Beauty & The Gospel ISSUE NO 2 VOL 6

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Beauty & The Gospel

M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E N O 2 V O L 6 | R 5 5 . 0 0

R V I S I O N Romans 15:20(TPT)

It is my honor and constant passion to be a pioneer who preaches where no one has ever even heard of the Anointed One, instead of building upon someone else’s foundation.

1:17 (MSG)

God didn’t send me out to collect a following for myself, but to preach the Message of what He has done, collecting a following for Him. And He didn’t send me to do it with a lot of fancy rhetoric of my own, lest the powerful action at the center— Christ on the Cross—be trivialized into mere words.

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O U R M I S S I O N 1

Power ofthetongue

declarations PROVERBS 18:21

I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me strength.

all things are working together for my good

Goodness & Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

wherever I step I shall take that place with authority

no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

I am an answer and solution to those in need

the lord is about to do something I will not believe when i hear about it

i am a citizen of heaven


Have you ever asked yourself where you hair goes when you go to the salon Not everyone touching you hair is of the light

Brother, codes govern the various dimensions of Satan The code 666 is that of sin, defilement, and impurity that will come to climax in the Great Tribulation

Never try to measure God's love for you by how much of your needs He has met or how much of your prayer He has answered

Reconciliation becomes necessary before God can accept our gift, service or worship

T H E M A R I N E K I N D O M H E L L I S R E A L Y O U W O N ' T F I N D T R U E L O V E O U T S I D E O F C H R I S T B E A T P E A C E W I L L A L L M E N

Editor’s Note

#Born to make JESUS famous

BlessednewmonthtoyoubelovedoftheLORD Itwas inthismonththattheLORDJESUSchooseformeto comeandbeablessingtonations ByGod'sgracethe LORDwillbeaddingayeartothe30's

AsItypethiseditor'snote,I'mlikeJude,thebrotherof JESUS Ihadsomethingelseinmindtowriteabout,but Ifeelleadtoaskyouaquestion Areyoudoingwhat theLordJESUShadpurposedforyourlife?Areyou makingadifferenceasacarrieroflifeandlight?

HehasgivenallofusTALENTS(assignments) accordingtoMATT25v14-30 Aswereadthisparable ofthe3servants,weseeoutofthe3,twowentout andworkedaccordingtowhattheyweregivenand reapeddoublebutunfortunatelythe1notonlysat withthetalentbutdugitandwentaboutdoingwhat hewantedtodo. Ihopethisisnotthecasewithyou beloved Weareheretomakeadifferenceinevery spheretheLORDJSESUSplacesus:atwork,school, family,neighbourhood,grocerystore,parkinglot, churchetc THISISOURHIGHCALLING

TillwemeetagainbyGod'sgrace, SHALOM


@beautyandthegospel merch


In this issue

wedivedeeperinthefactthatallthat weareandcanbeandwillbe,isIN CHRIST.Itiswhenthistruthbecomes areality,wearethenabletobethe lightoftheworldandsaltoftheearth.


tuaeb yandtheg lepso tuaeb yandtheg lepso tuaeb yandtheg lepso

Editor-in-Chief Tsakani Mhlongo

J E S U S in me

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

When you receive the Lord Jesus Christ there is so much that happens Perhaps you have not been told, JESUS is the source of life, when you receive Him, He comes and lives in you.

You now walk with JESUS inside you. JESUS gave life and healing to the people. The Spirit you now poses is the water of life When anyone who faces life challenges come to you, the JESUS in you must come out and help, heal the sick and give life to the dying.

People see you as a spring of life. They will come to you for prayer, for advice, for all kinds of help only because you have JESUS in you. They are not coming for you but for the JESUS who is in you

From now on don't run away from them when they ask for prayers, advice and all kinds of help, they are coming to you because you are a spring welling up to eternal life. Imagine someone seeing you and have hope that their problem will be resolved! Because of JESUS in you, you are that spring !

d e v o t i o n s


down his life for his friends. St. John 15:13.

Dear friend, do you know that everything about your Christian life begins and revolves around God's love for you Therefore, if you can doubt God's love for any reason, it means you can doubt anything about GOD; so, watch it

Never try to measure God's love for you by how much of your needs He has met or how much of your prayer He has answered; that's a clue that you are doubting His love for you.

on the cross according to our opening scripture It's your conviction about the work of the cross that puts the faith in your heart to believe the same GOD for anything. God's Word declares in Romans.8:32:

He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

To think that answering all your prayers is a greater proof of God's love for you, amounts to idolatry because you have esteemed some other thing greater than God's offer of JESUS for you


Beloved, you don't need any greater proof of God's love than the sacrifice He already made for you on the cross This is the sure anchor for a Christian and the peace that passes all understanding

Never measure God's love for you by your experience, it only diminishes your faith and raises doubts.

If GOD cannot undo what He has already done on the cross, then His love for you cannot be reversed I wish I could make this statement a thousand times over.

If you let the devil know this, he will surrender and leave you alone, because the truth always prevails Don't wait for the devil to throw thoughts of doubt at you, declare always how much you believe God's love for you is More than Sufficient.

A life of doubts and unbelief can block a man's access to God's rest according to Hebrew 3:18-19

Therefore, to live a restful life, never stop believing and declaring that GOD loves you irreversibly

"Are you Convinced that God Loves You?"

If you believe that GOD truly loves you, then He cannot abandon or forget you according to Isaiah 49:15:

Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee

Believing God's love should be the most constant conviction in the life of any believer who wants to enjoy a constant flow of God's favour

I pray today for you reading this message, that every doubt about God's love for you be crushed in Jesus mighty name

Remember, if you can doubt God's love for you, then you can doubt anything about GOD, but that's not your portion in Jesus' name Praise GOD!

This month is blessed in your favour by the power of the Almighty God Amen

ShepherdHill Community



Transcribed and compiled by Joshua Chong

Thanks to Peniel Ngonde who translated the French sermons of Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya to English and posting his videos on YouTube




Brother, I am Aston Adam Mbaya and I would like to share the divine experience and visit to the 351 chambers of hell


The first soul that was facing trial in this court was a kid. He was crying and claiming his innocence. I saw that the child stood on the bar before the throne in the middle of demons. As he stood before the throne, I saw that there was a demon that kept accusing him in this trial I was able to recognize this demon for he was the animated character I was watching when I was a child.

S O U R C E : H T T P S : / / S A V I O U R 4 E V E R . W O R D P R E S S . C O M / | | R E V E A L E D T O : P R O P H E T A S T O N A D A M M B A Y A

Actually, it was the cartoon character called Tintin Milou

The demon Tintin Milou kept accusing the child

He was saying to the kid, “You are guilty for you used to watch our animated movies and cartoons You belong to us You cannot deny it for you were watching our animated movies ” While the animated character was accusing the young child, these demons in hoodie clothes were laughing, and they joined the demon Tintin in his accusations against this child

When the kid was accused by this cartoon demon of animation, I saw the high ranking demon on the throne scrolling the pages of an open book that was before him I noticed that his hand was long and his finger was skeletal.

Finally, the demon said to the kid, “You were our servant on the earth You really worked for us and you deserved a reward for you are a faithful servant ” I saw this demon ordering his servant to give the kid his reward for he deserved it

The demon said, “He worked for us and he did our bidding.” I saw how the kid was cast in the lava of fire. When the child was screaming I saw images of cartoons he used to watch on the earth scrolling

The Lord said, “Demons are behind these cartoons and animated characters in order to initiate children in witchcraft ” When this kid was thrown in the lava of fire, the trials continued in this court of hell for I saw many children were being prosecuted. On the earth, they spent their short lives watching cartoons, such as Booba, Pokemon, Dora, etc

When I looked at all these children that were prosecuted, I noticed that all these kids have the Mark 333 on their foreheads

The Lord said, “These are candidates of hell Whatever overcomes you, you become its slave and captive.” The Lord said, “The devil came up with animated cartoons with the intent of winning the souls of children in order to drive them to perdition Note thatchildren that are addicted to cartoons and animation are marked on their forehead with a code 333 and they’re regarded as servants to the devil ” Since they spend time watching satanic cartoons, they have entered in a covenant with the devil subconsciously. The enemy plotted to get their souls to fall in this chamber of hell reserved for those who have entered in a subconscious covenant with him I mean, as children are exposed to these images of demonic cartoons, they are marked with a seal of witchcraft, which is 333. This is the code of the astral world of witchcraft and wizardry Brother, whenever our children are exposed to satanic cartoons, they will be initiated subconsciously in witchcraft, and they will be marked with the code of the Astral Kingdom of witches, which is 333

Brother, codes govern the various dimensions of Satan. The code 666 is that of sin, defilement, and impurity that will come to climax in the Great Tribulation

However, code 333 is the kingdom of witches that is characterized by wickedness, hate, and jealousy This subconscious covenant leads children into the kingdom of enchantment

When children are watching these satanic cartoons, they receive this code of the Kingdom of witchcraft, and they are initiated subconsciously into witchcraft When these children die, I saw that they were prosecuted by the judges of hell.

They were cast into the lava of fire This is the way the enemy is winning countless souls of children through animation and games.

While the trials of these kids continued, I saw a lady that was brought to this court of hell and a mother was following her and this mother kept repeating to her, “You cannot deny your action and you cannot refute these accusations for you are guilty ” The mother said to the young lady, “We know one another You cannot deny anything here. I got you. You must admit your offenses. Don’t try to deny it ” The young lady asked this mother, “What have I done? I have not done anything wrong ” I saw that the young lady was held on both hands by two demons. And they were pulling her while these demons were dragging her to court. I saw that her feet were not touching the ground as the demons were pulling her The scene reminded me when an offender is captured by the police on the earth

The lady was dragged with violence by demons, and she was thrown with brutality on the ground inside the court for her trial before the throne of the emissary of Satan Behind the young lady was this mother that was agitated and accusing her The young lady was confused and kept saying, “I have done nothing wrong I am innocent ” The high-ranking demon said to the woman that was accusing the lady, “Servant, you have done a lot of work for our master You have brought us a lot of souls that you have captured You deserve a reward Faithful servant, this lady that you brought us is guilty and she belongs to us Why is she refusing it?” The demon said to the wizard woman who was accusing the deceased young lady, “We will talk about the throne that the master Lucifer has promised to you later

For the moment, we must deal with this soul who is claiming that she has done nothing wrong ” I came to understand that the woman that was accusing thes this mother that was agitated and accusing her


The young lady was confused and kept saying, “I have done nothing wrong I am innocent ” The high ranking demon said to the woman that was accusing the lady, “Servant, you have done a lot of work for our master You have brought us a lot of souls that you have captured You deserve a reward Faithful servant, this lady that you brought us is guilty and she belongs to us Why is she refusing it?” The demon said to the wizard woman who was accusing the dedeceased young lady, “We will talk about the throne that the master Lucifer has promised to you later For the moment, we must deal with this soul who is claiming that she has done nothing wrong ” I came to understand that the woman that was accusing the young lady was a witch serving the devil

The demon said to the accused lady, “You have served us a lot in your house Every morning before going to work, you bought our cakes that our servant that is behind you was cooking and selling in your neighborhood. Thanks to that enchanted cake that you bought every morning for your family, you introduced sickness in your family Thanks to that enchanted cake your husband has lost his job and your children have become rebellious Our servant, the wizard that is accusing you was cooking that cake every morning

Whenever she was cooking cakes in order to sell she was declaring curses, enchantment and she was putting evil fate on this food ” Brother, whenever this wizard woman was cooking the cake she was cursing and uttering evil words against the customers that came to buy her cakes

She said, “Whoever will buy my cake will suffer sickness He will be struck by unemployment The children eating my cakes will become rebellious toward their parents.”The demon said to the young lady, ‘Since you are buying this cake every day in the morning, you brought sickness, unemployment, and rebellion in your home


You have served us well. You are a good servant, and you deserve the reward ” The young lady began to cry and venting her innocence

When I looked at Jesus, I saw that He was mourning and in tears for the soul of the young lady Jesus said, “Aston, you’re going to tell My children the food that they are eating on the earth are destroying them. These foods are not good. The enemy is using these foods against you ” The Lord said, “The woman behind the lady was a witch She was cooking cakes and was cursing whoever came to buy She said adults will have conflict, misunderstanding and disharmony in their homes. Children will be rebellious, hard-headed and undisciplined ” Since this lady was buying these cakes every morning her home was affected

Her children became rebellious And her husband lost his job and there was no peace at home. This food constituted a subconscious covenant between the enemy and people who came to buy the witch’s cakes Brother, God’s children are not led by the Spirit of God and they don’t pray when they eat. The Bible says, Rejoice at all times. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus



This is Prophet Aston Adam Mbaya’s testimony. Welcome, Beloved The time has come to prepare the Church for the coming of Christ For the Church that will be raptured is the Church that is being prepared We must talk to God’s people about the return of the Lord The word Paradise is mentioned three times in the Scripture, yet this word unveils the mystery of existence I am here to testify about the 47,000 cities of Heaven, reserved for those who have fought and conquered.

The whole thing started when I was reading the Bible It was during this meditation that I saw a great light flashing lightning. And in the middle of this streaming light, I heard a great voice that spoke to me and said, “Aston, you will be a witness of new realities that you will unveil to My people You will tell them that they who are faithful have an eternal inheritance kept for them in the realms of everlasting light ” Brother, at this stage, I was already in the habit of hearing the voice of God

However, I was still overwhelmed to see the Lord again His garments shone like the light and His face with a brilliance of the sun He was glorious and allpowerful.

The Lord said, “Aston, once more, I have come to take you today This time around to the Paradise of God, you will visit this blessed and glorious land where mountains sing for the blessed souls of God, where lighting and pure crystal and water and all things glorify the Lord It is a happy land of light and joy, where there is no cry, no worry, no pain and no toil of the terrestrial life.

Paradise is a land where redeemed souls are rejoicing over the salvation and redemption granted to them by God. For it is only the souls that I have redeemed that can enter Paradise the Heavenly Kingdom ” The Lord said, “Aston, today I will travel with you for 40 days in Heaven in order to visit the 47,000 cities of the heavenly regions.”


Upon hearing these words of the Lord, I saw my soul rising in Heaven And while I was rising in space, I saw countless of deceased souls over the world

They were rising in space towards bright regions. They were rising at the speed of lightning I said to the Lord, “Who are these people and where are they going?” The Lord said, “My son, these are redeemed souls that I have bought with My blood for God They did not accept the things of this world. They did not love this life. They refused to follow the devil and his lust They followed the way of God They accepted shame, ignominy They have accepted criticism and mockery, and they served Me faithfully till death for I have a people that I have chosen, a people that I have destined because I know those who belong to Me ” Aston, the people you see rising towards the portals of the heavenly domain have received My word. They kept My word and they persevered. They did not love their lives and they paid the price in order to inherit the everlasting kingdom of light They live far from lies and sin ” I said, “Lord, I can see that these redeemed souls are holding palm leaves.” The Lord said, “The palm leaves that the saints are holding is a sign and testimony that showed that they served Me faithfully It is the symbol that shows that they have fought hard to follow My ways, they fought to do My bidding, and My will till death.” Brother, I saw the dead in Christ rising and climbing the pillars of Heaven toward the heavenly domain And these redeemed souls were full of raptures eternal joy They were ecstatic and overflowing with joy I saw that they were dressed in garments of brightening white that shone with the light of Heaven and they were singing songs of praise to the Lord as they were rising to the celestial world It was wonderful to see these faithful believers rising to the heavenly and I was lost in wonder and admiration

As I beheld this ascension of the souls singing songs of the redeemed, the Lord Jesus asked me to look down to the Earth that was far below. For we were standing in space

When I looked down at the Earth, I saw three categories of people in the world population. Actually, I was observing the men in three dimensions I saw the three parts of men on the Earth I mean, I saw their bodies, their souls and their spirits

Basically, the first group of people that I saw had lamps that were burning and shining in their souls The second group had their lamps extinguished The third group had no lamp at all

I said, “Lord, I can see that there are three categories of people on the Earth ” The Lord said, “Aston, the souls that have lamps shining in their lives are people who have accepted Me in their lives, and they walk faithfully in My principles "I said, “Lord, but they seem to walk slowly ” The Lord said, “This means that they have accepted the suffering inflicted upon them They were mocked, ridiculed, criticized and rejected by men, but they have accepted their suffering in order to follow My voice They have turned their backs on prosperity, blessing and the goods of this world

All that count for them in this life is to keep My word ” I said, “Lord, what about those who have their lamps extinguished?” The Lord said, “These are people who accepted Me in their lives. But when glory, leisure, entertainment and the good of this world came, they slackened



As a church leader and traveling prophetic minister over the last 15 years, one of the most heart-breaking conversations to have with so many distraught Christian parents right now is the familiar one where they can't figure out why their kids aren't serving God after they raised them in church for 18 years. I have wept down in altars and felt the burden of God concerning this issue with thousands of parents along my journey of planting churches and ministering at conferences and events around the USA and world

One night after preaching at a church service and crying out with a particular set of parents, I got down on my knees in my hotel room later that night and asked God for revelation concerning this crisis in the Church I went to bed and God woke me up at 3:33 am and said, "Satan is not afraid of anyone who lives IN CHURCH, but he is terrified of those who have learned how to live IN CHRIST!" The voice of God specifically distinguished between "in church" and "in Christ".

As I sat in that hotel room after hearing the voice of God, great sadness swept over my soul I realized in that moment what a great deception had swept over the body of Christ Parents have fallen into the trap of dropping their kids off at youth group and kids church hoping the teacher would invest in their students at the expense of them having to actually disciple their own children in Christ while they were at home

Parents are dedicating their kids to the Lord with the expectation that someone in the church (Eli) will do the discipling for them when this mindset is full of deception

I'm all for church attendance, but I'm convinced the vehicle God created (the church) for people to actually encounter Jesus Christ and be discipled in Him has become a social club that entertains and caters to the flesh Videos games, ted talks, and pizza have replaced radical encounters with the Holy Spirit and fire in too many youth groups and Sunday schools

All of us Christian parents have to ask ourselves, “Are we/did we raise our kids ‘in church’ and just expect them to magically serve God the rest of their lives because they heard good teaching in Sunday school/youth group OR are we actually teaching them how to live "in Christ" through discipleship and living by example in our own homes?”

I’m convinced that the awakening and revival that so many are longing for is actually going to begin in their living rooms and at dining room tables with healthy marriage, family, and sacrificial parenting ”


W R I T T E N B Y : J E R E M I A H C J O H N S O N


Today I want to address "triggers", which affect a huge part of our healing process

Let's start here:

1. What does the word "trigger" mean?

A word that initiates a process or course of action

2. What does it mean when a person is triggered?

When someone is triggered, it means that they're having a strong, uncomfortable emotional reaction to a stimulus that wouldn't ordinarily cause that response While triggered, people may panic, feel overwhelmed, cry, act out, withdraw, or react defensively, especially because they are made to remember something bad that has hap

Now that we have described triggers, let's further discuss where they derive from There are a few fundamental things that cause triggers, such as:


Many people may claim to love the truth, but sometimes truth can trigger them in ways they never expected


As much as we may love to engage in relationships, relationships are a platform where most triggers are aroused, what we experience in our relationships may really expose places where we haven't healed


'' We need to be careful of every person around us, for most of us are still walking around with triggers, and at times they might really get the worst out of us.''
written by : apostle themba ntombela

Having identity crisis can trigger you so much, not knowing who you are, not knowing where you come from, where you're going, which causes imbalance and discomfort


What we've been through often contributes a lot to our triggers, our childhood traumas, abuse, grief, painful experiences, discovering lies that you were raised to believe

Well of course there are more, but these are the highlights, even reading this you might be triggered

At most times we often want to believe we have healed, we have forgiven, we have let go, but triggers will expose that the process is not done

We often want to get over things quick, we often want to move on quick and forget, but triggers will always take you back so you can partake in the healing process correctly.

Some people do heal quicker than others, but healing is not a quick process.

The moment you realize you still have triggers, be humble enough to admit that there are parts of you that are still hurting from what you have been through, yes sometimes you will breakdown and cry and feel like it's starting all over again, but healing needs to take place properly.

Breaking down doesn't mean you're starting over, sometimes it shows progress, because we can't always pretend, we're okay when we know deep down, we're not okay

It's not easy talking about things that trigger us, because we know how much it will hurt, at times we just want to walk away or scream or just disappear, in such events we feel like we are losing ourselves and we don't want to be seen in such conditions

That is why if I have to help someone heal, I need to find out what triggers them so we may know which places haven't completely healed

And at times just because you stopped crying, doesn't mean you have healed, sometimes you have hardened your heart and at an unexpected time, you might breakdown or have a huge fallout So invest in your healing, admit that you need to heal, it is not an insult to say you need healing, it is really a sign of self love

have you completely healed?



The Lord showed me that this marine or water demon known as the queen of the coast (mermaid) has gained control of many people This is a high-ranking demon that specializes in sexual immorality.

It has a lot of other water spirits it works with in order to serve Satan and achieve his mission of promoting sexual immorality on earth This demon and its subordinates achieve this through seductive fashion as well as immoral music, movies, and TV shows.

There are also human beings, satanists who work under this demon to achieve it's mission on earth. These are ordinary humans who are in the occult and get orders from demons

This demon has imprisoned so many people and they find themselves at its mercy and can't be free on their own. People are imprisoned and have no idea that they are imprisoned by it

The demonic marine kingdom and all the demonic spirits there have held people captive through ungodly dressing aimed at promoting lust

The Lord showed me people sent by the queen of the coast to make a lot of men sin by lusting after them. They dressed up in sexually provocative clothes revealing their bodies, then started walking on the streets, wanting men to look after them lustfully.

The demons know God's Word that says: ''if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed fornication with her" (Matthew 5:28), and that's what they were aiming at apart from those who committed the physical act of fornication.

Then I saw women copy the dressing of these women who had been sent from the Marine kingdom, and they too dressed seductively.

Though these people weren't directly sent by the queen of the coast, all they did is copy the agents and start to dress like that, the queen of the coast was very happy because they were doing her work and increasing sexual immorality These people though not initiated into witchcraft and satanism were slaves of the queen of the coast and she had captured and subdued them under her control because they indirectly worshipped her

One-day I was so burdened for someone whom I have known for some years I have shared the gospel with this person, and she will not have an excuse before the Lord if she doesn't accept Jesus till the end of her life.

I saw a picture she had uploaded on WhatsApp and when I saw it, I felt great sorrow because she was dressed in a very immoral way She was wearing very tight clothes and had put a lot of makeup on her face, as well as long wigs

When I saw her picture, I felt sorry for her, and I got a heavy burden to pray for her That evening I prayed for this lady with all my heart because I did not want for her to end up in hell But that night when I went to bed, I had a dream

In the dream the lady had come over to my house to visit me She went to the kitchen but while she was alone, in the kitchen, I saw the queen of the coast enter the room, she was very angry that this lady had come to visit me because she was scared that I would keep preaching to her and she would repent


The queen of the coast strongly rebuked this lady and told her to stay away from me! This woman is held captive by these demonic spirits, and it wanted to make sure she kept doing it's bidding by wearing all those things that are displeasing to the Lord like indecent clothing, makeup, jewellery.

This demon is very possessive and even those who wish to stop using it's products have a hard time stopping unless they ask God for help The Lord showed me another vision, I was going somewhere with my younger sister, then we approached a hair salon

I saw a woman who looked like the owner of the salon, she was washing women's hair in readiness for blow drying them to stretch it out. All the women I saw here were black women and their hair is naturally very coiled, but they wanted her to stretch it out so that it's no longer curled but straight like white people's hair

In the vision, as I approached the salon, the lady was busy prepping these women's hair so she could stretch it for them The Lord then made me realize that it was the demonic water spirit, just disguised like an ordinary woman!

Immediately I realised that, I said to my sister, look! it's that demon, the queen of the coast! Then the lady saw my sister and I and she was very angry

She started to shout for us to get away from her salon She didn't want us to see what she was doing there She said, "get out of here! Get out of here!" Very angrily while pointing fingers at us

I could tell she was scared that we could tell her clients who she really was! The Lord was showing me that even women who aren't using wigs bit still stretching their hair by blow drying it were still the captives of the queen of the coast

The Lord showed my sister a vision where the queen of the coast came to earth and crowds of people ran to her to bow down and worship her saying, "the gods have come," and many were willing to die for her

The men who were running to worship her while wearing earrings, while some had shaved off hair on their sides and just left it on the middle to make mohawk

Many women were also running to worship her, and they had wigs, makeup, jewellery, trousers and other ungodly clothing

The Lord showed my sister that it wasn't about the makeup or jewellery being excessive Some just used a little makeup, but we're still worshipping this demon Some wore indecent clothes that weren't even fancy, but they too were worshipping her

Some were poor people who couldn't afford expensive wigs and had on wigs that looked "finished", however, Hey were also worshipping her

People were fighting just to be near the queen of the coast and just to be able to touch her even with just the tips of their fingers! She was showing them fake affection as though she loved them and cared about them, but it was so fake

The Lord said this fake love is how this demon, using her products makes people feel as though she's concerned about them looking "nice" and yet all she wants is their soul

The Lord showed me this demon has captured people using makeup, jewellery, indecent clothing Men too are her captives by making them paint their nails, wearing jewellery, sagging trousers, ripped jeans, and ungodly hairstyles like mohawk

The Lord showed me that this demon also controls the entertainment industry and has captured people with ungodly music, movies, cartoon and even pornography She has been designing a lot of things meant to make sexual immorality become so rampant to harvest souls for hell. The queen of the coast is operating in many churches currently

She has a lot of women working under her whom she has trained so well to execute her assignments by marrying pastor's, evangelists, bishops, Prophets and even just church members who are on fire for the Lord.

She has taught them how to pretend to be on fire for the Lord to get close to the people they are sent to and to start promoting sin, while quenching the fire of the Christians slowly She has trained them on how to pretend to be prophetesses yet seductresses at the same time She has sent some to Facebook just to send friend requests to God's children then start posting seductive pictures.

It's better to unfriend and block such people because they have been sent to make people sin They are instructed what kind of pictures to post and have to give updates of the result in satanic meetings The Lord said they put Satanic spells on the pictures and enchant on them so that when a person who is weak looks at them, these demons of immorality will be unleashed to attack them at full force, and they will find themselves thinking of fornication or adultery

The Lord said a lot of men have also been sent on different missions to promote sexual immorality, and to make women of God to backslide. The Lord said even just on billboards where adverts are placed, the satanic marine kingdom sends their people to models for adverts but will enchant on the pictures. Even though an advert isn't sexual in any way, when people look at the ladies on the advert, if they are walking in the flesh, demonic spirits will be unleashed to make them lust after the women in the pictures

The Lord said they do the same with pictures in magazines and also on TV! They do this not merely by the type of pictures, but more so by satanic spells sending demons to people who are spiritually weak, causing them to have sexual thoughts and even to enslave them with pornography and masturbation This is why there so much promotion of sex in music and movies, it's all well planned by demons They use every opportunity and God wants His people to rise up and be completely separate from the world, leaving no room for Satan and to walk in the spirit because we are wrestling against principalities and demonic spirits who don't want you to know they exist!

If a servant of God wants to marry, that person must go in prayer and fasting to hear from the Lord before entangling their emotions with anyone


Satan has become so desperate, and we have to use the wisdom God is giving us Satan has trained his people to act even more Christian than the normal people! So we can't rely on the physical appearance

They have been trained to show fake humility, fake love, fake care All they want is to get married to men and women of God to destroy their ministry

Once they marry them, they will start to execute their mission Weaken their prayer life using satanic spells and slowly lure them into sin. There's so much God has shown me on this and will share more soon God willing Many are captives of this demon but Jesus wants to set you free. Call on Him and renounce all your sins.

have you ever asked yourself where they take your hair in the salon?








































































Jill and I found Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour on the 18th of February 1979, just two years after settling in Greytown, Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands, South Africa Originally from Zambia, we bought a piece of land on which we planned to farm crops and livestock We had very little to start with but even as brand new Christians, we were content with our farm, which we later called SHALOM.

Ezekiel 34:26 “I will send down showers in season, there will be showers of blessing ”

What season are you going through at the moment, is it maybe a dark season, maybe you are fearful of the future, not sure what it holds for you, well be of good courage if you are in Christ Jesus, you have nothing to fear, because the Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 (NKJV) “All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”

So maybe you are going through a dark moment, but remember as a farmer, I can assure you that the darker the cloud, the more rain is in that cloud, now we need rain in order to grow, you cannot grow without rain And of course, when the cloud lets down all its rain, what happens, the cloud disappears and the sun shines Now we spell sun, SON not sun, the sun shines on the rain that has fallen and then the crop grows

So, without that dark cloud, there can be no rain and without the rain there is no life So, we rejoice as Paul says in Romans 5:3-4 (NKJV) “We rejoice in our tribulation for tribulation worketh patience, patience character and character hope.”

Our hope for this year of 2023 is in Jesus Christ and in Him alone.

Jesus bless you, Angus and Jill Buchan


The prayers of many saints is that GOD may reveal Himself to them. Some spend many days in fasting and prayer and running after the so-called great servants of GOD to have GOD reveal Himself to them!

The same GOD you are searching for in different ways and places has always been before you.

As for Samuel, in his generation there was no one to run after to Have GOD reveal Himself before him But this man went into the Word and studied it While he studied the Word, the Lord revealed Himself.

Even when they say the Word of GOD was rare and no one had visons and dreams, this man took it upon himself to search GOD through scriptures and GOD saw it fit to reveal Himself to him

Would you despise the very means of finding GOD the holy prophets of old used and even anointed kings. GOD is not in any church, but you are sitting on top of Him in your Bibles and using them as your pillows. Wake up and read that book and ask GOD to reveal Himself and you will come back with a testimony!

1 Samuel 3:21
d e v o t i o n s
21 The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word.

Persecution is real and we out to pray for our brethren

Jesus told His followers to expect persecution: "If they have persecuted me," he forewarned, "they will also persecute you But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me" (Jn 15:20-21)

There are faithful followers of Jesus who will not compromise when authorities forbid congregating and evangelising in the name of Christ They believe that "we must obey God rather than man" and suffer the consequences of following Jesus (Acts 4:18-20; 5:27-29) Christ

Accepting that Jesus is "The way, and the truth and the life" (Jn 14:6), his disciples are rejected, ridiculed, threatened and antagonised by governments, other religions and even their own families.

Many are imprisoned; many are tortured; many are martyred These are our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible says : 1 Corin 12: 26 If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it; if one part is praised, all the other parts share its happiness.

We have many brothers and sisters suffering all over the world for their faith in the Lord JESUS and it's our responsibility to stand with them in prayer and strengthen them in giving where we can.

When we do this, it helps them not deny their faith, spread the gospel in their communities and also helps challenge our faith and keeps us alert to the reality that it can happen to us anytime


We at Beauty & The Gospel stand with our persecuted brother and sisters, you too can be a part of this

Herea er some prayer points taken from inorganization (voice of the martyrs) that is helping our brothers and sisters

Remember prayer has no barrier:

A Prayer for Spiritual Growth

Heavenly Father, we ask that their love may abound more and more toward others especially Islamic extremists and that they will grow in spiritual knowledge and discernment so that they may approve what is excellent and be pure and blameless until the day of Your Son, Jesus Christ, to Your glory and praise (Phil 1:9–11)

A Prayer for Gospel Opportunity

We pray that You will open a door for Your Word to go forth in countries where Christians face Islamic extremists. May those who are persecuted make the mystery of Your Son and the Gospel message clear to those who are persecuting them for Your name’s sake (Col. 4:3–4).

A Prayer for Boldness

We ask that You hear the threats that Islamic extremists are making against our Christian brothers and sisters and that You will grant them the ability to continue to speak Your Word with all boldness (Acts 4:29)

A Prayer for Endurance

We ask that our persecuted brothers and sisters will be filled with Your mighty, glorious strength so they can endure with patience, always being full of joy and thankfulness to You, Father (Col 1:11–12)

A Prayer of Thanks

We thank You for the steadfastness and faith of Christians facing Islamic extremists in all their persecutions and in the afflictions that they are enduring (2 Thess 1:3–4)

A Prayer for Kingdom Advancement

Finally, we pray that Your Word may speed ahead of our Christian brothers and sisters and triumph wherever it goes We pray that they will be delivered from wicked and evil men We know that You, Lord, are faithful You will establish them and guard them against the evil one We ask You to give them peace at all times in every way, and may they know that You are with them (2 Thess. 3:1–3, 16).

How to give to the persecuted brethren, visit these websites :




TEXT: MATTHEW 5:21-2621 Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:

22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;

24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.

26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Pastor Paul Rika

International Director of Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide

"HOREMOW is like a large body of water coming with great force washing away all debris, shedding dead weight, and riding off all impurities from among the churches today. The great force carries along the genuine children of God from all over the world and from all denominations and nationalities onto the narrow way to be rapture ready and to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ This is the last move of God on earth, and, Holiness Revival Movement is the Last Ark of our generation Some say, "Is this the only place people can worship?" Indeed, such a drastic measure would perplex the world. But, Jesus said, "My children know my voice "


Our text reveals the mind of God and the verdict of heaven on anger and other sins that anger produces such as hatred, malice, revenge, strife, contention, injustice, violence, slander, backbiting, provocation, murmuring, division, conspiracy, mischief, cruelty, oppression, obstinacy and murder. Anger is an evil root that produces evil fruit in one's life. Anger affects our relationship with our neighbours negatively. Reconciliation becomes necessary before God can accept our gift, service or worship.

Our Lord who knows the meaning and requirements of God's law more than all religious teachers in all generations declares this truth. Strained relationship with man hinders intimate relationship with God.

The Pharisees were only committed to external acts of worship; they were not concerned about the state of their hearts. To some people the internal state of mind and attitude towards their fellowmen are not considered as essential to their ministry and worship of God. While their hearts burned with the fire of anger and hatred they continue with their external acts of worship. While they are under the heavy burden of judgment and condemnation for contempt and conspiracy against Christ they continued with their external acts of worship.

If anyone worships God with zeal and great commitment, yet with anger, hatred and malice in the heart, our Lord has declared his worship to be worthless and his religion vain. It is more desirable to have the heart right with God and man than to perform mere outward acts of worship. If, therefore, a man has gone so far as to bring his gift to the very altar, and should remember that anyone has anything against him, it is his duty to leave his offering there and go and be reconciled with his brother.


The wrath of man does not work God's righteousness.

1 Samuel 24:5.
“And it came to pass afterward, that David's heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul's skirt.”
exposing the lies of the enemy to the saints

Dangers of prayerlessness

Romans 6:16

''Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?"

Having an inconsistent prayer life leads to a life of compromise despite one being born again The Bible does tell us that the devil is ever moving around like a roaring Lion seeking whom to devour It is also for this reason that the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing

God tells us this because it is only when we are in His presence that we are spiritually minded and that is when our flesh is put to subjection to obey the will of the Lord

Many Christians today are living in bondage of repetitive sin because they have cast their prayer life away They are not consistent as they pray in seasons while being dry in others The Bible does tell us to crucify our flesh and our flesh can only be crucified by us feeding our spirit man

Galatians 5:24

" And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires "

1 Corinthians 9:27

“But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway

Once we become weak in our prayer life, we easily give in to the desires of our flesh including past sins The only way to overcome this is to have a consistent patter life

Romans 6:13

"And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God "

Ephesians 4:27 "Do not give the devil a foothold

Once we are in the presence of the Lord by fasting, evangelizing, reading his word, praying and praising/worshipping we are able to overcome We will definitely be attacked because that is his nature, but he will not prevail

Many of us may have gone back to secular movies, music and a life of sin but it is time to put on the whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:14- 19 "Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saintsand for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel,

To overcome sin we must first change what runs through our mind,by focusing on the word of God. What runs in our minds is what manifests into the physical world

Matthew 7:17-19 "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. and thrown into the fire "


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Matthew 13:58
58 Because they did not have faith, he did not perform many miracles there.

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