Class 1 Newsletter for the month of Feb-17 and Mar-17

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Beaconhouse School System, Clifton Campus Class I – PYP Curriculum update for the month of February- March 2017.

Unit 6 : Trans disciplinary theme

Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

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Enduring Understanding… Central Idea: Water is essential to life and is a limited resource for many people.

Lines of Inquiry:   

Related Vocabulary

Sources of water Ways in which we use water How to be responsible users of water

Key Concepts:

oceans rivers waterfall lakes fresh water salt rain resources essential limited pollution glaciers waste canals fields streams ponds tap water tank gardens sea reuse

Form: Students will name and describe the different sources of water around the world. Function: Students will identify the ways water is used and reflect how it is being wasted. Responsibility: Students will learn how they can be responsible users of water.

Students through their actions shall:

Use water responsibly and will encourage friends and family to save water.

Guiding Questions???

Teacher Questions

1. 2. 3. 4.

Where does water come from? How do we use water? What would happen if there was no water? Does everyone get water in the same way?

Learner Profile

Transdisciplinary Skills

Caring, Principled and Reflective: Students will reflect on their daily usage of water, how it is being wasted and how it can be reused. They will develop a caring approach towards those who lack this basic necessity of life. They will show traits of being principled by taking ownership of their own actions towards conservation of water so that this important resource can be shared equally with other people around the world. PYP Attitudes

Thinking skills: Students will think about different ways they can conserve water in their daily lives. Self-Management Skills: They will make informed choices while using water.

Appreciation: Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people. Empathy: Imagining themselves in another’s situation in order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as to be open minded and reflective about the perspective of others.

Teaching targets to be covered in each subject area identified by the IB Primary Years Programme. These will be taught within the unit of inquiry as well as stand-alone to ensure clear conceptual understanding and application. Language Mathematics PSPE Arts

English : Finding smaller words from the bigger words. Rhyming words Labeling Jumbled up sentences. Paragraph writing

Measurements Capacity (use of liters and milliliters) Weight( use of grams and kilograms) Numbers Multiplication with 2 digits number using single digit. (tables of 2,3,4,5 & 10)


Students will prepare for the Annual Sports Day and the upcoming Inter House cricket tournament.

Water color painting Droplet paintings Music: Songs Saving the water Water world Earth Song

)‫وادح۔عمج ۔ذمرکومثن۔رحوفرطب(ااعدہ‬ :‫یقیلختاکم‬ )‫ابعرتانھکل(ااعدہ‬ ‫وساالتےکوجاابترحتریرکان۔‬:‫میہفت‬ :‫داینیت‬ ‫قبسہشیمہچسوبول۔رکشہی‬ ‫ےنیپیک‬home: ‫ دودھ‬:‫انرظہ‬ Suggested activities to pursue‫ ُداع‬at

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Read together every day for at least 20 minutes. Encourage your child to ask questions about where the water in your house comes from.  Observe the ways water is used and wasted at home. Encourage your child to do small actions to reduce water wastage.

During the unit, students will explore the following books. These books are available in the School’s learning Center Water by T.R Bhanot Can the Earth Cope? By Louise Spilsbury Wonderful Water by Helen Zans Water by Frank Asch Water by Franklin Watts Ocean by Shelia Rivera The Changing Earth, Ice + Glaciers by Lawrence Williams Beaches and Coasts by Lawrence Williams

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