Health Care Tips

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Health Care Tips Collection 1

Want to know the 15 secrets supermodels and makeup artists are trying to keep to themselves? Discover their best secrets here.

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Contents Keys to Weight Loss, Part One ............................................................................................................3 Weight Loss Tips that Really Work, Part Two......................................................................................5 Interview With The Girl Who Got A Nose Job .....................................................................................7 Fat Saturday – The Best Day To Gain Weight .....................................................................................9 The Dangers of Working Out Too Hard .............................................................................................11 Everyday Habits That Keep Doctors Healthy .....................................................................................13 Advice From Doctors on Keeping Stress Low ....................................................................................15 How Docs Stay Healthy and Fit .........................................................................................................17 What Docs Do to Keep Colds and Flu Away ......................................................................................19 Get Your Beauty Sleep–10 Tips To Help ............................................................................................21 Going Ape Over Bananas ...................................................................................................................23 How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks .....................................................................................................25 Dry Skin Patches ................................................................................................................................26 What Is Liposculpture? ......................................................................................................................28 Getting Rid Of Cellulite Naturally ......................................................................................................30 Cellulite Solution – Liposuction .........................................................................................................31 Mesotherapy For Cellulite .................................................................................................................33 Home Remedies For Calluses ............................................................................................................35

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Keys to Weight Loss, Part One by Jayna Davis For many of us, getting on the scales after the holidays can be a reality check. I know I gained a pound and a half just from four days of Thanksgiving feasting! Hey, someone had to polish off those delicious leftovers, right? The problem is, Christmas is right around the corner and I fear falling off the healthy-eating bandwagon again and gaining still more weight. The key to getting back on track is not as hard as you think. You can lose up to eight pounds in a month, and more importantly, feel healthier, just by following these simple changes in your diet. Try to think of your eating day in three sections: breakfast and mid-morning snack; lunch and dinner; and after dinner and bedtime. I’ll provide strategies and tips for each of these three sections, beginning with breakfast, arguably the most important meal of your day. A Healthy Breakfast Many of us simply don’t feel hungry when we first wake up in the morning. However, we’ve all read that a good breakfast is key to weight loss. When we don’t eat a good breakfast, we tend to eat more throughout the day. For working women, with the added temptations of office donuts or vending machines, we are more likely to succumb to a high-sugar, highcalorie morning snack that can derail our plans for weight loss. So, commit to eating a good breakfast every day. Fiber: Key to Weight Loss When getting off to a good start with breakfast, it is important to remember that fiber is a powerful part of weight loss. You need at least 25 grams of fiber a day, and many nutritionists recommend 30-35 grams. Breakfast is the perfect time to get started because incorporating fiber into your breakfast will keep you feeling full throughout the day and reduce what you consume later in the day. One of the easiest ways to add fiber is by choosing a high-fiber breakfast cereal. Make sure you check the nutrition label for the amount of dietary fiber in a serving, then consider adding two tablespoons of flaxseed to your cereal for another four grams of fiber. Flaxseed has a light, nutty flavor, and not only increases the amount of dietary fiber, but also adds healthy Omega 3 oils. Other good choices for a high fiber breakfast include oatmeal, whole wheat toast with low-fat peanut butter, and whole wheat French toast. The added benefit of a highfiber breakfast is that it adds bulk and will keep you feeling full. You’ll have the willpower to resist that mid-morning donut and mocha latte!

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Snacking A high fiber breakfast may decrease your need for a mid-morning snack, but many of us still feel the need for a pick-me-up in the late morning and afternoon. Our energy flags when we go for four of five hours without fuel. However, for those of us who work in offices, the vending machine may be your worst enemy. A little forethought and planning will help you reach for a healthier option. For a mid-morning snack, be careful about reaching for an energy bar; some have more than 300 calories! Make sure you read the labels for calories before buying and consuming. A handful of raw almonds, cranberries, or walnuts can satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet. For afternoon snacks, think of a piece of fruit and some low-calorie string cheese. Fruit has multiple benefits, including disease-fighting anti-oxidants. With a little planning, you can slice an apple and take it to work with you for that afternoon snack. Healthy snacks will give you the strength to pass by the vending machine without a glance! These tips should get you off to a healthy start each day and put you on track to achieve your weight loss goals. Stay tuned for more great tips that will take you through to bedtime.

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Weight Loss Tips that Really Work, Part Two by Jayna Davis In the first set of tips in this series, I wrote about how a healthy breakfast with plenty of fiber will help kick off your weight loss and give you a great start to your day. However, twothirds of the day still remains, and if you don’t have an eating plan for lunch and dinner, you run the risk of sabotaging all the good effort you put into creating and consuming a healthy breakfast. Have you ever looked closely at what skinny women eat for lunch? I had a friend at work who was fastidious about her weight. She ate a hefty salad every day for lunch. When I asked her to share her strategy, she said that she bought several bags of pre-washed mixed salad during her weekend shopping trips, along with some cherry tomatoes and a package of boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Over the weekend, she would broil or grill the breasts, slice them up, and place them in a baggie in the fridge. Each morning, she’d add salad, tomatoes, and chicken and any other raw veggies she had on hand, like shredded carrots. She’d grab a bottle of low-fat dressing and head for work. Her lunch routine never varied, but then neither did her weight. We could all stand to take a page from my friend’s book, even if the daily salad for lunch might cause some of us to die of boredom. My friend knew an important secret: vegetables are the foundation of the food pyramid and should form the base for both lunch and dinner. We should think veggies first, then lean protein, and finally, healthy carbohydrates as we create balanced lunch and dinner menus. Many of us, however, do just the opposite–we eat a large bowl of pasta and have a small side salad or greater portion of meat with side servings of rice, potatoes, and veggies. While it’s fine to eat some carbs, they should be the smallest, not the largest, part of our meal. In short, we need to reverse the pyramid that we have traditionally favored, with carbs at the bottom and veggies occupying a small slot on the top. For lunch, it may be easiest to start with salad greens because for working women, this is the easiest and fastest way to transport veggies from home to work. Make sure you add some protein to your salads, though. Think Chef’s Salad ingredients: perhaps some sliced meat from the deli, along with some low-fat cheese or a few hard-boiled eggs. The varieties of ingredients that can be added to salad are endless, but definitely include protein in there. It will keep you feeling fuller throughout the afternoon and give you the energy you need to get through the second half of your day. For your carbs, add one slice of multi-grain bread, whole wheat pita or tortilla. For dinner, start with steamed, roasted, or stir-fried veggies. Add four ounces of lean protein; chicken, fish, or pork are good choices. Then, add a healthy carb, such as one-third of a cup of brown rice, or a half cup of whole wheat pasta or couscous.

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Remember the proper food pyramid: veggies at the bottom as a foundation, protein on the next level, carbs at the top of the pyramid in the smallest triangle. For many of us to adhere to this pyramid, we will need to perform a complete reversal of our normal patterns of eating. However, if we emphasize vegetables and de-emphasize carbohydrates, without forgetting our need for protein, we’ll feel better, eat healthier and be well on our way to losing the pounds that we seek to shed.

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Interview With The Girl Who Got A Nose Job by Jayna Davis Rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures around. Roughly 200,000 Americans have their noses worked on each year. Here, we talk to a girl – let’s call her Judy – who underwent the procedure herself and wants to share with us exactly what it feels like. Beauty Being: Hello Judy, let’s start with asking why you wanted to have rhinoplasty? What was your motivation for having a nose job? Judy: Well my nose had bothered me for just about as long as I can remember. I had a big nose that I resented almost everytime I looked in the mirror. For my own happiness, I wanted to look in the mirror and not have to focus on my nose. Beauty Being: That’s very understandable. We’ve heard of people before who get one thing done and find another feature they feel like they need surgery on. And once that’s done they find something else about themself that they want to change, and so on and so forth. Was this true in your case? Were you satisfied with just having your nose done or did you start focusing on another feature after you were satisfied with your nose? Judy: To be honest after I felt better about my nose I started to feel that I wanted to get rid of a slight double chin I had. I haven’t had anything done to it yet, but yes, honestly I am contemplating it. I would never want to become a plastic surgery addict and I think some of the terrible results I’ve seen (unnatural looking results) would keep me away from getting more than just a couple procedures done. Beauty Being: Yes, we’ve seen quite a few people who have gone too far or had bad work done. Do you think your results, both the look and the impact on your self esteem, was worth the price and downtime? Please also share with us some details about what you paid and what your downtime was like. Judy: Well first of all, yes, I do think that the money, pain and inconvenience was all worth it. I just feel much better when I look in the mirror. That’s less stress for me, and it feels like a load off my chest. I paid roughly $8000, which included everything. Anesthesia, surgery room, prescriptions, follow up visits, etc. Many surgeons will be cheaper, but I chose an especially popular plastic surgery in the area I live in, so obviously they charge more money when their reputation allows for it. As far as the downtime, it actually wasn’t too bad. I had my nose done in the morning, and as the day went on and the anesthesia wore off I started to feel almost normal everywhere except my face, which was very tightly bandaged. Mainly I could feel swelling in my face and my nose was stuffed with gauze so I had to breathe out of my mouth. Beauty Being: How did you choose which doctor would do your work?

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Judy: Well I would have chosen a doctor based on recommendations from people I know, but the only problem was I don’t know anyone who’s had facial plastic surgery before! I did a lot of research about available nose doctors in my area, and I mean A LOT of research. I spent a lot of time on the popular plastic surgery forum and looking up what people had to say about various doctors. Beauty Being: Did anyone have anything not-so-nice to say about the particular doctor you chose? Judy: Yes, there were some bad things people said about his work. Some people weren’t happy and some people expressed concern that he’s older because his hands might not be as steady, but there were much more positive reviews than negative reviews. In the end I took a chance, and this is probably going to be the case with any plastic surgery procedure anyone ever has done. Beauty Being: What was the most memorable thing about your procedure? Judy: Oh, I’ll never forget it. I could FEEL myself being worked on. I didn’t use general anesthesia. I had IV sedation and local anesthesia. At first only the injection for the local anesthesia hurt. I was being worked on and could hear a lot of noise and feel pressure but no pain. Gradually, the anesthesia wore off and it started hurting really bad. Beauty Being: What tips can you share with other people who might be thinking about having rhinoplasty? Judy: Spend a lot of time researching other people’s reviews about doctors you may be thinking of working with. Use the internet – it’s there for you! I’m glad I chose a doctor who was both qualified and good at doing my particular kind of nose. That’s actually another thing you should be concerned about. Ask the doctor how much experience they have with doing noses that look like yours. Ask for before and after pics and express each and every concern you may have. Pay attention to how the doctor treats you – you don’t want to be viewed as just a dollar sign. You’re a person looking for help!

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Fat Saturday – The Best Day To Gain Weight by Jayna Davis There’s so much talk about losing weight that it’s hard to tell who is telling the truth. Commercials give us a steady stream of statements that we are supposed to take as fact, yet they offer no citations for their veracity. The Web is chock full of advice on losing weight, again often coming from sites that have no attribution. This is unfortunate because losing weight is a very serious task. It will make all of the difference in your life, obesity is a national epidemic that will one day rock our health care system, and employers spend 10% of their health care costs on obesity-related illnesses. Getting too fat can lead to heart disease, diabetes and some studies are even showing a link to dementia. Wow! Now, are you motivated? Thus, as we discuss weight loss, it is important to turn to tried-and-true facts, to results of studies that have followed scientific procedure and yielded reliable data. That’s what this post is based upon, drawing from information in a leading national newsweekly that recently published some fascinating facts about weight loss and days of the week. Here’s how the experiment was done: A group of people was followed for one year, with particular attention paid to their eating and exercise habits. Some in the group were overweight, others were not. One group was told to cut calorie intake by 20% for the year, another was told to increase its exercise by 20% and the third group did nothing out of the ordinary (in science this is often called the “control group” so that the effects on the other groups can be measured against normal variations). The results of the study have lots of implications for you if you want to lose weight, especially regarding your weekly rhythm of eating: 1) Fat Tuesday? Try Fat Saturday Even before the study began, researchers found that Saturdays were a very bad day for healthy eating among the participants. The people in the study consumed more calories on that day than any other, and the calories were not good calories. They were loaded with fat at a 36% clip, far higher than normal. If you gorge yourself on Saturdays to that extent, you are guaranteed to gain nine pounds a year, the researchers concluded. Can you afford to pack on nine pounds a year? Multiplied by the next 10 years? Houston, we have a problem! Be careful what you eat on Saturdays; do not lose all of your discipline as you go to the mall and/or drink that night at the club. 2) Even Exercise Cannot Overcome Fat Saturday As the study began, Saturdays were still a problem. The dieters consumed more calories on Saturday than any other day and stopped losing weight on the weekends. The exercisers

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actually gained weight on the weekends as they stuffed themselves silly on both Saturdays and Sundays. Even good health habits, such as calorie restriction and increased exercise, were not enough to offset weekend binges by participants in the study. Even if you are working out like a fiend, if you load up on food on the weekends, you will gain weight then, not lose it, perhaps sabotaging your discipline during the week. Is it worth it? 3) Researchers Still Puzzled By Fat Saturday Researchers are still trying to figure out how to help people beat the weekend slump, but they did come up with a few strategies that could help: a) weigh yourself every day so that you know when you are making gains and losses. This is a good weight loss habit anyway, other studies have found. b) plan ahead before going to a party, where all sorts of fattening foods will be served. Eat before you go so that you will not pig out at the fete. c) you might even want to take a bit of your own food or contribute a healthy dish to the party (veggie platter, anyone?), then eat a lot of the healthy dish that you bring. Saturday is the red letter day for weight loss. It can be the day that slows you down big time in your quest to lose some pounds. Don’t forget to watch what you eat on Saturday. Don’t negate all of your good work done during the week. Beware of Fat Saturday.

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The Dangers of Working Out Too Hard by Jayna Davis You’ve read a bunch of articles online that have touted the wonders of working out. You’ve read for the umpteenth time how good it is for you to pump iron and do sit-ups, how you will burn hundreds of calories, how you will feel and look better and how the pounds will melt away. Now, you’re ready to put it all into practice. You even used that extra bit of money to join a gym. You venture over there every day in your first week, demonstrating your extreme commitment to fitness as you run, lift and stretch. What’s wrong with this picture? A lot, actually. There are several dangers to working out too hard in an effort to lose weight quickly and gain tone instantaneously. Here are a few of the dangers of working out too hard, according to a leading trainer: 1. You will not see instantaneous results, so you might become quickly discouraged and give up brisk exercise. This is one of the true dangers in our get-results-now culture. Working out has a subtle effect over time. You don’t lift weights for two days and then see a much tighter butt. It doesn’t work that way, and what happens is the workout wonder (you) looks in the mirror, doesn’t see any noticeable difference and decides that all of that hard work is not worth it. Did you know that a majority of gym memberships are never used after the first month? There is a reason for that, namely, this danger. Don’t work out so hard that you believe that you should see instant, visible results. An extra-hard workout does NOT equal faster results. With most weight training, for instance, you will need to lift for 6-8 weeks before your body begins to change its shape. Working harder will not accelerate that rate. Better for you to not work out so hard so that you can establish a pace that you can maintain. Better yet, avoid a lot of the soreness from working out too hard and ease into your new routine. Those muscles have worked very little, if at all, over the past few years. Give them some time to acclimate to your new routine. It is far better to work out lightly and increase the load than to start off with a bang, get discouraged and quit. Far too many women fall into that second trap and gyms happily count their automatic debit each month while they fail to show up. 2. Working out too hard weakens your immune system Have you even known someone who has made a vow to get in shape and then ends up in bed with a cold for a week, destroying the whole plan? Perhaps that person was you. There was a reason for this abrupt change. Rather than feeling healthier, the workout fiend actually got sicker. How could this be? Well, working out taxes your body in a variety of ways, inducing a fatigue that lasts longer than you might consciously feel. As your tired body longs for recovery, you hit the gym again, further weakening your defenses against infection. Then,

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when you come into contact with someone who is ill at the office or even at the gym, you are infected. Many, many people who are new to the workout routine and overdo it in the early days can relate to this problem. If you don’t give your body enough time to recover, you will later pay the price with a nasty illness that could also weaken your determination to follow through with a healthier lifestyle. 3. Working out too hard can strain your joints and injure your muscles. No one’s body is designed to work out strenuously seven days a week, or even six. Our muscles need time to repair, because as you lift and stretch, you are actually tearing muscle tissue that will rebuild and grow larger. If you continually tear those muscles, they will have no time to rebuild and you will have excessive soreness and fatigue. As you get more tired, your form breaks down as well, which burns fewer calories than if you were exercising correctly. With these dangers in mind, follow these tips to begin your new workout routine: • Ease in to your workouts by doing one set your first time at the gym, two the second, etc. The workout might feel short, but your body will thank you later • Schedule at least one day off per week and don’t work the same muscles two days in a row. Do arm weights one day, leg exercises the next, etc. • Concentrate on your form and do all exercises slowly to maintain it. Proper form burns the most calories, even if you are lifting lighter weights and look like you are moving in slow motion. Working out is a great way to get in shape and slim down. Don’t overdo it in the first weeks of your fulfillment of that resolution to get in shape. By easing into your new routine and alternating the muscles that you work, you will get less sore and have a better chance at continuing to work out for the long term. That new body will come—give it time to emerge.

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Everyday Habits That Keep Doctors Healthy by Jayna Davis Considering that doctors spend all day telling their patients how they should treat their bodies, it would be interesting to find out what real doctors do to keep themselves healthy, how they follow their own advice, if you will. In recent weeks, as cold and flu season arrives, some doctors have taken to the Web to discuss everyday habits that keep them healthy and able to deal with long hours and demanding clients. Here are a few of the tips that these medical professionals do on their own time and recommend for everyone: 1. Front-Load the Calories

This piece of advice has floated around the medical community for years, and now it has been confirmed by several studies. Basically, your meals should feature fewer and fewer calories and smaller portions as the day progresses. As the old saying goes, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” That adage sums up this approach well. What does it look like in actual practice? One doc shared her morning intake: eggs, whole wheat toast, a bowl of fruit and oatmeal, a platter-full of food to sustain her throughout the day. She also recommends eating such a huge breakfast slowly because it can take the brain 15 minutes to recognize that the stomach is full. The giant-sized breakfast does indeed create an excellent cycle for the body. Appetite is diminished for lunch, when you have less time for burning calories, and a smaller dinner will ensure that you don’t have to exercise at 10 p.m. to compensate for the 1000 calories you wolfed down at 7 p.m. Isn’t it funny how

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many people eat in the exact opposite way that this doctor and many others recommend? Breakfast is often sacrificed for more sleep time, so we grab a coffee on the way to work and maybe a granola bar if we have time to reach in the cabinet on the way out the door. We are then starved by 10 a.m. and load up on the doughnuts at the office. After a couple of doughnuts, we then work through lunch and raid the vending machine at 1 and 3 p.m. What happens when we get home? Pig-out time!! We eat a double dinner, help ourselves to dessert and sometimes still feel hungry before collapsing in bed a short time later. And then we wonder why we are overweight and lacking in energy? Eating like a king at breakfast time will set the right tone for the rest of your day, and you’ll avoid multiple intakes of sugary snacks at the office and from the vending machine. 2. Don’t Miss a Checkup Even doctors need checkups, and one said that she uses milestone events on her yearly calendar to remember to get her annual checkups. Back-to-school time, for instance, serves as a reminder to get an ob/gyn checkup, her birthday reminds her to get a mammogram, etc. Use important events that stand out on your calendar to prompt you to get the annual checkups that you need. 3. Take Care of Your Heart No, this isn’t going to evolve into a romance column full of dating advice. Doctors say that the heart needs to be a priority in everyday habits. One physiologist who works at a cardiac rehab lab noted that exercise three times a week is a must for him as a heart patient himself. He also makes conscious healthy food choices every day, such as grilled fish and chicken and lots of fruits and vegetables, all of which are heart-healthy. He added that occasional treats, like his favorite cheesecake, are not enough to block an artery. It’s the everyday choices that determine someone’s cardiac health. Want to stay healthy? Do what the doctors do. Eat right, eat a lot early in the day, and never miss a checkup. These three simple rules will go a long way to helping you create a healthier you.

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Advice From Doctors on Keeping Stress Low by Jayna Davis There’s something about American life that is almost sure to cause stress for even the most laid-back person. Downsizing at businesses leaves one person doing the job of two. Kids grow older and more expensive. College tuition has risen through the roof. Errands that need to be run are put off week after week. There never seems to be enough time in a day to do all that needs to be done, both at work and at home. How can all of this stress be managed? Quitting your job is not an option; neither is pulling your kid out of college. Practical advice is needed to keep stress down, especially in today’s faster-than-ever pace of life. What do medical professionals do in their lives to minimize their stress levels? What do doctors who spend long hours at the practice seeing patients with a wide variety of complaints recommend for decreasing stress that has worked for them? Surely what works for doctors might work for us. Here is a sampling of some of the advice that doctors have given for reducing stress, as culled from the Web: 1. Breathing Exercises Don’t laugh—these can really help. Doctors recommend three repetitions of what is known as the 4-7-8 technique. Here’s how it works: sit or lie in a comfortable position and place the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Leave the tongue there throughout the exercise. Exhale completely through your mouth and make a “whooshing” sound. Then, close your mouth and inhale calmly through your nose for a count of four. Then, hold your breath for a seven count, followed by an eight-second whooshing exhale. This can do wonders for immediately reducing your stress and calming you down when you need it. 2. Music Therapy It is true that music can calm even the savage beast. That beast might be you at certain points of the day! Use either classical music or your favorite genre (perhaps not death metal!) to soothe your nerves. This can be especially helpful during times of transition, like when you are commuting home from work. Music can put you in a much more chipper mood and help you to deal with daily stress. Maybe that’s why everyone seems to be wearing ear buds these days! 3. Stretch That Lower Back Lower back pain plagues many an office dweller. Sitting all day in that chair is not great for your posture, and it might be part of your stress. One doctor recommends a super simple trick if you can find a place to lie down on the floor: roll up a small towel into a ball and place it directly under your lower back as you lie down flat. Put your hands on your stomach and enjoy the next few minutes of relaxation. Be careful that you do not fall into a cat nap, unless you are using your lunch hour for this stress-reliever. Seriously, set your watch alarm so the

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boss doesn’t walk in and see you dozing at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. You will find this position that relaxing! 4. Repeat a Mantra You don’t have to be a yoga enthusiast to find a helpful phrase that will assist you in dialing down your stress level. Find a thought that helps you to cool down and repeat it often during your day, breathing slowly in and out as well. It can be a lot more helpful than simply counting to 10. One doctor uses this handy sentence to avoid reacting emotionally when he is tempted to explode: “All you can do is all you can do—and all you can do is enough.” Those sound like words to live by! Whether it be a breathing exercise or towel under your lower back, a series of songs or a helpful mantra, there are many little things that we can all do to keep our cool and get rid of the stress that sometimes threatens to overtake us. Try one or more of these tips and see if your stress eases a bit–just in time for the holidays.

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How Docs Stay Healthy and Fit by Jayna Davis Yes, I know that there are doctors who have bulging waistlines and really no grounds on which to give their patients advice about staying fit. Many, however, do take care of their bodies and maintain a high energy level for their demanding days. It’s those doctors that we should mine for information about sticking to a plan of regular exercise and a balanced diet to remain at a good weight and have the energy we need for our equally demanding routines. Here are a few tips that doctors have recently published that help them to work in exercise into their busy lives and maintain a good overall level of health: 1. Make Sure that Exercise is Fun That might sound easy for a doctor, who can jet off to the Caribbean to splash in the sun. Not all doctors can do that, though. One mentioned the benefit of varying her exercise routine by jumping rope, hula hooping and even boxing. She finds that these types of fun movements add a lot of spice to her regular routine of playing tennis and surfing. They also are very portable exercises, as she is able to work them in just about any time and anywhere. 2. Squeeze In Light Workouts at Work Another doctor said that the only way she is able to follow her own advice to patients about regular exercise is to plan light workouts into her work day, taking a brisk walk at lunch, for instance, and installing a mini-trampoline in her office to move around when the mood strikes her. So, if you walk into your doctor’s personal office without warning, don’t be surprised if s/he is skying on the tramp. You are forewarned! 3. Walk Instead of Sit Do you have a bit of extra time before a given appointment? Take a walk around the block rather than simply sitting for 30 minutes. One doctor mentioned that he does this often at airports. Rather than plunk down at the gate and wait for that call to board, he walks around the entire airport (the parts that are accessible after passing through security, of course) and notes that 200+ calories are burned for every half-hour spent walking. You’ll also feel better after a brisk walk, perhaps putting you in a better mood for that next appointment. View waiting time as a secret invitation to take a walk. 4. Change Your Baking Recipes One professional that has written about ideal diets for weight loss notes that white wholewheat flour used in baking recipes is a small adjustment that can reap big benefits. This flour tastes the same as standard white flour, but because it is made with whole grains, you get the

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added benefits of fiber—healthy for your heart and more filling for your belly. Even this minor change can play a vital role in a more healthy diet that will leave you feeling better and less prone to load up on fattening foods. 5. Try Light Therapy Because light plays such a crucial role in how we sleep and how we awaken, use it to its maximum benefit, one doctor advises. He recharges his body’s battery by dimming the lights one hour before bedtime, then sleeping in a pitch-black room. In the morning, he is sure to get sunshine, sitting near a window or taking a walk outside. Such bright light turns off melatonin, which induces sleepiness, and turns on serotonin, which leaves you feeling energized. Paying attention to the light in your life can help you to sleep better and feel better when you are awake. These simple tips can help you stay fit and more energized. Keep exercise fun, work it in to your workday if possible, walk when you are waiting, make a simple change of flour and try light therapy to continue your quest for a healthier, happier you.

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What Docs Do to Keep Colds and Flu Away by Jayna Davis We’ve just entered that great time of year when the weather turns nippy and the holidays make life much more interesting. This time of year also corresponds, unfortunately, with a much higher incidence of colds and flu. The quick changes in temperature catch some people off guard, germs are constantly passed around indoors and various strains of flu seem to crop up every year. How can you protect yourself from this winter invasion and stay healthier throughout the coming months? Better yet, what do trained medical professionals do to ward off an onslaught of cold and flu microbes that threaten us all?

Here are five tips that doctors have recently posted on the Web in order to help keep people out of their offices with nasty cold and flu symptoms: 1. Pre-emptive Strikes

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One doctor shared that at the first signs of a cold, such as a scratchy throat, he gargles with warm salt water and eats more fruits and veggies, knowing that his body needs the extra vitamins and nutrients to fight off a cold. He is also sure to keep exercising, although he is careful not to overdo it, and he gets plenty of rest. With a stuffy nose, he rinses his nasal passages with saline mist twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed. This type of rinsing can wash away cold viruses. 2. Listen to Your Body Another doc took a more mental and psychological approach, noting the role of negative thoughts and worry that deplete the body and allow colds to take hold far more easily. She recommended 20 minutes of meditation each morning. She uses that vital time to decide what “garbage” she needs to remove from her life, mind and body. She also asks herself several times a day, “What do I need?” Could it be food, relaxation or exercise? As she listens to her body, she knows what it needs and stays healthier as a result. 3. Avoid Antibacterial Soap This might come as a surprise to some, but one doctor noted that antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, a chemical that might lead to antibiotic resistance. Therefore, she uses alcoholbased hand sanitizers, and when she is near a sink, good old-fashioned soap and water, which kills 99.9% of germs. Washing one’s hands frequently is a key to fighting off possible infection; avoiding antibacterial soap could help in that process. 4. Try Some Herbs Another doctor cited the excellent benefits of adding a couple of herbs to a person’s intake, mentioning North American ginseng in particular. This supplement can easily be found in health food stores, and if taken twice a day during flu season can produce a 30% reduction in the incidence of catching colds, some studies suggest. Zinc also can be highly beneficial to stave off colds and flu. When symptoms start, take 30mg per day and it could shorten the duration of your cold by half—a pretty good investment. 5. Load Up on Greens Finally, another doctor said that his secret weapon during flu season is a refrigerator full of lettuce, kale and broccoli, noting that green vegetables are loaded with antioxidants that keep invasive germs under control in your body. Many other types of foods and beverages are said to be full of antioxidants, but few can match the concentration found in green vegetables. So there you have it, great advice from doctors (not quacks) who know a little about keeping the body healthy. In order to avoid spending days and days in bed during cold and flu season, try one or all of these handy tips to stay healthy: treat you body even after evidencing a few symptoms; listen to it as well; avoid antibacterial soap and load up on helpful supplements and green vegetables. The holiday season and beyond are much more enjoyable when we feel good. Here’s to a healthy cold and flu season for you!

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Get Your Beauty Sleep–10 Tips To Help by Jayna Davis It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you look a lot better when you are well rested. You also are less bitchy and that sweet personality of yours has a lot better chance to shine through when you are properly rested. In addition, your eyes look brighter, your face glows more and your posture is far superior when your body is getting the sleep it was designed to have. Here are 10 quick tips to help you get the beauty rest that you need and deserve: 1) Stick to a set schedule as best you can. Your parents were wise when they had you on that same time to turn in when you were a kid. The rules for sleep have not changed since then, even if everything else in our world has! Staying on schedule enhances your body’s ability to set its internal rhythm so that you can awaken when you want to, consistently, day after day. Try to stay on your schedule during the weekends as well, or you’ll wake up on Monday overly tired and looking worse for the wear. If you typically keep late weekend hours, then try to make your weekday hours match up as best you can. Ultimately, you’ll probably have to find a compromise in between your former weekend hours and your new schedule. 2) Sleep only at night. This sounds like a nobrainer, but what it means is that you need to avoid daytime sleep if at all possible. As you’ve probably figured out from experience, daytime naps affect nighttime slumber, usually pushing back your turn-in time. If you must take a nap during the day, make it a quick one. A 20-minute power nap can do wonders. 3) Get vigorous exercise. This is a proven method for getting better sleep time because your body uses that dormant period to help your muscles to recover and your joints to be restored. It’s actually a really cool process. Be sure to exercise in the morning or afternoon for 20-30 minutes. Nighttime exercise can stimulate you to the point where falling asleep can be tough if you work out too close to bed time. 4) Take a hot shower or bath. This practice can help to relax muscles and induce slumber. You’ll enjoy this new habit. Make time for it! 5) Avoid eating at bed time. You need to maintain a gap of two hours between your last intake of food and your bed time because digestion can interfere with your sleep. Your body needs to concentrate first on the digestion, then on rest. When you cut out that late-night snacking, your figure will thank you as well. 6) Avoid caffeine near bed time. This point might seem obvious, but people still drink coffee and tea at night out of habit or because they like the taste. Some women are especially

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sensitive to caffeine’s effects, and they need to abstain from it even in the late afternoon hours. 7) Read fiction. Books of fiction transport you to another world for a time, then give you much to ponder. As your mind works a little bit harder, it becomes more tired, helping you to relax and feel more worn out. Most late night readers report that they sleep better after a reading time in bed. Keep your bedroom at a cool temperature. Most bodies prefer a hint of coolness to heat when it comes time to sleep. Fresh air helps even more when feasible. Put on a few more clothes if you get cold. Your heating bills will go down in winter as well. 9) Keep your bedroom quiet. The vast majority of sleepers get rest more easily in silence. If you must have a radio or television to help you fall asleep, set a timer if possible. 10) Avoid alcohol. That wine you enjoy late at night might make it easier to fall asleep initially, but it could come back to haunt you, literally. As it is digested, your body goes into a sort of withdrawal as you sleep, which can cause nightmares or other unpleasant awakenings. These tips might sound almost impossible to fulfill, but there is a lot on the line–namely, your health and appearance. Take your sleep seriously and you’ll be more beautiful inside and out. If you ever hope to adhere to one or more of these tips, you’ll need to slow down in our busy world and prepare for sound slumber every night–a bath, a bit of reading and quiet, then zzzzzzz.

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Going Ape Over Bananas by Jayna Davis You know that they taste great and have a fun, easily transportable shape, but do you know all of the great facts about banana nutrition that will make you feel even better about eating them? Here is a quick look at the many benefits of eating bananas. After digesting these tidbits, perhaps you will be more careful to eat that entire bunch on your counter rather than letting several of them spoil. By the way, do you peel from the stem or the other end? Just asking, no judgment. The Perfect Food Bananas have been touted as the perfect food because they provide lots of potassium and causes the body to produce probiotics, which reduce the effects of salt on your body. Potassium also plays a key role in helping your body to retain calcium, another huge positive. Bananas help you to achieve good health both actively and passively, through its nutrients and the great effects it has on your body’s system. Lots of Vitamins Packed in a Small Package The list of vitamins in one small banana is astounding, and it’s almost incredible that so many nutrients could be packed into such a compact package. Vitamins A, K, B6, and an especially high amount of C are found in the little yellow wonders, all of which help to both protect the body from infection and retain iron, another important element that your body needs and that women often come up short on. Bananas also have riboflavin and niacin, but it is most noted for its huge dose of potassium (422 mg on average), a crucial nutrient to grow healthy muscles. Have you ever wondered why athletes seem to eat so many bananas? This is one reason. Potassium also helps to fight hypertension in its role as a limiter of sodium’s impact on your body. Another nutrition fact that gets overlooked in the hullabaloo over potassium is that this fairely new addition to the fruit bowl of the Western world (growing dramatically in popularity over only the past century) also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. The bananas has all of this healthy goodness and almost no fat, like one of those awful vegetable juice cocktails, only they taste a lot better. Protein and Carbs The average banana also contains 1.3 g of protein and 27 g of carbohydrates, another reason why athletes down them in record numbers, especially during games, matches and long runs. That quick ingestion of carbs and sugar can make the banana a healthy way to get an energy boost in mile 20 of a marathon or as that 3rd set in tennis drags on. Bananas also help to guard against dehydration (the main reason I was told to eat them by a coach one time) and constipation as the pectin in them help the body to absorb water. Good for you, good for the planet

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And, as you have probably figured out, these tropical treasures are not only are good for humans, they are good for the planet–each one comes in a completely biodegradable package. Perhaps now you know why you crave bananas on your cereal and in your pancakes. Your body knows what is good for it and longs for all of the health benefits that bananas bring. Now that you know a lot more about the specifics, you should be inclined to pick up a bunch every time you go to the store. Don’t overlook the banana when you are creating your ideal healthy diet. Despite all the recent publicity for berries, bananas hold their own as the healthiest fruit and snack out there. Grab a few at the stage of ripeness that you prefer. Your body will thank you all day long.

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How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks by Jayna Davis After all the trauma of developing stretch marks, you must be wondering can you get rid of stretch marks on your skin? It’s only natural to want those little nuisances to disappear. I’ll be sharing a few tips with you that most women underestimate or dismiss altogether. I know that stretch marks can be removed. It won’t be the easiest thing in the world, but it’s far from impossible. One factor that helps in getting rid of stretch marks is health. In order to be healthy you simply must cut the junk foods out of your diet. If you really want those scars to heal, you’ll listen when I tell you this. Health has everything to do with how quickly and how efficiently your body can heal itself. How is your body ever supposed to deal with minor skin injuries like stretch marks when it has bigger things to worry about (like your heart, lungs, other vital organs, etc.) Stopping any smoking, excess alcohol consumption, all trans-fat consumption (stay away from foods that have any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list), excess sodium intake, and excess preservative/chemical intake will help your body with it’s healing a great deal. Instead of harming your body with junks, make sure you’re eating enough vegetables, fruits, fiber, healthy oils, and drinking enough water. Not only will your skin start looking better, but you’ll start feeling better. Living a healthy lifestyle is the first and most critical step to healing stretch marks. The next are you have to work on is skin care. This doesn’t mean that you have to use lotions. In fact, I encourage you to get rid of all lotions and stretch mark creams that you probably have lying around. They don’t do anything for most women, especially if your stretch marks are more than a few months old. Instead, you should take care of your skin with olive oil. Use olive oil on your stretch marks as often as you can. This natural oil, unlike lotions, will penetrate deep into your skin and provide unbelievable amounts of moisture. It might smell a little different from those lotions that most women are used to, but I actually see this as a good thing. Olive oil doesn’t contain any fragrances of perfumes that could irritate and possibly damage your skin. It doesn’t’ contain any fillers or preservatives either. How often can you say that about a stretch mark lotion or cream? The fact is that any vegetable oil is a whole lot healthier for your skin than the cosmetic companies want you to know.

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Dry Skin Patches by Jayna Davis For years, I’ve had a problem with patches of dry skin, especially on my face and arms. The degree of severity tends to vary with the weather, and my diet. Sometimes these patches tend to get itchy, and of course theres the tempation to scratch, but this only makes the problem worse and increases the chance of infection. I’ve been battling this problem for many years, so I thought I’d offer some advice to those of you who also battle dry skin patches. 1. Improve your diet. Namely, drink more water and make sure you’re getting enough Omega 3 Fatty Acids (from fish, nuts, chia seeds, supplements, etc). 2. Switch to natural soaps and lotions. This is the easiest way to avoid irritating chemicals (I’ll give you a list below) that make dry patches of skin worse. Always read the ingredients label before purchasing to be sure it doesn’t contain a skin irritant. 3. Exfoliate. I like chemical exfoliants such as Alpha Hydroxy Acid body lotion, but some people prefer abrasive type exfoliants. This is a personal choice, but make sure you’re exfoliating regularly to slough old, dead skin. 4. Moisturize with a pure plant oil. I think the two best plant oils for moisturizing are coconut oil and camellia oil. You only need to use one of these. Other popular choices are jojoba oil, olive oil, and almond oil. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s 100% oil and has no additives. AVOID THESE SKIN IRRITANTS The following ingredients can make your dry skin patches much worse. Do not buy products that have these ingredients, especially if the ingredients are near the front of the list (meaning it has a higher concentration in the product). • • • • •

Sodium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Sodium Laureth Sulfate Triclosan

With just a few simple changes, you can improve the condition of your skin. I find that these products can easily be purchased at a local health food store and many online merchants.

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Lean towards natural products and stores that carry these type of goods, since many people report that they are less irritating than other products.

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What Is Liposculpture? by Jayna Davis Although most people have heard about liposuction, liposculpture is a newer technique that is less invasive, but yet still effective at moving unwanted areas of fat deposits. It can be used to remove areas of fat that seem to be resistant to dieting and exercise, although it is not meant as a weight loss method. It can be a great way to fine-tune any last stubborn areas of fat after a regiment of diet and exercise, improving a person’s overall appearance. You may also consider using a natural method such as the Bust Belly Fat program since cosmetic procedures are more of a last option kind of thing. Although only small amounts of fat tissue are removed, it helps to eliminate many of the problems that can exist with traditional liposuction. First, it is an outpatient procedure, with the patient generally experiencing only some swelling, numbness, and some minimal bruising. Because of the solution used to perform the liposculpture, additional pain medications are rarely needed, although sometimes a sedative is administered to help the patient relax. The patient is able to drive home after having the procedure, and recovery time is usually rapid, as a person can usually resume their normal daily activities in as little as one or two days. Although less invasive than liposuction, patients need to realize as with any type of surgical procedure, they need to make sure to see their doctor immediately if they develop any signs of allergic reactions or infection as a result of the procedure. Before the liposculpture procedure begins, the surgeon will analyze the area of the body that is going to be treated. An area will be mapped out, and a series of tiny incisions will be made, each only about an eighth of an inch in length. Then, a tumescent anesthesia and saline solution is injected into the incisions. This causes the fat to become liquified, which allows it to be more easily removed by the surgeon. To remove the fat, a small microcannula is used in a sweeping back and forth motion to suction out the fat tissue. After the procedure, the tiny incisions are covered with tape and a compression garment, but are not stitched closed. This is done to facilitate the body’s natural healing process, and to allow any necessary drainage to occur. The tape can be removed after only two to three days, but many patients opt to wear the compression garment for up to six weeks, as this often helps the area sculpt itself to its new appearance. This can also help to reduce the appearance of sagging skin after liposculpture, although the effectiveness of this will depend on the level of natural resilience in a person’s skin. Liposculpture is common in areas such as the abdomen, the waist, areas of the lower and mid back, the hips and thighs, and the backs of the arms, just to name a few body regions. It is a very popular procedure to reduce the final remnants of stubborn “love handles” after dieting

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and exercise fail to remove them completely. If you are considering liposuction, it is a good idea to consult with a doctor who specializes in the procedure to determine if you are a good candidate.

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Getting Rid Of Cellulite Naturally by Jayna Davis Have you been stuck with cellulite on your abdomen, buttock, and even underarms? This is a huge problem for people who have been over weight but want to lose the weight and reduce cellulite at the same time. This is an important way to take care of cellulite. If you like doing things naturally or even if you’re scared of surgery, losing cellulite naturally can work. This doesn’t take a doctor’s visit, an over the counter remedy or anything of the likes. When you’re trying to remove cellulite naturally, be sure to watch what you eat and drink. Every day that goes by on the calendar you should be marking down as exercise. Exercising is the top way to keep cellulite down and confidence up. Cellulite problems seem to persist greatly in the US. But, getting rid of it doesn’t seem to be catching on as quick. This is why you must take it in your own hands to lose your cellulite the all natural way. Anybody of any size or age can get cellulite. The same goes for losing cellulite as well! Before figuring out which remedy is right for you be sure to conduct some research. This will put you ahead of the entire cellulite removal system. There is cellulite gel which can help remove stubborn cellulite. This stuff can give you the ultimate advanced cellulite technology. When you use the cellulite gel you will see results within just a short period of time. There are other natural ways to lose any other cellulite as well. But, the most natural is to eat and drink as healthy as possible. This will not only help you lose any cellulite, but keep you looking great and in shape as well. When you feel it’s time to finally get rid of your cellulite, be sure to look up all the different ways of doing so. This will give you a huge advantage and will keep you educated on the topic as well. Getting rid of cellulite naturally is the best way to go about getting rid of it. Cellulite is a huge problem that can upset so many people’s confidence and even happiness. When this happens, you know it’s time to get your wonderful start in cellulite removal. The removal methods usually involve no pain what so ever. This is a huge advantage for those who like to feel great while staying unhurt as long as possible. With the removal of cellulite, this is possible!

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Cellulite Solution – Liposuction by Jayna Davis Cellulite has long plagued men and women around the world, often preventing them from enjoying their swimsuits without wondering if people are looking at it. Now, there are a number of so-called cellulite solutions running around, promising to eliminate cellulite, such as liposuction. Liposuction cellulite procedures appear to be fairly common but when you really think about it, what do we know about this cellulite solution? How effective is it and if it is or isn’t, why? Cellulite Can liposuction work on cellulite? First, let’s take a look at what cellulite is. Cellulite is basically dimpled skin in various areas of the body, usually around the thighs and buttocks or wherever else there are areas of fat close to the skin. Women are more prone to getting the condition than men and women first experience cellulite in puberty due to the large number of hormonal changes that they undergo. Interestingly, being overweight has absolutely nothing to do with cellulite. Losing weight is not a cellulite solution – sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. If you want to prevent it naturally, exercise is the best way to go. Liposuction Cellulite Liposuction is exactly what it sounds like, it is the process of sucking out fat. It’s a common procedure and one that has been around since the late seventies. It has been immensely improved since then and has found other uses. Liposuction can provide a great aid in fighting cellulite as it can suck out the dimpled fat or the cellulite. However, like many things in medicine or the sexual preference of a boy band member, nothing is really certain. Success varies from person to person depending on their body type and their genetics. Liposuction can help eliminate cellulite, but it cannot do the job all on its own. This is, however, true for the old-style liposuction, the one that required actual suction. There is a new method, one that uses laser, but the jury is still out as to how effective it is in handling cellulite. Other Methods Massages, surprisingly, can serve as a cellulite solution, but only if performed vigorously. It could bruise heavily as the force required is intense, but a person’s body can eventually adapt. No less than ten sessions are absolutely required for the massage sessions to work well. Not all fat responds the same way. Fat found in people older than forty tends to be softer than young fat and, thus, is more prone to treatment. Put the Cellulite In a Cell Cellulite doesn’t have to trap you in massive, old school bikinis that hide everything. There are ways of getting around this naturally-occurring condition, such as the aforementioned

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liposuction and massage. Ultrasonics and liponic sculpturing are other methods that you may want to look into, if liposuction and massage don’t work for you. If they don’t work, don’t fret; there are still more ways of handling cellulite. Simply talk with your dermatologist, as they would know of any recent advances that can help you find your cellulite solution.

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Mesotherapy For Cellulite by Jayna Davis Cellulite happens to a lot of women and some men, but its causes aren’t that well understood just yet. Even if it isn’t that well understood though, cellulite can still be a big bother. For one thing; no matter how hard a person might work out to finally fit into that size 4 highleg bathing suit, a little cellulite on the thighs can really dampen the effect. This is why there are so many different treatments for cellulite available. One such treatment is mesotherapy. What is It? Mesotherapy is a cosmetic treatment that doesn’t involve surgery. Like Botox injections, this particular form of cosmetic treatment involves injecting substances into the person rather than slicing them open. In mesotherapy, the layer of fat beneath the skin, known as the subcutaneous layer is targeted, and a particular blend of vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, and homeopathic remedies can be used. These injections are supposed to target the adipose fat cells in the body so that lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat cells occurs. Aside from cellulite reduction, this particular treatment can also be used for fat reduction in general. How Does Mesotherapy Work on Cellulite? Many experts believe that cellulite is linked to the way women’s fat cells and connective tissues work; that the connective tissue holding the adipose bodies on the skin together tends to be inflexible. This means that when a person gains weight; especially with fat in the area of the thighs and lower abdomen, the inflexible connective tissue will cause the fat cells to bulge outwards unevenly, creating the cottage cheese skin or orange peel appearance that characterizes cellulite. Mesotherapy’s fat-targeting treatment gets to the fat cells in these specific areas; breaking them down so that they will no longer stretch the skin and cause it to bulge outward unevenly. The substances in a mesotherapy injection may vary from practitioner to practitioner, which can probably account for the mixed reviews that mesotherapy for cellulite has been receiving. It gets rid of cellulite and extra fat not just by breaking down the adipose fat cells though; mesotherapy for cellulite is also said to be able to increase the blood circulation in the regions where cellulite is, repair weakened and hardened connective tissue, and improve lymphatic drainage. What does this mean? In a nutshell, this essentially means that mesotherapy “cleans up” the area; letting blood flow more freely through it, draining out excess lymphatic fluid, and improving the flexibility of women’s inflexible connective tissues.

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There are a lot of detractors and skeptics for this particular form of treatment. Nonetheless, the most part, this treatment tends to work fairly well. Not only does mesotherapy for cellulite smooth out skin by getting rid of the excess fat in this area, but it can often also get rid of the fine lines and wrinkles that may naturally occur in such areas, as a result of aging. It’s important to remember that even though mesotherapy is a relatively new procedure, it should still be performed by a licensed doctor with good credentials and knowledge of the procedure. Sometimes, swelling and soreness can occur on the injection site, and the costs reach an average of five thousand dollars, but it can really be worth it.

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Home Remedies For Calluses by Jayna Davis Calluses are thickened skin that develops when a part of a person’s skin encounters frequent friction or pressure. People who play string instruments like guitars will often have calluses on the fingertips of their left hands, and almost everybody has calluses on their feet. Calloused skin is a lot harder and tougher than the skin around it, and it can often also be pretty rough to the touch and look less attractive. This is why a lot of people shop around for a good brand of callous remover or look for home remedies for calluses. These patches of tough skin do have their uses though. After all, why would our bodies develop them if they aren’t useful for anything in the first place? Calluses help protect parts of our body from excessive pressure and friction. A person who has only started playing steel-stringed guitar, for example, will find that their fingertips will hurt a lot at first, but the pain eventually goes away as calluses begin to form. Sometimes though, calluses are more eyesores than protection, and while preventing them is a lot easier than getting rid of them, there are home remedies for calluses that are available to just about anybody. A rough stone, like a pumice stone, can be a pretty good callous remover. All you need to do is sand down the callus until you’ve gotten rid of it enough to fit your satisfaction. If you’re having trouble finding a good kind of rock to rub against the tough bits of skin on your feet, sandpaper can suffice too, but they’re a lot harsher and sharper than pumice, so try to curb your enthusiasm when you’re going at your calluses with sandpaper. To soften up your calluses for sanding; try soaking the affected area in warm and soapy water with a touch of essential oil for around five or more minutes. Calluses on the soles of a person’s feet can be really hard and tough, and sometimes, the only way to start removing all those tough layers of skin is to soften them up before filing away at them with the foot file or pumice stone. Afterwards, when your feet are completely dry, apply a really rich moisturizer; something with lanolin, like petroleum jelly or heavy lotion. This particular callous remover technique works best for especially big, tough calluses, like the ones found on your feet. If you have smaller calluses that aren’t as hard, like the ones a person might get on their hands after one day of hard manual labor, simply soaking the area in warm, soapy water for five minutes, drying it out, and then moisturizing with lotions or aloe creams with lanolin can get rid of them pretty effectively. Of course, with a little patience, calluses can sometimes go away by themselves. If a person stops playing guitar for a while for example, the calluses on their fingertips eventually fade away. Whether you choose to try out different home remedies to remove calluses or opt to buy a commercial product that serves as a callous remover though, just remember that depending on what kind of calluses they are; calluses aren’t always bad and that once you stop putting

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pressure on the area in question or prevent friction from affecting it, they can sometimes go away all by themselves.

Watch this video to get tips on Removing Stretch Marks

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