卫讯 CAC NEWS | 12 • 2016

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新加坡卫理公会华人年议会 Chinese Annual Conference

The Methodist Church in Singapore



第406期 • 12月2016

新加坡卫理公会选出新任会督 张振忠牧师(博士)于2016年9月13日当选为新加坡卫理 公会的新任会督(Bishop)。这位61岁的会督已于2016年12月 2日祝圣,上任成为本地4万2千名卫理信徒的属灵领袖。新加坡 卫理公会是本地最大的主流宗派教会,包括46间教会,15间卫 理学校,并借着其社会关怀机构-“卫理服务会”服务社区。 张振忠牧师(博士)是在9月13日假卫理公会宏茂桥堂举办 的第11届总议会选举的第8轮投票中获选。他在获选后向大会致 谢时表示:“我恳请大家为我祷告,让上帝赐我智慧和恩宠,使 我能带领新加坡卫理公会。我的盼望是我们这些卫理信徒们能 承继卫斯理约翰的宝贵传统与精神,使我们能透过社会服务展 现我们对上帝的爱,同时不忘记那些生活在社会边缘的人。”

Theology);2008年荣获东南亚神学研究院的神学博士学位 (Doctor of Theology)。他自1996年至今都在新加坡三一神学 院担任客座讲师。 他从黄文合会督(博士)手中接任这项圣职。黄文合会督 于2012年当选就任四年会督,他将于今年年底退休。有鉴于黄 会督对卫理公会的贡献,大会一致通过授予“荣誉会督”的荣 衔给黄会督。

张牧师(博士)是前华人年议会的连任会长。他在2008年 获选为该年议会的会长,曾经在卫理公会感恩堂牧会,也曾担 任卫理公会巴耶黎峇堂的主理牧师。 他于1979年获得南洋大学文学士学位。1981年毕业于三 一神学院,荣获道学硕士学位(Master of Divinity);1995 年在美国杜克大学附属神学院荣获神学硕士学位(Master of

Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung Elected New The Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung, 61, has been elected the new Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). He was consecrated on 2 Dec 2016, taking on the role of spiritual leader for more than 42,000 Methodists. He was elected Bishop on the 8th ballot at the Church’s 11th Session of General Conference at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church on 13 Sep 2016. In response to his election, he said: “I ask that you pray that the Lord will grant me favour and wisdom as I lead the MCS. My hope is that we, Methodists, will continue our great heritage and legacy that we have inherited from John Wesley, that we express our love for God through serving the community and by not forgetting the marginalised.” Rev Dr Chong had served as President of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), and has been a Methodist pastor for the past 32 years. He was pastor of Kum Yan Methodist


Church, and Pastor-in-Charge of Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church. He was elected as CAC President in 2008, and reelected in 2012. He graduated from Nanyang University in 1979, where he studied literature. He obtained a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Theological College (TTC) in 1981, and a postgraduate Master of Theology degree from Duke Divinity School in 1995. In 2008, he received his Doctor of Theology degree from the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. He has also been lecturing at TTC since 1996. The Rev Dr Chong has succeeded Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup, who is retiring after serving as Bishop for a term of four years. Bishop Dr Wee was elected in 2012, and his term ends in December. The Conference has voted to accord him the title of Bishop Emeritus in recognition of his service to the Church.

05 会长致辞—感恩与祝福

18 基督徒必读的书 《天路历程》

26 《点燃创意火种》 带来的内心震荡

32 A Mission Trip to Chiang Mai

08 41届议会消息

20 圣诞节你想做点什么?

27 福音传家 村民得福

33 Who am I ?

14 委任表

21 平安的音符

28 多姿多彩的福音宴席

22 你是如何过圣诞节?

17 保罗传福音的灵活性

24 纳闷后洞见灵光

30 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

34 Lessons learnt as an Autism Dad

16 圣诞节的生与死

02 新任命 新使命

沟 通 讯 息

促 进 了 解

35 The Biblical Perspective on Election

分 享 见 证

2 特稿

特稿 3

新任命 新使命 ——访新任会督张振忠牧师 卫讯 编辑室

我期望卸任时在会友的心里没有留下 什么个人印象,而是在这四年里,信 徒们能被卫理宗的精神提醒,成为具 有使命和行动的基督忠实的门徒。


问:您在卫理公会服事30多年, 对卫理公会体制的





地教会的服事性质大不相同,因此我期待能经历 全新的体验、上帝同在的信实。

受是什么? 答:有着既失落又期待的矛盾心情。失落,因为我将放下熟悉的服事 环境——32年的华人年议会,而进入一个更广的服事环境——总 议会。期待,因着会督的职分,我将接触从未参与过的层面活

New Appointment, New Mission — Interview with Bishop designate Rev Chong Chin Chung Q: What are your feelings on being elected the 6th Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore? A: My feelings are paradoxical. I experience a sense of loss and also one of great expectations. There is a sense of loss because I will be leaving the CAC, a ministry environment which I am very familiar with, having served here for 32 years. It is also a sense of great expectations because as Bishop, I will be entering a ministry environment of a much expanded scope and I will have my first encounters with various dimensions and segments of the Methodist Church in Singapore. These include the 15 Methodist schools and colleges, several Methodist organizations of a sizeable scale, the Methodist Mission, Methodist

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能视为理所当然,那是要不断努力和刻意营造促 进的,若这种联系精神仅沦为口号,那将削弱卫







答:其实按照新加坡卫理公会法规的条款,监管年议 会不是会督的职责,是个别年议会会长的责任。



新加坡卫理公会所面对的挑战将是:如何 在强调多元和包容性的新加坡社会里,秉持圣经 永恒不变的真理,坚守立场,辨明是非善恶,又 以耶稣基督爱加倍的爱心,接纳各种不同需要的

快捷和高效率的社会条件下,恐怕来不及应对。 所幸我们的制度允准定期修改法规条款,以及高 度重视议会精神,在面对瓶颈时还是有办法突 破。 问:卫理公会在新加坡设教132年,您认为是那些因 素致使她在本土生根建造,代代延续繁衍?


A: According to the constitution of the Methodist Church, supervision of the annual conferences is the responsibility of the respective presidents. The challenge the Methodist Church faces in our society, which emphasizes diversity and tolerance, is to be steadfast in our clear distinction of good and evil based on the eternal truth in the Bible, and to live out the love of Christ in accepting and receiving people with different needs.

Welfare services, and churches outside the Methodist denomination. The scope of ministry of these Methodist organizations extends beyond Singapore, and the nature of their services is very different from that of local conferences. I look forward with great expectations to both the totally new experiences and the faithfulness of God's presence.

Q: You have gained much insight into the Methodist Church organization in your service of more than 30 years. Do you perceive any bottleneck in the growth of the Methodist Church, and what might be the breakthrough you seek?

I admit that there may be some feelings of anxiety, but I have peace of mind for I am deeply convinced that God will provide the strength and wisdom I need to take on this new mission.

A: It is true with all organizations that unless there is continual regeneration and creative renewal of strategies, it will become obsolete and outmoded with time and degenerate and fossilize.

Q: As Bishop you will oversee the three annual conferences: TRAC, CAC, and Emmanuel AC. Do you anticipate any challenges in this role?

The strength of the Methodist Church in Singapore lies in its connectionalism and the constitutional basis of its organization. This must

never be taken for granted. Instead it has to be continually promoted and built upon. The Methodist influence will be weakened if our connectionalism becomes a mere slogan. The Methodist Church constitution has been much talked about. If it were a convoluted and overelaborate document, the Church would not be able to respond nimbly to the exacting demands of our society with its emphasis on speed and efficiency. Hence it is good that our system provides for regular revision and amendment of the constitution, and attaches great importance to connectionalism and conferencing. This will ensure that breakthroughs are still possible should we encounter bottlenecks. Q: The Methodist Church in Singapore has been established for 132 years. What are the factors that enabled it to take root and grow in this land, and to continue multiplying through the generations? A: The Methodist Church in Singapore is 132 years old. Although it was not the first denomination to be established here, its current membership of 40,000 makes it the largest denomination in Singapore • 12 • 2016

4 特稿

会长致辞 5





设立教会的宗派,但会友人数超过四万,在新 加坡是新教人数最多的宗派之一。能发展到今 天是有她的历史背景。 在英国殖民地政府宗教开放的政策下, 卫理公会的宣教策略配合,和抓紧了当时新加 坡开阜的社会需要,不但设立英语教会,马来 语教会,也顾及了来自中国南方和印度南方的 移民,而设立各种华人方言和淡米尔语的福音 事工和活动。尤其关注当时的民生,除了设立 学校,也设立医疗、社会福利服务,以致今天

问:四年一届任满之后, 您希望会友对您有什么 样的一个评价? 答:四年一届转眼就过,我期望卸任时在会友的心 里没有留下什么个人印象。而是在这四年里, 信徒们能被卫理宗的精神提醒,成为具有使命 和行动的基督忠实的门徒。 (注:本电邮采访在11月进行,时张牧师仍然以华 人年议会会长身份接受采访。 )

我们在新加坡各地建有卫理教会和15间中小学 校、学院、国际学校及许多家庭服务中心、儿 童院、疗养院等设施,奠定了优越的条件和基 础。 卫理公会应该在这些基础上继续与时并 进,不仅在福音传播的方法上多元又有创意, 也在社会服务发展与政府和民间各方单位合 作,针对今天社会各种需要,以国度胸襟不分 种族宗教背景,真心诚意的关爱他们,世代传

today. There are some historical reasons for this. The open policies of the British administration during the colonial era provided opportunities for Methodist missionaries to meet the social needs of the early pioneers of Singapore. Not only were English and Malay churches started, gospel ministry and activities in Chinese dialects and the Tamil language were also organized to cater to the immigrants from South China and South India. Particular concern for their well-being led to the setting up of schools, and medical and social welfare services. All these helped to lay a firm and superior foundation for the subsequent establishment of the 15 Methodist schools and colleges and international schools, as well as family care service centres, children's homes, and convalescent hospitals. The Methodist Church will need to keep up with the times and continue to build upon these strong foundations. Not only must we be creative and multi-pronged in our gospel preaching strategies, we must also collaborate with government 12 • 2016 •

张口齐声同庆贺 振作卫理宗精神 忠心耿耿扬主爱 会合神所爱子女 督导敬神行主言 芽笼堂陈伟彬先生

institutions and social organizations in developing and providing social services to meet the pressing communal and social needs of today. This has to be done with a generous heart that reflects God's kingdom, regardless of race or religion, and with true love and concern for our fellow men. This way, we will pass on the spirit of "love God, love my neighbour" to our future generations. Q: At the end of your 4-year term as Bishop, how would you like to be remembered by members of the Methodist Church? A: Four years is a short time and it will soon past. I do not wish to leave imprints of a personal nature in the minds of the members. When my term of office is over, I would like it to be thought of as a time when members of the Singapore Methodist Church are reminded through all that we do, what it means to be a faithful disciple of Christ - one with a sense of mission and of action. (This email interview was conducted in early November and Rev Chong Chin Chung responded in the capacity as CAC President)

年9月在卫理公会总议会当选为下一届会督的 张振忠牧师,在本届华人年议会,以会长身 份作最后一次致辞。

张会长在致辞中提到过往的4年,华人年议会以 马太福音11:29-30“背负我轭,学我样式”为属灵动 向,以耶稣是好消息的传播者、怜悯者、和平者和事奉 者,为效法的楷模。基督既是教会的头,教会是基督的 身体,教会在地上须活出基督的生命。因此,在健全的 组织架构,和各种行政及规条皆备的同时,世人必须清 楚看见教会的处事方式,及她在社区里展示作为一个属 灵社体的明显信仰标记。 张会长在卸下会长职务前,针对一些现象或事工, 表达了他的关怀。 ▇


耶稣在地上的工作,以及祂与天父上帝的密契关 系,是以祷告成为动力和联系的。耶稣教导门徒如何祷

告,且告诉他们在对付撒旦顽强的堡垒,得胜的唯一秘 诀就是祷告。 约翰卫斯理对祷告的看重是公认的。他自小养成清 晨四点起床灵修祈祷读经的习惯,这操练使他可以为卫 斯理圣洁运动,为传福音抢救灵魂,关怀贫穷缺乏者作 持久战。 卫理宗的教会其中一个为人津津乐道的,就是每周 教会的祷告会以及信徒重视祷告生活。因此,张会长劝 勉牧者、领袖和信徒们,重拾祈祷生活,才能在这瞬变 的世代,对是非罪恶敏感,对圣灵的感动敏锐。不怕从 头起步,最怕信徒沉睡不醒,任凭灵性凋零,服事生命 枯萎。 ▇


教会的事工,从统计显示,华语事工的增长比较明 显。姐妹在参与服事也较积极。至于男性事工似乎比较 缺乏力度。男性不仅不容易踏进教会,纵使在教会里的

President’s Rev Chong Chin Chung Address at 41st Session CAC

Thanksgiving and Blessing


ev Chong Chin Chuang, who has been elected as the next Bishop in September 2016, delivered his last address as the President of the 41st Session CAC.

prayer to His Father in heaven. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, telling them that prayer is the impenetrable shield against the devil.

In his Address, President Chong mentioned CAC’s theme for the last 4 years which was based on Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke, learn from me.” Jesus set us a clear example in the following roles as the bringer of good news, the compassionate, the peacemaker and in ministering. As Christ is the head of the Church and the Church is the body of Christ, the Church must live out Christ’s life. Hence, the faith of our organisation must be palpable, the authority of the Bible must be absolute, and the study of God’s word must be a daily practice in the life of Christ’s followers.

John Wesley placed much importance on prayer. From young, he had developed the habit of getting up at 4am each morning for devotional prayer and Bible reading. This provided the determination and courage for Wesley to establish the Holiness Movement, to evangelize and save souls, and care for the poor and needy.

Before Rev Chong steps down as CAC President, he expressed his thoughts on some trends and issues.

▇ Revitalizing Individual Prayer Life

Prayer is a portrait of your relationship with God. The Methodists were known for their weekly prayer meetings. President Chong urged all pastors, leaders and disciples to reignite their prayer life. This will put us in good stead to discern right from wrong and to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is no shame to start again from ground zero, better than to fall asleep and not wake and before our spiritual life withers away and we become cold and lifeless.

What sustained Jesus throughout his ministry on Earth was

• 12 • 2016

6 会长致辞 弟兄们,除了在领导层服事,参与一般服事甚至在属灵 生命操练上,远不如姐妹。 为这缘故,一些机构发起爸爸学校、弟兄为家庭属 灵模范的培训运动。信徒脆弱的家庭生活,弟兄难以扮 演属灵和称职的父亲、家长,是健康教会的绊脚石。 张会长建议年会的见证与布道部、家庭事工部、 青年事工部及乐龄事工部可以有更好的联系与合作,为 教会不同年龄层和信徒家庭提供培训教导;同时检讨教 会长达10多年来的分龄崇拜,对培育整全的家庭的影响 性。 ▇


卫理宗的组织把年会和堂会紧密联系起来。年会所 举办的联合性事工除非得到堂会的全力支持,否则难以 得到预期的效果。 年会各部的存在是为辅助堂会的工作,例如催生或 协助大规模合作的事工、提供专家或特别资源,以及确 保活动的质量。 张会长强调堂会的事即是年会的事,年会的事就是 堂会的事。牧者及堂会领袖扮演重要的角色,确保沟通 顺畅是维持紧密联系的最佳途径。 ▇


▇ Making Disciples – our witness for Christ Our statistics show that Mandarin evangelism has led our dialect and English work. We can do better. Another observation is that the men are the hardest to reach – they avoid coming to church activities. Even among our own brothers in Christ, other than serving in various committees, participation in church programs trail behind that of the sisters. For this reason, the Father School has been set up to build up the men to play an active role as husband, father and spiritual head of the family. Families become fragile when the men are unable to play their roles with competence and fragile families are stumbling blocks to a strong and healthy church. President Chong suggested that there be more collaboration among the Board of Witness and Evangelism, Board of Family Life, Board of Youth Ministry and Board of Senior Ministry to reach out to the different age groups, while studying the impact of our current system of age-related worship to see if this has any impact on the strength of the families in our churches.

▇ Interdependence of the Annual Conference and

Local Conferences The Annual Conference and the Local Conferences are interdependent. The efficacy of Annual Conference work depends on the full support and participation from Local Conferences. Our program boards are meant to complement the work of the local churches, not to duplicate, but to offer programs that are 12 • 2016 •


华人年议会最重要的资产,就是拥有一批56位委身 的教牧,在17间堂会66个崇拜里牧养约15000名会友。 平均一个牧者牧养267人,这是沉重的担子;因此,堂 会聘请全职的事工同工协助牧养。年会重视也肯定他们 对教牧和教会事工的贡献。 牧师的来源一直是年会关注的课题。这几年申请加 入华人年议会的年轻全职牧者有显著的增加。现有16位 试用教牧,以及5名在三一神学院就读的神学生,他们 精通双语,且选择在华语会众里服事。张会长感欣慰也 盼更多人献身全职事奉,以壮大福音事工。 ▇



由于受到严格建筑用途法令限制、短暂30年的使用 期、及教会缺乏雄厚资金投标土地建堂,故植堂已无法 遵循旧有的模式来进行。 当樟宜堂决定到榜鹅建立福音据点,开展外展事工 时,由于资源缺乏,他们就向年会分享异象与负担。现 已是年会支持的事工,得到多数堂会的协助。 樟宜堂原本计划租用社区电影院,作为固定活动 点。然而,面对大教会以全包的策略租下所有电影院, 加上租金昂贵,及使用的时间也仅可做一场崇拜之用, 故弃此策略而改租一栋洋房,作为家庭活动中心。张会

由于社会步伐节奏太快,事情牵涉面广,这使牧者 深感所受的神学训练,已不足应付眼前多元复杂的教会 处境,且无法独当一面带领教会,因此,借助信徒的专 业知识,一起应对教会所面对的挑战是必需的。

长认为这方式仍存不稳定因素,因此,尚需其他的策 略,以便在本地的处境能继续做外展和植堂的事工。 同时,张会长鼓励那些拥有自己堂址的教会,开放 给姐妹堂会使用,作外展传福音之用,或在传统主日崇 拜时间以外,开拓福音聚会。 ▇


张会长在总结他的致词時,以加拉太书6:9勉励大 家“行善不可丧志,因为若不灰心,到了适当的时候就 有收成。”感谢上帝,呼召了我们,领受祂赐予的不同 恩赐,可以一起同工;也因着祂的恩典,一起成就了许 多事工。

张会长欣慰各堂会都有众多委身的信徒领袖,与牧 者同心参与许多教会的重大决定,并且亲力亲为与大家 合一服事。 牧者属灵的恩赐各不同,领导方式也各异。年会委 派教牧时,尽量考虑教牧们互辅的组合。牧职部近年来 不断地鼓励牧者参加性格能力认证课程,发展个人潜在 的能力,以加强事奉的心志。

differentiated in terms of scale (large scale collaborative efforts beyond a local church may do), access to expertise or special resources and to ensure the quality of programs. President Chong stressed that the business of the local conference is the business of the Annual Conference and vice versa. As pastors and church leaders play important roles, ensuring close dialogue between them is critical for reaching our desired outcomes.

▇ Pastors are valuable assets of the Annual Conference We have 56 pastors who shepherd approximately 15,000 members, in 66 worship services and 17 churches. On average, each pastor shepherds 267 persons which is quite a heavy load. Churches hire full-time local ministry staff to help share the load. We affirm the importance of their contributions to the ministry of the church.

pastors realise that theological training alone will not suffice in equipping them for their roles in an increasingly complex environment. It is practically impossible for a pastor to run a church by himself. The laity bring with them a whole host of expertise and knowledge that can complement those of the pastors. President Chong expressed deep gratitude for the many lay persons who come forward, to work side by side with the pastors, seeing to important decisions as fellow workers. Pastors have different spiritual gifts and different leadership styles. When it comes to appointments, CAC take into consideration the pastor-laity team makeup for best outcomes. The Board of Ministry has been actively encouraging pastors to participate in development programs including personality profiling certification so as to develop each person’s potential capability fully, and enrich the mindfulness for ministry.

The supply of pastors is a constant concern. More have applied to join the Chinese Annual Conference. We now have 16 Ministers on Trial, and 5 students in TTC. They are effectively bilingual, but have chosen to serve in CAC. President Chong is pleased and hopeful that more will avail themselves for fulltime ministry that we may expand the work of the Gospel.

▇ Punggol Preaching Point (PPP) and future

▇ Pastor and Laity Partnership

When Changi Methodist Church decided to do outreach work in Punggol, they shared their vision and burden with the Annual Conference as they are a small church with little resources. It is

Our society is changing at an almost reckless pace. Our

church planting strategy

Due to strict government regulations, land for places of worship costs tens of millions of dollars and for just a 30 year lease, it is no longer tenable to consider church planting in the traditional ways.

now a Conference-supported project, receiving much help from the local churches. Changi Methodist Church original plan of using a local cinema as a permanent activity premise was crushed by a megachurch. The price was high and the place could only be used for one worship service. They have now rented a bungalow after consulting with the Annual Conference and General Conference. This will be used as a Family Life Centre. President Chong acknowledged that this is not the most stable situation and urged the Committee to be on the lookout for other strategies to continue the outreach and church planting work. President Chong also encouraged those who have their own church buildings, to consider opening to sister church use the premises to hold their outreach and evangelistic events and to be creative in using on-traditional time slots for services.

▇ Conclusion President Chong concluded his address by exhorting us with Gal 6:9 “Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” He thanked God for calling us and for the different gifts He has given to each one of us. And everything that was done, was only by His grace.

• 12 • 2016


8 41届议会消息



议会与选举 向前看—要努力,尽力往前、向 上。如保罗在监狱的时间是向上的 路程、不看眼前,超越眼前,保持 向上的动力,也不容让眼前的困境 局限向前的动力。

基督教卫理公会会督。此外,来自 华人年议会的6位弟兄也在此总议会 选举中获选担任以下职位:

跟随—保罗说:效法我、跟随 我 。 他个人有好的记录。让我们留 意那些可以效法的榜样,也效法保 罗,与他有相同样式的生命。

总议会文书 林天保(巴耶黎峇堂)

黄荣誉会督引用诗篇63:8作 总结,他分享人的心意加上帝的扶 持,孕育我们,呼唤我们,祂为我 们预备所有去回应祂的爱;这是卫 理宗的精华教导“预设恩典”。

卫理宣教会主席 陈义生(恩典堂)



道,严家慧牧师传译 ■ 黄文合荣誉会督于开幕礼证

圣餐崇拜与开幕礼 每届议会都是一个述说主爱, 数算上帝恩典、共享困难、计划与 蒙恩的时刻。今届恰逢四年一任的 选举年,在进入报告、商讨与选举 新会长与各部主席、理事会代表 前,首先的聚集就是一个“圣餐崇 拜与开幕礼”。愿上帝悦纳大家的 赞美与感谢,也赐下祂的教导,让 大家在灵里逐日成长。

让我们预备自己到祂里面领受 最好的,在基督里找到爱。黄荣誉 会督放胆说:这位上帝,今天仍旧 呼唤我们,你是否渴慕追求上帝? 如祂寻求我们。 愿与会者与所有卫理宗的信徒 在上帝的引导与扶持下,一生竭力 追求。(家庭事工部执行干事杨姿 英报道)

黄文合荣誉会督受邀于崇拜中 证道,他引用腓立比书3:12-14 与出 席者分享《竭力追求》的信息。会 督引用著名陶恕牧师对渴慕追求上 帝的信念,即是“一生中要单单渴 慕上帝,要从生命泉里喝过生命水 才满足。”


至于“渴慕上帝、饥渴慕义” 的信息,保罗在生命末期写腓立比 书时,正是他经历吃尽苦头,但仍 然追求渴慕亲近上帝。他定睛望着 目标,朝向耶稣,绝不回头。

新加坡卫理公会今年的选举 包括总议会的会督人选、三个年 议会:华人年议会、三一年议会 和淡米尔年议会会长和各部主席 的人选。当选者的任期为4年一 任,即从2017至2020为止。

黄荣誉会督分享在竭力追求上 帝的过程中要紧记: 忘记—那些阻扰前进的障碍,因 回顾会导致退后。 l

12 • 2016 •

王慧莹报道 卫讯编辑

▇ 总议会选举—会长张振忠牧师 (博士)当选为会督

第11届总议会已于9月12日至 16日宏茂桥堂召开。 此次会议,华人年议会张振忠 牧师(博士)获选为第六任新加坡

历史文献理事会主席 林思亲(巴耶黎峇堂)

总议会财政 林明仁(巴耶黎峇堂)

卫理音乐学院董事部主席 钟光勉(巴耶黎峇堂) 圣法兰斯私立学校校董主席 杨乾元(武吉班让堂) 当日,美国卫理公会的Warner H. Brown Jr. 会督、印尼卫理公会 Amat Tumino会督及马来西亚王怀 德会督皆是此届的特邀来宾。 ▇ 其他年议会选举—三一年议会会 长和淡米尔年议会会长 另外,三一年议会已于11月21 日至24日召开。原任会长黄昌荣牧 师受选蝉联会长之职。淡米尔年议 会于11月10至12日举行。雅各牧师 (Rev James Nagulan)当选为该 年议会的会长。 ▇ 华人年议会选举—吴乃力牧师 (博士)荣任华人年议会会长 卫理公会受选为会长的基本资 格必须有10年的长牧经验,而符合 此条件的共有19位长牧,除外,也 须获得超过三分之二的支持票才能 获选。 在张振忠会长主持选举下,拥 有投票权的93位教牧及会友,仅以 3轮的票选,吴乃力牧师(博士)即 不负众望,被选为下任的会长。

■ 侯任会督张振忠牧师恭贺吴乃力牧师(博士)当选新一任会长

吴牧师即席被邀请发表当选的 肺腑之言。他深感自己有所不足, 有不完美之处,但感谢上帝并没有 嫌弃他;对于张会长,他也充满感 激,在张会长的身上,他看到一个 谦卑,且富有牧者心肠的身影,过 去同工的日子,也基于张会长经常 给予他接触许多大宗派的机会,让 他对保有华文教会的特色和所长有 一番新的感悟。最后,他也感谢大 家对他投下的信任票和给予的托 付。 现年54岁的吴乃力牧师,毕业 于新加坡国立大学和三一神学院, 并拥有美国富勒神学院的教牧学博 士学位。 吴牧师自1992年加入华人年议 会牧会至今已有24年。这期间曾担 任过教区长、“门徒机构”主席、 校牧,以及在恩约堂、芽笼堂、直 落亚逸堂和宏茂桥堂牧会。吴牧师 和当教师的太太林锦华,共育有两 女一男。

议会报道 ▇ 灵修会 每日的议会以灵修开始, 由即将在本届被按立为副牧的传 道负责讲道。石训深传道在第二

日的灵修会以“真正的敬拜” 为题,引用阿摩司书5:18-27说 明上帝的审判必临到虚假的敬 拜者,并鼓励我们以“心”、 “意”、“手”来敬拜祂:要 “心意”更新全面认识上帝 的 位 格 , 存 着 谦 卑 及 为 罪 痛悔的“心”,以及每日在各个生 活领域里以“手”来实践敬拜的生 命。 第三日的灵修会,曾国华传道 以“上帝无所不知”为题,以诗篇 139:1-6 分享上帝是无所不知、无 所不在、无所不能。祂认识我们每 一个人,知道每个人的动作起居、 思想意念、道路和需要。因此我们 要以信心、顺服和确信来回应这位 永活真神,让祂渗透我们的生命, 深晓祂在我们生命的 永恒计划。

之民因为失去了上帝子民的身份而 惆怅。耶利米因此劝勉以色列民, 上帝信实的爱不会遗忘祂的子民。 同样,上帝对她、对每一位基督徒 的祝福与供应都是信实的,例如上 帝供应足够的资源,让她为当地清 迈300名村民举办圣诞庆祝活动, 传扬耶稣的救恩。 ▇ 议会重点摘要 9月12-16日总议会于会议提出陈 请,建议成立一个委员会,去探讨 把现有的三个年议会:华人年议 会、三一年议会和淡米尔年议会加 以重组成一个年议会。此委员会由 来自三个年议会的牧师和会友,不 少于12人组成。


在泰国担任宣 教士5年半的李文英 传道,在第四日的 灵修会以耶利米哀歌 3:22-23分享“上帝的 信实极其广大”。耶 路撒冷沦陷被掳到巴 比伦的以色列人,在当 地重新建立家园,生活过 得丰裕。可是,部分被掳 和

督 ■ 侯任会



会新任 两位年议

• 12 • 2016


10 41届议会消息



■ 牧者与全体代表同心迈进

场地短缺和租约的问题。因新划出 的宗教用地成本高昂,教会在现有 地点的租赁期满后,需缴付高昂更 新租赁费。理事会成立了由黄荣誉 会督主持的专案小组,向有关当局 提呈提案。 卫理公会和全国教会理事会已意 识到远程赌博法令的害处,并向有 关当局表明立场。有关当局将以3至 6个月时间,收集各方的反馈而作出 回应,故黄荣誉会督鼓励教会提供 因赌博而寻求辅导的统计数字,以 便给有关当局做參考。


■ 退休牧师魏义 发在


支持此陈请的几项理由有:当 总议会需作决策時,现有的三个年 议会的模式不仅没有带来帮助,反 而显得累赘、缺乏效率、浪费人力 资源、无法带进最好的人才为议会 做出决策。 总议会已同意就此提案请三个 年议会商议,是否赞成总议会成立 特别小组探讨。 黄文合荣誉会督和总干事魏丰年 牧师(博士)都在他们的报告中提 到,卫理公会和新加坡全国教会理 事,向有关当局洽商教会公共敬拜


酝酿了两年的家庭事工部,终于 在今届议会正式成立。这事工的异 象是加强家庭的信仰基础、帮助本 地教会成立家庭事工,以及联系本 地教会的资源。


颜耀光 先生 副会长 Mr Guan Yeow Kwang Conf Vice President

郭韵仪 女士 年会会友领袖 会友事工部主席 Ms Kwok Wan Yee Conf Lay Leader Chair,Laity

邓基辉 先生 经济部主席 Mr Tang Kee Fei Chair, Finance

陈诗玲 女士 年会财政 Ms Gracia Tan Conf Treasurer

张雪霞 女士 妇女服务会会长 Ms Teo Suet Ehr President, WSCS

吴奕贤 牧师 牧职部主席 Rev Goh Aik Hiang Chair, Ministry

沈圣奇 牧师 年会文书 Rev Jasper Sim Conf Secretary

陈福基 先生 人力资源部主席 Mr Chan Fook Kay Chair, Human Resources

郑文华 先生 监管部主席 Mr David Tay Chair,Governance

陈元昌 牧师 见证与布道部主席 Rev Chin Yan Chong Chair,Witness & Evangelism

林天源 牧师 资讯部主席 Rev Ling Tieng Ngung Chair, Communications

程文喜 牧师 信仰培育与门徒 训练部主席 Rev Paul Thian Chair, Discipleship & Nurture

陈华如 先生 宣教部主席 Mr Tan Hua Joo Chair,Missions

戴主光 先生 社会关怀与 外展部主席 Mr Samuel Tay Chair,Outreach & Social Concerns

陈素石 医生 乐龄事工部主席 Dr Tan Soh Cheok Chair, Senior Ministry

洪坤成 先生 家庭事工部主席 Mr David Ang Chair, Family Life

林恩信 牧师 青年事工部主席 Rev Irman Halim Chair, Youth Ministry

黄明娇 牧师 崇拜与音乐部主席 Rev Ng Beng Keow Chair, Worship & Music

林思亲 先生 历史文献部主席 Mr Lim Soo Chin Chair, Archives & History

薛庆达 牧师 年会统计员 Rev Seet Keng Tat Conf Statistician

会友在新加坡住上一段时间,可要 求成为新加坡卫理公会的联属会友 或联合会友,但不可在教会担任任 何职位。 ▇ 总结 议会能顺利进行,是靠祷告托 住。会议期间,一幅牧者为会友, 会友为牧者相互祝福祷告的感人画 面出现。所辟的祷告室里的祷告 者;和一块挂板上贴着不少堂会牧 者的心声,不外表达了他们对年会 未來的期望:彼此在爱中、分歧中 合一事奉,同心迈进。

《卫理服务会》出于事工所需, 而需聘请院牧。由于《卫理服务 会》属慈善机构,其筹募得来之款 项不得用在此项用途,故总议会请 华人年议会议决为院牧事工奉献。


卫理公会法规修订:如果国外卫 理公会会友,或国外其他宗派教会


■ 选举分票

追思礼拜 ——悼念余履真牧师 余履真牧师于1926年出生于中国福建 省。1964年至1977年,他在卫理公会天道堂担 任主理牧师。1990年余牧师从香港神学院退休 返回新加坡,在天道堂义务担任本处传道,牧 养、关怀兴化音的会友。 2016年3月28日,90岁高龄的余牧师被主 蒙召,一生留下美好的事奉见证。 12 • 2016 •

• 12 • 2016





■ 在家人陪同下,吴乃力牧师接受考问与祝福

闭幕礼 第41届华人年议会经过5天议 会,听取和接受约40多个报告,进 行会长、各部主席及各附属机构的 代表选举,终于来到闭幕的尾声。 17日闭幕礼是晚,由于候任会 督、候任会长和受按立的长、副牧 所属堂会许多会友到场观礼,女皇 镇堂的圣殿都座无虚席。 ▇ 黄荣誉会督的劝勉 在今届开幕礼和闭幕礼,即 将卸任的黄文合荣誉会督皆受邀证 道。在开幕礼中,会督以腓力比书3 章提到保罗忘记背后,努力向前, 得上帝的奖赏。而在闭幕礼,会督 以“大工告竣”为题,从提摩太后

■ 出席嘉宾

书4:1-8看保罗用4幅图画,来形容 自己在这场生命的赛场已来到了终 点,以此来帮助我们审视和重整生 命,两晚的信息可说前后呼应。 会督以保罗用古时以酒浇奠 祭坛把自己献给上帝为祭品、战 士、运动场上赛跑的健儿和托付人 的形象,来劝勉我们如活祭献上给 主,看自己是死的,心意更新,为 主而活。又像摔跤场上的战士, 被对手打倒,仍然存活,未被踢出 局,越多与对手交锋,越多得战胜 的秘诀;而最终上帝这位站在我们 这边的颁奖者,所颁的冠冕不是留 给一人,而是给那些在赛场上,以 公义生活打完美好战又站立得稳的 战士。保罗舍生忘死走完一生,他 强调的不是赢得竞赛,而是像运动

员,刻苦己心,在灵魂体上过着有 纪律的生活,完成美好的赛程。保 罗忠于上帝所托付的,我们是否在 事奉、生活各个层面成为一个忠于 属灵恩赐的门徒托付人。 最后,会督再三勉励众人,要 美好地走完人生路,需检阅我们属 灵履历表里过去的记录:有无全人 过着健全的纪律生活;与主同钉十 字架忍受苦難;并在上帝所赐的恩 赐和生命呼召,忠于所托。 ▇ 就职典礼 会长就职礼由黄文合荣誉会 督主持,候任会长吴乃力牧师(博 士)受考问后,在师母和家人陪同 下,黄会督带领会众为吴牧师和家 人祷告祝福,并把他介绍给会众。

■ 李文英传道(左三)按 为辅助圣工牧师

卸任会长张振忠牧 ■ 新任会长吴力乃牧师向 和师母致谢 12 • 2016 •

■ 刘俊智牧师于荣休致辞感谢

两年后的今天,从副牧按立为 长牧的有:许立欣、吴丽真、林恩 信三位牧师。石训深和曾国华两位 传道则按立为副牧。宣教士李文英 则被按立为辅助圣工牧师。

▇ 欢送荣休牧师

巴耶黎峇堂的刘俊智牧师,自 1988年加入年会至今,曾在恩典 堂、天恩堂、福灵堂、天道堂、芽 笼堂和盛港堂共牧会了28年。 在致辞中,他感谢上帝一路 扶持和师母背后的支持,使他走完 牧师事奉道路到终点。在他服事的 日子,他扩大了朋友圈,让他非常 珍惜所建立起的情谊。退休在他而 言,是意味着预备自己进入未来的 另一事奉领域。

▇ 向卸任会督和会长致谢 卸任会长张振忠牧师赞扬黄文 合荣誉会督在就任期间,忠心服务 社会、区域,是教会的宝贝,而且 华人年议会的堂会常得到他莅临讲 道、出席堂会周年庆典、主持议会 等,是牧师的牧师。张振忠牧师代 表华人年议会向黄文合荣誉会督致 谢,并赠送纪念品给他。 与此同时,新任会长吴乃力牧 师也向卸任会长张振忠牧师致赠品 表谢意。感谢他过去两届对华人年 议会的带领,和对牧者的关怀。 ▇ 委派与献心

有一些时日的熟悉牧会环境、人和 事,到另一堂会,重新适应,调整 心态和步伐。 委派,也意味着有些牧者将 继续留在原有堂会,继续未完的事 工、未完的计划和责任。 眼看前面道路既有明媚风光在 迎迓,也有荆棘满布在等待,无论 如何,顺服凌驾一切的未知,所有 的艰巨。全体牧者们在献心礼上, 再一次把自已献上,以忍耐、信 靠、行完上帝呼召他们的旨意。 (鸣谢摄影师蓝威立弟兄和 Joshua Khoo 弟兄提供照片)

委派,是闭幕礼的高潮。委 派,意味着有些牧者需离开事奉已

■ 石训深传道(左二)和曾国华传 道 (左四)按立为副牧

■ (前排左到 右)许立欣牧 师、林恩信牧 和吴丽真牧 师 师按立为长牧


■ 向卸任会督黄文合牧师

太太背后的支持 • 12 • 2016



委任表 15


2017年各牧区委任表 Appointment List 2017 东教区 教区长 廖惠安牧师 芽笼堂 主理 李光扬牧师 助理 曾国华牧师(1月至6月)

Geylang CMC Pastor-in-charge Assistant Pastor

Charis MC Pastor-in-charge Associate Pastor Assistant Pastor Diaconal Minister

盛港堂 Sengkang MC 主理 严家慧牧师 (博士) Pastor-in-charge 协理 宾升泰牧师 Associate Pastor 梅国耀牧师

中教区 教区长 吴奕贤牧师 福灵堂 主理 傅后利牧师 协理 江宗大牧师 传道 胡文莹传道

12 • 2016 •

President/Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat

East District Superintendent Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann

Rev Daniel Lee Kuan Yong Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah(Jan-Jun)

巴耶黎峇堂/巴耶礼峇美以美宣教站 Paya Lebar CMC / Paya Lebar Methodist Mission 主理 廖惠安牧师 Pastor-in-charge Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann 协理 许亚才牧师 (博士) Associate Pastor Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye 陈杨丽旋牧师 Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan 张建温牧师 Rev Daniel Teoh Kean Oon 助理 雷远智牧师 Assistant Pastor Rev Lui Yuan Tze 曾国华牧师(7月至12月) Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah (Jul-Dec) 樟宜堂/榜鹅宣教站事工 Changi MC/Punggol Preaching Point Project 主理 许立欣牧师 Pastor-in-charge Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng 宏茂桥堂 Ang Mo Kio CMC 主理 何秋吟牧师 Pastor-in-charge Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin 协理 许就凯牧师 Associate Pastor Rev Koh Chew Hai 颂恩堂 主理 沈圣奇牧师 协理 吴丽真牧师 (第二委任) 助理 崔平和牧师 辅助圣工牧师 白瑞健牧师(博士)(隶属)


Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun (2nd Appointment) Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian (attachment)

Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey Rev Peter Pan Seng Tai Rev Boey Kok Yeow

Central District Superintendent Rev Goh Aik Hiang Foochow MC Pastor-in-charge Associate Pastor Preacher

Rev Poh Heow Lee Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai Pr Stefanie Oh Wen-ying

天道堂 主理 陈新坚牧师 助理 石训深牧师

Hinghwa MC Pastor-in-charge Assistant Pastor

Rev Joshua Tan Sin Kian Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen

大巴窑堂 主理 黄幼莲牧师 协理 林天源牧师

Toa Payoh CMC Pastor-in-charge Associate Pastor

Rev Wong Yeow Lin Rev Ling Tieng Ngung

感恩堂/感恩堂(兀兰) 主理 简文石牧师

Kum Yan MC / Kum Yan MC (Woodland) Pastor-in-charge Rev Herman Kan Man Shek

天恩堂 主理 周永斌牧师 协理 林恩信牧师

Hakka MC Pastor-in-charge Associate Pastor

Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin Rev Irman Halim

义顺北宣堂 主理 刘昌耀牧师 传道 陈书铭传道

Yishun MM Pastor-in-charge Preacher

Rev Lau Chong Yaw Pr Glenn Tan Tze Meng

西教区 教区长 傅后利牧师

West District Superintendent Rev Poh Heow Lee

直落亚逸堂/直落亚逸第二礼拜堂 Telok Ayer CMC / TA2 主理 蔡伟山牧师 Pastor-in-charge Rev Chua Ooi Suah 协理 黄明娇牧师 Associate Pastor Rev Ng Beng Keow 薛庆达牧师 Rev Seet Keng Tat 林建隆牧师(隶属) Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong (attachment) 辅助圣工牧师 郑益民牧师(博士)(隶属) Diaconal Minister Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min (attachment) 武吉班让堂 Bukit Panjang MC 主理 杨显辉牧师 Pastor-in-charge 协理 陸永德牧师 Associate Pastor 陈英意牧师 林爱莉牧师

Rev Yeung Hin Fai Rev Lek Yong Teck Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee Rev Anne Lim Ai Lei

女皇镇堂 Queenstown CMC 主理 吴奕贤牧师 Pastor-in-charge 协理 吴丽真牧师(第一委任) Associate Pastor 何威达牧师(博士)(隶属) 传道 周美丽传道 Preacher 恩典堂 Grace MC 主理 吴毅华牧师 Pastor-in-charge 助理 苏伟峰牧师 Assistant Pastor

Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah Rev Eric Soh Wai Foon

恩约堂 主理 陈元昌牧师

Rev Chin Yan Chong

Holy Covenant MC Pastor-in-charge

Rev Goh Aik Hiang Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun (1st Appointment) Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat (attachment) Pr Cynthia Choo Bee Lay



卫理宣教会主任:林建隆牧师 (隶属教会:直落亚逸堂)



何威达牧师(博士) (隶属教会:女皇镇堂)

门徒机构主任:严家慧牧师 (博士)(义务)

白瑞健牧师(博士) (隶属教会:颂恩堂)


郑益民牧师(博士) (隶属教会:直落亚逸堂)










傅后利牧师(三个月)、蔡伟山牧师(三个月)、许亚才牧师(博士)(三个月) 额外传道:俞丽鑫牧师、庄炳亮牧师(博士)、林美蓉牧师

CAC Pastors‘ Special Appointment by Bishop

Special Appointment by President

Methodist Missions Society Executive Director: Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong (Local Church Attachment: Telok Ayer CMC) Missionaries to Thailand: Rev Gideon Choi Gi Deug, Rev Cassandra Lee Director of DISCIPLE Agency: Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey (Honorary) Associate Director of Christian Ministry in Schools: Rev Lek Yong Teck Methodist School Chaplains: Rev Daniel Lee Kuan Yong, Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan, Rev Ng Beng Keow, Rev Lek Yong Teck, Rev Chin Yan Chong, Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi, Rev Boey Kok Yeow, Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng, Rev Irman Halim, Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen, Rev Lui Yuan Tze, Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah, Pr Cynthia Choo Bee Lay, Pr Glenn Tan Tze Meng, Pr Stefanie Oh Wen-ying Prison Ministry: Rev Chng Siew Sin (Honorary) Medical Leave: Rev Louis Chai Shung Chee

Lecturers at Trinity Theological College: Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat (Local Church attachment: Queenstown CMC) Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian (Local Church attachment: Charis MC) Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min (Local Church attachment: Telok Ayer CMC) Principal, Institute of Elderly: Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot (Honorary) Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College: Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat Associate: Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian, Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min Sabbatical Leave: Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee (1 year) Rev Chan Kok Chuon (1 year), Rev Poh Heow Lee (3 months) Rev Chua Ooi Suah (3 months), Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye (3 months) Supernumerary Ministers: Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin, Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian, Rev Susan Lim Bee Yong • 12 • 2016

16 会督的话


生与 死



一个耶稣的教导在我们今 日的许多讲台中缺席,或 许因为它好像与将临节格 格不入(但其实不是)的缘故。然 而,此教导的本质使我们有所退缩 或漠视,要不就是彻底拒绝。 然而,如果我们认真看待此教 导,我们就能够解决今日基督徒许 多不足之处的因由。此信息在圣诞 节的欢乐中经常被我们错过了。因 着它缺席于许多讲台,我们容许我 们的领袖与会友们散布如此乖谬的 欢乐狂热,而此教导不被宣讲,甚 至被自我既得的权利及拒绝痛苦与 受苦来合理化。 耶稣在路加福音9:23把此教导 作了一个明确的总结:“若有人要 跟从我,就当舍己,天天背起自己 的十字架来跟从我。”这命令当我 们称之为“自我否定”就被稀释掉 了,不但如此,这样的说法也减弱 了此经文对基督徒影响力的深度。 耶稣呼召我们时,不单只是否定自 我,而是呼召我们去死。十字架远 超过否定的象征意义,它是一个人 往死的地方。 使徒保罗把所有作耶稣门徒该 拥有的个人生活方式作了结论: “现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督 在我里面活着:并且我如今在肉身 活着,是因信上帝的儿子而活;祂 是爱我,为我舍己。” 这死亡具属灵本质。天天背起 十字架时刻提醒我们一个事实,就 是须向自己死,向自我中心和自主 权死。按循道宗立约崇拜,就是 “我们不再是我们自己了”。

12 • 2016 •

这就是将临节,庆典的高潮是 圣诞节。我们大半压抑了在这期间 所发生的悲剧和死亡。这季节所包 含的插曲有逃难(约瑟、玛利亚 和婴孩耶稣),和婴孩的屠杀(太 2:16希律下令凡两岁以内的婴孩都 杀尽)。隐藏于基督出生故事中的 是死亡。上帝的心意始于将临节, 而完满实现于受难节的死亡。 对于上帝,死亡并非结局。钉 十字架、埋葬之后紧接复活。但依 保罗的总结,复活的生命是一个人 以信心在上帝的儿子里面活着。 约 翰卫斯理把此话转述为:“我的每 一刻都源自此超自然的原则;从神

地位。我们所唱的现代诗歌,大半 聚焦于上帝为我们所作的美事,或 我们期待祂为我们作的事。一旦提 到事奉,都以人为中心,说事情一 定会发生,好将人从困境或苦楚中 释放出来。今天,被认为是基督徒 领袖的,把个人或团队的功绩作为 焦点;所以,当我们庆贺成功,都 在于事情的结局或我们所获得的祝 福。 从我们被钉死在十字架的地位 来看,诗歌、事奉和领导就不再以 人为中心;在敬拜中,我们内心渴 望一心向着荣耀的上帝。我们对 人的服事与事奉,都是为要让人与

随着我们步入2016年将临节及圣诞节的高 潮,让基督的生命,彰显于我们每一位及 基督徒团体当中;让这既非我所拥有,却 通过我们照耀的生命彰显出来,鼓舞人去 承认,惟独基督是主。 圣的证据和信念,我知道祂爱我, 并亲自把自己交付了给我。”因 此,门徒的生命因着基督为我们所 做的,而被感恩之心所激励,也因 着在我们里面工作的基督的生命 (在圣灵里),而得着能力。自 我已死,现在渗透在门徒生命里 的是复活的主。因此,从今以后, “我,我自己和我的”已无立足之 地。 此教导在被大多数人视为现代 基督徒灵修神学里,竟然不具任何

上帝相遇并追求祂,最终依靠上帝 而非人为的介入。我们的领袖以谦 卑姿态委身,以至认定惟独基督是 主。 随着我们步入2016年将临节及 圣诞节的高潮,让基督—我们在此 佳节庆祝祂的降生的生命,彰显于 我们每一位及基督徒团体当中,让 这既非我所拥有,却通过我们照耀 的生命彰显出来,鼓舞人去承认, 惟独基督是主。

后六十年,基督信仰史 上出现了一个划时代的 人物,就是使徒保罗。这 是一个伟大的布道家、伟大的神学 家、也是伟大的“为福音的缘故” 身体力行的实践家。 在哥林多前书一书中,他有一 句经典名言:“向软弱的人,我就 作软弱的人。向什么样的人,我就 作什么样的人。无论如何,总要救 些人。凡我所行的,都是为福音 的缘故,为要与人同得这福音的好 处。”

保罗沿着小亚细亚,进希腊, 入意大利,在外邦人中广泛的布 道,他的布道经验必然丰富无比, 我们很可惜的是,他在总结布道经 验的时候,除了那一句经典名言之 外,看不到更多实例,否则,对我 们将有很大的裨益。 但有一点可想而知,在芸芸众 生中,保罗传道的对象与我们今天 传福音的对象也并无大不同。广大 的普罗大众他要面对,个别的知识 人他也要面对。保罗出生犹太人之 家,长大后又受教于耶路撒冷著名

基督信仰是以神为本位,知识人则常常 是以人为本位,人神在一定时空思维下形 成的对立,是需要大力度攻克的。 这是一句关乎传福音的方法论 和策略性的指引。在整本《圣经》 中,这样有远见,辩证性极强的论 述看来非归保罗莫属。 我很惭愧,在传福音领人归主 这方面做的工作收效极微。但磕磕 碰碰也略有所感,一般来说,传 (福音)的人与听(福音)的人, 常难以“对口”。我们把道提得太 高,对方听不懂;我们把道降得太 低,对方又可能不屑听。现在有 些教会提出“一人领一人,领人归 向主”,这真是一个极有见地的口 号。一人领一人,这就是传与听的 要“配对”,否则,南辕北辙,就 出岔子了。

学者迦玛列门下,涉猎罗马文化与 斯多噶主义,这么一位大学者肯定 也接触过许多有知识的人物并向他 们传讲天国的道,有没有从这些人 中“抓”到一些进“窄门”的,这 是我们至感兴趣的。 许多人说,对“有知识的人” 传福音很难,这有其一定的根据, 但也并非全然。 保罗从反基督到全然归主就是 一个生动的例子,当然保罗的信主 是上帝出“重拳”的结果。 基督信仰是以神为本位,知识 人则常常是以人为本位,人神在一 定时空思维下形成的对立,是需要 大力度攻克的。尤其是在当下文化

大普及,教育大振兴的大环境下, 人的思维的多面向给传福音工作带 来极大的挑战。 中国近年来出现了许多“文化 基督徒”,这就是在当下文化大环 境下必然出现的现象,文化教育的 普及与提高对于当代宣教任务的反 响,也反映了在今天的新环境下传 福音的新任务。因为普罗大众固然 有听福音的需要,而大批涌现的知 识分子也在这方面反映了一定的需 要。福音工作的“对口”就必然推 出了一些在神学上有负担的“文化 基督徒”来承担这方面的工作。我 们也欣喜地发现,高学历牧者也越 来越多,这是反映了我国文化和教 育突进发展和提升的必然趋势和需 要。传福音工作的“授者”不断地 给福音的“受者”提供不同的领 受“口径”,看来这是健康的禾场 环境。 传福音对象的多元化与传福音 手段的多元化,有时也给我们提供 吊诡的问题,这个问题有时也颇使 人感到尴尬和困扰。可能有人听 从保罗对什么人讲什么话的“对口 论”,忽发异想,认为有吸毒者需 要福音,那么,我们是不是可以先 打入他们的圈子,先来吸一吸毒, 再来一个“跨界传福音”呢!现 在,街头巷尾许多人都在用手机 “抓精灵”,我们是不是也来抓一 抓,有共同语言了,然后再来“跨 界传福音”呢! 对于这些深奥的“跨界传福 音”,本人才疏学浅,也没有受过 神学装备,恕难置喙,也不敢妄自 置喙呢!


“灵活性” 林佑璋


• 12 • 2016


18 非一般物语


基 督徒必读的 书

《天路历程》 孙爱玲



开始基督徒离开本家本 土,踏上天路旅程,他们 被称为天路客,天国在前

我们总以为作为基督徒一信 主就百无一失,《天路历程》指其 实那才是开始,基督徒的人生旷野 路,没有捷径,不能懒惰,一步步 走那窄路,路途遥远且艰难,必须 非常努力去完成。因此每个基督徒 都必须读《天路历程》这本书,你 才能明白什么是基督徒。

《天路历程》的寓言模式 《天路历程》以寓言模式叙 述“基督徒”的人生路,一路走来 跌跌撞撞,很不容易。小说虽然说 教,但很有深度地书写人性,阅读 后会觉得那是影射自己,知道你我 都是这天路旅途的天路客。你一生 或多或少会像小说主角“基督徒” 那样,遇到许多人,他们或许指引 你、帮助你,或许阻拦你、非议 你、否定你;然而这些人物很多时 候也是反映我们身上的种种德性德 行。作者用寓言的形式,把这些德 性德行给人格化,成了人的样式, 出现在“基督徒”的面前。小说描 述他如何去面对,这些人物他们的 名称是顽固、善变、帮助、世故、 守法、学礼、贪恋、忍耐、愚蠢、 懒惰、傲慢、胆怯、疑惑等等,他 们常常干扰基督徒,责难基督徒, 而基督徒却想说服他、改变他、征 服他、战胜他,或与他共存。这 “基督徒”就如镜子中的你和我, 反照出我们的人生际遇。

12 • 2016 •

作者对圣经节的引用 作者本仁约翰熟悉圣经,在 小说里把与救恩和天国有关的书卷 的经节都融会贯通。凡引用经文的 部分,都注明圣经出处。采用旧约 的律法书的经节有创世记、出埃及 记、民数记等;引用智慧书的经节 有约伯记、诗篇和箴言等;引用先 知书有以赛亚书、耶利米书、但以 理书和撒迦利亚书等,唯有历史书 少引。新约引用了四福音、使徒行 传,书信用最多是罗马书、哥林 多前后书、加拉太书、以弗所书、 希伯来书,以及启示录。作者似乎 在所有的书卷中寻找他可引用的经 节。 因此我们看《天路历程》译 本,要选一本好的译本。好的译本 除了接近原文,其注释也不可忽 略。因为阅读《天路历程》须配合 所注的经节,才可以深入了解作者 的用意,使我们不只看文本的陈 述,也探索作者所要传达的深层信 息。从寓言小说中本仁约翰用的经 节,看出作者的创作思路,他以人 的优劣个性为角色,这是最有创意 的。他认为不只救恩重要,如何走 完天路更重要。往往拦阻天路历程 是人,包括自己和身边的人,人的 个性、思想、观念、世俗的看法、 传统的包袱等等,在小说里处处可 见作者不断提醒众人。 从小说架构看见作者要带出正 确的基督徒人生观,不是靠说的, 而是如何行动,其中怎么走天路的 细节最为重要。人的看法和观点常

会有错误,或自以为是,或是天真 无知,加上传统的权威信念也根深 蒂固,在在影响我们的人生方向。 因此小说中的基督徒一而再,再而 三的失败,走冤枉路、走岔路、走 错路,又遇到危险,魔鬼从不放过 他,而基督徒的反应是犹豫、退 后、畏缩、怕事,作者强调基督徒 必须知道如何排除万难,反败为 胜,这是人生的功课。此外,所有 的基督徒都要从圣经找答案,圣经 是天路的指引书,清楚的说灭亡和 永生,说拯救和审判,说末世的盼 望和奖赏。圣经是走天路历程必备 的秘笈,一生的旅程要抱住它。

作者的自白 本仁约翰说:“这本书会使你 成为一个旅人,只要你肯接受它的 指引;它会引领你到那圣地,只要 你明白它的指导意义;它会使怠惰 的变得有生气,也会使瞎眼的看见 可爱的东西。”这本书就成了激励 我们的一本书。 对于小说的寓言手法,他 说:“古时上帝的律法,他的真理 的律法,岂不是通过象征、预兆和 隐喻来表达?” 所以他模仿圣经的 表现手法,用象征、预兆和隐喻塑 造小说人物,把人的思维形象化, 当顽固、善变、贪恋、忍耐、愚 蠢、懒惰、傲慢、胆怯、疑惑等成 为人物出现时,基督徒必须面对, 与他们过招。幸好基督徒有传道 人/宣道师一直指引他,帮助他, 他也遇到同行的好伴侣——忠信和 盼望。这意味我们的人生路要有牧 师、传道、同工和同行的朋友。

在人物活动展开故事的过程 中,可看到小说背后作者的才华和 用心,他以旧约律法书述说的天国 的设定,以智慧书的象征手法述说 人的德性德行,以福音说明救恩十 字架,以先知书的预言和启示录说 明末世审判和天国的降临。

叙述手法 叙述者是以“我”为第一人 称,作者在小说创造一个做梦人为 叙述者。小说开始: “我在旷野里行走,来到一 个地方,那里有个洞穴,我就在那 儿躺下睡觉:我睡熟了,做了一个 梦。”



宣道师(传道者)对基督徒 说:“人生既然有这么多的灾难, 为什么又不愿意死呢?”…

2、笔记本:写下基督徒遇到 的人物、地点和事件。描述人物特 征,记下地点,基督徒到过什么地 方;记录发生事件的摘要,如人生 的拦阻,困难和伤害,如何克服心 理或困难等。

基督徒回答说:“先生,如果 我还没有做好准备到牢狱里去,我 更没有做好准备去受审判,然后再 去受刑罚;想到这些事,我不禁失 声痛哭。… 宣道师指着那一片辽阔的田野 的尽头说:“你看得见那边有扇小 门吗?你看见那边的亮光吗?不要 转移你的视线,一直朝着那亮光走 去,这样你就能够看见那扇小门; 你敲那门,有人会告诉你应该怎么 做。”(摘录第一章《洞穴和做梦 人》)

叙述者的姿态是行走,不是 走在都市或室内,而是走在旷野。 地点在旷野就容易遇到变化,料不 到的事情会突然发生,甚至叙述 者本身也预测不到。叙述者来到洞 穴,神秘化的起点,睡熟后做梦, 因为做梦,梦境有幻想、有莫测、 有变化,梦境的叙述可以有很宽的 范围,可以夸张和不合情理。又因 为“我”看见,给读者感觉就变成 很真实,是一个见证人的身份,他 目击主角“基督徒”和所有人物的 互动,看见“基督徒”如何走这天 路。

这本书可以作为灵修的课业, 因为有二十章(主流出版社),视 乎时间,因此可以用二十天或四十 天读完。

有关天国历程,纯粹用叙述会 很枯燥,作者于是用发问和回答来

1、你一面阅读,读到有注解 的部分,查阅圣经节,抄写每个注


认识上帝所给予我们的恩典—教 会。

信 徒 夜 课 课程简介 教会是什么?这个看似简单,每个 信徒理所当然都应该知道的答案, 有时却会引起意想不到的混乱。事 实上,今天不同宗派和独立教会对 这问题,各有不同的见解,有时彼 此的看法相似,有时差异明显巨 大。要了解这个简单的问题,为什 么会变得多元和复杂,并在尝试找 出答案中,对教会能够有基本的 认识,是开设这个课程的目的。我 们将从圣经、教会历史和神学的角 度,探讨这个课题,并学习进一步

这不是我们的问题和答案吗? 问题会引起读者共鸣,读者会一起 思考然后等待回答,甚至读者在心 里先作回答,然后印证对方的答 案。对话的空间给了读者参与的机 会。


讲师 章剑文法政牧师(博士)是圣安德 烈座堂华语部的主任牧师,早年 毕业于三一神学院,过后前往英国 爱丁堡大学深造,完成哲学博士学 位。章牧师也是三一神学院部分时 间讲师,和圣公会神学教育委员会 委员。 课程大纲 第一课:圣经里的教会 第二课:教会在初期至中古时期的 发展 第三课:教会在改教到现今的改变 第四课:东正教与罗马天主教 第五课:信义宗与改革宗的教会

3、注意对话:记下人物对话 的问题和答案重点。 4、阅读后要祷告,厘清你的 思维和得着。 《天路历程》可以是基督徒检 测灵命的量尺,是基督徒再一次思 考自己人生是否正确的准绳。它令 我们明白当你成为基督徒的一刻, 就是上帝磨练你的开始,走天国之 路,要克服苦难过一生。不知道你 现在走到哪一步?救恩不是白白的 领受,虽名字在生命册上,还要奋 斗;人生多少难,你都必须跨过 去;哪怕有一天头破血流,还是要 抓紧基督。 (编按:今年9月17日资讯部在 大巴窑堂主办“读书赏析会”,由 孙爱玲博士导读基督教名著《天路 历程》一书,吸引76位爱书人一起 走过天路之旅。与此赏析会失之交 臂的读者,可从此文一睹名著的风 采。)

第六课:五旬宗与自由/独立教会 第七课:教会的组织性,神圣性和 奥秘性 日期 2017年1月10日至2月28日 *1月31日农历新年暂停一课* 时间 7:30pm至9:30pm(逢星期二) 地点 三一神学院,多用途礼堂(一楼) 490 Upper Bukit Timah Road Singapore 678093 学费 S$100.00,过去一年内曾报读夜课 者S$80.00,目前就读本地其他神学 院正规课程的学生S$80.00(三一校 友和学生免费,但仍须注册)。 • 12 • 2016





某些特定的日子,我们总 会做一些“特别”的事。 这些事,平时不做,或是 少做。例如小孩出世,除了为产妇 进补,也为初生婴孩庆生,把鸡蛋 染红,向亲友派送糕饼;高龄老人 生日,宴客时不忘摆上红色寿桃或 寿包,象征长命百岁;还有,除夕 夜吃团圆饭、新年相互拜年、中秋 提灯赏月、端午裹粽子、冬至搓汤 圆等。这些传统习俗,流传久远。 今年的圣诞,近在咫尺,你又 有什么打算?想做些什么呢?许多 人将疯狂购物、布置家居、设计圣 诞树或烹调应节佳肴。基督徒也许 忙于排练圣诞剧、筹划报佳音、预 备圣诞崇拜等。当然,亲友相约, 一起聚会欢庆也是常有的事。如此

“圣灵要临到你身上,至高者的能 力要荫庇你,因此所要生的圣者必 称为上帝的儿子。”这位年轻女子 的回复是:“我是主的使女,情愿 照你的话成就在我身上。” 童女的未婚夫约瑟是个义人, 虔诚敬畏上帝。当他知道马利亚未 婚先孕时,不但没有公开告发,只 想暗地里将她休了,免得她蒙受羞 辱。过后,天使在梦中向他阐明上 帝的旨意,说明马利亚所怀的孕是 从圣灵来的。于是,他就把妻子娶 过门,只是没有和她同房,等圣婴 诞生了,就按天使的指示,给祂取 名叫耶稣。 我们都期盼在圣诞节获取心爱 的礼物。然而,第一个圣诞,始于

我们都期盼在圣诞节获取心爱的礼物。 然而,第一个圣诞,始于一对愿意冒着极 大风险,作出重大付出的年轻夫妇。他们 凭着信心与勇气,履行了上帝的托付。 这般过圣诞,似乎已成惯例。 翻开圣经,看见马利亚和约瑟 在首个圣诞,作了一件非比寻常的 事。 上帝要借助一个童女的肚腹生 下耶稣。这是一件不可思议也难以 接受的任务。圣经用“惊慌”形容 当时马利亚的反应,并向传达信息 的天使提出质疑:“我没有出嫁, 怎么有这事呢?”天使回答说:

一对愿意冒着极大风险,作出重大 付出的年轻夫妇。他们凭着信心与 勇气,履行了上帝的托付。 耶稣诞生的那一夜,牧羊人 在野地里,按着更次看守羊群。忽 然间,天使在荣光之中向他们宣 告:“我报给你们大喜的信息, 是关乎万民的。因今天在大卫的 城里,为你们生了救主,就是主 基督。你们要看见一个婴孩,包

着布,卧在马槽里,那就是记号 了。”过后,他们照着指示前往伯 利恒,路加用“急忙去了”来暗喻 他们当时的兴奋。结果他们真的找 到那睡在马槽的耶稣,便把天使论 及这孩子的话传开了。


圣诞的惊喜,最先降临在身份 低微但殷勤劳作的牧羊人身上。他 们目睹天上的荣光、承接天使的宣 告、聆听天兵的赞美,又把所见所 闻的传开,令听者感到诧异。 耶稣诞生后,有几个从东方 来的博士,长途跋涉,一路追随天 上明星的指引,来到耶路撒冷,要 找那生下来作犹太人之王的耶稣, 为的是要拜祂。当他们来到伯利 恒,进了一间房子,看见圣婴和马 利亚,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭开宝 盒,拿出黄金、乳香和没药,作为 礼物献给祂。 圣诞是人人寻找快乐的季节, 餐馆座无虚席,商场更是人头攒 动,许多人将会因为吃不到、买不 到而失望愁烦。回顾第一个圣诞, 东方智者所寻找的只是耶稣基督, 直到找着才甘心,然后向祂敬拜, 并献上珍贵的礼物。

爱,是明亮而温暖的光,当它照 亮人的内心时,所有的愤怒、仇恨 都会被融化。剩下的只是祝福。

马利亚和约瑟为圣诞妥善预 备,让小小圣婴有一个温馨的小家 庭;牧羊人亲身经历了关乎万民的 喜讯,并把这福音传开了;东方博 士千里寻觅,为求率先朝拜圣婴。 今年的圣诞,让我们一起探索,那 位圣诞的主,祂到底想要我们做些 什么?







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• 12 • 2016


22 信徒分享



圣诞 节?



宏茂桥堂 本处传道

孙忠华 世俗人如何过圣诞节? 平时生活中与信仰无关联,而 圣诞节之时却表现得虔诚无比,不 是真正意义上的宗教期望的虔诚。 圣诞节即到,就一窝蜂地假借宗教 之名表达自己的寄托愿望,不仅给 城市交通带来阻滞,更是严重欺骗 自己内心。这种兴致而起的方式, 只能是满足了各自内心里小小的沟 壑。 美好的宗教信仰,是让一个人 走向成熟和正确的人生道路;在短 暂的生命存活之际,多做温暖他人 的事,而不是种种的宗教活动。

圣诞佳节对信徒是何意义? 圣诞节是个假日,节日,玩 乐?开派对,舞会,互赠礼物,吃 大餐,去教堂唱圣诗,敬拜上帝? 还是借此日引领世人认识基督?

耶稣的诞生 关于东方博士 有关东方博士,马太福音 2:1-12着笔甚详。他们因在东方看 见祂的星,特来到伯利恒拜祂。找 到了婴孩耶稣和祂母亲马利亚,就 俯伏拜那小孩子,揭开宝盒,拿黄 金,乳香,没药为礼物献给祂。博 士因为在梦中被主指示,不要回去 见希律,就从别的路回本地去了。

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东方博士的精神 东方博士乃是用信心的敬拜来 庆祝基督的诞生,让我们思想他们 是如何准备迎接耶稣? l 大有信心 相信上帝的启示,肯定有主诞 生,看到星星,便远道寻访,毫不 置疑。他们有高深学问,有思想, 不是凭一时冲动。带着坚定信心出 发,撇下一切,远途跋涉,知道 “犹太的王”不单给以色列人,也 与他们有份。勇敢的信心,必得上 帝的喜悦(来11:6)。与亚伯拉罕 一样,未确定地点就启程前往寻主 (来11:8)。 l 不畏艰险 从亚洲之西到中东,是艰难之 路,不畏的精神可敬。愿意承担身 体、物质、时间各方面的损失来庆 祝耶稣诞生。敬拜的心,从启步开 始其心意早已蒙上帝悦纳,纵使他 们寻不到耶稣,他们的一生也不会 白活了,足够丰盛至晚年。真正的 敬拜是不畏艰苦。 l 专心寻求 只凭一点星光,不远千里迢 迢,困难重重,线索微小,他们正 是专注寻求救主。 “这道离你不远,正在你口

里,在你心里。”(罗10:8)耶路 撒冷离伯利恒很近,却无人探问。 有心寻求,无论多远,也是天涯 如近邻。博士的专注寻访基督,震 撼整个城,使希律王也不安。我们 是否有爱上帝的行动,摇撼身边的 人? l 完全奉献

C 是基督(Christ)而不是圣诞 卡(Card) H 是盼望(Hope)而不是假 期(Holiday) R 是喜乐(Rejoice)而不是娱乐 (Recreation)

是有备而来,打开宝盒,将 黄金、乳香、没药为礼物贡献给基 督。是敬拜的焦点,是准备一切, 努力工作的重要因素和目的。虽然 耶稣出生在卑微的家庭,他们并不 怀疑和失望,奉送珍贵礼物。不凭 家世身份认耶稣。

I 是道成肉身(Incarnation)而 不是怀孕(Impregnate)

不祈求任何报赏,献后就满足 地离开。星象家献上黄金、乳香和 没药的时候,也许不知道所献礼物 的意义。他们必定是受了圣灵的感 动而献上礼物。他们献上的,表征 孩童耶稣有神圣的性情;祂的生命 是复活的生命,满了乳香的馨香; 祂的生命也满了死的馨香(马太福 音第7章)。

M 是反省(Meditate)而不是 物质(Matter)

l 顺服带领 梦中得启示,就不再回到希 律王那儿。敬畏和相信真神,不怕 王的权势和威胁,也不贪恋王的赏 识,得到上帝的指引,就立刻寻另 一条路远走。



S 是救恩(Salvation)而不是圣 诞老人( Santa Claus) T 是感恩(Thanksgiving)而不 是火鸡(Turkey)











带我来到你的身旁, 替我担当痛苦, 你的出生,


使光照耀死荫之地。 医治心灵百骨。 主的真光,


A 是敬拜(Adore)而不是活动 (Activity)



S 是分享(Sharing)而不是购物 (Shopping)





结语 圣诞节的主角不是你我,而是 耶稣基督。这个节日是一个充满荣 耀和谦卑、平安与盼望的日子。 •让每一年的圣诞节都充满意义 •每一年都更认识父神 •使更多亲友听到耶稣的福音

生命的路, 有荆棘密布, 生命的路, 有试探拦阻。


• 12 • 2016


24 人物特稿

人物特稿 魏牧最好申请合法注册公司, 并在国内出版教材。又一次因 约定行程出状况,他留在等待 的城里,他就用那唯一的一 周,打听注册的事务。条件之 一的一万元按柜金让魏牧趑趄 为难;因为他完全没有支援的 机构或组织。当时一位年长约 80多岁的老友突然联络他,魏 牧询问是否又被儿女欺负了? 那姐妹说不是,是关心问候魏 牧的事工,就这样,注册公司 完成。魏牧获得准证,可以随 时视察业务。

算让他推展事工,在彷徨中,他看 见圣灵的带领,信徒个人的奉献开 始出现,也奠定了事工日后需要的 模式。 转眼,魏牧专职在家庭教育事工 度过了约15年,这当中有许多感恩 的趣事:




魏牧看重家庭教育的落实与家庭 祭坛的生活,他说家庭祭坛之火 不能熄灭。

(注:按《卫讯》编委会的安排,笔 者负责走访退休多年的年会长牧魏 义发牧师(下简称“魏牧”),了 解他对家庭教育的热诚与努力的过 程。)

转眼,魏牧已届从心之年 (随心所欲的年龄,形 容年届70岁者)。这一 路走来,他真实领受上帝许多意料 之外的恩典。当年疑惑于上帝为什 么没按照他的心意带领,今天回头 看,原来每一步都是对他的装备。 魏牧一一数算所走过的年日, 每每都是因教会的需要,展开新的 事工,对他来说,心中有些纳闷, 但在经历的过程,他都尽最大的力 量去面对、学习与执行: 决志全时间服事上帝时,深切希 望接受家庭辅导训练,因看见许多 婆媳问题对家庭的破坏。报名念神 学时,校方说必须从基本神学课程 起步。

补习班,以当年补习不普及的环 境,竟有6,70位学生进入教会,是 一件兴奋的事工。 一年后,魏牧被调到基督教教育 部,成为第一位全职的干事,一切 事工都从零开始,他成立了校长/ 教师等交流会,为了推广主日学事 工,在没有预算中,得一年轻人资 援,设计与出版推广书签。在那几 年里,建立了青年事工,会友训练 中心。

委派至英语堂会恩典堂,该堂当 年是一间离开母堂的新发展牧区, 提升领袖认识年会成了魏牧的主要 事工。 █

毕业后,于福灵堂开始服事,建立小 组事工,从开始的53组至123组。

调至大巴窑堂,开始属会事工, 培育属长;因在社区,他开始儿童

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家庭事工部 执行干事

他终于盼到可以正式接触家庭教 育的领域,获得机会出国进修。 学成归国,他被派至天道堂,当年

该堂的英语事工非常兴旺,华语与兴 化音处于缓慢的步履,魏牧积极推展 设立小组,栽培组长。为了需要, 他生产了处女作《生命亮光》。当 年市面上尚未普遍采用输入中文的 软件,他体验了艰辛的手写、打字 等冗长过程。也面对会众对孩童洗 礼质疑的课题;他的压力非常沉 重。他在美国的指导教授前来探望 与了解他的进展,最后给他的评语 是: “不像样。去专心落实论文所写 的事工吧!” 魏牧再次被派回恩典堂,恰逢 建 堂时刻,他看见一次危机变成 转机,他可以正式成立家庭培训中 心,并以英文为主,编写手册培育 信徒,专注家庭的需要。

多年后近退休前,他接受挑战, 专心独自开始落实推展家庭教育事 工的美梦。约3个月后,得悉没有预

l 因新加坡信徒对以华文教导家 庭教育的需求不大,他得到引导 与邀请,进入汉人聚居的地方发 展。

魏牧偶尔会有些迷糊,一次因 自觉居留逾期,他去申请延期居 留,结果在一次出事后,惊觉那 原有的一年居留证也因延期申请 被取消。


那次他们夫妇一齐预备出国 服 事 , 本国关卡通知他没有该 国的入境准证,将会即刻被遣送 回国。但既然已到机场,他们就 一齐按照已定行程出发。终于师 母可以入境去安排魏牧不能入境 的教学时间表。魏牧则被有关当 局请到一宾馆,待隔天有回程机 票就得回国。在用餐时,魏牧与 看守他的人员聊天,分享自己关 怀的事工。隔天,看守他的人说 有高级职员欲见他,魏牧心想大 概是凶多吉少,但坦然面对;哪 知他得到特别允许可以按原定计 划前行两天。有关 单位还为他寻找转 机机票。 得了该区的通 融 ,魏牧继续前往 原签发给他一年准 证的城市,当时他 又逾期约20天,准 证恢复后,他需先 缴付逾期费人民币 5000元。结果到他 城教导后,学员奉 献给他所支付的罚 款。 l 因教学,他陆续到

不同城市,一次在一 宾馆遇见一位从事 法律事务的人员, 在彼此分享事工 后,那位朋友提议

因教导的需要,他发现好学 的学员逐日加增,看见大家录 音又努力写笔记;一次借他们 的录音来听时,发现自己的语 音含糊不清;最后,他明白圣 灵的带领,既然在一个全面使 用中文的地区,他就有责任出 版中文的教材。


回首这些年日,原来认定家庭 事工的重要、成立小组、培育组长 等,看来与家庭教育“风马牛不相 及”,但今天,魏牧发现单一的家 庭讲座无法产生长久的效果,除非 成立延续的家庭关怀守望小组。 魏牧默默耕耘了多年,至今 编写了多份教材,略略介绍几套个 别单元(见图表)。聊起家庭教育

的重要,教会一向都有提供婚前辅 导予预备结婚的男女,但据官方的 调查,社会人士与教会信徒的离婚 数据不相上下;魏牧的分析那是因 为教会的辅导内容多数着重各种技 能的教导:如彼此了解、沟通、关 系,但少有谈及信徒的属灵生命、 上帝赐予的角色责任与上帝的关系 对婚姻与家庭的影响。因此,魏牧 把这重要的一环都收录在他编写的 课程内,除非认识上帝,否则,任 何技能的学习都不能建立幸福婚姻 与家庭。 魏牧看重家庭教育的落实与家 庭祭坛的生活,他说“家庭祭坛之 火不能熄灭”,以他现今的岁数, 他仍然肩负撰写更多的《家庭祭 坛-灵粮分享指引》,我询问他需 要写多少册? “到孩子29岁。”魏牧确定回 答。 “为什么?” “那些未婚的子女都需要与父 母一起有家庭祭坛的时间,到29岁 为限。”魏牧独有的看见,不知那 些未婚的男女是否也认同? 魏牧还有许多精彩的立业故事 与前瞻计划,这些都是魏牧一生走 来的经验之见:“从纳闷中看见属 灵的亮光”。

《自我认识》 《自我认识》

《情侣必修》 《情侣必修》

对象 对象

每个人 每个人

未婚男女 未婚男女

包含 包含 课题 课题

读本、组员本 读本、组员本

读本、组员本 读本、组员本

《丰盛婚姻》 《丰盛婚姻》 夫妇(因婚前未接受辅 夫妇(因婚前未接受辅 导,故有些课程与《情 导,故有些课程与《情 侣必修》相同。) 侣必修》相同。) 读本、组员本 读本、组员本


内在动力的认识 内在动力的认识

婚姻的蓝图和破裂之源 婚姻的蓝图和破裂之源

婚姻的蓝图和破裂之源 婚姻的蓝图和破裂之源


各有不同的性质 各有不同的性质

夫妻不同的气质和配搭 夫妻不同的气质和配搭

男人原有的定位和功能 男人原有的定位和功能


自我形象的困扰 自我形象的困扰

离开父母而更新的使命 离开父母而更新的使命

女人原有的定位和功能 女人原有的定位和功能


男人原有的性能 男人原有的性能

夫妻的沟通技巧与障碍 夫妻的沟通技巧与障碍

夫妻不同的气质与配搭 夫妻不同的气质与配搭


女人原有的性能 女人原有的性能

在危机和冲突里体验爱 在危机和冲突里体验爱

夫妻相爱和质量的增长 夫妻相爱和质量的增长


认识正确的信仰 认识正确的信仰

避免婚外情的成圣生活 避免婚外情的成圣生活

避免婚外情的成圣生活 避免婚外情的成圣生活


与神立约的生活 与神立约的生活

作个生活资源的好管家 作个生活资源的好管家

请耶稣把福分带到你家 请耶稣把福分带到你家


婚礼的焦点乃在于婚约 婚礼的焦点乃在于婚约

《亲子教育》 《亲子教育》 父母 父母 读本、组员本 读本、组员本 家庭的结构和情绪互 家庭的结构和情绪互 动的程序 动的程序 塑造基督徒人格和内 塑造基督徒人格和内 在的功力 在的功力 促使逐步成长的家庭 促使逐步成长的家庭 生命历程 生命历程 修正不健康的儿女成 修正不健康的儿女成 长的环境 长的环境 按孩子的气质作个称 按孩子的气质作个称 职的师傅 职的师傅 扮演辅助孩子转折点 扮演辅助孩子转折点 的辅导师 的辅导师 开展及持守阖家侍奉 开展及持守阖家侍奉 神的祭坛 神的祭坛

• 12 • 2016


26 信徒分享


《点燃创意火种》 带来的内心震荡 ——记 2016东马文学阅读营 李幼吟

■ 莫非老师

上帝的带领, 让我今年7月 8日到10日有机会与卫讯 编辑慧莹姐妹结伴远赴东 马砂拉越,参加了由当地卫理公会 华人年议会文字事业部在诗巫卫理 神学院主办的三天两夜文学阅读营点燃创意火种的阅读之旅。讲员是 来自美国洛杉矶的作家莫非老师。 由于时间短促,来去匆匆,回 来后脑海中所浮现的尽是一幕幕零 碎的片段:营会中每日在课堂里的 文学欣赏与导读活动中,莫非老师 娓娓动听的讲解与生动的描述,都 那么地引人入胜;尤其是当她条理 分明地举例,分析了一些中外古今 作家的杰出文学作品时,更令我在 全神贯注地欣赏与学习之间,竟浑 然忘我地被引入那个浩瀚无边,璀 璨无比而且充满惊叹的文学创作领 域里!这些笔触细腻精湛,内容丰 富,境界超凡的文学精品,让人在 细心品尝与玩味之余,更深刻地从 中体会出:一篇好的文学作品,其 所迸发出来的感染力是何等地无法 抵挡,它是那么丝丝入扣地牵动着 你的心弦,波涛汹涌的震撼着你的 情感!在委婉柔和的字里行间,总 是那么不经意地发放着一股无限的 感染力!让人更深入地领悟到,世 间许多无法用语言来表达的各种心 思与复杂情绪,看来只能借着文字 的功力,才能真正释放出它那无法 抵挡的韵味与震撼力! 因此,如果能够掌握好这门驾 驭文字的运用功力,而后把这块瑰 丽华彩的文学笔触,融入基督教文 字事奉的道路上,当会发出何等的 果效! 至于要如何培养或掌握好驾 驭文字的写作功力,除了天赋的恩 赐之外,最重要的还要养成广泛 阅读的好习惯。圣经原本就是一本 12 • 2016 •

直落亚逸堂 最好的基督教文学作品,因它里面 所记载的就是上帝的启示,而基督 徒本身就是最好的阅读者。但重要 的是,若要借着文字的功力来传达 上帝的话语,我们就要以信仰的眼 光来阅读,虔诚的祷告祈求,虚心 恳切地与父神交通,明白上帝的话 语,同时靠着圣灵的引导,而后才 能正确无误地传达其所要带出的信 息和真理,才能将心灵里所感受到 的用新的文字呈现出来。 当中莫非老师就地取材,以 创世记3:1-6所记载有关“亚当夏 娃干犯圣怒的后果”作为例子。经 文提到上帝曾吩咐祂所造的人说: “园中各样树上的果子,你可以随 意吃,只是分别善恶树上的果子, 你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定 死!”但园中最狡猾的蛇,竟跑来 对缺乏思考力的夏娃说;“你们不 一定死,因为上帝知道,你们吃的 日子眼睛就明亮了,你们便如上帝 知道善恶。” 夏娃听了蛇的游说之后,便开 始对那棵分别善恶的树蠢蠢欲动, 起了想吃的念头,接着她还游说亚 当一起“分享”!糊涂的亚当也懵 懵懂懂地听从了她的话,做了上帝 吩咐他不可做的事!干犯了圣怒, 被赶出乐园! 这件事提醒我们,该如何以 正确的角度去理解上帝的话语,如 果内心里并未认真思考上帝的话 语,就无法以坚定的立场来顺从祂 的旨意。就如亚当夏娃那样,对上 帝的吩咐唯唯诺诺,表面上看似听 懂了,事实上在心灵里并未真正认 真思考和遵行。当遇到外界来的诱 惑时,便会轻易动摇,把持不住, 甚至扭曲上帝原本的意思。上帝 明明如此说:“你吃的日子‘必定 死!’”但那迷惑人的蛇却把上帝

的话改成“不一定死。” “一定”和“不一定”,只 有一字之差,就足以令人犯下滔天 大罪!语言的影响力,果真非同小 可;既可立邦,亦可丧邦!岂可不 慎! 故基督徒本身,要常在灵里自 我操练,不断地用属灵的生命来丰 富己身;而后,才能将自己的生命 再投影于他人的生命中,用“生命 与爱”来栽种“爱与生命”。同时 在广泛阅读的领域里,尤其是在阅 读其他圣经以外的文学著作时,更 要以正确的价值观和尺度来吸收与 小心筛选,才不至于受影响或被误 导! 所谓“文以载道”,在这次 短短数天的“阅读营”里,领受了 很多。但震撼之余,心灵里却涌出 千头万绪的思虑;因回头认真看一 眼自身所处之地,文字事奉这块园 地,映入眼帘的,竟是一片萎靡不 振的疲态! 看来,我们尚有一段颇长的道 路有待持续努力耕耘与扎根。衷心 期待原本就具有这方面恩赐的本土 作家,无论老、中、青,继续努力 加把劲,献出您们的恩赐和才华, 重新磨锐你们的“纸枪笔弹”,以 炫目耀眼的文学魅力和震撼能量, 带出圣经里的信息和真理;让这片 即将枯萎的“文字荒漠”(华文), 重新长出绿草,绽放鲜花!甚至能 突破疆界,超越时空,成为传扬福 音的另一支管道;把基督“道成肉 身”的救赎恩典,借着文字的震撼 力,传给各地区有需要的角落,造 就信徒与拯救迷羊! 之!


■ 与两个 孩子合

■ 为彼此洗脚


福音传家 村民得福 ——三月泰国清佬短宣分享

理公会大巴窑堂于3月16 日至20日主办泰国清佬 短宣。随队教牧为黄幼莲 牧师及队长蔡联兴。蔡弟兄曾在泰 国当过六年的宣教士,现为队长兼 翻译员,同时也是我们的泰语诗歌 老师。此短宣共有10位弟兄姐妹同 行。感谢上帝当我们的主帅,让我 们成为灯塔引领人归向基督。因着 圣灵的同在,我们都以谦卑的心彼 此服事,使得短宣顺利完成! 此次我们主要去两个地方服 事:在惠塞村的宣恩之家(查才传 道负责)和浓乔村的旭日孤儿院 (李正富传道负责)。这两个地方 都是为照顾一些来自破碎家庭的孩 子而设的。宣恩之家也是一个布道 点,大巴窑堂积极协助他们建立教 会。坐落于宣恩之家旁的心聆退修 宿舍是我们六天的落脚处,那是由 蔡联兴队长为常去短宣和退修的 弟兄姐妹所建设的。设备完善,感 恩。 17日及18日早晨,短宣队个别 到宣恩之家孤儿院及旭日孤儿院进 行探访及带领聚会。当中有见证分 享及唱泰语诗歌,孩子们都享受在 其中。此聚会主题为《耶稣为门徒



洗脚》,由露丝姐妹教导,蔡队长 翻译泰语。露丝姐妹教导我们要谦 卑,彼此相爱,还为彼此洗脚呢! 看得那些孩子又惊又喜,都咧嘴笑 了起来!

长还是需要作翻译。赐恩弟兄找了 两个比较大的孩子来合演坏人,孩 子们看得不亦乐乎。过后一起在园 中享受上帝美好的创造,还到园中 的咖啡室喝饮料。

之后,我们探访惠塞村与大谷 地。在这两个不同的村庄,蔡队长 带我们一家一户的去探访,并邀请 村民们来参加布道会。两个村庄的 房屋多数是用大竹和桎竹加上一些 茅草建造而成。我在小时候有听父 亲说过,但不明白茅草如何可以建 造房子。如今,百闻不如一见!

旭日孤儿院有部分孩童是由大 巴窑堂认养及赞助的,靠上帝的恩 典,从去年11月开始增建女生宿舍 和厨房。这一切是由一些爱主的弟 兄姐妹奉献及社会爱心人士乐捐, 然而目前经费仍有欠缺!不过我们 相信上帝必供应。

由于村庄地处山区,早晚温 差大,村民都以种蒜为生。村民家 中没什么家具,有些连地上都没铺 洋灰,睡床及衣架都是用竹子做成 的。满屋子都放满了蒜头。 19日早上,我们带着旭日孤儿 院的孩子们到葡萄园参观及户外教 学。那是一个种了很多不同的花草 及以葡萄为主的一个美丽花园,我 也买了两盆草莓送给李传道。我们 在那里找了一个好地方,李传道带 领孩子们唱华语诗歌,我们和孩子 们玩破冰游戏,之后短宣队呈献短 剧《客西马尼园中的祷告》。不过 有些孩子不太会听华语,所以蔡队

19日傍晚短宣队回到宣恩之 家举办布道会,大家分工合作,各 尽其职准备饭菜、礼物、布置场地 等。由于当天天气闷热,我们在 露天烹煮真的有些消受不了!然 而,当我们看到来宾们开心享用食 物时,之前的苦又算得了什么!因 着上帝的同在,使得布道会顺利完 成。 求主的灵充满我们,成为合神 心意,为主作见证的人;祷告的火 把,也求主燃点并延续!愿上帝使 用我们来撒种,遵从主道,领受圣 灵赐给我们各种不同的恩赐,一同 完成使命!

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消息/ News 29

28 信徒分享

多姿多彩的福音宴席 ——乡音圣歌谣交流会

月27日周末,我有幸参 加一个别开生面的多姿多 彩的福音宴席。那是由 四宗华文教会属下乐龄学院举办的 《乡音圣歌谣交流会》,地点在卫 理公会感恩堂。 前任乐龄学院院长李宗高牧师 致开幕词说:“一般人对圣歌的印 象只出现在西方音乐里。其实在我 们华夏的许多圣歌集里如闽语、粤 语、琼语及潮语等方言圣诗,都有 许多属灵的创作诗歌。” 早期西方传教士带来福音也 带来西方音乐、圣诗、灵歌、圣歌 谣皆有;经过各地的圣工或神职人

■ 可爱的小朋友们也和大人一


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员翻译成各自乡音,作为敬拜与颂 赞的媒介。乡音是当地人民最熟悉 和亲切的语言,用来表达个人在生 命中蒙恩得救并见证神迹,是最直 接与最真诚的;因此,乡音圣歌谣 被公认为最能触动人心弦的管道。 所谓乡音不改,乡愁乃在;因为它 能唤醒人的记忆和感情。据说,歌 是音乐,谣是诗词也即是大家最熟 悉的民谣。所谓民谣是代表当地民 情风俗文化特征,故有入乡随俗之 说。所以新加坡的西方宣教士早 就洞悉这道理,特意到厦门学福建 话,为的是要向直落亚逸的居民传 教(教会历史都有详细记载)。 乐龄学院在新加坡文化节举办 《乡音圣歌谣交流会》 有其特殊意义:除了与 华族同胞分享各地方以 不同的音乐语言谱成的 乡音圣歌谣,述说上帝的 大爱与恩典;还可借此机 会互相观摩学习,取长补 短,以求上进。想当时, 圣殿里不也充满和谐气 氛,大家喜乐融融。能以 乡音沟通的,热情奔放; 乡音不相同的,可用共同 的华文华语沟通,无伤 大雅。院长邱仁发牧师说



得好,不是每个人都懂得每一种方 言;但是信徒们在经历了耶稣基督 的救恩,都能用自己最熟悉的乡音 述说上帝大能,与周围的亲戚朋友 或是陌生人分享上帝的救恩,荣耀 主圣名。虽说新加坡社会在转变, 但人还是存着相当浓厚的乡情,听 到乡音格外亲切。我相信当天在场 的人士,必然体验到这话绝非虚 言。 交流会中,除了乐龄学院乐歌 团契以华语演唱三首圣歌谣:《我 要向山举目》,《主爱深沉歌》与 《我要一生赞美主》。还有学院的 舞蹈团契以《称颂你圣名》厦语歌 曲为舞蹈配乐;舞步翩翩,载歌载 舞,歌颂上帝。此外,其他参加的 堂会有感恩堂颂韵福音的粤语圣歌 谣;圣恩堂的海南诗歌组的琼语圣 歌谣;圣希达堂的潮曲歌团的潮语 圣歌谣,以及直落亚逸堂颂赞小组 厦语圣歌谣。 院方为了创新,制造高潮, 特地邀请来自泉州南音专家庄丽娟 与丽芬姐妹前来弹唱,让大家大开 眼界,也为她们的技艺与唱腔所感 动,真有绕梁三日之慨。最终,在 陈约翰牧师的祝福之后,大家才平 安离开圣堂。

“Celebrate Christmas in Singapore” is bringing the meaning and joy of Christmas this year to Orchard Road on the 17-23 December. In addition to stage performances by local and foreign Christian choirs and performing groups along Orchard Road in front of ION and Wisma, CCIS is also organising My Christmas Wish to bring the joy of Christmas to young children from less privileged homes. Additionally, CCIS be holding a dedication service on 14 December at Prayer Halls, B1 New Sanctuary, St. Andrew’s Cathedral and an Evangelistic Concert at Nexus Auditorium #0507/08 Cuppage Plaza on 24 December. Visit CCIS Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ Christmas.Sg for more details.”

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Hymns & Songs

Hymns & Songs



The Herald Angels Sing Mary Y.T.Gan

MSM Founding Principal (Retired)

The United Methodist Hymnal Number 240 Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788; alt. by George Whitefield and others Music: Felix Mendelssohn; arr. by William H. Cummings

1. Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King, peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!" Joyful, all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies; with th' angelic host proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King!" 2. Christ, by highest heaven adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord; late in time behold him come, offspring of a virgin's womb.

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Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail th' incarnate Deity, pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King!" 3. Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. Mild he lays his glory by, born that we no more may die, born to raise us from the earth, born to give us second birth. Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new born King!" Source:http:www.hymnsite.com/lyrics/

ecember has come! It is that time of the year again for us to prepare for Christmas – the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the midst of our busyness to buy gifts, send greeting cards, bake and cook for parties, and attend to many other Christmasrelated activities, let us pause to reflect on the meaning of Christmas through this timeless Christmas carol, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”

The Text Have you ever paid close attention to the text when singing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing?” Are you aware of its rich theological content? The carol begins with the angels’ proclamation of the birth of the new born King. The central theme of the first stanza is the reconciliation of God and people – “God and sinners reconciled”. This is an important but often neglected message for Christmas! With this message, all nations are exhorted to joyfully rise and join the angelic hosts in announcing the birth of Christ and giving Him all the glory. The second stanza highlights the incarnation of Christ – born of the Virgin Mary, the Deity (Divine) Christ became flesh and dwell amongst us. Jesus means Emmanuel – God with us! What a comforting message in a world where there is so much turmoil and pain and God often seems so far away! The third stanza assures us of the redemption that the Christ child brings – “born that we no more may die, born to raise us from the earth, born to give us second birth.” The “heaven born Prince of Peace” brings us light, life and healing that the world badly needs today. Let us rejoice and give all glory to the new born King!

The Author* The hymn writer is none other than Charles Wesley (1707-1788), the brother of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement. Born at Epworth Rectory on December 18, 1707, Charles Wesley was the youngest son and 18th child of Samuel and Susanna Wesley. He studied at Oxford and was one of the first band of “Oxford Methodists”. In 1735 he went with his brother John to Georgia as missionaries. After a short stay he returned to England in 1736. On May 21, 1738 he had a “conversion” experience which his brother John experienced three days later at Aldersgate. Both the Wesley brothers were under the influence of Count Zinzendorf and the Moravians who were known for their fervent hymn singing. A prolific hymn-writer, Charles Wesley has written no less than 6,500 hymns! He expressed himself best in hymns. He has written hymns to convey his feelings, thoughts, Christian doctrine/theology and to commemorate events like his own conversion, festivals of the Church, deaths of friends and every conceivable occasion or experience in Christian living! More than fifty of his hymns (not including poems and responses) are found in the current United Methodist Hymnal (first published in 1989), including “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” (UMH 57), “Ye Servants of God” (UMH 181), “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” (UMH 196), “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (UMH 302, “And Can It Be That I Should Gain” (UMH 363), “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” (UMH 384), “Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown” (UMH 386) and “A Charge to Keep I Have” (UMH 413). It has been said that anyone who wants to understand the Wesleyan theology

needs to study the hymns of Charles and John Wesley. I would like to add that anyone who calls himself/herself a “Methodist” should be familiar with and sing some of the Wesleyan hymns! Let us treasure the rich Wesleyan heritage we have inherited.

The Tune The rousing tune (MENDELSSOHN) is from the second chorus of Felix Mendelssohn's Festgesang (Op.68) for male voices and brass. It was first performed in 1840 at the Gutenberg Festival in Leipzig. More than 100 years after the text was written (1739), William H. Cummings (1831- 1915) adapted the tune to Wesley's text in 1856. Since the matching of this tune to Wesley’s text in the Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861), the hymn became very popular.

Conclusion As we approach the Christmas season, let us sing more Christmas carols appropriate for the season in our worship services instead of repeating the usual praise songs that could be sung throughout the year. Let us fill our churches and homes with carols that covey the meaning of Christmas and honors the Christ-child instead of the many commercialized and secular songs such as “Jingle Bells”, “Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer”, and “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas”! Together with the angelic hosts, let us sing “Glory to the new born King!” Wishing you a Christ-centred and joyful Christmas! (*http://www.hymnary.org/person/Wesley_ Charles, accessed Sept 24, 2016)

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Conference Focus

Church Focus

Who am


Angela Tan

Ang Mo Kio CMC

Petrina Kong

Queenstown CMC



ineyard Methodist School” (VMS), a school established and supported by Methodist Missions Society (MMS) was brought to our attention by our very own church missionary: Sister Tan Chiew Hia, who has been serving in the school for one and half years. Through her and Angie frequent meeting and praying, it was decided that a mission trip to the school in Chiang Mai, Thailand, shall take place; and an English Camp organised for the students in VMS so as to cultivate and strengthen their understanding of the English language. The team leader is brother Kong Kum Cheong. Participants of this mission trip were involved with various reasons and expectations but one thing in common was the heart to spread God’s love to the children in Chiang Mai. All members were required to develop lesson plans for the respective student level that we were in charge of. Dedicated efforts were invested to devise the lesson schemes so as to infuse biblical elements with languagebased activities to help improve the students’ English. Upon arrival at Chiang Mai, we were awestruck by the beauty of the school. The school was constructed with wellfurnished classrooms, well-equipped

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facilities and fun spaces, embellished with many handicraft work that were hung on ceilings and pasted on the walls. It was truly an eye-opening sight that also drew us to thank God for his abundant blessings lavished upon the school through hands that supported monetarily via church offerings and those that assisted in physically building this school. Soon, the planned activities began to roll out one by one, beginning with teaching the kindergarten children and later, our respective primary student level. It was a challenging time for us mainly because of the language barrier, coupled with the children’s minimal understanding of English and the lack of experience in coaching children of these ages. As a result, we had to amend our lesson framework and tailor it to better meet the children’s educational needs. We are uncertain of how much the students really processed, but we rest confident in God to continue to nurture and groom these children. One of the most memorable times spent in VMS is the mini carnival organised for the children to introduce Singapore’s culture to them. There were eight stations and each station was our home-owned country game. The atmosphere was boisterous as the children immersed themselves in the

games and were pleasantly thrilled. It was a picture of pure joy and delight. Overall, we are very thankful for the opportunity to minister to these children, and for the warm hosting of the school staff. Moreover, our mission team visited two homes: Jia En Home, and Term Fun Home. The former was established to host children who are homeless or whose parents are working outside of Chiang Mai. These children are sponsored by a Christian village nearby and are taught the Chinese language by older former students. The latter was an unusual home which housed ten boys (not biological) raised by one couple in addition to their two biological boys; what a feat! The couple’s spirit of selflessness and commitment to God’s work in reaching out to precious souls evokes awe at God’s power and serves as an inspiring example that we can emulate.


—reflections on CAC LMS retreat

A Mission Trip to Chiang Mai "

was important reminder of how God delights in us as His children, not just as labourers, and the importance of seeing each other in the body of Christ as a family.


ho am I?" was the theme for this year's September CAC Lay Ministry Staff Retreat. Attended by 48 LMS from various CAC Methodist Churches, it was akin to a big family reunion as we see both familiar and new faces for this year's retreat. Preaching from Psalms 125, our President Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung exhorted us to recall our starting point in ministry and that we are sinners saved by God's grace, to always seek the face of God, be humble and dependent on Him always. What bonded the community is not just because we belong to the Methodist church, but our heart for God and His church. One can sense the genuine

care and support for fellow lay ministry workers as we share about the ministry we are involved, our family, and more during fellowship time. May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon each and everyone of us and establish the work of our hands for us. Below are participants:




Ling Jiahao| Kum Yan MC The CAC LMS retreat was a great time of connecting with God and fellow ministry workers! It was relaxing, fun and relational. A wonderful time for us as workers to let our hair down and enjoy! A wonderful time of pottery was perhaps quite refreshing and therapeutic for many! The retreat

Esther Fung| Paya Lebar CMM LMS retreat was a lively and motivating event. The theme of the retreat "Who am I" and the opening message from our President, Rev Dr Chong were a timely reminder to us that serving God needs to depend on His method, keep track of His leading and not to remain at our starting point, but to always remind ourselves that we are sinners saved by His grace and recall under what circumstances we were called to serve. We certainly had a delightful time connecting and bonding with God and fellow ministry workers. The pottery programme certainly brought much significance to many of us. May our faithful God continue to lead us and grant us with strength and joy in our services unto Him.

Raymond Tan| Queenstown CMC The CAC LMS retreat was a wonderful time as we gathered together with fellow ministry staff from other CAC churches to worship the Lord together, to be encouraged through His word and to be encouraged by one another. The Olympic games were creative and we had much fun and laughter. The pottery workshop was interesting as we learned to mould simple pottery and reflected on our spiritual journey with God who is our potter and we are the clay.

In conclusion, we are glad to have taken part in this meaningful trip as servants of God to extend God’s love to the people in Chiang Mai; and the fellowship cultivated and developed through the times we spent together. We thank God for His preservation and wisdom in every work planned and effectuated!

• 12 • 2016





Don’t confuse your happiness with your child’s Like all parents, my wife and I have aspirations for our children. When they were diagnosed with autism, we immediately adjust our lifestyles, careers and poured our resources on them. Despite everything we did, E stagnated in his development. We felt hopeless. We thought that our children had to meet our preconceived expectations so that they can be happy. In truth we realized that despite their disability, they probably are the happiest children around. They have no lack, and can ignore life’s demands for they know that they will always be provided for. Our children belong to God and through them, God is teaching us precious lessons about ourselves.

Have a big-picture mindset In today’s social media age, everyone strives to post the perfect picture. Photo 1 shows our family on a recent holiday having a seemingly good time. Immediately after this, E had a huge meltdown - flooring, crying and

2 Photo

kicking. We took a while to calm him and moved him away from the crowd, who were showing disapproving looks. An important lesson I learnt is that I should not be overly concerned about what others think of us. My approval comes from God and not from man. Regardless of my past experiences or my present spiritual condition, God always sees me as his beloved child, redeemed and made righteous by the blood of Christ. Photo 2 shows E having a meltdown during an outing. We had brought him out to celebrate his birthday. During the transition, he could not finish off at the theme park and ended up flooring and crying. Shortly after we managed to bring him to a water-play place, he was happy and had a splashing good time. It was a wonderful day out. From this, I learnt that if I’d allowed my vision to be limited by my physical sight, I would’ve ended up missing the big picture of what God had planned and allowed a 20-minute meltdown to spoil the entire day. Both photographs are merely snapshots in time and do not portray the full story and its endings. In the same way, I am reminded that

setbacks, bad reports, mistakes, health scares, when things seem to spiral out of control – these are merely “snapshots” in our lives that do not define us nor our journey as parents or believers in the faith.

Let go and Let God Throughout this journey of fatherhood, God assures me that what I perceive as missed opportunities is not a waste if I let go of the need for control into His hands. The ideal picture-perfect family does not exist. If I fixate my expectations of my children on my “ideal picture”, I only set myself up for heartache. God has the perfect picture for my family and I learn that letting go of my preconceived expectations is not loss but gain. God may not always reveal the details of the journey; But He is always and only interested in our personal transformation on it. For me, the greatest fight is the fight of faith to enter His rest. My wife and I know that God’s plan gives us a hope and future, so we constantly remind ourselves to find our rest in Christ, and live life with a full revelation that God is always in control.

Lessons learnt as an Autism Dad Keith Khor

Shengkang MC

The Biblical Perspective on Election David Chung Kah Keat Kum Yan MC


y the Grace of God, I had the privilege and opportunity to serve together with a wellloved and affable pastor, Rev Chong Chin Chung at Kum Yan Methodist Church from the nineteen eighties till now. Since election is a common mode for choosing someone to fill a position, it would be timely for Christians to know the principle of Election as in Ephesians 1:4-5: “For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In Love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ in accordance to His pleasure and will.” God’s choice of those who believe in Christ is an important doctrine to the apostle Paul (Ro 8:29-33, 9:6-26, 11:5,7,28; Col 3:12; 1 Th 1:4; 2Th 2:13; Tit 1:1). Election refers to God’s Choice in Christ of a people that they should be holy and blameless in His sight. The doctrine of election involves the following truth:

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Photo 1


Election is Christ-centric, i.e., our election occurs only in union with Jesus Christ. “He chose us in Him” (Eph1:4, Jesus himself is first of all the elect of God. Concerning Jesus, God states, “Here is my servant whom I have chosen.” (Mt 12:18; cf Isa 42:16; 1 Pe 2:4) Christ as the elect is the foundation of our election. Only in union with Christ do we become members of the elect (Eph 1:4, 6-7, 9-10, 12-13). No one is elected apart from union with Christ through faith.


Election is "in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace." (Eph 1:7) God purposed before creation (Eph 1:4) to form a people through Christ’s redemptive death on the cross. Thus election is grounded in Christ’s sacrificial death to save us from our sins.” (Ac 20:28; Ro 3:2426)


Election in Christ is primarily corporate, i.e. of a people. The elect are called “the body of Christ, my church” (Mt 16:18) “a people belonging to God” (1Pe 2:9) and the “Bride of Christ” (Rev 19:7). Therefore

election is corporate and embraces individual persons only as they identify and associate themselves with the body of Christ, the true Church (Mt 16:18).


The election to salvation and holiness of the body of Christ is always certain. But the certainty of election for individuals remains conditional on their living faith in Jesus Christ and perseverance in union with Him. Paul states this clearly: Christ will present you holy in his sight, without blemish…if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel (Col 1:22-23) .


Election to salvation in Christ is offered to all (Jn 3:16-17; 1Ti 2:4-6; Tit 2:11; Heb 2:9) and realized for particular persons contingent on their repentance and faith as they accept God’s gift of salvation in Christ (Eph 2:8, 3:17; Ro 1:16, 4:16). At the point of faith, the believer is incorporated into Christ’s elect body (the church) by the Holy Spirit (1 Co 12:13), thereby becoming one of the elect. Thus God and humans have a decision in election (Ro 8:29).

• 12 • 2016


新加坡卫理公会华人年议会 Chinese Annual Conference

The Methodist Church in Singapore



The 41st Session of the CAC, the Methodist Church in Singapore

A Year of Conferencing & Elections


his year, being the election year of the Methodist Church in Singapore, a new Bishop, new Presidents of the Annual Conferences, new chairs of Boards and Agencies have been elected.

The GC Secretary conveyed a request from MWS to the Annual Conferences to support the Chaplaincy programme financially. This is because funds raised for MWS work cannot be used for this purpose.

General Conference Highlights

The General Conference held its 11th Session at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church from 12 – 16 September and elected Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung to be the 6th Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore. Highlights of the Conference are as follows: █

General Conference (GC) resolved to consult the Annual Conferences for their views on the appointment of a committee to review the organizational effectiveness and efficiency of the Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). This committee will deliberate where appropriate to consider and suggest proposals for the restructuring of MCS.

█ Both Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup and Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, in their respective roles, reported that National Council of Churches (NCCS) had made a representation to the Ministry of Law regarding leases of land for public worship. NCCS had earlier formed a Task Force chaired by Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup to study the matter. █

The Methodist Church of Singapore and NCCS, has expressed its apprehension of the Remote Gambling Act to the Government. The Bishop encourages local churches to compile statistics or anecdotes on gamblers seeking help for the Government’s reference.


Discipline Revision Commission: A member of the Methodist Church from another country residing for an extended period in Singapore may be enrolled as an affiliate member. A member in good standing of another denomination from another country may be enrolled as an associated member. Both are not eligible to serve as a member of the Local Church Executive Committee.

Highlights from other Annual Conferences Emmanuel Annual Conference (10 – 12 November) elected a new President – Rev James Nagulan to be its next President. Meanwhile, during its Annual Conference held on 21-24 November, Rev Gordon Wong Cheong Weng, the current President of Trinity Annual Conference was re-elected to lead the Conference for another 4 years.

Highlights of Chinese Annual Conference The 41st Session of the CAC, at Queenstown Methodist Church from 13 – 17 November, has come to a close after more than 40 reports were accepted. █

Rev Dr Goh Nai Lat has been elected as CAC President

For a list of all the new Conference Officers, Chairs and Ex-Officios of CAC Boards, please refer to page 11.






编委 设计

梁志诚 郁君璋 杨姿英 陈新坚牧师 李幼吟

Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee Rev Chan Kok Chuon



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Ordination, Appointment, Retirement

Missionary Preacher Cassandra Lee Boon Eng, was ordained as a Diaconal Minister. Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng, Rev Irman Halim and Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun were ordained as Elders. Preacher Patrick Chen Guek Fah and Preacher Simon Cheo Hsun were ordained as Deacons. Rev David Liew Chuan Jih who will retire by the end of 2016, thanked his wife for her full support through all his active serving years. Retirement to him is like re-threading a tyre - he will continue to seek God’s guidance for future ministry and services. For the full list of pastor appointments, please refer to page 14-15. █

Appreciation to Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup and Out-going President Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung

On behalf of CAC, Dr Chong Chin Chung presented a token of appreciation and thanks to Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup for his faithfulness in serving MCS and ministering to CAC churches in the past years. CAC President-elect Rev Dr Goh Nai Lat presented Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung a gift as appreciation and thanks for his leadership and pastoral care for the past 2 quadrennia.


Rev Dr Goh Nai Lat was elected the next CAC President after 3 rounds of voting by 93 ministerial and lay delegates.


The CAC Board of Family Life (BoFL)

is finally launched after two years of intensive preparation. The vision of BoFL is to promote biblical perspective of the family, assist local churches in setting up family life ministry and consolidating family life resources and expertise for sharing among local churches.

Every Annual Conference is a time for proclaiming the love of the Lord, counting His grace and sharing one’s burden, plans and thanksgiving. Let us remember Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup’s exhortation to “fix our eyes on Jesus, press forward, fight the good fight and to finish the race”.

新加坡卫理公会华人年议会 70 Barker Road #05-04, Methodist Centre, Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4811 Fax: 6478 4816

E cac@methodist.org.sg W www.cac-singapore.org.sg F www.facebook.com/cac.singapore


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