Poetic Prowess
Time! Find the hidden words
Beaconhouse School System - AECHS First Term Newsletter 2016
Join the dots…. What am I?
Contents Words of wisdom ELE Initiative
01 02
Investiture Ceremony
Pride of AECHS
School Event Highlights
Puzzles and Fun activities
Editor’s Note Dear Parents,
Write the picture names in the boxes and find the solution
The publication of this newsletter is a major milestone in the progress and development of the school as it opens a window of opportunities to many people who will know that as an institution, we are destined to a bright future. It ignites pleasure and satisfaction in me to ensure about the great stride gained by BSS-AECHS in the short period of its existence. Thank you and God Bless.
Best Regards, Samira Waseem
Headmistress’s Note Dear Parents, We come to the end of a fantastic first term, filled with colours, events and achievements. First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both to your child and to the school. Academically, it has been an excellent term for all classes. At Beaconhouse, ‘we’, as a team, focus on developing the young minds to the best of their potential. Our endeavor is to get the best by challenging and supporting, both students as well as the teaching staff. Active participation and support of parents is the key factor for our success. We extend all possible support and partner with our parents for reshaping our young learners together. Learning will continue and we look forward to you for involvement in an even more exciting second term as well. Wish you all the best!
Best Regards Ms. Samar Azhar Branch Head
Address: H.No. 100, Sector 1, Jinnah Road AECHS- Rawalpindi SGO address: Ms. Safia Cassim (School Group Head) 400-A Main Peshawar Road Rawalpindi Email address: Office land line no:051 5167079 ext 101 Mobile no: 03008501196 4
Experience the Enhanced Learning Environment
Executive Director, Mr. Nassir Kasuri, Vibrant Morning Assemblies
Teachers use both traditional and education technology resources to create engaging and meaningful and interactive learning experiences for learners. These include the use of applications on tablet for formation of letters and to understand the sequence of alphabets and the use of Bee-bots to develop phonic awareness. Moreover, using Net-books to make posters and using the EYERis tool to provide an interactive white board experience are various examples of Interactive learning using ICT. Furthermore, the use of an IT Lab and Promethean board for primary classes to facilitate them in their learning is also available. Using a blend of all these resources teachers are able to create an environment where every learner gets to learn in his own unique way.
Hands on experience with experiments
Fire drills
This term at a glance‌.. Parent Teacher Meeting
Morning Assemblies
The most crucial part of the term was the parent teacher meeting where parents discussed their children’s academics with teachers.
Nothing like a vibrant start to the day with interesting and colorful morning assemblies with an interesting theme or topic.
After the elections and careful selection criteria, the Head boy, Head girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl were appointed. Their roles and responsibilities were shared along with a proper oath taking ceremony. Along with them, the club presidents, vice presidents and treasurers were also appointed and announced during the ceremony. The event also included awarding badges to the Avid Readers to promote healthy reading habits among children.
Defence Day Celebrations
Global Dignity Day
Children celebrated Defence day by singing national songs and engaging themselves in activities like making Pakistani flags, headbands etc
BSS AECHS students celebrated Global Dignity Day with fervor and excitement and also shared and learned various important aspects of Dignity and what it means to us all.
Orientation Day
An Orientation Day was held to familiarize the parents with the BSS Academic Philosophy and curriculum.
Children celebrated Iqbal day by performing various Tableaus, role plays, reciting verses from his poetry and songs.
Open Day Abdul Moiz Bajwa (Class V) and Shaheer Usman
Areeb Ahmed and Haziq Nauman from Class IB
(Class III) for winning Bronze Medal in
won 3rd Place in Neighborhood Map Machine
International Kangaroo Science Competition
Competition between all branches of SG-1.
Celebrating Events
Eid Millan Party
Investiture Ceremony
Pride of BSS AECHS
Inviting guest speakers
An Open Day was organized to display an insightful learning experience to parents and visitors.
Nutty Party Children embraced the winter season by having a nutty party where they brought nuts and shared information about the health benefits of eating nuts