

Makeup Tricks Collection 3

Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to themselves? Discover their best secrets here.

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Contents Home Remedies for Teenage Acne .....................................................................................................3 Acne Vulgaris – Causes and Treatments .............................................................................................5 Cosmeceuticals & You .........................................................................................................................7 Get A Fishy Fish Pedicure ....................................................................................................................9 How To Choose & Apply The BEST Self Tanner? ...............................................................................11 What Causes Acne & How To Treat It ...............................................................................................13 Discount Women’s Perfume .............................................................................................................15 Skin Dermabrasion for Facial Acne Scar Treatment & Removal .......................................................17 Permanent Makeup – Eyeliner & Lipliner .........................................................................................19 How To Soften Skin Naturally With Natural Moisturizers .................................................................21 The Best Makeup Brushes For A Flawless Face .................................................................................23 Give Yourself A Pedicure At Home ....................................................................................................24 Mineral Makeup – Do Bare Escentuals & Pur Minerals Work?.........................................................25 Homemade Facial Masks That Work .................................................................................................27 How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast ...................................................................................................29

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Home Remedies for Teenage Acne by Jayna Davis Teenagers hate acne, of course, and they’re also the people most prone to it. It was the big thing back in the ’80s and ’90s to have teenage acne or pimples leap out of nowhere and ruin a wedding, dance or recital. Teenage acne was the equivalent of the social plague as it was a social status death. Usually, there would be a mad dash for some acne solution or some home remedies for acne so that they can make it to the prom as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Luckily, acne treatments are no longer the exclusive realm of skin doctors or dermatologists as it can be handled from home with the right items. Here are some ways you can keep your face spic-and-span without having to go to a skin clinic. Oatmeal A knife that spreads can also cut and the oatmeal that can feed you can also become a fine example of a home-available acne solution. Simply cook the aforementioned oatmeal and then spread it out on your face. Apply it as cleanly and evenly as you can and simply wash it after a few minutes. It absorbs the oil on your face, clearing up the acne in the process. Lemon Juice One of the more complex home remedies for acne involves lemon juice. Create a mixture that consists of equal parts lemon juice and rose water, then use a cotton ball to apply it to the acne-affected area. Make sure that the application stays on for around an hour then wash it thoroughly with water. This isn’t a quick solution, though, as it takes around two to three weeks for it to really kick in. Toothpaste Apparently, toothpaste isn’t just for your teeth as it finds itself a part of a very effective acne solution. Putting toothpaste on the offending pimple before you go to sleep or overnight can reducing the amount of redness and swelling. It’s a popular acne solution as it is readily available. Just make sure you’re actually using the paste as the gel doesn’t work this way. Also, don’t apply it on a ruptured pimple lesion as it might get infected. Eating Healthy The best home remedies for acne are those that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. Staying healthy can actually help keep your face clear; that means eating fruits and vegetables, each one as fresh as you can get it. Five servings of the stuff should be present in your diet to maximize effectiveness when it comes to your face. In fact, this should be combined with other acne treatment to further maximize its effectiveness. This leads to a cleaner body through the help of fiber and, thus, less oily skin. Popping the Problem If these don’t work for you, you don’t have to fret and freak as there are literally dozens of other acne treatments and home remedies for teenage acne around the world. Talk to some friends or go visit a forum on the good old internet and you’ll find a lot of other ideas. Don’t

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3 worry, as there’s probably one acne solution somewhere out there that will work wonderfully for you. If you don’t find it at first, just keep trying. And maybe, it’s time to visit that dermatologist after all.

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Acne Vulgaris – Causes and Treatments by Jayna Davis Acne has long been the sworn enemy of people about to go to prom or, at least, are about to get their picture taken. According to movies, it always seems to pop up right at the morning when you really don’t want it to come. While that happens every now and then, movies are astoundingly inaccurate and rarely pay attention to reality – just check out Independence Day or the various failures in physics fantastically represented in The Core. They did get one thing about acne vulgaris right: it is almost certainly universally unwelcome. Acne vulgaris treatments and causes vary from person to person in terms of effectiveness. People around the world are looking for the acne solution that will work for them and, hopefully, the following will able to help them achieve that goal. Acne Vulgaris – The Cause Sounds lewd, but it really isn’t. It’s just something that affects over 80% of the people in the world at one point or another. There are plenty of names and forms for acne vulgaris, from pimples, zits and blackheads to blemishes and whiteheads. But one thing is sure, acne vulgaris can cause a lot of emotional aggravation for adults and teenagers alike. It may start at puberty and may well continue to haunt adults in their forties or beyond. Acne vulgaris can be partly hereditary or genetic, so if your parents have it, you’re most likely vulnerable to it. Hormonal changes brought about by puberty, menstrual cycle or stress can also be blamed for the occurrence of acne vulgaris. Any one of these hormonal activities, or a combination thereof, causes the sebaceous glands to go into hyperactive mode triggering the outbreaks. Acne vulgaris can also occur when oil or even dead skin cells clog up your pores, or when bacteria accumulates in the pores due to improper hygiene. Use of anabolic steroids or taking medications containing barbiturates or androgens can also cause acne vulgaris. The severity of the acne and, thus, of the required treatments for acne vulgaris ranges from person to person and usually case to case. Some people have severe and intense occurrences with literally hundreds of pimples blemishing their face, neck and back, while others are lucky enough to get only one or two. Acne Vulgaris Treatments Acne vulgaris treatments varies on the exact type you’re suffering from and the severity of the condition itself. The best approach that most doctors will advise you of is to simply combine treatments to maximize the chances of affecting acne vulgaris positively. Mild Acne Vulgaris Treatment Mild acne vulgaris ranges from whiteheads, blackheads and, of course, the eponymous pimple. Treatments for acne vulgaris of a mild severity requires simple actions, such as using mild soaps like Dove. The more common method of handling it involves Clearasil and Benzac or anything that has benzoyl peroxide as main ingredient which is every effective

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5 against acne vulgaris. Acne solution such as these should be enough to handle most mild outbreaks. If they’re not effective, you might have a more severe case than you think. Moderate To Severe Outbreak Treatment This is when treatments for acne vulgaris tend to be combined to truly affect a change. Cysts and nodules or deeper blemishes matter a whole lot – these are the ones that tend to leave scars. Most doctors and dermatologists actually end up prescribing antibiotics as well to help you heal. Treatments involve a combination of most of the same stuff involved in mild acne vulgaris treatment and with some additions. Larger pimples and cysts should actually be drained by a professional to prevent most of the scarring. Antibiotic gels and oral antibiotics also feature prominently in this case. Home Treatments for Acne Vulgaris Treating yourself well at home can easily aid in handling the random flare-ups that most teens and even some adults tend to experience. Gently washing your face once or twice a day does wonders. Go with water-based products. Milky cleansers and cold creams can end up aggravating the problem and making it worse, so does lip gloss and lipstick that are loaded with oils. Everyone knows that squeezing and popping pimples is generally a bad idea, but people do it anyway. Squeezing and popping zits and pimples can lead to a whole lot of nastiness, from mild infections to permanent scarring. So, once again, never squeeze your pimples even if you’re tempted to do so. You can also head to your local drugstore to buy some cheap treatments for acne vulgaris. Benzac, Clearasil and Benoxyl can help unclog pores, prevent the onset or reduce the occurrence of acne vulgaris. Alpha-hydroxy acids can dry up those annoying blemishes and can cause the topmost skin layer to peel off. This item is easily found in various facial treatments from moisturizers to sunscreens. Salicylic acid, also found in Clearasil, does pretty much the same thing that alpha-hydroxy acids do. Make sure to consult with a dermatologist before self-medicating or you may end up using treatments for acne vulgaris too much, which can lead to worsening of the condition or you might end up using too little and changing nothing. Hacking the Acne Acne is a difficult thing to handle for some people while others seem to be dealing with their acne vulgaris extremely well. It’s all in the way you deal with your acne vulgaris. If you’re not okay with “you” as an individual, no amount of treatments for acne vulgaris will help you feel better. There’s always going to be something wrong with your external self, some blemish you can pick at or something that you want to fix. But, it is best to fix what you can and be contented and happy with what you can’t. Acne vulgaris is just a pockmark that you can beat with some medication, after all.

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Cosmeceuticals & You by Jayna Davis I like keeping my skin healthy, so I try and keep my eye out for products that could slow down or prevent skin aging and help me deal with skin problems like acne flare-ups or chronic dryness. Unsurprisingly, most of the products I end up finding usually fall under a relatively new category of skin products called “cosmeceuticals.” This is a pretty obvious thing to mention, but I really just have to put it out there, in case anyone misses out on it: “cosmeceuticals” is a kind of combination word made up of “cosmetics,” and “pharmaceuticals.” There. Now that that part of my little definition-of-terms is out of the way, I can go on to say that, cosmeceuticals are primarily cosmetic products that are applied to the skin and claim to have active ingredients that are powerful or effective enough to have the same kind of healing effects on the skin as drugs have on the rest of the body. Hold On a Second, is “Cosmeceuticals” Even a Real Word? Actually, that was the first question I asked. I mean, it kind of sounds like some sort of bogus marketing gimmick meant to draw in hypochondriac skin-care addicts who want to be able to apply their flu medication by smearing it on their faces or something. As it turns out though, “cosmeceutical” is an actual term. It isn’t recognized by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and neither are cosmeceutical products subject to FDA review. Ok, so “cosmeceuticals” isn’t a legally recognized term, but it HAS been around, and it’s used in cosmetic advertising to describe topically applied skincare products with active ingredients like botanicals, antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils, and herbs. What’s Up With Cosmeceuticals? Alright, let’s clear something up first: cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products. They’re usually safe to apply without prescription, but are meant to serve a specific skin-care function. Cosmeceuticals include anti-aging products, mild acne-management creams, and products meant to help people deal with skin problems like chronically dry or oily skin. Hypoallegenic cosmetics are also often marketed as cosmeceuticals, since they’re formulated a special way, with a specific problem in mind. One of the biggest criticisms that a lot of people have of cosmeceuticals and the usage of the term is that it can be misleading. People who aren’t very familiar with cosmeceuticals might think that products marketed as such could be used for medical purposes. They might also think that these products go through the rigorous testing that medical drugs have to undergo, for quality control and efficacy. Sure, these products are tested for safety, but as far as effectiveness is concerned, as the old folks say; ”The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”

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7 If it’s manufactured by a reliable company, then a cosmeceutical anti-aging cream, for example, will probably effectively make skin healthier and get rid of a few of those fine lines that people seem to hate so much. Not all cosmeceuticals are created equal though, and some products might not effectively deliver on their promises at all. Your best bet, when buying cosmeceuticals, is to research, ask questions, and have a sense of humor, if the product you buy turns out to be a dud.

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Get A Fishy Fish Pedicure by Jayna Davis The fish pedicure has got to be the cutest foot-care treatment I’ve ever heard of. Before you ask, yes, the term “fish pedicure” is exactly what it sounds like: fish giving you a pedicure. Getting Your Feet Wet Conventionally, people would use razors to get rid of any scales or calluses they have on their feet. It’s not exactly the safest or most comfortable way to go about it, but it’s one of the cheapest and commonest ways to smooth down scaly feet. A great alternative to razors is the fish pedicure. It doesn’t involve any sharp objects scraping dangerously close to major arteries, just some warm water, and a lot of really small fish. Depending on where you get your underwater foot treatment, you could be plunging your tootsies into a warm footbath with a hundred or more of these tiny, toothless carp called garra rufa. These fish thrive in hot water, which, unsurprisingly, doesn’t really support much of the aquatic life they eat. So, when a tasty human foot comes along, they’ll swim up to you and eat their fill of your dead skin. Usually, letting the fish go at it for about fifteen to thirty minutes is enough for most people to come out of it with really soft, completely callus-free tootsies. A lot of spas will follow up their fish treatment with an actual pedicure, which many say becomes a lot easier because of how soft the skin becomes after the fish are done with you. No Worries About Piranha Movies Being toothless, these little guys won’t be able to get to any of your live skin, so if you’re worried about suffering the fate of a movie extra in a piranha flick, stop. Barring a really unlikely freak accident where a stray fish might mistakenly decide to swim up places where “the sun don’t shine,” garra rufa are harmless to humans. And they’re really cute. On top of that, even though these guys are essentially eating your skin, a lot of customers say that it doesn’t hurt when they do. They say it’s more of a ticklish, tingly sensation, like your foot’s fallen asleep or being really gently massaged. Doctor Fish! The whole fish spa thing got its start in Turkey, but it’s spread to a lot of parts of Asia, and it’s making a bit of a splash in the United States, too. In the US though, even though the novelty of the fish pedicure has made it a hit among customers, US health officials are still a little worried about whether or not using skin-eating fish to clean your feet of extra stuff would be particularly sanitary. A lot of people swear by it though, and a lot of the time, customers have nothing but praise for the treatment.

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9 Garra rufa are also referred to as “doctor fish” and “nibble fish” and for good reason: When they nibble away at your dead skin, they can also relieve some of the symptoms of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and skin asthma. A few minutes in a tub full of these great little guys will give your smooth, younger-looking skin that all but glows with health. What could possibly be cuter than that?

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How To Choose & Apply The BEST Self Tanner? by Jayna Davis A great tan can effortlessly add a great, sun-kissed touch of glamour to any look. Of course, given issues like the hole in the Ozone Layer, the dangers of ultraviolet radiation, skin cancer, and the fact that too much sunlight actually speeds up skin aging, getting a real tan can be a risky affair. This is why sunless tans, or self tanners are so popular nowadays. Of course, unless you already know how to apply self tanner, doing so can be risky business. It’s also important to find the best self tanners for your skin tone and skin type, so that you don’t end up looking fake or –heaven forbid!- orange. What is a Self Tanner? A self tanner is any skin product that can deepen or darken a person’s skin without having to expose it to ultraviolet light. The effect most self tanning products try to go for is the kind of sun-kissed look a person might get after spending a few hours frolicking in the beach without sun block. How Do You Choose the Best Self Tanners To Use? Not all self tanners are created equal, and just like each person has his or her own unique body chemistry, every self tanner has its own individual formulation. Before trying on any of these products, it’s best to do a spot test by applying a little bit of it to your skin so that you can make sure that you aren’t allergic to it and that it actually works on you and doesn’t look fake. The most effective and easy to apply non-dye self tanners are the ones that contain dihydroxyactenton, or DHA. These reacted directly with amino acids on the epidermis to create a browning effect called the Maillard reaction, which also happens to certain kinds of food, like breads and caramelizing sugars. These products can come in cream, gel, or even spray form, and examples of good self tanner brands are Neutrogena Instant Bronze, Deep, which has both a bronze tint that deepens your skin color right away as well as tanning action that sets in as early as thirty minutes thereafter. Environmental Shield Self Tanner SPF 15 is another great self tanner to try. It has SPF protection, and can manifest in two hours. This is the best self tanner to use if you plan on going to the beach, or spend the day outside, since it already has SPF. Be warned though, to keep from getting streaky, it’s best not to swim or shower until your tan has set in and become visible. How Do You Apply Self Tanner? To apply a self tanner, first make sure that your skin is clean, dry, and freshly exfoliated. For even application, the areas to be tanned should also be bare of hair.

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11 With a pair of cheap, disposable gloves, apply the self tanner evenly on your skin, working your way up, from foot to face. Rub the lotion into one part of your skin until it’s completely absorbed, then move on to the next section of skin. Keep on doing this until you’ve covered the area you want to cover, and throw away your gloves. Even the best self tanners can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour before it sets in completely. The first thing to remember in learning how to apply self tanner is to put it on totally evenly. Try not to touch anything or bend until your tanner is completely dry.

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What Causes Acne & How To Treat It by Jayna Davis When I was fourteen, I had really nasty acne. I swear, I looked like a cross between the moon, and a diseased tomato; my skin was pockmarked, oily, and red, and my cheeks and forehead were almost completely covered with pimples. I sought out a lot of different acne treatments, but I didn’t find anything that would make my acne go away. It baffled and frustrated me, until I realized that what causes acne can usually be traced back to the hormonal imbalances of puberty, and the fortunate –or unfortunatecircumstances that surround a person’s genetics. Acne: Knowing My Enemy As a kid, I didn’t really care very much for my skin problems; I wasn’t that concerned about my looks, and since I was neither popular nor a social punching bag for the hormonal shark tank that is an all-girls Catholic school, my classmates didn’t give me much grief over my acne. It wasn’t until my face actually began to hurt from all of the inflamed skin that I decided to try and do something about it. The first thing I did of course; was to try and figure out what my skin condition was in the first place. After a little research, I found out that what causes acne –which is actually called acne vulgaris- can usually be traced back to teenaged hormonal imbalance and overactive skin oil glands. Acne vulgaris is a skin condition where a person’s sebaceous glands (the oil-producing glands in the skin found around the hair follicle) get blocked. When this happens, the sebum or skin oil which is usually supposed to drain to the skin’s surface and nourish the skin cells there, become a breeding ground for bacteria. There are two kinds of acne, and a person can have both types at the same time: noninflammatory acne, and inflammatory acne. Non-Inflammatory Acne In this particular kind of acne, the blocked gland can cause skin blemishes called comedones: what people usually refer to as whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads Whiteheads are comedones which show up as small, white spots. In a whitehead, the sebum and the bacteria around the sebum are trapped underneath the skin’s surface. The hair follicle’s opening is slightly enlarged, and the skin’s surface is sometimes raised just a tiny bit. Luckily, whiteheads tend to be really small: almost invisible in fact, and if the follicle wall doesn’t rupture, the sebum usually gets released to the surface and heals on its own. Blackheads

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13 Blackheads, on the other hand, are when the pore of the hair follicle opens, and the sebum trapped there oxidizes and becomes brown or black. Blackheads may look like dirt, but they can’t be washed or scrubbed away. On the bright side though, they often go away on their own, since the sebum in blackheads actually drains to the skin’s surface; it just does so really slowly. Inflammatory Acne Inflammatory acne happens when the follicular walls of one of the skin’s pores breaks. White blood cells rush in to try and heal the problem, but instead, the pus forms, and the pore swells up. Usually, inflammatory acne starts out as a papule; or a small, red bump created by trapped sebum, bacteria, and pus. If the papule doesn’t heal, it can become a pustule, which forms a few days after. White blood cells finally make their way to the skin’s surface, and the papule finally becomes what people refer to as a pimple or a zit. If the zit doesn’t heal, it can go on to become a nodule, which is when the follicle breaks and collapses completely so that a sore and inflamed bump appears. The worst kind of inflammatory reaction is called a cyst, where the inflamed area becomes quite big, and pusfilled lesions appear. Aside from being pretty damn gross, cysts can hurt an awful lot, and a visit to the dermatologist is usually in order. Treating Acne The first thing you have to remember about acne is that you aren’t supposed to touch it! Usually, picking or touching the affected area can aggravate the problem, especially if the area you’re touching has inflammatory acne. Poked and prodded, a whitehead can become a papule, then a pustule, then a nodule, then a cyst, and if proper acne treatment isn’t given, scarring can occur. Acne treatments run the gamut; from simply practicing good hygiene, maintaining a balanced diet, and waiting out the hormonal mess that is puberty, to hormone treatments and laser surgery. The most common acne treatments usually don’t address what causes acne per se –the blocked pores- but the effects: increased bacteria. Topical creams and ointments that kill bacteria are the most easily accessible, and are best for milder forms of acne. Others, like hormone treatments, deal directly with what causes acne the most often: the hormonal imbalances that can result in the overproduction of sebum. This kind of acne treatment is mostly effective only for women. It and can often be as simple as taking oral contraceptives. For a more unisex approach, having a dermatologist inject cortisone directly into an especially large or uncooperative pimple can have immediate positive effects. Of course, if you plan on using these kinds of treatments, it’s important to consult with a professional.

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Discount Women’s Perfume by Jayna Davis Perfume is any mixture of aroma compounds, essential oils, fixatives, and solvents meant to create a pleasant smell. Perfume might have been around for a few millennia, but perfumery and the perfume industry’s introduction to the western world only came around during the Renaissance, in the fourteenth century. At the time, it was almost exclusively used by the wealthy and the aristocracy to cover up for the fact that people back then didn’t bathe that often. Perfume’s come a long way since then. It isn’t just a luxury for the super-rich anymore. Sure, there are still a lot of designer perfumes that can cost an arm, a leg, and the better part of a torso, but there are a lot of discount perfumes available as well. They’re pretty easy to find, actually. Figuring out where to buy discount womens perfume, for example, can be as easy as typing out the object of your search on a search bar. What are the Different Kinds of Perfumes? Ever wonder why sometimes, in the perfume world, a tiny vial barely the size of a little kid’s pinky finger can cost sooooooooooo much more than a bottle the size of a coffee mug? Brand names aside, one of the reasons for this is usually because of the type of perfume it might be. Perfume types vary according to the amount of essential oil or aromatic compound is mixed in with the solvent –usually, the solvent is a mix of water and ethanol. Perfume extract, or extrait has fifteen to forty percent aromatic compounds. These are typically the most expensive. With extrait, a little bit can really go a long way, which is another reason why its price tag can be so much higher. Eau de parfum has ten to twenty percent, eau de toilette has five to fifteen percent, eau de cologne traditionally has three to eight percent aromatic compound in its mixture and these compounds are usually a mix of citrus oils –like lime, bergamot, and petitgrain- although lately, it’s become a catch-all term for formulations with two to five percent aromatic compound. In comparison to extrait, splashes and after shaves normally come in formulations with only one to three percent aromatic compounds. Of course, in individual brands the formulations can vary, but most of the time, discount perfumes are available nonetheless. Where Can I Find Discount Perfumes? If you’re willing to wait, a lot of beauty stores and perfume shops could have special discount sales during particular times of the year. One online perfume store, for example, runs a special sale especially for Mother’s Day, where discount womens perfumes of all types get their prices slashed by ten percent if they’re bought on or before Mother’s Day.

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15 Outlet stores and certain websites also have a lot of discount perfume offerings. Some websites will let you buy discount womens perfumes and discount mens perfumes for up to eighty to seventy percent less than they would cost you at retail prices! As old and long as the history of perfumery might be though, perfumes themselves don’t last forever; even the best perfumes can go rancid over time, so before buying any discount perfumes, try and get a whiff to make sure that it’ll serve its purpose and keep you smelling nice, not nasty.

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Skin Dermabrasion for Facial Acne Scar Treatment & Removal by Jayna Davis Treating acne and the craters that it sometimes leaves is becoming easier by the day, though some may not be that affordable. Some people may find that after their bouts with acne, another issue must be boldly faced: acne scars – some barely noticeable, others deep and aggravation-inducing. Interestingly enough, a lot of people actually find themselves without scarring after their acne-ridden years. However, if you think that your face is cratered like the surface of the moon, facial acne scar treatment can vary from a simple treatment to skin dermabrasion or surgical scraping. How Do Acne Scars Occur? Acne scar removal is a common practice as acne scarring is fairly common. When an acne lesion has healed, either from natural or forced popping, it tends to leave a reddish mark on the skin. This mark isn’t the scar but what is called a post-inflammatory change. This redness is part of the remodeling that the skin is up to and it takes around half a year to a full year. It is during this time that it’ll either end up as smooth skin or an actual scar. It is best not to cause those lesions in the first place and not require acne scar removal but if you’re there already, you’ll be happy to know that it’s not too late. Prevention is best, however, which largely revolves around protecting your skin properly such as wearing enough sunscreen and, of course, not just picking at the scabs themselves. Skin Dermabrasion Skin dermabrasion aims to smooth out your face, making it look better. Skin dermabrasion isn’t just for acne scar removal, it’s also for the removal of all sorts of scars, such as those from accidents. It can also handle and smooth out the finer wrinkles on your face. For deeper acne scar removal, something called dermaplaning is done instead. There are other options than these surface repair jobs, such as a chemical peel. In fact, that might be coupled with skin dermabrasion or dermaplaning to maximize the outcome of the procedure. Something you should consider before taking on this facial acne scar treatment is that it might not work for you. Technology only goes so far – luckily, so does foresight, as your dermatologist can examine your status and see if you’re a proper candidate for dermabrasion. Age usually doesn’t matter as much as the current state of your acne. If it is currently active, undergoing skin dermabrasion or dermaplaning can cause severe skin infections and cause more trouble than you were expecting. Previous skin treatments can also modify and affect your candidacy. Skin Deep Although skin dermabrasion is basically a simple surgery, it also carries with it some inherent risks. For the most part, the greatest risk you face, even with the most skilled dermatologists, is some skin darkening; nothing life changing, unless you’re an actor or the like.

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17 Regardless, you still need to take care with facial acne scar treatment. It’s the first impression that people will get of you and you want to make sure that the impression you give is a good one. Take care of your face – it’ll repay you in spades.

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Permanent Makeup – Eyeliner & Lipliner by Jayna Davis I’m the kind of person who likes to look good, but dreads having to roll out of bed in the mornings because I’ll have to go through all of the elaborate minutiae of makeup application. Every morning is a personal war for me; and it sometimes got to the point where I would lie in bed with the covers tucked over my head until two in the afternoon, simply because I didn’t want to bother with my exceedingly tedious morning routine. The thought has occasionally occurred to me to skip putting on makeup altogether, but I haven’t left my house without makeup on since before I was in high school, and I don’t intend on changing that now. A fter another completely wasted Saturday morning spent lying in bed and trying to pretend that I was still asleep though, I finally decided that I had had enough. I searched the internet for permanent makeup options. I wanted to start out slowly; with a little permanent eyeliner or permanent lip liner or semi permanent lip liner maybe. What is permanent makeup? If you’re wondering what permanent makeup is; it’s essentially makeup that’s been tattooed directly onto a person’s face. The difference between permanent lip liner, for example, and the butterfly tattoo a person might have had inked onto their lower back, is that whereas tattoos are mostly meant to make a statement of some sort about somebody’s personality, permanent makeup is simply meant to enhance (or slightly alter) whatever’s already there. How is permanent makeup applied? As mentioned in the last paragraph, permanent makeup is basically a bunch of tattoos. This means that it is usually applied the same way tattoos are; except that they’re almost always applied by a plastic surgeon, since facial skin is much more delicate than the skin in most of the rest of the body, and since the tattoos are usually placed really close to important parts of the body, like the eyes. Does applying permanent makeup hurt? The short answer to that one is “yes.” Getting a tattoo is essentially getting punctured a lot of times with an ink-filled needle. A permanent makeup job will be essentially the same thing. A permanent makeup machine; a device used specifically for the application of permanent makeup will often be used; although it pretty much does the same thing a tattoo needle does: deposit pigment into deep layers of skin. With permanent makeup though, it isn’t applied as deeply, and since it’s applied to the face, most plastic surgeons will apply topical or local anesthetic to whatever you want to put permanent makeup on. The most you will probably feel will be some minor discomfort, and there may be a bit of swelling and stinging afterwards as well. You might want to ask your doctor about what you can do to deal with the after-effects.

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19 What are the pros and cons of permanent makeup? The first con is fairly obvious. It’s permanent. You’ll have it for the rest of your life. Or, since it’s really likely that the ink will fade over time, you’ll have it for at least a few years. This means that if you opted to have blue permanent eyeliner, you’re going to have to live with that particular permanent eyeliner color for a while, unless you’re willing to undergo costly and painful (usually more painful than the permanent makeup application process) tattoo removal to get rid of it. Of course, this is probably the reason why people get permanent makeup in the first place, so it counts as a pro as well: the fact that it stays. It’s really a double-edged sword. This is why if you want to get permanent makeup, you have to think long and hard before making your decision; there aren’t any morning after take backsides once you have this kind of makeup on your face. A lot of clinics and beauty centers where permanent makeup services are being offered will also have specialists to help you with your color and design choices. To get the look you want and avoid infections, make sure that you get a cosmetologist or permanent makeup specialist you trust, who uses sterilized equipment. Another con to permanent makeup is the cost; something as simple as permanent eyeliner can set you back anywhere from three hundred dollars, to a thousand. It does help you cut back on the need to buy eyeliner every few weeks or months though, which does save you some money. If you think about it, this isn’t that much of a con, really. What about semi permanent makeup, like semi permanent lip liner? Is there a difference? That depends on who you’re talking to. Permanent makeup is often also called semi permanent makeup; so you can opt to refer to your new lip liner job as semi permanent lip liner or permanent lip liner. Sometimes though, there can be a small difference between semi permanent and permanent makeup. Some brands or cosmetic lines will tout their products or services as semi permanent makeup, but will actually refer to ordinary cosmetics formulated to be especially long wearing. Whether you’re planning on giving permanent makeup a try and going under the cosmetologist’s needle with permanent eyeliner or semi permanent lip liner, or simply finding some reeeeeeaaally long-wearing semi permanent lip liner though, getting the colors and services that suit your needs can be easy, if you know what you’re looking for.

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How To Soften Skin Naturally With Natural Moisturizers by Jayna Davis Nothing feels nicer than soft, smooth skin, but even if you’re genetically blessed with really great skin, unless you live in a tropical country, you’ll probably have to slather on even more moisturizer once the winter months come around. Store-bought moisturizers and skin treatments can cost a lot of money though, and if you want to make a few savings, all you need to do is find out how to soften skin naturally. You’ll not only get the benefit of making a few savings, but you’ll also be giving your skin a treat that’s completely free of all the unpronounceable (and sometimes potentially harmful) chemicals that can usually be found in the moisturizers and skin treatments you can buy in plastic bottles. It’s pretty easy; you can glean a lot of great natural moisturizers from your kitchen alone. If you want to figure out how to soften skin naturally, it’s a really great idea to work on it from the inside out. Something as simple as adding more fruits to your diet and staying hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water can actually do wonders to brighten up your skin and keep it soft. And the benefits don’t stop there, either. Staying sufficiently hydrated and consuming the nutrients and fibers you get from fruits and vegetables can also show in healthier, bouncier hair, more energy, a trimmer waistline, and better feelings all around. Of course, if you don’t want to take my word for it, there are other ways that tweaking your daily routine can help give you naturally softer skin. Hot showers, for example, may feel absolutely wonderful during the colder months, but all of that hot water can actually cause skin to dry out really badly. Add that to the fact that when the weather’s cold, the dryness in the air can tend to seep out the moisture in your skin and hair, and you’ve got a recipe for some really unpleasant winter dryness. A cold, bracing shower at seven in the morning (or whatever time you wake up) can seem like an advanced torture technique when it’s three degrees below zero outside, but your skin will thank you for it. Just make sure you don’t catch pneumonia after getting out of the shower. Of course, aside from staying hydrated, eating the right kinds of food, and keeping the shower’s temperature on low, moisturizing outright is a must too. Snooping around your kitchen cupboards is actually a really good way to find great, all natural moisturizers. For example, olive oil –yes, the stuff you put in pastas and saladsdoesn’t just taste great, it’s great for your skin, too! In a pinch, you can rub a bit of it on “problem spots” on your skin, like your knees, elbows, and heels for quick results. For a real treat, right before showering, slather some of this all over your body, and rinse it off in the shower. Yogurt is another really great natural moisturizer, and people have used yogurt to give their skin a boost for centuries, and these days, it’s really popular as a facial mask as well as a healthy treat. Aside from softening the skin, it tightens pores and gives your skin a gentle deep cleansing. If you know how to soften skin naturally, using unflavored yogurt should be

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21 a given. Warm it up a bit, apply it, leave it on for ten minutes, and rinse it all off with some warm water.

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The Best Makeup Brushes For A Flawless Face by Jayna Davis Makeup can often be a really important part of a person’s daily routine. If you’re the kind of person who can’t leave the house without even a quick cosmetic fix, you’ll know that makeup brushes are an essential buys when out shopping for basic beauty needs. Most cosmetics already come with their own applicators, but the best makeup brushes will usually need to be bought separately. Of course, if you’re going to spend all of that money, you’re going to have to figure out how to clean makeup brushes. After all, what’s the use of having a really great set of makeup brushes if they’re all gross and grungy? Of course, there are a lot of different kinds of makeup brushes, with different shapes and sizes, textures, handle lengths, and bristles. Each one has a different function and are great for applying different kinds of makeup. Unless you’re a professional makeup artist though, you don’t really need to buy all of them. If you just want to be able to apply your makeup well, it’s good to stick to a few “essential” brushes that are both versatile and practical, and are the best makeup brushes to suit most people’s makeup needs. A large powder brush is one of those essentials. It’s a big, full brush with a domed or rounded shape, and it’s useful for dusting on loose powder or brushing off excess. A concealer brush, on the other hand, has a squarer-shaped head, with corners that are tapered for blending. It should have a long handle and be a comfortable weight for your hand, since it’ll be used for precision applications. A foundation brush is another makeup brush must-have. It’s a large brush with a flat, wide, and tapered head, useful for cream or liquid foundations. For blush-on, use a brush that is slightly smaller than a powder brush, with a large head and slight tapering. For your eye makeup, start with a medium-sized eye shadow brush with a square head slightly tapering corners, and firm but soft bristles. An angled or slanted eye liner brush is also a great addition to your makeup brush set. Try to make sure that the head is small and narrow, with bristles that are soft, but firm, because it’s meant to apply fine lines and blend or soften edges. A lip brush with a small, flat, narrow edge is great for blending and applying lipstick; just make sure that it has a cap and/or a retractable head, for hygienic purposes. If you want to learn how to clean makeup brushes, but are worried about having to go through a lot of hassle to do it, stop worrying! All you need to do is run the bristles of each brush under some warm water, use a bit of shampoo to work up a bit of a lather, then rinse off as much of the makeup tint as you can, and air dry them. If you take care them, the best makeup brushes can serve you for years.

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Give Yourself A Pedicure At Home by Jayna Davis Good foot hygiene should be a given for any person, male or female. But not everybody has the time, inclination, or cash to go to a salon or pedicure parlor just so some stranger can mess around with their feet. If you’re a tightwad like me, and don’t want to bother paying for something that can easily be done in the comfort of your own home; you’re in luck. Getting an at home pedicure doesn’t really require much training. If you have the right tools and a little bit of time, you could easily give yourself a pedicure. There are a few things you’ll need to enjoy a complete at home pedicure. Soap and warm water, acetone, lotion, acetone, nail polish, foot powder, a nail cutter and nail file, a pumice stone and a nail brush, some cotton balls, and a basin big enough to serve as a footbath. All of these things can usually be found around the house, but if you find yourself short on a couple of things, all you need to do is pop over to the nearest drug store; all of these supplies are usually available there. Pampering your tootsies can actually take a number of steps. The first step is to soften them up. Find a comfy chair, pour some warm, soapy water into that washbasin, and soak them for about five minutes. This’ll soften your toenails and whatever calluses you might have, making them a lot easier to deal with. Replacing the soap in your water with some Epsom salt and some essential oils can not only give your feet an extra boost, but you get the added benefit of getting a room that smells totally luxe. After softening your feet up though, soak some of your cotton with acetone and remove any nail polish you have from your toenails. Acetone or any other form of nail polish remover can be really drying to the nail and the skin around it, so keep the dryness at bay by dabbing a bit of olive oil or lotion to your cuticles before breaking out the nail polish remover. When you’ve gotten all the nail polish out of your toenails, trim them and file them to keep them short and healthy. Make sure that the rest of your feet are clean by getting between your toes and down on your heels with the pumice stone and the nailbrush. When that’s done, soak your feet again for some extra pampering. Dry your feet completely and then slather your feet and ankles with some extra-rich lotion. To keep those tootsies from getting stinky, dust some foot powder between your toes and if you want to go to bare, you’re good to go from there. In my personal opinion though, no at home pedicure is complete without a layer of bright-colored nail polish. Apply a base coat, wait for it to dry, paint on the nail polish color of your choice, and put on the topcoat. A good pampering can be a lot cheaper and easier to get that you expect. It’s pretty easy to give yourself a pedicure if you want one. All you need to do is make the time for it.

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Mineral Makeup – Do Bare Escentuals & Pur Minerals Work? by Jayna Davis In Ancient Rome and Egypt, a lot of the cosmetics that people used contained poisonous substances, like lead and mercury. Of course, nowadays, we don’t voluntarily smear poisonous substances on our skins just to alter our appearances. …Or do we? Did you know that some cosmetics contain synthetic –and potentially toxic- ingredients that could irritate the skin? Awareness of this has created a demand for makeup made with more natural ingredients, and mineral makeup, or bare minerals makeup, has filled in to address this issue. Common mineral makeup brands, like Pur Minerals, have several different makeup types, like mineral foundations and lip gloss, and one of the draws for bare minerals makeup is that they are often touted as performing a dual role; not just to enhance or alter a person’s appearance, but to nourish the skin or relieve skin conditions like adult cystic acne as well. Makeup is a term used to refer to colored products applied to a person’s skin in order to change their appearance. These changes can be as tiny and insignificant as a touch of mineral foundation to even out your skin tone, or as drastic as an elaborately applied array of cosmetics meant to change your look so thoroughly that you’ll almost look like an entirely different person. Most people turn to more conventional kinds of makeup to fulfill these functions, but there has been a growing trend of going back to the basics and buying bare minerals makeup. Of course, when I use the term “going back to the basics,” I don’t mean that the nasty toxic stuff, like mercury and lead have made a comeback as cosmetics ingredients. Ancient Romans and Ancient Egyptians may have gotten a few things right, like sewage systems and really cool-looking infrastructure, but identifying the toxicity of their cosmetics was clearly not their forte. Mineral makeup, on the other hand, uses gentler ingredients; minerals from earth, made without any of the synthetic ingredients, like chemicals and dyes that go into most traditional kinds of makeup. There are a lot of different brands of pure mineral makeup, and they come in a lot of different makeup types; just as there are a lot of different kinds of makeup users. Some people would swear by pure mineral makeup and wouldn’t change out their mineral foundations for all the freebies in the world, and there are those who would roundly denounce mineral makeup as terrible products; even going so far as to call this kind of makeup a sham. Both parties do have their valid points. On one hand, mineral makeup has been criticized as nothing more than a clever marketing scheme, since most traditional brands of makeup use pretty much the same ingredients. Some also claim that a lot of mineral makeup brands don’t carry shades or colors that fit some customers’ skin types. Then again, the same can be said about practically all the other makeup brands anyway. Some people also claim that mineral makeup has a tendency to dry out skin and aggravate certain skin conditions, and that it can actually accentuate wrinkles, rather than conceal them; making a person look years older.

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25 There are also those who claim that the colors of most kinds of mineral makeup have a slightly ashy undertone that looks particularly unflattering on certain skin types, such as those with yellow undertones to their skin. On the other hand, mineral makeup fans say that pure mineral makeup is great for a person’s skin. The purer, synthetics-free formulations of mineral makeup, which don’t contain dyes, fragrances, binders, or preservatives, are said to be great for people who have sensitive skin, allergies, acne, or rosacea. Many also say that mineral makeup can give a person’s skin a special kind of “glow” that traditional kinds of makeup can’t replicate. On top of that, mineral makeup is said to last a lot longer than other kinds of makeup, and is non-comedogenic –which means that it won’t clog your pores and aggravate acne conditions or cause rosacea flare-ups. Another point in mineral makeup’s favor is the fact that most pure mineral makeup brands have an SPF rating of at least 15, because most of these kinds of makeup contain a fair amount of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you can march off to the beach without slathering on the sunscreen though; while mineral makeup is certainly better than nothing, using usual cream sun-block is still the best way to protect yourself from the sun’s potentially harmful rays. An example of a brand of pure mineral makeup that has SPF is Pur Minerals, a popular line of mineral makeup and skin care products that not only use all-natural minerals to make their products, but often add other natural ingredients, like shea butter and aloe vera to help bind the product and nourish the skin. Mineral foundations, concealers, moisturizers, lip-gloss, and even eyeliner and facial wash are part of this particular brand’s line, and many reviewers claim that Pur Minerals is a pretty good brand of mineral makeup to try out, for first-timers.

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Homemade Facial Masks That Work by Jayna Davis Nothing says beauty-pampering like kicking your heels back with a cold glass of lemonade, a good book, and a nice, skin-enriching face mask. There are a lot of facial mask products available on the market, but if you want to save a little bit of money, creating a homemade facial mask is as easy as finding a facial mask recipe, and setting aside a few minutes to create the mixture. You could use a lot of different ingredients, and you can find most of them in your kitchen. With an open mind and a few moments of your time, making something like an oatmeal facial mask or even a kitty litter facial mask, can cost you absolutely nothing. The Infamous Kitty Litter Facial The thought of smearing your face with the same stuff the cat does its business in might be a little tough to swallow at first, but as it turns out, pure clay varieties of kitty litter are made from bentonite – the same kind of clay used for facial masks in high-priced spas. Bentonite clay is great for all skin types and is full of nutrients and minerals that both exfoliate, hydrate, and nourish the skin. If you’re going to buy this stuff at beauty stores though, it’s likely to cost a bit of a pretty penny. When you make your very own kitty litter facial mask though, you’re pretty much guaranteed the same effect, at a tiny fraction of the cost. This homemade facial mask recipe is one of the easiest kinds to make; all you need to do is take a few tablespoons of kitty litter (make sure you buy one that lists pure clay as it’s only ingredient) , mix it with a little water (if you want, you can steep some rose petals or green teabags in the water first, for a little extra nourishing power), and some olive oil (or whatever essential oil you’d prefer to use), apply it to your face, leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash it off. If you’re feeling creative, you can combine this mix with other ingredients as well; aloe vera, for example, gives this particular kind of facial mask the added benefit of soothing the skin from sunburn or windburn. Of course, I’ll have to assume that the unused stuff would be used rather than the stuff that Puss already went potty in. After all, pee might have cleansing ammonia in it, and poop might have all kinds of nutrients, but let’s be honest, putting that on your face is still really, really gross. If you want a quick spa experience without having to break the bank or even get out of the house, a kitty litter facial mask may be just the kind of facial mask for you. For those of you who are still a little squeamish about using cat litter, there are a lot of other kinds of facial mask recipes to try. Oatmeal Mask Recipe One of the most common ingredients to use to make a homemade facial mask is oatmeal. Oatmeal is great for any skin type; it exfoliates and cleanses the skin naturally and gently,

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27 while the properties in the oatmeal itself restores the skin’s moisture balance and soothes irritations and redness. One oatmeal facial mask recipe that’s great for any skin type is one that only needs a tablespoon of oatmeal or oatmeal powder, an egg white, and a few drops of lemon oil. All you need to do mix all of these ingredients together, adjusting the proportions to your needs, and then spreading the whole thing on your face. Keep the mask on until the mixture is completely dry; this usually takes around twenty minutes to an hour. Afterwards, just rinse it all off, and enjoy the softness and smoothness of your skin. There are a lot of other facial mask recipes you can try, and most of the ingredients can usually be found in the kitchen. In fact, sometimes, if you still have a bit of facial mask mixture left over after having applied it to your face, it could serve as a delicious and healthy snack, like this banana-yogurt-honey mixture. For this particular facial mask recipe, all you need is half a banana, a couple of tablespoons of yogurt, and one tablespoon of honey. Mash the banana into a paste using a fork (or whatever else you might have on hand) and mix in the honey and the yogurt. Apply it to your face and leave the mixture on for around fifteen minutes to half an hour. Afterwards, simply wipe it off with a washcloth or rinse it all off with some cool water. This recipe not only rejuvenates, moisturizes, and softens the skin; it’s literally good enough to eat! There are a lot of facial mask recipes like this, and whether it’s an oatmeal facial mask, a kitty litter facial mask, or even a banana one, rest easy in the fact that they’re really simple to make. Skincare doesn’t always have to make a person break the bank; creating a homemade facial mask can be as simple as looking into the fridge.

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast by Jayna Davis Acne isn’t fun. Unless you’re one of those genetically gifted freaks who has never had a bad skin day in their entire lives, almost everyone has had to endure the discomfort and indignity of having a face covered in oozing, inflamed pustules. For most of us, acne plagued the hormonal and emotional No Man’s Land phase of our lives otherwise known as puberty, and blessedly, for some people, that’s where acne’s trauma ends. However, for many people, acne can leave more than just mental and emotional scars. This is why there are so many websites dedicated to answering the question of how to get rid of acne scars. There are also products and treatments for the fast removal of acne scars, as well as a good number of home remedies for acne scars. How Acne Scars Happen Acne can develop when the pores in your skin get plugged up by sebum (oil that the body produces naturally), dead skin cells, or dirt. Bacteria can grow here, sometimes causing the skin to get inflamed, and pus can collect around the area. In the most severe kinds of acne, red bumps and pus-filled cysts can form, damaging the skin. Different kinds of scars can result from the damage the pustules, pimples, and cysts that acne can wreak; keloid scars, discoloration, depressed areas on the skin, or raised lesions. Some people are more prone to scarring than others, but usually, to prevent scarring from becoming permanent, problem spots should be identified and treated early so that the skin repairs itself better, making it less likely for scars to develop in the first place. How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Of course, sometimes, no matter how hard you work to keep scars from forming, they can still show up. Over time, scars can fade and become less visible. This is because as skin renews itself, old, damaged tissues are replaced by newer, healthy skin cells. Most of the time though, scars won’t disappear completely on their own. If you want fast removal of acne scars, there are a lot of different treatments available. A lot of topical creams and serums can kick-start your body’s natural healing and skin renewal processes so that your scars fade more quickly. However, since scar tissue is mostly dead, damaged skin, treatments like dermabrasion or microdermabrasion, laser therapy, chemical peels, and surgical therapies like subcision are best for fast removal of acne scars. Different Forms of Acne Scar Treatments Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion both involve exfoliation; the removal of the damaged skin through abrasion: by simply scrubbing the dead skin away. The difference between the two kinds of exfoliation is that microdermabrasion is gentler and not as invasive. These treatments work even on scars that had formed a long time ago.

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29 Laser resurfacing therapy, on the other hand, softens scar tissue by actually wounding skin a little using intense, microscopic light pulses. The body heals the microthermally wounded areas, repairing the scarred tissue as well, making the scars look a whole lot better than before. Chemical peels use a solution that makes the top layer of the skin blister and peel off so that the skin that the body regenerates is much smoother and less scarred and wrinkled. Subcision is a treatment best used for the really deep kinds of acne scars that leave depressions in the skin. With this surgical treatment, skin in the affected area is separated from the scar tissue, which lets the blood pool under the area and allows the skin to grow more level. Afterwards, other treatments, like the ones listed above will smooth out the scar tissue itself and even out the skin color. Home Remedies for Acne Scars The treatments listed above are great for the fast removal of acne scars, but they can be costly and uncomfortable. If you want to save some money and trouble, try some do-ityourself exfoliation and skin renewal recipes. One way to make acne scars look less visible is to lighten them using lemon juice. If you don’t have lemons, other kinds of citrus work too, but this works best with very sour kinds of citrus fruits. Simply apply the juice over the scars and let it stand for a few minutes, then wash it off. Try mixing and matching fruits and vegetables to place on your face. Those rich in vitamin A, like tomatoes for example, aren’t just good to eat, but by combining pureed tomatoes with pureed cucumber and applying the mixture to your face for five to thirty minutes, you can soothe and tighten your skin, prevent excess sebum production, and renew damaged skin. Just be sure to wash your face afterwards, so you won’t smell like a pasta dish. These home remedies for acne scars won’t show results as dramatic as conventional treatments, although if you want to figure out how to get rid of acne scars, using recipes like these frequently can really help make the fast removal of acne scars even faster. Try using them in combination with more conventional treatments for better results and healthier skin.

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