卫讯 cac news | 12 • 2017

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ழҫ‫ڹ‬ӼေН͘Өࣲ̡ᝬ͘ Chinese Annual Conference The Methodist Church in Singapore



第410期 • 12月2017


ȕʃΎĄ‫ޏ‬șDZ٥ĀʃΎ뻟ϿĠ Şƶĝ˚ࠉʪӴ뺯ʈȕʃΎģĄ ͵ĜDZ٥ĀʃΎ뻟Ą͵Ĝ٩҄ǂ ǞĎĀȝࡥΆŠ݁Яǂ඄ŀĀ૗඄Ά뺯ĈĴ ȂĕΆʿĀԸ୤뻟ඖņąāĶˆĈĀ ǛǒŠ‫߷׀‬뻔źāĶӕĪ‫ם‬ϳ뻟չĞ ૗඄ĀNj‫ػ‬뺯 ̙ՖĘ૗඄Άǡඃ͵ĜĈζ‫މ‬ ͡뻟źāĶďŘq‫͡މ‬rǟħāĶĀ չĞ뺯

͘ ᫂ ᄊ ភ


쉌 Έ᝭ࣹ͜ qŦĐ̹ŢŴĶĸ뻭oăđാ Ђ뻔ğͬ뻔ȂħāζƈĆĶęǛĀƱ ʜ뻟Ąȱ‫ٯ‬оΧĀ뻭ȂƎĐćę‫ې‬Ā Νƀ뻟ħĆĶŀą‫ݡ‬ǂ뻟ďĄǂ‫׼‬ Ⴚ뺯pr ɢ

qӪđ̙Ɔ뻮ƄΡīĴăīĴɽ đʗķ뻟˄Ř΃‫ݎ‬Ā֧खŠͨƟĀ͵ ֢‫҄ޡ‬ĉ뻟‫ܔ‬঵ĉ뻟ჯჩĉ뺯r ͎ Ŷ ƇĭĴȊ̙ʝ뻲Ůć૗඄ΆǾ뻲Ȇ ƔăĄ뻔૗ǁг‫׳‬āĶ΀̜ĴȊĝđ٩ ҄ČħǂǟȒը뻟ć૗֌Ā‫ڇ‬ʠĪ dzেĘੈါƈāĶĀƯĜ뺯૗඄ ΆĻŘĄ̙˟͡ĀęČՅΆ뻟ģ Ąŭŭ͎՝āĶǨʠɩĀ‫ݡ‬য়Ą đȉĉœǃĀ뺯

쉌 Έሉ˚‫ښ‬

NOTICE CAC Head Office is under renovation from 23 Nov 2017 for several months. Please visit us at James Thoburn Board Room, level 3, Methodist Centre.

ʾరǒӼ᝭Ǔ థ ெѣྠ

qܼŊĈ້‫ו‬ᙲ뻟əĩ̙Ɔʝ뻲 ƧǁĘǨʥ뻭oζ˟͡뺮̙ǛƱĀ ĉ뻟ŴĶĀ‫ם‬࿜̜Dž‫މ‬ſ뻔pr ࡘ

쉌 ௑௑Έ௑

૗඄ΆĄDZǛĀūŔ뻟Ȃħĕϥ ʜăĄƈ̖ȍĀĂ‫׻‬ĉƦĄƈоΧĀ뻔 ĕźāĶğėĘੈĀıĄ‫ޏ‬șȡĀ뻟˄ ‫ؼ‬峭đŪħоΧоࢮĀ‫ݡ‬ǂ뺯૗඄Άā Ķ̐̈́ďĄđœǃĕƟĀĂΎı뻔

߆ಭ୔ၷ߽Ͼ‫܋‬൰՝ ୔ ᄌ ಷఖ࣐ྡྷ࠲۸ᄌ֬ሔྰè ਩൏Ͼ‫܋‬൰നᄤ໖য়ᇖྖ ੓ 2IUM[ <PWJ]ZV൰è

쉌 ΈᎿᑮᢎ

ĘੈĀ˟̀͡đƱϤ峭Āĉņ ̙ੵ뺯ܼŊĈĉШNjņ̙뻟ŦəĭĜ ĈĉȴȒ뻟ƣəĭĜĈĉȠƱʝ뻲૗ ඄ΆďĄđ͎՝āĶņζ‫̙͡މ‬Čϥ ʜ뻟źșĉȂˤĈƯĜƫˆĘੈĀ ı뻟Ūħఁয়ĀĘੈɳƕ뺯



Ā˟ǯȠȤ뺯ᛥܼāĶΞħ̡‫׈‬ĀĉĝĿī ʼnČ뻟ằˤ‫͡މ‬뻟ŦāĶǰćńλɆĜć ‫׼‬ႺƀĀ˟ǒ뺯

qćψƬƥ̎દೣ࠱ȉĘ ੈ뻔ćŞĘːȫ࠱ȉ峭ǨǛ್Ā ĉ뻔r ɢ ໔ᜠĀܱŀăȚĄɭ ƈĉкŀ뻟峭ƑĄđါƈ ƱȮ峭ĀĉƎŀǃĈ ː ȫ Š ࡓ ঍ Ā ŀ Є 뺯

‫ י‬૗඄Ά͎՝ā Ķć‫׼‬ႺƀĀŀЄĄĂ ċఁ˟ĀŀЄ뻟șĉǨĩшĈĀĂОƄΡĄ ̮̇뺮Ɠɝ뺮ſЊ뺮Ծ֗ĝăĩȉć‫׼‬Ⴚƀ

ƎŭĀ૗඄ΆĆ٩҄ Čȉɉœǃĕ‫͡މ‬Ǿ뻲Ć ɮĀ̈́ˀĈъՎĉdžɃ૗ ඄ĀNj‫ػ‬Ǿ뻲Ćǻ˪ĈŌ ĈƻकߔĀĉͱ‫׻‬ɆĄĆ ĻŘdzĘੈĀıɬėŴĶ ĀȆġ뻲 ՗ęŝ૗඄Ũǒ뻔Ęੈć‫׼‬Ⴚƀါୟș ĉĀːȫ࠱ȉĆŠƽŝ뻔‫ث‬Ķ뻔

MCI (P) 087/01/2017 ᇷͿ‫ڙ‬មঌ˭


















ኄ ࡓᝬ͘ઑ᥋


෤ ᤰ ᝭ ৌ

Ψ ᤉ ̀ ᝍ


Ѭ ̚ ᜹ ᝽

2 ͘ᅖᄊភ






ĕ̥՗˟ĀƸ‫أ‬Ɣ Ĝƻ૚ٜ뺯ĈȏŚŝŮĩ ĸҌūŨǒ뻟ĈĀŞƶ૚ٜ٥՗૗ ඄뻟ȂħĄඐ͵Ā૚૶뻟ģĈĉƴ īˋĉ՗˟૗඄ŨǒĄ‫߱ܫ‬ŴĉĀ Ʊృ뺯

૗඄ΆĀƱʜĄı뺯ˋĉȪУ ıķ뺮ȱı뻟ģःˤ͎՝ĉĉĝ̀ đı뺯ĘੈǨҝĀƄΡĄŞĘ뺮˭ ġŠʄƀĀƛˀ뻟Ʋƞ‫׮‬ȍĝĈͨ ĢŢıĀ̀̂ŠȪУ뺯Ȯƛˀ݁ԍ ǦƀğȒƄΡĄᝀ‫ݙ‬ĀЛ֓՜ә뻟 ͱĄāĶߪճġႌࠖĀࠔŔ뺮দͱ ྷ뻮˭ġĀ͊ີ뻮ʄƀĀ‫ڳ‬ĉ៚뻟 ĝĈȉŀஉĎı Ā̀đŠǕĩ뺯 ̋ĶĝĩȪƍ‫ي‬ ı뺮ǜࢮǜ‫׻‬ƥ ǎĀȠıդ̎뻟 ‫ۍ‬ĉƛ̗ƛķ뺯 ̜ߧĄ‫܍‬ŏĘੈ ֜ճŠƟКҝĀ ĉ뻟ŢıŠƻı ĈƑȀ˓‫ݰ‬Ā̀ đ뺯ƄΡĄƇĭࢮ‫׻‬뻟̜ƞNJ͔뻟 ďΚĄਬႌ֚ԭĀĉ뻟ģĜŢĢŹ ĀԜ‫ݐ‬ŠʤĉĈıĀŰœ뺯ĕĻȒ ǘ̾ăҤĀıĀࠨˇŠтƂ뻟ĝĄ źĉƗƛψͣ뺮Ռ߹ྯķ뺯

䄣ាᤍ⣜϶⮰ᱦц喏䕎Ϧᅝ䄠Ą⺉ Ҍ౏䄊ᔗͼą善ఌͦ͂Ϧ๖䰬㺭䔅 ѹ䭹⩋౔ћ‫ݕ‬ᕾ⮰᩽ͧ㕢⽏Ƞ āĶˋĎŘħ૗඄ΆĄѽ౬뺮 ȫ‫ނ‬ȉŠːĀ뺯ćĕƟĀΆūƀ̙ ‫ږ‬๐ʬ뺮Ǜǒ뺮ŠːŠı뻟ȢĄĉ ĉЏʬīŏŠǒǘğȒĀ뻟ˆ˽ă ĜĈĉ୴ӗͱ͂ᅥ뺯ƂǰĘ뻟Ĵψ ƎūǢπǜᇴȤ뻟‫׼‬ႺಿȢǚŢĎ Ģ˗ǚԗƶĀ߂‫ڱ‬ŠѢŢ̨̲뺯Ѣ ŢĀăŮĄ˟͡Āʭ̗뻟‫ؼ‬Ą‫׼‬Ⴚ ಿćϿĠū˩ŀƜŠŚŝ‫ף‬ĜƂӪ ĀӐɁȪя뺯‫׼‬Ⴚಿ̰ࡳ૗ǁĀƆ ‫؞‬ʅ‫ק‬ƻԶ‫ڑ‬ħĂ‫׻‬ᙇ˸Ģύ뺮̝ ࡳǂ‫ػ‬뺮೤༆‫ף‬Ĝũǽ͠뺯

12 • 2017 •

ŮĄ뻟ĉģĈঋߓǚŠబ֚ ǚ뺯Ȇ֚ᄖĀց‫ؗ‬Šƻอ‫ف‬Āĉȡ ʪʸι࢚Ĵ뻟ĉȉĉƥǎĜƙŜϿ Ġႌण뺮ă‫ػ‬뺮һࡐ뺮ીଓ뺮ण‫ݕ‬ ӍπĉȡĀDŽħ뻟ŘَĉǎŜƍϿ Ġԭʇ˼Ҵ뺮‫ࢳݠ‬ƄՎĀķ֌Š੏

ķӗʬĀĉŀ뺯ǚŢĕƟĀķ‫ؗ‬Š ŀЄ뻟ƧưĈƇĭĩȶĥžยŀƥ ЏʬŠߕǯĀ뻟ŮĈı뺯 ૗඄ΆĄಾŏ໔ᜠܱŀĀтƂ ‫ۅ‬ĸĘੈƄʳɫŠᄡდĀı뺯Ȯ໔ ᜠĂŀĀǁ֒źĉͣƱХȧġĈʽ Ư뻟ৃ֚ġĈয়۬뺯峭ؓऒħ̦뻟 ȚŜǻൿų뺮ȉ˫ྩ͠Ӎෘਬĉħ ༭뻟ȱıŴĶ뻟ħŴĶ‫ڌ‬ȿȢ‫ػ‬뻟 ̙ϭ˟͡뻟ϑȻŴĶĀĉŀҍ뻟ɭ ƈŴĶЏʬŠ‫ݡ‬য়뺯 ȆĐ̹˞Պˋရϙ೅࢝ŞƀĀ ᆑ֓ĉ̙ζ໔ᜠܱŀĀęČϥʜ뻟 ƦăćęĝĜĀ໔ɢఓһ뻟ĂǭĈ ̖ȍĀNj‫ػ‬뺯ģϿҺၕ˱‫ڙ‬ᗺˢĀ ĉƷĩȒėĘੈ뺯ďĄ໔ᜠĸĀ qʓķĀĉĈ˟ą뻟ȂħŴĶκī ȒĘੈ뺯r ɑdzেƍƎĀƯĜ뻟ಮĉď ĸq՗Ć૗඄Ũǒr뻔ȂħșĉƖ ̀đĕʞܱŀćရϙ೅Ā‫ݡ‬ǂ໔ ᜠ뺯ăƢƇĭĴȊǂ໔ᜠĜƻ૱ ଫ뻟ăǞĄ૗඄ΆĀǂԴ뻟ģăĩ Ǟ՗˟Ŵĉ૗඄Ũǒ뺯ćĕ૗඄Ά ĀΆʿ뻟źāĶиķዔȴĐ̹ĀЕ ̲뻭qćŞĘːȫ࠱ǘ峭ǨǛ್Ā ĉâr

ࠈஔ‫ܣ‬ᄊ஌̃ 3

ொరၷ๮ ‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀ(Dr Benjamin Franklin West)Ŝŀ ǘſŚ뻟খˡǘ࣡​࣡Ŧֶ͎ƓԻ뺯˗ŭŶ뻟Ŵ ‫܌‬ĉࢯЊͼș뻟ңĪąƪċ࿉੒ˏŔ뺯 ĈĂĐ뻟ĠǕĜႺĎė‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀĀ૞Ę ϭƆ뻟ŴƻĠǕĜႺĀϭƆǨ‫˖؃‬뻟˄ƻĸ˖ Ř߰͵ՂǻΎė҈Ď‫˖ۈ‬Ƃ뺯ć٩҄ĀȆɳ뻟 Ŵǘ ŭཪąǢධƖƖĀуӧ Letticia Graham ħঊ뺯ƥŶć ŭ뻟ŴȀɍɞЀıೖϾ‫ې‬ ȗȔĜŭ‫ڱ‬Ĝ뻟˄ƻ‫܍‬Ӑħ߰͵Ղ뺯ŴɭŏƖ Ɩ뺮ɳŔŠƕɳǘ ŭ‫ح‬ʿࢃУĥȀะ뺯


ܸ ྖӼ ௄‫ܣ‬ ᣸ॴ ႍӞ

‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀėĥȀะŶ뻟ȂħֶƓѺϜă ƻĥȀะӅ͒ዜΧ؈ࡺǨܺΞ뻟ƄʒćȆŞDŽ ֶ뻟ǘĄϔćӅϾƓҁࠬ΀͵‫ܡ‬뺯ȆĴ뻟ĈČ Ǵċ͋Ȑ뻟ŴĂĉDŽć‫ى‬ĘĴ뻟ӊķġőNjđ ͼũĥȀะƫſŚ뻟ȚψͥńĄǽ‫ڡ‬ą뻟ʅȂ ƧŴǨĸ뻭qāƄʒīė‫ݙ‬ƢĀǜNjŠ໏Ѥƙ ĕɫƂ뺯rŴǕĉʼnʓࡼŴĀ‫ت‬ແĄćֶਐ߰ ͵뺯ȆĴĂ໅ӅŚͿ़ูǁˤҡੜ뻟৉ĘĂʞֶԻՎƋ William T. Kensett ȴոą‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀĀƂŰ뻟ϔǂƛđ ̂ȀɍŴĀʕǟ뺯ʙĿ‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬Ā̊‫ژ‬뻟‫ې‬ȗ߰͵Ĝħ Kensett‫ޚ‬ʓŴĀࡲ༭͗뺯ƥŶ뻟ŴӐ̣Ȁɍ‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬Āʕ ǟDŽԉ뻟˄Ȇ‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀėġŚదɠƓІГҶĴ뻟ƽƺ ‫ֶޡݸ‬ਐĀʕǟ뺯

Ө̡̃ࢺ ‫ې‬ȗȔĜĀ߰͵Ղć ŭ‫ࢃح‬ĥȀะĴ뻟ȮλҨ ছćϭϾГĀ‫׻ף‬Ȇġ˖Ƃ뻟Ȃħ‫׻ף‬ĀĉĠͤŮĄҽ ૲աңćĥȀะ뺯 ŭ ʃ뻟‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀ߁ϵũ˨ǕŞϾĉ߰͵Ƃ ʕ뺯ŴşƍćϭϾГĀ‫׻ף‬Ȇġ뻟π˩̀đĂǎɞֶĀ ႊǨ뻮ǘĄ뻟Ŵćϓҷ‫ى‬ĘьಶѠ৞뻟ũѳĂǎႊǨ뻟 ˄ǟħ߰͵‫׼‬Ş뺯ȂŏŴĀǻΎŠʕǟĀȱͷ뻟ŴŠϭ ϾГĀ‫׻ף‬뻟Ĉŏ‫ݧ‬ОĀԓͷ뺯ŴȔũŞ̙߰˟͡뻟̹ ėƲĂċĎėႊǨĀĉĝȴոŀЄƥƆ뺯 ŭ‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ŪӐ‫ې‬ȗȔĜˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬뻟ĕĄĥȀ ะ‫ې‬ȗȔĜǨŪӐĀlj ǎ͵Ĝ뺯Ŵ̹ůąෞʸ͵‫˖آ‬Ӫ ȉƱృǘĂɆĀ۬ՏġŚ̙͵٣К뺯Ŵũ˨ӅГŠϾГ Āǂū௵߯뻟 ʞϾĉɩҀ뻟ĕ࣪ĉŪħ͵ĜģďĄɋ ʿĀ‫ې‬ȗȔĜˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬ĀljĂ࣪ĜƤ뺯ŶĎĈą ʞ ĜƤ뻟ƲǂūŜଋ௵߯͠‫ י‬ʞ뻟ŴĶĠͤĄϭ˟Ӛ Ƹ뺯ȆġĈኖǦྼමŔ뻟ĕćϾĉХƺȆġĄȠȆ‫ڃޏ‬ ĀĂƞͽХ‫࡯؃‬뻟‫ؼ‬ŴĶĄȠȆෘਬĀ뺯‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀć ݀ఆѺ̇Ī뻟ঞұ̰ŴĀֶਐƂʕ뻮ģďĄȂŏŴĕƞ ęı뻟ƦĈą‫ې‬ȗȔĜˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬ĀԪć뺯 ‫ې‬Ղ‫ֶ؞‬ŀ‫פ‬ąĸ˟ӚƸ뺮ϢŝƸŠᇢГ뻟ŴńƓ І҈ĎГ뻟ģΓĂȏٟМٕГ뻟Řϔć௵߯౯КŠ̈́౯ Ę̹ů뺯

Ŵ͚ȆĴɞƶĂȏĉΞħϾĉĀNJ͔Š ࿐ƓĄȧŘư̑Ӎࠕ‫ތ‬ĀğʒăҤȠǜ뻟Ȃ ˤć ŭ ʃψ ŭ ʃ뻟‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ėġŚ దɠ뻟ćŦɳ˓͔ŴĀ˟ӚƸӍȀͣŢġŚ NJ͔ĀΞԺ뺯

‫֗ึނ‬थቡ ‫פ‬ąćĥȀะԸ୤ʌ뻟‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ć ŭҝਲ਼‫ࡘں‬ि˄ũ˨‫ې‬ȗȔĜĀƂʕ뺯 ŭ뻟Ŵƻ৬ėᜀΝĀĥҡࠬ΀͵ҡǥ뻟̖ȍ ֐ũćϾĉġĀƂʕ뺯Ⱥǰɋć ŭ뻟Ŵ ǢǁӚӐąӅϾƕŔƓҁ뻛ƍ؆ħ‫ې‬ȗƕŔ ƓҁMethodist Girls School)뺯 ș݁Ĵ뻟ȂŏŴŢ҈Ď‫ۈ‬ƂʕĀ ΞԺ뻟ŴŪħ҈Ď‫ۈ‬ŭ‫ڱ‬Ĝ֒‫ࠜܨ܈‬Ɠ ͠뺯 ŭŴƫĥȀะˈɩࢽ৬ħĥȀะҡ Ā‫ې‬ȗǥᆑ뺯

ŭ뻟‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ŠŴ‫܌‬ĉćĥȀะĀ सૈ‫ۈ‬ɢৗՎѳӐĂċা‫ۋ‬Ưઓuu‫ࢦܤ‬ ࿫ࠢ݁Яা‫ۋ‬Ɠҁ뻛Jean Hamilton Memorial Theological School뻜뻟ħćǕŞ͵ĜƂ້Āǜʕ͎ࣂা T ‫ۋ‬뺯ũ˨Ĵ뻟Ŵ૸ɑĂȏĈಧΙĀǕŞǜʕėŴŝƓ ‫ۋ‬ І뻟ŴĂĈ˭̣ϱ֢ŴĶ뺯ƦĕƓԻďĄ І ˭̣ϱ֢ŴĶ뺯ƦĕƓԻďĄ ĥȀะƁĂ̦ ƓԻ(Trinity Ɠ Theological T College)Āǡ C ǻ뺯 ǻ ĕ ă Ą ީĂĂǎ‫ې‬Ղ ީ Ղ ‫؞‬ѳӐĀা‫ۋ‬ ‫؞‬ ‫ۋ‬ Ɠҁ뺯‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ Ɠ ‫؞‬ Š Ɩ Ɩ ń ࠬ ΀ qƕŔ‫ࠂۋ‬Ɠ ҁrĀҁઠ뺯 ˤƓҁŶĎ౅຾ ˤ ౅຾ ė҈ԣ঱뺯Ŵģ ė Ŵģ ϩȉ‫׼‬Ⴚ͵нŭ ϩ нŭ Ĝ뻛YMCA뻜ĀƂ Ĝ ĀƂ ʕ뺯ύǘŴǟħ ĥȀะҡ‫ې‬ȗȔĜĀǥᆑ뻟Ȃˤǻ‫ݸ‬Ġȶ‫΀ޡ‬뺯 ĥ

ᤞ͔ ᤞ ŭ뻟‫ې‬Ղ‫؞‬ȉƖƖǜɯūǕ뻟ƖƖćӄ़ġǻ ɆăҒ뻟ƥŶԾ֗ūऑLJĪะ뻟ǘĄŴĶϔć ŭȮ Ɇ ĥȀะĀ߰͵Ƃʕࡲֱ뻟ƫėſŚĀɞ‫ݔ‬ʏ뻛Seattle뻜 ĥ ǭ ǭա뺯ĻĄ‫ې‬Ղ‫˄؞‬ăҶֱ뻟ŴҬφʕǟ뻟ũѳ‫۽‬Ѡ뻟 ǟħʵɍĀĎ۷뻟ȂŴሸ୴ą‫ې‬ȗȔĜƈŴĀѷƳ̇뺯 ǟ ƥŶŴũѩąĂǎႊǨ뻟˄ćChildren’s Home Finding ƥ S Societyƙ‫ػ‬ʕ뺯ŴģҬφ͵֢૗ǁ뻟˄ćȆŞ͵ĜŠȺ Ŵ‫׼‬Ⴚ͵‫ੵ߰׻ף‬ǂƆ뺯 Ŵ ሮ࿦ҍᆣয়თّၹ

• 12 • 2017

4 ᭤ʷᓊྭឦ

℀ ૧ ˁ ᄾ ᥋ ߜྖမ 武吉班让堂


ͨΒ‫ړ‬ůȤᏂȪdž‫׼‬ႺĀ Ɔȗ뻟ખಗą‫׼‬Ⴚಿ‫ܔ‬፽ DŽƆĀŬᙑ뺯ȤᏂĄ૗ǁ էဂۨ‫׷‬Āǂđʻٌ뻟Ą૗ǁNJϹ Ā̉Ͼ뻟૗ǁ̝ԪąȆĴĀէဂ٣ КŠƧ̜ˆůĀƍճ뻟ħŶșࠕ‫ތ‬ էဂƓ͎͠ࣂą̉ѤĀǰćૼը뻟 Ƒħ‫׼‬ႺಿွʓΥά뻟ŢŬƆߪճ ͣՌ뻟ϔǘʥ‫ٴ‬뺯ŘĪğ‫ͨݔ‬Ƨ̜ ůȤᏂĸdžŬƆ뺯


āĶ‫׼‬ႺಿđŪħĈғ ஑ĀΧࢮ뻟Ŧғ஑ȮĘੈƦī뺯 ăđࡢஂĘੈƈāĶĀғ஑뻟‫ͨݔ‬ ϱ뻭qŮđீŏƱķ̂뻟Ăžăࡢ ஂ뻮ȂħŦࡢஂĀĉ뻟ďɏʄġĀ ࡌ̨뻟ƻɧॗƛջइ뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜 ࡢஂďĄŊĈƱķ뻟ķNjăǭ뺯ā ĶȆġɉƴī݀ɺғ஑Ā뻟ˆȆ̂ Ŧযါȉ۶ĉ뺮ģăᅥ‫ޡ‬ĉĀĘ ੈ뻟ǂďκါƈŴ뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜뻟Ȃħ ĐŚĄāĶĀғ஑Ś뺯


āĶĝǛDZֲӖ뻟ăđൿ ų뺯ƔƦ‫ͨݔ‬ĸ ‫ֲ ݔ‬ӖĀ ܼܱൿďđǛǒ뻭qֲӖĀܱൿ뻟 ģ˽Ƨˤ뻮ȂħŴκđĿņ뻟Ƨǜ ‫؀‬ĘĀɓĂƟ뺯r‫ͨݔ‬ůŰ‫ؗ‬Ā ȤᏂ뻟ĸęĢƔĀ‫ܪ‬झǕĄƧˤ뻭 qƖіŜĎ뻟ɶɧ඙ő뻟‫؀‬ďႷ ѝ뻟ɓģᔻ̳뻟ſ̗ďϥŊą뻮Ŧ ֲӖĀĉ뻟ćŴǨDŽĀƂĘģđĕ Ɵෳण뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜āĶăĩഩ ѢęĢƔ‫ܪ‬झ뻟ęࢢֲӖĀĴȊ뻟 ƄΡć‫ܡ‬Ɂ뺮̮܏Ę뺮ǩ່ĘDžDž ĀֲӖĝăǥ΅뻟ɽđĿņ뺯‫׼‬Ⴚ ಿđdžɃĕƆȗ뻟ֲӖƧĿɕԁ ޾뻟ֲӖĴđᅗൿ뻟đĩǽũ뻟ֲ ӖƧɓ‫؀‬ःˤஈ૊뻟ĝĜႷѝᔻ ̳뻟ſ̗ăǞ뻔

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‫׼‬Ⴚಿ̀ȴƆDŽƆ뻟ă đ˱˱ȴƆ뻟đǻɆƺDŽ뺯‫ͨݔ‬ ĸ뻭qŮĄĆĶđDŽƆ뻟ăđ˱˱ ĸ ȴƆ뻟ĢŹીເĢŹ뺯ȂħȴƆƦ ȴ ăDŽƆĀ뻟ďɏĉŢŏ࠴ŔğĢŹ ă ǕĎĀǚϝ뻟ğȒ뻟LJŶ뻟Ώ̣ϛ Ǖ ąŴĀȠ৲Ƨ̜뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜 āĶƲĐ̆࠴Ŕ뻟ŘħĩʥīĢŹ ā ĀƟŔ뻟ĻĄΏŶďϛʥ뺯āĶƑ Ā ĠĀĴȊʥīĢŹſČĀ٣Ɵ뻟ϛ Ġ ˂ĢŹĀழᑇ뺮ෳƳ뺮ୠ໛뺮ᑦᝎ ˂ Ā٣Ɵ뺯āĶĠɺĴȊĄȴƆăDŽ Ā ƆĀĉ뻟ȴŶďϛ뻟Ȃˤ‫ͨݔ‬ĸ뻭ā Ɔ Ķđժ৑Ŧƽ҄뺮̹ĉĢύƥझʒ뻟 Ķ dz૗ǁĀझʒǰDŽŜĎ뻟ďćŴǨDŽ dz ĀƂĘκƔī˟뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜뺯 Ā ૗ǁĀझʒĄƇĭ뻲āĶƧ ̜ůझʒDŽƆ뻲ĘੈĀझʒ̞ಗ ʈᛎ뻮ƣझʒĀɽዝďĄı뺯໔ᜠ ʈ ĸ뻭qĆđҤķ뻟Ҥȡ뻟ҤNj뻟ı ĸ ǂĆĀĘੈ뺯ĕĄᛎЄġĀljĂ뻟 ǂ ‫ؼ‬ĄŖęĀ뺯ȺơģȠ౛뻟ďĄđ ‫ؼ‬ ıĉƧŹ뺯ĕƪʳᛎЄĄझʒŠϵ ı ƢĂОƆȗĀɽዝ뺯r뻛Ɩ Ƣ 뻜‫ͨݔ‬ΒljȕˇϱđıĉƧŹ뻟 ˄ƽࡳŦψऒĀझʒƷĄČĀ뻟Ţ ˄ ăDŽझʒďĄăDŽƆƈୟʓࡼĀϱ ă ‫ޡ‬뺯Ǩ࡙DŽƆďĄࡳʈᛎ뻟ıĘੈ ‫ޡ‬ ŠıĉƧŹ뺯DŽझʒďă߱ৃ뻟‫ؼ‬ Š ćৃġīĢύ뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜뺯 ć

ᒻ݀‫ٹݠ‬ဗnjᓕᓑ֗༢ᄊ උ‫ا‬

‫ͨݔ‬ŘƁƞȤᏂĎ̗֜ĉĀ ༖ ༖Ǽ뻟ljĂċȤᏂͰāĶ‫ܔ‬፽뻟༖ Ǽ ǼƧ҈‫ݗ‬Āႉց뻟ȍğ̋Ň뻟ĩऌ ƛђċ҈ǻ뺯‫ͨݔ‬ĸ뻭qʅĎāĶ ƛ ćϿĠƂĘĝĈĿ˫뻮ܼĈĉćƸ ć Г ГĘŊĈĿ˫뻟ŴďĄȥƽĉ뻟ģ ĩ෎ʐĢŹĀƽǻ뺯āĶܼdzႉց ĩ ǽć҈‫ݗ‬ƀ뻟ͰŴ؋˖뻟ďĩЬƛ ǽ

ŴĀƽǻ뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜༖Ǽ̗Ͳ Ŵ Ͱ Ͱĉ߱Ǹ뺯 ljȕċȤᏂϱ༖ǼƧᩫ뻟ę৉ ď ďΚƻęɧ௶ࡸ뻟ģĩΏŏࡾᩫĀ Nj NjΥʽƛǡɘ뻮ljƁċȤᏂϱ༖Ǽ ƧŖŇĀΖ뻟ĩžŏŖęĀ࠲‫ڄ‬뺯 Ƨ Ǩ࡙ɪɪƥΖĻŘᩯʅ뺯༖ǼŊѩ Ǩ ʒƻĉ̑˖뻟ƣůߓᏂĸ༖ǼĄ Ζ뻟žยৃ֚Āșʆ뺯ৃĻŘȮ༖ Ζ Ǽžő뻟ĩ෿ᩑƽǻ뻟̊‫ژ‬āĶŀ Ǽ Є뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜뺯 Є ‫ͨݔ‬ƣůŢȤϱ༖ǼĈȢѢ ƪǚ뻟āĶĀࠃžĄ뻭qāĶů༖ ƪ Ǽ᠘৔Ŧħǂ뺮ħ߮Ā뻟ƣů༖Ǽ Ǽ ᄵᏭŦ̆ŏĘੈ֜ճƻҝĀĉ뻮᠘ ᄵ ৔ŠᄵᏭȮĂċˍƀŜĎ뻔ff୐ ৔ ۷ȮĂċɕƀĩşŜԲХƪƟĀnj ۷ Ǿ슂r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜Ăċ༖ǼĸČ Ǿ Ƹƣĸ‫׽‬Ƹ뻟đٜ̑āĶĀ༖Ǽ뻟 Ƹ ćƸГĘƄĿ˫뻟źāĶăđć༖ ć ǼĘரԧ뺯 Ǽ

ੈ ̓ ௧ ʷ ྟ ̈ ᭉ ᄊ උ ‫ ا‬

āĶĀŀЄĄƇĭ뻲‫ͨݔ‬ ĸ뻭qĆĶʅĎĄĂǦԁฉ뻟Ŝƍ ĸ ɺĴďăȒą뺯rԁฉĀŀЄĴь ɺ ĄqɺĴďăȒąr뻟Ȃˤăđħ Ą ĢŹ༹ΚƇĭ뻟ȺǰdžĐƧ̜뻟ā Ķ ĶăƢƆ뺯āĶŮĩĸ뻭qǂܼШ Nj Nj뻟āĶďĻŘƜŏ뻟ģĻŘƙĕ Ƃ Ƃ뻟ͱƙŦƂ뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜 ā āĶăĩහˍ뻟ăđ߱ৃ뻟‫ͨݔ‬ĸ Ƨ ƧưƢƆDŽ‫˂ړ‬ăņDŽ뻟ĕďĄৃ ą ą뺯ŀЄԪƜăđහˍĈĴǎƙĕ ƙ ƙŦ뻟҈ĘņDŽ뻟đĈĢƢƥdž뻟 Ȃ ȂħāĶĄĂǦԁฉ뺯

ఴˇᙂ֫ᛨ఩nj᧛ᩐ᫂ᩡ ᄊඋ‫ا‬

‫ͨݔ‬ΒϭėܲșĉĀDŽħŠ ֜ճ뻟π˩ӏᩝී፠뻟ůĀĄȤᏂ ֜ Ɠ໚࿊ׂ ၁Ɣ ճ੟ГҶ뺯 ճ

ᓿᔓᤁ᮳ 5


ĻĩĕăĄĂċɝ ʚ뻮ģĻĩĕĄĂċҲī ੦‫؜‬Āɝʚ뺯 ђǕĀ૗ǁ뻛̖ȍĄĥ‫ˌי‬ Ύ뻜뻟ĂǞ˓Ьı뺮ĘੈĀı뺮໔ᜠ Āı뺯qāķƀ߃Šᅗൿ뻟ĆĶȆ‫ݸ‬ āĀ⣟뺯rĆđ໔ᜠ‫ڈ‬ĆLJĂƀɢ뻟 峭ĻŘ‫ڈ‬ĆLJȕƀɢ뻮Ć඙峭Ăֹ ࡾ뻟峭ٔ‫ٯ‬ŊĈ߂୴ĆĀljȕֹࡾ뺯 ć̙ϭĐŚƆȗĀĴȊ뻟Ҷ͠ᬅ ᬅ뻟ȴ͠ងង뻟ć໔ᜠХˍ‫ں‬ķĀჯ ֢Ī뻟ĂċǕĈృਧǂƆƥķĀɝƆ ͠ŖŶqओओ௚௚ĀLJąr뻟໔ᜠŊ Ĉş޽뺯 Ŧĭ뻟໔ᜠŬĀŊĈş޽Ŀĭ뻲 ăĄ뺯 ăĄĀ뻟໔ᜠĈş޽ĀĴȊ뻟Ȇ 峭ˋɠಿ߰‫׳‬峭ȝǚࡥĀХȧĴ뻟ः īıǂķО뻟‫ࠣت‬ŏqоăĻƧˤ뻟 ĕƂκăࡥėĆǻĘ뺯rʪưᄀą໔ ᜠĀ޽Ϭ뻭qఓȚࡲāŶ˪ņť뻔Ć Ą౏ā‫ם‬Ā뺯rȚĄ뻟ĕģăĄড ःī뻟ডĀĄఓȚ뻟ĄćःĴःՌઐ ćःīķġǟ٦ĀఓȚ뻟Ȃħश‫ގ‬ϱ ̹ąःīĂĴƥǎqăɆ݇ĘੈĀNj Υ뺯r

ğīė뻟໔ᜠş ৅ǯĄĈࣉŢȡĀ뻟 ŢఓȚ뺮Ţᥳ᫆Ęੈ Āĉ뻟໔ᜠĄăĩ̗ ֧Ā뺯ć૗ǁġ뻟Ĉ Ă‫׮‬ĉ໔ᜠĄʼnѢƗ Ā뻟ŦďĄNJՂ뺮ఓ ĝ˽ĉŠʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉ뻟 ਯȺĄʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉ뺯 ໔ᜠŢʒϙ‫ظ‬ ĉّ̜ş޽뻟Ʀ‫ؼ‬ƈ ୟĕĂ‫׮‬qࣕ຿Āƞ ‫׮‬rƙąƽǚĀ᎕ ୖ뻟ć҈Ɩ˟͡ĂΒ ġᏡąĂċˇΆƽǚ Ρ‫ۅ‬Šખಗąʒϙ‫ظ‬ ĉĀ̖੟뻛Βġ؆ƥ ħqւีr뻜뺯ƲĂ ċ̖੟ĝŘqҌ‫ܫ‬ħ ‫ړ‬Āʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉr‫ڇ‬ Ǽ뻟ĕqւีrĻ˸ ħĄ໔ᜠŢʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉ ĀĂձq⊤NJq뺯 ֒‫܈‬ĘĀʒϙ‫ظ‬ ĉʅĄஅƖΧࢮġĀ ƢԺ೛‫ڝ‬Āĉˀ뻟Ĉ ĂǭĀǁ࢖Š̖‫ܨ‬뺯 Ȇࡘ҈ੈŚ੟˖அƖ Ŷ뻟ŴĶȆġĀĂę

ђǕ૗ǁ뻟ŮĈĂ̎ŬȢ෗Ϸ ė໔ᜠş޽ʾΖĀɁբ뻟ŦďĄ໔ᜠ ɘɍą૗ፑ뻟ğėĂȏĉdz૗ፑȻŪ ƙɮՑĀɁǨ뻟ŴĶdzqоΧᄁгĀ ፑrȻŪ൧ҕ‫ݮ‬ਜ਼ŠߊՑᎩŔĀq๫ ఌr뺯ćĕċɁբĪ뻟āĶğėĀ໔ ᜠĄΖɪ૧ş뺮޽ăĻᬾ뻟ሶᆾ࿈ʧ ĀdzƙɮՑĀಆˍƽଏą뺯

ˌΎĉŢɍ஡͠चȿჹৗĀяʇ뻟ʗ ͩǘߙϜĀඐ͵झʒŀƜ뻟ŴĶȠƱ ŮđߙϜᆰࡳ̙Ֆझʒďѿą뻟ďĩ ఁĘੈĀቪܷ뻟ȂˤĢ˸ħq૗͠r뺯 ֪ĸʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉĀʅNJ2JCTKUGGUďԵ Ĉq঴ͼ͠rĀNj͸뺯ŴĶĀࡀ೿뺮 ĢƱ뺮Ģ˸ĿƬĀ̖ȡĄdž‫ׅ‬Ā뺯 ƔƦĕĂ‫׮‬ĉǨŘƻ໔ᜠǨ޽ ᅥ뻟˄πŴĶŢझʒĀऒȶ뻟໔ᜠć ҈Ɩ˟͡ ˇďπ˩ԵɆĀdzʒϙ‫ظ‬ ĉĂœħȕ뺯峭ƧˤŢ۶ĉĸ뻭qNJ ՂŠʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉ뻟АćठɞĀʞĘ뻟ࢢ ŴĶǨᵵᥨĆĶĀ뻟ĆĶĝđྎࡳ뺮 ᆰDŽ뺯ȚăđвʒŴĶĀDŽħ뻟Ȃħ ŴĶĩĸăĩDŽ뺯r ໔ᜠćĕƀdzqझʒrȉqDŽ ħrߙϜĀœũą뻟峭ࢵǭqझʒr Āκđȡ뻟அƧć҈Ɩ˟͡ ĸ Ā뻭qߡĞāĎđपҎझʒŠϵƢ뻟 āĎăĄđपҎ뻟ၑĄđŪƽ뺯āǰ ćг‫׳‬ĆĶ뻟ďĄėĐŞĝपņą뻟 झʒĀĂžĂۗģăĩप뻟ĝđŪ ƽ뺯rȚĄ뻟Ţʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉĀƢ˂ă DŽ뺮ҶƦăƙĄԭħਨ޽Ā뻟峭Ţʒ ϙ‫ظ‬ĉĀDŽħĻŬĄąƧϱࡾ뻟Ȃˤ 峭ƷĩƧˤժَĀdzĕĂ‫׮‬ĉĀ̖੟ ʈœ֜ճĀ෗Ŝ뻭 qŴĶĩĸăĩDŽ뻟ŴĶdzȧࠬ ĀȶࠬᝤćĉĀ੪Ę뻟ȚĢŹĂċϱ Ǽģăࢵƛ뻟ŴĶĂОǨƙĀƂ뻟ĝ ĄđͰĉğȒ뺯r뻛Ɩ 뻜 ȧ٦뻟໔ᜠƧˤĀᚈ֚ʒϙ‫ظ‬ ĉ뻟ȂħŴĶăّĄŮĸăDŽĀĂ ‫׻‬뻟ਯȺĻᚈĀĄŴĶĕƟĀDŽħ˂ ƣມࣧćঌ៺ࠧ੠ĀझʒƥĪ뺯Ȃˤ ໔ᜠĸ뻭đ͎֑ʒϙ‫ظ‬ĉĀᔓ뻔 ໔ᜠĩăş৅ǯǾ뻲

āĞ뻟ĕŬȢĀğė໔ᜠĄćş ৅ǯą뺯

Ɠ໚ࢫׂ ၁Ɣ

‫ͨݔ‬ĸ뻭q㚛뻔ĆĶĕȏֲӖ ĉͬ뻟ˆȆҼྶ뺮̸⏊뻟ȂħȝĈХ ȧࡥėĆĶǻĘ뺯ĆĶĀ܏ˀ‫׽‬ą뻟 ΂˖ģƻଛŔ઻ą뺯ĆĶĀ̇‫ݮ‬ĝǥ ą᐀뻮ffĆĶćĕܲșŮƢϗ‫̮ޙ‬ ܏뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜ϭĀďĄƎĴƎ ū뺯 ܲșĈХȧ‫ۍ‬āĶҼྶ̸Ҽ뻟 ħƇĭʝ뻲ȂħāĶŮƢϗ‫܏̮ޙ‬뻟

Ʀĕ̮܏Ŗ‫ۍ‬ĉăȫ뻔ĕ܏ˀ‫׽‬ą뻟 ΂˖ģƻଛ઻ą뻟āĶůķǨͮϗĀ ܏ˀŪपˀůăą뻟˚ࡘĀ΂˖ģϽ ăą뻮ƑৰĀĄ̇‫ݮ‬ĝǥą᐀뻟᐀ ƐāĶĀѡƧǜΖۢ뻟ҕ̥Ƹĸ̮ ܏ઈᔃāĶ뻟̹īāĶǻķ֌ઈᖂ뺯 Ŵƣĸ뻭qĆĶćșĘǃſ˟뻟Č ၰǒ뻟Ȇፈ‫ڳ‬ĀūŔ‫ిأ‬ѷĆĶĀ ķ뺯r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜āĶĀķǢǁƻి ѷƻ૾‫׽‬뻟āĶćĕܲșūŔŮƢ

ϗ‫܏̮ޙ‬뻟ϽČĀ΂˖뻟̂ǃɩ̂ၰ ǒ뻟ĕĝϱĕșͳĉĀΥĞǟħ뺯‫ݔ‬ ͨĸ뻭qğͬ뻔ඩಊĀǂνćɠǡ ą뻔r뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜 ĕȏȤᏂĝĄāĶŀƜϷ̆뻟Ȃ ˤʥʐĕǴċȤᏂ뻟ďĻŘࡾে‫ͨݔ‬ ΒĀęˌœʭ̗Š͵֢뻟֒΅ăϛ뻮 ΥҨȤᏂĴ뻟ԓĞŶǚĀᏂɆǨɭŜ ĀŬƆ뺯

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6 ηࣹ̈́‫ڤ‬

ࣲጼࡧᯫ ࣲጼࡧᯫ

Єʥlj ˇᐬ‫ۅ‬qĂͳ؏ ĉठɞƥǧr뻟ėЫĕь ᐬ‫ۅ‬đ̙УəƟĀƱʜ뻲

ᯫЏἻጫཀྵʷ̽ࢽ̡ᄾᄊ൫ ̀Ἳͮʽࣛߕඟᄊ஌̃ॹཀྵድ ॑ण፞ἰ ǁNJǡŶƪь뻛 Ά뻮 Ά뻜ĝă‫י‬ƦǜŞ͎ėąqλĎr뻟 Ƨˤ࿴ञ뻟Ǩħ̜Ƃ뻲 āĞ뻟āĶćǚŢĂͳ؏ĉఓ ƋଟᩜĴ뻟ȧы΃Ɨι‫מ‬뻟ȚǁNJ ෱ਇāĶƓІȝϝʾʽˋλĎ뺯 Ȇ ξĀठɞӽĘ‫ͫࡌڲ‬Ŗ Ƭ૒ᭃٞ᪢ͫ‫˰ډ‬ᘩ᪢ϓŞĴ뻟 ȴȒĘੈĸ뻛 Ά뻜뻭qĕďĄā ˋ‫ۈ‬ရӘᅻ뺮Řఓ뺮‫ͨݔ‬őฝˆϿ ƥŞ뻟ĸ뻭āκȝĕŞါƈĆĀŶ ᤆffr ĄĀ뻟ठɞ‫ک‬ǰĄĂͳ؏ĉ뻟 ˗ʈŭĎɭʠŘɡԉĉǁĿąɧɧ μμ뺯ƔƦ뻟˗ʈŭĀࡓβୀೆƄ ΡĠ̉Ӵ뻟ĝăĿĄŘɡԉ֍ǥ֒ ‫܈‬ĀȺġĂѮձˇ௘ą뺯ĘੈŔΧ ĀтƂɋć؏ĉӽɁǡϔǢԱࣗ֐ ũ뻟ģĜć؏ĉ̳șŶ̉Ӵ੣φ뺯 ƂǰĘ뻟ӷˈĪĎପભˆϿŞĀձ ˇ뻟ǜƟպƛĉķ뻟Ҳī̙ᙵ뺯 lj ΆϷƆ뻭q೸ĀɳŔ‫י‬Β ‫ۈ‬뻟ȂħठɞӊħŴ‫܍‬Ƌ뻟Ŵďƻ ғ஑Ā֌֦͟뺯ŘɡԉĉȴȮŴ뻟 ̆ŏ໔ŠϾǨᵵᥨठɞĀņƙ뺯r ĄĀ뻟‫י‬Β‫ۈ‬ćĠƶǚĝƄʒ ŠठɞȠȤ뻟ȚŴӗŢĩ۩΀ĪĂ 12 • 2017 •


ь֒‫΀܈‬Ӫ뻟ĘੈǢʙĿ؏ĉ‫܍‬Ƌ ȝғ஑Ā֌֦͟Ŵ뺯ψǘठɞĀ֒ ‫΀܈‬Ӫ‫ק‬ĄɭʠŘɡԉĉŜႅӍ뺮 ȉĘੈӐ‫י‬ɞၑ뺮တҘୀęझʒ뺮 ‫޵ڈ‬ŴĶć൰࢝મϳŪǥ뺯؏ĉठ ɞƄʒܺࠬǨĈ뻟ପŞӚŚȮĎȉ ŴƄՙ뻟ŦĄŶĎ͠Āʗ͒‫ו‬Ƃ뺯 ठɞͅǁƄΡĠȶđ뻟ėąĴȊϔ ݉ʪ޿뻟‫ھ‬ė‫י‬Β‫ۈ‬ʥฅȶӽɁ뻔 ćĥȀะ‫ې‬ȗȔĜ뻟ƲŭŭЫ ĉĉӷ˚뻟ċċ‫ڦ‬ɝ뻭qāĀᆑ̅ ĜЬ΀Ǿ뻲ˈ୽ͬʞĄɉ뻲rȆā ĶĂŭĂʇӷ˚‫ڦ‬ɝƥĴ뻟ɑዔȴ ǁNJĀ͎՝뻭 ĘੈĀŔΧ뻟ɑǽķť뻟ĪĂ ьĀᆑѷɢ뻟ĘੈǢঅĈŪໜ뻟峭 κ‫ޡݸ‬ėЫ뻟ĘੈŔΧĀтƂκĜ ̉Ӵ੣φ뻔

ኄ̄njʷ̽ࢽ̡̯ᭊำ‫ښ‬᝺ࠀ ᄊࡍᬍЯἻொ௹ੇ˞ʽࣛߕඟ ᄊ᣿ԝरǍ ǁNJĘͤьʪ޿ŠĪͤьũϘ 뻛 Ά뻟 Ά뻜ʥɛĂͳ؏ĉƧ̜ ǧ୭뻟Ҳīժႉ뺯 lj Άĸ뻭qठɞǧĀĴȊ ξ뻟ɕϝŊĈඏɓ뻟ƺʔŊĈෳ ࡲ뺯r ‫ޥ‬Ɣ ξƬ੒ĀठɞǻɆ‫ޕ‬ ߧঞƔ‫ݙ‬Č뻟ŀЄƺঞƔ෈঍뻟ħ ̜κ݉ˤĴͼș뻲ȂħĘੈǭąʆ Մ뻛 Ά뻜뻭qffƍćā̹Ćʤ ɕğȒą뻟Ć˂ăīĿėŦƀņ뺯 ǘĄ໔ŠϾĀᗛĉठɞǧćठᒿŞ Ŧƀ뻟ȢƧ໔ŠϾǨĸĀ뺯r

ĄĀ뻟ठɞĀǻɆʳɫఙ̹ĩ ҬφɭʠŘɡԉĉ࿮‫ޖ‬ପቁ뻟ȚĘ ੈΞħăĻŘďĄăĻŘff āĶȮȺ̋ǁNJīƢठɞӊ߱ Ǹɩ෢뻟Ęੈă̗Ŵ‫ם‬०ˆϿŞ뻟 ȚਁЄʥlj ˇ˂‫֢ڇ‬փ͠౼ԨĂ Υɢư̑ठɞħ̜κ݉ˤĴͼɁ뺯 lj Ά˓Ь뻭qŮĄėƎū뻟Ŋ ĈĉƢƆŴĀᎁᄫ뺯r Ƨˤᐬ‫ۅ‬뻟ĄۚߓФćŶĎĀ Řɡԉ֒‫܈‬뻟ă‫ג‬Ĉĉ৭Ɉߜˣठ ɞƥᄫ뻲ưŬƧˤ뻟ϝĀ̜ć뻲߯ ᎌठɞ뻲ħ؏ĉӐᆷ뻲 ठɞ‫ک‬ĄĂͳ؏ĉ뻟ȝŴ̦ ͔뻟ŰĈĻʅ뺯ƧˤğĎ뻟Ęੈԭ ĻĩħąŔΧŬȢŪǥ뻟ՌNjħठ ɞǭʆՄ뻛 Ά뻜뻭qffĆ˂ăī ĿėŦƀņ뺯r ξҲīͩNj뻟ȍ̎ǁNJ뻟 ŮćՇșʥ ͎ėĕ̾Ϲff ˽ьǁNJ͎ėĘੈƥŔŠĉĀ ƕŔɿĿĘੈĀʆϞ뻟̑ҝąĘֿ Āĥĉƞ뻟Շ ؆ƥħq؏ĉr뻟 ȚĘੈć ǭĪʆϞ뻟ƄΡĘֿ؏ ĉƧ̜ୀę뻟ƄĂĩɸĿ ŭ뺯Ʋ ͳ؏ĉঞ̀ƜćѳǭĀ‫ٲ‬Մʭ뺯 ӊħ ŭͳĀġŚŘӍʁϓ ‫ۈ‬ɭĎ؏ęҫ‫׀‬ĀĂͳ߷‫׀‬ŝკ֟ ΆӅŭɋධ뻟ŘŶǞŊĈljȕċკ ֟Ά뻟Ͼĉ͵Ĝκ݉ˈɩŊĈკ֟ ΆĀūŔ뺯 Ŗ˦Ǵŭ뻟āŪǥξʃŦȏ̊ ‫ژ‬Ͼĉ͵ĜĀ˓ĉ؏ĉȠҬȮǡϞ


ࡲĪ뻟‫ۍ‬āƗਝ‫ݙ‬Ġ뻟π˩ăۭ뺯 āƑćӏƔǎşƍĢŹǢʞԉǡ Ϟ뻟˄˓‫ݰ‬ƗėĢŹɋȐģđǚŢ ŀЄĀ‫ٲ‬Մ뻔 ‫ܓ‬ॉуӧ뻟ƄΡĠĭăۭ뻟 ࠬķŶҬƄĉ뻟ΞǭπԚʞ؏ĉă Ļ뻟ȚĘੈħąāĶŪǥ뻟ćșͳ ι୽ĴɽĄȶҫĕƟƙ뻭qffƍ

ĄĂͳ؏ĉĀ‫ٲ‬Մ뻟ĘੈŔΧ˄ठ ɞǕĉ뻟ĝđƓІˈɩ뺯

ኄʼnjʷ̽ࢽ̡႑ʾ࿘ྲᄊၷ ֑ᰴएἻᥙឰੈ̓ˀலՔड़ߦ ˸Ǎ ˣăėĂͳ؏ĉĀᎁᄫăDžǘ ȝ؏ĉĀʥ‫ٴ‬ଫņ뺯ĘੈćāĶȆ ġ‫׀‬őąĂċċ؏ĉ뻟ĄđңĪћ ̖Ʊʜ뻟ˋā ĶşŜ૸ɑ뺯

̬Ꭰᄲᅩ喏᫜Ꭰᄲ㜟喏Ѳᙫ᜽И 䲌ͧᖕ喏ⴎᔃ̹‫ڹ‬䔩䔼‫⮰ݗ‬喏ख Ⅾᄲ̬ЏጔϦ⮰䊱‫⩋܍‬঩喏Ϻࢲ ञ⮰䃜ᓲࡂͦ᜽Иᰵ⩋ͷᎠ⮰⩋ ঩⣜჊善 ćā̹ĆʤɕğȒą뻟Ć˂ăīĿ ėŦƀņ뺯rǘĄԨĂʞĘੈᗛĉ ƣͼāĶƦņ뻟qȢƧ໔ŠϾǨĸ Ā뺯r

ɑͩNj뻟 ؏ĉठɞĀŀ ЄĄћ̖Ā뻟 Ŵė ξঞƔ ֦͟ŀЄƺ뺯

ƔƦŭ༾ Āठɞӊćȍ ̎ǁNJ͎ėĢ ŹǻɆǢęăƧǡ뺯Ȃˤ뻟āΞħ ξĀठɞƥʌćŀЄƺ뻟Ąಾ୲ Ԩ‫׮‬Āʭćࡓ঍‫ݷ‬şŜĎĀ뺯ңNj ǁNJĀᐬ‫ۅ‬ff

āĶƄΡəƟࢹЄģ‫ܙ‬ăʐ؏ ĉĀǻ̊뻟ৰψΪ؏ĉĀᄫŞģ࿜ ̊ƽƄ뺯Ⱥǰ‫ܙ‬ʐą뻟ˣėą뻟Ѣ ԧĻĩ࿾༆āĶԾ֗Ūǥ뺯

Ϙϵ뻟ŴࡥͥĴӽĘąठᒿ ːʅŖƬ૒뻟ճ੟ŴĀŀЄУė‫ډ‬ ૒뺯ʅĎ͒֌ŀЄĻŘĂˢϰƬ̎ DŽ뻟ĻŘğė˰ƶ뻟ৰψ୨ʬȝ Ďff

lj ΆʥɛŘɡԉĉħठɞਉҼ աྩŮĈ Đ뻟ठɞఙƔȤ‫ۈ‬৙ୀ ę뻟ȚŊĈǃĈƑǥĀաྩʿ뻮ఙ Ɣăۭ뻟ঞĄ Đ뻟ăĩƑĠ뻔ĕ

̛ǁŝϱŜ뻟ƎĐāĶӽĘᭃ ٞ᪢ͫ‫ډ‬ǨğėĀ࿯ħĈՄ뻟˰և ǁNJԉŜĀŞȗࣨ‫׈‬Ň뺯ȚǁNJ˓

Ь؏ĉठɞŊĈƳɕඏɓ뻛 Ά뻜뻟Nj ͸ŏԨ‫׮‬ĀŀЄ˸࢝뻟‫أ‬ĩğėĘ ੈŔΧĀŀЄ˰բ뺯ưƔ뻟ǁNJ߰ гq໔ŠϾdzƽŞϱƈŴğr뻛 Ī뻜뻟ठɞqŬĀrğėąqƽ Şr뺯 ˤʌ뻟lj Ά͎ėठɞͥԭǻ Ύ뻭q໔ŠϾĀᗛĉr뺯 Ăͳ؏ĉ‫ޥ‬ĄǩࣟȺǰĀĘੈ ฑᗛ뻟ŴĀྩ̈́ϔŮĈĂʞŜଋౣ ਓ뻟৕ĉ൘ăɩ૸뺯ĘǂƑʤ˞ᄫ Ş뻟ʤƋ೷ዑ뻟ठɞĂŀҶDŽȥƽ ఁ್ગ뻟ŖͥƑȥƽ͒ǂ뺯 ŖŶ뻟ĘੈŔΧŢĂͳ؏ĉ Ā֒‫܈‬ʥ‫ٴ‬뻟‫פ‬ą؏ĉćǚˋႅӍ ʒƳͱŘɡԉƽŝǨ֐Фɸࢢ؏ƺ ʌ뻟Ƒ̞ಗ؏ĉȉĘੈƥǎŦƄʒ Ҷ̙뺮ƄʒĞճĀʤ‫ݧ‬ȱͷ뻛 Ά뻜뻭qŴĄ໔ŠϾǚŢǚǨΞԺ Ā뺯r Ăͳ؏ĉŠĘੈĀʤ‫ݧ‬ԙʇ‫أ‬ УƧٞƬʇ뻟ŪħƄ೤঴ĀƢŹ‫ݙ‬ ȷ뺯ठɞͅǁƧˤʪ޿뻟ٔć‫Ϳס‬ փ͠뻟ҌƧŬđ̝ԪĂͳ؏ĉĀ֒ ‫܈‬ʥ‫ٴ‬뻟Ŧďྎʥ˄ˋϰŴĀɸࢢ ŀЄť뻔 ĂŭȝҤ뻟ĥŭȝψ뻟ȚШā ĶϤǂয়뻟ᥫՠăǞ‫ڦ‬௢ȍĀ뻟Ů ̂ȝĂͳ؏ĉĀɸࢢŀЄ뻟Ȯ֒‫܈‬ Āʥ‫͔ٴ‬ħāĶĈŀƥŭĀŀЄƍ ǰ뻔



֪߷໚ߋԢϸധ ‫ࡕ׮‬ƥྔт ჴ

ǕΒࣟʚĄ뺶‫ې‬ٞȗĀ‫ݡ‬য়͵ ᆑ̦Ɠ뺷뺯ǻħ̦Ɠŝ뻟‫ې‬ٞȗĂ ŀćă‫ג‬୯փ뺮ХΥȉᄝ̛ĀĿԙ ġ뻟௢ऑdžɃ‫ݡ‬য়ƥƆȢĄđУَ

͵‫ޏ‬᣺ྫྷ࣎ ᗃ

ΥǂǨΥ뺮DŽǂǨDŽĀ૗।ŀЄ‫ؗ‬ ʆ뺯ǻħᆑ͠뻟‫ې‬ٞȗĂŀَƺˋ șĉƆdžĕ‫ݡ‬য়ƥƆ뻟Ğƶѳʒ‫ڇ‬ ֢‫ڦ‬Ώ͠ԵɆၿDŽ‫ݡ‬য়ƥƆ뻟಴Ƌ ०Ę‫ݡ‬য়ƥӄ뻟ʿ๐ͥĩĂőϤǂ যয়뻟Уَĕ૗।ŀЄ‫ؗ‬ʆ뺯 Џʬփ͠ĩʙĿǕΒĀւˇӄ ԙ뻟ŬȢȉĕʞʈԗș݁Ā‫׼‬Ⴚ͵ ؏ĉĜᭁ뻟ƑƻŴ‫ݡ‬য়͵ᆑ̦ƓǨ ਝƛ뺯

ք൹ƥ೟၉റ࿗ᄄ • 12 • 2017


8 ࠒ‫ڇ‬ 쉌 ืܿη̈́͜੾Ꮸ āĶĝĈŝࢮƱృˆ˽ͳͳȠ̙ĀҍЯ뻟ȚĈĠɺ ɳƕŬȢ̰ࡳ߮‫ي‬ĀƱృ뻲āĶīܺΞϿĠć͵Ĝɶķ Ā߮‫ي‬뻟ɳƕ˂ȉ͵ĜऑDŽऑ˰뻔 ƎĐ뻟Ʊಿκ݉˓ЬƱృĄӚӐćĘੈǨѳӐĀ‫׼‬ ໆ˱ʻuuӱ఻ȉŝ४Ę뺯ŝĄ̊‫ˏژ‬ŔĂŀĀŞƶ뺯 ̋ƈˏŔĀŖ‫̈́މ‬ˀďĄſČŠԾƽĀӱ఻뻟ŘӍʤŔ ǎĀƗŰ஝ѷ뻟̹ŴĶćŝĈȫƽƗ뻟ďăĜмŀϿĠ Ȼяķȗ뺯͎ठƖ뺮ਗ‫؞‬ŀ뺮‫׉‬džƆŠკ֟ΆĝĄ͵Ĝ ġĀˏŔ뺯Ęੈᔾ˞‫ت‬ແŴĶ̙ƆĂ‫ܚ‬Ŕ뻟ħ峭Ǩ̹ ů뻟ȧƆćāĶȆġďăĜŜĕƟĀˏŔǾ뻲 ͵ĜġˏŔȹ˫ĀǂđʅȂćǘ뻭Ă뺮ŝ४͵֢ˏ ŔǸᡱĀ͍Ҳҍ뻮ȕ뺮͵ĜλҤǕœ̙ϭŝĀȶđȡ뻮 Ɓ뺮ƄΡŝ४ńĄ͵Ĝ뻟ć͵֢ʭ̗ŠƶКĝकߔąŢ ˟͡ĀǰٗɆԥ뺯Ƨư͵ĜŊĈ̙УĘੈŢӱ఻ȉ͵ѷ ĀƱʜ뻟Ŧĭď˫ņ‫ܨ‬ៅĎ೤ٜĜƤͼӱ뻟ͱȺɳƕƻ ಊɍƗ͔Ի뺯 쉌 ᄺ߶ࠒ‫ڇ‬ᄊ᧘᜶ q໔ŠϾĘੈȝŦĉ뻛‫ۈ‬Ȇ뻜ȫٝćಛᏢԽ뻟̹ Ŵէȗğࡳ뺯r뻛Շ 뻜̀đէȗĄȂħĈ֚͠Ĝ‫ۂ‬ ‫׽‬뻟̀đğࡳĄȂħĈඞ๫Ďܹ뺯໔ᜠĸ뻭qඞ๫Ď뻟 Ƅπđܹ᎟뻟‫ڳ‬Ҵ뻟ଏ‫׽‬뺯āĎą뻟ĄđͰ֓뻛ͱǟ ĉ뻜īŀЄ뻟˄‫ؼ‬īĀƑࡓ঍뺯r뻛‫ י‬뻜

ࡓֲĀˀΙࣂˆffȚĕȏČʁɞܼŊĈǂ໔ᜠĀ˟͡ ͂ԉćǡďȥƽ˫ņNj‫ػ‬뺯ɳ‫ٿ‬ĀķďɏĂ˚Ƀࡹ Ćă ԡĘғ஑ƥɓ뻟șʆďćȺĘঙְ૱ኖ뺯‫ڙ‬।Āķ‫ذ‬Ę őϵՌ͟Ęੈғ஑ĀƸГ뻟ΏŶĘੈĜ̹ƥŀǥ뺯ǥę ŶďӖŘࢃഴ‫ף‬Ĝ෿ᩑĀ޴ȹ뺯 ߮‫ܼي‬ŮȶƓІ뻟ƦćDŽħƆ‫؞‬Š‫΀ޡ‬ĘȂħാЂ ɳƕă͜΄őϯ͵Ā‫ܨ‬ៅ뻟ďīćȝĎ˼ͽŞźɳƕǚ ŢʒझĀ̑ൖ뺯ܼΜक֌ȡ뻟ˏŔŠĘੈŊĈӚӐȢ‫ک‬ Āȱͷ뻟ƢԺďĜŪħdzˏŔଣƈఓ஽Āᎌˀ뻟ƻȺ࿟ ஒ뺯ީĈıŬȗƬ‫ڏ‬Ęੈ뻟ƷĩѿർҝҶDŽĂَ뺮Ȫƀ ƧĂĀȞϜ뻟Ŭıκ݉ӚӐćŬȗĀ֮‫׼‬Ę뻟Ʒĩѿş ஔŀЄĀ̊‫ژ‬ƺ뺯 Ĉȏ߮‫ي‬Ըǘ͵ĜĀ˖Ƃ뻟ģđ̂ˏŔLJǜƟĀ ɢ뻮ȚШNj˖ƂĀķˆŜǘ‫ݡ‬য়Āպॎ뻟Ʀπ‫΀ޡ‬뺮‫ػ‬ Ӫ뺮દ່Ɨ뺯Ȃˤ뻟āĶˆ‫ޠ‬৑ĢŹĀʭķ뻟ǘɶᅇ˖ ƂĴ뻟ŬĈćĘੈŝġҤฑǾ뻲ńĄᗡ‫ކ‬ŏ͒șĀ࢝ ķŠŪďƗ뻟ŘȌȿ͵Ĝ‫ܡ‬ΎĎīĉĀ௵߯뺮‫؜‬ĉĀǛ ್뻲߮‫ي‬੡ုĘੈ뻟ɳƕďఁ՗˟뻮߮‫ي‬ŀЄĈ‫ˍۂ‬뻟 ɳƕďćŦŞƶɩ֚͠ପϸuuĉƙĀƂĜ̊‫଻̡ژ‬Ā ĉ뻟߮‫ي‬ĀDŽħκǭ̊‫ژ‬ĢŹĀˏŔ뺯 쉌 ྘ඇࠫЈ‫࡟ݙ‬ᛡ࡛༧ᄊஔ࠮ ᮏ৹ὉĉĝĄđܷ۞Ā뻟đŘˈગ뺮߃ıĎѷ‫آ‬뺯ܼƴ īˏŔʼnȧϯ͵뻟ęˌœĀʅȂĄŢŴܷ۞ăѿ뻭ɽĄ

͜ⰇԍМ喏ˇ̽͜੾὎ ᛶљဩ 宏茂桥堂 ƎĐĀŝ४뻟߮ʤ뻛‫ۈ‬Ȇ뻜˩˩݀ଋ뻟‫ي‬ʤ뻛‫ـ‬ ੅뻜ƄՎȉŰ࣢͔뻟ǨŘŦ֚͠Ďܹ᎟ӱ఻ĀŬࡄ뻟‫ڳ‬ ҴнɺŭĀķ֌뻟ଏ‫׽‬ŝ४Ā˶˟뺯āĶˆ˽ȠƱϤĘ ੈĀয়˟뻟āĶĄҲīшĈĂᒶſČĀӱ఻뻟Ǚ‫ۂ‬șʆ Ţ‫܌‬ঊƥıĀᄵᏭ뺯 쉌 ʾʷ̽ᄾ൤ᭊ᜶ᄊ௧̤˦὎ ᥅᜹ᐁሶὉϵŪħऒǂħęĀ߮‫ي‬뻟Ʒĩ͵ŜʸĘੈķ NjĀɳƕ뺯āĶκ݉қȒ໔ᜠ뻟ŀЄȂ໔ᜠīŘջʽ뻟 ƷĩŘŀЄ̊‫ˏژ‬ŔĀŀЄ뻟ъՎŴĶʤĢқȒ໔ᜠ뻟 ƦăĄŮȉ໔ᜠࠚ੪ƦĿ뻔 ፃԋ४ᡈᎵᄊࣱ߷Ὁ߮‫ي‬ĿᅗൿΞৃĀŀƜ뻟ˏŔƷĈ ƓІĀएƟ뺯ŖȶđĀĄ뻟đȉˏŔĂőǚŢŴĀৃ뻟 ƈŴƙΞৃएƟ뻟˄͵֢ŴƧ̜ǚŢ뺮̎ȗĢŹĀৃ뻟 ƦăĄّ​ّƙċႺ৑˴ŠඩಊЋ뺯 ஜႏᤵ̵ᄊ˟Ὁq੡ု໔ŠϾĄғ஑Āũܸ뺯r뻛ᝍ 뻜āĶƈˏŔϿĠČʁɞ뻟̞ಗŖČĀ͵‫آ‬ƯĜŠ 12 • 2017 •

Є‫ۍ‬뺮đ̂뺮ϑȢ뺮ĕăĻŘ뺮ŦģăDŽ뻟ģăƱ΀ ˏŔ뺯ɳƕٔ‫ٯ‬ȤλƱǂŝ४ĀˏŔƑȧᆑѷ뻟ćǚ ŢĘੈĀ૗ҶĴƑȀ߂୴Šǔࢫ뻟Ȃħ߮‫ي‬Ŀǘ͵ʳŠ ࡾߞ뺯Ȃˤ뻟ؓƔȮŇʠɩʼnĠয়۬뻟˂Ƒ̗ͲĢŘħ ‫ػ‬뻟ăّăˋȺŴˏŔ̙˟͡뻟ń˓‫ݰ‬Ş͂ୂπƱಿ뻟 ŊĈஏᙙĀķ뺯 ؑЩὉȍĐŬĀŘħȝˏŔɭė͵ĜĘƪŇĴĀǂūƓ ďĩŪħ‫׼‬Ⴚಿ뻟߮‫ي‬ʤĢ௦ѷˏŔĀ֌ЄĄĐ‫ܡ‬뺯ϵ źĘੈĀƸƜćĢŹǻĘ뻟īࣂˆ뺮ʾ̆뺮஝ѷ뻟ƔŶ ĢƔďĜ஝ѷˏŔ뺯 ᬘͧߧߕሁշὉƲĂɫƂ뻟ĝ‫ڈ‬ŴĎėǂǚǡ뺯ъՎŴ І‫ڤ‬ȉĘੈǚŢǚ뻟ăϯČƂ‫׽‬Ƃ뻟ĝĩହƔƄാŞĎ ėĘੈǚǡ뻟ĂŀďăĜȂħŢĘੈ˫ʬƦͼũ뺯Ƨư ߮‫ي‬ƙą˽ƙĀǕœ뻟ɳƕńĄ˞ՊবͼŬƆ뻟ăđƖ Ģ‫ޡ‬뻟ιƈĘੈϯȗ뺯к˰ȠƱĘੈȤāĶƑć‫ˏٯ‬ Ŕ뻟ģđк˰ȠƱĘੈĄዔȴ߮‫ي‬࿔ؐĀᄁг뺯



̳ǂ뻟źāĈƯĜϩȀ ʃ ūψ ūĀ뺶& ŝ४Ƃ ʕęĜ뺷뺯ćŝ४ɝʚɿ ĎɿߙȶĀ‫ף‬Ĝ뻟ĘੈȢ‫׀‬őĂ࣪Ĉ ‫ࠬݸ‬Āᗛĉඑ‫ت‬Š҄̕͵ĜĎ̝֕Ʊ ಿĀŝ४뻟̹ˏŔĩćĂċԾƽĀŝ ४ġŪǥ뻟ƱృģĻŘͳͳȠ̙뺯 뺶& ŝ४ƂʕęĜ뺷ďĄŘਁ Єʥ ħ‫׼‬ໆ뻟ቍćъՎ͵Ĝȉŝ ४ȥŪĘੈŢșͳɠಿা‫ۋ‬ĀſČʹ ۗ뺯ƪĐĀęĜ‫ۍ‬āƗਝ࿯Ġ뺯

ኮᣨిᄊஸᗀἻ௄ҧஔ࠮ ƧਁЄʥ Ǩჯᛎ뻟ĘੈĀ ƸƧāĶ‫ם‬ǡĀࠉ뻟峭ăȚđāĶྎ ʥǘķ뻮ģᵵᥨāĶđᕁவ͵֢ɳ ƕ뻟ŘَƄΡĄࢭĪ뻟ńĄőĎĝđ ٟΡ뻟̹ƱృቼɘāĶĀū˩ŀƜ뺯 ȚĄΏŏ‫ڐؘ‬ĀşУ뻟Ţǩ່ ŪβĀ‫ڦ‬௢뻟ȵƕԴɡĀ٣ચ뻟᎖ŀ ŜϿĠ‫ܡ‬ˡƕȡ뺮ʕǟ‫ڗ‬ȵȡ뺯qԸ ୤rऑऑŪąŝ४Āǂණझ뺯ϿĠ‫ݠ‬ ћĀˏŔƄĉܷ̆뻟ͨ‫׮‬ՏĀ૊ɳ Ǩqˆ̬rƦŀ뺯 & ŝ४ƂʕęĜϱŜ뻭ĕƟĀ ƍճَ֢ĘੈᄭୟāĶĀϯᛛ‫ॶܨ‬ Ҕ뺯ǕĄ߮‫ي‬Ā‫΀ޡ‬Š‫ػ‬Ӫ뻟ƍć˂ ιƈą૊ɳƯઓ뻟ৰψĄƕ᝝뻮ˏŔ ȉ߮‫ي‬Ƞ̎ĀĴǎɿĎɿɺ뻟ĈĀĂ ĐėȐĝğăė߮‫ي‬Āǻ̊뻟əĭƙ ėqƄΡDŽLJ뺮ࢭ಑rĝđٟΡĘੈ ĀƸГʝ뻲

᝝ᝀᇫ͘ԧ࡙ᡖҹἻ૩Ӽࠒऑ ໔ᜠĸ뻭qඞ๫Ď뻟Ƅπđܹ ᎟뺮‫ڳ‬Ҵ뺮ଏ‫׽‬뺯āĎą뻟ĄđͰ֓ īŀЄ뻟˄‫ؼ‬īĀƑࡓ঍뺯r뻛‫ י‬ 뻜 āĶĂŜŀď֐ũąĂɁ͒֌Ϳ ‫ڌ‬뻟ĘੈđīŏāĶ뻟Ʀఓ஽˂đଏ ‫׽‬āĶ뺯 ͵ĜĄƱಿĀࡳ֕Šཀࣧ뻟ŝ४ ‫ק‬ĄˏŔĀࡳ֕Šཀࣧ뺯ħĉ߮‫ي‬ৰ ШdzŖČĀˀΙƈˏŔ뻟ȚĄĈŊĈ Ҥƺņࡳ֕ˏŔĀķ֌뻲‫֢ڇ‬ŴĶĀ ķ੡ုĘੈ뻲 བ჊ĀĢύǂ‫ػ‬ေ̛ąŝ४Ā֮ ‫׼‬뻟̦૗Āӱ఻ȻīɿĎɿΏϔ뻟Ŧ ֚͠ďĄܹ᎟ąӱ఻ĀŬࡄ뻟̹ˏŔ ĂŜŀďƜćĂċăԾ֗뺮ăȢ˩뺮 ăȥђĀŝ४ġ뺯

䃕 ᜽࣮̽ ߌ И % ̽ ტ ⮰ Ꮩ ԍ ᄱ η጑ ๓ М ͜ цᙋ

샂 თ߽ᆇᄤ߆໚൏ؔ߁པ֣ۨ

ġĀѰࢺ뺮‫ؤ‬ƺ뺮ăƧNj뺮ĉٗȱ ͷ뻟ŘӍŢƱృĀቈࣹŠяʇĝͣ ͣŞ̊‫ژ‬ŏˏŔ뺯

㼬 स஡ሗ 颂恩堂

qԸ୤rģܹ᎟ą߮‫ي‬ȉˏŔ Ƞ̎ĀĴǎ뻟̹߮‫ي‬ŔƕƥǎĀƗ ŰūӡԢ‫ށ‬뻟ĈĴ߮‫ي‬Ը୤ėƄᐻ ņ͵Ĝ뻟ƣͬƀٟīĘা‫ˏآ‬ŔĀ Ʊృ뻲 āĶđ‫ܔ‬ƴǘƍƎǗŔмȞŢ ˏŔ‫ڙ‬।ķ֌Āઈᔃ뺯& ęĜϭ˴ ͎ėӊȹDŽȅࣽĀĂċ‫ڳ‬ĉɯσ뻟 ʂŝқė΀̜ĉĝĻŘ଍‫ڳ‬뻟‫ڳ‬Ā ĉɿĠīœďɿƬ뻔ǥʿۡ‫ݕ׍‬ƺ ႌ‫ڳ‬ǗŔɯσӍࡀߦĀȅࣽșʆĀ ˏŔ뻟ĜȻīһಃ뺮 ሴᖍ뺮‫ݠ‬ᙆ뺮ԵĈ ପϸȡ뻟٣౛ȅࣽɯ σ‫ڳ‬ĉĀĥոĴĈş ŀ뺯 ମ‫ت‬ਉᑚ뻔ćĕ Ɵց‫ؗ‬ġǥęĀˏŔ Ƨ̜ĩ੡ုĘੈ뻟ऒ ȶŀЄ뻟ĈஏᙙŠı ķ뻲

ęĜϭ˴ƥĂఐၑƺĜǥœ ǃŴƧ̜া‫ˏآ‬ŔĀƱృ뺯ŴȮˏ ŔਿŇĴďćŝġӚӐŝ४ᎌ೔뻟 ƲĐǞԸƽŝģđĂőœǃĘੈĀ ƸГ뺮ᄁг뻮˩˩ą̛ˏŔćƓІ ӍŀƜġǚŢĀ‫ܒ‬ȧ뻟ĂőɭėĘ ੈĀǚǡᄁгι૊뻮ŴƑӐĪqŝ ‫ܪ‬r뻭ǂūĂǭđņ͵Ĝ뻟ƓҁĀ projectăĻŘȫ͂ćǂū뻟ĕūđ œȍħ૗뺯ĂœએૐĂœʵȌ뻟Ŵ ĀˏŔऑऑǥę뻟ĈĀǢďˡ뻟Ț ƄΡՊˡńĄȫ͂ҌʿŜɯ뻟ĝĜ ߜ̂ĘੈĀķNjӍܷӍ͵ĜĀƂ ʕ뺯ఐၑƺĜǥħƱృĀ̙ܺ‫ޚ‬Ŝ ąϿĠķƺ뻔

ԍМᰵຮ䓼ߔ౦̶⮰ᣑ߇ 䊇喏᷾ၼᰬქᬿᢵ㥩⮰౜ ᫥ᅝ᭛౔᷾ၼϐᣑ⮰ᣑ߇ ࡦȠḩḩሮമ‫֤ڪ‬჻ჶ‫ړ‬ᇯ

̿ᢶͻѷἻ͜੾η̈́ qƱృĈƧ̬ƛɁĘĀˈƺ ‫ظ‬뻟գŔŖ̗ͲҎҔĀŞƶďĄć գŔιˈĀˈƺҡ뺯rѺͣჺ֢˴ ᛤத੶‫ܔ‬঵ĸ뺯 ாƸĸ뻭ĈȺ߮뻟κĈȺŔ뻟 ǻ͵۩ĿҶ̙뺯ᛤத੶ĸ뻭Ȭɮʁ ɞĴ뻟đ˞ͬĂċģđᄁг뻟ؓƔ Ąćĸȟ뻟˂źˏŔƗɩėƱృȉ ŀƜʜʜȠȱ뺯߮‫ي‬Ƨ̜̎ȗŀƜ

q໔ŠϾĘੈǕħę뻟˽ɩę ৔ſ뻟ȺęƄʒԏʇ뺯ĕͳđŢŦ ͳ᠘৔ĆĀǟħ뻟ģđ̙ੵĆĀę ĩ뺯r뻛ࠨ 뻜ƣ뻟qȂħ ĕĘੈкк˰˰ħāĶĀĘੈ뻟峭 κǟāĶ‫ڇ‬ɢĀ뻟ˢėк˰뺯r ࠨ źāĶĂőȶ˸ŝ४Ƃʕ뻟Ř ĘੈĀƸӚӐŝ४뺮া‫ˏآ‬Ŕ뻟Ă ǜƬ‫ڏ‬ĘੈĀǩ뻟̹āĶĀƱృͳ ͳȠ̙뻟‫ˈ׋‬ĘੈĀŚʇܱࡥ뻔 • 12 • 2017


10 η२Ѭ̚

Ϧ ⮰ ᅩ ๠ ቗Ɣ



샂 ਦ࿷৬Ɠ

ळᝓ ୔ ᄌ ಷ଱၉ๆƗขС ‫ن‬ഺਛ၉ࡸ‫׵ޢ‬಍ขຝçࠥເ‫ࡵݯ‬ ֬ၰບḩḩᄤϝ༽ৈჺएྡྷ֬၉Ӎ ဍӖ߽ഏƗᇽϾ֍໑ເਛᇌᄶาѠ ཹ‫ݛ‬ḩḩൗႯਛოૣ‫ٿ‬Ҝ‫ލ‬ଝᇜߋ ࿗༅ᇐƓఊ൓൥၉ᇜၥಞ༅Ɣ֬‫ٿ‬ ӪƗಥᄤӍܻ֬ᇠᄤߒৈ֬ఞ‫ٹ‬ᇖ டদடಇèಝ‫ؾ‬ƗৈࠥഺП֬ൠ‫ن‬ ഺਛè଱‫ٿ‬Ӫ࣯ಝМᅐਛƗ‫ౖؾ‬ఊ ຶ৶ਾಭᅎഠƌᆊМᅐᄶӵਛҠᇞ ֬඼ഋèఊᇖ຾၉֬ྔࡍ௨ܻᇠЫ ࿿ᇞᅐഋƗ಍ഭႼϫ‫ٺ‬ᆴϝൌ֬ொ ‫؎ۡژ‬ሪഋƗ֓ఌૺ֬൥ថ‫֬ށ‬ਃ ֘ᇁ൥౥ຸൺഋè෹ḩḩः൥ਦ࿷ ৬ีπႼࡍ֬ບ෫୶৚ൄၑèᆊൠ ࡸಥਦ࿷৬ၢࠪ෷಍ࡌഏ༶սເᆘ ࣠Ɨ၀ເᄬൺՕ҉ྤ֬ບ෫୶‫֥ے‬ ສϵ֬Пഋთ໴ሀƌःᄤսࡌ‫؂‬԰ ᄤສ‫ٺ‬ഋ๬֬ႃᵳᇖƗ҉ᆰ෵յ ൏Ɨఌૺ֬ൠ౭ಖ‫ن‬ഺਛƌ ĕū뻟хЀȢ‫ڏ‬DŽԚċֶƓę Ĝ뻟ĂʞȮĥȀะĎϩȀˤęĜĀ ֶŀˈėĥȀะĀɿߋǗƸ뻟г‫׳‬ ŴĘ‫ۅ‬NjʌġĈĂʞĥȀะ˼͠뻟 ̣‫֒ۈڄ‬Ā௱ƕ̅᥼뻟ɑŴņȆŞ ĀֶԻ੦ʬȬ뺯ȆŴćֶԻƀğė ̅᥼Ā˼όŶ뻟ᏉӚ‫̣ڱ‬ՌůʗƯ ȮюdzȬ̐ƫĥȀะ뻟ȆĪ뻟ęŝ ਽ăਦࡢŞȴȮą뺯 ćֶԻ뻟̅᥼Ā߮‫΂ي‬ă̛ ɭ뻟ƲĐăœጏ͋뺮ؐɕၔၔŞࡳ ȊćȬĀǻॶ뻟૭ϳăͼ뻮ȺŴŝ ͒Ƅă‫ͽٱ‬뺮ȧĿ뻟ĻĄ˂Ƅਗ਼ǘ ęŝĝ޿ƋƄॸ뻟Ƅĉĩœࠬȉ̛ 12 • 2017 •

᭛ ̶ ፉ ⮰

न ‫ݽ‬ Ѷ๺ᖉ᧔᝻ 直落亚逸堂

‫᥼̅ݡ‬ĀХȉͽ뺯ψǘǻħʌȔĀ ‫֒ۈڄ‬뻟ǜƟŞ뻟ģĄƄĴƄՌ‫ٱ‬ ȮġĎ뻟ؐȹ͟ǚ뻭ȂħƲĂċĉ ĝƢƆ̅᥼Ā˼όπ˩ߙȶ뻔 ďćĕԮᬮĂşƥٗ뻟‫֒ۈڄ‬ ĀĠŭᇨƤოโ۷ϵŀć਽ăƢŰ ƥĪ뻟ĂƧ‫ޥ‬ϰŞ༡ǗˣŴյĐ뺯 ‫֧ͥ֒ۈڄ‬ăʐķġĀ‫ͽٱ‬뻟ҶƄ ăҤŞœǃ뺯โ۷ȕƸăĸ뻟ďć ljȕĐĎȫ଼Ŵ뻭qĉĀҤǼ뻟Ą ĘੈĀũ˨뻔Ȇĉ޿ƋƄॸĴ뻟Ę ੈࢢƂĝĩ뻔rń૸ɑ‫֒ۈڄ‬ė͵ Ĝ뻟źᆑ̅ȉĜƤħ̅᥼ͳᄁ뺯

ˤʌ뻟Ȇ‫֒ۈڄ‬ԨĂǩƕɳ뺮 ƕ᧙ȌƢˤƂ뻟ģΪԸ˰ƆȮſŚ ͖ƫĎ뺯ŴĶĝĄភࡄĀ‫׼‬Ⴚಿ뻟 Ӛ‫ڱ‬ęŝǜķħ̅᥼̂Ęੈֶ‫ܭ‬뺯 ᄁгĿŶ뻟‫֒ۈڄ‬ğėƕ᧙৻ƔҔ ؐĀĕĂ࢕뻟ͣɩƗƛ뺯ďćŦĂ Ռ뻟ŴĪąĂċјǭ뻭ᛥܼĕʞĘ ੈŬĩ‫ܭ‬Čʌ௱ƕ뻟āШNjǽ‫ڡ‬Ⱥ Ŵඐ͵Ʊృ뻟Ď࠱Ʊǂ໔ᜠ‫׼‬Ⴚ뻔 Ȇ‫֒ۈڄ‬ȉƖƖĎėˢҔ‫ۈ‬ ཭ࠧࣙĜŶĀƪ̡뻟̅᥼Āǂ‫ֶܭ‬ ŀʙƢŴĶĂċĐęĀČϥʜ뻭̅ ᥼Ǣǁ࢑ͼ߭ٛʿ뻔ƑČĀƂˈ᩸ Ʀψ뻭̅᥼ćֶԻƀˈɩ‫ܭ‬ਐУ˗ ċĠʃŶ뻟ͥǘ਼̦‫ݎ‬Ş֗ҫŜԻ ʧ뻔‫֒ۈڄ‬ŬĄǛŜʬʌ뻔ؓƔĕ ƪŭĎ뻟̅᥼ƲĐĴՌĝ̀đƽǻ ̞ŏ̖̑ĀಝҘ뻟ħĀĄ̝֕୞ࠃ Āѱ‫ٽ‬ыɩ΀̜Ā˼Ҵ뻟ȚŮđī Ř֗ҫ뺮ːȫ뻟ĕĂࣼžăϔΚă īƇĭ뻔 ̅᥼ħąƫᇌǂয়ȉъՎĿȬ Āĉ뻟ǢćņŭւʃɘɍŚęପփ ֶƓͷ뻟ЏʬȝĎīŘ˖Ӫę۶뻟 દ̦ॼĉ뻔

ȆĴȴȥČƤĀĕ஁Ƹ뻟‫ۈڄ‬ ֒ĀķࠢĴīėࣹǽȉȫ଼뺯ŴĢ ƢȥƽƄĩħƺ뻟ķĞܼĕșĘŬ ĈĂʞ̦ĩ‫ܭ‬സŴĀķ೫ɲ‫׸‬뻟Ƅ ΡƧ̜ĝШNjǽƋĂᆿ뺯ƦŴƕɳ 뻛̣̅᥼Āʉ뻜ģȪФШNjɈɈ뺯

ĢȮĎėˢҔ‫ࣙࠧ཭ۈ‬Ĝψ Ǝ뻟‫֒ۈڄ‬ȉƖƖƲǂūĝɧμă ϑŞĘ͵Ĝ੡߯ǂ뺯ǙȮ‫֒ۈڄ‬Ď ė͵ĜψƎ뻟ʼnԱࣗŞ뻟ʭķĂũ ˨ďĈđȠƱǂ໔ᜠ‫׼‬ႺĀՠˋ뻟 ūŔĂĐĐĿņ뻟‫֒ۈڄ‬ȉƖƖऑ ऑΞԺė峭ďĄŬ̦뻟࣬ŏ̅᥼ī ֶ‫ܭ‬ĀƂɫ뻟ŴĶʤǻǁ֒ą峭Ā Աࣗȉęĩ뻟Ɇԥė峭ĀƱǰȉྂ ı뻟ƧƎ‫֒ۈڄ‬ŢǂĀƱķɿĎɿ ұǭ뻟Ŗͥ뻟ŴȉƖƖćņŭĀ૗ ඄Άˈɩą૗Ҁ̈́뻟࠱ɍ͵Ĝ뺯ϝ ǡŴĶƲǂūńćโ۷‫ॲ܌‬Ā‫޵ڈ‬ ĪĘ૗ǁΊ뻟ħĀĄđƑͣɍŞĎ ΞԺĕʞၠ‫ݡ‬ŴĶƽŝĀǂ뺯

ʪưćโ۷ĀɭʠĪ뻟‫ۈڄ‬ ֒ȉƖƖĎėąˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬뺯Ȇო ୀͫᆑ̅īƢˤƂ뻟ljĂĴǎď͖ ėֶԻȀ֕ԇӮʌħ̅᥼ᄁг뺯Ŷ ĎƣĠơėֶԻħȬྲྀ̂Ęੈīֶ ‫ܭ‬뺯ოᆑ̅ȉֆʻէ̙Ɔģӊŝਲ਼ ‫֒ۈڄ‬뻟ħŴĶ‫ޚ‬ŜŬࡄĀȱ‫ؙ‬ȉ ϗԭĀͳᄁ뺯ĠʞˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬ĀĜ Ƥģ‫ހ‬φėֶԻ੦ਲ਼ȉᄁг뺯

ŖŶ뻟‫֒ۈڄ‬ύᅇŞƗ̳ୀ ęƽĩĀĘੈါŴʌ௱ƕljȕơŀ Є뺯ȬؓDŽĿǧᘓ௨ୌ뻟˂ăЂ଻ Ҵ뻟ঞĻŘĈȶĥǞĎĀƯĜ뻟ǃ ɩǂ໔ᜠƄਬƄҤĀ৩য়যı뻔ǜ ĴŴģŬࡄŞƗ̳ˢҔ‫ࠧ཭ۈ‬Āᆑ ͠ȉ۶‫ܓ‬ॉуӧ뻟ćŴĶౢɍਮȧ Ĵ뻟ƈୟϿĠĀıȉȱ‫ؙ‬뺯દೣ࠱ ǂ뻔



ƜΆճ੟ŏȶŀȉЏ ʬ뻟 ŭ ʃ ū뻟ҫ ƜΆĀǡƪċ̈́߯뻟āƗ ƴʼnă‫˖ٵ‬뻟‫ۃت‬ăĄʼn؋ઁ뺯Ȃ ħĠŭĀᒭችԇ뻟Ĉĕƞग़‫ޕ‬ģă ĄĂơƪơą뻟ƴī૧ȏ૧ཾďĻ ‫ٵ‬મăҒ뻟ȚėąĪϡŨĪΊĀĴ ȊďɿఆƄƺ뻟ᏉͰǫņąႊǨ뺯 ėႊǨ뻟ֶŀĂ˪҈Ęħā ฉ͔‫ܭ‬ਐ뻟Ă˪Ͱߤ‫ݡ‬ǫ뺯ŦĴ뻟 āʼnŨď̦ՠăʓ뺯Ɨ̳ǂ뻟ߤ‫ݡ‬ ǫĎīȢӍĴ뻟āćŦĭĂूǎʓ ՝Ĵ뻟ŮʥīĂċԡǚĀࣈĿ뻭Ă ˚‫֕ݡ‬ĉ˴Āӫ጖뻟ŠќʄġĀ˗ ċϹq໔ᜠ‫ݡ‬ār뺯Ǟơ՝Ď뻟Ǣ ǁĄƪĐŶ뺯Ęੈ‫ݡ‬ąā뻟āؓƔ DŽĿǧᘓ௨ୌ뻟ȚĈǂǜć뻟峭Ā ᛶ뻟峭Ā᠌ĝȫ଼ā뻮āć峭য়۬ ġȶŀ뻟ȶĥȌī峭॓ါĀĂˍ ǯ뺮Ăʳ‫ڭ‬ƜĀŀЄ뺯 ƫ‫ٴ‬ȆĐ቞Ȑāƻ̐ɍȀ֕ ԇӮ؇‫ݡ‬Ĵ뻟ǯϯǢǁȱ঺뻟đӷ ߤ૜ϯ؇‫ݡ‬뺯ćߤ‫ݡ‬ʿǎ뻟᠘য়ࠧ ĀఐЊŬᆑ̅ŠϿĠ‫ܓ‬ॉуӧȮͨ ƶŨю͖ėֶԻ‫޵ڈ‬āĀƕɳ뻟ć ֶԻĀԻŔƀęŝħāमķˋĐ߮ ྲྀ̂ᄁг뺯ǁĿ ċĠŇĴĀӷߤ ؇‫ݡ‬뻟ଓࡇĴœāƕɳƷĻɘĎğ ā뺯ŶĎ뻟Ȭ෗‫ۅ‬ȆĴĀā༁ǻĘ Ī૜ŏͨƞ૜ϯ뻟Ġ̎нய뻟ܳһ Ⴏࢫ뻮Ƌϱ뺮‫ם‬ᗕĝǢǁȻயɡ뻟 ğĘņďɏǧņĂ‫ݎ‬뺯ֶŀĸđ Ġҍ৑ĂƪĐ뻟ᛥܼŜƍ˄şग़뻟 ߭ٛďȀ‫ه‬뻟‫ܓ‬ॉуӧĝࠬķīĂ

ˢħāᄁгėͣ͋ƪžĠƷͨĢƫ ŝ뺯঴Đ̈́߯Đ뻟ƽ᠘য়ࠧĀĜƤ ģǜķʸNjŞ௬Оħāྲྀ̂ᄁг뺯 Ɨ̳ǂ뻟āĶĀĘੈ࿔ȴᄁг뻟ć 峭ŊĈȧŪĀƂ뺯ؓƔȆāस՝Ŀ ĎŶ뻟ɕࠤ˗̡ථƍͣεɡ뻟அƧ œœѨĝĜ‫ۀ‬Ӊ뻟āঞ̎ćǧ୭˪ ՙ뻟ȚĐ߮ęĈྂ‫ٱ‬뻟ੌ֐ĩƺֶ ‫ܭ‬ąā뻮ŖͽХĀĴȊ峭ȉāǜ ć뻟ğܷ̝ࡳ뻟‫ؙ̺‬ć峭‫ؙ‬ƀƈୟ ȫ଼뻟źāȫƔ࿮Ŀ߭ٛʿ뺯؇‫ݡ‬ ઠ֕˗ĐŶ뻟āͥǘʽɍ‫ޏ‬ʙԇ Ӯ뺯 ćԇӮ뻟֕ՂńĈȺŴԇĉ ğȒƲĐĝĈ‫ܓ‬ॉуӧĎ੦ਲ਼ȱ‫ؙ‬ ā뻟ৰČԱɝƆāĄѝƇĭDŽˡ Ā뻲Ȇāƫ٫ĸ뻟ŴĶĝĄ͵ĜĀ ȷƤĴ뻟ŴĶ૮ਧŞ ĸ뻟ĆĶ‫׼‬ႺಿŬĈ ıķŵ뻔ĄĀ뻟ŴĶ ĕ஁ĸƸźāԓĞė ‫ ͡˟៽י‬뻭qĆ ĶܼःˤȠı뻟۶ĉ ȂˤďΞŜĆĶĄā Āɠಿą뺯r

ʤ‫ݧ‬뻟֌ЄɿĎɿǥɘĴ뻟श‫ގ‬Ĝ ƑȀ‫ڗۯ‬ĀĎପϸ뺮ᝤ౗뺮˼Ҵ뺯 ȚƄ̀ാЂ뻟Ęੈࡾ‫ܨ‬뻟峭κğܷ ̝ࡳ뺯 ԱࣗĀƂăŮĂɫ뻟ĘੈĀֶ ‫ܭ‬ɸ‫ٯ‬āĀĞճ뻟峭ͣƢāЂͽ뻟 ćāȥƽʓ՝Ŷ뻟峭աƔኇņąŦ ьƽǻ૜ϯĀͽХʥ‫ٴ‬뻮ńĈʐԻ ʿǎȂħ૜ϯၪ࿪ɩ঩뻟Ƅʒ࿟ၪ θˀ뻟ֶŀĸćϰŶĀĂċʃŮĩ ůૹϯ‫ۃ‬ȹθ뻟‫ؼ‬оĂᛕėǯϯď ʼn߭ٛ뻟ȚԱࣗĀ‫ݡ‬ǂါāƱķ뻟 ŜԻŶĀljƁĐ뻟āďĻҵҵ࿟ၪ ‫ݛ‬θ뻟ŊĈᛕė뻮ƑԱࣗĀĄĠŭ ĀᒭችψƎŊĈǞ߱뻟ɂϙɢ‫ۈ‬뻟 ĘੈůĉNjĞăėĀƶКĎֶ‫ܭ‬ ā뺯

䊜䓳₧㢗Ꭹ䅣喏౔ᖕ‫͙ڤ‬䛹 ⩋喏ҫ᜽ᰠ⌝㏻ࢲ̶ፉ⮰स ౔স⹮⮰ᢸᱯȠ

LJĿǧᘓ௨ୌ뻟 ćয়۬ġȶŀ뻟̹āƑͣǁ֒Ęੈ ĀǜćŠ峭Āࡾ‫ܨ‬뺯峭ćၠ‫ݡ‬Āǜ ĴģϑȻāĀŀЄ뻟ұੰāĀƱ ķ뺯ȂħćɍԻƥǡ뻟āĂˢ‫ܒ‬ ஂ뻟ħƇĭāɿʤ˦ǂ뻟֌Єɿǥ ɘ뻟ǻɆĀԇͽ˂ɿĎɿߙȶ뻟Ę ੈħƇĭăȴāĀᄁг뻲Ļāƍć ĀɆĜĄ뻟ȆȉĘੈĀȱͷɿĎɿ

ĘੈĀয়۬̾ăҤ뻟ǂয়Ā ஝͸Ȥ޸Բ뺯ȢƧࠨձ ǨҶ뻭 qĆĶđ৭৭ǂয়Ā஝͸뻟ϔƢƆ 峭Ąſ‫ړ‬뻟ΫϤ峭ĀĉĈ˟ą뻔r āăȚ৭ėǂয়Ā஝͸뻟āƑđ̙ ੵ峭Āſ‫ړ‬뻟źƑĠĀĉƱϤ峭뻟 īė峭Āয়۬뻔

䊜䓳₧㢗Ꭹ䅣 䊜䓳₧㢗Ꭹ䅣

᜽౔ᖕ‫͙ڤ‬ ᨑࠃጚ 颂恩堂

• 12 • 2017




샂 ࢮႽൠ‫܄‬

ൔᤁͿ౏ ࿗ཱུ

샂 ധ౼მင

쉌 ळᝓ 쉌 位于日本的大阪堺市中华教会 (Sakai Mission ChurchƗ࡬ӲSMC),是 由新加坡卫理公会武吉班让堂宣教 士郑信连牧师(Kathy Tay Sin Lian)于 1995年植堂建立。该教会以‘服事 人群及门徒训练’为教会目标,至 今已撒出无数福音种子,培育出许 多爱主的门徒;同时也为堺市地区 的社会关怀做出积极的贡献,因此 两次得到堺市市长亲自表扬和市级 的社区服务奖(堺市特別功绩団体 表彰)。 此文透过郑信连牧师的眼睛来 看日本这块待收割的庄稼。 쉌 ெవࠈஔᄊ֐‫ܦ‬ ġƓĴʿāďϩȉqнŭ࠱ǂ ৗĜrĀࣙĜ뻛YFC Singapore뻜뻟Ξ ԺėĘੈĀ‫ݡ‬ᕎয়۬뺯 ξĴ뻟ȴ ėqđʵĀଆᲄĠ뻟ǟʕĀĉɺ뻟 ǨŘ뻟ĆĶȋ̂ଆᲄĀǂǙşʕĉ Ŝņʵ峭Āଆᲄ뺯r 뻛Ɩ 뻜뻟 ȆĪďӐՠଣǻǟǂᗛ뺯 qнŭ࠱ǂৗĜrĀ‫ܓ‬ॉу ӧ͵ĜąāƧ̜ćƓҁŠ‫ܡ‬Ɂ̙˟ ͡뻟īŏ‫ڇ‬ĉ࠱ǂŶĀǛ್ᏉŪħ āӐՠк˰ƙǂɠಿĀƛƺ뺯 ŪŭŶ뻟āŠĂʞūǕ‫׼‬Ⴚಿ ‫ܓ‬ॉȠӁʪӱ뻟ŶΏట‫܌‬ǭաūǕ ę᪮뺯ćࡋŚŴ্Āā˄ă‫˱ݠ‬뻟 12 • 2017 •

Ȃ ħ ੈ ҄ ϿĠ‫ړݙ‬Ā ȂħĘੈ٩҄ąϿĠ‫ړݙ‬Ā‫׼‬Ⴚಿ ŪħāĀъՎ뻟˄ũ˨ąćę᪮Ś Ū ٗ ٗ͵ĜĀ˖Ƃ뻟ˢėƻ͵Ĝࢽ৬뻟 ʗ ʗ‫˖ܡ‬Ƃ࠱ūࠝ‫ݠ‬뺯ࡘ҈Β ĀǁNJĂˢǟħā߰͵Āǝ‫ޣ‬ ྯ ྯ뻟պॎŏā͚Ώ໔ᜠ뺯 쉌 쉌 ̃‫݋‬Ꮖʹ ę᪮ⲭ̤ġϾ͵ĜʅϵŘဩ̰ Ȯ ȮġŚƫ࠱ūǕĀࠝ‫ݠ‬ħǂđ΀Ӫ ŠϝԶƦӚӐ뺯ύǘȮŇŀǥćġ Š Śę‫ހ‬뻟ęĠ̾࠱ūࠝ‫֙ݠ‬ƔŘ‫ޏ‬ Ś ʙƸͱġNJǟħ‫ي‬ГŠ੤ॏГ뻟Ă ʙ ũ˨ĝȥƽƄʒાɍϜК͔Š˱Ă ũ ͔ĀūǕ‫ף‬Ɇ뺯ȂħƄʒĸūГ뻟 ͔ ĕȏĉă˱ďˡŠƓІŜƍɝʚ뻟 ĕ ďΪū˩ŀƜĝπ˩‫ܒ‬ȧ뺯ⲭ̤ġ ď Ͼ͵ĜďŘ͎ࣂŀƜৗՎͱūNJջ Ͼ ཥ˖ӪDžƶКˈਝĕȏࠝ‫ݠ‬뻟ȉŴ ཥ Ķ ĶӚӐƤČȱͷŶ뻟ɭʠŴĶΞԺ ໔ᜠ˄ˈɩ‫׼‬Ⴚ͵Ʊృ뺯ˤʌ뻟Ŵ ໔ ĶȆġĈȏĉʅǕďĄ‫׼‬Ⴚಿ뻟ਗ਼ Ķ ̜ ̜ƄʒȴΓūГͱӅГ뻟ģŊĈѩ ʒȮūǕ͵ĜͱȆĴďԪćĀӅГ ʒ Śٗ͵ĜīėҒȆĀ͒֌௦ѷ뺯ĕ Ś Ĵ뻟ŘġNJǟħ੤ॏГĀⲭ̤ġϾ Ĵ ͵ĜģȗǨȆƔĀŪħąŴĶࣙ‫מ‬ ͵ ˄īėᆑѷĀŞƶ뺯 ˄ ȉˤǜĴ뻟ȂħɆ৑ė࠱ū ࠝ‫ݠ‬ĶǚŢГҶච༆Āോ೻뻟āј ࠝ ǭŪӐĂǨ̖ȍħⲭ̤࠱ūࠝ‫ݠ‬ ˖ӪĀⲭ̤ūГ‫ף‬뻛Sakai Japanese ˖

Language Club뻜Ā‫ף‬ҡГҶƓҁ뻟 L źŴĶĻŘĈƯĜƓІūГ뺯Ȯũ ź ˨˱଍༤҈뻟ŘĢŹĝă‫ٺ‬િĀġ ˨ NJǟħ੤ॏГ뻟͵౷Ʋ̡ĂࠧĀū NJ Гӛ뻟ˢėƧƎĀⲭ̤ūГ‫ף‬ǢŪ Г ħƲ̡ͅū뻛ɪʿĂψͅ뻜‫ י‬ĉ ħ Ā‫ػ‬ӪūГ͵̅Āę‫ܪ‬٣‫ף‬ҡūГ Ā Ɠҁ뺯ĕċūГ‫פף‬ąъՎϿϿĠ Ɠ ĠĀ࠱ūࠝ‫ݠ‬ાɍŀƜƥʌ뻟ģъ Ġ Վą ċȮăǜŚŝĎėⲭ̤΋Ɠ Վ ĀෘХңƓŀȥŪŴĶĀ΋Ɠ̀뺯 Ā ܼĄǷĈƯĜėⲭ̤ӄɯͱңƓ뻟 ܼ DZ‫׋‬Ďⲭ̤ūГ‫ף‬뻟ɆԥƲƪŇ Ĵ ūʻĀūГӛԙ뻟˄ćƓІ Ĵ ĀǜĴˋĢŹĀƳ̅ŠǜƓĶ̙˟ Ā ͡뻔ȠƱŦȝĜŪħǷĂŀġƄȤ ͡ ‫ۣܤ‬Āǁ֒뺯 ‫ܤ‬ ̡ǎ뻟ⲭ̤ġϾ͵Ĝģϗԭϩ ȉūǕĀҁԽƂʕ뺯Ȯő‫ح‬ৗՎϿ ȉ ĠʌŚęƓŀҒˆūǕĀŀƜ˄ɭ Ġ ʠϿĠʌŚңƓŀ뻟ƧġŚ뺮ૈझ ʠ ਓ뻟क़Ś뺮‫ש‬ŚŠȀ΄ęƓŀˈɩ ਓ ໔ᜠŪħŴĶċĉĀ‫ݡ‬ǂ뻟ėƧƎ ໔ ʗͩǘūǕĉęƓŀĀ˟͡ʕǟ뻟 ʗ ⲭ̤ġϾ͵ĜĀᆑ͠Š߰͵ՂĶǢ ⲭ ǁ‫ޚ‬Ŝą ŭĀķӉŠ‫ר‬ƺ뺯ʙĿ ǁ ૗ȔĜ߰͵ՂӚӐĀPooleęƓƲ̡ ૗ ͅĀϡԑзǁŇ‫غ‬Ƃʕ뻟͎ࣂϡԑ ͅ ŠƓІӅNJƯĜ뻟ȉƓŀĶӚӐƤ Š ഇ˄̙˟̙͡ƈŴĶ뺯ψƎ뻟ǢĈ ഇ ϿĠPooleęƓĀƓŀī‫˄ݡ‬Ūħ˟ Ͽ ͡Ā̙ܺĉ뺯 ͡

η२Ѭ̚ ˤʌ뻟ⲭ̤ġϾ͵Ĝģ‫ˆژ‬ ӍԜ֎ę᪮‫֌ݡ‬ĜࢰĀ‫ى‬ƤƂʕ뺯 ‫פ‬ąħ‫ى‬ƤĶ͎ࣂ͒֌ภθ뻟ħŴ Ķֶ‫ܭ‬ᄁг뻟ģăĴ້ଣ˄ʤĢ٩ ҄Ȑԑ뻟௦ѷ̾΃ʞŘĘĀ‫ى‬ƤĶ ̀đ뺯Ȃħ૗ǁĀ͵֢ĄqܼĄ‫ܓ‬ ॉͱĄуӧŊĈ΂˖Ͻ뻟ƣ݀ɺū ůĀߺθ뻟ĆĶȋġĈĉŢŴĶ ĸ뻭oːːȫȫŞņť뻔ШĆĶϽ ī‫و‬뺮Ɛīࣳ뻔p˃ăƈŴĶǻɆ Ǩ̀đĀ뻟ĕĈƇĭॼ̎ʝ뻲Ʊృ

ϔϙŠ‫˭ݺ‬Ļ۞뻟SMHćŊĈҽ߰ӿ ϔ ɍʐĴ뻟ģĻŘǟħĂ‫ݎ‬ΧࡰŜಶ ɍ ƈ ƈĎūǕӄɯͱǟҽʿNJ͔ɆԥĀ ͵Ĝ‫ܓ‬ॉဟӧ̹ů뺯ԛՅŠΉՅĄ ͵ Ďę᪮ӄɯĀŖ‫މ‬Ĵʿ뻟DZ‫׋‬Ďę Ď ᪮ӄɯĀ‫ܓ‬ॉуӧɍʐSMH뺯SMHĀ ᪮ ǨĈʵɍȝǟħⲭ̤ġϾ͵ĜĀ˟ Ǩ ͡Ƃʕů़뺯 ͡ 쉌 쉌 ̃‫݋‬ᄊ્੍ ūǕ‫ף‬Ɇ˄ăDZ‫׋‬ҡʭĈࣙĜ

大阪堺市教会 ģĄĕƟ뻟ܼŊĈDŽħĄǧĀ뺯r 뻛‫ ݔ‬뻜ćĕƀ뻟‫ף‬Ĝ˟֙͡ ƔĈʼnęĀ̀đ뺯 ‫פ‬ąŘĘƂʕ뻟ⲭ̤ġϾ͵ Ĝģ̬‫ؽ‬ąĂŝǩħⲭ̤߰͵৞ 뻛Sakai Mission House뻟Һ؆SMH뻜Ā Χࡰ뺯ΧࡰʅĄħҽ߰ӿʐࡰƦ Ӛ뻟ĻŘ̗ગ ψ ĉ뺯ύǘʞٝ

ͱϿĠπʐϢɘŜ‫ף‬ҡͱę֞뻟Ǩ ͱ Ř‫׼‬ႺಿĀŝ४ࣙĜʼnăɩDZ‫׋‬뺯 Ř ūǕ͒བ̦ΡŚŝ뺯Ă‫ݎ‬ū

Ǖ ǕĉŜŀŶ뻟ć̦Ɔ͵ࠧʠɩ͟ʃ ՗ ՗˟̈́뻟ӱ̈́‫ק‬ć‫׼‬Ⴚ͵ࠧ‫ڏ‬DŽ뻟 ǧ ǧą˂೷ዑćऊᅅĀ֌ʞ뺯‫׼‬Ⴚ͵ oћĂŬ̦pĀȗΡʼnȧĸ˖ūǕ ĉˈɩ뺯 ĉ ȉĂċūǕĉӚӐƤഇ̀đ ഺ͗ʼnǥĀĴǎ뻟Ă‫ݎ‬ĄŘŭħ˱ ഺ ʞʹΚĀ뻟ǨŘ̀đęʔĀखķŠ ʞ ΫѺ뺯ćāĀӅГӛࠧĘ뻟ďĈĂ Ϋ ʞऊ͵‫ऺڲ‬뻟āӊǁɓą ŭĀĴ ʞ ǎɭʠȬƱǂ뺯јՠŶ뻟ȬȆƯӐ ‫ג‬ଏҎŝƀĀऊ೔Ș̌ɏ뻟ɩҀ࠱ ‫ג‬ ɍ‫׼‬Ⴚ뺯Ɓŭǡ뻟ĕʞƕՂĀϵŀ ɍ ࡥͥǡ뻟ģˈɩ໔ᜠŪħŴċĉĀ ‫ݡ‬ǂ뻟īŘȫʜǂ‫ؙ‬뺯ƧƎ뻟ĕʞ ‫ݡ‬ ƕ ƕՂʐćĂǎ૗ȔĜĀƳĉԻ뻟Ʋ ūĝīė͒֌௦ѷ뻟Ǜǒ͟ӖŞŀ Ɯ뺯Ԩʌ뻟ȉūǕĉȠ̎ńđ̖ȍ Ɯ ͩNjŴĶNJ͔ĘĀ૚૶Šά̰Ƭʇ ͩ Ā̈́Ά뺯 qJapan, ‘Land of the RISING SSUN’ but where the ‘RISEN SON’is still u n k n o w n rؓƔūǕĄōǩĀࢫ ‫ע‬뻟Ț߰͵ՂĶĝͣƱĘੈģǜƟ ‫ע‬ ıūǕĉ뻟ć峭ƄǨăĩ뻔 ı

• 12 • 2017


14 ࣲ͘ำү

샂 ཱིቍ ৡ

лՕಱ ൔ

‫ٺ‬ཡ ๗߽Ӑ֬

샂 ಱᆎᯡ





ė ŭqࠧĜƂʕǜ ʕࡲէĜrĀζǩȪĴ뻟 āķġĈĂԟԟĀगʪ뻟 Ȃħđćŝ४ŠࠧĜ˖Ƃ୒ԸĀĴ Ռ뻟̖Ş։Ŝ ĐĴǎ뻛 ʃ ūψ ʃ ū뻜Аǥ़ǫņ҈ԣ঱ϩȀ ĂċʼnȧĂĪŔďĸŜNj‫ػ‬Āࡲէ Ĝ뻟ĕĄगʪĀǨć뺯ŶĎćǂȗ ᆑ̅Ā௶ਇĪďζąǩ뺯āďĕƟ ɭŏĂǦୈƔĀķŰ뻟ϩȀąƎŭ ĀࠧĜƂʕǜʕࡲէĜ뺯ؓƔƥǡ ӊϩȀĿ뻟ȚƎŭĀࡲէĜ˂ćŊ Ĉʿαġ뻟źāʵȌĂǒ뺮ĂȒ뺮 Ădž뺯

ʷ˭ὉՉᄊঌ˭ Ă͎ėƐ뻟āȠƱϩȀĕơ ࡲէĜĀǜʕĶĝʼnȧƆŜĪ᪥Ā ЌѠĈƇĭǁ۬ſθ뺯Ⱥǰ뻟āĶ Ī᪥ĀЌѠŊĈ͎ࣂȢԑ뻟ďΪɋ ԑģŮĄჩ˓࿴ʸ뺯ŦāĀƐƥǒ ƣȮ̜Ďʝ뻲ƐƥǒĄȮƐĀ֜К ƦĎ뺯ύǘāĶĪ᪥ĀЌѠѳ҄Һ ᑇ뻟ࡲէĜ຦ࢽďĞƶѳʒ뻟œԜ ƈƲʞϩȀ͠Ăȏԑ͗뻟ŘŇ‫غ‬ħ ˱ʞĂőėЌѠʌǚůԑ뺯ǨĈŇ ‫غ‬Ū˴ďćĕƟĀĿԙŠ༃‫׈‬ġ뻟 Ɛīǒ؉؉뻔খ‫أ‬ƐϖďĄđũ ˍ뻟ˍǙũą뻟ķģď̗ͲǙũ뺯 ĕƞƐĀ֜К뻟ਇɘąःˤǎĀą ̛ŠƱ΀뻟ćăǁNjĀœǃ௝ʙĿ ԙġďƑ‫ׅ‬ŬࡄŠ዆ũ뺯 12 • 2017 •

ʷ᜹Ὁᄺ᜹ட˔ஔ͘ᄊܸ‫ڏ‬ႇ ʷ ǜʕĶćū˩ĀᆑĜ뻟ʙ˩ ŮğėĢŹĀƂʕŠࠧĜĀ̀̂뻮 Ů ĻĄĕơĀࡲէĜ˂dzāĀ˸࢝Ә Ļ ėƑęĀԡǚuuĥȀะ‫ې‬ȗȔĜ ė ͵Ĝ뻛ͱϾĉŭ‫ڱ‬Ĝ뻜뺯ʥīćā ͵ ĶœǃᆑĜġǚŢĀ‫Ϳס‬ŠǨ‫ؙ‬Ā Ķ Ɨয়Ĵ뻟ȂħĄύāϘϵşҶ뻟Ɨ Ɨ Ҷƀ͎ėŭĜ৬ĎąʼnČĀǂȗᆑ Ҷ ̅뻟āĶђċ֣ӿĀǯ༃ĝăĂƟ ̅ ą뺯ĻĄ‫ھ‬ėԨĂʞǜʕœǃĴ˂ ĸ뻟ŊĈʸҒĀᆑ̅ŢȬĶĀ˖ ƂĄĂċʼnęĀ‫Ϳס‬뻟˄‫ؼ‬ńĸ뻭 Ƃ qɏāĶĕȏŇࠧĜăĻĩɑėĆ ࠧĜĀĕȏᆑ̅r뺯ȆĪȴ௘뻟ā ࠧ ķġŮƴͅ͸‫ॄކ‬뻟ĂĴƄķƥ ˫ ˫뻟աƔĄdzĢŹĀƗয়뺮ŨǒӚ Ӑ ӐćĂȏǜʕͱࠧĜĀqͽХrƥ Ę Ę뺯Ȭĕ஁ƸஅƧȆǼգϬ뻟dzā Ā˸͎࢝΋ėƑęĀԡǚuuāĶ Ā ˆ˽ŘђɆ͵ĜĀ˸ԴĎğαɝ ʚ뻟ăĻ˱ŘċȍࠧĜ뻛ᆑҡ뻜Ā ʚ ሴጰԴʇĎՄ̑ĢŹğαƂŰĀ˸ ሴ ࢝뺯ĕĂȒźāŢ‫׼‬Ⴚ͵ĜĀęʏ ࢝ ԡĈƑͣՌĀΞԺ뺯 ԡ

ʷ ʷ௚Ὁ௚ᄇ۶̃͘ࢺՏࢺᄊᝈ ᓤ Ȁɍ‫ې‬ȗȔĜ뻟ĄćŊĈī ė ėĉʓࡼĀŢāĸdžqࠧĜƂʕǜ ʕrĕǻΎĀǭ‫ػ‬뻟ďɘɍąƍ ćࠧĜĀ˖Ƃ뺯ć˖ƂĀǴŭƀ뻟 ć

सਣฝ 盛港堂

ş şƍ͵ĜĀNJ͔ǁ˩ȉĢŹȆ‫ح‬ɘ ɍ̦ƓԻփƆྃĴĀ‫ت‬ແ뻟ӍƳ̅ ɍ ͵ ͵֢āĶˆ˽ĈĀԴɡǭ‫ػ‬ϜϜă ɍ ɍ뻟ĕċɝʚĂˢ༪߫ćāķġ뻟 ‫ۍ‬ĉ̛͗뻟ƗėƄॸff뺯ƔƦć ‫ۍ‬ ĕ ĕơࡲէĜ뻟ఐၑƺĜǥաƔƈā Ķ Ķȫ͂Ăċ͎ɝĀĴь뺯ǜʕĶɝ ąʼnĠȱǘࠧĜƂʕǜʕĀɝʚ뻟 ą ǁĜǥွʓࡢžƥŶāƷᇽƔę ஌ ஌뻟qࠧĜƂʕǜʕrĕċԴɡ뻟 Ⱥǭ‫˄ػ‬ŊĈᤡdžćʒ‫ܪ‬ƀ뺯Ĝǥ Ⱥ ɘĂϳჩॎࠧĜƂʕǜʕৗՎᆑ ̅ ̅뻟ःˤԜ֎뺯ƥǡăŮāગࠀ뻟 ďΪĂˢćĕċqࠧĜƂʕǜʕr ď ၁ ၁ʞ˖ƂąǴʈŭĀƳǜʕĶĝă ৰą̛뻟ĕĪ༡ԁȒū뻟Ꭻ௹ࠢ ũ뻟ਇ̹āĶƑĈвĀćࠧĜƀ˖ ũ Ƃ Ƃ뻟ǜĴģᘐ‫פ‬ąĂȏăʸ‫ٯ‬ĕԴ ɡ ɡĀʿα뺯 āͣƱćĕơࡲէĜƀʵȌĀ Ɓ ƁΎ‫ד‬Ǜ뻭Ăǒ뺮ĂȒ뺮Ădž뻟ȝ Ĝ ĜĄāĶĕċă‫ג‬ᐬ‫ۅ‬໔ᜠтƂĀ ‫׻‬ɆĀࡓʵƥӄ뻟ģĜćϰŶū˩ ‫׻‬ Ā Ā˖Ƃġ뻟ă‫ג‬dzĕࡓʵƜŀŀӲ ྙ ྙŜĎ뺯 ȢƧĕơࡲէĜǂʚ뻭qͣ ıԓͷr뻟āĶŬĀǁ֒ąĕΎć ı ‫׼‬ ‫׼‬ႺƀŀЄĀԓͷ뻟˄ШNjdzĕͣ ı ıĀԓͷ੣ಪėƂ້Ā᥇ɁĘ뻟ş ၛ뺮ũɓ뺮ʪư뻟ȝદೣ࠱ƈĐ߮ ၛ Ę Ęੈ뺯


౏䄊㞮⮰ᘻ͵ ૗

඄ΆćƍͳĉĀķϝġ뻟 Ąċπ˩ȶđĀūŔ뻟ਯ ȺćĥȀะ뻟૗඄ΆĄę ŝȶ˸ĀΆū뺯ĉĶȶ˸̋뻟ʅȂ ʼnĠ뻟ਯȺĄŀNjĉ뻟dz૗඄ΆȆ ŪĄŴĶq̂܏ɘɲ뻟ę‫˗ڳ‬ƶq ĀƯĜ뺯ȂħːĴ뻟ŀNjȧƙ뻟ŀ NjĉĿĀĻĩĄὃ֪ĀŀƜ뻟Ă஽ ૗඄ΆĎࡥ뻟ŴĶϔĻęੌ࿀‫ם‬뻟 ੿̋Ă‫ݓ‬뺯 ŢƓŀŠŭΜĉƦҶ뻟૗඄ ΆĄŴĶǃɩŠDZǒĀūŔ뺯Ĉī Ɛ뻟Ĉīʂ뻟ĈҌʿĻǃɩ뻟ɽĄ π˩ȧī뺯 ĻĄ뻟૗඄ΆŬȢĀNj‫ػ‬ĄƇ ĭʝ뻲ʼnɺĉņȗĜ̋뻟ͱ͠ŴĶ ֮ǕăƢƆ̋ĀĎ֒뺯ďϯ̋ĄƇ ĭNj‫ػ‬ť뻔ŮđĈĀƐ뻟ĈĀʂ뻟 ĈĀǃɩďDŽą뺯Ⱥǰ뻟ĕƞĞʒ ĄǸࡁĀ뺯 ૗඄ΆĄȂʥЯȉ٥՗໔ᜠĀ

඄ŀƦǭĪĀūŔ뺯 ඄ ໔ᜠĈıķ뻟Ĉɶ᪈뻟ĩ̞ ̗뻟ĩੌۭ뻟ǨŘҥīоĉķ뺯 ̗ ໔ᜠĀıķ뻟Ąűę̉ͣĀ ı뺯峭ăȚıĢŹ뻟ı峭Āŝĉ뻟 ı ģı‫ޏ‬șę۶뻟ăœֲۣෘફ뺯ć ģ 峭ɕƀ뻟Ћֲ᳐ሬ뻟ӣફĉՂ뻟ĝ 峭 Ҳīņı뻟ĝĩīė峭Āı뻟ৰψ Ҳ ΪȆĴʌᅨĉĀᇚॲ뻟峭ģŠȬĶ Ϊ ǙιƆ뻟ȱ‫ؙ‬ȬĶ뺯 Ǚ ໔ᜠĄƽĩĀ̦뺯ࢢĉǨăĩ Ā Ā뻟峭ĝĩ뺯峭Γĉķ뻟峭ą̛ĉ ķ ķ뻟峭ĩƗĉ뻟ģĩֶ‫ܭ‬ĉ뺯ࢢ༰ ɕ ɕĀ뺮ǻɆण݀Ā뺮ǻĘǥŏęఏ ᑭĀ뻟ৰψĄǔǔǧņĀĉ뻟峭ĝ ᑭ ĩ ĩֶ‫ܭ‬ŴĶ뻟dzŴĶ‫ܭ‬Č뻟̹ŴĶ ő őǧƫŀ뻟ĕŬĄƖԱࣗą뻔 ໔ᜠĩ̞̗뺯峭ĩ̞̗Š৽ Ţ Ţ峭Āĉ뺯峭ӊĸ뻟ĈĉǙĆĀ‫ޣ‬ ӫ ӫ뻟ΪԨĂ˪ģʽĿņύŴǙ뺯ĕ Ą̜DžĀ̞̗Š࠻ęŵ뻔峭ģđ

ౄथ 武吉班让堂

āĶıāĶĀ๜ۭ뻟̞ಗāĶĀ৽ ā ĉ ĉ뺯ĕƞʄ་ƥʔ뻟ŬĄȧī뺯 ໔ᜠĩੌۭ뺯峭ৰψdzĢŹĀ ŀЄģᄡდą뻟īėоĉŢ峭Ā࠱ ŀ ķ뺯 ķ ໔ᜠĄĐĘĀම‫׉‬뻟АćĘੈ Ā‫˪ޣ‬뻟ĻĄ峭˂ШNjൿų뻟ƆŪ Ā ѡǻ뻟ܱėĉǎĎ뻟ħΧ̛‫ܒ‬뻟ħ Χ࢑ৃ뻟ܺࠬৃDŽ뻟ᄡდĢŹ뺯 Χ ໔ᜠ඄ŀƥū뻟ĐĪĉĝ݁ Я Я峭뻟ԉĂūħ૗඄ū뻟Ŷșĉĝ ๹ ๹ů뻟ǘĄŪħ֒ͳ‫ޏ‬Đǜ٥ĀΆ ū뺯 ƲȆ૗඄ΆĎࡥ뻟ʼnĠ͵Ĝĝ Ĉ Ĉζ‫֣͡މ‬ӿėΧǎͨ̎ņ̙ζ໔ ᜠ ᜠ඄ŀĀČϥʜ뺯ΆūĎࡥ뻟șș Ƨ Ƨˤ뻟Nj‫ػ‬ȶę뺯ШĐĪĉĝĩdž ɃĕΆūĀŬȢNj‫ػ‬뻟˄‫ˈ׋‬ĕʞ Đ ĐŚම‫׉‬ėŴĶķġաʐ뺯Ƨˤ뻟 Śक़Χȫ뻟ːȫǛǒĀŀƜκƔĎ ࡥ뺯 ࡥ



ϿĠ૗඄тƂġ뻟૊ٕٞ क़ϷĀĕċтƂԭħō ǩ뺯ŴಾŏĂċ૗඄Ā ̀뻟ĎȪdž‫׼‬ႺĀıȉۭŹħĉĀ ̦̉뺯 ΃৕ŭǡĀĂċɃɡ૗඄͋뻟 ćʒŚ҈‫ظ‬ΝĂċӟѠƀ뻟ਬӟᘷ ҈ࣼĂķĂNjĀĞȒ໔ᜠ뺯ŴķĞ ҌܼƎ͋໔ᜠďŀć҈‫ظ‬Ν뻟ŴĂ ǭđȝǢǁƙČĀَ̉Ňѱӟ̐ƈ ໔ᜠƙ̈́ˀ뺯ĞŏĞŏďǠŏą뻟 ćఁᐺġĈ̲͡ͰŴ뻭q҈ࣼ뻟҈ ࣼ뻟āďĄĆĞȒĀ໔ᜠ뻟āƢƆ ĆʼnĞȒā뻟ȂˤādžĐđǁĿĆ ĀӟѠ뻟ĆĂǭĜȒėāĀ뺯r

ljȕĐĄ૗඄Ά뻟Ăęɋ҈ ࣼďőĎą뻟Ѥ҄ˈα໔ᜠ뺯ŴȮ ‫ˍܣ‬ʬŜņ뻟˂ŮğȒĂċƳʓƆ ‫܌‬뻟Ƌဩైᳶ뻟ഐīͤǧ뺯҈͖ࣼ ӷ‫تܦ‬ŴɘĎ뻟źŴाΖ뻟ńƈŴ ɶऋॡϬ뺯ʓƆ‫܌‬Ɨպࡋ˩뺯҈ࣼ Džėąġϡ뻟ńăȒ໔ᜠ뻟ȢČˤ Ĵ‫ܣ‬ʌLJĿĂċਬᇚॲ뻟ӺŏĂċ Ňˏ뻟ॲĉୠࠃ뻟ǚɡ௉Ƀ뻟ˏŔ Āӫģഐīʙε뺯҈ࣼӐ̣ȝȬĶ ɭɘ৞ƀ뻟ƈȬĶߺθ뻟ƣഉ̐΂ ˖뺯ȒˏŔ࿁‫ם‬εఏ뻟ďȝŦˊ̉ َĀŇѱӟ̐ƈąˏŔ뺯ėą቞ Ȑ뻟ϢĉĶϵŶLJą뻟҈ࣼঞƔֹ ʬŏ‫ˍܣ‬뻟Džα໔ᜠ뻟ķƀĞŏ뻟

ęખŮĄċ̀ť뻟໔ᜠŊĎ뺯Ȃħ ĂĐĀࣄͮ뻟҈ࣼҵҵĀɘɍą̀ ্뺯कƔ‫ˍܣ‬Ȼīdžб뻟ϗ‫݌‬Āර ඍĘ̆ŜǴċĉĀǚೡ뻟ĈʓƆ ‫܌‬뻟ਬᇚॲŠȬĀŇˏ뺯޵ΏŏŴ ĶʓྤĀǚೡ뻟ĈĂċമྂĀ̲͡ ŢŴĸ뻭qࢢħāĀǩˈαĂċɏ ĕŇˏŔĀ뻟ďĄˈαā뺯Ȃħā ‫ۑ‬ą뻟ĆƈāƐ뻮āఒą뻟Ćƈā Ϭ뻮āƙϢӄ뻟Ćңāʐ뺯āǰć г‫׳‬Ć뻟ĕȏƂĆ‫ޥ‬ǟćāĕ‫ܓ‬ॉ ġĂċŖŇĀǻĘ뻟ďĄǟćāǻ Ęą뺯r҈ࣼȴąƬ‫׀‬ăǢ뻟Ŵę Ͱ뻭qǂŵ뻔ưŬĄĆ뻔r ƓЮ໚ಃሸû‫ݡ‬ບཱུჺüᄝᇄƔ • 12 • 2017



ኄ ࡓᝬ͘ઑ᥋ 쉌 न࣫ᇪఐ‫ڙ‬ᯀᇪ ᠘৔뺮੡߯뺮߰փĘੈƸГι ࢚ŏϾĉŭ‫ڱ‬ĜǨĈᆑ͠뺮ࠧĜͳ ȪŠĜƤդǜĀķ̲uu‫ ˈ׋‬ ŭ ʃ ūψ ūǘ˟֌ࠧ‫ڏ‬DŽĀ lj ઴Ͼĉŭ‫ڱ‬Ĝ‫ڱ‬Ĝ뺯ͨࠧमࣙ դǃƂʕ뻟ǜՇШբ뻟मķፗॸ뻟 Ϥ୲ǂয়뻟ǡ៣λĎ뺯 ljĂơǂ̰‫ڱ‬ĜĀĜǥఐၑƺ ᆑ̅ǘ ʃ ūĀũ࢕̈́‫ڇ‬ů҈ Ɩ˟͡ 뻟Řqę̹ЄĀ‫׻‬ Ɇrħʚ͎՝āĶƻ‫ت‬ແĀϘđ̹ ЄďĄ뻟ħǂƙŪ̙˟͡Āʕǟ뺯 ȥŪĕ̹ЄĀĿԙ뻟ķĈॶ᰷ďƧ ʃ݆̕ćَ̞̉̕Āʃ݆૿ƀ뻟Ů ȒϾЊʌȪ뻟˂Ƅ˸ʃ݆Āſ͸ȉ ۚ뺯ƣƧqɮⲀń੶r۬тƀĀࡼ ŚԅĉćຨŚՑ‫੶ܤ‬뻟Ŵdz‫੶ܤ‬ǽ ćĂċůൈɓ뺮ɓ৹ህĿ뻟੶ŔŠ ɲ৿žᇣ뻟ԭȺƬۣĀᘵŔƀ뻟Ĉ ຨŚĉɮąŴĀᘵŔ뻟˂ńƈŴ‫ܤ‬ ੶뺯ĜǥŘˤ˓Ь뻟͵ĜĄħę̹ ЄƦԪć뻟ć̙˟͡ĀĿԙġ뻟ă đȿۭăȆ뻟ۭǕ௢ܲ뺯 Ĝǥ‫ਁڇ‬ė‫ې‬ȗĜం‫ې‬ٞȗă ࠬķ‫ې‬ȗȔĜĀԪ୭뻟ЂĀĄ̋Ā ԪćŮŪĂċǧĀඐ৬뻟ŊĈ͒֌ ĩƺ뻟ಿĈ֜КƦƄǰΙʭ་뺯ʠ চȗȆȶᆑѷ뻟ņėŖ̀đĀĉ‫׻‬ Ȇġ뻟ȝၠ‫˸੽֌ݡ‬ħȶ‫ޡ‬뺯Ŵ͎ ėǴċʃǡӊėġŚŖӣŀмɽҲ ĀۣӆҨ৑뻟ͣͫ࢝ᇗƥ̎‫أ‬ĈŢ ˟͡ƧቇƧఒĀĉ‫׻‬뺯 ŭӅŚ ౼Ɔ‫ې‬ȗඐĀရϜȗƻĘੈ‫ت‬ແ뻟 ०ӖˤǦ‫ע‬Ş뻟ѳӐƓҁ뺮ႊǨ뺮 ‫ۓ‬ɧԇԻ뺮͵‫آ‬ƂˡffŴƻ˸ħ ಋࢮĉġĀಋࢮĉ뺯ǧĴ뻟ಋࢮĉ Ƨˤ̗֜Ŵ뻭qęŝŊȒĿĐŚ뻟 ˄ăƢƆĐŚĄəƟ뺯ȚāĶƢ Ɔ뻟ćရϜȗĀ̡‫׈‬ďĄĐŚ뺯r Ȃˤ뻟ĜǥȶਁāĶĕǴĐćˤĜ ‫ڱ‬ǨƙĀĂО뻟ďĄdzĉɭėĘੈ Āǚǡ뻟ǟ˟͡ĀȒըĉ뺯 ჩॎȥখ뻟Ĝǥ້ƁʞĂɆĘ ੈƥǩ뻟߰Ҙ ઴‫ڱ‬ĜĀũ˨뺯۶ ᆑ͠ŠͳȪमć‫׼‬Ⴚয়۬ġǜʠ૗ ԑ뻟ǜࡳǂĀ͵ᨠ뺯 ƥŶ뻟˚໪ฑĜႺ뺮ƁĂŭ‫ڱ‬ ĜĜǥֆຩદᆑ̅ŠŘ҈ʭϙԢМ ٕŭ‫ڱ‬ĜĜǥ‫ͨݔ‬ᆑ̅ɭĎŴĶĀ ɝȊ뺯ఐၑƺĜǥģॏ௞ȀɍŭĜ Āĥǜʕ뻭ਯкͣᆑ̅뺮̡ୀːᆑ 12 • 2017 •

̅뺮स②ϙᆑ̅뺮ఐᬮ௎̙ƆӍ̜ লญ̙Ɔ뺯 쉌 ᫂͘ᒱឈ᜶ག Ĝǥćˤ઴‫ڱ‬ĜɭŜŴĀШբ ȉ‫Ϳס‬뻭

• ᝺ቡ‫˔پ‬ஔӝᄊరᄳὉ‫ې‬ȗȔĜ ؓĈͨĢĀᆑҡ뻟˂ĄĂċԓͷ ȡĀ͵Ĝ뺯͵ҡǥĈĢŹĀᆑѷ ‫׻‬Ɇ뻟ģ‫ݸ‬ĈԓͷŭĜȉࠧĜĀ ȶ‫ޡ‬뻟тևŇĀ͵ҡĩƑČĀъ

ϯ뻟ĕĂОƄ֜ġ፳ඖąŢ̙˟ ͡ĀȱͩȉΖɶ뺯ࠧĜ̀ħī‫ݡ‬ ĉ̾ĀবӣƗėओছŠ௬О뺯Ʋ ֻƂʕĝđȮ̙˟͡Ā‫ڝ‬ǚŠҨ ʔĎɘDŽ뺯

• ᅌ᧘ߦಣሉᮃሑ‫ڤ‬ὉƓҁĀ˟͡ ᥇ɁĄЙęĀ뻟Ǝŭŭ‫ڱ‬ĜljĂ ơࢽ΀͵ᆑėƲĂǎ‫ې‬ȗƓҁࠬ ΀ҁᆑ뺯ĎŭЏʬĩĈĂҒȆĀ ॸߔȡᅣߑĎȖƛƓҁƂʕ뻟˄ ৬‫׼‬Ⴚ͵Ƃʕĉ˴ėƓҁ뺯

ܸΎ֑ ᄊ

Վ͵ҡǥࢉDŽȺ΀Ӫ뻟˄ਇŪƑ ĠࠧĜǎĀԜ֎뺮ƓІȉŪǥ뺯 ʙĿ͵ҡĀ‫׻ॸ׻‬ƺ뻟ĂőȖƛ ʌ֐˟͡ʕǟ뺯

• ྫྷᏨᄊଢӤˁఞழὉΏŏĥȀะ ͵‫آ‬njːĀ͎΋뻟‫ې‬ȗĜƤȆġ ɩƬͣ͵‫آ‬ĀȤ߁ă‫ޅג‬Ƭ뻟Ǝ ūĀᆑ͠Ǣăĩ˱ϤƁŭ̦Ɠ͵ ‫آ‬Ā҄̕뻟ǚŢǥУ̾ʈŭĀƂ ້뺯ѳӐͷՖȡĀᆑ͠া‫ۋ‬뻟͎ ΋ᆑ͠ĀٌΙόćκDŽ뺯

• ༧᱈४஑ᄊТখὉ͵Ĝ‫࢚غ‬ɿ጖ ę뻟ɿĠĀDŽ؈Ĝ‫ڱ‬ϥഺƑĠĀ Ĵǎȉ̉ƺ뻟˄đ̂ƑĠĀઠ

쉌 ࣲՊஔӝ୒᜶ઑշ

ˌஔӝ Ⴆአ਋ࠧȉ‫ې‬ȗ˟ϙ˖Ӫ‫ڑף‬፴҄ ϛԍ뻟ĂőćվǕ㻋ംҡ뻛-GDWP $CTW뻜ę‫غ ײ‬৞֞Īũѩǒ੒ Ɯƛġķ뺯 ᣞࢎࠧ˩ŭ̹ůֹ໔แ㻋ࠧǟħࣙ ĜǨ뻟ύǘ ŭĪͤŭֹ໔แ㻋 ࠧɘDŽջĥจӚ뻟˽ࠧŠֹ໔แ㻋 ࠧ൘̀ԨߜࣙĜŞž뺯 ᠘য়ࠧȢȉ̤ҡȶӚ‫ٲ‬᚞ԅĈȱ˽ ࠧ​ࠧɨȮաʐů़ʽħ͵ࠧů़ƥ Ƃࢎ뺯

сКД рбУсЭм═ШркСсеЛ сЬ╡роФ╙Эс╜Й ╬П┼П┼н╬Ь─В═│╩аржЪ─А╨╝┼Аы╗ЯтАл▌▒тАмрк▒╬К┼║ разы║орзЯтАлраз╫ЩтАмы║о╞ХрйарлЮраз─Э╠А─И╩Щров╦К ╨У─А┼н╬ЬсЖС═а╚А╔Н┼┤─╢─А╞Вр╗Й╓г╙┐ы║п ╦в╥ФтАлразр╜н█ИтАм╚▒═й┼┤─╢─Ари┐р┐Й╘╜╞В╩Хы╗Я ┼Ш═Ъ─Ш═╡тАл╦М╪втАм╚А─Щ┼Я╓Р╚║═Т─кри┐╔│╘╜ ─АтАл╫ЭтАм╧│ы║п

╦ЧроФ╙Эс╜Й ─Р╞ЖразтАл╫атАм╔осБД█й─Щр░ж╚║─б─В╦▒╩Ю╞Щ═╡ ─Ь╤й╚ФтАл╪йтАм┼а┼Я╓Р╞В╩Х╞е┼пы║п ╞ЧрзЯраз╟Ш ┼н┘е╒Ч╙Ъраз ╠б┼ны║п ─Щ╓╣сгораз╟Ш ┼н╔Ш╟Др╕И╙Ъы║п

сПЖ═┤ сПЖ═┤

р╣╣рлд─а┼н─А╩Бы║о─бы║о╔Ю╞Б═╡╥б─А┼У ╥б╠Сы╗Я╚Э╬П┼П┼лре╝рй╗─Щ─А═╡─ЬтАл▄ктАм ┘гы╗Я ┼н┼С╧С─з╦Ч═╡╥бы╗Я╧Ф╟Ш╧п╚Ч ┼аркасВ║ы║п ьЙМ рг▓╒КсжКсзШр╜В╠Грв║

тАв ─Й╞║╤║█╖╦Мы╗нржитАл╪ЬтАм┼а╧С╔ШсЖС═а─А╬╣ ╩Щ╙Н╠Э┘Ы╦Я╧Щы╗Я╒зрлБ┼н─Ь╤й╚ФтАл╪йтАм╟Ь ╩Х─А╦Я╧Щ╞Лреоы║п

тАв ─Ь╞д╞В╩Х╦Мы╗н╞Б╞╢╟Ъ─А╚▒═йuu╚А ╦У ╟Ораз─Ь╞е╟О─А╘У═╖ы║п╨╢╠░сЖС═а ─З┼нтАл┌▒тАм─Ь╚Й╔╜тАл┌▒тАм─Ь═итАл┌ЭтАм╟Ъ╧й╚Й─А╞В ╩Х╚ЙтАл▐ЪтАм┼Ь─А─┤╟Оы║п╥м╧Ж╠Х╥Д─Ь╞ды║п

тАв рп╡▀п╚Й═б╟Т╦Мы╗н┼к╙Рo═Др▒п╚Йрп╡▀п ╞В╩Хp╙НoтАлраВ█ЛтАм╚Й╤║█╖╞В╩Хp╞к─Л

╩Ч╙к┼ЗтАл╪║тАм─О═┤█Ч╬╗─О ┼н─А╞В╩Хы║п ╦╜╦М╚Эр║ж╥Д ┼н ╩Г─З─е╚Ар╕░ тАл┌ПтАм╟Д─Аq╚Щр▒╝╟Й рк┤рп╡▀п═Др▒праХтАл╪ЬтАм ─Ьruu╟В╩Ъы╗н┼А╨Д═Др▒пы║п

тАв ╚Т╒и╚Й╥Ш╞Ж╦Мы╗н╘У═╖раз─Ь╤│╙Р╙Е ╨Уы║о╧╛╨У╦Я═б╚Т╒и╥Ш╞Ж╧п╞Ж┼Ш╨Щ ╠Щ╦Я═бы║прл╕╔С╧н╦┤╔н╩а─В═╖╘Й─А qрж╛╓МсДБ╨│▀╖тАл╫АтАм─Ьrы╗Я┼Шр╕в┼╛─Л ─Й╥Ш╞Ж╔╢скИ╞е╬Ц─з╬╗─О ┼н─А╧Э ╘╢ы║п

тАв ╞▒р▒Грж╛тАл╪втАм╚Й╔ар▓┐тАл╦МраВ█ЛтАмы╗н─з═╡─Ь ╩аржЪы║о╞В╩Х╤Э╞В┼а═итАл┌ЭтАм╟Ъ─А╦Ц ╞В═а╟н╩┐тАл┌ПтАм╤й╨╕╒зтАл╪╜тАмы╗Ы ╩Г╙Н ╩Гы╗Ьы╗Я┼Ш═О╞м┼┤─╢┼в╓М╚бр╡╝╥Э─А ╟Л╘║ы╗о┼Ш╥ИтС╛┘Ю╞В╩ХтАлраВ█Л╫дтАм╚Й╠Х ╥Д─А╧Э╘╢╞е╩Мы╗Я─г╩┐╬▒╟Х┼ЮтАл╫гтАм╔Ж ┼а╚║┼┤┼Ъ┼Э┼Ш╥ИтС╛┘ЮтАл╫гтАм╔Ж╔Ш╟Д╬╣ ╚╣ы╗Ярз░╧И╘У╞Л─з─е┼Ю╥б┼й╓Р┼Ш╥И тС╛┘Ю╞е╙Ды║п

тАв ╨╜┼н╞В╩Х╦Мы╗нтАл┌ПтАм╤й┼н─Ь╠м╞Ы┼лы╗Ы ╩Г ┼лы╗Ь┼атАл█РтАм╚Ч╨╜┼н╩аржЪтАл╪╜тАмы╗Ы ╩Г ┼лы╗Ьы║п

тАв ╓ТтАл▄ИтАм╟Крмг╦Мы╗н┼п ┼н─┤╟О╩╡тАл╫ЮтАм┼н─Ь ╩е╘Ны║о╩┐сБЕы║о╬Тр╜Ны║о╠Ж╟жы╗Я╦Д╚А ┼Шрза╧Э┼а╠╛╓к═Фы║п

тАв ┼Эрек╞В╩Х╦Мы╗н╚Ц╨Щ╧╛╨У╚Й╙Е╨У╠И q╙п╙п╞У╥Бr┼аq╩Й╩Й╞У╥Бr╙Ы ╘Щы╗о╟│q─з┼ЭрексДБ╨│┼лr─А╞Ь╞Ы╚о ┼н─ЬтАл┌ЭтАм╟Ъ╧С─з─З═и═╡╥б╚Ц╨Щы║прее реОраз─Ь╔н╩а─Ь█╢╠╣┼п╦╜╦М╟ирза╧╖─А q╧╛─Й┼нтАл┌▒тАм─Ь┼Эрек┼А╞Ь╞▒тАл╫ЩтАмrы╗Я─Я ╚╢тАл╫╝тАмсВ║═Ф┼Эрек═Н╥▓╥Ны║п

тАв ╤║ргК╦Мы╗нрпв╧│ра╖╦Л╞Дрб╣рйд▀ктАл▌итАм╞╢

╦Л┼Я╓Ры║прб╣рйды║╢тАлргК█РтАмы║╖┼аы║╢╓М╒з ┼л╘Щы║╖╩╜╚╗┼к╞Л╞п╦Ж┼п╘Щ█ЦтАл┘ДтАм тАл╫ЦтАмы╗о╩ЩргК╘Ны║о┼н╓Ты║о╬Тр╜Н┼Ь╠И╟Е ╥м╧Ж═▒╚Э┼Ш╟Ч┼Ф╠И╓Ь╨Ър╢о╞Ны║п ы║╢╓М╒з┼л╘Щы║╖╥м╧Ж┼У┼Я─ЧтАл█РтАм╚Ч╞У ╥Бы║п ╠╛╬Ярйд╔Жрв╜╦┤─Ь╟в─з ─Л╦М╔а╤│╙Р ╙л╬ТрпЛ╠╕ы║п╦╕╙д╞В╩Х╚Э╠░╧Жы╗Я╚В ╠КтАл┌ШтАм╙Н╩╡╚М─Щы║п

тАв ▀░═╡╦Мы╗н▀░═╡╦М╩Щ─┐тАл█РтАм╚Ч▀░═╡─Ь ╨╢╠░─А ╩Ю▀░═╡╒В┼У╥Ш─ЗреШ┼Ъы║отАл┌▓тАм сГГ┘Х╙Н╩БтАл█ИтАмы║п▀░═╡┼Я╓Р╨Г╥м╧Ж╒Ч ╦Я─И╠А─С─АтАл▄УтАмреЙ╤Г╙зы║преереОраз─Ь тАл╫ХтАмрзм╥╜▀░╙┐─Ч╔Ю╚А╞Ар╢│р░З─А╞У╥Б ┼У╟Г╦Я═б┼а═ОргВ╨У╟К═╡╓вы║п─з╟Х ┼Юраз─Ь╙Н─И╘У═╖─А╩Д╩М═╡─ЬтАл┌ПтАм╤й ╙Ы╘Щы║орж╛тАл╠Е╓в█ЛтАмы║п╟Ж┼н╚Ц┼Ь─е╙Ы ╘Щq╔йтАл▄итАм─л╞║ ╞Щ╩╛╞Щре▒rы╗Я ╩Г─г ╚ЭтАл┌ПтАм╤й╞╜┼Ъ Go Forth ▀░═╡─Щ─Ьы╗Я╟В


тАв тАл╫гтАм─Ь╚▒тАл╪ЩтАм╚Й╩М╓Р╦Мы╗нреереО┼н─Ь═Т ─к ╟Ораз─Ь╧й╚ЙтАл█РтАм╚Ч╦Я╧Щ╦Ц╙ктАл╫гтАм ┼Я┼С─АqтАл█РтАм╚Ч─В╩│─╖ruuтАл▐ЪтАм┼Ь ─┤╟О╚▒─╖╠А─С═аы║ор╗Йрмг╠З╠оы╗Я╦Д ╧й╚Й╦╜╦Ц╙ктАл╫гтАм─З─е╚Ар╕░═и─б─╖╤│ ╙Р─А╦Ц╙кы║п

тАв тАл╫╝тАмсВ║р▓┐ре▓╞Х╦Ц╙к─Ьы╗н╦╜─Ь╚▒═й─А ╦Ц╙к┼а╧й╚Й╞Вр╗Й─АргитАл╫ИтАм╧А╦й╨Щ р╜Цы╗Я╞Д╬б─Д─ЗтАл█РтАм╚Чр╢РсК▓╔Ж╞е╩ны╗Я ═▒тАл█РтАм╚Чр╢Р╞е╩Мы║п╟Ж┼нтАл╫дтАм┘е╒Ч╦╜─Ь ╠б┼н▌Б╨пы╗Я─греереО╤Г╙з─╢┼ЬрмЛ ─З╤ЕрйВтАл┌ПтАм╟Д─А╟Й╚Хрк┤╧╛─Йре▓╞Х╩а ржЪтАлраВ█ЛтАм─Ьы║п тАв 12 тАв 2017



ኄ ࡓᝬ͘ઑ᥋

• ǒ੒Ƃʕˌ뻭˽ˌŪӐ ̡ŭ뻟ȝ Ŝ̈݁Я̖၅뺯Ҭφq੦ਲ਼֣჉r Ɯƛ뺯ύǂଋ뺮ˌ˴ȉ֣ǥ‫غ‬Ū੦ ਲ਼ӿŜଋ֣ͨ჉Āૼ˩ࣙĜȉƜ ƛ뻟Ә˦ःˤࡎͼ뻟˄ȮġƓІŠ ‫ۃ‬ʵɭƛ֣჉ĀČžŔ뻟ŘՎ֣჉ Ūǥ뺯 쉌 ᫇࣫ᇪ

͘ᅖᄊҨҼ qҤϯāĶƜćșĘĀūŔĈ ǥĈҽ뻟āĶ˂ɽŘħƂ້ĀŭՄ ŮՄŞĘĀūŔ뻟ƔƦ໔ᜠĸ뻭āć Ŧƀ뻟˖ƂāĀĉģđćŦƀ뻟໔ᜠ ĕ̥Ƹ뻟Ǚ‫ۂ‬ąāĶŢƂ້Ĵ˭Մ̑ Āğʒ뺯rĜႺ˚໪ฑᆑ̅ć঺࢕̈́ ‫ڇ‬ů‫ ͡˟៽י‬뻟ŘqāćŦ ƀ뻟˖ƂāĀĉģđćŦƀrħʚ뻟 ȮƁƶǚĎğ˖ƂĀͣNj뺯 ɠಿ⌓ƺŠȫī‫ݰ‬ӊćăǜĀ ŰբĪқȒ໔ᜠ뻟ШNj͚Ώ峭뻟ΞԺ 峭뺯໔ᜠŢŴĶĀƫˆĄ뻭qĆĶĎ ğ뻔r˚ĜႺϱŜĕƀĀqğr뻟Ą Ĝᭁ뻟ȠқƥNj뺯ϿĠĉŮĄŠ໔ᜠ ࠚǻƦĿ뻟˄ŊĈȉ峭Ĝᭁ뺮Ƞқ뺯 ‫͎ ͡˟៽י‬ėĀЏᇐĉ뻟ؓ ĄஞȿࢴĪতߌয়۬Āʌᅨĉ뻟˂ࡄ ķĞƑĠΞԺ໔ᜠ뺯˚ĜႺĸāĶ ˖Ƃ໔ᜠđɏĕȏĉ뻟đă‫ג‬ĀǞ qğrǞqȒr뻟Ǟşƍ뻟ǞΞԺ峭 Ƒͣ뺯 ˚ĜႺǞȮ‫ ͡˟៽י‬ ϱŜ뻟໔ᜠğĢŹĄĂநҔćŞƀ ǧņĀ૥Ŕ뺯ģȢĄ峭Āǧ뻟ɭƈǨ ĈĉīŏŀЄ뻔ŀЄ̣ĝĄȮĕĂந ƞŔĀŀЄƦĎ뻟āĶĕŀЄǕď

ˆ˽ħ峭ƦƜ뻟Ȃ峭ƦƜ뺯āĶƂ ້峭뻟đşĢʭķŬࡄฑķ뻟Ąఁ য়ĉŠয়ǂĀȱͷ뻟ƑĄŀЄȠ͒ Āȱͷ뻮ĴĴƓв峭Ƨ̜Ɯćĉ‫׻‬ ġ뺯 ʼnĠĉƜėĂdzŭ݁뻟ăƢ ˤŀħ̜ƦĎ뺯໔ᜠĀ̹Єभķď ĄqħˤƦĎruuħāĶīŏŀ ЄƦۭ‫ڡ‬ĢŹĀŀЄ뻟ħ̙ƆƦ Ď뻟ħȥŪĐ߮ĘੈĀቍNjƦĎ뺯 Ȃˤ˚ĜႺ‫Ϳס‬āĶ뻟ăΡƎū ŭξĠɺ뻟ĻŘŢǂ뻟ŢĢŹĸ뻭 qāĄħĕĴȊƦĎr뺯ƧưāĶ Řħ˖Ƃ໔ᜠŮĩć‫ܡ‬ʞĘ˖Ƃ 峭뻟ŦďĄࡁ̛͚Ώ໔ᜠĀNjΥ뺯 ໔ᜠĸ뻭qāćŦƀ뻟˖ƂāĀĉ ģđćŦƀ뻔r໔ᜠĻŘŜƍćĉ ‫׻‬ƀ뻟ģĻŘƄǨăć뻮āĶĻŘ ćĉ‫׻‬ƀˣė໔ᜠĀǚ৲뻟āĶģ ĻŘć΀̜Şƶ˖Ƃ峭뺯

ֆਿ಺ᆑ̅Šߢʾੵᆑ̅ćşȪદֱ ƗҶĴ뻟ĝȪУદֱĀķШĄŘҘƆ ǟħͥŀĀ‫̂ڦ‬뺯ֆᆑ̅ࡲֱȆĐģ ȢĄȬĀŀū뻟ȬĸŀūĄȬĎėș ĘĀūŔ뻟Ȭńć‫ي‬౿ġĘੈďħȬ ଚѳąĉŀƆɢ뺯ࡲֱ‫ק‬ĄĘੈħȬ ȫ͂ĀԨĂьĉŀӄԙ뻟ĢύĢćņ ҘƆ뻟π˩͟ӖƣǛǒ뺯ߢʾੵᆑ̅ LJĿ ĠŭĀƂ້Ɔɢ뻟ŴƗ̳ӊ ɩ͵ĜĀıਗ뻟ɩĉĀϱȢ뺯Ƃ້ ġԲӔХ‫ޜ‬஝͸൘ǁ֒뻟ƔƦĘੈŢ ŴĀ‫ت‬ແĄăĜʵƫĀ뺯ȆŴũ˨Ī ĂьĉŀɢĴ뻟ķġŢ̙˟֦͟͡ɶ ࡄ뺯

ࠈ឴ ࣲ‫ึނ‬᛫

̝ࡘćࡘ҈Β ˇ͎՝͵ Ĝ뻭qāĶǨ̎ĀĴͳĄБ͋Ǣ ͣ뻟Ƀጏȝ˦ĀĴȊr뻟˚ĜႺŘ ˤჯჩāĶđqໞਗr‫׼‬Ⴚ뻟ĕĄ ŖĈвĀвʒ‫׼‬Ⴚ뻟ȂāĶĝĄŇ ‫׼‬Ⴚ뻟Ą‫׼‬ႺĀയ̊뻟ĉğȒāĶ ďƧğȒ‫׼‬ႺĂƟ뺯

Ʋėࢽ৬ĴՌ뻟Ĉᆑ͠ăĄң ćʅĈĀࠧĜ뻟ďĄƻ৬ѣėȺŴࠧ ĜƂ້뺯ఐၑƺĜǥ˓Ь뻟‫ې‬ȗȔĜ Āࢽ৬̑ʇ뻟Ļ˸ħจ֐ŚʇĀ़ ໹뻟тᆑ͠ȉࠧĜ൘݉ǛǒĀˈɩ ˄؋˖ࢽ৬Āȫ͂뺯˗ċƻࢽǘȶ΀ Ā͵ҡǥĄ뻭‫ڄ‬Ӛฅᆑ̅뺮໶Ÿϙᆑ ̅뺮ఐᆥနᆑ̅Šߙŝ஑ᆑ̅뺯ȺŴ ᆑ͠Āࢽ৬ɑϩ୯‫࣊ې‬lj Ѯψ Ѯ뺯

ᇷሉ ˤ઴‫ڱ‬Ĝ뻟້ǂǩũ˨뺮້ ǂЄҬφ뺮້ǂǩȥŪ뺯ƧࠨЕǨ Ҷ뻭qŜşĴʿǢė뻟โၟʈߑȢ ȆǼ뻟ć̋ʾġǡɘ뻟Ȯ͠਽Ƅओ ‫ד‬뻟ăϤࢧ‫ٶ‬Āιන뻟ăϤͿ॥௶ ̲ffrdžŭćƗয়ࠧແũĀlj ઴‫ڱ‬Ĝ뻟ĈŏqϾঌ༪α࿡ණĉr뺯

ોቡᇪ Ǝ઴ƻ‫܍‬ӐĀǥᆑĈ뻭૔˰ғ ᆑ̅뺮सୀ૒ᆑ̅뺮੹ຩೣᆑ̅뺯 ࣟᆑ‫ק‬Ą̡ſЊᆑ̅뺯˚ĜႺǂ̰ ‫܍‬Ӑ̈́Ĵ뻟ăϛ͎՝ŴĶߡϛő‫ح‬ ƫˆĘੈĀ‫ت‬ແ뻟ࢽǻΫɍ뻟Ζɶ ƂǂƥķкăᏧஒ뺯


ᕦ͔ᇪ દֱ˄ăͳȪࡲֱ뺯ƪʞǥᆑ 샂 ᅭ߽

12 • 2017 •

샂Ɠ቗ఖƔЫφ৲֬Ӑଫෑໆ‫ډ‬ଫൄç৉ᄀᇍଫ ൄç ੅Ӌ္ଫൄ‫ڳދ‬ଫᇢૌ২ଫൄ



਍໑ଫᆇƥ ‫؃‬ሇ‫֬ྯ಻ڥ‬

ኄ ॓á?ŹÍ˜ŕŞ‘áĽ‹

ĚŹá„­ă?…ढä›˝ä†–áŒ´âƒš সáƒ˘ĎŚâŽ° ŕť•ŕť ŕž—


寚äşŽćˆ‘䝏ĺ‰?äťťäźšç?Łĺ?śé‡‘蹪牧 ĺ¸ˆĺ?š壍ĺŽ‰ć Żä¸ťć€€ďźŒćˆ‘谨䝣襨ć–°ĺŠ ĺ?Ąĺ?Ťç?†ĺ…Źäźšĺ…¨ä˝“ç‰§ĺ¸ˆă€ äźšĺ?‹ĺ?‘您 䝏č‡´äťĽćœ€桹ĺˆ‡çš„ć…°é—Žĺ’Œč‡łćˇąçš„ć‚ź 忾。

ĚĄŕ­€Ë?á†‘Ě…Ç˜ ŭŊ˨ć ÉžŇˆĎžÄ‰Ĺ­â€ŤÚąâ€ŹÄœá†‘Äœëť&#x;ǘ Ĺ­ ‍Ü?‏Ó?ħǼᆑ뺯Ǣӹëť&#x;â€ŤŘ˘â€ŹÄˆÄ‚Ć•뺯 ĆŽĹ­ČŽÉžŇˆĎžÄ‰Ĺ­â€ŤÚąâ€ŹÄœĘ˝ÄœĎˆÄĽ Č€ะϞÄ‰Ĺ­â€ŤÚąâ€ŹÄœ뺯ШÇ‚É­Ę Ĺ´Č‰ Ĺ?ĉćĕċļĀƀԙᆡƀëť&#x;ҏφ LJćÄ?ߎÄ€á‰?Ç‹Ć€ëť&#x;ƙǂฑġÄ€ ᗛĉ뺯

ĺ?śç‰§ĺ¸ˆć˜Żćˆ‘䝏当嚴新銏ĺ?Ťç?† ĺ…Źäźš珏一ä˝?äşšć´˛çą?çš„äźšç?ŁďźŒäť–ĺœ¨ äťťćœ&#x;é—´ďźŒ为䝼ĺ?Žć–°ĺŠ ĺ?Ąĺ?Ťç?†ĺ…Źäźš çš„ç‹ŹçŤ‹ä˝œĺ‡şäş†ĺŽžé™…ĺ…ˇä˝“çš„č´ĄçŒŽă€‚ 䝖关注礞䟚诞é˘˜ďźŒ䝼çƒ­ĺżąçš„ĺżƒćŠ• ĺ…ĽçĽžĺ­Ść•™č‚˛ä¸Žć•™äźšç‰§ĺ…ťĺˇĽä˝œă€‚ćˆ‘ 䝏ä¸?äźšĺż˜莰äť–ĺœ¨ćˆ‘䝏ć–°ĺŠ ĺ?Ąĺ?Ťç?† 兏䟚教䟚历ĺ?˛é‡Œçš„č´ĄçŒŽă€‚


Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern joined the CAC as a deacon in July 2017, and was posted to Grace Methodist church as an Assistant Pastor. Originally an accountant by training, he comes to us with 8 years of pastoral ministry experience with another denomination in Singapore, and a PhD in New Testament from Durham University in England. He asks for our prayers - that he will be faithful in all that he is tasked to do, and serve with joy and the strength that the Lord provides.

Rev Peter Soh Kee Lie Rev Peter Soh Kee Lie serves in the English congregation at Hinghwa Methodist Church. He joined as an LMS from August 2015. Prior to that he was a minister with another denomination. He serves in the cell ministry and the mentoring program in the church. He attends Hinghwa MC together with his wife, Angeline. Ć“਽ŕ¨?ŕť‘ÔľÖ¨ŕť¸ŕ¤ąŕ˘´ŕ Şâ€ŤŕžľŢŒâ€ŹŮ ÖŹ ࣠ŕ´œ๯Ňœá„Ž ŕ­” á„Œâ€ŤÚ â€Źŕť–࿌ׂ á Ć”

â€œćˆ‘ĺ?Źč§ 䝎夊ä¸Šćœ‰声é&#x;łčŻ´ďźš ä˝ čŚ ĺ†™ä¸‹ďźšäťŽäťŠ䝼ĺ?ŽďźŒĺœ¨ä¸ťé‡Œ ' é?˘č€Œć­ťçš„äşşćœ‰çŚ?äş†ă€‚ĺœŁç ľčŻ´ďźšć˜Ż çš„ďźŒäť–äťŹć Żäş†č‡Şĺˇąçš„ĺŠłč‹ŚďźŒä˝œ塼 ' â€?(ĺ?Żç¤şĺ˝•14:13) çš„ćžœć•ˆäš&#x;éš?ç?€äť–䝏。





ଫŕľ„çࡑ᎜৭ ěƒ‚ ቗ఖƔႴႏഎ á‡˘ŕť†௣ଫŕľ„

ć–°ĺŠ ĺ?Ąĺ?Ťç?†ĺ…Źäźšć€ťčŽŽäźš ĺź ćŒŻĺż äźšç?Łć•Źč‡´ 2017ĺš´11ćœˆ18ć—Ľ

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An Open Letter to Mrs Yap Hee Choo & Family Dear Mrs Yap Hee Choo and family, On behalf of all the pastors, staff and members of the Methodist Church in Singapore, I wish to express our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy during your time of grief on the passing of our former Bishop, Rev Dr Yap Kim Hao. Rev Yap was the first Asian bishop of the then Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaya. He paved the way for the formation of the Methodist Church in Singapore after our independence, a very tangible and significant contribution in our growth. He was dedicated to social issues, and immersed in theological studies and pastoral care with great passion. We will not forget all his contributions to the life and history of the Methodist Church in Singapore.

Today, he is resting peacefully in the arms of our Lord whom he loved dearly, and the Lord has welcomed His beloved servant home. I pray that you will be comforted by the life he has lived. During this period of mourning, may the peace and presence of our Lord be your strength. “And I heard a voice from heaven saying,' Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.' ' Blessed indeed,' says the Spirit, ' that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!' �(Revelation 14:13)

On behalf and with respect of The Methodist Church in Singapore Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung 18 Nov 2017 • 12 • 2017



ኄ ࡓᝬ͘ઑ᥋

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12 • 2017 •

ኄ ࡓᝬ͘ઑ᥋

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华人年议会2017年统计简述 ಭඛ

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՝ ୔֬ ! ಭࡽ՘ຸ‫נ‬ᇇ ୔֬ ಭè

• 12 • 2017



ኄ ࣲ॓á?ŹÍ˜ŕŞ‘áĽ‹

ࣲ͘ᅖྲѿ‍͊ނ‏ాࣲá?ŹÍ˜ŕŽ”ྫྷ ࣲ͘ᅖྲѿ‍͊ނ‏ాࣲá?ŹÍ˜ŕŽ”ྫྷ

CAC Pastors‘ Special Appointment by Bishop

Óźá€ąŕ ˆŕŽ”Í˜Ë&#x;͊Ὁ‍ڄ‏Ӛฅᆑ̅띛á“?Í’ÍľÄœëť­á ›á ˇŕ §ëťœ

Methodist Missions Society Executive Director: Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong (Local Church Attachment: Geylang CMC) Missionaries: Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian, Rev Cassandra Lee and Rev Gideon Choi Gi Deug (unpaid leave) Director of Disciple Agency: Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey (Honorary) Associate Director of Christian Ministry in Schools: Rev Lek Yong Teck Methodist School Chaplains: Rev Lek Yong Teck, Rev Ng Beng Keow, Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan, Rev Seet Keng Tat, Rev Boey Kok Yeow, Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye, Rev Yeung Hin Fei, Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee, Rev Paul Thian, Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng, Rev Irman Halim, Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen, Rev Lui Yuan Tze, Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah, Rev Cynthia Choo Bee Lay, Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa, Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern, Pr Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie, Pr Glenn Tan Tze Meng, Pr Stefanie Oh Wen-ying

ŕ ˆŕŽ”â€ŤÜŁâ€Źá˝‰ŕŹ†᧥йá†‘Ě…ëť›ĹąŐ‚ëťœ뺎ߢNJӅᆑ̅뺎 áœ°â€Ť×źâ€ŹÄŤá†‘Ě…ëť›Ć„ŕžżÖąŇŒëťœ áŤƒ༨ఝŕąžË&#x;͊ὉߙĹ?ŕŽ‘á†‘Ě…ëť›ĹąŐ‚ëťœ ëť›â€ŤŘťâ€ŹÓŞëťœ ߌಣ‍ࢺڙ‏ҞË&#x;͊Ὁ‍ހ‏к‍؞‏ᆑ̅ ӟ္Đ?͘ߦಣಣྫྷὉ ‍ހ‏к‍؞‏ᆑ̅뺎ֆdžిᆑ̅뺎ŕĽ„ŕ­œĐŠණᆑ̅뺎ጽټУᆑ̅뺎 ೜Śೣᆑ̅뺎Ͽâ€ŤŰˆâ€ŹĆˇá†‘Ě…ëť›ĹąŐ‚ëťœ뺎ŕ­œâ€Ť×…â€Źŕš‚á†‘Ě…뺎 ༄ӅNjᆑ̅뺎ԙNJǛᆑ̅뺎ϿÓ?༅ᆑ̅뺎‍ڄ‏ŕ§&#x;ƹᆑ̅뺎 ‍ͣۋ܉‏ᆑ̅뺎ŕŤ”Ë°Ň“á†‘Ě…뺎ӊŚϞᆑ̅뺎̥ſЊᆑ̅뺎 ᜰË?Šᆑ̅뺎ਯкͣá†‘Ě…ëť›ĹąŐ‚ëťœ뺎༄Βྯ̙Ɔ뺎 ŕŚ™ÇŠáˆŁĚ™Ć†뺎ŕ°?Ꮞ௎̙Ɔ


Special Appointment by President


Trinity Theological College Vice Principal: Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min (Local Church Attachment: Telok Ayer CMC) Lecturers at Trinity Theological College: Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat (Local Church Attachment: Queenstown CMC till June) Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian (Local Church Attachment: Charis MC) Principal, Institute of Elderly: Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot (Honorary) Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College: Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian (Associate) Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min (Associate) Sabbatical Leave: Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann (1 year) Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin (3 months) Prison Ministry: Rev Chng Siew Sin (Honorary) Medical Leave: Rev Louis Chai Shung Chee Soon Hong Kee Scholarship Trust Fund Representative: Mr Han Hai Kwang

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ࣲ ࣲ͘ྲѿË&#x;ெ / CAC Special Sundays ധ߽ܸß?ᇽಡ


Social Concerns Sunday




WSCS Sunday



CAC Sunday



Aldersgate Sunday



Church School Sunday



Bible Society Sunday

ŕł&#x;á ‰ŕ´ąŕż—á„„á‡˝ŕ˛ˇ


Trinity Theological College Sunday



Youth Sunday

ŕť–ŕ§&#x;ŕż—ཾŕ •ŕŁˆá‡˝ŕ˛ˇ


Methodist Schools Foundation Sunday


Missions and Evangelism Sunday

ă ˜θâ ?âžĽâ€ŤÝ—â€ŹŕšľâĄš / Special Second Offering

ࣲ͘м̾ำү / CAC Other Events ŕżľÖŞŕŤ‘â€Ťŕž?ڜ‏ս߽


Aldersgate Convention

߆ಭŕ­”á ˇß˝×‚ ŕŁ„á ˇß˝


43rd Session of CAC

߆ಭŕ­”á ˇß˝ŕ¸˛Ń á ˇß˝


CAC Special Session

߆ಭŕ­”á ˇß˝ŕ˘¤ŕŹŤŕşƒŕž°ß˝


CAC Pastors Retreat

12 • 2017 •

๗ৌ /FXT


• 12 • 2017


Go , Tell It on the Mountain

Mary Y. T. Gan MSM Founding Principal (Retired)

3FGSBJO Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born! 1. While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent flocks by night, behold throughout the heavens there shone a holy light. 2. The shepherds feared and trembled when lo! above the earth rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Saviour’s birth. 3. Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ was born, and God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn. This simple, straightforward African American spiritual begins with a chorus that challenges Christians to go and share the good news that Jesus Christ is born. The repeated refrain “go, tell” brings to mind the Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). The refrain theme comes from Old Testament passages in which praise to God for His acts of deliverance was often shouted from the mountaintops (Isaiah 42:11). To black slaves in early America, the birth of a liberating Saviour was joyful news to be proclaimed from the highest mountains! The birth of Christ in Bethlehem brings great joy to the world. While

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tending their flocks by night, the humble shepherds were surprised to hear the proclamation of the angels of the birth of a Saviour (stanza 2). The three stanzas narrate the Christmas story as recorded in Luke 2:8-20. Stanza 3 reminds us that Christ humbled himself to be born in a lowly manger. The heart of the Christmas story is that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ. God did that because of His love for us. The fallen world needs a Saviour. So, on that blessed Christmas morning, God sent us salvation through Christ! This important Christmas message must not be lost as we busy ourselves with a host of programmes and activities during the Christmas season. The text of this spiritual was first published in Folk Songs of the Negro as Sung on the Plantations (1907) by John Wesley Work II. The song may date from earlier sources but apparently the original text was lost as it passed from generation to generation orally. In 1940, John’s son, John Wesley Work III, had the song copyrighted and published in his book American Negro Songs and Spirituals. In this collection, he attributed the newer text to his uncle Frederick J. Work. John Work III fondly recalled his early days as a child on the Fisk University campus where his father taught. Early on Christmas morning, it was then the custom for

students to gather and walk together from building to building singing this spiritual! John Wesley Work II (1873-1925) was born, educated, worked and died in Nashville, Tennessee. A graduate of Fisk University, John taught Greek and Latin at the university until 1906 when he was appointed chair of the department. He later became the president of Roger Williams University. John and his brother, Frederick Jerome (1879-1942) were leading figures in the preservation, performance and study of African American spirituals. They published several collections of slave songs and spirituals. Because of the spirituals’ oral tradition, there are varied text and melody to this song. This simple and lively Christmas spiritual can be learned easily by both children and adult. It could be sung in a call and response pattern where a soloist sings the stanzas and the congregation responds with the refrain. Let us go and tell the good news that Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day to bring us salvation! Emily R. Brink and Bert Polman, editors. Psalter Hymnal Handbook. Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1998. Robert J. Morgan, Then Sings My Soul, Book 2. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2004.

$IVSDI 1SPGJMF 쉌 All Glory, Praise and Thanks to

Our Faithful Father God! Foochow Methodist Church was able to hold a grand and meaningful 120th Anniversary Celebration on 10 September 2017 at Singapore Expo - Max Atria, followed by an 8-course Lunch at Bliss Garden Restaurant for 1,000 of her members. It was especially heart-warming to hear the 120-strong choir at the Thanksgiving Service. They have sacrificed many Saturdays for practices. A 38-strong troupe of worship dancers added vibrant colour and jubilation to the worship. All in all, more than 200 of our members worked together to make the celebration a success. It was also blessed experience to work together with God-loving members from different congregations – truly a strong testament of our heartfelt thanksgiving and praise to God. The message by the Bishop Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung reminded us of God’s faithfulness through the generations. Tracing back to 1847 - Rev Judson Dwight Collins from the US, was the first Methodist missionary to Fuzhou China. The mission grew to 6 parishes all over Fuzhou. Fifty years later, in 1897 the Annual Conference sent Rev. Ling Chee Ming to be the first pastor to minister to the Foochow-speaking migrant workers in Singapore, who were mostly rickshaw pullers and coolies. For the first 40 years, FMC had to worship in

borrowed premises. It was only in 1936 that she purchased this piece of land on 90 Race Course Road. Thanks to these early generations, we have been enjoying this physical building. The footprints of the faithful crowd of witnesses who have gone before us their hard work and sacrifices, left us with manifold blessings. They serve to remind and inspire us to follow their steps and carry the flame further. FMC has continued the good work of our predecessors in outreach and ministering to the needy. Through our Tamil ministry and Caring Community Clinic, we continue to reach out to the migrant workers. Through our Pentecost Fellowship and Elderly Corner programmes, we continue to seek out the elderly and the needy. Through the My-Manna Programme, we continue our outreach to the marginalised poor in our community. 쉌 A series of ‘Bless the Community’

events were held to commemorate our 120 Anniversary :


February - Bless the Migrant workers – More than 60 of our church members distributed 2000 bags of water bottles and oranges to some 2000 migrant workers around our church in Little India.

s6 May- Free Eye and ENT health screening for seniors from Tekka/ Farrer Park Community.


August- Free Osteoporosis Screening & Health Talk on “Osteoporosis the Silent Killer”.


$120 NTUC vouchers to 25 Needy families through My- Manna programme.

s16 Dec- Christmas Carnival for the Tekka/ Farrer Park Community. s7

Dec- Bless 3000 Migrant Workers- Gave away 3,000 goodie bags. A Prayer Movement was tasked to undergird the 120 Celebrations and the Vision 125 planning. A 24-hour Day of Prayer (31 March 2017) was set aside with very encouraging responses. There were a faithful 12 from the Wednesday Prayer Ministry, and another faithful group of Tamil brothers who prayed all through the night. Vision 125 was presented at the 120th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service through a video presentation. To maximise participation from every church members, FMC Conversations 125 was organised. Many small groups were mobilised to get members’ valuable feedback. FMC has much to do in the next 5 years... it’s now this generation’s turn to leave strong footprints for the future-to become A Welcoming, Nurturing and Transforming Church that is Relevant to her community and Engages the World with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Foochow Methodist Church th

120 Anniversary Celebrations Mui Ing Shue Foochow MC

• 12 • 2017



Love Without Borders

Dr Benjamin Franklin West Benjamin Franklin West was an American medical practitioner and a Methodist missionary to Penang and Singapore. 샂 ,Z *. ?M[\

쉌 Early


Born in Indiana, West was educated at Wabash College and thereafter at the Miami Medical College, Cincinnati where he received training in medicine. He set up a medical practice in Iowa after graduating and married Mary Graham in 1881. Unfortunately, Mary died in 1885 leaving behind two children, Nathan and Harold. At a Methodist conference, he was convinced by the preaching of Bishop Thoburn to go East to Malaya. In preparation for his call, West wed his late wife's sister, Letticia Graham in 1886, joined the NorthWest Iowa Methodist Conference in 1887 and was ordained for missionary work. The couple along with his son and daughter left for Singapore, and arrived here in early 1888. 쉌 Medical


West began his missionary work teaching at the Anglo-Chinese School but was clear his calling was in medical missions. On board Orion, a British battleship passing through the region, a young British hospital assistant, William T. Kensett, heard of West’s work and appealed to join him. Through the influence of West, the Methodist Mission paid for Kensett’s discharge from the navy and Kensett soon joined West in 1888 to help him in his work and to take charge of his medical duties whilst West left for Amoy for further language studies.

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쉌 쉌 Chinese


West was appointed to head the local l Chinese Missions in August 1889. He H began his work at Upper Nankin S Street where he set up a clinic. Using t missionary model applied in China, the the secular outfit also served as an t a agency for religious and educational s services. The Telok Ayer Methodist Church traces its beginnings to the C w weekly services conducted by West h here. By 1891, the Chinese Church r registered 43 members and a weekly a attendance of almost 100, mainly from t the Hokkien community. A number h been opium addicts, an affliction had common amongst the Chinese coolies. c Besides B being fluent in various Chinese dialects including Hokkien, Hakka and d Cantonese, he acquired Malay through C the t help of Mr Phillips who first called the t Methodists to Singapore. He also knew enough Tamil to read the rites k and a rituals for service. He went against current conventions that t the Chinese could not be understood and advocated closer study of their a culture and philosophy. So between c April 1890 to February 1891 West A moved to Amoy where he refined his m understanding of the Chinese language u and a culture. Meanwhile he recruited a Presbyterian Chinese, Sng Lim Chiau P and an Anglican, Lim Hoai Toh (Oh a Ai A Toh) to assist him in his medical missions. m

쉌 쉌 Appointments

and Establishments

Whilst busy in Singapore, West aalso initiated Methodist work in B Borneo in 1889, visiting it twice a year oover two years. In 1895, West was sent tto Penang to bear the responsibilities oof Superintendent in that new District, eespecially in developing the ministry aamongst the Chinese. He had already sset up the Anglo-Chinese Girls School iin Penang in 1892 (today known as the M Methodist Girls School in Penang). By the turn of the 20th century, he had been elected Malayan Conference h historian for his knowledge of the h ministries in Malaya. He took a year’s m ffurlough in 1901, returning later tthat year to fulfil his appointment aas Methodist Elder of the Singapore District. While his wife and children D rremained in America, he brought along his brother Herbert West who served as h a teacher at the local Anglo-Chinese SSchool. West and his wife also helped establish the Jean Hamilton Memorial e TTheological School in 1905 at Mount SSophia which provided training to local cchurch workers. He started the work by iinviting a few locals who had showed sscholarly promise to study with him at his home, tutoring them when he had h ttime. This institution is known today aas the Trinity Theological College. This was not the only educational iinstitution that the West established.


West and his wife also presided over the Women’s Training School which later was transferred to Malacca. He was also involved with the local Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA). Many of his duties were on account of his appointment as Elder of the Methodist work in the Singapore District. 쉌 Retirement In 1906, the Wests journeyed to Japan, but his wife seemed to have taken ill during this journey. West then returned to America in 1907 on account of Mrs West's declining health. After retiring from missionary work and settling in Seattle, West continued working, setting up a drug store which gave him income as he had relinquished his rightful claims to annuities from the Methodist Church. He later set up a practice and voluntarily served at the Children’s Home Finding Society. He also continued his bible teaching and

preaching at the University Church and in other Christian societies. Doraisamy, T. R. (1985). Forever beginning: One hundred years of Methodism in Singapore (pp. 13, 2324). Singapore: The Methodist Church in Singapore. (Call no.: RSING 287.095957 FOR) Doraisamy, T. R. (1988). Heralds of the Lord (pp. 8-9). Singapore: The Methodist Book Room.(Call no.: RSING 987.0922 HER) Lau, E. (2008). From mission to church: The evolution of the Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaysia, 1885-1976 (p. 17). Singapore: Genesis Books. (Call no. RSING 287.095957 LAU)

Methodist District Conference [Microfilm: NL301]. (1905, October 13). The Straits Times, p. 5. Opium traffic [Microfilm: NL293]. (1903, September 11). The Straits Times, p. 5. Social and personal [Microfilm: NL308]. (1906, November 17). The Straits Times, p. 6. St. John’s Island [Microfilm: NL293]. (1903, September 2). The Straits Times, p. 5. Telok Ayer Methodist Church. (n.d.) Church pillars. Retrieved March 12, 2009, from http://www.tacmc.org. sg/index.cfm?GPID=16

Compiled by BoC

Malaysia Mission Conference of the M. E. Church [Microfilm: NL285]. (1901, February 28). The Straits Times, p. 3. Methodist Church Malaya [Microfilm: NL1483]. (1934, January 5). The Straits Times, p. 13. Methodist Church news [Microfilm: NL286]. (1901, October 9). The Straits Times, p. 2. Methodist Conference [Microfilm: NL301]. (1905, October 14). The Straits Times, p. 5. The Methodist Conference [Microfilm: NL287]. (1902, February 25). The Straits Times, p. 5. Methodist Conference [Microfilm: NL309]. (1907, February 28). The Straits Times, p. 7.

• 12 • 2017




he West Coast Connect Group (“CG”) of Grace Methodist Church resolved to go on a mission trip once a year since 2015. After making 2 trips in the past 2 years, the team made it to Myanmar in September this year.

bumpy ride to the village

the way out. The next morning, fearing more damage to the underside of the bus, the driver would not proceed beyond a certain point. That was the important day for the team. Walking in would take too long. Robin activated his kampong folks again. The next moment, 11 motorbikes appeared and vroomed all of us from the road junction where the bus stopped, to the church and after the activities in the church, they sent us back to the junction. For many of us, pillion-riding on a motorbike was a thrilling first time experience.

The first task was to get to GC School and the village church in P village to conduct Sunday activities for over 100 children. This was just after the rainy season. The journey in a 12-seater was a bumpy ride on a wet mud-path dotted with rain-filled pot-holes. About 2 km from our destination, the mini-bus could not cross the high sharp hump leading to the school. Our quick-witted local co-ordinator, Robin, activated the young villagers to help our bus go over the hump. It was the same problem on

The church sanctuary was full, considering that it was a small village. Praise the Lord! Before the church service, we had the opportunity of conducting 2 games on team building for the children. About 120 eager children and teachers took part. During the service, we shared 2 songs to bless the villagers with “In His Time” and “You Raised Me Up”, and together with the congregation, we sang “Down In The Valley With My Saviour I Would Go”, the congregation’s favourite song. We also shared a testimony of God’s

This year’s team of 11 comprised Richard, Lynette, James, Regina, Philip, Dorothy, John, Lilian, Charles and Elaine from GMC plus Valerie and Arthur (from RL Church) whose ministry is in P village and our Pastor Kaih Thang based in Myanmar. 쉌 A

healing power. Though the children had their ministry before the adult service, they joined the youths and young adults in the adult service that we attended. Said Richard again: Going forward, I see lots of work needed in nurturing these young people into future spiritual leaders as well as village leaders. There are also a lot of basic physical needs such as improving the road access, so that when it rains, the villagers would not have to bear with the water-filled soft and wet mud-paths, school facilities and other amenities that would alleviate the standard of living in the village. More important is the fact that due to the poverty trap, children could not afford sufficient education to make them more useful economically. Perhaps sponsors could help promising children further their education elsewhere and return to serve their community. 쉌 New

look for school

The kampong spirit is strong. During the preparation of the welcome dinner for us, the community joyfully

Out of our Mission M i trips made enjoyable 샂 Wooden be nches in one of the cl and long tables labelled “GM C Singapore” st assrooms to be ored opened.

샂 GC School in remote P village. 12 • 2017 •


took ownership of the task. The villagers are hospitable, helpful and friendly. At the GC School, 4 new classrooms were being touched up for opening the following week. They had new wooden benches and long tables for children who previously had to sit on concrete floors in classrooms. These were labelled "GMC Singapore" because GMC funded their purchase. The classrooms had chalk blackboards but there were no fans that would be needed during the hot season. We also visited our mission pastor, Mang Kaih Thang's ministry through our sponsored Grace Church. He shared his plans for the church (including his concerns for children ministry's space on the roof-top open common space) in our unit in a 100 year old building - a contrast from the decently renovated interior of the unit.

쉌 The 쉌

trip to the Christian orphanage

Our final task was to visit a Christian oorphanage accessible by ferry. It is ssituated in D, a predominantly Buddhist vvillage. The 23 orphans in the orphanage ssang us Christian songs. So, much has to bbe done especially in the Christian growth oof this younger generation. For now, the oorphanage is in need of food - rice and bbasic necessities which we bought from tthe nearby provision shop. Team leader, Richard, shared: “The cchurch in P village is the work of God's oobedient people. It has a leadership

team, with succession planned. The Pastor is very old but the Assistant Pastor is very young. And there are different ministries - the secretary, even an assistant secretary, the treasurer, the various leaders for different ministries and programmes and youth leader. There is also a leader for f the women’s ministry! They were excited to receive us, the foreign visitors, e and a were appreciative that we, who are from a developed country would go so far f to t seek out this village. There are many needs and lots of impactful ministries are n p possible here.” Therefore, be encouraged and avail yourselves for a trip like this, once a year. y They are not as difficult as you imagine. T May the Lord bless all our efforts there to touch the hearts of the villagers t and a glorify the Lord.

Comfort Zone 샂 23 orphans singing Christian songs to welcome the team upon arrival. • 12 • 2017



Church Growth – not by baptisms but by transformed lives Chan Fook Kay Grace MC


he Apostle Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost led to about three thousand who were baptized and were added to what we would call today the Christian community (Acts 2:41). In the next verse, it was written that “they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the fellowship.” The chapter concluded with the verse, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” The numbers added daily on top of the base of 3,000 must be the dream of pastors and lay leaders in today’s church growth evaluation. But of course, phenomenal growth brought with it, problems. In Acts 6, it was written that because of the increasing rate of growth in the number of disciples, the Grecian Jews complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. In order for the Apostles to focus on prayer and the ministry of the word, a separate group of seven was appointed to serve tables. And these seven were men full of the Spirit and wisdom. With the focus not diluted, in Acts 6:7 it was written that “So 12 • 2017 •

the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” It would appear that the church (although it was at that time not officially called the church) in those days was not chasing for church growth in terms of numbers. It was the Lord who gave the growth. They were simply focusing on the ministries – preaching and prayer. And even the

been a subject for discussion. The measurement is mainly in numerical growth in church membership, i.e. number of baptisms. Is this a good assessment of church growth? I have the opportunity to meet up with small churches. For some of them, their pastors and leaders do not go after increase in numbers to play catch-up with the bigger churches. They have very clearly defined niche areas of ministries. And the church is

It was the Lord who gave the growth priests whom we expect to be steeped in Judaism came in large numbers and their lives were transformed. In the Gospels, Jesus as the great Physician focused His attention on the sick – physical and spiritual. His was a ministry-centric and not a baptismcentric effort.Although large crowds followed Him, He had to stay away from them in some instances in order that His purpose was not hindered. At the Annual Session of the CAC, invariably church growth has always

known for its ministries in the market place. There is a church whose focus is on the gamblers and their families. This church has about 200 former gamblers. The pastor was very clear of his calling when he left a mega church (as a full time ministry staff) to minister to those who are caught in the vicious cycle of gambling. It will sound weird if the pastor were to pray for more gamblers to attend his church, just as it would cause some

4IBSJOH discomfort at a prayer meeting if an undertaker to be praying for business expansion. In another small church, the pastor who was a former businessman focuses his attention on those in debt, not necessarily due to gambling, but including those who borrowed heavily for lifestyle incurrences.

Bridging at

Punggol Gloria Gl G loriia ia EErr

In another example, a member left a main line denomination church to start a small church focusing on foreign professionals and workers. Within less than 10 years, the church which started with a handful of members, now has several centres and an attendance of 1,000. It even has an evangelistic broadcast through their own radio ministry to the home country of its members. In yet another small church, the focus is on church planting in third world countries. Yet that church itself remains a small church. There are many more examples of small churches with very clear focus on their ministries. If we ask each of our 17 CAC churches “What is your church known for?”, do you think each of the churches can respond very clearly about its area of focus? I suspect every one of our churches is busy trying to do a lot of things. Should church growth be measured predominantly in terms of baptism? Or should we measure how effective our ministries are and how lives are being transformed? If we look back at the early church, it was the Lord who gave the increase. The church has to pray for God’s clear direction of ministry needs and it does not need to neglect the mundane work of taking care of your own members as was the case in Acts 6.

Grace MC


unggol Preaching Point (PPP) has been walking and working the ground in Punggol since 2011. With the establishment of the Boys’ Brigade (20J Company) in 2013 and the Girls’ Brigade (87th Company) in 2015, and a current combined strength of 85 Boys and Girls, 10 officers and volunteers from PLCMC, Hakka MC and Changi MC, the journey has been a blessing for all involved. The officers and volunteers take turns to help the teachers-in-charge run the BB and GB programme on Friday during the school term from 2.00 pm4.00pm.

Next, the families were treated to an entertaining magic show. Lots of laughs were elicited from the children.

For the last 2 years, PPP has organized a Mid-Autumn Outreach event where officers, volunteers and members from Changi MC take the opportunity to reach out to the families of the BB & GB children. Through the mid-autumn outreach event, we bridge the gap by inviting families to join activities outside of school at our Punggol Family Life Centre.

The outreach strategy by the volunteers was straightforward: 1) Get to know the family members in a relaxed, casual context as we chit chat and move from station to station, 2) Setup a whatsapp group chat to share photos, mooncake recipes with the children’s parents, 3) Follow up and invite the same parents to PPP events via the whatsapp group chat.

This year, the event saw a total of 92 BB & GB participants made up of 33 BB & GB children and their families.

We thank God for the opportunity to partake in His reaching out to our friends in Punggol. Do continue to pray along with us as we continue the work in Punggol.

Our evening started off with a hearty catered dinner where via strategic group seating, our event volunteers got to know the children and families over dinner conversations and activities.

The excitement was carried through when in the same groupings from dinner, we made rounds to the different stations of 1) Light Painting, 2) Snow Skin Mooncake Making and 3) Star Gazing. This year we were blessed to have the Nanyang Polytechnic Astronomy Club to help run the Family Light Painting and Star Gazing stations. This freed up our officers and volunteers to focus on befriending the families.

This was followed by a welcome message by Rev. Edmund Koh and subsequent ice breaker activities.

ng 샂 Station of Snow Skin Mooncake Maki • 12 • 2017



샂 Team buildin g activity


he Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) held their annual Lay Ministry Staff (LMS) retreat recently from 14-16 August 2017 in Melaka, Malaysia. LMS from the different churches of the CAC came together for a truly restful and blessed retreat. The participants were also greatly blessed to have the CAC president, Rev Gregory Goh Nai Lat as the speaker for the theme talks over the three day two night retreat at the Imperial Heritage Hotel in Melaka. Rev Jasper Sim and Rev Edmund Koh were also there to assist with the messages and befriend the LMS. After arriving at the hotel in the afternoon, the participants then had a beautiful time of worship and icebreakers before settling in to their rooms. On the first evening, Rev Goh gave the first talk dwelling on the harmony between pastors and lay ministry staff; a harmony he emphasises that contributes greatly to the work of not just an individual church alone, but the entire body of 12 • 2017 •

샂 Laughter is the best medicine

Connect! CAC LMS Retreat

Jonathan See Hakka MC

the Methodist Church in Singapore. t He H also encouraged all pastors and LMS to continue to work through the L inevitable struggles and disagreements i together for the glory of our Lord. t Using his own personal testimony of o how the Lord had brought him back into full-time ministry, he urged all i LMS to not neglect themselves while L they are passionately serving God and t o others in their respective ministries; to t never forget to examine their own personal and spiritual lives in the p midst of their busy schedules. m For the second and final theme talk of the retreat, Rev Goh used the t account of Jesus' temptation in the a wilderness in Matthew 12 to warn the w participants of the temptations of p wanting to be relevant, spectacular, or w even powerful in the sight of people e in i the church and even people in the world. w He warned that yielding to this v very real temptation could cause us to t lose sight of the Lord and to forget what it truly means to serve Him. He w

reminded all the LMS that we must r follow the example of Jesus to retreat f frequently to a quiet place to spend f time in solitude with the Lord so that t we w may be able to recognize the voices that are not from Him and to resist t those voices. t The retreat participants also worked together in groups for many w team-building games and also to t p present skits and performances showcasing and highlighting the s various struggles and difficulties they v commonly face in ministry. For many c of o the participants, this activity was particularly significant as it opened p their eyes to better understand the t difficulties faced by their fellow d brothers and sisters who are working b in i full-time ministry as well. All in all, the retreat was a great success; one that was filled with s good fun, bonding, strengthening g encounters with God, and of course, e delicious food. And without a doubt d by b the grace of God, the CAC family of LMS staff is closer and stronger now L more than ever. m



ust as the pastor was about to challenge the congregation on the dangers of sin, a sharp wail emanates from the back of the worship service. Congregation members train disapproving stares at the errant child and parent. The above scene is perhaps not unfamiliar. But what if the crying child has special needs? What special challenges does the family face? How can the church love the perfectly imperfect child? One of the most insightful articles that I have read on embracing families with children who have special needs, is written by Pastor Anthony Kidd, who is himself a parent of a “disabled child.” He writes, Each week, these families come with many of the same concerns as the average congregant, yet with added cares and burdens that are unique to parents of the disabled – cares and burdens that are hard to imagine a part from raising a disabled child yourself. And as if the daily burdens at home weren’t already enough, families with disabilities carry the possibility of their child being a disruptive force in worship. The one place where

t these families ought to feel at ease, comfortable, and settled in a gracec filled environment is often a place of p palpable anxiety. And consequently, it’s w where they tend to hide in the shadows t most. the These sentiments resonate d deeply on a personal level as my family a I continually learn to rely on God’s and g grace in bringing up our son, Kristan, w has just turned four. The familiar who a account of the paralyzed man and his f friends in Mark 2:1-4 best describes h how the church and the young adults w families connect group (CG) have with b been an A-C-E pillar of support for us.

Accept – The friends in Mark 2 A aaccepted the paralytic as part of their ccommunity. The latter’s disability did n not preclude his inclusion in their ffellowship. Similarly, Kristan’s special n needs have not been a barrier to our ffamily’s participation in either church oor CG activities. Even in play, children oof our CG members acknowledge that K Kristan plays and communicates ddifferently and accommodate him as bbest as primary schoolers can.

CConcerned – Other than accepting tthe paralytic’s condition, the friends w were concerned about his well-being.

Our family has been blessed on the O many occasions where the connect m ggroup members have taken the iinitiative to ask about our family’s pprayer needs and showed concern for uus when we faced particular challenges w with Kristan.

EEmpathize – Finally, the friends of tthe paralytic were able to empathize w with his situation and were determined tto make a difference in his life. Being aable to not just feel for but also feel w with a family and a child with special n needs are both much crucial in shining CChrist’s love into their lives. As I reflect upon our journey w with Kristan and the role the church h has played in loving and supporting oour family over the past four years, I aam comforted to know that there is a rrising awareness of the need to reach oout and minister to families like ours. JJust as Sengkang Methodist Church’s Ohana Ministry envisions, it is my O hope that families of children with h sspecial needs “are fully empowered tto participate fully (in the life of the cchurch) as integral and contributing members,” so that church becomes a m pplace where “nobody is left behind or fforgotten.”

Loving the Perfectly Imperfect Child Pr Glenn Tan Yishun MM

샂Pr Glenn and

Family • 12 • 2017




n Psalm 78:4-6, we read that our God has commanded our forefathers or ancestors to teach His Word (statutes, degrees, laws, commands) to the next generation (children of their own as well as others) so that they will in turn do the same for the subsequent generation. There are at least four generations mentioned. God’s desire is to see generation after generation put their trust in Him, keep His commands, have loyal hearts and faithful spirits to Him (Psalm 78:7-8). God gave this biblical obligation or responsibility to Christian parents and the community. Therefore, the Christian home or family is to be the centre of Christian faith nurture and formation with the Christian community - churches and organisations providing the support and resources to equip parents and teachers. In 2009, the 4/14 Window Global Initiative was launched (http:// www.4to14window. com/ #414-eng). It is a global missions movement whose aim is to REACH, RESCUE, ROOT and RELEASE the 4 to 14 year- olds all over the world to become God’s agents of transformation of their

world. The period of 2010 to 2020 w was w subsequently designated as the “Decade of the 4/14 Window”. “

churches that have kindergartens and c schools are removed, the numbers drop s significantly. s

Seven years have come and g gone since 2010. How well have the C Christian homes and community in S Singapore done in response to the c challenging messages of “You’re L Losing Us” and “It’s Time to Wake U Up!”? What processes have we put i place to ensure that “children are in d disciples in training; not disciples in w waiting”? What would be our honest a answer to the ultimate question “In 1 years’ time, would you have made 10 a difference (in the lives of children)?”

The survey also revealed that H Holistic Ministry (Literacy programs, O Orphan care, Life-skills training, C Conflict resolution and Sex education) t both children and youth was to r ranked least important and teaching s social outreach was ranked Rarely to S Sometimes. The survey concluded t that the greatest obstacles faced by C Children’s ministries were Family, L Lack of Training, External factors/ w worldviews & Leadership. Hence, the g greatest need for Children ministries a Family, Leadership, Manpower and are T Training.

Thank God that in 2014-2015, a national children and youth survey w was conducted in Singapore, with p participation from 110 Protestant c churches representing a variety of d denominations, church sizes, and p population densities and 15 large e established Christian organizations. The survey found that the a average gospel reach of all these c churches including the church’s first i interaction with a child or youth where t Gospel was presented was fewer the t than 200 in the past year! When the

In the coming year and before 2 2020, let us step up our prayers and p plans to build strong Christian families t that will be able to nurture their own c children in the Christian faith. Let c churches also connect and consult w with each other as “4/14 churches” t share resources on training and to e equipping of parents and teachers s that we will make a significant so d difference and impact in the lives of o next generations for the glory of our o God. our

“One generation shall commend Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4

From Generation to Generation David Leong Grace MC 12 • 2017 •


Annual Conference and You



he 42nd Session of the Chinese Annual Conference (AC) is held at Foochow Methodist Church from 13-17 November 2017. There are close to fifty reports each year, starting from the President, to every board of the AC and councils of the General Conference. In addition, there are also reports from our organisations and agencies like the Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS), Methodist Schools Foundation (MSF), Methodist Welfare Services (MWS), Methodist Co-operative Society, the Methodist Missions Society (MMS), Methodist School of Music, and Disciple Agency. Some delegates may be puzzled as to why there are reports from organisations not in our Methodist structure. These are from organisations that we support through collaboration, manpower and even financially. Here are some brief background information about some of the other reports that we receive each year.

The Soon Hong Kee Scholarship is supported by the Trust Fund set up by Mr Soon Boon Seng and his family, in memory of his father for the training of candidates in the CAC, who desire to be in full-time Christian ministry. In this year’s report is a request for alumni of the scholarship to help build

up u the church in Segamat through preaching and teaching. p Some of our CAC pastors and laity are volunteers with the Prison l Fellowship of Singapore (PFS). This F m ministry is a privileged one as it is not eeasy to gain access into the prisons aand also to the prisoners’ families.

The Bible Society of Singapore is p of the United Bible Societies, whose part work goes beyond the publication and w ddistribution of Bibles to translation, tto engaging members of the public to kknow God’s word better, whether in pprint or digital format, to advocacy in ssocietal issues, which is done through EETHOS Institute for Public Christianity. EETHOS was formed by the National CCouncil of Churches of Singapore, TTrinity Theological College and The Bible Society of Singapore in 2014. B

The National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS), of which MCS o i a founding member, has over 200 is m members (churches) and provides aan umbrella for fellowship, mutual ssupport, mutual accountability, sharing oof good practices consistent with the CChristian faith and encouraging one aanother in our service to society. B Besides issuing public statements oon various issues, the NCCS has

Kwok Wan Yee Board of Laity,Chair

f formed a task force to lead discussions with the Singapore Government on w land and lease renewals. Another task la fforce is looking into online gambling. TThe National Day Thanksgiving Service is also organised by NCCS.

The World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) of M w which Singapore is a member, organised tthe 7th Mission Conference this year with 700+ international participants. w All glory to God for the amazing A ttestimonies from Chinese Methodist cchurches, of collaborations in areas ssuch as church planting, giving, crisis rrelief and equipping. There is active ccollaboration among the members of WFCMC with committees formed to W work on the following areas: Christian w eeducation, missions and evangelism, ssocial services, theology, worship and ccommunications. The full schedule of reports h highlights the connectional nature oof Methodism – that by pooling our rresources (eg talents, money and leadership), we can support ministries le bbeyond our local church and even bbeyond our shores. Just as Paul wrote iin 1 Cor 12: 27 “Now you are the body oof Christ and individually members of it.” it

• 12 • 2017



Chinese Annual Conference


The Methodist Church in Singapore

P R ES I DE NT'S M e s s a g e

Rev Dr Goh Nai Lat

Good News


ecember is a festive month for most of the world. There are lights and buntings strung up to add colour and vibrancy to the atmosphere. December is for commemorating the birth of our Lord. It is also the season of Advent as the Church awaits the second coming of Jesus Christ. Sometimes the joy and excitement of the season are diminished by the busyness that we ourselves create. So let us halt our activities and pause for a while to reflect solemnly on the meaning of Christmas. Traditionally on the night of Christmas eve, the church would announce glad tidings or good news. So let us reflect on the glad tidings. 쉌

Good news for all

“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’”(Luke 2:10-11) The reason for Christmas being a day of joy and happiness is that the good news is not just for one special group of people but for “all the people”! We can see from this that God’s love is universal and he wants to be the saviour for all the world. Giving presents during Christmas is a way to share such love.



Good news is here

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is please! ” (Luke 2:14) Jesus’ coming did not just bring eternal life. It also brought peace and abundant life to those who believe in him (John 10:10). Christmas is a reminder that our life in Christ brings with it rich blessings. All that we can obtain in life, money, education, beauty, health cannot compare with the blessedness we have in Jesus. If we think that the people around us have no need for the good news, as they seem to be doing well, then we ourselves have not really understood the blessing that is in Jesus Christ. 쉌

Beautiful footprints

“And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’” (Romans 10:15) God’s message needs to be spread by those who believe in him. If no one is willing to go, then who can hear the message, and how can they believe? Christmas is therefore a reminder to us that we must announce the glad tidings and spread the good news. Then the world may have a chance to respond to







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쉌 Every season is a good season “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke and exhort, with complete patience and teaching .” (2 Tim 4:2) When do we spread the good news? Only at Christmas? Of course not! The Bible tells us that we are to be wellprepared to witness for the Lord at all times. That by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we may make good every opportunity presented by God. Christmas is a great time for spreading the good news. It is also a yearly reminder that the salvation that we have received is to be shared with all men. This Christmas, are you well prepared to share the good news with someone? Do the presents you buy help others to understand the meaning of Christmas? Is there someone or a community that you know is being isolated or downtrodden, and to whom can you bring God’s love into their midst? Have a Happy Christmas! May the peace that God has given through Jesus Christ be with you and your whole family! Amen!

ழҫ‫ڹ‬ӼေН͘Өࣲ̡ᝬ͘ 70 Barker Road #05-04, Methodist Centre, Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4811 Fax: 6478 4816

E cac@methodist.org.sg W www.cac-singapore.org.sg F www.facebook.com/cac.singapore


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God’s love and become God’s children of grace.



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