June Beaute Digital Magazine

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DISCLAIMER All content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine is for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Our content is not intended to be relied upon to offer a solution to a specific problem, or as a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals tailored to your particular circumstances, business or lifestyle. Everyone is different, so it is not possible for us to guarantee that our tips and suggestions will work for everyone, every time. Please use your common sense when you try anything new, and consult with relevant professionals as necessary. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we make no representation and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. We shall not have any liability for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising therefrom. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or contributors but are here to provide a vehicle for the interchange of ideas, experiences by which we hope to inspire, nurture and empower. We do not recommend use of the content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine for diagnosing or treating health or other problems, or as a substitute for seeking professional advice and treatment in relation to any such problems. We are not responsible nor liable in connection with any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. © Beaute Industrie 2021, All Rights Reserved.



LETTER FROM THE FOUNDER How have you mentally shifted, grown or even changed in the past twelve months?


YOUR MID YEAR CHECK IN Tamara shares her seven points of reflection to step into your 2021 business goals.


10 THINGS I WANT MY SKIN THERAPIST TO KNOW ABOUT MY INVISIBLE ILLNESS As an industry that has always been dedicated to the uplifting and nurturing of their clients, we wanted to know what more we could do for those experiencing chronic illnesses.

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AUSTRALIA'S LONGEST FACIAL Fancy a 2-hour facial? Mala finds out what's included, how they're performed and why clients love them.


5 WAYS TO GET YOUR TEAM SAVING YOU MONEY How in-the-know are your staff when it comes to your finances and business costs?


24-HOURS IN THE SHOES OF A DERMAL STUDENT Ever wondered what a day looks like for a final year Dermal Science student? Our wonderful Beaute Intern, Mary-Ann gives us the inside scoop.


Cast your mind back to this time last year. Locked down, lonely with low spirits is what I’m predicting your thoughts migrate towards. Now spend a moment in the present. What does life look like today? How do you show up? How have you mentally shifted, grown or even changed? I’m guessing those answers are drastically different to what they were 12 months ago, heck, even 6 months ago! That feeling right there is the power of reflection. It’s the quiet ability to sit in a space of thought and feeling and be selfaware enough to see just how far we have come. When I reflect back on this time last year I am reminded of the independent, pre-baby life I lived, drinking margaritas and eating Italian on a Friday night before dancing to Natedogs Greatest Hits in the lounge room with my husband. What a time to be alive! When I sit in what life looks like now it’s vastly different and in many ways I’m still yearning for that independence I once had but I too sit in the joy that is now the reality of Friday night pizza and watching the footy whilst breastfeeding a newborn. In this month’s issue, I’ve written a piece that gives you seven points of reflection to step into the goals you set for yourself and your business back in January. You may have already reached those goals or you may be nowhere near reaching them, either way, I’d love you to spend a moment thinking about what the next 6 months is going to look like for you. On self-reflection, Rachel has written a beautiful piece this month on invisible illnesses. A truly touching piece that will leave therapists pondering the conversations they’ve had with past clients and will prepare them for ones to be had in the future. As an industry insight, Mala takes a look at Australia’s longest facial which is a delightfully decadent two-hour experience and our very first Beaute Intern, Mary Ann lets you step into the shoes of a Dermal Student for 24 hours. Thank you for the time you spend savouring and supporting these pages. Until next time, Stay Connected

from the founder. T A M A R A

T a m a ra


@ T A M A R A R E I D B E A U T E

Beaute Industrie || Issue 10


this is your

MIDYEAR check in June provides a lot of distractions – seasonal new treatment menu additions, team training, school holidays for some – but also provides a natural reflection point for our annual goals, be that personal or professional. If your business has an official half yearly review process, now would be a good time to see if you’re on track to meet the objectives and expectations you set out to reach way back when in January. But for your own objectives – the career, relationship, health, home and other critical goals you set for yourself – you may also want to check in to ensure you’re on track with these too. Here are seven questions to guide your personal mid-year review:

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Are you halfway to your goal target? If your goal is a sales target, then you should be approximately halfway to reaching that figure. If you intended to hire 4 team members this year, then you should have safely secured 2 by now. If you wanted to pay off $5,000 towards your LED device, you should have $2,500 sitting pretty in your account. If you’re not halfway to your target, is there a legitimate reason to believe you’ll catch up in the second half? It could be that you recruit after the mid-year graduation or that your appointment books are busier come October and November which is when your treatments and gift voucher spend has its time to shine during the gifting season. Or your saving ability was slow but it’s accelerating now that you’re creating good money habits. There could be a good reason why you’re behind, but if not, your lack of progress might raise a red flag.


Is your goal still motivating? If your life or business has changed since you set your initial goal, the goal may no longer be compelling. Perhaps the sales target was your business target, but you have decided to change the direction of the business before year-end. In this case, you want to reset your target so that you can feel connected to the new business direction and goal. Or you set the savings target for your LED machine initially but upon getting more quotes, you realise there are different machines on the market that might be better suited to your needs. In that case, you want to measure, track and prioritise what gives you more return on investment – research, project, plan – and prioritise.

What do you need to do to get back or stay on track? If your goal is still meaningful to you and you have just veered off track, what action steps can you take to course correct? Time allocation is often a big culprit – are you spending time on your goal? Often when we set goals or targets we fail to set an action plan which lays out the pathway we should travel to achieve them - like wanting to travel somewhere without buying the plane ticket or getting in the car! Goals don’t just magically happen without time, energy and manifestation. Low-return or no-result activities are another common problem to helping you achieve your goal. Take an honest assessment of what you’ve done to reach your goal so far to make sure you’ve taken the right or enough steps to at least show some traction.

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What support do you need to get back or stay on track? If you’re not sure you’re using the right strategies to reach your goal, this is an area where you might need to get some help. If you saw early results but hit a plateau, you may need to introduce different activities or encourage yourself or your team a little further. If some tactics are working but others fall short, you may need training on certain skills. For example, if your appointment book is bursting but your clients aren’t purchasing their prescriptions, your team may need specific help with the close, while the rest of your strategy should stay as is.

Do you want to aim higher? If you’re already tracking or exceeding your target, you may have set too easy a goal, and there could be value in expanding it. Or you may decide to dial down your efforts and focus elsewhere. Or you may opt to finish your goal early and focus on something else for the rest of the year. A mid-year review can also be about celebration! You may be further along than you think, and you can use that confidence boost to propel the rest of your year.

Is your goal still relevant? You may still find you goal motivating enough but it may not be your best use of time depending on the circumstances. During the beginning of the year you may have picked a goal that supports a now outdated strategy. Or you may get an opportunity – e.g., to participate in on boarding a contractor into you business – that diverts your time and energy from the recruitment process to something else. Don’t get stubbornly attached to your goals. You’ll want to confirm they’re still relevant given what else is going on in your life and business.

What will you do from here? The best mid-year reviews result in actionable next steps. Now that you know whether or not you’re on track and whether or not the goal is still meaningful and significant, what is the very next step? What will you do next week, next month, and till year-end? It could be getting support to get unstuck. It could be more of what you were already doing. Pull out a calendar, have your inner circle ready (to phone a friend or grab a lifeline), and commit to a plan and timeline for the rest of the year.

Beaute Industrie || Issue 10




D O N ' T


S I C K ? "

In 2020, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare issued a study showcasing that almost half of the Australian population, 11 million individuals, experience at least one chronic condition.

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Often when we think of the words like illness, disorder or syndrome, we visualise something physical. So, what happens when we cannot see the illness on the outside? For those living with an invisible illness, just because those around them cannot see their suffering doesn’t mean it is any less debilitating. An invisible illness is a medical condition that you cannot see ‘just by looking at someone’. Unlike having a condition that can be physically observed, those living with an invisible illness may present like ‘normal’ on the outside whilst fighting multiple battles inside. This includes chronic physical conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome – but also mental illnesses including anxiety and depression. An invisible illness often lacks social awareness and is attached to judgement and criticism by those that cannot observe the condition themselves. Phrases like “but you don’t look sick”, “we all get tired”, “it’s just bad period pain, take some Panadol” and “why don’t you just calm down?” are all too familiar to those questioned by their friends, family, colleagues and even employers about their illness. To add to the frustration, many invisible illnesses, tend to ebb and flow in their severity. Collectively known as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days, weeks and months, a flare-up of a condition can come at any moment without warning and impact their ability to work, socialise or get out of bed. We’re sharing the reality of living with invisible illnesses because there’s a high chance that in the same week that you’re reading this feature, you have treated a guest with one. In 2020, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare issued a study showcasing that almost half of the Australian population, 11 million individuals, experience at least one chronic condition.

We wanted to know, what they need us to know, before they step into our space. An industry that has always been dedicated to the uplifting and nurturing of their clients, we wanted to know what more we could do for those experiencing these conditions, what they need us to know before they step into our space and what are the biggest misconceptions that they’re so ready to debunk. From all walks of life, including some of our very own Team Beaute, we sat down with four exceptional women that generously shared what they want their skin therapist to know about their invisible illness.

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# C O N V E R S A T I O N S

"She encourages therapists, to be fluid with their treatment & product recommendations"

Crohn’s Disease Our very own Lashana is one of the 80,000 Australians living with an Inflammatory Bowel Disease and she wants you to know, once and for all, that it is so much more than ‘just going to the toilet a lot’. It can be debilitating, extremely painful and has seen Lashana in hospital. Lashana was misdiagnosed for a decade, with practitioners (incorrectly) putting her symptoms down to everything from a gluten intolerance to an STD. Fast forward to today and Lashana has discovered that not only is the condition so incredibly individual but bewilderingly unpredictable. “Some days are good, some days are bad, and some days it's hard just to get out of bed due to either feeling extremely unwell or having no energy. For me, I need to always have a plan in place for if I have an 'attack', know where the bathroom is at all times, and I joke that my handbag is a travelling medicine cabinet!” Lashana explains. When it comes to treating her skin, the unpredictability continues. Lashana explains that her skin often tells the story of her recent flare-ups. Regularly experiencing acne and inflammation, Lashana reflects on feelings of selfconsciousness, especially as a skin specialist herself. “I have days where my skin looks splotchy and inflamed, get dull when I'm malnourished, and it can be sore and reactive at times. As someone who specialises in skin, it's hard not to be self-conscious when you're struggling with breakouts and trying to educate someone else on how they should treat their skin. My skin gets misdiagnosed a lot. While I break out, I do have typically drier skin and can have a slightly impaired barrier at times. It just depends on the day.” When having a skin treatment, Lashana wants her therapist to know that some days her invisible illness leaves her struggling to make dinner, let alone follow an hour-long skincare routine. She encourages therapists to be fluid with their treatment and product recommendations and have alternatives for clients during those ‘bad’ days. She also encourages therapists to have measures in place when clients are experiencing physical pain, such as the back pain that can come with her illness. “My biggest piece of advice is to listen to your clients. Every day is different, which means every day their skin will be different”.

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Anxiety and Depression Beyond Blue shares that in 12 months, over two million Australians experience anxiety. One of the 1-in-3 women that make up this alarming statistic is Sarah, a Tassie-based creative who has turned to online research to avoid in-clinic interactions where possible. Sarah explains that her anxiety has seen her develop a regimented daily routine that limits any unexpected situations but in turn, hinders her ability to try new things and meet new people. Her invisible illness presents a physical symptom through stuttering. When she’s experiencing anxiousness, Sarah explains that she stutters her words during conversations. “I stutter because I’m extremely nervous and it’s best if everyone just acts normal and doesn’t draw attention. When I settle, it goes away. I always feel horrible when I make an appointment at a salon but have to cancel because of a panic attack. Before, I’m a mess of nerves but once I get comfortable and stop stuttering, I enjoy pampering myself. After, I feel amazing because I was able to push through my anxiety!” Finding it embarrassing to speak with skin therapists during these flare-ups, Sarah feels more comfortable having the option to purchase products online and do the additional research anxiety sufferers often like to do before making a purchasing decision. “Most of my skin routine is based on what I can do at home myself without having to attend a beauty clinic. Watching YouTube videos or reading up on the latest products available to purchase online. If products are available online for me to purchase, I feel more comfortable at home doing my skin routine.” This got us thinking about the role of consultation in clinics. For those that aren’t quite ready to visit in person for treatment, could the concept of virtual consultation play a role in still supporting these clients? For Dermal Clinician Amelia, she is tired of people suggesting that she ‘just relaxes’ when experiencing the effects of her invisible illness. A sufferer of both anxiety and depression, Amelia channels her personal in-clinic experience desires to ensure a more inclusive environment for her clients. She explains that by giving

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clients an idea of what to expect upon their arrival, you can prevent a lot of anxiety surrounding the anticipation of the unknown. “I don't necessarily need to be stepped throughout the whole process but even just to know beforehand, then I can know what is coming and be able to enjoy the treatment more rather than thinking ‘what is next?’”

In 12 months, over two million Australians experience anxiety. 1-in-3 of these are women. Endometriosis Amelia also shared her experience with endometriosis with us - an often encumbering invisible illness that 1in-9 women in Australia experience. Like many invisible illnesses, endometriosis brings its own stigma as Amelia explains that her endo is so much more than ‘bad period pain’. Amelia describes pain and fatigue as her two most significant symptoms that arise without warning and with many misconceptions. “Never knowing what the day will bring, the effects of the condition will come up when you least expect. Pain and fatigue are the worst elements of it and because it is invisible, it’s not like you can explain to anyone what is going on. Motivation is also quite hard. Whether it is for work or for being social. When all you want to do is lie in bed all day, it’s hard to keep pushing through the pain. The pain can be excruciating, and the exhaustion is something I can never explain to anyone. It’s a never-ending battle that you really cannot do anything about.” As a clinician herself, Amelia encourages therapists to equip themselves with more knowledge of this debilitating invisible illness to improve client experiences. Having recently treated a fellow endo warrior herself, Amelia noted the elation from that client who felt “heard and had someone to listen to what she was saying”. Amelia also wants her fellow peers to know that dull and tired-looking skin is something she and many endo


sufferers experience that cannot be fixed with just skincare. This is part of the education process Amelia encourages for the industry to nurture our invisible illness clients with empowerment and empathy.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Rach here, the Editor of our Beaute Industrie Magazine and the writer behind this article. I thought I’d jump in and share my own story of invisible illness. When I was around 15 years old, I was put on the contraceptive pill to make my ‘period’ more regular. Before this, they were once a year and agonising. Fast forward to today and I have been battling a painful fertility journey for the past 18 months. This is because, for all of those years on my trusty contraceptive pill, I was putting a band-aid on over a decade of undiagnosed PCOS. Affecting 1-in-10 women, one of the biggest misconceptions of PCOS is that it’s ‘just irregular periods and weight gain’. My PCOS skin can be incredibly unpredictable with hormonal acne flare-ups that are very inflamed and painful. Someone that has experienced a multitude of aesthetic treatments and products over the years, getting to know my PCOS skin has revealed newfound reactiveness, congestion and inconsistencies. Like many PCOS sufferers, my experience with hirsutism has been extremely difficult and embarrassing. Before attending an appointment with skin therapists over the years, I have ensured that my chin, neck and even breasts are free of the shameful, thick hair growth that I experience. I’ve never told my skin therapists this until now and it’s why sometimes I arrive with redness on my chin. On the occasions that I have forgotten, I have spent most of my time on the treatment bed riddled with anxiety (another signature PCOS symptom) of my therapist seeing the dark hair growth on my chin and any awkward conversation that I might need to have as a result. I encourage therapists to not mention hair growth unless we do first, we know it’s there, I assure you. Similar to Amelia’s encouragement of enhancing awareness for endometriosis, I would love the same for PCOS. In the past, I have been recommended a series of dietary tips to lower insulin levels when in reality, my PCOS has nothing to do with insulin. Despite this being the most common type, there are actually four key forms of this invisible illness that people can experience. Having PCOS does not mean I am unhealthy. Across all of the incredible stories shared today, there is one common trend – a heartfelt desire for empathy. People with invisible illnesses don’t want to be felt sorry for but want their conditions to be understood and their experiences to be heard and believed. As children, we’re taught that if you are sick, you go to the doctor and you get better. For so many experiencing chronic illness, a solution isn’t always viable, and an explanation isn’t always there. We encourage you to equip yourself with the knowledge of the invisible illnesses your clients may present and show them the support they need to feel less alone.

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hether you love or loathe offering facial treatments, a 90-minute service is long, and usually incorporates a lot of

different products, techniques, and/or modalities. So you can imagine our surprise when we discovered the existence of the 120-minute facial - we simply had to investigate! There are only a handful of salons that offer a 120-minute facial, and we don’t mean a 1-hour facial and 30-min massage package. This is the full shebang, 2 full hours spent on the face, providing an extra indulgent and luxurious service for the ultimate pamper-lover. We spoke to these facial-loving practitioners to find out more about their blissful 2-hour service, what it includes, how therapists find performing the treatment, and why clients love it. Jessica Nash from Lady Luxe is one such practitioner that offers a 2-hour facial. Her signature treatment is called the Intuitive Facial, which she tells us makes up for around 80% of her business. “With the two hour Intuitive Facial no two treatments are the same,” says Jess. “Each individual’s face is just that, and treated that way. The treatment is in-depth and sometimes even various areas of the skin are treated differently.” Jess says that while the treatments vary greatly from client to client, they always include a great deal of variety. “The treatment starts with a short crystal clearing and a more in-depth skin analysis. A plethora of machinery, light therapies and ingredient protocol is then devised alongside home care and clinical nutritional referrals if needed (the skin is treated completely holistically). After all this is sorted, the treatment is commenced. All facets are drawn-out and truly luxurious. Touch therapies including hand, arm, neck, shoulder, scalp and face, each are nurtured with hot, cold and sound therapies.”

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longest facial. Jess tells us she truly believes 2 hours is the amount of time needed with each client in order to properly prepare, treat, and give back to the skin. “I thoroughly enjoy it, the client’s results are unrivalled, and their enjoyment is our top priority at Lady Luxe Beauty.” Jess also creates her own skincare line, which is included in the mix. “All the prescribed home care is Lady Luxe Skin which is a combination of natural and organic ingredients laced with cosmeceutical ingredients - so you take home a bit of Lady Luxe with you!” Another practitioner offering the rare 2-hour facial is George Gougoulis, of The Facial Maestro, whose whole service is manual, using no machinery. ”I am driven by the power of touch, and this comes through in my facials", says George.” “In my two-hour treatment, my signature cleansing protocol is extended to just over an hour. My cleanse is performed as a thorough massage. Fifty minutes massaging a cleansing oil, balm or milk. This deeply cleanses and softens the skin, as well as really releasing debris prior to exfoliation. The second cleanser is applied for a further ten minutes. Once removed, I then perform the relevant form of exfoliation.” “Post exfoliation, I use warm aromatic compresses, rather than a steamer. I refuse to use a steamer. They can never provide even coverage of the skin. They feel clammy and can cause breathing difficulties. They are archaic and undesirable. Whilst my guest is under the compresses I perform lymphatic presages over the compresses – to further relax my guest, and to illuminate their skin (15-minutes).” George then massages for a further fifteen minutes, removes any massage medium, and follows with a shiatsu massage to infuse serum, along with a custom mask (over which an alginate mask is applied), coupled with a blissful Thai hair massage, neck, shoulder and décolleté massage. The treatment is finished with a range of custom products.


“The two hours simply fly past,” says George. “I never take my hands off my guests, and they are not left in the treatment room alone – unless changing. I have always offered longer services. My original signature, my “one hour” facial is actually an act of industrial rebellion in itself! I deliberately make that a seventy-five-minute service with a forty-minute cleanse, as I cannot abide by the one hour that the industry espouses. In a traditional one hour service, the guest is lucky to barely receive forty five minutes to have the full service, when you deduct changing and consultation times. It is really not a professional way to do things. Therefore, I allow ninety minutes for the appointment and do not rush my guests. They are fiercely loyal due to the way I execute and implement my protocols.”

"the longer I spend with someone, the more nourished we both feel."

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George tells us the treatment is incredibly popular with his fiercely loyal clients, especially with many other therapists and even a few doctors who come for the experience. “The longer I spend with someone, the more nourished we both feel. The benefit for my guests is that they almost receive a facelift, and incredible plumpness; smoothness and clarity unlike any other.” One of our favourite things about this wonderful industry is constantly discovering therapists that innovate and push the boundaries of tradition, and these indulgent treatments are the perfect example. Many of our services give us the freedom to be creative, to craft our own protocols that are much more than the standard benchmark, and in doing so, create a truly exceptional experience. After all, isn’t that how we grow as an industry?


5 WAYS TO GET YOUR TEAM SAVING YOU MONEY How in-the-know are your staff when it comes to your finances and business costs?

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Photo by Mathilde Langevin

How in-the-know are your staff when it comes to your finances and business costs? If keeping your variable expenses down are one of your priorities, you could potentially be saving yourself hundreds by simply sharing a little more information with your staff and making small tweaks and adjustments in your operations. Here are our top tips for keeping costs down, starting with your staff.

Be open about how much a treatment costs you. We don’t mean sharing your entire BAS statements with the team each quarter, but if you clue your team in to how much each treatment really costs, they may pay a little closer attention to how many dollars they are racking up on your list of expenses. Staff will usually, at no fault of their own, have no clue how much you’re spending on the products used for professional treatments. They may even make assumptions about a certain product looking reasonably cheap/affordable and thereby use five times the amount they need to. Perhaps your humble oxygen cream actually costs you $100 per tub, rather than the $30-odd dollars they assumed it would be. If you use devices with a certain number of shots per cartridge or a set number of operating hours, share this with your team. The more aware they are, the likelier they are to want to help keep costs down for you and your business (if you have nailed your team culture that is!).

That goes for consumables too! The key is not just to tell your therapists 'not to be wasteful'. Giving them more information on the bigger picture will provide them with an understanding as to why it’s important for your bottom line, as opposed to simply feeling a command you have issued. It’s the same for disposables, from cotton tips and spatulas to fibrella. Perhaps they will think to use the second side of the tongue depressor before tossing it, cutting the cost in half. A knock-on benefit of this is of course the fostering of a less wasteful attitude - and you know how much we value sustainability here at Beaute!

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Provide finance training. Again, this is another step toward providing that ‘bigger picture’ mentality. Provide your team with some valuable business financial fundamentals - this will give them a better understanding of what it takes to run a business and support them to be mindful of other methods of reducing costs aside from product and disposables usage.

Encourage idea-sharing. Once they know the fundamentals of business finance and you’ve shared insight into your business expenses, chances are your team can offer alternative options or nuggets of wisdom you haven’t thought of. We always have something to learn from others - perhaps one of your team members knows where to find a better deal on weekly fresh flowers? Or they know a piece of software or technology that is more beneficial and commercial for the business, your marketing, online booking system, or anything else in between. You will never find out about these unless you openly discuss your spendings with your team, and encourage them to come forward if they think of any potentially more efficient solutions.

Rethink how your team spend their downtime. It always comes back to time is money, especially when it's your time and your money! While the deep cleaning between appointments is essential, have a think about whether there are any more diverse tasks you can include your staff on. After all, they say the key to good leadership is delegation! Perhaps there are some business admin tasks you normally take care of that your team could help with or tasks you'd normally outsource that you could bring in-house. A standout is content creation. Save your content creator or social media manager some billings by getting your team to try their hand at a blog post, snapping social content and creating captions. You never know, there could be some hidden creative gems on your team! When it comes to your finances, we highly recommend keeping in mind the difference between the actions of a leader and the actions of a manager. A manager tells their team what to do, a leader gives them the tools to think for themselves. If you want your team to assist you in your mission to reduce costs within the business, focus on sharing information and expanding their knowledge, and let them return the favour by helping you take care of the business. There’s another benefit here too - the more you share with your team, the more they will feel connected with you and your business, more valued, and more intrinsically part of the team. And what does this mean? Usually - they stay with you for the long haul. Beaute Industrie || Issue 10


let's get


Breaking through the social media noise, here's why your business should be including Instagram Reels in your weekly content calendar.

If you’ve opened your Instagram app over the past 9months, you would have noticed a surge of fast-paced videos dominating your newsfeed. From lip-syncing, pointing to text, the occasional dance break to “I’m just appreciating my bread” snippets (if you know, you know), Instagram Reels have transformed the opportunities we have to communicate via the platform. So, what actually is an Instagram Reel? Throwing it back to mid-2020, Instagram (owned by Facebook), launched a direct competition to TikTok. The goal was to win back the masses that had become TikTok scrolling addicts during all of our extra time at home. Sorry, Zuckerberg, I have to admit, I am totally one of them (#imasavage). Delivering short and sharp video content, Instagram Reels can be either 15-seconds or 30-seconds long. Just like Instagram Stories, reel creators can add filters, audio and effects over their content to boost its engagement and add their own pizazz to the message. They can then be published to our standard newsfeed, as stories, on our grid, in the dedicated reels section on our profile and their very own reels newsfeed

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- the play button that is now front and centre on your newsfeed menu. Yep, it’s a lot. Insta has gone really hard on spreading the reel love. As business owners, I know you wear a lot of hats and ‘social media manager’ and ‘content creator’ are two that take up a lot of time and energy. Breaking through the social media noise, let’s get real about Instagram Reels and why your business should be including them in your weekly content calendar.

They win social media real estate. I’m about to drop a huge social media truth bomb. Do you remember those posts everyone was sharing earlier this year about the algorithm ‘prioritising’ saves and comments? It’s not true. Yes, these are SO important, and you should totally keep being social on social media but it’s not some social media algorithm secret that’s been uncovered. The reason why that content, whatever its format, is performing well is because you’ve created a connection with your audience and kept them on your post (and the app) for longer.


The Instagram algorithm currently functions off six pillars and relationships and interest are two of them. The success of a post, and therefore how hard it’s pushed out to the social-sphere, is often determined by whether the content met the brief of these pillars and kept the user on the app. When combining their video length, engaging style of delivery (dance moves or not) and a meaningful caption, Instagram Reels can do a brilliant job at keeping users focused on the content, spark their interest and keep them on the app for longer. Consequently, they get a big ole’ tick of approval from the algorithm and feature more prominently on the feeds of your followers. I understand the appeal of wanting to ‘hack’ the algorithm; everyone wants more eyes on their content, but at the end of the day, the people spending money in your business are the ones that you’ve built a trusting relationship with and time and time again, that comes from quality content. If you can do that with reels, then you’re on your way to owning a lot of social media real estate. One thing that won’t win you prime social media real estate is posting a TikTok as an Instagram Reel. Whilst there’s nothing stopping you from doing it, you may not win the top spot on the Instagram Explore page. The size of the videos differs so your once-TikTok-now-reel will appear in lower resolution and of course, there’s the unmistakable watermark. A high-quality experience will always be favoured by Instagram and unfortunately, this isn’t always it.

They’re not just for extroverts. I get it. The idea of busting out a move on a global social network is not at the top of everyone’s to-do list but that doesn’t mean you can’t be maximising Instagram Reels. There is a multitude of ways that beauty businesses can be utilising this feature without needing to be in front of the camera. Utilise Instagram Reels to showcase a day-in-the-life as a clinic owner, follow a client’s journey from walking inside to completing their service, share the features and benefits of your signature facial (whilst showing the facial itself) or even a journey through your gorgeous space to illicit total FOMO vibes. All of this content can be created to be introvert-friendly with tools like voiceovers used to add that human element. Now, I won’t hide the fact that showing your face on social media is going to significantly boost your engagement. This comes back to our chat about the algorithm’s favourability of relationships and interest. So, if you’re not quite ready to be front and centre on your reels, utilise your team members that are! This will not only support that relationship-building element of your reels but allow your audience to get to know even more friendly faces before booking that first appointment.

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They can be incredibly inclusive. Instagram Reels present messages in a way that is undoubtedly new and fresh but what you might not have considered is that they allow neurodiverse users to have a much more positive experience on social media.

"Whether it’s having a couple of attempts at recording your video itself, nailing your voiceover or finessing any transitions or effects, those incredible reels you see on Instagram didn’t come without hard work!" Words by Rachel Medlock

For some, a social media tile or caption that is loaded with text, multiple stagnant colours and no line breaks can really inhibit an individual's experience on the app, and with your content. Reels can deliver that same Instagram Post message in a much sharper, visually engaging format that allows our neurodiverse followers to truly absorb the content’s message and build a connection. For those experiencing auditory or visual impairments, Instagram Reels can deliver a more inclusive and engaging experience too. The use of closed captions allows those that watch without sound to still enjoy the messages we’re sharing. By also adding a voiceover to your content, the same reel has become inclusive for those with visual impairments.

They do require some planning, but it’s totally worth it! For a max 30-second video, Instagram Reels can be quite time consuming to craft! Whether it’s having a couple of attempts at recording your video itself, nailing your voiceover or finessing any transitions or effects, those incredible reels you see on Instagram didn’t come without hard work! Thankfully, the effect on your engagement, reach and overall brand awareness can pay off tenfold if you’re producing regular, high-quality reels. When planning out your Instagram Reel content, think about the posts or stories you have planned and how they could be turned into a reel format. Additionally, refer to your brand’s content pillars to brainstorm ways that short and sharp videos could deliver those messages. This is a fantastic activity for your team huddles or planning days as you may end up with content ideas you never thought of before! Supporting programs like Canva and InShot are cost-effective ways of upping your reel game by adding templates, brand colours and fonts, audio and unique transitions to your content. After a quick edit in these apps, you can upload your video content straight to reels, add your caption, choose your hashtags and start reaping the benefits of this fantastic Instagram feature sooner.

Beaute Industrie || Issue 10


C COSTS TO PASS ONTO YOUR CLIENTS (that they will be happy to pay!)

Sustainability fee

Increasing prices or imposing additional costs on clients can seem incredibly scary to many business owners. Many continue to charge the same price for years on end because they are too nervous to find out what clients might say. However, this fear should never stop you as a spa or salon owner from running your business or sticking to your ethics, the way you choose to. And while it may seem scary, there are a few additional costs that; as far as we’ve seen, most clients are happy to pay for. Here are some of them:

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Those already utilising programs like Sustainable Salons or Terracycle know the drill - you pay a fee for the company to provide you with the waste and recycling bins, and they come to collect them regularly to be recycled, often used for some incredible national initiatives or turned into amazing new products. Most participating salons pass this cost onto clients in the form of a $2 per booking ‘sustainability fee’. Who can argue with that!? These can usually be added to your booking software for complete and simple automation.


Upskilling The more time that passes, the more experienced your staff become. From any short courses, certificates, conferences, expos or seminars that they attend along the way - the more education your therapists imbibe, the more they are worth. If you are increasing your prices, don’t be afraid to share this viewpoint with clients. Many of them likely pay more when they go to the hairdresser and see the ‘senior stylist’ as opposed to the ‘stylist’ - why should it be any different for your therapists? As the years go by and the wages for your Senior Therapist's increase, pass this onto clients by raising the cost of treatment slightly to compensate. Your clients will be happy to hear that the small amount they are paying is due to the continued advancement and education of their treating therapists, resulting in the best possible results for them!

Cancellation policy Thanks to COVID, cancellation policies and deposits are more prominent than ever. You’ve probably noticed them at most bars and restaurants you’ve visited lately - you simply can’t make a booking without registering your credit card details and agreeing to pay a $50 per person charge if you cancel within 24 hours. Many salons, spas and clinics have either introduced or reinforced cancellation policies since last year, and with good reason. We have established a culture where last-minute cancellations happen more frequently, so don’t be afraid to introduce a policy of some kind to your salon, spa or clinic, and stick by it. Many salons are charging $50 deposits for 1-hour appointments, which is nonrefundable for a late-notice cancellation or moved to their next appointment with more than 24 hours notice.

Your clients are used to other products and services in their lives going up in price - you will not be the only one.

COVID charge Speaking of COVID, we’ve seen countless salons charging a ‘COVID-fee’, which (as far as we have heard) clients have been understanding of and happy to pay. Some salons are paying hundreds of dollars on top of what they normally would have prior to July last year, with disposable bedrolls and endless bottles of disinfectant, cleaning wipes and surface spray. And of course, there’s the extra time slot added in between appointments to ensure you have time to properly clean the room. Tell this to clients and they should understand the small extra cost to keep them and others in the salon safe. While the thought of imposing extra costs on your clients may seem terrifying, just remember: the cost of living goes up each year. Your clients are used to other products and services in their lives going up in price you will not be the only one. And when you are adding an additional cost for a great reason, such as advancing your team’s skills or helping to save the planet, most clients will find absolutely no issue. And if they do - do we really want them as a client?!

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24 HOURS in the shoes of a dermal student

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7am Like a lot of people in the world, I am definitely not a morning person, but I try! I have my alarm set to 7 am every day but it takes an hour or so to be fully awake, to which I start mentally planning my day in my head while getting dressed into warm clothes and applying sunscreen in preparation for my morning walk. A morning walk helps me get energised for the day. However, as a student, if I have too much to study then I will skip it and just head straight to the computer.




9am My daily morning ritual is to make myself a coffee and take it to my desk while I turn on my computer and check my emails, view any uni updates and daily tasks that need checking. I also spend a lot of this time doing some last-minute studying and note-taking. There’s always something to study for and I personally give myself extra time to study the pathophysiology of skin conditions and the mechanisms behind treatments.





















12pm Around midday, I will eat a small meal and begin to get ready for uni. I personally choose the uni classes that are available later in the day because I prefer to have time to look at my notes beforehand so I can come into class with my head already in the right mindset. If I need to head into class physically, I take a bus and a train to the VU Student Dermal Clinic in the Melbourne CBD which will take between 30-45 minutes. I am normally travelling on public transport during the time where everyone is having lunch so that means it’s not very busy and I can get a seat on the train. If I am stressing about the days content, I will use flashcards to help me with any last-minute study, otherwise, I just put my headphones in and listen to music as a method to relax before the big afternoon ahead. Beaute Industrie || Issue 10


2pm Each unit at Victoria University is different and requires different hours. Theory-based units are online classes that last for a couple of hours. If it's one to hone my skills, then it’s a three-hour class in the dermal clinic. However, if I am there to perform treatments as the student dermal clinician on real clients, then the shifts are six hours long. I am currently in the clinic for a six-hour shift to practice consulting and tailoring treatments to clients which is exciting, but I also get nervous as well. In the six hours, there are a variety of tasks to complete. Before and after shifts, there are COVID cleaning guidelines to follow so that the clinic is safe and hygienic to reduce the spread of any sort of transmission. There are preparation tasks so that the clinic is up to a professional standard such as preparing the treatment beds and setting up the equipment for the day. Once settled in, the shift gets very busy. I am either preparing for clients, treating clients, treating fellow students for extra practice with the machines, writing up treatment records, picking the brains of the supervisors and asking for tips, working towards goals and competencies, or writing up a portfolio that shows our assessors that we are competent in our work. Because I don’t have any experience in the beauty industry, I like to use my time to be hands-on and practice treatment techniques and be comfortable with the machines to gain all of the experience that I can obtain. It’s a busy time and it does get tiring but it’s worth it and there’s also a small break to eat and refresh. Before home time, there's always a debrief of the shift while writing reflections of the day. I love the debriefs at the end of the day to hear what activities everyone did.

"I like to use my time to be hands-on and practice treatment techniques and be comfortable with the machines to gain all of the experience that I can obtain."

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8pm The afternoon clinic shift finishes at 8pm and during winter time it gets quite dark and cold outside so I always bring an extra jacket. The train station is only five minutes away from the clinic so it’s a small walk. When I get home, I immediately find some warmer clothes and start preparing dinner. I check my calendar and gather what I need for the next day’s adventure while also reading some brief notes or skimming through a journal article. To wind down for the day, I always somehow find free time to watch a TV show however the time goes so quickly that it ends up being time to shower, do my skincare routine and lastly, start getting ready to sleep to recharge for the next day.

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# T R E N D I N G

Dermalist launches Age-Defying Multicomplex "Defy" Get excited because Australian cosmeceutical brand, Dermalist has officially launched a new scientifically advanced retinol plus peptide serum! Dermalist Age Defying MultiComplex is a highly active cosmeceutical formulation, containing powerful, clinically proven peptides such as SNAP8™ which is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by up to 63% in 28 days & Uplevity™, clinically proven to increase elastin by 21.7% and collagen by 47.3%. Combined with other hero ingredients such as Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, Resveratrol, and CelluCap R, this serum is totally encapsulated to create a direct release of Vitamin A in to the skin, effectively targeting the appearance of skin ageing, fine lines, wrinkles & loss of firmness.

A whole new look for Wrinkles Schminkles Held at Windor's Neptune Food & Wine in Melbourne, Wrinkles Schminkles showcased their latest rebranding with a night of cocktails, cheese, canapés, and of course the fabulous Gabrielle Requena and Izzy Slack hosting. Their new sheet masks and serums screamed luxury as they donned the brand-new metallic pink, blue and green packaging, while their signature 100% medicalgrade silicone patches showed off their clear and resealable packaging glow-up. All Wrinkles Schminkles stockists receive hands-on training including protocols on how to incorporate these sublime products into retail space and treatment menus with exceptional ongoing support at the ready.

News & Noteworthy Balance Skin's Microflora with new Probiotic Cleanser The skin's microbiome is an ecosystem of bacteria on the skin's surface that work to guard you against he pathogens that affect your skin its overall health. When your skin's microbiome is balanced, your skin looks and feels healthy; enter Esmi's probiotic cleanser. Designed specifically for sensitive and acne prone skin, Probiotic Lysates, Aloe Vera and Camilla Leaf Extract work in unison to help heal, protect and maintain the skin's moisture balance. Paired with the Probiotic Skin Mylck light-weight moisturiser of choice this is a game-changer for sensitive skin.

Silks Laser White Ribbon Day This month, SILK Laser Clinics franchises supported White Ribbon Australia, the world's largest movement to end violence against women and advocate gender equality. With a 99% female workforce and a 95% female client base, this initiative was close to the hearts of many SILK team members. For 48 hours, SILK staff wore white ribbons and donated $5 for every staff member across their 53 nationwide clinics. What an incredible contribution! We stand together to say no to gendered violence. You too can show your support for the #choosetochallenge movement here: https://events.whiteribbon.org.au/donate

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Victoria University opens new clinic - Moss

A ROARing Good Time with Venus Concept Take everything you know about your typical conference, add a show tune or two and you might, just might match the incredible day that was ROAR Unleashed Melbourne 2021. Following the success of the inaugural ROAR conference in Sydney last year, Venus Concept and EnVogue Skin are hosting ROAR again this year – three times! This remarkable event kicked off in Melbourne on the 15th of May at the extremely glamorous Park Hyatt, with our very own Melbournite Lashana in attendance. This event saw industry experts come together for a day full of ‘live’ education, entertainment, and networking opportunities with a very impressive list of leading industry speakers including Dr. Steven Liew, Dr. Cosima Karlburger, Dr. Lucas De Siqueira, and Dr. Nik Davies. This event aims to help clinic owners Reignite their vision, Open new opportunities, Accelerate their cash flow & Reach new clients. Get ready to ROAR as Venus Concept and EnVogue take this prestigious event to Sydney’s Taronga Zoo on the 19th of June, before heading to the Sea World Resort in Queensland on the 24th of July.

We had the pleasure of attending the grand opening of Victoria University's new clinic 'Moss', and let's just say it was worth the wait! Moss is a city-based, contemporary clinic that offers full-range professional Hair, Barbering and Beauty Services. This moss-green dream pulls out all the stops with gorgeous pink and grey accents, trendy arch doorways and features, luxurious massaging pedicure chairs and inviting dimly lit treatment rooms. VU students offered attendees shellac manicures and Indian head massages on the night, while a live barbering demonstration took place on the main floor. Attendees also enjoyed an informative panel consisting of industry experts Sheridan Shaw, Owner of Mama West, Leah Rose Briody, Head of Makeup at Channel 9, Rafael Sperber, Managing Director of Algologie, and Eoin McCarthy, Director of Education at Area Studio, as they discussed the challenges the last year has presented our industry along with what trends they expect to see in 2021-22. Unlike a student "prac" clinic, Moss will be open to the public & fully operational with paying clientele, giving VU students an opportunity to work and gain valuable experience alongside their study. With stunning street frontage, this space is sure to see clientele rushing their doors for an appointment. Congratulations VU on this marvelous new space!

The world’s first electroporation & CIT system, Mesopen Pro Mesopen Pro is the world’s first micro-needling device to combine the extraordinary benefits of dermal needling with the advanced delivery of electroporation; an electrical field applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the membranes. This incredible technique allows products to be introduced into the cell more efficiently. The treatment employs tiny medical-grade needles to create micro-channels that in turn excite the release of growth factors that lead to the synthesis of new collagen and elastin. Once the microchannels have been created, the Electroporation technology helps to increase the permeability of the cell membrane and deliver cosmetic preparations into deeper layers of the skin for faster, more effective client results. The needles on the Mesopen Pro micro-needling device can be adjusted to reach varying depths, making it a safe and effective treatment for all skin types, skin tones and all parts of the body, and both the device and its cartidges are ARTG listed. Beaute Industrie || Issue 10


ConsciouslyCURATED Six carefully selected products Team Beaute have trialled, tested and can attest to. Placed on a page through careful consideration of the products we are using, loving and holding space for in our bathroom cupboards.




4. 5. 6.

1. Esmi Probiotic Skin Mylk Cleanser 2. Murad Vita-C Triple Exfoliating Facial 3. Aesthetic RX Ultimate Serum 4. ESK Evidence Skincare C Serum Lite 5. SircuitSkin Mocha Loca + Chocolate Lactic Acid Peel 6. Pure Walnut Scrub Hair & Scalp Pre-Wash Treatment Beaute Industrie || Issue 10

www.esmi.com.au www.murad.com.au www.aestheticsrx.com.au www.eskcare.com/au www.sircuitskin.com.au www.hairjamm.com Image captured by PicStudio


On The Record. # L I S T E N

Kara has been in the beauty industry for the last 16 years, 10 of those as a salon owner & leader. Kara started her very first business at the age of 18 when she started to offer nail services from home, while studying beauty therapy. Once graduated, Kara moved into the salon industry but the desire to have her own business was still strong. At the ripe old age of 21, She set up her very own Ella Baché Franchise. She began with no database, only a very small team of therapists but a strong desire to succeed, which she transformed into a 7-figure turnover and a team of 11 therapists. She is a strong believer in personal growth and development and continues to work on her own mindset and abilities. Now with her business, The Beauty Boss VA, her goal is to help other business owners reach their goals, all while taking away some of the pressure that she has experienced and knows can often be too much.

This month on the Beaute Industrie Podcast, we talk to three incredible women who took the leap into entrepreneurship. Shoshana Eisner graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Pharmacy. Using her pharmacy formulating experience, Shoshana started making products for her Pharmacy clients, who could not find safe, effective, natural solutions to their skin conditions such as Eczema, Rosacea & Psoriasis. The success of these initial products spearheaded years of research & development, harnessing the power of plant formulations, resulting in the launch of QED Skincare in 2008, a skincare range formulated for sensitive skin, including a range of luxury highperformance products and ingredients. Shoshana and Lashana discuss Rosacea, signs and triggers you need to know about and how you can help your clients reduce their inflammation. Dr Ginni has had an incredible career so far, having finished her junior medical resident training only a week before having her first child, before pursuing a career in General Practice while having her next two children. She then went on to complete a Graduate Diploma of Journalism, where her career as a medical journalist turned into TV, radio, speaking and ultimately led to a career in consulting. These days, she consults in strategy and communications in healthcare for all sorts of health-related companies - large and small, and is also the Founder of her very own skin care line, Evidence Skincare. It was in 2012 that Dr. Ginni set out to create a range of skin care that was everything that she was looking for (and nothing like what she could find on the market), working alongside doctors, dermatologists and scientists to create a range that was Evidence based, Effective, Easy to use and Ethical. On the podcast, Dr. Ginni shares with us everything we need to know about Vitamin C, the facts and fallacies and all of that good skin-stuff in between!

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In The Club.

This month in Club Beaute, we learnt all about what motivates therapists and clients alike with an introduction to KPI's & Salon Marketing Solutions. Introducing Therapist Incentives with Brigitte Benge of Cream Solutions Do you know what really drives your therapists? The things that truly motivate them to deliver above and beyond? No salon owner or manager can afford to be consistently recruiting and onboarding their team so it's time to get down to business and keep your team engaged and excited about their role in your business. To help introduce engaging incentives into your business is Brigitte Benge of Cream Solutions. Since stepping away from her own skin clinic in 2020, Brigitte has dedicated her career to empowering salon, spa and medispa owners with business strategies that deliver high-performance teams and enduring profitability. Bringing us proven and practical staff incentive inspiration and expertise on designing and managing KPIs, Brigitte's wealth of knowledge will help you uncover what truly drives your team to perform and how to turn planning into performance.

Salon Marketing Solutions with Vanessa McDonald of SMC Agency Marketing your salon - three words that are either loved or well... you know the alternative. Vanessa McDonald of Salon Marketing Creative (SMC) Agency is here to change the way you feel about designing, implementing and measuring your salon marketing strategies. With considered marketing strategies that actually bring in the money, Vanessa and the SMC Agency team are here to get you working smarter, not harder on your business. Whether your goal is attracting new clients, boosting retail sales, skyrocketing your rebooking rate or retaining happy and loyal customers, Vanessa shares her expert advice on marketing strategies that are worth your investment, how to maximise marketing templates and where to look for opportunities that are going to see your business thrive. Beaute Industrie || Issue 10



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Purchase your tickets to each live & online session for just $14.95 or join FREE for Club Beaute Members.


















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