Chapter 2

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This chapter provides the details of the roles and specific duties and responsibilities of an Enumerator (EN)in the census. It also provides information on an EN’s designation, training time, working time, and how the role of the Team Supervisor (TS) relates to the tasks of an EN.


As an Enumerator (EN), you play a very vital role in ensuring the success of the 2022 CAF, particularlythecompletenessofcensuscoverageandaccuracyofdatacollected. Thequality of data that will be collected in this census will depend on how well you understand the concepts and how well you execute the interview techniques and procedures that will be discussed during this training. You will be trained to gather census information that are accurate, complete, and strictly in accordance with the instructions, concepts, and definitions laid out inthis Manual and 2022 CAF-IS Users’ Manual.

Your acceptance of the job as an EN for the 2022 CAF entails a commitment on your part to performyourjobwithutmostdiligence,sincerity,anddedication.YourworkasanENrequires tact in approaching people, attention to the smallest detail, and a sense of responsibility to keepconfidentialalltheinformationthatyouwillobtainfromindividualsandhouseholdsduring your interview. As an EN, you should always bear in mind that the data that you will gather in this censuswill be usedas basis for theformulation of plansand policies for thebenefit of the country.


AsanEN,youwillsignaContractofServicestipulatingthescopeofyourservice,theschedule anddocumentaryrequirementsfor wages,theobligations ofthePhilippineStatisticsAuthority (PSA), duration of the contract, termination clause, and other conditions. You will also be issued a 2022 CAF Identification (ID) Card(SeeIllustration 2.1). Thecontract andID cardwill attesttoyourlegitimacyasaCAFfieldworker.YouarerequiredtowearyourIDcardwhenever youareatwork.Thiswillhelpyounotonlyinsolicitingthehelpandcooperationoflocalofficials but more importantly in convincing the respondent to grant an interview.

You are always required to comply with the health and safety protocols set by the national and/or local government such as wearing of face mask while observing proper physical distancing during your fieldwork. The interview will last for about 30 minutes, on the average. Avoidgoinginsidethehouseiftheinterviewcanbeconvenientlydoneatthegateoryard/open space. Further, if the respondent refuses to be interviewed face-to-face, mention the other options available for interviewing (refer to Section 3.5.2. for the instructions on administering alternative interview methods).

Your contract as an ENwillbe effectiveofficially at the start of thetraining. As an EN, you are required to complete an eight-day training before going out on fieldwork. However, there will be an additional one-day training if you are selected as a team supervisor. You are expected to complete the tasks assigned to you within the specified enumeration period. Being designated asanENmeans thatyouwill be theone who will perform allthe fieldworkthat will be assigned to you. Allowing any unauthorized person to do thelisting and interviewing onyourbehalfisstrictlyprohibited. Innoinstance,therefore,shouldyouaskanybodyelse

to do the listing and interviewing for you. Violation of this rule is a ground for dismissal from the work or termination of your contract.

You are likewise cautioned that the following are deemed violations of the confidentiality provision in Section 26 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10625:

a. copying or reproduction of data in the 2022 CAF questionnaires,

b. allowing unauthorized persons to accompany you during your data collection, which provides other persons to have access tothe information that you are gathering, or

c. administering other forms other than the 2022 CAF questionnaires

Suchviolationsaregroundsfor dismissalorterminationof your contract and/or prosecutionin proper court. In case you fail to perform your duties as an EN, the PSA management has the right to terminate your services.

AsanEN,youarealsoexpectedtoworkharmoniouslywithyourothercensusco-workersand perform other CAF-related duties that may be assigned to you from time to time by your supervisors.


As an EN, you are required to complete the training for enumeration for the 2022 CAF. It is veryimportantthat youshouldalwaysbephysicallyandmentallypresent andpunctualduring thetrainingsothatyouwillnotmissthediscussionofanytopicand/orconcept.Tounderstand thevariousconceptsandoperationalproceduresofCAF,youshouldactivelyparticipateinthe class discussions and perform the exercises. You are also expected to actively participate in

Chapter 2 - Roles of Census Enumerator 18 2022 CAF -Enumerator’s Manual
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Illustration 2.1. 2022 CAF Enumerator’s Identification Card

the mock interview and field practice interview that may be conducted on the latter part of the training. Aside from giving you the knowledge and confidence in conducting the listing/enumeration, the training will also prepare you to handle enumeration problems that may arise during the actual field operations.


For the census operations, you are required to work from Monday to Saturday (including holidays, if necessary), until you have fully covered the area/s assigned to you. You may schedule your visit to the households when the respondents are most likely at home, that is, early inthemorning, at noon, late inthe afternoon or even in the evening, if the situation calls for it.Youmay alsovisitthe respondentduringSunday ifitisthe onlyday that therespondent is available for interview. See to it, however, that you do not antagonize the respondents by interviewing them at inconvenient hours.


During thecensus, youwill be assigned to coveran entirebarangayorjust a portionof it, that is, an Enumeration Area (EA). It is also possible that you will be assigned to more than one EA or barangay. Your specific area of assignment will be given to you by your TS during the last day of your training. As an EN, you should finish your work in the area assigned to you within the prescribed enumeration period. In case you are unable to finish your work on time duetojustifiablereasonssuchashealthproblems, accidents,andpeaceandorder problems, it is your duty to immediately inform your supervisor about such incidents so that remedial actions to complete yourwork could be done.

TheProvincialStatisticsOffice(PSO)willberesponsibleforprovidingthearea/sofassignment ofthe TSsand ENs. Thisshould bealigned with the workload analysisevaluated bythePSO, wherein the number of ENs and TSs were allocated based on the workload, mandays, and durationoftheenumeration.Asmuchaspossible,thePSOshouldseetoitthatthedistribution of work is equitable among all the ENs, taking into consideration the duration of the enumeration.

2.5.1 Guidelines in the Assignment of Area/s of Enumeration

You will be assigned to at least one (1) barangay/EA depending on the workload and the expected duration of the enumeration. Ideally, you should be assigned in the barangay/EA where you reside. If this is not possible, the distance that you need to travel from your residence to your area of assignment should be taken into consideration to minimize travel time andmaximize the time for enumeration.

2.5.2 Familiarization of Area of Assignment

Prior to enumeration, you should carry out a one-day ocular inspection of your area of assignment together with your TS/ACAS/CAS. You should pay a courtesy call to the Punong Barangay to inform them about your designation as an EN in the barangay/EA during the enumeration. During this visit, you and your TS/ACAS/CAS should make yourselves familiar with the area, by going around it to determine its actual boundaries and have an overall idea of the prominent landmarks, features, establishments, among others, in the barangay.

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As an EN, you should do your job to the best of your ability. Your primary task is to gather correct, accurate, and complete information and adhere strictly to the instructions in this 2022 CAF Enumerator’s Manual.

In general, your data collection activity involves three (3) maintasks:

1. Asking the questions correctly;

2. Recording/noting downaccurately the responses given to you; and

3. Checking each response and ensuring that they are complete, clear, reasonable, and consistent with the other responses.

Inthiscensus,therecordingof responsesfor face-to-faceinterviewswillbedonethroughthe tablet in electronic questionnaires (CAPI) or in printed questionnaires (PAPI). Some of your duties and responsibilities will differ depending on the actual method to be employed in an EA, households, or individual respondents basedon circumstances.

Specifically, your dutiesand responsibilities as an EN areas follows:

I. Pre-enumeration andTraining

a. Attends the Third Level Training on Data Collection to gain knowledge on the various census concepts, definitions, and instructions, asdiscussed in the EN’s Manual;

b. Assists the TS in coordinating with the Punong Barangay regarding the conduct of the census in the barangay; and

c. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

II. Enumeration

a. Pays courtesy calls to the City/Municipality Mayor and to Punong Barangays and conduct ocular inspection of EA boundaries;

b. Visits each building and determine if it is qualified to be listed following the criteria on the buildings that need to be listed. In each building, determine the number of housing units and in each housing unit, determine the number of households residing in it using CAF Form 1;

c. Interview personally the head of the household, his/her spouse or any adult household member and determine if there are any members of the household engaged and operating agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing activities. Assign Operator SerialNumber for allmembersidentifiedasagricultural,aquaculture, and fishing operator. If there is any member of the household identified as operator, continue the interview to record the demographic characteristics of the household members and engagement in agricultural, aquaculture, and fishing activities using CAF Form 2.

d. Interview each agricultural, aquaculture, and/or fishing operator in the household using the CAF 3, 4, and/or 5;

Chapter 2 - Roles of Census Enumerator 20 2022 CAF -Enumerator’s Manual

e. AccomplishesthestickerorCAFForm11–NoticeofListing/Enumerationandpost it onthedoororanypartof thebuilding/housing unit orInstitutional LivingQuarters (ILQ) whereit can easily be seen or noticed;

f. InformstheTSimmediatelyaboutproblemstobeencounteredinthebarangay/EA;

g. Ensures that all CAPI datafiles were sent/uploaded in the server, whenever internet/data connection is available/possible;

h. Ensures that all accomplished/collected and field edited PAPI questionnaires were encodedinthetablet; andsubmitthePAPIquestionnairestotheTSeverymeeting using CAF Form 18; and

i. Conducts reinterview/revisit if the TS/ACAS/CAS found inconsistencies to the submitted datafiles/forms.

III. Post-enumeration

a. Make sure that all accomplished PAPI questionnaires were field edited and bundled correctlybyEA,andtransmittedtoTSusingCAFForm18,andthedatafiles(forCAPI) were uploaded tothe server for checking of TS;

b. Returns all unused questionnaires/forms, ID card, manual, and other census supplies, materials, and equipment after the completion of enumeration assignment using CAF Form 18;

c. For barangays with only one EA, it is the responsibility of EN to secure the CAF Form 21withPunongBarangay'ssignatureuponcompletionofenumerationofthebarangay;

d. Submits requirements for financial claims; and

e. Performs other census-related duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Supervisors.

When performing your duties and responsibilities as an EN, adhere strictly to the instructions in the EN’s Manual, specifically when listing buildings, housing units, and households using CAF Form 1; conducting an interview; filling out CAF Forms 2 to 5; geotagging of new buildings and updating of geotagged buildings; reviewing the completed questionnaires for correctness, completeness and consistency checking; submitting or sending the accomplished questionnaires/datafiles; and submitting/returning of census forms, materials, and equipment to the TS after the enumeration of the assigned area.

NOTE: Always remember that ALL INFORMATION COLLECTED SHOULD BE KEPT STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL by not showing the accomplished questionnaires/formsanddatagatheredthroughCAPIApplicationinthetablet to persons other than your supervisors and authorized PSA personnel.


YouwillbeassignedtoworkwithyourTS. Itisessentialthatyoushouldknowandunderstand his/her dutiesandresponsibilities tomaintainaharmoniousworkingrelationshipwithhim/her.

Chapter 2 - Roles of Census Enumerator 2022 CAF -Enumerator’s Manual 21

As an EN, you arerequired to report to or get from your TS the following:

1. Area/s of assignment;

2. CAF EN Identification Card;

3. CAF forms, materials, and equipment (tablets, accessories, etc.) that you will use in your fieldwork;

4. Printed maps withbarangay/EA boundaries (if applicable);

5. Printed copy of the EARF of the city/municipality and barangay/EA.

The EnumerationAreaReferenceFile(EARF)contains thenamesandcodes of the region (two digits), province/highly urbanized city (three digits), city/municipality (two digits), barangay (three digits), EA number (six digits), and the estimated number of households; and

6. CAPI credentials (e.g., username, password, etc) (if applicable).

Discuss with your TS the best route and strategy to cover your area. You may need his/her assistance to gather information on the boundaries, travel, and terrain of the area/s assigned to you. The following will be done by your TS to ensure that you follow the proper procedures in listing, enumeration, and updating of geo-tagged buildings:

 Review and edit your accomplished/uploaded census forms;

 Accompany you to observe how you conduct a household or individual interview; and

 Conduct Spotcheck/Re-interview of some households/respondents that you have alreadyinterviewedusingtheCAFForm16(Spotcheck/Re-interviewRecord)tocheck and ensure the quality of your work.

During the weekly meetings, your TS will assess the progress of your work and recommend solutions to your census-related problems. This will also be the time when you will submit or send accomplished questionnaires, accomplishment report, and updated barangay/EA map for review by your TS.


Aside from your TS, there will be supervisors from the PSO, Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO), and Central Office (CO) who will visit your area of assignment during the conduct of the 2022 CAF and perform the following:

 Observe while you areconducting interviews inthe household;

 Visit and re-interview some of the households that you have already interviewed to check whether the interview was done properly and that the data gathered meets the standards set by theOffice;

 Review some of the PAPI questionnaires/CAPI data;

 Sign in the certification portion of the questionnaires that they have observed; and

 Discuss their comments and observations with you and offer suggestions on how you may improve your work,whenever necessary.

During their visits, you may also ask them questions on census concepts, geotagged maps, CAPI, barangay/EA boundaries, refusals, and other enumeration issues/instructions you wish to clarify.

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You will be provided with the basic 2022 CAF forms, administrative forms, supplies, and materialslistedbelow. Checkwhetherthetypeandnumberoftheseitemsallottedforyouare complete.

The checklist below enumerates the forms, supplies, and materials that you will use in your work. You will learn about how each of these forms will be used and/or accomplished in the succeeding chapters.

a) CAF Form 1 - Listing Booklet

b) CAF Form 2 - Household Questionnaire

c) CAF Form 3 - Questionnaire for Agriculture

d) CAF Form 4 - Questionnaire for Aquaculture

e) CAF Form 5 - Questionnaire for Fishing

f) CAF Form 11 - Notice of Listing/Enumeration (Sticker)

g) CAF Form 12 - Appointment Slip totheHousehold/Barangay Official

h) CAF Form 13 - Daily Accomplishment Report of Enumerator

i) CAF Form 18 - Transmittal/Receipt Form

j) CAF Form 26 - Household Referral Form

k) CAF Form 27 - Non-Household Referral Form

l) CAF Form 28 - Mapping Folio Cover

m) CAF Form 29 - List of Household for CATI and SAQ

n) SAQ Instructions

o) Barangay/Enumeration Area (EA) Map

p) Enumerator’s Manual

q) Flashcards

r) Identification Card

s) CSC Form 48 - Daily Time Record

t) Itinerary of Travel

u) Certificateof Travel Completed

v) Certificateof Appearance

w) Certification of Expenses Not Requiring Receipt (CENRR)

x) Reimbursement Expenses Receipt (RER)

y) Enumerator's bag containing the following supplies:

- notebook

- ballpen

- pencil

- sharpener

- eraser

- clipboard

- tape measure

- permanent marker

- water jug

- umbrella

- raincoat

- cap

- arm sleeves

- cloth facemask

- two (2) CAF Shirts

NOTE: You MUST RETURN the tablet with complete accessories, EN’s Manual,Flashcards,IDcard,clipboard,andallunusedformsuponcompletion of the 2022 CAF data collection period.

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