MAY 2019 | ISSUE 29
Spring Collection
Meet Livy
Tin Man or Scarecrow? 1
Karissa Hagemeister Editor In Chief Arnette German Feature Editor Sara Robillard Graphic Designer & Content Contributor Xiomara Montalvo Content Contributor & Graphic Designer ABOUT BEAUTIFUL Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knew would come eventually. I just cannot believe it is already here! Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life. It is pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to you. I want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST! Share the magazine with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about. PODCASTS: If you love to listen to podcasts, you have to check out our new podcast station. It is available here: iTunes Podcast: beautiful-dauntlesss-podcast/id1453936323 Google Play Podcast: listen?u=0#/ps/I2dnkg2572v4xdggrh4bvwwzmmy PATREON: Patreon is a site that allows creators to express their talents and others can contribute to their projects. You can now sponsor us with a one time or a monthly contribution. We have 3 tiers that give you rewards in return. All proceeds are given to our creators. Contribute here:
©2019 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
table of CONTENTS
May 2019
04 Letter from the Editor 06 Meet the Staff
08 Beautiful Spring Collection 12 Feature Story Are You The Tin Man or Scarecrow?
18 Without Caring 22 Beautiful WordsNT!
26 P31 Woman Series I CARE
32 Miss Beautiful, May 2019 Livy Carter 68 Dauntless
letter from the EDITOR
Hello Beautiful ,
Last month we spent a lot of time on the topic of growth in our magazine and in our blog posts. This month we are covering the topic of CARING. When people experience seasons of growth, they need to know that there are people out there that care for them. It seems like the act of caring is going out of style. Everyone is in the game for themselves. They step on who they want, when they want, to get what they want. Has the world always been so careless of others? Or is this a new trend as we have become more greedy, more self-obsessed and more blind to the hurt around us? I admit that I am guilty of getting wrapped up in my own problems and my own tasks. I have always been the type of person that sets her mind on something and forgets about everything around her. As I have gotten older, and have grown through things, I understand the pain that human hearts experience. I understand losing loved ones, and going through very difficult times. That has only softened my heart to those around me and opened my eyes to see those that need a little TLC (tender loving care). Most of the time I do not have a lot I can give, other than some words of hope and encouragement but many times all they need is to know that someone cares. I challenge you this month to find one or five people and let them know that you care in some way or another.
If you didn’t have a care in the world, what would you do with your time? My time would be spent getting to enjoy the many things about living: traveling, spending more time with friends and family, and creating things. What is the most caring thing you have done for a stranger? I helped an elderly lady clean up a home that she had been renting out and was all trashed up, so she could sell the house. What does it mean to care? In my definition, caring is putting the needs of another before your own and doing what you can to meet those needs.
Karissa Hagemeister is on a life long journey in the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Not only does she want to discover these things for herself but she desires to share them with anyone willing to watch and listen. Beautiful & Dauntless was birthed out of this desire. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and in July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion & entertainment industry with the love, truth and beauty through both her fashion business and Beautiful & Dauntless magazine.
EDITOR IN CHIEF, dauntless
Arman Irani is just another fellow human. He’s admittedly a little bit nerdy. How nerdy? Well, he just received a Bachelors degree in Nanotechnology. Arman loves working out, cooking healthy, dressing up, traveling and he’s also a bit of a gamer. He has no qualms with moving in faith to new destinations and embarking on new adventures in life (as the phrase goes, you only live once!). When it comes down to it, Arman believes life is short and hopes that you become inspired and believe in yourself to do the things that you want in this life and follow your calling.
Sara Robillard spent the first part of her life growing up in New England, and about a decade ago, she found herself transplanted to Central Florida. Sara is currently working in a full-time marketing position, as well as attending college as a part-time student to earn a degree in graphic design. She has been working in graphic art professionally for over five years (unprofessionally for almost a decade) and truly enjoys creating and telling stories.
When she’s not working or doing homework, Sara is either doing something artsy, enjoying the outdoors, traveling, reading, writing or lounging with her cat, Ruxin.
Arnette German is a native of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. She took her leap of faith and finally decided to yield to her passion for fashion by enrolling in the online Graduate Program of Fashion Journalism at Academy Art University in San Francisco, California. No stranger to the stage, Arnette is a member of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe in Sarasota, Florida. Presently calling Bradenton, Florida home, Arnette spends her free time either volunteering at her local church and spending time with friends and family, especially her best friend. Arnette is a foodie and a lover of nature and the arts. Life is definitely, in some shape or form and fashion, being lived to the fullest.
Xiomara Montalvo is a 21 year old graphic designer and visual artist that lives and breathes all things artistic. She has lived in Florida half of her life but is originally from Michigan. Xiomara has a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design from Southeastern University with a concentration in Digital Imaging. Visual Storytelling has always been a passion of hers. To be able to bring life to the imagination is what motivates her to design. When Xiomara is not working, she loves to read, write, draw, paint, and play video game. She personally believes that we were all created to create.
We are excited to announce that Beautiful Editor-in-Chief, Karissa Hagemeister & Dauntless Editor-in-Chief, Arman Irani are getting married in August of this year. We invite you to join in on the celebration. The ceremony and reception will be live for you to view.
©2019 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
VINTAGE COTTON TWILL CAP $36 Other colors available.
Order now. Click here.
FLOWY RACERBACK TANK $38.50 Other colors available.
Order now. Click here. 10
LOOSE FITTING TANK $40.50 Other colors available.
Order now. Click here. 11
feature STORY
Are you the Tin Man or Scarecrow? By: Arnette German
“How often do you think with your heart in lieu of your mind?” is the question I kept hearing in preparation of composing my article. Taken aback by this deep question, a long period of reflecting occurred. Surprised with my truth, because transparency, vulnerability and honesty had to be tapped into in order to even embrace the query to genuinely answer-I felt it was a good icebreaker to present to you all. I know. I know. It’s an off the wall question. Actually, it’s an intrusive query that easily becomes highly uncomfortable to embrace contingent upon whose moral compass you’re measuring yourself against. Then again, for the sake of humor, it’s a silly one since the heart doesn’t “think” right? However, either being classified as an audacious question or “forgetfulness” by not committing to memory my high school Anatomy notes...all in is an inquiry that needs to be investigated. Sadly, in this day and time where the “every man for himself” theme is being showcased regularly front and center in society, Empathy and Compassion are two traits that no longer needs to be redshirted or the starters in one’s moral game. My loves, close your eyes and reflect on today. What decisions were made that involved utilizing your heart for the betterment for someone else where the only payout for you is simply feeling good that your moral compass gave a standing ovation to your character, integrity and ethics? As my grandmother often told me throughout my childhood and adulthood, “it never hurts to be nice.” There are times where caring is the only and right
answer. And, there will definitely be times when doing the right thing may not give the expected response either. Recently, I learned that compassion is more for the giver of it than the recipient. Why? Because it makes life... your life easier. Just like forgiveness frees up the sower so does Empathy and Compassion. Hand in hand, both go a long way and both will carry you a long way in life too. Think on it. Think of how much thought and energy goes into not smiling or not allowing yourself to “feel” as one speaks of what they’re presently experiencing. Granted, times will come where you may not have experienced what he or she is going through but the offering of your shoulder, ear and/or time doesn’t hurt and it shows that you’re thinking with your heart and not your mind. At the end of the day, it boils down to how do you want others to treat there for you? Remember, what you give is what you get back. We’re in an era where matters of the heart have to...well...matter. We’re in a time where being selfless, thinking and caring for others matter...where having a heart matters. So, are you the Tin Man desiring to have a love, care and feel in order to live a productive and fulfilling life by giving life through Empathy, Compassion, Integrity and Ethics or are you the Scarecrow where your desire is for a mind...removing yourself from “feeling” when making decisions and rendering final judgements and outcomes? Only you, your heart, your mind and decisions know the truth.
By: Xiomara Eve Montalvo
I remember, once upon a time, where models were angels trapped within the confines of paper found in magazines. Everyone envied them, aspired to be like them, and believed that they were the epitome of beauty. Later on, we realized that the model lifestyle wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nowadays, we look up to celebrities, actresses, musicians, and stars of all kind. The models from the pages have become real through motion pictures and tangible in concerts. We can scroll through Instagram, watch Youtube videos, and Facebook stalk even more models than ever contained in magazines. But have you ever asked why? Why do we do it? Why do we care so much about the idealism found in these people who, at times, depend on photoshop and autotune to maintain the facade of stardom? Why do we copy and paste who they portray themselves to be onto our own lives? Why do we care? Is it the belief that since these people are admired by the masses, that in some way, if we become more like them then maybe, just maybe, we too can be admired by just as many people? The truth is we cannot stand being rejected. Rejection can lead us to do some crazy things. Why be someone else when God created a beautiful work of art when He made YOU! Why compare yourself to others when there is only one of you. You are unique, one of a kind, and above all beautifully YOU! So go out there and be yourself without caring what society says is the current trend. Trends come and go but YOU are here to stay!
feature STORY
ul, f i t u a e B o l l e H
I want you to know that you are not alone. This journey of life can be very difficult and very confusing at times. We all face critical things that can make us lose sight of who we are. As you read this book, I hope you are able to discover the lies and false identities that are holding you back. I hope you will find the truth about who you are. I pray that you find your worth and purpose in this journey we are taking together. XOXO,
beaUtiful WORDS
Beautiful to me means more than just the outward appearance. It goes deeper and beyond and it is a reflection of the heart. True beauty is defined by having a joyful, caring, loving, giving, and humble spirit, which can be demonstrated through Christ’s love.” Ashleigh Dillon
g n i r B l u f i t Beau Back
26 Photo Credit Annie Spratt
I CARE By Karissa Hagemeister
Photo Credit Kristina Litvjak
he modern day Proverbs 31 woman is a woman that cares for herself, her family and for others. The two verses that we are focusing on this month are verses 27 and 28: Proverbs 31:27-28 NIV “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” This first verse (verse 27) has a dual meaning in both sections of it. The first section, “She watches over the affairs of her household,” has the literal meaning of the Proverbs 31 woman paying attention to all of the goings on in her own home. She is aware of how everyone is behaving in school, she knows how well her family is doing financially, she knows the names of her workers and knows what they are dealing with. From the next section of this verse and the ones to follow, we can imply that not only
does she know, she is aware, but she also cares for the needs of the household. “Her children arise and call her blessed,” this shows us that she is caring for the needs of her children. She takes care of them, their well-being, and she raises them to be respectful of her as their mother. They are thankful and bless her in return. She teaches her children and trains them up in the way that they are to live as respectable adults: able to communicate, work hard and make a living with their own hands, and to care for others. Part of caring for your kids is training them right from wrong and teaching them in life. The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I do not see a lot of training going on anymore. I see parents handing their babies iPads and iPhones and letting their brains become mush before they have even fully developed. The two youngest generations on this earth right now are running like a chicken with their heads cut off, following what celebrities do and what YouTube stars do. Why? Because their parents are not taking the time to care for them and train them in the way to go.
“Her husband also, and he praises her,” HE PRAISES HER!! Ladies! How many of you are tired of your husband not doing what he is asked or not helping you out? Does he even praise you?? Maybe, just maybe, you are not caring for him. As a wife, it is our duty to care for our husbands in all the ways that they need it. We are not to stop this once we have children. We are not to care for them until we marry them and then stop. Man and wife are to be a team. That is the way that God designed it. Each family unit is going to operate differently. As a team, you and your husband should work together to find out how best to work together to meet each others needs. I can guarantee you that if you are not meeting his needs, caring for him, he is going to go somewhere else to get his needs cared for. Play your role in the team and care for each other, and you will get that lovely, oh so sweet praise from your man (instead of him giving it to some homewrecker). The second part of that first verse says, she “does not eat the bread of idleness.” Once again there are two meanings to this verse: The first is, the modern day Proverbs 31 woman is not lazy. We have discussed this
in almost every part of our Proverbs 31 study. She does not sit idly by wasting her time, or her life. As I have mentioned in previous stories, each person on this earth was given a purpose. We are not doing ourselves or others any good by sitting around, watching TV, or gossiping with other ladies. Gossiping brings me to my next point. Idle chatter, or spreading gossip is not an act of a Proverbs 31 woman or a caring woman for that matter. Gossiping or listening to gossipers only leads to destruction for yourself and all the other parties involved. Protect your own reputation and that of others be refraining from and disassociating with those given to idleness and gossiping. We have made t-shirts that say “I CARE” loud, bold and proud for you this month. Wear them as a reminder to care for others, spread the message of caring, and to let others know that you do care. There is not enough caring people anymore. I even find myself saying often, “I don’t care.” Well, even I need to care a little more. Take the initiative to start the change reaction of caring for others. Watch how you caring for someone will inspire them to care for someone else. It is a beautiful thing to see caring hearts spread throughout your community.
Photo Credit Fineas Anton29
I CARE LADIES TEE $41.00 Other colors available, also in tank top style.
Order now. Click here.
“ A beautiful woman uses her lips for truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, her hands for chairty, and her heart for love. For those who do not like her, she uses prayer.�
Photo Credit Benedicto de Jesus
Q&A Where do you live?
What is the most caring thing you have done for a stranger?
Where can peeps find you on social media?
A year and a half ago I volunteered at my local nursing home for a few weeks. I helped get some of the residents ready for a Thanksgiving dinner. I styled their hair, did the ladies makeup, and sat with those who did not have family coming to visit them.
/Livy Carter� @livycarter.model
What does “caring” look like to you?
What you do?
Student, model and actress What’s your fave food? Japanese
If you did not have a care in the world, what would you do with your free time? I would love to travel the world and share the word of God along the way!
To me caring has always meant to do something for someone without wanting to receive praise or a reward. Photo Credits: Tamara Gibson @bytamaragibson Hair and makeup: Paula J. Fields @makeupbypaulaj Stylist: Emily Burton @emilyburtondesigns
Livy Carter 34
miss beautiful MAGAZINE
Beautiful &Dauntless
Heartstrings by Sara Robillard
the body of Christ is a beautiful and mysterious thing It’s His bride-to-be, His “hands and feet” here on earth. What has amazed me most is the spiritual connection we all have as his members of His body; it’s something I really haven’t been able to comprehend. There are times when I can’t explain the heaviness on my heart for another, especially when it’s someone I can’t even claim to know personally…and yet the call to intercede is so powerful. In the past, I’ve tried to over-analyze it and drew many wrong conclusions as a result; but in the end, I quit trying to understand and just submitted to the spirit’s movement in my heart. We are all tied by unseen strings, a network of hearts tied to One… linked together by His love (1 john 4:11-12). We represent Him on earth as His children, as a family. We encourage, we discipline, we restore, we provide…we love. We love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our lives are all connected, united. We function together no matter where we are on this earth. It wounds me when others try and divide with denominations and ethnicity and social status and personal struggles. Humans are so
ridiculous. With God, there is no partiality (Romans 2:11), and His word is clear and convicting, “If someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love god whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20, NASB) If we do not love our brothers and sisters in Christ, we don’t love God. I have known and seen the love of God through His people, and am thankful for those who are members His body. In other cases, I have to remember that God is the judge of the heart, and my task is to obey Him. There have been times when all I can say is the name of the one I’m praying for over and over again. I’ve had to let go of that desire to know. I can’t know, but God knows. I trust.
i value this relationship. i treasure my connection with Him. with my family, seen and unseen.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
mr dauntless may 2019
mr dauntless MAGAZINE
NYQUAN SENNETT Where do you live?
What is the most caring thing you’ve done for a person?
What you do?
Giving a stranger money when they needed it. I also give random people compliments and motivational quotes as their day goes by. Holding the door for someone. Also building community within my school at Blinn College Brenham, Tx.
Houston, Texas Model
What’s your fav food?
Shrimp Alfredo, Nachos, Wendy’s 4 for 4 Where can peeps find you on social media?
@slayintrapkingg� @quan.dafucq If you did not have a care in the world, what would you do with your free time? I would impact my community by motivating and supporting people with my free time. I also would give people advice, and put smiles on people faces.
What does “caring” look like to you?
Caring to me means listening to someone when they need someone to talk to. Being there for someone when they need support. Providing anything you have to someone that maybe in need. Overall caring to me is the thought of notice.
DAUNTLESS SHORT SLEEVED T-SHIRT $32.50 Other colors available.
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here. 45
CLASSIC SNAPBACK HAT $35 Other colors available.
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
CLASSIC TANK TOP $32.50 More colors available.
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
dauntless FEATURE
48 Credit Ben White Photo
hen you picture a Dauntless man, maybe you picture a man that is strong and has big gains from the gym. Maybe you picture a biker dude with a long beard and tats all over his body. How often would you picture Jesus Christ, the Son of God? He is our perfect example of how we are to live out our lives. When he walked this earth, he instructed those that were to become his disciples to “Follow Me.” (As seen in Matthew 4:19). That was not so that he could look cool with a posse of people following him around. He was showing them how they were to live dauntless lives here on earth.
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John
14:12-14). That is a cool way to go out if you ask me and what a caring friend/father “you may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it”. I know sometimes when I am just asking friends for help with things and I get 101 excuses back as why they can’t, but believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, following his laws, and loving others allows him to work great things for us… how awesome!
esus shared this with his twelve disciples as he was preparing them for his death and resurrection. He directed them and directs us still today that we are to do the works he did and even greater than he did. Jesus was the most Dauntless man to ever walk this planet (and most Dauntless in Heaven too). This is why he is to be our example. Jesus knew that he was being sent to earth to take on the sins of man. He did not try to run or hide from this purpose. He did not use his godly powers to destroy all those that were offering him up to be crucified, although he easily could have. He endured beatings to almost the point of death. He allowed them to shove thorns around his head, while they mocked him. He dies on the cross, having never sinned but bearing the weight of all my sins, your sins and the sins of the world. 49
Photo Credit Lukas B.
He endured the excruciating pain, torture and embarrassment because he loves us. Because he cares for us. That was the main point of his whole life, his whole message while he was on this earth. Love. He cares for us all. 50
In return, as followers of
Christ, we are called to care for all others too. That means Christians, nonChristians, homeless, hurting, sick, dieing ‌ everyone. Dauntless is not just about being a tough guy, it is not about looking down on others. It is about caring for all others and loving as Jesus did. That statement, “What
Would Jesus Do?” should be our life motto, always looking to our Dauntless leader for direction. You may have considered “caring” to be soft or weak, according to worldly standards of what it is to be a man… but remember “the meek will inherit the earth” your life should be lived to please our Abba (Father), to love one another, and share the good news of the gospel with others. Jesus has given us many gifts to care for the hurting people of this world, use them. Use your talents for good & remember caring for another person doesn’t make you weak it makes you strong and shows a true quality of being a man which is a kind heart. By Arman Irani
dauntless GYM STYLE
More colors available.
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
More colors available.
DAUN LESS Order now. Click here.
Egg Bites 54
Ingredients: 6 raw eggs
1 cup of shredded cheese (your choice) 1 Tablespoon of Olive oil Optional:
1 cup of fresh, chopped spinach ½ cup of chopped, raw onions
½ cup of cooked, chopped bacon ½ cup of raw, chopped peppers
Spices to taste: salt, pepper, garlic Directions:
1. Spread the olive oil evenly throughout a cupcake pan.
2. Mix the raw eggs, cheese, optional ingredients and spices together in a mixing bowl. 3. Distribute the mixture evenly in the cupcake pan.
4. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until the tops get a golden brown tint to them. 5. Check by poking or wiggling one to see if there is much jiggle to it. If it bounces a little, it is fine. 6. Let it sit for about 2 minutes and enjoy. Makes about 9 egg bites.
Watch how to make it, click here ----->
As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has−or ever will have−something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression.” Mister Rodgers
“Mister� Fred Rogers (pictured 1960s) Actor, composer, author, television producer, educator, minister Image source: wikipedia commons
A I D E M L A I C SO S K A E SP Join the social media conversations every month and you could have your responses featured in the next issue!
What does it
mean to care
To value som being more seone else’s wello than your o (Taylor V.) wn. To devote yo urself. (Luke H.) To be concern ed and have regard. (Wallace T.) It means to c you like or adare for someone mire. (Bobby A.) Just being th ere for the on you love. e (Ankita R.)
social media SPEAK
g caring thin t s o m e th What is ver done? e e v a h u o y m Respect the (David J.)
Christmas 0 0 0 2 y a w a Gave le in Miami, n p o e p to s e a tre s after hurric FL, 4 month Andrew. (David K.)
bble let-
If you d not have world, wid a c re in t h a he your free t would youad o with time?
Travel the world. (Matthew N.)
my scra Gave them ters. (Mathew M.)
for the Been there (Ed F.) Cared (Khalid A.)
Breathe d the beacheep and relax on with the w ing in. aves roll(Melissa S .) Fix old gu time in th ns and spend mo re e Middle East. (Ben F.) Build hou sing for th less. e home(Woogy L .) Build mor e bikes an d cars. (Rusty R.)
beautiful & dauntless | kingdomdz | beautifulndauntless
Photo Credit Tim Bogdanov
letter from the EDITOR
Hello Dauntless, For the month of May, we are covering the topic of CARING. This quality may not seem like a very Dauntless topic at first glance but to be a caring man does not make one weak. Caring for others shows that you are strong enough to put your ego and your pride aside to help out your fellow man. Caring does not have to be a feminine thing either. You do not have to give flowers to someone who is sick in the hospital, you can let your wife do that. But if you see someone who needs help with their car on the side of the road, be a man and help them out. This is just a reminder that Dauntless does not mean self-absorbed. It means to be strong and courageous but also to love and care for others as well. Do to others as you want done unto you. Stay Dauntless Strong!
Peace out,
If you didn’t have a care in the world, what would you do with your time? Travel meet others and experience all the things God has created for us to enjoy. What is the most caring thing you have done for a stranger? Paid for someone’s grocery at the store. What does it mean to care? To show you have a heart, to do more than needed in a situation.. Intuitively, I believe we all know what is right vs wrong & what constitutes a caring gesture vs a non caring one. 65
DAUN LESS Arman Irani Editor In Chief
Karissa Hagemeister Assistant Editor
Sara Robillard Graphic Designer & Content Contributor
The second half of this magazine is now being taken over by guys, for guys. In May 2017, after receiving much feedback from males asking for more content geared towards them, our wheels started turning. We came up with the idea of having the dual magazine. Below are a few of the reasons as to why Dauntless is now the name of the second half of our e-mag. So, gentlemen, as you are reading, think of yourself in these terms: “Dauntless means, ‘I am BOLD, COURAGEOUS, and GALLANT. Which trumps all other choices. IMHO.” Larry “Dauntless for sure. Dauntless means, ‘Showing FEARLESSNESS and DETERMINATION.’ That is how I would like to be defined.” Arman PODCASTS: If you love to listen to podcasts, you have to check out our new podcast station. It is available here: iTunes Podcast: https:// Google Play Podcast: https://play. I2dnkg2572v4xdggrh4bvwwzmmy PATREON: Patreon is a site that allows creators to express their talents and others can contribute to their projects. You can now sponsor us with a one time or a monthly contribution. We have 3 tiers that give you rewards in return. All proceeds are given to our creators. Contribute here: follow
©2019 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.
May 2019
01 Beautiful
40 Mr. Dauntless, May 2019 Nyquan Sennett
44 Dauntless Spring Collection 48 Dauntless Feature Story
What Would Jesus Do? Be Dauntless
54 Bae’s Kitchen Egg Bites 56 Be Inspired
58 Social Media Speaks
64 Letter from the Editor 68 Dauntless
DAUN LESS May 2019 | Issue 29