Do I Really Have To? Following God’s will even when we don’t want to
Get that perfect Valentine’s Day Look Beauty & Fashion
letter from the EDITOR
As we continue moving forward with our focus on God, we brought to the story of Jonah for the month of February. Jonah was a prophet of God. God would speak to him and tell him to relay messages to different people groups. One particular time, God told him to go to a city and preach against the people. Jonah did not want to obey God this time so he took off in the opposite direction. Long story short, he ended up in the belly of a big fish praying for God to help him. And he ended going to the city in the end after God had the fish spit him out. The thing we need to understand is we are only humans. We might not want to do something or go somewhere that he is instructing us to do, but in the end, he will have the final say. He is God. Instead of fighting against his will for your life, join him in moving towards it and you will see mighty things come forth in your life. I hope you have a great month of February and a Happy Valentine’s Day. Stay safe and healthy and remember to spread the love of Jesus everywhere you go. Stay strong and stay blessed! #bringingbeautifulback XOXO,
karissahagemeister | khluv | karissaluvhagemeister
table of CONTENTS
February 2021
06 Happy Valentine’s Day 08 Valentine’s Beauty Look
12 Do I Really Have To? 24 Beautiful Fashion 34 Don’t Go Your Own Way
38 Covid Prayer Wall 40 Prayers Answered
42 Rerouting ... Please Wait 44 Date Night: Lime Leaf Thai 56 Bae’s Kitchen
ABOUT BEAUTIFUL Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knewwould come eventually. I just cannot believe it is already here! Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life. It is pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to you. I want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST!
Share the magazine with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about. PODCASTS: If you love to listen to podcasts, you have to check out our new podcast station. It is available here: iTunes Podcast: id1453936323 Google Play Podcast: music/listen?u=0#/ps/I2dnkg2572v4xdggrh4bvwwzmmy PATREON: Patreon is a site that allows creators to express their talents and others can contribute to their projects. You can now sponsor us with a one time or a monthly contribution. We have 3 tiers that give you rewards in return. All proceeds are given to our creators. Contribute here: ©2021 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
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EDITOR IN CHIEF, beautiful
Karissa Hagemeister-Irani is on a life long journey to share love, beauty and truth with the world. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and in July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion & entertainment industry with the love, truth and beauty through both her fashion business and Beautiful & Dauntless magazine. Editor-in-Chief of the Dauntless section of the magazine, Arman Irani, married Karissa in June of 2019.
EDITOR IN CHIEF, dauntless
Arman Irani is just another fellow human. He’s admittedly a little bit nerdy. How nerdy? Well, he just received a Bachelors degree in Nanotechnology. Arman loves working out, cooking healthy, dressing up, traveling and he’s also a bit of a gamer. He has no qualms with moving in faith to new destinations and embarking on new adventures in life (as the phrase goes, you only live once!). When it comes down to it, Arman believes life is short and hopes that you become inspired and believe in yourself to do the things that you want in this life and follow your calling.
©2021 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
Arnette German is a native of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. She took her leap of faith and finally decided to yield to her passion for fashion by enrolling in the online Graduate Program of Fashion Journalism at Academy Art University in San Francisco, California. No stranger to the stage, Arnette is a member of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe in Sarasota, Florida. Presently calling Bradenton, Florida home, Arnette spends her free time either volunteering at her local church and spending time with friends and family, especially her best friend. Arnette is a foodie and a lover of nature and the arts. Life is definitely, in some shape or form and fashion, being lived to the fullest.
Xiomara Montalvo is a 21 year old graphic designer and visual artist that lives and breathes all things artistic. She has lived in Florida half of her life but is originally from Michigan.
Xiomara has a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design from Southeastern University with a concentration in Digital Imaging. Visual Storytelling has always been a passion of hers. To be able to bring life to the imagination is what motivates her to design.
When Xiomara is not working, she loves to read, write, draw, paint, and play video game. She personally believes that we were all created to create.
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Arnette’s CORNER
Do I really
have to? By: Arnette German
Sometimes, You. Just. Don’t. Want. To. always be the bigger person, the “sacrificial lamb,” the role model, the leader, giver/provider, the “I knew I could always count on you” or the one. For those called to wear these various mantels can attest that a state of tiredness, temporary frustration and aggravation kicks in resulting into either one-on-one internal conversations within yourself and/or tender heart-to-hearts with God because the wearer can discern (not in all) immaturity, lack of accountability, self-righteousness, entitlement, laziness, ungratefulness and being taken for granted present in some readily “pulling” on you. Resulting in some, being oblivious that they’re depleting you; therefore, not ever recharging, restocking or reciprocating a return back unto you. Yet, it is in these assignments designated to these different mantles, the wearer, quickly learns the mantles do not render fair pay outs. These mantels come with the price in understanding that (this will be a hard pill to swallow but) It’s. Not. About. You. So, remove self…yourself…from it. Possessing any mantel, it is unearthed during the performing and after completing the task at hand, you are sent to either create and/or be the resolve or change and/or difference needed…be it for a person, people, area, cause or situation. You are the power. You have the power. You are the answer. You have the answer. You’re IT…the only one that can do what is needed to transform it…whatever it is. And, it’s all on YOU! God placed the mantle on YOU!
I get it. Sometimes, You. Just Don’t. Want. To. I know, especially, when it’s individuals you KNOW they know better but decide to do it another way. But, then, He begins to interrupt your sleep because He wants you to pray for them. Better yet, He may press it on you to fast for them…to change a situation on their behalf…bring deliverance for them. Or, I have an even better one, He may give you a word for them that you KNOW will change them/their situation. But, sometimes, you. just. don’t. want. to. Why? Because to exert any of your energy to one(s) acting so frivolously is blatant disrespect to you, your mantle(s), your time and….but, remember… it’s. not. about. you. It’s about that person. God is about people. And, there are some that will not get what they need from Him, if YOU don’t obey and go work the mantle in the assignment tailor made for it. You got to go and do and be! What you’ve experienced was not for you but for the person predestined and predesignated to your mantle that will know you are the one because they met YOU!
Because, it. was. never. about. you...remember!
Now, I know this writing is a little heavier than others. Weighted where you’re probably wanting to know if one did this successfully. Yes and No. Jonah’s documentary is found in the Old Testament of the book of Jonah in the Bible. Yes-Jonah “successfully” accomplished this after he repented (while in the belly of a giant fish for 3 days) and finally obeyed and preached in Nineveh like the Lord instructed Him to do. No-Jonah again. He was initially disobedient in not going to Nineveh by immediately taking a boat in the opposite direction of Nineveh after receiving His directives from God. Jonah did not want to go to preach to the people of Nineveh because He knew the power of God, His word and the power he possessed (knew they would repent) and knew the Lord would forgive them and save them and Jonah did not want them to be saved. In lieu, he decided to become disappointed and wayward and not go! Sometimes, you. just. don’t. want. to. Do I Really Have To? Yes. Because it all falls on YOU! Jonah walked in his calling for others after him (because it’s. not. about. you.) to learn that sometimes, you. just. don’t. want. to. all to learn that you Really Do Have To...after all.
n Joi ies s e i t t au Beau e B y l g k n ri wee e on ow for s p Em n FB tudie ings o S ven e l e Bib day s e u T
Read Jonah 1 -4
beautiful FASHION
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Fashion Dress: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
Order now. Click here.
Fashion Dress: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
Order now. Click here.
Fashion Top: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
Order now. Click here.
Earrings: Kingdom Dezigns (click the link below and go to Jewelry) Reg. 5.00 -10.00
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Jewelry: Kingdom Dezigns (click the link below and go to Jewelry) Reg. 10.00 - 50.00
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don’t GO your OWN way
o G t ’ n o D n w O r u o Y y a W 34
Don’t Go Your Own Way By Karissa Hagemeister-Irani
The story of Jonah is a great reminder for us to listen carefully and follow God’s direction closely. I know I would not want to be swallowed by a big fish just because I did not obey God. Unfortunately, I think we all experience a season or two in life when we decide to go our own way and do not listen to the voice and direction of God. We all experience punishment for sinning against him, even if it does not involve a fish. I can recall a few times in my life when I thought I would do what I WANTED instead of what I knew God wanted me to do. It is silly if you think about it because we know from the Bible stories and even from personal experience that going against God is never a good idea. I also know from personal experience that sometimes we feel we have a right to do it the way we want. We deserve it or it is owed to us somehow. Jonah felt he was right in not following God’s direction to go to Ninevah because he knew that God would allow the people to repent of their ways and turn to them. When I was a young girl, I had a lot of anger in my heart and much unforgiveness towards the man that my mom married after my father and her divorced. I did not like him and I knew that there was something very wrong with him. Even though that was true, it did not give me a right to hold onto unforgiveness. I knew that I was displeasing God by doing so but I just could not get rid of it. Seeing the man made me boil with anger and the anger eventually turned to hatred. That hatred then turned inwards. As I continued to hate him, I began hating my life and eventually hating myself. I wanted my life to be over so badly when I was a teenager. I could not handle all the hate and anger inside of myself. Then depression set in. I was trapped by my own undoing. I chose to hold onto things that God clearly tells us to release to him and as a result I was hitting the self-destruct button on my own life. That was a very long season of my life, at least 15 years that I lived inside the consequences of my own bad choices. I wish I could go back and teach myself as a young child to let it go and surrender all the pain to God. But I had to go through that so that I can warn others about the danger of falling into that trap.
You may feel that you deserve to hold onto the anger and hatred but I am telling you that it is not worth it. For your own sake stop! Please do not take the same road I did. It is long and painful and the way out is not easy either.
If only I had been eaten by a fish and learned my lesson in his belly. But no, I spent years locked in the tower of my mind. Tortured by fear, hate, depression and lies. Don’t make my mistake. Be wise and follow God’s leading for your life.
covid PRAYER requests
Pray for safe travels for the Peterson’s and any others that are traveling. Pray for a family member of Ashleighs that has covid and all the others that are struggling with the coronavirus. Pray for jobs to open up for those that are seeking work.
In order for us to move forward, we must come together and pray for each other. Whenever you have prayer needs (they do not have to be related to covid) go to our website or Facebook page and share what you need prayer for. You can keep it anonymous. We will add as many prayer requests to the next magazine as possible.
prayers ANSWERED
God is Good! Even in the midst of this crazy season he has blessed us all in different ways. Share your #BLESSED moments with us on our website, Facebook page or email us and you could be in our next magazine.
Xiomara’s THOUGHTS
...please wait
By: Xiomara Eve Montalvo
Our planet is in orbit in a vast solar system with the center being the Sun, correct? Around our planet there is another hunk of rock that orbits us known as the Moon. As innovation and science continued to grow and develop, humanity has also shipped things off to space to orbit our planet. We know them as satellites. These metallic pieces of equipment are created to gather information on several things varying from weather, geographical photography, and even transmitting the directions to the tiny box we carry around in our hands known as a cell phone. These satellites communicate with our Google Maps and help us navigate our daily lives and destinations. Without it, small businesses like Uber, Lyft, and GrubHub would not be possible nor as effective. To think that before people relied on paper maps and intuition. Mind blowing, right? Let’s breakdown how our GPS’s essentially work. We open the application, turn on our location, and plug in where we are trying to get to. Then the fancy voice in our phones verbally guides us to said location. We can customize our routes by avoiding tolls or express highways. If we see the gasoline in our vehicles diminishing we can simply say, “Nearest Gas Station?” and the GPS knows to adjust the route and the time needed. Convenient.
date NIGHT
Lime Leaf Thai Restaurant
Date Night: Lime Leaf Thai Restaurant By Karissa Hagemeister-Irani & Arman Irani
Just recently we both discovered we really enjoy Thai food. We have found a few fun spots to get some nearby but Lime Leaf has to be our favorite. It is a little more classy, a sit down restaurant in a quiet side of town. The lights were dimmed inside to give more of a romantic mood to the meal.
We both ordered water with our meals because we know that most other beverages will take away from the flavor of the food and will only increase the spicy level of an already spicy dish. Some of our favorite Thai dishes that we have tried so far have to be Massamam Curry (which we have been making at home too), Basil Fried Rice and Drunken Noodles. The spices that they mix to make the flavors of the food are just perfect.
Massamam curry is a soup with rice and vegetables. The flavor is amazing and we
normally have avocado and peanuts added in. Basil Fried Rice is a normal fried rice but it has more basil spice added to it and other very tasty Thai seasoning. Drunken noodles are a rice noodle mixed with vegetables and covered in Thai spice. The seasoning is really what makes the food so delicious.
I will present a warning though when eating Thai food. If you have not had Thai before they will often ask you what level of heat you want your food to be. In other words, how spicy do you want it? Karissa enjoys eating spicy food and can handle quite a bit of spice. However, she ordered a level 4 of spice out of 5 and though the food was not too spicy to eat, it was not as enjoyable as it could have been because it was so spicy and there was not any other food to help combat the heat and bring some cooling. For someone that loves spice, we would recommend sticking at a 2 or 3 just so you can enjoy the flavor and taste of the food through the whole meal. If you like just a little bit of spice to your food, keep it at a 1. You can always add more spice but you cannot take it away. Choose your spice level wisely. We hope you find a great Thai spot wherever you are located and give it a try. Support local and enjoy cuisine from around the world.
dauntless FASHION
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Dressy Top: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
Dressy Top: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
Order now. Click here.
Dressy Top: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
Dressy Top: Amazon (click the link below and go to Valentine’s Day Outfits)
Order now. Click here.
Raspberry Bars Ingredients:
2 cups gluten free flour 2 cups oats 1½ cups brown sugar 1 tsp baking powder 1 cup melted butter 2 pints (4 cups) fresh raspberries 1/2 cup white sugar 2 tbsp of gluten free flour 2 tbsp lemon juice
Directions Preheat the oven to 350F. Mix the 2 cups of flour, oats, brown sugar and baking powder in a bowl. Stir in the melted butter until it forms a wet crumbly consistency. Take about two thirds of the mixture and dump it into an ungreased 13x9 pan. Mix together the raspberries, sugar, 2 tbsp of flour and lemon juice so the raspberries are well coated. Spread the raspberry mixture evenly across the base. Sprinkle the remaining crumble mixture evenly on top. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. Remove from the oven, allow them to cool and then cut into squares.
Valentine’s Day Brownies Ingredients 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup all-purpose gluten free flour 2/3 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips 3/4 teaspoons sea salt 2 large eggs 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Instructions Preheat the oven to 325°F. Lightly spray an 8x8 baking dish. In a medium bowl, combine the sugar, flour, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and salt. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, olive oil, water, and vanilla. Mix the dry mix and the wet mix and stir until just combined. Pour the batter into the prepared pan (it’ll be thick - that’s ok) and use a spatula to smooth the top. Bake for 40 to 48 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean (note: it’s better to pull the brownies out early than to leave them in too long). Cool completely before slicing. Add the Valentine’s Day flair by getting a heart shaped cookie cutter and making them into hearts. Submit Your Recipes to See them in Next Month’s Magazine
Happy Valentine’s Day
Follow Beautiful & Dauntless
@beautiful & dauntless @beautifulndauntless & on YouTube
letter from the EDITOR
DAUN LESS Remember, the real good news is that God is on the eternal throne, no political or worldly event can change that fact. He is our refuge, he is our redeemer & the one in whom we can trust. In my personal opinion, I see the forces of darkness and evil spreading more on earth now than ever before. Telling us how to think, what to wear, what to take… it’s like we don’t have minds of our own to think? They are influencing us from all angles, all day, in many ways most people may never fully understand. However, God didn’t give us the light of his Holy Spirit to sit indoors and hide nor to be complacent. He taught us to shine our light brightly because darkness hates the light & can’t stand it. At the end of the day, we know we can trust in God. For all things small or large in our day to day battles - God is always there, our protector our guidance system, Adonai will always be King and will judge things righteously and fairly so give up your worries and troubles to the Lord confess with your mouth your issues and let the Lord hear what’s on your heart. Speak the Truth, build a relationship with the King and don’t fear what the future holds… embrace it like a Real Dauntless man. May God bless you & your families in this new year. Stay positive, stay Dauntless! Peace out,
table of CONTENTS
February 2021
44 Date Night
Lime Leaf Thai
48 Dauntless Fashion
Date Night Outfits
56 Bae’s Kitchen 56
Raspberry Bars
Italian Hot Chocolate
60 Happy Valentine’s Day 62 Join Us on Social Media
BE A TRUTH SEEKER IN THESE TIMES OF DARKNESS. BE WHO YOU WERE CREATED TO BE. LIVE IN FAITH. BE BLESSED IN LOVE. FOLLOW THE PATH OF PEACE. BE DAUNTLESS. - ARMAN IRANI The second half of this magazine is now being taken over by guys, for guys. In May 2017, after receiving much feedback from males asking for more content geared towards them, our wheels started turning. We came up with the idea of having the dual magazine. Below are a few of the reasons as to why Dauntless is now the name of the second half of our e-mag. So, gentlemen, as you are reading, think of yourself in these terms: “Dauntless for sure. Dauntless means, ‘Showing FEARLESSNESS and DETERMINATION.’ That is how I would like to be defined.” Arman
PODCASTS: If you love to listen to podcasts, you have to check out our new podcast station. It is available here: iTunes Podcast: id1453936323 Google Play Podcast: ps/I2dnkg2572v4xdggrh4bvwwzmmy PATREON: Patreon is a site that allows creators to express their talents and others can contribute to their projects. You can now sponsor us with a one time or a monthly contribution. We have 3 tiers that give you rewards in return. All proceeds are given to our creators. Contribute here:
©2021 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
beautiful & dauntless | kingdomdz | beautifulndauntless
DAUN LESS FEBRUARY 2021 | Issue 50
Do I Really Have To? The Story of Modern Day Jonah 66
For Him :
Date Night, Fashion & Food