Breast Implant


Breast Implants Collection 1

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Contents Saline Breast Implants .........................................................................................................................3 Shedding Light on Laser Hair Removal ................................................................................................4 13 Beauty Myths Demystified .............................................................................................................5 Breast Implant Removal ......................................................................................................................8 Natural Looking Breast Implants .......................................................................................................10 Breast Implant Revision.....................................................................................................................11 Belly Button Breast Augmentation Process ......................................................................................13 Teardrop Breast Implants..................................................................................................................15 Breast Lift With Implant ....................................................................................................................17 Silicone Breast Implants ....................................................................................................................19 Bump Fighter Razor Review ..............................................................................................................21 Pubic Razor Burn ...............................................................................................................................23 Breast Implant Risks ..........................................................................................................................25 Ionithermie Cellulite Reduction & Removal ......................................................................................28 Laser Liposuction ...............................................................................................................................30

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Saline Breast Implants by Jayna Davis Saline implants are the most widely used implants you’ll find in the United States. There are many different types of saline implants, but all are filled with a safe and sterile solution of water and sodium. Some saline implants have a smooth outer shell, and some have a textured shell. You may want to choose smooth shells to reduce the chance of your implants rippling and leaving little “waves” under your skin. The drawback with smooth implants, however, is that they tend to rotate and move a little more frequently than textured implants. Textured implants definintely stay in place better, but may look a little less natural once placed in the breast and may require a slightly longer incisional cut as more force will have to be used to insert the implant. The main difference when placing saline implants as opposed to silicone implants is that all saline implants will need to be filled at the time of surgery. You can’t find any pre-filled saline implants as is the case with silicone. The shells of saline implants, though not as thick as silicone implants, are relatively strong and are made of silicone. Even though the outer shell is strong, the risk of leakage is slightly higher if the implants are filled up enough at the time of surgery. Since silicone implants need to be filled by your plastic surgeon, they have a valve in them where the filling is to be done. Most of the time, these valves are located on the front of the implant, but they’re small enough not to be noticeable once placed in the body. So, the main reason that I can see to choose a saline implant over a silicone one is the safety factor. They present less of a risk should leakage or breakage occur, and obviously safety should be one of the deciding factors when choosing the type of implant that you’ll be placing in your body. Consult with your plastic surgeon about choosing saline breast implants and let him know your exact wants and needs – they’ll help you decide what’s right for your body and expectations. Note: Implants help to make your body more curvy and shapely. Another thing to consider is getting a bigger butt to balance your hourglass figure. I hate the unbalanced look.

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Shedding Light on Laser Hair Removal by Jayna Davis Don’t you just love sleeveless tops? I particularly love wearing them during summer when the heat of the sun gives me enough reason to go bare on my arms. It gives me more room for movement and yes, exposure. There is one thing, though, that I would never dare to show off- underarm hair. There have been so many salons and dermatological clinics offering laser hair removal at a very affordable price that I decided to try it. Lo and behold, it works! Laser hair removal is a procedure in which highly concentrated light is used to retard the growth of unwanted hair. This beam of light penetrates the hair follicles causing damage to it. It is absorbed into the pigment of the hair and destroys it from the inside. It is quick, painless, and precise. Apart from these, the effects are long term, meaning you don’t have to pluck, wax, or pull out hair for a long period of time. This would give you the satisfaction of not having nicks, cuts or burns. Results are gradual, though. It takes, at a minimum, three sessions for hair to grow thinner and more sparsely. Nevertheless, the procedure definitely is painless. There are many ways to skin a cat. Likewise, there are many ways to remove unwanted hair from the body. I have chosen to do it the painless way. Here are a few spoilers for your first visit: On your first session, do not be surprised if they shave the hair in the area you want treated. It will only be shorted up to a few millimeters. A cool gel will be applied to keep your skin cool while the beam passes over the area. You will be required to wear the provided glasses to protect your eyes. The procedure can take from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the thickness of hair growth and the area. A little redness might occur; this varies depending on the sensitivity of the skin. Nevertheless, it is a safe procedure. Hair will eventually fall out over the course of one month. After which, you may have another session. This procedure is done until hair growth is at a minimum, if not completely stopped.

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13 Beauty Myths Demystified by Jayna Davis There are hundreds of myths that haunt the women today. These have been passed on to generations, from grandmothers to mothers, and mothers to daughters. It is no wonder that many women have grown to believe some (or even all) the myths we have listed below. So to clear things up, we are going to demystify some of the most popular myths handed down from generation to generation. Get ready to play truth or dare with these myths. 1. Crossing legs will cause varicose veins. False. Dare to cross your legs anytime you want. Varicose veins are caused by valves that have difficulty pumping blood to your heart. When they aren’t functioning properly, they produce a pool of blood which can be seen through the surface of the skin. Standing a lot can lead to this. You can also blame your parents for them. Spider veins usually appear at a certain age for some women. Typically, it will be at the same age your mother first had them. Most women also develop spider veins during or after pregnancy. Lastly, chemicals from smoking and birth control pills may cause the same damage as standing all the time. 2. Shaving will result to thicker hair growth. False. Shaving will never make your hair growth thicker. It only appears so because the blade cuts through at the base of the hair. This is the thickest part and when it grows back, it still has that wide end. Hair that’s never been cut has a pointed tip. Hair that’s been cut will never regain its pointed tip. 3. Nail polish causes yellow stains. This one is true. Dark shades such as red and burgundy have more pigments that get absorbed by your nails. To prevent this from happening, wear a clear base coat to protect your nails from looking unhealthy without color. 4. Pores can be shrunken permanently. False. Pore size is determined by genetics. Their size can only be temporarily reduced by using creams, toners and for those on a budget, egg whites. These tighten the skin thereby making the pores look smaller. 5. Cellulite can be erased. False. Only genetics will determine who won’t get them. Cellulites are caused by fat deposits that get trapped between the tissues of the skin. These tissues made of fibrous bands squeeze the fat and creates a lumpy surface resembling an orange peel. Firming creams and lotions, however, can reduce the presence of cellulite by injecting caffeine into the skin to tighten it. Moisturizers will also do the same trick by

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hydrating and plumping your skin. The quickest way to make cellulite fade is by camouflaging it with a fake tan. 6. Waxing will minimize hair growth True. Waxing rips the hair out of the follicles and causes damage. Repeatedly done, waxing will minimize hair growth to the point where follicles could no longer produce hair. This will take plenty of sessions and a lot of painkillers, though. We’re talking about 2-3 decades of waxing. 7. Rubbing eyes creates wrinkles. False. What give you wrinkles are gravity and repetitive actions such as smiling. Unless you rub your eyes more times than you smile, you’re bound to get crow’s feet and wrinkles. 8. Cocoa butter and olive oil will prevent stretch marks. False. Cocoa butter and olive oil are not able to penetrate the top layer of the skin where the stretching occurs. What they can do is suppress the itching that comes with the rapid expansion of the skin. 9. 100 Strokes will make your hair shinier. False. Studies show that continuous tugging of the hair and overbrushing hair can do more damage than good. Light brushing, however, distributes the oil from the scalp down to the hair. This gives it the natural shine. Light brushing can also remove impurities such as dirt and dandruff and massages the scalp. Massaging the scalp stimulates blood flow for that keeps the hair healthy. 10. Dotting your pimples with toothpaste will make them clear up. Toothpaste contains menthol, an ingredient that dries up pimples; however, it also contains other ingredients that might cause more damage by irritating the skin around the blemish. To be on the safe side, stick to ointments and creams made for clearing blemishes. 11. Sleeping on your back with a satin pillow prevents wrinkles. This myth also comes with a fine print saying that the side you always sleep on will have more or deeper wrinkles than the other. This has a slight truth to it. As we age, the elasticity of our skin will start to degenerate as collagen and elastin fibers will start breaking down. The effects are very minimal and unnoticeable. 12. Drinking plenty of water keeps skin from drying out. Sure, water will hydrate you and keep your body hydrated. Nevertheless, it won’t do much for your skin. What will keep your skin moist are creams and moisturizers. This one is a true false.

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13. Cutting cuticles is bad for your nails. This one holds true. Cutting cuticles put you at risk of hangnails and infections. It’s also a painful procedure. The better alternative would be to push them down after they’ve been soaked and softened. Don’t forget the lotion. You will notice that only a handful of these myths are true. The next time you hear a beauty myth, treat it like a rumor: do not believe it until you have the facts. Who knows, there might be better alternatives to what you’re told to do to look and feel pretty.

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Breast Implant Removal by Jayna Davis Believe it or not, there are reasons women may want to opt for breast implant removal. Often times it’s because of complications like the implants leaking or scar tissue building up around the implant – or to put new implants (which may be the same size/style or completely different) in. The American Socieny of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that in 2003, roughly 235,000 women has breast implants put in, and 40,000 had them taken out. This procedure is widely known as explantation (the opposite of implantation). How The Procedure Happens removals are usually done with the patient sedated with general anesthesia or local anesthesia in combination with IV sedation. It’s a relatively short procedure, taking about half and hour or a little longer to complete. Usually it only requires on outpatient surgical center. The costs range between $1000 and $4000 on average. The incision will be placed in the fold directly under the breast or through/directly next to the nipple. If the implant is a silicone one, the whole implant will need to come out intact. If it’s a saline implant, the surgeon may choose to deflate the implant first for easier removal. The recovery from this type of procedure is usually fairly quick. Many women find that after having implants removed they can return to much of their normal (but not strenuous) activites within a few days, and resume full activity in 2 or 3 weeks. However, just because you can return to full activity in less than a month that doesn’t mean you are fully recovered. The body actually takes months to fully heal, and since this is surgery we’re dealing with, there is a chance that complications (infection, bleeding, loss on sensation) will exist. Issues After Breast Implant Removal Removing the implants and getting rid of the problem (if there was one to begin with) like capsular contraction or implant leakage is all well and good, but some women may find that they’re unprepared for such a big change in their body. Naturally, if you don’t replace your implants, you’ll be left with the same size breasts that you came in with before surgery. In some cases, especially with very large implants, the breasts may look completely different than even before the surgery. This is because large implants can leave you with a deformity of the chest wall and tissue atrophy. Sagging skin may also be apparent since there isn’t an implant to fill the stretched out skin that the implant caused.

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This type of change can really make some women feel emotionally upset. Some deal with similar feelings as mastectomy causes in others. It’s important to understand your feelings, and if you need help managing them, please contact your doctor or a trained professional to help you through this difficult time.

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Natural Looking Breast Implants by Jayna Davis So, we’ve all seen a bad boob job or two, right? It’s enough to scare you away from implants forever! However, if increasing your chest size is something you’re dead set on, rest assured that it is possible to have natural looking breast implants. It requires more effort than just throwing your money at the nearest plastic surgeon, though. You need to due a lot of research and probably go on at least a few consultations (which usually cost money). The average cost of a breast augmentation procedure is typically $5,000 – $6000. If you have a good surgeon, be prepared for this cost to go up. If your surgeon gets less business (which probably means that they have less experience with giving natural looking breast implants) then the cost can also be significantly lower. The city or area you live in will also factor into the cost, as well as the season (summer and winter, for instance are busier so plastic surgeons may have less incentive to offer you discounts). As you probably know, obvious looking breast implants as well as natural looking breast implants are designed to increase the size of small or underdeveloped breasts, and maybe offer a lift to sagging breasts. It can also restore and enhance your breast volume if it has decreased as a result of having kids, going through weight loss, or breast-feeding. This surgery is performed on tens of thousands of women every year. While ultimately the doctor should be consulted for correct sizing, getting a concept of the appropriate size will help you look the most natural (smaller implants are usually more natural looking). Not only is the size of the implant important, you must also consider the shape of the implant. Teardrop shaped implants are the most natural looking, but since they are shaped with a sort of pointed top, it can be a problem if your implant moves around and rotates in your body. Most implants are round just because of this particular concern. Consult with your plastic surgeon about moderate profile implants and high profile implants. For most people’s body, they’ll tell you that moderate profile implants will look a bit more natural than high profile ones. Yet another factor to consider is the placement of the implant. You can either choose to put the implant under the skin and above the chest muscles, or you can place them under your muscles. Under-the-muscle placement will prove to be much more natural looking, but probably less comfortable for you as many surgeons will recommend you avoid regular activities like constricting/flexing your chest muscles. Despite popular belief, plastic surgeries, including breast procedures do not have to be obvious. You can, with the right surgeon and implants, have natural looking breast implants that no one would otherwise know were fake.

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Breast Implant Revision by Jayna Davis Surely we all hope that when we choose to have a procedure as significant as breast augmentation done, that we will like the results and won’t have to worry about breast implant revisions. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. It’s normal for a small percentage of breast augmentation procedures to have complications or unsatisfactory results. This can be minimized by choosing a highly qualified surgeon and listening to them about what is safe and recommended for your particular body type, but even then sometimes you just run into some bad luck. Some of the potential breast implant risks and complication include: - Capsular Contracture (the most common problem and occurs when scar tissue or fibrous tissue grows around the implant, leading to possible discomfort and an unnatural look) - Bad Placement or Implants Shifting (could make breast look crooked, nipples to high in comparison to breast fold, breast moving in any direction along the body, etc) - Leaking or Ruptured Implants (decrease in breast size, lopsidedness and capsular contraction can all result from this) - Symmastia (breast implants placed under the muscle may move toward each other and lead to a “uniboob”) Other times women may just want breast augmentation revisions to change the size or look of their existing implants. How to Find A Surgeon To Do Your Breast Implant Revision It’s especially important to choose a good doctor here. It’s much harder to do a good revision than it is to do the initial procedure. You should look specifically for a surgeon that has been board certified in reconstructive surgery. Sure, they might cost a little more than a non certified surgeon, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. You already had a less than satisfactory procedure done, so to ensure that it doesn’t happen again you want to look for a top-of-the-line surgeon. But don’t just choose a doctor because they’re board certified in reconstructive plastic surgery. You should also do a very thorough consultation before deciding on anything. Ask your doctor how many breast surgeries they’ve done, how many revisions they’ve done, how many of their own procedures required revisions, etc. You should also ensure they have experience with performing breast augmentations through a number of different approaches (locations on the body).

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When all is said and done, many times it’s absolutely necessary to have a breast implant revision procedure done, and you want to make sure things go right for you the second (or third, fourth, etc) time around. Due diligence as well as reasonable expectations are required here. Good luck and happy surgery to you!

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Belly Button Breast Augmentation Process by Jayna Davis The rumors that you might have heard about different and painless ways of breast augmentation are actually true, especially the one through the bellybutton. It has become quite popular these days and is better known as scarless breast augmentation or Trans-umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA). It has gained popularity the moment it entered the world of plastic surgery. After all the hype faded out, an intense research was carried out in order to verify the authenticity of it that answered the numerous questions asked. Belly Button Breast Augmentation Belly button breast augmentation has made a breakthrough in this world through its latest and efficient ways and has outdated all the other breast augmentation procedures. Generally patients are wary of the scars left by operations but in this case there are no scars left. Even though there are certain disadvantages of this naval incision process, it satisfies the patient with respect to many of their problems and queries. • The procedure – This process is a highly efficient one that takes place with the help of a small, completely hidden incision inside the natural folds of the belly button through which it connects to the breast tissue for the implant. The advantage is that there are no marks or evidence left of the implant on any part of the body after it is finished. This procedure is totally different from the others as it does not leave a mark unlike the other processes that leaves marks on incisions in one of three common locations. • Trans-umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA) – The Trans-umbilical Breast Augmentation process allows the surgeon to operate after making an incision through the belly button in order to reach the breast tissue to make the implant. It is a very sophisticated and endoscopic procedure where a tiny light and camera is inserted through the belly button and the video of it helps the doctor to operate without even opening up the body and putting his fingers inside. A tiny incision is made in the natural folds of the naval and the endoscope is passed through it. After the endoscope enters the interior of the body, it is pushed upward, towards the breast to start the implant process. Then a pocket is created in the breast area in order to fit the implant. Then the unfilled saline implants are rolled and are made to pass through the naval incision in order to reach the marked pocket in the breast area to make the implant. When they reach their desired place and remains intact, the implant is started by filling the marked pocket with the saline through the belly button.

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After the implant is done and the pocket is positioned properly, the incision made through the belly button is closed and the operation comes to an end within thirty to forty five minutes. • Recovery – Generally it takes time to recover from a Belly button breast augmentation process and requires the patient to rest and halt the daily activities for several days. Initially there will be some pain due to the stretched muscles and tissue, swelling and bruising but these will gradually go away with the help of proper medication. Sometimes marks are left after the process and maybe remain visible under the skin for a few days or a week but eventually it goes away. If it does not then probably the skin was not able to cope with the fatty tissues.

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Teardrop Breast Implants by Jayna Davis Breast implants come in different shapes, each of which is designed to create a certain kind of look. Although the suitability of one shape over the other is sometimes influenced by overall goal of the breast surgery, in many cases the preference for teardrop breast implants over round breast implants is a personal choice for the woman. These two different shapes of implants create a different look overall for the breasts after the surgery is performed. As a result, careful consideration should take place beforehand so that the proper shape is chosen. Factors to Consider when Choosing Breast Implants Because women’s body types and shapes vary, there isn’t a single right or wrong answer in regards to the proper shape of breast implant. There are a number of factors to take into consideration when making this decision, which is why a careful and thorough consultation is important. The woman’s body type needs to be considered, as well as how much natural breast tissue exists. Differences in the surgical method used should also be taken into consideration, since the incision might be made around the areola, in the armpit, or beneath the breast itself. In some cases the breast implant will be placed subglandular, and in other cases a submuscular placement will be used. All of these variables can affect the suitability of one breast implant shape over another. Here’s a great resource for anyone considering breast augmentation. Learn all the facts you can before making a decision that will stick with you forever. Features of Round Breast Implants Round breast implants are commonly used for breast augmentation, since they generally create the most fullness in the breast. They can add a significant amount of fullness, lift and cleavage to the bust line, but some people feel that they produce a rather artificial appearance. Round breast implants generally cost less than teardrop implants. Teardrop Breast Implants Teardrop breast implants have a teardrop shape, and are also commonly referred to as a contoured breast implant. They can be used to create a more sloping breast contour, which most people feel produces a more realistic profile and appearance. Teardrop implants can be used for breast augmentation when larger breasts are desired, but they are also commonly used when the goal is to correct breast asymmetry, or to replace, enhance, and augment the natural contour of the breast that might have been lost due to pregnancy or weight fluctuation. They don’t produce

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the same amount of fullness, lift and cleavage enhancement as round implants do, but they do provide a very naturally shaped breast. Instead of producing fullness at the top of the breast, most of the fullness exists at the bottom of the breast, which tends to provide a more anatomically correct appearance as compared to round implants. However, teardrop breast implants are more expensive than round implants. This style of implant must have a textured surface, because it is necessary to keep it from rotating after it is implanted. Otherwise, the shape of the breast could be distorted, since the implant isn’t symmetrically shaped. If you are considering teardrop breast implants, a consultation with your doctor can help you determine if they are right for you.

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Breast Lift With Implant by Jayna Davis Just like the rest of your body, you may find that your breasts are starting to sag with age. Another reason for sagging breasts may be pregnancy and breastfeeding, which leaves many women yearning for the fullness they were used to during pregnancy. Or it could be a lack of proper support with moderate to large size breasts. Whatever the reason, many women desire breast lifts with implants. Not only will this lift the breasts and make them more perky, it will also add some volume and increase their size. This is a useful procedure if you want more projection and volume, especially in the upper part of the breasts. Sagging Breasts & How They Affect Your Appearance Sagging breasts that haven’t been corrected with cosmetic surgery often have a “scooped” look where the bottom part of the breasts have some fullness but the upper part of the breasts appear deflated or even flat. Some women don’t mind how it looks, other can’t stand to look at their bodies that way and opt for a breast lift with implants. Having an implant put in while having a breast lift done will fill in the area where there was basically just extra, loose skin. It can do a lot to improve your appearance, both with and without clothes on. What Type Of Implant Some women with minimal sagging and loss of volume may wish for very small sized implants. These implants could come in a variety of shapes, depending on what your plastic surgeon recommends for your particular body and the results you’re trying to achieve. Women with smaller breasts or more dramatic loss of volume will probably want bigger sized implants in a more rounded shape. The more rounded shape of the implant can make a dramatic difference to the appearance of the upper portion of the breasts. Too Much Surgery At One Time? You may worry that undergoing these two seemingly separate procedures at the same time may be too much surgery for one session. This isn’t actually the case. Since you’re undergoing surgery in the one area (chest) anyway, performing these two procedures at the same time is actually a huge time saver. You don’t have to have 2 separate surgeries, and the downtime you’ll experience isn’t any more than it would be if you were having just one surgery done.

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In any case, during your consultation, the plastic surgeon will probably have recommendation for you based on their personal experience and your wishes. You should make your wishes very clear and let your surgeon know exactly what you’re hoping for to improve the chances of a satisfactory procedure.

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Silicone Breast Implants by Jayna Davis Silicone breast implants are quickly becoming the most popular type of implant. They were approved by the FDA in November of 2006 and determined as being both safe and effective. The FDA approved silicone gel implants, but needs to monitor each and every manufacturer (Mentor & Inamed, for example). They will follow a large number of women for a minimum of 10 years post surgery to track their progress and complaints. The reason the FDA approved silicone gel implants is because of reviews of multiple studies done by numerous groups. There were also many inspections done. Although not every case of implants went smoothly, the majority of women were safe and satisfied, which proved silicone breast implants to be safe enough for use. So, why choose silicone implants? Silicon is super-abundant – the only element that beats it out on earth is oxygen. When this silicon is mixed with oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, it becomes what is known as silicone. A long time ago, silicone gel was cased in just one or two layers of an enclosure shell. Today, to be safe, manufacturers are encasing the silicone gel is 3 layers of shell, which reduces the chances of leaking and breakage. Some people feel that more “shells” make the implants feel a little harder, but others find that the implant is still soft enough to be pleasant. Silicone implants are pretty durable. You’d be surprised, actually, at just how hard it is to damage one. Of course they still occasionally break in women’s bodies, but the number of instances is small. Another reason to choose silicone breast implants over saline ones is that many people feel they look more natural. Under the skin, saline implants may “ripple” if the fluid collects unevenly in the implant, but there is little risk of this happening with silicone. There are still, however drawbacks (the main one being that saline is more safely absorbed by the body in the case of a leaking or broken implant), but silicone continues to be very popular among breast surgery patients. How Are Silicone Breast Implants Implanted? Since there are so many layers of encasing shell, silicone breast implants always come prefilled. You can’t just insert the empty bag into the body and fill it with silicone as you can with saline.

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This means that the cut that needs to be made in the skin must be a little bigger than with saline implants. The longer cut also needs to be done because silicone implants are typically textured and are a little harder to slide in. To sum up this article, silicone breast implants are and most definitely will continue to be very popular. Many women prefer the longevity, durability and look of silicone breast implants over saline ones. It’s best to have a thorough consultation with your doctor before deciding, however, as your surgeon will help you make the best choice for your particular body and needs.

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Bump Fighter Razor Review by Jayna Davis The bump fighter razor promises to leave you razor burn free. It seems as if it was designed for African American men (although I am not but still love to use it) because many black men suffer from Pseudofolliculitis barbae (ingrown hair and razor bumps) on a daily basis. But like I mentioned, anyone can use it. Any man with coarse or curly facial hair, pretty much anyone who shaves their pubic area, etc. WHAT I USE IT FOR I personally just use the bump fighter razor for shaving my pubic hair because I used to get major irritation and bumps on my pubic mound if I shaved every day. When I was younger this never happened, but as time went on razor burn started becoming more of a problem for me. ABOUT THE RAZOR


The razor has a “bump guard” which ensures the blade doesn’t cut the hair lower than the skin, thereby solving pretty much all your shaving bump problems. When I first got it I noticed it looked different from most typical shavers. It has these grooves on the blade, which I guess cause it to work the way it does. The blades also slide on and off from left to right or vice versa. They don’t snap on like the razors I was used to. It’s nothing fancy like those girly razors you see in commercials, but I could care less. It’s comfortable and keeps my pubic area looking “fancy” which is all that really matters to me when choosing a shaver. It’s black has a rubberized grip. Soft to the touch and lends to a comfortable shaving experience. THE ONE PROBLEM WITH BUMP FIGHTER

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Since it doesn’t cut the hair down below skin level, it probably wont be the closest shave you’ve ever experienced. Don’t get me wrong, you won’t be full of stubble after you shave, but you may grow stubble sooner than you would with a regular shaver. For me, this is not a problem because the lack of skin irritation means that I can shave with this razor every day and keep smooth that way. It’s less of a hassle for me, but you’d have to decide for yourself if that’s what you want to do. MY OPINION OF THE BUMP FIGHTER SHAVER It’s a must for anyone who’s bothered by razor burn. I understand there are some lucky bastards out there who never suffer from any kind of skin problems, and if you’re one of them maybe you want a razor that cuts the top layer of skin and chops the hair down really short as that kind of shave would obviously be smoother. I haven’t felt this smooth in years and I’m totally happy that I found the bump fighter.

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Pubic Razor Burn by Jayna Davis Like many modern women today, I shave my pubic hair. Some women do their bikini line, some leave a design or landing strip in the front, and some like to take it ALL off. Me, I take it all off! Brazilian fan, baby! But there are some problems with this. Of course there’s a little bit of a hassle when it comes to maintenance, but I think it’s worth it for that sexy look. The main problem I have is the dreaded pubic razor burn. I find that these irritated bumps that occur after shaving your pubic hair are most common pubic mound (or mons pubis). Who’s with me on that one? I don’t know if any other women are affected in other areas, but this is the worst by far when it comes to post shaving irritation for me. So what’s a girl to do about her bumpy private bits? Surely we want to get rid of them and get back to feeling sexy, right? PREVENT PUBIC RAZOR BURN There are some things you can do to minimize the chances that you’ll get stuck with those unsightly red bumps in your nether region in the first place. 1. Soften the hair. You can do this by waiting until you’re at the ending half of your bath or shower. You can also let your shaving cream, oil or lotion soak into the hair for a while before you start shaving. I personally just use conditioner (yeah hair conditioner) on my pubes, let it soak for about 2 minutes and then get started. 2. Shave with the grain. This will ensure that the top layer of your skin doesn’t grow over your incoming hair. Yeah, the shave won’t be as close, but at least you wont be in pain the next day. If you’ve ever looked at yourself down there you’ll probably have noticed that as you go further down the direction the hairs grow changes and everything basically goes wild down there. So, if you’re plan is to stick to shaving in the direction your hair grows, this applies only to the areas where you can actually tell, which frickin direction your hair grows in!I don’t like doing this personally, and will tell you about a work-around below. 3. Exfoliate regularly. At first, you might think it’s really weird to exfoliate your vagina After all, it’s a very sensitive area. I just use these Salux scrub cloths (my favorite!) to do the pubic wall once in a while. It gives the hairs bulging and curling just underneath the skin a chance to breakthrough and leave you razor burn free.Alternatively, you can use a product like bump control aftershave found here, but I prefer not to have chemicals that may taste weird and interfere with oral sex on my cooch…

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MY SECRET TO PREVENTING PUBIC SHAVING BUMPS Use a Bump Fighter razor! Or something similar that doesn’t allow the hair and skin to be cut at the same time. This is the work-around to shaving with the grain that I mentioned above in point 2. It leaves you looking and feeling relatively smooth while freeing you from worrying about pubic razor burn. I can (and do) shave with this razor everyday without causing irritation, where the opposite would be true if I used a typical blade. SAY GOODBYE TO SHAVING BUMPS ON YOUR VAGINA! All in all I think it’s worth the extra trouble to stay smooth and sexy down there. I just feel more confident and sexy when it’s smooth, so I’ll continue to shave it all off since pubic razor burn is no longer a problem for me!

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Breast Implant Risks by Jayna Davis Having a boob job is not all fun and games. There are some serious breast implant risks that you should be aware of. Much of the time women are satisfied with their procedures and don’t have any regrets, but there are quite a few instances of complications. Here’s to helping you make an informed decision. Capsular Contracture This complication is caused by a scar that grows in your body, right is the tissue around the breast implant. This can lead to hardening, implants looking very fake, and they may even hurt. You see this condition more often than you may know. Women who have very unnatural, round, hard looking breasts that have obviously been worked on usually have bad cases of capsular contracture. Some say that saline implants lower the risks of this type of scar tissue and that it’s more common with silicone implants, but there is no conclusive evidence on this yet. This sounds pretty scary, but many women develop mild capsular contracture and don’t even know they have it. Moderate to severe scarring, however, is likely to cause you discomfort and requires additional surgery. What happens during the additional surgery is that all the scar tissue must be removed from the breasts and a new implant would have to be put in. Even when you do all that additional work, there’s a chance the scarring will come back again. Luckily, there is something you can do to lower this risk. Placing the implant under the muscle will help to reduce the breast implant risk of internal scar tissue forming. Mammogram “Blocking” When you have an implant, it becomes harder to view all your breast tissue during a mammography. As you know, mammograms are vitally important to your health. Just like with capusal contraction, having your implant placed under the muscle will help. With implants placed over the muscle, only about 3/4 of your breast tissue can be seen during a mammogram. With it under the muscle, as much as 90% of your tissue can be seen – not perfect, but definitely better than 75% Breast Implant Displacement Just because your surgeon puts your implants in the right spot doesn’t neccessarily mean they’ll stay there. There is a problem (albeit an uncommon one) where breast implants move after the surgery. This can happen in any direction, and at any time. Implants Breaking & Leaking

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As you may know, there are 2 main types of implants – saline and silicone. Each of these present different risks if they were to leak or break. Let’s start with the safer of the two: saline implants. These sometimes develop a leak and start to deflate, leaving you with one breast that goes back to your original size. This happens most often with implants that have NOT been overfilled. Although it may sound wrong, overfilling implants actually helps them stay “strong”. when the implant hasn’t been overfilled and a small piece folds over, it causes rubbing which wears the shell down. The shell can eventually become so thin that it tears, just like a piece of paper. This happens most often during the first year following your procedure, and then the risk decreases in subsequent years. Your body is made of salt-water, so the saline that filled your implant does no real harm when it’s absorbed by your body. The implant would just need to be replaced. When you have silicone implants, the gel that fills the implant can’t be safely absorbed by your body. The shell can do the same thing and start to leak or even rupture, but the complications here are a little worse. The silicone leaking out of the implant will probably cause your body to form scar tissue around it. If the leak is a small one, you might not even notice that anything has even happened to your implant until you realize you have capsular contracture – the internal scarring we talked about earlier. This obviously requires surgery, as you can’t just leave a leaking silicone implant in your body. The implant and scar tissue would both need to be removed, and the implant would have to be replaced. Rippling While some implants come out looking great and very natural, sometimes you get weird “ripples” or slight waves that appear on your skin where the implants are placed. some surgeons also call this wrinkling. This happens because the saline contained in your implant is shifting around, leaving areas of “loose” skin without anything to fill it. Overfilling the implants can help prevent rippling, as well as using smooth implants rather than textured ones. Placing the implants under the muscle can also help prevent rippling in the upper portion of the breasts. Rippling hardly ever happens to silicone implants, and is more evident among those who choose saline. Numb Nipples Numbness in the nipples following breast surgery is so common that you shouldn’t even consider having breast augmentation done if you really can’t stand the thought of potentially losing sensation in your nipples.

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Infection Infections following implant surgeries stand at about 1%. Usually infections occure in the first 2-3 months following breast augmentation procedures. If you should develop an infection, you’ll need to take antibiotics and remove the implant. You can’t replace the implant until at least 6 months down the road (allowing your body to heal properly) so you could go for awhile with lopsided breasts. Symmastia This is actually a rare one, but quite a problem if it happens. It can occur when implants are placed under the muscle and move together, leading to a “uniboob” look. This may happen because of over-dissection of breast tissues during surgery (sometimes done to purposely place implants close together for increased cleavage). This is more of a problem with thin women, because they have less breast tissue and chest space in the first place. These are some of the main side effects and risks of breast implants. They can range from mild, cosmetic problems to full blown life-threatening infections, you it’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons now that you have been educated on breast implant risks.

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Ionithermie Cellulite Reduction & Removal by Jayna Davis Cellulite remains a threat to bikini-wearing men and women everywhere, threatening to distract people from their sculpted bodies with some awkward dimples. Luckily medicine, science and technology have advanced far enough to give people plenty of options, to choose from natural to topical to surgical if they want to get rid of their cellulite problems. Here, we’re going to take a glance at what cellulite is exactly and something called ionithermie treatments. Ionithermie cellulite reduction treatments are becoming more and more common, but are they worth your time and money? Are they effective as methods of cellulite removal? It can be difficult to select the right kind of treatment for you. After all, there are so many claims being made, so many treatments and machines with sometimes ludicrous claims being made, promising tiny little miracles focused on your cellulite. Hopefully, by the time you finish reading this, you’ll find yourself with a greater appreciation and understanding of cellulite. What is Cellulite Anyway? Let us take a quick gander at what makes cellulite, cellulite. When you boil it down to as few words as possible, you end up with the words ‘dimpled skin’ or more precisely, ‘dimpled fat’. It comes up wherever a large amount or area of fat is near the skin, such as around the butt or the outer thighs. Unfortunately, women happen to be more prone to developing these as compared to men, due to the former’s specific hormonal changes and production. And for people wondering, no, being overweight actually has very little to do with cellulite. Losing weight might lead to some cellulite loss, but generally, it appears to be more an occasional occurrence rather than a real solution. Ionithermie Treatments It sounds strange, but ionithermie treatments are the newest option available to people who want to get rid of their cellulite. The treatment is the flavor of the month for people who want to fight cellulite off. Ionithermie cellulite reduction methods claim to be effective in as little as a single session – a fantastically bold claim. Apparently the method works by going into something other than the rainforest, where so many miracles are apparently present: now, they’ve gone to the sea. Developed in France and often understandably misspelled, this method aims to achieve five things. First and foremost, it’s here to handle the appearance and presence of cellulite as well as improving the general smoothness of the skin. Ionithermie treatments also aim to contour the body, making it more slender in effect. This also then leads to firming and toning of the body. Last and not the least, it detoxifies the body, thanks to the ingredients involved.

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Ionithermie Cellulite Reduction Process The very first part of the treatment involves covering the cellulite-afflicted skin with algae-infused products, which apparently works wonders on the various toxins involved in causing cellulite. Next, galvanic products are then applied and rubbed onto the skin, in apparent preparation for the subsequent steps. After this, faradic sources are next in line to be applied to the area. This apparently helps stimulate the muscles involved. Combining and following those three steps involve some carefully-placed electrodes. This apparently leads to some stretching and toning of the skin which naturally attacks the dimpled skin. It could apparently be compared to a rough day at the gym. It’s a lot to go through in 30 minutes, so you can squeeze it into the tightest of schedules. It costs around $135 per treatment. A lot of people are saying it’s worth the cost, due to its effectiveness and relatively cheap price compared to other treatments, such as liposuction. You may have some slight redness due to the electrodes, but that’s about it in terms of side effects. It goes without saying that if you have a metal plate inserted anywhere, it makes you ineligible to ionithermie treatment. Lasting Benefits Reviews on the treatment are fantastic. Ionithermie treatment is, apparently, highly effective even after a single session. It takes around seven to fifteen sessions to fully experience the effects, making it more expensive over a period of time. This could put a serious drain on anyone’s wallet and since cellulite is in no way a medical condition, no insurance plan around would ever pay for it. Should I Do It? If you have the money and the time for it, this is probably the best solution for you to take, short of surgery. It has received fairly positive reviews so it is not a scam for the most part, though like anything involving science, ionithermie treatments may vary in effectiveness from person to person. If you’ve got some money to spend, you can try it for one session and see how it works for you. You may not regret it.

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Laser Liposuction by Jayna Davis Looking good varies in importance from person to person. So, for people who find it important enough to shell out lots of money to look good, there’s a relatively new development for them to try – laser liposuction. It’s something that’s been causing a big stir among fat melting fanatics around the world. Apparently, it is a massive improvement over old liposuction methods. The differences between the two are numerous, from method to recovery period. Read on and see just what laser liposuction brings to the table in terms of fat blasting method. The Tale of the Tape Let’s begin with a simple comparison of methods. Old liposuction is heavy duty surgery that requires general anesthesia, which means that they need to knock you out to do it. Fat is essentially sucked out, which leaves a lot of flappy, loose skin where the fat used to be. That is done with a narrow tube that tends to leave scarring where it enters. Trauma is expected, as well as some bruising, though most people can get back to work within a week. The average liposuction to the abdomen easily costs around six thousand dollars, maybe more depending on where you get it. Now, to laser liposuction. Laser liposuction or SmartLipo only requires local anesthetic, which is safer and tends to bring less complications to the game than old liposuction. There is some tightening of skin where the lasers are used. Due to the use of lasers, there is very little trauma inflicted on the body which means recovery is a lot faster. The fat itself is squeezed out of the incisions or carefully suctioned out. It’s a lot easier than old liposuction as the laser has already broken the fat down into a liquid form, making it a lot less tough on the body than if you were dragging solid fat out of you. You won’t even need stitches; you can get to work in a day or two. It’s even cheaper, despite the image of a lightsaber – five thousand dollars for a shot at your abdomen. So Aside From Being Fancy, Safer and Cheaper If you’ve ever seen an old liposuction video on a documentary, in person or on television, you know how brutal it looks. It actually seems like they’re shoving a vacuum cleaner into your gut to clean it out. It’s not even accurate as people can only do so much, no matter how good they are, with their hands. You may nick a few things. There’s a ton of collateral damage to be expected from it, which led to the need for general anesthetic and a longer recovery period. Laser liposuction is more precise. Brute force is no longer necessary, allowing for accuracy and control that a hose cannot give.

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Interestingly, this ease make the entire procedure shorter. Old liposuction methods, as mentioned, can leave loose skin where the fat used to be. This, then, requires another procedure to get rid of the unsightly flaps, often a face or neck lift or tummy tuck where the fat used to be to make it look more appealing. With the laser, you actually end up tightening the skin as well, as part of the procedure. Post Procedure Detail As stated above, people who opt for laser liposuction can probably get to work within a couple of days. Compression bandages are still necessary, however, but for a much shorter time. Old liposuction has them on you for a month and a half while laser liposuction requires it for around two weeks. The result is also generally permanent. Fat cells are limited in adults; people don’t actually get new fat cells, they just get fat cells that expand. Concerns Of course, with the coming of any kind of new technology comes polarization and care. While on paper, laser liposuction seems like the better choice, some experts are less than thrilled with its existence. While most of them do admit that it is a potentially helpful method, they don’t see it as the second coming of liposuction. Some of them don’t even think that it will ever replace the old kind of liposuction; not soon at least. Even people who are proponents of laser liposuction are careful in their claims, calling it an advancement in technology rather than a miracle. Light Them Up But is it for you? The best way to find out is to simply consult with a doctor. Perhaps, there is something about your particular body that lends itself better to the more expensive old timey liposuction. Perhaps, you’d be best serve putting your body under the tender care of a technological advantage. Whatever the case, it is still a major investment of both time, money and some pain. Make sure that it is really what you want before you go traipsing into a doctor’s office for a laser liposuction.

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