Beaconhouse School System Jo har To wn Junio r Branc h
Newsletter (August-October2018) Headmistress Note
Dear BSS Families! Before, this notelet unfolds its pages of concealment or formerly we could tell you more about our journey, I Ms. Sumaira Babar greet you all in an entirely new world; world of critical learning & passionate learners, domain of being empathetic, a new realm of health and hygiene awareness. Parents, get ready for the year ahead ushering into an era of fun & wisdom!!! I won’t say much but Beaconhouse promotes holistic learning that addresses students’ intellectual, emotional and physical development, preparing them to become life-long and independent learners, and responsible global citizens. In my experience, working collaboratively with parents enriches the learning process. For this, my BSS squads are working selflessly and tirelessly with little delicacies to help them achieve 21st century learning attributes and also preparing them for the cut throat competition they would face in the exterior world. “The fundamental purpose of school is learning, not teaching.”
It was the first day and a new academic year when the school opened with fresh desire, ignition and urge for making the future generation and leaders learn through different techniques whereas the emphasis would be on “play”. The existing students of pre-nursery & nursery went to their old classrooms where they were received warmly by their previous teachers and later on they were accompanied & introduced to their new classrooms & mentors respectively. The fresh admissions for nursery & kindergarten were welcomed by the school management. The kids and the escorted parent availed the fun filled activities and later on they handed over their youngsters to his/her new homeroom teacher where she received and welcomed them very warmly but a feeling of shyness & uneasiness was on faces of some of the newly joined students for this academic year.
The parents of kindergarten and nursery level respectively attended the orientation session for the new school year in which they learnt BSS school policies, teaching approaches and different technologies their kids would be using in the current year. The session was followed by “Meet & Greet the Teacher” where the parents went to the child’s respective classroom and had a short meeting with his/her homeroom teacher.
Running a school and not thinking about the child protection couldn’t be possible? Delicate, diminutive angels are not given birth to be trampled underneath the feet; not to be crushed ruthlessly by ogres around us. A child protection committee’s meeting was organized for the mothers in which the committee members told them when and how to contact the school for the child’s protection. The meeting also told about the parents’ role in this regard. The sessions were also held with all the students of early years’ branch in which they were told when about their safe circle, when to feel in danger and how to cop with it.
The orientation session of Pre nursery followed by “Meet & Greet the Teacher” which was organized on the above stated date where the Parents brought their young toddlers to the school for the first time & both were hesitant to leave each other.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Keeping the afore mentioned lines in mind, we celebrated our Orientation day cum Open day based on “Monsoon” theme where little Chakors & Cuckoos of JTJ were observed feeling at home with their family members, availing the fun filled & learning activities at the same time. We showcased different topics being catered here at school through different stalls/stations.
The school held the Jolly phonics workshop on 4th September,2018 for both English and Urdu letters side by side for all three levels. In this workshop parents were told about the teaching techniques for both the subjects. They were told the strategies which will help them in improving the reading and writing skills of their children for both the major subjects. Eager mothers from all the three levels turned up, where they were given hand on activities for pronouncing both English and Urdu letters, blending sounds and building words.
How could we forget those brave men who sacrificed their lives just only to give us the land where we could breathe independently? Therefore, the Defence of Pakistan Day was celebrated very patriotically at JTJC to commemorate Pakistan’s successful defence against India in 1965. The students of Kg gave a tribute to the Martyrs’ of the war followed by a patriotic song.
The school celebrated the “Eid Milan Party” at all three levels. Keeping well in mind the concept and lesson the Eid gives us, the young kids brought party food and shared it with their peers as well. The inquisitive learners were dressed up in outstanding attires. Must say; celebrated the party just like an Eid day.
Awareness on dengue was created by KG-yellow on the above mentioned date. On the awareness day they shared different ways to prevent this fatal disease from entering our lives and surroundings as we all know “Prevention” is better than cure.
The Global hand washing day was celebrated while keeping in mind one of BSS learner profile’s attribute i.e. Health & Hygiene conscious. A truly informative assembly was presented by Nursery Rust in which they shared; timings, different & affordable ways to wash their hands.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. International peace day was celebrated on 27th September; teachers deliberated the importance of Peace in our lives and world during circle time activities. Kindergarten students presented an informative assembly on the importance of the day.
The school held its first ever Mathematics workshop based on CPA approach in which parents were introduced to the terminology CPA i.e. Concrete, Pictorial & Abstract. They were introduced to the book “Rising Star” through the slides. The parents were asked intriguing questions followed by the hands on activities just as the students do in the classroom. The workshop was meant to give the “Parents classroom” impact as they were all deeply involved in the activities. The thought-provoking session culminated into a question answer session.
“Teachers hone students to make them diamonds.” This day had its peculiar prominence in the older times & present as well. It’s celebrated throughout the world to embrace the most kind, the most passionate, and the most peerless person; yes you have guessed it right; it’s “TEACHERS’ DAY”. This day was celebrated passionately in our campus by spreading the red carpet on the entrance so that teachers could walk even more proudly while celebrating their own day. The students of KGs paid tribute to the services of the teachers at JTJC by welcoming them and sharing their precious thoughts regarding their mentors with the entire school. After that the teachers were called upon the stage by the headmistress to cut the cake and enjoyed every bit of the day.
A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind & touches a heart.
When it comes to human dignity, we cannot make compromises!
As we are teaching our little learners to be ethical how we could forget about the people who help us in our daily lives, they are part of our society; we are incomplete without them. Students of KG presented a marvelous assembly on “The Global Dignity Day” by paying tribute to all them. The assembly ended on “Mug Distribution” to the junior staff; later on hand printing activity, cake cutting ceremony & special lunch was served by the head mistress. It was an extremely amusing way to acknowledge them for the services they have offered & are still offering dedicatedly to the students, school & staff members.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Slumber Party was held in JTJC where the students from all the levels listened to the story being narrated with the puppets .This step is just the beginning to create awareness amongst parents regarding “bed time stories.” As it plays a vital role not only in developing child’s listening, critical &imagination skills but also work on attention span of the child.
“To a Thirsty man, a drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold.” The KG-blue addressed the most precarious and eye opening global issue of now days i.e. “Water Consumption”. They gave an outstanding presentation on “save water” & shared different and thought provoking ideas on why and how to save water. The assembly was culminated on question answer session and one of the students of the respective class gave badges to the teachers which had written “Every drop counts, Save Water”. It was a marvelous assembly indeed.
“When you are transitioning to a new season of life, the people and situations that no longer fit you will fall away. To give the concept of seasons of the year; autumn season was celebrated at JTJC in which different students from all KG sections uttered few lines on the season and it culminated in an autumn song. The little green leaves of beaconhouse were meticulously all dressed in autumn coloured clothes. They all celebrated the day with walking on the crunchy leaves with their teachers and friends and drew different things using their imagination and autumn colours in particular.