卫讯 CAC NEWS | 8 • 2014

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家,一个需要 用 经营的祝福 会 长 的 话



上帝创造的万物中,最具有家庭 组织的要算是人类。家庭的组织 使人类与其他的受造物有着完全 不一样的结局。如果不是有家庭的组织,我 们甚至可以质疑人类是不是有能力管理大 地,成为万物之灵? 上帝赋予人管理大地的使命,首先祂要 赐给人类生养众多的条件(创1:27-28a)。 那个条件就是“人要离开父母,与妻子连合, 二人成为一体。”(创2:24)这就是婚姻和 家庭的设立,也是上帝给予人择偶繁殖的法 则。人类社会可以繁衍下去是因为人遵循这 个法则。无论是从遗传学或病理学来看人类 繁殖的演进,已经与其它动物在择偶和生育 的方式大不相同。可以说人类的文明以及继 续进步,还是基于这个创造主制定的定律。 最近我们传统的家庭观念被挑战。表面 看起来我们的社会里有些人为自由、为人权 抗争,堂而皇之。尤其适逢国家图书馆把三 本直接与间接鼓吹非传统家庭价值观的儿童 书下架,一些人就以此争取知识不分界限, 阅读自由权为名,实质是趁机发表具有颠覆 性的反传统言论。作为一个家长和国民,我 不禁为我们的社会感到担忧: 首先,我们的儿童是我们的未来,他 们肩负建设国家各个领域的领导团队,保卫 我们持守的健康社会信约和理念。因此,在 他们成长的过程,他们应该在一个有责任的 社会环境里被保护和栽培,就像每一个父母 养育孩子成长一样,在他们不同的阶段给予 不同的照料。当孩子们免疫力不足,身心未 臻成熟的时候,父母必须按部就班给予孩子 们的需要,确保他们不会受不必要的病害, 以致影响他们未来成长的健康。因此,像近 日不断挑战父母儿女为家庭的组成核心的说 法,坚持父母可以不必由一男一女组成,也 不必划分父母夫妻的天职。这种价值观所带 来的负面涟漪效应,实在令人担忧。因此身 为家长,我们应该防御和排斥有心机渗入我


们传统家庭价值观,企图潜移默化影响我们 孩童的任何方法。 其次,我们的社会安全网需要防卫。二 十年前,政府在拟定我们的国家意识时,就 清楚提出以家庭为根,社会为本这一原则, 这是承认家庭的重要性,家庭是社会的细 胞,是组成健全社会的要素。今天我们在急 速发展的新加坡社会,已经有不少跟不上社 会经济和文化演进的家庭;而社会慈善机构 组织为此投入沉重的人力与财力资源。如果 我们的社会没有一个具有稳固而正确的家庭 观,父母角色混淆,男女角色紊乱,这必定 加深社会问题并且削弱我们社会凝聚力。 作为一个牧者,我必须呼吁我们的教会 要重新检讨信仰培育的内容。对于我们信徒 在养育儿女,父母的角色,以及我们教会的 儿童事工,教会有给予多少的看重?毕竟, 我们来教会不过是一星期几个小时,若是单 单依赖教会提供培训和教导,在教会研读圣 经、学习真理,那是不足以去面对这繁杂的 社会,何况我们大部分的时间浸泡在这社会 的大染缸里。我谨请各位教牧同工、信徒领 袖认真关切圣经的家庭婚姻传统价值观,以 免为时太晚,后悔莫及。 总言之,圣经给予家庭的定义是:父 (男)、母(女)、儿女 (或子或女)。如果 因为发生事故,使后来家庭的成员组合改 变,那是另当别论。■

国泰 民安

Happy Birthday,






Chinese Annual Conference The Methodist Church in Singapore

■02 邦国兴盛之道 ■03 接待,门徒的标志 ■04 非一般物语 云中天 ■05 喜乐受教 寻找海阔天空的领域 ■06 曲终幕落往拓新疆界 ■07 i 世代的英雄联盟 ■08 塑造、建立、装备 ■10 原来有这么多美好 的回忆! ■12 上帝的信实传与万代 ■13 从向建国一代致敬 谈向建堂一代致敬 ■14 专题 打开生命的 另一扇窗口 ■16 与上帝修和, 与人修睦 ■17 上帝的椅子 ■18 年会◆堂会消息




者在箴言14:34说: “公义使邦国高举。” 《现代中文译本》把它直 译为:“公义能叫邦国兴盛。” 什么是公义?以希伯来文书 写的箴言解释为坚持达到标准的要 求。请谨记这标准是建立在旧约圣 经上帝与祂百姓立约的关系里。 尔 德 曼 圣 经 词 典 ( T h e Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible) 指出:“公义这个词在圣经中与现 代惯用的用法存着差异,不同之处 在于其绝对的标准,它显示了某些 人、行为或事情符合或满足了既有 关系中的要求。公义也是受托守护 立约群体的君王和士师的责任。” 在上帝给摩西的律法中清楚 阐明建立这种关系的要求。达不 到标准的可视为罪,即是(箴言 14:34b所言)“罪恶是百姓的羞 辱。”箴言中所提及的公义,是仿 效人与人关系中的行为道德准则, 即便是非信徒也能做到的。 使徒保罗在罗马书2:14-15解 释如何可以达到这标准:“没有律 法的外族人若顺着天性做合乎律法 的事,他们虽然没有律法,自己就

邦 兴盛 国 之道 黄文合会督

一国何以兴盛?乃在于 其国民发乎内心而行之 于外的公义,此公义之 心是来自公义的上帝所 拨正的。

是自己的律法。这表明律法的要求 刻在了他们心里,他们的良心也可 以证明,因为他们的思想有时指控 他们,有时为他们辩护。” 因此,公义的这种观念适用 于今日世俗的社会,不论我们相信 上帝与否,我们皆可以“公义”之 道与人相连。虽然什么是“公义” 可随着不同的文化而改变,但某些 理想在人际关系里是我们都会坚持 的。

其中列为最高的理想之一是一 视同仁。每个人都是独一无二的, 须彼此尊重。倘若我们相信每个人 都是按照上帝的形象造的,那么, 我们在与他人建立关系上的要求, 相对就会提高,这无视于对方是基 督徒与否、其形象不论遭受到如何 的践踏或黯然失色。为使他们的形 象在耶稣里全然修复,我们会寻求 与这类人保持关系。 一国兴盛与否,并非在于它拥 有物质或经济资源的富裕。如果最 后只让那一小撮人利用这些资源谋 取自己的好处,而让千万人因为无 法取得这些资源而受苦,这些资源 又有什么用处呢?当一国以国民为 其社群谋求益处来作为衡量公义的 准绳,这国才算是兴盛的。 可是,历史上却有许多堕落的 国家的例子,它们以崇高的盼望立 国,甚至圣经也描述了许多该是在 上帝管治下的王国,却落得凄惨失 败的下场。 最后,公义必定出于纯粹无私 和兼爱的心,是人类智慧难以企及 的;惟有圣经应许在基督里新造的 人才有可能实现(林后5:17)。 一国何以兴盛?乃在于其国 民发乎内心而行之于外的公义,此 公义之心是来自公义的上帝所拨正 的。■

• 08/2014

接待, 门徒的

标志 张振忠牧师


接待要不求奖赏回报。如果我们真心真意 做接待的服事,要当作就是做在主的身上, 那么我们就能持之以恒。

待是一种恩慈的行动。保 罗在罗马书12:13说: “圣徒缺乏要帮补;客 要一味地款待。”款待,就像我们 说的待客之道;到什么地步呢?保 罗用的字是要“付代价的待客”! 因此,接待需要慷慨、需要舍去、 需要牺牲,那真是不容易啊! 可是,作耶稣的门徒就是要按 主的心意,操练一般人不容易做到 的事。


希伯来书13:2给了我们一个 惊喜的鼓励:“不可忘记用爱心接 待客旅,因为曾有接待客旅的,不 知不觉就接待了天使。”

当然,这种看似文化习俗的 待客之道会被居心不良的人滥用,


马太福音25章耶稣对门徒说 当祂得荣耀的日子到来时,要把万 民都聚集在祂面前,祂要奖赏曾经 做在最小的一个弟兄身上的人, 因为那就是等于做在祂身上。耶 稣说:“因为我饿了,你们给我 吃,我渴了你们给我喝,我作客旅 你们留住我。”原来接待陌生人或 客旅,或甚至任何一个我们认识的 人,我们的待客之道也是作主门徒 的标志啊!

古代社会里,人一出了家门, 出了城门,就难以在夜晚前抵家, 多数都要露宿在外。古代客栈旅店 也不普遍,常常要敲门借宿他人家 居,短则一晚,长则三天或一周。 当然,留宿别人家,不会白吃白 住,要不就是缴付一些费用,要不 就是替主人家砍柴挑水或做些什么 家里琐事杂工。因此,古时常有稀 客和陌生人等候主人接待他们;至 于他们能逗留多久,主人慷慨好客 与否,就是决定性因素了。


留宿做客变成赖着不走。有趣的是 在第二世纪初一个重要的教会文献 《十二使徒遗训》第十二章,这样 指导信徒如何待客之道,以免被人 践踏爱心: “凡是奉主名而来的人,你 们要接待;当你们考验了他之后, 你们必将知道他,因为他们必有分 辨真假的知力。若是来的人是个旅 客,你们当尽量帮助他,但他只应 停留你们处不多过两天,或者必要 时,三天也可。倘若他想住在你们 当中,而有一技之长,他应自食其 力。他若不会手艺,你们就按照你 们的了解,为他准备,不要任一人 为了他是一个基督徒之故而闲住在 你们中间。但若他不愿意这样做, 他是在出卖基督了,你们要防备这 等人。” 最后,接待要不求奖赏回报。 记得,如果我们真心真意做接待的 服事,要当作就是做在主的身上, 那么我们就能持之以恒。耶稣鼓励 我们说,“到义人复活的时候,你 要得着报答。”(路加14:14) 毕竟人是善忘的,不一定会记得别 人曾经善待自己,若我们仅仅依赖 被我们接待的人奖赏回报才愿意继 续接待,那么我们必感到失望。因 此,如果你在客人走后,意外收到 他的感激和激赏的回报,那是你额 外的祝福。 相反的,如果你在别人家作 客,被人接待,你要记得回报感 激!■

like 了吗?

新加坡卫理公会华人年议会 Chinese Annual Conference

The Methodist Church in Singapore

08/2014 •




中 天



看看窗外的云吧,那是上帝的画作! 如果你为了“看云”而走到户外, 你就更自由,更体会上帝的作为了。

天我在东欧克罗地亚,蓝 天白云,高楼少,天显 得特别阔,那云或卷曲 或厚重或淡抹,在蓝天下就是上帝 的笔墨。约伯说谁能明白云彩如何 铺张?(伯36:29) 又说:“云彩如何 浮于空中,那知识全备者奇妙的作 为,你知道吗?”(伯37:16) 于是, 我想在有生之年,不要放弃看云的 机会,要追求看云的日子,因为云 彩在上帝的国里有其神圣的任务。

一、耶和华在云中立约 耶和华说:“我把虹放在云 彩中,这就可作我与地立约的记号 了。我使云彩盖地的时候,必有虹 现在云彩中。”(创9:13-14)我们 常说上帝以“虹”向人类立约,其 实不只人类,也向一切地上有血肉 的活物立约,包括动物,所立的约 是:“水就再不泛滥、毁坏一切有 血肉的物了。”(创9:15)然而, 海啸海难在这世纪频频发生,我们 是否呼唤:“上帝啊!不要掩面不 顾我们!”你说我们寻找什么形象 什么意象去明白上帝你的旨意呢? 我们一生难得看见彩虹,但是天天 看到窗外的云彩,求上帝让我们再 见到彩虹,使水不再泛滥这地。

• 08/2014



约伯记36:27-28指出:“他 吸取水点,这水点从云雾中就变 成雨。云彩将雨落下,沛然降与世 人。”这是很科学的解释,说明雨 是由云雾变成,由云彩落下的,云 使雨落下而福泽人类。以往人类务 农,看天过日子,看云知晴雨,生 活的作息是迎接朝霞送走晚霞,何 等美好!如今我们在电讯电脑的生 活模式里,难得望天看云,看看窗 外的云吧,那是上帝的画作!如果 你为了“看云”而走到户外,你就 更自由,更体会上帝的作为了。

以色列人出埃及在旷野就是 过着看云彩的日子,“日间,耶和 华的云彩是在帐幕以上;夜间,云 中有火,在以色列全家的眼前。在 他们所行的路上都是这样。”(出 40:38)想到如果我们置身在当时, 那么日子如何?想深一层,人生也 不过是走走停停,只不过以色列人 在旷野,而我们的脚步在室内,我 们从组屋到学校,从学校到公司, 从车厢到地铁,我们过的是没有天 没有云的日子。我们是否也该走出 室外,注意那千变万化的云,问 “此时我们是否停步?”或“ 此时 我们应该起步!”

三、上帝藉云彩显现 圣经好多处说上帝的显现都 藉着云彩。在西奈旷野立法柜的帐 幕时,上帝显现,“立起帐幕的那 日,有云彩遮盖帐幕,就是法柜的 帐幕;从晚上到早晨,云彩在其 上,形状如火。”(民9:15)先知那 鸿也指“他乘旋风和暴风而来,云 彩为他脚下的尘土。”(鸿1:3)耶 稣受洗,忽然有一朵光明的云彩遮 盖他们,且有声音从云彩里出来宣 告说:“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦 的,你们要听他。”(太17:5)

五、主耶稣驾云降临 主耶稣升天是“有一朵云彩 把他接去”,(徒1:9)圣经又预言 主耶稣驾云降临:“那时,人子的 兆头要显在天上,地上的万族都要 哀哭。他们要看见人子有能力、有 大荣耀,驾着天上的云降临。” (太24:30) 启示录也说:“看哪,他 驾云降临!众目要看见他,……” (启1:7)有一天主耶稣会从云中出 现,我相信不是寓意,是真的看 见,因此告诉自己,要天天看云, 体会风云色变,因为主耶稣要在云 中显现!■



海阔天空 的领域 杨姿英


读经 箴言23:17-18 你 心 中 不 要 嫉 妒 罪 人 , 只 要 终日敬畏耶和华;因为至终必有善 报,你的指望也不致断绝。 诗37:1(大卫的诗) 不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不 要向那行不义的生出嫉妒。 箴14:30 心中安静是肉体的生命;嫉妒 是骨中的朽烂。

个人自省 曾听过伊索的寓言: “有个人饲养着山羊和驴子。 主人总是给驴子喂充足的饲料,嫉 妒心很重的山羊便对驴子说,你一 会儿要推磨,一会儿又要驮沉重的 货物,十分辛苦,不如装病,摔倒 在地上,便可以得到休息。驴子听 从了山羊的劝告,摔得遍体鳞伤。 主人请来医生,为它治疗。医生说 要将山羊的心肺熬汤作药给它喝, 才可以治好。于是,主人马上杀掉 山羊为驴子治病。” 大家都知道,嫉妒是人性的 弱点之一,它是一种复杂的心理, 它包括焦虑、恐惧、悲哀、猜疑、 羞耻、自咎、消沉、憎恶、敌意、 怨恨、报复等不愉快的情绪。箴14 章30节也清楚指出,“心中安静, 是肉体的生命;嫉妒是骨中的朽 烂。”我们常见身体某部位的肌肉 受损了,可以从他处借一些肌肉来 填补,使它再生;但骨质疏松就不

易再生,朽烂的物质无法还原。这 严肃的比喻为的是提醒人们嫉妒是 可怕的人性,一旦任其出现,受损 的是拥有这人性的本人。 箴 言 的 作 者 在 2 3 章 这 段 经 文 中,劝导孩子不要嫉妒罪人,表面 看,听训的不是坏人,但如果他内 心生出嫉妒的情绪,至终必将沦为 罪人,甚至因嫉妒罪人,自己成为 另一类型的罪人。 生命历程中亲历被嫉妒者追杀 的大卫,并没有因为无辜受害而奋 力还击,他反而劝勉他人:“不要 为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行 不义的生出嫉妒。” 生 命 旅 程 中 , 每 当 进 入 或 陷 入阴暗的路程,确实需要靠主恩 典,转一个弯,寻找海阔天空的领 域;“凡事不可结党,不可贪图虚 浮的荣耀;只要存心谦卑,各人看 别人比自己强。各人不要单顾自己 的事,也要顾别人的事。你们当以 基督耶稣的心为心。”(腓立比书 2:3-5) 新约中也有经文提到身体各部 位之间因嫉妒而产生的争战: “眼不能对手说,我用不着 你;头也不能对脚说,我用不着 你。不但如此,身上肢体人以为软 弱的,更是不可少的。身上肢体, 我们看为不体面的,越发给它加上 体面;不俊美的,越发得着俊美。 我们俊美的肢体,自然用不着装 饰;但上帝配搭这身子,把加倍的

体面给那有缺欠的肢体,免得身上 分门别类,总要肢体彼此相顾。若 一个肢体受苦,所有的肢体就一同 受苦;若一个肢体得荣耀,所有的 肢体就一同快乐。你们就是基督的 身子,并且各自作肢体。”(哥林多 前书12:1-27) 一生的过程,人们都害怕 “指望断绝的灾难”,让我们同领 作者的亮光“终日敬畏耶和华”; 这份终日步步惊心,不敢违背但甘 心敬畏耶和华的心,将“善举必有 善报,指望也不致断绝。”



我是否明白上帝有主权随己意 恩待祂的子民?也明白祂的 规律“多给谁,就向谁多取; 多托谁,就向谁多要。”(路加 福音12:48)?

2. 3.

我是否欣赏他人的优秀多过猜 疑或嫉妒? 如果看见身上的肢体有缺欠, 我是否乐意给他加倍的体面?

祷告 亲 爱 的 天 父 上 帝 , 我 们 都 知 道人比人是普遍负面的心态,但我 们许多时候还是喜欢观看环境,比 较自己的得失,在患得患失的情绪 中,我们失去正确、理智的判断, 最可惜的是失去敬畏袮,尊敬袮与 感恩的心。求上帝宽恕与引导,使 我们按照本份,忠心袮托付于我们 的责任。阿们。■ 08/2014 •







陈伟彬 芽笼堂

乐龄生命的容量有多大,上帝的祝福就有多大。 因此乐龄要堪用、合用、好用和耐用。 ─许亚才牧师

人年议会乐龄事工部于 2014年4月28至29日假新 山KSL度假大酒店胜地, 主办主题为“拓展新界”的领袖退 修研讨会,共有中英乐龄团契45位 领袖前往。这次研讨会,请来了华 人年议会会长张振忠牧师、天道堂 主理许亚才牧师和现任四宗华人教 会乐龄学院院长邱仁发牧师,分别 传讲有关乐龄事工信息。 致开幕词时,乐龄事工部主席 黄瑞娥姐妹说:华人年议会乐龄事 工部成立至今,在主亲手的保守, 及历任主席和部员的辛劳推动下度 过了26周年。2013年她接任主席 后,张会长提出的重要事工之一, 即拓展乐龄事工新疆界,当中又以 拓展英语乐龄事工为最要;所以主 办这次的退修研讨会,除了联系各 堂乐龄团契领袖外,也为研讨如何 拓展此事工的新疆界。 在这两日,三位讲员分别以 不同的信息来勉励出席的领袖们。 首先张会长引用约翰福音20章主复 活后,呼唤到坟墓找祂的马利亚的 名字事件,和大家分享主直喚人们 姓名的意义。当主呼唤某人的名字 时,可能就是某人的转捩点;就如 主呼喚保罗的名字后,保罗的信仰 人生整个改变过来。张会长挑战大 家说:你听到主在叫你吗?你怎样 回应?现在主还会叫你,直呼你的 名字,要你在前面拓展新疆界,你 会说:我在这里,请使用我吗?

• 08/2014

许亚才牧师则以“拓展新界” 给大家看到乐龄人士可以老有所学 和老有所用:(一)我们可以被主 用:以赛亚书54:2-3的亮光,乃是 指:1拓展新界,我们的生命可以 有更大的影响力,乐龄的历练就是 儿孙生命的祝福。2跨越极限,尤其 是跨越现有的生活、工作和事奉。3 牢靠跟主,扎根在圣经、圣灵并委 身在教会和社区中。(二)我们可 以有异象:我们原是上帝的工作, 在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们 行善,就是上帝所预备叫我们行的 (弗2:10)。我们可以在社区中透过主 给的异象和使命,并配合教会的愿 景来表达主耶稣基督的爱。(三) 我们可以去外展:乐龄生命的容量 有多大,上帝的祝福就有多大。 因 此乐龄要堪用(能够用)、合用( 摆对位置作对事)、好用(用了很 顺心)和耐用(用到见主面)。最 后许牧师以刻骨铭心的生活例证说 明“与居民交流、肯定的言语、精 心的时刻、赠送的礼物和服务的行 动”来鼓励大家积极参与社区外 展。 最后,邱仁发牧师引用哥林多 后书4:16,慎重劝告老年人不要丧 胆,不要自暴自弃,身体会衰弱, 但内心应一天新似一天,要积极地 思想和勤作地上上帝家的事,并先 求上帝的国和祂的义,主就会把一 切加给我们。创世记12:2上帝对

75岁高龄的亚伯兰说:“你也要叫 别人得福。”今天上帝也同样呼唤 我们这一班乐龄人士,要去祝福别 人。既然上帝把这祝福别人的使命 托付我们,我们就要去推动栽培、 教导和装备。栽培自己在家庭、教 会以及社会事奉,以身作则,成为 子孙们的榜样;教导自己如何信靠 主,及怎样去服侍别人,成为别人 的祝福;装备自已,可以受遣派到 国内外为主宣教。 此外,颂恩堂三位乐龄事工 台柱郭高英上校(退役)、張坤成 弟兄及陈景喜弟兄也特从新加坡赶 来,分享该堂葡萄园的活动和挑 战,和设立的颂恩乐龄中心概况。 目前该中心缺乏讲华语的义工,希 望乐龄人士前来协助。

曲终幕落往拓新疆界 退修研讨会的最后一项活动 是,分组去讨论如何改善各堂和年 会乐龄的事工。各组都很积极的讨 论,提出许多建设性的建议。最 后,事工部主席黄瑞娥姐妹致“谢 幕”词时,她感谢讲员向大家提出 乐龄人士应有的异象,现在东部已 设有颂恩乐龄中心,不久的将来, 西部也会成立同样的一个中心。黄 主席总结时提醒大家张会长所提的 发问:主在呼叫你的名字,你的回 应是什么?■


i世代的英雄联盟 许怀冰 芽笼堂

2014世界循道卫理宗华人教会联会 第七届青年领袖大会后记


月28日至7月2日,有幸与来 自新加坡各堂会约20位弟兄姐 妹一起到台湾参与第七届青年 领袖大会,是一次难忘的体验与经 历。这五天四夜,在台湾的金山少 年活动中心,来自香港、台湾、马 来西亚、新加坡、缅甸和澳洲的500 多位弟兄姐妹,因主的名,我们聚 集在一起。 这一届青年领袖大会的主题是 《i 世代的英雄联盟》。主题要带出 的是,在现今这个被各种先进电子 产品与网络所充斥的世代,身为年 轻的基督徒,我们该如何回应这样 的冲击,活出基督徒的生命品德, 为主脱颖而出。为符合主题重点, 大会用心良苦的为我们安排了合适 的讲题。晨更分别以几位年轻的圣 经代表人物如:约瑟、但以理、马 太与提摩太为主题。从约瑟顺服神 的计划,但以理因为敬畏神爱神而 将自己分别为圣,马太在事奉中遇 到挫折,没有就此放弃的心态;还 有提摩太对上帝的事工有着一颗无 私、受教、忠诚的心,都给了我们 很多提醒与鼓励。晚上的培灵会则 以上帝的救恩、爱心、宣教为主题 挑旺众青年信徒,给我们很多的反 思空间。

大会安排的两个特别主题也 让我印象深刻,那是人口贩卖(救 世军单位)和击败饥饿与贫穷(世 界展望会)。我想出席这次活动的 青年领袖们,都生活在环境安定的 地区,虽然都听说过或看过有关的 报导,但是我们却很少有机会去正 面的认识与了解这些问题。这些罪 行与社会问题,对于生活安逸的我 们,看似遥远,却没有意识到它们 就近在咫尺。这两个讲座,让我们 提高了对这些问题的认知;也告诉 我们,身为基督徒,我们在这些事 工上都有份,它们并不是“与我无 关”。 大会也特别设计了角色扮演 活动,让我们体验宣教生活。这活 动分为三个旅程:信心的旅程、恩 典的旅程及宣教的旅程。小组要通 过闯关方式来完成任务。闯关的挑 战则有分享得救见证、如何向未信 者传福音等等,而关主都是圣经人 物,因此组员们都必须了解圣经背 景概况以便闯关。 在第四天,我们500多个参与 者浩浩荡荡地来到金山老街,进行 实地的宣教探索活动。大会给了 我们一系列的任务,包括与陌生


‘ ’世代不止是一个 被网络充斥的世代,也 是一个自我的世代。而 我们得着救恩的信徒, 是否愿意联盟,在盟 主“耶稣基督”的带领 下,为未得救的灵魂, 倾倒我们的生命呢? 人分享四个属灵定律、在街上合唱 诗歌、帮助有需要的人、打扫卫生 等等,让我们体验主动与陌生人接 触与传福音的过程。虽然我们都是 基督徒,也许我们已信主很多年, 但是许多人对于传福音仍然十分胆 怯;可能很多人都未曾踏出去,而 大会策划的这个宣教探索活动,让 许多的年轻人踏出了第一步。 ‘i’世代不止是一个被网络充 斥的世代,也是一个自我的世代。 而我们再次的被提醒,身为已经得 着救恩的信徒,是否愿意联盟,在 盟主“耶稣基督”的带领下,为那 些还未得救的灵魂,倾倒我们的生 命呢?■ 08/2014 •







笼堂在门徒塑造方面依然 按主的带领学习。其中有 两个主要去建立与装备的 人群:(一)信徒后裔 (二)福音果实

(一)信徒后裔:可分为首程、 次程和再程栽培的三个阶段 首程:我们由全时间同工负责儿童 主日学。此事工目前共有80位儿童 (全教会弟兄姐妹的孩童都参与同 一个儿童主日学)、45位老师、 助教及庆赞服事人员。运作原则是 共策资源与双语并用。而每项主干 教导事工都附有辅助事工,以给予 必要的支助。儿童遇到学业上的需 要,将按个别情况在教会弟兄姐妹 当中寻求补习的帮手。当老师注意 到因婚姻或家庭问题导致孩童产生 行为问题,教会同工将给予婚姻辅 导或辅导儿童。这些全时间辅导同 工得到教会资助,接受过专业训练 以便帮助教会羊群。 次程:至于在籍学生(13岁-20多岁 单身学生)也由全时间同工负责训 练。通过少年主日学、青年团契及 小组来建立他们的生命。在当中, • 08/2014

信仰生命基础好,并有受教心者, 教会就会加以训练他成为小组助 理、学习组长、儿童主日学助教、 少年主日学老师、团契职员、招待 或负责音响等。受训者将被安排在 少年主日学,Wayist @ Home及 小组的敬拜时段里服事。有关辅助 事工,所有开始服事的仆人必须接 受训练和生命的督导。初受督导者 将会每四到六星期见他/她的督导师 (通常是牧师或全时间同工),接 受督导与鼓励。每主日将会有学业 习读班(Study group),主要是 给予孩子们在学业方面的督导。在 此年龄层里受训、接受生命督导的

黄春芳 芽笼堂

年轻人,若茁壮成长显出领袖素质 者,会在下一程里继续受训。至于 芽笼堂的学校事工,也为学生打开 一扇福音之门。少年主日学开始接 收福音果实,这些初信者与信徒后 代一同上主日学,一同接受训练, 一同服事。 再程:这个范围的事工包括工作人 士、已婚者、退休人士及乐龄人 士。此人群中有信徒后代及福音果 实。通过初信栽培班、洗礼班及会 友班、《门徒》、祷告会、团契及 小组来建立信徒生命。小组的进行 方式以不同年龄层来分区。由全时 间同工负责。




华语源流外地青年人 60人

周五:7:30pm – 10:00pm




周五:7:30pm – 10:00pm



周日:10:00am –11:30am




周五:7:30pm – 10:00pm




周五:7:30pm – 10:00pm

孩子年龄介于1-16岁 125人

成年及乐龄 年龄50岁以上者




周日:10:00am –11:30am 周日:9:30am – 11:00am


有关辅助事工有:生命督导 (mentoring)、圣经恋爱观(Biblical courtship)、婚前辅导、婚姻辅 导、个案辅导、不同事工团体的营 会及讲座。

(二) 福音果实 学校事工:由全时间同工负责。每 天固定开放“Drop-In-Centre”, 让学生在放学后可到此处与学校事 工干事有接触的机会。每星期有学 生团契、崇拜、休息时间查经时 段及庆赞练习。每年特定的活动 有:福音周、福音周之后的跟进栽 培、考试前的崇拜(Post-exam Chapel)。通过此事工有机会接触 学生并将福音带给他们。 小组:小组组员邀请朋友来参加小 组及小组预工活动,内容包括彼此 认识、 在非信徒/新朋友在场时同心 祷告、唱诗敬拜、分享见证或传递 福音信息。



圣诞福音聚会:以诗歌音乐布道 会、话剧、见证分享、电影等不同 的方式进行。 辅导:教会弟兄姐妹介绍非信徒朋 友、亲人、同事接受婚前辅导、婚 姻辅导及个案辅导的帮助。 营会及家庭讲座:通过信徒的邀请 参与夫妇营、儿童营、青年营及讲 座,之后邀请参加小组。

(三)感恩 在各种预工活动或聚会里, 主都赐下饥渴慕义的人群。这些人 选择了自己想参与的肢体或聚会 (如小组、团契、主日学等)后, 渐渐融入直到圣灵感动他们决志信 主,就直接进入 “再程” 的跟进栽 培、参与小组、团契、接受训练。 愿我们忠心事主,无论得时或 不得时。■


国庆感言 您像麻雀,五脏俱全。但您并不小,在白鸟争 鸣的丛林中,您的歌声独创一格,能生且活在 您的怀抱,我非常感恩。祝愿您生日快乐,我 的迦南美地─新加坡。 ─女皇镇堂梁志诚

08/2014 •





这么多 美好的


─恩约堂6月家庭营弟兄姐妹的分享 耶稣爱我,我也爱你,就是这么简单; 耶稣爱我,我也爱你,就是这么简单。

孩子们一遍又一遍、欢快地 唱着这首简单的歌曲并伴随 着动作,一会摊开双手,一会用手 指向自己和会众,一会跺跺小脚 时,我们136位来自恩约堂参加在 马来西亚马六甲举办家庭营(6月 12-15日)的所有弟兄姐妹都被这 “简单”的气氛所感染。 是的,一切就这么简单:整部

一切就这么简单 圣经,39篇旧约、27篇新约,从 上帝创造人,到带领以色列民出埃 及,过红海,应许流奶与蜜之地; 从耶稣受难于十字架,到保罗传 道,所要表达的只有一个主题就是 上帝爱世人,所要传扬的一个概念 就是爱人如己。 我们几十个家庭,有来自教会 的弟兄姐妹,也有亲戚朋友邀请来

的;有些已经信了主,有些还未信 主;有些人为了家庭营的组织活动 付出了艰辛的努力,有些人可能是 抱着度假散心的目的……但当每个 人的嘴里都发出“耶稣爱我,我也 爱你”的声音,每个人的脸上都露 出“就是这么简单”的喜悦,我们 好像看到了圣灵的降临、神迹的显 现。 圣灵无处不在,等待着我们的 感动;神迹无处不有,等待着我们 的发现。■ 陈一峰


次家庭营在筹委会及所有参 加的弟兄姐妹的“通力合 作”之下,给我们每个人留下了美 好的回忆,真切地感受到家庭营不 是一个结束,而是一个新的开始。 在这个新的开始里,我要学习的一 个功课就是学习用孩子的眼光看世 界:

次的家庭营缔造了许多的第 一次:

第一次我们有超过130名的弟 兄姐妹参与了家庭营, 第一次我们在家庭营当中加添 了主日崇拜, 第一次我们的家庭营从往年的 三天增加到了四天。 • 08/2014

因为在孩子的世界里,人与人 之间没有界限,你一点点的善意他 都感受到,很容易亲近,不设防;

一个就是一个,分给每个人都是一 个,你要求两个就会被“毫不留 情” 地拒绝。

因为在孩子的世界里,不好的 事情一下子就忘记了,转过头来又 可以不计前嫌地玩在一起;

巴不得每个人愿意有意识地回 归到孩提时代的单纯与美好,孩子 的世界如此的单纯可爱,怪不得上 帝喜悦我们像小孩子一样!■

因为在孩子的世界里,孩子 会公平地对待每个人,给你的糖果


许多的第一次 第一次我们有这麽强大的敬拜 团参与家庭营里的敬拜服侍, 总共有20名弟兄姐妹分别在 五段的敬拜时间带领我们唱诗和敬 拜上帝。而营会的主题歌“从心 合一”更是贴切地道出了陈元昌牧 师在家庭营当中所要传达的信息:

“同心合一,建立神家”。我想最 让我感动的时刻应该是当我们一起 念读陈元昌牧师为恩约堂所写的 “恩约堂誓约”吧!对于建立恩约 堂这个大家庭,我们每个人都有责 任啊!■ 汪志伟


是第一次参加家庭营。4天 营会中,我感受到主的爱、 弟兄姊妹的团结、各肢体的互相协 调,以及大家在主里的同心合一。 我在这里做见证,因为主让 我切身感受到从祂而来的恩典和慈 爱。我和我先生的信仰不同,他是 那位我去门徒班课程都会百般阻挠

很爱今年的家庭营,也很享 受这次的营会。感谢筹委会 的辛苦付出,让我们有一个非常舒 适,开心和有意义的家庭营。比如 很多的游戏都配合这次营会的主 题:合一、爱、成长,我全部都非 常喜欢。 记得刚拿到活动安排表,要 小组去编排节目,于当日晚上呈献 歌唱、话剧等活动时,我看到只有 下午两三个小时的排练时间,心想

天三夜的家庭营是美好的、 难忘的、快乐的、特别的, 当我们一起在“同心合一,建立神 家”的主题下筹划、预备、参与、 享受这次的营会时,上帝如此眷顾 我们,赐予了我们这段蒙福的旅 程。营会虽然结束了,但什么是我 们可以保留下来帮助我们建立更美 好合一上帝的家呢?

第一次参加家庭营 我的人,可是他却因着上帝派来的 天使们而渐渐改变了,竟然同意一 起来家庭营,甚至在小组呈献节目 时,他更和其他组员上台一同献上 赞美诗歌。

我很享受这次的家庭营 这怎么可能?但是在主的带领下, 我们同心合一,从准备到呈献,都 非常好。印象很深刻的是,有一组 成员围成一个圈唱“让爱天天住你 家,让爱天天住我家”的歌词时, 又搭配组员之间的互动,真的很有 感染力,让人感觉有爱住在家中是 多么幸福!当晚的表演相当精彩, 节目时而令人捧腹大笑,时而让

为家增砖加瓦 吝啬这份真诚的赞美,彼此就有更 多认可,更多信任,对这个家也有 了更多爱和归属感。

在家里需要和被需要的角色同等 重要:

虽然前面的路还很遥远,可 是我的信心更坚定了,因耶稣说: “在人这是不能的,在神凡事都 能。” 希望下次再参加家庭营,一起 感受主的恩典,在主里成长。■ 吕静

人流出感动的泪水。在欢笑和感动 中,我们都感受到每位兄弟姐妹都 是肢体,只有肢体互相配搭才能完 成上帝的工;而且是圣灵在我们心 中作工,圣灵的果子带给我们美好 的改变。 当晚,我们可以看出弟兄姐妹 都非常富有才华,每个小组在短短 的两三个小时内即能呈献出非常棒 的节目,以后教会的节期庆祝活动 就没问题了!■ 徐钢琴

一个人无法建立起一个家, 我们相信上帝家里的每个人都渴望 从这个家得到关怀、支持、被这个 家需要;同时,也都希望能为家出 一份力,为家增砖加瓦,一起把家 建造得更美好。所以关怀家人的需 要,和让家人知道我们需要他们的 帮助同等重要。■ 刘渝

以开放的心态去接纳每个人: 136人的大营会包括了英文崇 拜,华文崇拜,厦语崇拜的弟兄姐 妹,还有很多新朋友,当我们在营 会的轻松氛围中敞开心扉,拿掉平 日爱与人保持距离的心态去和身边 的朋友攀谈,也热情地去认识每个 新来的朋友时,对方也就更轻易地 接纳了我们,彼此的关系开始在友 好的状态下成长。

花时间去了解对方,不吝啬真诚 地称赞: 家庭营中无论是在研讨、筹备 节目或游戏,我们都更愿意花时间 去和大家相处,从而发现每个人身 上独特的恩赐,这些恩赐让人惊叹 上帝精心创造人的奇妙!当我们不 孩子们在家庭营中亲手建立的教会模型 08/2014 •




上帝的信息传与万代 李幼吟

─直落亚逸堂125周年纪念 四音联合家庭营特写


堂庆祝立会125周年纪念 的四音联合家庭营在6月 8至11日的柔佛州BAYU MERINA RESORT举行。 此营会特邀三一神学院讲师何 威达牧师为讲员。他三天传讲的信 息深入人心,故摘录如下与大家分 享:

信息(一)审判全地之主呼召我 为万民恳求 我们既然蒙召成为他人的祝 福,那么“为万民恳求”也是我们 的使命之一。就以今日世界各地所 发生重大事件为例;如马航失踪、 韩国沉船、越南反华以及有关的岛 屿争端和水域等问题,我们有否寄 予关心和代祷?也许我们会说;自 己国内的问题已经够多够烦了,那 还有余力去关怀与帮助其他离我们 那么遥远的“陌生人”。 然而,全能的上帝要亚伯拉罕 为全人类恳求,如此艰巨的使命, 何其沉重!是完全顺服还是完全崩 溃?但亚伯拉罕完全的信靠和义无 反顾的顺服,终于完成上帝所付托 的使命,因此上帝说:“亚伯拉罕 必要成为强大的国;地上的万国都 必因他得福。”(创18;18) 蒙召成为万人的祝福,是教会 中每个信徒的使命;我们活出的生 命要能影响他人,让他们得到最大 的福分,进入上帝的国度。在生活 中,我们除了关心家人及周遭所认 识的人外,也要关心陌生人。亚伯 拉罕生命中就遇到很多陌生人,他 不但大胆与他们交流,甚至也为他 们祷告祈求,从创世纪18:20—33 事件,他为所多玛,蛾摩拉这两个 罪恶滔天的城市祷告就可窥见一 斑。这段经文提醒我们,我们要以 更宽阔的胸怀,去关心其他与自己 毫无关系的“陌生人”!希望从今 日起,我们除了为自己的灵命祷告 之外,也要按时为世界各地所发生 • 08/2014

的大事祷告,让祷告成为我们日常 生活中一份固定的事奉。

信息(三)上帝的信实如何传与 万代?

信息(二)亚伯拉罕为将来世世 代代忍受考验

在创世记26:2-5,我们看到信 实的上帝如何将其对亚伯拉罕所起 的誓,应验在其子以撒身上,并且 还要继续传给其后嗣,代代传递。

从创15:1-16我们看到当日上 帝在异象中告诉亚伯拉罕,要大大 的赏赐他时,亚伯拉罕起初并不相 信上帝所说的,直到上帝领他到屋 外去数算天上的众星时,他才全然 信了耶和华。又当亚伯拉罕100岁生 了以撒后,上帝要他将这惟一的独 生子献上!相信每个读者读到此段 经文时,都会为亚伯拉罕感到万分 的挣扎与担心;然而,亚伯兰罕却 不发一言的完全顺服了! 他那种毫不动摇的信心与顺 服果真赢得上帝至高的赞赏;当亚 伯拉罕拿着刀要杀儿子时,天使 说;“不可在这童子身上下手。一 点不可害他!现在我知道你是敬畏 上帝的了;因为你没有将你的儿 子,就是你独生的儿子,留下不给 我。”(创22:12) 由于亚伯拉罕的信心与顺服, 上帝甚至指着自己起誓说“论福, 我必赐大福给你;论子孙,我必叫 你的子孙多起来,如同天上的星, 海边的沙。你子孙必得着仇敌的 城门,并且地上万国都必因你的后 裔得福,因为你听从了我的话。” (创22:17—18)

而今,直落亚逸堂这间历经 125周年岁月而历久不衰的古老教 会,要如何将先辈们那种秉行公 义,尽忠职守,爱神爱教会的传统 精神传承与后代,是我们身为父母 的责任;而前辈们那种对信仰的执 着,对上帝的信靠与顺服所彰显出 来的生命典范,对我们的后辈也 起着巨大的影响!故教会的兴旺与 否,是在于我们对上帝的认识是否 扎根够深,够牢靠!生命中是否也 能活出亚伯拉罕的标签!如此薪火 相传,代代延续,必能绵延不息一 直到主再来。

营会的特色 这次营会,由于是四音联合, 在进行各项活动时,都以三音甚至 四音来传译,的确煞费苦心,却也 别出心裁。让大家都能在欢乐的气 氛中,在主的爱中融汇一炉。 真是无巧不成书,今年125周 年庆典的主题《上帝的信实传与万 代》所带出的信息,正好与5年前 120周年纪念主题《蒙召成为他人的 祝福》前后呼应,成了承先启后的 最佳搭配;更彰显出上帝的大爱是 何等的广阔而完美!■


从向建国一代致敬 谈向建堂一代致敬 陈伟彬 芽笼堂

在白发的人面前,你要站起来, 要尊敬老人,要敬畏你的上帝。 ─利未记19:32

眼间,我国立国已届50 周年,全国公私机构企 业,都积极的在筹备明 年如何大事庆祝。在今年五月中召 开的新加坡第12届国会第二会期开 幕仪式上,陈庆炎总统代表政府宣 读施政方针中,除点出政府将如何 为国人打造一个更美好亮丽的家园 外,更在其中的一点强调大家在欢 庆50周年国庆之余,应向建国一代 致以敬礼。 能不忘建国一代的胼手胝足、 垦壤拓荒,起而向他们致敬,以示 感谢,实在难能可贵。而政府更会 率先在将实施的全国终身健保制 下,为年满80岁建国一代年长者终 生缴交全数保费;而65岁到79岁长 者,在他们有生之年,也将享有约 为保费半数的政府津贴。致敬的高 潮更将在今年国庆庆典中出现,在 检阅礼的五个“心跳”中,有一个 将是向建国初期流出血汗的年长一 代致敬。 2015年也正是卫理公会在新加 坡设教130周年,更巧的是这一年 也是新加坡卫理公会和华人年议会 成立的40周年。在欢庆我们一路蒙 主引领之余,也应牢记建堂一代所 付出的精力血汗。所谓建堂一代, 并非单指建筑殿堂的一群,而是指 创立和继承对教会有贡献的弟兄姐 妹。我们缅怀他们创业伊始,荜路 蓝褛,让我们今日能坐享其成。正 如张振忠会长在年会出版《往古知 今下》的序言中所说:这是前人种

树后人遮荫,他们为未来的人殷勤 耕耘栽种,使我们看见了成果而得 益。 现 在 我 们 来 到 了 4 0 周 年 这 个 阶段,我们发现各自的堂会,在建 堂一代所建的基礎上,会友人数从 零到甚至上千;堂址也从简陋的聚 会所,到今天的堂皇高楼大厦,且 多间堂址更是座落在地铁站旁。垦 荒的那一代可能有些已安息主怀, 那些继承在建堂一代的基礎上发扬 光大的一辈,他们背负十字架的劳 苦,功也都不可没。我们应如何向 他们起立致敬呢? 我们卫理公会有良好的体系, 在堂会层面,除了有乐龄团契,使 年长者能团契在一起,发挥他们之 所能,贡献他们之所有;教会每年 也都举行敬老周,以向退休教牧和 教会中的老前辈致敬,庆祝之余, 更以丰富的宴席来款待他们。只可 惜偶尔会发现参加的年轻者寥寥无 几,形成有如乐龄弟兄姐妹自己在 为自己庆祝似的。 许多堂会,创始时是以方言成 立,由於新加坡教育制度的改变, 结果年轻一代,对方言多一窍不 通,以致参加方言崇拜的人数日见 减少;惟后辈还是保留这些方言崇 拜聚会,遇有联合崇拜,所用语言 或诗歌,不但没有冷落乐龄建堂一 代,有些在报告等项目,更以创立 时的方言为先。这些义举实在值得 赞扬,在在显示对建堂一代的尊重 和致敬。

年 议 会 层 面 也 特 设 乐 龄 事 工 部,非常积极的给予机会,让教会 许多刚从事业、工作上退休下来, 学有专长,富有经验,愿意在教会 作第二度事奉的乐龄弟兄姐妹,去 完成他们心灵上的意愿。尤其是在 这人口迅速老化的社会,更需要这 么一批人的事奉。相信接下来,该 部也会为他们提供身心方面的松弛 活动。 前 些 时 候 , 曾 有 一 次 与 张 振 忠会长谈起对乐龄建堂一代的事奉 致敬事,会长曾表示他正思考将如 何从年会层面,向那些在年会事奉 多年者表示感谢和致敬,如在年会 每四年一届年会最后一年会议前开 欢迎宴时,由年会特别邀请他们参 加,以示年会并没有忘记他们,这 将是非常有意义的。 记得好多年前,年会也曾颁发 奖状给在教会执事会或年会各部事 奉多年的建堂一代,我有幸也获颁 一份事奉39年的“执事长期服务奖 状”,至今还很珍惜的保存着。要 是年会能继续举行,由教会推荐给 年会,颁赠“执事奖状”给事奉20 年以上的建堂一代,他们必会感到 无比的欣慰和荣耀。当然,相信他 们等待的还是将来见主面时所得更 荣耀的冠冕。 最 后 , 我 们 要 向 建 堂 一 代 致 以最高的敬礼,“白发是 (你们) 荣 耀的冠冕。”(箴16:31)“白发为 (你们)老人的尊荣。”(箴20:29)■

08/2014 •




打开生命的 另一扇窗口



黄礼聪医生(Dr Wong Lea Choung) 是国大医院放射肿瘤医生,拥有 10多年癌症治疗的丰富经验。著有 《生命的火炼–跨越癌关》一书,曾 被邀至不同的基督教教会如卫理公会 及其他团体分享有关面对癌症、临终 关怀等课题。

症已像洪水般泛滥,现在你时不时发现身边 的亲朋戚友当中,有人就来到了需要面对生 命临终的时刻。

癌症也像无声的头号杀手,让你猝不及防,找上 你、缠上你心爱的人、亲爱的朋友…… 面对死亡,有谁不畏?有谁不惧?既来之,身为基 督徒的我们何不好好正视它,好好整理生命,让生命的 最后一程,活得更有尊严、更有意义。

第一部分:医疗问题 问: 请你以专业医生身份,谈一 谈“临终”的定义? 答: 根据传统西方医学的看法, 从 “ 治 本 治 疗 ” 到 “治标治疗”到“治疗无效而停止治疗”三个阶段中, 最后一个阶段叫“临终”。从医疗角度来看,临终病患 的生命只剩下几个星期到几个月的时间,就是大家公认 是生命最后一段旅程,通常不超过一年。什么时候开始 关怀?世界卫生组织认为从被诊断病症开始,就要开始 关怀了。除了癌症,目前“临终关怀”也包括了艾滋病 和运动神经元病(Motor Neuron Disease),所以,我们 对临终的观念也应与时并进。 问:作为医生,你觉得当人患上绝症,快要离开世界, 你如何关怀他? 答: 这主要是看病患处于整个过程中的那一个阶段。 通常,一般病患从有症状到确定诊断的这段时间,心里 充满担忧。诊断确定是癌症时,心理的挣扎是经过五个 阶段:震惊-否认-讨价还价-忧郁-接受事实。所以身为 医生的我,了解癌症病患的这些心路历程,就在诊断阶 段,开始给予病患关怀。安慰病患,早期发现症状,病 情都可受到控制;而且不管癌症是处于第几期,都应抱 着希望。至于心灵的关怀,当我发现某病患有需要且有 空档时间时,会在看诊完其他病患之后,再回头跟这位 病患细谈,找出他的隐忧和他对自己病情的看法,鼓励 他在适当时间考虑接受其他关怀的资源:比如社工、辅

• 08/2014

导员、院牧、信徒或宗教团体等等。若知道病患是基督 徒,取得他的同意之后,我会与病患祷告,让他得到属 灵的支援,或给予他自由空间来思考属灵的需要,这就 是身为基督徒医生可以流露的爱心。 问: 其实,病患来到临终阶段,你认为最要关注的是什 么? 答: 病患的全人生命品质 (Quality of life)。其定义因人 而异,有些家属比较注重症状处理,反而忽略了情绪和 属灵的需要,其实后者的需要更为迫切。凡是可提高生 命品质的西式疗法,都可考虑接受。因为从医学的观点 来看,病患虽是晚期,生存期短,仍值得用舒缓症状疗 法来控制病情及减轻痛楚,例如舒缓性放射治疗、化疗 及手术等等,通过跟病人与家属沟通,让他们了解治疗 与不治疗的利弊,作出明智的决定,虽是晚期,仍可活 得有尊严。 问: 中止治疗、放弃治疗和加速死亡,你如何看待这三 者?你同意“加速死亡”的看法吗?这和你的信仰有无 冲突或协调处? 答: 中止治疗是由医生跟病人家属沟通后来决定的。 当医生觉得多次治疗后没有疗效,病患也没有适当的临 床试验可参与或新药物可采用时,中止治疗是个有智 慧的决定。放弃治疗是病人与家属的决定,即没有接受 医生所建议的治疗,原因包括治疗费不足、惧怕、治 疗后的副作用、对治疗的误解、选择辅助与另类医治 (Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM) 等等,很可惜一些早期癌症病人因为惧怕而延误了痊愈 的良机。若病人与家属仍然拒绝治疗就必须自己承担后 果,因为医生只能提供意见,决定权是属于病人的。至 于“加速死亡”这个观念是个误解,应该指的是“自然 死亡”,用镇定剂或其它药物来减轻痛楚和使呼吸更顺 畅,让病患更有尊严的离开人世。这是对生命的尊重, 跟信仰並无冲突。 问: 你能否举出在治疗绝症病患过程中所遇到的问题? 你面临过什么最大的挑战? 答: 有些病患听到自己得到癌症的消息时,不管是早期 或晚期,都会出现强烈拒绝接受病情的心理过程。其实 完全的接受癌症的诊断是需要时间的,所以要依靠上帝 的大能付出忍耐和爱心。也有的病患会把愤怒转移到医 护人员身上,我记得有一次在香港受训的医院病房中遇 到类似的情况,除了解释、聆听,也请经验较丰富的上 司帮忙。


真正认识到耶稣基督是主、是道 路、真理和生命,有了这得救的 把握,就拥有跨越死亡的盼望。 问: 你自己会立“预先医疗指示”吗? 答: 这是毫无疑问的。因为这就像立遗嘱,在健康时, 交代好自己的心愿,让自己的家属有个共识。

第二部分:如何面对死亡 问: 你觉得教会应该如何预备年老信徒面对死亡? 答: 我觉得不单是预备年老信徒,而是所有的信徒和 每个人。教会可通过讲台信息和团契生活提醒信徒:生 命有限,而且很脆弱(雅4:14)。最近报道的意外和 天灾就是最好的例子,我就认识一些朋友,心脏病突然 发作而离世,所以人的生命可随时消失得无影无踪。因 此我们要彼此勉励,要做智慧人,学会数算自己的日子 (诗90:10,12),趁尚有一口气息,要把上帝的爱告 诉人,也要明白每人离世的方式都不一样,有人是寿终 正寝,安详回天家,有人殉道而死,不管如何,“死有 时”(传3:1,2),我们都要安然接受人人皆有一死 的事实。 问: 年老信徒还活着时,应该怎样使自己的晚年生活过 得更丰盛? 答: 不要怕年老,要退而不休,分享上帝在你一生岁月 中所累积的生命经验,和所赐的恩赐,勇敢投入事奉, 传达上帝的爱,如参与教导、成为代祷勇士(为牧师、 他人祷告)、参与关怀事工(打电话关心或探访有需要 的人)、提早退休参与宣教(资助关怀宣教群体)等 等。 问: 你觉得年老信徒最大的心灵问题是什么?放不下的 又是什么? 答: 面对不可知的未来而产生惧怕,及对救恩没有把握 是最大的心灵问题。因为未知,所以感觉没有盼望,对 家人,既有不舍;对世界,亦有所留恋。若已经有了救 恩的确据,最放不下的还是对老伴和家人的情感。 问: 有人说圣经里的犹太国王希西家,上帝延长他15年 的寿命,他讨来的生命好像并不光彩,你同意吗?圣经 如何看待死亡和生命? 答: 上帝怜悯希西家,他再多活的15年岁月里,虽然 有过错,但他悔改了,上帝也赦免他了。栽培与管教孩 子是父母的责任,但孩子决定成为何种人是他自己的 决定,在上帝面前要为他的决定负责任,就像玛拿西 成为犹太国立国以来最坏的国王一样。在圣经歌林多前 书15:55-57告诉我们,面对死亡的毒钩,我们是有盼 望的,因我们可以藉着我们的主耶稣基督得胜。耶稣是

生命的活泉,在祂有永生,信祂的人虽然死了,也必 复活,凡活着信祂的人必永远不死(约11:25-26)。 另一方面,活着的基督徒,旧我若不死,不放下主权, 就无法经历上帝丰盛的生命。总之,属灵的“生” 与“死”是互相牵动的,就像使徒保罗在罗6:11所说 的,“……向罪算自己是死的,在基督耶稣里,向上帝 却是活的。” 问: 你身为基督徒医生,能否告诉我们你如何做生命的 反思? 答: 我想每个基督徒都可以问问自己三个问题:(一) 我从哪里来?认识到自己不过是尘土,生命是很脆弱 的。既然如此,(二)我现在要做什么?就是要为主而 活,事奉主,付出爱。最后再问:(三)我往哪里去? 真正认识到耶稣基督是主、是道路、真理和生命,有了 这得救的把握,就拥有跨越死亡的盼望。■ 采访:王慧莹 (以上内容纯属受采访者个人立场,不代表任何机构。) 08/2014 •




与上帝修和, 与人修睦 张俊杰



工人必须注重本身“生命”的不断追求与进深, 隨时逃到属灵的“旷野”,逃入基督里面,与上帝亲近, 得着从上头来的能力。明白上帝的心意,再去做工。 ─宋尚节


月6日, 这是我在卫理公会服 事以来的第一次海外退修会。

想到退修会时,第一个进入脑 海中的句子是:你们要休息,要知 道我是上帝!(诗篇46:10 )我给 它的直接解释是:上帝创造的一切 都有其规律,我们在其中,无论是 工作还是学习,都应该有张有弛, 劳逸结合,才能更有效率。此去, 定要好好放松休息一下。 Retreat,作名词的时候有 撤退、静养、避难所、隐居的意 思;Church Retreat 则常翻译为 教会退修会。可解释为:基督徒面 对俗世之价值观或事物对信仰之价 值观产生冲击、混淆,而择一宁静 平和的环境,专注身、心、灵在信 仰的建造,恢复与上帝有合宜的关 系。一如福音书中所记载,耶稣会 避开人群,独自或带着门徒去亲近 上帝。 宋尚节更把逃城的意义和退修 联系在一起,他曾提出:工人必须 退修。工人必须注重本身“生命” 的不断追求与进深,隨时逃到属灵 的“旷野”,逃入基督里面,与上 帝亲近,得着从上头来的能力,明 白上帝的心意,再去做工。上帝的 工人若一味地忙于工作,不退修, 势必灵里枯竭,失去方向,忘记了 为何而战、为谁而战;虽然做了许 多工作,不过是凭己意、血气、随 • 08/2014

从世俗,建造的却是“巴別塔”, 至终要被上帝拆毀。所以,当藉着 灵修、亲近上帝,帮助自己在服事 以及日常生活的工作上重新聚焦。 因此,退修的目的不只是休息,休 息只是一个过程,其更重要的意义 和目的,乃是透过与上帝的亲密相 交,重新得力再出发。

这次出国退修的好处有许多: 首先是更容易放下负担,彻 底退下来感受心情,静修并亲近上 帝。同时,身在异地,只有这一群 同工是自己认识的人,陌生的环境 里总要谨慎小心,此时惟有上帝是 我们的倚靠和保护,凡事呼求主的 同在成了心里最自然而然的反应。 其次是直接拉近大家的关系。 平日工作,很少有机会和年会同工 见面,借着这次退修会逐个的认识 了一番,介绍的时候说的最响的一 句话就是:哈哈,原来某某人是 你! 终于见到庐山真面目了。 真是 欢笑不断,我很幸运的和一位同是 来自中国的同工住在一个房间,平 日大家就认识,也都有献身事主的 心志,现在住在一起更是有许多的 分享和话题。 向长者学习的好机会。三天的 时间里,我就有机会近距离向数位 长者请益,他们在信仰、生活和服 事方面都给予我许多的指导。晚上

回房灵修时加以反思,算来真是收 获颇丰。

退修会的亮点: 除游戏和聚餐是退修会中最喜 乐,放松的环节外;通过大家的个 人分享,不仅是听到了许多同工的 秘密,甚至是牧师们的个人经历, 生命中的感动和生活中的挑战,因 着这份的了解,使大家更熟络,对 于服事上的合作更是一种动力。

回顾 : 退修的重点不在饮食,而在团 契;不在游戏,而在合一;听道的 重点也不单是加增知识,而是进深 与反思我们与上帝与人的关系。如 经上所说:不要效法这个世界,只 要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何 为上帝的善良、纯全、可喜悦的旨 意。 三天两夜的行程紧凑而充实, 其中欢笑不断,我们和教牧同工一 起在游戏中忘记了年龄,在笑声中 放下了身段,在比赛中只有团队的 荣辱与共,互相切磋砥砺,在总结 中共同成长。 退修退修,实在是让我们完全 退下来,与上帝修和,与人修睦。 通过退修,当我们经历了关系 的重整,必定会以不同的心态投入 明天的事工。■


位老先生的女儿请求牧师 来为她的父亲祷告。牧师 到达时,他发现这位老先 生躺在床上,头搁在两个枕头上, 床边摆了一张空椅子。牧师以为老 先生事先知道要来探望他的事。 “我猜想您在期待我的到 来。”牧师说道。 “没有啊!你是谁?” “我是您教会新来的助理牧 师。”牧师回答道。 “当我看到这张空椅子,我以 为您知道我会来探望您。” “哦呀!椅子!”躺在床上无 法起身的老人说道:“麻烦你把门 关上。”

上椅 帝 的子 陆可铎

牧师虽感到疑惑,仍顺着老人 所说的把门关上。 “我从来没有告诉过任何人 有关这件事,甚至我的女儿。”老 人说道:“我这一生从来不知道怎 样祷告。在教会我一直听到牧师讲 祷告的事,但我从不明白祷告是怎 么一回事;于是,我决心放弃做祷 告。”老人继续地说:“一直到大 约4年前,有一天我最好的朋友对我 说:‘阿乔,祷告其实是一件很简 单的事,就是和耶稣说话。在这里 我向你建议:你坐在一张椅子上, 然后把一张空椅子摆在你面前,用 信心看见耶稣坐在椅子上。这不是 吓唬人,因为耶稣已经应许说:我 将常常与你同在。然后你就跟耶稣 谈话,并聆听祂说话,就像你现在

在听我说话一样。’所以,我尝试 了,我太喜欢了,我每天用几个小 时和祂说话。虽然如此,我还是很 小心。如果我的女儿看到我跟一张 空椅子说话,她不是精神崩溃,就 是把我送到精神病院。” 牧师深深被老人的故事所感 动,并鼓励他继续走人生的旅程; 之后和他一起祷告,就回去教会 了。 两个晚上过后,这老人的女儿 打电话给牧师,告知他父亲已在当 日下午去世。 “他看起来安详离世吗?”牧 师问道:“是的,大约2点我要离开 家的时候,他把我叫到床边,跟我 讲了他其中一个老掉牙的笑话。然 后在我面颊上亲吻了一下。一个小 时后当我从外面的店铺回来,我发 现他已经死了。但是,有一件很奇 怪的事,实际上应该说比奇怪更怪 异的事,就是在爸爸去世之前,很 显然的,他弯下身子,头伏在床边 的椅子上,安详地歇息着。”■

深度的信仰能打破 “死亡恐惧”的迷思。

08/2014 •



消息/ News

8月23日 | 星期六 8月2日 | 星期六

NEW Saturday worship SERVICE Date : Begins 2nd August 2014 Time : 4.30pm Location : The Sanctuary @ John Wesley Centre Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Enquiries : 67601998 church@bpmc.org.sg

8月30日 | 星期六

8月7日 | 星期四






• 08/2014

4,11,18,25 Koon Seng Road

消息/ News

8月7日 | 星期四

8月12-15日 | 星期二-五

Donations of $30 and $50 will entitle you to one ticket while stock last.

8月30日 | 星期六 8月14日 | 星期四 Date :

Thursday,14 August 2014

Time :


Venue :

St. Andrew’s Cathedral Cathedral New Sanctuary 11 St. Andrew’s Road Singapore 178959

Arise, O LORD !

(Psalm 9:19)

Speaker : Revd. Dr. Wee Boon Hup President of the National Council of Churches of Singapore

Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore

Righteousness Exalts a Nation

08/2014 •



Hymns and Songs

Meekness & Majesty Mary Y. T. Gan

MSM Consultant/Retired Founding Principal

Songs Meekness and majesty Manhood and Deity In perfect harmony The Man who is God Lord of eternity Dwells in humanity Kneels in humility And washes our feet Chorus O what a mystery Meekness and majesty Bow down and worship For this is your God This is your God Father's pure radiance Perfect in innocence Yet learns obedience To death on a cross Suffering to give us life Conquering through sacrifice And as they crucify Prays: 'Father forgive.' Wisdom unsearchable God the invisible Love indestructible In frailty appears Lord of infinity Stooping so tenderly Lifts our humanity To the heights of His throne by Graham Kendrick (1986)

• 08/2014


raham Kendrick, a prolific British Christian singer-songwriter and worship leader, has been described as a “father of modern worship music.” Born on 2 August 1950 at Blisworth, Northamptonshire, Kendrick is the son of a Baptist pastor. He began his songwriting career in the late sixties and is best known for writing the words and music for the songs, “Shine, Jesus, Shine” (1987) and “The Servant King”(1983). In this article, I would like to introduce his lesser known song, “Meekness and Majesty.”

Kendrick’s songs are rich in both poetic devices and doctrinal truth. Throughout the song “Meekness and Majesty,” Kendrick uses the poetic device of paradox to explain the apparent contradictions of Christ’s nature as both meek and majestic, human (“manhood”) and divine (“Deity”). The first stanza describes poignantly how the “Man who is God” and “Lord of eternity” not only humbles Himself to become human, but even to the point of washing our feet! The incarnation of Christ, where the divine (Son of God) became human, is truly a “mystery” beyond our human understanding and comprehension. The chorus that’s repeated after each stanza ends with a climatic call to bow down and worship our God. Indeed, what response can we mortals have but to respond in awe and bow down to worship such a God!

The radiant, perfect, obedient and innocent Son of God suffered and died on the cross in order to give us life. His love was incomprehensible. It was magnified when he prayed “Father forgive” while being crucified on the cross. Oh, what mystery and unfathomable love of God! The “Lord of infinity”, the” invisible” God whose “wisdom” is “unsearchable” and whose “love indestructible” appears not as a King but as a suffering servant. He stoops so low and “tenderly” in order to lift our humanity to the highest level possible in heaven. “O what a mystery, meekness and majesty! Bow down and worship for this is our God!” In summary, this song teaches in beautiful poetic form the mystery and wonder of the doctrines of Christology and Incarnation. The rhymes and simple English make the words easily remembered and accessible to both adult and children. The melody is appealing and easy to sing. The children in my children’s choir loved this song. Those not familiar with the tune can access it on the Internet by searching for “Meekness and Majesty” on YouTube.■ Endnotes 1.“About Graham Kendrick: Graham Kendrick Biography,” accessed on May 4, 2014. http:// www.grahamkendrick.co.uk/about/grahamkendrick-biography 2. “Graham Kendrick,” HYMNARY.ORG, accessed on May 4, 2014. http://www.hymnary. org/person/Kendrick_G


What can I do for you? Veron Yu Chi Ying

You may be surprised that they may just want a hug, a listening ear, or a sentence saying, “I understand”


he word “mentoring” is not uncommon in our society. One day I saw a promotion banner advertised by a tuition center about its effective “mentoring” system for students’ character building. Actually what is “mentoring” about? Is it a program or hierarchy purposely designed for young people? Elijah, a great prophet in the Old testimony was a successful mentor for his successor, Elisha. We don’t know how long they were together. However when Elisha declared to the mentor three times that, “As sure as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you”, we can tell how important this spiritual father was in this young man’s heart. No doubt, we all want to see our younger generation have a devoted hearts like Elisha. We hope they can follow our steps and pass on the faith. On the other hand, we exclaimed that there is a lack of youth workers or caring mentors for these young people. We find that is hard to communicate with our

knowledgeable youth. We try to organize more events and disciples classes for them. We hope that they can engage in church activities and say no to secular values and temptations. The great prophet, Elijah, offered to his mentee a last “service” before he was taken to heaven by the Lord. The mentor did not instruct his student what to do; instead he asked what he, the mentee, could do for him: “Tell me what can I do for you?” (2 Kings 2:9a) Do we really know what our youth want? You may be surprised that they may just want a hug, a listening ear, or a sentence saying, “I understand”. What a tough life they are facing nowadays with tuition throughout the whole week, CCA training fully occupying school holidays, internships and exchange programmes overseas! Can the church be their home to release their burdens; a place to have spiritual friends and parents to talk with, to pray for them, to cry with them and have fun with them?

Paya Lebar CMC

Feet washing between spiritual father and son. With the blessing from leaders behind.

In June, Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Mission organized a three days two nights camp for the young people. The purpose of this camp was not to tell them what they should do or should not do. Rather it was to show them how much their parents, spiritual mentors, bible teachers, church leaders and pastors care about them and treasure them. The invited adults rushed from their work to join the dinner fellowship, worship the Lord and hear the Word together with the young people. We washed feet and received blessings from the prayers of parents, lay leaders and pastors. What is youth ministry about? It is about the caring of the parents, the blessing of the church leaders, the support of the bible teachers, the humility of the mentors, the prayer of the ministry leaders, and the heart for our Father’s Kingdom! Shall we move out one step and ask “ what can I do for you? ”■

08/2014 •





God’s Call Bernard Chng Chun Yong Telok Ayer CMC

Having tasted how good God is when He calls, I want to journey with Him in the years ahead in full confidence that He will complete the work He has begun in my family and me.


was raised in a Christian family and going to church on Sundays was a memorable family affair. As a child, Christian songs, fun games and the nonthreatening Bible lessons were enjoyable to me while the occasional food and celebrations made church-going attractive. Despite all this exposure to church, I only turned to God when I was 15, during a Sunday School camp. God spoke through the camp speaker and I recognized my personal need for Jesus as Lord and Saviour. It dawned on me how sinful I was and how far I had fallen from God’s standard. God impressed on me the truth that regular attendance in church and being born into a Christian family cannot earn my right standing before God. So I confessed my need for Jesus. After that camp, I began to take more interest in Bible study, found Sunday school sing-along sessions worshipful and started participating in MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) programs. In MYF I took small steps to serve God among His people. • 08/2014

Besides church, my family had a significant impact on my growth as a Christian. My mother, being a woman of faith, regularly exhorted me to have faith in God as if it was a given family trait. Speaking in Hokkien “信心”, her words of encouragement rang in my ears especially during trying times. My father also influenced my faith in Jesus. At the start of my career and whenever I was traveling overseas, Pa would assure me that God will take care of me and that he will be praying for me. On one occasion, I came home and saw him on his knees by his bedside praying. This scene moved me to tears. Together with my 3 older sisters who served actively in church, my parents were a blessing in preparing me to respond in faith to His call. When I was 17 years old, God used a youth camp sermon to prompt my heart to respond to His grace more wholeheartedly. Even though I was still in my first year of junior college, I felt a strong

desire to serve Him in full-time ministry. Initially I was so fired up after that camp that I went to my parents and told them I wanted to serve God. They counselled me to focus on my studies and become a better instrument for God. It felt like a letdown at that time, but on hindsight, I can trace God’s hand at work in my life, keeping me accountable in my response to His gracious call. God honored my desire to honor both Him and my parents with 4 years of university education in Engineering which stretched both my intellect and faith. He then provided my first job in a shipyard which equipped me with organizational and relational skills. My compassion for people grew as I worked with foreign manual workers. In my next job, God gave me opportunities for multi-cultural interactions and taking on heavier responsibilities. In all aspects of my life I can trace God’s guidance and leadership. My wife is the most evident God-sent gift. The timing of our courtship, our like-mindedness and her spiritual growth during her 2 years of


theological education in Singapore Bible College have increased my passion for Jesus. After 7 years of working, God led me to commit myself further for His cause. During a Youth Revival meeting titled “By Hook or By Crook” organized by my home church Telok Ayer CMC, Bishop Solomon spoke on the topic of God’s call and Christian vocation. Through Jesus’ 3 calls to Simon Peter, I was struck by God’s gracious invitations from part time to full time discipleship and then to full time service. God stirred in my heart the desire to experience greater intimacy with Him and give more of myself for His cause in His church. At the end of the message, I responded to the altar call with my wife. I went on to discern whether this call is to Christian Education, Missions or Pastoral Ministry while I served in various capacities in my home church. Thanks to opportunities provided by the church leadership, I discovered much fulfilment in preaching as part of the local preacher program and teaching in Church School. Experiencing the power of God’s Word and learning to respond in obedience have resulted in much joy. Furthermore, working with and mentoring youths has been a great privilege, allowing me to see God’s grace and goodness through the lives that He has transformed. By experiencing community and the joys of laboring together with others for God in church, I have grown in my desire to love and build up God’s people.

my seminary training. God is so gracious to provide my family with dedicated time to study His Word and experience His sanctifying work in our lives. It is a privilege to set aside work for a season to focus on deepening my relationship with God while being equipped for ministry. I hope through this training to gain greater exposure to the broader context of God’s Church and His Kingdom work especially in the area of Family Ministry. While there is still uncertainty about what the future holds, I am reminded of Abraham’s example when God called him to do His will. Abraham’s immediate and complete response to God’s call was without any record of complaint. The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you…. So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set

out from Harran. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Harran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there (Genesis 12:1-5 ). The Bible goes on to record God’s blessings on Abraham and his family, showing how trustworthy and faithful He is. Having tasted how good God is when He calls, I want to journey with Him in the years ahead in full confidence that He will complete the work He has begun in my family and me. Abraham’s faith in God remains an exemplary encouragement to all Christians today; in the vocation God has called each of us to, be it marketplace career or home ministry or church work, let us respond with obedience and trust because He has brought us into His Kingdom and given us Jesus Christ in whom we have redemption and forgiveness of sins. Amen!■

This year, we decided as a family to respond to God’s call for me by pursuing theological studies to be equipped for full-time ministry. Since then, God has led us to take small steps of faith. From seminary and scholarship applications to my resignation, we have learnt to rely on God more and experienced His timely guidance and provision for our specific needs. As I prepare for a season of adventure with God, I look forward with joy to being transformed by Him during Family of Bernard Chng 08/2014 •



Conference Focus


n 28 June, a team of 20 Singaporeans led by Rev Samuel Lee and I left Singapore for Taiwan to attend the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC) 7th Young Leaders Conference. This is the second Young Leaders Conference that I have attended. I did go with a little apprehension as my Mandarin is not really good (but improving). The first conference I attended was a total blur for me as I could not understand most of what was going on. In fact, I could not even read the program timetable and required someone to translate it for me! However, upon reaching Taiwan, I managed to immerse myself totally in a Mandarin-speaking environment. The sermons, praise and worship sessions, devotions and interactions with my group members came alive. Praise God for such a rewarding time and His graciousness towards me. I was even more thankful to see more than 500 young people come together to study God’s word, fellowship with one another, worship God with a great fervour and minister to one another with His love. Every worship session was led by the young people from different nations and each session was so charged with the presence of God.

group. It would mean that I am by myself with a group of fluent Mandarinspeaking young people. But God was

longer just knowing someone better or the occasional “Hi and bye”. Neither was friendship just an “add friend” or a “like”

gracious and my group was the only one with 2 Singaporeans in it. Bryan from Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church ended up in the same group as me!

button. What has joined us together in a short 4 days was our love for God and a growing love for one another. This was evidenced by the fact that we were willing to wait for one another, to listen to one another, to encourage one another and even at times to admonish one another. The small group time for discussion, prayer and playing games became moments of giving and receiving the love of God into our lives.

Different Lands,

But God was even more gracious than I could imagine. He brought to me a bunch of God-loving, energetic and joyful young people from Hong Kong, West Malaysia, East Malaysia, Taiwan and Myanmar. Though we were strangers coming together, the four days spent with one another forged bonds that are even still on-going till today. In this group, I discovered the scared quality of friendship. Friendship was no

One of the experiences that really touched me was when we were sent out into Lao Jie (老街) to share the gospel. We were all given a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws in Traditional Mandarin. I

The most daunting thing for me is when all the Singaporeans are split into small groups. Since there are more than 20 groups, there is no chance that any Singaporean would be in the same • 08/2014

It's small group discussion time!

Conference Focus

could see that not everyone in our group was ready to share. There were some fears but as we progressed on, everyone worked in pairs so that we could all have an opportunity to share with someone. The people in Taiwan are generally more religious tolerant. So most people will stop and listen even if they do not agree with what you say. They are also willing to accept prayers as well. I had the opportunity to share with a young boy and his friend. While he did not pray to receive Christ, I prayed for him and that he might know Jesus one day as his Saviour and Lord. While we were finishing up our ministry at Lao Jie, one of our group members, May (from West Malaysia) wanted to share with a group of men who were smoking and drinking at one corner.

She grabbed the remaining copies of the Four Spiritual Laws and walked over. All the warning bells went off in my head. I immediately got the group to quickly back her up. But it was unnecessary. Her enthusiasm to share the gospel got these grown man listening intently to her for the next fifteen minutes. I even had the opportunity to pray for them, out in the open street. On the final night revival session, the young people were challenged with a call towards full-time ministry. I saw many hands go up. I believe that these young people will be the first fruits offered to the glory of God - becoming pastors, ministry staff, and missionaries that impacting the region and the world for Christ. In my small group, we prayed for one another and shared how this

Same Family

conference had impacted us. One thing was common in our sharing - we no longer live for ourselves but for Christ. At the closing ceremony, I was tasked by Rev Chong, our President to receive the WFCMC banner. This handover was to signify that the 7th Conference had come to an end and the 8th Conference was to be hosted by us - the Singaporean youths in 2016. As I held up the banner, I felt the weight of the expectations of all the young people, their eagerness to fellowship with one another, to be blessed and be a blessing. It was at that moment God spoke to me - “Go, fear not!” My group members encouraged me and told me how much they looked forward to meeting once again in Singapore. Yes, I look forward to meeting them in Singapore and it is my prayer that God holds us as we hold firm in our faith and trust God for each day. Fellow brothers and sisters, get ready for 2016 - it will be a year of IMPACT for our young people, not only here in Singapore but in this region.■

Rev Jasper Sim

Director, Conference Youth Ministry

Interceding for one another

08/2014 •



Pastoral Sharing

Practicing Faith in Cultural Context

Hospitality Rev George Martzen UMC Missionary

Real hospitality does not require a lot of money, but rather a heart that is open and obedient to the God who has already welcomed us.


o you think Singapore is a hospitable place? Surely, 15 million tourists can’t be wrong. According to the Singapore Hotel Association, 15,466,000 international visitors came to Singapore in 2013. Singapore not only attracts tourists, but also business conventioneers and medical tourism to enjoy the local warmth. But what really is hospitality? Can we simply say that it is the generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests? Rather than being limited to hotels and restaurants, anyone can offer hospitality, depending on how gracious and kind they are. In fact, if these qualities contribute to hospitality, then the nation is improving on the hospitality front. The Singapore Kindness Movement, established a Graciousness Index, and this year Singaporeans rated 55, two points higher than last year. The Bible has much to say about hospitality. Jesus assumed the hospitality of village householders when he sent the disciples out to minister. “And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay there until you depart” (Matthew 10:11). Besides offering shelter, Christian hospitality includes fellowship and sharing in the ministry of the guests. Like those disciples, the apostle Paul depended on Christian hospitality as he traveled throughout • 08/2014

the Mediterranean region. His letters showed how he maintained a network with worthy households. He exhorted the Romans to “show hospitality” (Romans 12:13). In Hebrews 13:2 we read that we are “to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Hebrews 13:2). The Greek term philoxenia literally means, love of strangers. When three strangers visited Abraham and Sarah by the oaks of Mamre (Genesis 18), the couple expressed that love of strangers by preparing dinner before they realized that they were entertaining heavenly guests. But more than just bed and breakfast, hospitality is a quality of Christian faith and practice. Christ, the supreme stranger, comes to us seeking shelter. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelations 3:20). He is the guest who also becomes the host. When we open the door to Christ, he leads us into the welcoming presence of the Godhead. The same pattern holds for Christian

discipleship. When we encounter those in need, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned, we should welcome them as Christ. “As you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). It is often true that the one ministering is enriched spiritually just as the needy person receives care. The early church recognized hospitality as a spiritual disposition or virtue that needs to be nurtured through practice. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople, preached that if you have a “hospitable disposition” then you have all the wealth of hospitality even if you are poor. But those who have not developed this quality will find the stranger intolerable, no matter how much money they have. Have we become less tolerant of strangers as we have grown more prosperous? The reformer John Calvin, observing the growing number of inns that provide accommodations for travelers in 16th century Europe, lamented the decline of hospitality among the general populace. Of course, we can’t blame the hospitality industry if we have forgotten how to practice

Pastoral Sharing

Christian virtues. I have been in some worship services where Jesus of Nazareth would have been kicked out for not dressing properly. However, as a missionary, I am also grateful for the many Christian households that continue the practice and ministry of hospitality. So how can we practice hospitality in Singapore? The problem of time and space comes up immediately. We’re too busy, and our home is too small and crowded to host other people. But before you worry about making room in your house, consider that hospitality is first about making room in your heart. In fact, with a receptive heart, you can make room for others wherever you are. The heart that is open to people must also be open to God. Meeting God in worship is a foundational for Christian hospitality. Just as Abraham and Sarah began as hosts for the three strangers, they eventually

discovered how the Lord Almighty had become the real host, making promises and granting blessings. In worship we offer hospitality to the divine host who comes to us first as a stranger in the desert. But then the tables are turned and we learn from the hospitality of God. It is Christ who invites all who are weary and heavy laden to come to his table. Then together with other worshippers we begin to practice welcoming one another. “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). With receptive hearts, there are many opportunities for hospitality. It can begin with those we know. In fact, each stage of our lives offers opportunities for hospitality. Making new friends, starting a new job, getting married, moving into a new home, starting a family, and welcoming grandchildren are natural times to practice a welcoming heart.

We can practice hospitality by sharing stories and table fellowship with friends, family and co-workers. Storytelling used to be a common activity. But are we now more familiar with the stories of TV shows and videos than the stories of our friends and family members? Set aside time without those fictional narratives to welcome each other’s stories. If you work in an office, sharing conversation around meal time is a great way to practice hospitality. We can also develop hospitable relationships with strangers, with the help of the church and agencies such as the Methodist Welfare Services. Become a befriender at one of the nursing homes or with someone in need and see how much you can be blessed. Real hospitality does not require a lot of money, but rather a heart that is open and obedient to the God who has already welcomed us.■

SHA UPDATE, Oct – Dec 2013, p17 http://sha.org.sg/userfiles/member/SHA_Update_Oct-Dec_2013.pdf, accessed 7 July 2014. “Graciousness: Improvements seen, but can they be sustained?” Singapore Kindness Movement. http://kindness.sg/blog/2014/07/09/graciousness-improvements-seen-but-can-theybe-sustained/#.U75KxkBadXc, accessed 10 July 2014.

CHANGI METHODIST CHURCH TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH 34 Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 555940 We invite suitable candidates to join us for the following positions: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (BILINGUAL) Responsibilities: • Provide administrative support to church ministrie especially the Mandarin Service. • Assist in the co-ordination of the church activities/events • Prepares the weekly & special events bulletins for Mandarin Service • Update & maintain the membership data system for the Mandarin Service • General office duties Job Requirements: • Bilingual (English & Chinese), both Spoken & Written is a MUST • Ability to do translation work (English & Chinese) is essential • Proficient in MS Office applications (especially MS Publisher) • Good organizational skill and ability to multi-task • Proactive, possesses good interpersonal skills & a motivated team player • MUST be able to work on Saturdays & Sundays Interested applicants please email detailed resume with recent photograph, indicating current & expected salaries to:The Administrator: hr@tmc.org.sg (Only shortlisted applicants will be notified)

CHURCH ADMIN ASSISTANT Job Responsibilities: • Provide administrative support to pastors, church leaders and members • Assist with coordination of church events • Prepare worship bulletins and duty rosters • Account for and bank in offering collections • Prepare payment vouchers and cheques • Reimburse petty cash claims • Coordinate meetings • Upkeep accounting entries spreadsheet • Handle incoming and outgoing mails

Pre-requisites : • Able to converse with English and Chinese speaking church members • Proficient in MS Office especially MS Excel • Must be able to work on Sundays If interested, please email resume to: irmanhalim@gmail.com

08/2014 •



Chinese Annual Conference The Methodist Church in Singapore


08•2014 ■20 Meekness & Majesty ■21 What can I do for you? ■22 Answering God’s call ■24 Different Lands, Same Family ■26 Practicing Faith in

Cultural Context


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梁志诚 郁君璋 杨姿英 陈新坚牧师 李幼吟 Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee Rev Boey Kok Yeow Rev Chan Kok Chuon 出版

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A Blessing That Requires Careful Management


he human race, of all God’s works, has the organization of the family most established, which makes human beings differ profoundly from the rest of creation. Without it one may wonder if mankind would be able to rule the earth and all living things. God gave man authority over the earth but first the latter would need to be fruitful and increase in number: “a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Gen 2: 24) With this, God established marriage and the family as well as the code for selection of mate and procreation for mankind. Propagation of the human race and society has since been based on this code, and genetics and pathological studies have shown that homo sapiens’ ways of finding a mate and reproduction differ very much from other animals. It can be said that human civilization and its continued progress is still based on this law given by its Creator God. In recent weeks our nation’s traditional nuclear family ideal was being challenged when some segments of the public protested against NLB’s decision to dispose of three children’s titles on complaints that these were not “pro-family”. They claimed to be speaking up for freedom and rights of individuals to avail themselves of knowledge, which should have no boundaries. In effect such views undermine the traditional family ideal of our society. As a parent and a citizen of this country, I have reasons for concern. First, our children are our future. Not only are they to be leaders in our nation’s future growth and development, they are also responsible for safeguarding the established social norms and values that the population generally acknowledge to be sound and resilient. Our children need a responsible social environment that nurtures and supports their different stages of development in appropriate ways, just like what parents do to their offspring. In the early years when their children’s immune system is not mature, and their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual domains are still developing parents will make extra effort in providing age-appropriate care and protection. This is to ensure that the young will not contract serious illnesses and diseases that will impair their future development. Hence the persistent, strident and sometimes rancorous questioning in recent days of the “ideal of heterosexual, monogamous, married couples who have children in a

To Communicate

President's Message Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung

nuclear family” gives cause for concern. The emphasis that parents can be of the same sex and there is no need for differentiation in the given biological roles of husband and wife represent contradictory values that can have a negative effect on our young. We, as parents, will need to be vigilant in defending our traditional family values and protecting our children from the insidious influences of those who question these values. Next, there is a need to strengthen our national social security network. The National Ideology, which the government established in 1988, emphasizes community over self and upholds the family as the basic building block of society, besides other core shared values. It underscores the critical importance of nuclear families as essential components of society. However, in today’s rapidly advancing society some families are finding themselves at risk of being left behind because they are not able to keep pace with the economic and societal changes. Charitable and voluntary organizations have increased the manpower and resources needed to provide social support for these disadvantaged families. It is recognition of the need for our society to have a continued emphasis on the intact nuclear family ideal. Without it, social cohesion will be weakened and social problems will increase, and all this will be further aggravated if parental roles are confused and gender relationships are muddled. As a pastor I urge the church to re-evaluate the content of our discipleship and nurture teachings. How much emphasis do we accord the believers’ roles as parents in child upbringing? How much importance does the church attach to our children ministry? We have them in church for only several hours a week and if they are totally dependent on the church for discipleship and nurture, and if this is all the time they have for Bible study and learning the truth, it is grossly inadequate. They will not be sufficiently equipped to face the complex social environment in which they spend most of their time. I would like to urge all my fellow pastors, co-workers, and church leaders to be deeply concerned about upholding the traditional values of family and marriage taught in the Bible before it is too late. In brief, the Bible has given a clear definition of “family”. It comprises the father (male), mother (female), and their children, notwithstanding subsequent developments and changes within the family that may alter this structure.■

To Understand

To Witness

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