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DISCLAIMER All content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine is for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Our content is not intended to be relied upon to offer a solution to a specific problem, or as a substitute for the advice of qualified professionals tailored to your particular circumstances, business or lifestyle. Everyone is different, so it is not possible for us to guarantee that our tips and suggestions will work for everyone, every time. Please use your common sense when you try anything new, and consult with relevant professionals as necessary. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we make no representation and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. We shall not have any liability for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising therefrom. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or contributors but are here to provide a vehicle for the interchange of ideas, experiences by which we hope to inspire, nurture and empower. We do not recommend use of the content in Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine for diagnosing or treating health or other problems, or as a substitute for seeking professional advice and treatment in relation to any such problems. We are not responsible nor liable in connection with any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through Beaute Industrie Digital Magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. © Beaute Industrie 2021, All Rights Reserved.
LETTER FROM THE FOUNDER As we farewell Summer, Tamara reflects on her step into motherhood.
TUNING INTO EQUALITY WITH JV When we think of inclusivity and challenging gender stereotypes in the industry, we of course think of the one and only, James Vivian.
THE BROADENING OF BEAUTY STANDARDS Looking for ways to be more inclusive in your business? Consider investing in communications training for your team.
A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.
BUILDING ROCKSTAR SPA TEAMS Here, Ainslie Colless shares with us a preview chapter of the book; Building High-Performance Teams.
BRILLIANT BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS Click, capture and captivate clients through your before and after photos.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
from the founder. T A M A R A
@ T A M A R A R E I D B E A U T E
Well, here we are in March, a third of the way through the year - can you believe that? The month of March brings on the season of Autumn and while the green sun-kissed leaves turn a crisp taupe brown I can't help but wonder what this seasonal change brings us. For me, the change from Summer to Autumn welcomed my firstborn baby into the world and what an eye-opening experience it has been! Giving birth truly resets the levels of gratitude like never before. I'm feeling gratitude towards cellular biology, human anatomy, our healthcare systems, family, friends and life itself, Suddenly, the worries of checking in on an Instagram post performance or being two minutes late to a zoom call all falls away and perspective is realigned. Speaking of stepping into motherhood, in March we celebrate International Women's Day. Each year, the day is saturated in a theme, this years being Choose to Challenge, one which speaks to challenging our thoughts and behaviours towards equality around gender, sport, inclusivity, workplace and education. As a mum of a boy (wow, that's weird to say!) the theme this year certainly makes me stop and consider the way I want to raise a boy in today's modern world, and too makes me reflect on the culture that we are fostering across our industry in terms of allowing men to enter on a level playing field, rather than be discriminated against due to their gender. James Vivian, Dermal Clinician and Business Owner shares with us his thoughts on the topic of men and the play on gender he has introduced into our industry in 2021. James speaks so eloquently and openly in this piece and I hope it truly helps you to Choose to Challenge your thoughts this International Womens Day.
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A bumper issue (in my humble opinion) crafted by the most talented team, who have truly shown me and our community an unparalleled level of support this month while I've been off birthing, navigating breastfeeding, late-night dimly-lit nappy changes and business ownership. To Lashana Shepherd my Executive Assistant and all-round scaffolding that holds up Beaute, Mala McAlpin our Online Editor, Rachel Medlock, our superstar magazine Editor and Sarah Garner, our talented creative designer - thank you for being my guiding light this month. While we are on a roll of giving thanks, I would like to extend a large thank you to our valued BeautePartners who power Beaute to be what you see across our channels and for the incredibly kind words of support and presents we have received across the birth of our newborn. Until next time, Stay Connected
T a m a ra 04
I WD 20 21 Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Together, we can all choose to challenge our own thoughts, actions and behaviours to call out the competitive nature of bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.
# F E A T U R E
INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY 2021 Whether you're newly learning about, or a veteran in the celebrations of International Women's Day, being a part of the professional aesthetic and beauty industry will have you already know that we are one made up of 98% female workspaces. Opposite to most industries where women are the minority, ours could not be more polar opposite, where female leaders and decision-makers are at the forefront of most of our businesses and brands. While this feels like a win for us and the people in our industry, the conversational topic of International Women's Day is still very much relevant and one which needs to be discussed in order for continued progression, inclusion and diversity for future females. Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about women's equality, lobby for accelerated gender parity and fundraise for femalefocused charities. A now global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, the day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. Each year, the movement adopts a theme in which it's message becomes entrenched - this year that theme is 'Choose To Challenge'. Housed in the premise of a challenged world being an alert world, the theme speaks to the need for the often arising experienced growth post challenges. This being said, we are going to unpack what it means
to be 'challenged' and how can we not only foster but too encourage the change and adaption that should follow being challenged in the first place. For the majority of us, the norm is where we feel most comfortable. The norm is the desire for safety, refuge and security – in short, the inclination is to play it safe and remain in our comfort zones. Whereas being challenged can often feel sticky and uncomfortable as we take ourselves into new conversations and waters which we're yet to travel to. Though being challenged can often feel confronting and see us defensively putting up walls and barriers, we actually crave on an intellectual, leadership, spiritual, relational, sales, and performance level, the challenges that stretch us and force us to overcome adversity, test our character and commitment, and inspire us to say adios to our comfort zone. One thing we know about challenges is that they never arrive quite on time. In fact, they often arrive when we are least ready nor least expecting them - all part of the challenge you see! Being caught off guard with a person who is perhaps not agreeing with your suggestion, a situation that stems out of control or thought that sparks fire in your mind can often throw us into the unsettling world of being challenged - a world in which we often choose to retreat from. But what if we didn't retreat? What if we sat in the challenge, faced it and learnt from our experience? That is where true change is created. This is the theme of International Women's Day 2021 - to Choose To Challenge.
A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge. Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
So how can we Choose To Challenge and what does that look like in a practical world? IWD2021 has outlined the following pillars of challenge being to: Celebrate tech women and innovation Applaud equality for women in sport Build inclusive workplaces so women thrive Forge women's empowerment worldwide Educate women on health choice decisions Increase the visibility of women creatives
As an industry that typically rivals one another in terms of securing clients and recruiting team members, to challenge ourselves on these very notions is a task in which we implore you to start doing - for at the end of the day, we are not each other's competition. On the wall of our office at Beaute Industrie reads, 'Community over Competition', our mantra which is saturated in the sense that if you want to go fast, you go alone, but if you want to go far, you go together.
Fruitful connections, collaborative action and shared ownership for our industry overall but in particular for the IWD cause are what makes the day successful. Gloria Steinem, world-renowned feminist, journalist and activist once explained: "The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organisation but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights."
How will you create a community with others in our industry? How will you help forge a gender-equal world? How will you #ChooseToChallenge?
Together, we can all choose to challenge our own thoughts, actions and behaviours to call out the competitive nature of bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.
Strike the Choose To Challenge pose and share on social media using #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021 to encourage further people to commit to helping forge an inclusive world.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Make International Women's Day your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for the current, and future women of the professional aesthetic and beauty industry.
Photo by Anna Shvets Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
TUNING INTO EQUALITY WITH JAMES VIVIAN As we celebrate gender inclusivity this month, we chatted with James on all things Tina, what it’s like dressing up and getting on camera, being a male in this femaledominated industry, and his clinic’s recent relocation and renovation.
When we think of inclusivity and challenging gender stereotypes in the industry, we of course think of the one and only James Vivian. We love James here at Beaute not only for his skills & endless knowledge as a Dermal Clinician (plus his awardwinning practices in sustainability) but also for breaking down of barriers with his alter-ego, Tina Toner. Many of you may have already had the pleasure of seeing Tina’s appearances on James' Instagram since lockdown, last year, singing us not only highly educational but exceptionally written original covers like ‘We Built This Clinic’ and “That’s The Way A Woman Peels’. James starts by telling us “I think someone may have a had a little too much time on their hands over COVID… When lockdown struck, I think the most unsettling aspect for me was how I was going to continue to be there for our clients when we couldn’t put our hands on their faces. Whilst I understood that for many, their skin was a dwindling priority, I wanted to find a way to continue to offer the care and attention we provide our clients, at a time they may have needed it more than ever.” Soon after the first lockdown began, James introduced his 14-Day Skin Isolation Challenge, discussing a different topic each morning and night on Instagram Live. Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
“As I neared the end of the challenge, I started to conceptualise my finale, and how to really send the challenge off with a BANG,” James tells us. “During and even before lockdown I had been creating some silly content around how I was addicted to face masks. So, in lieu of myself completing the 14-Day Skin Isolation Challenge, Tina Toner appeared to let those tuning in know that I had been sent to Mask Rehab and that Tina would be closing the challenge. And did she ever! She did a cleansing routine whilst lip-syncing to ‘Man! I Feel Like a Woman’ by Shania Twain. The rest, as they say, is skincare history". Prior to lockdown, if you asked James how comfortable he was being on camera, he would have responded: “NOT AT ALL!” “When I began creating content during lockdown, it was all done live so it was just like chatting to a client or a friend about anything and everything skin. There was a topic with each video but no real structure. When I didn’t have anything else to say, I stopped. It was very casual, without much prep. Just me in my bathroom, pyjamas on, with nobody else around. Fast forward to last week (Feb 2021) and there I was shooting content for another brand, lights, microphones and all. What a totally different experience! I was being asked to discuss things that I know like the back of my hand but I could 10
Credit James Vivian
"Each move was a reaction to us needing more space and time to care for our clients."
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not get the words out I was so nervous. I really felt the pressure that it had to be perfect as there was a crew to impress, a lot more people seeing the end result, and it felt lots more like a job. I just wanted to be back in my bathroom, in my PJ's!” But James’ skills and confidence on camera continued to flourish post-lockdown, with regular appearances from Tina continuing to develop - outside the bathroom! “Tina came out of nowhere,” says James. “I still can’t quite work out how it all happened, but it is clear that Tina brought people a lot of joy during lockdown. I also can’t ignore that Tina brought me a lot of joy too. Prior to James’ studies, he was a singer/songwriter, and music was all he had ever wanted to do. “I vowed to never sing again when I enrolled in Beauty Therapy (Dramatic? Me? Never!) but it really wasn’t until I fused my forgotten passion for songwriting, singing and skin, that Tina came into her own. Finding and creating new songs for Tina to sing has become a hobby and she gets requests and suggestions for new songs all the time. She’s building up quite the song library and she’s been talking recently about how she could turn them into a live show. I have to remind her that no one is really going to shows at the moment but what Tina wants, Tina gets.” In an industry that is still quite traditional in many ways, we applaud James for his efforts to challenge the industry to accept a more progressive and open way of thinking including the acceptance of more males in an industry dominated by women. “Since my first day at beauty school (2007) when I didn’t have a school uniform, I have been met with varying degrees of gender bias.
I would constantly shrug this off as I was so aware of how important this industry was to women, how it allowed women to find employment, employ other women, succeed and feel empowered. Pretty much, I was just honoured to have a seat at the manicure table. Today, a vast majority of my inbox is geared towards female business owners, their staff and their clients. Whilst we currently have less than 5% male visitors to our clinics, I am still a male looking for information on how I can be the best therapist, leader and client, and it does snap me back into a genderbias reality when I am referred to as a woman when I am not. I am a man. We are an industry that, at our core, want to make people feel good about themselves so addressing people in a way that isn’t a reflection of how they perceive themselves, is certainly a way to leave people feeling uncomfortable.” Aside from gender, James speaks to us passionately about his beliefs on accepting one’s own uniqueness, and not only embracing your own strange and quirky qualities but sharing them with the world - including at work. “Ever since I was young, I have always been the odd one out. Wherever I went, whomever I met, I was always different. Whilst this was confusing and upsetting when I was young, as an adult I now celebrate my uniqueness and channel it into everything I do, both personally and professionally. The global cosmetic industry is made up of such a diverse range of people with a multitude of talents, and I believe there are no limits when it comes to who can enlist and what they can achieve. Within the Australian beauty industry more specifically, I think we are slowly expanding our view of what a traditional beauty therapist looks like, whom they love, what gender they are, and where they come from.” James then brings the conversation around to an important point - your company culture. If you as a business illustrate your unique personality, ethos and culture, you’re going to attract clients that resonate with you, and are more likely to build long term relationships in the process. “Like attracts like! When people come to us, they’ve seen us on social media, they’ve read an article featuring us or someone’s told them about us, so they already know that we do things a little differently. Whilst this may not be for everyone, we know that there’s more to life than skin and we are trying to create an experience that transcends a traditional dermal therapy clinic (all still with the purpose of creating bloody good skinresults).” “It’s no secret that I’m pretty mad, and as I say to potential staff during interviews, I need to see a little crazy from you too. Company culture has never been more important, so as we grow, ensuring that we are a team of like-minded, creative, unique individuals will allow us to attract a clientele that ‘get us’ and that we get, in return.”
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The unique identity that James has fostered and developed for his business and his team has clearly been both accepted and celebrated, as the JV name continues to grow in renown throughout the country. Over the years the business has flourished, undergoing multiple relocations and expansions from a one-man show to now; a state of the art four-room clinic in Toorak. “We started as The Travelling Peelsman with my mother as client #1,” says James, “to a small room on The Avenue Windsor, then our two-room clinic on High Street, Prahran, to the most recently: a four-room clinic on Wallace Avenue, Toorak. Each move was a reaction to us needing more space and time to care for our clients. High Street Prahran was our home for 7 years and whilst we loved this space, it was becoming apparent that we needed more staff and rooms to house them. I had been actively looking for a new space that provided the same warm, welcoming vibe that we were known for, whilst being accessible yet discreet. Having not much luck I began to look at what it would take and cost to purpose-build a space but it all seemed too overwhelming for a small business like ours.”
"Within the Australian beauty industry more specifically, I think we are slowly expanding our view of what a traditional beauty therapist looks like, whom they love, what gender they are, and where they come from.” “At the beginning of 2020, my mentor Maria Vovos (who gave me the facial that encouraged me to study Beauty Therapy 15 years prior), reached out to ask me if I would be interested in taking over her space in Toorak. Maria purpose-built her salon 8 years prior and I’ll never forget when I visited for the first time and was in awe of her taste, attention to detail and the generous size of the rooms and common areas. Maria’s salon, formally Code M Skincare, fell upon my daily commute, so I have spent the good part of the last decade peering into those windows and thinking how amazing it was. Was this some sort of a premonition? Who knows. Our conversations around taking over Maria’s business were quickly shut down when COVID struck, however, we resumed chats after reopening in June when it appeared, we were to be busier than ever. James Vivian moved into the space on July 1st, before having to close our doors only 2 days later due to Lockdown 2.0. "In hindsight, while our grand opening was certainly short-lived, the timing of our new space could not have been better, as our previous space in Prahran could not have catered to the new clients we picked up during lockdown." James tells us the team is besotted with their new space, and so are the clients - both old and new. “They often say, ‘your last clinic was lovely, but this is next level’. We’re thrilled to be able to carry on the legacy that Maria Vovos built, and forge a new James Vivian chapter within this historic space.” As we continue to move forward through 2021 and beyond, where we can only hope that gender biases become a thing of the past, James offers some wise words reminding us to keep both minds and hearts open. “In 2021, you cannot expect to know who is about to walk through your door and who has made the decision to put their body in your hands. Be ready, prepared and open to making everyone feel welcome, whether you are a therapist, sales consultant, supplier, educator, journalist or student.”
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
THE BROADENING of beauty STANDARDS. Here at Beaute Industrie, thoughts around International Women’s Day have brought our attention to others who also deserve to have their voices heard - those often suffering judgement, bias and discrimination as a result of ethnicity or faith, gender or sexual identity, physical or mental disability, in particular, have held our thoughts. This can have both small and profound effects, and sometimes it happens completely unintentionally. However, we as individuals wield the power to make a difference in the lives of those around us, irrespective of their personal characteristics. So we must strive to be more accepting of these, in our everyday lives and in our businesses. Particularly in an industry where it is literally our job to make each guest feel welcome, safe, seen, and to leave feeling better than they did when they arrived. This month, we implore you to consider whether your spa, salon or clinic really is accommodating to any and every client.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
As per usual, communication can make or break when dealing with clients. If you want your business to be truly inclusive, you may want to consider investing in some communications training for your team. Communication styles and techniques should vary between clients, particularly for hearing and speech impediments or language barriers. How confident would each of your team members be dealing with clients they cannot verbally converse with? Are they comfortable with using gestures, or would they think to write things down? Communication norms can also vary greatly from culture to culture. Did you know that in some cultures, too much eye contact or physical touch could be considered rude or inappropriate? Or that if someone is diagnosed with a serious illness, only the immediate family members are given the details of the illness - and not the patient themselves? Or perhaps some of your team members may be uncomfortable when dealing with clients who are, for example, transgender. Do they let these feelings of discomfort inadvertently seep through into their words, tone or body language? There are so many facets of communication and cultural or social norms your team may not even be aware of. To avoid any instances of misunderstanding or offence, education is a great first step.
How physically accessible are your premises? Can wheelchairs even get through your front door? And while manual wheelchairs may be able to enter over a small lip in the doorway, did you know that most electric wheelchairs cannot; they require a completely level surface to drive over. Do you have a small ramp handy for these scenarios if and when they occur? And then there are your rooms - once clients have crossed your threshold, do you have rooms in which it is possible to manoeuvre a wheelchair around in? If your premises allows for it, try to keep at least one room which is nice and open and allows for easy navigation for those in wheelchairs. Speaking of nice open spaces, many smaller businesses simply don’t have the luxury of large rooms. If this is you, instead simply think about improving the usability of the rooms you have. Have you laid out the furniture and equipment in the best possible way to maximise space? It isn’t just wheelchairs either - could someone on crutches comfortably fit through the door and onto the treatment bed? Do you have step stools handy for anyone having trouble climbing onto the bed? There are a few other items we would also encourage all salons, spas and clinics to have on hand for clients experiencing pain, injury or other physical encumberments. Bolsters are an absolute must-have, as you may need to use these under the knees or ankles for added support and comfort to those experiencing lower back pain or leg pain, or as leg and back support for pregnant women. In addition to your bolsters, soft low pillows or small flat cushions can also come in handy to use as supports for areas like the neck or below the shoulder blades, instead of having to scramble around constructing a makeshift pillow from towels. You may see this as a small detail and an event that doesn’t occur very often, but not having a solution on hand and having to scramble around for one can make a client feel very unwelcome, embarrassed and strange. And nobody deserves that!
At long last, we are cutting through gender bias and male grooming is slowly becoming more widely socially acceptable. However, the battle is not yet won. Do not be one of those old fashioned practitioners that believes all of your male clients; whether they see you for waxing or facials, are gay. Just recently, I overheard a therapist, once a male had departed after his facial, say “wow, he looked very straight”. This is an unacceptable, outdated and damaging stereotype that we still see propagated all too often throughout our industry. Nobody should be subjecting anyone to bias based on a person’s sexuality, even if it’s behind closed doors.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
We should be sharing the view among our team and the wider community that heterosexual males booking waxing and facial services is not only normal but to be celebrated. And that goes for all genders, preferences and sexual identifications. Continuing on the note of male treatments how proficient is your team in performing male treatments? Do you have any rare gems on your team that are confident in male Brazilians? Are your therapists all masters at male brows in the same way they are at female brows? Do they know all the tips and tricks when it comes to men’s facials, such as the differences in anatomy and physiology in a male skin vs female, or navigating beards or sensitisation from shaving? At the end of the day, there is one key focus for you and your team to keep in mind, and that’s to make everyone feel welcome. Be prepared for anything, and be humble in understanding the privilege of nurturing any soul that walks through your door. It doesn’t matter who it is, they like anyone has the right to feel ‘normal’, equal and respected. We are all human and deserve to be treated for our needs at face value, without having those needs categorised into culture, disability or identity of any kind. Remember this in your business practices (and everything that you do!) and you will not only make a big difference to each and every person around you but always be remembered for your kindness and your ‘yes’ attitude.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
communication accessibility spacial awareness gender equality
# C L U B B E A U T E
JOIN THE CLUB Gain access to a year of support and opportunity for just $497 (that’s cheaper than a coffee per day!)
It’s time to get motivated, to amplify what works and to be progressive and proactive. When you learn, connect, build and lead, you influence the people around you, including your team and your clients, and the world becomes a better place. We help you do this through Club Beaute, our revolutionary membership platform, which gives you direct access to the industry’s best business development, exclusive offers and supportive community. Anywhere, Anytime. Being part of Club Beaute means you’re one of many like-minded aesthetic business owners who take your business and our industry seriously. Sign up today!
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run run. REBECCA An award-winning business owner, podcaster, industry speaker, skin influencer, friend, wife and mother, Rebecca Miller has proudly launched The Ripple of Kindness Project. The Ripple of Kindness Project encompasses Rebecca’s lifelong commitment to touching the hearts, minds and souls of people to ultimately leave the world a better place. The project’s latest initiative sees Rebecca preparing herself mentally, physically and emotionally for an incredible journey ahead. Running 350km from her hometown of Parkes in Central West NSW to the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Westmead, Rebecca is on a mission to raise $100,000 for 4 charities close to her heart – Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer, The Bandage Bear Foundation, Leukemia Foundation and her local Can Assist team. “My aim is to raise vital funds to not only assist with the research and treatment of these terrible diseases but to help the families going through the toughest time of their lives.” – Rebecca explains. Calling Country NSW home, Rebecca knows first-hand the impact of being one of the 80,000 families cared for by the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network each year. “I’ve experienced what it’s like having a sick child at Westmead. When kids are sick, parents are out of the game. Relying on the support of these foundations to help alleviate stresses is crucial.” Kicking off April 12th in Parkes, Rebecca will hit the road for the first leg of her journey, a 55km stint to Manildra. From there, she’ll visit Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow and Katoomba as her rest point and recovery stations before the final stretch to Westmead. Parkes to Sydney is no mean feat!
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Rebecca is undertaking intense training and conditioning to tackle the kilometres equivalent to competing an elite-athlete marathon every day for over a week. “It’s going to challenge me emotionally, mentally and physically but I have an amazing support team who will run beside me relay-style, so I am not running on my own. While we’re running, we’ll be thinking of the beautiful children we are helping, which will make this challenge so achievable.” - determined to meet - and exceed – her fundraising target, Rebecca hopes to inspire others to stretch themselves beyond their own limitations to achieve greatness and to do good in the world. Here’s how you can support The Ripple Of Kindness Project: Donate online via the official The Ripple Of Kindness Project donation page Sponsor Rebecca for your chance to be featured on her running jersey Share Rebecca’s message across your social media networks Invite Rebecca to speak to your local school or community group about the impact of kindness and community If you’re located in Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow or Katoomba and can offer hotel accommodation or physio support, Rebecca would love to hear from you! Follow The Ripple Of Kindness Project on Facebook or for more information on supporting Rebecca’s run, please contact labellaparkes@labellamedispa.com.au
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
# F E A T U R E
pa Manager turned author Ainslie Colless has gained experience from roles in some of Australia's most luxurious leading spas across Hayman Island, Emirates One & Only Wolgan Valley and Baillie Luxury Lodges. Taking her years of experience and knowledge, Ainslie shares her learnings in the practical read RockStar Spa: Spa Leadership Guide
Every now and then something comes across the Beaute desk that truly excites us. Not in the way that you get excited by a glass of champagne at the end of a Saturday shift (although, yum!), but truly excites us in such a way where we say 'holy moly where has this been all our lives, and why is it only just landing on our desk today?!' excited. That for us is the book RockStar Spa: Spa Leadership Guide by Ainslie Colless. Taking her years of experience and knowledge, Ainslie shares her learnings in this practical read where selfreflection, note-taking, checklist making and team building are just some of the take-aways from reading this book. Complete with activities, case studies, mystery shop reports and even stretches to provide you with a longer and healthier spa career, RockStar Spa: Spa Leadership Guide has been considered from every angle of a highperforming Spa Manager. Here, Ainslie shares with us a preview chapter of the book; Building high-performance teams.
P E A K :
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
"Spa teams can be defined by product theory. Consider your team as a cosmeceutical product. Cosmeceuticals enhance the appearance of the skin's surface by having a therapeutic effect on the skin. It's about looking at the cell structure and function below the stratum corneum. We are concerned about the activities below the surface. Trained therapists and some consumers are aware of active ingredient through various forms of media, all advertising new technologies for the best penetration of products to enhance skin health and appearance. A highperformance product does not rely on active ingredient alone. To have the desired results, active ingredients need to be utilised long enough for them to be delivered to target sites to gain the desired effect. While it may seem ideal to maintain a team of 'active ingredients', various elements are required to maintain a balanced and well-functioning team. The ideal is to remove and dispel free radicals, which can have a serious effect on individual team members. They contain a high electrical charge, being very unstable and very reactive, ultimately creating situations that may destabilise and damage an entire team. A strong manager must act as an antioxidant and defuse the situation, as a positive enzyme. The trick is to be like an antioxidant and not be stressed, let go of personal emotions and remove negative energy. Antioxidants selfdestruct as they attract oxygen and in turn stabilise free radicals, which can be the example a manager can use. Remove ego and let go of the damaging free radical. Often characteristics that work well together are preservatives and emulsifiers. Preservatives ensure the safety and stability of the team while emulsifiers avoid separation during formulation (forming, storming, forming, performing). They work to keep the team balance and together harmoniously. Team members with flavonoid properties are antiinflammatory, often diffusing times of tension or keeping a calm state with their medicinal nature. Flavonoids are supported by protein, with their eliminating of inflammation potential and focus on regeneration. They can be a strong backbone for any team, as they present in a mature or experienced therapist Gelling agents can be the least active, so teams with other components they provide body and contribute to the overall feel of the team. The value placed on the gelling agent can strongly control the outcome of a quality team. In the same way as a cosmetic ingredient, spa members should undergo vigorous select to ensure they last and are capable of achieving the required results while maintaining minimal disruptive periods. While team member will have their dominant trait, all need to be regarded as an active ingredient and given the opportunities to perform as peak levels. Like the ingredients of cosmeceutical products, all team members are required to perform their own function in order for the product to be balanced and complete."
Pick up a copy of RockStar Spa: Spa Leadership Guide online here
BRILLIANT. before and after photos
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
# U P S K I L L
Click, capture and captivate clients! In this social media-driven era, your before and after photos are one of your primary business drivers. The vast majority of consumers shop around online for their services, so if you don’t have some amazing real-life client images on hand, you will instantly lose out on this huge segment of the market and have to rely solely on word of mouth. And sure, that may work for that small portion of incredible businesses who have worked their arses off for years. However, for most businesses, WOM should only make up for a portion of your new clientele, not the whole thing. When capturing new clients online, generally the consumer journey is to find the business (by Googling either the area or the services or products they wish to find) and once something that fits the criteria is found, jump on Instagram to see some client results first-hand. If you consider the content on your social media right now, can you confidently say that the images could make this conversion and get clients through the door for you? Now that we’ve defined why stunning images are so imperative for your business, here’s how to get them. But first, lighting Lighting is absolutely everything. Ensure you’re capturing images with excellent lighting, as a great level of detail is usually required (particularly when snapping skin transformations) and only things like overall brightness, warmth, colour etc can be adjusted in a photo editor. If you attempt to take images in the dark, there isn’t too much you can do to improve the quality. Positioning Consider your positioning at the time of image snapping. You may think the angle looks great in the moment, but often you take a few photos and look back on them later only to discover you’re not happy with the positioning after all, or that the shot focuses too far up the client’s nose, or that somebody’s arm is in the way. Put in the time and effort to take lots (and we mean LOTS) of images from different angles at different stages of your treatment. Yes, the filtering process at the end may be time-consuming, but it is absolutely worth it.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Be consistent This is especially important with the before and the after photo, which should be taken at the same angle, at the same distance, with the same lighting as one another. Try to review these aspects in your before shot before taking your after shot. An app ideal for this is one called Treatment Pad, designed especially for the aesthetics industry and ensuring before and after photos are perfectly angled and aligned. It’s free to download, but subscription plans are available for removing watermarks. Keep social media in mind Have your clients help with the legwork and take some photos for you by encouraging social media sharing around your salon or clinic. Set up snap-worthy corners and photo opportunities, and display your social media handle requesting shares and tags after treatments. This could be on your bathroom mirror, or you could go as far as to set up a selfie station with a gorgeous backdrop and ring light for clients to use at their leisure Define your style Some business owners prefer to look after their own before and after photos, but others encourage their teams to take photos where possible too. If the latter is the case for you, have a training session with your team and teach them how to snap in your preferred style. This again goes back to consistency and will result in not only your Insta grid looking divine, but your before and after shots becoming renowned in their own right for having that signature style you have developed such as Perth’s The Skin Fairy, for example. Go through how you would like the lighting, angle, background, and overall style with your team so they really understand how, what, and why they are capturing. Check-in with the camera quality on your team’s devices to ensure they are of high enough quality.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Editing Images of your products and your clinic are a different kettle of fish, but when it comes to before and afters, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t be editing these much at all, with the exception of cropping and adjusting the brightness a bit if necessary. The point is to demonstrate the real-life results after all! If you know the images will be used for your Instagram grid, we suggest setting the camera ratio to a square so you can already see how the framing will look when capturing. Captioning We know plenty of businesses that get stuck on creating captions for images, feeling the pressure to come up with clever, witty taglines. However, when captioning before and after photos, just explain to the ready what they’re seeing. Try to be succinct, but include the key information like the treatment, the homecare, how long the transformation took, etc. Use line breaks where necessary when describing a long/in-depth treatment so it doesn’t look too overwhelming. Also, try to bear in mind the new visitors to your page - often we see before and after images with no details because the owner feels like they’re repeating themselves or ‘I’ve posted about this before’. That may be true for those who have been following the page for a while and are familiar with their services, but someone who has never visited before wants to click on one of the first few images on the grid and know exactly what they’re looking at. If not, you may just be creating more work for yourself when you begin receiving the influx of message responses saying “what treatment is this?” While before and after photos really can feel like a chore sometimes, try to remember how absolutely essential they are for your business and will continue to help you grow the more take and the more you improve. Get your team to help lighten your load (and your clients while you’re at it!) and never underestimate the power of a knock-out skin transformation gallery. And on a final note, we recommend storing them all in one handy online folder (such as a free Google drive) that is every for anyone to access and add to. Snap, upload, and delete from your device - for a clutter-free phone can often mean a clutter-free mind!
Pia Kynoch, Business Owner of Inspiration Place Wellness Centre in Kew Victoria, uses the OBSERV Diagnostic Imaging Device to take their before and after photos. "There are numerous light settings we can use to showcase different aspects of skin health, and these visual cues do allow us to engage more fully with our clients. This engagement ranges from what treatment we might prescribe that day, or as a long term plan, and what skincare and health timeline trajectory is going to be most suitable to reach their goals in a way that suits both their goal and their available resources." Not only does the device allow for six observation modes, but too, provides added benefit in the communication with the client during the session. "The OBSERV allows us to offer really insightful education, so the client can more profoundly connect the dots between their current environment and lifestyle choices and what is visible on their skin - and also, very importantly, what may not yet be visible - but at some point will be if they keep doing what they are doing!" "Often our favourite component is the Complexion Analysis - we call it a Future Ageing Guide, and it is very clarifying to the client as to why looking after their skin properly will serve them in a way that helps them feel great about the skin they are in, rather than the opposite!" Pia's before and after image as pictured above was achieved just eleven days between treatment one and treatment two with the use of at home prescription.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
# F E A T U R E
eye masks.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Zarina, the owner of new to industry skincare product Kenzina, saw the waste generated by the eye mask market and wanted to make a difference. In a market where plastics and packaging are all too often discarded after unboxing, Zarina noticed a commonality in the eye mask sector in which current products are only offered in either five or six (sometimes ten) pairs, translating into individually packaged pairs which are presented in non-recyclable packaging. To put the war on waste to bed through consciously created packaging and careful consideration of the eye product itself, Kenzina challenged the mask market and created a product that offers 30 pairs of eye masks in recyclable packaging - both the box itself and the container housing the masks.
Recently adding to their retail offering, Kenzina launched its second product, the 2- in-1, 100% Genuine Rose Quartz Crystal Face Roller and Gua Sha - the only one of its kind which combines the roller and gua-sha in one tool! Typically sold separately, the jade roller sits at one end of the modality, while the gua-sha lives at the other allowing clients to utilise the benefits of lymphatic drainage, increased blood circulation, improved product absorption and introduce the cooling and calming effect to the skin in the one take-home item. Exhale Body and Spa owner Sara mentions; ‘We have been using Kenzina eye masks pretty much from the first day they were launched, and the product is not only amazing to use as a part of our retail shop but also as a part of the service when we do eyebrows, facials or any other treatments.".
An exciting new product to launch recently on the West Coast of Australia, Kenzina Rejuvenating Eye Mask boasts the added bonus of being 100% cruelty-free for our animal-loving clients and are sulfate-free, alcoholfree, silicone-free and dermatologically tested. The ingredients, you ask? Plant-based ingredients including coconut, peppermint extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Antioxidants, Niacinamide (vitamin B3), Vitamin E, Volufiline™ and others work synergistically to assist with skin repair, help reduce wrinkles and fine lines and plump up the skin around lacklustre eyes. Zarina says that she is very proud of the product because she can see that salon owners love it and is delighted that they're using it as a part of their treatments. Rachel Diaz, Owner of Love Beauty Skin Clinic says “ We love Kenzina products! We use them as a part of our facials and also recommend them to clients to use as home care. It’s beautifully presented, and our clients love the instant results - it really sells itself."
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Promoting the professional beauty and aesthetic industry to relish their retail offering through hallmark days such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day, Kenzina is bundling their much loved existing and new products together with foresight into the self-love, do-it-yourself, highly profitable gifting space. Ideal as a treatment add-on, upgrade or surprise and delight for clients across spas, salons, brow and lash studios and skin clinics, Kenzina is looking forward to sharing their continued success in 2021 with the support of new stockists looking to expand their retail or e-commerce offering.
ADVANCED nutrition programme Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
"Beauty supplements, ingestible beauty or ‘oral skincare’ as it has been more recently coined, has been a growing trend for the past several years, but it’s no longer just about hair skin and nails as it once was. Like most things in our industry, day by day we’ve continued to up the ante, and supplements are continuing to improve in efficacy, evidencebacked ingredients, and specificity - as they are now being designed to hone in on a number of individual skin concerns as opposed to a generalised improvement of skin quality. One of the latest to launch here on our shores is Advanced Nutrition Programme, a brand that has made quite the name for itself among dermatologists and skin experts globally after launching in London in 2006. As of late last year, Advanced Nutrition Programme (ANP) is now being rolled out in clinics around Australia, proudly distributed by MargiFox. Far from being yet another influencer-led collagen supplement that our industry is currently saturated with, ANP takes its efficacy and its evidence-based practice very seriously, so we decided to chat with Managing Director and CoFounder David Alpert on the Beaute Industrie Podcast, to delve deeper into the science behind the brand and discover its inception story.
"David tells us the ANP story began with his wife, Tracy, who had been distributing Environ Skincare in the UK at the time. After studying business at university, David was at somewhat of a crossroads in his career, until his interest in skincare was piqued by the obvious passion and results experienced by Tracy’s clients. “The one thing I had noticed was the fantastic feedback she was getting, and the differences she was making in people's lives. The actual idea of building something with more substance, where we make a difference to people's lives, we make real changes based on real science and efficacy, that's what appealed. And so I decided to join Tracy in a little room, about the size of my office today that had all our stuff in it, we had one employee in those days (and she's still my PA) and that's how we started. And I'm very proud to say we are today the third biggest company in the professional beauty industry in the UK.” The brand’s core value of evidencebased practice stems from David’s lifelong interest in science, in particular biology. “It was something that I was very much interested in: looking and listening to the science behind the product and the person who developed it. And actually many of these sorts of values that we hold at the National Institute (the company that owns ANP) were embedded in those early days in terms of looking at the science, looking at what makes real changes, how we can add efficacy, and not necessarily following the hype. All those sorts of principles really appeal. And it was never a lightbulb moment, it was a journey. And so the journey that started, three decades ago, and (is) one that we’ve been going along ever since. When it came to who would distribute the range here in Australia, for David it was an obvious choice. “I'm very proud to be working with MargiFox Distributors. I've known Margi for the better part of three decades. We distribute Environ here in the UK so
good for the environment that’s how we originally met. I'm excited to work with her because I know Margi’s passion, dedication, and hard work. But also more than anything else, what's important to me is integrity. And I know she runs a business with integrity. Sadly, in our industry, so often, we get a lot of hype, and Margi isn’t one of those people, so I’m really excited to work with her team, and I can see that they're passionate. And it's great to be in Australia, I'm sorry it's taken us a long time to get there! But one of the things that's very important to us is dotting all the I's and crossing the T's when it comes to regulatory issues and the tough regulated environment that needs to be complied with. So it's taken a little while but we’re there now and very excited to be part of what you guys are doing!” As our industry’s awareness of the link between nutrition and skin health continues to grow, so too does our desire to educate our clients on how to nourish the skin from the inside. However, this can understandably be quite daunting for practitioners who do not have a background or education in nutrition. We simply couldn’t miss the opportunity to get a tip or two from David about how therapists can approach the topic of nutrition when consulting with skin clients. “So we learned that lesson the hard way in early days,” shares David. “We wanted therapists to talk to clients about all the benefits of nutrition, which would also extend far beyond the skin - of course, therapists were totally outside of their comfort zone. And we found that as a result, they weren't having the conversation. We know, through a lot of the research that has been published, that the products we supply convey enormous benefits to heart health, brain health and all sorts of things, but we don't touch on that at all. Now in our training, all we do is talk to therapists about skincare (and) we want them to talk to their clients about skincare, because that's what the client is there for - that's what the therapist knows and understands. And frankly, when we create new products and put them through clinical trials, and sometimes it can take four years for us to bring a product to market, we like to educate the therapist with all the information they need in order to have the conversation. But there's actually a very, very simple cut-through, and that’s ‘if you aren't using oral skincare, you are only doing half the job’. So if you as a therapist have your clients’ best interests at heart and you want to deliver the best result, then there's no need for any therapists to ever ‘sell’ any of our products. Because what we do in our training is we teach them how to prescribe.” David explains it is more of a mindset than a selling tactic, and that; just as we do so with topical skincare, recommend internal skincare supplements in much the same way, recommending our opinion as a professional. For example “I'm going to prescribe the products for you that I feel are going to deliver the results.
fabulous for Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
So this is your skincare from the inside. And this is the skincare that I recommend you from the outside. And the combination of those two is what's going to deliver the outcome that you've come to see me for today. And next time we see you we’ll review things and go from there.” Talk to them as a professional, advises David. “And we do not advocate giving somebody a sample and saying, ‘try this and see how you get on’. That is a barrier to the prescription that doesn't help the sale. And especially with oral skincare, you’re not going to see a result after taking a couple of pills. So that's the approach that we like to teach, and it's been very effective.”
Photography by David Alpert
So for any salons, clinics or practitioners wanting to delve into the world of supplements or oral skincare, but aren’t quite confident enough in their practical knowledge in nutrition, instead, look to your education as a professional. Focus on pairing key ingredients or key actions of your supplements with those of the skincare you are prescribing. For example, if you're talking to a client about an antioxidant serum which is going to fight free radical damage, choose an internal antioxidant which will carry out the same action on the inside, for a dual approach and double the effect. You should be able to relate this approach to almost anything, whether it’s a cleanser which is going to clean the skin paired with an internal cleansing supplement, or a redness serum paired with antiinflammatory supplement. As always, education is key, and as David says have confidence in yourself, your knowledge, your ability and your prescriptions as a professional. Your clients’ excellent results will follow. To find out more about Advanced Nutrition Programme visit www.advancednutritionprogramme .com.au
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
COMMUNITYconversation Holding space for progressive and inclusive conversation, our Facebook Community produces thought-provoking and insightful delights into the lives and businesses of our community members. This month, we've been hosting the conversation on hygiene standards in the treatment room, therapists wellbeing activities and wholesale customer service experiences.
To glove or not to glove - that is the question. Or is it? After having a treatment on multiple areas at a local salon without gloves, Amanda McKenzie posed the question to the community - 'when I walk in the room I use hand sanitiser then cleanse/prep the skin and put on gloves and for any intimate waxing, remove gloves use hand sanitiser and do any other waxing required etc. Am I overthinking/reacting to this or is it really poor salon hygiene/standards?' With 59 comments in the space of just 18 hours, Amanda's concerns were solidly confirmed that the therapist should be performing sanitisation and sterilisation in front of the client before performing the treatment, as well as applying gloves for all waxing treatments. Stunningly, some therapists even made comment that they were never provided with gloves to wear and even more surprisingly, Kirby Lee Haika commented that her business owner gave direction for them to bring their own gloves. As a basic hygiene standard, it is up to business owners to be providing consumables for therapists to perform treatments safely and effectively.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
An anonymous poster sparked quite the conversation this month after hiring a trainee in her space for Saturday and two weekday shifts, only to find out once the contract has been signed that they therapist would like to take Saturdays off to play netball for 'wellbeing' reasons. As typical in our industry, Saturdays are a sacred service day in which most are fully booked up to weeks in advance due to heavy client demand, that is however, the conflict lays in the 'wellbeing' aspect of the request. Do we let therapists uptake outside activities for the purpose of their own mental health if it puts a strain on our business practice and, if so, how do we share the load equally without rocking the team boat? Many community members felt that it went without saying that our industry operates on a 7 day roster and that the therapist needed to stick with her commitment to the role - especially one as entry level as a trainee. Others however took the mental health aspect of the post defending that if the therapist was unhappy it would be difficult to maintain a healthy work life balance. So, what do you think? Is is a given that our industry works Saturdays and they're off limits for opted days off or should we be more lenient?
After placing an order with her supplier, Tracey Collins realised she has forgotten to add one product during the checkout process. Swiftly taking notice of the mistake, she emailed the company requesting that the additional product be added to her order, only to find out a few hours later that the order had already been packed and that she would need to place an additional order to receive the forgotten stock. Appalled at the supplier, Tracey turned to the community expressing her concerns seeking validation in her frustrations. With over 3,3 thousand engagements on the thread, many comments mirrored Tracey's situation and frustrations adding their own times of trouble throughout the ordering process. Bringing to the boil the topic of quality customer service, many people added their experiences of extra shipping charges they were dealt post order, longer than normal turn around times and inactive phone administration to the conversation. This being said, sometimes brands have external pick and pack warehouses which are physically out of reach for such changes to be made. What are your thoughts?
ConsciouslyCURATED Six carefully selected products Team Beaute have trialled, tested and can attest to. Placed on a page through careful consideration of the products we are using, loving and holding space for in our bathroom cupboards.
1. Ocean Road Black Nourishing Body Scrub 2. Cecily Braden Black and White Stone Spiked Roller 3. Kenzina Under-eye Masks 30 pairs 4. Urth Skin Inside Out Beauty Collagen Peptides 5. Synergie TriDration Medi-mask 6. Murad Intense Recovery Cream Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
thisisoceanroad.com.au beautefd.com.au/product-category/cecily-braden/ kenzina.com.au urth-skin.com synergieskin.com murad.com.au Image captured by PicStudio
# T R E N D I N G
Wrinkles Schminkles get a glow up, celebrating a rebrand and enhanced stockist offering The anti-ageing skincare brand with “a fun name, backed by real science” is investing in a full rebrand in 2021 aimed at better communicating the brands positioning and tapping into global trends of DIY and at-home skincare treatments that work. Nielsen reports the rise of at-home treatments due to salon closures and covid concerns regarding physical contact, with some at-home treatment categories seeing sales increase up to 150%. The new-look contemporary packaging, colour palette, new product launches, as well as an enhanced National Rep service offering to all trade accounts - spas, clinics and retailers is available from March 1 and is worth celebrating alongside their enviable record of exponential YOY growth and burgeoning global success in the USA and Europe – and that is exactly what the brand Wrinkles Schminkles plans to do.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
News & Noteworthy
Australia’s leading skin scientist launches triple threat medi-mask! Leading Clean Science cosmeceutical brand, Synergie Skin, has unveiled a new hydration super booster to its highly acclaimed product suite; TriDration B Express Medi-mask. Skincare masks are taking the market by storm and this is one that really delivers. This ultra-hydrating gel mask will become your new best friend, especially for those of us who are time-poor. TriDration B has all the features of an advanced face mask: intense hydration, plumping and firming, skin balancing and calming, plus its fragrance-free and has an elegant cooling gel sensation.
Nicola Le Lievre shares her story alongside 26 successful women in business in book, Back Yourself! A collective of inspiring business women sharing their advice and inspiration in this beautiful new book all about believing in yourself, reaching for the stars and following your dreams! "You have all the power you need inside. You are enough. Believe you can achieve anything you put your mind to and back yourself!" - A snippet from Nicolas chapter.
Ella Bache experience Defence + Workout with Molly Kat Gay To launch Ella Baché’s all-new skin barrier protection collection Defence+, Ella Baché held a bespoke ‘Strength and Resilience’ workout at Barry’s Bootcamp Surry Hills with instructor Molly Kat Gay. Guests including TV personalities Teigan Nash, Liv Phyland and Lauren Vickers, and Beaute's very own Mala McAlpin were greeted with Ella Baché gym towels and water bottles before hearing from the brands CEO Pippa Hallas who introduced to the range and was followed by National Training Manager Gina Cook who talked through the Defence+ products restorative and protective qualities. Attendees jumped into the workout and post-class, guests were treated to custom Activated Charcoal Smoothies and complimentary facial vouchers to try the new Defend My Resilience facial.
Dermalogica launches PowerBright Serum via virtual Launch Party Joining Senior Training Specialists Sarah Shephard and Skye McKie virtually via D-stream, the newest additions to Dermalogica's formidable Brightening range, the PowerBright Serum and Professional Ionactive Serum, were launched this month. Endorsed by some spectacular before and after images, the new PowerBright Serum combines dynamic ingredients such as Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) and Ogliopeptide-4 to reduce the appearance of UV-induced pigmentation & inhibit tyrosinase, creating a formulation that is sure to brighten skin, minimise discolouration and improve even the most stubborn pigmentation.
Medik8 launches Sleep Glycolic, Time Release AHA Overnight At-Home Peel New from Medik8, Sleep Glycolic is an athome 10% glycolic acid peel that delivers unparalleled resurfacing results while you sleep, but unlike traditional glycolic acid peels our industry has come to know, with zero downtime. In the Sleep Glycolic formulation, glycolic acid is encapsulated in a crystal cyclodextrin ‘shell’ that is slowly broken down upon contact with the skins natural enzymes. The encapsulation gradually delivers the high strength sugar-cane derived exfoliating ingredient into the skin overnight to reduce the potential for irritation. With a total 10% free active acid, the glycolic is able to easily penetrate into the epidermis, improving the skins overall texture and clarity. The ultimate resurfacing power of glycolic acid, without the downsides.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
Mesoestetic delves deeper into facial hygiene with their new cleansing and treatment solutions. Creating a product class of its own, Mesoestetic has developed a next-generation facial hygiene range that has been carefully formulated with different textures and specific active ingredients designed to meet the needs of each individual skin type. In true Mesoestetic progressive form, the range has been developed with post-biotics to provide an effective cleansing, antioxidant, anti-pollution and bio-balancing action, promoting skin flora and perfect pH balance in the skin. 39
# C O M M U N I T Y
On The Record.
This month on the Beaute Industrie Podcast, startup to stardome with niche businesses; spa, nail & cosmetic tattoo.
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7
# L I S T E N
How to attract and retain staff with Keira Maloney Keira is a fresh face to many business owners but has been a familiar and valued resource for many therapists in Melbourne having previously worked as the internal HR Manager at a premium corporate chain in Melbourne and was one of the original co-founders of the Aesthetic Agency. Keira is now a Business Development Manager at HeadHunter Recruitment, and is determined to share her knowledge with business owners on how they can manage their own talent search, and that it can be affordable, and successful the first time around. Over the last 5 years, Keira has implemented unique ways of finding team members and has found innovative avenues to ensure staff retention beyond the induction and training period! Her newfound philosophy to "make sure they're seen, to keep them keen" - Keira’s priority is listening to staff, acknowledging their wants and needs, celebrating their achievements, and ensuring that their relationship with the business remains a mutually beneficial one. LISTEN HERE
Understanding the skin's barrier Eunice Bredenkamp Nimue Skin Technology is a derma-cosmeceutical brand that was developed in 1994 by leading skincare scientists aimed at the medical market for pre-and post-operative application. Since then, Nimue has evolved into a recognised professional skincare brand distributed globally, renowned for an expert understanding of the skin, innovative formulations, cutting edge technology and effective combination, concentration and strength of active ingredients. Eunice Bredenkamp, is an International Education Manager at Nimue. Her background in the beauty industry, along with her wide-scope of expertise, Eunice comes with an incredible understanding of the skin, skincare ingredients and how therapists can work towards best treating skin concerns. Eunice is also a true all-rounder, with skills that stretch from business and leadership all the way to training and development. LISTEN HERE
Epidermal V Dermal Pigment: How, When and with What to Treat with Kirsten, Victorian Clinical Educator for Candela Medical Kirsten is the Clinical Educator for Candela Medical ANZ, which despite being based in Melbourne, has clientele across Australia and New Zealand. Kirsten obtained a Bachelor of Dermal Science and has been an influence in the industry for the past 25 years, specialising in Beauty and Aesthetics devices. Kirsten is responsible for the education and training of the medical devices in Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania with Candela medical and on the podcast she shares with us an insightful look into the cause and condition of epidermal versus dermal pigmentation. A valuable episode for all treating therapists, clinicians and aestheticians who are wanting to gain further treatment results with their clients when using devices for the management of pigmentation. LISTEN HERE
Beaute Industrie || Issue 7