Space (55) office

Page 1


Door Communication and Video Phone System

Telephone Set

Communication Pedestal w/ Letter Boxes

Free-standing Letter Boxes

LCD Video Door Phone

Touch-Screen Video Door Phone


辦 公

Door Communication Panel w/ Camera International Design Prize 1998 Baden-Wüttemberg Prize winner iF Product Design Award 1999 Hannover Red Dot for outstanding design quality 1999 Design Center North RhineWestphalia Premio Intel Design ‘99 Milan

Pedestal Door Communication Column w/ Camera

Wall-mounted Communication Pedestal w/ Camera

NIXON TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. 5/F., 625 King’s Road, North Point,Hong Kong. Tel.: 28 92-21 88 • Fax 28 31-99 73 E-Mail:


Stainless Steel Signs

bundespreis produktdesign 2000/2001

ISSN 1022-5609

Certificate No.FS51663 ISO 9002:1994

9 771022 560001




Feature - Interview with Cesar Pelli, the master behind IFC

036 目錄C O N T E N T S

Cable TV 24 Hours Digital News Centre Hopkins International Company Ltd


Phoenix TV South China Headquarters, Guangzhou Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


PCCW Global Service Operation Centre IDS Concepts Ltd

068 074 080 090

IBM Office, Wuhan DPWT Design Ltd

Crystal Decisions (HK) Ltd Francis Lee & Associates Ltd

CFL Enterprise Ltd, Shenzhen AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd

Centrica Corporate Centre, London IA Interior Architects


Wall’s Ice Cream Building Design Studio

106 112

Learning Plus Language Centre ADO Design

Chuang Da Decorate Co Ltd, Guangdong Chuang Da Decorate Co Ltd

126 134

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd, Guangzhou Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd

Alan Chan Design Company Alan Chan Design Company

Office 142 EDAW dwp CL3 Obata & Company, USA 148 Kiku Kiku Obata & Company Landesbank, Germany 154 Norddeutsche Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre, Shanghai Joseph Wong Design Associates

182 190

BEA Systems (HK) Ltd M Moser Associates

J Walter Thompson, Manila innovation

198 204 216

IGOO Shanghai Office IGOO Communications Ltd

Entory Home, Germany Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre, Shenzhen DPWT Design Ltd

222 228

Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd

Financial Services Firm, USA IA Interior Architects

234 240

KBC Financial Products (HK) Ltd Francis Lee & Associates Ltd



索引I N D E X


每個辦公室的設計和佈局總考慮到如何提高人們的效率,這得取決 於一個舒適的工作環境和良好的工作氣氛。若你有機會和能力,你 會為自己設計一個怎麼樣的工作環境呢?今期《空間》除了介紹好 些機構的辦事處及辦公大樓外,亦展示了一些設計師為自家辦公室 做的設計方案,讓我們窺探這些設計師如何為自己營造富啟發 的 創作天地。也許我們可從中抓到一麟半爪,激發靈感,創造出適合 自己的工作間。 此外,《空間》透過電郵訪問了設計國際金融中心二期的國際建築 巨匠Cesar Pelli,並談及這幢全港最高的商業大樓的設計概念。還 有,你可以在 面套頁內找到使用電腦的指引和一些簡易的伸展 作。 這些雖跟辦公室設計沒有直接關係,但對辦公室的靈魂-- 員工來 說,又有甚麼比健康要緊?把它張貼出來,提醒自己多留意工作的 姿勢,閒來舒展一下,翻一翻案頭的《空間》,讓身心都得到調劑。 我們一生中有九成的時間都處於室內,當中有半數是在辦公室裡工 作,公司成為了第二個家,而這個「家」的佈置也會影響我們身心 的感受。有時,我們會抱怨工作繁重、上司時間管理差、老闆要求 苛刻......打工仔的怨氣在辦公室迴盪;此時此刻,一個良好的工作 環境或能化作一泓清水,把我們的怨氣消弭於無形。

In order to enhance productivity and efficiency in an office, a comfortable working environment and a cozy atmosphere is vital. So, if you have the chance and ability to create your own workspace, what would that look like? In this issue, SPACE has not only included several offices and office towers, but also featured some designers’ offices, unveiling the work place of these creative people. These may inspire some innovative ideas in establishing your own work place. Above all, we had interviewed the international master architect Cesar Pelli and talked about the IFC 2, the tallest building in Hong Kong. You can also find some useful tips on using computers as well as stretching exercises under the cover jacket. Though this information may not be imminently helpful as far as design is concerned, what’s more important than health afterall? Please have that exercise session posted in your office, as a reminder for a stretch every now and then, and readjust your sitting posture while refreshing your mind with SPACE. Ninety percentage of our time is spent inside a building, of which half being spent in the office. Undoubtedly, the office has become our second home. The decor of this “home” would affect our mood and health. From time to time, we complain about the heavy workload, poor time management of our supervisors, harsh demand from our boss...etc. and here is where a pleasing workspace could ultimately help in relieving our pressure.

國際金融中心二期最近竣工。這座高達88層的摩天大樓是世界上最突出的商業大樓之一,亦是 強化香港金融中心地位的一座標誌 建築。大樓高420米,是全港最高、全世界第三高的大廈。 正如世界著名建築師Cesar Pelli所說:國金二期的精華在於它簡約而堅固有力、令人難忘的外 形。是次採訪中,他談及了更多有關國金二期的設計以及對高層建築的看法。


International Financial Centre Two has been completed recently. The 88-storey skyscraper delivers in Hong Kong one of the most prestigious commercial buildings in the world, becoming the new landmark of the city and reinforcing Hong Kong’s status as Asia’s financial hub. At 420 metres, IFC 2 is Hong Kong’s tallest building and the third tallest in the world. The essence of Two IFC’s architecture is that its presence is simple, strong and memorable, as its world-renowned architect Cesar Pelli puts it. In this interview, Cesar talked more about the IFC 2 design and his vision towards high-rise architecture.

國金二期的設計,哪一方面最能體現它作為強化香港金融 中心地位的一座地標 建築? 國金二期最大的特點是精巧和極致簡約的外觀。大樓只是 天空的一個點綴,是摩天大樓中的精品。大樓與山頂和諧 共處,無不抗衡。 Cesar Pelli (Photo by Tracey Kroll)

你已往曾設計過許多座聞名中外的摩天大樓,比較起你其 他的作品,國金有哪些方面最為獨特? 國金二期的設計以山頂作背幕,獨特而直接地體現了維港 的自然美和香港國際 的文化氛圍。人工環境與自然景觀緊 密相接,就這個意義來說,香港的天際線別具特色,兩者 相互襯托,自然地融入周圍美麗的景致中。 建築造型簡潔,完全沒有浮華的裝飾,卻表現出摩天大 樓的美學精髓。大樓姿態優雅,高高聳立,彷彿盛開的 花瓣,直入雲霄。

國金一期和二期的設計概念如出一轍,可是高度比例相 異,卻構成了不一樣的外觀,你是如何看這兩幢建築呢? 是兩座獨立的大廈,或是如大眾所形容的「兄弟大樓」? 兩者間有沒有起著相互的作用? 兩座大樓都具有相同的功能,都是辦公大樓。的確,兩座 大樓是一個家庭的兩兄弟,雖然各有個 、特徵和魅力。

What is the most significant feature of IFC 2 which reinforces its landmark status in Hong Kong’s financial hub? The most important quality of the IFC 2 Tower is its slenderness and its extreme simplicity of form. The building is a pure marker on the sky. It is a distilled essence of a skyscraper form, one that composes well with the Peak without competing with it.

When comparing to many other notable skyscrapers you have designed worldwide, what makes IFC literally outstanding? The design of IFC 2 is a unique and direct response to the natural beauty of the Hong Kong Harbour, with the Peak as its backdrop, as well as the cosmopolitan culture of the place. The skyline of Hong Kong is unique in the sense that man-made elements and natural elements form a coherent composition. They compliment each other and fit harmoniously with this beautiful setting. The form of the tower is simple and iconic; it embodies the aesthetic essence of a skyscraper with no superfluous decorative elements. The tower has a tall and elegant profile, gently tapering toward the top, which opens like floral petals blossoming to reach the sky.

The IFC Phase 1 and 2 share similar design concept, but the difference in height and proportion make them appear different. Do you see the two towers as two individual buildings or “brotherhood” as suggested by the public? Is there any mutual function between these two buildings? Both towers embody the same function; they are both multi-tenant office buildings. Yes, indeed, the two towers were designed as siblings of the same family, although they each maintain their own identify, character and beauty. Did you take feng-shui into account when designing IFC 2 as you did for the Cheung Kong Centre? Because the tower is located at one of the best feng-shui sites in Hong Kong, with its back towards the mountain and its front facing the Harbour, feng-shui mitigation measures were not a significant concern during the design process.

訪談國金中心背後的巨人 ──Cesar Pelli Interview with Cesar Pelli, the master behind IFC

在設計長江中心時,你有考慮到風水佈局,對於國金的 設計,這個因素又起著甚麼作用? 大樓面朝維港,背對山峰,是香港風水最好的地點之 一。因此在設計階段,風水不是一個很重要的因素。

香港高樓大廈錯錯落落,這樣一個獨特的地貌有沒有引 起你特別的靈感? 香港的確有很多漂亮的高樓。我們的設計靈感主要來自 其所在位置:位於山頂和海港最窄的交彙處之前。

現時國金二期是香港最高的樓宇,但四年後另一幢與天相連的建築又將 會誕生,到時國金便會退居第二。高樓大廈此起彼落,你認為辦公大樓 除了在高度競爭之外,還可以在哪些地方有突破的空間? 就我所知,目前正在籌劃中唯一一座可比高的大廈是九龍的另一座雙塔 樓。兩座大樓會互相協調,成為進入維港的門扉。

9.11有沒有影響你對高樓建築的看法,甚至於設計理念和方向(特別 是摩天大樓項目)? 9.11事件的確是一個悲劇,但它沒有改變我們對高樓美學的根本態 度。大樓的高度以及其卓越 仍是城市的象徵。唯一改變的是我們更加 關心生命安全的議題。

你曾說過一幢大樓必須要融入到它所處的環境之中,但 一座地標 的建築必定鶴立雞群,在與周圍環境相呼應及 突出大樓這兩個層面之間要如何達致平衡呢? 城市中任何一座建築物的設計都像是設計「城市的某部 分」。它必須融匯當地的背景,而又要顯得充滿自信。 這確實是我們設計國金二期時想要實現的兩個目標。

There are so many skyscrapers of various heights in Hong Kong, has such a characteristic context brought you any particular inspirations? There are certainly many beautiful tall buildings in Hong Kong. Our design was driven first and foremost by the sensitive location of the site: in front of the Peak and in front of the Harbour at its narrowest crossing.

You once mentioned that the design of a building should fit the place. However, a landmark building must be very outstanding in every way. Does it impose a difficulty or contradiction in trying to achieve a balance between boldness and congruity to the city? The design of any building in an urban context is like designing”pieces of the city.” It has to be contextually fit, and it has to be assertive. It was certainly our intent to achieve both objectives in the design of IFC 2.

The IFC 2 is at present Hong Kong’s tallest building, but in four years will be deposed as second in line. As we anticipate more highrise buildings in the foreseeable future, apart from the competition in heights, is there any more room for a breakthrough in the design of skyscrapers? As far as I know, the only other possible tall building under planning at this moment is the twin tower to ours on the Kowloon side of the Harbour. The two towers will always work in concert to create a gateway to the harbour.

Has 9/11 made any impact, caused any implication, or altered your vision, design concept and direction towards high-rise architecture? The event of 9/11 is a terrible tragedy but it has not changed our fundamental attitudes about the aesthetics of tall buildings. Tall buildings still have a civic obligation by virtue of its height and prominence. What has changed is our additional care and concern for life safety issues.

More on IFC 2: The mega tower designed by Cesar Pelli & Associates and Rocco Design Ltd can accommodate approximately 15,000 people with two million sq ft of office space. It has 62 lifts, with the fastest ones travelling from the ground to top floor in about one minute.

更多有關國金二期: 國際金融中心由Cesar Pelli & Associates及許李嚴建築師有限公司攜手設計。大樓佔地200 萬平方呎,可容納15,000人,共有電梯62部,從底層到最高層只需1分鐘。 大樓中心的外形比例協調地逐層收進,指向天際,表現出垂直向上的 感。建築物頂部的結 構像是一個標示大樓高度的皇冠雕塑,高聳雲天。樓頂亦設計成歡迎城市的姿勢,將藍天 和大樓連成一體。此外,幕牆的設計也強化了大樓的垂直感。 2005年正式落成後,整個國際金融中心建設項目將成為一個設備完善的金融城市,包括全 港首間四季酒店、有五間影院的綜合戲院及更多 物娛樂設施。

Its centric form tapers to well-proportioned setbacks, expressing a vertical ascending movement. The structure culminates in a sculptural crown that celebrates the height of the tower and is reaching the sky. The top of the tower is also designed as a welcoming gesture to the city, bringing the blue sky into the tower’s crown. In addition, the surface articulation of the curtain wall reinforces the verticality of the design. Under completion by 2005, the entire IFC project will be a self-contained financial city, including the very first Four Seasons Hotel, a five-screen theatre complex and more shopping and leisure facilities.



卓建仕室內設計及工程管理 Hopkins International Company Ltd Cable TV 24 Hours Digital News Centre 有線電視新聞中心 Cable TV Tower, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 30,000 平方呎/ sq ft

Cable TV 24 Hours Digital News Centre

Cable TV Digital News Centre


Hopkins International Company Ltd


這是全亞洲第一間數碼廣播新聞中心。 新聞報導是都市人生活中不可或缺的一個電視節目。我 們每天都可以見到主播們氣定神閒地報導新聞,而鮮有 見到他們拼搏的一面。此項目就是要透過新聞中心的入 口和辦公空間的設計來彰顯新聞部充滿活力的氣息,更 要突出其高科技、現代化的鮮明風格。 新聞中心位於大樓的地面層,擁有獨立的接待處。從正 門走進去便來到一條隧道般的長走廊,員工們稱之為「 百萬大道」。白色的燈光配合藍色玻璃牆和地台,予人 深刻的第一印象。走廊是由接待處過渡到主辦公室的一 個重要通道,它亦具有獨特的功能──玻璃牆上飾有圖 案和內置等離子顯示屏,展示了新聞部的歷史、成績和 公司口號等,讓身處走廊另一邊的會議室裡的客人也可 以看到。 設計中的一個大挑戰是要令中心內的每一個角落都能成 為拍攝的場景,以人們工作時的情景作背幕,不單能增 添現場感,更展現了傳媒的拼搏和團隊精神,觀眾看到 平面圖Plan

Hopkins International Company Ltd


Cable TV Digital News Centre


從會議室可以看到走廊玻璃牆上的圖案和等離子顯示屏。牆上的紅色擷取自電視台的標誌。 In the conference room, visitors can see the graphics and built-in plasma screens on the glass walls. The red wall echoes with the corporate logo.

Cable TV Digital News Centre


Hopkins International Company Ltd


「百萬大道」上的歷史牆,展示了新聞部的歷史、成績和公司口號等。藍色玻璃牆和地台予人深刻的第一印象,它亦是由接待處過渡到主辦公室的一個重要通道。 The history wall along the “Million Way” leading to the main office displays the history, achievements and the motto of the News Department. The blue glass walls and flooring give an impressive greeting to the visitors. Hopkins International Company Ltd


Cable TV Digital News Centre


Cable TV Digital News Centre


Hopkins International Company Ltd


的不只是主播幕前的形像,還有幕 後一班支援人員的努力。要從私人 空間與展現團隊精神之間取得平衡 最為棘手。設計師採用了低矮的隔 牆和開放式的佈局使整個辦公室一 望無際,做為一個開揚的背景。結 構柱和牆上掛滿了展板,內容是記 者採訪時的情形和心聲,揭示了他 們的精神面貌。

It is the first digital news broadcasting centre in Asia.

電視台的工作氣氛一般都很匆忙, 尤其是新聞部員工都是廿四小時隨 時工作,所以設計師特意在洗手 間、休息室和茶水間加入了色彩 繽紛的圖案,塑造出寫意愉悅的 環境。另一方面,饒富特色的拉展 天花加上柔和的燈光,讓長期對著 電腦工作的人們覺得舒適自然。拉 展天花是一種防靜電、防火的膠物 料,通用於醫院手術室,乾淨易打 理,特別適用於這個因採用數碼廣 播而不能沾塵的新聞中心。

entrance and the office, and also highlight its distinctive modern high-tech image.

People in cities watch TV news everyday. However, we seldom see how “news men” work behind the scene. The project aimed to display the energetic and dynamic atmosphere of the news department by the design of the

The centre is located underground with a separate reception. Upon entering the entrance, one will see a tunnel-like long corridor known as the “Million Way”, which leads to the main office. The white lighting, blue glass walls and flooring give an impressive greeting. The corridor bears another unique function - on the glass walls are pictures and builtin plasma screens displaying the history, achievements and the motto of the news department, which can also be seen by visitors in the meeting room on the other side of the corridor.

由於中心內有很多不同的設備如新 舊儀器、錄影帶資料庫、圖書館、 剪片室、後備設施等等,比設計一 所IT公司來得繁雜,加上要滿足眾 多部門如編採、打字、攝錄和後期 製作等的個別要求以及不同的工作 路線,使得空間的佈局和安排成為 此項目的另一個難度所在。

從辦公空間望向「百萬大道」。藍色襯托著紅色,再配合白光和不銹鋼,營造出現代感。 Viewing from the main office towards the “Million Way”. The fusion of blue, red, white and stainless steel creates a sense of modernity.

Hopkins International Company Ltd


Cable TV Digital News Centre


Cable TV Digital News Centre


Hopkins International Company Ltd


One of the challenges the designer faced was to make every corner of the place a setting suitable for shooting. The working scene, as the background of the picture, will add more field sense as well as showing the spirit of the staff working hard as a team. The audience sees not only the host in the foreground, but also the supporting team in the background. To make a subtle balance between keeping some space private and leaving some open to the camera, the designer employed low partitions and an open layout. The structural columns are covered with display boards with words from the staff and their pictures while working. A TV station always has a busy working atmosphere, particularly in the news department where work goes on all round the clock. The designer brought bright colours into the washing rooms, the break room and the tearoom, in order to form a pleasant and

中心內的每一個角落都能成為拍攝的背 景,隨時隨地都可以進行錄影,令空間的 使用更富彈性。燈光柔和地打在拉展天花 上,讓長期使用電腦的人們可以在舒適的 環境下工作。 Every corner of the centre can be a shooting spot. The distinctive stretch ceiling plus the soft indirect lighting create a comfortable and natural setting for those who work longhours at computers.

Hopkins International Company Ltd


Cable TV Digital News Centre


relaxing environment. On the other hand, the distinctive stretch ceiling plus the soft lighting also helps create a comfortable and natural setting for those who keep working at computers. The stretch ceiling is made of anti-static and fireproof plastic material , which is commonly used in operation rooms of hospitals for its cleanness as well as convenience for maintenance. Again, these features make it a good choice in the digital broadcasting centre. Another challenge was the configuration and layout of the space since there are a great variety of facilities in the centre, ranging from new and old equipment, video archive to library, editing room, and backup facilities. Moreover, the designer had to meet the requirements from different departments of editing, typing, camera, and post production, just to name a few.

(上圖) 錄影室與主辦公室的隔牆上有「玻璃 窗」,讓觀眾看到幕前的主播的同時,感受 到幕後工作人員的努力。 (Top) On the wall that separates the studio and the main office is a “window”, through which the audience can see the host in the foreground and also the supporting team in the background. (下圖) 柱上和牆上掛滿了反映記者採訪時的 情形和心聲的展板。黃柱、紅凳和藍色的展 板,三種原色賦予了這個廿四小時營業的辦 公室愉快醒神的氣氛,並讓人感受到公司的 一份活力。 (Bottom) Walls and columns are covered with display boards with words from the staff and their pictures while working. Yellow columns, red chairs and blue panels inject refreshing air into the 24-hour office and expose the liveliness and dynamics of the group at the same time.

Cable TV Digital News Centre


Hopkins International Company Ltd


圖書館 Library

客戶 Client Hong Kong Cable Television Ltd / 總承辦商 Main Contractor Legend Interiors Ltd / 天花Ceiling Stretch Ceiling by SCS (Asia Pacific) Ltd / 傢具Furniture System Furniture by i-Mart Office Furniture Ltd / 鋪地Flooring Carpet by Signal Plus Interior Products, Hoi Lee Decoration Supplier Ltd / 視聽系統AV System Digital broadcast system by The Broadcast Design Group Ltd / 攝影Photography Polestar Advertising Co., Mr. P.T. AuYeung / 中譯Chinese Translation陸沁Allan Lu

Hopkins International Company Ltd


Cable TV Digital News Centre


邁思(亞洲)顧問有限公司 Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd Phoenix TV South China Headquarters 中國廣州 Guangzhou, PRC 8,200平方呎 / sq ft

P hoenix TV South China Headquarters

Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


接待處的設計草圖Draft of reception area

「世界上沒有不能飛到的地方」,「別人嚮往的地方,就是我要 飛越的地方」......鳳凰衛視的各種刊物,展示的是一種容納 川的 氣度,並非氣吞山河,亦無波瀾壯闊,但是已表現出這華文第一 媒體經歷風雨後祥和、寧靜中溢出的氣度。如何在其華南總部辦 公室設計中不經意地流露這份氣度,正是本案的難點。設計師在 解決場地環境中樓層的高低、管線紊亂的 陷以及其他常規問題以 外,還得突顯「鳳凰」的特色,這正是此項目的關鍵。 設計師強化了前廳接待處的Logo牆:大面積的灰色圓弧玻璃與厚 重的拉絲鋁板體塊穿插,使鳳凰為人熟知的標誌凸現,而其背景 圖案更溢出牆體,並將地面及電梯有機整合為統一的展示區,形 成極強的視覺衝擊效應。整個設計中對材料質地十分重視,色彩 選擇注重人的主觀感受,以暖黃色系替代鳳凰的金色,達至無金 或又感受無處不有金的效果,亦暗喻了秋天豐收的季節;另以深 藍灰色地面求得進取中的祥和寧靜。全場燈光,除正常辦公照明 外,著重場景效果,帶出戲劇化的氛圍。 溝通與效率是現代辦公所強調的要素。專門設計的職員辦公檯拋

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Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


前廳接待處:地面及電梯有機整合為統一 的展示區,形成極強的視覺衝擊效應。 Reception area in the lobby: the floor and elevator are integrated into a demo area, forming strong visual impact.

Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


佈局圖Layout plan

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Phoenix TV South China Headquarters





Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


茶水間、小會議室和辦公室的設計草圖Draft of pantry, small meeting room and office area

棄了傳統隔斷的複雜工藝,提高 互 。茶水間也是員工交流的中 心,就連洗手間都一改以往藏著 掖著的作法,由見不得人轉向開 放的重要景點。循環通道令人可 以如鳳凰般自由飛翔。 值得一提的尚有獨立的大會議室和 董事套房,其中套房裡的中式木傢 具和窗櫺,彷彿提示現代鳳凰保持 其華文媒體的本色。

“Everywhere in the world can be reached”, “People’s desirable place is where I go”.... Periodicals of Phoenix TV demonstrate a broad spirit. Instead of being spectacular, it shows the broad-mindedness of the major Chinese media after experiencing beating rain and fierce wind. How to reveal casually the design of its South China headquarters is the focal point of the case. Apart from solving the common problems like the different floor height and disorderly pipelines, the designer had to highlight the characteristics of “phoenix” which are the decisive and focusing factors of the project.

1, 2> 茶水間Hub 3> 茶水間與小會議室之間形成通 往辦公區的過道。 Corridor to the office area between hub and small meeting room

The designer had reinforced the logo wall at the lobby reception area. The large grey arc glasses are mixed with thick wiredrawing aluminum board to hi-light the reputable Phoenix logo. Its background pattern spills over the wall, and combines the floor and elevator into

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


an integrated demo area, forming strong visual impact. Emphasis is laid on the quality of material. Subjective feelings were taken into account when choosing the colours. Warm yellow colour replaces phoenix’s traditional golden colour, achieving the “glittery” effect without actually seeing it. It also indicates Autumn harvest. Dark blue floor seen here stands for peacefulness. Apart from the ordinary lights employed, all other lightings centre around a “theme”, thus helping to create a dramatic atmosphere throughout. Communication and efficiency are what moder n business emphasizes. Specially designed staff working platform abandons traditional complicated technique and improves interaction. Hub is also the staff’s communication centre. Even the washroom is different from what it used to be, becoming an important open spot rather than a hidden and concealed area. Circulation paths provide free access resembling a phoenix which can freely fly. Moreover, there are a detached big meeting room and a board suite. The Chinese style wooden furniture and window lattice in the board suite act as a reminder of the modern Phoenix’s Chinese media nature.

小會議室Small meeting room

Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


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大會議室Large meeting room

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Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


董事長室裡的休息套房 Board director’s suite in the office 董事長室內陳設了中式木傢具和窗櫺,彷 彿提示現代鳳凰保持其華文媒體的本色。 Chinese style wooden furniture and window lattice in the board director’s office acts as a reminder of Phoenix’s Chinese media nature.

董事長室的設計草圖Draft of board director’s suite

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


(上)人工雕琢而成的石洗手盆。 (Top) Manmade stone basin. (下)公用洗手間。後面隱藏著儲物的空間。 (Bottom) Public washroom and storage space at the back.

Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


辦公區Office area

客戶Client 神州電視有限公司廣州分公司 總承辦商Main Contractor 廣東省建築裝飾工程有限公司 燈光顧問Lighting Consultant, 傢具Furniture, 藝術品Artwork, 視聽系統AV System 邁思(亞洲)顧問有限公司 攝影Photography 雄館影社

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Phoenix TV South China Headquarters


國際創念有限公司 IDS Concepts Ltd PCCW Global Service Operation Centre 香港魚則魚涌常盛大廈 Somerset House, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong 8,550 平方呎/ sq ft

P CCW Global Service Operation Centre

pccw global service operation centre


ids concepts ltd


在這個瞬息萬變的資訊年代,對電訊公司來 說,為商業客戶提供可靠的數據儲存及傳送 已成為其中一項重要的服務。但電訊盈科相 信「可靠絕不等於守舊」,所以在位於接近 一萬呎的網絡營運中心內,公司以室內設 計來展現一個既富現代感而又著重安全 的 網絡空間。 有別於一般為個人服務而設的客戶中心,這 個網絡營運中心主要的服務對像為企業及商 務客戶。所以,中心內的各項設備不但要滿 足本地的網絡服務要求,更需要以高科技來 迎合客戶在國際 數據處理和傳送上的訴求。 於是在空間佈置上,設計師先以不同調子的 藍色來營造一種高科技氣氛,繼而在室內盡 量避免使用菱角分明的線條,令空間看起來 更具流線形態,象徵帶領顧客通往順暢的網 路世界。 整個中心主要依功能分為接待、會議及示 範、網路營運和伺服器儲存四個區域;區 域與區域之間有明顯的過渡 空間分隔,這 樣除了可讓客戶清晰知道各區域的功能之 外,過渡 空間的設計亦可以令整個中心更 富時代感。 一扇自 門帶領客戶來到接待區。玻璃牆和金 屬網在一遍藍光的映襯下,表現出中心高科 技的主題。這裡其實也是一個簡介區,只要 在配置上稍作改變,牆上的等離子電視和投 射設備可簡單介紹此中心的運作,讓來賓在 參觀前對中心服務能有一定的概念。

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pccw global service operation centre


通過像太空艙一樣的走廊,便到達 這項目的主要空間。設計師先從顏 色上著手,在原本以藍為主的色調 上,將柱子和一些傢俱配以電訊盈 科的紅色,以強調這些區域內的主 體,同時更結合了設計意念和公司 的企業形像。在天花和地毯的圖案 以及傢俱的形狀方面,設計師刻意 加入較多的弧形線條,以突顯中心 之服務會為客戶帶來暢通無礙的 網路通訊;另一方面,則盡量採 用液晶體顯示屏這些輕巧而線條 修長的設備來擺脫網絡營運中心 以往「笨重機樓」的形像。牆上 的巨型世界地圖標示屏讓客戶知 道這處所提供的是世界 之服務, 而且管理得井井有條,從而加強 他們的信心。

和接待區不同,在佔地最大的伺服 器房間內,找不到任何點綴,這裡 有的是最安全的設備和最妥當的管 理,像防水防火的牆身、溫度與濕 度之控制、比一般標準升得更高之 地台,以及廿四小時的 管系統, 這些都加強了中心服務在客戶心 目中的可靠形像,亦為設計師帶 來功能設計上的挑戰。 這個網絡營運中心為活潑而新穎 的設計和可靠安全的服務之結合 作了一個好例子,証明安全的形 像並不需要在設計上顯得保守。 設計師應發揮創意,將時代感注 入這類型的項目內。

pccw global service operation centre


ids concepts ltd


In this fast changing information age, one of the most important businesses of telecom companies is to provide their business clients with reliable data storage and transmission. PCCW believes that reliability does not equal to adherence to old practices, so in the approximately 10,000-sq-ft operation centre, the company has demonstrated the modern and secure communications network by way of interior design.

在以藍為主的色調上,設計師將柱子和一些 傢俱配以企業標誌上的紅色,以強調這些區 域內的主體。 Based on a blue theme, columns and some furniture are accented with red, the corporate colour, to emphasize the main body in these areas.

Different from the conventional customer service centres, this operation centre is intended to serve enterprises and business clients. Therefore, all equipment have to meet the requirements of local internet services. Besides, they should also resort to high technology to satisfy the customers’ needs in international data processing and transmission. To achieve this, the designer, firstly created an environment of high technology by adopting various tone of blue; secondly, the designer tried to avoid the use of straight lines to add the space a sense of flowing, which symbolizes an easy access to cyberspace.

設計師在天花和地毯的圖案以及傢俱的形狀 方面加入了較多的弧形線條,以突顯中心之 服務會為客戶帶來暢通無礙的網路通訊。 As for the patterns on the ceiling and the floor as well as the furniture, the designer added more curving lines to highlight the centre’s unclogged cyber-communication for its customers.

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pccw global service operation centre


pccw global service operation centre


ids concepts ltd


ids concepts ltd


pccw global service operation centre


會議室 Conference Room

The centre can be divided into four sub-areas according to their respective functions: reception, meeting and demonstration, service provider and server storage area. There is distinct transitional space among different areas. In so doing, the transitional space not only informs customers of different functions of each area, but also makes the centre more contemporary. An automatic door leads the customers to the reception area. With blue light as background, the furniture are accented with pccw global service operation centre


ids concepts ltd

glass walls and wire nettings feature the centre’s theme: High Technology. The reception area can also serve as an introduction area. With a slight adjustment in devices, plasma televisions and projectors on the wall introduce the operation of the centre briefly so as to help the customers get an idea about the centre before they visit it. Walking through the capsule-like corridor, one arrives at the main space of this project. Based on a blue theme, columns and some


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pccw global service operation centre


牆上設置了一面很大的世界地圖標示屏,意味著中心所提供的是世界 之服務。 The large world map screen impresses customers with the global service that the centre provides.

red, the corporate colour, to emphasize the main body in these areas. In addition, design ideas and enterprise image are incorporated. As for the patterns on the ceiling and the floor as well as the furniture, the designer added more curving lines to highlight the centre’s unclogged cyber-communication for its customers. Slim and deft equipment like LCD screens are preferred when making arrangement to shake off the operation centre’s previous image of “cumbersome machinery building”. The large world map screen impresses customers with the global service that the centre provides. The good management adds to their confidence in this operation centre.

provider store room which covers the largest space. What can be found here is the most secure equipment and the most appropriate management. Some standards here are generally higher, like the water and fireproof walls, the control between temperature and moisture and the 24-hour monitoring system. All these strengthen the service centre’s reliable image in the eyes of customers. Apart from this, it also posed a challenge for the designer in his design for the function. This operation centre sets a good example for the combination of creative design and reliable, secure service. It has also turned out that conservativeness is not the byword of security. Designers should be creative and endow this kind of project with a sense of modernism.

Not alike the reception area, no decorations can be found in the service

pccw global service operation centre


ids concepts ltd


客戶Client PCCW 撰文Text 符致軒Nicholas Foo


1> 不同調子的藍色營造 出一種高科技氣氛。 Various blues are adopted to project a cyber environment. 2> 接待區內的金屬網在 藍光的映襯下,表現出 中心高科技的主題。 With blue light as background, the wire nettings in the reception area reflect the centre’s hi-tech theme.


ids concepts ltd


pccw global service operation centre



世駿建築有限公司 DPWT Design Ltd IBM China Company Ltd Wuhan Branch 中國武漢 Wuhan, PRC 7,500平方呎 /sq ft


I BM China Company Ltd Wuhan Branch

IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


DPWT Design Ltd


1, 2> 不銹鋼環形燈盤作為一個富特色的燈 具突顯了接待櫃台。 Distinctive circular stainless steel lighting highlights the reception counter. 3> 接待區裡有兩個小型會議室,拉開其 趟門可讓空間流瀉到接待處,從而擴大等 候區。 There are two small meeting rooms in the reception area, whose doors can be slid aside to enlarge the reception area.


4> 接待廳一邊擺放了沙發及掛上有關公 司產品發展的圖片,是一個簡單的「歷史 廊」。 On one side of the reception area, there are sofas and pictures featuring the development of the brand’s products, forming a casual history gallery.

IBM武漢辦事處位於香格里拉酒店 三樓原來的商務中心內,由接待/ 等候、主辦公區(Mobile)、伺服 器儲藏、休憩/會議室(Hub)、 員工私人儲物櫃及行政部門等多個 區域所組成。 接待/等候處是整個辦事處唯一對 外開放的地方,人流較多,設計師 採用了耐用而帶有閃爍效果的膠地 板。饒富特色的不銹鋼環形燈盤突 顯了接待櫃台。接待區裡還有兩間 小型會議室,拉開其趟門可讓空間 流瀉到接待處,從而擴大等候區。 接待廳一邊擺放了沙發及掛上有關 公司產品發展的圖片,形成一個簡 約的「歷史廊」。 經過接待處便來到銷售及客戶服務 部門的主辦公區。員工需要先簽 到,然後去儲物櫃提取電話和手 提電腦,並在所分配的工作檯開 始一天的工作。由於員工們大部 分時間都要出勤,所以無需要固 定的坐位,因此他們每天坐的位 置都會不同。這種安排極具彈 ,

只需要廿多張桌椅便可容納三倍 的員工,而且還有擴充的餘地。 因其流 動 的特質,這個區域被稱 為Mobile。另外,這裡以五至六 人作為一個團隊來間隔出個別空 間,當中設置了半圓形檯,方便 人們進行討論。 Hub由三間會議室和一個文儀設 備房構成,中間夾著一條通道, 它既連繫主辦公區和儲物櫃區, 亦是人們休息傾談的場所。這樣 一條像小巷般的開放式茶水間更 能促進互 交流。


五米高的樓底容許設計師做出多層 次的天花,例如Hub中心區便擁有 獨立的吊頂(2.6米高),製造出 「屋中有屋」的效果,使它更像 辦公室裡獨立開來的一座建築物。 武漢與南 、重慶並稱長江流域的 「三大火爐」,所以設計師盡量在 室內採用冷調如白和灰色,以抗衡 戶外的悶熱天氣。藍色作為企業色 彩則細微地用於地毯、木門等上。 4

DPWT Design Ltd


IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


(上)設計師利用了較多的弧形線條,在視覺上 既能擴大空間,亦使過道的轉接更順暢。 (Top) The designer used a lot of curvy elements to enhance the spaciousness visually and to form a smoother connection amongst the corridors. (下)設計師盡量在室內採用冷調如白和灰色, 以抗衡戶外的悶熱天氣。接待台後是一面噴底玻 璃的背幕。 (Bottom) The designer adopted cool palette such as white and grey to strike a balance with the hot and suffocating weather. Behind the reception desk is a colour-backed glass backdrop.

IBM Wuhan Office is located in the former business centre of Shangri-La Hotel on the third floor, comprising reception/waiting area, Mobile workspace, server storage, hub/ meeting room, personal lockers, and administrative department. Durable, shiny PVC flooring is employed in the reception/ waiting area as it is the only place opening to the public which undergoes busy traffic. Distinctive circular stainless steel lighting highlights the reception counter. There are two small meeting rooms in the reception area, whose doors can be slid aside to enlarge the reception area. Adjacent to the counter are sofas and pictures featuring the development of the brand’s products, forming a clean and simple history gallery. Through the reception area, one will enter the main office area of the sales

IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


DPWT Design Ltd


銷售及客戶服務部門的主辦公區。這裡以五至六 人作為一個團隊來間隔個別空間。採用shared desk/hot desk這種工作檯共用的模式極富彈 , 只需廿多張桌椅便可容納三倍的員工。 Sales and customer service department. Individual space is created for a group of five and six. The shared desk/hot desk is highly flexible, accommodating three times of its staff with only twenty desks and seats. 藍色作為企業色彩細微地用於地毯及木門上。 Blue, the corporate colour, is used on carpets and wooden doors.

and customer service department. Employees first sign in and then go to the lockers for handset and laptop before starting their day’s work at designated worktables. As the staff take roster shifts most of the time, they have no fixed seats. This arrangement is highly flexible. It can accommodate three times of its staff with only twenty desks and seats,offeringpotentiaspace l forexpansion.Owingtothis characteristic, this area is called Mobile. In addition, individual space is created for a group of five or six, with a round desk in the middle to foster discussion. Hub consists of three meeting rooms and a copier room, with a path in between. Hub not only connects the main office area and locker area, it also serves as a resting place for people. Such a “street-like” hub promotes better interactive communication.

DPWT Design Ltd


IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


(上)文儀設備房沒有門,亦無天花,只點綴以球形燈飾。不同高度的天花形成多個層次 的樓底。 (Top) The copier room is totally open without doors or ceiling, and is only decorated with spherical lighting. Varied ceiling heights form multi-layer ceilings. (下) 位於Hub區的其中一間會議室。這個中心區擁有獨立的吊頂,製造出「屋中有屋」 的效果。 (Bottom) One of the meeting rooms inside the Hub. This area has its own false ceiling, producing an effect of “house-in-house”.

The five-metre floor height enabled the designer to constitute a multilayer ceiling. For example, the Hub area has a false ceiling of 2.6m high, creating an effect of “house-in-house”, or a freestanding building inside the office. Wuhan, Nanjing and Chongqing together are called “three stoves” along the Yangze River Delta. The designer adopted cool palette such as white and grey to strike a balance with the hot and suffocating weather. Blue, the corporate colour, is subtly used on carpets and wooden door.

IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


DPWT Design Ltd


大會議室可容納三十人。白板是由 玻璃噴底造成,上面是飾有企業標 誌的金屬板,整個設計仿照了IBM 的手提電腦造型。 The large meeting room could accommodate thirty people. The white board is made of colourbacked glass topped with a metallic logo panel, conjuring up the image of an IBM laptop. 儲物櫃區是相對一個獨立而私密的 地方,故需特別注意保安的問題。 設計師把儲物櫃舖排得像一個個島 嶼般,使看起來不會太過死板。 Locker area is comparatively private, and therefore attention should be paid to security. These closets are placed like individual islands so as not to appear too rigid.

客戶Client IBM China Company Ltd / 總承辦商Main Contractor Jia Xin Decoration Engineering Co Ltd / 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Lighting box by Philips /傢具Furniture Workstation, Chair by Salotto, Haworth / 牆飾Wall Covering Wall paper by Waly / 鋪地Flooring Carpet, PVC floor by Interface, Armstrong / 藝術品Artwork IKEA / 窗簾Blinds Beijing Ming Cheng Zhong Hui Window Treatment Decoration Co Ltd / 攝影Photography Diamond Chan

DPWT Design Ltd


IBM China Co Ltd wuhan branch


李躍華規劃設計有限公司 Francis Lee & Associates Ltd Crystal Decisions (HK) Ltd 香港灣仔華懋世紀廣場 Chinachem Century Tower, Wanchai, Hong Kong 5,000平方呎/ sq ft


C rystal Decisions (HK) Ltd

crystal decisions (HK) Ltd


francis lee & Associates ltd




「水晶遍地」是這個辦公室的主 要設計理念。

1> 設計師利用四個水晶球代表公司標誌, 每個球直徑200毫米,重28磅。 The designer sensitively used four crystal balls to represent the logo, each has a 200mm-diameter and weighed 28 pounds.

Crystal Decisions 是一家領先的全 球商用軟件供應商。在設計概要發 出之前,除了公司標誌外,再沒有 任何明確有力的企業形像。標誌由 四個均勻分佈的圓圈組成簡單的花 型,是當時公司唯一的主要特徵。

2> 因為「風水」的關係,設計師於入口處 具燈泡圖案的海報上裝置了四個靜電球來 代表「活 物體」。 Due to feng-shui requirements, four static balls are employed to provide a 24-hour “moving object” at the entrance. 3> 入口處旁有一張DNA的海報。DNA是生 命之源。這海報象徵著公司在尋求產品解決 方案、追求本質、原則時的熱情和嚴肅認真 的態度。海報下是兩張由Philippe Starck設 計的透明椅子。 On one side of the entrance area, there is a DNA poster. DNA element is the root of life. This poster symbolizes Crystal Decisions’ passionate and serious attitude in seeking the basic, the principle and the truth when finding solutions for its products. Beneath the poster are two modern transparent chairs designed by Philippe Starck.

因此如何把「水晶遍地」這個理 念與公司簡單的標誌結合是關鍵 之一。水晶的特點是透明、純潔 和珍貴。設計師受此啟發,恰到 好處地利用了四個水晶球來代表 公司標誌,每個球直徑為200毫 米,重28磅。但如何把光滑、渾 圓和沉重的水晶球固定在位於入 口玻璃門上的不鋼板上,是設 計師面對的又一難題。 來到電梯大廳,隔著玻璃朝接待 處看去,水晶球標誌成為矚目的 焦點。玻璃上也印有公司的標 號。為了強化「水晶遍地」這一 主題並突出未來感,接待處上方 設有淡紫色的冷陰極光。入口紅 地毯上則印有放大了的公司標 誌,以增加視覺效果。

francis lee & associates ltd


crystal decisions (HK) Ltd

「風水」是這個專案的一個重要元 素。出於這方面的要求,設計概要 裡提到在入口旁的牆壁上應有一個 「活 物體」。由於客戶是一家先 進的軟件研發公司,創新極為重 要。設計師因此提出使用一個球 形裝置作為24小時的「活 物體」 。該裝置包括四個靜電球,每個球 直徑四吋,附設在具燈泡圖案的海 報上。手如果接近或接觸這些靜電 球,類似閃電的紫色光就會從球心 朝你手掌噴射而出。這種特殊的球 形裝置給入口處抹上了一層富未來 感的色彩。 另一個出於「風水」的考慮是所有 大門都得與電梯大廳成平行排列。 整個大廳設有擴音系統,同時每個 大門上端裝有一個揚聲器,用於播 放宜人的輕音樂,創造一個輕鬆的 工作環境。 走廊的盡頭是培訓室。公司主要產 品之一是數據管理軟件。新客戶可 以在培訓室裡學習使用該軟件。為 了表示對客戶的尊重,培訓室的位 置是經過精心挑選的,在那裡可以 一覽九龍和灣仔的美景。


“Crystal Everywhere” was the primary design concept for this office. Crystal Decisions is a leading global provider of business intelligence software. By the time the design brief was issued, apart from its corporate logo, the company did not have any strong or specific corporate image. Thesimpleflower-likelogo-composed of four evenly distributed circles was the only major characteristic. Relating the idea of “crystal everywhere” with the simple corporate logo was one of the critical key issues. Crystal is characterised by its transparency, purity and preciousness. Inspired, the designer sensitively used four crystal balls to represent the logo, each has a 200mm-diameter and weighed 28 pounds. Since the crystal balls were smooth, round and heavy, how to fix them onto the stainless steel plates on the entrance glazing posted another challenge to the designer. crystal decisions (HK) Ltd


francis lee & Associates ltd


Arriving in the lift lobby, looking through the glazing towards the reception counter, the crystal-ball logo is the centre of interest. The glazing has the company logo imprinted on. To reinforce the theme of “crystal everywhere” and to emphasize a futuristic feeling, lilac-colour cold cathode light was placed above the reception counter. To add some visual interest, the corporate logo in enlarged form was stamped on the entrance red carpet flooring. Feng-shui was another concern for this project. In the design brief, due to feng-shui requirements, it mentioned that on the wall next to the entrance a “moving object” should be provided around the clock. Since the client is a leading software development company, innovation is highly appreciated. The designer proposed to use a bulb image with the incorporation of four static balls - each with a four-inch diameter - to provide a 24-hour “moving object”. With your hand in close distance or contact with the static balls, violet spark that looks like lightning will burst out from the centre towards your hand. This special bulb poster gives a futuristic look to the entrance.

francis lee & associates ltd


crystal decisions (HK) Ltd

培訓室Training Room


佈局圖layout plan

會議室採用了低調簡單的設計。白色的玻璃與銀色的牆飾既融為一體,又相互對照。 the design of the conference room adopted a minimal approach. simple detailing was employed. the white glass blends, and at the same time contrasts, with the silver wall finishes.

crystal decisions (HK) ltd


francis lee & associates ltd


Another feng-shui consideration was that all the doors were required to be positioned parallel to the lift lobby. A PA system was implemented within the whole office. On top of each door is a loudspeaker which plays light and pleasant music to provide a relaxing working environment. At the end of the corridor, there rests the training room. One of the primary products of Crystal Decisions is a management database software. New customers of the software are invited come to this office and learn how to use the software in this training room. To show respect for the customers, the location of the training room was carefully chosen. The users of training room can enjoy the marvelous panoramic view of Kowloon and Wanchai.

francis lee & associates ltd


crystal decisions (HK) Ltd


蔡明治設計有限公司 AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd CFL Enterprise Ltd 中國深圳 Shenzhen, PRC 30,000平方呎 / sq ft

C FL Enterprise Ltd

CFL Enterprise Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd



(左頁)兩種質地相近、深淺卻不 同的木皮夾板製造出圖案味濃的特 色牆,其橫紋的排列方式更能加強 線條效果。 (Left page) two kinds of wood sharing similar texture but different palette were put together to form some feature walls, enhancing the linearity in space with their horizontal pattern.

CFL是本港一間成衣貿易公司,其 深圳辦事處主要業務是進行採 。 公司大多數的客戶為外國廠商, 尤以休閒服裝品牌為主,這些廠 家會親身到辦事處去看樣品,所 以寫字樓要具有新潮的形像和活 潑不嚴肅的氣氛。

(本頁)pVC膠管間距地排列,造 就出疏落通透的感覺。膠管用掛 掛上,除可以半遮掩天花上的機電 設備外,也方便裝拆維修,亦符合 了整體室內的線條效果。 (this page) pVC plastic tubes are hooked in array to create a sparse feeling and hide the mechanical equipment at the same time. they are easy to dismount and install for maintenance and they echo with the linearity of the whole office as well.

雖然要予人跟上潮流的時尚感,但 是時裝可以常常轉,可室內的設計 要恆久耐看,設計師遂用了長青的 設計元素──線條。這其實亦是受 到長100公尺的樓層所啟發,利用 富線條 的設計元素,去配合深邃 的辦公空間。 衣服是用來保暖的,所以設計師希 望可以營造一個暖和的環境,而且 成衣採 並不是一種刻板的工作, 員工們在選料和拼湊的過程中是 需要創意的。木就是一種帶暖感的 素材,設計師利用了梣木、樺木這 兩種質地相近深淺卻不同的木,以 拼木皮的手法訂造了一些橫紋特色 牆。隨機的排法加上陰陽的調子, 製造出圖案味濃的效果。 由於樓底低矮,而空間又狹長,所 以天花的佈置需要很小心。PVC膠 管間距地排列造就出疏落通透的感 覺。膠管用掛掛上,除可以半遮 掩天花上的機電設備外,也方便裝

ALExChoi dEsign & pArtnErs Ltd


CFL EntErprisE Ltd


彩色玻璃用來分開不同部門、不同區域。它既可讓日光透射到室內,亦能「稀釋」室內強 烈的線條感,以營造更和諧的環境。木皮夾板和傢具的中 色調更能突顯彩色玻璃,並加強 了它作為分隔區域的功能。 Glasses let sunlight in, and also provide staff with beautiful scenery of green golf course. These colour glasses also “dilute” the strong sense of lines, creating a harmonious environment. The neural tone of wooden veneered panel and furniture set off the colourful glasses and reinforce its function as partition.

CFL Enterprise Ltd

長形空調機及在訂造的櫥櫃和檯上飾以的層 壓木邊,都配合了整體空間的線 元素,使線 條作為主要的設計語言貫徹整個辦公室。 Long air conditioners and the laminated wooden edges on the custom-made desk match the linear elements applied throughout the office.


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


CFL Enterprise Ltd


CFL Enterprise Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


帶綠色的地毯配合了室外綠油油的環境;地毯上的圖案亦呼應了整體的線 設計。 Green carpet matches the green surrounding outside. The pattern on it also accords with the linearity theme.

CFL is a Hong Kong garment manufacturer. Its Shenzhen office mainly deals with merchandising activity. Most of its clients are overseas fashion companies, the majority being casual wear. These clients would visit the office to check out the samples, so the office should look trendy, bright and welcoming.

拆維修,亦符合了整體室內的線條效果。員工工作區上的天花 板把安裝在吊櫃頂的上射燈光反射到檯面,避免產生眩目。此 外,它與PVC圓管天花製造出虛實的對比。個別房間因應隔音 的訴求而設置了平面吊頂。 大而開放的佈局容易令人迷失,有見及此,每一區都會以一種 彩色玻璃去區分,例如採 部是綠色,而行政運輸部門則以紅和 橙來識別,這樣辦公室看來毫無阻隔,但又能起到分區的作 用。玻璃可讓日光透射到室內,亦讓員工們盡享室外綠意盎然 的高爾夫球場風光。這種色彩的安排也能「稀釋」室內強烈的 線條感,以達致更和諧的效果。

AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd

To be in vogue, clothes could be changed frequently, while interior design should sustain constant changes. Here the designer adopted a classical design element - lines, which match the linearity of this 100-ft long office space.


CFL Enterprise Ltd


CFL Enterprise Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


經理房外一面面往裡面微斜的磨砂玻璃牆增加了狹長走道上的立體感。 Slightly tilted frosted glasses outside the managers’ rooms dimensionalize the long dull corridor.

Clothes are for warmth, inspiring the designer to create a warm cozy environment for the merchandisers to work in. Ash and birch are employed in this sense, for wood is a warm material. These two kinds of wood share similar texture but different palette. They were put together to form some feature walls, enriching the space with their random pattern and the contrast of dark and light tones.

plastic tubes are hooked in neat array to create a sparse feeling as well as hiding the mechanical equipment at the same time. They are easy to dismount and install for maintenance. This also echoes with the linearity of the whole office. The false ceiling over the staff working area reflects the uplighting on top of the hanging cabinet to the desk. As a result, it avoids dazzling and also creates a solid and void contrast to the plastic tube ceiling. Several rooms have plane ceiling for sound insulation. People get lost easily in large and open layout. To avoid this, colour glasses are used to mark different sections. For example, blue represents purchase department while red and orange for the administrative and delivery departments. These colour glasses help define each area without blocking the space at all. Glasses let sunlight in, and also provide staff with beautiful scenery of the golf course outside. These colour glasses also “dilute” the strong force of lines, forming a harmonious environment.

The low floor height and long deep space called for a careful arrangement on the ceiling. PVC

AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


CFL Enterprise Ltd


由於這個辦公室可容納180人,而且狹長深邃,為免造成紊亂的效果,設計從構圖組合出發,以從某一點或從走廊這一端望過去是甚麼景象作主導。 The long and deep office accommodates 180 people. To avoid disorder, the design started from the spatial composition, so what can be seen from certain spot on this side of the corridor or vice versa were considered.

CFL Enterprise Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


客戶Client CFL Enterprise Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor 佳利建築工程公司 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Artemide Ltd 傢具Furniture Workstation for general staff & manager by Ultra Trading (HK) Ltd Meeting chair by Haworth HK Co Ltd Panton chair by Pacific Decor Chair for general staff & manager by Offmax Ltd Aeron chair for director by Aluminium 鋪地Flooring Carpet by Charvix Jackley Company Ltd 藝術品Artwork Graphic element by AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd

AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


CFL Enterprise Ltd


IA Interior Architects Centrica Corporate Centre 英國溫莎 Windsor, UK 120,000 平方呎/ sq ft

C e n t r i c a

C o r p o r a t e C e n t r e, L o n d o n



IA Interior architects


Centrica委託了IA倫敦辦事處為其兩幢共12萬平方 呎的大樓做設計。兩幢大樓包含了公司的總部和電 子商務部,是溫莎「倫敦西部移置計劃」中的一個 重要項目。

(左頁)行政層等候處 (Left page) Executive Floor waiting area (本頁)行政層的石材鋪地配合整體建築 所採用的石灰石及飾有zebranno木料和石 灰石嵌板的牆面。 (This page) The Executive Floor features a stone floor matching the building’s limestone along with walls finished in zebranno wood and limestone paneling.

總部大樓的主辦公室採用了新式的開放傢具系統, 低矮的屏風使環境顯得寬敞,同時又保證了各獨立 工作間的私密 。行政層的石材鋪地配合整體建築 所採用的石灰石及飾有zebranno木料和石灰石嵌 板的牆面。位於這一層的經理私人辦公室前面是玻

IA interior architects







IA Interior architects


總部大樓二樓平面圖 Headquarters building - 2/F plan

總部大樓一樓平面圖 Headquarters building - 1/F plan

璃牆,房門點綴了zebranno木材。董事經理就餐室則以楓木加以裝飾, 且每個就餐室都有一個優美的拱狀天花。 電子商務樓主辦公室的傢具與總部一致,也採用了開放式佈局。這裡設 有網吧、餐廳、零售店、貴賓室、禮堂、健身房和多個員工共用的工作 檯。兩幢大樓之間由一個玻璃走廊連接,人們在這裡可一覽泰晤士河兩 邊街道的蔥蔥綠意。 Centrica asked IA’s London office to provide design services for 120,000 sq ft of space in two buildings housing the corporate headquarters and e-commerce businesses. The buildings are the keystone of the West London Relocation Project in Windsor.

總部大樓地面層平面圖 Headquarters building - G/F plan IA interior architects




1> 開放傢具系統 Standard open plan 2> 董事室 Board Room 3> 行政層 Executive Floor 4> 兩 幢 大 樓 之 間 由 一 個 玻 璃走廊連接,人們在這裡可 一覽泰晤士河兩邊街道的蔥 蔥綠意。 A glass corridor connects the two buildings, preserving the view from the street of green space along the Thames. 1





IA Interior architects



IA interior architects




電子商務大樓二樓平面圖 E-commerce building - 2/F plan

電子商務大樓一樓平面圖 E-commerce building - 1/F plan

The headquar ters’ general office space utilises new open plan systems furniture. Low height screens create an open environment while providing privacy to individual workstations. The Executive Floor features a stone floor matching the building’s limestone along with walls finished i n z e b r a n n o wood and limestone paneling. Directors located on this floor are provided with glass-fronted p r i v a t e o ff i c e s w i t h d o o r s accented in zebranno veneer. The Board and Executive dining

rooms are finished with maple and each have an elegant vaulted ceiling. The e-commerce building general office space is furnished with open plan systems furniture matching the headquarters. This building also hosts a cyber cafe, restaurant, retail shop, hospitality suite, auditorium, gymnasium, and hot desk room. A glass corridor connects the two buildings, preserving the view from the street of green space along the Thames.


電子商務大樓地面層平面圖 E-commerce building - G/F plan


IA Interior architects


電子商務樓裡設有網吧、餐廳、零售店、貴 賓室、健身房等等。 The e-commerce building hosts also a cyber cafe, restaurant, retail shop, hospitality suite, gymnasium etc.

客戶Client Centrica 設計組Project Team Guy Pritchard-Davies, Bill Rutkowski, Kit Townley, Anthony Piretto 總承辦商Main Contractor Overbury 燈光顧問Lighting Consultant Curona Design 傢具Furniture President, Sedas, HK Furniture, Wilkan, Kusch+Co 牆飾Wall Covering Kvadrat, Helen Sheane, Woven Image 鋪地Flooring Dalsouple, Armstrong 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Twyford and Bobrick 織物Upholstery Kvadrat 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Mechoshade 攝影Photographer Nick Hufton/VIEW

IA interior architects




Building Design Studio

Wall’s Ice Cream 香港北角萬國寶通中心 Citicorp Centre, North Point, Hong Kong 5,000平方呎 / sq ft

W a l l ‘ s

I c e

wall’s ice cream


C r e a m

building design studio


(左頁)「品味吧」。它亦是辦公室的接待處。 (Left page) The tasting bar. It acts also as the reception area of the office.

佈局圖Layout plan

Wall’s雪糕公司的辦公室佔地5,000平方呎,經重新裝修後可容 納30人。客戶要求辦公室設有開放的工作環境及不同形式的會議 空間,包括正式的會議室和隨意的休息間。同時,室內要洋溢一 種體現企業精神的開放自由氣氛,並且和公司在全球進行的重塑 品牌活 相呼應。辦公室裡沒有一個傳統的接待處,取而代之的 是一個「品味吧」和陳列空間。 設計師將開放式的辦公區沿周邊佈置,以引入最多的室外景觀和 自然光,另一方面把會議室和檔案室等安排在核心處。由於預算 的限制,整個辦公室選用了米色自流平塗料鋪裝地面,同時省略 了吊頂,並將開放的天花和設施漆成白色。牆面為白色層壓膠板 加不銹鋼邊框或白色灰泥面。辦公桌採用了本地生產的淺灰色膠 合板檯面,配有電纜裝置系統。色彩方面,設計師只選取企業品 牌的顏色,用於檔案櫃、沙發、凳子、休息區內的隔屏和定製的 辦公桌隔板上。此外,公司近期宣傳促銷用的一系列海報亦如藝 術品般隨處可見。 會議室裡的活 屏風造就了靈活多樣的格局,透過改 屏風能將 會議室分隔成更小的房間;而位於末端的玻璃牆亦可拉趟到一 邊,令進行中的各種活 或會議可以融入到開放式的辦公區內。

building design studio


wall’s ice cream


The refurbishment of Wall’s Ice Cream office involves approximately 5,000 sq ft for a total of 30 staff. The brief called for open-plan offices combined with a variety of meeting spaces ranging from proper conference rooms to informal “breakout spaces”. The interior has to project an open democratic feel in line with the corporate ethos and fit well into Wall’s global rebranding campaign at the same time. There was no requirement for a traditional reception, instead display area and “tasting bar” was called for.

wall’s ice cream


building design studio


(左頁)設計策略是將開放式的辦 公區沿周邊佈置,以引入最多的室 外景觀和自然光,而會議室和檔 案室等則安排在較深的核心處。 (Left page) The design strategy was to wrap all the open-plan office space round the perimeter thus maximising views and natural lighting for all the occupants and providing a deeper core for meeting rooms, filing storage and archives. (本頁)內部的活 屏風能將會議 室分隔成更小的房間。 (This page) Sliding internal screens can divide the conference room into smaller meeting rooms.

building design studio


wall’s ice cream


The strategy adopted was to wrap all the open-plan office space round the perimeter thus maximising views and natural lighting for all the occupants and providing a deeper core for meeting rooms, filing storage and archives. Budget restrictions lead to the adoption of an off-white selflevelling flooring throughout the office and the omission of false ceiling while exposed soffit and services were painted in white. Walls are either in white plastic laminate with stainless steel trim or in white painted plaster. The desking system consisted of locally made tops in light grey veneer with cable management. Colours are restricted to corporate brand colours, which are used as accents in some

of the filing cabinets, couches, stools and fabric screens at the breakout spaces and the custommade low-height desk-dividers. Additionally a series of posters from Wall’s current marketing campaign have been displayed throughout as artwork behind the acrylic frames. The conference room has a flexible arrangement of sliding screens to allow for a number of different configurations. Sliding internal screens can divide the conference room into smaller meeting rooms while the glass end-wall can be completely rolled out of the way to allow functions or office meetings to spill out into the open plan office area.

wall’s ice cream


building design studio


會議室的活 屏風造就了靈活多樣的佈局。而位於末 端的玻璃牆亦可以拉趟到一邊,令各種進行中的活 或會議可以融入到開放式的辦公區內。 The conference room has a flexible arrangement of sliding screens to allow for a number of different configurations. For instance, the glass end-wall can be completely rolled out of the way to allow functions or office meetings to spill out into the open plan office area.

building design studio


wall’s ice cream


設計師選取了企業品牌的顏色,著色到檔案櫃、沙發、凳子、休息區內的 隔屏和定製的辦公桌隔板上。 The corporate brand colours are used as accents in filing cabinets, couches, stools and fabric screens at the breakout spaces and the custom-made low-height desk-dividers.

wall’s ice cream


building design studio


客戶Client Wall’s Hong Kong - a division of Unilever Hong Kong Ltd 設計組Design Team Andrew Shields, Sean Niem, Eunice Cheung, Andy Hui, Deric Chiu 項目經理Project Manager Design McRich Interior Contracting Co 總承辦商Main Contractor Fuk Ngai Interior Decoration Co 機電顧問E&M Consultant Crest Consultants (Far East) Ltd 燈光顧問Lighting Consultant Gerard Lee 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Concord Ovation 65 by Gelec (HK) Ltd Isola Inty Quad Matrix Ceiling Kit by Isola Ltd Modular wall mounted spotlight by Worldshine Ltd 傢具Furniture Desks, Screens & Storage System by Pacific Decor Limited Seating by Bif Hong Kong Sofas by Aluminium Ltd Tato & Tatino Foot Stools by Space Decor Ltd 鋪地Flooring Cementitious Self-Leveling Floor by ABS Building Systems (Far East) Ltd 藝術品Artwork Wall’s Marketing Material 攝影師Photography Bore Wong 中譯Chinese Translation 陸沁Allan Lu

building design studio


wall’s ice cream


ADO Design

Learning Plus Language Centre 香港灣仔 Wanchai, Hong Kong 4,800平方呎(共兩層)/ sq ft (two storeys)

L earning Plus Language Centre

Learning Plus Language Centre


ADO Design


(左頁)開放式的接待區朝向電梯廳,為家 長等候區提供更大的空間。 (Left page) By opening to the lift lobby, the reception area creates more room for the parents’ waiting area. (本頁)樓上教職員工作間 (This page) Staff station on upper floor.

與傳統英語語言中心不同,Learning Plus (LP) 是一所年輕、雅致的語言學習中心,提供兒童 到成人課程,並採用互 的學習方式;它堅信興 趣是學習的主要原 力,因此,LP擴充項目的設 計理念必須靈活自如,以適應學校多元化的課 程安排。 在2,500平方呎的空間內,設計師必須盡量提供 多些教室,足夠容納三至五十個學生,並且滿足 不同課程的特殊需要;另要在300平方呎的面積 內為11個教職員設計出獨立的工作間,此外, 還要騰出舉行節日活 所需的寬敞空地、寧靜的 閱覽室和會議室,同時得把家長等候區與接待區 分開。為了滿足上述要求,最佳的做法是設計適 合多種用途的中 空間。活 傢俬、隔牆和藝術品 被混合使用來劃分空間及界定其功能。設計過程 中,設計師常考慮到LP提倡的「將英語融入生 活」的口號,因而選用了視覺藝術家所製作的創 意藝術品與裝飾來豐富不同空間。

上層佈局圖Upper floor plan

下層佈局圖Lower floor plan

ADO Design


Learning Plus Language Centre


中 的空間可以適合多種不同功能,如課室 也可同時是兼職教師的辦公室;加上活 傢 俬,大大提高了空間的靈活 ,符合複雜多 元化的課程需要。 A functionally-neutral space allows the users to assign more than one function to a place, so that a classroom can also be the office for a part-time staff; togther with moveable furniture, such flexibility matches the need of a complicated and diversified school programme.

Learning Plus (LP) is an unconventional English language centre with a young and decent image which promotes interactive dynamic lear ning activities in developing courses for kindergarten kids to adults. It believes that interest is the very element in learning. Thus, the flexible design concept of LP extension corresponds to the spatial arrangement of the diversity of the school programmes. The designer had to maximise the number of classrooms within the given area of 2,500 sq ft in trying to accommodate a range of 3 to 50 students. In order to fulfil the special requirements of the different course styles, to provide an independent work space for 11 staff within 300 sq ft, to provide a big open space for festive

Learning Plus Language Centre


ADO Design


Little library圖書角

ADO Design


Learning Plus Language Centre


1, 2, 3> 燈具、植物、藝術品以及裝飾品等 活 物件可以用來營造新的環境,讓用者自 行重新定義某個空間的功能。 By means of moveable elements including lighting fixtures, plants, artworks and decorations, a new environment with fresh ambience can be created, enabling the users to redefine the function of a certain space. 4, 5> 在 這 裡 把 簾 幕 拉 上 便 可 以 圍 攏 出 一個小教室、教師和家長會面的地方、 或閱覽室。 This area can be enclosed with a curtain, forming a small classroom or an informal meeting place for the teachers and parents, as well as a reading corner. 6, 7> 教職員室Staff room

events, to define a quiet corner for reading and meeting, and to isolate the reception counter from the parent’s waiting area...... etc., a functionally-neutral space determines the ultimate solution. Artworks and decorations are incorporated with movable furniture and partition to define the meaning and function of space. The slogan of LP, “Blend with English in our life”, is always taken into account in the entire design process. Thus, the implementation of innovative artworks and decorations created by visual artist enriches the content of different space.

客戶Client Kenneth Ho / 設計組Design Team Karr Yip, James Wong / 總承辦商 Main Contractor Living Workshop / 燈光 顧問Lighting Consultant ADO Design /

Learning Plus Language Centre


ADO Design



ADO Design








Learning Plus Language Centre


東莞創達裝飾有限公司 Chuang Da Decorate Co Ltd Office of Chuang Da Decorate Co Ltd 中國廣東東莞市 Dongguan City, Guangdong, PRC 5,800 平方呎/ sq ft


C h u a n g D a D e c o r a t e C o L t d, G u a n g d o n g

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


2> 透過把通風管道半嵌於天花板中,設計 師打破了吊頂與無吊頂之間的斷口線,解 決了視覺過渡問題,並將觀者目光導入其 他空間。 Through half imbedding the ventilation pipe into the ceiling, the designer covers the fractures between ceiling and non-ceiling area, which solves the problem of visual transition and directs the visitor’s attention into other spaces.


設計師為自家公司做的設計不一定 要成就「個人風格」,也未必要標 榜設計概念,「室內建築的功能是 否合理,視覺如何感受,那是敲磚 焊鐵玩出來的技術,正如一個空間 不為概念的精彩而精彩,也不為理 論的豐富而豐富。」設計師張星 如是說。如何滿足空間的功能、 如何使一個空間在任何人的眼中 包括色盲者都是一樣,就是他最 原始的想法。 辦公室位於新裕大廈二樓,佔地 5,800平方呎,由工作間、閱覽 室、多間會議室和經理室等組成。 除了閱覽室鋪設了地毯外,整個辦 公室都採用了水泥地面,配合素雅 的牆身,帶出了簡潔明朗的效果。 設計中技術與效果的矛盾不斷產 生,解決每一個難題成為樂趣的 根源。從進入辦公空間的第一視 點開始,便遇到了牆面至天花的 造型與材質結合的問題。由於原建 築結構中為井字樑,而計劃中的牆 體卻不處於樑的軸線上,形成兩者 錯位的關係。若把牆延伸到樑底, 空間的長、寬、高則近於1:1:1 的立方體模式,而且有許多主樑與 次樑無章的穿過原本功能合理的 隔斷牆,造成視覺阻礙。張星最 後決定以人造天花將比例壓制為 1:1:0.6,並把橫樑掩於上方, 但這樣卻使入口處及進入主通道


部分出現兩個天花斷口,為解決 有吊頂與無吊頂的視覺過渡問題, 他將通風管道移位至斷口中軸, 半嵌於吊頂中,打破了這條過於 突然的斷口線,並將觀者目光導 入其他空間。 除空間過渡外,空間在視覺上的 連繫亦被受設計師所關注。從入 口處人們便可瞥見會議室,並會 被那矚目的紅色螺旋形「裝置」 吸引著,這正是設計師力圖為會

Chuang da decorate co ltd


議室打造的一個富個 、 感的會 議檯。施工人員利用鋼筋焊接骨架 及包裹鋼絲網,用水泥塑成型後再 飾以硝基漆。由於造型獨特,製作 過程中繪圖與尺標帶來很多問題需 要設計師與施工人員在現場共同把 小模型放樣為實體。 閱覽室位於主通道的中部。由於 室內設有書架、電腦台、閱覽檯 等多種設施,加上過道不寬,設 計師採用了直角折邊的落地玻璃

chuang da decorate co ltd

1> 辦公室入口處的標誌牆及 休息沙發 Logo wall and resting sofa at the entrance 3> 從入口樓梯可以望向會 議室和那矚目的紅色螺旋形 會議檯。 From the entrance stairs one can see towards the conference room and the eye-catching red corkscrew meeting desk.


牆而不選用弧形玻璃,以免造成紊亂的垂直投影和在高光影響下所 引起的目眩感覺。另外,為避免行為衝撞,室內地台略微提高,並 於玻璃與地台之間放置了白色卵石,以起明顯的分界作用,同時吸 引人們的注意。通透的書架不單方便設計部與閱覽室同時取用,亦 能將設計部的天光導入主過道。 此外,經理室門前的走道是整個辦公室裡最長的,其處理手法亦是最精 密。設計師首先在不鋼管裡安裝點光源,利用自製的燈筒將天花板分 割成五等分,通過嚴格計算和控制燈光放射的角度及離地高度後,自然 光便能透過經理室的磨砂玻璃門照射到燈與燈之間,而後三盞燈光亦正 好打落到裝飾牆上,從而獲得地面光暈完整地鋪滿過道的效果,打破了 呆板的平型吊頂,並潤飾了這條修長的通道。

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


A designer does not have to accomplish some “personal style” when designing for his own company, nor does he need to flaunt his design concept. “Whether an interior can perform its functions well and provide users a comfortable feeling visually, is a matter of construction techniques, just as a space would not be wonderful because of its concept, nor rich because of its theory.” says the designer Vincent Zhang. His original idea was to fulfill the functions of the space, and making it a place equal in anyone’s eyes, including a colour blinder. The 5,800-sq-ft office is on the second floor of Xinyu Building. It consists of working area, reading room, several conference rooms and manager rooms. Except for the carpet in the reading room, the whole office is cement-floored, which, in addition to the plain but elegant wall, create a simple, clean and bright environment. In the design process, the contradiction between techniques and effect keeps arising, so tackling each difficult problem becomes the source of fun. Upon entering the office, problems appear from the first visual point: the match of shape and wood nature from wall to ceiling. In the original construction structure the girders are in“井” pattern; but according to the new plan, the wall body is not on the axis of the girder,

thus being interlaced. If the wall is extended to the girder’s end, the length, width, and height of the space will be in a 1:1:1 cubic proportion. Meanwhile, many primary and secondary girders will go through the functionally reasonable separating walls desultorily, thus hindering the vision. In the end Vincent decided to compress the ratio into 1:1:0.6 by adding a suspended ceiling, hiding the beams on top of the ceiling. However, this will result in two ceiling fractures at the

(左頁)秘書工作台。牆與天花組合成幾何 的構圖,加上水泥地面和素雅的色調,予人 簡潔明朗的感覺。 (Left page) The secretary desk. The wall and ceiling form a geometrical shape, together with the cement flooring and plain colour, create a simple, clean and bright environment. (本頁)閱覽室由直角折邊的落地玻璃牆 圍攏著,內裡設有書架、電腦台、閱覽檯 等多種設施。 (This page) The reading room is surrounded by right-angled hemming floor glass, housing facilities such as bookshelves, computer desks and reading desks.

Chuang da decorate co ltd


chuang da decorate co ltd


經理室門前過道 The passage outside the manager room

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


chuang da decorate co ltd


極富個 和 態的紅色會議 檯為會議室注入了幾分活 潑氣氛。 The characteristic and dynamic red conference desk brings life to the conference room.

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


佈局圖layout plan

entrance and the beginning of major channel. In order to solve the problem of visual transition from ceiling to non-ceiling area, he moved the ventilation pipe to the middle of the fractures, and embedded it half into the ceiling. In so doing, he covered the abrupt fractures and directed the visitor’s attention to other spaces.

angled hemming floor glass wall rather than arc glass to avoid disorganised vertical projection and glazing caused by highintensity light. Besides, in order to avoid bumping behaviour, the indoor floor is raised a little higher and white pebbles are put between the glass and the raised floor to mark a clear division and meanwhile attract people’s attention. The bookshelf which has no cover board is not only convenient for the design department and reading room to use at the same time, but also allows natural light to enter from the design department into the main passage.

Apart from space transition, the visual connection of space is also critical in the designer’s eyes. At the entrance, visitors can easily catch a glimpse of the conference room and will be attracted by the red corkscrew “setting”- the characteristic and dynamic meeting desk which is the result of designer’s special efforts. The builders used reinforced steel bars to weld the framework and wrap the steel net, shaped them with cement and painted them with nitryl paint. Because of the desk’s special shape, in the building process, joint efforts of the designer and builders were needed to turn the small model into a concrete entity on site as there were many problems brought about by the plot and measure. The reading room is in the middle of the major corridor. As there are facilities like bookshelves, computer desks, reading desks, and because the passage is not wide enough, the designer used right-

Chuang da deCorate Co ltd

The passage outside the manager


Chuang da deCorate Co ltd

room is the longest in the whole office, so the way to deal with it is the most elaborate. The designer first installed spotlights in the stainless steel pipe, then used self-made light tubes to divide the ceiling into five equal sections. After strict calculation and control of the light-emitting angle and the light’s height from the floor is made, natural light can get through the frosted glass door of the manager room and reaches the area between lights. The three lights at the back shed light right on the decoration wall, thus achieving an effect of full floor brightness on the passage, which softens the stiff flat ceiling and decorates the long corridor.


設計部工作間 Workstation in the design department

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd


設計部圖紙會審室 Drawing review room in the design department

Chuang da decorate co ltd


chuang da decorate co ltd


經理洽談室Manager Meeting Room

Chuang da decorate co ltd


Chuang da decorate co ltd

125 1> 入口門邊拉索Rope at the entrance door side 2> 經理室門前走道上的裝飾牆 Decoration wall in the passage outside the manager room 3> 設計部圖紙會審室天花局部 Close-up of the ceiling of the drawing review room in the design department 4> 用防盜鋼網自製的吊燈Self-made hanging light made of wire net 5> 自製的玻璃洗手台Self-made glass washing table 6> 主通道Major corridor 7> 主通道上方天花板局部Part of the ceiling over the major corridor 8> 工程部門邊自製可散射的燈帶 Self-made diffuse light band at the door side of engineering department









設計師Designer 張星Vincent Zhang 攝影Photography 司徒穎 Chuang da decorate co ltd


chuang da decorate co ltd


邁思(亞洲)顧 問有限公司 Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd Office of Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd 中國廣州 Guangzhou, PRC 7,600平方呎/ sq ft


M arkmax Asia Consultants Ltd

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


1> 接待區及通向二層的樓梯 the reception area and the staircase towards the second floor 2> 從夾層望向接待區和大會議室 looking towards the reception area and the grand meeting room from the mezzanine 3> 電梯廳lift lobby


邁思新寫字樓雄踞廣州凱旋華美達大酒店頂層25樓,原打算作閣樓 餐廳,但十餘年裡竟未能實施。透過其荒廢的外殼,身為建築設計 師的邁思卻看到她楚楚 人的未來:360度的珠江二沙島無敵景致; 層高驚人,樑底最低處已達到5.8米⋯⋯ 平面佈置來得順理成章,因為樓底高,夾層成為必然之選,加上與 電梯廳渾然一體的接待處,令室內可用面積增加至逾萬平方呎,無 處不透露出高大闊落的空間感受。經過精心設計,鋼結構夾層既起 著支撐的作用,亦「包裹」了技術線管,使下層設計師工作面潔淨 無比,不單能應付繁忙時的高效率要求,同時複式空間和一覽無遺 的江景更能激發設計師的靈感;上層是行政接待區,秘書們佔據 邊際,方便上傳下達,而六間經理室則對著秘書區一字型排開。


MarkMax asia Consultants ltd


MarkMax asia Consultants ltd



Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


4> 電梯廳與接待處渾然一體,充分利用了空間。 The elevator hall and the reception area are connected as a whole, which fully utilize all the given space. 5> 進入辦公區的通道 The main passage leading to the office area 6> 樓梯及牆壁的原木鋼質組合裝飾 The wood and steel decoration on the staircase and wall


「以人為本」的理念,相信在知識型 企業中尤為明顯。邁思訂製了幾乎所 有傢具,座椅無等級之分,工作椅、 會議椅全體一致,尺度舒適且利於午 間休憩。工作檯、會議桌如出一轍, 根據需要可靈活移 拼接組合。空調、 各式燈光,均分區獨立控制,隨時隨 地各取所需。 接待區設置溫馨舒適的座椅,同事有 獨立的會客室兼作聲像室;商務會議 則最愛上層的「透明會議室」,主管 的秘書小姐儼然手握江景資源,成為 眾人追逐的明星;大會議室無他,以 突破常規模式的大為特徵,在其他地 方難以進行的事在此處就成為可能, 還輔以配套的獨立洗手間、模型展示 台等。這都表現出邁思的講究,及對 客人的體驗之關注。


Markmax’s new office sits on top of the 25th floor of Guangzhou Ramada Pearl Hotel. The place was originally planned for an attic restaurant, but for some reasons the plan has been shelved for the past ten years. The designer, Markmax, envisaged the deserted place a beautiful future: incomparable scenery of Ersha Island Zhujiang River on a 360-degree view; amazing floor height, with the lowest point of the girder end being 5.8 metre... As the floor height is high, naturally the designer added a mezzanine in between, along with the reception area that connects the elevator hall, the indoor useable area has been enlarged to around 10,000 sq ft, creating a large and wide space. With careful design, the steel interlayer not only supports the building, but also enwraps the technical wires, making the lower floor office appear neater. On one hand, the clean environment meets the requirements of high efficiency when the place is buzzing, on the other hand, the double-layer space and the full river scenery give aspiring inspiration to the designers. The upper floor is the administrative reception area, with secretaries on the side to communicate between floors. The six manager rooms are on the same alignment opposite to the secretary pool.

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


首層大會議室The grand meeting room downstairs

It is believed that the humanistic concept is especially evident in these intellectual enterprises. Almost all the furniture was custom-made by Markmax. There is no hierarchy among the chairs, with the work chairs and the meeting chairs enjoying the same status: comfortable in size and convenient for a noon snooze. The work desk and meeting desk are also identical, flexible enough to move around and refit when needed. The air conditioner and various lights are all independently controlled in various areas, making it more convenient to manipulate and control anywhere at any time.

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd





7> 從夾層會議室望向樓下辦公區 Looking downwards to the office area from the mezzanine meeting room 8, 9> 首層設計辦公區 Designers’ workspace on lower floor

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


The reception area is stationed with comfortable chairs. The independent conference room doubles as a video room. Business meetings are opted to be held in the “transparent meeting room” on the upper floor. That’s why the secretary in charge seems to be in control of the river scenery and becomes a star that people like to go after. The grand meeting room is nothing exceptional, simply featuring a rather big space, so that some extraordinary or unusual matters could be dealt with in there when it would be quite impossible to carry out elsewhere. The grand meeting room is also equipped with an independent washing room, a model showcase and so on. All these have shown Markmax’s consideration and attention towards the customers.

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


夾層平面圖Mezzanine plan

首層平面圖Lower floor plan

總承辦商Main Contractor 富美家裝飾工程公司 / 燈光顧問Lighting Consultant, 傢 具Furniture, 藝術品Artwork, 視聽系統AV System 邁思(亞洲)顧問有限公司 / 攝 影Photography 雄館影社

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd


陳幼堅設計公司 Alan Chan Design Company Office of Alan Chan Design Company 香港灣仔夏愨大廈 Harcourt House, Wanchai, Hong Kong 6,000平方呎 / sq ft

A lan Chan Design Company

Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company


設計師的辦事處總是讓人覺得與別 不同,不同在於它並不像人們所認 為的、常見的那種辦公室,而本地 著名設計師陳幼堅(Alan Chan) 的辦公室就是一個好例子。

的維港景色。開放式的創作間只用 幾塊低矮而古典的屏風分出區域, 空間開揚。董事辦公室和創作間相 對,並由一條長走廊分界,走廊兩 端分別陳設了一個紅色的古董櫃和 一尊佛像。

甫進入口處,你會不期然地懷疑自 己有沒有走錯地方,去了一間畫 廊,因為就在門口及水泥飾面的 接待台上便擺放了好幾件雕塑。 接待處連接著一個小型展廊,是 Alan特意開發的一個展覽空間,讓 新 藝術家展示他們的作品。這並 不是一個公共場所,因為在去參觀 之前,你必須要先行預約,雖然如 此,這無疑是藝術家們展示作品的 一個新展台。平時這裡會陳列Alan 的一些平面設計及裝置藝術作品。

Alan相信人與人的交往是會產生 聲音、觸覺等一些感受,故他在 房間與走廊之間的牆腳上採用了 玻璃,讓房內外的人都可以看到 在另一個空間裡活 的人們,感受 到彼此的存在。 因為創作人的工作時間長,而且他 們需要一個富啟發 的空間,所以 相對於一般辦公室的氛圍這裡更見 輕鬆、愜意,像家一樣。Alan收集 自各國的收藏品,有木造的、有青 銅的、有宗教味濃的雕像,還有其 他一些藝術品隨意擺放在書櫃上、 矮几上,到處可見,就像一個富有 品味的人家的居室;白色的牆和水 泥地面,再配合柔和的燈光,一方 面溢發出家的溫馨寫意感覺,沖淡 了工作間那種繁忙的氣息,另一方 面這些具不同特質的擺設成為設 計師靈感之源,隨時誘發出設計 師們的創意。

毗連接待區有兩間會議室,一大一 小,由兩扇厚厚的木趟門及一米寬 的玻璃牆分隔,既可以拉趟木門把 空間完完全全隔開,又或留下玻璃 牆讓兩邊的用者可以相視。會議室 裡的木几上陳設了好幾件藝術品, 加上古樸的木椅,散發出一點點爾 雅的東方韻味。 這所六千呎的辦公室可容納二十多 人。董事的辦公室和會計及客戶推 廣部沿一列玻璃窗佈置,盡享無敵

Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company

(左頁)入口處 (Left page) Entrance (本頁)水泥飾面的接待台 (This page) Cemented reception desk




1, 2> 連接著接待處的一個小型展廊,為新 藝術家提供了一個展示作品的新展台。透過玻璃牆腳可以看到擺放在會議室裡木几上的藝 術品。 The small-size display corridor provides a new exhibition space for new artists. Through the glass wall skirt, one can see the artworks on the wooden table in the meeting room. 3> 兩間會議室由木趟門分隔開。古樸的木椅和木几上陳設的藝術品散發出典雅的東方韻味。 The two meeting rooms are separated by sliding wooden doors. The simple and classical wooden chairs and the artworks on the wooden table make the place elegant and oriental-looking.

Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company



Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company



4> 白牆和水泥地面,再配合柔和的燈光及隨意擺設的藝術品,營造出家的溫馨寫意感覺。 The white wall and cement floor, plus the soft light, create a comfortable and enjoyable‘homey’feeling. 5> 房間與走廊之間的牆腳採用了玻璃,讓人們可以看到在另一個空間裡活 的人,同時感受到彼此的存在。 Glass is used as the wall skirt between the room and the corridor, making it easier for people both inside and outside the room to see each other, feeling the existence of each other. 6> 董事辦公室和創作間相對,並由走廊分隔。走廊盡頭擺設了一尊半身佛像。 The directors’ offices sit opposite to the studio, separated by a long corridor. A Buddhist bust is put at the end of the corridor.

Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company




Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company


A designer’s office always seems special in other people’s eyes, because it is not the usual kind of office. A good example is the office of our famous local designer Alan Chan.

wall. Several artworks are put on the wooden table in the meeting room, with the complement of simple and classical wooden chairs, making the room elegant and oriental-looking.

At the entrance, you might doubt whether you have entered into the right place, a gallery probably, because sculptures such as Buddhist figures are placed at the entrance and on the cemented reception desk. The reception area is connected to a small-size display corridor specially developed by Alan to showcase the works of new artists. It is not a public place, because appointments have to be made prior to entering the premises. Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly a new exhibition space for aspiring artists. In usual times, some of Alan’s graphic designs and installations are also exhibited here.

The 6000-sq-ft office can hold 20-odd people. The directors’ offices and the accounting and customer services departments are set alongside a glass window, enjoying the agreeable harbour view. The open studio is divided by several low but classic folding screens, which make the space more open. The directors’ offices sit opposite to the studio, separated by a long corridor.

Two meeting rooms, one big and one small, are adjacent to the reception area. They are separated by two sliding wooden doors and a one-meter-wide glass wall. The wooden panels can be used to separate the space completely, and when the doors are steered sideways, people on either side can see each other through the glass

Alan Chan Design Company


Alan Chan Design Company


A red antique cupboard and a Buddhist bust are put at each end of the corridor. Alan believes that communication among people generate sound and feeling, so he used glass as the wall skirt between the room and the corridor, making it easier for people both inside and outside the room to see each other, feeling the existence of each other. As the working hours are relatively long for designers, they need an inspiring space. So compared tothecommonoffice,theatmospherehere is freer and more comfortable, just

like home. Alan collects things from all over the world, some wood, some bronze, some religious sculptures, and some artworks. They are put freely on the bookshelf, or the low table, or anywhere, just like in a tasteful person’s own house. On one hand, the white wall and cement floor, plus the soft light, create a comfortable and enjoyable ‘homey’ feeling, which softens the busy atmosphere of the studio. On the other hand, the special or naments become the source of inspiration for designers, helping to generate new ideas.

Alan Chan Design Company

Alan的私人辦公室。董事的辦公室和會計 及客戶推廣部沿一列玻璃窗佈置,盡享無 敵的維港景色。 Alan’s personal office. The directors’ offices and the accounting and customer services departments are set alongside a glass window, enjoying the agreeable harbour view.

設計師Designers 陳幼堅Alan Chan (Alan Chan Design Co) 黃建豪Wong Kin Ho (Kin Ho Workshop) 總承辦商Main Contractor David Decoration Ltd


Alan Chan Design Company


dwp CL3

EDAW 香港上環信德中心 Shun Tak Centre, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 7,000平方呎/ sq ft





dwp cl3


1> 從主會議室看接待處 View from the main conference room towards the reception 2> 與其他色調樸實的空間不同,粉刷了黃 色的茶水間像走廊上、斜牆後的發光體。 The exception to the muted palette is the pantry, which glows yellow from behind the slanted gallery wall. 3> 茶水間Pantry 4> 素雅的色彩,以及混凝土和MDF板上的 泥土色調都反映出「易道」作為一所公共 空間/城市設計公司的本質。 Refined colour and material palette of concrete, MDF and soft mushroom tones was used to reflect EDAW’s business as an open space/urban design firm.

秉承新近完成位於深圳蛇口的辦公 室之設計理念,香港辦事處的設計 對「原著」進行延伸,創造了一個 更為精密的環境。


該辦公室和蛇口的一樣,都採用 了柔和細緻的色彩,以及混凝土 和MDF板上的素雅色調。這些富 泥土氣息的色彩反映了「易道」 作為一所公共空間/城市設計公司 的本質。 通常擺放在建築後部的物件如燈箱 現都設置在中央,當作成引人注目 的燈光裝置。與其他色調樸實的區 域不同,粉刷了黃色的茶水間就像 從走廊上的斜牆後散發出光彩來。



dwp cl3



主會議室是一個開放的空間,但可 以按需要把落地窗簾拉上,將其遮 閉起來。兩個更小的會議室仿如置 於白色立方體內,而周圍的牆壁都 修飾得非常細膩。整個空間高雅的 格調掩飾了其吃緊的預算。


主會議室是一個開放的空間,但可以按需要 把落地窗簾拉上,將其遮閉起來。 The main conference room is an open space that can be closed off with a floor to ceiling curtain for privacy when required.

Following the design concept of the recently completed Shenzhen Shekou office, the design for the Hong Kong office expanded on the original, creating a more sophisticated environment. As with the Shekou office, a restrained and refined colour and material palette of concrete, MDF and soft mushroom tones was used. These earthy tones reflect EDAW’s business as an open space/urban design firm. Items usually relegated to the back of house such as the light tables are displayed in the middle of the space and act as dramatic light fixtures and ambient icons. The exception to the muted palette is the pantry, which glows yellow from behind the slanted gallery wall. The main conference room is an open space that can be closed off with a floor to ceiling curtain for privacy when required. The two smaller meeting rooms are white cubes with a paper edge detail to the periphery walls. The high style and feel of the space belies the stringent budget.

佈局圖Layout plan



dwp cl3


dwp cl3




小會議室看上去像位於開放天花下的白色立方體。 The small meeting room looks like a white cube under the exposed ceiling.



dwp cl3


客戶Client EDAW Earthasia Ltd / 總承辦商 Main Contractor Vinson Contracting Ltd / 傢 具Furniture Custom-made furniture by Vinson Contracting Ltd; E-chairs by BIF Hong Kong / 攝影Photography Wong Ho Yin

dwp cl3




Kiku Obata & Company

Office of Kiku Obata & Company 美國聖路易斯 St. Louis, USA 14,000平方呎/ sq ft


K i k u O b a t a & C o m p a n y, S t. L o u i s kiku obata & company


kiku obata & company




由於這是一家設計公司的辦公室,因此它要能反映公司的團隊精神和 創造力,同時要促進員工間之合作、激發起優秀的設計。辦公室位於 The Pageant的二、三樓。該大樓是一個新的演唱會和娛樂場所,而設 計的靈感就是來自於「後台」,並且融合了帷幕、道具、金屬器件、射 燈等等,當然還包括舞台本身。

1> 接 待 區 有 一 張 定 製 的 桌 子 和 仿 劇 場 的帷幕。 The reception area features a customdesigned desk and theatrically inspired curtains. 2> 測量是設計和建築不可或 的一部分,因 此牆面上按英呎間距的紅色記號便於設計師 瞭解和確認空間的尺度。 Since measurements are an integral part of design and architecture, red markers along the wall in foot intervals make it easy for designers to understand spatial dimensions and determine legibility.

設計上主要面對的挑戰包括:打造一個開放式的平面空間以促進交流與 合作;使用令人振奮和獨特的色彩及素材;發展一套用以高效地展示工 程項目的陳列方式;提供充足的空間來儲藏物料和文件。 這些問題都得到富創意的解決方案:高高的天花板、幾乎沒有分隔牆的 開放式佈局、精心設置和分隔的「私人」及「團體」工作區,這都能促 進交流與合作。外露的金屬固件和不銹鋼強化了辦公室的劇場效果。此 外,計劃書、圖紙和物料都歸檔保存在定製的櫥櫃、工作檯和文檔中。 擺放無用的檔案和展板的儲存架則隱藏在天鵝絨帷幕後,方便提取。

3> 廚房和圖書館。所有的傢具和櫥櫃都 與用於運輸及儲存舞台設備的木頭和金屬 箱相似。 View of kitchen and library. All the furniture and cabinets are designed to resemble the wooden and metal trunks used to transport and store stage equipment.

kiku obata & company


kiku obata & company


Since the office is for a design firm, it needed to reflect the community and creativity of the firm and promote collaboration, teamwork and great design. The office is located on the second and third floors of The Pageant, a new live concert and entertainment venue. Therefore, the design of the space takes its cues from the “backstage” idea, incorporating curtains, sets, hardware, spotlights and, of course, a stage. Some major design issues and challenges included creating an open floor plan to promote communication and collaboration; using inspirational and unique colours and materials; developing efficient and distinctive ways to display projects; and providing plenty of storage space for materials, projects and files. These challenges were met with innovative design solutions. High ceilings, and open plan with few dividing walls, and careful placemen and division of “private” and “team” work areas encourage communication and collaboration. Exposed metal fasteners, and stainless steel accents play up the theatrical look. Projects, drawings and materials are filed and organised in custom-designed cabinets, workstations and flat files. Storage shelving for dead files and presentation boards is hidden behind velvet stage curtains allowing for easy access.

kiku obata & company


kiku obata & company


在弧形的通訊板兩端都有垂直的尺標。 . kiku communications obata & company obata & company Measurements are indicatedkiku vertically on both ends of the curved wall.


kiku obata & company


kiku obata & company


(左頁)近期的設計工程項目都展示在金屬柵格板上,並可在軌道上前後推 。帷幕後是儲存架。 (Left page) Recent work is highlighted on metal grid panels that roll back and forth on tracks. The curtains hide the storage shelving. (本頁)連接地面和天花板的黑色桁架是連繫空間的元素,也讓參觀者意識到他們身處於「後台」。 (This page) The black floor-to-ceiling trusses are an organising element in the space and remind visitors that they are in “backstage”.

kiku obata & company


kiku obata & company


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner

Norddeutsche Landesbank 德國漢諾威市 Hanover, Germany 807,000平方呎/ sq ft

庭院和主入口Courtyard and main entrance. (攝影Photo by Martin Schodder)

N o r d d e u t s c h e L a n d e s b a n k, H a n o v e r

Norddeutsche Landesbank


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


位於17層頂部的鋼玻璃結構高度接近20米,特殊的玻璃和 金屬塗層在光線作用下形成有趣的黃色和藍色效果,並隨 著太陽的移 而變化。這個鋼玻璃結構在夜間會由兩極真空 管照亮著。 A nearly 20m high steel-glass-construction on top of the 17th floor with special panes and a metal coating applied by vapour reflect light producing interesting effects in yellow and blue. These effects vary as the position of the sun changes. At night this structure is lit by diodes. (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)

辦公室外牆根據周圍情況的不同要求作出回應 ──面向喧鬧一側採用了隔音吸熱雙層外牆; 向陽面有遮陽設施,陽光較弱的立面則選用了 高品質的防曬玻璃。 The offices facades respond to the different requirements of the surroundings - the facades addressing the louder sides are noise and heat absorbing double facades; the sun-exposed sides of the building have external sun-shading devices, less sun-exposed sides have highquality sun protection glazing. (攝影Photo by Martin Schodder)

Norddeutsche Landesbank(德國 北部的一所銀行)新大樓坐落於城市 的邊緣。大樓北邊是市區,南面則是 南漢諾威的住宅區,西邊有市政廳 及與之相鄰的Maschpark運 休憩公 園。大樓東邊毗連一家劇院。東北角 的Aegidientorplatz廣場則是繁忙的 交通交彙處。 鑑於新總部大樓的位置、規模和作為 行政大廈的用途,使它與北邊市鎮以 及南邊住宅區的關係難以界定。它更 像是一個過渡空間,成為連接零售、 商業、居住、文化、體育和休閒娛樂 等不同城市活 的紐帶。 大樓高低錯落的造型讓它更能結合到 原有的城市格局中。 規劃圖Site plan

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


夏季時可以打開的透明管道連繫著大樓的不同部分。 Transparent tubes, which can be opened during the summer months, establish links between the various building parts. (攝影Photo by Christian Kandzia)

為了使大樓成為城市與住宅區之間 的一個連接點,設計師採用了開放 的地面層,並佈置了餐廳、商店和 酒吧等向公眾開放的設施,使地面 層依然屬於城市的一部分。庭院中 佈置了大規模的水景和天台花園, 以融入到周圍的自然環境中。多層 高的入口大堂、餐廳和公共地方直 接而安靜地與庭院相連。 真正的銀行設施始於一樓,可通過 富氣派的獨立樓梯抵達。透明管道 連接大樓的各個部分,在夏季時更 可以打開其頂薘。

The new building of Norddeutsche Landesbank (North German Clearing Bank) is located at the margin of the city. To the north is the city itself and to the south are the residential districts of southern Hanover. To the west, the site addresses the town hall and an adjacent sports and recreation park, Maschpark. A theatre marks the eastern boundary. The “Aegidientorplatz” at the northeastern corner of the site is a busy traffic junction.

大樓高層設有休閒廊和行政辦公 室等特別元素。它鶴立雞群,高 度接近七十米,從原來規矩的建 築形式跳脫開來,並與周圍環境 及市中心較鬆散的格局相呼應, 成為了當地一座新的標誌 建築。 面向鄰街的建築在設計上力圖令 上層樓面獲得經濟高效的辦公室 佈局。大樓的不同部分提供了不 同的辦公室深度,以配合多元的 工作間類型,諸如開放式、個人 式、蜂窩式、組合式、團隊式、 雙排和三排等等。在室內,所謂 的「必要樓梯」被用作分隔出獨 立工作區的一個媒體。

Norddeutsche Landesbank

The location of the new complex, its use as an administration building, as well as its size, all make it difficult to allocate it either to the city to the north or to the residential districts to the south. It is more a kind of intermediate or transitional zone, which could be a linking element between the various activities of the town quarters that meet here - retail, commercial, residential, cultural, sports and leisure.


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)


庭院中小心佈置了大規模的水景和天台花園,與四周自然環境構成緊密的關係。 The courtyard has been carefully landscaped with large-scale water elements and planted roof gardens, thus establishing connections to the vicinity. (攝影 Photo by Roland Halbe)

Norddeutsche Landesbank


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


大樓的高層部分從原來規矩的建築形式跳脫開來,並與周圍環境及 市中心較鬆散的格局相呼應。 The high-rise part of the complex detaches itself from the formal order of the blocks addressing the street, making connections with the wider context. (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


剖面圖 section

開放式辦公室和茶室前面的露台讓員工在休息時可以飽覽美麗的城市景觀。 terraces in front of the open-plan offices and tea kitchens affording beautiful views of the town can be used during breaks. (攝影Photo by christian kandzia)

Norddeutsche LaNdesbaNk


behNisch, behNisch & PartNer


多層高的入口大堂 The multi-storey entrance lobby. (攝影Photo by Martin Schodder)

By varying the heights of the complex, a building has emerged, which gently integrates itself in the existing town pattern. The desire for a linking element between the city and the residential districts has been met by an open and largely accessible ground-floor area, which remains a part of the town. This area accommodates publicly accessible facilities such as restaurants, shops and bars. The courtyard has been carefully landscaped with large-scale water elements and planted roof gardens, thus establishing connections to the vicinity. The multi-storey entrance lobby, restaurant and forum are directly linked to the quiet courtyard. The actual bank facilities begin on level one. They are reached via a generous freestanding stair. Transparent tubes, which can be opened during the summer months, establish links between the various building parts.

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


1> 剖面圖。透過利用天然能源如陽光、 風、戶外空氣及低溫泥土等,使得室內幾 乎不需要空氣調節系統。 Cross section. The energy strategy implemented focuses on the use of natural resources such as sun, wind, outdoor air and low soil temperatures, making air conditioning almost completely redundant. 2, 3> 員工餐廳。向公眾開放的設施如餐廳 和咖啡店等設在地面層,直接而安靜地與 庭院相連。 Staff restaurant. Publicly accessible facilities such as the restaurant and cafe are located on the ground floor and directly linked to the quiet courtyard. (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe) 1

The high-rise building accommodates special elements such as a lounge and executive rooms. It grows out of the exterior block, reaching a height of nearly seventy metres. This high-rise part of the complex detaches itself from the for mal order of the blocks addressing the street, making connections with the wider context. A landmark emerges - establishing links to the more remote features, such as the looser patterns of the city centre.


The blocks addressing the streets were planned in such a way that economically efficient office layouts can be realized in the upper floors. The various building parts provide for different office depths, so that all common office types (open plan, individual, cellular, combi, team office, two rows and three rows of offices) can be achieved. Access in the interior is provided by socalled “necessary stairs”, which are placed in such a way that individually segregated working areas can be created.


Norddeutsche Landesbank


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner



(攝影Photo by Christian Kandzia)

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


辦公區內的長走廊被漆成醒目的藍色 和黃色波紋圖案。在開放的走廊、樓 梯和組合區內漆上了更鮮艷的色彩, 以進一步突出大樓內明朗的氣氛。 The longer corridors in the office areas have been painted with an unobtrusive blue and yellow wave pattern. Bolder colours in the more communicative corridors, staircases or combi zones further enhance the light and friendly atmosphere in the building. (攝影 Photo by Christian Kandzia)

地面層平面圖 G/F plan

一樓平面圖 1/F plan

Norddeutsche Landesbank


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


社交區Social area (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)

三樓平面圖 3/F plan

六樓平面圖 6/F plan

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


4> 在室內,透過安排所謂的「必要樓梯」來分隔出獨立的工作區。 Access in the interior is provided by so-called “necessary stairs”, which are placed in such a way that individually segregated working areas can be created. (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe) 5> 會議室 Conference room(攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)

客戶Client Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hanover / 建築師Architects Gunter Behnisch, Stefan Behnisch, Gunther Schaller / 項目經理Project Management NILEG, Hanover / 色彩概念Colour Concept Professor Christian Kandzia / 結構Structural Arge Tragwerksplanung; Wetzel + von Seht, Hamburg; Pfefferkorn + Partner, Stuttgart / 園景設計Landscape Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner, Stuttgart; Nagel & Schonhoff, Hanover / 能源企劃Energy Concept Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart / 建築立面顧問Facade Consultant Planungsburo Erich Mosbacher, Friedrichshafen/ 燈光及日光技術Lighting & Daylight Technology Bartenbach Lichtlabor GmbH, Aldrans/Innsbruck / 中譯Chinese Translation 陸沁Allan Lu

十七樓平面圖 17/F plan

十三樓平面圖 13/F plan

行政辦公室設在大樓高層。設計師特別營造出一個明快愉悅的工作氛圍。 The executive rooms are housed in the high-rise part of the building. Great attention has been paid to creating a pleasant and light working atmosphere. (攝影Photo by Roland Halbe)

八樓平面圖 8/F plan Norddeutsche Landesbank


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner




Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Norddeutsche Landesbank


Joseph Wong Design Associates

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre 中國上海 Shanghai, PRC 240,000平方呎 / sq ft

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates




A 入口處Entrance B 辦公培訓區Office/Training C 生活區Living D 配電區Power E 生產區Production F 擴展用地Future Expansion G 停車場Parking H 原有建築Existing Building

中國工商銀行電子計算中心是中國目前同類型建築中規模最大的, 它是企業要成為世界頂尖級銀行實力的體現。計劃中一個最主要的 目標是透過建築去表現企業要建立自 化現代銀行這個發展重點。

(左頁)地處經濟騰飛的上海市郊之綜合大 樓秩序井然,予人有信譽、有效率的形像。 (Left page) Located on the outskirts of the burgeoning chaos of Shanghai, the complex is a haven of order, reliability, and effective organisation.

規劃與空間設計 佔地240,000平方呎的電子計算中心位於經濟發展迅速的上海市郊。 五座新大樓及一幢現存建築環繞出一片園地,給人和諧、流暢而非 混雜、無序之感。根據功能和組織的不同,中心又分為不同區域。 每個大樓都有自己的功能:生產、生活(包括餐廳和宿舍)、辦公 室、配電房和迎賓廳。

1> 整體規劃圖。整個電子計算辦事中心被 街道和高速公路包圍。它位於蒲東外高橋 自由商業區,相臨的都是國際科技公司。 Site plan. The complex is surrounded by surface streets and expressways and is located in Wai Gao Qiao, a Free Trade Enterprise Zone, where the neighbours are international technology firms. 2> 緊扣的格子佈局將中心分隔成區,並劃 出規則的園景。這也體現了設計師所追求 的自然與科技之融合。 The interlocking grids that frame the volumes of the centre and the regularity of the landscaping reflect the mingling of nature and technology sought by the designers of the data centre.

計劃的核心理念以及要營造校園環境的想法給地盤徐徐地灌入了一 種 力──人為環境的幾何圖案與河岸雜亂的綠地之間的對立。建築 物整齊有序的排列在網格上,與公園相交形成45度角。這樣,在消 減空間視覺相似 的同時又增加了趣味 和緊張感。 為滿足未來擴展的需要,原有的一幢大樓經外觀改造後,成為整個 中心的一部分。同時,生產中心後面的土地也預留出來以備後用。 由於中心是處理敏感資料的地方,設計首要考慮的問題是提供能夠 應付各種緊急情況和需求的供電設施、安全的資訊收集和儲存。中 心本身有好幾重安全措施包括設立禁區,不過,建築物中有一個訪 客翼樓,允許參觀者觀看內部的複雜操作。

Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


中心區的設計考慮周到且寬敞舒適。多條迴廊環繞綠意盎然的中央公園,讓行人穿行其中。 迴廊並將各個部分聯繫在一起。 The thoughtful and gracious design of centre campus encourages foot traffic through the connecting corridors surrounding the verdant and succulent central courtyard. These corridors also connect the cellular parts together.

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


空間安排舒適宜人,帶來靜謐與沉思。 The volumes come together in such a pleasing arrangement that the ambience is serene and meditative.

Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


(本頁)微晶片是數據中心的核心技術,而豐 富多彩的建築風格則體現出當中的邏輯安排。 (This page) The rich architectural forms echo the logical arrangement of the basis of the technology at the heart of the data centre - the microchip. (右頁)中央公園將各個區域有機地聯繫起來, 並使每個大樓都能享受開闊的視野,欣賞到中心 區充滿活力、隨手可觸的美景。 (Right page) The central courtyard is a vital aspect of connecting the campus contextually. It provides each area of the complex an expansive view and access to the dynamically mixed and tangible beauty of the central space.

景觀美化 50,000平方呎的中央公園被周圍 的大樓環繞。每幢大樓內的員工都 可通過透明的玻璃牆來欣賞舒適平 和的景色。公園中種植了當地的植 物,並設水池石景。水池不僅能使 人身心鬆弛,而且還是滅火用水的 蓄水池及環境控制系統的水源。水 池和公園相互交融,體現出交流和 共存這兩個主題。 三座辦公樓內的一樓是一個寬敞的內 部庭園,它與主公園連在一起。在天 氣惡劣但又不需要工作時,這片開闊 的地方可以讓人靜靜思考問題,小 憩片刻。 建築外觀 生產樓面朝北,其限制 的格局令人遠 遠地就知道這是不可以隨便進出的禁 地,同時也暗示該地區正執行嚴格安 檢。但是,樹木掩映下的建築又分成 了幾個小部分,使得它顯得較為平易 近人。北面富麗堂皇的外觀帶 人們 往南和西走。東南面辦公樓的外部呈 45度角,面對主公園。建築物西北面 鋸齒狀的外形在冬天時讓陽光進入室 內,夏天則可遮陽。

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


三座辦公樓內的一樓是一個寬敞的內部庭園,它與主公園連在一起。在天氣惡劣但又不需要工作時,這片開闊的地方可以讓人靜靜思考問題,小憩片刻。 The first floor of all three office buildings is open as an intra-office courtyard that is connected to the main courtyard. These atrium areas offer additional space for quiet reflection or restful time away from duties in inclement weather. ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


The ICBC Network Data Operation Centre is the first data centre of such scale in China. It is a materialisation of the bank’s determined ability to become an exceptional international bank. One of the programme’s primary goals is to communicate symbolically the developmental focus in establishing an automated and modern bank. Planning and Spatial Design This 240,000-sq-ft data centre is located on the outskirts of the burgeoning chaos of Shanghai. By laying five new buildings and one existing block to surround an open space, a secure sense of enclosure is created, ensuring that the campus has a cohesive focus that conveys a sense of harmony and linearity versus chaos and disorder. The measured force of the complex in regards to function and organisation led to the separation of the forms into subdivided areas. Each edifice has its own function: production, living (cafe and dorms), office, power, and welcome centre.

Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


The momentum of the programme and a desire to create a campus with a centre of mass on a human scale instills the site with a force - the opposition between the geometry of the man made surroundings and the organic chaos of the riparian grasslands of the existing site. The ordered arrangement of the complex on a grid with the composition of the park at an intersecting 45o angle creates tension and interest while reducing the visual similarity of the volumes. To respond to the need for future expansion, the facade of an existing building was modified and incorporated into the design of the present centre while a field behind the current production centre has been reserved for possible growth. Due to the sensitive nature of the data processing requirements of the centre, planning priorities were concentrated on providing power under all types of duress and demands, and providing secure data collection and storage. The data centre itself has many layers of security including

restricted access, yet it also must accommodate visitors. The architectural response included integration of a visitor’s wing that exists inside the data centre, allowing spectator’s passive viewing of the intricacies of the inner working.

佔地240,000平方呎的專案是中國工商銀行舉辦的國際設計大賽中獲獎作 品。這個設計項目已榮獲包括AIA設計大獎在內的一些獎項。 This 240,000-sq-ft project is the result of an award winning entry for an international design competition commissioned by ICBC and has garnered accolades including an AIA Design Award.

Landscaping A 50,000-sq-ft central courtyard is defined by the buildings surrounding it. The relaxing scenery creates a peaceful landscape that is made available to occupants of each building via the transparent skins of their shells. Through the use of indigenous trees and plants, local stone, and a waterscape, a natural dialogue that provides sanctuary to the employed is established. The pool in the park not only serves as a soothing focal point, but also functions as reservoir for fire protection services and as water supply for the environmental control system. The pool and the terrain are mixed and reflect on each other, referring to the twin themes of communication and interdependence.

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


The first floor of all three office buildings is open as an intra-office courtyard that is connected to the main courtyard. These atrium areas offer additional space for quiet reflection or restful time away from duties in inclement weather. Facade The solid facade of the production buildings to the north creates a psychologically limiting form that from a distance discourages access, underlying the rigid security measures necessary for this area of the campus. However, the forms, shielded by a grove of maturing trees, break into smaller volumes that upon closer approach are visually reduced to a more human scale. The imposing facade to north encourages travel to the south and west. The facades of the offices to the southeast are on a 45o angle and open to the main courtyard. The sawtooth pattern of the buildings’ northwest sides allows for winter solar gain and summer shade.

客戶Client 中國工商銀行Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 設計組Design Team Jason S. Hu, Murphy Chai, Eric Li, Michael Lo, Tony D. Fan, Joseph Wong FAIA 總承辦商Main Contractor Shanghai No 3 Construction Co Ltd 上海建築 工程顧問 Local A/E Consultant Tong-Ji Architectural/Engineering Design Institute, Shanghai 機電顧問M/E Consultant Syska Hennessy Group, USA 園林建築師Landscape Architect Huang Fei, Famous Garden, USA 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Thorn 牆飾Wall Covering Goodrich (PPG) 鋪地Flooring Interface, Atlas, Shaw, Monterey 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Kohler 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Hunter Douglas 視聽系統AV System Pioneer (HK) 攝影Photography Kerun Ip

ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


Joseph Wong Design Associates


Joseph Wong Design Associates


ICBC Network Data Operation Centre


M Moser Associates

BEA Systems (HK) Ltd 香港金鐘太古廣場 Pacific Place, Admiralty, Hong Kong 12,000平方呎 / sq ft

B E A S y s t e m s (H K) L t d

BEA Systems (HK) Ltd


M Moser Associates


接待處上訂製的線形天花板能夠將人們的目光引領到前面的空間,並把工作間和茶水間連繫起來。 The long linear sections of the custom ceiling ‘planks’ in the reception area lead the eye through, and therefore connecting, the workspace and cafe spaces.

BEA是一間領先全球的應用軟件建 設公司,最近在太古廣場設立了亞 洲區總部。從新辦公室可盡覽維多 利亞海港,而且位處眾多摩天大樓 的商業區中,戶外各種燈影效果都 傾注到室內。 BEA的產品能令商戶運作得更 靈活高效,而設計師M Moser Associates把這個信息透過辦事 處室內的裝潢傳達出來。 設計概念是要表現出延伸無限的 空間感,同時要予人靜謐而廣闊 的印象,一如維港給人的感覺, 從而增加視覺上空間的尺度。真 實與虛擬相互交錯,這亦是企業 營運中的一個特 。 為了達到上述效果,設計師選用 了直線、反光面及透明等元素, 並偶爾加入橫向的企業紅色商標 M Moser Associates


BEA Systems (HK) Ltd

以增強空間長形的特質。會議室 外透明的邊牆,以及彩色噴底的 玻璃牆都足以反映出它是不宜逼 近的。此外,這些視覺上的刺激 能使環境更顯活力。 其中一個例子是接待處上的長條形 天花,這些訂製的線形天花板能夠 將人們的目光引領到前面的空間, 並把工作間和茶水間連繫起來。從 接待處往裡看,這些線條聚合的地 方便是茶水間的入口;這個入口點 又把茶水間內的一個窗子框著,繼 而將人們的視線帶到大樓實際界限 之外,這個視覺旅程接著伸展到彩 色噴底玻璃牆的倒影裡,進入到一 個虛擬空間。 在繁囂的市中心裡,BEA這個新辦 公室感覺就像一個平靜的避風港, 讓人們更能集中精神工作。


BEA Systems (HK) Ltd


M Moser Associates


BEA, the world’s leading application infrastructure software company, has recently taken new premises in Pacific Place Hong Kong for their Asia regional headquarters. From their new space, they now look out across Victoria Harbour; and in a densely packed high rise city, benefit from the special light reflecting across the harbour into their new offices.

設計師選用了直線、反光面及透明等元素, 並偶爾加入橫向的企業紅色商標以增強空間 長形的特質。 The design team used a controlled vocabulary comprising linear elements, reflective surfaces, and transparency; with occasional horizontal shots of the BEA red brand to express the long shape of the space.

BEA ‘s products make businesses more agile, productive and connected through integrated infrastructure software solutions. BEA tasked M Moser Associates to design their Hong Kong offices to express these values in the new space. The design concept gives a perception of extended space, conveying an impression of poise and expansiveness like the harbour beyond; broadening the real dimensions of the office. It is an expression of the virtual connections that are within BEA’s own work.

M Moser Associates


BEA Systems (HK) Ltd



To achieve these goals, the design team used a controlled vocabulary comprising linear elements, reflective surfaces, and transparency; with occasional horizontal shots of the BEA red brand to express the long shape of the space. Transparent boundaries such as meeting ro o m w a l l s , a n d re f l e c t i v e surfaces such as colour backed glass walls, reveal more than what is physically imminent. This visual proliferation energizes the environment.

in the reception area; leading the eye through, and therefore connecting, the workspace and cafe spaces. Viewed from the reception area, the convergence of these sightlines marks the cafe’s threshold. The threshold, in turn, frames a window opening within the pantry, which invites the eye to continue its journey beyond the physical limit of the building perimeter. This journey is continued into virtual space through the reflections caught in the colour-backed glass.

An example of this approach is seen in the long linear sections of the custom ceiling ‘planks’

BEA’s new base feels like a calm haven for concentrated work in the frenetic heart of the city.

BEA Systems (HK) Ltd


M Moser Associates


展示室Demo Room


培訓室Training Room

M Moser Associates


BEA Systems (HK) Ltd



BEA Systems (HK) Ltd


M Moser Associates


客戶Client BEA Systems (HK) Ltd / 設計組Design Team Chris Browne, Warner Tang, Tony Chu, Pak Lau, Ling Chan / 項目經理Project Management Bovis Lend Lease / 總承辦商Main Contractor Ho Chun Decoration Engineering / 牆飾Wall Covering Painting by Ho Chun Decoration Engineering / 鋪地Flooring Carpet tile by Modular Space Ltd, SMJ, Kinland Int’l / 視聽系統AV System MIS Technology Project Ltd / 攝影Photography Vitus Lau of M Moser Associates

M Moser Associates


BEA Systems (HK) Ltd


innovation (Hong Kong) J Walter Thompson 菲律賓馬尼拉 Manila, Philippines 18,000平方呎/ sq ft


W a l t e r

T h o m p s o n,

J walter thompson



M a n i l a


J Walter Thompson 馬尼拉總部 位於馬加提街中心的企業大樓29 和30樓。設計的要求是要將佔地 18,000平方呎的辦公樓建構成一 個能激發靈感、讓員工發揮創意、 提高效率、使管理層和員工都滿意 的一個工作場所。新址雖然較原來 的辦公室小,但是設計師大量使用 當地材料,用最少的成本獲得最佳 效果,營造出寬敞,明亮的環境。 廣告公司給予人的第一印象最為 關鍵,因此一個風格獨特、時尚 現代的接待區是必要的。設計師 打通了兩層樓板且設置了一道螺 旋形樓梯,樓梯沿著接待區的牆 向上盤旋,並由牆面上放大了的 公司名字烘托著。不規則型的接 待椅配合了高科技現代感,同時 與室內清爽的白石裝潢互相映襯。

30樓平面圖 30/F floor plan

辦公環境著重功能與美感的結合, 精選的傢具體現了此大型國際廣告 公司的風範。Philippe Starck設計 的飾面與黑白條紋Vitra椅為會議 室增添了整齊的線條美。位於樓 上中央,員工們稱做「肺中心」 的創作區具有容納30人的會議設 施,既是非正式會議間,又是吸 煙區和休息娛樂區。Tom Arad設 計的白色椅子舒適宜人,能激發 創作靈感,鼓勵自由交談。從這 裡可以俯視螺旋樓梯、接待區和 入口處全景。 新穎的綠色玻璃牆取代了普通的白 板。開放式佈局鼓勵員工交流。低 矮的隔牆擴大了員工個人的工作空 間,而部門之間則由一些自然的「 思考中心區」分隔。「思考中心 區」內色彩明亮,加上超大的椅 子和玩具能啟發創意、增加團隊 凝聚力。綠色玻璃板除了用來把 靈感紀錄下來之外,還有效地遮 擋了大量的儲存物。 為創作人做設計是一件難事,而香 港innovation成功創造了獨特的工 作間,不僅體現了客戶眼裡公司 的現代和革新形像,還為員工提 供了富激勵 的工作環境。

29樓平面圖 29/F floor plan



J walter thompson


螺旋形樓梯沿著接待區的牆向上盤旋,牆上 飾有放大了的公司名字。有機型態的接待椅 與清爽的白石裝潢互相映襯。 A towering open spiral staircase winds up along the corporate brand name enlarged to fill the reception wall between the two floors. The organic reception seating contrasts sharply with the clean white stone interior.

J Walter Thompson Manila headquar ters is located on the 29th and 30th floor of the Enterprise Centre in the heart of the Makati district. The 18,000-sq-ft office designed to promote creative thinking, productivity and an inspirational workplace; one which gets the thumbs up from management and staff alike. Despite taking considerably less space in the new building, the designers produced a spacious, bright and impressive environment working with largely local materials for maximum image at minimum costs.

Removing the slab between the two floors, a towering open spiral staircase winds up along the corporate brand name enlarged to fill the reception wall in the double volume space. Juxtaposed with the hightech modernity is seemingly organic reception seating contrasting sharply with the clean white stone interior.

First impressions are paramount in the advertising industry and therefore a uniquely exciting and modern reception area is created.

Green tempered glass walls are applied as a cutting edge alternative to the common white board. Staff is encouraged to doodle and interact within the open plan area. Low partitioning enlarges the personnel area where departments are informally split by natural ‘breakout think centres’. Here comfortable brightly coloured,

Functionality alongside aesthetics created an environment where exquisitely selected furniture pieces served as a reflection to the philosophy of this, one of the largest advertising agencies worldwide. Philippe Starck designed finishes and black and white striped Vitra chairs give clean lines to the conference rooms. A central ‘brainstorming’ area on the upper floor, known to the employees as the ‘lung centre’ combines conference facilities for 30 people, an informal meeting area, a smoking room and a cafe/entertainment area all in one. Comfortable white chairs by Tom Arad provide the ultimate in relaxation to promote creativity and freedom of speech. This space has full view over the spiral staircase down to the lower floor reception and entrance lobby.

J walter thompson






j walter thompson


J walter thompson




舒適的白色椅子讓人鬆弛,從而激發創作靈 感和鼓勵自由交談。 Comfortable white chairs provide the ultimate in relaxation to promote creativity and freedom of speech.

oversized seating and corporate toys foster inspirational ideas and team bonding. Again, green glass boards are used to capture ideas and spontaneous creativity. These boards serve a dual purpose to effectively disguise the abundant storage, which was a priority requirement for the company as a whole. Designing for creative people is never an easy task, however innovation (Hong Kong) has effectively created a distinctly individual workplace, which not only reflects the modern and innovative image of the corporate to its clients but also provides an exciting and stimulating environment to its staff.



j walter thompson


J walter thompson




樓上的創作區包含了會議設施、 非正式會議空間、吸煙區和休息 娛樂區。在此可以俯瞰螺旋樓 梯、樓下接待區和入口處全景。 The ‘brainstorming’area on the upper floor consists of conference facilities, an informal meeting area, a smoking room and a cafe/entertainment area. This space has full view over the spiral staircase down to the lower floor reception and entrance lobby.

客戶Client J Walter Thompson 總承辦商General Contractor RCW Construction and Dev’t Corp 機電顧問Electrical Consultant Gregory Asia 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Downlights by Multibright 傢具Furniture BIF by CWC International Corp 牆飾Wall Covering Muraspec Colour Index 0121 by Norfolk International Inc 鋪地Flooring Milliken Carpet by Projexx 定製傢具Custom Built Furniture CD Interiors 窗簾Curtains/Blinds Roller Blinds by Citiblinds (CWC International) 視聽系統AV System The Brain Computer Corp 佈線Structured Cabling ACTSys Inc



j walter thompson


酷(上 海)創意整合營銷顧問有限公司 IGOO Communications Ltd IGOO Shanghai Office 中國上海 Shanghai, PRC 2,200平方呎/ sq ft


Shanghai Office

Igoo Shanghai office


igoo communications ltd


(左頁)辦公區的一邊是水泥牆壁,另一邊則是一列窗,天然光線投入室 內,營造出一個舒適自然的環境,讓員工更能發揮創意。總經理的辦公室 與員工們的工作間只由一面玻璃牆相隔,開揚通透。 (Left page) One side of the office area spots concrete wall and another side windows. Natural light comes in through these windows creating a comfortable and natural environment, enabling staff to express their ideas freely. The workstation between the managing director and staff is divided only by a glass wall, nothing more so as to achieve a sense of space. (本頁)窗外可見一幅綠樹成蔭的草坪和涼亭,還有充滿舊上海色彩的老 房子,四周洋溢著歐陸氣息。 (This page) Through the windows, one can see vast grassland, arbors, buildings with an old Shanghai touch, flaunting a European style.

igoo communications ltd


上海近年發展迅速,各行各業、中 外大小公司均在上海開設辦事處, 以方便打進這個國內最大的消費者 市場。而以替客戶建立品牌為主的 廣告公司更早已在上海各據一方; 新公司趨向選址於富有個 的建築 物內, 酷(上海)創意整合營銷 顧問有限公司就是其中的一員。

甫進入口處,第一個映入眼簾的是 一扇富重金屬感的不銹鋼門,配合 一幅冷灰色的水泥牆,給人一種沉 實感而又不失現代風格;在牆壁上 的一條長形龕裡點綴了幾個盛了水 的小花瓶,為走廊增添不少生氣。 戶外大自然的環境與室內簡約現代 化的佈局相映成趣。

公司是由一位已服務於中國廣告界 十三年的香港創作人所創辦,其新 成立的辦公室座落於上海以秀麗見 稱的國賓大道──新華路之上。整 條全長約一千五 多米的路上建有 多幢極有風味的小洋房,其中345 弄(弄堂,上海小街的意思)內共 有四幢兩層高的商用樓房,提供十 六個單位,而當中有八家便是與廣 告有關連的公司,由創作、廣告、 拍攝、製作,後期工作、配樂、剪 接等,一應俱全。

辦公區的一邊是水泥牆壁,另一邊 則是一列窗,天然光線投入室內, 營造出一個舒適自然的環境,讓員 工更能發揮創意。設計方案是儘量 採取開放式,就是總經理的辦公室 與員工們的工作間也只由一面玻璃 牆相隔,除此之外全不設隔牆,以 增加空間感。整個公司的地板都採 用了 獷的深棕色枕木,配合冷灰 色的水泥牆,加上大量木料及以不 銹鋼為主的辦公桌,構成了一個現 代化的工作室。

酷位於其中一幢的二樓上,單位 附設一個優雅的小陽台,還擁有偌 大的玻璃窗,好像要對到訪的客人 予以無限的歡迎。透過窗外可以瞥 見一幅綠樹成蔭的草坪和涼亭,還 有充滿舊上海色彩的老房子,四周 洋溢著歐陸氣息。

簡約的辦公室設計融合具歐洲色 彩的大自然環境裡,為員工帶來 無限的靈感。

igoo shanghai office


Shanghai develops very quickly these years. Large or small sized companies in all trades both at home and abroad open offices here so as to enter the biggest domestic consumer market. Advertising companies that help business establish awareness have already existed. New companies tend to choose buildings with characteristic features and IGOO’s Shanghai Office is one of them. The company was founded by a Hong Kong artist who has been working in advertising for thirteen years. The newly founded office is located on Xinhua Road enjoying beautiful sceneries. There are many foreign-style buildings along the 1,500-metre-long road, among which 345 Nong (Nong means lanes in Shanghai dialect) has four two-storey business buildings, providing rooms for sixteen companies. Of the sixteen companies, eight are involved in advertising, ranging from creation, advertisement, photography, editing, post-period compiling, incidental music and clipping. IGOO is located on the second floor in one of the four buildings. The company has a graceful balcony and big glass windows, offering a welcoming feeling for visitors. Through the windows, one can see vast grassland, arbors, buildings with an old Shanghai touch, flaunting a European style.

Igoo Shanghai office


igoo communications ltd


(左頁) 獷的深棕色枕木地板配合冷灰色的 水泥牆,構成一個簡約而現代化的工作室。 (Left page) The unconstrained dark-brown crosstie floor and cool grey concrete walls form a modern office. (本頁)總經理辦公室 (This page) Managing Director Room

igoo communications ltd


igoo shanghai office


Upon entering the building, a metallic stainless steel door comes into sight. In harmony with a cool grey cemented wall, it leaves the impression of firmness without losing modernism. There are several vases with water in the long niche on the wall, adding vitality to the corridor. The natural outdoor environment and simple but modern interior arrangement contrast finely with each other.

f l o o r, c o o l g r e y c o n c r e t e walls, large quantity of wood and stainless steel office desks all help form a modern office. The simple office design is harmonious with European-style natural environment, offering staff with unlimited inspiration.

One side of the office area spots concrete wall and another side windows. Natural light coming in through these windows creates a comfortable and natural environment, enabling staff to express their ideas freely. The office design tries to be open, with the workstation between the managing director and staff divided only by a glass wall, nothing more so as to achieve a sense of space. The unconstrained dark-brown crosstie

會議室Conference Room

Igoo Shanghai office


igoo communications ltd


1> 入口處的冷灰色水泥牆。 The cool grey cemented wall at the entrance. 2, 3> 牆上的長形龕裡點綴著幾個盛了水的小 花瓶,為空間增添不少生氣。 There are several vases with water in the long niche on the grey cemented wall, adding vitality to the corridor. 4> 洗手間 Washroom





igoo communications ltd


igoo shanghai office


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner

Entory Home 德國Ettlingen Ettlingen, Germany 161,500平方呎/ sq ft

E n t o r y H o m e, E t t l i n g e n

entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Entory AG的新總部大樓位於Ettlingen北邊原萊因蘭兵營(Rhineland Barracks)所在地,佔地 15,000平方米,包含的設施供約 350名員工使用。這片區域北靠廣 闊的果園,東臨黑森林,且位於通 向城市的入口處,毗連高速公路, 因此地理位置十分優越。

大樓的翼樓與大廳相連。會議 島、辦公室、休息區和其他公共 空間均設在大廳各個樓層。這裡 同時還設有樓梯、廊道和人行橋 等,構成了連接所有設施的交通 核心。在周圍設置的其他開放式 內部樓梯則強化了各翼樓不同樓 層間的空間聯繫。

該地盤位於從城市到鄉村的過渡 區。建築師沒有採用大型的 閉式 建築造型,而是設計了一個外向開 放的結構,並在其中心「生長」出 獨立的翼樓,向外延伸到大自然 中。這些特色呼應並強化了周圍 的景觀素質。

面向Karlsruher大街的建築立面採 用了明晰的結構和相當正式的造 型,而面向果園和黑森林的建築 立面則較為開放,與怡人的自然環 境相呼應。欄杆的色彩與草地和樹 木的色調相映襯。採用半透明合成 材料製造的幕牆令這些色彩變幻更 多,並隨著光線轉移而營造出變化 萬千的影像。

大樓綜合了獨立空間、集體空間、 開放式佈局的辦公室和多功能區等 多樣化的空間結構,體現出靈活多 樣的配置可能。該大樓還設有一個 可供人們聚會的中央空間,以促進 員工間的社交與溝通。 架高的入口層通過一副「西班牙 式」的樓梯將人們引向多層高的玻 璃頂入口大廳。在這裡可以望見大 樓另一側的花園,餐廳和會議室也 都面向花園佈置。利用活 牆的設 計可將這些區域與大廳打通,便於 舉辦大型活 。

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home

整個大樓由150根最長達八米的鋼 筋混凝土樁支撐著。在冬季,水流 在樁內的管道循環並透過暖和的土 壤起到保溫作用,配合混凝土天花 板內的管道一同形成供暖系統。熱 力泵可以將溫度提高到不同的功能 層次。在夏季,一方面可打開窗 戶引入自然通風,同時也可利用 天花板內的製冷組件營造出舒適 的室內氣候。


規劃圖site plan

entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home


entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home


entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


On the northern edge of Ettlingen, on the 15,000-sq-m former grounds of the Rhineland Barracks, lies the new headquarters of entory AG, with facilities for around 350 employees. The area is characterised by broad fruit orchards to the north, proximity to the gentle slopes of the Black Forest to the east, as well as its impressive location - directly at the gateway to the town, en route to the nearby motorway. The site marked by the transition from dense urban settlement to rural areas, opted instead of a large, enclosed architectural form, for a structure that opens outwards and with individual wings that “grow” from the centre of the complex, reaching outward into the landscape. These features echo to and enhance the landscape qualities of the surroundings. With a multiplicity of spatial structures including individual, group, open-plan offices and multi-purpose zones, it is possible to work together in a variety of ways and in flexible configurations. The building also has a central place where people could meet, promoting the social integration of the staff. The raised entrance level is attained via an inviting, shallow (or “Spanish”) stair. From there, the way leads into a multi-story entrance hall, which is glazed above. The view opens toward the garden on the other side of the building, both restaurant and conference hall are also oriented toward the garden. For larger events, these zones can be opened into the main hall by means of moveable walls.

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home


The individual wings of the complex are interconnected across the hall. Conference islands, offices, break areas and other common areas lie on various levels in the hall. It also constitutes the communicative heart of all facilities where open stairs, galleries, footbridges, etc. are overlaid. Additional internal, open stairs in peripheral areas enhance the spatial relationships between the storeys of respective wings. The facades addressing Karlsruher Street are clearly structured and rather formal, while the facades facing the orchards and the Black Forest are more open, responding to the friendly natural environment. The bold colours of the parapets correspond with the tones of the meadows and trees. Curtain walls made of translucent synthetic materials “alienate” the effects of the colours, creating ever-changing “images” which depend on the incidence of light. T h e b u i l d i n g re s t s o n 1 5 0 thermally functional, sunken reinforced concrete piles measuring up to 8m in length. During winter, water circulated through coiled piping laid within the piles and warmed by the earth is used for heating purposes, in conjunction with the pipework laid in the concrete ceilings. A heat pump elevates temperatures to functional levels. In the summertime, component cooling elements in the ceilings provide a pleasant indoor climate, along with openable windows for natural ventilation.

entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner



Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home


客戶Client LVM Lebensversicherungs-AG / 建築師Architects Gunter Behnisch, Stefan Behnisch, Gunther Schaller / 能源企劃Energy Concept Planungsburo Dr. Dippel / 傢具Furniture VS Vereinigte Spezialmobelfabriken / 牆飾Wall Covering Plasterwork by Scholl GmbH / 鋪地Flooring Parquet, tiles, carpet by Parkett Franz, Ell Fliesen, DLW / 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Jorke & Weber / 窗簾Blinds Zumtobel staff, kapusta Textiles Wohnen / 攝影Photography Christian Kandzia / 中譯Chinese Translation陸沁Allan Lu

entory home


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner


entory home


世駿建築有限公司 DPWT Design Ltd Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre 中國深圳鹽田港 Yantian Port, Shenzhen, PRC 23,700平方呎/ sq ft

K e r r y Y a n t i a n P o r t L o g i s t i c s C e n t r e, S h e n z h e n

Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre


DPWT Design Ltd


Logistics stands for movement, transportation. Located in Yantian Port, the Kerry Logistics Centre not only has to express this dynamism, but also reflects its hi-end, computerized and international image.

物流代表了流 、運輸,而這所位於深圳鹽田港的嘉里物流中心,除了 要演繹出物流業所蘊涵的 感外,還得彰顯其尖端、全電腦化、國際化 的形像。 整座大樓中,嘉里只佔用地面、一及二樓,其餘部分都分租予其他公 司。地面層有大樓的接待大堂、保安及防火控制室和上落貨登記處;一 樓設有公司自家的接待處及行政部門;二樓是佈局隨意的辦公區及經理 室、餐廳與茶水間等所在地。

The corporation only occupies the ground, first and second floor, the rest is leased to other tenants. There is a reception hall serving the whole building on the ground floor, a security and FS control room as well as a registration counter at the back of house. The company’s reception and administrative department are located on the first floor while freeform workstations and managers’ rooms, canteen and pantry are placed on the second floor.

設計師把這三層打通,造成一個體面的接待空間/中庭,並架設了一副 獨立式、結構鋼造的樓梯,用以引領人們到辦公區。懸空的樓梯穿插其 中,增添了趣味 和展現出 感。 員工們可以沿著呈圓形的中庭行走,隨著角度轉變,可以看到人們在 各層中的活 ,且更能感受這個開闊的空間。中庭頂上幾何造形的天花 板方便日後增設燈具。 地面接待櫃檯後是一面仿貨櫃的銀色垂直瓦楞板背幕,體現了這間物 流中心做運輸的營業 質。這裡鋪設了耐用的、灰色帶閃的地膠,是地 鐵車廂裡常用的一種物料,這亦讓人聯想到交通和運輸。 為了營造生 的工作環境,企業色彩中的紅和橙活潑地用於牆壁和椅子 上,而藍色則微細的反映在地毯上。除了這幾種強烈的色彩之外,整 體普遍採用了冷色調。此外,條紋地毯、中庭的不銹 鋼圍欄上的線條 均能增強空間的 感。

DPWT Design Ltd

三層高的中庭空間中架設了一副獨立式、 結構鋼造的樓梯。它穿插其中,增添了趣 味 和 感。 A freestanding staircase made of structural steel is added in the triple space atrium. Its flights appear interwoven in the space, generating a more dynamic and interesting air in the atrium.

By opening up the three floor slabs, the designer created a


Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre


企業色彩中的紅和橙色活潑地用於牆壁和椅 子上,而藍色則微細的反映在條紋地毯上, 營造了生 的工作環境。 Corporate colours are employed to project a vivid ambience in the workspace, in which red and orange can be found as accents on walls and chairs, while blue is subtly used on the carpet.

decent reception space/atrium. A freestanding staircase made of structural steel is added. Its flights appear interwoven in the space, thus generating a more dynamic and interesting air in the atrium. Staff can walk along the curvy atrium, having visual communication with people on different floors and enjoying this open triple space. There are geometrical ceiling plates on top of the atrium. They allow the addition of lighting fixtures in the future. The vertical corrugated silver sheet behind the reception counter on the ground floor, resembling a container, acts as a backdrop which reflects the nature of the company as a logistics firm. Here grey vinyl flooring is applied for its sparkling effect and high durability. It is commonly used in the subway, so it is also a symbol of transportation. Corporate colours are employed to project a vivid ambience in the workspace, in which red and orange can be found as accents on walls and chairs, while blue is subtly used on the carpet. Other than these three bright colours, the overall office is composed

Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre


DPWT Design Ltd


地面層的電梯廳以花崗岩鋪地及頂棚來界定,並點綴以一面醒目的橙色牆。 The lift lobby on the ground floor is defined by granite flooring and a suspended ceiling. It is also set off by a bright orange wall.

DPWT Design Ltd


Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre






1,2> 中庭的不銹鋼圍欄上的線條能增強空間 感。 The stainless steel stripes of the fences along the atrium enhance the moving force in this space. 3> 地面接待櫃檯後是一面仿貨櫃的銀色垂直瓦楞板背幕,體現了這間物流中心做運輸的 營業 質。 The vertical corrugated silver sheet behind the reception counter on the ground floor, resembling a container, acts as a backdrop which reflects the nature of the company as a logistics firm. 4> 從會議室可以看到接連的龐大的貨倉,讓其顧客可以掌握到公司的規模。 Customers can overlook the large godown from the conference room. 5> 此傢具系統容許線路、電源從上而下舖設,方便辦公空間作出改 。 With this system furniture, cables and wires can be delivered from the ceiling, easing the re-configuration of office layout as a whole.

Kerry Yantian Port Logistics Centre



DPWT Design Ltd


二樓平面圖 2/F plan

(上)建築外觀 (top) exterior of the centre (下)中心入口 (Bottom) entrance

一樓平面圖 1/F plan

客戶Client shenzhen Kerry yantian Port Logistics co Ltd 總承辦商Main Contractor shenzhen Building Decoration (group) co Ltd 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Pendent Light by雷氏燈飾照明有限公司 傢具Furniture system Furniture by PosH office system (HK) Ltd 牆飾Wall Covering Wallpaper by tak Lee Decoration Materials Ltd 鋪地Flooring carpet by charvix Jackley co Ltd Vinyl Floor by altro Flooring 衛室用具Sanitary Ware Walus company Ltd 窗簾Curtains/Blinds a&s curtains & Blinds 地面層平面圖 g/F plan DPWt Design LtD


攝影Photography Diamond chan, arthur chan

Kerry yantian Port Logistics centre


蔡明治設計有限公司 AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd 香港中環 Central, Hong Kong 2,000平方呎 / sq ft

G ouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


(左頁)設計師在接待處採用了暖和的燈 光,並在櫃檯上擺設了一盞檯燈,柔和的 格調像告訴客人這並不是一間刻板的公司。 (Left page) Warm lighting is applied in the reception area which, together with the lamp in the counter, projects a soft atmosphere, banishing the image of a rigid firm.

(本頁)入口電梯大堂飾有一面微曲的胡桃木板,板上是公司的名字。結實的的木材予人 穩重的第一印象,這對於一間投資公司來說是格外重要的。 (This page) The lift lobby is decorated with a walnut wood board with the company logo on it. The sturdy material portrays a sense of reliability which plays an important role in an investment company.

接待處由三面磨砂玻璃圍著,予人 通透簡潔的感覺。透過玻璃可以隱 約見到後面支撐的實心胡桃木條, 面塊和垂直的線條相映成趣。這裡 背後還有一層意思,就是雖然新舊 交替了,但接班人還是需要前輩 的扶持(玻璃依靠木條承托), 在傳統基礎上進發,亦喻意了兩 者之間(無論是物料,還是新任 與前任經營者)既不同,但又能 融合為一體。

Gouw Assets是一間家族經營的 投資公司,一代傳一代。就在第 一代與第二代交接之時,公司要 搬遷,於是委託了蔡明治(Alex Choi)去設計一個能表現企業全 新氣象的辦事處。 客戶要求新辦公室的設計要帶出 一個信息,就是公司只是把交椅 傳給了第二代,而非結了業,所 以設計上要表現出一種循序漸進 式的革新和現代化,而不需要過 於截然不同的形像。

由於採用了大量的玻璃,所以燈光 的使用需要特別留神:電梯大堂用 了散射燈來營造柔和氣氛;接待處 的暖和燈光,加上櫃檯上的檯燈, 像告訴其顧客這並不是一間刻板的 公司;而會議室裡則把光管和射燈 組合成一種新式燈具。

Alex從物料著手,以胡桃木這種給 人傳統保守印象的材料來代表上一 代,而以磨砂玻璃這種較富現代感 的材質來喻意新一代的經營者,一 實一透的物料造成強烈的對比, 並成為整個辦公室的主要建材。

另外,因為這是一間老牌家族公 司,所以客戶希望辦公室能散發 出家的感覺,讓人們可以在舒適的 環境下工作,Alex為此在傢具的配 撘上精挑細選,佈置方面亦配合了 客戶所收藏的一些古董和畫作。

入口電梯大堂飾有一面微曲的胡桃 木板,板上是公司的名字。結實 的的木材予人穩重的第一印象, 這對於一間投資公司來說是格外 重要的。

AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd

Gouw Assets is a family-run investment company passing from one generation to another. Just when the second generation took over the business, the company moved its office and designer Alex Choi was commissioned to create a new office with a fresh ambience. The client wanted the new office to carry one clear message: that the company is passed onto the second generation but not closed. Therefore, the design should reflect a gradual transition seeped with modernity instead of a completely distinctive image. Alex started with material. Walnut wood, which gives people the impression of conservativeness, stands for the first generation, while frosted glass, a modern material, represents the new board. These two materials, one

接待處由三面磨砂玻璃圍著,給人通透簡潔的感覺。透過玻璃可以隱約看到後面支撐的實心胡桃木條,一塊塊的平面和垂直的線條相映成 224 趣。胡桃木條承托著磨砂玻璃,喻意雖然新舊交替了,但接班人還是需要前輩的扶持,在傳統基礎上進發。兩種不同的物料能和諧地拼湊 起來,亦象徵了新任與前任經營者可融為一體。 The reception area is surrounded by three frosted glass panels, creating a sense of cleanliness and simplicity. The solid walnut wood columns are subtly seen through the translucent glass panels, with planes and vertical lines contrasting finely with each other. Walnut plank supports the frosted glasses, symbolizing the entwining relationship of the old and new generation. The two chosen materials integrate harmoniously, a metaphorically so of the new and former operators.

Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd


Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd


佈局圖layout plan Gouw Assets (HoldinGs) ltd


AlexCHoi desiGn & PArtners ltd


會議室Meeting Room

solid and one transparent, contrast each other and become the major material employed in the whole office. The lift lobby is decorated with a walnut wood board with the company logo on it. The sturdy material portrays a feeling of reliability which plays an important role in an investment company. The reception area is surrounded by three frosted glass panels, creating a sense of cleanliness and simplicity. The solid walnut wood columns can be seen through the translucent glasses, with planes and vertical lines contrasting finely with each other. This has an implied meaning: the new generation taking over but still needs the seniors’ support (glasses are dependent on the wooden columns). Though the two are different, they blend well with each other (material wise or referring to the link between the present and the former operators). The ample use of glass panels has posed a challenge to the adoption of lights. Diffused lighting is applied in the lift lobby to create a soft atmosphere, while warm lighting in the reception area, along with the lamp in the counter, banishes the image of a rigid firm. The combination of light tube and spotlight in the meeting room forms a new light fixture.

為了營造出家的舒適環境,設計師在傢具的配撘上精挑細選,佈置方面亦配合了客戶所收 藏的一些古董和畫作。 To achieve a comfortable homey environment, the designer took extra effort in selecting furniture and making a decor suitable for the display of antiques and artworks collected by the client.

Since it is a family affair, the client had hoped that the office will project a homey atmosphere, allowing people to work in a comfortable environment. To achieve this, Alex took extra effort in selecting furniture and making a decor that set off the display of antiques and artworks collected by the client.

AlexChoi Design & Partners Ltd

客戶Client Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd / 總承辦商Main Contractor City Decoration Works Co Ltd / 燈具Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Artemide Ltd / 傢具Furniture Meeting room - Ultra Trading Co Ltd; Guest chairs & cabinets - Wall to Wall Ltd / 牆飾Wall Covering Wallpaper by Spring Collection / 鋪地Flooring Carpet by ALC Carpet Company Ltd


Gouw Assets (Holdings) Ltd


IA Interior Architects

Financial Services Firm 美國加州三藩市 San Francisco, CA, USA 450,000平方呎/ sq ft

F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s F i r m, S a n F r a n c i s c o financial services firm


iA interior architects


三家金融機構的合併,為設計能體 現三間公司企業文化之融會的新辦 公室,帶來了挑戰。

為了使典型辦公樓層的直線特 顯得柔和,設 計師大量運用了曲線和弧形的元素。 To soften the rectilinear quality of the typical office floor plates, curvilinear elements are used throughout.

該三藩市總部位於經濟發展迅速 的南市場區一幢樓高31層的新大 廈內,約有450,000平方呎。辦公 室除了能反映金融業在工作間佈局 方面的靈活安排外,還包括一個有 250個座位的貿易層、兩層會議設 施、一個近萬呎的數據中心和一個 健身室。在與高層管理人員作初步 資料收集的會面中,這間剛合併 的大型金融企業的CEO表示:「 新的形像應表現出我們融合了世 界級的銀行服務,五成來自華爾 街,另五成來自矽谷。不要顯得 那麼僵硬,雖然我們喜歡這幢大 樓線 的建築外觀,但如果能通過 增添曲線元素,使棱角分明的直線 變得柔和,那會更好。」 為使典型辦公樓層的直線特 顯得 柔和,設計師在大樓核心部分的兩 邊加入了弧線。這些弧面也增加了

ia interior architects


financial services firm

大樓核心部分末端支撐空間的面 積。此曲線主題遍佈全個辦公室, 與長方形的樓層平面相映成趣。通 道地面上的圖案和色彩、天花板上 有溝槽的木板與射燈,以及牆上用 以襯托公司收藏品的強烈色彩,都 使蜿蜒的過道別有韻味。深綠和深 藍作為主要色彩,把建築外部的金 屬感和釉彩伸延到室內。 特別訂造的垂直不 銹 鋼網屏幕仿 傚了外牆的豎框,用來覆蓋傳遞 電流和數據的「電纜桿」。這個 系統允許在不影響樓下員工作業 的情況下,調整工作間佈局。7x9 呎的典型工作檯可以在同一個面積 範圍內提供三種不同組合,同時兩 個私人辦公室與兩個會議室也可相 互轉換。其他重要的特色還包括全 部採用反射照明和辦公區前的落地 玻璃窗,讓日光灑遍室內。 兩個會議設施樓層中的主要接待 區、通道和會議室均延續了整個 辦公室裡的曲線造型。


辦公室前的落地玻璃窗能讓日光灑遍室內。 Full height, full width glazed office fronts allow abundant daylight to come in.

financial services firm


iA interior architects


The merger of three financial institutions resulted in a challenge to create an office environment that would reflect the fusion of the three companies’ cultures. The San Francisco headquarters was to consist of approximately 450,000 sq ft within a new 31storey high rise located in the fastgrowing South of Market area. In addition to office space that would reflect the financial industry’s “best practices” in terms of a flexible set of workspace layouts, the facility would include a 250seat trading floor, two conference facility floors, a 10,000-sq-ft data centre, and a fitness/ wellness centre. During the initial information-gathering interviews with senior management, the CEO for the newly merged financial giant proclaimed, “Our new image should reflect a blending of an established worldclass banking business with 50% Wall Street and 50% Silicon Valley. Let’s not appear so rigid. Although we love the appearance of the building’s linear architectural expression, it would be nice to soften all the straight lines with some curvilinear elements.” In order to soften the rectilinear quality of the typical office floor plates, the long sides of the building core have been given a concave, subtle curve, which also added square footage to the support spaces at the ends

ia interior architects


financial services firm


of the core. This curvilinear theme is used throughout the office facility to contrast with the rectangular floor plate. The pedestrian experience along the curved circulation path is further heightened with pattern and colour on the floor plane, a texture of slotted wood and accent lighting at the ceiling, and strong colours on the wall, which serve as a dramatic backdrop for the corporate art collection. Shades of green and blue are the dominant colours and extend the metal and glazing on the building’s exterior. Custom-designed vertical screen elements of stainless steel woven mesh, which relates to the pattern of the exterior mullions, cover

the “power pole” that delivers electrical and data wiring from the ceiling. This system allows for changes in workstation configurations without disrupting the occupants on the floor below. The 7’x9’ typical workstation has three workspace layout options within the same footprint, while two private office sizes are interchangeable with two conference room sizes. Other i mp o r ta n t fe a tu re s i ncl ude indirect lighting throughout, and full height, full width glazed office fronts to maximise daylight.

特別訂造的垂直不銹鋼網屏幕仿傚了外牆 的豎框,用來覆蓋傳遞電流和數據的「電 纜桿」。 Custom-designed vertical screen elements of stainless steel woven mesh, which relates to the pattern of the exterior mullions, cover the “power pole” that delivers electrical and data wiring from the ceiling.

The two conference room floors continue the expression of curvilinear forms throughout the main reception area, circulation space, and in the meeting rooms.

financial services firm

設計組Project Team Mick McCullough, Tony Garrett, Nancy McEvers Anderson, Jennifer J. Marko, John C. Stempniak, Joelle Rosander, Anna Leavey, Lim Chan 攝影Photographer David Wakely


iA interior architects


ia interior architects


financial services firm


李躍華規劃設計有限公司 Francis Lee & Associates Ltd KBC Financial Products (HK) Ltd 香港中環萬國寶通銀行大廈 Citibank Tower, Central, Hong Kong 4,500平方呎 / sq ft

K BC Financial Products (HK) Ltd

KBC financial products (HK) Ltd


francis lee & Associates ltd


佈局圖layout plan

作為一間金融顧問公司,KBC的辦事處要予顧客沉實穩健的形像,故室 內裝潢簡約,完全省卻了花巧的修飾。 辦公室依功能主要分為三部分:營運、IT和買賣。IT區是網絡、伺服器 等電腦設備存放的地方,位於中央,起著分隔其餘兩個空間的作用。 營運區內設有會計、行政部門和多間會議室。會議室與走廊之間採用了 富質感、半透明的和紙玻璃隔牆,加上大量使用楓木,設計師為此區注 入了一點點human touch及溫暖柔和的氣氛。 相對於暖和的營運區,買賣區以黑白為主調,用冷色來作一對照。由 於員工們在這裡處理外匯買賣及與財經有關的事務,所以公司對此區 的設備要求特別嚴謹,設計師遂特別設計並訂製了可以放置多部電腦 屏幕及其他配備的工作檯,再輔以符合人體工學的椅子,營造出一個 舒適的洽淡場所。 客戶要求不設接待櫃檯,也不想公司的標誌過於生硬地掛在牆壁上,設 計師於是採用投影機來投射公司的標誌,所以當顧客從自 門走進去便會 見到地面上公司標誌的投影,而黑色地台更能突出效果。

franCis lee & assoCiates ltd


KBC finanCial produCts (HK) ltd


KBC financial products (HK) Ltd


francis lee & Associates ltd


As a financial consultant, the KBC office should leave its customers the impression of composure. Therefore, the interior decoration should be simple rather than flowery.

(左頁)顧客從自 門走進去便到達弧形 接待區,並可看到黑色地台上公司標誌的 投影。 (Left page) When customers walk through the automatic door, they will see the projection of the logo in the curve reception area.

The office can be divided into three zones: the operations area, the IT area and the dealing area. Computers like internet service providers are placed in the IT area which also separates the other two zones.

(本頁)走道上只以射燈作點綴,而沒有 佈置任何海報等裝飾,以符合整個設計中 簡潔不花巧的概念,從而表現出公司穩重 可靠的形像。 (This page) Instead of decorating with ornaments like posters, the corridor is highlighted only by spotlights to meet the requirement of simple rather than garish design so as to reflect the reliable image of the company.

The operations area consists of accounts department, administrative department and several meeting rooms. Translucent Soji glass walls that have fine texture are used between the meeting rooms and the corridors. By employing maple on furniture, the designer added a little human touch and warmth to this area. In contrast to the warm operations area, the dealing area highlights black and white. Since staff deal with foreign exchange and finance-related businesses here, the company has strict requirements for equipments. To satisfy this need, custom-designed dealing desks are made to accommodate monitors and equipments. With

francis lee & Associates ltd


kbc financial products (HK) Ltd


some ergonomic chairs, a comfortable dealing area is created. The client does not want a reception desk nor the company logo hung on the wall rigidly. The designer solved this problem by using a projector. When customers walk through the automatic door, they will see the projection of the logo standing out against the black floor.

會議室與走廊之間採用了富質 感、半透明的和紙玻璃隔牆,再 配合楓木的使用,營造出柔和溫 暖的氣氛。 Transparent Soji glass walls are used between the meeting rooms and the corridors. By employing large quantity of maple wood, the designer added a little human touch and warmth to this area.

客戶 Client KBC Financial Products (HK) Ltd / 總承辦商 Main Contractor Artwright Engineering & Construction Ltd / 燈具 Lighting Fixtures & Fitting Project Light by Architectural Lighting Ltd / 傢具Furniture Executive & System Furniture by UB Office System / 鋪地Flooring Carpet by SMJ Furnishings (HK) Ltd / 攝影Photography Hans Schlupp of Hans Schlupp Photography

KBC financial products (HK) Ltd


francis lee & Associates ltd


(上)開放式辦公區 (Top) Open office (下)彎彎曲曲的會議桌及其之字形接駁位方便用者作出不同的組合。 (Bottom) Curving meeting desks and its zigzag joints allow the users to make different arrangements.

francis lee & Associates ltd


kbc financial products (HK) Ltd


設計師D E S I G N E R’S P R O F I L E檔案 Name Projects Awards


ADO Design Fanling Library Art Work & Interior Decorations Yuen Long Theater Public Art Work Evergreen Pearl Office & Booth Design Architude Projects 上海豫園 Club House HK Public Art Competition 2002 - Fanling Library entry -Winner HK Public Art Competition 2002 -Yuen Long Theater entry -1st runner up Ship Street Redevelopment Sculpture Commission,

Alan Chan Design Company Interior Design for CSL 1010 Centre Corporate Identity for Hong Kong International Airport Naming and corporate identity for SUNDAY Chinese logotype design for Coca-Cola in the China market Corporate identity for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in Japan Over 500 local and overseas awards from organisations such as: Communication Arts (USA), New York Art Directors Club (USA), D & AD (UK), Tokyo Typedirectors Club (Japan), Hong Kong Designers Association (Hong Kong) /,

ALEXCHOI Design & Partners Ltd Customer Service Section of Mobile Communication World Exhibition Centre of Guangdong Mobile Communication Co Ltd Winner of Commercial category in Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2001 Honourable Mention of Exhibition/Showflat category in Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2001

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner, Stuttgart and Venice, CA Norddeutsche Landesbank, Hanover, Germany Museum of Fantasy, Bernried, Germany Institute for Forestry and Nature Research, Wageningen, NL Landesgirokasse am Bollwerk, Stuttgart, Germany LVA Landesversicherungsanstalt Lubeck, Germany RIBA Awards for Architecture DuPont Benedictus Award Honorable Mention Boston Society of Architects Sustainable Design Awards 2003 Honorable mention nominated for Mies-van-der-Rohe-Award 2003 Niedersachsischer Staatspreis fur Architektur


Building Design Studio Residential Renovation for 57 Beacon Hill Road, Kowloon Tong Residential Renovation for 47A Stubbs Road, HK Solstice Restaurant, Sun Street, Wan Chai Hotel Sun Sun Restaurant, Macau Village Housing, Tai Mong Tsai, Sai Kung, N.T. /

Chuang Da Decorate Co Ltd東莞創達裝飾有限公司 泰豐(中國)有限公司辦公樓 石碣影劇院

dwp CL3 IBM Lab Office, Beijing Vanke Office, Shenzhen Nike International Ltd, Offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai & Bangkok Ove Arup & Partners (HK) Ltd Office Vanke Office, Shenzhen (Merit Award for Interiors, American Institute of Architects HK Chapter 2002) Media Nation, Shanghai (Winner, Corporate Category, Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards 2002) Ove Arup & Partners (HK) Ltd Office (Winner, Corporate Category, Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards 2000) Nike Office, Shanghai (Honour Award for Interiors, American Institute of Architects HK Chapter 1998),

DPWT Design Ltd Nokia R & D Centre HP Demo Room Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel Renovation Singapore Airline Office IBM CSDL Shanghai Office 1st Prize of HKIA Design competition-Improvement to office accommodation for Wing Shun Street vehicle pound, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong Outstanding Design Prize-Pride of Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Beautification, Open Competition by Tourist Commission of Hong Kong Winner of District-D Central Park Design Competition, Chaoyangmenwei Street, Beijing, PRC


Francis Lee & Associates Ltd

Hopkins International Company Ltd MTRC, Two IFC Boardroom, HK Station Development 24 hours Cable Entertainment News Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club, Palm Court Restaurant Banyan Tree Ltd Tai Ping Carpet Ltd

IA Interior Architects Washington Mutual, JP Morgan Chase, Siebel Systems, British Gas, Merrill Lynch 2002 LEED Silver Rating, US Green Building Council - Herman Miller Marketplace, Holland, MI CalEPA: Awarded Project of the Year 2002 by the American Public Works Association, APWA (for projects greater than $10 Million) Best Suburban Rehab/Renovation 2002 - Hamilton Landing Novato, CA ASID Award in 2001 for IA Denver Office Design The Krusinski project: 2000 Award of Recognition from The Chicago Building Congress for Corporate Office Development under $10 million

IDS Concepts Ltd Pacific Century CyberWorks Ltd New World PCS Ltd Amway Asia Pacific Ltd., Hong Kong Branch Johnson & Johnson (Hong Kong) Ltd BI E2-Capital China Holdings Ltd

IGOO Communications Ltd


innovation Bank of America (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau) American Express WPP Group (JWT, Ogilvy & Mather, DYR Wunderman, Mindshare) Newell Rubbermaid Singapore Consulate (Hong Kong)

Joseph Wong Design Associates Inc., Shanghai, China and San Diego, USA San Diego Convention Centre Sails Pavilion San Diego Hilton Convention Centre Hotel ICBC Bank Bund Branch, Shanghai National AIA Honour Award, USA San Diego Chapter AIA Honour Awards, AIA, USA National Design/Build Institute Excellent Award, USA

Kiku Obata & Company

Markmax Asia Consultants Ltd 邁思(亞洲)顧問有限公司

M Moser Associates AXA China Region Insurance Co Ltd Du Pont China Ltd Swiss Reinsurance Electronic Data Systems (HK) Ltd Clifford Chance AIA Merit Awards in Interiors 2001: 3i Asia Pacific Office, HK; Bloomberg LP Office, HK AIA Honour Awards in Interiors 2003: FP Marine Risks Ltd AIA Merit Awards in Interiors 2003: The British Council Society of Interior Designers (Singapore) Merit Award 2001: Cisco Systems (USA) Pte Ltd



Company Aedas LPT, Kohn Pederson Fox AGC Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Aos Architecture Architekten Schweger + Partner Arick Chan Design Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd BDM Ltd Box Design Ltd Built Art Design Ltd BURO FUR ARCHITEKTUR Destination Ltd Destination Ltd DM Design Ltd DPWT Design Ltd Edge (HK) Ltd & Thomas Chow Architects Ltd FCS Interior Design & Construction Co FCS Interior Design & Construction Co Francis Lee & Associates Ltd Francis Lee & Associates Ltd Francis Lee & Associates Ltd in.t design & co JCF International Joseph Sy & Associates KDF Kofull Design & Contracting Ltd Microsoft in colloboration with executive architect Gensler OMA Asia Original Vision Ltd Planning Services International (Asia) Ltd Rays Design Ltd Richards Basmajian Ltd Rocco Design Ltd Rocco Design Ltd Sally Williams of Artlink Design Associates Ltd San Interiors San Interiors San Interiors SL + A Sunaqua Concepts Sunaqua Concepts The Interdesign Group Vigers Design Ltd Yonnie Kwok of ”Red” JCF International Ltd

The index provides readers with more office projects featured in previous issues of SPACE.

Project Chater House Data Centre for Powerbase Azona Office Office of Artapower Office of Office of GlobalStar Entertainment & Technologies Co Ltd Centro Digital Pictures Ltd Office of KML Engineering Office of Kokido Headquarters of Kaufmannische Krankenkasse KKH Hannover CASH On-Line Inc Showrooms and Office Office of Visa International (HK) BGX Office Office of The Zuelling Group Garment Office Mai’s Leatherware (Zhongshan) Co Ltd Office of 4FLOW Lufthansa Cargo Ag St. James Homes Office of M&C Saatchi Ltd Nokia R & D and Representative Office Mega iAdvantage Detacentre Asia On Line (HK) Ltd Head Office Cazenove Asia Ltd FreeMarkets Inc Office of the Aquarius Group Yahoo Office of Adaptec Showroom / Office of Tasaki Shinju Brand New Technology Pelham Search Pacific Microsoft at Cyberport Skin Architecture Asia Capacity Exchange Jardine Fleming Investment Centre Office of Water Oasis Co Ltd Saatchi & Saatchi Hong Kong Office 8 Queen’s Road Central Proposed Commercial Redevelopment at No 8 Queen’s Road Central One Globe Office of Fleming International Ltd Quamnet Top Human Technology Ltd Gallaher Asia Ltd Digatal Magic MK2 Communication Ltd Denco International Ltd Office of the China National Aviation Corporation Ltd Office of APG JCF International Ltd

Month Nov-02 Nov-00 Nov-01 May-03 Jul-01 Sep-00 Jun-01 Apr-02 Apr-02 Dec-00 Aug-00 Jul-02 Jun-01 May-02 Feb-02 Nov-01 Jun-01 Jan-02 Oct-01 Dec-01 May-03 Jun-02 Jul-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 Jan-03 Jan-01 Jul-02 Jul-00 Jan-02 Jul-01 Jan-03 Jan-02 Jul-00 Dec-00 Jul-01 Jul-00 Jun-02 May-01 Aug-00 Jun-01 Dec-00 Nov-01 Jan-01 Aug-01 Nov-01 Aug-01 Aug-01 Feb-02 Jan-01

Issue 47 23 35 53 31 21 30 40 40 24 20 43 30 41 38 35 30 37 34 36 53 42 19 23 26 49 25 43 19 37 31 49 37 19 24 31 19 42 29 20 30 24 35 25 32 35 32 32 38 25

Pages 52-61 62-65 62-69 19-25 60-65 58-63 52-57 48-55 56-63 94-99 58-65 66-69 44-51 46-51 52-57 80-88 38-43 56-63 56-61 32-39 27-33 56-60 76-79 70-73 72-75 78-81 60-66 58-63 80-84 48-55 66-69 30-37 64-67 48-49 84-87 70-72 60-69 46-47 78-85 41-41 58-63 65-69 70-77 56-59 38-45 53-61 52-55 32-37 45-51 50-55


Project 8 Queen’s Road Central Asia Capacity Exchange Asia On Line (HK) Ltd Head Office Azona Office BGX Office Brand New Technology CASH On-Line Inc Showrooms and Office Cazenove Asia Ltd Centro Digital Pictures Ltd Chater House Data Centre for Powerbase Denco International Ltd Digatal Magic FreeMarkets Inc Gallaher Asia Ltd Garment Office Headquarters of Kaufmannische Krankenkasse KKH Hannover Jardine Fleming Investment Centre JCF International Ltd Lufthansa Cargo Ag Mai’s Leatherware (Zhongshan) Co Ltd Mega iAdvantage Detacentre Microsoft at Cyberport MK2 Communication Ltd Nokia R & D and Representative Office Office of 4FLOW Office of Adaptec Office of APG Office of Artapower Office of Office of Fleming International Limited Office of GlobalStar Entertainment & Technologies Co Ltd Office of KML Engineering Office of Kokido Office of M&C Saatchi Ltd Office of the Aquarius Group Office of the China National Aviation Corporation Ltd Office of The Zuelling Group Office of Visa International (HK) Office of Water Oasis Co Ltd One Globe Pelham Search Pacific Proposed Commercial Redevelopment at No 8 Queen’s Road Central Quamnet Saatchi & Saatchi Hong Kong Office Showroom / Office of Tasaki Shinju Skin Architecture St. James Homes Top Human Technology Ltd Yahoo

Company Rocco Design Ltd Original Vision Ltd FCS Interior Design & Construction Co Alex Choi Design Ltd Atelier Pacific Ltd Joseph Sy & Associates Arick Chan Design Ltd FCS Interior Design & Construction Co Alex Choi Design Ltd Aedas LPT, Kohn Pederson Fox AGC Design Ltd The Interdesign Group Sunaqua Concepts Francis Lee & Associates Ltd SL + A Box Design Ltd Architekten Schweger + Partner Planning Services International (Asia) Ltd JCF International Ltd Destination Ltd Built Art Design Ltd Edge (HK) Ltd & Thomas Chow Architects Ltd Microsoft in colloboration with executive architect Gensler Sunaqua Concepts DPWT Design Ltd BURO FUR ARCHITEKTUR in.t design & co Yonnie Kwok of “Red” Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd San Interiors Alex Choi Design Ltd Alex Choi Design Ltd Aos Architecture DM Design Ltd Francis Lee & Associates Ltd Vigers Design Limited BDM Limited Atelier Pacific Ltd Rays Design Ltd Sally Williams of Artlink Design Associates Ltd KDF Kofull Design & Contracting Ltd Rocco Design Ltd San Interiors Richards Basmajian Ltd JCF International OMA Asia Destination Ltd San Interiors Francis Lee & Associates Ltd

Month Jun-02 Jul-00 Jul-00 Nov-01 Jun-01 Jan-02 Aug-00 Nov-00 Jun-01 Nov-02 Nov-00 Aug-01 Aug-01 Feb-01 Jan-01 Feb-02 Dec-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Nov-01 Jun-02 Jan-03 Nov-01 May-03 Jun-01 Jul-02 Feb-02 May-03 Jul-01 Jun-01 Sep-00 Apr-02 Apr-02 Dec-01 Jan-03 Aug-01 May-02 Jul-02 Jul-01 Aug-00 Jul-01 May-01 Dec-00 Jul-00 Jul-00 Jan-02 Oct-01 Nov-01 Jan-01

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