Beautiful issue 7

Page 1


FREEDOM The Penny Story 1


Photographer: Shadow Rose Photography Concept Stylist: Stephanie Harris BMG Model: Shante Armstrong

Story begins on Page 12


letter from the EDITOR



If you are from the States, Happy Independence Day. In the States, we often note July as the month to celebrate our freedom as a nation. So I figured this month would be a good time to observe the idea of freedom. Often we hear, “Freedom isn’t free.” They are right. The freedom that we are celebrating at the beginning of this month came at a high price. Many have died in defending this nation and making it into the country that we call home. Many are still losing their lives, fighting to keep this freedom. Even though we have this so called “freedom” in the States, there is still so much that goes on that we may be completely blind to or that we may even be involved in ourselves, that is the exact opposite of freedom. I am not going to get on my soap box about this (because I do have one and it is hard to get down once I get started) but there are several areas where people still need freedom. Whether it is from the sex slave trade with human trafficking or whether we need freedom from our own thoughts or the life we have created for ourselves, there is still a price being paid by all the freedom fighters out there. I chose this issue to highlight the story of one of my favorite freedom fighters that started a revolution a few years back to help those trapped in human trafficking. As you meditate on freedom this month, with this issue, be sure to thank the freedom fighters in your life, whether it is someone in the military, someone working to save those caught in the sex slave trade, whatever it may be. Show them that you support them and believe in their dream. XOXO,

Karissa Hagemeister 4

Photography by K Kalista 5

Photos by Antwan Haynes





12 Entertainment Now Free to be ME 22 Feature Story The Penny Story 30 Style for the 4th 4th Fashion 40 Erin’s Column FREE 46 Social Media Speaks Day/Night, Freedom, 4th


July 2017

Meet the Beautiful CREATORS

Editor in Chief

Photograph by K Kalista

IG @karissaluvhagemeister FB: Karissa Hagemeister

Karissa Hagemeister is on a life long journey in the pursuit of love, beauty and truth. Not only does she want to discover these things for herself but she desires to share them with anyone willing to watch and listen. Beautiful was birthed out of this desire. She enjoys modeling, acting and singing. She has her own fashion line and partners her business with a jewelry line, Chloe + Isabel. In July of 2016, Karissa published her first book. Her future plans are to revamp the fashion industry with the love, truth and beauty that she discovers by both her fashion business and Beautiful magazine.

KARISSA HAGEMEISTER Photographer Hello! My name is Antwan Haynes. I’m a Film Major at Southeastern University. I am a military brat and lived in Germany for 8 years before coming to Southeastern University. I enjoy making videos and editing videos, I plan to work in the Film Industry after I graduate. I live on this earth as a vessel for God and I am seeking to serve as much as I can.


Assistant Editor Jackie Cullum, 26, and is a wife, mom, and Chairperson for the Missions Committee at Aldersgate United Methodist Church. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Saint Leo University and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Southeastern University. She plans on using her degrees in the missions field oversees. Her passion is for children and she wants to work with orphans by planting orphanages to help get children off the streets and providing them with an education so that they can have a brighter future.


Courtney Mack is passionate about travel and trying the latest food trends. She has dined her way through more than thirty states and seven different countries. As much as she enjoys eating healthy, the temptations of unique, local flavor will swoon any girls heart. Courtney’s current career has no correlation with food, but more so it is an access to the marvels of travel. Her taste for travel and food are only two of her passions; seeing all people find Jesus as their Savior and gaining a revelation of their value in Him, while communing around great food, is the truest honor to her. If you enjoy learning where to eat when you’re in a certain state, make sure to keep up with her tips and tricks when eating somewhere new in her Tasting Travel section.





FREE ME to be

Inside Scoop into the Life of a Model 12


“You just have to dig deeper and find what works for you.�


SHANTE ARMSTRONG I grew up into the modeling industry. I started 17 years ago, and I started as an infant model. Some of my top modeling gigs: landing the cover of Fashion Avenue News Magazine (FAN) in New York, which granted me a trip there for a magazine cover signing event, as their cover model. Landing the cover of FAN Magazine later turned into signing with I-Fashion Model Management, New York. I have more but can’t share the details until I have the disclosure clearance. In this industry, it is common for a model to transition into different characteristics to fit into certain roles that capture the essences of a particular concept; however, I do weigh out the pros and cons of every modeling assignment prior to accepting the offer. To get comfortable with being me, I pray, first, then study and practice posing, and emoting. Modeling is about expressing self-confidence because you are persuading consumers to invest into a product, services, or even you. In order to book any modeling job, a model must be confident within themselves (in their natural state) without makeup because many agents or casting producers



want to know what you look like before makeup. I have that self-confidence within myself which is why I feel more comfortable being myself without makeup just as I do with makeup. My advice for all of you is to be who you are, not who the world wants you to be. There’s a genre of modeling for every human being who desires to model in both the fashion industry and the commercial industry. You just have to dig deeper and find what works for you.

Photographer: Shadow Rose Photography Email: Social Media: ShadowRosePhotography/ Concept Stylist: Stephanie Harris Email: Social Media: Deep-Cosmetics-520459488091327/ BMG Model: Shante Armstrong Email: Website: https://www.shantearmstrong. com 17



Photo by @Imaginedby MANA


Coming Soon ... Semi Annual Sale








Story 23

Featuring THE PENNY STORY It all started in Greece, at an internship with A21. A21 is a 501 non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to fight human trafficking, including sexual exploitation and forced slave labor. Kendall Altmyer was interning with A21 when her heart felt a tug to do something and join the fight to end human trafficking. During her internship, she was able to love on girls that had been rescued from human trafficking. This became part of a rhythm of life for her and she knew that she could not return home, to the states, acting as if nothing ever happened in Greece. Her heart was forever changed, from this change, “The Penny Story� was birthed.


Kendall Altmyer

Why the penny? Pennies are often looked at as worthless. People step on them instead of picking them up. Kendall has always had a fascination for pennies, but after her time in Greece, she began to see them in a new light. Just like the pennies, sex traffic slaves are looked at as worthless, someone to step on. Even though these human souls have been forced, sold or given into the sex slave trade, they are by no means worthless. They are humans and deserve love and respect, just like you and I. They hold worth and they are valuable. From that realization, Kendall knew the penny was going to play a part in her journey to fight the sex slave trafficking.

She wanted it to reach further than she alone could take it. A month later she was in a lady’s conference and she met two ladies, Sandy and Stacy. She shared “The Penny Story” with them and Sandy invited her set up a table at a women’s conference in Texas, with an expected count of 8,000 attendees. For the next six months, Kendall and groups of students at Southeastern University held “Penny Packaging Parties in Portico,” getting all the bracelets ready for the conference. Just before the conference was to take place, Kendall received word that there was not going to be room for her bracelets at the conference.

The Story Shortly after her time in Greece, one of Kend all’s friends sent her bracelet with a penny on it and the word “WORTHY” stamped across it. By receiving that bracelet, Kendall found her response to the cry of the sex slave traffic victims. She created “The Penny Story,” selling bracelets to bring awareness to human trafficking and giving the profits to A21, aiding them in the fight.


As she began building “The Penny Story,” she was praying that God would give a voice to the 25

When Kendall received the penny back, she sold as many, if not more than had been sold the first year that Kari had it. “The Penny Story” is continuing to grow and build support for A21. On Mother’s Day, a church in Decatur, Alabama bought a bracelet for each of the mothers in the church. Now that Kendall has the penny back, her goal is to share the message of the penny to as many places and people that she can. Just as there are two sides to every penny, there are two sides to “The Penny Story.” The first side is donating the proceeds to A21.

what to do with the thousands of bracelets they made, Sandy called her up and explained that she had shared the story with her daughter, Kari Jobe, and Kari had been looking for a way to support A21. She loved the idea and made a way for the bracelets to be at the conference. Not only that, Kari Jobe started manufacturing the bracelets and she was able to give it the voice that Kendall had prayed for. For two years, Kari Jobe took the bracelets on the road with her. Around the two-year mark, both Kendall and Kari believed that it was time for Kendall to take back the penny, Kari had given it the brand that it needed, but Kendall held the passion for it.

The second side of the story is the message of the penny. The message is one of worth and value. It is about being available versus being able. You do not have to be significant to make a significant difference. Kendall, as well as Kari, used a creative and beautiful story to reach those in slavery and help bring them freedom that they so rightly deserve. If you want to join in making a difference in the lives of those stuck in human slavery, purchase a bracelet from “The Penny Story” and/or contact A21 to see how you can get involved.

— Story by Karissa Hagemeister Layout by Olivia Walls 26




Journey to Uncovering, Discoveri YOUR Identity, Destiny &

Awakening Harvest Tammy Brunk Ministries FB @ TammybrunkMinistriesAHM



Host: Tammy Brunk

ing, & Unlocking Purpose!

Special Guest: Ki Michael

September 7-9, 2017

Orlando, FL

Background photo by Josiah Richwine



STYLE: 4th Fashion

Photo by Ashley Henricks 31 Beautiful T available @ Kingdom Dezigns


Model: Karissa Hagemeister Photgraphy by @imaginedby MANA

Kingdom Dezigns, The Endless



Gift Shop Boutique



River Island



Got Me

In 36

n Chains By Karissa Hagemeister



t seems like no matter where we are in life, there is always some hurdle we have to jump over, some wall we have to bust through or some chains that we have to break out of. When I was younger, these things were always so discouraging because it seemed no matter how hard I tried, I could never make it over the hurdles, or bust that wall down and those chains never seemed to loosen. I was so caught up in thinking about the thing that was holding me back that I was not able to find a way to break through and gain freedom from that one thing. There were times that I felt I was going to be stuck forever. I remember one specific time that haunted me for months. It was the most painful learning experience of my life. In my early 20’s, I thought was ready to get married and I was quite certain that it was time for it. However, being young and naive, I gave my heart away vey quickly to a guy that was not emotionally or relationally ready for anything like that. Long story short, it did not end in a wedding dress fairy tale. All the plans and dreams I had made around this relationship came crashing down when he walked out of my life. I was devastated to say the least; destroyed is more like it. I had been depressed before many times, but that, that was like living as the walking dead. My heart had been crushed into a million tiny pieces. Since it was damaged so deeply, I thought there would never be healing for it. Life would never be the same. The life that once had rays of sunshine and beautiful, fragrant flowers was now covered in a shade of dark, gloomy gray. I tried to change my attitude but no matter what I did, I could not make the sun come back. My own efforts failed me. At that time, I felt like I was in a huge, horrible pit. I tried climbing out, but continued to fall back down into the mud.


When I had used all my own energy, I finally turned to my maker and begged him to give me life again. For a very long time, I cried my heart out to God. With each tear that I cried and each prayer I prayed, I could feel him putting the pieces of my heart back together one by one. It was not a fast process pulling me out of that pit, but He did. Not only did He pull me out but He removed that pain completely. Once again, my heart was made brand new and I knew that I had to share this. I just could not keep such a special secret to myself. My encouragement to you is this, whatever hurdle, wall or chain you are facing, push through with the help of God. He does care about you and everything you go through. Do not try to do it alone because you will fail. Also know that once you get past one obstacle another will soon follow and it will be this way for the rest of your days on this earth. But, every time you overcome one, you grow stronger and it gets easier with the help of God. If you look at each obstacle as a chance to learn, it will not be so painful, scary or huge.

You are strength, beautiful. Greater is the God inside of you than anything else in this world. Press on and break free. 39

ERIN’S Column


A Poem by: Erin Givens

I’m free because I no longer want that

old thing back I’m finally letting go of my past I waited patiently on the Lord And he heard my cry I no longer have to hide And live my life like it’s a lie Because he gave me eternal life He freed me from sin Gave me peace within Thank God I don’t have to walk around with that burden I have a new song to sing Who the son sets free is free indeed 40

Layout by Xiomara Montalvo Photography by Josiah Richwine 41

Kickboxing Klass with Karissa

Only available online @ 42

6 Week Intense Course 43



Social Media SPEAKS

You Spoke,



We Listened



Day or

50% 48


50% Are you a morning person, or a night person? 49

FREEDOM What is the most freeing thing you have ever done?


I always feel good after releasing bitter feelings to someone and being able to reconcile the friendship. - Samantha

First and foremost, relying on Jesus completely is really freeing because I know no matter what the heck happens in my life He is always there. It has taken me a long time to really just give it all to Him. Another thing most freeing is ending a toxic relationship whether it is friends or family. Bye Felicia!! - Angie

Flying to Italy by myself. - Min

Photos by Josiah Richwine 51

Jumping off a cliff, facing my fears, almost dying but living to share it here. - Arman

Putting my business on the altar, letting it go, to pursue the higher calling. - Marisa


Quitting a job that made me miserable and regaining control of my career and not letting it control me. - Jackie

Photos by Josiah Richwine

Quitting a job at the right time. - Donald


4th of July 54

What is your favorite 4th of July tradition?


Getting together at my wife’s Auntie’s house for a party and fireworks. - Jay

Making smoked pork for hours and hours. - Remy


Photos by Josiah Richwine

Getting people in the spirit of things with RED, WHITE, and BLUE * USA * face painting, braids and body painting. - Alta

Watching the movie Independence Day (1996) - Stephen


Matthew Scheall, M

Music page: www.soundc

IG: matt 58

Music Artist

t_scheall_ 59


Available as an ebook at:

Or Paperback at:


ABOUT Beautiful Magazine

Beautiful magazine has always been a dream of mine, something that I knew would come eventually, I just cannot believe it is already here. Beautiful is a collection of art and illustrations, depicting inner and outer beauty. It is stories, it is real, it is life, it is pictures and it is just pure beauty. Beautiful is fashion, health, beauty tips, encouragement, life, art and truth. Beautiful is about you, your story, your life, your love, your pain and your fears. Beautiful is about us, our stories, our journeys, adventures and our moments of life that have been crafted specially to share with you. I want you, the reader, to feel safe reading Beautiful. I want you to feel like you are a part of the stories, the adventures and the passion that each one of the editors, writers and photographers bring to


you. I want you to feel empowered, encouraged and excited about your beautiful journey in this life. Most of all, I want Beautiful to be the spark that makes a change in your life. Not a change for good or a change for the better, but a change for the BEST! Anytime you feel encouraged or have questions or just want to share something with the Beautiful team, shoot us an email at We would love to hear from you. Share Beautiful with those that need a little extra beauty in their life. Life is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is what Beautiful is all about. --------------@bringingbeautifulback

THANK YOU Photographers:


Josiah Richwine Ashley Henricks Daniel Desmarat

Erin Givens

Layout Designers:


Olivia Walls Xiomara Montalvo

Shante Armstrong Kendall Altmyer

Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.



Photo by Ashley Henricks

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