FOM Chapter 4 - Recruitment and Hiring

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The enumeration for 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries (2022 CAF) will be conducted between 04 September and 25 October 2023. The census is a nationwide undertaking that requires a multitude of personnel who shall carry out the jobs in the different phases of this project. During field enumeration, some of these shall act as Enumerators (ENs), Team Supervisors (TSs), Assistant Census Area Supervisor (ACAS), and Census Area Supervisor (CAS). Other hired personnel like Assistant Statistician, and Information Systems Analyst I (ISA-I) will serve as support for technical, administrative, and financial aspects of the census, while Accounting Clerk, and PSO Clerk will help in terms of administrative, and financial matters. Moreover, Data Processors (Data Encoder/Data Verifier), and Data Processing Supervisor will be hired to serve during data processing.

This chapter presents the census personnel to be utilized during the field enumeration and data processing phases, and the process flow for the recruitment and hiring of census personnel, qualifications, and other related concerns.


The personnel to be hired as service contractors shall be covered by a contract of service (COS). Their payments shall be based on outputs and the type of activity or assigned area. All service contractors shall not be construed as regular employees of PSA. As such, their official term with PSA ends immediately upon the completion of the CAF activities they are involved in.

The personnel to be hired and the duration of their services are as follows:

a. For Field Enumeration Personnel Duration of Service Not earlier than Not later than Census Area Supervisor Assistant Census Area Supervisor Team Supervisor Enumerator 20 July 2023 31 July 2023 14 or 23 August 2023* 14 or 23 August 2023* 31 October 2023 31 October 2023 28 October 2023 26 October 2023 Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

Note: Includes ocular visit and winding-up.

* Start date is based on the batch number for Third Level Training.

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Personnel Duration of Service Not earlier than Not later than Information Systems Analyst I (ISA-I) Assistant Statistician PSO Clerk Accounting Clerk Data Processors Data Processing Supervisor 01 July 2023 01 July 2023 01 July 2023 20 July 2023 16 October 2023 16 October 2023 29 December 2023 29 December 2023 29 December 2023 29 December 2023 15 December 2023 15 December 2023
b. For Provincial Statistical Office
c. For Regional Statistical Services Office
Duration of Service Not earlier than Not later than

The hired personnel above will not be paid for days without work such as days after the training and prior to the start of enumeration. The principle of "no work no pay" policy shall apply. All EN/TS/ACAS/CAS must secure their own accident insurance and submit a copy or proof of their policy/coverage prior to enumeration.


Documents to be submitted:

-Personal Data Sheet

Posting of Job Vacancies (RSSO/PSO)

Screen application documents (RSSO/PSO)

-Application Letter

-Transcript of Record/Diploma


Google Form

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hired for CAF Non-Household Operations)
June 2023
December 2023

Is the applican t passed ?



Evaluation of applicants (RSSO/PSO)

2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

Monitor compliance on the submission of documents (RSSO/PSO/Applicant)

Documents to be submitted:

-Duly filled-out Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (2 copies)

-2x2 ID (1 pc)

-NBI/Police/Barangay Clearance

-Medical Certificate (fit to work)

-Insurance Certificate (or similar proof)

-Oath of Data Privacy

-Affidavit of Undertaking

- BIR Registration Verified

-Tax Identification Number (TIN) Verified*

-Payroll/Savings account (LBP), if applicable

-Copy/Proof of Insurance Coverage/Policy

*To be submitted prior to Training.

Issuance of Contract (RSSO/PSO/Applicant)


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Yes Check Educational Background No
Notify the applicant via text/email
Conduct written examination and interview (RSSO/PSO) No
Notify the applicant via text/email
Yes Notify the applicant via text/email Rejected
Confirmation of job offer (RSSO/PSO/Applicant)
Use Evaluation Form Is the applica nt hired?

The RSSO/PSO can exercise discretion/best judgment on the documents to be required for submission. In addition, since there is no employee-employer relationship established between the contracting party and the PSA. Prospective applicants are required to have an insurance to cover animal bite, accidental medical reimbursement and assistance as well as accidental death benefits. All hired personnel shall execute a service contract.


To ensure that PSA can employ the most qualified applicants for the census and can perform their duties and responsibilities that will be assigned to them, the following are the minimum qualifications that they will have to comply with:

For Field Enumeration

Enumerator and Team Supervisor

a. Preferably a college graduate, or has completed at least senior high school (current curriculum) or second year college (old curriculum) in the absence of applicants who are college graduates;

b. Preferably with experience and training in census/survey undertakings of the PSA;

c. Preferably college graduate or undergraduate of Agriculture or Fishery courses;

d. Preferably knows how to use android mobile devices (tablets, smartphones);

e. With legible handwriting (preferably in printed capital letters);

f. Able to speak the local dialect;

g. Physically fit for field work (if female, must not be pregnant);

h. With good moral character;

i. With ability to deal with the public tactfully;

j. Preferably resident of the barangay/enumeration area (EA) or city/ municipality when needed;

k. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine)

l. Willing to be assigned in any barangay;

m. Willing to work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays and beyond 5:00 p.m., if necessary; and

n. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

Team Supervisor

The selection of TSs from among the ENs will be done by the trainers and the PSO at the end of the last level of training. The criteria will be based on the following:

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1. Scores in Exercises (Raw Score/Total Score*100)*50%

2. Classroom Participation

a. Always participate in classroom discussion – 15%

b. Sometimes participate in classroom discussion – 10%

c. Never participate in classroom discussion – 5%

3. Educational Qualification 15%

a. Bachelor’s degree graduate – 15%

b. 3rd to 4th year college undergraduate – 12%

c. 1st to 2nd year college undergraduate – 10%

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Total Rating

Criteria Rating

d. SHS – 10%

4. Experience

a. Statistical researcher/EN in any previous PSA population censuses –10%

b. Statistical researcher/EN in any previous PSA survey – 8%

c. With previous experience in survey of other statistical institutions/agencies – 6%

d. With previous work experience but not related to surveys/censuses –4%


5. Peer Evaluation

a. Highly recommended by co-trainers or PSA staff – 10%

b. Observed to be a good field worker during the field practice – 8%

Census Area Supervisor and Assistant Census Area Supervisor

a. Preferably college graduate of Information Technology or any IT related course or a Tech-savvy person

b. Resident of the assigned city/municipality; (willing to be assigned in other city/municipality without additional expenses)

c. Preferably with experience in census/survey undertaking;

d. Preferably with supervisory background in census, survey or similar operations;

e. Computer literate, with knowledge in word processor, spreadsheet software and encoding;

f. Preferably knows how to use android mobile devices (tablets, smartphones);

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g. With legible handwriting;

h. Physically fit (for female: if pregnant, must submit waiver);

i. With good moral character;

j. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine)

k. Willing to work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays and beyond 5:00 p.m., if necessary; and

l. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

For Office-based Personnel

Assistant Statistician

a. Must be a college graduate;

b. Preferably with basic knowledge in statistics, mathematics, agriculture or fisheries;

c. Computer literate, with knowledge in word processor, spreadsheet software and encoding;

d. Must have a good technical writing skills and coordination skills;

e. Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to handle multiple assignments, prioritize, and ensure that all deadlines are met;

f. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine)

g. Physically fit;

h. With good moral character;

i. Willing to work beyond office hours, if necessary; and

j. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

Accounting Clerk and PSO Clerk

a. Must be a college graduate;

b. Must have basic knowledge in accounting (for accounting clerk);

c. Computer literate, with knowledge in word processor, spreadsheet software and encoding;

d. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine)

e. Physically fit;

f. With good moral character;

g. Willing to work beyond office hours, if necessary; and

h. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

Data Processing Supervisor

a. Must be a college graduate with Information Technology course or any related course;

b. Computer literate, with knowledge in word processor, spreadsheet software and encoding;

c. Preferably with experience in supervising census data processing;

d. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of vaccine);

e. Physically fit;

f. With good moral character;

g. Willing to work beyond office hours, if necessary; and

h. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

Data Processor (Machine)

a. Preferably a college graduate with Information Technology course or any related course;

b. Computer literate, with knowledge in word processor, spreadsheet software and encoding;

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c. Preferably knows how to use android mobile devices (tablet, smartphone);

d. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine);

e. Physically fit;

f. With good moral character;

g. Willing to work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays and beyond 5:00 p.m., if necessary; and

h. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.

Information Systems Analyst I (ISA-I)

a. Graduate of bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or any IT-related courses;

b. Must know how to troubleshoot computer hardware and software;

c. Has experience in cloud/network and system administration and support services;

d. Preferably fully vaccinated (or received at least two doses of Covid-19 vaccine);

e. Physically fit;

f. Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to handle multiple assignments, prioritize, and ensure that all deadlines are met;

g. With good moral character;

h. Willing to work on Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays and beyond 5:00 p.m., if necessary; and

i. With no existing work contract with other offices/agencies.


All applicants for census operations are required to take a standard examination. An examination to test the applicants’ knowledge in the following aspects/subjects:

(1) English, (2) Reading, (3) Mathematics, (4) Abstract, (5) Essay, (6) Personality, (7) PSA, and (8) CAF.

Meanwhile, an interview will be administered covering topics about the job requirements such as applicant’s personal and academic background, previous work experiences, and personal interest, and other. Consider all relevant information pertaining to the applicant, that is, his/her educational background, skills/training, and experiences for the post.

The RSSOs/PSOs must evaluate 2022 CAF applicants using the prescribed form as shown in Figure 4.1.

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Strict compliance is required in the prohibition of hiring relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity of the appointing officer or direct supervisor. This measure is adopted to prevent the abuse in the exercise of discretion on the part of the appointing officer or direct supervisor in selecting the personnel to be hired. This rule shall also ensure that only qualified personnel are hired for the census undertaking. Any appointing officer or direct supervisor found guilty of violating this prohibition shall be dealt with appropriate sanctions.

As a reference, Figure 4.2 shows how to trace the connection of an appointing/recommending officer or direct/immediate supervisor to an applicant in terms of the degree of consanguinity or affinity.

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Figure 4.1 Evaluation Form for 2022 CAF Applicants 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries Philippine Statistics Authority

Note: Appointments in the national government made in favor of relatives within the third (3rd) degree of consanguinity or affinity of either the appointing authority, recommending authority, chief of bureau or office, or persons exercising immediate supervision over the appointee is prohibited. For LGUs, the rule on prohibition on Nepotism applies only to appointments in the career service of relatives of the appointing or recommending authority within the fourth (4th) civil degree.


The COS to be executed by all personnel hired for 2022 CAF differs from the contractual and plantilla appointment of contractual and casual employees in the sense that it is not covered by Civil Service Commission (CSC) Rules and Regulations.

The COS refers to an employment described as follows:

a. The contract covers output-based services.

b. The contract is not covered by the Civil Service Law, Rules, and Regulations; hence, no employer-employee relationship shall be stipulated therein. Moreover, the contract is not submitted to the CSC; it is kept at the RSSO or PSO for record

Philippine Statistics Authority 2022 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

Field Operations Manual | Chapter 4 – Recruitment and Hiring purposes only. The contract is, however, covered by the Rules of the Commission on Audit (COA).

c. The contract may be amended or supplemented through the execution of a contract of variation and shall be effective on the date and for the period stated herein.

With the use of Computer-assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method, the EN shall be responsible for the care of the tablet and for safeguarding it against loss and wastage, along with the data collected during enumeration. Each personnel hired under a COS will be apprised of the conditions of the contract, as described above, and as contained in the contract he/she will sign. The RD or PSO-CSS will submit a copy of the signed contract, including the disclosure portion for the census hired personnel to the Finance and Administrative Service (Attention: Human Resource Division (HRD)) on or before 11 August 2023


Prior to the conduct of 2022 CAF, the PSO will prepare a Personnel Reference File (PRF) of all the hired personnel for the census operations. The CO will send the final Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) to the PSO for use in the preparation of the PRF.

Due to the limited number of tablets, the PSO should allocate only one tablet to every EN, regardless of the number of EAs assigned to the EN. An EN assigned to only one EA will be asked to log his/her employee identification (ID) in the tablet. Similarly, an EN assigned to cover two or more EAs will be provided with just one tablet, and only one employee ID. He/she will use only one Personnel ID in his/her area/s of assignment.

A matrix below is prepared to serve as guide in the assignment of EAs, tablet, and employee ID:

A final copy of the PRF should be submitted to the NCS (Attention: 2022 CAF-CPS) through email address, copy furnished the RD, SOCD-chief, and PSO-CSS, on or before 01 September 2023.

Basically, the PRF should contain the following:

Case Numberof Assigned EA/s Tablet Serial Number PersonnelID Pertablet Perpersonnel One EN assigned to one EA 1 A31H39G6ATO 06723101 One EN assigned to two EAs 2 R32H30Q6AWI 06723102 (unique per EN)
Column Number Title
Last Name last name
hired personnel
First Name first name of the hired personnel
Middle Name middle name of the hired personnel
Suffix Name extension
of the hired personnel
II, III, and others 2022
Philippine Statistics Authority
Description 1 Team Number team number Columns 2 to 6 will be filled out before the last day of 3rd Level Training for Enumeration 2
or surname of the
(if any), Examples: Jr., Sr., I,
Census of Agriculture and Fisheries

Column Number Title Description

6 Role/ Designation role/designation of the hired personnel (CAS, ACAS, TS, EN, Assistant Statistician, PSO clerk, Accounting Clerk, ISA-I)

7 Personnel Code three-digit code with the format DSS

D-Designation (1-EN, 2-TS, 3- ACAS, 4-CAS, 5-others)

SS – two-digit sequential number by designation


401 – CAS 102 – EN2

301 – ACAS 501 – Assistant Statistician

201 – TS1 502 – PSO Clerk

202 – TS2 503 – Accounting Clerk

101 – EN1 504 – ISA-I

8 Username username that will be used by CAS/ACAS/TS/EN

Columns 9 to 12 Area of Assignment based on Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) for field enumeration personnel only (EN, TS, ACAS, CAS)

9 Province/ Highly Urbanized City (HUC)

three-digit code for the province (PPP/HUC)

10 City/ Municipality two-digit code for the city/municipality (MM)

11 Barangay three-digit code for the barangay (BBB)

12 EA Number six-digit number for the EA (001000)

Column 13 will be provided by the CO

13 Tablet Serial Number alphanumeric code for the tablet

Example: R32H30Q6AWI

Column 14 will be filled out by the PSO

14 Personnel Identification to be provided by the PSO for CAS/ACAS/TS/EN with the format: PPPMMDSS or HUCMMDSS where:

PPP/HUC = three-digit code for the province/HUC

MM = two-digit code for the city/municipality

DSS = based on column 7


Socorro, Surigao del Norte

06723101 - 1st EN

06723102 - 2nd EN

06723201 - 1st TS

06723202 – 2nd TS

06723301 – ACAS

06723401 - CAS


Brgy. Ayala, City of Zamboanga

31700101 - 1st EN

31700102 - 2nd EN

31700201 - 1st TS

31700202 - 2nd TS

31700301 - ACAS

31700401 - CAS

Columns 15 to 20 will be filled out before the last day of 3rd Level Training for Enumeration

15 Contact Number 10-digit contact number of the hired personnel

16 Address complete address of the hired personnel

17 Birthdate date of birth of the hired personnel, in DDMMYYYY format

18 Sex sex of the hired personnel, that is, Male or Female

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Column Number Title Description

19 Marital Status personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country: Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced/Separated/Annulled or in a CommonLaw/Live-in marital arrangement

20 Remarks, if any any information that will be helpful or important to the PSO

The PRF for the province/highly urbanized city should follow this filename convention:

2022CAFPRFPppp.xls or 2022CAFPRFHhuc.xls


2022CAFPRF - keyword for 2022 CAF Personnel Reference File

P/H - P is the prefix for the province; H for highly urbanized city ppp/huc - ppp is the three-digit code for the province; huc is the three-

Example: Surigao del Norte (province code = 067)

File name should be:

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Figure 4.3 2022 CAF Personnel Reference File
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