October 2008

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Volume 4—Issue 2

October 2008




Go Green: New Bulbs and Shorter Showers Global warming, simply defined, is when the Earth’s average temperature is increased or becomes warmer than usual. There are many reasons why global warming is a large concern today. Global warming is expected to change precipitation patterns (how much it rains and how often). This results in both droughts and floods. Global warming is also expected to raise sea levels and increase the intensity and amount of extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes. According to acoolerclimate.com, tmay answer the question as to why there have been many powerful hurricanes lately. The idea that global warming can affect your allergies was ultimately presented by government research when they found that ragweed produces more pollen as carbon dioxide increases. According to ezinearticles.com, as temperature goes up, there is an in-

crease of the chance of hay fever, worsen allergy symptoms, and cause people to develop new allergies. Another effect of global warming is the collapsing of glaciers, which can lead to water levels drastically rising when those glaciers completely melt. There are many Drawing by simple ways to prevent Kimie Leach global warming, One of them is to use more efficient light bulbs. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, if every American household replaced at least one of their incandescent light bulbs with a compact fluorescent bulb, then 90 billion pounds of CO2 emission would be prevented from going into the atmosphere. According to acoolerclimate.com, this is almost equal to taking 6.3 million cars off the roads, decreasing the amount of green house

gases in the atmosphere. Another easy way to prevent global warming is to turn down your hot water heater. If you turn your hot water thermostat down 10 degrees Fahrenheit, you can reduce 3-5% of your energy consumption. These small changes can make a huge difference in the atmosphere. Kimie Leach Bear Facts Staff Writer

Free Gas Benefits for California Lawmakers While many Americans struggle with rising gasoline prices, California lawmakers can fill up their tanks with ease. The state provides unlimited gasoline charge cards for these officials, which consequently leaves California taxpayers to pay the bill. According to the Associated Press, from January to July of 2008, California taxpayers have spent $220,000 solely on their lawmakers’ transportation costs. The legislators pump their gas, swipe the card, and without ever seeing the bill, it is sent straight to their legislative agencies to be paid for with tax dollars. In the beginning of October in Sacramento, the price of gas in US dollars per gallon was on average $3.60, according to the Daily Fuel Gauge Report. This is a good 50 cents more than the price in 2006. With inefficient vehicles and long distances to travel, these VOLUME



expenses add up. In addition, California le g is l at or s e arn r ou g h ly $116,000 annually, plus an extra $170 for daily expenses. “Now they’re paid a lot, but they still get the perk,” said Robert Stern, president of the Center of Governmental Studies in Los Angeles, according to comcast.net. In most other states, you have to show proof of what you’re using the card for, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The fuel cards given to lawmakers are supposed to be used for legislative reasons, but there is no way to be sure for what exactly they are used. John Waldie, chief administrative officer for the Assembly Rules Committee, said, “I trust them.” Twenty-one of California’s 120 lawmakers have charged over $3,000 to

their fuel cards during the first 7 months of the year. While many have argued that the cards should be examined more closely or even revoked, no efforts have been made to do so, according to msnbc.com. Kelli Riddle and Cinnamon Mullins Bear Facts Staff Writers BEAR





Harmful Chemicals Discovered in Chinese Products Chinese-made products are very common in United States homes. According to the New York Times, however, in early 2007, countries around the world started pulling Chinese made toothpaste, including Crest, and pharmaceuticals due to a scare of poison in the products. In the middle of the year another scare surfaced, this time in the form of dog food. As a result of the chemicals found in the food, many pets became sick and died. In June of 2007, China was recalling toys made with lead paint. One of the toys recalled was found to be filled with kerosene. A year later consumers were faced with a tainted milk and candy scare. Americans are just now hearing about the milk scare, as tens of thousands of Chinese children are getting sick. Complaints about the baby formula

began in December 2007 but were kept under wraps until the Beijing Olympics. The Beijing Olympics was a huge victory for the Chinese, and they didn’t want it to be tarnished by the scandal. Several leading officials have been forced to step down, and the nation’s “watchdog” was also forced to step down for failing to supervise the market, according to the New York Times. The Fonterra Group of New Zealand asked that Chinese officials recall the formula in August but was met with indifference. The Chinese feared that if word was leaked, many countries, including the United States, would pull out. The Fonterra Group ended up going to the New Zealand Embassy who then alerted officials in China. Four days later on September 11, 2008 officials from China went public with the recall. During the week of October 3, 2008, many stores in the St. Louis area

started pulling candy off of the shelves that are made in China. The candy was found to contain the same toxic chemical, melamine, which was found in the baby formula. Melamine is a chemical compound that is clear and is used in commercial and industrial plastics. It is also a fertilizer in Asia. If it is consumed, it can cause kidney stones and kidney failure, according to Scientific America. Melamine was found in the animal food that was recalled in 2007, food which killed many pets. “We can all be sensitive about not allowing our Chinese partners to feel offended,” says Paul French, chief China analyst for the Shanghai-based consultant Access Asia in a recent interview with Newsweek, “But when it’s a matter between life and death, you have to draw a line.” Nicole Farmer Bear Facts Staff Writer

UA Students to Attend SOA/WHINESEC Annual Protest The School of the Americas (SOA), recently renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, was established in 1946 in Fort Benning, Georgia as a military training school for Latin Americans. Specifically, these 60,000 some-odd students are taught methods of guerilla warfare, counter-narcotics, and counterrebellion. Counter-rebellion and counter-narcotics are methods taught to break up rebellions or drug related situations. While a military school for Latin Americans may not seem like a bad thing, it has actually trained some of the most dangerous people in Latin American history. Trainees have caused immense human rights violations, such as the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and have also been behind the 1981 El Mozote Massacre in El Salvador, which killed at least 1,000 citizens. Because global criminals were VOLUME



coming from the SOA, in 1996 the Pentagon asked that the school release a training manual. It was found that the school encouraged torture and execution. Since 1990, Americans have begun to take action against this injustice by protesting in front of the school for three days in November. In years past, as well as this year, Ursuline students will be at the protest in Georgia, along with high school students from Chaminade, SLUH and Nerinx. It is important that Ursuline students know what the School of the Americas is because Ursuline sisters have been affected by the violence taught there. Dorothy Kazel, an Ursuline sister, along with Maryknoll sisters, was raped and murdered by corrupted members of the El Salvadorian Armed Forces. The protest is non-violent, and thousands of people attend from all over the country, including survivors of

torture, activists and students. The object of the protest is to raise awareness of the injustices taking place and to ultimately close down the school once and for all. Emma Master Bear Facts Co-Editor in Chief BEAR






Human Rights in China? Do They Really Exist? Our many freedoms and human rights here in the U.S. are often taken for granted. When looking at a country such as China, whose people have virtually no human rights, our rights suddenly become much more valuable. In fact, much of the information about human rights in China, or the lack thereof, is kept secret. This makes it very difficult for anyone to research or change the ways of the Chinese government who control many aspects of a Chinese citizen’s life, reported by Amnesty International USA. Almost all of human rights in China are abused. Amnesty International found that the death penalty is even kept as a state secret, which makes it difficult to prove that executions was reduced as ruled by the Chinese Supreme Court. However, they estimated that more than 470 people were executed and about 1,860 people were sentenced to death in 2007 alone. Amnesty International USA revealed that Chinese people who peacefully tried to exercise freedom of expression suffered several consequences, such as house arrest, surveillance, beatings, harassment, and disappearance. Amnesty International estimated that around 500,000 people were subjected to detention without a trial or even a charge. This statistic is bound to increase due to the fact that for an estimated 11 to 13 million people, the only way to justice is outside of the courts

Editorial Policy Bear Facts is a news magazine published seven to eight times a year by the Journalism class of Ursuline Academy at 341 S. Sappington Rd., St. Louis, MO 63122. Bear Facts is distributed to the students, faculty and staff of Ursuline Academy. As a student written and edited high school news magazine, Bear Facts will strive to perform three functions. 1. To inform readers thoroughly and accuVOLUME



and involves petitioning to local and higher level authorities. Even so, the majority of these cases are still unresolved today. For those who try to change this horrifying statistic, the consequences are almost unbearable. Amnesty International investigated this further and found that this can be shown in the case of Yang Chunlin, who was a human rights activist detained for “subversion of state power.” He, along with others, began a petition called “We want human rights, not the Olympics” and was unable to see his family or even secure a lawyer. He was tortured and even chained to his bed. Other human rights activists received similar treatment. Amnesty International USA reveals how freedom of expression in China is virtually extinct since the government controls what information is heard and seen by Chinese people. Hand in hand comes freedom of religion which is also hard to find. Millions have been imprisoned or stopped from practicing their religion freely. Participants in underground church groups were often tortured, and their churches were ruined. Along with everything else, Chinese people themselves are also discriminated against by their own people, particularly women. Women often faced discrimination while trying to secure jobs, go to school, and attain health care. Some women were even forced to

abort their babies while in the ninth month of pregnancy. You may be asking yourself, if the Chinese government is really this oppressive, why don’t the Chinese people just leave? That, like most other things in China, is nearly impossible. Those seeking refuge in other countries are forced into prison, suffering temporary to permanent detainment, as reported by Amnesty International. As you can tell, Chinese people have few human rights. Although for two weeks the Olympic host country seemed bright and beautiful with their people celebrating and happy as could be, this is certainly not the everyday case. There is little that the people of China can do themselves, which leaves the responsibility to make this change up to the rest of us. Educate and inform anyone you know about the awful conditions faced by these people on a daily basis. However, more than education needs to be done, and action needs to be taken. Take action in any way possible in order to stop these oppressing ways. You can also visit reputable websites such as amnestyusa.org for other ways to help. However, beware of those not so reputable and biased websites. Needless to say, it is up to the rest of the world to make a difference. Caroline Tanner Bear Facts Staff Writer

rately of all events and issues found to be relative and interesting to the students, staff, and community. 2. To provide a public forum for students’ opinions through its editorials and letters to the editor. 3. To entertain readers with focus and features items. Student staff members will decide the content of each issue and will write and edit all printed material. Editorials with by-lines will reflect the views of the individual student writer. Editorials without by lines will reflect views of the student staff as a whole. Editorials do not

necessarily reflect the opinions of individual students, the newspaper adviser, school administration, and faculty members. Bear Facts encourages readers to share comments, suggestions, or complaints by submitting letters to the editor. In order to be considered for publication, letters to the editor must include the author’s signature. Names can be withheld only at the request of the author and with the approval of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarification or for space limitation. Libelous or profane letters will not be published. BEAR





McCain and Obama: Clash of the Titans! As the election grows near, several Americans are still undecided on for whom they are going to vote. As UA community members head towards the poles, Bear Facts has compiled information on both candidates to help with the selection.

Meet McCain Meet Obama In issues where Iraq, is concerned McCain is camConcerning the Iraq war, Senator Obama spoke paigning to oppose scheduling a troop withdrawal against war in the beginning and opposed troop when the most recent strategy is succeeding. He increase. His plan would complete withdrawal of initially supported the decision to go to war in Iraq troops by end of 2009. but had always been critical of how it was pursued. Barack Obama plans to raise income McCain is considering placing permanent peacekeeping forces taxes on the wealthiest and to raise corporate taxes. He plans in Iraq. to make $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and Senator John McCain has already announced that elderly, including tripling Earned Income Tax Credit for minithere will be no new taxes if he mum-wage workers and higher is elected. He has proposed to credit for larger families. cut corporate tax rate to 25 Sen. Obama voted for percent. He hopes for a balthe same bill in 2006, offering anced budget in first term, but legal status to illegal immigrants, thinks that is unlikely to happen subject to certain conditions, in his first year. including English proficiency and Senator McCain is a payment of back taxes and fines. strong supporter of the border He also supports the border fence in the Immigration issue. fence. He sponsored a bill in 2006 Obama favors abortion allowing illegal immigrants to rights and even supports partial stay in the U.S., work and apply birth abortion where the health to become legal residents after of the mother is a concern. learning English, paying fines Obama plans to make a and back taxes and clearing a ten-year, $150 billion program to background check. If elected he produce "climate friendly" energy plans to secure the border supplies that he'd pay for with a before acting on this bill. carbon auction, requiring busiMcCain opposes abornesses to bid competitively for Drawing By Mary Mooney tion rights. McCain has voted the right to pollute. He joined for abortion restrictions allowed under Roe vs. Wade and now McCain in sponsoring earlier legislation that would set mandasays he would seek to overturn that guarantee of abortion tory caps on greenhouse gas emissions. rights. He does not plan to seek constitutional amendment to Obama also agrees with McCain in opposing a constiban abortion. tutional amendment to ban gay marriage. He supports civil Sen. McCain disagreed with President Bush on global unions and thinks states should decide about marriage. warming. He led the Senate effort to cap greenhouse gas Senator Barack Obama supports the death penalty for emissions. He favors tougher fuel efficiency. McCain also facrimes for which the community is justified in expressing the vors the plan that would see greenhouse gas emissions cut by full measure of its outrage. As an Illinois senator, he wrote a 60 percent by 2050. bill mandating videotaping of interrogations and confessions in On the subject of gay marriage John McCain opposes capital cases and sought other changes in the system that had a constitutional amendment to ban it. He agrees that same-sex produced wrong convictions. couples should be allowed to enter into legal agreements for Mary Mooney insurance and similar benefits. Bear Facts Staff Writer VOLUME








Popular Sources for Election Information Amidst all the bombardment of the political ads, it can be hard to discern truth from fiction. In this era of media blitz regarding the presidential election, one may wonder where a person could find reliable sources of information on the presidential candidates and politics in general. Campaign ads can leave you less than enlightened and sometimes confused about the candidates. If you feel uninformed about the issues, there are a variety of political programs that provide a nonpartisan look into the 2008 campaign. They ask the right questions to get direct answers through discussion, interviews, and analysis of political events. Here are some political programs that can help you to become an informed participant in the coming election: Washington Week This program is credited with being “the longest-running public affairs program on PBS,” according to the show’s website. Gwen Ifill hosts the show and initiates the political round table discussions. A variety of analysts, correspondents, and journalists are in-

vited to debate and vocalize their opinions and expertise throughout the show. This show is a helpful addition to your political knowledge because it offers an array of perspectives on political events from its credible guests. Fridays at 7:00pm on PBS Face the Nation Host Bob Schieffer interviews political newsmakers on the current events and provides a well-rounded look at the political topics and news of the week. A good show to watch, this will keep you up to date with what’s happening in not only the election, but also the whole of the political world. Sundays at 10:30am on CBS Meet the Press Interviews with international leaders and United States government officials allow viewers to see and hear information about the current politics directly from the people who are making history. Sundays at 9:00am on NBC Frontline: The Choice 2008 A program that gives detailed biographies of the candidates, an in-

depth look into the political events leading up to the election, and the events and people who shaped the coming election from the very beginning. The program gives a sense of the big picture in the 2008 election and traces the key political and social events important in the campaigns. It includes documentarylike interviews with reporters, consultants, and politicians. Begins Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 9:00pm on PBS www.zogby.com/50state/ For the Ursuline Girl that is a history buff and enjoys looking at political polls, a person can always turn to www.zogby.com. John Zogby has a proven track record on reporting political trends and election projections. Viewing his website, one can look at statewide and national elections. Also, there is an interactive electoral map one can view, along with predictions of the winner of the 2008 campaign. Caitlin Zera and Brooke Messmer Bear Facts Staff Writers

Faces: Seniors, Why is it Important to Vote? Only 50% of eligible voters vote: I think those numbers are ridiculous. It’s a right not everyone has, and we should exercise it whenever possible. Kelly Childress

To show your values and show what you think is important. Amanda Brocious

To exercise your right to vote because not everyone gets to do this.

If You’re asked to voice your opinion; then you should, to firmly stand by your beliefs Leslie Valdez

Anne Marie Beckerle










Student Spotlight: Lindsey O’Dell How many high school seniors can say they were chatting with Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl or talking to Naima from America’s Next Top Model? Most likely very few, but one senior from Ursuline has done all of these things and more. I caught up with Ursuline’s resident top model, Lindsey O‘Dell, over the phone early in October. She had just arrived two days before in Los Angeles, CA and was getting out of a meeting. Staying in a Holiday Inn near Universal Studios, Lindsey compared her short stay in LA so far to her threemonth stay in New York this past summer. “It is 88°F here, and there are palm trees. It is so beautiful; I love all the green. That is what I missed most in New York; everything was fake.” Lindsey is in California for at least two weeks participating in the LA Fashion week. She described the week as “more of the commercial side of modeling.” During her short stay in LA, Lindsey has already become acquainted with the legendary model Janice Dickinson. O’Dell described her as “creepy.” Unlike Dickinson, she described fellow model and TV host Tyra Banks as a positive influence although the model declined Lindsey a photo. Not only has Lindsey met these two influential women in the modeling world, she says she has had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people through modeling. Lindsey began her modeling career only two short years ago, at the beginning of her sophomore year. “I have always had an interest in modeling because of being tall; height is a big thing for models.” After being a part of the fashion industry for two years, she knows that aspiring to be model is not the only thing she wants to do. “You don’t use your brain so it gets really tiring.” What she really wishes to do is something a little more intellectually stimulating. Her goal is to be an economist for CNBC or preferably the BBC because she wants to live in Britain. Although for now, O’Dell is VOLUME



focusing on her modeling career. It is her goal to go foreign just as in her economist job. She has a few qualms with the United States’ agenda in modeling, especially with such sensitive subjects as weight. She commented on some of the girls she has met, “They are so superficial; their lives revolve around modeling and their weight.” According to Lindsey, the agencies are encouraging this. “There is a lot of pressure on models to be thin; there needs to be some kind of regulation.” She goes even as far as to admit that some agencies prey on girls from third world countries. These young girls who are already thin come to America, and the agents keep them underweight. This is one of the reasons that O’Dell wants to go across the Atlantic to find a place in fashion. Her next step, she says, is Paris. Modeling is a serious Modeling is a serious business, but it looks as business, but it looks as though though Lindsey also has a lot of fun. Not Lindsey also has a lot of fun. only does she get to meet and hang out with Not only does she get to meet a lot of a famous people, she does photo and hang out with a lot of a shoots too. famous people, she does photo shoots too, although, regretfully, she sic.” Lindsey has even been known to says, “The photographers don’t let the pull one over on everyone and switch models go near their cameras.” Photogthe DJ’s music to her own iPod and raphy is one of the main reasons blast classic rock. Lindsey says she pursued modeling. Some of Lindsey’s favorite One of her favorite photo shoots was at bands are The Beatles, The Rolling an off-limits abandoned house. “The Stones, and Velvet Revolver. Musicians building was restricted but because we also have influenced her fashion, eccenwere with the photographer, they let us trics like David Bowie and Freddie Merin anyway.” At the end of the shoot, cury. Other fashion role models are, photographed by a renowned Parson’s fellow model, Kate Moss and designer graduate, she got to take home some of Marc Jacobs. Lindsey said she likes Kate the vintage clothing. Lindsey also gets Moss, “just because of her clothes’” and her music fix from the shoots. When I Marc Jacobs because “his designs are so asked her if she listened to music before simplistic.” a photo shoot, she said that “usually Allie Magee they have someone who works the muBearFacts Co-editor in Chief BEAR






Claire Was There: Death Cab at The Fox The phrase best night ever, does not even come close to capturing the feelings I have towards the Death Cab for Cutie concert. This Death Cab concert took place at the Fabulous Fox Theatre on October 13, 2008. The cool night air outside the Fox was stanched with cigarette smoke, and the hipsters gathered around one another talking nonchalantly. Eventually the crowd moved inside and al the men wearing plaid shirts and women dressed head-to-toe in Urban Outfitters, looked odd against the majestic gold elephants. I loved it. With all the time in the world, people found their ways to their seats and relaxed until the opening band came on stage. Fleet Foxes greeted the audience and we returned with whoops and cheers; however all stayed seated, as we needed to save our rest for the most important event. Some members of the

audience sang along softly to the Fleet Foxes’ somewhat choral style, while others simply drummed their heads in time to the beat. Fleet Foxes’ Beach Boys meets Animal Collective style was fantastic and all, but I could not help but count down the minutes until Ben Gibbards, Death Cab for Cutie’s lead vocalist, blessed us all with his presence. When they finally did arrive out of the smoke and purple lights, the static coming around me was overwhelming and I could hear a hoarse voice already beginning. The band look completely at ease with each other, dancing around with their instruments, and laughing at the changing light spectrum behind them. They have been together for over ten years and the chemistry is phenomenal. Each band member knows how to make the mundane, yet extraordinary love songs come to life on stage. However,

perfect the energy Death Cab was giving the audience; they were still reluctant to follow, except for the remarkable man standing smack in the middle, dancing around as if he were “bedroom dancing”. His hands flailed in the air and his body shook amidst the calm people sitting around him, secretly I wanted to be as free as him. When the chorus of “Crooked Teeth” began, the entire audience was on their feet. Some simply stood there and started towards the stage, while braver ones (or stupider) spastically danced and embarrassed their friends. Until the final encore was finished the audience never sat back down. Death Cab for Cutie put on a show that will last for ages. No joke I never kid about Death Cab. Claire Fadel BearFacts Staff Writer

Step onto the Fashion Runway This Fall GET READY! The time has finally come for this fall’s hottest new fashion trends. It may be hard to let go of summer style, but it is a new season and let’s face it, who wants to be stuck wearing last season’s trends. To fit in with this year’s fall trends you need to go through your closet and get rid of your baby-doll shirts, shoes with wedges, and clothing with optical prints. This fall is going to be about finding boots that are attention grabbing. The shoes this fall are all about the laces, buttons, and bows found on a pair of heels. Many things not to get rid of this season are your hottest pair of heels,




liquid leggings, colorful purses, and any floral printed shirts you have stashed away in your closet. Also make sure to keep your summer dresses from last season because this fall, you can throw on a pair of tights or leggings and still look as fashionable in last season’s dress. This fall accessories will play a big part in your wardrobe. Make sure to spend time finding the perfect jewelry that can make you stand out in a room full of people. Your goal is to be the center of attention with your new jewelry, not the girl standing next to you. Chunky, or wide, bracelets are the latest bracelets to wear this fall. This season it is in style to find a long, dangly necklace that you can match with anything in your wardrobe. This fall, plaid is going to be the biggest trend of all! If you want to follow this fall’s hottest new trend, go out and

start searching for your new plaid outfits. This could consist of anywhere from jackets, to dresses, to vests. You can find plaid almost anywhere you go, always at money saving prices. To find plaid clothing you can search online on EBay, go to shopping stores such as Tjmaxx, Target, Walmart, or Kohls. If the price of your clothing is not a problem then you can search department stores for plaid, including JCPenny, Dillards, or Macy’s. Lauren Eversgerd BearFacts Staff Writer







Re-Capping the Fall Sports At Ursuline Fall sports teams at Ursuline Academy have been working their hardest to make a name for themselves in the world of high school sports. Each team has had their wins and losses and hope to finish their fall season in a positive way. The Varsity softball team at Ursuline is doing whatever they can to push ahead in their standings. They had a record of 3-2 in their league, and a record of 13-14 in the overall records. Claire Rosteck led the team with the most runs, and Kristen Hantsbarger took the team to victory with her pitching. The softball team wrapped up their season with an exciting win over CorJesu in Districts before falling to rival Nerinx Hall 5-1. Congratulations to the UA softball team for their hard work and love of softball.

Varsity volleyball has been doing their best to win all of their games. The volleyball team has a record of 2110. Senior Angela Cichelero is leading the team with the highest number of assists. Ashley Harvey is leading the team with the highest number of kills. The UA volleyball team only has one home game left. Come out to support your Ursuline team! Varsity tennis at Ursuline Academy has been performing consistently at their matches. They hope to finish off their Fall season on a positive note. They have a record of 3-4 in the league standings and a record of 5-5 in the overall standings. As the tennis team finishes their season, fellow UA athletes and students can help cheer on their classmates at their games. The cross country season is quickly coming to an end. With only a few meets left, the girls are working as

hard as ever to end the season on a positive note. The team has had a lot of success and has represented UA well. Way to go, Bears! The UA golf team won districts for the second year in a row. Junior Audrey Dombrowski took home the first place prize, by shooting the lowest score of a 79. The team ended up finishing in the strong fifth place spot. Congratulations on a great season, and way to make Ursuline proud! The field hockey team has also had a very successful season! Up until recently, they had been undefeated with big wins over teams like St. Joe, Cor Jesu, MICDS, Nerinx, and many others. Senior Tara Zika leads the Bears with the most goals and assists. Good luck with the rest of your season, Bears! Laura King and Maddie Riggio Bear Facts Staff Writers

Making Good Choices: Healthy Foods It can be hard to choose the healthiest lunch in our cafeteria with French fries, cookies, and cake all at a hand’s reach. Finding the healthiest and most balanced lunch to eat can help make your day run smoothly. At UA, there are some great lunches, but the trick is to balance out your meal so you don’t walk away from the casher with only toasted ravioli, a bosco stick, and French fries. All the recent changes in the cafeteria food are there for us. According to weight loss expert Dr. Elaine Magee, different foods have the power to put you into different moods, and some help keep you happy, awake, and energized. Studies have shown that folic acids, or folate, that is found in foods actually help keep you happier. People with lower folic acid blood levels are more likely to exVOLUME



perience depression. Some foods with a good folate count include leafy green vegetables, sunflower seeds, soybeans, beets, and oranges. Picking up an orange at lunch once a week can help keep you happier, and its sweetness can give you that little sugar boost you were looking for when you grabbed a piece of cake yesterday. Magee also recommends trying to avoid eating a lot of sugar in one meal. Foods such as candy, soda, cookies, cake and some fruit juices are very high in sugar. Refined carbohydrates such as white-floured bread, bagels, and crackers are all quickly absorbed by your body. Too much of these sugary foods give your body a sugar rush. Even though it may feel good for a while, you will crash and be in a worse mood than you were earlier that day. Of course a bit of sugar is not going to hurt you, so

don’t be afraid of them. Just make sure to eat them in moderation to help keep yourself healthy and happy. Instead of getting candy or a giant sugar cookie at lunch, stop and take a look down the line. At the end of the lunch line there are little shelves with packs of trail mix and 100 Calorie packs that can satisfy that sweet tooth of yours, without giving you the crash you might experience with other heavily sugared foods. Our cafeteria has the potential to give you a great lunch. There is a great salad bar and a special soup of the day. The café also has fruit and various vegetables for your choice. Healthy food is now available, it’s up to you to eat it and create a healthy diet. Ally Hill Bear Facts Staff Writer BEAR


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