REAL Summer Fun & Fashion 1
With Model, Tyrah Walker
Story begins on Page 26
letter from the EDITOR
June is here and that means summer is officially here as well! I love the summer, not particularly Florida summers, but I do love the summer time so much. I think most of that comes from when I was a child and would be free for the summer. No school! Those months were the greatest. The days lasted forever. The pool was my hot spot and lemonade my go-to drink. Since I have such fond memories of summer, I still get so excited when it comes. I do not get to lounge at the pool or play outside all day, everyday, like I used to but I do take my mini moments of escape and soak in as much of the summer and the best memories as I can. Growing up is kinda stinky in that regards unless you teach because there are no more free summers. But you can bet my weekends are spent at Disney, at the beach, hanging from the trees in my Eno. What do you enjoying doing in the summer? I hope that you do not get so overwhelmed with life, and adulting that you miss out on the joys of summer. Do something that you enjoy and remember to have fun, at least once a week this summer! Huge shout out to all the dads this month!! Happy Father’s Day and an especially happy one to my dad and grandpa. XOXO,
Karissa Hagemeister 4
Photography by K Kalista 5
June 2017
12 Summer Adventures Disney World 18 International News Nairobi, Kenya 26 Feature Story Get Real with Tyrah Walker 32 Style Summer 2017 Kingdom Dezigns 42 Erin’s Column Real vs. Fake 52 Social Media Speaks Make Up, Beaches & Dads 66 Tasting Travel: Israel 7
Photo by Josiah Richwine
Meet the Beautiful CREATORS
Editor in Chief
Photograph by K Kalista
IG @karissaluvhagemeister FB: Karissa Hagemeister
Karissa Hagemeister is on a life long journey in the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Not only does she want to discover these things for herself but she desires to share them with anyone willing to watch and listen. Beautiful was birthed out of this desire. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and partners her business with a jewelry line, Chloe + Isabel. In July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion industry with the love, truth and beauty that she discovers by both her fashion business and Beautiful magazine.
KARISSA HAGEMEISTER Photographer Hello! My name is Antwan Haynes. I’m a Film Major at Southeastern University. I am a military brat and lived in Germany for 8 years before coming to Southeastern University. I enjoy making videos and editing videos, I plan to work in the Film Industry after I graduate. I live on this earth as a vessel for God and I am seeking to serve as much as I can.
Missions Editor Jackie Cullum, 26, and is a wife, mom, and Chairperson for the Missions Committee at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Saint Leo University and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Southeastern University. She plans on using her degrees in the missions field oversees. Her passion is for children and she wants to work with orphans by planting orphanages to help get children off the streets and providing them with an education so that they can have a brighter future.
Courtney Mack is passionate about travel and trying the latest food trends. She has dined her way through more than thirty states and seven different countries. As much as she enjoys eating healthy, the temptations of unique, local flavor will swoon any girls heart. Courtney’s current career has no correlation with food, but more so it is an access to the marvels of travel. Her taste for travel and food are only two of her passions; seeing all people find Jesus as their Savior and gaining a revelation of their value in Him, while communing around great food, is the truest honor to her. If you enjoy learning where to eat when you’re in a certain state, make sure to keep up with her tips and tricks when eating somewhere new in her Tasting Travel section.
Kkalista Photography
Disney for the SUMMER
Photo by Antwan Haynes, Magic Kingdom Disney World Orlando, FL 13
Photos by Antwan Haynes, Animal Kingdom &
& Hollywood Studios, Disney World Orlando, FL
Missions Spotlight DESTINATION: NAIROBI, KENYA By Jackie Cullum
“Wherever you go, go with all of you heart” Amber Dumala and Ashley Meet Montross, two sisters from
central Florida who have a passion for Missions. They embarked on a trip to Nairobi, Kenya from July 17-27, 2016, with Mosaic Church of Crestview.
As part of their fundraising efforts for the trip, they created an adorable t-shirt that includes a picture of the continent of Africa with words inside that say, “wherever you go, go with all of your heart”.
Layout by Olivia Walls 19
When Amber and Ashley arrived in Nairobi, they worked very closely with Morning Stars Ministries and Kings Kids Village, which are two orphanages. They focused on activities such as farming, helping the local orphanages, assisting their host family with chores, and visiting the Mathare Slums, located in Mathare Valley. At the very end of their trip, they were surprised with a safari trip. Who says Missions can’t be fun?!
On July 19th, Amber and Ashley visited Kings Kids Village. While there they worked in the garden, known in Nairobi as the shamba. Their work in the shamba included turning large compost piles and planting orange and lemon trees.
On July 20th, the sisters visited Morning Stars Children’s Home. They prepared lunch while their teammates worked on the compost piles. On the menu was spaghetti with a mincemeat stew that had onion, tomato, green pepper, carrots, garlic, ginger, and spices. Yum! Amber and Ashley spent a lot of time with the Morning Stars Children that day. Ashley described the children as “…polite, respectful, courteous, happy, and they have the biggest smiles!”
Later that day, Amber and Ashley visited another children’s home (which will remain unnamed for their protection). When those children returned to the orphanage from school, they had devotion time where everyone prayed and sang songs. The sisters had the opportunity to attend devotion time and even got to introduce themselves and share their favorite scripture verses with the children. Amber and Ashley stayed with the children until after dinner and handed out shoes and schools supplies that were generously donated to the children’s home.
On July 26th, Amber attended the Farming God’s Way training alongside many of Nairobi’s natives. Amber said that the people were very receptive and eager to learn! At the end of their trip, Amber and Ashley went on a safari and saw many animals in their natural habitat, such as zebras and giraffes.
Amber and Ashley had an amazing time while in Africa, and the experience was both lifechanging and eye-opening! The sisters plan on going back to Nairobi to work with Morning Stars Ministries and Kings Kids Village in the future; they also plan on going on Missions trips to other places in the world. If you are interested in donating to Kings Kids Village, they have a Facebook page that can be found here: Once on the page, you can click the donate button to contribute. If you would like to donate to Morning Stars Ministries, Pastor James Ross of Mosaic Church can get any donation funds to them, since they do not have a website. The church’s website can be found here: http:// By Jackie Cullum
Photo by Josiah Richwine
An Interview with Model
Tyrah Walker
Tell Us About Tyrah:
I grew up in a family full of musicians and singers. I was not really gifted in that area, so I searched for something that I would be good at. At first it was very hard because I quit everything that I started. My parents put me into dance, karate and sewing classes, but I never finished. One day I was watching “America’s Next To Model” and thought to myself that this could be something I’m good at. I was only about 11 years old at the time so I figured I would be pretty good at. That next week my mom had her photography friend do a photoshoot for me and the rest is history. I instantly fell in love and had found what I was great at and what I love to do.
What Got You Started In The Industry & How Long Have You Been Modeling? I’ve had the passion for modeling since I my first photoshoot at 11 years old. However my professional career really took off when I did my first pageant at 15, so about 7 years now.
What’s Next? Well I’m a college student, so finishing up my last semester is my top priority right now. Once I finish my Bachelor’s in the Fall, I desire to move out of Florida to really pursue my modeling. It’s tough to think about it right now because I don’t have much money and I need to have a job before I go anywhere. However, I trust God too much to give up on my dreams. New York, L.A, or ATL are places that I am currently looking into. I pray to one day be signed with an agency so that I have more opportunities in the future. 28
As A Model, Have You Ever Felt Like You Need To Change Something About Yourself To Please Someone In The Industry? Being a model there have totally been times where I felt I had to change something in order to fit in. Being African-American with an afro, there are times when I have felt like I needed to wear a wig or extensions in order to make it easier on the hairstylists. I’ve been in situations where no one knew how to do my hair and I had to do it myself. There have also been times where makeup artists have done my makeup to dark. However, over the years, I have learned to be proud of my hair texture, regardless if a stylists knows what to do or not. I’ve learned to pack my own supplies just in case. I don’t let anything stop me from getting the job done.
How Do You Remain Confident & Comfortable With Who You Are, Despite The Different Demands Of Being A Model? One thing that I do in order to stay comfortable in my own skin is remain humble and confident. There are so many talented men and women modeling out here that sometimes you can feel intimidated. I didn’t always have the confidence that I do now, and sometimes I still get a little nervous. But knowing who I am in God really helps me stay grounded and focused. It’s not easy in this business and you will have designers, agencies, etc., not like your look. Don’t let that discourage you. Know who you are through the good and bad.
Has Being A Model Helped With Your Confidence? Being a model has made me more confident in so many ways. As a child, I used to be really shy and crowds terrified me. Now as an adult, modeling has allowed me to face my biggest fears. Sure, I still get nervous sometimes when I have to speak in front of large crowds, but when i’m on that stage to model, it’s like a whole new person. No one can take away the joy I feel at that moment.
Words Of Advice: For the young ladies out there I would say BE YOU! No one can beat you at being you. Love yourself even when you feel that you are all alone. There will be days when you feel that you can’t do it. Don’t dwell in that place. Hold your head up high and walk with a purpose. This industry is not easy. I myself still have a lot to learn if I want to reach my fullest potential. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Set goals for yourself and conquer them! Tyrah Walker ( 31
STYLE: Summer
Summer 2
With Models Karissa Hageme
2017 Fashion
eister & Tyrah Walker, in Kingdom Dezigns
Tyrah Walker
Kingdom Dezigns, The Endless
Karissa Hagemeister & Tyrah Walker
Kingdom Dezigns
Kingdom Dezigns
Karissa Hagemeister & Tyrah Walker
Photo by Josiah Richwine
Lu La Roe
Beautifully Created Fb: Instagram: @lularoeamandashannon Contact us via email: Or phone: 7278043782
ERIN’S Column
Real vs. vs.
Fake By: Erin Givens Layout By: Xiomara Montalvo
y best friend and I met at Roosevelt Middle School in Ms. Wilson six grade computer class. We sat next to each other because of our last name. I remember when the class got a little bit rowdy or somebody was talking while she was talking, she would say “Oh no not in two, one, zero, three”. She had the hand gestures going while she would say that. It was so funny. I would mimic her when she wasn’t looking and my best friend would hear it and start laughing. I use to hate that class but then I began to like it because I was excited to see my friend. We became closer each day. We would call each other and talk about our day or what cute boy we talked to in lunch. After middle school we went to the same high school and we were in the same medical program together. Even though we hung out with different people we still talked to each other on the phone after school. Our friendship got stronger in high school, people thought we were sisters. She was there for me when I became sick with epilepsy my sophomore year. She stuck with me through it all. Our friendship happened so naturally and it all started 11 years ago in a class room. I know this sounds like how a friendship is supposed to happen but I like how I was able to be myself around her. She was able to herself around me. We just clicked. During my high school years, I thought I was going to have another best friend. I met another girl in acting class. I thought she was going to be my other best friend. I was wrong! I went through the same process I did with my best friend but I couldn’t really be myself. When I got diagnosed with epilepsy, I was in and out of the hospital that entire school year. She talked about me as if I did something wrong to her. A couple of my guy friends told me what she said about me when I was out of school. But it didn’t stop there! I told her my secrets, she told her big sister, who told people at my church. I was so embarrassed all I could do was walk around with my head down. The good thing is I still had my best friend to talk to, who was there for me. I know you probably hear this a lot, but be careful who you tell your business to, especially those secrets. Pray to God and ask him to give you a good set of friends. If you already have those friends ask him who is meant for your life and who is not. He will give you good friends if you don’t have any. He will give you those friends like he did Job. (Job 2:11) Also like he did with Elisha and Elijah. (2Kings 2:2) Always remember, the people you are trusting determines your future.
“Always remember, the people you are trusting determines your future!� 45
Unleash the a 46
artist within 47
The Struggle Between Au Natural and Fake
s much as I want to admit that I do not struggle with going natural (in terms of make up verses sans make up) or going all out like a beauty queen, it would be a lie. This is a struggle that so many of us women face but do not talk about. If you are like me, you work with many beautiful women, who come in to work everyday looking flawless, like they just stepped out of the pages of a magazine. They wake up at some ungodly hour to perfect their make up and their hair, looking flawless and stunning EVERY day. Don’t get me wrong. I am a model. I do love looking flawless and glamorous but it is tough trying to keep up with that every day. There are mornings that I wake up and I am just exhausted. So you know what, I do not put make up on. As much as my skin loves the feel of being make up free for the day, I feel like I look a mess compared to the rest of the women population. That is not right. I should not feel like I am a mess or lesser just because I did not use chemicals and powders to contort my face. Though the women I work with never make me feel less, I believe that society and media make us feel this way. We hardly ever see celebrities without their hair and make up on point. So we often get the idea that we have to match that. And we do not. Believe it or not ladies, but being a lady is not a competition. We are not meant to compete with each other. Rather we are meant to complement and up lift each other. I am not starting an au natural movement. I am just saying, you be you and I will be me. Let’s be okay with who we are, how we look and whether or not we have make up on or not. It is okay for you to be natural. It is perfectly fine for you to look the way that you look without make up. Next time you feel the struggle, remember that you are perfect just the way you are. You do not need to straighten your hair, or load on the contouring. You can be at peace being the crazy, beautiful you that you were created to be. By Karissa Hagemeister 49
Kickboxing Klass with Karissa
6 Week Intense Course 51
Social Media SPEAKS
e H
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d i a
S u
o Y
ACHES, DADS Photo by Josiah Richwine
Chanel Foundation: Lightweight 54
Speaking of natural: What are your favorite “natural� make up choices?
Organic Coconut Oil
*So many GREAT uses 55
Photos by Josiah Richwine
BEACHES Of all the beaches you’ve been to, which is your favorite?
St. Petersburg, Florida - Tati Gold Coast, Australia -Annie Fort De Soto - Benjamin Navarre Beach - Angie Mrytle, Ft. Lauderdale or Key West, Florida - Ben Panama City Beach, Florida - Samuel Acapulco Beach, Mexico - Raul Outer Banks, North Carolina - Erik 57
Playa Flamenco, Culebra, Puerto Rico - Gretchen Doctors Cove, Jamaica - Anna-Kay Sarasota, Siesta Keys, Florida The Keys Dominican Republic Bahamas -Jessica Great Exuma, Bahamas St. Petersburg, Florida - Yahaira
Siest Key - Mershawn Lido Beach - Kyle Anna Maria Island, Northern Tip -Christina Cozumel - Jay Balos Beach, Crete - Alexandra Ormond Beach, Florida - Nathan 59
Happy Father’s Day, to ALL our Superhero Dads!!
My dad is in Heaven....but he was my super hero because he loved like Jesus...he would give a stranger the shirt off his back....he loved me unconditionally and always tried doing special things for me as he could! He taught me to help the poor and to give to others that are in need! He also taught me to save money and how to defend myself if I was ever in a predicament dad was a one of a kind! The only man I’ve ever know like him is my husband, Randy......he is so much like my dad!!! * Marisa Peterson
I love my Daddio! He is a man of God who has worked hard throughout his years to provide a happy life for his family...sometimes working 3-4 jobs just provide for us. I am proud to call him my father and look forward to utilizing what he has taught me when I have my own family. Love you Daddio! * Rocky Castro
He is in a sense, he worked hard his whole life to provide for his family. Had a 7th grade education, came from poverty and owned his own businesses and was successful in many areas. He taught me that hard work and persistence pays off. * Tammy Haygood
My Daddy taught me all the important things in life. He and my mom divorced when I was little, which I’m sure was painful for him, and my mom remarried. He was a truck driver so I didnt get to see him a whole lot, but he would get me for the summers. He taught me about nature and to have a love for it. He taught me that money isn’t everything. We went on a roadtrip in his truck one summer all over the country and he made special stops at places he knew would be interesting to me. He has always supported me in all my decisions when the rest of my family were hesitant or laughed at my ideas. He understands me. Even though we live apart and I’m all grown up, we have a close bond, closer than any of my other relatives. He is and always will be my super hero. * Jamee Johnson Photos by Josiah Richwine
Matthew Scheall, M
Music page: www.soundc
IG: matt 64
Music Artist
t_scheall_ 65
By Courtney Mack
Israel Cu By Courtney Mack
Since Israel is a very young nation, the food culture may seem new but their roots have more history than many of the other nations combined. The Bible speaks volumes about a variety of cuisines of their historically rich culture. Due to the oppression of Jewish culture, the Jewish immigration began at the end of the 19th century, and the early settlers brought with them food cultures from everywhere. The best way to describe Israeli food is to call it a crossfertilization of all of all cultures, Arab and Jewish, Eastern Europe and North Africa, religious and secular. Most of my trip was centered around Jerusalem, with a day by the Dead Sea. Some reoccurring themes all over: olives, falafel, fresh vegetable salads, pita, filo dough pastries, and many bowls of hummus. It’s hard to gain weight in Israel since the food is so healthy – fresh veggies, fruit courses, fish (over meat) and goat milk, as standard.
The famous Falafel goes way back and whichever nationality feels entitlement to the invention, there’s no doubt it’s a staple of Israeli cuisine today. You will find it on many restaurant menus, particular those on a budget. Falafels are made from fava beans, chickpeas, or a combination of the two, a traditional falafel feast will be served with all the trimmings, including hummus, pink pickled turnips, pita bread, traditional Israeli salad and pickles. Hummus is also another staple of Israel,
but originally Lebanese. Hummus is a kind of dip or spread made from crushed chickpeas and mixed with tehina sauce, lemon, olive oil, salt and garlic. It can be served as a main dish accompanied by ful (fava beans) and hard-boiled egg, as well as a side dish at a big meal. Hummus has also become big business in Israel, where in addition to the many cafes and restaurants that serve it, you can also find an amazing variety of hummus in tubs in every supermarket. Hummus is also known for its high nutritional value.As much as you cross paths with the famous Falafel, you will see next to it the tasty shawarma. Another street food that is extremely popular in Israel. Shawarma is typically slices of turkey, chicken or lamb, which are usually shaved off a huge slab of meat rotating (vertically) on a big spit. Eaten in much the same way as falafel, stuffed into a pita with salad, hummus, tehina sauce, pickles and chips. Personally, I find shawarma a much more satisfying and healthier meal than falafel. There are many reasons to visit Israel, whether it’s spiritual, historical, or just for the food. All the cuisines I have tried in Israel tasted so much fresher than what I am used to in America. All the fish comes from Israeli waters, the vegetables are grown locally and go straight to market and as the seasons change so do the menus in the restaurants. The choices here depends on what is accessible on the market, so from my own experience I’d say that just one visit to Israel will not be enough to try it all, no matter why you decide to visit.
Chris Sellers Art 70
IG @chrssllrart 71
ABOUT Beautiful Magazine
Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knew would come eventually, I just cannot believe it is already here. Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life, it is pictures and it is just pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to you. I
want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST! Anytime you feel encouraged or have questions or just want to share something with the Beautiful team, shoot us an email at We would love to hear from you. Share Beautiful with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about. --------------@bringingbeautifulback
Erin Givens
Josiah Richwine
Layout Designers:
Olivia Walls Xiomara Montalvo
KKalista Photography Tyrah Walker
Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc. 73