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Acne Cures Collection 1

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Contents Zeno For Acne......................................................................................................................................3 Zeno Heat Treat Review ......................................................................................................................4 Spot Treating Devices ..........................................................................................................................5 Zeno Acne Clearing Device Review .....................................................................................................6 Zeno Hot Spot Review .........................................................................................................................7 A Word About All Zeno Devices ..........................................................................................................8 The Alternative To Zeno Devices .........................................................................................................9 Aloe For Acne ....................................................................................................................................10 Why Use Aloe For Acne? ...................................................................................................................11 Aloe For Acne Cons............................................................................................................................12 Is Aloe For Acne Right For You? ........................................................................................................13 Zit Treatment.....................................................................................................................................14 Reduce Acne Spots ............................................................................................................................16 Pimple Home Remedies ....................................................................................................................18 How To Treat Back Acne ...................................................................................................................20

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Zeno For Acne by acneguru Zeno is a skincare line that created three acne treatment products that function mostly based on the principle that heat kills bacteria, including acne bacteria. The three acne devices they have created are the Zeno Heat Treat, the Zeno Hot Spot, and the Zeno Acne Clearing Device. They function in a way that allows you to include all three devices in your skin care routine if you want. Whether or not it’s worth your while for you to do so, is to be decided. See, there are some things to like about Zeno’s brand of products, and there are some features so frustrating that it may make you want to rip your hair out and throw your little acne treatment mini-machine on the ground. Each product has their pros and cons, which we’ll be discussing so you can make an informed decision before you buy anything. I’ll also teach you about a possible alternative to these devices that could save you a bunch of money.

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Zeno Heat Treat Review The Zeno Heat Treat is a two part treatment that requires you to put a bacteria killing serum onto your skin before using a heating device to lightly massage over your skin. This heating device has no limit on the number of uses you can get out of it so you can use it as long as it continues to work. The serum is 0.5 oz and the length of time it lasts varies according to how often it’s used. The heating device is small and attractive, running on 2 AA batteries. At $40, it’s neither cheap nor expensive. This combination of treatments probably kills much of the bacteria on your face, including the acne causing bacteria, Propionibacterium Acnes. To some of you this may sound like a great idea, but I’m not convinced this is a good thing. Your skin has “good” bacteria on it too, which the Zeno will most likely destroy. This can result in an imbalance which makes it even easier for the bad bacteria to multiply since the reduced number of good bacteria is less able to occupy valuable skin space and fight off the acne causing bacteria.

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Spot Treating Devices Spot treating pimples with Zeno’s other devices (either the Hot Spot or Acne Clearing Device) is probably a better idea than killing bacteria all over your face in hopes of breakout prevention. After all, most breakouts are caused by internal problems rather than external skincare routines anyway, and trying to destroy all the bacteria on your face is unlikely to do you much good in the long run. The Zeno Hot Spot and Zeno Acne Clearing Device are similar to each other in terms of function. They both allow you to spot treat pimples, killing bacteria in only the targeted zone. This spot treatment claims to reduce the lifespan of blemishes, allowing pimples to heal significantly faster than they otherwise would on their own. Zeno started off with the Acne Clearing Device but seems to be pushing their Hot Spot much more than the original model (probably because it nets them more profit due to it’s disposable design). Choosing between the two is simply a matter of personal preference.

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Zeno Acne Clearing Device Review The original Acne Clearing Device uses disposable cartridges, which is, if we’re being honest, wasteful. At $130 for the original model and $160 for the pro model, it’s cost is significantly higher than other Zeno devices. The reason for this may be because you can continue to use it for years with the proper care, being that it comes with a wall charger. You will need to charge the device for at least 8 hours before using the Zeno Acne clearing device for the first time. Once that’s done, you set the device to heat itself, and hold the tip to your blemish for 2.5 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times each day until you’re pimple is gone, recharging the heating device when necessary.

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Zeno Hot Spot Review The Hot Spot does not require the use of cartridges, but you will have to keep in mind that the device is limited to 80 uses. After the 80 uses you throw the little machine away, which, to be honest, may be just as wasteful as the cartridges ridges on the original model. The hot spot costs $40, meaning you’ll be paying about $0.50 a treatment per pimple. Some people will think this is reasonable, and others won’t. The Hot Spot requires no charging. As soon as you receive it, it’s ready to go. Just like with the original device, you hold the heated tip to your blemish for 2.5 minutes a few times a day, until you’re satisfied with the results. Like other products from this manufacturer, the Hot Spot is small and attractive. My advice is that you take other user’s experiences into consideration before you set your heart on this. A common complaint about this product is that it turns on too easily, making it easy to waste a use. Being that the Hot Spot is so small, you should hold it by it’s sides to t make sure you don’t waste any uses, being that you only have 80 per device.

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A Word About All Zeno Devices You can choose to use just one or all three of Zeno’s devices, but the thing you need to be aware of is that the reviews on Zeno’s products are extremely mixed. There are hundreds of people singing each product’s praise and hundreds of people disappointed because the devices did nothing for them. Whatever you spend of this device is basically needs to be money that you’re willing to gamble with. No matter how enthusiastic you might be about the science behind this product, do NOT expect miracles. There’s no way to tell whether these heat treatment devices will keep your skin looking flawless or if they’ll fail to work with your skin type, and end up as bathroom decor. Another thing to be aware of is that Zeno warns their products are not treatments for cystic acne. Sure, many people find that it works for them on cystic acne, but Zeno makes no claims here. It also doesn’t do a thing for blackheads, unfortunately.

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The Alternative To Zeno Devices Yes, there is something out there that I think harnesses the power of Zeno devices, and you may have already guessed what I’m about to say… Hold a washcloth dipped in hot water over your blemish if you want to spot treat, or over your whole face if you aim is prevention. It’s cheap, easy and quick. Simply grab a washcloth or even a cotton ball, heat a small amount of water on the stove or in the microwave, dip your washcloth or cotton ball in, and you’re using the same principle of heat destroying bacteria that all Zeno’s products follow. Of course it’s not as cute and just the slightest bit less convenient, but if cost is of concern to you, I’d recommend you at least try using this alternative first. If you find that heat really is working for your breakouts, Zeno could be the very next purchase on your skincare list, and you’d have peace of mind that your skin type responds to that particular type of treatment.

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Aloe For Acne by acneguru Home remedies are more popular now than ever before, so it’s no wonder people are looking into alternative skin treatments like aloe for acne. Aloe, being a plant highly touted for it’s healing properties, seems like it could be a great addition to your acne treatment. However, before you just assume that because it helps to heal skin injuries like burns, let’s take a look at how aloe works and how it affects your skin. When we hear “aloe”, the specific plant that we’re discussing is usually aloe vera. Most people don’t know that there are over 500 aloe species, and the one that you want for skin troubles is aloe vera. Other species don’t have nearly as much medical research and user experiences to draw data from as aloe vera does. Now, understand that there are both pros and cons to using aloe vera.

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Why Use Aloe For Acne? One of the big reasons aloe is touted to be an acne helper is because of it’s antiinflammatory properties. There are at least 3 anti-inflammatory agents in the aloe vera plant, and perhaps even more than haven’t been discovered yet. These anti-inflammatory agents are the fatty acids are cholesterol, campesterol and B-sitosterol. They soothe irritated skin, making redness and the very size of breakouts less of a concern. Inflammation can make acne look worse, and getting rid of that inflammation can immediately improve the appearance of acne. Soothing inflammation on an ongoing basis will probably help your skin heal faster and become less prone to infections and breakouts because it’s become healthier. Healthy skin, as you may already suspect, is much more resistant to infection by the bacteria that causes pimples, Propionibacterium Acnes. Aloe is also famous for it’s healing properties, and it’s reasonable to expect that since acne is a great healer, it can help to heal the infection that is your pimple. Aloe heals because of it’s Glucomannan. This is a polysaccharide composed of a sugar called mannose. Glucomannan interacts with cell’s receptors, causing them to replicate and grow faster. Gibberellins, which is a plant hormone found in aloe, also causes increased replication of cells, resulting in even more healing abilities. Pure aloe also feels pure and healthy on your skin. Being that it’s so light, small amounts of aloe applied to the skin are rarely even noticeable to the wearer. Some people find that it moisturizes their skin, while others feel that it leaves their skin feeling tight and they need to mix the aloe with a bit of pure plant oil to get rid of this sensation. Another good thing about this little plant is that it’s pretty cheap and easy to find in any form you choose to purchase it in. You can buy an aloe plant at any home improvement store or garden isle of supermarkets and superstores for less than the cost of your lunch. If you would rather not have a plant around to worry about caring for (even though aloe is one of the most low maintenance plants out there), you can easily order bottled 100% pure aloe online for much cheaper than most acne treatment kits and have it shipped right to your front door. So far we’ve learned exactly why aloe can be good for acne. However, that isn’t the whole story. There are some not-so-great points to note about the aloe vera plant and it’s role in acne prevention.

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Aloe For Acne Cons Most of the downsides to using aloe to heal your acne are minor, but they’re worth mentioning since we’re trying to be as thorough as possible in this article. 1. Pure aloe smells weird. You may feel self-conscious if say, your new boyfriend kisses you and you can smell that aloe smell on your face. We’re not talking about the aloe in a bottle mixed with perfumes and fillers. For acne, you’d want to use pure aloe, which doesn’t smell very nice. 2. Most bottled aloe contains ingredients that can irritate the skin. The might be scents, preservatives, colorants, etc. Avoid these by only using 100% pure aloe in a bottle (Aubrey cosmetics has one) or keep a plant for yourself. 3. If you’re going for convenience and buy a bottle of pure aloe, you’ll want to refrigerate it to keep it fresh. Failing to do so can result in the aloe going rancid. Keeping it in the refrigerator could prove to be an inconvenience for you if your family members often gather in the kitchen or your kitchen is far from the bathroom. 4. As mentioned earlier in the article, aloe might feel a little weird on your skin once it dries. Some people find it to make their skin tight. Other people find it may cause their skin to feel sticky. Combat this by mixing a drop of pure plant oil (coconut oil or olive oil will do) with your aloe before massaging it onto your face. And don’t worry about putting oil on your face. These pure plant oils will not clog your pores or cause irritation. 5. Using aloe near your eyes may cause stinging. This was a common complaint, but as you can guess, the solution is very simple. Be careful about not getting the aloe near your eyes and you have nothing to worry about. 6. This is the biggest con of all. External treatments alone (rubbing aloe onto your acne prone areas, for example), isn’t enough to keep acne at bay. There are so many factors that could be involved in your case of acne that it’s highly doubtful that a single step solution like using aloe is going to take care of all your skin’s needs.

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Is Aloe For Acne Right For You? It all depends. Everyone’s skin chemistry is different. Some people see great results from using aloe on their acne due to aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory fatty acids and it’s healing properties, and others barely see any improvement at all. The only way to know if aloe will help your acne is to try it out for yourself. Before you jump right in though, you should remember that this is just a test you’re putting your skin through. You shouldn’t be doing anything foolish like purchasing the largest sized bottle of aloe vera you can find. Try it out, and closely observe the results. If it turns out that aloe is helping you, great! It’s cheap, natural, and readily available so you’re lucky that your skin responds to it. If, on the other hand, aloe doesn’t do much for your acne, you’ll at least take comfort in the fact that this little acne experiment didn’t cost you much and that you can always try internal methods of clearing up your skin. Combining external treatments like aloe with internal treatments is honestly your best bet. This is exactly what makes the 5 Acne Killers report work so well.

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Zit Treatment Acne breakouts are one of the most common types of skin conditions affecting people. We all get acne at a certain time in our lives. Although it is believed to affect particular groups of people (due to genes), zits can affect almost everybody. There are many different methods used to treat acne. The methods vary depending on the type of acne as well as the individual’s tolerance to the treatment method used. Some of the zit treatment methods you can effectively use include the following. Antibiotics for zits Antibiotics are a popular zit treatment method. The antibiotics can either be applied directly on the skin or taken orally. Topical antibiotics come in the form of gels, creams, ointments, lotions or even body wash. The effectiveness of the topical antibiotic depends on different factors. That is, you aren’t guaranteed success when you use a certain topical antibiotic for the treatment of acne. The most common topical antibiotics contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. In order to increase the probability that a topical zit treatment will work, some of the feature to look for include the following. • • • •

Antibacterial properties Exfoliant properties Moisturizing properties Little or no possible side effects

Oral antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat acne from within. The ingredients are carried through the blood stream to the skin pores where they are needed. These antibiotics usually work by creating a balance in the sebum secretion in the skin pores, unclogging the skin pores and killing acne causing bacteria. They can have side effects and it is recommended you get a prescription before taking them. Dietary changes There is an ongoing debate about which foods can contribute to the development of acne. Although many people believe that foods like chocolate and spicy foods are the main cause of acne, there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove this. Foods high in processed sugars on the other hand have been linked to the development of acne in the body. When you eat foods containing high quantities of processed sugars, there is a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. This type of blood sugar fluctuation affects hormone balance in the body. One of the results is excessive sebum production. In addition to this, the rate at which skin cells die out increases. These two conditions contribute to the clogging of skin pores and subsequent acne. A change in diet can help in the treatment of acne. Turning to a balanced diet is one of the best ways to prevent and treat acne. It is recommended that you eat a diet rich in fiber and antioxidants to help in keeping the digestive system healthy.

Lifestyle changes

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14 Lifestyles can also play a role in the occurrence of acne. Lifestyles which lack exercise and cause a lot of stress on the body increase the chances of development of hormonal acne. He reason for this is that such lifestyles negatively affect the hormonal balance within the body. By changing to a healthier lifestyle, not only will you get rid of acne, you will also reduce changes of recurring breakouts. Home based zit treatment Before the introduction of antibiotics for acne, home based remedies were used to get rid of zits. Many of these methods still exist and involve the use of products you can easily find in your home. Unlike antibiotics, home based zit treatment is more of a trial and error thing. There isn’t a home based treatment method which guarantees success for everyone. Some of the home based zit treatment methods found to effectively treat acne include vinegar, baking soda, honey, lemons, oranges and tomatoes, toothpaste, aloe vera and garlic. Home based zit treatment methods are a great way to take control of the treatment method. Unlike antibiotics and other acne treatment methods, there are few side effects to worry about and they aren’t that serious. You can get your free report detailing 5 easy steps to get rid of acne. These are practical steps which can be used to cure all types of acne. These 5 steps will not only help you treat acne, they also provide some health benefits for your body. Get your copy here and start your journey to an acne free life!

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Reduce Acne Spots Acne breakouts can be a source of stress and frustration. The constant worry about how to get them off the skin doesn’t help and some products just don’t work. Whether they are whiteheads or black heads, acne spots aren’t attractive and most people make mistakes in efforts to get rid of them. As a result, the spots simply spread to other parts of the skin. In order to effectively reduce acne spots, it is best first to know how acne forms. This condition is the result of bacterial activity on dead skin cells and sebum in the skin pores causing them to clog. The skin pores are responsible for the elimination of toxins and other waste from the body. A slight imbalance in the process of toxin elimination such as excessive sebum excretion or accumulation of dirt can result in the clogging of the pores. This creates a conducive environment for acne causing bacteria to thrive. Acne spots develop as a result. Now that you know how acne spots develop, which ways are the best to reduce them and, which ones should be avoided? Best ways to reduce acne spots Keeping the skin clean helps to reduce dirt and toxin buildup. This way, the skin pores don’t get clogged up. It is important to keep the skin clean from within and externally. External cleaning of the skin involves washing at least once each day. To keep the skin clean from the inside largely depends on the type of food you eat. As mentioned, one of the main contributors to skin pore clogging is toxins. Most of these toxins come from the food you eat. Eating a diet rich in fiber and antioxidants helps the body reduce the amount of toxins which find their way to the skin pores. It is also important to avoid excessively fatty, spicy or foods containing high amounts of processed sugars. Exfoliation is the process by which you use skin care products to remove dead skin cells. Exfoliation has many benefits which include increasing blood flow to the skin cells and promoting the growth and development of new skin cells. The skin is usually left with acne spots after you undergo an acne treatment regime. These spots mainly comprise dead skin cells. Exfoliation will enable you to remove the dead skin cells allowing the skin to clear. Reducing stress levels is another good way to reduce acne spots. It can be hard to keep your stress level low especially if your skin is covered with acne breakouts. However, stress contributes to hormone imbalance which is the main cause of hormonal acne. Try to keep your stress levels in check to reduce acne spots. Use antibiotics for acne to reduce the spots. There are many acne treatment antibiotics you can use to reduce the pimples. You will need to consult a medical professional for a prescription. Use home based remedies to reduce acne spots. Some of the products you use at home can be effectively used to reduce acne spots. Such products include baking soda, honey, citrus fruits and garlic among others. These remedies are proven to be effective and won’t cost much.

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16 What not to do One common mistake people with breakouts make is squeezing the pimples. While this method might be effective in removing the pus found within the zit, it promotes the spread of the acne causing bacteria. In addition, squeezing breaks the skin leaving a scar. In addition to squeezing, you might be tempted to scratch your skin due to the inflammation caused by the acne. Like squeezing, this will spread the bacteria and break the skin. A good way to deal with the irritation is applying cold water to relieve the pain. Most people find that it isn’t an easy task trying to reduce acne spots. However, it isn’t impossible. I have compiled a free report detailing 5 easy steps to getting rid of acne. Unlike other acne treatment methods which work on the surface problem, the 5 steps in the report help you get rid of acne by tackling the root cause of the problem. The best part is that they are simple to implement, don’t cost you much and have no side effects. Click here to download your copy of my free report, 5 Acne Killers.

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Pimple Home Remedies by acneguru Almost everyone gets pimples at a certain stage in their life. It is more common during puberty but can be seen in young adults. It isn’t uncommon to rush for antibiotics for acne once you have a breakout. However, it usually isn’t the best choice. The reason for this is that the antibiotics might cost a lot and also have possible side effects. If you want simple remedies to treat pimples, here are some pimple home remedies you can try out. Regular cleaning of the skin with water Although this might seem too basic, cleaning your skin with water plays a major role in preventing and also treating pimples. Pimples come as a result of clogged skin pores. This can be as a result of dirt and dead skin cells accumulating on the skin. Apart from dirt and skin cells, other residue which might cause breakouts include sebum and makeup. Regular cleaning ensures that the skin doesn’t accumulate such residue. It’s also worth considering the type of soap you use to clean your skin. Avoid soap which leaves your skin dry since this might trigger excessive sebum production. Baking soda Baking soda has an antiseptic effect and will help kill bacteria found on the skin. For use, you can create a paste by mixing baking soda with water, lemon juice or honey and apply it on the skin. After a few minutes wash it off. This baking soda cream will act as an exfoliant removing dead skin cells and unclogging skin pores allowing for skin rejuvenation. Garlic Studies have found garlic to have many health benefits. It acts as an antibacterial when applied on the skin or eaten. To reduce pimples, crush the garlic and mix it with water. Apply the solution on the affected area and wash off after a few minutes. The garlic kills the bacteria which causes the pimples. The main disadvantage of this treatment method is that you will have to bear the smell! Lemon/orange peel or juice These citrus fruits contain acids which act as antibacterial and exfoliants. When applied on pimples, the citric acid kills acne causing bacteria and also helps to remove the dead skin cells. For use, rub a lemon or orange peel on the affected area and let it stand for a few minutes before washing off. Do the same with lemon or orange juice. Strawberries Strawberries are excellent sources of antioxidants and salicylic acid. The antioxidants help to reduce the amount of toxins found in the body and consequently the amount of toxins finding their way to the skin. Salicylic acid on the other hand works as an exfoliant helping to unclog skin pores and remove dead skin cells. For use, simply rub a slice of strawberry on he affected area of eat the berries.

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18 Honey Natural honey has been found to have antibacterial properties and an effective way to treat pimples. It can be effectively used as a face mask for facial pimples. It can also be used along side lemon juice for better results. Vinegar Vinegar has antibacterial and exfoliant properties. When applied to the skin, it increases the skins pH making it less prone to bacterial attacks. As an exfoliant, it helps unclog skin pores and remove dead skin cells. Are there side effects associated with pimple home remedies? To begin with, home remedies for pimple treatment won’t work for everyone. The main reason for this is that we all have different skin types and there is no known universal home remedy for pimple treatment. In addition, there are factors which can contribute to the effectiveness of a home remedy such as lifestyle and diet. Some of the treatment methods can also have possible side effects which include the following. • • •

Skin irritation Increased skin sensitivity Dry and flaky skin

There are many other pimple home remedies not mentioned. Despite being effective, they can have side effects and also not work for everyone. For simple pimple home based remedies, you can get your free copy of my report on hoe to get rid of acne. The report details 5 simple steps on how to free yourself from acne. Although these are home based remedies, they are quite powerful given the fact that not only do they eliminate pimples, they also don’t have any side effects and also help in your body’s overall health. Get your free copy here

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How To Treat Back Acne by acneguru Apart from facial acne, back acne is quite common. Although you can “hide” back acne, it also limits your wardrobe to attire which hides it. You also tend to avoid activities which will involve showing off your back. Back acne isn’t fun and finding treatment methods for it is your best chance to getting back to doing the things you love most. It might not be as easy as treating facial acne since you don’t see much of your back. However, treating the acne is important if you want others to love the look of your back whenever you decide to go bare back. Here are some of the treatment methods. Wash your back Washing your back here doesn’t mean the simple few seconds of scrubbing and rinsing. It means you need to concentrate a lot on your back when washing it. Wash your back with washcloths or brushes which have exfoliating characteristics. This helps to scrape off the dead skin cells. It is best to experiment with different washing agents before sticking to one which doesn’t irritate the skin or further worsen the breakouts. Once you have washed, ensure that you clean and dry out the back. After this, ensure that you moisturize the back as dry skin triggers sebum production in the oil glands. Using benzoyl peroxide based acne treatment Benzoyl peroxide based body washes are a great way to eliminate back acne. When included in body wash, it acts as an exfoliant. That is, it peels off dead skin cells and also helps to unclog the skin pores. Despite being a great way to clear acne pimples and prevent scarring, it doesn’t have an antibacterial effect. Therefore, if you stop using the product, you might experience breakouts again. Apart from body washes, you can also apply benzoyl peroxide based gels and lotions to your back to get rid of back acne. Using salicylic acid based acne treatment Salicylic based body washes also work in the same way as benzoyl based body washes. Also, they don’t have antibacterial properties meaning you have to continue using them to stay clear of breakouts. You can also find salicylic acid based lotions, creams and gels which can be applied to help eliminate back acne. Oral antibiotics Apart from topical application of acne treatment, you can also take oral antibiotics to clear breakouts on the back. Some of the antibiotics that you can take include tetracycline, minocycline and erythrocycline. These are effective for acne breakouts in all parts of the body. You should however be aware of possible side effects including vaginal yeast infections in women and stomach upset among others. It is also recommended you consult a dermatologist before taking any medication to treat back acne. Change in diet The diet plays a major role in acne breakouts. Diets rich in processed sugars have been found to cause acne. Changing to diets containing less of these sugars will help in the treatment of back acne. A good way to go about changing your diet is checking the foods which you eat. The best foods for your body are the organic foods which don’t have any

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20 chemicals in them. Also, fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber and sugars for the body. Using clean fabrics The back area has a large surface area which comes into contact with fabric. You need to ensure that any attire coming into contact with the back is clean. Also, you should wear loose fitting or garments made from breathable material like cotton to allow for air circulation. You also need to ensure that your bedding is clean. This will help to prevent the thriving of acne causing bacteria and buildup of dirt which can contribute to acne. If you have tried different methods on how to treat back acne, you can agree that it isn’t and easy task. The back area is quite large and without the help of a mirror, you cannot be able to judge whether the treatment method works or not. I have compiled a short report detailing 5 easy steps on how to get rid of acne. The report contains treatment methods which I have tried out and found to be effective. The methods don’t have side effects and you won’t need a mirror to know that they work. You can get your free copy of the report here

To discover the 5 simple steps to curing acne, Visit Finally get your acne under control, quickly and easily.

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