As we near the end of another successful academic year, I am delighted to inform you that our school has been actively promoting the holistic development of our students through a range of curricular and co-curricular activities. These experiences have been designed to provide them with meaningful and connected learning opportunities, aimed at instillingimportantvalues,competencies,andskillsnecessaryto succeedinthe21stcentury.
As the saying goes, "Nothing succeeds like success, " and I believe this best describes our journey this term. Our students have excelled in numerous fields, and we are extremely proud of their achievements. This would not have been possible without the hard work, dedication,andcommittedeffortsofourstudents,teachers,andparentcommunity.
As we celebrate our successes, we must also acknowledge the sixth graders who will be relocating to middle school in class VII. While we will miss their presence, we wish them all the best in their future endeavors and assure them of our guidance and support whenever needed.WehopetheywillcherishthememoriesoftheirtimespentatPrimaryVICampus.
I sincerely hope that we can count on your continued cooperation and support in the upcoming academic year. In the meantime, I wish you and all our students a very happy holiday.
An eagerly anticipated event, the open day was meticulously organized to highlight the exemplary academic and non-academic practices of our educational institution along with student art work display. The doors of our branch swung open wide, welcoming a multitude of eager students and parents who flocked to witness the array of engaging activitiesondisplay.
The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as visitors navigated through the vibrant corridors, immersing themselves in the palpable energy that filled the air. The branch had transformed into a captivating showcase, offering a diverse rangeofacademicandfun-filledexperiencesfor everyonetoenjoy.
The PECHS campus Auditorium was transformed into a lively hub of artistic expression as the Annual MusicalConcerttookcenterstage.Thisyear'sconcert theme was carefully curated to showcase the diverse talentsandcreativityofthestudents.
As the curtains rose, the audience was captivated by the breathtaking performances of the students, who had put in countless hours of hard work and practice to perfect their acts. The auditorium was filled with vibrant colors and lively music as the students showcased their talents through a range of dances, role-plays,andinterviews.
The performances were not just a display of artistic prowess but also served as a platform to addressimportantsocialissues.Eachactwasdesignedtoportrayadifferentissue,fromclimate changetogenderequality,toraiseawarenessandinspirepositivechangeinthecommunity. Overall, the Annual Musical Concert was a resounding success, and the students' performances left a lasting impression on the audience. Their dedication and passion for the arts were truly commendable,anditwasevidentthattheyhadputtheirheartandsoulintoeveryperformance.
Inordertoreinforcethefundamentalknowledgeofvarioussubjects,engagingquizcompetitions wereorganized,focusingspecificallyonMath,Islamiat,SocialStudies,andScience.Thesequizzes servedasexcitingplatformsforstudentstoshowcasetheirunderstandingandmasteryofthese subjects.
The atmosphere during the competitions was filled with anticipation and enthusiasm as participantseagerlydemonstratedtheirexpertisethroughaseriesofchallengingquestionsand thought-provoking puzzles. The quizzes encompassed a wide range of topics, encouraging students to delve into the depths of their knowledge and apply critical thinking skills to arrive at accurateanswers.
At the culmination of each competition, the deserving winners were honored and celebrated for theiroutstandingperformance.Torecognizetheirachievements,trophieswereawardedtothose whoemergedvictoriousintheirrespectivesubjects.
Field trips serve as invaluable opportunities for students to expand their learning beyond the confines of the classroom, fostering their critical thinking skills and providingthemwithafreshperspectiveonvarioustopics orthemes.
As the students embarked on the cinematic adventure, they were transported to a mesmerizing world filled with captivating visuals and thought-provoking storytelling. The movie's immersive experience allowed the students to delve into a different realm, stimulating their imaginationandpromptingthemtocontemplatevarious aspectsofthefilm'sthemes.
Young enthusiasts of classes I to III were exposed to the world of amazing animals & birds by visiting Danzoo Park. It was an enriching learning experience for the students as they saw a varietyofanimalsandwerefascinatedbythebeautyofnature.
Overallitwasadaywellspentwhichhasgivenourstudentswonderfulmemories.Theimpactof these field trips was palpable as the students emerged from the destinations with beaming smilesandanimatedconversations.Theexperienceshadnotonlyentertainedthembuthadalso ignitedtheircuriosityandadesiretodelvedeeperintoanimalsandtheirhabitats.
A captivating Urdu speech contest was organized, encompassing all levels of students The young orators showcased remarkable eloquence and displayed solid argumentative skills that left the judgesimpressed.Asatokenofrecognitionfortheir outstanding performances, the winners were honored with certificates and trophies, celebrating their achievements in this linguistic pursuit. This contestnotonlyprovidedaplatformforstudentsto refine their public speaking abilities but also motivated them to strive for excellence in the Urdu languageandexpression.
In a delightful initiative, mothers of students in classes II and III were warmly invited to join their children in reading books together. They were encouraged to engage in shared reading experiencesandprovidevaluablefeedbackonthe storiestheyexploredalongsidetheirkids.
Class IV students embarked on a creative journey as they penned their own heartfelt poems. With great enthusiasm, they showcased their poetic talents, adorning their performances with props and visuals, captivating an appreciative audience consistingoftheirmothers.
In a heartwarming celebration, the grandparents of Grade III students were cordially invited to the school. Theylovinglysharedcherishedstorieswiththeirbeloved grandchildren, creating a special bond while engaging invariousenjoyableactivitiestogether.
Adelightfulstorytellingsessionwasheldfor the young students, featuring a special guest: Ms. Uzma Amin the librarian from FB Area Campus With captivating tales and animated expressions, the guest captivated the young audience, who were thoroughly engrossed and enchanted by theimaginativestoriesshared.
Grade V students embarked on an enriching research project, delving into selected topics of interest They showcased their findings and creativity by contributing articles, stories, and poems, which were thoughtfully compiled into a magazine, reflecting their dedication to knowledge and literaryexpression.
Celebrating Women's Day at our school was a true testament to empowerment and equality. Students actively participated in a special assembly and presented a range of activities, including thoughtprovoking discussions, inspiring speeches, and captivating performances. We honored the accomplishmentsofremarkablewomenthroughout history and recognized the importance of gender equality. The event served as a reminder that each person,regardlessofgender,hasthepowertomake a positive impact. Together, we strive to create a world where women are celebrated and their voices areheard.
We proudly celebrated Earth's Day at our school with a strong focus on environmental awareness and sustainability. Students engaged in various eco-friendly activities, such as tree planting, recycling drives, and educational workshops. The event emphasized the importance of preserving our planet and encouraged students to become responsible stewards of the Earth. Through collective efforts, we strive to create a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment.
We bid farewell to another remarkable academic year with a spectacular End of Year Party at our school. The festive atmosphere was filled with laughter, food, and fun activities. It was a joyful occasion to reflect on the growth and accomplishments of our students and express gratitude to the dedicated teachersandsupportiveparents.
A series of special assemblies were held at our branch to celebrate the school's implementation of the Leader in Me program. The assemblies featured presentations by students, highlighting the importance of leadership and how the Leader in Me program ishelpingstudentsdeveloptheskillstheyneed tobesuccessfulinschoolandinlife. The assemblies were a successful way to celebrate the school's implementation of the Leader in Me program and to showcase the positive impact the program has had on the schoolcommunity.
A special morning assembly was held for class I students to showcase their understanding of different professions. The students dressed up as different professionals, such as doctors, firefighters, teachers, police officers, and constructionworkers.
The students marched around the stage, waving totheaudienceandintroducingthemselves.They also spoke about what their favorite part of their profession was and why they wanted to be that when they grew up. The audience was very impressed with the students' costumes and their knowledgeofdifferentprofessions.
A special morning assembly was held for class II students to showcase their skills in English poetry elocution The students performed a variety of poems confidently. The assembly was a great success, and it was a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their talents and to learn from each other The students all had a great time, and they are looking forward to participating in future poetry elocution events.
A special Urdu Poetry Elocution event was held for classes I and II. Students from class I and II recited a variety of Urdu poems. The students performedwithgreatenthusiasmandpoise,and their recitations were met with warm applause fromtheaudience.
AspecialmorningassemblywasheldonMother'sDayto celebrate the love and sacrifices of mothers. The assemblywasorganizedbystudentsofclassV.
A special assembly was held on Labour Day to celebrate the hard work and dedication of all workers. The assembly was organizedbygradeVIE.
The students thanked all workers for their hard work and dedicationandexpressedtheirappreciationforthem.
Throughouttheterm,studentshavemadeusproudbyachievingcertificatesandrecognitions indifferentforms.Herearesomeglimpsesofthose:
A teachers' singing competition was held last by BSS. The event was a great success, with many teachers showcasing theirvocaltalents.
One teacher who performed particularly well was Ms. Seema Lalani from our branch. She sang a beautifully and was selectedfortheclusterround.
The other teachers who competed also performed very well. They sang a variety of songs, from popular hits to classic songs
The English and Urdu Creative Writing Competition is a great opportunity for students to showcase their writing skills. The competition was open to all students from grades 1 to VI. Winnerswereawardedcertificates
The Inter-section Art Competition was a great opportunity for students to showcase their artistic talents. The competition was open to all students from all levels. Students submitted their entries in any medium, of their choice. The winning studentsreceivedcertificates.
Our branch's Kid Athletics team made us proud by winning 2nd place in the Inter-cluster Athletics Meet forGradesItoII.
Cultural Games Week is a weeklong celebration of traditional games from around the world. During this week, students are encouragedtolearnaboutandplay traditional games from different cultures.
Cultural Games Week was a great opportunityforthestudentstolearn about different cultures and have somefuntoo.
Our kid Athletic team from grade III-V secured 2nd position in the inter-cluster Kids Athletics.
Young footballer from grade IV and V played exceptionally well in Inter-house footballtournament
Our school students have once again made us proud by participating in various national level competitions and bringing laurels to the school. The list of competitions includes
Greenliving-KindnessBingo ArtBeat-ArtCompetition.
Weareveryproudofourstudents'achievementsandwewish themallthebestintheirfutureendeavors.
Beaconhouse,initscontinuousefforttodevelopitsteachersprofessionallyataninternationallevel, has awarded scholarships to its 15 teachers from across the globe for the Professional Graduate CertificateinEducation(PGCE),aprogramdevelopedbyUniversityCollegeLondon(UCL).Weare happyandproudtoannouncethatoneofourteachers,Ms.AneelaMajidhasbeenselectedforthe programandhasbeenawardeda100%scholarship.
ThePGCEisaone-yearprogramthatprovidesteacherswiththeskillsandknowledgetheyneedto teach in a globalized world. The program covers a wide range of topics, including pedagogy, curriculum development, and assessment. It also includes a significant research component, which allows teachers to develop their own research skills and to contribute to the field of education.