Empire Edge 6th Edition

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P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f E m p i r e B e a u t y S c h o o l s pa r t n e r G o l d w e l l I n t e r n at i o n a l

Long layer haircut created with the razor allows the hair to be swiped in a upscale look taking on the appearance of a shorter cut.

S I X T H E d iti o n

Copyright © 2013 EEG, Inc. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be mailed to Marketing Department, EEG, Inc., PO Box 2002, Pottsville, PA 17901. All content in this book (such as text, graphics, logos, and images) is the property of EEG, Inc., except when noted otherwise. It is protected by United States and International copyright laws. Exceptions: Some of the content in this book is owned by others. Some content is in the public domain. We use copyrighted material with the permission of the copyright holder. We cite the copyright holder and the author. Where the author has made his or her uncopyrighted content available to all, and asked for attribution, we provide an attribution. Where the author is unknown, we say so, and we encourage the author/copyright holder to declare his or her ownership of the property. Brief quotations are occasionally used under “fair use” rules, with no intention of exploitation or profit.

Thank you to the Following contributors: O ur incredib l e s t uden t s & a l umni w h o are f eat ured t h roug h ou t t h is boo k . NICK ARROJO go l dwe l l in t ernat iona l D esign E ssen t ia l s J aime D emarco p h o t ograp h y: This page, 2-3, 10-11, 18-19, 22-23, 38-39, 50-51, 62-63, 66-67, 70-71, 82-83, 86-87, 94-95 & 98

A simple haircut using 90 degree scissor techniques with pink tone peek-a-boo color.

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o

Why cosmetology? Why Empire? What’s best for you? How do you get started?

A basic 90-degree haircut, detailed with highlight techniques to enhance the structure, finished with twist techniques.

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 2

the world IS YOUR EMPIRE If you’re considering a career in cosmetology, you may be thinking about:

:: :: :: ::

How much fun your dream job can be How much success you can achieve How many options could be available to you How you can be in demand­­– even when times are tough

Your future starts with an education from Empire:

:: O ne of the largest Cosmetology School networks in North America

:: C ombines 75+ years of experience with state-of-the-art technology

:: Trains about 20,000 students annually :: More than 100 locations and growing :: A ccredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS)

T o C r e ate O p p o rt u n ities F o r Pe o p l e T o I m p r o v e T hei r Li v es

At Empire, everything we do is dedicated to helping our students reach their dreams by living up to our core purpose:




ERIN REBO PIKUL is a graduate of both the Cosmetology & Cosmetology Educator Training Programs at Empire. She was a 7th Place Finisher in Long Hair Evening Design at our Future Professionals Expo.


M y e d uc ati o n at E m p i r e wa s the b est – the e d uc at o r s a n d sta ff w e r e s o i n s p i r i ng a n d s u p p o rti v e , a n d the y h av e he l p e d e n h a nce m y c r e ati v it y a n d h o n e m y i n te r p e r s o n a l s k i l l s . Takemi Lucas Empire Beauty School Graduate

perfect what’s the


T h e j o b y o u wa n t a n d

the security you need

:: S alon industry job growth outperformed the overall economy in nine of the last 11 years4

:: S alon and Spa industry reaches annual sales of nearly $40 billion4

:: “Hairdresser” is ranked as one of the best jobs of 2012


:: There are more than 1.7 million salon professionals


:: E mployment of hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists is expected to grow 16% by 20202



f o r h a i r c o lo r i ng , h a i r st r a i g hte n i ng a n d o the r a dva nce d h a i r t r e at m e n ts h a s

increased i n r ece n t y e a r s 2

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 6

A 45-degree base cut finished with disconnected lines to enhance the fringe; tone-on-tone panels of color highlight the look. 7



Jessica Gutierrez is a 2011 graduate of the Cosmetology Training Program. She works as a stylist at a high-end salon in New Jersey and says, “this incredible career gives me the ability to change the way my clients see and feel about themselves. I love being able to work with them to create that change, and Empire is where it all started!� 8

T h a n k s t o E m p i r e , I ’ v e b ee n a b l e t o l i v e ou t m y d r e a m s . M y e d uc at o r s p r e pa r e d m e w ith the k no w l e d g e a n d s k i l l s I n eeD E D t o b e s uccessf u l ! Meghan Lee 2011 Empire Beauty School Graduate

combine your personality and your

passion :: People who are successful in the industry are typically: c r e at i v e • m o t i vat e d • c u s t o m e r service-focused • good listeners p e o p l e - o r i e n t e d • m u lt i - ta s k e r s 2

:: Successful stylists generally offer a broad range of services


:: A typical consultation can include completing hair, skin or nail services and advising guests on products and at-home care2

:: Stylists look and act the part, keeping a neat personal appearance and making clients feel comfortable in their chair2

:: The salon and spa industry provides first jobs and career opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds4


S a lo n s h av e c o n ti n u e d


profit rise

t o ex p e r ie nce

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 10


A 180-degree haircut with elongated lengths in the interior, highlighted throughout with a red-on-red tone. The haloing eye shadow effect extends to temple to accentuate the eyes. 11


COSMETOLOGY? Shaistah Rahman

After earning her degree from Temple University in 2005, Shaistah decided to follow her dreams and enroll in cosmetology school. She was a competitor in the Nail Artistry Competition at Future Professionals Expo, and is part of the Cosmetology Educator Training program Class of 2012.

The Wieczoreks

t trader to follow his Daniel left his career as a Wall Stree worked for Frederic true passion. After graduating he a salon in Brooklyn. Fekkai in New York, and now owns left her career in she red, inspi so was His wife Jessica hattan. Man in ist color a sales, graduated and is



zio th After g omps ra on marketi duating colle ge and ng, Nin starting a decid She gra ed to fo d a caree r in her salo uated from s ll chool in ow her drea n, Nina m. 2011 a Christo n pher, in d open ed 2012

e in full tim p works u , e te k a a u Grad and m Empire the hair . lm A 2011 nd has been fi ,a feature a salon the set of a n o t s li sty


Ho April




are amazing

Licensed cosmetologists and related beauty industry professionals can seek employment in a broad range of professions. Hair Stylist

Hair Color Specialist

Platform Artist

Photo & Movie Stylist

Cosmetology School Educator

Nail Artist/Manicurist Wedding Stylist

Salon/Spa Manager or Owner

Image Consultant


Beauty Magazine Contributor

Celebrity Stylist

Beauty Care Product Distributor

Esthetician Makeup Artist

Joey oso After graduating from Empire’s Queens, NY school, Joey’s career led him into the world of fashion and beauty. He has worked as a L’Oreal Professionnel Session Stylist and behind the scenes at New York’s 2011 Fasion Week.

The Gilbrides Linda Gilbride owned a tanning salon and decided to add hairstyling to her services. Impressed with their mom’s education and career, her husband and daughters followed in her footsteps, and now all work together in their thriving salon.


P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 14

excited to go to ‘work’ I wa k e u p

e v e ry day !

Brig Van Osten Owner of p!ay hair lounge | Stylist & Winner of Shear Genius 3

In 2011, Brig appeared with Empire Education Group’s Chairman & CEO, Frank Schoeneman in “Frankly Speaking.”

Disconnected cut created with a shear-over-comb technique in the perimeter and 90-degree layered interior as the main focal point. Panels of soft colors enhance the finished style.




LJ Harrington is a graduate of both the Cosmetology and Cosmetology Educator Training programs at Empire. After serving in the US Navy, LJ followed his passion and joined the Empire Family. He has never looked back! 16

make a great living doing what you


:: The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the mean yearly income for a cosmetologist is $26,460 with 10% of cosmetologists reporting income above $41,490*3

:: The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) reports that the average yearly income for a typical cosmetologist ranges from $30,000 - $48,000*1

:: In 2010 nearly half of salon professionals were self-employed


:: Those who are self-employed usually determine their own schedules


:: Nearly half of salon employees choose a part-time schedule so they can balance other priorities1

:: Work schedules can often include evenings and weekends


:: Please visit www.empire.edu/consumer-info for more information about the income potential of graduates in each program, as well as our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers.


At E m p i r e , ou r s uccess is



S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 18

A planar-layered haircut executed with the razor features over-directed lengths to add dimension and contrast. 19




the keys to our success could be the

keys to yours

:: With Certified Learning in Cosmetology (CLiC), every component works together—your mannequins, textbooks, tools and curriculum—to prepare you for a successful career.

:: Learn by seeing and doing with interactive white board technology and digital textbooks.

:: Future Professionals Expo features top platform artists and stylists, the latest tools and products, interviews with employers, competitions for great prizes and more!

:: Our strategic partnerships with Nick Arrojo, Regis Corporation and many salons in your local area, provide vast networking, advanced training and employment opportunities.

:: At Empire, it’s not just an education, it’s an experience. We think you’ll embrace our comfortable and enriching culture.


valuable affiliations

2012-2013 National Supporter


S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 22



90-degree haircut with shattered layers and added highlights. 23



In 2011, Nick Arrojo appeared with Empire Education Group’s Chairman & CEO, Frank Schoeneman in “Frankly Speaking”. 24

learn the art and master the craft with

nick arrojo

Our exclusive partnership with world-renowned stylist, educator, business mogul and 2-time Platform Artist of the Year, Nick Arrojo, exposes Empire Beauty Schools’ future professionals to the skills needed to build dream careers.

:: T rend

Re l e a ses

Experience the latest fashion right from your classrooms, as we give life to seasonal trends set by Nick Arrojo and his team in New York City.

:: G o l dw e l l

Pa rt n e r shi p

Nick Arrojo has an exclusive partnership with Goldwell Color; as a student, you will use the same tools, speak the same language, and be inspired and educated by two of the salon industry’s biggest innovators.

:: S t y l e

C ou nci l

Empire Style Council is led by Nick Arrojo and is made up of renowned industry names and revered cosmetology educators who partner together to enhance cosmetology education by bringing the newest, most advanced trends & techniques to Empire students.


I a m a n esthetici a n a n d a CEO, and I

live my

dream e v e ry si ng l e day ! Lydia Sarfati Founder / CEO Sarkli-Repêchage, Ltd.

In 2011, Lydia appeared with Empire Education Group’s Chairman & CEO, Frank Schoeneman in “Frankly Speaking”.

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 26

Long layered cut enhanced with panels of color under a vibrant red tone and a textured finish. 27




P u r s u i ng m y v isi o n o f b ec o m i ng a st y l ist h a s ch a ng e d m y l ife ! I n t w o sh o rt y e a r s , I e a r n e d m y c o s m et o lo g y l ice n se , pa rtici pate d i n a N ati o n a l C o m p etiti o n at F u t u r e P r o fessi o n a l s E x p o , a n d b e g a n m y t r a i n i ng t o b ec o m e a l ice n se d C o s m et o lo g y E d uc at o r . Mallory Bromley 2012 Empire Beauty School Graduate

at empire we believe

practice makes perfect :: S tudent-centered educators & staff :: R eal-world training and student salons :: C areer opportunities with leading salon organizations

:: L earn to attract and keep loyal clients :: B uild confidence in your skills as you practice in our student salon


Textured one-length look with heavy fringe; tone-on-tone red color over blonde base. P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 30

C o s m et o lo g y h a s ta k e n m e

around the

world & back. Don Francis

Session, Celebrity, Television and Runway Stylist, and Salon Marketing Expert




the E m p i r e a p p r o ach You arrive in a classroom designed specifically for future cosmetology professionals. You learn all about fundamental haircuts, color, design, and proper techniques. You apply your skills to your mannequins, practicing daily under the guidance and helpful hand of your educator.


Certified Learning in Cosmetology (CLiC) has been developed to support your creativity. We know that you learn best when you can visually grasp concepts and immediately apply handson techniques. With CLiC, you will prepare to successfully graduate, pass your State Board Licensing Exam and pursue your career in the cosmetology industry.


S uccess Dy n a m ics

Increase your income potential by preparing to generate new business, retain clients and recommend retail products. Build confidence in your skills and abilities by creating a portfolio, developing a resume and practicing interviewing skills.


E d uc at o r T r a i n i ng

All educators become CLiC Certified as part of Empire Education Group’s Training programs established for all new and existing staff.


P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 34

redefined “textbook� We h av e

the w o r d

Braid with upward-directed motion allows for the free form ends to show movement and texture. Panels of color enhance the finished creation. 35




our textbooks make the world of cosmetology


come to

:: Visually stimulating and interesting :: Engaging and involving :: True works of art

:: Each text progresses from simple to intermediate to complex skills

:: As you master each level, you develop skills in key stylistic theories and practices

the E m p i r e a p p r o ach Every subject becomes easier to understand with visual, real-world examples. You’ll easily relate every concept and technique to real-life experiences. Everything you learn is formatted so you can think about it in the context of an actual salon environment. 37

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 38


I never had to

work. for

Geno Stampora

Consultant and Motivational Speaker

Long layer haircut created with the razor allows the hair to be swiped in a upscale look taking on the appearance of a shorter cut. 39



B E NDABL E E AR S Another unique feature that makes CLiC mannequins easier to use is their life-like ears.

UN I VE RS AL NON -SL I P RUBBE R BAS E I N SERT CLiC mannequins feature a base that snugly fits all stands, providing stability for any procedure you choose to perform.


NAT URAL H A I R I MPLAN TAT I ON AND D E N S I T Y Hair is implanted at different angles to represent how it would grow naturally on a human head. Density also varies in different areas on a CLiC mannequin. As a result, the hair reacts to styling in a more natural way.

E Y E LA S H E S & MAK E UP Realistic eyelashes and high-fashion makeup add a special finishing touch when you work on a CLiC mannequin.

NAT URAL C U T I C L E AL I GNM E N T Each hair is aligned with the cuticle in the same direction, mimicking the qualities of a natural head of hair. This creates a smooth look with extra durability under styling stress.

to simulate a rich variety of clients, you receive

five different

mannequins We’ve combined hair implantation technology with artistry and refinement to bring you these beautiful, life-like mannequins.


Le a r n a n d p r actice w ith the

tools of your


P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 42

A 45 degree haircut finished with an asymmetrical edge enhances this color application.





you’ll use the same

toolsin the classroom as you do in your career

Your tools are progressive in the industry including:


Brushes and irons with ceramic & thermal ionic technologies


Professional-quality airformer and scissors


Marcel curling iron for realistic salon performance


Flat iron with microprocessor for faster heat-up & tourmaline ceramic plates for an easy glide


2 pieces of Empire-branded luggage for easy storage & transportation of your kit


Plus much more to support your education through the entire program


T he p r e pa r ati o n f u t u r e p r o fessi o n a l s r ecei v e at

empire is

outstanding; w e a r e a lway s o p e n t o c r e ati ng c a r ee r o p p o rt u n ities f o r E m p i r e g r a d s . Gordon B. Logan CEO and Founder SportClips

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 46

This long length one-length haircut is enhanced with two-tone coloring technique 47




B o th G o l dw e l l & ARRO J O h av e a n exce l l e n t r e l ati o n shi p w ith E m p i r e . No w th at ARRO J O a n d E m p i r e a r e b o th exc lu si v e G o l dw e l l u se r s a n d a dvo c ates , m o r e o p p o rt u n ities c a n b e f ou n d th at b e n efit th ou s a n d s o f f u t u r e p r o fessi o n a l s . Cory Couts

President & CEO of KPSS/Goldwell/KMS

your educator

will be there to guide you every step of the way You’ll always be involved in one of three classroom activities:

Learning from the educator

Watching a demonstration

Practicing the technique yourself

You’ll use real professional products in the classroom:


A diverse mix of professional products— because different hair types react better to the right products


S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 50

I fee l I wa s b o r n t o

color the

world. Beth Minardi

Celebrity hair colorist and salon owner, acclaimed hair color educator, & North American Hairstyling Awards Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

In 2011, Beth appeared with Empire Education Group’s Chairman & CEO, Frank Schoeneman in “Frankly Speaking”.

Layer cut with soft fringed bang is spotlighted with a deep rich red tone color. 51



the E m p i r e a p p r o ach Your Educators are trained to bring your classroom experience to life through our interactive technologies that have been woven into every curriculum of your pre-salon education. You will not just see concepts, you will see them come to life!


E m p i r e p r o v i d e d the t o o l s a n d i n s p i r ati o n I n ee d e d t o sta rt m y c a r ee r , a n d the t r a i n i ng I ta k e w ith m e w he r e v e r I g o . Matthew Privatera

Empire Beauty School Graduate & Arrojo Studio Stylist


technology enhances your educational experience

Empire uses classroom technology like interactive white boards, digital textbooks, and integrated videos. Every Empire educator is trained to:

:: Animate concepts in your textbook :: Draw on a textbook page to illustrate important points :: Save images and email them to students :: Integrate videos into your classroom education


P h o t o cour t es y o f E mpire B eau t y S c h oo l s par t ner D esign E ssen t ia l s 速 54

there are

no limits t o w h at you c a n ex p e r ie nce i n the b e au t y i n d u st ry. Suzie Bond Owner of Perfect 5th Salon, Color Educator, Platform Artist, and Member of L’OrÊal Professionnel Portfolio Artistic Team

A natural curl finished with a natural styling technique. 55



the E m p i r e a p p r o ach Our schools are fitted with different types of equipment and products found in a wide variety of salon environments. For example, you will learn to mix colors in both the English and Metric systems.


you’ll learn to build your own

book of guests and keep them coming back

Put your skills to work before you ever leave school:


Envision and execute your own creations


Get referrals to expand your business


Learn about a variety of professional products

:: E ducate your guests about the products you use so they can purchase the products and maintain their style between salon visits


Practice cutting, styling, makeup application, manicuring, pedicuring and chemical application, in a simulated salon environment



the f u t u r e you e n v isi o n

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 58

180-degree haircut with a heavy textured finish enhanced with red tones over a blonde base color. 59




2 0 1 1 E m p i r e G r a d S y lv i a Wi n fie l d w o n F i r st P l ace i n Lo ng H a i r E v e n i ng Desi g n at F u t u r e P r o fessi o n a l s E x p o . S he is a st y l ist at a s a lo n a n d day s pa a n d he r n ext ste p is t o w o r k a s a c o m m e r ci a l st y l ist o n fa shi o n sh o o ts a n d t v s p o ts .

expand your

horizons at

At our annual expo, you can:


Attend classes led by top platform artists and stylists


See demonstrations of the newest, hottest and most innovative products

:: C ompete with future professionals from all over the country at our national competition

:: E xperience a professional trade show: view demonstrations and experience new, cutting-edge products and tools

:: I nterview with potential employers for practice or a possible job offer

See the “Frequently Asked Questions� handout on our www.empire.edu/consumer-info website for additional information.



S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o

E m p i r e g r a d uates g et

the best

education. Dennis Bernard

Founder/CEO, Dennis Bernard, Inc. “Power tools for hair color�

A close haircut in perimeter using a scissor or clipper to blend hair around hair then finished with a longer layered interior. 63




T he M a ste r s o f Be au t y w o r k sh o p s a n d c l a sses e nc ou r a g e s a lo n p r o fessi o n a l s t o pa rtici pate i n a dva nce d e d uc ati o n , l e a r n n e w s k i l l s , a n d g a i n the c o n fi d e nce a n d c r e ati v it y r e qu i r e d t o m eet a n d excee d the ex p ectati o n s o f t o day ’ s c o n s u m e r s . Nick Arrojo

TV personality and industry icon, owner of Arrojo Studio in Soho, 2-time Platform Artist of the Year, and Empire Partner in Masters of Beauty Advanced Education Program

gain access to empire’s

exclusive As an Empire student you:

:: G ain access to exclusive Masters of Beauty courses and work hands-on with the Nick Arrojo Master Styling Team

:: H one your technical skills and increase your income potential :: L earn the techniques developed by Nick & Empire Beauty School :: P erfect your skills in Haircutting and Hair Coloring Register to See Nick LIVE during his hands-on and personal training workshops. Or, attend our Skill Classes led by Arrojo Master Stylists. Sign up today at mastersofbeauty.com

See the “Frequently Asked Questions” handout on our www.empire.edu/consumer-info website for additional information. 65

E m p i r e c r e ates a

culture of

partnership th at se rv es thei r g r a d uates th r oug h ou t thei r c a r ee r s . Frank Fulco Group Vice President Beauty Systems Group


S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o

Sliding wedge haircut executed at 45-degrees with textured ends to soften to finished style. 67



Christine Schneider is a 2012 Empire Grad, works at a high-end salon in Philadelphia, and is currently completing her Cosmetology Educator Training. Christine was a competitor in the Men’s Haircutting competition at Future Professionals Expo in Hershey, PA. 68

industry partnerships our

are an investment in your future career

You’ll benefit from our relationships with some of the most creative, innovative and forward-thinking names in the industry.


Re g is S a lo n s

Our strategic alliance with leading salon brand Regis Corporation provides you with the brand power to pursue the career of your dreams in salons such as: Regis Salons, MasterCuts, Super Cuts and Jean Louis David.


A dv is o ry c o m m ittees

Every school connects with local salons and influential people in the salon industry to find out how we can tailor our education to make you an employer’s first choice.


A lu m n i Net w o r k

As an Empire graduate, you join one of the largest and most influential groups of cosmetology alumni in the world. We want you to connect with your fellow graduates to make the most of networking and job opportunities through our exclusive alumni network www.empirealumni.com


I he l p m y g u ests

look and feel

beautiful f r o m the i n si d e ou t.

Debra Penzone President of Charles Penzone Salons Motivational speaker and author of the MyTrueBeauty series

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 70

Tone of color enhance this long layered 180 degree cut. 71




We want you to start working toward your career goals, and because we know that life doesn’t always go exactly the way you plan Empire Education Group created the Empire CARES Student Assistance Program. When you experience personal challenges that might stand in the way of your success, you can reach out to our dedicated staff member who will help you work through these hurdles so you can keep moving forward.

at empire, we celebrate your

individuality While we pursue a common mission, “to create opportunities for people to improve their lives,” we know that every student is unique and has personal:


C a r ee r G o a l s




C r e ati v e E x p r essi o n

Our job at Empire is to empower you to do what you want— in your way.

Our Core Values: Integrity Customer Dedication Co-Worker/Team Focus Continuous Improvement Passionate Commitment


P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 74

involved in the cause

Ou r st u d e n ts a r e

Zero-degree one-length haircut with a heavy fringed band are spotlighted by the red tone over blonde base color. 75

F r a n k ly S p e a k i ng F r a n k S ch o e n e m a n ’ s ta k e o n Phi l a n th r o p y & C o m m u n it y Our schools have always been a family business with family values. As the third generation of the Schoeneman family to lead Empire, and with the 4th on board, we are committed to giving back to the communities in which our schools thrive. That is why I am proud to lead the Empire Gives Back Program. It gives me another chance to live Empire’s core purpose every day... creating opportunities for people to improve their lives. Through this effort our students, educators and administrators have helped thousands of people in need all across the country. I could not be more delighted with our team’s efforts and can only see it growing with our continued expansion. Frank Schoeneman Empire Education Group Chairman & CEO


2012-2013 National Supporter

:: O ver the past 5 years we have raised nearly $1 million in support of causes and in communities across the country

:: E mpire partners with and supports CUT IT OUT, which helps bring awareness to domestic violence and provide support for victims

Every one of our schools are involved in: • • • • •

enhanced student training p u b l i c awa r e n e s s & e d u c at i o n victim support fundraising public service announcements

• media outreach, & more

:: E mpire students receive training to identify signs of domestic abuse and refer clients to people who can help

:: S chools participate in fundraising for local shelters – where victims of abuse can go for help

:: O n National Day of Beauty, 100% of service proceeds are donated to local women’s shelters across the nation


You r c a r ee r o p p o rt u n ities i n the c o s m et o lo g y i n d u st ry a r e

limited only by your

imagination. Martin Dale

VP Matrix Education

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 78

A 90-degree haircut finished with an intense blue tone color. 79




I sta rte d m y c a r ee r i n this i n d u st ry a s a n E m p i r e st u d e n t m a n y y e a r s a g o a n d h av e h a d a n i nc r e d i b l e j ou r n e y. You w i l l t o o if you stay f o c u se d o n the v isi o n you h av e f o r you r f u t u r e a n d n e v e r l et a n yo n e o r a n y thi ng sta n d i n you r way. Catherine Klepeisz

Empire Education Group Senior Vice President of Operations

we work to make you career-ready so you can be

careerfocused ::

G r a d uati o n

Attend school every day to learn the skills you need to achieve success in this industry. Perfect your technical skills and practice your professional persona while you’re in school so that you can move to the next step on-time and with ease!


S tate Lice n s u r e

Every state requires stylists to earn a license. Be prepared to earn yours as soon as possible by mastering the fundamentals during your education and participating in monthly mock-state board exams at your school.


J o b P l ace m e n t

Through our industry partnerships and local networking, we maintain relationships that will make you an attractive employee. You will start the process of researching and connecting with employers in school, and we want you to stay in touch with us after you graduate to let us know when you find your first job… and all the success you’re looking for!


Ou r S a lo n O w n e r s b u i l d


relationships w ith E m p i r e sch o o l s . Courtney Roberts Vice President Regis Franchise Salon Services

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 82

Long natural styling technique with soft flat 3 strand braids.





attracting media recognition Empire in the news:

:: O ur community involvement has been recognized by leading media outlets such as the New York Times and Extra TV.

:: S eventeen.com featured Empire graduate Sylvia Winfield in an article about her 1st place finish at Future Professionals Expo just months after she graduated.

:: P revention Magazine featured expert advice from Empire Education Group Style Council member, Lindsey Johnson on gel manicures, available at Empire student salons.

:: A merican Salon Magazine produced a special insert featuring the National Cosmetology Association’s adoption of Cut it Out. Empire was described as an industry leader for bringing the program into schools nationwide.



S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o


M ay you fi n d a n d p u r s u e


Textured adaptation of the savage cut with a soft, fringed bang and blonde foil highlights. 87

what’s right for



weyou help

decide what’s right for you

At Empire, we work individually with each student to make all the important decisions:



We want you to have all the information you need to make the decision that’s right for you. For more information about the income potential of graduates in each program, as well as our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other information, please visit our website at: www.empire.edu/consumer-info


C h o o se a s TART DAT E

We’ll help you determine the best time to start classes— based on your personal circumstances.


C h o o se a S che d u l e

We offer full and part-time schedules at many campuses, so you can balance your education and your life.


success is you r s t o d efi n e

P h oto co u rtesy of E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools partner G ol d w ell Internat i onal 90

Long layer haircut finished in a blonde, near-white base tone with soft vibrant color panels to enhance finish. 91

w hat’s what’s rright i g h t for for

you? you?


we work

together to make your education affordable

No two students have exactly the same financial circumstances, so we:

:: P rovide a workbook that helps you apply for federal student aid


Walk you through the steps to complete the financial assistance* application process


Give you access to our Financial Planning website: http://financial.empire.edu


Create an individualized financial plan based on your application and eligibility


Encourage you to research and apply for scholarships and other outside funding

*Financial assistance available to those who qualify. 93

spotlight Get r e a dy t o ste p i n t o the

S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 94

180-degree haircut with texture and peek-a-boo color technique highlights to enhance perimeter. 95

How do you get


Patrick Birmingham is a Master Stylist and Educator at Lords and Ladies Salon, and worked backstage at New York’s 2011 Fashion Week. 96

I h av e a lway s b ee n d r aw n t o the b e au t y i n d u st ry. T his is m y sec o n d c a r ee r a n d I ’ m s o g l a d I m a d e the ch a ng e . I lo v e w h at I d o ! Trisha Estep 2012 Empire Beauty School Graduate

dream career your

is within reach

If cosmetology is the career for you and Empire is the place to get you there, you’ve already made the most important decisions. Your next steps are:

:: E nroll in the program, schedule and start date of your choice


Complete your financial planning process

:: A ttend orientation where you’ll meet fellow students and educators—bring your family and friends


Start school—expand your knowledge and skills


Successfully graduate


Earn your cosmetology license


Start your career and celebrate your success!


45-degree haircut on a diagonal forward movement with tonal color and texture finish. S tyle d E x cl u s i v ely F or E mp i re B ea u ty S c h ools B y Partner N i c k A rro j o 1. Job Demand in the Cosmetology Industry, 2007, National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences, December, 2007 2. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmetologists, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/personal-care-and-service/barbers-hairdressers-and-cosmetologists.htm (visited April 30, 2012) 3. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2011 (last modified date: March 27, 2012) http://bls.gov/oes/current/oes395012.htm 4. Professional Beauty Association, Economic Snapshot of the Salon & Spa Industry, June 2011 5. US News & World Report, Best Jobs of 2012, February 2012, http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/hairdresser 6. USA Today, Hadley Malcolm, Salons See Uptick in Business as Economy Improves, March 2012http://www.usatoday.com/money/ industries/retail/story/2012-03-20/beauty-salon-sales/53674612/1 http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/articles/2008/12/11/the-30-best-careers-for-2009.html 98


800.966.0313 | www.empire.edu

P h o t o c o u r t e s y o f E m p i r e B e a u t y S c h o o l s pa r t n e r G o l d w e l l I n t e r n at i o n a l

Long layer haircut created with the razor allows the hair to be swiped in a upscale look taking on the appearance of a shorter cut.

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