Volume 6
Bringing You the Ursuline Academy News Now
Issue 2
2010 Elections: The Democratic and Republican Overview PG. 3 The Tea Party PG. 4 Inflation Nation: Putting the Dent in Your Dollar PG. 4 Ms. Cochran Goes to San Diego PG. 5
STUDENT LIFE Supporting Theatrical Pursuits PG. 6 Ursuline Arts: The Inside Scoop PG. 7 Students Voice Their Opinion: Principal Responds PG. 7 Faces: Thanksgiving Edition PG. 8 Claire Was There; Where Were You? PG. 9
FEATURES Pure Fashion for Thought PG. 10 Are You Ready for Black Friday? PG. 11 How Do You Connect? PG. 11 Ursuline Dream Jobs PG. 12 Messmer’s Perspective On the Recent Elections PG. 13
SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Females Take the Field PG. 14 Winter Season Starts PG. 14 Taylor Swift Speaks Now About Celebrity Relationships PG. 15 Teen Pregnanacy Shows Exposed PG. 15 BME PG. 16
OCTOBER Brooklynmuseum.org
Haiti: Rebuilding a Culture “This is the first time in over ten years that a Haitian art exhibit has come to America.”
It has been eight months since the devastating Haitian earthquake, and the nightmare has not ended. Hurricane season has greatly affected the rebuilding process. According to realmedicinefoundation.org, six died in the hurricane which struck on September 24, and the storm has greatly increased the need for adequate shelter.
With all the destruction and pain still so close at hand, happiness and hope can be hard to find. However, “Saving Grace: A Celebration of Haitian Art” is a source of inspiration for the people of Haiti and for people around the world. Based on reports from cnn.com, Gerald Alexis curated the exhibit, which is being housed in the Affirmation Arts building in New York City. Alexis, as well as Haitian art collectors such as Georges Nader, gathered pieces of paintings from the rubble after the earthquake. Nader and his family were one of the few families who had the ability to keep a museum open in Haiti. In one room of the museum, over 1,000 pieces of treasured works were destroyed. The first piece of information to know about Haitian artwork is that their most famous artists were often self -taught and highly influenced by the voodoo culture of their country. For example, artist Hector Hyppolite, a voodoo priest, painted with his fingers and homemade chicken-feather brushes (cnn.com). Haiti never had a museum system or many galleries, so the extent of the damage will never be fully known. The majority of the works were held in private collections, such as Georges Nader’s family’s collection. Their museum housed over 12,000 works of art, all destroyed by the earthquake. One of the reasons it has been so difficult for Haitian art collectors and historians to restore the destroyed paintings is that they had no notion of how to preserve and restore them. With help from the Smithsonian, Haitian artists, collectors and historians are learning how to properly protect the art from damage. This is the first time in over ten years that a Haitian art exhibit has come to America. The fifty pieces brought over will be in New York City until November 24, said repeatingislands.com. Haiti is a country which is still full of turmoil and pain, but this exhibit will help restore some of the missing pieces of the culture which the earthquake destroyed. Amy Coyle Bear Facts Staff Writer
Negative Campaign Ads 2010 Most of the commercials on TV this month are about the election next month. Who pays for these ads, and who supports them? It is not surprising that citizens who support the candidates are people who are close to the candidates or work for them. Usually at the end of a commercial, at the very bottom, in fine print it states that it was approved by whomever and paid for by whomever. The ads seen today are mostly about either Roy Blunt or Robin Carnahan who are running for a spot in the U.S. Senate. For both of these candidates, one third of the money is donated for the ads to support their campaign from outside groups, says Truthout.org. These groups are usually unions or corporate companies supporting the candidate. Truth-out.org said that all together, the amount of spending on campaign ads in Missouri this year adds up to $1.5 million dollars. For all this money, the two candidates seem only to attack each other through the means of their ads. According to social studies teacher Mr. Day, the ads are miserable and “are so negative. They are pointing out differences and attacking their integrity. I f you want to vote for the best candidate, don’t vote by ads.” Commercials have to be paid for to be aired. For Robin Carnahan, many of her ads are paid by “Carnahan for Senate.” This means that it is paid by the people who donate money for her campaign. Citizens who support her can donate a minimum of $10 according to her Web site. They can donate online on Robin Carnahan’s Web site by using a Mastercard, Visa or American Express. Supporters can also donate by mailing the donation to her PO box in St. Louis. The commercials aired for Roy Blunt are paid by the “Friends of Roy Blunt.” This is an organization that supports him and gives him money for his campaign. Supporters of Blunt can also donate a minimum of $10 according to his web site. Most of this money goes toward the ads they air and other forms of advertising, like talking on the radio and going to neighborhoods to talk to citizens. To the candidates, any money is better than no money at all. Meg Haenchen Bear Facts Staff Writer
Let’s Take a Poll
This voting booth picture was taken from yourvoiceyourvote.com check it out!
Hey UA Seniors! Are You Voting? Here are the statistics out of all the seniors polled: • • •
18 yes I am going to vote 26 I will vote when I turn 18 12 No I am not planning on voting
Important Issues The issues that surround this election are very important. The Ursuline Seniors think that Education and the economy are the most important issue when deciding who to vote for. Junior Grace Gufler said that “economics are important.” Sophomore Maddie Klump said that “we need to prevent the smuggling of drugs into America and the smuggling of guns into Mexico. It is too violent.” Freshman Abigail Englskind thought that because “he wants to close the boarder to Mexico. Carnahan does not.”
The Race for Senate: The Top Two Candidates Issue
Roy Blunt Republican
Robin Carnahan Democrat
Health Care
Voted against the Health Care Reform Bill.
Supports the new Health Care Reform Law.
Government controlled release of funds and increase in employment opportunities.
Protect and support small businesses so that new job opportunities will rise.
Continue the security commitments in Iraq.
End military commitment in Iraq and bring American troops back home.
Global Warming
Believes that America should Conservation of energy and lead the world in using renewdevelopment of alternate able sources of energy like solar, biomass, wind and geofuels to reduce Dependant thermal. for oil. 5
How Far is Too Far?
Is Free Speech a decent excuse for disruptive behavior toward the families of fallen soldiers?
Is homosexuality killing our troops? Reverend Fred Phelps and the members of
der’s lawyer wrote, ‘Snyder had one (and only one) opportunity to bury his son and that occasion has been tarnished forever. Snyder deserved better. Matthew deserved better. A civilized society deserved better.’” By writing this, Mr. Snyder’s lawyer meant that the Westboro Baptist Church think so. According to The as a civilized society, we are expected to be reverent and reChristian Science Monitor, “Since 2005, he [Reverend Phelps] spectful instead of disruptive. This case is now in the hands of the and members of his Topeka, Kansas-based Supreme Court. church have organized protests at military “Main reason is that they can do While the Westboro Baptists are protesting funerals of service members who are not and disrespecting funerals, we, the Ursuline what they want; however I am gay in an effort to attract public attention to community, should respect other citizens’ rights. their cause.” These protesters believe that proud that I and the members of The Westboro Baptists believe that homosecbecause God hates homosexuality so much, uality is making God chastise our nation by He is punishing America for allowing homo- my family have served to protect killing our troops. However, they are horribly sexuality in our country by killing our troops all Americans’ rights – particularly mistaken and have taken the right to free overseas. How could this be? More imporspeech to a new level. Free speech is acceptfree speech.” tantly, how do the members of our army and able, but when a person is disrespecting somethe family members of the army feel about body or an entire nation, in the eye of the afthe protesters? fected, that person forfeits that right. Ryan Cummins is a retired Marine officer, has two Ann Wolf children in the Marines and has a future son-in-law who is a Bear Facts Staff Writer Marine commander in Afghanistan. If anyone would have something to say about the protesting, it would be Ryan. On the third of October, the protesters found their way to St. Patrick’s church in Terre Haute, Indiana. Mr. Cummins stated that he had no idea the protesters would be outside of his church, but he kept on walking past them. He said, “The real lesson in living in America, is that the first amendment protects the right of free speech, no matter how hateful the speech.” The protesters marched up and down the streets with “hateful and offensive signs,” according to Mr. Cummins. When asked his opinion of the Westboro Baptists, Mr. Cummins said , “Main reason is that they can do what they want; however, I am proud that I and the members of my family have served to protect all Americans’ rights – particularly free speech.” Many families have complained about the protesters and tried to contact government officials about it, but when confronted about it, Reverend Phelps argued that they were protected by the rights given in the First Amendment: The right to free speech. A parent of one soldier, who had come home for his burial, was angered when protesters showed at his son’s funeral. As stated by www.csmonitor.com, “Mr. SnyArtwork by Ann Wolf
Autism Speaks: Many Wait for a Response
derstand the nature of the situation. Autism affects one out of every 110 chilPeople across the nation are rallying together, walking dren, as reported by autismspeaks.org. for this cause, not only to raise money for research, This complex developmental disability afbut also to create awareness of this health issue. On fects the brain’s functions. In October 9, over 20,000 people 1943 the first case of autism “The journey at first across St. Louis met at Forest Park walk for a cure. Walking was diagnosed, and sixty-seven was over-whelming, but tothrough the upper Muny section of years later there is still no cure.
Mrs. Scheumbaur, a coworker here at Ursuline, has had the experience of raising a child with autism. She expressed, “One of the great joys of having a daugh-
the progress she makes every day gives me hope and strength.”
ter with Asperger's Syndrome [on the autism spectrum] was how totally honest and refreshing she was. Bridget always called it like she saw it. No pretenses. She was incredibly creative--writing essays and poems, drawing constantly. Always reading, a natural learner. She was the most original and loving child ever.” However, there were some difficulties, too: “The difficulties were mostly with how other people perceived her: an eccentric, anti-social, inappropriate. And how they treated her: scolding her, taken aback by her candor, misinterpreting her behavior as bad, needing to be punished. Raising my daughter was one of the hardest things I have ever done and the most rewarding. Bridget died in her sleep in 2004 at the age of 17 from an undiagnosed heart problem. Anyone who met her will never forget her.” The Web site disabilityscoop.org claimed that nine in ten kids with autism are bullied. These children are chosen as key targets because of their inability to defend themselves or un-
Forest Park, the crowd and the atmosphere were cheerful and optimistic. Only smiles were seen on faces among the colorful balloons and tents. This walk was the biggest fundraiser for Autism Speaks throughout the United States so far. Several Ursuline girls attended thi s event which raised $572,960 for the cause. Everyone walking had a reason or story behind them. As one lady stated, “Having a child with autism has been the best thing. The journey at first was overwhelming, but the progress he makes every day gives me hope and strength.” While most families find out their child is autistic between the ages of one and three, this particular family didn’t find out until t he child was eight. The autism symbol, a puzzle piece, is fitting for this cause. The puzzle pieces inside the ribbon represent the mystery and complexity of autism. All of the different shapes and sizes of the pieces symbolize the diversity of dealing with autism. Everyone has a place in the puzzle. What will you do to help find a cure for autism? Maggie Eggleston Bear Facts Staff Writer
Serviam: How will YOU serve? St. Louis youth making a difference across the world Occasionally adults may not think that young people can make a difference, but there are some St. Louis citizens as young as sixth-graders who are helping improve the St. Louis area through an organization called Youth in Action. Youth in Action, an organization dedicated to community service and led by youth, is located only a short distance away from Ursuline Academy in Kirkwood. Youth In Action is led by its volunteers and gives service to a wide variety of people. The organization helps any of those less fortunate all the way from at-risk families or victims of abuse or neglect in St. Louis down to orphans living across the world in Africa’s Uganda. Any sixth to twelfth graders living in St. Louis can be members of Youth in Action. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the organization must attend meetings every second Tuesday of each month. Being a member of Youth in Action can
include many benefits, such as more involvement in helping people of the St. Louis community and around the world. Along with taking part in fun service projects, Youth in Action members can receive scholarships, get service hours accomplished and meet other teens from around St. Louis. One Ursuline student, Amanda Neville, has been a member of Youth in Action for about three years. She expressed her hope for other UA girls to join the organization. She said, “It’s great because you can get service hours through setting up events that help charities. I would like other Ursuline girls to be incorporated in the program.” For those who don’t want to commit to the Youth in Action membership or can’t make it to all the meetings, non-members can help in certain events to receive service hours. Youth in Action is always planning new service projects for the community and other places around the world. One of Youth in Action’s current projects is for orphans in Uganda. The organization sends boxes of hygiene items and school supplies to hundreds of African orphans. The group also supports six individual children in Uganda, giving them clothing, food and education. The money raised to help these children comes from bake sales, car washes and garage sales. All upcoming Youth in Action events can be found on their Website, youthinactionstl.com/home. Current events occurring in November are Santa’s visit to the Kirkwood Train Station and a bake sale at Glendale Lutheran Church to raise money for the Uganda project. Upcoming December events led by Youth in Action include the giving trees set up in schools, churches and businesses around St. Louis and a Winter-Wonderland-themed event for the organization Friends with Kids with Cancer held at Incredible Pizza Company. Youth in Action helps the young people of St. Louis make a difference in their community and around the world. Meg Vatterott Bear Facts Writer
Grandparents Day or Special Friend Celebration
Amanda Neville, Ursuline student, likes Youth in Action because, “you can get service hours through setting up events that help charities.” Photographed by Meg Vatterott
It’s time to celebrate those who started your family by inviting them to Grandparents Day. This year it will take place on November 2nd. Mrs. Quante, the event coordinator, said, “Its a big event! Last year we had 507 people in attendance. We are hopeful to break our attendance record!” The event no longer includes a Mass and starts 8:30 a.m. Chris’ Cakes of St. Louis caters the pancake and sausage breakfast. “He flips your pancakes onto your plate!” said Mrs. Quante. If you would like to attend Grandparents Day, it’s $7 per person, and all are welcomed to sign up! Claire Fadel Bear Facts Editor
We are already through the first quarter of school, with the new freshman class having been inducted and welcomed to Ursuline. Now it is time to welcome the new student council for this year. Mrs. Clayton gave us the scoop on the new freshman officers. “The three girls that ran for president of the freshman class were Kathryn Ellebracht, Clare Hildebrand and Sarah Lowery. Kathryn is the freshmen class president. The representatives are Kate Battig, Emily Effer, Rachel Gallo, Mackenzie Lee, Jenna Scheer and Elizabeth Zilch.”
The Gradlist Deadlines are something we
guys go around the country to
are all too familiar with.
cross off tasks on their
Homework, tests and applica-
bucket list. Inspired by this
tions are all examples, but one we asked some seniors a simideadline actually sparked the
lar question, and below are
beginning of a show called The some of the answers received.
Buried Life. In the show four So seniors, What do you want
1.Go on a spring break trip-Christine Goss 2.See a solar eclipse-Emily Boyer 3.I want to walk on the roof of the breezeway, especially when it's raining-Kathleen Alonso 4.Swim in the pond-Gina Brahm 5.Go on a very tropical vacation with all my family and friendsJesse Martin 6.Get an A in math class-Molly Huber 7.Swim in the pond...or push someone in it-Emily Roper 8.Sky diving-Cara Wigmore 9.I really want to be the ballgirl for the St. Louis Cardinals in the spring!!!..(even if it means missing school )-Elena Borje 10.One thing I want to do before I graduate is to spend one great, fun weekend with my closest friends-Melissa Stutz 11.I really want to do the best senior prank-Kelly LaPoint 12.Umm, I'll say that I want to see a meteor shower, ‘cause I have yet to do so-Leah Renaud 13.I want to see a ghost.-Andrea Welker 14.Spend the night in a place that’s haunted-Amanda Wherle
Josie Ruggeri Bear Facts Staff Writer
15.Survive-Victoria Sapienza 16.Go bungee jumping-Olivia Neels 17.Go canoeing in the pond with Molly Adler Colleen Wilson
Josie Ruggeri Bear Facts Staff Writer
Do You Know Thelma? For 46 years the Ursuline Academy community has had the pleasure of sharing the halls with an outstanding woman. Thelma Hartnett, Alumnae Relations Coordinator, has just celebrated her 90th birthday and is still standing strong. “I do not have an ache or a pain. I have no physical problems of any kind except vision.” Featured in both the St. Louis Review and St. Louis Magazine, Thelma is quite a popular woman. This Honorary Alumna has said and shown in her actions just how much she loves Ursuline Academy. When asked what her favorite part of her job was, the answer was simple, “The atmosphere and the people I work with.” Being a long-term employee of Ursuline, Thelma has seen an enormous amount of change in the school, both positive and negative, “I wish the economy had been such that they didn’t need to raise tuition as much as we have had to raise it. The reason is that because of the high tuition sometimes girls are not able to come to Ursuline.” Thelma is so invested in the school and the girls at the school that after she taught personal finance
for 27 years, she chose not to leave but to work with in the Ursuline Academy Alumnae Department. “I have read that people that keep working, as a rule, have better health, less memory loss and optimism. I’m never depressed.” Even after 46 years Thelma has no plans for going anywhere but Ursuline. “My husband said, ‘Thelma, you should just quit teaching; you don’t have to teach.’ I said, ‘I know I don’t have to teach but Marie [Sherman] and I made a pledge that we would stay here. We’ve been friends the whole time.” Miss Thelma is very Thelma Drives the Golf Cart! quick to recognize everyone around Ursuline and all the work they do, “Mrs. Ka- to family in New Jersey and having Ursutie Balek Kempf ‘01 is able to work with all line Alumni stay for the week she still finds the young alumnae and she is doing a n time to help run our Ursuline Alumnae proexcellent job with the alumnae weekend.” gram. She has a generous heart and a These fabulous women in the Alumnae de- sense of Serviam that is truly inspiring. “It’s partment are always working together to doing things for others that makes me help keep alive the Alumnae spirit of Ser- happy.” Happy 90th birthday to you, viam. “People that give money to a cause Thelma Hartnett, and a big thanks for all they believe in, it helps them in many ways.” you do! This amazing woman plans to keep Ally Hill on working for Ursuline for quite a while and Bear Facts Writer of course Ursuline is extremely lucky. Thelma never seems to stop going. In between visits
Keeping UA Safe: One Little White Card at a Time This year, Ursuline girls have a new addition to their lanyards. Along with the ID cards they wear around their necks, UA students also must have proximity cards with them at all times. Without the new cards the girls can’t enter any of the school buildings after school hours. The purpose of the new proximity cards is to ensure Ursuline is a safe environment by only allowing certain people, like students and teachers, access into the school. The card works like a key that opens any of Ursuline’s doors with just a swipe of the card in front of the lock. A green light will appear when the door has successfully been unlocked. Although the cards work as a key into the school, the cards do not open the doors of the school at any time. The cards are set so that students and teachers can only get into the school at certain hours of the day. If any student loses her proximity card, she is encouraged to let Mr. Baker know as soon as possible. Mr. Baker told students that if a proximity card is lost, it will be deactivated and replaced. The replacement card will not include a
charge unless the loss of proximity cards becomes a problem; then a charge may have to be applied. Another addition to campus security is the intercom system that has been installed on the main doors of the Merici and Brescia buildings. Anyone who wishes to enter either of the buildings must first use the intercom which is connected to a camera. The camera shows Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Lipson who is at the front doors; then they decide whether to open the doors or not. This system increases awareness of who is at Ursuline and monitors who can enter the school. Ursuline heard about this system through Brentwood High School, which has used a safety program like this in their own school for a couple of years. Like Brentwood High, Ursuline Academy found it necessary to ensure the safety of the students by using proximity cards. The use of these new proximity cards should help UA students always know that they are safe at school. Meg Vatterott Bear Facts Writer
Claire was there, Where Were You? Grocery stores have begun to pile their produce sections with pumpkins and apples. They’re all round and would look beautiful in a cluster on my front porch, but I still don’t have the heart to place them in my cart. It just does not seem right to pick out fall sentiments in an air conditioned room with fake decorative gourds right beside the precious real pumpkins and apples. For a satisfying fall “cluster,” it’s absolutely necessary to experience the picking of it in a pasture or at least outside beneath the fall leaves and sky. Senior Hillary Wolz said, “I go to Rombach Farm [Pumpkin Patch] every year! It’s a great time to bond with the family. That’s what’s up! The people are so nice, and we all get different sizes for the front porch.” I also think Rombach is great. There is no entrance fee, and once within the farm there are so many activities to do besides just picking. This farm offers homemade BBQs and ice cold lemonade. Anyone could easily spend a day there whether with family or friends. Another senior, Jane Forestel, said, “I go to Eckert’s [Orchards] every year with my family. We pick apples and then make pies out of them later. I always go here because it’s just more fun than the stores.” Bailey Coletta, senior, agreed, “ It’s just a fun tradition!
We usually eat them right there. Sometimes, my grandma makes us apple pies for all the kids.” However, sometimes you can’t just find the time to spend at a patch, wandering around, looking for the perfect pumpkins or apples, so I recommend taking the short drive from Ursuline down to downtown Webster Groves. On E. Lockwood there is a wonderful, small farmers’ market. It’s only a small patch of land, but they have wonderful apples and pumpkins to pick. The employees are so incredibly nice, and I can honestly say I go out of my way to visit them. They not only lend you gloves to pick, but have offered on numerous occasions to carry my relatively small pumpkins to my car. Fall weather is perfect for outside activities. It’s never too hot or cold, and I can’t stay inside with those beautiful, crunchy leaves calling my name. Girls, get out of your regular routine, and hit the farms; it is Missouri after all. Spend some time with your family or that super cute, tall boy who can reach the highest apples. Have a great fall at the farm! Claire Fadel Bear Facts Staff Editor
You Wish You Were an Ursuline Bear stunts clean. Soon, we will be adding a couple of In the past two years, the UA cheerleading squad has additional practices to make sure our routine is poltruly transformed into a stronger team. This squad ished and perfected,” said Allie Renz. previously held a reputation for being underestimated, but that isn’t the case anymore. For the first time in The squad has also participated in cheerUrsuline history, the cheerleading squad is competing in leading camp, hosted by the United Cheerleading the state competition. “We have been working very Association, where they learned new stunting and hard over the past years to get where we are now, cheering techniques from professionals. At this camp, and it has obviously paid off,” said captain Nicole the squad won a spirit stick and a first place trophy in Yanko. The squad has improved so much and wants to dance. The squad has also had other opportunities to flaunt it. “The squad is very excited to get to MIZZOU work with the best of the best. They participated in a to show everyone how hard we have been working stunting clinic with cheerleaders of the National and show off what we can actually do,” Captain Allie Cheerleading Association and received coaching from Renz added. What did it take for the squad to get a former cheerleading coach, (name), who took sevcompetition-worthy? The answer is new coaching, dedieral of his teams to nationals and choreographed all cation and hard work. of those teams’ routines. Until last year, the squad had a history of With a strong routine and hardcore stunts, unprofessional coaches. Last year, Christie Tumminello, the team received a bid at the regional competition a former dancer, and Sandy Yanko, a former collegeto go to state. The state competition is on November level cheerleading coach who took several squads to 20 at the University of Missouri. This squad has nationals, took the Bears under their wings. Tum- Girls from the Varsity proven that anything is possible with hard work and Cheer are performing one minello and Yanko demanded that the squad practice true dedication. They are a prime example of of their routines. This on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. They have routine was performed at “practice makes perfect” and have shown the school low tolerance for absences and never accept slack. that cheerleading truly is a sport. Just like any other the Fall pep rally. They define the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” The sport, the cheerleaders give whatever it takes to earn coaches require the squad to run over a routine as many times their team a state trophy. as needed until it is performed flawlessly, no matter how sweaty or short of breath the girls are. “Our girls have been Kimie Leach pushed to the limit to make sure their motions are tight and our Bear Facts Staff Editor
What Will You Be for Halloween?
The most common answer when an Ursuline student was asked what they were going to be for Halloween was “I Don’t Know Yet”
Halloween is fast approaching, and If you are still in need of a costume, check out what a few of your fellow classmates are going to be.
Finally some of our classmates have decided not to dress up this year and just be themselves.
Current celebrities trailed closely.
The classic costumes of angels and devils came next.
Hunting the Dead Often times haunted houses and ghost stories are a parallel to Halloween, but both of these paranormal legends exist outside of Halloween. There are many places right here in St. Louis which are supposedly haunted such as the Magic House or the City Museum. One of the most common things to do at a haunted location is to ghost hunt. Ghost hunting is the practice of going to what has been deemed a haunted location and listening for sounds or waiting for movements of objects with no visible outside forces acting on them. Sophomore Carolyn Maddock has had first-hand ghost hunting experience. Carolyn shared her favorite ghost hunting experience of going to a haunted plantation where slaves used to work. She said there were ropes hanging from trees which moved even when there was no wind. Even though Carolyn has never actually seen a ghost, she has heard sounds which were scary and out of the ordinary. Ghost hunting and haunted houses have become so popular that the Syfy Channel even has a whole television series dedicated to finding out if a location is haunted. One of the haunted locations featured on this show was St. Louis’ own Lemp Mansion. During the show’s sixth season, the ghost hunters declared the Lemp Mansion haunted by their standards. Whether you believe in ghost stories or not, there are definitely some creepy places in St. Louis. Mary Elizabeth Herries Bear Facts Staff Writer With the release of the next Harry Potter movie in November, many people are dressing up as a character from the books or movies.
Pictures courtesy of spirithalloween.com
DisneyPrincesses were next.
Followed by Disney Channel Characters
Next Came Disney animated characters.
Ghosts From the Past: The Lemp Mansion “I personally do believe that the Lemp is haunted. I've heard the stories and actually seen some of them [ghosts of the family] come to life. The house is so well known because it is the only 'true' haunted house in St. Louis,” said junior Colleen Lutman. A white brick manor stands tall and proud overlooking the Mississippi River. It is the symbol for many who have heard the stories growing up as the most haunted place in St. Louis. Now a restaurant and inn, this Victorian manor was the diamond in the rough of its day. Its lavish décor, beautiful gardens and caves beneath the house stood out from the rest. The Lemp family started with John Adams Lemp who first arrived from Germany in 1838. He found profit in the beer brewing industry and established The Lemp Brewery. The house was built in the early 1860s and purchased by William J. Lemp. So where did all the stories come from? The Lemp family history itself is extensive and quite tragic. According to the Lemp Mansion Web site, it started with the death of Frederick Lemp, son of William, Senior. He died in 1901 at the young age of twenty-eight. William, Senior, was devastated as would be any parent at the death of a child. After suffering for years with grief, he in turn shot himself in 1904. There were several deaths in the family that followed. William Lemp, Jr., was known as being a lady’s man. He had a child out of wedlock which brought great shame to the family. It is rumored they hid the child, known as Zeke, in the attic. To this day, he is thought to haunt the attic of the mansion. Elsa Lemp Wright, sister of William, also committed suicide due to a broken marriage. The brewery was sold off due to hard times and prohibition. What once was estimated at $7 million dollars sold for $588,000. This downfall brought William, Jr., to slip into a deep depression, and he shot himself in the house in 1922. One of the most memorable family members was that of Charles Lemp, brother of William, Jr. He was the fourth
This picture was taken by the Lemp Mansion website. The Lemp Mansion is claimed to be one of the top ten most haunted places in America by Life Magazine. From the looks of the house it isn’t hard to imagine why. member to commit suicide, but before killing himself, he shot his beloved dog. This tragic history, according to Lemp Mansion’s Web site, www.lempmansion.com, leads some to believe that, yes, there is indeed something strange going on in the Lemp Mansion. Meghan Schmitt Bear Facts Writer “I personally do believe that the Lemp is haunted. I've heard the stories and actually seen some of them [ghosts of the family] come to life. The house is so well known because it is the only 'true' haunted house in St. Louis,” said junior Colleen Lutman. She has experienced firsthand doors slamming and odd noises within the house. Stories have accumulated throughout the years from visitors and staff about shadowy figures, ghostly footsteps and whispers. The feeling of being watched sends chills up guests’ backs. The biggest attraction to the Lemp is the possibility of uncovering the truth. So, readers, it’s up to you: fact or fiction?
This picture taken by Legends of America website is the portrait of Lillian Lemp. It hangs in the Lemp family home today. Lillian is often referred to as the “Lavender Lady.” She is said to haunt the home, leaving a lavender scent.
Is Ursuline Really Haunted?
“Usually the common belief about ghosts, for those who rsuline Academy is truly believe in them, is that home to many they are unhappy or unsettled myths and stories about the spirits of the dead who haunt haunting of the halls by ghosts places where they died or had bad experiences. The or spirits of the Sisters who used Sisters who lived and died to work and live in our very own here, I am sure, did not leave Merici building. One myth or story this life unhappy or unsettled, involves a Sister who died on third but rather peaceful and floor Merci, and rumor has it that she hopeful that they were going haunts that hall of third floor. Another The “tower” hallway. straight to God and heaven story or myth is about a nun who fell at their deaths. They would not be here in any scary or down the stairs of the left stair case in Merici and died and harmful way--only here to help and support the people still haunts the Merici building. using these rooms and halls with their care and prayer,” comUrsuline Academy was home to many Sisters who mented Sr. Sue Anne, who has also worked here until midnight worked and lived in the halls of the Merici building. They lived some times when she was moderator of the yearbook. She in the rooms on third floor, the “tower” or the student council hasn’t heard or seen anything remotely “spooky.” room, the halls behind the chapel and in the small offices off of The Sisters who lived in Merici used the chapel for the board prayer and the boardroom for gatherings. They called room. Many of One myth or story involves a Sister who died the hallway in the boardroom “Beatitude Lane” because these rooms today on third floor Merci, and rumor has it that there are eight rooms there and eight beatitudes in the are used for storGospel. age and class- she haunts that hall of third floor. Another Behind the rooms. Sister chapel Mary Ann’s room story or myth is about a nun who fell down there is and the rooms off the stairs of the left stair case in Merici and also a of the hallways d u m b died and haunts the Merici building. behind the chapel waiter, or before, until 1987, tiny elevaan infirmary for the Sisters. An infirmary is a place where the ill tor, where the and very elderly Sisters were cared for and lived out their last Sisters cookdays, and many Sisters died in ing food Sister Mary Ann’s room, used to be in the these rooms. The rooms off the downstairs main part of the infirmary. The right open main hall of third floor of Merici could send up door is the hallway that held the other were home to healthy nuns, the meals for among them a Sister named rooms to the infirmary. the ill Sisters Alice Marie. She was about 70 in their infiryears old and had just started a mary. During the 1960s, a Sister fell down the staircase next new job as a chaplain, a person to the study hall and the English rooms of Merici and died as who is sometimes a Sister but w e l l . usually a priest who visits the Sister Mary Ann said she has been down these halls sick and prays for them. “She of Merici at any time of the day and night, and not once has was a very happy person, and she seen or heard a thing. “When people ask me if it’s this job she was starting was (Merici) haunted, I say I believe the spirits of the Sisters who really great for her,” said Sister worked and lived here are still here to pray for the young Mary Ann. She was starting her women at Ursuline,” said Sister Mary Ann. bath one day in what is now a Emily Price restroom by the art room when Bear Facts Staff Writer The staircase that the sister she had a sudden heart atfell down in the 1960s. tack. She died instantly in the bathtub.
The Cardinals Swing Up and Down
he beginning of the 2010 season for the St. Louis Cardinals was hopeful. After the Cards won the Central Division title in 2009 to cap off the 2009 season, the Cardinals ended the 2010 season with 86 wins and 76 losses and captured second place in the Central Division while the Cincinnati Reds clinched first place. The Cardinals put up a fight, but it was not enough to get a chance in the playoffs. Although the Cardinals did not get a spot in the playoffs, they did have a fair season with a few bumps in the road but still had many accomplishments. Cardinals ace pitcher Adam Wainwright was expected to keep on top of his performance especially after his outstanding first half of the season before the All-Star break. Major League Baseball reported Wainwright as a nominee for the Cy Young Award due to his great season of winning 20 games, ending with a 2.42 ERA and 213 strikeouts for the season. He missed his last scheduled start against the Colorado Rockies on Thursday, September 30, due to a forearm strain. On the St. Louis Cardinals’ Web site, it was reported that Wainwright signed a $15 million contract with the Cards back in March 2008, which is good until 2013, so there are high expectations for him. Throughout the 2010 season, many people had great hopes for first baseman Albert Pujols. Many people think that Pujols should hit a home run every time he is up to bat. Pujols hit 42 home runs, had a batting average of .312 and had 118 RBIs this season. Pujols’s high numbers gave him a chance to be nominated for several awards, not just on the field, but also off the field in his community. He has a chance to win the Most Valuable Player Award this year, and, according to ESPY sponsored by ESPN, Pujols was nominated as Best Male Athlete. In 2008, Pujols won the Roberto Clemente Award, given to players who demonstrate good sportsmanship, community involvement and a player’s individual contribution to his team. He was nominated again for the Roberto Clemente Award this year, and the winner will be announced at the World Series.
20 Victory– Starting pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals Adam Wainwright secures a 20th win in his career while playing against the Chicago Cubs. “It’s really awesome to win 20. The team put me on its back today. All I had to do was go out there and get outs," Wainwright said to St. Louis Post Dispatch reporter Joe Strauss. Photo by Charles Rex Arbogast.
Homer-First baseman Albert Pujols hits his 38th home run against the Atlanta Braves in September, contributing to the 73 win. He hit his 400th career home run on August 26, 2010, against the Washington Nationals. “It's a special milestone," Pujols said, "but I don't play for numbers,” Pujols stated to the Associated Press. Photo by John Amis.
Albert Pujols has played with the Cardinals for ten years. According to stl.cardinals.com, his contract expires in the winter of 2011 after next season, and other players’ futures are pending. After the 2011 season, Pujols will be a free agent, but for now Pujols is on an option which pays $16 million until his time is up for next season. Tony La Russa will come back as manager for the Cardinals during the 2011 season to try for the pennant once again after being manager for the Cardinals 15 years. The 2010 season was not one of the best after the Cardinals’ phenomenal performances the past few years. Back in 2006, they won the World Series; in 2007 they had a bit of a breakdown, winning only 78 games and losing 84, but in 2008 they sprang back up, winning 86 games and losing 76 games, placing fourth in the National League Central Division. In 2009 the Cards won the National League Division Series. This season they fell second in the division due to injuries to catcher Jason LaRue, who was forced to retire because of a concussion during the Cincinnati brawl with Brandon Phillips after Phillips made comments which offended catcher Yadier Molina in August, stated mlb.com. After that fight with the Reds, the Cardinals struggled to stay on top while their new rivals took their spot in first place. On top of injuries, Yadier Molina, Skip Schumaker and Brendan Ryan had a bad year, and Ryan Ludwick was traded for pitcher Jake Westbrook because pitchers Kyle Lohse and Brad Penny were injured, and the rotation needed a boost. The Cardinals just could not get the hits and even lost to some of the worst teams like the Pittsburgh Pirates, the Houston Astros and the Chicago Cubs. The Cardinals have lots of potential in the 2011 season with the new changes in players and hopefully a better lineup. The Cardinals have held on to Albert Pujols for another year, and players such as Colby Rasmus, Jon Jay, Tyler Green and Allen Craig have shown they are a great addition to the club both offensively and defensively. The pitching rotation will be strong with Adam Wainwright, Chris Carpenter, Jaime Garcia and Jake Westbrook. Sarah Haenchen Bear Facts Writer
UA Falls Into Sports
ing so that we are playing our best for this time in our season. Our seniors--Kara Abkemeier, Kelsey Byland, Claire Kraemer and Hanna Elster--are set to lead us to more wins for the Bears!” As the leaves continue to fall and winter is bringing its chill, the Field hockey also is continuing with their season. They sports teams at Ursuline Academy end their season’s in a posiworked hard and strove for a win so they could go to Districts. tive way. It just seems like yesterday that they were training The varsity field hockey team has a record of 8-8-1 this season. for the season. Now fall athletes are faced with goodbyes to On October 20, there was a game held against Nerinx, which seniors, post-season training and recaps of the season. Most traditionally means that most UA girls went and fall sports teams continued on into districts and had cheered for our side at this game. Coach Naeger a successful season. Every team for a fall sport stated, “We are really coming together as a team just seemed to be happy with its successes. at the right time of the season. I expect great things The UA softball team enjoyed their last from these girls. They have realized their goal is minutes on the field and all of the successes that within reach.” came with it. With a successful win against Nerinx The UA cross country team is having a sucin conference, the Bears were on fire and went on cessful season. The captains are encouraging the into the next round, Districts. The Bears sweated team and pumping up the team’s spirits to run fast. their hearts out and came to a close game in DisWith a successful season so far, running in meets such tricts, competing against Rockwood Summit. Overas those at Jefferson Barracks and Forest Park, the all, the Bears placed second in the Class 4 division. Bears should be fully prepared for the upcoming Two seniors on the team, Molly Adler and Marissa meets at Conference and Districts. The team is hoping Buechel, said, “We held the rope!” This is one of that it has top runners in districts so they can continue their team mottos, which means they kept the team on into sectionals! Run Hard– Junior Maddy together. Intagliata runs hard during the The golf team has had a successful season The UA tennis team finished with a 5-10 Kirkwood meet. “ Kirkwood is and ended up being district champs! The golf team record. The girls on the tennis team continued to my favorite meet because it’s also won conference, and they had an amazing dework hard and showed UA how much they love the small and everyone goes out feat against Nerinx. The golf team left October 16 there and does their best.” sport. Coach Lucian was aiming to transform the Photo by Ali Kardesch. to go to Springfield for sectionals. The following girls team into a serious sport at UA. Eight talented who moved on into the next round were Andrea players went on to Districts, playing both singles and doubles. Frankiewicz, Hannah Schmitz, Lauren Essmyer, Abbey Manley Even though they will be losing eleven seniors this year, Coach and Amanda Baebler. Andrea Frankiewicz placed first in the Lucian is determined to have a winning season next year. district meet. Maggie VanCleave, a junior on the golf team, The UA volleyball season is still roaring. The girls prestated that the team follows the “W.I.N” motto, which means pared themselves well for their game against Nerinx. They are “What is important now!” All the best for the lady Bears! also training to prepare themselves for their District game. Brooke Messmer Coach Brandhorst stated, “The team is working hard on improvBear Facts Editor
The “Fun” Club Ultimate Frisbee Club practices after school on Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 on the field next to Brescia and Monroe. Players are learning how to throw, how to play and learning to be their own referee. Ultimate Frisbee Club is a great sport, and no experience is needed to join. Many of the players have not played Ultimate before and are eager to learn how to play it. “As a newcomer, it’s a really fun club, and I encourage people to join,” Carly Watkins, junior, exclaimed. “I like that Mr. Reid encourages everyone to come and play, and it doesn’t matter how much experience you have because he will teach you. Ultimate is a great way to get to know people, and it’s a TON of fun,” said Katie Tichacek. Claire Ancel, a senior, would recommend this club to other UA students, “It doesn’t take up too much time, and it is just something to get involved in. There isn’t any pressure on you
to be perfect at it, just as long as you are trying and having fun.” Haley Baer, junior, said, “Ultimate is a lot of fun, and Mr. Reid is a beast at playing, and I like the teammates. It’s an exciting game. I love how laid back it is, and the people involved are fun to be around.” The word “fun” seems to be the most popular description of this club. Ultimate is coached by Mr. Reid, known to players as Coach Reid. After players meet, the team practices throws for about ten minutes, and then they gather in a circle. Coach Reid gives the players great advice before Ultimate scrimmages. Also, before playing, Ultimate players review things learned from the past weeks. During the game everyone has an active part. This is a team sport, and no one is left out. Ultimate Frisbee Club welcomes everybody and encourages new players to join. It is a great experience and only practices once a week. Sarah Haenchen Bear Facts Writer
Rams… On a roll! Pennsylvania college foot- older. Throughout October, NFL game balls and pink coins - all The Rams are off to a clearly ball player and Auburn games will feature players, to help raise awareness for this better start this season than in University coach John Heis- coaches and referees wearing important campaign ,” accordthe previous two. They have man. It is awarded annu- pink game apparel, on-field ing to www.Nfl.com. “Also, all already managed to win three ally to the player deemed pink ribbon stencils, special apparel worn at games by out of the seven regular seathe most outstanding son games they have played, player in collegiate footbeating the Washington Redball. skins, Seattle Seahawks and the San Diego Chargers. In the month of October When they beat the Washingthe Rams and the other ton Redskins, it was the first teams around the league time in the past few years that have been wearing pink they won a game in Septemon their cleats, gloves, towels and more. “This is ber. While the win against the because the NFL, its clubs, Seattle Seahawks wasn’t as players and the NFL big of a mile marker, it was Players Association are the first time since 2008 they proud to support the fight have won two games in the against breast cancer. same season. Last year the Our campaign, ‘A Crucial Rams were 1-15. During the Catch,’ in partnership with 2008 season they went 2-14. the American Cancer So- The logo for the NFL for the month of October supports On October 10 they had a ciety, is focused on the devastating loss to the Detroit Breast Cancer Awareness. importance of annual Lions, who have a record of 1Photo from: http:/cdn.bleacherreport.net screenings, especially for 4. The Lions beat the Rams 44 women who are 40 and to 6. The Rams played the San Diego Chargers players and coaches, along on October 17. The with special game balls and Rams beat the San pink coins, will be auctioned Diego Chargers 20off at NFL Auction 17. They have won (www.NFL.com/auction). The three out of their four proceeds will be benefiting the home games so far American Cancer Society and this year. Way to team charities. This is an issue go, Rams! that has directly touched the This season the Rams lives of so many in the NFL have welcomed a new family, and we are committed quarterback who is to helping make a difference helping the team get in breast cancer prevention. ” back into the winning For more information on the column. The new start“Crucial Catch” campaign, go ing quarterback is to www.nfl.com. Sam Bradford. Bradford is a rookie from the University of OklaAmber Grisham homa. This is also his Bear Facts Staff Writer first year in the NFL. Stephen Jackson and Kenneth Darby sport their pink gear on In 2008 he won the October 3 at the Edward Jones Dome against the Seattle Sea‐ Heisman Trophy which hawks. is named after the Photo From: www.stlouisrams.com former Brown University and University of
Paper or Screen? Take Your Pick B
ooks v. movies. This has been one of the most frequented debates since the adaptations to screen began. Starting with “Trilby and Little Billee” in 1896 up to modern movies such as “The Girl who Played with Fire” and “Dear John,” bookbased movies have been box office hits. Within the hundreds of adaptations that have been made, one series of books stands out amongst the others. With it coming to its final chapter, the Harry Potter movies have been rocking the box office charts for nearly a decade. Though Harry Potter movies are known around the world, this story of monsters, magic and muggles started as a book series. The first book was published in June of 1997, thus starting what was to be the Harry Potter phenomenon. Four books and five years later Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone hit theatres. The Harry Potter craze spread like wildfire throughout
the world in the form of both medias, print and film, posing the question of which is better: the books or the movies? When asked this question, UA’s own Harry Potter fanatic, Betsy Kennedy answered, “The books are definitely better. They give you more depth into the story.” On top of that, Betsy goes on to explain how the reader gets not only a thicker story but also a better understanding of the characters. In adaptations to screen generally books lose story line or more story line is added to make the plot faster paced. These alterations often make the readers of the series angry, “Sometimes I just want to stand up and say that never happened!” said junior, Olivia Cunio. How will this translate into the final installment of the Potter series? For the seventh book in the series,
All pictures courtesy of muggle.net: http://www.mugglenet.com/
Cinnamon Mullins Bear Facts Writer
Which do you like better?
PART TWO: July 15, 2011 PART ONE: November 19, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, there will be a split so that the book is made into two movies instead of one. What this means is that more story line from the book will be represented in the movie, “Its two movies for the price of one book,” said Betsy Kennedy. This is the hope of all avid Harry Potter fans around the world. Whether people believe the Harry Potter books or movies are better, there is still anticipation for everyone as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter begins wrapping up this November.
Movies: 8%
Both: 51%
Books: 31%
Poll courtesy of quibble.com http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/1kvWrT8/Do-you-read-the-harry-potter-books-or-watchthe-harry-potter-movies-and-like-them
Get Involved in Potter Mania! Since its release in 2001, the famous green eyes and lightning bolt scar first appearing in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone film are instantly recognizable. This saga, which will last 10 years, will begin to come to an end this November 19. The first half of the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be released, with the final part coming out in the summer. Fans of the “Boy Who Lived” are famous for their fanatics in getting to the theater to see the midnight premiere. Some of these fanatics attend Ursuline right now. While there are those who could not care less about the premiere, some have a passion for Harry Potter, like junior Olivia Cunio, who claimed,” Harry Potter is awesome. If you have not read the books, you have not yet lived.” Also a junior, Colleen McGovern, a selfproclaimed closet Harry Potter fan, could not be more excited for the upcoming movie. Olivia said she is “super-duper excited” and will probably go see the midnight premiere. Colleen responded, saying that this just might be the “highlight of her
high school days.” There can be no doubt that many who grew up with Harry Ron and Hermione are ready to see how their beloved characters turn out. Of course, those who have read the books already know! A major point of discussion among those who have read the books is that of where will the first part of the movie end? There are those, like junior Caroline Brockhaus, who are excited about the split because this means that more of the book can be shown. In previous movies, secondary plot lines are forfeited so that the movie can be done within two hours. As readers of the books know, there are few secondary plot lines so out there is less to cut out. But some fans, like sophomore Nadia Kulisek, are angry at the split, wanting instead one grand finale of a movie. Whether the split will be a good idea or not is yet to be determined It doesn’t matter if someone dressed as Harry every single year for Halloween or if she prefers the Twilight saga. They have still heard of
…Olivia Cunio… claimed “Harry Potter is awesome. If you have not read the books, you have not yet lived.”
Opening Weekend Box Office Records and Overall Rank Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
$90,294,621 $88,357,488 $93,687,367 $102,685,961 $77,108,414 $77,835,727
20 21 18 15 29 27
Fans get ready for the European premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Even rain couldn’t deter these determined fans from meeting their idols, the stars, who showed up to meet their loyal fans. Photos courtesy of CBBC.com
October Whip My Hair Willow Smith
Speak Now Taylor Swift
Batman: Christian Bale
Superman: Brandon Routh
We R Who We R Ke$ha
Like a G6 Far East Movement
Spiderman: Toby McGuire
Men in costume take the “hotties of the month” spotlight, just in time for Halloween Holiday Fun!
URSULINE STYLE Ursulinestl.org
New Jersey Obsession Dear Guidos and Guidettes, Congratulations to you New Jersey for having the bestest month ever! In between all the drama, hair poofs, late night partying, and table flipping America has fallen into a deep love-hate relationship with you. New Jersey has exploded into the spotlight and the public just can’t wait to pick up the pieces. Love, The Jersey Shore Watchers from Around the World.
Congratulations Varsity Golf Team! Andrea Frankiewicz, Hannah Schmitz, Lauren Essmyer, Abbey Manley and Amanda Baebler contributed in the state tournament. They grabbed hold of second place in state beating St. Joe!