卫讯 cac news | 2 • 2018

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ழҫ‫ڹ‬ӼေН͘Өࣲ̡ᝬ͘ Chinese Annual Conference The Methodist Church in Singapore



ኄ 411 ర • 2 థ 2018


ʃęŝǨDžαĀďĄࣔ֒ĥŭĂŝ֣ࠦ뺯 ʃęŝǨ ʃę ŝǨDžα DžαĀď ĀďĄࣔ Ąࣔ֒ĥ ֒ĥŭĂ ŭ ŝ֣ ŝ֣ࠦ ࠦ



ĩşŀĀŰբ뻟Ŵć ŭq౼ƆඐΥ


Ğr(Thoughts Upon Methodism) Ā८Ŕƀďĕ



͘ ᫂ ᄊ ភ










ƂŰĘuuǜŝĉĂőůԑ뻟ǃɩŝĉƥǎĀʤ Ű뻟ƽŝ֣ࠦ뺯

‫ې៽י‬ٞȗǨϱĀĩƺ뻟āȠƱĄϱ̙ ˟͡ħǂǟȒըĀΖɶ뺯ŴćūʥƀĕĭϷ




















ǟǂĀɠಿ뻔 āĶģǁ˩߱ĘǜƟĀǸࡁ뻭ϛʥąʅĎĀ

ϝĀ뻟Ǖܲԧٝ뻟ŘَƙąǸࡁĀ˞ՊŠಊ‫ג‬뺯 ɈĞ͵ĜĄۚĈĻĩģౢɍȠǜĀʾբ뻲āĶԸ Ը୤୤ǘ͵ĜĀȶӚ뺮DŽ؈ƂӪ뺮Ƃʕ‫࢚غ‬ff ȱͩĕȏʅƄĻযπ뻟Țᛥܼ˫ņą҈Ɩ˟͡

Ώŏ ࣔ֒ⅹῩ뻛ә뻜ŭĀࡥė뻟āć ˤ՗˟ęŝ뻭

ሌྖဦধְްᇽƗ࣏൶ቕྡྷറߌმƦ ۗృሗ֐Ɨᇘྖ‫ڢ‬ൠƗቛᇽ਌௳è ࠠ෦ၟ็௣τ༦Ɨಐ୔‫۾‬ഏ၉ұ੓è샂

໔ᜠƈāĶ̙˟͡Ā̹Єȉɶ᪈뻟Ŧā ĶŬđҔɍqɮⲀń੶r뻟‫ڡ‬ǂ̂ơĀ‫ؗ‬Şą뻔

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Welcome to Osaka Sakai City Church




ஔ͘ю‫ݞܬ‬᭧ ࠫᣁ‫˗ی‬ᄊᇫ͘ՙ὎

Parenting Children is Like Having a Mirror to Your Soul

٦ἰˀ᜶ឭþʽࣛᎯͿÿ ˀ᜶ঊᘽ Ҭ᜶᝝ᧈ ༧ᮄ᧔୫ːѷ ྘ඇ௧Ј‫ݙ‬༧֑ᄊઐӼᏨ

෤ ᤰ ᝭ ৌ

Rest in Joyful Music


Servant Leadership


Called to Theological Education

Rev Dr & Mrs Francis Olin Stockwell & Ms Mabel Nowlin

Ψ ᤉ ̀ ᝍ

Ѭ ̚ ᜹ ᝽



㦬㝊㏛㾣㛋᷉⪛ㅻ᷊㆒㛋㬫 ⴋ䊻ㅭ。㛋㏛⭥㯥䁏㠻᷉⫔ 䍌ㅻ㠻᷊㋋㬝⭥⭻㧞㳍᱄〓 㿎䇱㾊㾦㵞㾥㏐哟哞⤜➓᷍⭄㾥䊻㯥䁏 㠻᷍⿗㎷㤍䓄㾣㛋⭥㾥㈔䈌䍌ㆅ㚍㼌㚲 䄵㾎⮘⤜䐋㧈⼯㬨⼤᱄ 〓㿎㸳㗨㋪䄵⤯㋝㬆㈎⨗➄ゑエ⭻ ⼮ 䍣エ䊹㩰⭼䄋䄵㩌㑱➺㾶㬡㬡⫛ ⫛䊻䎞䊣⿗㤍䄜㛋䐏㬝᷍ ⪴⭻ 㦶䐢 㦶䄋⺞䈃 䊞ㅻ⼮㬹⨞ㅮㅻ⭥㬣や᱄ 䎃㑞⷗ㅻ㠻Ⱍ㬨ギ㛏㩰⭼ ⭥䎝㈩᱄ⱙ⽔㎕䄵㩌㑱㦬 Ⰹ䇭㲌㏛⭥ 䊣 㦶㸋㰜㗨 ⭥㾣㛋᷍㬨㦬᱃Ⱀ㹐⭥㾣 㛋᷍㵍㬒ギ㛏㩰⭼⪕䋍㳍 ⭹⼮䁨⤏㎎⼒㻸䄵㧗⭥㬣 ミ᱄㋪ボ䄵㩌㑱㘒䊻⿗㤍 ㅻ㦶㬒᷍Ⱍ。➲㰝䈌㾦䂗 ⭥㈎㏛㼁ㆂ⼰᱄䄜Ⳟ㘇䄵㩌㑱➺㾶䇱㰜 㗨䓵゛⭥㘒䔆㏛㬘᷍䄜Ⳟ㘇䄵㩌㑱㦬䄓 ㈎㏛㑬㩰⭼䊻㰜㗨㘒䔆㏛㬘㏐⭥䎝㈩㾱 Ⱀ᱄䅓⪬᷍㩰⭼㈩ⱘ⭥⹫㬣䊻䄵㩌㑱㦬 ⭥㸥⿐㬒㋶㏐㈮㚲䄵⳷⷏㑬᱄


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䎃ⷙ㑬㸳㗨㬓㗕㡕ⳃ㚹ᷠ⡰㈚㸳 㗨⤜㬨䄵㩌㑱㦬᷍㸳㗨㬨⿋䔆᱄㸳㗨⡟ ㎕㈮䇱䓵㪎⭥㘒䔆㸥⿐᷍䄓䇱㏛㬘䇧㈤ ⭥⪌㵔ㅻ㦶᷍㣳ⷘ⷗ㅻ㦶Ⱍ䊭⼍䓦ⴂ ⶜᱃㪏侅⭥㦬㸥㚻⼎᷍㡅䐱䇱⤜ⳇ㉀䇱 ⭒⭹⹦㎰⪌㯖⭥㪒⿑᷉㈩ⱘ᷊⹫㬣᱄⿋ 㦬〚Ⱎ㵞⤜⡹オ々⿗㤍⿋㦬⭥ㅻ㦶᷍䐜 㬨㸳㗨ォ㦜䄲㈎ㅴ㬽㑬㩰⭼⭥㈩ⱘ᷍㚨 㗕㈮䇱⡹䄋ⰵ㸳㗨㘒䔆㸥⿐ㅻ㦶㏐⭥㾦

䂗⪌㯖⹫㬣䐹㾣䜚㬮䄜ⳍ᱄㈮㧈㿎ⱁ⿋ 㦬䄜䂚᷍ⰵ㪒⿑⪌㯖⭥⹫㬣䐜㦂㡅䐱⭥ ⭡⭣ㅭ䅆᷍ⱙ⤜。㼁㾦㚨㾊㒊ㆈ㪒㑇᱄ 〚Ⱎ㵞⿋㦬ⰵ⫞㗠㛋㰚⺞⭥⿋䔆ㅻ㦶䄓 䄜䂚᱄䅓⪬㸿㔼㬨⪛ㅻ᱃Ⱜ㹈ㅻ᱃䐱㤐 ㅻ᱃䐹䂕ㅻ⭩᷍䎃㾊ㅻ㦶Ⱍ㬨㸥⿐⪌㵔 ㅻ㦶ⱙ⤜㬨䓻ㅭ㾦䂗⭥ㅻ㦶᷉ゕ〓㡅䐱 㦵⼍䇱䄜㾊䓻ㅭ㾦䂗㩌⤫᷍䄓㋪䄵㲿⨞ 䓻ㅭ㾦䂗⭥⧪⳷᷊᷍⿋㦬〚Ⱎ㵞㋪䄵䈌 㵍⟜㗨䄜㡑⿗㤍⺞ㅻ᷍⡰㈚䎃㬨⢋䐟䓦 㸳㗨㘒䔆㪎⳾⭥㦰㵍᱄⼯㌗㡅䐱⭥⭡⭣ ⹫㬣⼎ⶨⴂ⶜⭥㦫䅆᱃䐳⧰᱃㪂゛᱃㾃 ䷊⭩㗡㩧⭥㦬㾵⹫㬣᷍㪖䐢䊻䊅⡙⺞ㅻ 㬒コ㦬㣸䇲⭥⿆Ⱀⱙⳃ䂐㣸㤊䇲➏⭥⼮ 㾔㈌㪒᷍䄓䎞㬨㩰⭼䋍㦬⡟䇇㉀䇱⭥㗡 ⭣᱄ 㸳⭥ㆂ㔼㬨᷍⿋㦬〚Ⱎ㵞⺞㾣㛋᷍ ゕ〓㬨䊻㯥䁏㠻㚻᷍㸳㗨㦵㦜㋪䄵䈌㻓 ㎷⭥㦬㵍㎷᷍㈮㼒⿗㤍ⶕ』ㅻ䄜䂚᱄⪛ ㅻ㦤㦬㼌⭞㶓㼔ⷝ㾣᱃⨞㈪䇎㾣᷍䄓㈮ 㬨㩰⭼䊻㸳㗨㪛㘝㏐⭥䊺⪕䋍᱃䊺ⷝ 㾣ᷜ䈌⪬㵍㬒䄓䄋㡛㉙䔐ⱒ᷍⿜㦂㾣㪛 㘝㾣ⱘ⮅᷍㦤㈪⭥㪛㘝㯡㦆᷍䊻〚Ⱎ㏐ ⧪㸋㾣䋍⭥㦬᱄㆒㛋⭥㯥䁏㠻⿋㦬〚 Ⱎ㵞⤜⡹⺞Ⱙ㆜㬔⼮䓘㤔㏌㦛Ⱑ⪇᷍䊻 䎃㿎ⱁ㗡㬔⼮㌍㎷⭥㯥䁏㠻᷍㋪䄵䄵⿗ ㎷⭥㾥䇎ㅴ⼮䊅⡙㯥䁏㠻⽔⭥ⶕ』㤍 ⮅᱋᱋䐜䄋䊻⿗㎷㬒㚋㶝㤏㦬⼮㬽㌁⭥ 㦬㦛᷍㗜䇱㎬Ⳳ䋄㲄㬔㹐᱄ⷝ㗡⭥㬨᷍ 㧈⺜㚽䈌㠗㎈㬽㌁⭥㦛㳆⳷㼎ㅻ㤍⭥䓄 ⶄ᷍㚨㗕᷍㆒㛋⭥㯥䁏㠻㸐㬖㬨㩰⭼⭥ 䓄ⶄ㑬᱄ 샂



Ӭ͛ྫྷ͎࣎μ ֗ ౄᎿӰ࣎‫ݿ‬

ᡏؓၗ 福灵堂



㎕䓵㗡⺛ⱎ㋬㎎⼪㕎䐾⭥䓠㸑㚢㬇(Dr F Olin Stockwell , 1900-1996)᷍⡰䄖䇻 Ohio Wesleyan ⫔䁈⼮ Garrett 㬆㈎䁈 䊛᷍⤃䊻コ㼈⡜➕㑃㸋㸡㏎䓻⭥㚢㬇᱄

㏏㗡⤊㬇⹤㪛䇻 㛋 䊣 㦶⭥㗡⺛㋑ 㧙㯚䐾᱄㰞㬨䇻 㛋 ⡜㸐㝪⭞䐱⺛⭥㸡㏎㿜ㅭ 㬠᷍⤃䊻⭒⭹ⴟ㬣⧍⺞ 㛋᱄

㛋 䊣 㦶᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇㦃䄵㯚㳜(1900-1992) 㸋㠿᱄《⽔᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇㦵䊻㰜⭥コ㼈⪌⭡᱄⤜㈤᷍㩰 ⭼⽕䍺㰜㗨⧪㸋䊻䐱⺛ⶄ䐾⼮⧪Ⱍ㬣ⴏ⭥㸡㏎䓻㿜ㅭ㬠 ᱄䎃㠻ヅ᷍ⴓ㦬䄵㯚㳜䋓䊻ㅭ。䁈䊛ㅭ⭝䅕 ㎷᱄ 㛋㰜㗨⿹㗡⺛㾾ズ㬒᷍䄵㯚㳜䊻䐆ゴⷈ〒⭤䅕 ㎷㯗㬠㸥㠟᱄ 㛋䓠㸑㚢㬇Ⱑ䓵Ⳗ⿹䐱⺛᷍䊻⿋㹘㾎 ⼮㪒䁈䊛㬻㋯᷍⤃䊻⭒⭹⪴㬣ⶄ䅕⹅䔘⼮㿜⭡᱄ⴓ㦬䄵 㯚㳜䇻 㛋䈌㰜䊻䐱⺛。⼰᱄ 㛋᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇⡜⹻䄵㗡⺛㿜ㅭ㬠ヅ⮞䔐㘜ⱙ⡜ ⫟⤗᷍䊻䐹㤍㧌䈝㑞㛋᱄䔏⽔ⴓ⶟㑊⭤䄵㏌㋋䐱⺛㎕⭞ 㾣ゴ㠣᱄䇱⹹䎃Ⱟ㈎㏛᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇ㅵ➲㰝㾕㧌᱗⽍㩌䐱 ⺛㰋䊣䈌㪒㵍䊻᱘䄜㭊㚻᱄⪬㭊䋙䇻 㛋⫛䐱⭨㩰⧊ 㼛㭊⟒⭆᱄ 䐢 㛋᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇⧪㸋㧞䄜㪒䁈䊛㦌䐑ㅭ 㬻᷍䐏⽔㪞㸋䊛⧅䐢 㛋㦯㕛᱄㰜⼮㲌㲌䄓䇻 㛋 ゴ㧌ⶄ㒊㲤㸋㿜ㅭ㬠᱄ⴓ⶟㑊Ⱍ㯖⭤䄜㋻㒘㏜⭥⿋䈐⼮ ⶄ䐾⿑᷍⤃㣳㬒⧄䊻ⶄ㒊㲤䐅⭡᱄ ⷀゟⱘ㚢㬇䋙䊻 㛋ⶄ㒊㲤⧄㛋⡉⷇㭊䐱㋰Ⰹ㰜 㗨ⰵㅭ。⭥⹒㻸ᷛ᱑㚨Ⱟ㬒㠻᷍⭒㸳㗨ⶱ⭞䇃䈐㸡㏎㤁 㛋㵦㡖䈌䑘㦶䁈㦒ⳇ㒍⭝㦬㬒᷍䓠㸑㚢㬇䈌ⴓ㦬㈮ゴ㧌 ⡟㲤᱄㸳㗨ⶱ㾜䊻㳍㩰⭥⶙㪒᷍䊻㬫䄬⭥㬒ヅ➓㝦㰜㗨 ᱎᱎ㚽⹜䇱㰜㗨⭥ⴟ㬣⭥㦘㬨 ㎕㾎䑛㸳㗨ᱎᱎ㚽⹜䇱㰜㗨⭥ⴟ㬣⭥㦘㬨䄜 㸋㰜㑊㋪㯖 ⳾㾡㻓᷍䅓㸋㰜㑊㋪㯖 㬨⡟㲤䔏 ㏎㼌⭥㚢 䎀᱄᱒ 㛋᷍䓠㸑㚢 㬇㵬㾾⽔⿹ ⭞㗡⺛㋧㔿 ㎎ⱁ䐾⭥⭅ⴑ 㬱᱄

㏏㗡⤊㬇⹤⡰䄖䇻 ㋑㧙㯚⫔䁈᷍〒⭤ⷈ㔸⡩ 䁨⫔䁈㯗㬠㸥㠟ゑ㾎⼮ 㪒䁈䊛 (Union Theological Seminary)㪒䁈䁈㸜᱄㰞 㬨䄜㘜ㅭ䈞コ᷍㈌㵉⿋䈐 䈌⿋㸥᱄䊻䐱⺛ⴟ㬣㠻 ヅ᷍㰞䋙䊻⥞㏉㸡㏎㿜ㅭ䁈㾄ㅭ⭝ⱁ㛋᷍⤃䄵⷗㦬〓䈌 㰜㦬㑋㬷䓌㾕㑬⼤㾊〚Ⱎㅭ㸥䁈䑙䔘⼮㭊わ᷍㡅䐱⟝㎉ ᱗〚Ⱎ㎕⭞㑬㼈⫆ᷛ⳨〚Ⱎ㵞㝊⫆㪛』㲞䁱᱘᱃᱗㠘ⷒ 㯽䋍㻖㑱᱘ゑ᱗㧈⼯⪕⟍㼈⫆䑘㦶䁈᱘⭩᱄㰞㰚䓌㾕⭥ 䄜㻖㑱⿋㸥ㅭ㋧㭊᷍⡜䐱⺛〚Ⱎㅭ㾎。⤪䇤䇻ⱚ㵐䓻ㅭ ㅭ䈞᱄ 䐢 㛋ヅ᷍㏏㗡⤊㬇⹤⡜⶟㝏⼄㶃⪌ㅭ㬠㾎 。⥏㝪⭞㕎㎕䁨〚Ⱎㅭ㏎㬣。㬣ⴏ᷍⽔䓋㝪䐢ⶄ㒊㲤䇃 䈐㸡㏎㤁㛋㵦㡖⭒⭝㬇᷍㦩䐵ⴟ㬣᱄䎃㠻ヅ᷍㏏㬇⹤䊻 㾣ゴ㠣䄓』䊟䇻㵧Ⱀᱏ⶟㝏䈌ⱚ㵐᱐ㅓ䔚᱄㰞䋙䊻〚Ⱎ 㵞コ㵆㪛』 㕎㎕䁨〚Ⱎㅭ。⭥䊿䑛㻣㵧Ⱀᱏコ㵆䐽᱐᱄ 㾣ゴ㠣㗞㳆䋙⡉⭝㑬䇱⹹㏏㬇⹤䊻〚Ⱎㅭ㝏㤁㛋。㈺⟍ ⭥⺛カ⶟㝏㉄㎷⤠。䅊㩰⳷㼎᱑㣠⿐〚Ⱎ㵞コ㵆㪛』᱒ ⭥㋯㳃᱄ 㛋 䊣㰞㵬㾾⿹㗡⺛᷍ㆂ㭙㑬䊻ⶄ㒊 㲤䊝 㲤䊝 㛋⭥ⴟ㬣᱄ 㛋᷍㏏㬇⹤』䊟䇻㗡⺛㋑㧙㯚㬱⭥ 㦬㘒 㦬㘒䔊䐐᱃㗽㯶㏐䈌㋑㧙㯚䐾⺛カ⭜⷇㵦㡖 ㏎㬣 ㏎㬣。᱄䊻㋑㧙㯚㬱㠻ヅ᷍㰞䄓䊻Ⱑ㑃⫔⭡ 䁎⭡ 䁎⭡㸡㏎㑋⼰ㅭ。㦯䐑᷍⤃㣳䄓䊻⫔䁈㾿Ⱒ 䄜 䄜㾊㋯⧭᱄ 㛋 䊣 㦶㏏㗡⤊㬇⹤䊻ゴ㏜ⶄ㛂 䁨 䁨䐾⭥㸡㏎⹌。⪌ㅭ㬠䐏コ㬦㬡᱄ ৼ࿊ ఀ֬õ࿍ࢤ൝֬‫ܪ‬ൠöၟृ֯ຢ пè

ሮਟদჾᷛ 1.‫ڥ‬ਹฝ ! ୔ӏ୔Иۨඇ 2. A Dictionary of Asian Christianity by Scott W. Sunquist; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan) 3. The Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune, Feb 24, 1955, page 3

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㛋㋪㵧Ⱀ⭥㾣ェ⿏㬨㎫Ⱒ㬆 ㈎᷍㬚㎫Ⱒ㬆㈎⧪㸋ㅭ。⼮⷗ 㦬㪛』⭥㻑⺀᱄

⡄㔿㾕㾦ⷙ㛋㤂⭥㳂㚇㲌㯖ᷛ ᱑㬆㈎Ⱍ㬨㩰⭼㰚㚍㬟⭥᷍䇻ㅭ䁖᱃ Ⱎ䋑᷍㬚㦬⺊䎞᷍ㅭ⭝㦬䁈䅆Ⱍ㬨䇱 䅇⭥᷍ㅱ㭕㩰⭼⭥㦬⭤䄵㶋㦌᷍䊅⡙ 㾱ⷘ䂚⭥㩧㬣᱄᱒ 㳂⽔ 㸳㗨 ⺊䎞᱃䁈䅆᱃⭤㶋㦌᱃㾱㩧᷍㈮䄋Ⱒ ㈎᱄㦜ⱙ㸋㬓㗕䄋㋋㪚㎫Ⱒᷠ䅓㸋㎫ Ⱒ㬆㈎䇱㿎ⱁ⼤⪇ᷛ

㪚䅕᷍➲ㅌ㎕⭥㬣⷇㰀㑬㬚㵞᱄ 䄏尶䇷㯖ᷛ᱑㚇㹘⭥㔪ⳉ᷍㻩 䐋⭥㭊⼮㬌㠋㩰㰚エ⭥᷍ⳓ䐙䓦㸳⭥ ⿑᷍Ⱍ⡹㿌䇇䂊᱄᱒ 㔘 䎃㏐㯖 㘘㑞ミ㬣᷍䄜㬨㎫Ⱒ㬓㗕㭊⡟᷍ⱟ㬨 ㈪䊝㰚䊅䁵᷍㾣䊝⡹䇂䐅᱄㧈⺜㛄䊻 ㎫Ⱒ㾣䊝᷍㛄⼽ⱁ㬒㋭。Ⱒ⨗䇂䐅㈪ 䊝⭥㏞䐅᷍㚨㗕㛄㈮㼒䊻ⳉ㵆᱃〓⳦ ⭉⹌㋋㯖⨗㿎ⱁ⭥䐅㈾᷍䐅㘘䄏尶㬨 㩰⭼⭥ⱚ䓴᱄ Ⅱ ए͙⮰䊊㒺㘩᜼Ӈ➕⡚㐅̶ፉ

Ⅱ 㘩̶̺ፉ䲎ᄥ䲎喏क़‫⹮ݜ‬䄠䄉

⮰ผ䴟 䊻㈪䊝䐱㩰⭼䐙㬟㻩䐋᷍➲⬌ ⭥⿑䈐⳦䊻㰜㗨㋻䐱᷍㸋㬓㗕⤜㯖⳦ 䊻㚵䐱᷍⳦䊻㾥㏐᷍㈮㬨䄋㰜㗨㯖⨗ ㎕᷍䄏㏜㗸㯖ᷛ᱑䇻㬨䄏⼮⿋㪍㬷➕ 㸳⭥㋻᷍ⰵ㸳㯖 ᱏ㸳䄲ㅌ⭒㯖⭥⿑ ⪌ⷙ㛄᱄᱐᱒ 䄏 㧗㚙ⱛ䄓䐙ᷜ ᱑䄏⼮⿋⭥㒊ㆆ䓦㸳㯖᷍⬌⭥⿑䊻㸳 ㋻䐱᱄᱒ 㧗㻣 䄏⼮⿋⼮㻩䐋㘇 ⰵ㘇᷍㯖⨗㎕⭥⿑㬨䇱㪚䅕᷍䅓⪬㋠ Ⱒ⨗㎕㳞⭞㪚䅕᷍㚨㈮ⷝ㘘➸᷍᱑⿑ ⳦䊻㋻䐱᱒䄓㬨䄋㻩䐋㋠㪚䅕⪌⧱⬌ ⭥䐝䅃᱄㧕⭆⭆㚍Ⱒ⿚⤜䔄᱄ 㸳㗨㋕⪕㬡ギ᷍㧈⺜㛄㋋㪚㎫ Ⱒᷛ᱑㡑⨖᷍㩰⭼⪕䋍㳍⭹᱄⭹㬨㋶ 㿊」丈᷍䊉㘇⼻➖᷍㩰⭼⭥㒊䊬㾱䊻 㯏㘇㩰᱄㩰⭼㯖ᷛᱏ䄋䇱⺃᱐ᷜ㈮䇱 㑬⺃᱄᱒㛄。ⳃ㻷䎜⷗⿎㘇䊻㛄䁼 㣑᷍㛄㿑㭗㳍⭹⭥⪕䋍᷍㳆。⪕㬡䐏 ⨖᱄ Ⅱ ᰠ㘩ᬺ⮩౏□⮰ᑁ䶲 㬆㒊㳞㩰⭼㯖⿑᷍㦜⽔➲㩰⭼ ⭥⿑䄓ⰵ㸳㗨㯖᱄䄏尶⷇㰀㬚㵞㯖 ᱑䐜⭩䎇㏎⭥㬆㒊㎕㑬᷍⬌䄋䅞⭝㛄 㗨㘘➸䄜㣱⭥䎇㏎ᷜ䅓㸋⬌⤜㬨㠟䓵 ゛㯖⭥᷍㚬㬨➲⬌㰚㳞ボ⭥Ⱍ㯖⨗ ㎕᷍⤃䄋➲ㅌ㎕⭥㬣⷇㰀㛄㗨᱄᱒ 䊝 䄏尶ⰵ㗦㵞㯖㬆㒊⭥䅞⭝᷍㩰 ⭼ⰵ㬆㒊㯖⿑᷍㬆㒊䅓㸋㳞ボ㩰⭼⭥ 2 • 2018 •

㰅㦜㸳㗨⤜㲌。㯖䊿㗡㩰⭼⭥ ⿑䈐᷍⭌㸳㗨㋪䄵Ⱒ⨗䊿㗡㩰⭼⭥⿑ 䈐᱄㸳㗨㪖䐢㋪䄵䇤㋻䐱⭥䊿㗡㸋⹊ 㹐㻸ⷙ⬌᱄㬌㠋 ᷛ᱑䄏⼮⿋ ➂᷍㤔㛄䊤㚪㸳㋻䐱⭥䊿㗡㸋⹊㹐᱄ 䇷ㅌ㛄⭥⮅䍣ㅭ䁖㸳 ᷂᱒㸳㗨㻷䊻⤜ 䇤㪝㿔㎕㻸ァ᷍㸳㗨䇤䊿㗡㩰⭼⭥䁵 䈐㸋⹊㹐ᷜ㬆㈎㬨㈎⮅⭥䍣ㅻ᷍㳂⹊ 䊿㗡⭥䈐䁵᷍㸳㗨㎫Ⱒ⨗㎕㈮㬨㗠㳍 㻸㩰⭥䊿㗡᱄ ㌗㣳᷍㩰⭼⭥⿑䈐㚽㈩』㸳㗨᷍ 㬚㸳㗨㵲㏌⼻➖᷍䅓㸋㩰⭼⭥⿑㬨 ᱑㸳ㅦ㣑⭥⭧᷍㔘㩰⭥⺃᱄᱒䇷㯖 ᱑㛄⹌䅆⭥⮅䍣᷍㸳䋙㡑㬥䔒㬹᷍㸳 ⡹➕㬥ⱙ㾱᱄᱒ 㬌 䋖 㗕㡑㬥ᷠ⭒㦜䄋⫔㪚Ⱒ⨗㎕᷍㰚䄵⹌ 䅆⭥㬆㈎⮅䍣᷍➕㬌㦬⭥㯖ⳉ᷍㬨䄋 㡑㬥᱃䄋䔒㾱㬥䁵᱄䎃㬨㸳㗨⭥〚⡟ ⹇᷍㼓㩰⭼➲⮅䍣Ⱒ⨗㎕᷍㾱⨗㎕᷍ 㬨㸳㗨⭥㦬㪛᱄ Ⅱ ᱃䄧౏㏻ҫ᜽Иᰠц⺣ॶ 㸳㗨㯖䓵゛⤜。⭜⷇᷍䅓㸋㸳㗨 ⼽㩺㎫Ⱒ㈎㸥᷍㸳㗨㗜䇱㭅㧌᷍⼯㎕ 㭅⨗᱄㩰⭼⭥⿑䈐ゐ㩺⧪ⱁ᷍㳍㳍㎫ Ⱒ㸳㗨。⳦⭉㋋㪚᷍䇱䄜㳍㸳㗨。㵜 㠧᷍䅓㸋㸳㗨㎫Ⱒ⭥㪚䅕⧪㑬⭜⷇⭥ 㪚䅕᷍䓵㦜㒘⧊᱄ 㸳㗨㳞㻩䐋⭜⷇⭥㪚䅕᷍㻩䐋 ⺟➮⹩⭜⷇㯖ᷛ᱑䄏⼮⿋➂᷍㸳⽕㤔

ߜྖမ 武吉班让堂

㛄᷍㛄⤜䇇䊫䄋⭞゙㬒㚹ᷠ㸳䅓㣠⡊ ➈㤔㛄᷍㛄⿚⤜䎝㈩ᷠ᱒ ⺟ 㛄㋕ ⭞⼄㾆᱃⭹䎑᷍㛄䄓㋪䄵㧈⪬⽕⼑㩰 ⭼ᷛ᱑䄏⼮⿋㪒᷍㛄䎝㈩㦬㏁᷍䐚䓂 䎃䊷㚲➪᷂᱒㛄䄓㋪䄵㾈ⳉ䄏㏜㗸⭥ ⭜⷇ᷜ᱑䑘䄏⼮⿋➂᷍㛄䋙䇤⫔㚽⼮ 㪍⨗㎕⭥⟓⡼⪕䋍㳍⭹᷍䊻㛄㗜䇱㚲 ⧪⭥㬣᱄㤔㛄㈩㸳㗨㵲㏌䎃⤂Ⱏ㧌㣷 ⭥㬒⫛᷍⡄䇴㸳㗨᱄᱒ Ⅱ ᣼倄㜖ጝ⮰⩋঩৭䉔 ᱗⫔㪚㎫Ⱒ⭥⼤⪇䎃㗕ⱁ 㛄⤜䄜 Ⰹ㦌䐋⭡᱘䄜㸥䐙䁱㈠ⳃ㻷᷍᱑ⳕⶕ 㯱Ⱒ㚽⹜ゅ』㦬⭥ⶱ䐋㚽㑇᷍⤃㚽⼮ 䇳㚵䐱䑝⫇⭥㾦㻃㾯⧪⹓㘚᷍⭤⭞䄜 䐷㲹䇱⭥㪛㘝㳆䂊⼮ⶱ㬽ᱎᱎ⭞㆙䄜 ⤞⭥㏎ㆃ⼮㒍㹓᷍⪴ⱙ䇑㼍⼮㳂ⷀ䓵 ゛⭥㪛㘝㠘䐫᱄᱒㎫Ⱒ⭥㿎ⱁ⼤⪇⿚ ⟝㎉⫔㚵⭤⭞⳦㯪᷍㾥㤊ⷝ䈅㌍᷍㎫ Ⱒ㋪䄵ㅖ⭮䁋䁚᷍㎫Ⱒ ⳷䐴㋋㬝㼜 ⼥㦩㑠㋪ブⳫ᱄ⱙ㎫㯱㬨䄜䐷᱑㯝㸍 㳆⤺᱒᷍㋪䊅ⳡ㎰㛋⧶⫕᱄ 㧈⼯㎫Ⱒ㬆㈎ᷠ㎫Ⱒ㬓㗕㠋䍣ᷠ 㗠㳍Ⱒ゙㠋ᷠ㸳䓵゛㬵䂊⺇Ⰹ㗠㳍䐢 㩺㧞䍣᷍䅓㸋㧞䍣⼽ⱁ㬒⽓㬨䄜⷗Ⱟ 㕅᷍䄓㪇ゑㅰⱁ㚻㦾᷍䔘㸋㭅㧌⭥㾦 㻃᱄㏞㧈㎫Ⱒ⪕㬡ギ㣑㧞䍣⟝㎉⪕䋍 㳍⭹㶓㹐᱃䋍㦬㏁᱃㦬⭥ⱊ㕅ᷜ⨗➄ ゑエ㣑㧞䍣᷍⟝㎉䄵㩌㑱㦬㬽㌁㚲᷍ 㚇㹘⨗㪛᱃㲴⭞㗸⮊᷍䄏⼮⿋䊻】㩶 ⭥㈄ろ䈌㚇㹘ⰵ⿑᱄㬆㈎㿎ⱁ⡟㭊⭥ 䍣㭞㬨㧞⭥⡗㭞᱄ 䎜⡟㬆㈎⡹㿌䁂⨗㎫Ⱒ⼮㚍Ⱒ⭥ 㠋䍣᷍⡩㧈㸳㦰㸋㏜㸕エ⼮㘒㭞エ⡩ ㅰ㬫⼰㚍Ⱒ᷍㦜ⱙ㪋㘝エ㬫䄬㎫Ⱒᷜ ⪴䊝㭊䁨エ⭞䄵㯚㳜エ䎃㾊㏛㬘㭊⡩ ㅰ㬫⼰㚍Ⱒ㌍Ⱒ᷍㑱㶖ギ⼮㏛⫛䐟㪖 䐢㋪㯺Ⱒ᱄䊝⤏エ᱃㬌㠋᱃娑䁵᱃⪌ ⭡㭊㬫⼰㎫Ⱒ᷍⭌䁦ⷉ㸳䄋㈓㈓⭥㚍 Ⱒ᱄⫔㾂㻩䐋㭊㋪䄵㎫Ⱒ᷍㳆。䈌㩰 ⭼㘇ⰵ㘇᱄㾣䊝ⶄ䅕⼮㭊㾦⿚䇱䊅䁵 Ⱍ㋪⳦㾥㎫Ⱒ᱄䊙㩰⭼䓄ⶄ㛄㗨᷍䊻 㾣䄜㛋䍚㋋㎫Ⱒ䐏㔤᷂


㗨⼽➏㩰⭼᷍䅓⪬⧄➏䔘 㩰⭼⭥⫛䁵㦬ᷜ㸳㗨䐋⭡ 㩰⭼㬨⹌䅆⭥᷍䅓⪬⭒㪛 』䐱㚔㾊㣸㞔㠾䇲䇱⤜䈅㌍⭥䋃䈗 㬒᷍⧄⧄⤜䓵㆜⭥。㵲㋻ⱙ㯖ᷛ᱑㛄 䇱䔐㎓᷍㩰⭼Ⳅ㛄㑬᱄᱒ 㸳㗨䄓⤜㚽⹷䎃㾊㦬᷍䅓㸋㰜 㗨㲌㻄㶜䎃⷗㬡ㆈ㬨⳨㤛䍼㘘㹛ⱙ䄸 㝱ⰰ᷍㸳㗨⭥䑘㬨㠫㹗䄜㣱㗍ⰽ㈡ⷑ ⭥䓝䋓᷍䓆䓂䎃䄜䑘䑂䄜㣱⢄䄸㚤㛔 㑬᱄ 䄡䎃䂚⭥Ⳟ㼓᷍㸳㗨㈮ビ⭆⭥➲ 䄜㣱⭥カ䈗᱑ⱟ䊋⿐᱒ᷛ䄜㬨㩰⭼⭥ ㈩ⱘᷜ䄜㬨㩰⭼⭥⧮Ⳅ᱄㩰⭼⭥㈩ⱘ ⧅㎌ⷀ㪏᷍㧈Ⰼ⭞㹘᷍㧈㳍⭞⭹᷍⨅ ⨅㞇㞇᷍䎃㬨㸿㿉䐫䄪⭥᱄⭌㬨᷍㩰 ⭼⭥⧮Ⳅ㚹ᷠ䎃㈮Ⳳ㯝㑠㑬᱄⭒㦜᷍ 䔏䁰㏘⭥⧮Ⳅ㈮㬨➲㛄⭥㘜䓷⪴㪛㘝 ⥂㩰㲿⨞᱄ ⭒㦬㼓㛄㯖ᷛ᱑㩰⭼䊻⧮Ⳅ㛄 ㎓᷂᱒⭥㬒⽓᷍᱑⡜⧮Ⳅ⭥㦬᱒㚽䅓 ⪬㉖㹓㦰䔐㗕ᷠ⤜。᷍㶓㶓⤜。᱄䊻 㦬⭥㬡ㆈ㏐᷍㰝㰚ゅ㡑⭥ⳕ⭐㬨れ⫔

⭥᷍㸳㗨⭥㚠⭥㬨㼓㦬⪌ⶄ䅕᷍㦑㦬 ⺊䑘᷍⭌㡅㾈⺜れ㸃᷍㪖䐢れ⥏᱄㋪ 㚽᷍㸳㗨㣸➏⭥⭽㾷ㆄ㗤䇱㬒㬨㸋㑬 㻄㶜㌍㯺᱑㑃ⶮボ䇑᱒᷍ㆆ䓦䎃㗕䄜 ㉅᱑㝱⪫᱒ⷙⰵⳞ᱑⫔⼩䄜㪚᱒᷍㚽 䊻㒊㘝㩰䇱㰚ⶥ⢅᱄⭌䎃䐜㬨䄜㼂㤊 䊙᷍㬣⡹䈌䊙㸆⭥᱄ 䊻㬆㈎㏐᷍䇱㧞⷗㦬㹐㬨⮅㾮⭥ 䄵᱑㛄㬨䔐㦬᱒㼌㸋㩰⭼䔘⫛䁵㦬᷍ 䎃㈮㬨䊻䊝⤏エ㏐⭥㳂䱄㦬䄵㏜ⳉ᱃ 㭊䁨㦬⡩㎶⫐᱃㚤㕋㦬㰗ⳉ᱄䎃㧞⷗ 䊝⤏⭥⼤䇲䅓䊝⤏⤜㾳⭥䋃䈗Ⱍ㎕⭞ 䊝⤏⭥コ㏐᷍䄵れ⡐➈⭥㾥㈔➓㸠䊝 ⤏᱃䄵れ㋳㣱⭥䁵⪫㘄㏙䊝⤏᷍㼁ⰵ 㸿䈐᱃㚍㚍⹓⪇㑬㡀⷗䑈䄚᷍⤃㗜䇱 ⶥ⢅䊝⤏⭥⪇㈔᱄䔏⽔᷍㰜㗨Ⱍ⤜䊝 ⱙ㵍⭥⫐⭞䄜⷗ㆂ㔼᷍䅍㋻㵍㪚⭥㼓 䊝⤏ⳃ⨗㈐ㆅ᷍㯖ᷛ᱑㛄㬨䇱䔐⭥᷍ 㩰⭼䊻Ⳅ㛄㎓᷂᱒ 䎃䂚⭥ㆂ䈐᷍㣈㛋⤜⢅᷍䐒⭞㆒ 㳍᱄⭒㸳㗨䈗⭞䇱㦬⪇䊻䎃䂚⭥⤜㾳 㚨䂚⭥⤜㾳⭥㬒⽓᷍ⱙⰵⳞ䇷᱑㯡㝄 䄜⢀㈒᱒᷍㯡䇷⤜⧱㦰⺞ⳙ⭥㬒⽓᷍ 㸳㗨᱑㈩㦬㾥㣱᱒᷍䄓㈮⤜㡅㦜⭥。


㬚⨗䎃㗕⭥䄜䍱ᷛ᱑』ⶤ᷍㛄ⳙ䔐 㑬᷍㩰⭼䊻Ⳅ㛄᱄᱒ ㋪㬨᷍䎃䄜䍱㬨㯡⽛㵍᷍㗜䇱⨗ 㔘᷍ⳕⱙ㬨㉙㔘᷍㛄。➲ⰵⳞ⡧⭞䄜 ⷗㣞ㅨ᷍ⰵ㸳㗨⭥㩰⭼れ㡅ⳕⶱ᷍䎇 㬨⭤⤜⧆㬈᷍㬨䇿⪡⭥᱄ 䊝⤏⭥㧞⷗㎰䇲㗜䇱䅓㸋䐻㋻ 㵍㪚᱑㩰⭼䊻Ⳅ㛄㎓᱒䐏⽔ボ⭞㾈 ⺜᷍⭌ⶱ㾜䑘᷍䊝⤏⤜㬨⭩㻱䐏⡓᷍ ⤜㬨ⳓⴓ㯸䓴᷍㰜㪎㏛㶓ㅺ᷍䇷㗪㧞 ㎰䇲⭥᱑⫛㩰⭼ⳃ䁵᱒᷍㰜㗜䇱⤋㦜 ⫔㝎᷍⫔㕏㩰⭼᷍ⳕⱙ㠞㡅㡙᱃㈓㡅 㾥᷍ⰵ䓵゛㰚㾦㰚㋠⭥㩰⭼䔘㑬䄜⷗ 㪏㋭⭥ⳕ㯝᱄㰜㼓㩰⭼㯖ᷛ᱑㸳䐋⭡ 㛄㶓㬣Ⱍ㚽䔗᷍㛄⭥䐝䅃⤜㚽㎚䔉᱄ 㯎䇤㸿䐋⭥䁵䈐᷍㬚㛄⭥䐝䅃䅟⤹ 㚹ᷠ㸳㰚㯖⭥᷍㬨㸳⤜㘘➸⭥᱄䎃㾊 㬣㲌㡇㘏㑬᷍㬨㸳⤜䐋⭡⭥᱄㤔㛄㳞 㸳᷍㸳䄋㯖⿑᷍㸳㸫㛄᷍㤔㛄䐙㬟 㸳᷍㸳⪴㣑ⴈ㸦䇱㛄᷍㻷䊻㣸䁼㋕ボ 㛄᱄᱒ ⼤䄜⷗䊝⤏᷍㰜⭥䎃䄜Ⱟ⿑᷍ 㶋㦌㬨䊻㾦䂗䐏䐱⭥Ⱑ➸᱄㰜㗜䇱䊚

٦ἰˀ᜶ឭþʽࣛᎯͿÿ ౤ͳၗ 武吉班让堂

㏒ћ䃜⮰㏿ᅬ᭛ ๓ఎల⮰ૈ‫ޓ‬喏 Ⴏᝬॴ⣜⮰᭛̬ ͖ಆᓹ⮰ԍМ㔱 ౔ᕓᵨ̶㏻ࢲ⮰ ࡯䩐⮪◨喏㏒ћ ⮰ԍ̶ፉ㘩䛻᭛ ‫ڔ‬Β㐅᜽Иᰬ๓ ⮰吿㝊߇䛻Ƞ

⼿㩰⭼᱃㰜㗜䇱䓵䄵㸋㬨᱃㗜䇱䓵䄵 㸋᱑㸳㘘➸᱒㑬᷍䇇ⶤ㯖᷍㩰⭼⭥䐝 䅃㰜⿚㬨䎇⭥⤜㘘➸⭥᱄㰜㵍䅃㰜⭥ ㈔䈗㬨᱑㩰⭼⭥⪇Ⳅ᱒㕑ᷠ㋕⤜⨗᱄ 㰜㸋⼯䈗⭞䎃䂚⭥㈔䈗ᷠ㸳㗨㋕㑬䊝 ⤏エ䄓䎇⭥㋕⤜⨗᷍⭌䇱䄜⮄㬨䎇㬖 ⭥᷍㈮㬨㩰⭼㬨㦌㚽㦌䐋⭥㪒᷍㩰⭼ 㬨䄜㣱᱑㩮⪮᱒⼮᱑㬶㦂᱒⭥㪒᷍ ⬌᱑⡹䅞㛄⨗⿝㚲᷍㆙㧌㌎㎌⤜㻢䍎 䐏⭹᱒᱄䎃䄜䎇㏎᷍䊻䊝⤏エ䐱㗜䇱 䇤㯖ㅭ⭥㾯㬞⨗㻷᷍⭌䇤䊝⤏⭥⽔㎕ ㈔䈗⭥㘉㭗䐱⧫㻷⨗㎕᷍䊝⤏䐹㾣〒 ⭤㑬㰜㰚㬈㦆⭥䄜㣱᷍㰜⭥䄜㣱㌁㚲 Ⱍ䊻ⰵ㩰⭼⭥㉙ⰵ䄡㋠䐱⡜㝓⮕᷍㰜 ⭥㾦䂗㬚㰜䐹㾣〒⭤㩰⭼⭥䄜㣱㩮 ⪮᱄ 䊝⤏エ⭥ㆂ㈷㬨⫔㵦䊓⭥㻓㉈᷍ 㰝㰚⧫㻷⭥㬨䄜⷗ヂ㦭⭥㾦䂗䎀䊻㾵 ⷒ㩰㈎㏛⭥㣈⪙➺㑗᷍䊝⤏⭥㾦㩰 ⭼㚽㑠㬨㦌㭊ⷙ㸳㗨䔏⫔⭥⹥㹉㑇 㑠᱄ • 2 • 2018



ˀ᜶ঊᘽ Ҭ᜶᝝ᧈ ౤ູܹྫྷ࣎ 卫讯主编

㔨㬨㦬⭥⡟㾵᱄㪛』䐱᷍ 䇱㲌ⱁ㬣㹐Ⱍ㚽㤂䄸㦤㸳 㗨䇨㔨᱄䐹䋓⭄㾥㬈㦆ㅂ ㋖᷍㪛ェ㗜䇱䓦㕅ᷜ㤂䋓䇨㔨⭹㳛ⳃ 㪛⹫䍰᷍㸿ⳉ䓝㬒ⶑ䊝᱄㦜ⱙ᷍䇨㔨 㚬㬨㸿⭸Ⱅ᷍㧕㦯㠟䇨㔨㋹䐧㾥㒊᷍ 䔏䐶㸳㗨ㅌ㻾㧌㋷⿦᱃䇨⨏仗㸱䐱᷍ 㪖䐢䇱䎀䅓⧅㠻䇨㔨᷍⤜䐋㧈⼯⪇ ㏎᷍㪎㾥㒊ㅵ⡡㎄᱄ ⤜⺞᷍䔘㸋㾦㵞᷍㸳㗨㿉䐋⡬ ⭤㳂㡑᱑䄋ㅌ䄜㣱䇨㔨㾗ⷙ㩰⭼᱒⭥ 䎇㏎᷍⤜㬨⪴㾥㏎㸡㪛ㅨⰩ㲙䐏᱄㰜 ⿚䇱ⷝ䐹䄋⭥㒊䁖䄋㳂㾲䐻㾦㵞᱄⡬ ⭤㣑㭊㬨㸋䄜㦛䋃㬽⡧⼇⭥㾦㵞ⱙ䓌 㾕᱄䊻㯏㪏】㦩䐏䐱᷍⡬⭤㘄㏙㾦㵞 㰚㬽⭥㌁㚲⤃⳨䇡䊗᷍ⱙ㬨Ⱝ䊾⭥ᷜ ㌁㚲䅁㧈㑗㆑⭥】㚽㬚㾦㾥⪠㈜᱄⪬ 㶃᷍⡬⭤⿚㲹⢑㣠⮘䊻㌁㚲䐱㣱㚋㶝 エ䄏尶〚Ⱎ⿚䄋㦺䄌䊺㎕᷂䊻⡬⭤㣑 㭊᷍㰜䄜⹓㳂㑬㯥⪯᱄

" õ෠ಝ୍૓ш྽ᄤϫϵ൲ ਆᇖᄧ൏ႳԚƗ୍૓းເՕ༦ৈƗ ൗ୍૓֬ྗྖࡂЫॐမƗःи଱Ы ࠌ൲ਆಶಝ୆ߑ֬ࣈሷ‫۾‬཈Ж‫ݓ‬Ɨ ढ़ၢᄤြᶖࠕ‫؃‬཈ཊ֬൏ް֫ሩӲ ᄨç಻္çቔ‫ݓ‬èö " õ෵ၢƗးሠШ‫୍ށ‬૓֬ ྖƗ࣏ഷሸ൶Ɨሌྖ஖ຳြᶖࠕ‫؃‬ ཈ཊ֬൏ްւ‫୍ۺ‬૓֬‫߹ؽ‬èö " õ౛π֬ƗႼࠌ၉ϵ ֬ॐမ਩୍֥૓Ɨ҉းఌܶƗෂ޳ ൥ᄬტ٫ӏ֬ൠƦ֡းߒ༦Ɨႀເ ୍૓൥თࠕ‫؃‬၉๤ൺॴƗൗ୍૓ ᄤ෷಻္཈ཊ֬൏ް၀ढ़ၢߒ༦ঀ ৈèö " õ֥ਛսଫಭ཈ཊ֬൏ްƗ ୍૓ш֥֫଱Ⴌ҉ඡҞç಻္֬ܺ ૭èö 㸿Ⱑ䇱㝝᷍⭒⡬⭤㳂⭞䇱⹹䄏尶 〚Ⱎ㦺䄌㻵㻷⭥䎇㏎ᷜ㰜䄓㧞⪯㳂⭞ 䄋㧈⼯⭩⽓䑘䄏尶᱄ 2 • 2018 •

" õ෵ၢƗးሠШ‫୍ށ‬૓֬ ྖƗ࣏ഷሸ൶Ɨሌྖ஖ຳြᶖࠕ‫؃‬ ཈ཊ֬൏ްւ‫୍ۺ‬૓֬‫߹ؽ‬èö

‫ྍے‬Ɨࢃ୍૓෵း֬ۨෛഏ‫׃‬èഏ ‫׃‬෵՗Ԣಭၰບ֬௣τƗшᄤࠕ‫؃‬ ြᶖৡГ൶୍૓֬ྖߏၰ୘èö

" õສ༅֬ࢹऌࣔਛè෵ၢ୍ ૓း࣏ഷሸ൶Ɨးࣥྣ֣ۨèö

㸳㗨㋪䄵㧈⼯⭷⭓䇨㔨᷍䓉㾥⭩ ⽓䄏尶〚Ⱎ䊺㎕㚹ᷠ

" õ༇း࣏ഷƗးࣥྣèႀ ເ୍૓֬Ԝָ଑‫ݍ‬Ɨ೉๤஠ཬ֬ െሷƗቃদቃಇƗ࿠ᅺढ़ຄԀ֬ ಭèö

䄵㩰ⱁ⪇㈎㸥⥜㘘⡬⭤㚬㬨䊻 ᱑䄏尶〚Ⱎ㦺䄌㻵㻷᱒䄵ゑ᱑㸳㗨䇇 ⭒㧈⼯⭩⽓䑘䄏尶䊺㎕᱒⭥䈐㈔䐱㲙 ⭞᱑䄋ㅌ䄜㣱䇨㔨㾗ⷙ㩰⭼᱒⭥䎇 ㏎᱄䇨㔨ㅌ㚄⽞㪛㘝ㅚ⮄᷍㦤㸳㗨⪴ ⹹䓃᱑䄏尶〚Ⱎ䊺㎕᱒䎃䐢⹹㆕䄋⭥ 㬣䓋䄧⭞㆒㪛Ⱝ䊾⭥䐆㕊㔭Ⱊ㬣㹒᱄ 䇨㔨⭝䐣㸳㗨⳷㾥᷍㸿ⳉ⧷㿙㈐㾲⭩ ⽓〚Ⱎ⭥䊺 ㎕᷍⤃䈌㬡㦬 䄜⟄⺞䓦㲑㵝 㼎㎷᷍⳦䓾㤊 䈜⭥㪛』᱄䇨 㔨䔏䐶㬚㸳㗨 ⡜㚈⺎㵭⧵᷍ 䄵䐣⭒䄏尶〚 Ⱎ䊺㎕㬒᷍㸳 㗨⭤⤜䓦⬌⭥ ⧧䊿᱃㬈㦆㸋 㸳㗨⫇㒕䊻㳍 㩰⭥⥛䄖᱃䄵 ゑ㚨䇡⤜㯆⤱ ⭥㦺䄌⹻㘂᱄ 㬨⹫᷍ⰵ〚Ⱎ 㵞ⱙ䁵᷍䇨㔨 㬨䄜䐷㋪㝣⭥ ⤂Ⱏ᷍⡹㿌ㆀ 㑇⭷⭓᱄䄜⷗㦬㧕➲㪛㘝㎬Ⳳ䊻㿎ⱁ ㆒㪛⭥䇨㔨䐱᷍㦕㶝㑬䊅⡙䓵゛⭩⽓ 〚Ⱎ䊺㎕᷍㈮⼮䑘㰚㯖⭥㹆⷗⡠㵐㝏 㸿䅍᱄⡄㔿䊻吉 ᷎ 䄓䇱䅍㤛㵍⹅ ⭥ㅭ⭝᷍ õᇽၟࣣࣔਛè႒֙၉໴

㸳㗨㹒⡹㣌⡑᱄᱑㛄㗨䄋ㅌ䄜㣱 䇨㔨㾗ⷙ㩰⭼᱒⭥㩰㸥㬨᱑㛄㗨䄋㣌 ⡑ⴟ䊻㩰⭼⫔㚽⭥㬷㻣᷍䎃䂚⭞㑬㬒 ⽓᷍㩰⭼⡹㬚㛄㗨㪞ⷀ᱄᱒ㅟ➢。⪭ 㻚㸳㗨⭥㾥䁼᷍㦤㸳㗨㋕⤜ボ䄋ㅌ䇨 㔨㾗ⷙ㩰⭼⭥⡹䄋᱄

Ⅱ 㡅⪯᷍ㅌ䇨㔨㾗ⷙ㩰⭼᱄㸳㗨㿉 䄋⤺㑘䊻⭜⷇䐏⽔᷍㈮㦤㩰⭼⡔⶛㸳 㗨⭥䐹⭄᱄㬌㠋 㯖᷍㩰⭼㬨㳍㳍 ⡔⶛㸳㗨䐹⭄⭥䑘᱄㸳㗨⤜䄋䄜⢀⤜ 㵄⭜⷇᷍䄜⢀キ㿙䇨㔨᱄㩰⭼ォ㬨㧈 ⪬㎷䅃㦤㸳㗨㧈㬮䐹⶛᷍㸳㗨⼯㌁㦤 䓵゛㧈⪬⧢䐹㚹ᷠ Ⅱ ⭻㧞᷍㼁㾦㩰

ࠫ۳ᅖ२ᏫᝓἻ ঊᘽ௧ʷመԻণ ᄊჁඉἻॹᮌቪ ҧખ૕Ǎʷ˔̡ ᔪંၷ֑๎ᠠ‫ښ‬ ᝵̭ܳၷᄊঊᘽ ˗ἻԂ঄̀ᮕ‫ܬ‬ ᒭࣂ኎ϋ۳ᅖг ౏Ἳࡃ֗˟ਫ਼ឭ ᄊ̋˔ኁቨ‫ݙ‬௄ पǍ


⭼。⹬㛏㸳㗨᱄ォ 㦜㩰⭼➏㸳㗨⭞䄜 ⷗⭹⤞᷍䊙䅃パ䁂 㸳㗨⧪㸋㉞䔑⭥ァ 㯟᷍㬆ㆁ⭥⺛Ⱙ᷍ ⬌䋖。ⰵ㸳㗨㪛』 䐱㰚⹳㔨⭥㬴㧕㸿 Ⱔ᷍ⷕ➗⹼】ᷠ㡅 㬖᷍䇨㔨ⳕ䇔㑬㸳 㗨ⰵ㩰⭼㦰㬗⭥㪏 㣔᷍䄵ゑ㾦㋠⬌⭥ ⧭Ⱙ᱄䅓⪬᷍䈌㡅 䇨㾥Ⱙ㦶᷍⤜㧈䓃 㚠⹬㛏㸳㗨⭥㩰 ⭼ ᷍ ⼤ 㦤 㸳 㗨 㚽 ⹜ ⷝゴ䓉㾥⭩⽓〚Ⱎ㻵 㻷⭥㦶䓴᱄

䊻㾣⭥䄜㛋㏐᷍㸳㗨㉙ⰵ䇱㚽㑇 ㋠䑘⭤㬅䇨㔨᷍㆘㪘䓵㬹᷍㈐㾲⭩⽓ 䑘᱄㬡㦬⧄㯖: don't worry, be happy᱄ 〚Ⱎ㵞䇇ⶤ㯖⭥㬨don't worry, be alert᷍ 䅓䑘㎕⭥㦶䓴㆝㑬᱄


ᮦᚓ 䄜

㘜䊝 㰋⭥㾂㚱⼃⼮㚙㣸⭞⮋ ㏐⹛㹐᱄⮋䑘㋕ボ㾂㚱⼃㵇㋪ ➏᷍⳨⧄⿗㻓᷍㈮⪴ソ䓴㩰㚤㻣䓑 㕛㲨⺜⭥㠠䓴᷍⭾⭞㰜⭥㘇㣑㯖ᷛ᱑ 㛄㪍㬷㶚㏐㵘䓆䄜➲᷍㚽䓆ⱁ㩺㈮ⱁ 㩺᷍㭆㭆⤜㬶㣏᷍㘃Ⳳ㤌㛄⧵᷂᱒㚱 ⼃䷗㑬䄜䎔᷍⺞⽔䄂䄂㵘᱄⮋䑘䊺㧞 ⹥㏙᷍㰜⿚㬨㗜Ⱀ㈓᱄䇻㬨⮋䑘㈮䓵 ゛䓆㑬䄜➲㲨⺜᷍㚤⭞㰜⭥㣑㘇᱄㚱 ⼃➲⧥㩡㎎㡑᷍㦤⮋䑘ㅌ㲨⺜㧗䊻㩰 㵘᱄⿹コ⽔᷍㕉㕉㸫㰜㸋⼯⤜䓵゛㚤 㲨⺜᷍㰜㔫䎇⭹⿹⫑ᷛ᱑䅓㸋㭆㭆⭥ 㬷⫔᷂᱒ 䎃⮄㾂㦰䐋᷍㧕䇤䊻㭕㒊⭥⥄ 㘇᷍䋓㬨䄜䐷䐨⿼᱄㼟⭤䓵゛㬷㾂᷍ 㑇㑠䇱㻿᷍䊻㦬㪛⭥䍰➎䈌㎈㈔䐱᷍ 㣌⡑㡎㤔㳍㩰⭥᱑㭆㭆᱒㪍⨗䊏㬷᷍ ⤃㯔ⴟ䇻⬌⭥⫙㒍䈌䍧㋹᷍㬨⭒㆒䄜 㸜⡙㬽㈕䐹⭥䐨䎀㰚⪌⭾⭥⹇㋯᱄⹦ 㔸㪒⶙䊻㰜⭥䑙䔘᱗䇖⡈㎰㛋㾥㪛 』᱘㏐᷍㦑㤌㛋⧅䎀䁈㻑᱑⳦㻣᱒᷍ ⤜⡹㆕䓆⤧⶜᱃㦬カ⹹㻖᱃㦉㑇᱃㪎

⳾᷍㪖䐢㬨ㅂ㋖⼮䓵㸳᷍䅓㸋䎃䄜㣱 Ⱍㅌ䄋⧪㸋⺞㦆᱄㰚㸞᱑⳦㻣᱒⭥䅃 㯝᷍⹦㔸㪒⶙⭥䜚㬮㈮㬨᱑㦤㩰⭼㎕ 䍧㦉᱒᱄ 䐋㬗(Knowledge)㚽㳂ⷀ㦬⭥䐨 ⿼(Wisdom)᱄䐱⺛㿎ⱁ⹦⫛䐨䎀᷍Ⱍ 㬨⡆Ⱒ㬌㭊᱃䐋㬗䊉⤊䐏㬠᷍㧈㋸㗰 ⭩㬆㻮㦬㹐᱄⤜⺞᷍䐋㬗⤜㚽㦂⫛䐨 ⿼᱄Ⰿ⭤㧈⼯䓘㤔ⴂ⶜⭥㪛』᷍㸿 㔼㬨㪎㳆㩰〓㈌㪒㩰⭥᷍㬨䐋㬗ᷜⰏ ⭤』⨗䇱䅃䅆⼮䇱ゼ䐖⭥㦬㪛᷍㬨䐨 ⿼᱄ 䇱㾊䐋㬗⤜㎕䓵㭊⡟᷍ⱙ㬨㦬㪛 ㈎䂊⭥㎼〞᱄䅓⪬᷍㈎䂊 (Experience) 䄓䈌䐨⿼䇱⹹᱄⧄䁵⭡᷍⤜㳞㎰㦬 䁵᷍⧵㌘䊻䁼㣑᱄㬆㈎エ䊹㑬䄜⷗㬖 ㏞ᷛ㰚㔿㗦㶖㯡⽔᷍䇪ⱚ䓴㔿⤉➓キ 㸜᱄㰜⤜㳞⪴㎰㣑⡓⭥䜪䁵᷍ⱙㅴ㚪 㩺㛋㦬⭥䅃ボ᷍ㆂ⺜⭝䐣⺛コ⳷㑲᷍ 㰇⽔⡜㶃⟏ダ㘑᷍㸋⺛コ䔆㦛⫙㎕㑬 ㋪⡐⭥㻣⧂᱄⭌㈎䂊䄓⤜㚽㦂⫛䐨 ⿼᷍㶎ㅻ⤜⡄⭥㏞䓴⪇⪇㋪ボ᷍㬆㈎ 㦬㹐㧈⤯㰐᱃㰚㔿㗦㶖䄓䊻⪬㾱㑱䐱 㚹᷂ 㬌㠋 㠋㬨㪒㦬㚇㹘㛋㎰㬒⭥

㡎⭜᱄㰜䊻䊝 㛋㣑㼓㩰⭼㤔⷇ 㯖ᷛ᱑౷ ୍ ᆾ ࢤ ໨ ૓ ᄿ ဩ ඛ ෟ ሸ

࠴֬ಷሷƗ‫ࢨށ‬໨૓֫ሩᇍ߷֬ ྖ ᱄᱒䎃㸜䋙䊻➄ゑ⿫⹍㪛』㑬 㛋᷍䇷⪊㰔⺞㦬㪛㕟⧅㰋䊣⭥㬆㈎㦬 㹐᷍㧕㔼䐋㬗䈌㈎䂊᷍㋰Ⰹⴂ⶜⺞ 㦬᱄㦜ⱙ᷍⭒㰜㛋㎰⭥㬒⽓᷍㦕㪏㪏 㳆。⭞᷍䎇䎞⭥䐨⿼᷍㬨㎕䓵䄏⼮ ⿋᱄ 㚇㹘㡎㤔䄏⼮⿋䐙ㅭ㰜㧈⼯㭞 㰄䓵゛⭥㦶䓴᱄᱑㭞㰄᱒㬨㋪䄵ㆆ䇪 䐋㬗⼮㈎䂊㦆㆙㾱᱄㧈䄜⷗⤂㦬㦆ネ ⥊㪎㳆᷍䄞㪛㵉⺞䓉䄖䐋㬗⼮㑺⪓㈎ 䂊᷍⢄㚽ⰰⰉ⤂㦬⭥⤂㤊᱄ⰵ䇻䁰䐹 ⤂⿝᷍㪖䐢㚽䊅⥃㰜⭥㦶䓴㰚㬄゙ 㿎᱄䐋⭡᱑㧈⼯㭞㰄᱒㦕㬨䐨⿼᷍䅓 㸋㬺㘝⭥⧅Ⱝ㰅㦜䐹䄋᷍⭌䇪⤜⭤㸳 㗨䍧㋹᱄䄋』⭤⨅㬖᱃㈌⤫ⱙ⶜䇱䅃 䅆᷍⤦㰄㬨ⴂ㬃⭥㦬㪛᱄ ᱑䐨᱒䓷㵘㩰䄜⷗᱑䐋᱒᷍㻣㘇 䄜⷗᱑㦶᱒᷍㡅ヅ䅟⤹⭥䅃㯝᷍䈌㚇 㹘⭥⭜⷇㠥䇱㼁㯧䐏⪇᷍ゕ䐋⭡䓵゛ ⭥㦶䓴᷍㚬㬨䐨䎀䄓᷂㡎䊙䄏⼮⿋㩰 ⭼⪮ⷙ㸳㗨䐨⿼᷍㦤㸳㗨䄓䐋⭡㧈⼯ 㭞㰄䓵゛⭥㦶䓴᷍➃㗨᷂

ਹᄙҗᓱ਍ᄼ ⇍๓⇍ᄻ 㹘

Ⳟ䄜㾊㻩㆙⺛᷍⼃䓴㋪䄵䐒⽕ ⶙㣸⭥㘜䓷᷍⶙䓴㧈㵍㞔䇲᷍ 㗜䇱⧅䇸䔑⡑䐏⳷᱄㪎㸋⿋㦬᷍䓽㉖ ⭤㚨㬨䄜䐷᱑㗜⫔㗜㾂᱒⭥㾱㈗᷍䇱 㬈㳆㵔᷍㸕ⶳ⹗㵍᱄ 䄜⟄㩰᷍⫔䈌㾂䐏ヅ᷍⫔䎀ㅰ㬽 ⿗䇎᱄㧈䁂⹛㯏⺜᷍⨞㑬䓃䐹㶃⹼㶋 㗡᷍㳆㾯⭥⫔㾂䄓㬨䐹䄋㋝㑠᱄ゼ㣏 㼁㵍᷍⭒㦜䁂⫔⭥⡩ㅰ⿏㰄䄜㾊㎓᷂ ⤜⺞᷍⷗㦬⪴㕓㒒ᒧ⭥㈎䂊⭤䐋᷍㶃 ㋨㯗⫔᷍㏐㘇⭥⺜㧃䓾㬚ⴂ㕛᷍㸗⭡ 㦕⧄㒏㦬⫔㬈㰚㶜᱄ⳕ䐏᷍㳆㾯ㅰ㾂 ⱙ㾯䓕㝅㤛⭥᷍⭚㬨㩰⭩⼤〖᱄ 䊻䄏尶㰚㪉⭥䔏⽔㶎⤮㩰᷍㬏ⱟ 㗦㵞㈚㦜⡬⪬䎚㔼㯎㸋⫔᱄㡅㬖᷍䊻

⤮㣑䄏尶䄲㋭䅃⭹㸋㰜㗨䄜䄜ⶊ㪎㻕 ㅦ᷍㣸㪎㬟ⳗ㑬㣌⡑ⴟ㬣⭥⹇㋯᷍⤃ ⰵ㰜㗨㯖ᷛ᱑ ໨൥୍૓֬ᇽƗ୍૓

֬‫ږ‬ሷƗഐౖ༨୍૓֬࢝Ɨ୍૓၀ ֙лՕ༨࢝è᱒ 䊝 ⤦⺞䄜䎔 䓴᷍㰜㗨㈮㦌㦜㶝エ᷂㋪ボ᷍㼌䄋⫔ ⭥⼮㼌䔗⫔⭥᷍Ⱍ㬨㦬⭥㳍㾵᱄ ⭒㬒⭥䇭㲌㪈。᷍㻕ㅦ㬨䄜ミ ⡑㸃⭥⹅䔘᱄➕⺇㈹᷍㬨䇪㠮㦬㸋コ 䑘〓ⳤ㋮㻕ㅦ᷍⡬⪬㪎⳾⭥䔑⡑䈌ⷀ ⭮᷍㦤㦬䄜㚠㑬㦜᱄㦜ⱙ᷍䄏尶㦕䄜 ⳕ⪌㵔᷍䑗ⶡ㗦㵞⭒⡬⪬㻕ㅦ᷍䄵㻵 㬟䊻⬌⭥㵦ⰴ㏐᷍⤜䇇䇱ㅸ゗䐏⳷᱄ ⫔䎀䄋㼒㛋䇸᷍㸋㬸⭥䄋ⴟ㬣㦬᱄

್ঃប 女皇镇堂

⭒䄜⷗㦬⭥㰋㭞ㅰ⫔᷍〓ⴟ㬣⭥ 㛋㭞ㅰ⧅᷍⧄⡜䇱㏒⭥㛋㤂㦬䔑⧧㸋 ⧅⡓᷍〓㳚㩰䓫㪏⭥⢋㣊᱄⭌㸳㾥㏐ 㘘➸᷍䊻㆒㦶⭥(㬒⫛᷍<䔆㦛⭥䐋 㬗䈌㚽㑇᷍㶚㶚。㬚㸳㗨⤜㆜㣭㡑㚕 䐙᷍䊿㲟⤜䄲᱄䄏尶⭥᱑⡬⪬㻕ㅦ᱒ 㔼᷍⢋䐟䓦㒎䄜䐷㋪䄵⡜㦰㵍⭥᱑㗜 ⫔㗜㾂᱒᱄㰝㳂㾲㸳㗨᷍䊻ㅭ。⭥㬣 ⹅㩰᷍㦬䈌㦬䐏ヅ᷍⤜䇇䇱⫔⼮㾂⭥ 㤙⢑᷍Ⱍ⭒⡈䄵㠮㦬⭥㾥䐟᷍䊻㈕䐹 䈌➏⫘ⰵⳞ⭥〚⪂㻣᷍⿆㼁ⴗ⧷᷍⡬ ⪬ⴟ㬣᱄

䊻ㅭ。ⴟ㬣ⱁ㛋᷍㪏䐋䎃㗦⹇ ㋯⭥㚲Ⱙ䇱ⱁⷀ᷂㼌䄋⫔⭥⼮㼌䔗⫔ ⭥㦬㾵㧖⮄᷍䄜䐒Ⱍ㬨㣠⼘⭥᱑ⷉ㏜ 䁨᱒᷍㿉䄋㬒㋭㋠㩰⭼㋚Ⱈ᱄

• 2 • 2018


8 ࠒ


྘ඇ௧Ј‫ݙ‬༧֑ᄊઐӼᏨ ᛶљဩ 宏茂桥堂

㵞⡬⭤㶎㛋㬒㒕㻣⡇⺔⭥ 㦑㘄∔᱑㹒䄋㚢䂙䊻㛄㗨 䐱ヅ㩰⭼⭥㦛䂓᷂᱒ ⡬㣑 㿎ⱁ⶙㚙⪴㎕㗜䇱䅃㬗⭞䓵゛⤦ 㬨⼃䓴⭥㚢䂓㦬᱄㧈⺜䄜⷗㦬⭥⧪⧅ ⺞⧭䐱᷍㪛㘝⭤⤜⭞⶙㚙⭥䅞⭝᷍䈗 ⤜⭞㑝㬇䅇䇲⭥䐙⭝᷍⭞㑬㪈。᷍䐽 㸈⭥㦬ⰵ㰜䐜䇱䄋㤔᷍䊻《䅗㏐⭤⤜ ⭞⿆㘄᷍䊻ㅭ。䐜䇱ⴟ㬣㰜㦬᱄䎃⷗ 㦬⭥㦬㪛㔘㬨㗵䷐᱃㗅㚠⭥᱄㼒䁦ⷘ 㶎㛋⭥㲟㻃ᷛ㠞㪛⭥㛋㦶䇷㩺䇷㌁᱄

ྫྷЩߧߕᄊ༧ভ 㸳㗨㦰㬗㩰⭼᷍㬨㈎⺞㳞ⶄ䅕᱃ 㬆㒊⭥ⶱⰐ᷍㪛㘝⭤䄵Ⳏ䓋ᷜⱙ㸳㗨 ⭥⼃䓴㰅㦜㪛⧅䊻〚Ⱎ⿐コ㵆᷍⤜⭩ 䇻㈮㦰㬗䑘᷍⹫㚢䂙⭥㬸䄋㦯㹒㬨⟐ 䑛⼃䓴ㅴ㬽〚Ⱎ᷍ⳓ㬣㾦㋠⬌᷍㘘➸ 䊻䄜㪛䐱᷍䐜䇱䑘㚽㳏㕛㰜㗨⭥㾥ᷜ 㦬㪛⭥㚠⢋㬨㸋䑘ⱙ』᷍ⱙ⤜㬨㸋㦬 ⱙ』᷍㕛䔄⶙㚙⭥㠻⫞᱄䎃⤦㬨ㅭ䂙 ⭥䔏ⷀ㚠⢋᱄

Ϣߧߕᄊॷ༧࠮࣎ ⼃䓴 䐢 㰋㬨䔏㦾䄸㾦䄏尶⭥ 㲹㭃㛋㒅卢Ⱟ᷍ⳕ䐏᷍䋓㦾䄸㼁㾦㬡 ㆈ᱄ 㩰⭼⳵ⶡ䄵㩌㑱⶙㚙ᷛ᱑㛄䄋㈂ 㾥᱃㈂㾵᱃㈂㑇➏䄏⼮⿋㛄⭥㩰⭼᱄ 㸳㆒㦶㰚⳵ⶡ㛄⭥⿑᷍Ⱍ䄋エ䊻㾥 㩰᷍䄓䄋䅔㣻ㅭ䁖㛄⭥ⱚ㝏ᷜ㸿㔼㛄 䔙䊻コ㏐᷍㾱䊻㔘㩰᷍㲪㻣᷍㡑㎕᷍ Ⱍ䄋㲙㔼᱄᱒ 㪋㘝エ ⶙㣸䊻ㅭ 䂙ⱚ㝏䐱⭥㦒㻐᷍㬨䄜⷗㬡ㆈ㾵⭥㸫 㳃᷍䄓㬨ㅭ。䐱⭥䁰䐹㸫㳃᱄ㅭ。㻣 䄜⫛䔏⫔㸄〛᷍⤜㬨⼃䓴㘘㦘⭹㿜⷇ 䓵゛᱑⤜㾦᱒᷍ⱙ㬨ㅭ⨗䄜㦛ズ㗑㸋 㩧⭥᱑ⳉ㏜㧝㦬᱒᱄㋕㋕㆒㳍⭥ⱚ㝏 2 • 2018 •

㸫㳃᷍㯧⽖㬡ㆈ䄓䊻㵖㵖⧮Ⳅ᱑⤜㞄 ⼃䓴⧪⧅⭥⶙㣸᱒᷍㣸䁼㋕⭞⧪㛋⽔ ⱚ㝏ㆂ⭥ⱒ⺜᱄

ࣟҰЈ‫ݙ‬ፃԋþፐࠫᭊ᜶η᭥ ʽࣛÿᄊၷำ ㅴ㬽䄏尶㸋⷗㦬㈩䑘᷍ⱙ⳨䐜㬨 䓻ㅭ㾦䂗ᷛ㰅㦜ⱚ㝏ⰵ㬆㈎⹫㬣 㼁⭒㭍㻅᷍䄓㑬ㆃㅭ。㪛』᷍⭡㏎㘘 ➸⼽ⱁ᷍⭌㬨ⰵ㦬⭥⢋䓝⼽ⷀ᷍⧄䇤 ⭡㏎⡬⪬㯖ㅭ᷍⡬⪬䄋㤔᷍⭌⤜㚽⡬ ⪬ㅴ㚪⟝㦾᷍㰚䄵ⷝ㚲⡜㚢䂙⼮ㅭ ⭝᱄㰜㗨ⰵ䓵゛⭥䔐ⳕ䇇⧺ⰼ᷍ⰵ㬆 㒊⭥䋑⡙᷍㚲䄵䓵㸳ⳕ㬂᷍㰚䄵㿉䇱 㦬ㅭ⭝᱄


ㅌⶄ䅕㪛』⿐ᷛ䇱㾊⼃䓴䊻ⱚ㵐 㬒㠻᷍㚄ⳣ⶙㚙᷍⢎㻷⭤⼽᱑㈕ 夐᱒᷍〞れ䔗㉗䐟⭜⷇᷍㦩㾥ⴟ㬣᷍ ⶙㚙䄓䄵㸋㰜㗨⭤㈩㑬ᷜ㦜ⱙ⭞㑬㤁 㩺㛋㬒㠻㋋㬝Ⱑ㑃㯝㋝㬒᷍㈮⿔䄪㩰 ⭼⭥⫇䊻ᷜ⪌ⶄ䅕⭥㦩㤊⼮ⴟ㬣゙⽖ ⺊㒄᷍㦒ⳇ㒊㏐⭥』㑇᷍㪖䐢⧅㬒ヅ ⼮㸕㾦䑘⭥㦬ㅜ㶚᱃㲙㑖➏᱃㋕䐹䁈 䄖䊗䊗㪖䇻㾦䂗᱃⭷⭓⼮㈽㉙ㅭ。⭥ ㅭ⭝᷍⤜䊙䅃䊺㎕ㅭ。᱄


ࠒऑᇿ‫ڳ‬ΎЈ‫ݙ‬ᗜሉ 㬆㈎䐱䇱⫔㑠⭥㈎㸥ㅓ㔼⭞⼃ 㵐᷍⤃⳵ⶡ⶙㚙㧈⼯ㅭ䂙ⱚ㝏᱄ⱚ㝏 㬨㩰⭼⭥⥛䄖᷍⤜㬨⶙㚙⭥᷂䅓⪬䄋 ⼤⼤⭹䍶⹬㰜㗨⭥㪎㾥㒊ㅂ㋖᷍⤜㋪ 㦤㰜㗨⧅⫔⧪㸋䷄㛇᱃㘑㶗⭥㦬᱄⭒ ⶙㚙䓘㤔㭕㳍⭥㬣㬒᷍㈮⤜。䊺⭆⭆ Ⰹ㈇䇻⼃䓴⭥䁈㻑⧪ら᷍ⱙ㬨䅞⭝㰜 㗨䐒ㅴ䈌㩰⭼ㅜ㶚᷍䊻㰜㗨ⷘ䓵⭥ⶻ 㸜㩰㦺㪒䅇㦬᱄㾦㵞㧕䄋䊻䑘⭥㬷䐱 ⧪㸋䇱䇤᷍⢄㿌ㅌ䓵゛➻䊻㲔㩰᷍㦤 䑘⭥㬏䓷ソⷝⱁⰵ⶗㧃㳆⭥㪛㘝᱄

ㅭ。㬸㻩䄋⟐䑛。䇲ㅉ㑃䄜⷗ ㅂ㋖⭥コ㵆᷍ㅌコ㵆㬴䔘䄜⷗㚢䂙⭆ 䊋᷍➲コ⧅⼮⼃䓴䄜㡑⭒⧪㗦㵞㎕㚢 䂙᱄。䇲⭥コ㵆㧕➽㕅᷍ㅭ。䇷㧈⼯ ⶕ㾬ᷠ コ㵆ァ㲔㡅㬖㈮㬨᱑コ㵆㬒ヅ᱒᷍ 㬨㦌コ⿗㻓䊻䄜Ⰹ⭥㬒ヅ㏐㑥㳍᱃⳷ 㼎䋃䈗᱃ㅜ㒘㋕ⳉ᱃㑋㕈ⶱ㤊᷍ⱙ⤜ 㬨䐧䋍㒎䄜⷗㌁㗧⭥⨈➾㦶᱄㗠㳍䊻 㪛』㏐ㆂ⨗ⴂ㬃㗡⼤⭥⺜㬖᷍㦤ⱚ㝏 㻓⿗᱃㦩➏䎃⷗コ᷍㦜⽔᷍コ㵆ァ㲔 ⤦㚽㯏⭞㤟⧪ᷜ⭒ⱚ㝏㬴㰝㸋㗡㬣᷍ 㻓⿗⤯䈌᷍〞れ㵗㧌᷍䄵䐢⧪㛋⽔ㅉ 㑃䓵゛⭥コ㬒᷍コ㵆ァ㲔⼮㾦䂗ゕ㋪ ⫛⫛㼁⪌᱄

᭤ҹҧἻ᭤੦ᑟἻ௧᭥‫ڙ‬༧ᛡ ̃ ⪴㬆㈎㋕᷍⶙㚙ⰵⱚ㝏⭥ㅭ䂙⼮ 㾦䂗⭥⪌⧱⡙㬽⨑⭱⭥⹆〘᱄コ㵆㾦 䂗⪌⧱⭥㚠⢋⭞⭸䊻㚥㏐㚹ᷠ䇇ⶤ㬨 䄋⪌⧱䄜⷗⨅㕛』㑇᷍ⱙ㣳㋪䄵㦤㦌 コ㦬䔑䑘㸋⫔᱃㾥䅃ⷝ㾣ⱙ⢅⿐⭥㾦 䂗᱄ ヂ⹭⭥㾦䂗㋪䄵㦤⼃䓴䊻㬡ㆈ ⭥䊴䅕㏐㘇⢇⢑㬨⳨⼮㳞ボ㩰⭼⭥㪚 䅕᷍⤃。㋫㶜㯔ⴟ㩰⭼᱋᱋⤜㬨⭆㠟 䓵゛⭥㑇㑠᷍ⱙ㬨㋠㬆㒊⭥⫔㚽᱄㚨 ⿉⿉㬡ㆈ䓵㦜。㬈㦆㰝⭥㹝䅞㑇᱄ 䎇䎞⭥〚Ⱎ㵞㸋㳍⺛䂙䈞⼃䓴᷍ 䄜Ⰹ㬨䇤⹹䓃㒊》⭥䁼⺃㎕ㅭ䂙᷍㋰ Ⰹ⤜。䔘᱑㬒㩱᱒⭥㝌㑆᷍⤜。㆗䇤 ⴜ⼰㻑㯸⭥Ⳟⳉ᱄䎃㬡ㆈ⭥䈜㶜᱃㘜 䈟Ⱍㅌ⧪㸋⺞㦆ᷜ㚨㸋㳍⺛ⱙ⤜㬨㸋 ⭹㩰㦆ㅭ䂙⼃䓴⭥⶙㚙᷍䔏䐶ㅌ⡜㩰 ⭼⧧㸋㑝㩧᱃䐨⿼⭥㠮㦬᱄


尶㯖ᷛ᱑䄜⷗㦬⤜㚽㬣ⴏ㑞⷗䑘ᷜ ⤜㬨ⱒ䎃⷗➏㚨⷗᷍㈮㬨䐹䎃⷗㤂 㚨⷗ᷜ㛄㗨⤜㚽䇷㬣ⴏ㩰⭼᷍䇷㬣 ⴏ㕋㗦᱄᱒ 㲌 㕋㗦⭥䅃㯝㈮㬨㣏⤧᱄〚 Ⱎ㵞㋪㚽䅓⪬㿀䇻㲙㔼㏎⤧䐏㬣᷍䄵㸋㏎⤧㈮ 㬨㬣ⴏ㣏⤧᱄䎃㬨㹔ㆃ㏎⤧⭥䅃䅆᷍⡹㿌䈉䄵 ⷝ䎞᱄

᠉ࠝਓគ ⤧⶜㬨㩰⭼⭥ⱘ⪮ᷛ᱑㩰⭼⪮㦬區⤧ⴂ ⶜᷍㬚㰜㚽䄵⧵䇤᷍㚽㦂䓵゛⭥⳷᷍䊻㰜㎮ 㔖䐱㻓㎷ᷛ䎃㚬㬨㩰⭼⭥ⱘ⪮᱄᱒ ⪌ 䑘 㯖᷍᱑㪛㘝⤜䊻⽖コ⭡ⴂ⶜᱄᱒㰅㦜⤧⶜㋪ 㕓⭞㿎ⱁⰌ㹘᷍⭌㕓⤜⭞䎇㾳ⶄ᱃䎇➏⼮䇡 㪛᷍⹫㸳㗨䇇䄵㠞⽃⭥⹼⮄㋕⫞⤧⶜᱄㉞䓴䓍 㣏 ᷍⡹㿌㦂䐏䇱⭡᱄᱑䄋㆘㪘᷍㘃㦆䄜㣱⭥㲑 㾥᱄᱒ 㔘

ⷚ㈾㬆㈎᷍㩰⭼㬨⤧⶜㰚䇱䎀᷍㸳㗨㬨㬽 㵱䎀ᷜ㸳㗨⨁㪎ⱙ㎕᷍䄓䄋㋶㬷㏌㬡᱄䅓⪬᷍ 㩰⭼➲⤧⶜㵱⶗㸳㗨⹽㏎᷍㸳㗨㬨⹽コ᱄㩰⭼ 㾦㦯㸳㗨㚽䐳㾥䇷䐨⿼⭹㏎⤧᷍ㅌ㎕㼓⬌ㅜ 䍬᱄᱑ⱁ㵱㯎᷍㈮㼓㯎ⱁ䄋᱄᱒ 㔘 䓍㣏᱃〞⤧᱃⼤㬊᷍㧈䊝⼓㸡㯚㏎㯖᷍ ᱑㈂㛄㰚㚽䓍㣏᷍㈂㛄㰚㚽ㅻ㬂᷍㈂㛄㰚㚽ⴏ 㻸᱒᱄㣻⳽⼤䁈᷍㵻㉓㣒㚽᷍㲅㬖⹅䔘᷍䓍⭤ ⤧⶜᷍㸿㋪⽒⳨᱄ㅌ〞⫇⭥⤧⶜㬊㩃᷍䅓㸋 ᱑㬊⡩㬽ⷝ㸋䇱ⶄ᱄᱒ 㵞 ᱑䇱㬊㩃⭥᷍ 㦕ⷝ䋗㳎᱄᱒ 娑 ⴏ㻸㬨〚Ⱎ㵞䇇㈂⭥⡟⳷᱄ⴏ㻸 䄋ⶫ㾥㎷䅃᷍᱑㉉⭤㎷䅃⭥㬨㩰⭼㰚 㻓➏⭥᱄᱒ 㑷⽔

̿ʽࣛ˞˗ॷᄊေ᠉ 㩰⭼⪕䋍㶓㹐᷍⟝㎉⤧⶜᱄㸳㗨 ゕ㬨㩰⭼⭥⹽コ᷍⡹㿌㼁㾦㩰⭼⭥䑘 㦉᷍㩰⭼⭥⹊䇇 㲌 ᷍㩰⭼⭥⪮ ⶄ᱄㩰⭼⪮ⶄ㬚㦬⶜䔄 娑 ᷍⟝ ㎉⭤䓫⤧⭥㚽㑇᱄㦬⭥㠗᱃⶜᱃⡑᱃ 䔑᷍Ⱍ䊻㩰⭼⭥䍧㋹䐏㻣᱄㩰⭼ⷙⷘ


ˀ ေ ᠉

ՙ ὎

㦬⭥䅃䐝⤜㵍᷍㦬ⰵ㩰⭼⭥䋑㦯䄓䇱⢑᱄䐳㾥䇱 ボ㬗⭥⹽コ᷍⤦㚽㆘㪘⭹⹽㏎㣏⤧᱄䍶⹬⷗㦬ゑ コ㵆᱃䓄ⶄ㰜㦬㬨㏎⤧⭥㚠⢋᷍䄓㬨㗪ⶄ㦬㪛⭥ 㵟㈗᱄ ⹽㏎㣏⤧⡹㿌⺇⿏䊅㰄᷍䊅㰄⭥〚⡟䊎䋓 㬨㑠㧌㸋⨗᱄⤠⳷㬶㧌㻸ⷙ㩰⭼⢎ⶱⱘ᷍㬨㸋ⴏ 㻸᱄〚Ⱎ㵞䇱᱑㯌䐹⺛わ᱒᷍ゕ㳍⺛䈌⭹㩰⺛᱄ ⴏ㻸㬨䍤㻵㩰⭼⭥䑘㦉᷍㈪䊝ㅭ⭝㸳㗨䄋㬓䄜ⴏ 㻸᷍㈮⼤㼒㬶㯑㬨⭹㩰⺛⭥㦉⢛᱄䐽イ㬨䍤㻵㦬 ⰵ㦬⭥➏㾥᱃㑐㘖᷍㬨㩰⭼䓄ⶄ⭥䊕㵘᱄ 㼜Ⳳ䈜㶜䇇㋬䐧᷍ⴒ䋓ㅌ㋝䂊⪃㿏᱄⪃㿏 ㌏䐱䇇䇱㧕ⶪ䇇を⡙䇤㌏᷍䄓䇇䇱㧕ⶪ䑛㦬⡙䇤 ㌏᱄㧕㦵䇱䈁㌏᷍䔘㬫⭒⭥㵗䓫䄓㬨㩰⭼㰚㻓䊤 ⭥ ⤯㲌 ᱄

॰ऀኮ଍ᨑ᠉ ⹽㋹㬶䐈䓕㌗ᷛ㯝㋝㚄㬞㬨㬶㧌 ⪃㿏 䐈 ⨗᱄䐈⨗㏐㘇⟝㎉㑬ⴏ㻸᷍⭌㡅㰜䐈⨗㧕䋗ゴ᷍ 㶚㶚➲ⴏ㻸ブ㩺᷍⹫䇇➲ⴏ㻸㻩㳂⫇᷍㬄㻣⭥⤦ ㋪䇤㎕㼜Ⳳ᱄⡽㘃䐈⨗ⱏ⫔⺞㬶㧌ブ㦆⡹䄋㼏㚠 ⽔⭥䈁ⱏ᱄䄓㈮㬨㬶㧌 ⴏ㻸 ⪃㿏 䐈⨗ᷜ⡽ 㘃㬶㧌 ⴏ㻸 ⪃㿏 䐈⨗᱄ ⹽㋹⶛䍏䓕㌗ᷛ㸳㗨㰚䇖䇱⭥䓫⥛᷍䄜⤠⳷ 㬨䇤⪃㿏䓫㆑⹛㕓⭥᷍㒎䄜⤠⳷䋓䇤ㆉ⫝̸⭥䓫㆑ ㎕⹛㕓⭥᷍㧈Ⳡ㸾᱃㡜⧖⭩⭥⳷㠻⶗㌏᱄䄓㈮㬨 䓫⥛ ⶛䍏 䓫⡟ᷜ⶛䍏 䓫⥛ 䓫⡟᱄⭌⶛䍏 㰚䍝⭥⡩㔫䇇䇱㬫⭒⭥㋹䐧᷍䄵㘃䊻Ⱀ⭕䐏㛋᷍ 㘇ⰵ⿚䍏㚽㑇⭥㋝䂊᱄⷗㦬⶛䍏⡄㬹䄜⮄᷍䄵⤜ ⧍⺞䓽䓫⥛⭥➺⳷䐏㧞㬏㸋ゲ᱄

ᔌᓯᰵ㻭䃲⮰ネტ喏 ᝹㘩䅔ᙺ౜ネ⤲䧝 䉎Ƞ⚓䶪͖Ϧࣶტ Ꮩȟ⺉⺻ЂϦ᭛⤲䉎 ⮰Ⱊᴳ喏΋᭛㧅⺻Ϧ ⩋⮰䕀ᒰȠ

ፇឦ ᱑㏎⤧᱒⭥䐹⮄㬨㧈⼯㆙㾱㬶䐈 ⹽㏎᱄䄜⷗䐳㾥⭥⹽コ᷍㑠㧌㸋⨗᷍ ➕㬒ⴏ㻸᷍㈂㑠⪃㿏᷍䇱䈁㣏㈮⟐䑛 㰜㦬〓䔘㬫⭒⭥㵗䓫᱄䇱䁵⭡ᷛ᱑㛄 ⤜㏎⤧᷍⤧⤜㏎㛄᱄᱒䓃䐹㏎⤧⤜㬨 㲑⤧᷍㚬㬨⡽㘃䅓⤜㑬ㆃ䓵゛⭥⤧㹒 䓕㌗ⱙ㻾㎈㈔᱄

• 2 • 2018





㸳㩰⫔䁈㾿Ⱒ㾥㏎⼮㪈。㋧䁈㻖⧷㿙 䓦᱄㸳㋭䅃䁂㾿⭥㋧㚠ㅵ㸋㸕㎕⭥㬣 ⴏⱙ䓑⡙᱄

郑益民牧师博士 2018年初,三一神学院迎来一位 新上任的副院长——郑益民牧师博 士。他来自卫理公会,亦是华人年 议会的教牧。卫讯邀请他谈有关他 的蒙召、他的家庭、以及与基督教 教育千丝万缕的关系,好让读者更 立体地认识他。以下是他亲笔的个 人分享。

ᗜԸ̃‫݋‬ 㛋⨖᷍㸳⶙㚙⼮䔇⶙㚙㈮ 䄲㋋㬝䊻䐒㕅䁨䄾㲤㈼。᱄㰝䄓㬨㸳 䇸ⱚ㬽㻕᷍㬽〚Ⱎㅭ㾦䂗䁍㲶᷍㦺㾳 ⤯䈌㬌⟁᱃䑘㦶䁈⼮㛋。㤁㛋㵦㡖ⴟ 㬣⭥⭹Ⳟ᱄㸳⭥㻮㚻䑛䍦䈒㩛⼮㑞⷗ 㝏ⱚ䐄匦⼮䐄㎺ㅵ㬨䐒㕅䁨䄾㲤⭥。 䇲᱄ 㸳䊻䇃⿋䁈㾄ㅴ㬽㬸 㛋⭥䎞 ⺇ㅭ䈞᱄䎞⭒䊻⨖゗䁈䊛⭻ⱟ㛋ゕㅌ ㆂ㭙㬒᷍㸳ⶱ⭞㩰⭼⽕䍺㸳㆙㧌〚Ⱎ ㅭ㬣⹅᱄䎃䐷㎕䓵㩰⭼⭥⽕䍺䄜䐒䊻

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⪴㾣ゴ㠣⺛㑃⫔䁈⡰䄖⽔᷍ 㛋㸳ゴ㧌᱑䁈㪛ⶄ䅕㵦㡖᱒㸋㵍⹅᷍ 㵹㌎㑬㸳ⰵ〚Ⱎㅭ㬡ㆈ⭥㬴䄑᱄᱑䁈 㪛ⶄ䅕㵦㡖᱒ⷙ㸳㪛㘝⫙㎕䔏㻵䑙⭥ 䇑㼍㈮㬨᷍ㅴ⪆⭞㒏㦬㾬⳽⭥㌈䓻㝪 ⴟ㬣⭥㬖㌗᱄㸳䁈㻑㧈⼯㾡㩮⼮䎅㻈 ⶄ䅕㝪䐏ヅ⭥㵦ㆂ᷍㈮㬨䄵ⶄ䅕⭥〚 ⡟㾦䂗㸋㵦ㆂ䐏⡟᷍ⰵ⪯䄋⭥㸫㳃㧈 㻕㏒Ⳟ㬞᷍⼮⹹䇻〚Ⱎ䊺㎕⭥䄜㾊㻙 ㅻ㩰⿆㼁䔑䐹᱄ 㸳䄜⢀䊻᱑䁈㪛ⶄ䅕㵦㡖᱒㬣 ⴏ᷍䄜⢀䊻᱑㬆㈎㪒䁈䁱㈠䁈䊛᱒⤠ ⳷㬒ヅ㾿Ⱒ᱄䊻⪬㪒䁈䊛᷍㎊⫔㑬㸳 ⭥〚Ⱎ㵞㬚㘝⹼ゑㅭ。䓑⡙㾦㵞䊻㬡 㩰㬣ⴏ⭥䋑㦯᱄⭌㬨㸋㑬㿉䄋⢇㘘㸳 㸕㎕㬚㘝⭥㲹䐫᷍ 㛋㸳㦵䊻㪒䁈 䊛㾿Ⱒ㠻ヅ᷍㚢㬇⹥㏙㸳ゴ㧌㑬䐒㕅 䁨䄾㲤⭥㚢㬇㵦ⰴ᱄ ⰵ㪒䁈ㅭ䈞㦶ㅆ⥛㪛⶛⭄⭥ㆂ ⺜᷍䔏䐶➲㸳⫙⭞䇃⺛⭥䁱㈠䊛㆙ 㾿᱄㸳䊻㔸ⰹ⫔䁈⺛㶖䁈䊛᷍䇤䄜㛋 㬒ヅ㾿Ⱒ㻖㵔㪒䁈㯗㬠䁈㸜᱄䊺䇤 㛋⟌⭥㬒ヅ䊻➏Ⰲ⡅⫔䁈㾣䁈䊛㵉⺞ 㑬㸳⭥⤊㬠㔼㸥᷍㋠⭥㦌㬨㩰⭼⭥ⱘ ⮅᱄Ⳗ⿹㾣ゴ㠣䐏⽔᷍ 㛋᷍㸳⧪ 㸋᱑㬆㈎㪒䁈䁱㈠䁈䊛᱒⭥ㅓ㬇᷍ㅭ ⭝㻖㵔㪒䁈⼮㏛㬘㪒䁈᱄ 㛋㸳ゴ 㧌㧞䄜㪒䁈䊛᱄ 㧞䄜㪒䁈䊛⭥㪛』㦤㸳ⶱ⭞⳨⧄ ⨅㬖⼮㕛䔄᱄⨞㑬ㅭ⭝䁈㬠⼮䁱㈠䊛 ⭥㪒䁈㋯⧭᱃䐙⭝⤊㬠䁱㈠᷍㸳⿚⼽ 㦺㾳⭄㦯コ㵆㯿㪂㪂チ䑘㦯ゑ䁈㪛㬣 㹒䑘㦯᱄

̃‫݋‬ᄊηঐ 㧈⺜䄋䇤䄜㉅⿑㎕䓽ㆂ㸳ⰵ㪒 䁈ㅭ䈞⭥㾦㛏᷍㚨㈮㬨㋚㈽䍙㾣⭥㔼 㭗᷂㸳㸿㦉㉗Ⰹ㸳⡜䍺⭥㳖ミ᷍㦜ⱙ 䔘㸋䄜㘜㪒䁈ㅭ䈞⹅䔘䎀᷍㸳⡜䍺㬨 䔘㸋᱑⪴㣑䄜⪯ㅜ⶗ⷙ㬆㵞⭥䎇⭡᱒ ᷉䇭 ᷊⭥⹽コ䈌㬮㈎䁈䎀᱄㸳㗨⼽ 㦾䄸⡜䇶〔᷍䄵䐣㉎㆙䔏㾣⭥㪒䁈⧒ 㒘᷉㬖䊻ⱁ⭥㬨᷊᷍䄵㸋䐜䇱䎃䂚᷍ ⤦㚽⹜䊻䁈㭖㩰⡜䔑䐹⼮䊻㸥⿐㩰⡜ ㅴ㬽᱄䄜㾊㪒䁈コ⼮㪒䁈䊛㯧⽖䄓㦰 㵍䎃㯖ⳉ᱄⤜⺞᷍㸳。㋚㈽䎃䐷䇶 〔᷍䓾㬚䅞㎕㰜㦬㞛㠡㸋⺞㬒⼮⤜㬽 ⿗䇎᱄ ⭒㦜᷍䄋䇱㾈⭹⪌⭾㾦䂗᷍⡹㿌 㪔㪘䅞䇤⭒⫛⭥⪫〄䈐ⳉ᷍䄵ゑ⧱䊹 㾦䂗⭥〚Ⱎ㵞ボ䐅᷍䇩㡅䊻⭒㻣㘕ⶱ 䈌⿔䄪⭥䓻ㅭ⳶㸈䐱ⷝ㿉㧈⪬᱄ⶄ䅕 ⭥⢎⫐Ⳟ㬞㋪㰇㬒ヅⶥ⢅᷍⭌ⶄ䅕⭥ ⡟䐫ⰰ⤜㋪䊻䁵䈐䈌㪛』㩰⡜㻂㬮᱄ 㩧䇻䍧㸶ⶄ䅕ゑ➲ⶄ䅕䔏䇱㾈⭹ ⪌⧱㻣㦆㿉䄋ᷛ⭻䄜᷍䄵䁰㆘⭥㲍Ⱙ 䁱Ⱒ㬆㈎ゑ㏛⫛ㅭ。ⰵ㬆㈎⭥ㆃ㬮᷍ ⤃㬴㬆㈎㸋䐢ⷀ㦉㶟᱄⭻ⱟ᷍㿉䄋㼒 䊝⼓㸡㯚㏎㰚㯖⭥᱑㪈。㬆ㆁ᱒᷍ゕ 㬨䊻䓘㤔ⷝ㼒〚Ⱎ⭥⺞⧭䐱᷍ⰵ䄜⷗ 㪈㦛⶗㩰䓵゛㯝㼌⼮㾱Ⱀ⭥䋑㦯᱄䊻 㪈㦛㏐㋬゛䓘㤔䎇㏎䈌㯽䋍㒊㘝᷍㑞 䎀Ⱍ㬨㪒䁈ㅭ䈞⭥⡹䄋䊋㯹᱄䇖䇱㣑 䎀㦒㩺⽔䎀᷍ㅌ䋍⧪㒊㘝䐰㻃ᷜ䇖䇱 ⽔䎀㦒㩺㣑䎀᷍䋓䋍⧪㒊㘝ⴕ㣔᱄ 㸳㰚⳷㼎⭥㬨㵧Ⱀ㸳㪛㘝䈌㬣ⴏ ⭥䄜㾊㾦㛏᱄䂗㎖㩰⭼⭥ⱘ⮅᷍㸳㡔 㝯䎃㾊⧪㸋㸳㒍⭝㧞䄜㪒䁈䊛㵦ⰴ⧪ 䊒䐏䄜⭥㬣ⴏ䈌⹒㻸⭥㲹䎘᱄


㛋 䊣 㦶ⰵ㸳㎕㯖㬨䄜 ⷗ォ㾬⳽䇷䐹䄋⭥㦶䓴᱄㾬⳽ ⭥㬨᷍⭒㳍㸳⪴㸡㏎⹌。⿋㦬 㛋䅊。⭻ ㆍ䅊。⡶㚜㏒㿜⤝㵬㾾 㑬ᷜ䐹䄋⭥㬨᷍㸳ゕㅌ㋋㬝䄜Ⱟ䍙 㾣⭥㪛㘝㏛⧭᱄⭽㾷ㆄ㗤㈎⧄㸣䢑 ⭹㳂㾲㸳᷍⡹㿌䊅⡙⼤㾥㤊⼮䔗⼤ 䓝⡙䇎ㅴ㵬㾾⭥㦶䓴ᷜ䇻㬨㸳⭜⷇㩰 ⭼ᷛ᱑㩰⭼➂᷍㸳㰅㦜㵬㾾᷍㦕ヂ㾦 㛄⤜。㠓㡛㸳᷍㛄䄜Ⰹ。䅞⭝㸳㣑㘇 ⭥㔘⧭᷍㸳䊙䅃ⷛ㰇䑘䄏尶〚Ⱎ⭥ㅦ ⤞᱄᱒㬣㬖㩰᷍㧈㬌 㰚㯖ᷛ᱑㸳 ⪴⨗㚙㲆⡜㛄ⴗ⧷᷍㬚㸳⨗㚙⶚⭥㬨 㛄ᱎᱎ᱒㩰⭼䊻㸳⿚䊻㚙⶚䐱㈮ⷙ㸳 㪉Ⰹ㦬㪛㔘⧭ᷛ⪴⺊㾦䄏尶〚Ⱎ⭞➕ 㑃㸋⧅㚢䐢㆒㦶⭥㵬㾾᱄

ྫྷࣜ͘౏ᄊ୲ጷ ⿹⹬⺞㦆㚢。⭥㦶䓴᷍㸳㪏㪏 ⶱ㬽⤜㬨㸳㻸ⷙ㩰⭼⼽ⱁ᷍ⱙ㬨㩰⭼ ㆆ䓦㸳⭥㬣ⴏ㲶㯽㸳⭥㪛㘝᷍ㅱ㸳䊞 ㎕䊞䇱䑘䄏尶⭥䂚㬞᱄⭒⨖㪒䁈⡰䄖 ⡜㸐㝪⭞㯭ⱘ㲤⭥⿋䈐⨈➾ⴟ㬣᷍㯭 ⱘ㲤㬨䇃䈐ㅭ。᷍㸋㑬⫙㒍䇃䈐⨈➾ ⭽㾷ㆄ㗤ㅓ⿋䈐⼮Ⳟ䁵⭥コ㦬㦰㬗䄏 尶〚Ⱎ᷍ⱙ⧪㑃⿋䈐⨈➾᱄䅓㬨ⶶ㡑 ⤞⭥⨈➾᷍䊻㹃䔇㾬㚢㬇䐙⭝㻣᷍㸳 䁈。䔊䐐⼮䐯㏎⨈➾。᱃⭜⷇。᱃㵦 㡖⼮㾂䔊⭩㬣⹅᱄⽔㎕㬽㸐䊻ⶱⱘ㲤 㚢。᷍㸳⤺㑘⭜⷇᱃増㳞᱃䁑㤔䑘䐝 䅃᷍ㆆ⪬䁈。㶋㦌⳦㬷ⷙ㩰⭼⫙㒍ㅭ 。᱄䔏⽔㸳⡜㸐㝪⭞⫔➮䄅㲤㚢。᷍ 䊻㚨㏐㸳䁈。㑬⳦㻣䓵㪉⭥Ⳟ㬞᱃⢋ 䓝⼮㚠⢋᷍➕䓦⷗⢑⭽㾷ㆄ㗤⭥㒊㘝

㚢䂙㰜㗨᷍䊻㰜㗨䁈㻑㚽㑇ⳗ㸈㚻᷍ ⷙ䈉䔄⹜⭥㬒ヅ㦆⧪⧅᱄䎃䐷ⱁ䂚⿐ ⼮⷗⢑㾵⭥㚢䂙᷍⡜⽗㔵⭥⭽㾷ㆄ㗤 ㈮ブ㩺᷍⫔コ䄓⤜䊺㉖⭤㾦䂗㪛』㬨 䁚䄷⭥ᷜⱙ㸳䄓ⳃ㻷䓵゛䄲㈎⤜䊻䅃 䄋䄵䔗᱒⫔㬣᱒㎕䐅㘘䓵゛⭥㚽㑇 㑬᱄㸳㗨Ⱍ㼎㬽䎇䎞⭥䓵䇪᱄

㬣㹒Ⱍ䄋㵲㦆᷍⤃䄋⤜ⰰ㳂ⳡ㦾䄸ㅌ 㦬㸈㎈᷍䇶㧌㻾䝆᷍⫙㎕䄪〔㬆⭡⭥ 䔐᱄


㛋⧅㵬㾾㦬㬠⡝㝽㳍㔘䔏⧄䈗ボ ⭥㬨㎚䔉䈌㵰㎼᷍㸳㗨⡹㿌㋠䓦䑘䄏 尶〚Ⱎ䊞⺞䄜㣱䔄䄵㎚䔉キ㿙㬣ⴏ㩰 ̃‫݋‬෥దࣲᴔࡍᬍ ⭼⭥㬣㤊᷍㏞㧈㳆㑇⭥㈷㻿᷍㦾䄸㎈ 㧈㻄⤏㎕㭊 㰚䁵ᷛ᱑㸳 ㉌᷍㎰㛋⭥䄜⟄ん⤂᷍⭝䐣㾥䇱䈁ⱙ 㗨ォ䇱䎃㿎ⱁ 㑇⤜䔄᷍㾥䐟㯆㵨⤜䎒 ⭥ボ䐅㦬᷍㧈 ⭩᱄㛋⧅㵬㾾㦬㬠⭥㬣 㵍䊧⤫㸈䓦㸳 ⴏⰐ〛⪠⫃㬨㲷㩰⭼⭥ 㗨᷍㈮⭒⳦㻣 ‫ݐ‬ᡫܹ᡹ᤵੇᬪ 㻓 䊤 ᷍ 㚻 㾥 ⧰ 㬖 㸿 ㎃ ᷍ ⷘ䂚⭥䐹⭄᷍ ᆾ ᄊ ̃ Ҭ ᦐ ᜶ ⫇㾦㾥⧷䐏䄵⽄᱄ 㵲㦆㦾䄸⥙㎼ 䄏尶〚Ⱎ㬨㸳㗨㾦 ᑲԝἻࣳ᜶ˀல 㸳㗨⭥䔐᷍⫇ 㾥⭥⪕㬝䎀⼮⧪䐶䎀᱄ ଢ᫹ࠔ௜࠲̡‫ڊ‬ 㾥㦭㚮᷍⡝㚨 ⬌䔒㾱㩰⭼⭥䐝䅃᷍㣌 ➻䊻㸳㗨㣑㵘 ‫ڈ‬ἻឪКᬞ᫸Ἳ ⡑ 䓵 ゛ ᷍ ⭡ ⧪ 㧃 㪎 ᷜ ⬌ ⭥㔘⧭᷍䂗㶜 ࣜ౏Ⴁ৵‫ڙ‬᥋ᄊ 䐽 䇯 㯥 Ⳟ 䄞 䐯 ᱃ ⶰ ⺎ ᱃ 㸋㸳㗨㾦㾥⪕ ㅭ⭝᱃㿜⪌㩰⭼⭥ⶄ ᎵǍ 㬝 ⧪ 䐶 ⭥ 䄏 䅕᷍ㅱ㦬⿻ⶥ㾦ⶄ䅕ᷜ 尶᱄⬌䅓㚨➻ ⬌⡜⨗㕕᱃⡜㹋㧉᱃㬽 䊻 㣑 㘇 ⭥ 㻓 㪔㝱᱃㬽㯡⭞㪞㳍᷍䔙 ㎷᷍㈮㤂㋕㿀 䊻㦌㚽⶙㩰⭼⡇䔚⭥䇳 㧉᷍㦭㬽㑬㬏 ⢀᷍㶋⧪⬌⪴⶙㩰⭼㰚 䓷ソ⭥㌁㚲᷍⢄䔙䊻㩰⭼⡇䔚⭥䇳 㒍㬽⭥㬚㘝᷍⬌᱋᱋䔄䄵⧪㸋㸳㗨䊻 ⢀᱄᱒㾦㋠䄏尶〚Ⱎ㈮㬨⫙䓦㬚㘝㸋 㬡㩰⡝㝽㳍㔘⭥㋍㚄᱄ 䄏尶〚Ⱎⱙ』᷍䅓⪬㬣ⴏ㩰⭼㗜䇱㛋 㒅⭥㈷㻿᷍䐜䄋㸳㗨⿚』䓦⭥䄜㳍᷍ ㋳㤔㳍⶙㩰⭼⡄㬹ベ⥍㸳⭥⳯ⶎ Ⱍ䇇ⶤ㸋䑘䄏尶〚Ⱎ⟅⤝ⷙ㸳㗨⭥㬚 㾥⧇᷍㬚㸳⤜䐢䇻㿀㧉⬌⭥㬆㘜䐒⭞ 㘝⡝㝽᱄⭒䐱㈎㸥㳂⭞᱑⳦㻣ⷘ䂚⭥ ⺊⿹㳍コ᱄㸳䄓㋳㤔䑘䄏尶〚Ⱎ⪮䈉 䐹⭄᷍㵲㦆㦾䄸⥙㎼㸳㗨⭥䔐᱒᷍䎃 㿎ⱁ⪌ⶄ䅕⭥ⴟ㬣᷍ㅭ。⭥㦬㭞㳍㳍 ⷇㰀㸳㗨䄜㣱ⰵ⡝㝽㳍㔘䋍⧪䍰➎⭥ ゴ䋗᱄䊙䄏尶〚Ⱎ㌍㎕᱄


‫ ݐ‬ᡫ ᳧ࣷᖉ退休牧师

• 2 • 2018







न࠰࣊ᄊʷՐþܸߦၷÿ 㛋㸳⨗㪛䊻䐱⺛⼴㚰㬂㋋ⴃ 㬱⭥䄜⷗㝊⫆᷍㾣ゴ㠣⼽ⱁ㦬Ⱍ䐋⭡ 㚨㏐䇱䄜⷗㋋ⴃⶏ⼮⟝㤁㳍᱄㸳⭥➷ ➷㰅㦜䇱⭒㬒⳨⧄㚲⭤⭥ⷀ䐱⡰䄖㸥 㠟᷍⭌䊻㚨䂚⭥㪈。⿘㈔㻣⶙㚙Ⱍ㬨 㝊㘒᷍⫆㘒㗨㠗㎈㦕⼽⪟㠴᱄㸳㬨コ 䐱⭥⧅䓴᷍⽔㘇䇱㑞⷗㗤㗤᱄䇸㛋㰅 㦜㹐䐫㩰⤜⶜䊄᷍⭌㬨コ㵆⼮㚡᷍䈌 ⶙㚙䄜㡑⤯䈌㎮Ⱀ⳨⧄㋋㾥㻓㎷᷍䊺 ゴ㩰㸳⭥䁈㻑⧪ら䄜㼓䇦㿄᷍䊻㹘➓ Ⱒ㭊㬒䄓㬨㬱㧞⼤䁈㪛᷍㰚䄵䓵㾂㸿 㔼㎰㬇⿚㬨㣸㭕Ⱍⰵ㸳㲹⢑⭥⼤᷍⫆ ㏐㦬⪴㾂ボ㘇㈮ㅱ㸳⫔䁈㪛᷍䓵゛䄓 㻄㶜⧅⫔䄵⽔㚽䔗䄜⷗㠘⭣ⷀ㩱᷍䋍 ⶄ䄜Ⳟ⭥㦬㬠᱄

ᏥඇᲜ͈̃ฅᡑᄊ๢໫ 㛋㸳䊻㾣ゴ㠣㾦䑘㬽㻕᷍ ⭌⿹㵘㋕㦆᷍䑘⭥ⱘ⮅㦕㬨⪴㸳㾂㬒 ⽓㈮䄲㈎㵉⺞コ㵆ⴂⴂ⶜⶜⭥㑺⭞᱄ 㸳㎲㎲㬨㾦䑘⭥᷍㸳⭥㕉㕉䊻㸳㩰㾂 䁈䄵㣑䅓㸋ⷕ⡻㚭㚭⪌ⶄ䅕ⷙ㰞ⱙ㾦 䑘᱄䎃㸜㚭㚭㗜Ⱒ⺞㭊᷍⧄㩰㸳コ㎕ ⧋䊿㗡㬌᷍⳨⧄㻓㎷⼮䇱㾦㾥᱄㰞 䊻㸳。㾕䓷⽔㈮⧄㦤㸳⟐㰞⧎㾕㬌ⷉ 䊻⡟䓴㩰᷍⿚ⷙ㸳⼮㕉㕉㯖㑬⼽ⱁボ 䐅᱄㕉㕉䐜㩰⺞㑞㛋㾂䁈᷍㬗䓷⤜ ⱁ᷍⭌㬨⳨⧄夐⧰㻓㎷᷍⧄⧄ㅭ䈞㸳 㗨䄋䔗䎞㝪⭥㦬᱄㰞㾦䑘㈮㬨䅓㸋㈎ ㏛㑬䄜⪯⭜⷇㗪䇇䊫⭥㪒や᱄ⶶ⼤㚨 㬒㸳㗨コ⭥䄜䐜㎰㚙ょ⧵㑬䇱Ⱏ⭥㕔 䐷㌍㯡㑬᷍㕉㕉㸿ェ㋪㬊᷍㈮⧰㾥⭜ ⷇䑘㯖㧈⺜⬌㚽㦤䎃䐜㚙ょ』⺞㎕㈮ 㾦㑬䎃㸜䎇㪒᷍㩰⭼⺜㦜⪚㳞㰞⭥⭜ ⷇᷍エ⭤㰞⭜⷇㶋⡰㈮䐒ㅴ䇤フ⭗フ

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㋋䎃䐜ょ⭥⤒䓴㲮⨗Ⱏ㕔䐷᷍㦜⽔➲ ょ㦴䊻⭹㩰᷍⡟㎕ㅊ䇓⭥㎰㚙ょ⺞䄜 。ⱚ㈴㦜䎇⭥䇷䍟㡑㎕㝽㑬᷍㰞䅓⪬ 㬹㝖㾦䑘᷍ⱙ㣳ⰵ⭜⷇⼽䇱㾦㾥᱄エ ⭤䇱䄜⪯㸳ⳃⷀ㩶᷍㰞ⴏ䑘⭥㘜㸋㸳 ⭜⷇᷍㸳㈮㋕⭞㑞⷗㒊ㆈ⭥Ⰼ㹘㏌㋋ 㑬᷍⽔㎕⤂䄓⼤㑬᱄䎃㑞ミ㡇㘏⭥㬣 㸳Ⱍ䇱䇂㼔᷍㰚䄵䓵㾂㈮㼁㾦㦘㬖䇱 ⺎㪒᷍ⱙ㕉㕉⭥㾦䂗䁵㾱ⰵ䇻㸳⭥䇑 㼍れ⫔᱄㕉㕉➲㰞㰚䐋⭡⭥〚⡟⭡㏎ Ⱍ。ㅭ⭝㸳᷍㦤㸳⟐㰞Ⱒ㬆㈎᷍㰞⧄ ⧄㸋㸳⼮コ㦬⭜⷇᷍䈗⭞㬣㤊㰞䄓。 ⭜⷇ㅜ㵱ᷜ䇱㬒䄓。ㅱ㸳⺓䊻㝵⢀⼮ 㰞䄜㡑⭜⷇㯖➃㗨᷂㰅㦜㸳⿚㸕㾦 䑘᷍⭌㬨䓵㾂䄜䐒㯔ⴟ㕉㕉⭥ㅭ〆᱄ 㰞⭞㻷䊻Ⱍ⼽䇱⭜⷇⭥ⱘ⪮᷍⤜㆗䇑 㼍㑻㈴᷍㡅㰜⫆㏐⭥㦬䇱㬣Ⱍ㝽㎕コ ㏐䍳㰞⟐䑛⭜⷇᱄㰅㦜㸳⭒㬒⭥⿘㈔ 㗜䇱〛。ㅴ⪆⭞ㅭ。᷍コ䐱⨞㑬䄜⡟ 㬆㈎䄵㶃㈮䐜䇱㕉㕉⼮㚭㚭⭥㪛㘝ボ 䐅㦤㸳ⰵ䑘䇱䓦㸿⡩⭥⼤ⶱ᷍ⷛ䓦㕉 㕉⭜⷇㬒。䄜㡑⽕ㅱ㳍⶙᷍ⳣⴑ㸳䄲 ㈎㬨⬌⭥⼃䓴᱄䊻㸳㰚㪛』⭥㸉㹐䑘 䅆㪈。⿘㈔⭒䐱㚽⹜䈗⭞䎃㗕㣸㆝⭥ 〚Ⱎ㵞᷍㬖䊻㬨㳍⶙ⷙ䈉⭥㲹⢑ⱘ ⮅᷍㕉㕉㦤㸳䐋⭡䇱䄜㸜㳍⶙᷍ⱙ㣳 㸿㔼䓵゛䊻㚥㏐㰞䓽。㸋㸳⭜⷇㤔䑘 ⫙㒍㬚䇤㸳᱄

ԪฤॆК˟Ր 㰋㚨㛋᷍㸳㋝㩰㑬⭒㬒㭕䇻 㬂䐹⮄⭥㶃䓉᷍⭞㹘➓䄨⢎⹅䄖䁈㾄 䁈㻑᷍㠻ヅ㋋㬝䊥Ⱒ㑬㿎ⱁ⭥㸥⿐⼮ 䓻ㅭ⭥㭊᷍ⰵ䇻ⴑㅭ᷍⭡ㅭ᷍㧆コⰝ 䇱㰚㪇㑵᱄䅓㸋⧪ら䇦䅍᷍ 㛋 䊣⳾⡜䎟ⶏ䍱㎕㾣ゴ㠣㒕䁈᱄䊻⪬㠻 ヅ⭞㑬䄜ヅ〚Ⱎㅭ。᷍䇱㾳㦰㬗゙㸜

㒕䁈⼮⹅䔘⭥䐱⺛〚Ⱎ㵞⭽㾷ㆄ㗤᷍ 㰜㗨ⰵ䇻㾦䂗⳨⧄㦩㾥᷍⫔コ⤜䐜䊻 ㅭ。⨈➾᷍ⷝ⧄⧄䊻䄜㡑㲞㲷㾦䂗᷍ 㪛㘝⭥䅃䅆ᷜ⤜㆗⳷㼎ⶄ䅕᷍⿚㯮ⷙ 㸳⭻䄜⡟䓵゛⭥㬆㈎᱄㸳⼽㌍⭥Ⱒ㶋 㯥ⶄ䅕⼮⤠⳷㾣䊝᷍ⰵ䇻᱑㩰⭼➏㬡 㦬᷍㪖䐢ㅌ⬌⭥Ⱑ㪛䓴⪮ⷙ㰜㗨᷍ㅱ 䄜㣱㾦⬌⭥⤜䐣㘑㶗᷍ⳕ⭤䇡㪛᱒⳨ ⧄ⶱⰐ᱄㰅㦜㸳䓵㾂㰄㬨㠘䁈デ䇦᷍ ⭌㬨⭤⧱㦰䓵゛㬨䄜⷗䔐㦬᷍⤃⤜㶋 㦌㬨䅓㸋㯖⺞⿲⿑᷍䇱⺞ⱒ㛏᷍ⷝ㬨 䓵゛䎃㾊㛋⭥䓘㤔䐅㘘䓵゛⤜㦰㬗㩰 ⭼᷍䄓⤜䐋⭡㳍⶙⭥➏⼮㾥䅃᱄⫔コ 䄜㡑⭥⳷㼎⼮⥊㋝㬆㈎᷍ㅭ。⭽㾷ㆄ 㗤⭥⹹➏㬚㸳ⰵ䇻㳍⶙⭥➏⼮䓵゛⭥ 䔐᷍㪏㋭⭥㳆。⭞㑬᱄䇻㬨 㛋 䊣 㦶㸳㉗䐟㾦䑘᷍䊙䅃㦰䔐⿻ⶥ᷍ ⹌㋋ㅴ㬽㻕㏒䔗㩰⭼⭥ⱚ㝏᱄䎃䄜㳍 㸳䂜㤌㑬䄜㡑㎕㾣ゴ㠣㒕䁈⭥㵍䁈⼮ 㦰㬗⭥㞔䇲㗨㎕⹼㏒᷍㻄㶜㰜㗨ボ䐅 㸳⭥㾣㪛㘝⼮㾣㪛』᷍⪴⪬䊙䑘䍧⹽ 㸳⭥㦬㪛᷍㋠䑘䔗⬌㻓䊤⭥ⱚ㝏᱄

రᄳʷၷ˞˟ၹ 㾦䑘䐏⽔㸳㬏⳷㻓㎷᷍ㅌ䎃⼤ 㼜㻃⷇㰀㕉㕉᷍㰞䄓㸋㸳ⷀ㾬᱄⽔㎕ 㸳䊻ㅭ。䔗㒍㿅䐏䄜᷍〞れ⭥⫙㒍㾂 䔊᷍⤯䈌ⷘ䂚㬣⹅᷍ⴓ㠿䄜㡑䊻ㅭ。 ⴟ㬣᷍⪌ⶄ䅕ⷙ㿎ⱁ㞔䇲⼮コ㦬᱄➷ ➷㣑゙㛋⼮㸳㵍䓂㬒㾦䑘᷍⿹⺛㬒㸳 䇷㸋⫔䄭᷍㾂䄭᷍䄐䄐䔗㑬㉗䐟⭜ ⷇᷍コ㦬⭤㈩㬚㸳㬏⳷ⶱⱘ᱄䎃㾊㛋 ヅ㗪䑘ⱘ⫞᷍ㆆ䓦⤜㵍⭥㦬䇂䐅⬌䄲 ㈎⽕䍺㸳⨗㎕㦌䐑ⴟ㬣᱄㝯㶜䓵゛⭥ 䄜㪛㸋䑘㬚䇤᷍䔗䑘䐳㠮᷍䄓㬚⢑㦬 㗪ⶄ᱄


᭢ ন ˨ ஻ ห४ၷ 直落亚逸堂

䄜㛋᷍䊻㈓㯝䐏㔤㵦ⰴ⭥⼦䍺䐏 㻣᷍㸳䅄㦜⫙䓦ⶱⱘ⭥㾥᷍⤯ゴ 㑬㔤⧭᱄

』Ⱀ㬨⪴䋈㩰➬㬒㋋㬝䐢㻣㹈䄜㬒ㆂ 㭙᱄䊻㚢㬇㗨⭥㘄㏙㻣᷍⫔コ䩑⨞䊴㛏᷍⳦ 㻣⷗㦬⭥㣄⹳䈌⶛⭄ᷜ⤃➲㪎㩰⭥㬷〛㚤⮕ 〓⹹⡶᷍䄵㘃䋃㬽ⶪ㦦ᷜ㧈⪬⤦㚽䓉㾥㈓㯝 䑘⭥⿑䈐᷍䈌䑘ⷝㅴ㆝᱄ 㸳㗨䄜䔊㬏㦬᷍䇪ㅭ。㚢㬇㒍⭝᷍⭨㩰 ᱗⿉➦㩞᱘㋋㬝㑬⭻䄜Ⱟ㔤⧭᱄ ⿉➦㩞㩰᷍㋶㡙㤆㾣᷍⿉⤾㭘㚟㾡㾡 㼓㦺ᷜ⼮哄⭥䂕⺃㵙⺞㗐㗽⭥㭘䄗㻗ⴍヅ᷍ 䍶㪅䊻⭡㝵⤾⭹㩰⭥㔗䑊᷍ⳃ㪅⨗㈈䇉⭥㑢 ⺃ᷜ⿉⤾㭘㚟㾡㾡㼓㦺᷍㈑㩌䄬㦬᱄䎃㏐䊗 ㏌㬱㤙⧔䊴㪚᷍㬏⳷㛟㈓᱄㕟⤞䊻㡅䐱᷍⹼ 㩮⫔䓵㦜㗡㈑᷍増㳞⨇㘚㛒ㅱ㪚ᷜⳣⴑ䐤㪎 䇻䄢⮊䊑䐏䐱᷍ⶱ㉖⭞䈌㩰⭼ⷝㅴ㆝᱄ ㋕⭞㗡㏗㤁⫅⭥⿉⤾㭘㚟᷍㦤㸳㼌⭞⡬ ⭤㣑㭊 ᷛ᱑ٖ࿚ೄᆴ౿֬ࣗ‫؂‬೉ҫƗ ෷֬၉౔಻ૌཥҫഏ֬߄Ʀҫшॱ‫ۋ‬Ɨ߄ш ‫ྍך‬åå᱒᱄㸳㗨䎃䄜㦛䇱䁋㡙⭥㦬㗨᷍㧈 ㆒䍟䊻⿉➦㩞㩰᷍䎞㋠䓦㩰⭼⭥ⱘ⮅』䓦ᷜ

䇱⧐䄜㦶䄓䄋㼒⿉⤾䄜䂚㋾ⶪ⮓㾜᱄䅓⪬⡹ 㿌䄋Ⰿ⭤㼓㩰⭼᱑ఓ౷ᆾࢤᄿဩඛෟሸ࠴֬ ಷሷƗ‫ࢨށ‬໨૓֫ሩᇍ߷֬ྖ᱒ 㬌 ᷍ 䄵⢄㾱䔀䊻䑘⭥䎞⭡㩰᱄ 㦬㪛⡟㎕㈮㬨䄜ⰯⰭⰭ⭥㔤⧭᷍㛄⤜㚽 䐜䄋⺞⧭ⱙ⤜䄋ㆂ㈷᱄䅓⪬᷍㪎㸋〚Ⱎ㵞᷍ ㈮⡹㿌䔒䁎㩰⭼⭥䐝䅃᷍䊻䎞䅆⭥⭡㔘㩰䔀 㶋㦬㪛᱄⭒㦶㲹⢑ⶱⱘ᷍㦤㸳䇱〛。⤯ゴ䎃 䄜Ⱟ㔤⧭᱋᱋㈓㯝䐏㔤᷍ⰵ㪛㘝⭥㋕ⳉ⭤⭞ ⷝ㾣᷍⪴ⱙゴ㣠ⰵ㬣ⴏ㩰⭼⭥㾦㾥᱄ ⪴᱗⿉➦㩞᱘㻣㎕⽔᷍㸳㗨キ㿙㆙㧌⭻ ⱟⰯ㔤⧭᱋᱋㕟⤞䊻᱗㯝㣸䊑᱘㏐᱄䎃㏐㬨 ➓⳦㣸㦬⹨⿳䐏⪇᷍㦤コ㭕㣸䇲㗨㰇㬒㋪䄵 㣑㎕䓘⭠㯝㛏᱄㋕⭞㘛㋭䊻⡏㸥㩰⭥㸥䓷᷍ 䎃㾊➓㻃䑘⿔䎀᷍䊻㬡ヅ⭥㛋㦶ⷘ䇱⤜㵍᷍ 䇱⧅䇱Ⱝᷜ⭌⫔コⰝ䇱⹓㵍⭥㾦䂗䈌㝯㶜᱄ 䊝⼓ⶄ䅕 エ䊹ᷛ᱑䄏尶㯖ᷛⶕ』䊻 㸳᷍㪛㘝䄓䊻㸳᷍㾦㸳⭥㦬㰅㯡㑬᷍䄓⡹ⶕ 』᱄᱒䎃䇇㿎䇡䊗⤜。ⶥ⢅᱄

䊻䎃㏐᷍㸳㋕⭞㿎ⱁ㛋⧅䎀䄜㪛ヂ⧷㬣 ⴏ䑘᷍㒕㻣ク䁵䢓㾱᷍㦤⽔⫛㒕㛏㾈ⳣ᷍㬨 䔏ゲ⮅ⳗᷜ㸳㼌㡑㑬䐨䎀⭥䄜Ⱟ⿑ᷛ᱑』䓦 ㈮㬨㬅㏜᷍䎖㣏䐜㬨䇯㻘᷍ㅂ㋖ ⤦㬨㚠⭥᷍㌍㎷ⷝ㬨䎇䜱᷂➺㛋 䐏⽔᷍㸳㗨〓⧺〓䋈Ⱍ䄋⳷㏌᷍ ̡ၷవ౏ࡃ௧ʷ඀ᆁᆁᄊ஻ሮἻ 䅓㸋䎃㬡ㆈ⳨㸳コ᱄⭞㬒᷍㛄㯐 ͿˀᑟԶ᜶᣿ሮᏫˀ᜶ፇࡍǍ‫ ڂ‬㛄 ⭥ ᷍ 㸳 㯐 㸳 ⭥ ᷍ 䊺 㗡 ㏗ ⭥ 䁵 䈐᷍㗜䇱㦬㏎ᷜ䅓㸋㸳㗨Ⱍ䄋⧢ ൥Ἳᢶ˞۳ᅖ२Ἳࡃॹᮌᥖ॰ʽ 㯐䓦᷍⭩⫞䑘䊺㎕᱄㰚䄵㪎⢀⭥ ࣛᄊ௉ਓἻ‫ښ‬൤˧ᄊ᥋᡹ʽᡌ߹ 㦬᷍㛄䄋䎅㻈ᷜ䅓㸋䊻㬡ヅ⭥㦶 䓴䊞㎕䊞㩺᷍䔏䐶䄋⳷㏌᱄⤜䄋 ̡ၷǍ 䎚䐕᷍⤜䄋Ⱈ㡙᷍⼤⼤㼁⪇᷍⼤ ⼤㼁㻈᱄᱒ 㩃。⽔᷍㏌㋋ㅭ㲤᱄䔀䊻䁸 㦩⭥䂕⺃㻣᷍㸳ⶱ㾜㩰⭼㦤㸳䎃 㸜⿚䇱䄜⮄䁋㡙⭥㎰㦬㚽⹜㸩⤞㣑㆙ᷜ⺟㏜ 㔘䁨᷍䊿㗡䑘᷂䎃㬒㋭᷍㚵⼄㏐ゕ㬒㼍㡑㬌 ⟁㬒⧄㯱⧋⭥䄜㬸㬆㬌ᷛ

‫ۼ‬෢୍Ɨ໨ᇽƌોಷ‫ۼ‬෢ᇽè໨മᆰ ᩋ‫ڽڅ‬୆৶Ɨᇽ‫׌ؽ‬໴౲໴иè໨֬ఴ๶ ᇽຢ಍ᆰ֨è໨း‫ۼ‬෢୍ååƌ

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႑ʾ Ϳᄊ

Ԣߕ 䄜

㸜㛋㤂⭥㩺⶟⡜䎐ⰰ⨗㚊 㠻ん⤂᷍䐜㬄 ⷗䊣⭥㬺 㘝᱄䅓⪬᷍㰞䓦㬷➓㝦⽔ 㬣ᷛ㑋㕈㰞⭥㚢㬇᷍㤌㰜⭞㰞コ᷍㩭 㲷䇱⹹㰞䔏⽔䄦䊙⭥䄜㾊㬣ᷜ㰞⷇㰀 㚢㬇䊻㩆㏒㩰㰞䄋⧋㚥䄜㬸ⷉ᷍Ⱒ㚥 䄜Ⱟ㈎㸥᷍㕒䋂㬒⪊㬓㗕䂚⭥䄣ⴟᷜ 㰞䄓䄋㤔䈌㰞㾥➏⭥㬆㈎㵍䋂᱄ 㗠䄜ミ㬣Ⱍ➓㝦㵸⭒⽔᷍㚢㬇 䎞䓝⡙㏌㋋㬒᷍䎃㸜㩺⶟㵜㦜㼌㡑䄜 ミⰵ㰞⳨⧄䐹䄋⭥㬣᷍᱑⿚䇱䄜ミ 㬣᷍᱒㰞㾬⳽⭹㯖⭡᱄᱑㬨㬓㗕㬣 㚹ᷠ᱒㚢㬇㸫⭡᱄᱑䎃ミ㬣⳨⧄䐹 䄋᷍᱒㰞キ㿙㯖⭡᷍᱑㸳䄋䇳㬷㚤䓦

⥇䓴㵍㕒䋂᱄᱒㚢㬇䍟䊻㚨㏐㋕䓦 㰞᷍㕛㵘㹎㯏᷍⤜䐋㰚䊧᱄᱑㦤㛄⧵ ㈋㑬᷍ⰵ⤜ᷠ᱒㰞㸫⭡᱄᱑㬨⭥᷍㲚 ➸㯖᷍㸳ⰵ㛄⭥䄋㤔ⶱ⭞䄪〔᱄᱒㚢 㬇⿹⫑᱄᱑㸳䎃䄜㪛䋙⨗㻐⺞ㅭ。㸿 㭞⭥㪈ㅜ㈼⤮⼮㶎䂈᷍㸳㈎⧄エ⭤䑘 ⤬⧵㶋᷍㶌⮛㬶䔀⽔᷍⡹ㅌ䇱㦬⪶⺞ 㪎䓴㯖⭡ᷛᱏ㒕㻣㛄⭥⥇䓴᱄᱐䎃㈮ 㬨㸳䔏㻓⿗⭥⤠⳷᷍䅓㸋㸳䐋⭡䔏⼤ ⭥ゕㅌ㎕㑺᱋᱋㧈㻙㛆㧂㧎⭥㣪㋬㑇 ⭑ⷃ〓㬨⽒⽒⭥㠜⺜㝪᷍㚨䐷㗡⼤䇷 ⶜㬖䐫⭥Ⰼ㹘ᷜ㰚䄵᷍㸳䄋㦬㋕ボ䊻 ⹸㚟㏐⭥㸳䇳㬷㚤䓦⥇䓴᷍䄵䐣⼤㡇 㸫⭡ᷛᱏ⥇䓴㸋㬓㗕。䊻䎃㏐ᷠ᱐㦜

⽔㸳䄋⷇㰀㰜㗨ᷛᱏ㒕䓂⥇䓴᱋᱋䔏 ⼤⭥ゕㅌ⭞㎕᱄᱐᱒㚢㬇䇖⡈㰞⷇⢑ 㬒᷍䁼㏐䇠⨗㑬㻓䊤⭥㏂㯏᱄㰜㪏䐋 䎃㬨㰞㏌㬡䐏㣑⭥䔏⽔䄜⪯。㹏᷍⭌ 㰜䄓䐋⭡䎃⶟㝏⡩㰜ⷝ⼤⭥➲㸶䓂㑬 㳍㲤᱄䅓㰞䐋⭡䔏⼤⭥ゕㅌ㎕㑺᱄ 䋂㏒㩰᷍㦬㗨⪴㰞⭥㒊冲⢀䔀 ⺞᷍㋕ボ㰞⪊䓦㗡㏗⭥䄣㩲᱃㰞㾥➏ ⭥㬆㈎᷍⼮⳦䊻㰞䇳㬷⭥⥇䓴᷍㚢㬇 ㈮⤜ⰰ㳞⭞㦬㗨䊻㚨㏐㣵㣵㯞䈐᷍䄜 ⢊䇷䄜⢊㸫⭡ᷛ᱑㚨⷗⥇䓴㬨ⶪ㕐 ⭥ᷠ᱒䄜ⱙ䊺⭹᷍㚢㬇䊻㚨㏐㾇ⱙ⤜ 䈐᱄䐅⭡㬒᷍㚢㬇➲㩺⶟㦆㬡㣑䈌㰜 ⭥ⰵ⿑⷇㰀⫔コ᱄㰜䄓➲⥇䓴⼮⥇䓴 ⰵ㩺⶟⭥㼔䎘䅃䅆䈌⫔コ⳷㼎᱄㚢㬇 ⿚㯖㰜㗨䄓。⼮㰜䄜䂚㸿ⳉ㦤䓵゛㵄 䐚⤜㦆㯝㼌䎃⥇䓴᱄ 㚢㬇㬨ⰵ⭥᱄㻣⪯㛄⳦㻣⥇䓴 㬒᷍㦤㰝㳂㾲㛄᱋᱋㸣㧂⭹᷍᱑䔏⼤ ⭥᱒ゕㅌ⭞㎕᱄ 㗜⫎᷍㞔䇲㈮㼒㻂㬡䎅⡇᷍㰜㗨 㦤㛄⿗㾇᷍⹥㏙㛄㼓⧪⹇㕖㆙᱄㰜㗨 ㆉ⨗䄜ⶒ増㳞⭥ⱛⱅ᱃䈌㛄⳷㼎䄜㉅ 䊿㗡⭥⿑᷍㰜㗨䓽㬨䊙䅃㼓㸳㗨⧉㋋ 㾥哊ᱎᱎ ሮ࿦ҍၹۧƔ



샂 ઌછ‫׽‬ർӍ

ᦌರᔮ 大巴窑堂

⺞㩰㋯᱃⨐⡙᱃㠻⫞᷍⫙ 䓦㾬⳽⭥㾥㤊᷍㸳㗨䄜㾱 㦬᷍䐶䇻䊻⿧䇸㑌㚢㬇 ⭥⫙㒍㻣᷍㲅㩰᱑⡄㔿㿜ㅭゑ㡕㬟㔝 ➯㚇⭛᱒㬆㈎䐏㔤᱄

Ⅱ థ ெ 㸳㗨⫏⧬䐱Ⰼ⟁〛᷍⪴㾣ゴ㠣 ⨗ⳃ᷍ 㾂㬒⭞⫐➃⤝⫐⡩᷍㵄㭞㾂 㬒᷍䓋䅃⫔㏜⼞⟁᷍䊺 㾂㬒᷍ゴ㩰 㬒⥏᷍䐶䇻ⴈ⧟㠮㠮⭷⫐㚠⭥⭹᱄ Ⅱ థ ெ 㬸䍟㔿㕎᷍⤯⹼㑬㬆⡄㔿ㅭ㲤 ᷉㕒䋂⭹᷊᷍Ⱅ䁉㚚⭩᱄㬚㵞⡄㔿ㆆ 䓦㰜㬨㔿㕎⹌㘒᷍䄋㤔䊻㔿㕎㬽㪔㝱 ᷉㵞 ᷊᱄㰜䊻㔿㕎 䔃㑬䄜ヅⳠ䓴᷍䓂㑬㑞㛋᷍⪌ㅓⶄ䅕 ᷉㵞 ᷊᱄ 㻣㹈䇯㎡㔿㕎Ⱈ㬿⧂᱄ⷚ㈾エ 䊹᷍⭒㛋㾸⤱⭥㛂㔜㶖ㅌ㸿㭞ⳕⰵ㰜 ⭥〚Ⱎ㵞Ⰻ㻣Ⱈ㬿⧂㸚㬉䓴᷍䁋㑽㑽 ⭥⿎㘇᷍㒏㦬⤜㬅䬒㿋 Ⅱ థ ெ 㭞㾂㬒⭥⧖⧭᷍⭷⫐䅃⫔㏜㘜㬅 ⭹᷍㬡ㆈ㸥⿐䄦⥛䐏䄜⭥⡩㧙㾒㰟᷍ ⶞㆝㩢䄌䓦➸㩌⫔㏎㬐⭥⫔ㅭ㲤᷍䄵 ゑ㗡㏗ㅷ㈑᷍Ⱍ⧪㸋⫔コ㈛㼁㝥䍶᷍ 㪄㦂㗡⼤㈖㵘⭥㬒㋭ Ⅱ థ ெ ⤯⹼凔⭺ⶵ᷍㈑⮄⟝㎉㬆⡬⭤⫔ ㅭ㲤᷍⨅⳷⢎㻷䓻ㅭ䄶㭖ⷀ㈔ㆈ᷍㬨 ㈔㚻㳍䑘ㅭ⭥⫔⡟䇋᱄㬆⡬⭤⺄⧂䄓 㬨㈑⮄䐏䄜᱄

Ⅱ థ ெ ㏌㋋㔿㕎᷍㣑㶚㻄㎑䁦⮅᷍䇯㎡ ⺟⭣㑝⹑㗦᷍ゐ。⺄⧂⭩ᷜ㡅䐱䔏䅞 㦬㧌㬅⭥᷍䇇ⶤ㬨➮㲹㝊㪒⮏᱋᱋⡄ 㔿䋙䊻⪬⼮⭒㬒⤜㾦⭥䁦⮅㦬⢈㔼᷍ ⪌ㅓⶄ䅕 㵞 ᱄ Ⅱ థ ெ

Ⅱ థ ெ 㣑㶚㕎㡅ⰺ᱄㲟㸋⹼䐚⭥㾿⭡䊛 0HWHRUD 㿝⹳䊻㋶䐱ⷀ㯫Ⱉ㣮⭥㈿ ⫔㬐ⴆ㩰᷍䅓⪬⡜㑱㧌㬡ㆈ㸥⿐䄦⥛ 㘜㔝᱄㸳㗨➾⪬⪴㬐Ⰶ᱑⧅᱒⨗㎕⭥ ㅉ䑟㹐㰚⪮᷍⭤䄵㾡㩮㈌䐣⭥➾䍝㵆 䄶㭖㠘᱄

䁦⮅⧨㬱⹼⺃᷍⤯⹼ゐ。⺄⧂䄦 䐘᱄䁨㔵➮⹦ 䍞㪒㩞 䔙㕅䇻㸡⧨㩞 ㅦ᷍⭒㛋⡄㔿ⰵ䁈㬠㗨⪌ㅓ䄏尶䈌ⶕ 』⭥⭡ 㵞 ᱄ Ⅱ థ ெ 㔊䄚⧬➏㣺⼄䇯⪍᷍㈎⺞ 㾂㬒 ⭥ ゗ⴈ㎬᷍䐶䇻䊻㒉⧠⭷⫐㼓㶚 ⭥➏㣺⼄㬆⭹᱑➯㚇⭛᱒᷂㡕㬟㔝䔘 䎀䊝⼓⭒㬒⡜⳦䑑䊻䎃㏐᷍⡜䄏尶ⶔ 䈉㡕㬟㔝䅍㼔᱄➯㚇⭛㈮⧪㸋〚Ⱎ㵞 ⭥⧐㬆䐏⭹᱄䊝⼓⭤⭞㡕㬟⭥Ⱅ䁉⧪ 㸋⫔コ㈛㼁㑵㦂㈖㵘⭥⭹Ⳟ᱄㈕➾ⱁ 㪒⭥㔿㕎㵔䐯䎀᷍⭒㛋ㅌ䊝⼓⳦䑑⭛ 㩰᷍㰜䊻㑞㛋⡜㤕㠻ヅ᷍⭤⭞㡕㬟᷍ 䐋⭡㸕㎕㬡ㆈ⭥䐶㈷᷍㾕㑬㬆㈎䔏⽔ 䄜⡟㭊㡕㬟㔝᷍⹓ 䍣᱄ 䐹⮄ᷛ㦭㚮 ⭞⭸᷍⡹㦜⭤㬅 㾿㝏䊛᱃㬆䊝⼓㪒䁈 㾿⭡䊛䄓䊻㔤⧭䐱᱄ Ⅱ థ ெ 䇫㔷㩰⧤㋶⭖㬒ヅ᷍㚢䎀⫙㒍 ⫔コ㒊㾿ᷛ⡄㔿䇱㭕㒊⭥䁼⺃⼮䇑㼍 㑇᷍㰜⪌ⶄ䅕ⷒ㶃㎮㌁᷍⤃ⱁ㬽㌁ ⨟᷍㸋⭥㬨⹥㏙㾦㵞㚽⧷㬹㾦᱃㶜᱃ ➏ ⷈ㣑 ᷍㿎ⱁ㦬䅓㰜⭥㾦㾥᷍ ➏㾥⼮Ⱅボ⭤䓦ゅ㏙᱄


샂 5M\MWZI ྰ֨ᄄ Ⅱ థ ெ ㆒㳍⭥㾱⧭㬨㣑㶚⡄㔿㿜ㅭ⭹䐏 䄜⭥ⷈ㑷ⱁ⹦⧨ 㵞 ᱄㻩䊻ⷈ 㑷ⱁ䊬⼴Ⱋ㒕㠍㋭᷍㿙⧭㣑㶚⹦⧨䄦 䐘᷍䎃㏐䋙㈎㬨⡄㔿⼮䇭㲌㦬䁨㈴㎎ ⼮➺〚㎎䄜㡑⹅䔘⭥⭹Ⳟ᱄㸳㗨䄓㵍 㬒⤯⹼㑬⭻䄜㬡ギ⭥㩭⮋᱃ゐ。⺄⧂ Agora ᱃➃⤉㔿㪒㘎⼮⡕㕎㲉(Bema Seat)᷍ゕ㪔㝱㲉 㵞 ᱃⡄㔿 㬽㪔㝱䐏⭹ ⷈ㣑 ᷍⿹⹬⡄㔿 㾕ⷙⷈ㑷ⱁㅭ。⭥㑞ⴃ㭊㾦᷍⼮⭒㛋 㰜㼓㶃⪌ⶄ䅕⭥㤊㈑᱄ 㳍⭥㔤⧭᷍㈂㾬⺊㎕᷍⮄⮄⭯ ⭯⭥⿹䅅㧜㕛㸳䎜⷗㾥Ⳡ᷍䄓㾕㕛䊻 㦶䐟㏐ᱎᱎ

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16 ࣲ ͘ ำ ү



࣎ඇᐏែ͘ 䊣 㦶㩰㹈᷍㬇㚙㗨䊻』㦋㒊㾿䐱㾥㈺⟍㑬⟌㳍⭥㑋 䅋。᱄⪬⪯㑋䅋。⭥⹚㼌㬨㵉⺞㋪䄵㦤㸳㗨➓㈓⭥㵟㈗᷍ ㆙㧌㚍㼌⭥㒊㾵⤺㑘᱄ 㸳㗨䂜㤌㑬ⶄ㒊㲤⧣㯝㠞⭽㾷㎕䈌㬇㚙㗨⳷㼎㧈⼯㾡 㩮㭊ⳉ᷍⤃㵉⺞㰚㾕⭥䓷㆙㾱㚍㼌᱄⧣⭽㾷䄓㬨㦆㛋⿋㦬 㛋䅊。⹳㏛䐱㭊ⳉ⭥㕅㌏㦬᱄㰜ⱁ㛋㎕䓉䁱㭊ⳉ᷍⤃䄵㩰 ⭼ⷙ㰜⭥ⱘ⪮ⴟ㹒ㅭ。⼮㪈㤙᱄䊻㰜㪛Ⱀ⭥ㅓ䁾䐱᷍㸳㗨 䔀㑬䄜㲬㭊ⳉ㏛㬘䐏㔤᷍㋕⭞㑬㭊ⳉ⤜⭆㬨㚽㲶䄒㾵㤊᷍ 䄓⼮㿜ㅭ䇱㗽㣱⹹㑋᱄

ࣲ͘‫͘ݙݤ‬᭢ξᖹ 㛋㛋。⶟㝏ⴟ㹒。㈓㾿䇋䊻㾣ゴ㠣』㦋㒊㾿䐱㾥 ㈺㾱᱄㈓㾿䇋䐜䇱㑞㳍᷍ 䊣 㦶䐢 䊣 㦶᱄䁰コ⿼㚢 㬇㬨⪬⪯䇋。⭥㭕㒊⭝㬇᷍⤯ゴ⭥ㆄ㗤⹓ 㦬᷍㡅䐱⟝㎉ 䓬䇃㬇㚙᱃㧑䇃㬇㚙䄵ゑ㆖⿋㬇㚙᱄ 䇋。㋋㬝㬒᷍㸳㗨䄵㈺㬷⭥Ⳟ㬞➲㾥䐱⭥⹳㛏ㅜ㵱 ⷙ㩰⭼᷍䄓⡬⪬䓄ⶄ㵍䔀䎃Ⱟ㔤⧭⭥ㆄ㗤㗨᱄ㅴ䓦᷍䁰㚢 㬇ㅭ⭝㸳㗨ビ⭆䄸Ⰿ⭥⽕㹝㡎⭜ⳉ᷍㵉⺞⮘㪎᱃⮘㡙᱃⮘ 㾥᷍⮘䎜⼤䓵゛⭥䓕㲍᱄㰞㾯㦾㸳㗨⭥㾥㒊䄋⼤㼒㦌㤓Ⰹ 㸜㻖㵔᷉*36᷊㚨䂚㻩㪉Ⰹ⼤䓵゛⭥㸜䐤᱃⮘䎞Ⳟ㼓ⰵ䓦 䑘᷍㦜⽔⳦㯪ㅦ⤞㦤䑘⫙㒍᱄䁰㚢㬇䄓ㅭ⭝㸳㗨⺊㾥㡎⭜ ⳉ᷍䊻⳷㪒㬒㵉⺞ビ⭆⭥䓷䁼➲㯝㿘㎎⿹㎕᱄㸳㗨䄓䁈㻑 㑬㈓䐚᱃㈓㚍᱃㈓㳞⼮㈓⹼᱄䇋。䐱䇱㿎ⱁⰡ⪇⭥㬒ヅ㦤 㸳㗨⤺㑘㰚䁈㻑⭥Ⳟⳉ᱄⭻ⱟ㳍㸳㗨㦌㳍⤺㑘᱑㈓䁵᱒᷍ 䄜䎜㳍⤜㋕㬷〛䄓⤜㯖⿑᷍㆙㧌⭆⭆䈌䑘Ⱑ⪇⭥㬒⺃᱄ 』㦋䐱㾥⿘㈔㬏⳷㤆䇥᷍㪉⡙ビ⭆ⱙ㡌㦌᱄㸳㗨㋪䄵 䊻⭜⷇㬳䐱Ⱑ⪇᷍〓⭞⿈㶃䇤㘘䎔㡎⭜ⳉ㣸㆝㪒᱄ ㆄ㗤㗨䊻ⰭⰭ⭥㑞㳍㈓㾿䇋㏐㬶〒⼽ⴂ⶜᱄䊻㈓㚍 䐱᷍㸳㗨⭥㾥㒊⭤⭞㻕⭴᱃䊻⭜⷇䐱㸳㗨䐹㾣⭤㑇᱄

2 • 2018 •

㬇㚙㗨Ⱍ⼽䇤㾥⭹㚄ⳣ⧣⭽㾷㰚㾕⭥᱑➓᱒䓷᷍䁈 㻑䐱⿆㼁⟐䑛᷍䄓⤜㬒ⳃ⨗㻓㎷⭥㾇㪚᷍⺞⧭㬏⳷䈅䊤⿗ 㾡᱄䔏⽔᷍㸳㗨㎕⷗䔊⪫䇯㻘᷍䇪⧣⭽㾷⫙㵘⭥ 㬨᱑㠞᱒䓷᷍㬇㚙 㗨ⷘ䁂䄜⷗䓵 ゛㻓⿗⭥䓷⼮ 㰜⭥᱑㠞᱒䓷䔊 ⧪䄜⷗⪫᷍㚨㬨 ᱑㠞➓᱃㠞㸩᱃ 㠞㈓᱃㠞㯔᱒᷍䔏 ⽔䄵㸛㬇㚙㬷㳂⭥ ᱑➏᱒䔘ㆂ㸓᷍㳂 㾲㸳㗨᱑➏᱒㬨䔏 䐹䄋⭥᱄ 㬇 㚙 㗨 ⼽ ⶱ ゅ㛋。⶟㝏ⴟ㹒。 ⰵ㬇㚙⭥⹹⿔᷍䊿 䑛㬇㚙㗨⤯ゴ㈓㾿 䇋⼮㬇㚙㑋䅋。᱄ 㻄㶜ㅌ㎕⭥』Ⱀ䇱 ⷝⱁ⭥㬇㚙〞れ㼍 䇇᱄


⪴ 䔀㆙ 㛋᷍㻷䊻 䇷⪴ょ㛋㲅㧌㑬⹘㛋᷍䐱 ⺛㦬⼮㬡ㆈⷘ⭹⿋㦬᷍Ⱍ ⳨⧄䐹㬴㝊㏛㾣㛋᷍Ⱍ㦰㸋䄋⺞㑬䎃 㝊㏛㾣㛋᷍⤦㰄㬨䎇䎞⭥⺞㑬㛋᱄⭞ 㑬㾣㛋᷍⫔コⰵ䄜㣱㬣㹐᷍Ⱍゥ䈌㸿 㻿⭥䍚㶜᱄ⱙ䊻䎃㯓㻃㶓⢅㪈。䓋㾮 䐱᷍㸳㗨ㅭ。䇷䇱⼯䍚㶜㚹ᷠ

ᎪᬅᎪፏᮬ᜸௑̽ 䐻㰚䐽䐋᷍㆒㦶㸳㗨㬨⪇䊻䄜⷗ 䐋㬗⡍䍉⭥㬒⫛ᷜ㋧ゝ⭥ⳃ⫐᷍㦶㾣 䊣䅍᷍㪖䐢㬨㯓㻃㶓અ᷍ⷝ䇱㦬⧧䐏 㸋⮀ⶓ⭥㬒⫛᱄䇩㡅㬨㶙カ㶙㕈䎃㼏 ッⰬ㋧ゝ⭥ⳃ㘘᷍㋪㚽㬨⹅䄖ⷐ㘝䄵 ㎕䇑㼍㦬㏁㪛』⼮㸥⿐䔏⫔⭥⹒㻸᱄ 㶙㕈⭥⨗㻷᷍䇱㧈㿞ⴈ⹯㎕᷍㧒 ⤜㋪⭓᱄エ⭤㩰⷗㬡ギ 㛋⫛᷍⡫䎀 䊻ㅭ䈞⤠㋝㬵䔊⶛䋑⿋㾄䐱䁈㋝㬵ᷜ 䄋➲㋝㬵⭥䊬䔘⮈㚵⿐᷍⭒㬒ㅭ䈞 ⤠㬨ㆉ䇤⤧䎟⤠䄵 㶓䊋⹛⭤⭥⮈ 㚵᷍⫔コ㋪㚽⤜㼁㾦᷍㡅㳆〞䐏⫔᷍ 䇱㧈䄜⷗Ⳡヅ᱄㈮䅓⮈㚵ェ㰄⭥⹇㚽 ㆙⤞㪒㯺᷍㈾㯖㗠 ⷗䊣㈮ゴ⡗䄜 ⪯᷍㰚䄵䊝㚋 㛋᷍䓡㩰⮈㚵䄲㪖 㠶⢊ᷜ䊺⺞㑬゙㛋᷍⤧䎟⤠䄋⨗㕕㚨 ⤠⮈㚵᷍䍳⤜⭞㕓䑘᷍䐜⼤䄵 䊋 ⭒⳰㳛㕕⨗᱄䇷⺞⤜⭞゙㛋᷍㻆㩰⮈ 㚵ⰲ㕛⹌㬣⟝᷍㻷䊻⫔コ㬷䐱⭥㬷〛 㳆〞㰅㾂᷍㋪㬨㰝⭥⹇㚽᷍㦕⤜䁨䇻 ⺞㦆⭥䓡㩰⮈㚵ᷜゴ㩰㾣ゴ㠣䎟ⶏ〞 れ⭥㕖㼓䐨⿼⺛⭥䊙㈑᷍䎃䁙㯺⭥ⶥ ⢅᷍㬚䎜⷗㪈。Ⱍ却䓦䊻䓋㾮᱄ 㶙㕈⭥⭞㎕᷍㬚䎜⷗⭹㤓㳍䁥㧕

⡩㑻᷍㸳㗨㦬㦬Ⱍ㧈㪒⿑䐱⭥㰐㹓㋶ 䇖䇱㣈㏐䁼᷍㚽㋕⭞㣈㏐㶃ⳃ㪛⭥㬣 㹐᷍⤃⼮⭒⭹⭥㦬㘇ⰵ㘇ㅜ㲙᱄

̡ࢺఅᑟஈԫၷำ 㭞㕌㈎イ䄓䄲⫔⫔⭥ⶥ⢅㑬㸳 㗨⭥㦶⧄㪛』᱄㸿㻷㆑㪈。⼮⮈䓴䐈 ⶗᷍䄓㈮㬨ㅜ䄸⤜䇤㻷㆑᷍ⱙ䄵㋉᷍ 㬷〛㪖䐢㑔㬗⫛䐏᷍䎃䊻䐱⺛䄲㼁⭒ 㠶⢊᷍㑍ㅷ⢀㝊コ㾂Ⳙ䄓Ⱍ䇤䓦᱄㾣 ゴ㠣䎞⳽㡑䐒䓘᷍⡟⭹⹌⹓ㅜ㵉㻖㵔 䊺⺞㧞㛋᷍ゕ 㛋᷍䄓ㅌ㦌㘇㕖㼓 㸿㻷㆑⶗⧖䓫᱄ 㦬⹅䐨㚽⭥⨆〘᷍〛㡘㦬⭥ㅖ 㪛᷍㡅ⳃ䍚ⷝ㬨䄜㦶㣈㏐ᷜ㬡ㆈⷘ⫔ ㋧ゝ⹌㯟᷍Ⱍ䄲ゴ⫔ⰵ㸿㦬⤺䔘〓ゾ 㬜⭥䁱㈠᱄䊺⺞ ㎕㛋᷍㦬㏁⭥㿎ⱁ ⹅䔘ㅌ⡜㦬⹅䐨㚽㰚㦂⫛᷍㦬㏁㿉⼮ 〛㡘㦬㈛䎚⹅䔘᱄

ஔ͘᭧ࠫᣁ‫ی‬фѤ ベ䇻㪈。〞れ⭥䓋㾮᷍ㅭ。㬨ⴒ 䄓。〓䎀䄲㈎㬽⭞㶙カ㶙㕈〓㦬⹅䐨 㚽⭥⨆〘ᷠㅭ。㬨ⴒ⿚㚽➓䇻㻷䓕ᷠ ⪬㬒䎞ⴋ㝊㏛㾣㛋᷍թ㈺゙㼏ビ㘘㻷 㼔䈌䐻㲞㲷ᷛ ㅭ。䄲㆙⭞㸿㬆㬌㬆㈎⭥㬒⫛᷍ ㈼。䊿㗡ⷉ㯭㩰⭼㬒᷍⫔コ䐜㋕ 䅙㚜㩰⭥㬌⪫ᷜⰢ㈎㬒⫔コⰝ㚤⨗㬷 〛㎕⥊䊥⫇䇻㡅䐱⭥㈎㸥᱄⤜㯖㠞㾦 㵞᷍㿎ⱁ⪌⭡㦬䄓Ⱍ㻑⺀㬚䇤㬷〛㦆 䁑䍳㈎ㅻ᷍䇱ⱁ㩺㦬⿚㋰㻣⹇ⴓ㦆⡔ 㯱㆑㉅ᷠ⫔コⰝ䄵⮈㚵㬷〛⫛㳇㦬


㚵᱄㋪㻈⭥㬨᷍⫔㸡㶖㯖ᷛ᱑㸳ㅌ㛄 ⭥⿑⤹䊻㾥㏐᷍㘃⭤㸳⭤䔐㛄᱄᱒ 㬌 ⿚䇱ⱁ㩺㦬。⡔㯱㈎㸥㆑㉅᷍ ➲㩰⭼⭥⿑⤹䊻㾥㏐ᷠ 㻄⤏㎕㭊 ⷇㰀㸳㗨᱑㛄㗨⤜ ㋪㵄䐚㈼。᷍⭚䄋⡬⪬㦑㘄᱄᱒ ㆒⫔㾮ㅭ。᷍ⱁ䓵㪉㶙䍟᷍䇱⭥䄓⤆ ⳦㈼。⨈➾⭥㤊㌗᷍㪚㩌㉄㦌᷍㧈䊻 㻷⧂᷍䙓㦜䄓䄲㸖㸋ⴈ㡙᱄㬨ⴒ。䇱 〚Ⱎ㵞᷍㦰㸋䑘㦶㋪⤜⡹⭞㬆⮏㦆⤯ ゴ㈼。㈕➾䑘᷍䊻コ㋕ㅭ。㰚⤆⮈㬴 ㈮㋪᱄䎃䐷ⴈ㡙᷍㝘㗡䄲⼽㬃㾱᱄


㸿㻷㆑㪈。㚬⫔㬧㰚㤘᷍㣳㆝䊻 㗝ㅿ᱄ㆍ㬒㾦㵞ⰵㅭ。㰚䔘ⴏ 㻸᷍ㅌ㧈⼯⧫㩰ᷠ⭞ㅭ。⤯ゴ⨈➾ゑ ㈼。㬒᷍⫔コ㋻⫝㏐Ⱍ㸿㻷㌏᷍㧈⼯ ㆙㾱ⴏ㻸ᷠ⫔コ㧈⼯㔥㾱㩰⭼⭥ㅭ ⭝᷍⤜㋪㋶㬷㎕⧐ボ㽕 ⨗ ᱄


㪈。䊞㆙⤞䓋㾮᷍⫔コ䊻䐑⧂ ⭥⹅䔘㈮䊞㎕䊞㗇ᷜ㿎ⱁ㦬⿹⭞ コ᷍䄲㈌㠄㑇㉌᷍コ䄲⹬⤜㑬ⱁ㩺᷍ ⤯䈌ㅭ。㬣ⴏⷝ⤜⡹㲙᱄⤜⺞᷍㰜㗨 ➏䑘⭥㾥⿚㬨⼽㣠᷍⿚㬨㈂㑇⭥䊻㆑ 㣏㩰䔘⨗ⴏ㻸ᷜ䅃ゕ㦤ㅭ。㦆㤌䄜㾊 䓉䐑㦬䊒䊻ㅭ。⹅䔘᷍䎃䐷㯝㼌㬨ⴒ ㅂ㋖ᷠ㈤ⱙ㈤䐏᷍㬨ⴒ。➲ㅭ。⭒䔘 ㉄㎷⤠㋕⫞ᷠ


㾣ゴ㠣䎟ⶏ㸋䇇⶗㪈。⭥䓋㾮᷍ 䄲㸋㸕㎕⧨㬱ェ⿏⤇㌏ 䄻 㶓䊋 㵧㆙䄬㈴᱃䇡㿙⼮㦮㾵⧨㬱ㅉ㪉Ⳟ㘇 ⭥㋧䁱᱄㸳㗨ㅭ。㚹ᷠ㘇ⰵ䎃䓋㾮䐱 ⭥㪈。᷍㸳㗨䊻㾣⭥䄜㛋᷍䓝⡙⼤㧈 ⼯㦆䇇ⰵ㑬㕑ᷠ


ᣁ‫ ˗ی‬ᄊᇫ͘ՙ὎ ᬈ͛॓ 卫讯编委

• 2 • 2018





уЫЛуа╗уГЕс╖Ну╕│фФПтзДфЗдтнет╝╣ткл умис▒Су╛гуЫЛуМНуО╖с▒Тс▒Ду░ЕужЬфК╗ т┐ЛужмуЕнуАВфЗ▒уЕ░у╕ЛунХуТКтнет╝╣ тклс╖НтнМу╕│т┐ЪумитбйуЕ░у╗Ут┐ЧфУДужму╛гуЫЛуМН уО╖с▒ДфЕУу╕ЛуГУтнЖфРТуЕ┤с╖НфДУт╝╜фКОумЭт╝отдЬфЛН фФШс▒ДфР╗у░ЪфР╜фРЛс╖Нумбужмт░Эу╗Ду╢ЬфУ╡уВЫуАПтнд уМНуО╖с▒ДтнМфК╗у╗╖умЦукЫуАПфР▒ужХфЗ▒т╝╜т▒БужмтдЬ уМНуО╖с▒ДфЕУткмс╖НфК╗у╛гуЫЛуа╗уГЕфУДт╢ДужмуВ│уМН уО╖умиуГЯт╝╜у│Ъуг▒тнеумгс▒Д

ро┤рг▓с╝╗ рйИр░др╛ЦсЮнсДК ╩╖╘▓сЮЧ раЦ╙др╕Ср╛мргО хНлшопч╝ЦхзФ

у░ЕужЬузИткмс╖НуЖТу│НфК╗уЕнуЪ╗ужХфЗ▒ужм ум┤уМНуО╖у╕Лумбуп╕с╖НфЕУу╕ЛумЖуИОу░Ът╣еуПЩтнеуми с▒Су╗УуО╖с▒Тс▒ДфОГфСШфНжу░ЕужЬфЗ▒фДЬт░ЙтнбуПОс╖Н тнМу╕│уЧитлФуЛктдЬтб╣фДЬтнЧуг▒т│╖умЖуп╕с╖ЬфЕУ у╕ЛуИоуСНуй░тн╝с╖НтмМфДУфЗ▒т┐Чу╗УуМНуО╖тнеумТ т╜Ус╖Ыс▒СфДПт╝от┐ЛуЫДтнеуй░тн╝фК╗уЫДфР▒уГЕс╖НтмМ умиумКу╛▒фОЭуИйтнетлФуЪ╜фОАс╖Нтб╣фЕУуЫДт┐Чу╛буМН уО╖с╖Нтб╣уЪНужЬтЮПуЫДс╖Нт▒Щуг│тб╣фЕУуЫДу╗УуО╖т┐Ч тзЛс▒Дс▒Т у╛гфЕМтбЯс╖Ну╣ШузЮ

уМНуО╖с╖НумЦуВлуй░тдЬт║ЮуИоумифДЬфР╖уАЮ уВМфОЮуШЗтнеудКу┐Шс╖НфДЬфР╖т┐ЧфИЕт╝оуХЫфФДтнеудК у┐Шс▒ДтЮ▓уМНуО╖т║КуПБу╕Лумбуп╕умитдЬтнТтнес▒ДфФШ у╕ЛфДЬт╖ЧтЮХуй░тн╝у╛пу╝ТфВЪумЮум╜фЛНтнеужмс╖Ну╕│ уЧифУ╡ужЬуВнтз▒уСмт╖Ыуй░тн╝у╝Бт╣╣тнеудКу┐Шс╖Нт▒Щ уМНуО╖тнеудКу┐ШуИоумифДЬт╖ЧуПЮфУ┤с▒Д тнМу╕лу│Гумис╖НуМНуО╖тнеудКу┐ШумиузИт╝птеЫ укЫтнеуЪ╣с╖а

уО╖умифДЬфР╖фСШт░РтнефБВфЛТс╖Нт▒ЩтдЬумифДЬфР╖фЗк т┐ШуИФуОХфСШтнЭтнеудКу┐Шс▒ДфЕУткмс╖НфЗ▒ужмфК╗фОГ фДЬтоДуй░т╖ЩуМНуО╖т╝оу╗УуО╖уОХфФШт╖ЧудЩт│╖с▒Д удМуж╛у╕│у╕лтлФуВ│фДЬт╖Чу╕лу│Гс╖Ы у╕│ уЧиумиу╗йфЗ▒уМНуО╖тджу╕Гу╛Зс╖Ь т┐Ъумиу╗йу╕Гу╛З тджфЗ▒уМНуО╖с╖атбЬфИЯу╕ЛуЧбт║ЫтнТтлЫу╛еуПОфБИфРП т╢Щтнеу╢ЯуСПс╖ПфНУуЪШупЪуж░у╕Лс╖Ыу╕│уЧиумиу╗йу╕Г у╛Зс╖НужЬт╜ФуМНуО╖тнеудКу┐Штджу░ЗфРПт▒ЩуОХс▒ДфОГ фДУуИоумиупЦс╖Ну╕│уЧиумиу╗йфСШт░РфБВфЛТу╕Гу╛Зс╖Н ужЬт╜ФтджтеЫукЫуМНуО╖тнеудКу┐Шс▒ДсЕ▓фБ╡фРПс╖НфК╗ фДЬт╖Чт╖Эт╖АтнетеДткпуй░с╖НуМНуО╖умифДЬфР╖фБВ фЛТс▒Д уИофК╗фОГтеДткпуй░с╖НуМНуО╖тдЬтнйфЗ╗у╕┐фЗи у╕┐уФис╖НфДУтдЬтнйфЗ╗т╝ву╕┐уйму╡Хс▒ДтбДуФ┐фК╗т╖И уС╖т▒Бт╜ФунК уИоу╛пуж╛фУ╡уВЫупЦс╖Ыс▒СфЗитиП ужХтзДфЗ▒у╗УуО╖с▒Дс▒Ту░Ьу╕ЛужмуЧиуИ╜уЙЩт╢ДфЕХт▒Щ т╢▒тнЮфЗиуймс╖ЬтнМужХу╕Луй░тн╝у░Ът╖ЩфИЙтнефЗЗу┐О т▒ЩуМНуО╖с▒ДфЗиуймт╝оуМНуО╖фОГуСЮфР╖уЕ╣ужЬтдЬу╡Н тнеудКу┐Шс╖НуИ┤ужЬу╡НумТтлЗфК╗тбДуФ┐тнеу╛еуПРс▒Д тнТуЫЛтбДуФ┐фРПу░ЪфД╡уЪ╜т╣ЬфФЧтнЮс╖НумифЕУ у╕Лу░ЬфРЛтнбс╖НфУ╡фД▓у░ЪуИОуПЫтнеуМБуЪ▓умифЗ▒уЪа тнет╝офЕГфЕЖтнес▒ДтиЮткмфРПу╢Гс╖НфОГфЕГфЕЖу░ЪукЗ уВСтнес╖НумифДЬфР╖тзНфКЮфДЬуВЫуПЬфЕЗфРПуй░тнет░М у╣Шс▒ДужмумифДЬфР╖т╝╜убЗт╣╖тнет░Ру╣Рс╖НтнТуЫДфКЮ у╕ЛтвСужмтнеуПЬфЕЗфУжу╝МтнеумТт╜Ус╖Ну╢Ъу╢ЪуИоуми уЫДуАПтндфФПтиЕумЦс╖НфФПуМНуО╖т╝офФПфЗ▒у╛│т╢Дт╢▒ тнеумТт╜Ус▒Д

у╕│уЧит░Эу│Ют║Юс▒СткЖуИСукЫудКс▒ТфОГуВЩ т╖ЧфУ╖с▒ДфОГтклфИРт╖Зу░Ау╕│уЧис╖НудК у┐ШтнетеЫукЫуЪмфКХфУ╡фЗ╗ужмуЕ┤ткЖтнЮ уЪФфДЬудКуИСс╖Нт░╡уЛот╣╝у╢ГуЖИтвЕт┐Р ═ориЭтАл┌ЪтАмро┤сДК╩╖рг▓с╝╗рйИ тнет│ХфЗЗс▒ДуПЮузИуЖТу│НуЪФужмфР▒уСм тлФуЕТс╖НтнТу│НтнеудКу┐ШфУ╡ужЬуАВтвЕ ═Гсдерк╣ржМ╦нс╝╗╦АсЬ╢▄║ тндфИЕфКдс▒ДтнМузХфР▒у╡ДтзЦт│ДтнЖс╖Н ╦Др╕М╠ЖсТнргВ╦Ф╠бсДКрек тнТумгужмфЗ╗тнТу│НтнеудКу┐ШфУ╡ужЬуИ╗ ╦Б▄┐с╝╗рйжсСЯсД╛р╡дсЦНрек уйЖс╖НфОГумиуИофДЬтЯДт▒ЩфБ╡с▒ДумгумЦ ржМ╦нсдИ╩╖сЗ╖сИЙс╝░ уй░с╖НфОГт│ЮуШЗуПЮу╢ГтнеудКуМЧфДУфЗ▒ тдЬуй║с▒ДуИотбйузИтнТуЫЛфОЮфЛГуОпфИЭ фРПфК╖тнетбДуФ┐с╖НужХуЪ╜у╛ХтиЧтиЕуХЫ у╗УуО╖тнехРЙуПЬтбйунКс╖В у╕│уЧит░Эу╗Ду╢ЬфУ╡уВЫуЪ╜т╣ЬуАПтндуМНуО╖с╖Н тнЮтн╕фОГумифЛЦуЧХт┐╣умгс╖афКОфЕУуИофК╗ тнМузИт║Ьу╕│уЧиу│Ну│НфРЬтнйтлЮт┐ШуИФтнет╢еуйзс╖Н фЗ╗с╖НтбДуФ┐фД▓уМИфКЮт║ЮткЖуИСукЫудКтнетеДткпс▒Д уОХфСШтнЭфУ╡уВЫтнеудКу┐Штнет┐Сс╖Ну╕│у╝МфК║т▒Бужм т░╡тбДуФ┐т▒ЩфБ╡с╖НуМНуО╖тнеудКу┐ШфД▓тдЬумитбЬ т╖ЩуЫДупЦс▒Су╛гуЫЛуМНуО╖с▒Тс╖НуЛ╖уЭгфДУт╝╜уЪ▓ужд т░РумЮтнеткЖуИСукЫудКс╖Ну░ЪфД╡у░ЬфК╗уГБфИЭуПР уЫДуМНуО╖убСуОХс▒ДтнМфКЩфК╗у╛гтнефДЬуЫЛс╖Ну╕│уЧи упЦс╖Ыс▒Сс▒Ос▒Оу╕│у╕┐уФ╝фК╗умУуЧХуИСуМЧт░ЭуЛк фБВфЛТуМНуО╖с╖НтЮ▓уЪат║Гт│жфКЧфДЬтоДс╖НтдЬфДЛу▓М фД╡фРЛфФДс╖НфОГумиу╕│фД▓уИОфБИуАВуСмс▒Дс▒Т хРЙ фУЙфУГфЗ╗фУ╡уВЫт╖ЧужмтнетндфИМумИс╖НтджуЪ╜фОЗфОЮ тбДуФ┐тнеуМНуО╖удКу┐ШумифСШт░Ртнес╖Нуми уАТтндуМНуО╖фОГфДЬфУДт╢Дс╖В уИОт║ЮфДЬт╖ЧфБИу╗Ст║Ютзнтнес▒Дт░╡у░Ьт▒ЩфБ╡с╖НуМН

2 тАв 2018 тАв


‫ݠ‬౧ˀܵ ழࣲᇯਝ









照进阳光 驱散阴霾 走出迷惘





老少平安主眷佑 铭感父亲恩与光

是你先来拣选我 赐下怜悯恩惠和安康

国际风云多诡变 血腥干戈屡常现

真爱温暖了心窝 宽宏公义圣洁和柔和 融化了冰冷心肠




殷切的期盼 深切的关怀

祈告慈父施怜悯 国运昌隆领袖明 百姓勤奋同共济 世界和平赫主名


時间 隐隐在指缝里掠过 缓缓 是抓不回的慢 擦肩过客 没用心留驻 回顾摄住对的影像 止息不了错的搅拌 默然回望 为串串的不够 松散引来忽视的过错 悔过不够 闲思游荡群里的笑闹 代求不够 沉浸绵绵不断的安适 感恩不够 可曾 让重重的不够把你穿透 屈膝 用立约的手 守着将机会凝固

是浪子醒悟到抉择 失落的小羊 抛却愚昧和狂妄 辨识真伪善恶 拥抱信望爱 迈向属灵新生的乐章 ъഘ۳ 感恩堂

悄悄是时间的脚步 不慎堕入 随意而流离 过程是襁褓中的雨露 练就已知 过了的不够 由心再掌舵 让不够在新里不再悔悟 将如果细细稀释 转化中 期待 不让未来错过现在 ᮨ௚ဣ 天道堂

• 2 • 2018



๗ৌ /FXT

ʼʷᇸߦᬓη२ܴិ ۳ᅖஔ࢔઱ᄊᮃ˭

䎃⷗㋯⧭ㅌ⪴㬆㈎᱃㪒䁈䄵ゑㅭ。㏛㬘⭥ㅨⰩ㎕㲞㲷䄵㩰 ⭥㸫㳃᷍⤃㦤䁈㪛ⰵ〚Ⱎㅭ⨈➾㏛㛋㎕㰚⤪䇤⭥䅕㎷⼮㬌ⷉ䇱 ⷝ㦌㘇⼮ⷝ㪏䄜⥄⭥㏎ㆃ⼮㦰㬗᱄䁈㪛ㅌㅴ⪆⭞⤜㵍㏁㾮⭥ㅭ 。䅕㎷䈌㬌ⷉ᷍㾎䑛㰜㗨㯝㋝⤃ⷝ㾣ㅭ。⭥䅕㎷㬣⹅᱄

ெరὉ 㛋 䊣 㦶䐢 䊣 㦶᷉㗠ⴋ㾨㠻ⱟ㶎㩰᷊




ិሮእ̮Ὁ 䊻⤜㵍⭥㬡ギ᷍㬡ㆈ⭥㗠⷗ㅨ㕅᷍㗠⷗䑘㦶⨈➾䐱᷍ㅭ 。ㆉ䓦䅕㎷㼓㩰⭼ⳃ⨗䊿㗡⭥ⷉ㪚᱄䊻ㅭ。㕟⧅⭥㏛㬘䐱᷍䅕 ㎷䈌〚Ⱎㅭ䄲㈎ㆂ㻣⤜ㆃ䐏䊖᱄ⶥⷐ㪒䁈コ᷍㋉ⱜ➮㲹㦰㸋᷍ ᱑ⰵ㩰⭼⭥䓴㘒ⱙ䁵᷍⧋㬌䊿㗡㩰⭼⤜㬨㸳㗨㋪䁂䋒⭥᱄㋋㋻ 䊿㗡㩰⭼㬨㗠⷗㾦㵞⭥㪒㬆⽕䍺᷍㬨㩰⭼䓴㘒⭥䋑㦯᱄᱒⹫ ⪬᷍㬆㎷䈌。䐻⧋㬌䄲⧪㸋⨈➾䐱⤜㋪〓㦒⭥㏒䄨᱄ ⪴ⱟ㬏㬡ギ⨖᷍䅓䓦㻷⫛䅕㎷⭥㾬㡑᷍ㅭ。䅕㎷䅞㡑㑬⼽ ⱁ㦬⭥⹹䓃䈌䎚㔼᱄䊻⨈➾䐱㰚⤪䇤⭥䅕㎷⼮㈕➾䎀㰚⧋⭥㬌 ⷉ᷍㧈⼯㚽⪺㆙⤃ⴂ⶜。䐻䈌㩰⭼㼁䈗⭥㈎䂊ᷠ⹹䇻䅕㎷⭥䊬 䇤᷍㬌ⷉ⭥䁂䋒〓⨈➾㏐㰚⤪䇤⭥㎷㡘᷍㬆㈎䇱㬓㗕㡕㬟⼮ㅭ ⭝㚹ᷠ

2 • 2018 •

⪴ㅭ。㏛㬘㋕〚Ⱎㅭ䅕㎷ⳃ䍚 㬌䍣᷍㯭⪫᷍㒊ⷉ᷉⨈➾䐱⭥㬌ⷉ㏁㾮᷊ ㅭ。䅕㎷⭥䊬䇤䈌䁂䋒⭥䊎䋓 ㅭ。䅕㎷⭥㒍⭝ ⨈➾䐱⭥㎷㡘 〚Ⱎㅭ⨈➾䅕㎷⭥㣑㈑ ᝯ࣎ 䂏䋔㘘⤊㬠᷍䇻㸡㏎⹌。䐒㕅䁨䄾㏒➾㲤⨈➾᷍⶛䋑⥀⿏ 䇃䈐⨈➾⭥㈕➾⪯㿓⤃⤯䈌䑘㒍䑘㦶⨈➾᱃㯟㣺⼮䐅⭡᱄㰜〒 ⟅㸡㏎䅕㎷䁈䊛 㧞䄜㪒䁈䊛⭥⨈➾ ㏒䄨㪒䁈䁱㈠㯗㬠㸥㠟䄵 ゑ㗡⺛ⴑ㔿㏐⫐䐾㔿➯㸅⤏⨈➾䁱㈠䊛⨈➾䁈⤊㬠䁈㸜᱄

๗ৌ / F X T





Urban Realities, Seeing Possibilities Highlights include bible studies, testimonies, interactive sessions and plenaries on social realities, digital spaces, urban church, livelihood & the marketplace




Embracing Realities, Creating Opportunities 55 English programme workshops organised along four tracks

CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME (21-22 June 2018) O

Preparing Hearts, Positioning Hands

Register your interest and receive updates on the Conference. Email: admin@goforth.org.sg



Impacting Realities, Transforming Cities

CHINESE PROGRAMME O Combined night rally on 21 June O Separate night rallies on 22 & 23 June O 17 Workshops organised along five tracks

...the Lord appointed … and sent them … ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you… Luke 10:1-3 (NIV)

• 2 • 2018



Singing Through the Storms of Life Mary Y.T.Gan MSM Founding Principal (Retired) The selected hymns spanned five centuries from Reformation in the 16th century to the present day. They consist of familiar as well as new hymns and are varied in styles and themes. The themes include persecution, death, grief, aging, memory loss, natural disasters, lament, comfort, hope, trust, assurance, gratefulness and thanksgiving. There are also moving personal testimonies of a cancer patient and a widow on how hymns have helped comfort and encourage them through the storms of their lives. Following are excerpts of reviews by the president of ETAC, CAC and TRAC: “Informational, Pastoral and Devotional is how I would describe a book like this…” Rev James Nagulan, ETAC President “Songs and hymns are natural outflow of our life experiences in God…These hymns compiled by Mary have been of great help to many, and I believe with this book they will continue to minister to many more...” Rev Dr Gregory Goh, CAC President

Scan this QR code for a quick preview of the book!

“… inspirational stories are found in this volume of facts and testimonies underlying so many favorite songs and hymns. I will refer to this book often.” Rev Dr Gordon Wong, TRAC President


e all face problems and challenges in life. Have you ever felt comforted or encouraged by a Christian song or hymn when you feel down while facing these challenges? Are you aware of the moving stories or circumstances that led to the writing of some of the commonly sung hymns like “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, ”Blessed Assurance”, "It Is Well with My Soul”, “Now, Thank We All Our God” and many more? Do hymns play any part in your Christian walk? The recently published book, “Singing Through the Storms of Life – Inspiring stories and reflections on hymns of faith from the 16th – 21st centuries ”, will give you new insight into how hymns could be a source of encouragement while facing problems and challenges in life.

2 • 2018 •

Dedicated to cancer patients and their caregivers, the idea of writing this book was conceptualized during a very unsettling period in 2015 while the author was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The diagnosis of a major illness coupled with the realization of the unpredictability and brevity of life gave the author the impetus and urgency to write. It is the prayer of the author that the scripture passage, the hymns and the life stories of the hymn writers featured in the book will bring much comfort and encouragement to those going through the storms of life. It is an ideal gift to cancer patients and those going through hard times. It is also a helpful resource for pastor, worship leaders and individual or group devotion! For inquiries and further information please email the author at maryganyt@gmail.com.



aya Lebar Chinese Methodist Mission’s Youth Fellowship (MM Youth) held our annual youth camp from 10 to 13 December 2017, at the Sembawang BB campsite. This year’s theme was A.R.T. (Abide, Renew, Transform), with our camp verse taken from Romans 12:2. It is not just another camp with sermons, worship, games and food, it was a spectacle of God’s abundant providence, and personally, an encounter for me to truly understand the camp theme. God blessed us even as we searched for a camp speaker. By the time we confirmed the camp dates, every speaker we had invited declined. When we were desperate, Veronica Yu our youth minister, came to know Pastor Leon through her close friend, and by God’s grace, Pastor Leon agreed to speak at our camp. I didn’t know why I was attending the camp. I signed up for the Camp fully out of obligation, being a committee member. At the Camp, Pastor Leon began with a question in his second sermon “Why are you here?” and invited me to answer the question. When I said I didn’t know why I was

there, Pastor Leon looked at me and told me that I was there to serve. Upon further reflection, I realised that he was right, that as the logistics in-charge, I was there to serve my fellow campers. I was under the impression that a camp which focused on evangelism would not result in the spiritual growth that I longed for. But through serving, I experienced Him in ways I would never have imagined. That was what the camp theme meant to me; abiding in Him regardless of anything, receiving the Spirit for spiritual renewal and eventually, achieving a transformation. -Nathanael Chong, 17 “I’m sure that most of us went for the camp not only to enjoy ourselves, but also expected a divine encounter as well. I am grateful towards Pastor Leon, who delivered such splendid sermons and shared his testimony with us. Through his teaching I learned who I am, what my real identity is and understand God’s will for me. I am thankful for the miracle that God had performed on the last night, when He made the rain disappear just for us to continue enjoying our campfire. I am immensely grateful to God for giving me the opportunities to know more

Abide Renew

about my youth friends and be blessed by my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lastly, I am grateful to God for His forgiveness and His assurance that He is always with us!” - Siew Leng, 18 “Camp ART is the third youth camp I’ve attended; but in previous camps I was not able to fully focus on the camp, because of school commitments or sickness. This Camp is different. I had a personal experience in God and learned much from it. The second sermon “What am I here for?” really spoke to me for I was wondering why I had chosen to attend the camp at all. Initially I had only signed up out of obligation, as I had a role in the camp committee. But through the camp a revelation struck me; deep down, I knew that my walk with God was not stable, and there were multiple occasions when I doubted His presence in my life, especially when I needed Him the most. But through the camp I realised that He is always there, even in life’s smallest problems, He will always be there.” - Yu Shan, 15 Truly He is our Jehovah Jireh, all glory to Him!

Transform Nathanael Chong Paya Lebar CMC

• 2 • 2018


24 $ I V SD I ' P D V T

샂 R Rev Dr Gregory Goh


's Praise P ed Us Have Call

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jjoined Rev Lau CY and our LCEC Chair (Elaine) and Lay Leader (Bernard) to cut the anniversary cake

Yishun Methodist Mission

샂 Photo G allery


ishun Methodist Mission (YMM) celebrated her 5th Anniversary on Christ The King Sunday, 26 November 2017. Our Chinese Annual Conference President Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat brought us a message from 1 Peter 2:9, titled “Answering The King’s Call”. It was a time to look back over the years and give thanks for God’s gracious hand at every turn and transition for us as a young local conference. It was also an opportune time to look forward and commit ourselves to reach out to the residents in Yishun. We dedicated ourselves to serve such that others may experience the love of Jesus at our Christmas Carnival on 16 December. We officially declared the dedication of Room 14 as a place for events, workshops and activities to bless and reach pre-believers. In celebration of our 5th Anniversary, the church converted Room 14 to serve as a photo gallery, showcasing photos of key events over the last 5 years. Church members and 2 • 2018 •

celebrated her th Anniversary


guests had the honour of walking through memory lane, viewing artfully arranged columns of photo displays hung across the hall. The photo exhibition traced the journey of YMM from 25 November 2012 (Christ The King Sunday) -the day YMM reached a significant milestone and was inaugurated as a Local Conference of the Chinese Annual Conference of the Methodist Church In Singapore. At that time, the church was still holding weekly services in Yishun Golden Village cinema, but preparing to move to a place of our own at A’Posh Bizhub. Some other memorable events include the “Annual Church Camp” held overseas, where church members relished the joy of fellowship and the refreshing encounter with God during worship and prayers. Another unforgettable event was “Moving into A’Posh”. Photos of brothers and sisters in YMM, united in one spirit, working hard together to clean up empty halls, assembling chairs from scratch, to fill

up these halls. Everyone worked hard to ensure a smooth transition into A’Posh and looked forward to our very first worship service on our very own premises! The anniversary celebration ended with a love feast for all church members and guests. The church continues to uphold her vision and calling, to be a caring and sacrificial community, transforming lives and impacting Yishun through Christ. YMM has been serving the residents of Yishun through activities such as home visits, food donation drives and free health screenings. Very often, we can get caught up in the busyness of worldly pursuits and overlook the poverty and loneliness right next to us. By going to the neighbourhood, YMM members are encouraged to do their part for the poor and needy among us, spreading the love of God to residents of Yishun. (Reported by YMM)

$IVSDI ' P D V T 25


veryone has to retire one day from full time employment but retirement does not mean doing nothing. The saying is true, that retirement is the start of a new life. There are certainly many things one had wished to do but shelved them for decades because of one’s job. There is one worthwhile thing that Grace Methodist Church started 3 years ago. The church started the seniors’ Ukulele Outreach Team which met fortnightly to learn to play the ukulele. It currently learns new songs as well as jams oldies and evergreens. Members bring their friends including pre-believers to join the fun. In so doing, the team has become a channel for reaching out with God’s love, bringing them to church. Today, approximately half of the team members are GMC members while the other half comprises friends and prebelievers. Such meetings are always followed by refreshment time which creates the opportunity for interaction and fellowship, which is where care and concern for team members is extended. Subsequently, two of our team members are attending church service regularly and had even joined

the choir. Outside the fortnightly meeting, the team stays connected via a WhatsApp chat that is used for communication as well as information sharing and chit-chat.

Nursing Home's Christmas celebration. We look forward to welcoming more to join, whether from GMC or prebelievers or friends and we encourage them to bring friends.

Seniors are also offering their services in simple tasks like folding the worship bulletins and doing usher duty. They are spiritually engaged in the fortnightly Seniors’ small group for bible study.

Below are the vision, mission and goal of GMC Senior Fellowship:

Therefore, retire from work but thereafter look to the many activities open to this new life as they make life meaningful and create opportunities to serve in God’s kingdom for a long time. Year 2016 was the first time the team made a presentation on Seniors’ Sunday. In February 2017, our team performed at Bethany Methodist Nursing Home to celebrate residents' birthday. On Seniors Sunday in November 2017, the team presented a medley of songs to glorify God for His faithfulness. In December 2017, the team led the singing at our Senior Fellowship’s Christmas Sing-along to celebrate Christmas, and thereafter performed at Bethany Methodist

Vision • To grow in walk with God and in relationship among Seniors, including those who are not members of the Seniors’ Fellowship.

Mission • To foster a closer and caring relationship among Seniors. • To equip Seniors for spiritual growth and life enrichment. • To encourage Seniors to invite pre-believers to support Church activities. • To visit Seniors who are homebound or unwell.

Goal • To help Seniors live meaningful and fruitful lives in their golden years.

Retire But Not Totally

Ms Lynette Tan Grace MC

— GMC Senior Fellowship

• 2 • 2018


Spoke Fluent Mandarin and Served in China

Rev Dr & Mrs Francis Olin Stockwell & Ms Mabel Nowlin Dui Seng Cheong Foochow MC Ⅱ Rev

Dr & Mrs Francis Olin Stockwell

Rev Dr Francis Olin Stockwell ( 1 9 0 0 1996) from Oklahoma, USA was educated at Oklahoma City College, Ohio Wesleyan University and Garrett Biblical Institute. He was ordained as a Methodist minister in Oklahoma. Rev Dr Olin served as pastor in Oklahoma immediately after his marriage to Esther (1900-1992) on 20 June 1924. God called them to serve as Methodist missionaries in Foochow and Chengdu, China from 1929 to 1939. During this period, Esther taught music in church-affiliated colleges. They returned to the United States on furlough in 1941. While Esther earned a Master of Music degree in Chicago, Rev Dr Olin returned to China in 1942 during World War II. He taught at West China Union Theological Seminary while he continued his evangelistic and preaching ministry. Esther rejoined him in 1946. Rev Dr Olin was arrested in 1950 and was imprisoned in Chongqing for nearly two years. He was charged with being “an American missionary spy”. Esther remained in China for over a year after her husband was imprisoned. Rev Dr Olin is the author of “With God in Red China”, a book which gives 2 • 2018 •

an account of his experiences inside Communist China – one of the top sellers during the mid-1950s. In 1955–61, Rev Dr Olin served full-time in Singapore Trinity Theological College (TTC) as lecturer and thereafter principal till 1967. While Rev Dr Olin and Esther were at TTC, they joined Foochow Methodist Church (FMC) as missionaries in 1956. Both of them spoke fluent Mandarin and Foochow and were regular preachers at FMC pulpit. Rev. James Kao in his 1956 FMC report acknowledged the timely service of this godly couple: “At that time just as we were feeling the shortage of leadership in our English-speaking Methodist Youth Fellowship and Sunday School, Dr and Mrs. Stockwell came and join our Church. We must thank God, our Father in Heaven, for His timely preparation by sending them to assist us… It is really a great pleasure to have them in our Church as both of them are considered to be the most ideal persons for our Church.” Rev Dr Olin retired to Denver, Colorado in 1972. Ⅱ Ms

Mabel Nowlin

Ms Mabel Ruth Nowlin (b. 21 May 1890) from Kansas City, USA was first appointed a Methodist missionary to China in 1915 and served for over 33 years. Ms Nowlin

graduated from the University of Kansas, received her master's degree from Columbia University and received her theology degree from the Union Theological Seminary. Ms Nowlin, an educator, who spoke and wrote Chinese, taught at the Methodist Mission School in Changli, China, for many years. In her years in China, she wrote a number of Christian literature and books either jointly or on her own. Among them are (1) Christ Comes to the Village: A Study of Rural Life in Non-Christian Lands, (2) Character Building Series and (3) How to Establish Rural Sunday Schools. She also wrote a series of Chinese-language textbooks, used by the National Christian Council of China for children religious education. Ms Nowlin, a Methodist missionary commissioned from the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS) to the Malayan Christian Council was attached to Foochow Methodist Church (FMC) from 1953 to 1956, serving as a counsellor in FMC English-speaking MYF, giving her time and love to FMC youth. While in Singapore, she was active in giving talks on “women and family”. In 1954, she promoted the “family week” under the auspice of Christian Home Life/Malayan Christian Council. She was reported in the Singapore Press giving a talk on “Strengthening the Christian Family Life” at the International Women’s Club meeting at Singapore YWCA, Raffles Quay on 14 September 1955.


She returned to the United States in February 1956 on her retirement after serving in FMC for about three years. After returning to Kansas City, Ms Nowlin was active with the People-toPeople organization and the Missouri and Kansas Council of International Prayer Fellowship before moving to

Pasadena in 1970. While in Kansas City, she also worked with the Independence Avenue Methodist Church and attended several classes at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She died on 8 March 1973 at the Robincroft Home for Methodist Missionaries, Pasadena, CA.

(This is the last article of the "Missionaries to Singapore" series.) Source: 1. FMC Annual Report 1956 2. A Dictionary of Asian Christianity by Scott W. Sunquist; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan) 3. The Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune, Feb 24, 1955, page 3

YMM Bringing True Meaning of

Christmas to Yishun


od aligned our hearts and mind to His as we shared His unconditional love to the people in Christmans Carnival@Nee Soon South. Father God led us on a faith journey where we saw His provisions and tasted His faithfulness as we stepped out to do this Carnival with a $7k budget but ended up spending close to $120K. It was a 5 loaves and 2 fish experience. Yishun Methodist Mission (YMM) has been enriched and encouraged by partnerships from churches: Evangel Family Church, Lutheran Christian Church, Victory Family Centre, Wesley MC, Charis MC, Toa Payoh MC , Grace MC and Ang Mo Kio MC. This Christmas Carnival was mooted at the end of our 5-year plan to bless the community in Yishun with no strings attached. The 10-metre tall Christmas tree with the beaming star shinning brightly from Dec 16 to 28 reminds us of Jesus, the Light of the World. As I stood under the 10 metres tall Christmas tree, I literally stood in awe and my heart was filled with thanksgiving. Because it is only through the grace of God can this Christmas

Yvonne Huang Yishun MM

carnival happen. I have witnessed the abundant blessings from Father God. My prayer is that His name continues to be lifted high in Yishun. - Neo Yushan For me, the event is not really so much about showcasing my face painting, but really to show God’s love to the people of Yishun in creative and concrete ways. I feel that’s what sharing the Chrismas joy is about—sharing God’s love with no strings attached. To show them the non-commercial reason for Christmas. - Pamela Soh Christmas Carnival@Nee Soo South is a Carnival that brought the community together for a time of celebration and thanksgiving. This inaugural event is significant as it harnesses the different cell groups and this teamwork is important as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God as One Body. - Sherman Yeo This carnival is an avenue for YMM to manifest God’s love and care to the

ishop pants) , B in white , Chong le u d id La irt), Rev e Wah (m e sh B e le rp Le u r broke the p 샂 D g Chin Chung (in ng as we ri e e ch rs Chon 5 carolle ing M)and 63 oor caroll Yaw ( YM st e rg outd la h it w SBOR

neighbourhood and to attract them to Jesus Christ. - Simonne Hu The 635-strong carolers (breaking the local SBOR) filled the air with the truth of Christmas. A day of varied experiences for many as we tangibly sow seeds of love through actions. Our tagline is Yishun Cares, Yishun Shares, I love Yishun. The Christmas Carnival has left an immense positive impression on the members of the public, with several of them commenting, “good job, well done” and asking if there will be one more the following year. - Sherman Yeo • 2 • 2018

28 4 IB SJ O H

Osaka Sakai City Church

Welcome to Introduction The Sakai Chinese Church (or Sakai Mission Church or SMC) in Osaka, Japan, was started by Kathy Tay Sin Lian, a missionary from Bukit Panjang Methodist Church, Singapore in 1995. In accordance with the mission of the church “to serve the community and to equip disciples”, countless seeds have been sown and numerous disciples have been nurtured. For their impact on the community in Sakai City, the Mayor of Sakai City himself had twice, personally commended their good work and contributions and presented the Sakai City Community Service Award for Special Achievements and Merit. This article, describes the harvest field in Japan through the eyes of Pastor Kathy Tay Sin Lian. Ⅱ The

call to missions work in Japan

When I was in secondary school, I joined the Youth For Christ (YFC) Singapore and got to know God’s redemptive grace. At the age of 14 years, I heard how “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. ” (Mt 9:37-38) Immediately, I 2 • 2018 •

made up my mind to serve the Master as His servant. At YFC, I learnt to share the gospel with others at school and the workplace. The joy I felt whenever someone turned to the Lord strengthened my resolve to serve Him. After I married a Japanese Christian, we moved to Osaka. Though I was in a foreign country, I never felt alone. God had prepared many wonderful Christians to receive me. I started serving at Osaka International Church, until I was appointed to serve full time with the orphans returning to Japan. All this while, Romans 10:13-15 remained my motto in mission work. Ⅱ The

ministry community

SMC was originally started to minister to the orphans returning to Japan from China. As they were born and grew up in mainland China, many of these orphans used "putong hua" or mandarin as their mother tongue and medium of communication. As they were unable to speak Japanese, they faced great difficulties in assimilating into the highly structured and homogenous culture of Japanese society. We helped induct these orphans into Japanese lifestyle, and provided translation and other

샂 Community school

Kathy Tay Sin Lian Bukit Panjang Missionary

services. Later, we would invite them to the church where they could come to know the Lord. Some were already Christians, but as they were unable to understand Japanese or English, they could not attend the Japanese church nor the English International Church. Thus, the SMC where the Chinese language was spoken naturally became their place for gathering and for pastoral care. Meantime, I decided to start a dedicated language school for them called the Sakai Foreigners Japanese Language Club. At the beginning, it was a one - woman show with just myself, using my rather weak level of Chinese to start one Japanese class a week. Now the Language Club has classes from Monday to Friday, with 48 volunteer Japanese language teachers. It also helped 60 needy students from different countries who were in Sakai to complete their further studies. If you have a chance to visit Sakai as a tourist or as a student, do come to Language Club and experience the Japanese classes (just 100 yen for 2-hour sessions). Meantime, you can also share the good news with your teachers and classmates. I am sure that will be a priceless, unique experience for you.

4IB S J O H 29 During the week, the SMC also actively participates in the Japanese Campus Ministry. Initially, it was to induct many foreign undergraduates from countries like China, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea and Canada, to life in Japan. It was also a chance to share the good news about Jesus Christ. Now the work includes the Japanese students too. At the Poole University built by the Anglican Church, there is a lunchtime bible study and cell ministry each Friday. Over the years, many of the Poole University students have received salvation and become fishers of men themselves. SMC also collaborates with Osaka Salvation Hall in their Street Friend Ministry (evangelism and care for the homeless). We bring spiritual food to the homeless (the so-called street friends), pray for healing and provide home-cooked meals for more than 100 of them. In the bible it is said, “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about

his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. ” (James 2:15-17) Here there is a great need for the gospel. SMC also runs a hostel called Sakai Mission House (SMH), originally meant for those on short- term missions. It can accommodate 10-12 persons. When not in use by mission teams, it is a B&B for tourists or church members. Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Osaka. When you do come, you are welcome to stay at SMH. All proceeds from SMH are used to support the work of SMC. Ⅱ Challenges

to Ministry

• The Japanese value their privacy, and thus frown on gatherings or non-residents entering their cities and buildings, such as when meetings are held at Christian homes. • Japan is a pantheistic nation. When one month old, most Japanese babies will be blessed at the Shinto

temple. They get married in a Christian church, and will be buried in a Buddhist temple. Christianity’s teaching of “one true God” is a concept that is difficult for them to accept. • To become friends with a Japanese may take years, requiring much patience. It was seven years after I got to know this nun from my English class that she accepted Christ. Later, on his deathbed, her husband also accepted Jesus as his savior. We have to pay special attention to their cultural taboos and maintain high levels of decorum. Japan, Land of the rising sun, but where the Risen Son is still unknown. Though Japan is well known as “hard soil”, yet missionaries believe deeply that God loves all Japanese as much as He loves anyone else. In Him, nothing is impossible. (Translated by Kwok Wan Yee, Vice Chair of BoC)

Sakai Missian House • 2 • 2018

30 4 IB SJ O H

Having a Mirror to Your Soul

Parenting Children is Like

Chia Chung King Bukit Panjang MC


he thought of my children are frequently on my mind. For that reason, very often in the course of my interactions with my colleagues and patients, the topic of conversation would drift towards my children. Without fail, the listener would raise his eyebrow, look at me with eyes wide open and exclaim “You have five children! How do you cope?” The short answer to that question is that I have a wonderful wife. She is the superwoman that holds the household together handling 100 tasks and running in 200 different directions. I am truly blessed to have a partner to shoulder the task of raising children. Raising children is a challenge. Most people that I spoke to struggle with various aspects of this endeavour. They are interested to know: What is our secret? Is there a special method that we use that enables us to “cope” with the challenge of raising five kids? The reality is that no two children are alike. Each child is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalms 139:14) and their needs, based on their character, temperament and physiology, can be very different. The parenting “method” 2 • 2018 •

that works well for one child may not work at all for another. Take a simple matter of getting your children to eat vegetable as an example. (By the way, yes, kids should eat plenty of vegetable, trust me, I am the doctor.) For most of my kids, getting them to eat vegetable is easy. Just put vegetables, nicely cooked, in their plate. One of my children may even reach over to take vegetables from my plate when he feels that he did not have enough. Another child, however, somehow could not cope with anything longer than 2 cm when she was younger. She will choke and vomit involuntarily whenever she attempts to swallow any bits of vegetable longer than 2 cm. We had to cut the vegetables to smaller pieces to help her. My father, however, get quite upset that we had to do this. He felt that we are not “training” her to eat the vegetable the “proper way”. Reality is that no one really knows your children better than you do and you have to tailor your parenting methods to your child. There is no “one size fit all”. Another frequently asked question is: where do I find the time to spend with my children? I will be honest

with you for this one: I struggle, daily. There are only that many hours in a day and I have to choose what to do with those hours. Constantly I tell the Lord: I will seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, and You will provide. I have skipped quite a number of meetings, not written some papers, cancelled some business travel plans and put many projects on hold to spend time at home and be with the children. It probably costs me a few

Every single kink in raising kids really is a golden opportunity to pray. Every crisis is a time to have faith and see how God works in our life.

promotions and gotten me poorer appraisals. I even recently resigned from the iron-rice-bowl of practice in public hospital to start my own private practice. I have to testify that the Lord has been providing richly and meeting all our needs despite these changes(or

4I B S J O H

perhaps because of all this). We need to have faith that the Lord will provide when we do the right thing. Parenting is never smooth sailing. Children fall sick. They get bullied in school. They struggle with school work. Some kids just refuse to or are unable to do things that we parents expect of them: spending less time on the phone, more time reading, sleep better and the list goes on. Often these things give parents stress. However, we can look at it from another perspective: every single kink in raising kids really is a golden opportunity to pray. Every crisis is a time to have faith and see how God works in our life. How did my kids learn how to pray? One of them screamed “pray for me, papa!” as he vomited uncontrollably (he was four at the time). We prayed. God answered. His faith, naturally was strengthened. What better way to learn how to pray? The children also made me a better person. At least, they made me understand my own strengths and weaknesses. They imitate me and in doing so reflect my character. Sometimes they do not listen to what I say; they observe what I do instead. Without them constantly reminding me of my weaknesses, I could be quite conceited. Sometimes people asked me if I feel fulfilled or proud of my children. What I have learned over the years is to centre my focus on God. God and God alone would be the source of my joy and strength. Sometimes He gives me joy through my children, sometimes He test my faith through my children. Focusing too much on the children not only set us up for disappointment but also put too much pressure on them. (Dr Chia is a member of BPMC and work as private gastroenterologist at gutCARE)

• 2 • 2018


32 4 IB SJ O H

샂 Calen and me sharing

a candid moment at our Family Carnival.

샂 Home visit to Pei Shan's Melody loft

Rest in Joyful Music Serene Wong, a member of Sengkang MC and a nurse with 10 years’ experience in paediatric palliative care for children at Star PALS, shared her views on work and life through an email interview.

small or big their dreams, we will try our best to make their dreams come true.

Q: As a Christian nurse, how do you

Q: As a nurse in paediatric palliative

reconcile your faith with the sufferings when you see so many young patients, who are like a mist that appears for a little while then vanishes?

care for children, how do you help your patients face their struggles in life?

A:One of my female child patients

A:Our young patients face many severe struggles concerning their health: some are born with life-limiting illnesses like muscular dystrophy andcerebral palsy, while many others have rare medical and life-threatening conditions like cancer. My role as a nurse is to walk alongside the patients and their families, caring for them and helping them cope with their physical discomfort. In short, it is holistic care of the whole being - physical, emotional, social and spiritual. Some young patients, towards the end of their life, may have big dreams of travelling overseas, performing on stage, taking a photo with their favourite artistes and so on. Most of them, however, are content with living day by day, enjoying the routine of going to school and spending time with their loved ones. No matter how

once asked me why she was so sick. She wondered if she was being such a naughty girl that God had to take her away so that she could not run and play like other children. It was painful for me and especially her parents to face this kind of question. We do not have an explanation as to why bad things happen to people, especially to innocent children. When my young patients die, I sometimes ask God to give me a reason too… but I know that I shall continue trusting God, holding onto the hope and peace that only He can provide. My role is to be there with the children and their families.

Q: There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time for life has to rest in its own music. Would you share with us moments in your working life that have touched you most?

A:A young patient - Pei Shan Tabitha who was 18 years old but looked like a

2 • 2018 •

toddler physically. She knew that God loved her very much and as a child of God, nothing was impossible for her because Christ was her strength. Though she was small in stature and depended on a breathing machine, she had big dreams and a big heart! She realised her dreams - performing on stage with her cute chubby fingers on a grand piano, drawing colourful pictures, singing in church (when she sang ‘Because He lives’, it made our hearts melt!), Despite her limitations, she lived life to the fullest and gave glory to our Creator! Once I asked her, “When you meet Jesus, do you want your farewell party filled with joyful music?” She beamed and said “Yes!” And it was done.

Q: How do you see life? A:Working with these children reminds me that life is short and unpredictable. Don’t live life with regrets. Be brave to live out your dreams. If you know you are going to die in 6 months, what would matter most to you that you want changed? When we have the time, we must live with purpose and give glory to God. Life is brief and we should give our best years serving our Lord. (Consent given for disclosing Pei Shan and Calen's identities and photos)

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ate last year, Board of Laity launched a revamped LCEC Induction Workshop. Over 70% of the materials were new and received much positive feedback. For the first time, it was also open to leaders from the other Annual Conferences, enriching the learning experience and contributing to mutual encouragement. One of the topics covered was Servant Leadership. In Mat 20:25-28, Jesus called his disciples together saying, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slavejust as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” It is unimaginable today that anyone would lord it over us. Yet you might have heard it said, “I only agreed to join LCEC because they are not doing what I want. I will serve only as long as it serves my purpose,” or “Don’t expect me to do the running around. I only agreed to help with decision-making. What are the church office staff for?”

It is clear that servant leadership is not about me and my way, but about God and His way. “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” - Robert K. Greenleaf (1970). A servant leader leads so that others will follow. A leader isn’t a leader if there are no followers. Sheep are known to just blindly follow the sheep in front, sometimes right into the gutter. Such blind followers may get into trouble as they don’t seem to understand what’s happening. A servant leader takes time to communicate, to explain the objectives as he sees them. To inspire, influence

and to persuade others requires time and effort, an understanding of the concerns of others, a listening ear, and open heart and mind.

much as they want inside the meeting room, but once a path has been chose, there must be no disagreement outside the meeting room.

A servant leader looks out for those who follow him. Some leaders may be so caught up in what they want to achieve that they lose sight of those who are supposed to be following. The servant leader does not forget to turn round to look out for those who are behind – are they still with me, did they drop off the team? Are they keeping up or are they struggling? Have they somehow been hurt by what’s going on? How do I support them so that we may all arrive at the same place, in one piece and in good cheer, altogether?

A good follower fits his personal ideas into the path chosen by the leader. With his attention trained on what’s happening in front, he is able to help anticipate problems, even clear them so as to enable the team to make better progress.

A servant leader is a good follower himself. A good follower stays close to the leader, keeping his eyes, ears, heart and mind open to what is happening ahead. Loyal and faithful, once the team has decided on a course, he keeps close to the course. Sometimes what the team has decided may not be what you wanted. But once it is decided, then the good follower must learn why the collective wisdom had agreed on a certain path and then be able to explain it to others. Many new leaders have been told that they can disagree as

Some characteristics of A servant leader include listening first, empathy (seeing the world through others’ eyes), skilled communicator, self-awareness and humility (acts on personal strengths and areas for development) and good stewardship (takes responsibility). A servant leader is committed not only to his own goals, but also to the people he leads. He values and respects differences and turns to such diversity to complement his own strengths and build even better teams. A good leader is also a good developer of others, and has a mentor’s attitude to bring out the best in others that they too may be fruitful in what they are to do. May the heart of God fill all who serve Him.

Servant Leadership Kwok Wan Yee Chair, Board of Laity

• 2 • 2018

34 4 QF D J B M ' F B UVSF

attending Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church in the early 1970s. It was there that I was baptised as a child, nurtured in the Christian faith and had the privilege of serving in the choir, Sunday School and the Methodist Youth Fellowship. My wife, Angela, and two daughters, Phoebe and Chloe are all members of TACMC.

University of Singapore, I joined the Fellowship of Evangelical Students as a staff worker in 1996. There my vision of the Christian world was enlarged. The most significant impact of FES upon my life is exposure to the exciting reality of ministering in an interdenominational context. I learnt to appreciate and cherish evangelical unity, i.e. uniting on the essentials of the Gospel while differing respectfully on matters of secondary importance such as modes of baptism and the details surrounding the return of Christ.

The first twelve years of my formal education were spent at the AngloChinese School. Towards the end of my second year at ACJC, I felt the call of God to enter the Christian ministry. The burden of God’s call persisted throughout my years in the university where I majored in Psychology and Social Work. These subjects were intentionally chosen to prepare myself for future ministry.

While at FES, I started part-time studies at the Biblical Graduate School of Theology. BGST helped to develop my understanding of Christian vocation and the church’s responsibility of equipping her members for ministry in the world. But I needed to discern further the nature of my own vocation. Encouraged by my pastor, I joined the pastoral team of Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church in 2000 while continuing my theological studies.

Called to Theological Education Rev Dr Edwin EM Tay Trinity Theological College welcomes a new Vice-Principal Rev Dr Edwin EM Tay this year. Rev Dr Tay comes from the Methodist Church in Singapore and is a CAC pastor. CAC News invited him to share some reflections on his life and ministry in theological education to help readers know him better. The following are his thoughts in his own words. Ⅱ Called

to Serve

My parents and grandparents started 2 • 2018 •

Upon graduation from the National

4QFDJBM 'FB U V S F 35 The growing burden for theological education led eventually to postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom. I spent a year at King’s College, University of London, studying for the M.A. in Systematic Theology. Another four and a half years were spent at New College, University of Edinburgh, where by God’s grace, I passed my doctoral examination. Upon my return to Singapore, I joined BGST as Lecturer in Systematic and Historical Theology in 2009 and then Trinity Theological College in 2013. Life at TTC has been very full and also fulfilling. Besides teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in theology and supervising doctoral research, I have had the privilege of serving as Warden of the Family residence and as Dean of Students. Ⅵ Convictions

in Service

If I have to summarize my

convictions about theological education in a few words, it will be to resist novel contributions! I do not have the right to determine the terms of my calling. As a theologian, I am called to be a steward and expositor of “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints� (Jude 3). It is very tempting to be caught up in the latest theological fad (and there are many!) so as to appear intellectually respectable and culturally acceptable. Some theologians and theological institutions have gone that way. But this is a temptation I will resist even if it draws criticisms of being outdated and unpopular. Of course, passing on the faith effectively requires the judicious use of language in contemporary idiom and the witness of Christians who embody the faith. These are especially needful in our present climate of religious sensitivities and skepticism. While our form of Gospel presentation may change with the times, the substance

of the Gospel must not be diluted in word and living. Grasping the Gospel well and how best to pass it on requires, firstly, serious study of Holy Scripture as our supreme authority and the Church’s interpretation of it throughout her long history. Secondly, it requires what John Wesley calls, “social holiness�, i.e. the pursuit of Christlikeness within a community to whom we are accountable in our thoughts and actions. The disciplined pursuit of truth and spiritual formation in a community are both essential elements of theological education. Having the first without the second is spiritually fatal. Having the second without the first keeps us spiritually immature. What I’ve shared are a few convictions that drive my life and ministry. By God’s grace, I hope they will be part of what characterizes my service and contribution as a member of TTC’s leadership team.

Spiritual Retreat Weekend@TTC Join us in 2018 Trinity Theological College celebrates her 70th Anniversary in 2018. We have lined up a series of events to commemorate this milestone in our history. ߌᏓ‍ࣲࣟ ښ‏ᇡ Ö‡ࣲáŒ˘ŕŚ?Ç?ŕŠˆÍƒ ̿ʡáŒ‡Ńľá„Šŕ¸łŇŻË ŕ§ŚŃŹĚšŕŠˆÍƒá„Šâ€ŤË­Řžâ€ŹÇ?

For further details, please visit TTC website ఌТáž ৹៝áž°ŕş¤áœżßŚáŹ“áŽŞá‰Ł XXX UUD FEV TH

™ Mar 9-10 ™ May 4-5 ™ Aug 31-Sep 1 ™ Nov 2-3

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Participants share their experiences ... “ Remove clutter from our lives and renew, refresh, refocus our life back to Christ. â€? “ Take a step back from the rush and breathe in the Spirit of the Living God. â€? “ Prayer life as a discipline should be taught and not left alone for a believer to navigate through life. â€? “ To invest my mind on spiritual truths so that I am able to draw from it during critical situations. â€? • 2 • 2018

ழҫ‫ڹ‬ӼေН͘Өࣲ̡ᝬ͘ Chinese Annual Conference The Methodist Church in Singapore



P R ES I DE NT'S M e s s a g e

Rev Dr Goh Nai Lat

An evangelism-focused church – Jesus’ expectation


n February, everyone is looking forward to the family reunion on Chinese New Year. In the past, I have not really appreciated the expectancy and excitement of the coming new year celebrations, until my elder daughter became a missionary. For the last 2 years, she only came home twice, staying about 20 days. Once it was during the Chinese New Year. Another time, it was the August National Day holidays. This year, my elder daughter will be back on Chinese New Year’s eve – I can hardly wait for that reunion dinner! The Chinese New Year beckons us to put down our busy frame of mind, the unfinished work in our hands and go to the people and things that mean the most to us – enjoying a meal together with the whole family, and basking in the warmth and love of the family members, who have gathered for the reunion. Work, career, schooling, special interests, dreams-all these have their value; but they are not the most important things in our life, or are they? “Buy a box and return the pearl inside”. This saying came from Han Feizi’s writings. The story goes that there was a jeweller of the Chu Kingdom who put up his jewellery for sale in Zheng. He had a rare and exquisite pearl for which he set a high price. He


placed the pearl in a special custom-made beautiful little box. That little box must have been so beautiful and attractive that it caught the attention of a customer. The customer paid the price asked for and bought it immediately. However the customer took out the precious pearl and returned it to the jeweller and only took the empty box away. This illustrates the frivolity of man’s ways in chasing superficiality instead of substance and in the inappropriate choices we make. We often make the same mistake: forgetting the original purpose or intent, putting the less important above the more important, thus resulting in wrong choices and poor judgement. Could the church be trapped in a similar situation? We are busy with church re-building, administration, ministry structures… Focusing on these is unavoidable, but if we lose the Matthew 28:18-20 commandment from Jesus to spread the gospel and share its zeal, then we have indeed fallen into this “buy the box and return the pearl” mentality- seeking the second best instead of the excellent way. Our founder John Wesley had foreseen that this situation might arise. In his 1786 tract entitled “Thoughts upon Methodism”, he wrote, "I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should







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I believe the power that John Wesley referred to is the fire from witnessing for Christ when preaching the gospel. He wrote in his diary, “It is no marvel that the devil does not love field preaching! Neither do I; I love a commodious room, a soft cushion, a handsome pulpit. But where is my zeal if I do not trample all these underfoot in order to save one more soul?” A new year, a new beginning, with the coming of spring, everything is fresh again; in the new year, what will Jesus expect of us? I think Jesus expects us to be a evangelism-focused church– return to the Lord’s heart and desire; be a witness for the Lord in this generation, that all nations may be His disciples! As 2018, the year of the earth dog, is approaching, I wish to bless everyone with these words: Concentrate on waiting for the Lord, keep close to God's Word; Be strong and courageous, loyal in service, a good servant to the Master. Peace and happiness in the year of the rooster. Better things to come in the year of the dog.

ழҫ‫ڹ‬ӼေН͘Өࣲ̡ᝬ͘ 70 Barker Road #05-04, Methodist Centre, Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4811 Fax: 6478 4816

E cac@methodist.org.sg W www.cac-singapore.org.sg F www.facebook.com/cac.singapore


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ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.”



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