The Beaconhouse Newsletter
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
A ug ust - De c e mb e r 2 0 1 5 Issue Be a c onhouse Gulsha n Prim a ry I V E - 6 0 , Bloc k 4 , Gulsha n-e -I qba l, K a ra c hi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 , 3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
Eye Spy
I n t his I ssue
P a r t i c i p a n t s o f i E A R N P ro j e c t on U nive rsa l Childre n Da y
4 0 years Celebratio n
Teacher’s Day
Dawn Spelling Bee
Clubs & Soc ie t ie s
Wa ll of Ex pre ssion
Students Clubs & So cieties
O bhartay Sitaray Sing ing Co ntest
Dear Parents/ G uardian
Ho use Co uncil Electio ns
G lo bal Dig nity Day 2 0 1 5
This year has a special sig nificance fo r all o f us at BSS, as it marks the 4 0 th Anniversary o f Beaco nho use. The students and staff celebrated this auspicio us o ccasio n very enthusiastically.
Marvello us pieces o f Art.
Ce le bra t ing De fe nc e Da y
Cla ss V Sc ie nc e Ac t ivit y
Asra Sha k e e l Winne r of N a t iona l Child Art Com pe t it ion
Readers o f To day are the Leaders o f To mo rro w
Defense Day. Emerg ency Drills. Inter-ho use Co mpetitio ns
05 05 06 06
O rientatio n o f 6 -Day Ro tatio nal 06 Timetable. School of Tomorrow Conference. Eye Spy
4 0 t h Birt hda y of BSS
07 08
Cla ss I I St udying Cont ine nt s
O ur students have been invo lved into many curricular and co -curricular activities thro ug ho ut the term. They actively participated in the Art Exhibitio n fo r the Scho o l o f To mo rro w Co nference. W e reg ret that the Annual Spo rts Day had to be po stpo ned, which will no w be held in January 2 0 1 6 .
Best reg ards
I nde pe nde nc e Da y Ce le bra t ions
Cla ss I V Ele c t ions Ca m pa ign
Ele c t ions c a m pa ign
This term has been very impo rtant in intro ducing many new initiatives. The ro tating six day timetable is implemented to pro vide ample time to enhance specialized skills o f the students e.g . pro blem so lving , lang uag e and co mmunicatio n etc. G reat stress has been o n the Physical, So cial and Health Educatio n o f yo ung children to develo p the attributes o f BSS Learner’s Pro file in their perso nality.
W e appreciate yo ur co nstant suppo rt and welco me yo ur valued sug g estio ns to further impro ve o ur perfo rmance. Cla ss I I Sc ie nc e Ac t ivit y
Cla ss I I U rdu a c t ivit y “S a w a r i a n ”
The First Word
U pc om ing Eve nt s
Cla ss I I Sc ie nc e Ac t ivit y
Cla ss V M a t h Ac t ivit y o n Ta r s i a
Cla ss V Proje c t on Sounds
Cla ss I st ude nt s c onduc t ing a surve y for Soc ia l St udie s
Uzma Farzoq Senior Mistress Incharge
A n n u a l S p o r ts D a y
Good t o K now
A nnua l S c ho o l C o nc e rt
Keeping in view the security o f the students, no visito rs, parents, drivers will be allo wed in scho o l building during scho o l ho urs witho ut prio r appo intment.
In te r n a ti o n a l K a n g a r o o M a th e m a ti c s C o n te s t
At the time o f g iving appo intment, CN IC number o f visito rs will be no ted. Visito rs are requested to bring their CN IC fo r verificatio n o n the day o f appo intment.
El o c u ti o n C o n te s t
In te r - h o u s e D e b a te C o m p e ti ti o n f o r C l a s s III, IV a n d V
Sho wing the Student' s ID card at ho me time is essential. Please make sure that yo u/ yo ur drivers have it. In case o f so meo ne else co ming to pick the child, autho rity letter must be g iven and the CN IC must also be pro duced.
Pa k i s ta n D a y
Please ensure yo ur child’s reg ularity and punctuality. Repo rting time is 8 :0 0 am sharp. The g ates wil be clo sed at 8 :0 5 am.
Ea r th D a y
Please read the diaries/ circulars to keep yo urself info rmed.
A n n u a l G r a d u a ti o n C e re mo n y
Please lo g o n to the o fficial facebo o k pag e o f the branch: https:/ / www.facebo o m/ bssgp4 fo r latest updates and info rmatio n.
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8 E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
New s & Events 4 0 Ye a rs Ce le bra t ion
Te a c he rs’ Da y The W o rld Teachers’ Day was celebrated o n 5 th O ctober to pay tribute to the people in this honourable pro fessio n that transfo rms lives and perso nalities. Students expressed their feelings abo ut their teachers thro ug h po ems and speeches during the mo rning assembly and presented flo wers to all the teachers. The Reg io nal O ffice had o rg anized an interesting co mpetitio n in which teachers were invited to share their views abo ut their philo so phy o f educatio n and ho w do they put this philo so phy into practice in the classro o m.
The students and the staff members celebrated 4 0 years th o f their Alma Mater o n 4 No vember with great delight and enthusiasm. They deco rated their classro o ms with specially prepared birthday cards, balloons and buntings to match the g lam up exterio r o f the scho o l. Ms. Saiqa N aseem, Ms. Shabana Iftikhar, Ms. Sadia Arif and Sehar Bano who have spent mo re than 1 0 years with the system shared their feeling s and experiences with the students. Ms. Afsheen Imran, o ne o f the Beco nites, shared ho w studying at Beaco nho use prepared her to meet the challeng es o f pro fessio nal and perso nal life. The cake was cut in the ho no urable presence o f o ur Academic Manag er Ms. Tabinda Raza. After the cake cutting ceremo ny students enjo yed their special treat in the fo rm o f a hilario us mag ic sho w.
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
Re a de rs of t oda y a re t he Le a de rs of Tom orrow Students actively participated in the Inter Ho use Reading Co mpetitio ns held in the mo nth o f N o vember.The winners were as fo llwo s: Eng lish Reading Co mpetitio ns:
Cla s s
2 n d Po s itio n
3 rd Po s itio n
Mahad Farhan M. Abdullah Malik Zayan Ali
Ashna Jamal I-A Muhammad Talal Khan I-A
Abdul Aalee Khan I-B
Ali Murtuza
Suha Ahsan
Ro shaan Ali Syed
Ayesha Asad
Ayesha Usmani II-B Shiza Hasan II-A M. Kumail Abbas III-B Kaif Ashraf III-C
Amal W ajid Sanawar Asad
Ho o ria Fatima
Daniyah Kamran
Javeria Iqbal
Zo ya Ahsan
Sakina Zehra Kissa Bato o l Shanzey Khan
DAWN Spe lling Be e Abdul Mo iz V-A, Ano o sha Khan V-E and Shaheer Imran V-A co mpeted fo r Dawn Spelling Bee Co ntest this year. Their determinatio n to excel was evident thro ug h their co nfidence which was hig hly appreciated by the audience.
Urdu Reading Co mpetitio ns:
Gra d e
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
1 s t Po s itio n
2 n d Po s itio n
3 rd Po s itio n
Shaho o d Ali Faiq Ashraf Khan
Mahad Farhan Zayan Ali
Fabiha Tehseen
Mariam Ali Baig
M. Habban Baig
Ayesha Asad
N uzhat Hasan
Kinza Hasan Mahira N o man N asrullah Khan
Pareeshey Khan W ahaj bin Ahmed
Samra Bato o l
Fuzail Ashraf
Yamna Ahmed
Shanzey Khan Zo ya Ahsan
Abdul Mo iz Khan V-A
1 s t Po s itio n
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
St ude nt s’ Clubs & Soc ie t ie s Students clubs and so ciety classes g o t a new twist with the intro ductio n o f Ho me Eco no mics Club. O ur aspiring chefs and dress desig ners prepared mo uthwatering drinks / sandwiches and learned to make simple embro idery stitches.
Globa l Dignit y Da y 2 0 1 5 2 1 st O cto ber, 2 0 1 5 was the culminatio n o f activities being carried o ut in the branch to celebrate the G lo bal Dig nity Day and 7 0 th anniversary o f the United N atio ns. This impo rtant day is celebrated to implement the five principles o f dig nity and the United N atio ns’ Charter o f the universal rig ht o f every human being to lead a dig nified life by embedding the co ncept o f dig nity into teaching and learning . This year the theme o f G lo bal Dig nity Day was a n ti b u lly in g .
Obha rt a y Sit a ra y Singing Com pe t it ion
It was an ho no ur fo r us to ho st the Final Rehearsals fo r the participants o f O bhartay Sitaray sing ing co mpetitio n. Selected students o f the branches o f Scho o l G ro up-II sang beautiful so ng s in their melo dio us vo ices and made the decisio n really difficult fo r the judg es.Two o f o ur students W ahaj Bin Ahmed and Dania Kamran represented the branch at the O bhartey Sitare Sing ing Co mpetitio n held at Ro yal Ro dale o n 1 9 th September, 2 0 1 5 .
Teachers planned o ut special activities to help students understand the meaning o f bullying and ho w to pro tect themselves and o thers fro m bullying . The skits presented by the students, based o n day to day examples o f bullying , were interesting and easy to relate to . Being dig itally literate, they also wro te and illustrated dig ital sto ries based o n the principles o f dig nity. Students o f Class 1 prepared banners and to o k o ut a rally to create awareness abo ut dig nity o f human being s.
M a rve llous Pie c e s of Art The o utstanding wo rks o f Art by Abdul Mo iz V-A, Selina Ag ha III-A, Kisa Bato o l V-A, Mariam Baig II-C were selected fo r the SO T Art Exhibitio n. The marvello us pieces were hig hly appreciated by the visito rs.
St ude nt s’ Counc il Ele c t ions Like previo us years, this year to o students g o t expo sure to demo cratic system o f selecting their representatives thro ug h free and fair Student Co uncil Electio ns. Candidates and their suppo rters did canvassing thro ug h speeches and created interesting slo g ans. They distributed skillfully made hand bands and badg es amo ng st their suppo rters. O n the day o f ballo ting students did electro nic vo ting to elect their favo rite candidates.Abdul Mo iz Khan (V-A) and Kisa Bato o l (V-D) were elected as the Head Bo y and Head G irl respectively.
Time – Travel
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
Se lina Agha - I I I A
K isa Ba t ool - V D
M a ria m Ba ig - I I C
Abdul M oiz - VA
De fe nc e Da y
Students celebrated Defenc e Day o n 4 th September with patrio tism. They expressed their feeling s fo r their ho meland thro ug h speeches, ro le plays and so ng s.
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
Em e rge nc y Drills The emerg ency drills prepare students to respo nd appro priately in case o f unexpected situatio ns. The Evacuatio n and Lo ck do wn drills are held reg ularly to keep them in practice.
The Beaconhouse Newsletter Aug - Dec 2015
Sc hool of Tom orrow Confe re nc e Art w o rk Dis p la y : Peaco ck is a creature o f inspiratio n to mo st o f us. It’s enchanting and attractive lo o k urg ed o ur students o f G rade V to create a 3 D life-size Peaco ck fo r the Sch o o l o f To m o rro w Co n fe re n ce Art Exhibitio n. The basic theme behind creating this co lo urful bird was recycling and reusing . Students utilized different types o f used material and explo red Papier-mâché’ technique while creating different bo dy parts o f the peaco ck under the supervisio n o f their art teacher Ms. N ehdia Adeel. The final pro duct put the viewers in awe. They hig hly appreciated the students’ effo rt and ag reed to the messag e that it’s time to manag e waste and beco me a key player in making o ur wo rld a safe and healthy place. (The who le pro cess o f preparing the display co uld be seen o n the video uplo aded o n o ur face bo o k pag e.)
I nt e r-house Com pe t it ions Inter-ho use Spo rts Co mpetitio ns were held in O cto ber to develo p spo rtsman spirit amo ng st the yo ung children. Class Class I
Do dg e the Ball Tug o f W ar Class II Do dg e the ball Tug o f W ar Class III Do dg e the ball Tug o f W ar Class IV Tug o f W ar Class V Tug o f W ar
W inning Ho use Panthers Panthers Leo pards Jag uars Leo pards Panthers Jag uars Jag uars
Orie nt a t ion of 6 Da y Rot a t ing T im e t a ble The six day ro tating timetable was intro duced to pro vide mo re time to develo p the traits o f BSS Learners’ Pro file in the yo ung children. An o rientatio n sessio n was held in the scho o l during the mo nth o f September to apprise them abo ut the 6 days ro tating time table. Parents appreciated the idea o f teaching new subjects like PSHE, Lang uag e Enhancement, Pro ject Based Learning and Pro blem So lving to ensure the ho listic develo pment o f students.
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8
E - 6 0 , Blo ck 4 , G ulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. Ph:+9 2 2 1 3 4 9 7 2 3 2 7 -3 4 8 1 4 2 0 8