at work
作 業
at work I S S NI S1S0N2 21-052620-95 6 0 9 67
9 771022 560001 9 771022 560001
Westpac Place, Australia Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Grip Ltd, Canada Johnson Chou Inc
Be Fine, Japan Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
目錄C O N T E N T S
068 080 088
RCG, Hong Kong FRA Limited
Virgin Mobile, Canada II BY IV Design
The Executive Centre at Xintiandi, China Fiona Hardie
096 106
Home Interior's Ltd, Hong Kong Home Interior's Ltd
Napoli Management, USA Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects
Butani Jewellery Ltd, Hong Kong ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Chak Ao Group, China Builtart Design Ltd
Crystal Group, Hong Kong SLHO & Associates Ltd
Editor 編輯 Proofreader 校對 Translators 翻譯
Architect's Studio, Hong Kong Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Hong Kong - Wendy Chan陳麗如 (852) 2515 7621 Guangzhou - Billy Ye葉 (020) 84475663 Shanghai - Ho Wai何煒 (021) 54378711
Pace Publishing Ltd. 貝思出版有限公司 Archidata Magazine Ltd. 建築情報雜誌社 MANAGEMENT 管理 Publisher出版人 - George Lam 林達生 Administration & Business - Olivia Ko 高慧明
Hong Kong Police Headquarters, Hong Kong Marc & Chantal Design
Layout 排版-Yang Yang
Direct Line
- Yan Yeung 楊翠欣 (852) 2515 7638 yan@pacebase.com - Maisy Chan -薜粉玲, 段媛
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SINGAPORE: Globelink Container Lines (HK) Limited # 13-01 Natwest Centre, 15 McCallum Street,Singapore 069045 Tel: (65) 225 1833 Fax: (65) 225 8742
144 158
Mohen Design International, China Mohen Design International
e-Kong, Hong Kong Artlink Design Associates Ltd
B2B, Netherlands Maurice Mentjens
Paulith Garments, USA Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects
180 188 192
Pulsmacher, Germany Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
Jet Films, Canada Saucier + Perrotte Architects
FCUK, UK Din Associates Ltd
Closed, Germany Carsten Roth Architekt
212 222 228
Saatchi & Saatchi, Hong Kong FRA Limited
Star TV, Hong Kong Marc & Chantal Design
Dynamicode and Advance Media Studio, Hong Kong Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
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SPACE is Published quarterly by PACE Publishing Limted. © 2006 All rights reserved. No part of SPACE, written or pictorial, may be reproduced or published without the prior written permission of the Publisher. 《空間》乃貝思出版有限公司全資擁有,所有圖文皆有版權,非經書面同意不得轉載。 Unit 1803, Yue Xiu Building, 160-174 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔駱克道160-174號越秀大廈1803室 Tel: (852) 2897 1688 Fax: (852) 2897 2888 www.pacebase.com
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ISSN: 1022-5609 67
dec 2006
鉛筆、紙張、工作量 日復如事。
公司發生的故事不少 。其中最為人津津樂道的莫過於一些成功的故 事,無論是個人的奮鬥史,抑或是公司的光榮歷史,都讓每一位員 工陶醉細味。成功的辦公室設計與及形象的建立往往能助公司走上 康莊大道, 無怪乎現代企業都不惜投放大量資源在辦公室設計上。 今期《Space 》主題At Work 會讓大家感受到辦公室設計以及公司 業務之間千絲萬縷的關係。不過,就算有舒適和設備齊全的工作環 境,都不要忘記放鬆心情工作啊! 面積不能評價作品 欣賞設計作品不會被面積尺寸所局限。空間有限,想象力則無邊 際。有時設計概念比看得見的空間更真實。今期的設計項目面積由 100平方米至7萬平方米不等。Maurice Mentjens把98平方米的古堡 搖身一變成為了現代時髦的B2B設計公司,而Hassell Pty Ltd就打 造了7萬4千平方米的城市地標 ── the Westpac Place。 設計圍繞公司精神 要提交一個設計方案,有一點是設計師不容忽視的,就是怎樣帶出 該公司的形象。明顯地,設計項目就是公司價值觀的延續,它內藏 了公司的抱負以及把公司的精神擬人化地表露無遺。有些公司的負 責人甚至認為一個合適又賞心悅目的辦公室設計能激發員工的創 意。II BY IV Design廣泛利用紅色以及平面圖案來加強Virgin Mobile的鮮明形象,在Grip Ltd的設計項目上,設計師運用建築技巧把 正規的會客室和較輕鬆的會面場所共冶一爐。整個設計碓實能幫助 誘發及加強員工的創作力。 難題造就創意 除了設計的外觀,設計師在製作項目的過程中如何解決困難也是一 個很有趣的課題。設計師以無比的毅力和豐富的創意刻服種種工 作上的難題,最終都能把作品展現於大眾面前。客戶要求Carsten Roth Architek設計出一個供所有部門以及多個陳列室共用的空間, 為了騰出一些較私人的工作空間,設計師便製造了兩個猶如私人工 作間般的巨形盒子來方便某些工作情況的需要。這確實是兩全其美 之策。
Pencil, Paper and Workload, Days come and go. Many stories emerge in offices, and most of these fascinating stories are successful legends - it can be a person’s miraculous development in climbing up the corporate ladder or the legendary history of the company. Successful office designs and image building can be the driving factors leading to successful businesses. No wonder nowadays’ enterprises spend tremendous resources on office designs. This issue At Work shows us the countless ties between office design and prospects of a company. However, once you enjoy a comfortable and well-equipped work environment, please do not forget to “stay cool at work”. Size weights little Size would never be the only criteria in appreciating a design project. We always say “limited space, unlimited imagination”. Sometimes the design concept seems to be more real than the actual size. In this issue, sizes of the projects vary from 100 sq m to 70,000 sq m. While Maurice Mentjens transformed a 98 sq m castle into the hip and modern B2B design agency, Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer constituted a 74,000 sq m urban paradigm, the Westpac Place. Designs tell stories For the interior design of an office, one of the most important things for the designers to consider is to bring out the character or image of the company. Office design is a clear extension of a company’s values. It embodies the company’s vision and personifies its spirit. Some people think that a good office design can exude creative energy. For the Virgin Mobile Canadian Head Office design project, II BY IV Design offers some graphic standards which help to determine the black, grey, white and Virgin Red palette for the interiors, and contains a wide range of quirky graphic symbols that convey the company’s passion, energy, drive and commitment. For Johnson Chou’s project on Grip Ltd, it is architecturally the creation of a collection of formal and informal meeting spaces, which really inspire and foster creativity for its employees. Difficulties enhance creativity Apart from the appearance, sometimes the way a designer overcomes difficulties during the process can also be very interesting. With dedicated determination and endless creativity, designers finally put their works on stage in front of the public. One of the main challenges for Carsten Roth Architekt to design the new Closed Headquarters is the client’s wish to create a mixture of open floor plan for different departments and show rooms. The designers then tried to create two furniture-like long “boxes” for private office spaces in order to satisfy the needs.
作業At Work
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place 澳洲悉尼 Sydney, Australia 74,000平方米/sq m
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer, Sydney
Westpac Place
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place新辦公室的設計理念圍繞垂直城市這一比喻 而展開:可形容為城市典範。成功的城市能激發及促進交 流,它們特徵顯著,具有多樣 。其公共區域交通發達又先 進,這些條件都有利於互 、交流和生產。設計的方式就是要 將這些特點融入工作環境中,因為5,000人的強大人口所形 成的社區遠遠大於多數村鎮。
廿八樓平面圖28/F Floor Plan
此外,公共區的理念進而體現在為整幢大廈提供了網路—— 該系統將整個社區連接起來。主要入口、電梯大堂、轉換 層、和連接的共用區一起構成了大廈公共區域的起點。提高 大廈整體 的關鍵因素是大膽提出計畫,運用開放和連續的樓 梯將27層樓從上至下有效連接起來。這座樓梯也成為垂直城 市的街道系統,正如在現實城市中一樣,它將重要和次要的 迴圈網路聯繫起來。整幢大廈的樓梯在物理和視覺上都起著 連接作用,鼓勵人們不用電梯也可在各個樓層間走 。同時, 它也強化了聯繫 和社區的凝聚力。 樓梯建在Kent Street Tower裡面,由於圍欄增多,城市地平 線限制了景色,Kent Street Tower樓梯不僅增添了本設計的 視覺效果,同時也為城市典範的實施提供了中堅力量。
廿樓平面圖20/F Floor Plan
十三樓平面圖13/F Floor Plan
八樓平面圖8/F Floor Plan Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place
Westpac Place
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
樓梯為大廈提供物理上和視覺上的連繫, 促進樓層間的交流。 The staircase provides physical and visual links throughout the building, encouraging movement between floors.
The design concept for Westpac’s new workplace was formulated around the metaphor of the Vertical City: an urban paradigm. Successful cities are stimulating and exciting places of interchange. They have a strong identity, yet a diversity of parts and are characterized by a strong public domain that provides accessibility and legibility. These are great settings for interaction, communication and production. The design approach was to apply these characteristics to the workplace - for the 5,000-strong population constitutes a community greater than most country towns. Furthermore, the concept of the public domain has been extended to provide a network through the building - forming a system of legible access binding the community together. The main entrance, lift lobbies, transfer floors and connecting common places form the beginnings of this “public” component of the building. Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place
大廈的佈局為了互 、交流和生產。 Settings in the building are aimed at interaction, communication and production.
A new key element to enhance this armature is a dramatic proposal to provide an open and continuous stair effectively linking 27 building floors from top to bottom. This stair is the “street” system of this vertical city, connecting the major and minor circulation networks as occurs in the real city. The stair provides both physical and visual links throughout the building, encouraging movement between floors without recourse to the lifts and gives a sense of connection and community through increased accessibility. The stair is located in the Kent Street Tower, adding visual interest to the side of the site with more enclosure and less outlook through the established city skyline and provides the “backbone” to the application of the urban paradigm. The work floors are grouped into “quarters” as occur in a city and a series of key destinations are threaded throughout the building to act as attractors and events bringing a richness to the experience of the workplace.
Westpac Place
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place
Westpac Place
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
公共區域形成促進大廈內相互交流的元 素。 Common places form parts of the communication components of the building.
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place
Westpac Place
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place新辦公室的設計理念圍繞 垂直城市這一比喻而展開:可形容為都市 模式。 , The design concept for Westpac s new workplace was formulated around the metaphor of the Vertical City: an urban paradigm.
客戶Client Westpac Banking Corp 轂承辦商Main Contractor Leighton Contractors 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Webb Australia Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Erco, Thorn, Xenian and Eagle Lighting 傢具Furniture Wilkhahn, Unifor, Schamburg + Alvisse Pty Ltd, Living Edge, Stylecraft, de de ce, Corporate Culture, Yazz, Interstudio, Kezu, Space, Hub Furniture, Anibou, Spence & Lyda, Interloc, Arredorama, Koskela, Scandinavium, ECC Lighting & Living, Euroluce, K Five, Sacha, Tom Stoddart. 牆飾Wall Covering Express Deco 鋪地Flooring Peter Kelly Flooring, Jim Cooper & Associates 藝術品Artwork , Westpac s own collection 織物Upholstery Kvadrat Maharam, Instyle Contract Textiles, Elmo Leather, Woven Images, Gabriel, Svenskakj, Chhada Specified, Austex Industrial Fabrics 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Hugh Meagher and Associates 視聽系統AV System VOS Group 攝影Photography Tyrone Branigan
Hassell Pty Ltd and Geyer
Westpac Place
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited 加拿大多倫多 Toronto, Canada 2,100平方米/ sq m
Grip Limited, Toronto
Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
六樓平面圖6/F Floor Plan
五樓平面圖5/F Floor Plan
滑梯成為了Grip的一大標誌。它帶 了辦公 室內人流的走 。 The slide is the adopted symbol of Grip. It provides chances of movement within the office.
一樓平面圖1/F Floor Plan Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
一個設計傳遞著一個信念。對於一個辦公室的室內設計,設計師們該 做些甚麼才能充分地體現出公司的個 與形象呢?當設計師們談論到 Grip新辦公室的設計理念時,它應該是一個可以激發和培養員工創作 力的空間。然而,怎樣才能將創作力用建築學的角度表達出來?設計 師的答案是立體三維化,這將會由創作力所帶 ,而這股創作力受意念 交流所帶 。
滑梯成為了Grip公司的一大標誌。令人更喜出望外的是,滑梯通過辦 公室提供了一個帶 物體的寶貴經驗。這就有如比喻Grip的信念,非常 著重創作的過程。創作過程好比航行一樣,整個過程的重要 不少於發 現目的地。創作的成果重要,過程也必須要讓人享受。 露天看台上的座位用熱捲鋼以及染色胡桃木鑲板造成,為大型的會 議、電影的播放提供了聚集的場所,也成為攜帶型電腦族工作的好去 處。
建築上,這些設計是集合了正式與非正式會面空間的突破;通往辦公 室的小路便是耐人尋味的一個空間,戲劇 的設計理念使室內和室外的 裝飾材料、元素之間模糊不清的界線變得一目了然。
會面或休息地方設計得像一熱水浴池,可容下10人。人們會面時可以 進入池中圍成一圈交談,這種開放的坐位編排有助紓緩客戶心中的顧 慮,對付難纏的客戶最適用。
平台從外表上,功用上都將兩層主要的樓層連接起來,也就是第五、 六兩層。一個雙層高度的空間形成了一個主要的聚集區或休息區,並 且可以讓人流垂直上下移 。除了樓梯連接著露天看台,還有連接位於 北牆兩個層數的創作室的滑梯和消防竿,也有促進人流垂直移 的功 能。
Grip Limited
一個源自啤酒客戶的靈感,電冰箱是正式的董事會議室。不銹鋼的外 表,內部則由白色的人造磨砂玻璃裝飾,用以隔音。
Johnson Chou Inc
辦公室內每個地點、每個細微處都是耐人 尋味的空間,就連六樓等候室的設計也花 盡心思。 Every parts and corners of the building are so interesting and enjoyable. The waiting room on 5/F is another marvellous piece of work.
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
雖然分散在不同的工作區域,悉心巧妙的 設計也能促進員工的交流。 Working areas are scattered, but staff can communicate freely within the office building with fantastic design.
Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
第五層平台的滑道和樓梯能增加樓層間的 溝通,促進員工的交流。 The slide and staircase on the fifth floor atrium enhance vertical movements between different levels.
Every design conveys a message. For the interior design of an office, what the designers should do is to bring out the character or the image of the company. When we talk about the design concept of Grip’s new office, it would be to create a space that inspires and fosters creativity for those working within the space. How creativity can be expressed within the lexicon of architecture? The designer’s solution was threefold and it began with the interpretation of creativity, and that creativity is activated by the exchange of ideas. Architecturally, they are the creation of a collection of formal and informal meeting spaces throughout the agency offering variegated spatial experiences; that the path towards these spaces is an enjoyable one; and that the notion of play would be made manifest in the blurring of the distinctions of what would normally be perceived as indoor or outdoor materials and elements. The atrium is intended to visually and functionally link the two principal floor areas, the fifth and sixth, with a double-height space within which the major gathering/lounging and vertical movement would occur. With a staircase associated with the bleacher seating, vertical movement also provided by a slide and fire-pole connecting the creative offices located on two levels at the north wall. The slide has become the adopted symbol of Grip. Surprisingly exhilarating, the slide provides one of many unique experiences of movement through the office and is a metaphor for the agency’s belief in the importance of the creative process, a methodology centered on the notion that the voyage is as vital as the destination - and that it should be an enjoyable one. Constructed by folded hot-rolled steel and stained walnut veneer, the bleachers provide a gathering space for full office meetings, film presentations and an alternative workplace with a laptop. This meeting/lounge area was designed to resemble a hot tub for 10 persons. Detailed to provide the experience of entering into a small pool combined with the circular (democratic) format of the seating, this area has often been utilized to disarm the most difficult clients. A reference to their beer clientiele, the “fridge” is the formal boardroom. Clad in stainless steel, the interior is finished with white synthetic glass in resemblance of frosting for sound absorption. Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
水池般的面談區可容納十個人,環形的坐 位帶出開放的氣氛。這是一個與難纏客人 洽談的好地方。 The hot tub can accomodate up to 10 persons and the circular form of seating b r i n g s o u t a c a s u a l a t m o s p h e r e. I t becomes a great place to disarm difficult clients.
Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
這個董事會議室像一個電冰箱。不鋼的 外表,內部則由白色的人造磨砂玻璃裝 飾,可以隔音。 The fridge-like boardroom is cladded in stainless steel and the interior is finished with white synthetic glass in resemblance of frosting for sound absorption.
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
客戶Client Grip Limited 設計組Design Project Team Silke Stadtmuller, Bryan Jin, Philip Cates, Ronen Bauer, Mark Ojascastro, Johnson Chou 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Johnson Chou Inc 鋪地Flooring John Millar (Gypsum-Based Flooring) AST Epoxy Flooring (Epoxy Floor) The Sullivan Source (Synthetic Grass) 傢具Furniture Plan b Office Inc (Panton Chairs) Keilhauer/Fluid Living (Task Chairs) Grip Limited
Johnson Chou Inc
燈光Lighting Johnson Chou Inc Franklin Empire (Industrial Light Fixtures) 結構工程Structural Engineer Blackwell Engineering 機電工程Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Nunn Warden Design 玻璃工程Glass Precision Glass Accura Glass (Orange Glass) Colourguard (Glass Film) 攝影Photography Tom Arban Photography
Johnson Chou Inc
Grip Limited
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
Be Fine Office 日本東 Tokyo, Japan 103 平方米/sq m
B e F i n e O f fi c e , T o k y o
Be Fine Office
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
辦公室位於大廈的五樓,正好在東 Harajuku的主要十字路口上。它有兩個房間,分 別是私人房間(35.59平方米,供12個人辦公)和一個公共空間(52.35 平方米,用 作美容/化妝諮詢空間、化妝沙龍和美容學校)。 以最原來和輕鬆的方式充分利用色彩是本項目的一個特點,這也映襯了當代內部和 東 建築中某種流行的冷色調(鋼筋、玻璃、灰和白色調)。由於辦公室空間有限, 所以儲藏空間不能影響到工作的空間。為此,書架都是沿牆而立的。 在整個辦公室的中心區,一個6米長、1.4米高的桌子被半透明的隔牆分開。1米乘 0.9米高的透明玻璃隔牆分出三個小空間:一個休息室,可作為VIP客戶的私人化妝 室、一個會議室和一個諮詢室。這些隔牆既增強了亮度,也避免在緊湊的空間形成 擁擠感。隔牆上有黃色、橙色、粉色、綠色和藍色的簾子。每個彩色的簾子都有一 定的高度,既避免阻礙視線,又增添了空間的新穎和私密 。 正如化妝本身,色彩是本項目的特點。原來的設計使用了一些時尚的冷色調,如混 凝土和玻璃,以及單一的視覺衝擊。設計師提出了全新的觀點,運用溫馨明快的色 彩來取代原來的設計。
平面圖 Floor Plan
由於辦公室面積有限,設計上也要懂得善 用空間。 As the office size is limited, the designer has to fully make use of the space. Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
Be Fine Office
充分利用色彩是本項目的一個特點,以最 原來和輕鬆的方式映襯了當代流行的冷色 調。 Making good use of colors is a strong point for this project, in an original and cheerful way, and in reaction to a certain fashionable coldness.
Be Fine Office
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
The office is located on the 5th floor of a building, standing right on the main crossroads of Harajuku, Tokyo. It is composed of two rooms: a private space (a working space for twelve persons 35.59 m2), and a public space (a beauty/make up consulting space, make up salon and beauty school 52.35 m2). Making good use of colors is a strong point for this project, in an original and cheerful way, and in reaction to a certain fashionable coldness (concrete, glass, gray, white) of the contemporary interiors and buildings in Tokyo. As the working area is quite limited, it is important that storage space does not interfere with the working space - that is why the shelves are installed by the walls. In the central area, a 6 m long and 1.4m wide desk is divided by semi-transparent partitions. 1m x 0.9m high transparent glass partitions define three mini-spaces, a waiting room which can also be used as a private makeup space for VIPs, and two meeting / consulting spaces. These partitions let the daylight penetrate and avoid the sensation of closeness in a compact space. They are covered with colored sheets -yellow, orange, pink, red, green, and blue. Each colored sheet is situated only up to a certain height to avoid blocking the sight, giving originality to the space as well as a little privacy. Just like the makeup itself, colors are used as a strong point for this project. Emmanuelle proposed a fresh new idea of bringing in warmth and funful coloring as opposed to the original design which they had a certain fashionable coldness of concrete, glass and monotone visual impact.
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
Be Fine Office
每個彩色的間隔都有一定的高度,既 避免阻礙視線,又增添了空間的新穎 和私密 。 Semi-transparent partitions avoid blocking the sight, giving originality to the space as well as a little privacy. Be Fine Office
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
沿牆而立的書架省了不少室內空間。 To save space, the shelves are installed by the walls.
客戶Client Be Fine Co Ltd 室內設計帥及建築 Interior designer/architect Emmanuelle MOUREAUX 轂承辦商Main Contractor Brain Co Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings FLOS YAMAGIWA 傢具Furniture Brain Co Ltd 攝影Photography Hidehiko NAGAISHI
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design
Be Fine Office
Marc & Chantal Design
Hong Kong Police Headquarters 香港灣仔/Wanchai, Hong Kong
Police Headquarters, Hong Kong
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
為了滿足新建築在標誌與身份地位的要求,使建築與功能達到較好的平 衡,設計師們畫龍點睛似的添上了最後一筆。香港灣仔警察總部這個設計 項目,對時尚現代感的要求非常嚴謹,客戶的最終要求就是要確保標誌與 建築物風格協調一致。基於這個原因,運用原有的標誌可能與警處這棟灰 色大樓以及它獨一無二的精神並不配合。設計公司決定為此項目量身定做 一套新體系,期望令大樓完美無暇。 這棟大樓的設計和建築都由香港特別行政區的建築署(ARCHSD)完成, 警處大樓主要由兩個部分組成,分別是一棟42層的警務塔和一棟樓高17層 的公共大樓,它們之間由樓高11層的玻璃天井前廳連接起來。設計公司的 工作範圍包括:室內外標誌的設計、房號的計算、大堂、詢問處及多層天 井前廳中的所有迴廊。另外,他們還要負責所有的消防設施、緊急出口以 及走火通道的標誌設計。 另外,他們還設計出一種完善的定向系統來幫助員工,來訪者在這所結構 複雜的大樓中也可以有效地找到自己的方向。設計師特別為某些地方融入 一種新式的室內風格,加入一些裝飾元素來把空間變得更友善、更人 化, 例如演講廳 、圖書館和公用地方。客戶還要求設計師用一種低調又現代的 方式,將亞洲風格融入到設計項目中。
Marc & Chantal Design
police headquarters
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
設計了建築標誌後,設計師又要面臨另一個艱巨的任務,就是要將亞 洲風格融入到建築中,並且保留現代感的界線。天井前廳一道竹板牆 有舉足輕重的作用,竹竿被屈曲成一個個拼湊圖案,無論怎樣看,都 像極了竹葉本身。抽象的圖像細膩地記錄了文化 態,這遠遠超過作 品本身的裝飾效用。另外,它還可以作為一種透露建築標誌資訊的視 覺語言,也就是說這個簡單的方形鑲板會告訴人們所在的樓層、位置 乃至方向。 隨著底層完工,設計公司把相同設計理念運用到其他方面。包括通往 公共場所的玻璃門和圍繞著11層樓的玻璃天井前廳也刻上圖案,同 時這種設計也運用在員工餐廳、圖書館內。此外,還有專門的設計師 為這一巨大、風格簡樸的空間增添一些富於美感的個 與特徵。一副 超越平面空間、由數字和英文字母組成的圖片出現在雙層玻璃隔牆之 上,簡單又前衛。當人們走過,這個疊加的圖像便成了一副變化多端 的壁畫。
(下圖)這棟大樓的設計和建築都由香港特別 行政區的建築署完成。 設計公司主要負責 大樓內部的標誌裝飾設計。 (Below)The headquarters is designed and built by the Architectural Services Department of the HKSAR,while the design company is mainly responsible for signage design.
大堂的設計比較簡單,希望給人一種親切的感覺之如也要方便使用。 一個兩端向上翹起的接待處指引著來訪者來到鄰近的展覽區和電梯大 堂。懸掛的錄影機與輕觸式螢幕向人們顯示大樓的資訊。傾斜的展覽 框子可供轉換不同的展品。燈芯式的背照燈、曲形的活 牆,為電梯 大堂營造美麗視覺的效果。而自 噴漆造成的竹幹為整個景象增添無
Marc & Chantal Design
(左圖)玻璃牆上的圖案文字如密碼般,人們 經過時數字和字母會產生移 的視覺效果。 (Left)The code-like super-graphic on the glass partition creates shifting mural as users walk past.
police headquarters
窮樂趣,營造出虛無飄緲的意境。 在這棟大樓內,一大片牆壁需要增加溫暖感覺和個 。演講廳內除了用梨木鑲板裝修,還需要一個具特徵的標誌 來迎接賓客。除了以覆蓋物掩蓋牆身來營造對比鮮明的效果,設計師們選擇爌大採用建築木料的範圍,覆蓋的 牆身由劇院周邊一直延伸至大堂內部。一組長達24米的垂直且排列富於韻律的鑲板,在放大的抽象洋紫荊花點 綴後顯得格外出神,這朵洋紫荊花由5條鋁條以不同長度交叉鑲嵌而成,栩栩如生。 除了保留著建築的原有結構,設計公司更努力求變,並使整體設計協調一致。引進使用方便和互 的系統,充份 運用空間。
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
(左圖)接待處兩端向上翹起,指引著來訪者 展覽區和電梯大堂的方向。 (Left)An inversely tilted reception point steers visitors towards an adjoining exhibition area and lift lobby. (下圖)展品可以隨時更換。 (Below)The exhibits in the showcases can be changed freely.
Marc & Chantal Design
police headquarters
Adding the final touches to a new building in terms of signage and identity requires a fine balance between architecture and functionality. In the case of the rigorously modern Hong Kong Police Headquarters in Wanchai, the brief given to Marc & Chantal Design was remarkably simple. The client's ultimate goal was to ensure the signage was seamlessly integrated with the architecture. For this reason, employing existing proprietary signage may have compromised the architectural integrity of the building and its unique spirit. As a cross-disciplinary team with solid experience in product design, Marc & Chantal Design was able to tailor-make a system from scratch to ensure a perfect fit. Designed and built by the Architectural Services Department of the HKSAR (ARCHSD), the Police Headquarters development comprises
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
of two major components - a 42-storey police service tower and a 17-storey public office building - tied together by an 11-storey glass atrium. Marc & Chantal Design's scope of work encompassed exterior and interior signage, room numeration, lobby and directory information, and all the circulation within the multi-level atrium. In addition, their responsibilities were extended to all the fire service equipment signs, emergency exits and staircases.
Marc & Chantal Design
In addition to devising a comprehensive directional routing system to help staff and visitors navigate their way efficiently within the complex, the mandate was extended to incorporate a new interiors ‘dress code’ for specific zones of the building, lending a friendly overlay of decorative features to help personify areas such as the auditorium, library and public foyer. The designers were asked to give an Asian identity to the building but in a very subtle and modern way. police headquarters
Having resolved the signage architecture, Marc & Chantal Design confronted the task of introducing an Asian dimension to the scheme while conscious of the need to keep within the boundary of modernity. The bamboo landscaped atrium provided the vital lead. Bamboo stems were transformed into a digitised mosaic of squares bearing little, if any, resemblance to the original plant. The resulting abstract graphics register the subtlest hint of a cultural dynamic but over and above its decorative role, it also functions as an engaging visual language to bolt the signage information to - in this case, a simple grid of squares denoting floor numbers, location maps and directories. With the baseline established, the same idea was transplanted to other aspects of the interior that Marc & Chantal Design adopted. It is engraved in the glass doors leading to the communal spaces surrounding the 11-storey glass atrium as well as the staff canteen whilst in the library, the designers were given artistic license to overlay character and identity to the large, spartan volumes. A simple, super-graphic of random numerals and letters was applied to a double-layered glass partition, the superimposed imagery creating a shifting mural as users walk past.
竹樹牆的設計抽象間滲出文化氣息。 The bamboo landscape is an abstract graphics register the subtlest hint of a cultural dynamic.
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
Marc & Chantal Design
police headquarters
The design is then modified into a simpler form in the public lobby where a more accessible and friendly approach was required. An inversely tilted reception point steers visitors towards an adjoining exhibition area and lift lobby. Suspended videos and touch-screens convey what can be found in the building, while tilted showcases are designed to allow changing exhibits. The tapering form of the backlit, curved floating wall creates a dynamic perspective towards the lift lobby, its form intersected by auto-spray painted bamboo trunks, lending them a surreal quality. Similarly elsewhere in the complex, large canvases of blank wall space needed warmth and character. The auditorium, lined in pear wood paneling, required a feature to signal its presence and welcome users. Instead of cloaking the wall with a contrasting finish, the designers chose to extend the architect's timber cladding from the theatre out into the lobby. A 24m long rhythmic series of vertical panels is scored by an abstracted and magnified image of the bauhinia flower, made from fine splices of aluminium embedded at varying depths to bring the surface alive. Far from undermining the existing architectural framework, Marc & Chantal Design sought to massage and fine-tune it, taming the vast volumes of space by integrating systems for user-friendly orientation and interaction.
Police headquarters
Marc & Chantal Design
電梯大堂的設計比較簡單,希望給人一種 親切的感覺之如也要方便使用。 The design of the lift lobby is relatively simplier. A warm and user-friendly area is the design concept.
Marc & Chantal Design
police headquarters
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom 香港薄扶林Pokfulam, Hong Kong 1,200 平方米/sq m
R C G O f fi c e a n d S h o w r o o m , Hong Kong RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
華譽規劃設計有限公司(FRA)運用 有效的品牌管理成功地為客戶建 立了企業形象。客戶要求設計師 改善室內設計及相關活 ,如建造 一個高科技產品示範及陳列室, 並為其設計企業形象。為了配合 他們的企業形象和品牌策略,客 戶聘請F R A為他們重新裝修只使 用了兩個月的辦事處。
平面圖 Floor Plan
RCG為一家在倫敦上市的公司, 其業務主要提供生物識別產品、 保安系統解決方案及無線射頻識 別(RFID)和相關技術。整體設計 以簡約高科技為主調,新陳列室 展示了指紋掃瞄、瞳孔掃瞄及面 容識別、門禁系統、機械人示範 室、智能家居系統示範連活 演講 廳及零售系統示範。設計師以未 來太空船的外型設計了一個有弧 度玻璃牆的大會議室及高科技型 態的中央控制室作示範用途。
會議室結構 Conference room structure frame
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
鑑於客戶的高科技業務,設計師為他們重新訂做企業形象及建立品牌,有助其業務成功。經過研究設計的 可行 及與客戶代表商討他們的業務及市場策略後,設計師發展出新的設計方案來配合整個策略,整體建構 於一個以互 空間為主的設計。 主要設計特點是不銹鋼的陳列室入口門廊,配上穿孔的鋼板透出紫色燈光及一扇自 門,分隔了辦公室區及 陳列室區。設計師把客戶的產品包括指紋掃瞄、瞳孔掃瞄及面容識別器安裝在入口內作為自 門的門禁系 統。FRA與工程隊合作制定配合客戶產品的系統。每位訪客進入接待處時均獲發一個獨立的RFID名牌以作 身份識別用途,RFID名牌會展示出訪客的行蹤。當訪客走過陳列室入口時,公司代表會示範開啟大門;掃 瞄器確認身份後,入口上的一組紅色LED燈隨即閃爍示意自 門將會開啟。再者陳列室內還有很多高科技設 施示範RFID應用概念;包括模擬以RFID應用技術的零售櫃檯及智能家居示範。 該項目成功地展示出如何建立企業形象及有效的品牌管理,設計師亦成功示範了何謂「設計創造價值」。 RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
每位訪客進入接待處時均獲發一個獨立的 RFID名牌以作身份識別用途,RFID名牌會 展示出訪客的行蹤。 When visitors enter the reception area, they will have an individual RFID tag as guest identification.
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
為了配合產品,設計師以未來太空船的外形 創造了一個有弧度玻璃牆的大會議室及高科 技型態的中央控制室。 The large conference room is designed in the form of a futuristic spaceship with curvilinear profile glass walls and high tech control centre for technology demonstrations.
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
FRA has successfully established a corporate image for their client with effective brand management. One of the challenges the client had posted to the designer was to reinforce their corporate image by changing the interior spatial design and related activities as well as incorporating a demonstration showroom for their hightech products. The client revealed that the previous design completed two months ago did not match their corporate image and branding strategies at all, so they needed to make a change within a short time. The client is an overseas public listed company with stock listings in London Stock Exchange. The business provides Biometric and Access Control solution using high-tech approaches with RFID and related technologies. The showroom demonstrates their products such as fingerprints scanner, iris scanner and facial recognition access control, robot demonstration, intelligent home automation system demonstration area with multi-purpose seminar hall, and RFID technology applications on retail demonstration. The large conference room is designed in the form of a futuristic space ship with curvilinear profile glass walls and high tech control centre for technology demonstrations. Due to the client’s high tech business nature, the designer customized their corporate image and reinforced their brand identity. Distinct brand identity drives for business success. After a feasibility study, and discussions with the client’s representatives to review their business strategies and marketing strategies, the designer worked out a new approach to match with the corporate strategies - an interactive spatial design solution.
整個設計的主要特點,在於不銹鋼的陳列 室入口門廊,配上穿孔的鋼板,透出紫色 燈光。 The main feature of the overall design is a stainless cladded portal with purple colour illuminated perforated panels.
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
The main design feature was a stainless steel cladded portal with purple colour illuminated perforated panels. An automatic swinging door was located in the doorway connecting the office space and showroom. The designer had incorporated the client’s flagship products which included the fingerprint scanner, iris scanner, and facial recognition scanner into the operation of the automatic door installed on the portal. FRA had collaborated with an engineering team to programme the automatic scanner system. When visitors enter the reception area, they will have an individual RFID tag as guest identification. This RFID tag will serve the purpose of tracking where the visitors have gone and their positions. As long as visitors go through the portal into the showroom area, a company representative will demonstrate the action. After being identified by the scanners, a group of red colour LED light will flash at the top of the portal, and then the door will automatically open for them immediately. There are a lot of high-tech facilities to demonstrate the concept of RFID which included a mock up of retail sales counter and an intelligent home located inside. This project successfully demonstrates how to build up corporate image and effective Brand Management. The designer has successfully demonstrated “Design Creates Value�.
RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
為了配合客戶的形象與業務發展,項目整 體建構於一個以互 空間為主的設計。 , Due to the client s high tech business nature, t h e d e s i g n e r w o r k e d o u t a n interactive spatial design solution.
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
會議都在大型太空船內舉行,突 顯了客戶的業務 質。 Meetings are hold in a large spaceship which highlights the high tech business nature of the client.
RCG Office and Showroom
FRA Limited
客戶Client RC Group 轂承辦商Main Contractor Wang Yip Contracting Co 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Element Lighting Design 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Metropolitan Lighting 牆飾Wall Covering Goodrich Global Ltd 鋪地Flooring Amtico Manford Interiors Product Co 視聽系統AV System Sony Bravia LCD TV and Speakers 攝影Photography Hans Schlupp Photography
FRA Limited
RCG Office and Showroom
II BY IV Design
Virgin Mobile 加拿大多倫多 Toronto, Canada 2,500平方米/sq m
Virgin Mobile, Toronto
Virgin Mobile
II BY IV Design
設計師從Virgin Mobile 的使用錦囊體會了客戶及品牌的精 神,那就是“盡心工作、盡情玩樂”。此外,使用錦囊還制 定了圖案設計標準,幫助決定設計空間的用色,例如黑色、 灰色、白色和代表維珍的紅。它所包含的大量調皮圖案也傳 達了客戶公司之熱情、活力、進取和敬業精神。這些圖案是 室內設計的點睛之筆。 II BY IV與加拿大頂級的圖片/數碼形象公司合作,開發了一 系列可全部運用於辦公室的大規模牆紙設計。首先是一個紅 色乙烯切割的巨大徽號,張貼在電梯大堂的玻璃隔牆上,不 但大膽張揚了品牌,又可飽覽獨特的工作區。 接待處實際是一個酒吧,有配套完備的吧椅和櫃台冰箱、玻 璃櫃和各種維珍品牌的汽水。這地方既是接待處,也可舉行 員工晚會,同時訪客還可在這地方聆聽維珍收音機和欣賞卡 拉OK。當內外都漆上維珍紅時,就算廉價的懸掛燈飾也成了 醒目的元素。 旁邊的紅燈休閒廳是個多功能會議區。那道道盡維珍歷史的 牆壁,記載了公司引人入勝的故事。簡潔的白色塑膠疊層咖 啡桌放置水筆,水筆痕跡可以抹掉,方便職員隨時把想法構 思和會面結論寫下來。舒適怡人、質地輕柔的鞣皮泡沫座位 可隨意就不同聚會的要求而重新安排。坐在內嵌窗邊的座位
平面圖 Floor Plan
玻璃隔牆上的紅色具大徽號,大膽張揚了 品牌。 The huge logo cut out in red covers the glass partition which makes a bold brand announcement. II BY IV Design
Virgin Mobile
Virgin Mobile
II BY IV Design
上,可欣賞樓下繁忙的街景。 設計師利用辦公空間的現有特色,再次使用了油漆的天花板和螢光燈系 統。防滑的水泥和結實的地磚既適用於職員用滾軸蹓冰鞋代步,也適合 標準的辦公室用途。所有工作間都是開放式設計,以減少室內裝修。除 了紅燈休閒廳,還有八間會議室供130名員工和訪客使用,為他們提供 了靜心工作的私人空間。 每間會議室都以維珍的產品和服務為主題,如Megastores 和 Virgin Galactic等等。透過與座位高度平衡的飛機窗口可以看到走廊。設計師 與BGM合作,尤如設計了一件獨有的藝術品,該作品中的立體維珍飛 機與另一架平面灰色飛機對比鮮明,前者氣勢宏大,後者毫不起眼,乃 往相反方向而飛。後面的牆壁塗有光滑潤澤的維珍紅。 提供50個座位,兩班制的客戶中心是整間公司的精神融匯之處。設計 師富有創意地運用一幅名為「我們是維珍人」的平面圖案,配以卡通化 的 職員眼、耳、口、鼻拼貼圖案,把維珍員工的特點一一闡釋,例如多才 多藝、從容不迫、思路敏捷、集思廣益、創意新穎、銳意進取、善於聆 聽。 II BY IV要求接待員給維珍的員工拍些照片,然後將他們的面部特 徵嵌入磁 拼圖貼,加以拼貼並組成一個「維珍人」的平面圖案。新員 工入職後,也要把他們的特徵貼上。 整個室內設計手法新穎別緻、幽默風趣中稍稍帶點頑皮,卻不失對每一 位員工和顧客的尊重。這個設計空間確實體現了維珍的精神。
會議室也設計成機艙般,窗口可以看到走 廊。 Each meeting room is like the body of an aeroplane. The portholes provide a view to the corridor. II BY IV Design
Virgin Mobile
From the Virgin Mobile Toolkit, the designers learned of the brand character - “work hard, play hard”. In addition, it offers some graphic standards which help to determine the black, grey, white and Virgin Red palette for the interiors, and contains a wide range of quirky graphic symbols that convey the company’s passion, energy, drive and commitment. The graphic symbols become the key to the interior design. II BY IV has worked with Canada’s leading photo/ digital imaging company to develop a series of over scale “wallpaper’ designs that are strategically deployed throughout the office. The first is the huge logo cut out in red vinyl that covers the glass partition at the elevator lobby, making a bold brand announcement and allowing glimpses of the unusual workplace beyond. Inside, the reception desk is actually a bar, complete with bar stools and a fully-equipped amenities such as under counter refrigerators, glassware storage and a stock of Virgin brand soft drinks. This space is used for receptions and staff parties as well as the greeting space for visitors who are entertained by Virgin radio and a karaoke singing receptionist. The inexpensive suspended light fixtures become dramatic elements when painted Virgin Red inside and out. The adjacent Red Light Lounge is a multi-purpose meeting space that features the Virgin History Wall, telling the company’s dramatic and entertaining story. The simple white plastic laminate coffee tables are accessorized with erasable markers for sketching out ideas and capturing meeting outcomes. The comfortable, lightweight, ultrasuede-covered sealed foam seating can be rearranged to suit the nature of the gathering. A built-in window seat provides a great view onto the busy street below. The designers took advantage of the existing features of the office space, re-using the painted concrete ceiling and fluorescent lighting system. Anti-slip concrete and sturdy carpet tiles are used throughout to accommodate roller skate traffic as well as standard office usage. All workstations, including the President’s, are entirely open plan so that there is minimal interior construction. In addition to the Red Light Lounge, there are eight meeting rooms for the 130 staff and their visitors, providing plenty of space for privacy and focus.
當內外都漆上維珍紅時,簡單的懸掛燈飾 也變成醒目的元素。 The simple suspended light fixtures become dramatic elements when painted Virgin Red inside and out. Virgin Mobile
II BY IV Design
II BY IV Design
Virgin Mobile
Each meeting room is themed after different Virgin products and services, from the Megastores to Virgin Galactic. Portholes at seated height provide a view to the corridor. The designers worked with BGM to create the custom artwork, in which a 3D articulating scale model of a Virgin plane contrasts with a field of grey, featureless two-dimensional craft all heading the other way. The wall behind is a high gloss lacquered MDF in Virgin Red.
維珍的歷史有趣地記錄在牆上。 The History Wall present the history of Virgin Mobile in an interesting way.
The 50-seat, two-shift call center is an integral part of the office; and to make the point even clearer, the designers has made novel use of the company’s graphic - “What Makes a Virgin Person”. The cartoonstyle collage of body parts is captioned with key characteristics of Virgin employees, such as multi-tasking, calm under pressure, passion for new ideas, think differently, creative, sense for new business opportunities, and always listen to customers. II BY IV asked the receptionist to photograph Virgin Mobile employees, and then had the facial images cut into magnetic puzzle pieces that can be added to the corporate graphic in a “Mr. Potato Head” fashion. When new employees are hired, their features are added to the puzzle set. Novel, ingenious, fun and more than slightly irreverent, while respecting and empowering employees and customers alike - these offices absolutely reflect the Virgin ethic.
客戶Client Virgin Mobile 轂承辦商Main Contractor Urbacon Limited 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Eurolite Mille Luce 地顫Carpet Interface 纖維製作Fabric Maharam 玻璃設計Glass CLO Glass 攝影Photography David Whittaker Virgin Mobile
II BY IV Design
II BY IV Design
Virgin Mobile
Fiona Hardie
The Executive Center at Xintiandi 中國上海 Shanghai, China 600平方米/sq m
The Executive Center, Shanghai
The Executive Center, Shanghai
Fiona Hardie
連貫的玻璃櫥上放著效法中國陶瓷製品形狀的 玻璃花瓶。 A continuous glass shelf with glass vases shaped as Chinese ceramics.
位於上海歷史名勝地點,新天地的行政中心 辦公室佔地600平方米。它獨特而新穎的靈感 來自於中西方建築和裝飾元素。該中心全力 營造一種既時尚,又人 的商業環境,設計也 體現了時尚加典雅和活力等精神。 原本底層只能通過電梯進入,現在要全部改 為自 控制,這意味著所有現存的裝置都要被 拋棄,取而代之的是全新的配置。中心提供 專業的工作環境,旨在提高生產力,激發士 氣。充滿活力的選址為餐飲、休閒和娛樂提 供了廣泛的選擇。 一些建築元素如接待處旁的月亮門和刻有 龍、雲抽象圖案的手繪牆壁以珍珠為裝飾。 這些元素為接待處定下了獨特而令人振奮的 基調。接待處的色彩保持了柔和的白色,設 計師命名為草芙蓉白,它與奶白色大理石相 融合,運用在地板和牆壁、紫晶地毯和紫丁 香色的後玻璃上。這些地方均勾勒出朵朵嬌 嫩、寧靜的花瓣,而與之相映成趣的是一幅 刻在月亮門和特色牆壁上的中國花卉飛鳥 圖。這種饒有趣味的情調突出了自然和美 感。 建築內部的主色調是設計師的草芙蓉白和自 己恰如其分地命名及設計出來的上海紅色 彩。上海紅是鮮豔的紳紅透出粉色而來,這 個顏色用於通向品茶區主要走廊的特色牆身 之上。連貫的玻璃櫥上放著在當地花市上買 到,並效法中國陶瓷製品形狀的玻璃花瓶。
平面圖 Floor Plan
Fiona Hardie
The Executive Center
The Executive Center, Shanghai
Fiona Hardie
上下倒置的插花增添了詼諧之趣,與上海紅牆壁相 互映稱。從牆到天花板的過渡突出了嵌壁式的天花 板細妙處,需要用天然油漆裝飾以和它相配。花瓶 上方的鹵素燈既補充了細妙處,也增添了亮澤感。 休閒區地板由地毯變為瓷磚,增加了光澤度。此 外,客戶要求設計師加裝可播放黑白電影的環形裝 置,和傳統的茶館融為一體。品茶區是漆包烏木的 結合,玻璃後是各種不同的紅漆茶具。茶具選擇的 標準是其色彩和質地,這也突出了設計師的喜好。 白色邊的框框放映著40年代老上海的黑白電影,宛 若虛擬藝術一般。 座席和咖啡區的牆壁使用了彩色玻璃和運用了中國 閣樓的模式,與品茶區的三維閣樓並置。玻璃上雕 刻著回巢的小鳥,仿佛要衝向走廊,飛出辦公室。 要做到將設計與文化有機地融合在一起,並且適合 客戶的形象,對設計師來說是很重要的。這個辦公 空間既有商業氣氛,又遠離中國商業最繁忙城市之 一的吵鬧和喧囂,能夠享受寧靜和逍遙。
刻在月亮門和特色牆壁上的中國花卉飛鳥圖饒有趣味,突出了自然 和美感。 On the Moon Gate, a small bird flying out of the blossoms. This is a whimsical touch referencing a touch of nature and beauty.
Fiona Hardie
The Executive Center
整個設計內部的主色調是 設計師所描述的草芙蓉 白。 The predominant tones in , this interior are designer s own Marshmallow White.
The newly launched 600 sq m office of The Executive Center located in the historic area of Xintiandi in Shanghai is a fresh and unique inspiration of Western and Chinese architectural and decorative elements. The Center sought to provide a business environment with an edgy and personal touch. The design is brimmed of chic elegance, style and excitement. The whole floor premises with exclusive lift access were taken over in an “as is condition” which meant all of the existing fixtures and fittings were stripped back to bare shell and a total new fit out was implemented. The center offers a smart and professional work environment that will enhance productivity and uplift morale, while the vibrant location offers an abundance of choices for dining, leisure and corporate entertainment. Architectural elements such as the Moon Gate off the reception and a custom designed abstract carved wall with dragons and clouds with a hand applied paint in a pearlised finish sets the tone in the reception of something different and exciting about to unfold. The colours in the reception have been kept to a soft white which the designer has named Marshmallow White, this is combined with cream Travertino marble to the floor and walls, amethyst coloured carpet and lilac colour back glass. This exudes a palette which very soft and quiet and is offset with a graphic depicting Chinese Blossoms this is carved onto the glass in the Moon Gate and onto a feature wall with a small bird flying out of the blossoms. This is a whimsical touch referencing a touch of nature and beauty. The predominant tones in this interior are Hardie’s own Marshmallow White and a colour she devised and suitably name Shanghai Red, which is a rich deep red with a pink overtone. This colour was used on the feature wall in the main corridor leading to the Tea area.
The Executive Center, Shanghai
Fiona Hardie
Fiona Hardie
The Executive Center
T EC座落在上海的歷史名勝區,它展現了 新鮮獨特的中西方建築與裝飾擺設的元 素。 TEC is located in the historic area of Shanghai. It demonstrates a fresh and unique inspiration of Western and Chinese architectural and decorative elements.
The Executive Center, Shanghai
Fiona Hardie
95 A continuous glass shelf with glass vases shaped as Chinese ceramics found in a local flower market with up side down flowers arranged adding a quirky touch matches the Shanghai Red wall. The transition from wall to ceiling brings a recessed ceiling detail in a lacquer paint finish to match; small halogen down lights positioned over the vases complete the detail and adds sparkle. This leads you into the Breakout Area where the flooring changes from carpet tile to ceramic tiles in a gloss finish. In addition the client outlined to the designer to incorporate a black and white movie playing on a loop together with a traditional Chinese tea bar. The Tea area which is a mix of ebonized timber over lacquered has a column of different teas set behind glass in a Chinese red lacquer frame. The teas were selected based on their colour and texture, a feature that the designer delights in. A black and white 40’s Shanghainese film is playing and is set into a frame of white on white which appears as virtual art. The wall treatment near the seating area and the coffee area is colour back glass with a repeat of the Chinese lattice pattern juxtaposed against the three dimensional lattice used at the Tea area. The return of the bird is carved into the glass and appears to be headed down the corridor to fly out of the office. It was very important, for the designer to bring a unique mix of design and culture together and integrate this to suit the TEC image. The result from this office is a business space which is commercial yet provides a calm and peaceful respite from the noise and bustle of one of China’s busiest commercial cities.
Fiona Hardie
The Executive Center
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd 香港灣仔 Wanchai, Hong Kong 210平方米/sq m
Home Interior's Ltd, Hong Kong
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
平面圖Floor Plan
客戶著重溝通,半開放式的會議區是理想 的設計。 “Communication is the point” which results in a semi-open meeting room.
會議室草圖Draft of the Conference Room
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
整個項目主要以半透明、冷感及黑色物料作主要用料,表達手法卻很生 。 Materials used are mainly translucent, black or intensively toned with more lively features.
面對項目空間實用面積只有210平方米,裡面卻需設置多個各有不同功 能之空間,所以重新規劃空間就成為設計大前提。這個項目主要以半 透明,冷感及黑色物料作為主要應用,而形態上側以流線形,弧形以 及半開放式等較生 的表達手法作對比。整體色彩以黑、白、灰、紅作 為配合公司形象之色調,弧形以及流線形設計由電梯大堂起,經作為 空間規劃核心的會議室,一直貫通至開放式的工作間。 以設計工作背景及形象為考慮因素,設計師希望以輕鬆手法道出「著 重溝通」之工作氣氛,故此會議區以半開放式形態出現。 經過會客室 後是一個3人用之會議室。為配合團隊的工作流程,故設計出風車形之 辦公桌,會議區之背面設置休憩區。其後是開放式的工作間,以湖水 作為概念,設計出一個連貫之工作間,同時也滿足了團隊的工作模式 以及大大增加空間運用之靈活 。 Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
整體色彩以黑、白、灰、紅作為配合 公司形象的色調。 The corporate colours of black, white, grey, and red are extensively applied throughout the design.
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Confronted with a project that only has 210 sq m intended for various spaces for a full spectrum of different functions, careful considerations on the structure have become a critical factor in the design. Materials used are mainly translucent, black or intensively toned with more lively features which include lines, curves, and halfopenings to create interesting contrasts. The corporate colours of black, white, grey, and red are extensively applied throughout the design. The forms of lines and curves begin at the lift lobby, passing through the conference room as the space center-piece, and onto the opening workspace. Taking the nature of business and corporate image into consideration, the designers intend to create a working environment that focuses on “Communication is the point� which results in a semiopen meeting room. Passing the reception lobby, there is a meeting room for 3 people; and in order to ensure a smooth flow of working procedures, the office stations are designed in special forms which resembles a windmill. Behind the meeting room is a place for resting; and behind that is the open workspace. Using the lake as the theme, the desks are connected to meet team requirements and maximize space flexibly.
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
風車形辦公桌之設計配合團隊的工作流 程。 To ensure a smooth flow of working p r o c e d u r e s, t h e o f f i c e s t a t i o n s a r e designed in special forms which resembles a windmill.
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
設計師希望用輕鬆的手法帶出「著重溝 通」的工作氣氛。 The designers intend to create a lively working environment that focuses on “Communication is the point” .
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
設計師Designer Mike Lo Man Lam James Tam
Home Interior's Ltd
Home Interior's Ltd
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
Napoli Management 美國加州比華利山 Beverly Hills, CA, USA 6,100平方米/sq m
Napoli Management, California
Napoli Management
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
獨立的工作間看似把空間拆散了,但整體 的連貫 卻又可以得到保存。 The working space itself gets fragmented, but not divided.
平面圖Floor Plan
立面圖 Elevation
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
Napoli Management
Napoli Management
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
這個設計項目旨在將一個商業化的空間轉變成一個廣播人材經理人公 司的總部。該項設計位於美國加州比華利山,面積有6100平方米。這 座辦公大樓包括公司領導層的行政套房、行政人員、助理以及其他公 司員工的辦公室,兩個會議室、一間廚房、休息室、接待處以及洗手 間。 基於一些建築元素,空間拆散了,整體的連貫 卻又得以保持,比喻了 資訊從電視一層一層地滲入人們腦海中。 The project transforms an existing commercial interior space into the signature headquarters for a broadcasting talent agency. Located in Beverly Hills, this 6100 sq m office building includes executive suites for principles of the company, offices for executive team members, assistants, and support staff, two conference rooms, a kitchen and lounge area, reception and miscellaneous service rooms. By layering architectural elements, the space itself gets fragmented, but not divided, metaphorically referencing the stratum of information within the media of television.
室內的空間能靈活運用,每 個佈局都很協調。 Designer flexibly make u s e o f t h e s p a c e. E a c h part of the working place is responding to another. Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
Napoli Management
Napoli Management
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
這個設計項目旨在把一個商業空間轉變成一 個廣播人材經理人公司的總部。 The project transforms an existing commercial interior space into a broadcasting talent agency headquarters.
客戶Client Napoli Mendez 設計 Design Franka Diehnelt 總承辦商 Main Contractor Heinerfeld Ward 燈具Lighting Fixtures &Fittings Lampa Mobler 家具Furniture Lampa Mobler 攝影 Photography Benny Chan
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
Napoli Management
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewellery Ltd 香港尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 600平方米/sq m
Butani Jewellery Ltd, Hong Kong
Butani Jewellery Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani 設計揉合了現代 與印度風格。 B u t a n i's J e w e l l e r y Design highlights modern style with a touch of traditional Indian influence.
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewellery Ltd
珠寶形設計的展覽室為客戶聞名 的珠寶生意點題。 The diamond-shaped exhibition hall explicitly displays the client's famous image of diamonds.
Butani Jewelry 本是家族式經營、針對富豪市場的珠寶 設計商。公司正直第二代接班的時期,產品需要重新定 位及建立品牌形象,所以新辦公室必須能提供未來發展 路向的需要。Butani 的珠寶設計以現代風格為主調, 其中隱含著印度傳統的色彩;為了配合產品形象的複雜 ,設計師使用了帶暗花的牆紙和布料、具裝飾 的木器 和金屬配件,從而呼應客戶的獨特個牲;使現代化的空 間格局增添上可堪玩味的細節。父母及兩個兒子的辦公 房間由一條互通的長廊串起,回應了家族親密的互 關 係,同時亦符合現代企業系統化管理的需求。而鑽石形 的展覽廳亦巧妙地回應客戶以鑽石首飾聞名的形象。
Butani Jewellery Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewellery Ltd
深色木料以及金屬配搭,突 出客戶個 。 Dark patterns decorative wood pieces and metal fixtures reflect the client's characteristics.
Butani Jewellery Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewelry is a family owned designer jeweler positioned for the rich and powerful. Currently it is the second generation who runs the business and has its products repositioned and brand name established. Consequently the new office should provide room for future development. Butani's jewelry design highlights modern style with a touch of traditional Indian influence. To match its sophisticated image, the designers utilize wallpapers with dark patterns, fabric, decorative wood pieces and metal fixtures to reflect the client's characteristics and stimulate details for the space. The offices of the parents and their two sons are linked together by a long corridor, demonstrating intimate family interaction as well as meeting the requirements of modern entrepreneurial management. The diamondshaped exhibition hall explicitly displays the client's famous image of diamonds.
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewellery Ltd
為了保持高貴典雅的 形象,深色物料是不 錯的選擇。 Dark fabric patterns are used to build up an elegant and grand image of the jewellery company. Butani Jewellery Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
客戶Client Butani Jewellery Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd 傢俱Furniture ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd 牆飾Wall Covering Artwright Selection Limited 鋪地Flooring ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd 織物Upholstery ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Deluxe Blind Engineering Limited 攝影Photography ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
ADO Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd
Butani Jewellery Ltd
Builtart Design Ltd
Chak Ao Group 中國深圳 Shenzhen, China 885平方米/ sq m
Chak Ao Group, Shenzhen
Chak Ao Group
Builtart Design Ltd
平面圖Floor Plan
本設計的主要目標是將一個佔地885平方米的中國公司辦公室改建成一 個擁有尊貴而現代氛圍的辦公空間。 訪客踏入辦公室門口,電梯大堂鑲嵌了黑色木質面板,並以背光式矩 形板條加以裝飾,給人喜出望外的感覺。白色地面和天花的結合營造 出清晰、光滑的裝飾效果。這種效果一直延伸至黑木曲線牆面前的接 待處。兩個的成功融合給人更加宏偉開闊之感。 朝著走廊的兩個入口通向行政辦公室,一般辦公室和其他功能區。
Builtart Design Ltd
Chak Ao Group
Chak Ao Group
Builtart Design Ltd
The main goal of the project is to remodel the 885 sq m office space of a Chinese firm into a workplace that has a prestigious yet modern ambience. Furred up with dark colored timber panel adorned with backlit rectangular strips, the lift lobby gives a slightly dramatic feeling to visitors when they first enter the floor. The combination of white flooring and ceiling provides a clear and sleek decor that extends to the reception area where a dark wood curved back up wall is erected. These two areas are successfully merged to offer a more grandly look. Two portals are opened at the corridor leading to the executive office, general office space and other functions.
Builtart Design Ltd
Chak Ao Group
Chak Ao Group
Builtart Design Ltd
鑲嵌的黑色木質面板加上背光式矩形板 條,訪客進門後,電梯大堂即時給人喜出 望外的感覺。 Furred up with dark colored timber panel adorned with backlit rectangular strips, the lift lobby gives a slightly dramatic feeling to visitors when they first enter the floor.
客戶Client Chak Ao Group 總承建商Main Contractor Builtart Design Ltd 攝影Photography Joe Tang
Builtart Design Ltd
Chak Ao Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group 香港觀塘Kwun Tong, Hong Kong 1,170 平方米/sq m
Crystal Group, Hong Kong
Crystal Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
為了更容易服務訪客以及達到保安目的, 走廊的中心位置設置接待處。 In order to serve visitors and act as a security checkpoint, the reception counter is strategically located at the central axis of the hallway.
SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group
樓底高又開闊,廊柱的位置也能配合靈活 的設計。 The space has generous ceiling height and the columns are well spaced to allow flexible planning.
Crystal Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
隨著業務範圍的擴大,客戶計劃將一樓的倉庫改建成辦公室的主入口,並增設新的展廳、會議室、 人力資源部和一個能承接如時裝展覽、記者招待會或公司年度盛事等大型活 的場所。 空間樓底高度開闊,廊柱的位置也適合靈活的設計。正如許多公司設計一樣,根據預算,本設計項 目的兩個主要目標是要實現其功能的多樣 及體現出企業身份。 因為展廳和人力資源部不僅為內部員工服務,同時也要為各種訪客提供服務,所以位置安排在入口 旁邊。為了更容易服務訪客,以及達到保安目的,走廊的中心位置設置接待處。大廳兩邊是會議室 和休息區,延伸30米便與特色主題牆相遇,並連接電梯大堂。 主廳用天然白作主要色彩。土黃色的石磚與木單板的拼接營造出靈活的格局。拱形樓底漆成白色, 並安裝了上照燈,邊緣也加添了LED彩燈,在不同的場合活 中可以接收投影畫面。 為了季節 的時裝表演,設計師特別建立一個舞台,空間可根據場景和佈置進行調整,變化無限。
SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group
土黃色的石磚與木單板的相互配合, 營造出 靈活的格局。 The colour selected for the main hall is more of a neutral white, with earthly toned ceramic tiles intermixed with timber veneer to create a flexible setting.
Crystal Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
With rapid business expansion, the client was seeking for a proposal that could utilize what used to be a warehouse on the ground floor and turned it into the main entrance to the head office complemented with a new show room, a number of meeting rooms, the Human Resource department, and a venue which could accommodate large scale events like fashion shows, press conferences, or corporate annual events. The space has generous ceiling height and the columns are well spaced to allow flexible planning. As with many corporate projects, there are two main objectives to achieve based on budget requirements: functional aspects and corporate identity. The show room, as well as the Human Resource Department, is not only catered for internal staff, but also visitors with different business purposes and are therefore located near to the entrance. In order to serve visitors and act as a security checkpoint, the reception counter is strategically located at the central axis of the hallway. The hall extends further for another 30m lined up with meeting rooms on both sides and a lounge area before arriving at the accented feature wall, which connects, on its sides to the lift lobby. The colour selected for the main hall is more of a neutral white, with earthly toned ceramic tiles intermixed with timber veneer to create a flexible setting. The vaulted ceiling is painted white with uplights installed at the edges with optional LED colour lights to receive projected images for different functions and events. The stage is set for seasonal fashion shows with the volume of space changeable to different scenes and settings, unlimited in its possibilities. SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group
Crystal Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
設計師特別為客戶而設的舞台,用作每季的時 裝表演場地。 The stage is set for seasonal fashion shows.
SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group
Crystal Group
SLHO & Associates Ltd
客戶Client Crystal Group 總承建商Main Contractor Cheong Fat General Contractor Co Ltd 攝影Photography SLHO & Associates Ltd
SLHO & Associates Ltd
Crystal Group
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Architect's Studio 香港中環 Central, Hong Kong 400 平方米/sq m
Architect's Studio, Hong Kong
Architect's Studio
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
辦公室大堂與傳統接待大堂不同,它有如一個商 店風格的美術館,可作為多種活 的場地。那裡配 備了適合不同活 的多種燈光效果,並安裝了視聽 設備。 傾斜的黑紋瓷磚牆壁強化了接待處的視覺效果, 接待處更被佈置成具亞洲風格的休息區。 一改傳統主管室的規劃和類型,該設計中加入了 一個名為「榮譽廳」的位置,有如辦公室的第二 脊椎,為訪客展出多款出色的作品。沿榮譽廳而 設的主管級房間有如一個個玻璃盒子,也成為了 高架儲藏室。在兩個高架玻璃盒子之間,訪客可 到VIP小廳房稍作休息或等候。 商場風格的會議室摒棄傳統會議室的模式,採用 了黑核桃色調,並配上黑色的鏡子。會議室還配 備了多重燈效,用於不同的會談形式。 中央水池和開放式酒吧乃設計師別出心裁之選。 與傳統設計不同,設計師的工作區是環形且高架 的。高架的平台既有儲藏功能,又不佔用額外空 間,大大開闊了設計師的工作間。 平面圖 Floor Plan
開放式酒吧特意採用白色,這樣就能點綴一下黑 色和淺啡色調為主的工作區域,且有緩衝的作 用。
會議室採用了黑核桃色調,並裝上深色的 鏡子。會議室還配備了多重燈效配合不同 的會議模式。 Conference Room is painted in deep hues of walnut with inlay dark mirrors, the room is equipped with "Ulti-Lighting Systems" for different meeting modes. Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Architect's Studio
傾斜的黑紋瓷磚牆壁強化了接待處的視角 效果,接待處佈置成了亞洲風格的休息 區。 The inclined Black-Textural Tile Wall intensifies the strong sensation at the reception counter where Asian style settings are placed as a waiting area.
Architect's Studio
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Architect's Studio
高架平台和既有儲藏功能,又不佔用額外空 間,開闊了設計師的工作間。 Raised platform and overhead shelves offer storage without occupying additional space, thus allowing maximum working area for designers.
Architect's Studio
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Instead of a conventional reception lobby, the prologue of the office is a Boutique Style Gallery reserved for multi-functional flexibilities such as exhibitions and cocktail events. The Gallery is also installed with audio-visual equipment, and multi-lighting effects specially designed for different events. The inclined Black-Textural Tile Wall intensifies the strong sensation at the reception counter where Asian style settings are placed as a waiting area. Ignoring the conventional programming and typology in the Directors' Rooms, a Hall of Fame is designated as the Second Spine to highlight various outstanding projects for visitors. The Directors' Rooms are thus conceived as "Glass Boxes" along the Hall of Fame and are elevated for accessible storage. In between the two elevated "Glass Boxes", a VIP lounge serves as an accented space for visitors. Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Architect's Studio
The Boutique-Style Conference Room does not carry any trace of a traditional conference room. Painted in deep hues of walnut with inlay dark mirrors, the room is equipped with "Ulti-Lighting Systems" for different meeting modes. The Centre Pond and Open Bar are other special touches by the designer. The designers' working area is circled off in an unconventional elevated ring. Raised platform and overhead shelves offer storage without occupying additional space, thus allowing maximum working area for designers. Choice of white is used for the open bar to signify a break from the rest of the working place in black and beige.
客戶Client BHA 總承辦商Main Contractor Arts Design & Contracting Ltd 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Creative (System) Eng 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Hong Kong Lighting Ltd 傢具Furniture BHA, GOD 鋪地Flooring Arnhold Universal Building Products Supreme 藝術品Artwork BHA 衛室潔具Sanitary Ware GET 窗簾Curtains/ Blinds C & Y CO 視聽系統AV System Creative (System) Eng 攝影Photography BHA
Architect's Studio
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
開放式酒吧是設計師別出心裁之作。 The open bar is another special touch by the designer.
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd
Architect's Studio
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International 上海 Shanghai, China 498平方米/sq m
M o Hen Design, Shanghai
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
兩張經特殊塗裝、原始味重的長形桌子擺 放在空間的中央,改裝過的燈成為空間的 主要光源。 Two long faux-finished tables occupy the center of the space and are lit by modified table lamps as the main task light.
平面圖Floor Plan MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
白色亞加力膠雕花板做成浮雕效 果,巧妙地成為工作間的背景圖。 Acrylic chandeliers and white relief backdrops are key decorating elements in the office space.
在牧桓建築+燈光設計顧問,一個設計就如一個主 旨。這個設計項目的主旨便是對這所現代建築之中的 傳統裝飾元素進行重新定義。這些元素,例如裝飾 品、基石、弧形的傳統式樣,以前都扮演著裝飾與支 撐結構的兩種角色。然而,對現代建築來講,這些都 已過時,這些元素不再扮演支撐結構的角色,只具有 裝飾的作用。 這次項目是位於上海商業中心的一棟三層樓建築,設 計主旨則是要重點突出這一所現代建築中傳統元素的 純粹裝飾效果。設計師通過建築,努力嘗試尋找新的 表達途徑,正如室內設計中所用到的亞加力膠枝形吊 燈以及白色亞加力膠雕花板做成的浮雕背景。這些原 始的片段強調出工作間的微妙,令人集中精力,不易 分心。除了接待處的桌子,設計師還用兩個盒子來圍 住儲物室、複印室和洗手間。這些盒子具有裝飾與功 用雙重功效,同時增強了視覺效果,發揮出空間的最 大潛力。 跨入不銹鋼大門,進入工作區。兩張長形並經過特殊 塗裝的桌子擺放在空間的中央,改裝過的燈成為空間 的主要光源。由不銹鋼條做成的滑 門成為工作間的背 景圖,同時,隱形裝置的架上隨便擺放著每日使用的 辦公設備和文件。設計師使用的主要色調是黑、白, 以及不銹鋼色,在建築中可以看到設計師佈線的獨到 之處。設計師堅信人是工作間的主題,那麼工作間中 所有的元素都應以工作中的人們為焦點,為他們服 務。
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
At Mohen Design International, every design created has a purpose. The purpose for this project is to redefine the meaning of classical decorating elements in contemporary architecture. Elements such as the trim, the key-stone, and the arch traditionally played dual roles as decorating elements as well as structural bearing elements. In contemporary architecture, this is no longer the case. These elements no longer have structural bearing roles and now retain only decorating purposes. In this project, the designers have taken a three-storey tall building in downtown Shanghai and designed it to strongly emphasize the purely decorative nature of these classical elements in modern architecture. Designers are always trying to innovate, to find new ways of expression through architecture, as demonstrated in the use of in-house designed acrylic chandeliers and white relief backdrops
接待處古典味濃的吊燈為現代建築引入傳 統素材。 The classic lighting hanging over the reception area introduces a traditional element to the contemporary architecture. MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
made from acrylic floral panels. These original pieces accentuate the workspace yet are subtle enough not to cause distraction. Beside the reception desk, designers also used two free-standing boxes to enclose the pantry, copy room, and bathroom. These boxes have both form and function, adding visual effects at the same time utilizing the space to its maximum potential.
modified table lamps as the main task light. Sliding doors made of stainless steel modular strips play the role of the backdrop of the work space, while at the same time concealing the shelves that house the clutters of daily office equipment and documents. The colors designers used are mainly black, white, and stainless steel. Designers playful use of lines can be seen throughout the building. Designers believe that people should be the subject of a workspace, and therefore all of the elements in the workspace serve to allow the focus to be on the people who are present.
Entering the stainless steel gate is the main working area. Two long faux-finished tables occupy the center of the space and are lit by
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
工作間傳統與現代的感覺相互交錯,微妙 的關係是辦公室獨到之處。 Classical elements dissolved in modern architecture. The chemical reaction highlights the unique style of the in-house design.
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
設計師利用條紋作裝飾用處的例子在整座 辦公室隨處看到。 Playful use of lines can be seen throughout the building.
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
不銹鋼牆架和雅緻的吊燈為「古典現代 主義」留下伏線。 The combination of stainless book shelf and classic lighting give a hints to“Modern Classicism”.
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
總承辦商Main Contractor Shanghai Shirong Industrial Co Ltd 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants MoHen Design International 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings GE Lighting 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Kohler 攝影師Photography Maoder Chou Studio
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
三樓洗手間隱藏在「大箱」裡。 The sanitary room is on 3/F where is enclosed by a free-standing box.
MoHen Design International
MoHen Design International
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
e-KONG 香港灣仔 Wanchai, Hong Kong 200 平方米/sq m
e-KONG, Hong Kong
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
朱 的雕塑品豎立在近門口的位置, 好像在帶領客戶或員工進入辦公室。 Ju Ming sculpture is erected, seems to guide clients and employees into the main office.
平面圖 Floor Plan
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
溫馨的燈光投射在木牆之上,加 上黑色真皮坐椅,可供客人等候 甚至休息片刻。 Black leather lounge is placed before a wooden wall-feature surrounded by warm lights.
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
針對這家香港上市電訊公司的特點,Artlink設計公司營造了一個氣勢恢弘、尊貴高雅、舒適大方的 辦公環境。黑木質地的傢俱和設施、寬敞的休息室和會議室等元素令人印象深刻、為之驚歎。 在接待廳,一面石牆展示了公司的標誌,簡直是精心蝕刻,完美突顯。光滑的大理石地板上放置 了一個座台,其上方豎立了朱 的雕塑品,仿佛像帶領員工進入辦公室,或者是歡迎客戶進入鋪設 地毯的接待處。接待處設置了黑色真皮坐椅,加上木牆前的燈光,倍感溫馨。 會議室的高科技玻璃隔牆和門可通過電子裝置由透明玻璃轉換為磨砂玻璃。富有魔力的玻璃鏡面 既營造出輝煌之感,又可在人們需要時提供私人空間。 每間獨立的辦公室都個 迥異,各有不同的佈局、沙發的選擇和寬闊的桌子。為了讓工作房間加添 溫馨的感覺,例如內嵌的書架展示藝術品和雕塑、特色燈具以及色彩大膽的東方地毯。 主辦公室寬敞的走廊表面柔和的灰白色調從牆壁延伸至地毯和工作間,甚至是密閉式檔案櫃。諸 多藝術品,如朱 和Jiang Shuo等人的雕塑、油畫以及地毯均由Artlink提供。 Artlink Design Associates Ltd
每個獨立的工作間都有自己的設 計,擁有自我風格的梳化系列和 寬闊的桌子。 Each enclosed office has its own personality with various layouts, sofa selection, and generously sized desks.
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
For this telecom company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Artlink Design created a grand, dignified office with a touch of the pleasant surprises. Combining dark wood with sturdy furniture and fixtures, and allocating generous space for the foyer and conference room, there are several impressive and sometimes even surprising or charismatic elements. At the reception lobby, a stone wall was created to showcase the company's logo -- deeply etched and perfectly spotlighted. The glossy marble floor houses a pedestal, atop of which the life-sized Ju Ming sculpture is erected, seems to guide employees into the main office or welcomes clients to the carpeted reception area where a black leather lounge is placed before a wooden wall-feature surrounded by warm lights. The high-tech glass partition and door in the conference room provides the option to change from clear glass to frosted glass electronically. This magic glass panel creates an imposing look, yet offers people in the room the type of privacy they require. Each enclosed office has its own personality with various layouts, sofa selection, and generously sized desks. Enhancers for the rooms are warm features such as in-set book shelves with displaying art and sculptures, feature lighting, and boldly-coloured oriental rugs. Walking through the main office along the spacious corridors are co-ordinated creamy grey hues on each surface which extend from the wall to wall carpet, cubicles and even compactus filing. The many pieces of artwork, from sculptures like the Ju Ming and Jiang Shuo, to paintings and rugs, all were sourced by Artlink.
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
寬敞的走廊表面,柔和的灰白色 調從牆壁延伸至地毯和工作間, 甚至是密閉式的檔案櫃。 Along the spacious corridors are co-ordinated creamy grey hues on each surface which extend from the wall to wall carpet, cubicles and even compactus filing.
Artlink Design Associates Ltd
進入這間辦公室,你會發現自己被雕塑品包圍。 One would feel that he or she is surrounded by sculptures.
客戶Client Richard J. Siemens 總承辦商Main Contractor Artlink Design Associates 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Artlink Design Associates 傢具Furniture Salotto 牆飾Wall Covering Tat Ming 藝術品Artwork Ju Ming Jiang Shuo 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Forever 視聽系統AV System 3M 攝影Photography Ulso Tang Artlink Design Associates Ltd
Maurice Mentjens
Ontwerpbureau B2B 荷蘭馬斯垂克 Masstricht, Netherlands 98平方米/sq m
B2B, Masstricht
Maurice Mentjens
B2B位於荷蘭馬斯垂克,是間平面設計公司,它年輕、有活力、富於 創新,設計出許多時尚具魅力且高質量的平面圖案。這些設計師們的 時髦、青春活力與公司的傳統、古老且淳樸的風格形成強烈的對比, 也正因為這對比成為了設計師們創作的源泉。 建築物前身是堡壘,其後曾經一度變為修道院,經歷數年,成為聖徒 施禮集會的場所和 禁犯人的所在地。現在,年輕時尚的新生代在這裡 工作,他們隔著古老厚重的城牆傳播著數位時代的訊息。城堡古老的 歷史文化成為了室內設計創作的源泉,激發著員工將當代時尚的元素 帶進中世紀古老的建築中。 工作的地點由一間大的工作室、兩間小房間以及兩間房中間的大廳所 組成。兩間稍小的房間,其中一間塗成紫紅色,可當作辦公室或會議 室;而另一間則漆上灰色,用作廚房,舉行會議或甚至休閒區域。 進入最大的房間,兩張大的白色辦公桌,排成一直線並擺放在工作室 中,將空間一分為二,中間留出一條小通道。在其中一張辦公桌的一 端擺放著一個高大的紅色書架,而另一張則擺放著一個較細小的白色 書架。看著這兩張辦公桌,讓人不禁聯想起城堡上的炮台、吊橋或是 僧侶們用餐的餐桌。一個大的塔形木櫥櫃位於辦公桌旁邊,長長的條 紋狀天鵝絨披蓋在櫃門上。對面的一道牆繪上樹的影子,知更鳥的身 影站在樹枝上。此外,一個真實的知更鳥鬧鐘懸掛在樹影之上。
平面圖Floor Plan
另外的兩間房,大小相同、並排而列,位於大廳的另一端。兩間房內 都自天花而下懸掛著一個巨大的圓柱體。在那紫色調的房間,圓柱體 於天花浮現,好似一座塔的部份。圓柱體無論與牆或天花的色調和材 質都十分吻合,是整個辦公室中不可或 的一部分。 一張巨大的銀白色辦公桌/會議桌擺放於房間中央,正正在電燈底下。 一個巨大的紅色半透明狀圓柱體懸挂在灰色調的房間中,看上去猶如 一盞特大紅色油燈懸挂在祭壇上空。因此,這個深灰色調的空間便成 了廚房。灰色的牆面以及水泥地板四處滲透著那種小教堂般的氣息, 電燈中透出淡紅色燈光,為整個房間增添一絲暖意。另外,房間的另 一邊是一堵巨大的木牆,看起來像極了古老的城門。
Maurice Mentjens
古老大木門帶出古舊的氣氛,像向人訴說古堡歷史。 The great wooden wall reminds people about the history of an old castle.
B2B is a graphic design agency based in Maastricht. It's a young and innovative company that creates hip and very high-quality graphic designs. There is a contrast between the hip, young and dynamic people working inside the building and the traditional, historic and almost idyllic look. The contrast greatly provides the interior designer a point of departure for his design.
The office area consists of a large workspace and two smaller rooms separated from one another by a hall. One of the smaller rooms is purple-pink in colour and serves as the office and/or conference space while the other smaller room is grey and serves as the kitchen/conference/relaxation area. Inside the larger workspace, there are two large white work tables set up in line so as to divide the area into two, with a passageway left open between the tables. At the end of one table there is a large red bookshelf, and at the end of the other is a smaller white bookshelf. The tables remind people of the castle's fortifications and drawbridge, but are also reminiscent of the tables at which the monks ate in the refectory.
The castle was built as a fort and served for many years as a monastery, a recreational complex and a prison for the Saint Servaes Chapter.In these surroundings where hip modern young people now work, they have managed to introduce the digital age within these centuries-old walls. This inspired me to take the history of the castle as my point of departure in designing the interior and to place modern objects inside the medieval architectural elements. B2B
Maurice Mentjens
Maurice Mentjens
Maurice Mentjens
立體圖3D Renderings
Next to the table are a large tower-shaped wooden cabinet and a large cabinet panel covered by long velvet drapes in heraldic colours. On the opposite wall, there is a wall painting depicting the shadow of a tree with a cuckoo clock as an independent element in the branches. The two other rooms are identical in size and are located next to one another on the other side of the hallway. In both rooms, there is a very large cylinder suspended from the ceiling. In the purple room, it appears to emerge from the ceiling as the remains of a tower. The cylinder is of exactly the same colour and texture as the wall and ceiling and is therefore an integral part of its surroundings. In the middle of the room stands a large silver desk/conference table placed precisely beneath the lamp. A large red translucent cylinder is suspended in the grey room as a reminiscent of a giant red oil lamp hanging above an altar, which, in this case is the dark grey kitchen unit. The grey walls and concrete floor reinforce the impression of a chapel, whereas the reddish glow from the lamp adds the element of warmth to the room. On one side, the room is closed off by a large wooden wall, which looks somewhat like an old castle gate. Maurice Mentjens
客戶Client Ontwerpbureau B2B 總承辦商Main Contractor Jos Meijers 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Grease Lighting 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings De Jong Lampen Grease Lighting 傢具Furniture Maurice Mentjens Design Knoll International 鋪地Flooring (Painted epoxy) Casa Delle Fonti 藝術品Artwork (Wall paintings) B2B 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Casa Delle Fonti 攝影Photography Gregor Ramaekers
Lorcan O' Herlihy Architects
Paulith Garments 美國加州 California, USA 500平方米/ sq m
Paulith Garments, California
Paulith Garments
Lorcan O' herlihy Architects
這個專案的設計理念是「建築中的建 築」。 This project adopts the idea of constructing a“building within a building”.
平面圖 Floor Plan
一家服裝銷售公司新建的公司總部,面積有500平方 米。這個專案的設計理念便是「建築中的建築」, 因此,需要重新考慮辦公室與建築結構之間的關 係。公共空間被當作在總辦公室範圍之中的另一個 外在範圍。空間由一條不斷延伸的狹長地帶彎曲折 疊而成,把分散且不同的分工部門連繫起來,原料 會在那裡變成製品。 倉庫、生產、管理、銷售都集中在運作與空間之間 那條模糊不清的界線上。這個情況讓空間更集中、 更有凝聚力,也營造出一種積極的工作氣氛。 這個500平方米的空間是時裝分銷及展覽廳。其他設 備還包括裝卸碼頭、行政辦公室、更衣室、會議室 以及展覽廳。
LorCan O' herlihy Architects
Paulith Garments
公眾地方在整個設計範圍裡面好像變成另 一些額外的空間。 Public spaces are being conceived as exterior volumes within the overall shell. Paulith Garments
Lorcan O' herlihy Architects
A new 500 sq m headquarters for a garment distribution company, this project adopts the idea of constructing a “building within a building� and thus rethinking the norms of conventional offices and structures. Public spaces are being conceived as exterior volumes within the overall shell. The various spaces are created through the bending and folding of a continuous ribbon that unites the diversified stages of the distribution chain where a raw resource is converted to a finished product. Storage, fabrication, administration, and sales are converged to blur the lines between programs and spaces. Thus the resulting spaces conform to a more unified and cohesive whole provoking a more productive work atmosphere. The 500 sq m distribution and showroom center for the fashion fabric and garment company include a loading dock, executive offices, changing rooms, conference rooms, and showrooms.
LorCan O' herlihy Architects
Paulith Garments
Paulith Garments
Lorcan O' herlihy Architects
不同工作的空間巧妙地相互牽引 著,形成整個設計中的一股凝聚 力。 There is an invisible force to unite the diversified working spaces.
LorCan O' herlihy Architects
Paulith Garments
客戶Client Paulith Garments 工程管理 Project Manager David Thompson 總承辦商 Main Contractor Space Construction 燈具 Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Plug Lighting 立體圖3D Rendering Paulith Garments
Lorcan O' herlihy Architects
攝影Photography Michael Weschler Photography
立面圖 Elevation LorCan O' herlihy Architects
Paulith Garments
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
Pulsmacher 德國路德維斯堡Ludwigsburg, Germany 750平方米/sq m
Pulsmacher, Ludwigsburg
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
整個地面全被清潔乾淨以重現原有建築古 老的水泥結構。 The whole floor was cleaned in order to recover the old concrete structure of the building.
平面圖Floor Plan
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
在路德維斯堡的斯圖加特一工廠舊址的閣樓, 已經被重新裝修成一間新的辦公室—P u l smacher。佔地750平方米,整個地面全被清潔 乾淨以重現原有建築古老的水泥結構。
"L"形的地平面將辦公室分成三個功能區。 The L-shaped floor plan divides the agency into three functional zones.
"L"形的地平面將辦公室分成三個功能區。大廈 的最前端,透明玻璃牆分隔著會議室和主辦公 室。入口處則位於三個天窗的正下方,並擺放 著一櫃台,帶領人們經過中間的書架,來到辦 公室的中心點。 員工在主辦公室工作,旁便則是洗手間。朝上 翹向屋頂的牆壁將兩者隔開,予人一種空間上 的強烈衝擊感。灰白色的地毯鋪在辦公室的中 央,被四周的圓柱圍繞,在燈光的照耀下,顯 現出空間、電線、燈光的直線感,協調而統 一。 潔白素淨的牆面、天花,純白的MDF傢俬,再 配上淺灰的環氧樹脂地板,令空間越發地協調 統一起來。 Pulsmacher
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
從接待處經過中央的書架,來到辦公室的中心點。 Defined by a counter, it leads into the heart of the agency via the central library furniture.
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
灰白色的地毯鋪在辦公室的中 央,被四周的圓柱圍繞。 A lime coloured carpeting is placed in the center surrounded with columns.
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
An attic floor in an old industrial building in Ludwigsburg, close to Stuttgart, was converted into a new office space for the event agency - Pulsmacher. Occupying 750 sq m, the whole floor was cleaned in order to recover the old concrete structure of the building.
Along the side of the main space where staff is working, essential service rooms are placed. Separated by a tilted wall towards the roof, it gives the space its very strong identity. A lime coloured carpeting is placed in the center surrounded with columns which emphasizes the linearity of the space, as well as the suspended cable beams with integrated lightning.
The L-shaped floor plan divides the agency into three functional zones. On the front side of the building, transparent glass walls separate the meeting room and the main office. The entrance zone is located below three existing skylights. Defined by a counter, it leads into the heart of the agency via the central library furniture.
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
White walls and ceilings, white-varnished furniture out of MDF and a floor out of light grey epoxy rasin strengthen the homogeneosity of the space.
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
潔白素淨的牆壁和天花,再配上淺灰的 環氧樹脂地板,令空間協調統一。 White walls and ceilings, a floor out of light grey epoxy rasin strengthen the homogeneosity of the space.
客戶Client Pulsmacher GmbH 總承辦商Main Contractor Powells Shopfitting 建築師Architects Giorgio Bottega Henning Ehrhardt 項目建築師Project Architect Christoph Seebald 攝影Photography David Franck Photographie Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten
Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
Jet Films 加拿大蒙特利爾 Montreal, Canada 850 平方米/sq m
Jet Films, Montreal Jet Films
Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
工程項目內,挑戰無處不在。而此項目中的挑 戰便在於將上個世紀的歷史 建築裝修改成一所 充滿21世紀色彩,以拍攝廣告為主的製作室。 長長的絲帶穿越兩層樓的空間,飄過地面、牆 壁和天花。多樣的設計元素充斥著整個空間, 絲帶與原有的獨特空間不停交織。 一樓平面圖 1/F Floor Plan
穿插在以前簡陋的馬廝之中,透過佈局的變換 及材質的運用,設計師不僅將職員個人的工作 空間清楚地分割開來,同時也將這些空間暢順 地連成一體。雖然這些空間都保留著原來馬廝 的天然樸實及泥土氣息卻又添加了幾分新元 素。新工作間中所運用的雅緻光滑、透亮度高 的織物與天然石頭和圓木相對照,形成鮮明的 對比。 白色的營光燈點亮著整個空間,在絲帶的飄逸 下,更加顯現出夢幻的色彩。有時,透過淺淺 的有色玻璃,空間變得柔和,視覺上感到佈局 在轉變,整個空間看起來變幻莫測。
地下平面圖 G/F Floor Plan
Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
Jet Films
Challenges exist in every project. The challenge in this particular project lies in the interior renovation of a historic 20th century establishment into an upbeat 21st century film production house specializes in advertising. A long ribbon moves and folds through the two-storey space defining the floor, wall, and ceiling. The various program elements make the place within its different folds distinct and the interstices created between the weaving ribbon and existing container unique spaces.
Jet Films
Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
透過淺淺的有色玻璃,空間變 得柔和,視覺上感到佈局在轉 變,整個空間看起來變幻莫 測。 Tinted panels of glass reflect and transform the perception of the solidity and form of the space adding a changing optical effect to the ensemble.
Through form and materiality, this strategy not only separates the individual working spaces but also ties them together into a smooth, continuous ensemble that is inserted into the textured space of old stables. The insertion remains a foreign element inside the natural, earthy materiality of the stables. The refined, smooth and highly reflective textures of the new directly oppose the brutal roughness of the existing raw stone and wood. The spaces are lit by neutral fluorescent lamps accentuating the fluorescent colors chosen for the ribbon. At times, tinted panels of glass reflect and transform the perception of the solidity and form of the space adding a changing optical effect to the ensemble.
客戶Client Jet Films 總承辦商Main Contractor Anjinnov Inc 建築師Architect Saucier + Perrotte Architects 設計組Project Team Gilles Saucier, Thomas Balaban, Anna Bendix 結構工程Engineer (structural and M.E.P) Le Groupe Teknica 顧問Consultant (Code Consultant) Technorm Inc 攝影Photography Marc Cramer Photography
Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
Jet Films
Din Associates Ltd
FCUK 英國倫敦卡姆登Camden, London, UK 4,200平方米/sq m
FCUK, London
Din Associates ltd
二樓平面圖2/F Floor Plan
一樓平面圖1/F Floor Plan
Din Associates ltd
第一個陳列區被一條15米長的台階分開, 成為了展示產品的理想平台。 The first showroom area is split by a 15m long elevated steps providing ideal display platforms for accessories.
Din Associates ltd
這座新的辦公室與陳列室將French Connection Organization 在倫敦各 處的多個部門集中到了同一個屋簷下。 維多利亞式的儲存倉大樓,佔地三層,每一層面積有1,400平方米。一 樓有:接待處、宣傳部、零售部、營銷、展覽及批發銷售之用的陳列室 等。而二樓則是設計工作室、生產部門以及行政人員辦公室。此外,還 設計了一道新的樓梯由此連接至三樓,此創作靈感來自廠房原有的建築 設計。 由經接待處,穿過樓梯,踏過被纖維布幕包圍的通道,在高纖照明燈的 指引下,便來到陳列區。第一個陳列區被一條15米長的台階分開,成為 了產品展示的理想平台。展示的產品都吊在高3米的碳鋼架上,這樣懸 掛的展品便可以輪流替換。碳鋼,這種新型的材料營造出年輕、充滿活 力的氣息,與房間中四處漫溢、沈重穩固的工業建築風格形成強烈的反 差。 碳鋼還被運用在二、三樓,用來製作一張多層的4米高可滑 的屏風,使 空間可以根據需要靈活使用。原有建築中存在的部件大部分都得到了保 留,並融合在當前的設計中。碳鋼與織物的混合利用,營造出輕鬆、愉 快、悠閒的氛圍,滿足著獨處構思的需要。 多個FCUK部門集中到了同 一個屋簷下工作。 All French Connection organization departments from different sites in London now are working under one roof.
Din Associates ltd
踏過被纖維布幕包圍著的通道,加上在高 纖照明燈的指引下,到達了陳列區。 A fabric encased corridor with fiber optic lighting that leads to the showroom areas.
The new offices and showrooms bring together the various sections of the French Connection organization from different sites in London under one roof. The Victorian warehouse building occupies over three floors of 1,400 sq m of space per floor. The ground floor contains the reception, press offices and showrooms for retail, marketing, display and wholesale while the second floor houses the design studios, production and executive offices. Linking the three floors is a new staircase that takes inspiration from the industrial nature of the building. From the reception and staircase extends a fabric encased corridor with fiber optic lighting that leads to the showroom areas; the first of which is split by a 15m long elevated steps providing ideal display platforms for accessories. The collections are hung on the 3m high polycarbonate and stainless steel frames which can be rotated for faceout displays as well as side hanging. The contemporary materials present an interesting contrast to the robust industrial setting that prevails in the space.
客戶Client FCUK 轂承辦商Main Contractor Powells Shopfitting 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Light Tecnica 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Lightworks
The polycarbonate is also used in the upper floors to create multiple 4m sliding screens that create flexibility with the way the spaces can be used. A large proportion of the existing features in the building have been retained and integrated into the design. The mix of the polycarbonate and fabric allow the space to be light and airy while privacy is ensured when required.
傢具Furniture Coexistence Furniture for Business 鋪地Flooring Jaymart Altro 織物Upholstery David Scotcher Interiors
The project was undertaken in two phases of eight weeks each.
窗簾Curtains/Blinds Levolux 攝影Photography Richard Leeny FCUK
Din Associates ltd
樓梯連接至三樓,此創作靈感來自廠房原有的建築設計。 Linking the three floors is a new staircase that takes inspiration from the industrial nature of the building.
Din Associates ltd
Carsten Roth Architekt
CLOSED 德國漢堡Hamburg, Germany 1,400 平方米/ sq m
Closed, Hamburg
Carsten Roth Architekt
時裝公司CLOSED新總部的規劃蘊含著對員工 慣常工作環境完全重組的意義。辦公結構分隔 為很多迷宮般、且富有Hamburg-Eppendorf後 院氛圍的小房間。 佔地面積達1,400平方米的新總部位於近期復 興的Hamburg-Falkenried,由一個舊街車倉庫 (建於1900年左右)改建而成。它包括設計部 門、生產部門的開放式辦公空間、兩個新展覽 房、公司管理層辦公室、行銷區、薄記區和一 個新的會議區、公共區和一個兩層的接待廳。 由於原有建築的主要光線來自中心的採光井而 不是建築正面,所以設計師把空間設計成開放 的辦公室(德國建築辦公空間的理念是盡可 能為每個員工提供最多的自然光線和通風效 果)。
一樓平面圖 1/F Floor Plan
客戶希望開放的空間能將設計和生產部門、展 示廳以及擁有28名管理、行銷和薄記工作人員 的獨立辦公空間融合起來。這個要求成為空間 設計上的一個主要的挑戰。設計師決定這樣解 決難題:在大廳中安放兩個長“盒子”來增加 私人辦公空間。一樓用作簿記和行銷區,夾樓 層的一側安置了展覽室和管理人員辦公室,而 設計部門正好在另一側。
地下平面圖 G/F Floor Plan
Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
由於原有的建築物主要的光線來自中心的 採光井而不是建築正面,所以把空間設計 成開放的辦公室。 As the old building gets the main daylight from an areaway in the centre and not from the facades, the space is obviously laid out for open-plan offices.
另一個問題在於夾樓層上舊鋼樑 以下的2.4米高度。設計師將地面 上的盒子間隔再次劃分為三份, 使之脫離了自由移 於間隔各部位 間的橫樑。所以,辦公室間隔是 真正獨立的,為這座舊結構的建 築賦予學術的氣氛。 除了大廳間隔的放置,內部的房 間與開闊的設計師空間都進行了 隔音處理。在夾樓層辦公室的對 面,設計師創造了一面儲藏牆, 與辦公室的設計原理相同。牆壁 上有下垂的扶手和放置兩個完 整的時裝設計收藏擱板。儲藏牆 可以向後打開,使得以往擁擠的 生產部門呈現出寧靜之感。一樓 的功能區(包括廚房、浴室和打 印室)也都設計成盒子間隔,全 部都鑲有橡木貼邊的白色光滑面 板。 原有空間的厚重感被明快的色彩 理念所取代。舊街車倉庫的工業 特 得以保留,同時開放式空間隨 處可見的凹凸地面裝飾也突出了 該特點(發光的酸酐灰漿)。所 有傢俱元素都精緻細巧,與街車 倉庫的 糙特質交相輝映。時而啞 光、時而亮澤的白色陰影,淺灰 和自然上油的橡木是這個空間的 主色調。 整個設計中,室內設計與傢私設 計的界限很模糊。
The planning of the new headquarters for the fashion company - CLOSED implied a complete reorganisation of the employee's habitual working environment. The officestructure was subdivided into many small rooms in a maze-like Hamburg-Eppendorf backyard type ambience. The new 1,400 sq m headquarters was realised in a part of the old streetcar depot (built around 1900) in the recently revitalised area of Hamburg-Falkenried. It contains an open-plan office space for the design and production department, two new showrooms, offices for the company management, marketing and bookkeeping as well as a new conference area, communal space and a two-storyed reception hall. As the old listed building gets the main daylight from an areaway in the centre (see section) and not from the facades, the space is obviously laid out for open-plan offices (the German building codes for offices space arrogate natural daylight and ventilation for each single employee). So, one of the main challenges in designing the space was the clients wish for a mixture of open floor plan area for the design and the production department and the showrooms plus single office spaces for about 28 people in management, marketing Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
客戶希望開放的空間能將各 部門融合起來。 The client would like to see a mixture of all departments in an open floor plan. Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
「辦公盒子」獨立建造及 安放,全部都鑲有橡木貼 邊的白色光滑面板。 "O f f i c e-b o x e s" a r e r eally free standing. They are all cladded in glossy white panels with oak wood seams.
and bookkeeping. The designers decided to solve the problem by adding the private office spaces in two furniture-like long "boxes" located at the hall, the ground floor is reserved for bookkeeping and marketing and the mezzanine level houses the showrooms and management personnel where the designers' space is right across the other wing. Another problem that has to be resolved is the height of 2.4 m underneath the old steel-beams on the mezzanine level. The designers have created the shelved "box" on the floor in three subdivisions, detached from the beams that are now running freely in between the box-parts. So the "office-boxes" are really free standing, giving the image of dissertation to the old structure of the building. Despite the object-like placement of boxes in the hall, the rooms inside are acoustically separated from the large designers space. On the mezzanine floor opposite to the office boxes, the designers invented a storage wall with hanging rails and shelves for two whole fashion design collections using the same design principles like the office box. The storage wall can be opened to the back; and that gives a calm appearance towards the usually busy design at the production area. Functional space on ground floor (including the kitchen, bathroom and copy room) is again added to the hall in a furniture-like box, they are all cladded in glossy white panels with oak wood seams. Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
The industrial character of the old streetcar depot is maintained and underlined by a rough floor finish all over the open spaces (glazed anhydride mortar). All furniture elements are fine detailed and in contrast to the rough character of the streetcar depot hall. The heaviness of the old space was taken away by a bright colour concept. Different shades of white, sometimes matt and sometimes glossy, light grey and naturally oiled oak wood dominate the space. In this project, the limits between interior design and furniture design are blurred.
長形盒子就像小形獨立辦 公室,為職員提供私人工 作空間。 L o n g "b o x e s" b e c o m e small offices which can provide privacy.
Carsten Roth Architekt
時而啞光、時而亮澤的白色陰影,淺灰和 自然上油的橡木是這個空間的主色調。 Different shades of white, sometimes matt and sometimes glossy, light grey and naturally oiled oak wood dominate the space. CLOSED
Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
Carsten Roth Architekt
客戶Client Closed 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Max Franke Erco 傢具Furniture E15 Kayenburg linear 鋪地Flooring Kruger & Sohne 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Keramag Catalano Dornbracht 攝影師Photography Klaus Frahm
辦公室設計能為員工提供最多的 自然光線和通風效果。 The office space arrogate natural daylight and ventilation for each single employee.
Carsten Roth Architekt
FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi 香港灣仔 Wanchai, Hong Kong 750平方米/sq m
Saatchi & Saatchi, Hong Kong
Saatchi & Saatchi
FRA Limited
盛世廣告(S a a t c h i & S a a t c h i)為美國廣告代理商協會 (4A’s)公司會員,這項目在一開始時詳細規劃及搬遷策 略成為重要的考慮。簡約的設計亦成為了本設計項目的重 點,設計更需配合自然及當代風格以反映出創意及對建築 的注意力。 該設計融合了創意空間規劃、設備管理、科技及電腦資訊 基礎建設,目的並非只提供優秀設計,乃是改善工作環境 及利用空間規劃促進公司的互 文化。 FRA運用了簡約及天然的顏色組合和物料,加強了整體的 建築設計元素。加上設計師於主要位置及特別範圍分別再 採用了自然的燈光效果及特別效果,天然物料的應用及自 然的環境都營造出創意的氣氛。 簡約的設計是本項目的重點,設計需配合自然及當代風格以反映出創意及建築的吸 引力。 Simplicity is the design focus with natural and contemporary approaches to reflect creativity and attention to building architecture.
混凝土造成的接待處充分帶出自然的效果以呼應整體設 計;公司標誌「Saatchi & Saatchi」巧妙地應用了「白色 襯托白色」意念,鑲在白色的特式塗料牆上,此外這裡裝 設了大塊的條狀天然松木地板,令到接待處的感覺更為自 然。不銹鋼酒吧安置在接待處與會議室之間,依靠在混凝 土牆前;配合數顆鋁質子彈型的吊燈,體驗了時尚現代的 風格。多用途會議室設有齊全的先進影音設備供演示及播 放廣告片段,牆上白色玻璃的飾面除裝飾之外亦可作白板 使用。會議室牆壁採用了可移 的玻璃間斷,開放時能令 其能非敘靈活地融合旁邊的走廊擴展成一間巨型的會議 室。 為了加強創意的概念,FRA特地把工作間設計得開放、簡 約、低調及自然,辦公室的盡頭設有供員工進行「腦震 盪」及分享創作靈感的討論空間。 該項目不但表現出優越的設計,而且同時把科技及設備規 劃的技巧運用得恰到好處。
平面圖 Floor Plan
FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi
公司標誌「Saatchi & Saatchi」巧妙地應 用了「白色襯托白色」意念,鑲在白色的 特式塗料牆上。 Placed on a coarsely textured specially painted wall, the company logo “Saatchi & Saatchi” has applied the “White on White” design concept.
Saatchi & Saatchi
FRA Limited
FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi
Saatchi & Saatchi
FRA Limited
不銹鋼酒吧依靠在混凝土牆前,配合鋁質 子彈型的吊燈,體驗了現代時尚的風格。 The stainless steel bar countertop and concrete wall with several suspended lighting made by aluminium bullet shapes illustrates a stylish contemporary language.
Saatchi & Saatchi is a Member of the 4A’s Advertising Agency. Strategic planning and relocation strategies are important considerations at the outset of the project. Simplicity is the design focus with natural and contemporary approaches to reflect creativity and attention to building architecture. The project incorporates creative space planning, facilities management, technology and IT infrastructure. The aim is to apply design excellence to enhance the working environment and interactive culture through superb spatial planning. FRA used simple and natural colour schemes and materials to enhance the overall design elements of the architecture. The designer also used natural lighting effects in major areas and applied special effects in some specific areas. The design has employed natural materials to generate creativity that integrate with the natural spatial environment. The reception counter is made of concrete to bring out a holistic natural effect that matches the overall environment. Placed on a coarsely textured specially painted wall, the company logo “Saatchi & Saatchi” has applied the ‘White on White’ design concept. In addition, large size natural pine timber flooring is installed to make the whole reception area look more natural. A beverage bar is located behind the reception and conference room. The stainless steel bar countertop and concrete wall with several suspended lighting made by aluminium bullet shapes FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi
illustrates a stylish contemporary language. The Multi-Functional Room is equipped with sophisticated audio and visual equipment for presentations and the broadcast of advertisement movie clippings. The white coloured back painted glass wall finish is not just for decoration, it also serves as the white board while the meeting is in progress. The side walls of the meeting rooms made up by multi-fold glass partitions can be opened to consolidate several meeting rooms into a very large conference room with high degree of flexibility. In order to enhance the sense of creativity, FRA has designed the workplace in an open, simple and free character. There are some open spaces at the end of the office for team brainstorming, discussions and inspirations throughout the office. This project demonstrates design excellence, technology and facilities planning proficiency skills.
Saatchi & Saatchi
FRA Limited
除了創意,整個辦公室還充滿著開放、簡 約和自由的氣氛。 Apart from the sense of creativity, the workplace is in an open, simple and free atmosphere.
FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi
辦公室的盡頭設有供員工進行「腦震盪」 及分享創作靈感的討論空間。 There are some open spaces at the end of the office for team brainstorming, discussions and inspirations throughout the office.
Saatchi & Saatchi
FRA Limited
客戶Client Saatchi & Saatchi 總承辦商Main Contractor Wang Yip Contracting Co 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Element Lighting Design 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings Metropolitan Lighting 傢具Furniture Lamex Trading Co Ltd 牆飾Wall Covering Tak Lee Decoration Material Ltd 鋪地Flooring Manford Interiors 攝影Photography Hans Schlupp Photography FRA Limited
Saatchi & Saatchi
Marc & Chantal Design
Star TV 香港紅磡Hung Hom, Hong Kong 250平方米/sq m
Star TV, Hong Kong
Star TV
Marc & Chantal Design
所有的設計理念為Star TV帶來了先進的技術以及當代時尚的優雅。 新工作環境需要反映出Star TV的轉變和不斷發展的各種產品,以及寬 屏幕這類先進的多媒體技術。另外,設計還需支持員工富變化的工作 模式。最初,客戶只要求對董事會議室進行裝修,但後來設計公司將 裝修延伸到鄰近的接待處和休息室,設計成果不但令室內裝飾協調統 一,更重要的是一改原有沉悶、呆板的氣息,顯得開闊愜意,董事會 議室變得視野開闊,光線充足。客戶的宗旨之一是要向每一位來訪者 (投資者、合作夥伴、銀行家)展示他們最新最好的產品,誠心地為 他們提供最優秀的服務。 一進入辦公室便即感受到一種時光停頓的舒適和愜意。來訪者可能會 想到:閃爍的燈光、投影牆、調色板,然後是太空船的影像。然而, 客戶卻想避免給人這種感覺。設計師要以一種非常人 化且出其不意的 手法解決技術上的問題。 接待處與董事長會議室之間的牆壁被拆除,因此,接待處的視野得到 了擴展,會議室則成為了空間的中心。通常許多辦公室內的會議室被 用作展覽室,甚至被看作是公司身份的象徵,並且只用於特別的正統 場合。而在Star TV,董事長會議室永遠也不會被束之高閣。 無框雙突透鏡的玻璃牆無形地將接待處、休息區與會議室分開,後面 展示著一面超大的屏幕,提供清晰及全方位的圖像,向到達接待處的 訪客即時傳遞集團的訊息。玻璃牆面因雙突透的效果,好像掩蓋上了 一層神秘的面紗,當人們經過,表面好似泛起漣漪,產生清澈、半透 的共鳴。當會議室開啟UMU系統,視覺又再一次發生改變,雙突透鏡 的玻璃板變成了密實的牆壁,為正在進行的會議提供私密 ,卻仍可引 入自然光線。 設計公司要為客戶建造一個「傳媒花園」,於是將自然元素融入設計 之中。設計師對竹牆進行另一種處理手法,運用木材編接的方法將樹 幹編織成一個樹林,橫過玻璃牆板的前方。迷你型的寬屏幕安裝在樹 枝中,電線等則隱藏在中空的支幹內,播放著所有頻道的影視片段。 寬屏的周邊重新設計,用少量的金屬和磨砂玻璃做框,保持著一種時 尚統一的美感,突出了橡木以及木炭鑲板的質感。
迷你型的寬屏幕安裝在樹枝中,播放著所 有頻道的節目。 Mini flat-screen monitors projecting footage from all the various Star TV channels are planted within the branches.
無線觸摸屏幕控制著空間的 態,密切關注著室內的技術裝置--從鑲嵌
Marc & Chantal Design
Star TV
在休息室矮餐桌上的觸摸屏到一塵不染的會議桌面。而會議桌的每一個座位上都安裝了多重資料連接器, 擴音器裝在天花上,桌面整潔毫無電纜的紛擾, 人們在講話時便可以在房間內自由走 。大螢幕導演著雙重 角色:電 白板,以及一組牆面式等離子螢幕,用做商業展示之用簡單傳送著商品的資訊。天然元素"Media Garden"與會議室中的橡木牆壁相對應,並用鋼質材料鑲邊。 科技的高速發展,往往超過高檔時尚潮流的轉變。設計師們明白潮流這東西是有時限的,甚至設計很可能 只會盛行幾個季度。因此,這項目的主旨集中在推銷品牌、了解客戶 態發展,以及與客戶的交流,而不單 只是關注華麗的外在裝飾。
Star TV
Marc & Chantal Design
The overall design concept brings smart technology and contemporary elegance to the new Hong Kong headquarters of STAR. The new office space needs to reflect Star's changing and increasingly diversified products, as well as an advanced medium in the form of flat-screen technology. It also has to support the changing work patterns adopted by its staff. Initially, the brief was restricted to the revamping of the main boardroom. However, Marc & Chantal Design's proposal extended to remodeling the adjoining reception and lounge. Their efforts not only stamped a coherent theme on the interiors, but more importantly, it freed up the rather stuffy, enclosed boardroom space to the natural light and views. One of Star's prime concerns was to present the highly technological aspect of their products and services to visiting clientele, such as investors, partners and bankers, without being overly futuristic. The first impression upon entering the office is a sense of comfort and timelessness. Some might expect throbbing lights, projection walls and a palette that reflects a spaceship, but that was exactly what Star wanted to avoid. With the walls between the reception area and the boardroom broken down, the horizon of the reception landscape is broadened, the boardroom now becomes the centre-piece. In many offices the function of a conference room is treated like a showcase or status symbol and only used on the odd, formal occasion, but at Star TV, the boardroom is in consistent use.
接待處的視野開闊,休息區亦設有屏幕, 向到達的訪客即時傳遞集團的訊息。 The reception area is broadened. The lounge area is equipped with flat screen monitors to present company,s message to visitors.
Marc & Chantal Design
Star TV
A frameless, lenticular glass wall seamlessly separates the reception and lounge from the boardroom, where an oversized screen mounted at the rear radiates a clear corporate message to those arriving at the reception. The glass panel adds a layer of mystery through its lenticular treatment, resonating between clear and translucent as one passes through its surface. The perspective changes again when the boardroom comes into play - the UMU system is activated, transforming the lenticular glass into an opaque wall. Meetings are thereby guaranteed complete privacy whilst preserving natural light. Marc & Chantal Design responded to the client's wish for natural elements in the design through the creation of a ‘media garden’. Reworking the idea of a bamboo wall, the designers used spliced timber struts to weave a forest of trees across the glazed facade. Mini flat-screen monitors projecting footage from all the various Star TV channels are planted within the branches with their cables hidden in the hollow stems. The casings were redesigned in a minimal metallic and frosted mirror frame to maintain an overall contemporary aesthetic outlined by oak and timbers and charcoal slate.
Star TV
Marc & Chantal Design
當會議室開啟UMU系統,雙突透鏡的玻璃 板變成了密實的牆壁,為正在進行的會議 提供私密 。 When the UMU system is activated in the boardroom, the lenticular glass is transformed into an opaque wall. Meetings are thereby guaranteed complete privacy.
Whilst wireless touch-screens controlled the dynamics of the space, meticulous attention was paid to embedding the technology in the interiors - from the touch screens recessed in the low tables of the lounge, to the ultra-clean surface of the conference table. The latter is equipped with multiple data connections at every seat while microphones are fitted in the ceiling, leaving the table top uncluttered of cable channels and giving users the freedom to speak from anywhere in the room. The large screen does double duty as an electronic white-board, and a series of wall-mounted plasma screens support business presentations or simply relay the brand message. The natural elements of the ‘media garden’ are also alluded to in the conference room's oak wall, which is inscribed with fronds of wenge outlined in steel. With technology advancement coming up quicker than high-street fashion, the designers steered clear of anything that might only last a couple of seasons. The design focus was on branding the space; understanding the dynamics of the company and its communication, rather than stylish cosmetics.
Marc & Chantal Design
Star TV
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd 香港尖沙咀Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong 300 平方米/ sq m
Dynamicode + Advance Media, Hong Kong Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
D y n a m i c o d e有限公司有兩個 商業區,其中D y n a m i c o d e 辦公樓有I T支援,為電子銀 行提供電子政權系統,而 Advance Media Studio則為同一 客戶提供設計和行銷服務。設計 師是如何將狹小的辦公空間分為 獨立的兩個辦公區呢?通過空間 和格局佈置技巧,設計師向我們 展示了他如何實現該設計目標。 A區平面圖Dynamicode Floor Plan
Dynamicode需要智慧尖端的辦 公環境來體現其富有創造 的成 熟形象。示範室用作培訓用途, 有需要時可以和會議室合拼來配 合不同的活 安排。透過充滿活 力的環形佈局呈現出開放式辦公 空間。隱形門有效地連接了接待 處、展示房、會議室,其設計靈 感源自公司的名稱。由於運用了 櫥窗,K E Y的標識圖案印在玻璃 上,同時充分展示了公司的產 品。此外,它還可充當隔牆來增 加私人空間。會議室仿佛像沿走 廊而設的櫥窗,還可用電 窗簾分 隔。
B區平面圖Advance Media Floor Plan
會議室使用了木質和音響材料, 其材料與傳統銀行的形象相符, 但是燈光不但富有現代氣息,還 營造出較震憾的氛氛。 Advance Media Studio的氣氛更 加時尚和充滿活力,適合它富有 創意的工作。特別設計的橙色、 綠色和白色金屬隔板不僅有儲藏 功能,還成為華貴空間的焦點。 開放式的大型辦公桌為有創意的 員工提供了高度自由。
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
示範室用作培訓用途,有需要時可以和會 議室合拼來配合不同的活 安排。 The Demo Room is required for training activity and it is flexible enough to combine with the conference room for occasional functions.
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode Ltd has two areas of business. Dynamicode Office is an IT supporting company providing E-security system for E-banking access, while Advance Media Studio provides CI design and marketing service for the same clientele. How could the designer divide the small office space into two separate business zones? By utilizing spatial and layout techniques, the designer showed us how he could accomplish that goal. Dynamicode requires an intelligent and sophisticated office capable of reflecting their corporate image of mature creativity. The Demo Room is required for training activity and it is flexible enough to combine with the conference room for occasional functions. We design a more open space in which the reception, demo room and conference room can all be linked together through the concealed doors in a dynamic layout of circulation. This is inspired by their company name. Because of the use of a shopping glazing as window display, pattern of the KEY code is placed onto the glass to give a significant display of their product. It also functions as a partition for extra privacy if required. The conference room is like a window display along the corridor but it can also be separated by motorized curtains. Timber and acoustic fabric panel are used for conferencing. The materials are incorporated with the look of a conventional banking image; however, lighting is contemporarily located and enhances a more theatrical atmosphere. Advance Media Studio is more chic and energetic in its ambience for creative business. Specially designed orange, green and white metal cabinetries are beyond their storage functionality and also act as a focus for a lofty space. An open plan of large working bench is preferred for maximum freedom for creative staffs.
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
特別設計的橙色、綠色和白色金屬隔板有 儲藏功能。開放式的大型辦公桌為有創意 的員工提供了高度自由。 Specially designed orange, green and white metal cabinetries provide storage capacity. The large working bench is preferred for maximum freedom for creative staffs.
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
客戶Client Dynamicode Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor Creative House Decorate Co. 燈光顧問Lighting Consultants Sunaqua Concepts 燈具Lighting Fixtures and Fittings (Decorative Lamp) Apartment Ltd 傢具Furniture Ultra Furniture Frontier 金屬傢具Metal Furniture Sunaqua Concepts 牆飾Wall Covering Fabricnation Tat Ming Wall paper 鋪地Flooring (General Carpet) Leo-Thunder 藝術品Artwork Sunaqua Concepts 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Choi Designs 視聽系統AV System B & Data Ltd 攝影Photography (Custom Made) Dick Sunaqua Concepts Ltd
Dynamicode + Advance Media Ltd
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
Grand Power Express 香港葵涌Kwai Chung, Hong Kong 1,180 平方米/sq m
Grand Power Express, Hong Kong
Grand Power Express
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
簡潔的設計讓客戶的產品廣告清晰可見,一目了然。 Simple and clean concept allow the advertisement of the client's products come out more vividly.
平面圖 Floor Plan
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
Grand Power Express
Grand Power Express
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
主會議室的起伏不平背面 噴漆玻璃,開闢出一個靈 活的廣告展覽區。 The zig zac back painted glass wall in the main conference room create a flexible advertisement display area.
由於Grand Power Express的業務發展迅速,生意層面廣泛,最近在香港的新都會廣場用一整層樓興建公司 總部。 考慮到公司的業務 質和風水師提供的一些關鍵風水要求,KB PARTNERS AND ASSOCIATED LTD的設計 師們通過使用上升色彩營造出簡潔的氛圍,而上升的色彩所產生的燈光倒影又賦予辦公室以清爽及現代之 感。 設計師運用了背面噴漆玻璃和基本純白的氛圍,這樣就可以更加生 及形象化地推出客戶每季產品的廣告。 接待處的簡樸水池農莊既滿足了風水的要求,又為該位置帶來生氣。 在簡潔理念的引導下,主會議室的牆壁運用了起伏不平的背面噴漆玻璃,這樣不但開闢出一個靈活的廣告 展覽區,更為會議室的牆壁添上獨特的姿彩。設計師在大堂建造一道載有公司大型標誌的牆壁,它與燈光 互相輝映,成為搶眼的焦點。辦公室盡頭有郵政櫃處理日常有關運作。
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
Grand Power Express
Grand Power Express International Ltd is a fast growing company with varies business interests. It has recently taken the whole floor permise in Metroplaza as their headquarters in Hong Kong. Taking into consideration the business nature and some critical feng shui requirements provided by their feng shui consultant, the designer - KB Partners and Associated Ltd has created a simple form of environment using ascend colours that generate effective light reflections to create a refreshing and comtemporary office environment. The designer has applied back painted glass and a basically white environment to allow the seasonal advertisement of the client's products come out more vividly. The simple water farm created at the reception area is to incorporate the fung shui requirment and also energizes the area. By using a simple and clean concept, the zig zac back painted glass panel is used as a wall for the main conference room to create a flexible advertisement display area, and an exceptional wall feature for the conference room. At the main lobby, the designer has constructed a huge logo wall that combines with light reflections as an impressive focal attraction. At the opposite end of office is a mail counter to segregate the flow of operation personnel.
客戶Client Grand Power Express International Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor KB Partners And Associates Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fittings The PLC Group 牆飾Wall Covering K & K Decoration Supply Co 鋪地Flooring K & K Decoration Supply Co 窗簾Curtains/Blinds K & K Decoration Supply Co 攝影Photography Lenswork Products Grand Power Express
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
KB Partners and Associates Ltd
Grand Power Express
設計師D E S I G N E R S’ P R O F I L E S檔案 Name Projects Awards
Ado Design & Public Art Consultants (HK) Ltd California Red Ltd. Head Office Bri-Star Jewellers Ltd. Head Office KARP Group Hini Star Ltd. Head Office Peninsula Knitters Ltd. Head Office Glamour Box Manufacturing Ltd. Head Office Winner of 2006 ARROW Big Matches in Four Grounds of Interior Design in Cross-straits in Straits HK Design Smart Young Design Talent Award Silver Award, Japan JCD Design Award 2005 HKDA Award 2005 (SPACE) Winner of Public Art Scheme 2003/04 - Ma On Shan Library
www.ado-hk.com/ ka@ado-hk.com
Artlink Design Associates Ltd Amrop Hwir The Bank of New York Tourism Australia Air New Zealand Adidas 1995 Asia Pacific Interior Design Competition, Commercial Award Merit Award for 1994 Institutional Spaces, HK Design Awards
www.artlinkdesign.com/ infohk@artlinkdesign.com
Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Ltd Cantonyama - Hip Hall Zen House at Mission Hills Youth S.P.O.T. for Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at Farm Road, Ho Man Tin Youth S.P.O.T. for Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at Verbena Heights, Tseung Kwan O Youth S.P.O.T. for Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in Tuen Mun 2006 Outstanding Greater China Design Awards, for Zen House at Mission Hills 2005 Ten Outstanding Youth Persons Award 2005 Ten Outstanding Designers Awards 2005 Gold Metal, Category of Institution, Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards for Youth S.P.O.T. for Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at Tuen Mun
www.barrieho.com/ barrieho@barrieho.com
Bottega + Ehrhardt Architekten www.be-arch.com
Builtart Design Ltd 2001 HK Interior Design Association Honourable Mention in Institution category (Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards)
www.builtartdesign.com/ lewis@builtartdesign.com
Carsten Roth Architekt Headquarter Rolandsbrucke Community Center Medienpool Waterloohain, Headquarter and Office building Headquarter and Printing Factory Hypo Real Estate Architecture Prize 2006 (Anerkennung) BDA Hamburg Architecture Prize 2005 Best of Europe (Office International Architecture Prize for the best Office Building in Europe 2004) AIA Colorado (Citation Award American Institute of Architects 2004) Contractworld Award 2004 (International Architecture Prize for Innovative Interior Design Concepts, メBest of Category Officeモ)
www.carstenroth.com / info@carstenroth.com
Din Associates Ltd Althorp Visitors Centre & Exhibition Celebrating the Life of Diana, Princess of Wales. Harrods Shoe Department and Manshop Terminal 5 Heathrow Airport Nicole Farhi Showroom and Bond Street Flagship store Pringle Showroom Pringle Showroom (Winner Best Small Shop Category, Design Week Awards 2005) Althorp Visitors Centre (Winner Permanent Exhibition Category, Design Week Awards 1999) Harrods Shoe Dept (Winner of Best Shop Design & Display category, UK Footwear Awards 1998)
www.din.co.uk/ info@din.co.uk
Emmanuelle Moureaux Architecture & Design ABC Cooking Studio Bodies (Fitness Studio) Ecole Sympa (French Language School) Lunch Vacation Tiara (Wedding Hair & Makeup Salon) Spazio Casa International Design Competition, Milan メFirst Prizeモ 2005 Design Tide, Tokyo メBest Installation Prizeモ
www.emmanuelle.jp/ contact@emmanuelle.jp
Fiona Hardie Projects for The Executive Centre include offices in Seoul, Beijing, Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and currently Singapore.
FRA Limited Yahoo! Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Manulife KBC Financial Products Emerson Electric Hong Kong Designers Association 2005 Bronze Award Hong Kong Tourism Board Lantern Wonderland Design Competition Merit Awards 2003 Hong Kong Designers Association 2000 Excellence Award
www.fragroup.com/ info@fragroup.com
Hassell Pty Ltd AGL, Sydney Singtel Optus 2006 Interior Design Awards - Award for Environmentally Sustainable Design (VicUrban, Melbourne, VIC) 2006 Interior Design Awards - High Commendation, Category - Corporate Interior Design (Oakley Headquarters, St Kilda, VIC) 2006 Design Institute of Australia (SA Chapter) Awards - Commendation, Category - Interior (HASSELL Studio, Adelaide, SA) 2006 Royal Australian Institute of Architects (SA Chapter) Awards - Commendation, Category - Interior Architecture
www.hassell.com.au/ kbennettstenton@hassell.com.au
Home Interiorďž•s Ltd www.home136.com/ designhome136@yahoo.com.hk
II BY IV Design Associates Inc Saks Fifth Avenue Crystal Cruises Royal Ontario Museum The worldďž•s Top 50 Retail Designers (declared by VS/MD) Most Exciting Design Firms of 2005 (declared by Design and Display Ideas) The creators of the Best Bar (selected by the international FX Awards)
www.iibyiv.com/ design@iibyiv.com
Johnson Chou Inc Blowfish Restaurant & Sake Bar Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art (MoCCA) TNT Boutiques Grafic for Men Yolles Residence Canadian Interiors Best of Canada 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
KB Partners and Associates Ltd Stevenson, Wong & Co Wing Hang Bank (Hong Kong Branch & Macau Branch) ICBC (Macau Branch) Lee Kum Lee Company Limited CNOOC Insurance Ltd www.kbpartners.com.hk
Lorcan OユHerlihy Architects <LOHA> Paulith Garments, Inc. Headquarters Lexton MacCarthy Residence Jai House Habitat 825 Sherman Residence 7 AIA Los Angeles Awards, 3 Westside Urban Design Awards American Architecture Award Emerging Voices / Architectural League of NY
www.loharchitects.com/ loh@loharchitects.com
Marc & Chantal Design American Standard Flagship Store in Beijing メA New Vision for Our Shoresモ to promote Swire Propertiesユ holistic vision for the development of Hong Kongユs harbour メCrystal Worldモ, an integrated image campaign and touring exhibition for Swarovski HKDA Hong Kong Design Show 2000 granted total of 9 Awards (The Aesthetics of Connection - ASD Government of the HKSAR - Visual Identity System, Exhibition/Display, Advertising/Self-promotion Website)
www.marc-chantal.com/ info@marc-chantal.com
Maurice Mentjens Design Witloof, restaurant Thaiphoon, restaurant Stash, handbagshop Ipanema, cafe Bonnefantenmuseum Sirius, smart shops and record shop Nomination Dutch Design Award 2006 (Restaurant Witloof) Winner Dutch Design Award 2005 (Handbagshop Stash) Nominated for the Harrie Tillie prize (Stedelijk Museum Roermond)
www.mauricementjens.com/ info@mauricementjens.com
MoHen Design International Space of Feminity 2006 Metropolitan Chic 2006 Modern Classicism 2006 Tian-An Pavilion 2005 AR Award 2006 The Most Influential Design 2005 granted by メModern Design - Chinaモ The project メVilla Yinモ is included in the メ100 More of the Worldユs Best Housesモ by Image Publishing.
www.mohen-design.com/ mohen@mohen-design.com
Saucier + Perrotte Architects www.saucierperrotte.com
SLHO & Associates Ltd Chinese YMCA Tsuen Wan Integrated Children & Youth Centre Fashion Island Renovation, Causeway Bay Parekh House, 61 & 63 Wyndam St., Central Manhattan Height, Kennedy Town HKYWCA Western Integrated Children & Youth Centre www.slho.com.hk/ slho@slho.com.hk
Sunaqua Concepts Ltd Green Restaurant at H.K. Beijing Hair Culture at H.K. 聯企毛紡,上海張家港市保稅區陳列室
MK2 Communications Ltd. at H.K. 中國沈陽新世界花園D、E、F組團樣板房及售樓處設計 海港飲食管理集團 -紳耒名廚飯堂 海港飲食管理集團 -紳耒萬象城王子國宴飯店 海港飲食管理集團 -上海陸家咀東方海港大酒樓 杭州名人名家大酒樓 香港設計師協會設計00展優異獎(辦公室項目) 香港設計師協會設計02展優異獎(娛樂空間/零售/辦公室項目) 亞太區室內設計 (APIDA) 2002年商業組獎項。
www.sunaquahk.com/ info@sunaquahk.com