and academic programs.

LP-II has also had the privilege to arrange an Open Day for acquaintances. It was such an entertaining and delightful morning, completely filled with a mood of festivity. The whole program was divided into a variety of enthralling segments happening outdoors like dance performances, singing and Urdu comedy and English dramas. The school also arranged some food, drinks and dessert stalls to stir up the excitement in the festival. There were also different stations set up indoors of the school like Arts and Crafts, English literacy, Endangered Animals, Science experimental and Math games corner etc.

Token of Appreciation

Umrah offers an opportunity for Muslims to renew their faith, seek forgiveness, pray for their needs, and be cleansed of their sins.

It is a blessing when somebody gets a chance to perform Umrah. Luckily our students are blessed by this opportunity. So to pay our wishes and gratitude to them and their family they were presented a token of love. from School Head. May Allah grant all your wishes Ameen

"Ramadan is a month of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion for Muslims around the world".

To recognize the effort and commitment that students are putting into their spiritual practice during a challenging time, a token of love was given for appreciation to those kids who put fast for maximum days. May Allah bless you more, Ameen.

Exhilarating Sports Showdown: Boys' Cricket and Girls' Throwball Tournament

The sports spirit was alive and thriving as our talented students competed in an electrifying cricket tournament for boys and a thrilling throwball tournament for girls. The tournaments showcased the remarkable skills and sportsmanship of our students. The competitions were filled with excitement and fierce team dynamics, highlighting their passion for sports and dedication to excellence.


One of the main aspects of learning is the understanding of the process itself and there is no better way for students to learn other than practically exercising their own expertise in the application of various procedures. This year students of BSS- LP II exhibited their real cognitive abilities by showcasing a variety of STEM projects in the fields of Science and Social Studies.

International Days

Celebrating International Day in schools fosters global understanding, unity, and cultural appreciation. It promotes cultural awareness, language skills, and empathy among students. Through activities like performances, and presentations, students gain a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and global issues. It cultivates a sense of global citizenship, inspiring students to become active contributors in addressing global challenges. International Day celebrations strengthen community engagement, collaboration, and create opportunities for future cultural exchanges and international careers. By embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity, schools play a vital role in shaping a generation that values global perspectives and fosters a more interconnected and compassionate world.

Earth Day

Women's Day

Mother's Day

Professional Development

Professionaldevelopmentinschoolsisessentialforthegrowthandsuccess ofeducators.Itprovidesopportunitiesforteacherstoenhancetheirskills, stayupdatedwiththelatestteachingmethodologies,anddevelopnew strategiestomeetthediverseneedsofstudents.Throughworkshops, conferences,andtrainingsessions,educatorsgainvaluableinsights, exchangeideas,andcollaboratewiththeirpeers.Professionaldevelopment alsoencouragesreflectivepractice,promoteslifelonglearning,and improvesinstructionalpractices.Byinvestinginprofessionaldevelopment, schoolscreateacultureofcontinuousimprovement,ensuringthatteachers areequippedwiththeknowledgeandtoolstodeliverhigh-qualityeducation andpositivelyimpactstudentoutcomes.

Summer Camp

Summercampsinschoolsprovideafunandengagingenvironmentfor studentsduringtheirbreak.Studentshavetheopportunitytodevelopnew skills,makefriends,andexploretheirinterestsinarelaxedsetting.Summer campsalsopromotephysicalfitness,creativity,andsocialinteraction. LP-IIprovidedvarietyofactivities,like:Taekwondo,Scienceexperiments, Englishreadingandwritingclubs,ArtsandCrafts,MentalMath, Games,MusicandSportsactivities.Throughadiverserangeofactivities, summercampstudentscreatedlastingmemoriesandcontributedtothe holisticdevelopmentofstudents.


Summer Break

Monday, June 5th 2023

School reopens

Tuesday, August 15th 2023

End of year E-generated report card distribution

Saturday, June 23rd 2023


Ms Sana Noor School Coordinator Ms Shumaila Bilal Instructional Coach Ms Aneeta Kumari Branch Head Ms Mahnoor Shabbir Subject Lead Ms Marium Agha Subject Lead Ms Fatima Aquil Teacher
US ON FOLLOW US ON Beaconhouse Primary Branch - 2, Hyderabad bss.primary2hyderabad

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