Fall/Winter Sanford Magazine 2023

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S P E C I A L A N N U A L R E P O R T I S S U E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 2 3

Reaching for Excellence

W W W. S A N F O R D S C H O O L . O R G

HEAD OF SCHOOL Mark J. Anderson 2022–2023 SANFORD SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES R. Jason Russell President Lisa Lloyd-Washington Vice President Katherine G. Rosenthal Secretary Susan Keiser Treasurer Desmond A. Baker Barry Davis Theodore H. Dwyer III Todd Flubacher Chai Gadde Laura Giardina Christopher T. Grundner Diane S. Kedash James V. McKeon Kenny Mitchell ’93 Linda Risk Harry Schiavi Scott J. Sherr ’87AA Ryan Struthers ’06 Stanley R. Sykora EX-OFFICIO Mark J. Anderson Head of School Rebecca Wasniewski Home & School Association President TRUSTEES EMERITI Thomas J. Allingham II John A. Corrozi, Sr. L. Sandra Hammonds William M. Lafferty Sharon M. Struthers SPECIAL COUNSEL TO THE BOARD Thomas J. Allingham II STAFF Director of Marketing & Communications Lucy Benson ‘13 Associate Head of School for Advancement Jaime Morgan ‘02 Photography Ted Rosenthal/Izmaddy Studios Molly Schlachter Sanford Community Members Design Kedash Design K Special Thanks to Sophie Desai ’24 6DQIRUG 6FKRRO &RPPXQLFDWLRQV 2IÀFH 6900 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707 302.235.6500 communications@sanfordschool.org www.sanfordschool.org On the cover: Dallas Pierce ’23 celebrates her 1000th FDUHHU SRLQW LQ WKH ÀQDO PRPHQWV RI WKH DIAA State Championship.


A few years ago, Sanford created the Bill Sawin ‘45 Head of School office in Quigley Hall. My office is in the room that once served as a sleeping porch during Sanford’s boarding school days. From my office window, I have a view of the Quad and much of our beautiful campus. The most stunning view from this space is the beech tree, with its lush leaves that turn a cranberry color in the fall. I often gaze at that tree and reflect on the countless generations of Sanford students who have enjoyed its shade while relaxing at its base, where its strong roots extend beneath the earth. Recently, I learned an interesting fact from Sanford facilities manager Kevin Needham: the roots of a tree are roughly equal in size to its branches. A mature tree with branches that spread high and wide has a large network of roots that embed the ground to support the tree’s height and vitality. While a tree’s branches, leaves, and flowers catch our attention and eye, the roots provide the nutrients that help the tree be healthy and strong. Sanford’s legacy, spanning the past 93 years, is our roots. Sanford’s alumni, former teachers and leaders, and alumni parents... you are part of the structure that keeps our school healthy and strong. Today’s students and teachers are our branches, leaves, and flowers - still expanding across the changing of the seasons. This fall, we honored former Sanford Upper School Dean of Students and former Head Boys’ Basketball Coach Stan Waterman with our 2023 Founder’s Day Award. At the ceremony, I had the pleasure of speaking with our student body about our founder, Ellen Q. Sawin, and her extraordinary vision for Sunny Hills and Sanford School. Stan Waterman, like so many others before him, was a continuation of the legacy Mother Sawin began back in 1930. Sanford’s roots go deep and remain strong. The stories in this magazine highlight the growth and success of our students and school. As proud of this trajectory as we are, school leaders readily recognize that there is still work to be done. This fall, the Sanford Board of Trustees approved our latest strategic plan: “Branching Out. Growing Together.” To read more about our exciting strategic direction, please see pages 7 and 8. Every person reading this magazine is part of the root structure of our special school. As we approach Sanford’s 100th anniversary in just a few short years, I thank you for helping our school to continue to grow stronger each and every year.

Warmly, y, Mark Anderson d son n Head of School

“Like many other alumni, Sanford means a great deal to me, but I’m not sure how many other alumni can say that Sanford saved their life...”


n Thursday, April 13, I decided to go to Sanford to watch the baseball game between Sanford and Tatnall. It would be my first time at that baseball field since I played there in May 1963. I traveled to Sanford and parked on the side of the road about 80 yards from the field. I started walking up the road to the game. About 20 yards from the field, I moved over to the grass. I felt somewhat fatigued and decided to pause and rest. The last thing I recall was dropping down on my knees. The next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance heading to Christiana Care Hospital, being treated by EMTs. When I got to the emergency room, I was told that I had experienced a sudden cardiac arrest. As I learned later, Sanford’s Assistant Baseball Coach, Matt Wilson, their Athletic Trainer, Taylor DiGiovine, and a Building and Grounds Team member, Andrew Fehnel, had come to assist me. Usingg CPR and an AE AED ED ((Automated A to Au t ma m te t d External Ext xter erna rnaal Defibrillator), Defi efibr brrilllaato tor) r), they r) the h y were werre able abl blee to to shock sho hock ckk my my heart hea eart r back rt bac ackk into int ntoo a norm no rm mal rrhythm, hyth hy thm, m, thus thus hu us saving savvin ingg my my life. liffe. I was was a very verry lucky luc ucky kyy gguy uyy and and happened happe ap ppe pene ned ne d to to be be iin n tthe he normal Crescenzi, rright igh g t place place at the the right rig ight ht time.” time. ime.”” - JJohn ohhn C resc re resc scen en enzi nzi,, ’’63 63 63 “

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For John Fritz, the preservation of Sanford’s Archives has been a labor of love for many years: “I got involved with the archives when I realized that we had a limited supply of remaining yearbooks, so I started digitizing them in case they could be useful for future student media projects. As I began compiling them, I noticed how much more of our rich history could be preserved and shared in this way. Since then, I’ve teamed with Ceil Baum, Sanford’s long-time Admissions Associate, Nedda Moqtaderi, a professional archivist and Sanford parent, and numerous alums, including Aaron White ’20. We have collected and documented tens of thousands of photos, publications, documents, and ephemera over the past 93 years. I’m proud to be able to contribute in this way to this place that I’ve known and loved for the last 20 years.” -John Fritz, Sanford Faculty Member.

The 1962 Varsity Baseball Team, featuring John Crescenzi ‘63 (first row, second from left).


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Their combined efforts to restore Sanford’s historical archives unveiled a treasure trove of forgotten stories. Together, the downstairs rooms of Kidder Hall were cleaned, organized and became a hub of meticulous organization. While much work is needed, our student interns and alumni have made a diligent effort to label, scan, and preserve our history. Among the memorabilia from the 1960s, a dusty copy of the 1963 yearbook revealed the remarkable accomplishments of John Crescenzi. Instead of being just known as a visiting alum, we could piece together John’s time at our school. From flipping through photos, we learned that John was an accomplished student who participated in many aspects of campus life. He had been a member of the National Honor Society, class president, and a standout athlete, who earned a varsity letter in every sport on offer at the time. His leadership on and off the field shone through his roles as co-captain of the baseball and tennis teams and through his contributions to the football team.

The 2023 Varsity Baseball Team with Athletic Trainer Taylor DiGiovine and John Crescenzi ‘63

Once Crescenzi was feeling better, the Sanford Development team invited him to return to campus for Alumni Day with classmate Allen Wolfe ’63: “We very much enjoyed a tour of the campus and marveled how much things had changed since we graduated. One thing that had not changed very much was the dining hall. We even saw a photo hanging on the wall from the ’60s that included Allen and several of our classmates.” -John Crescenzi ’63 “It was wonderful to see alums of all ages return to Sanford for Alumni Day this spring. We have several exciting events in 2024 (page 47). We hope to see our Sanford Warriors back on campus soon!” -Lauren Evans, Alumni & Parent Engagement Coordinator The baseball team had not forgotten about John and was keen to learn more about his recovery. They invited John to throw the first pitch for the senior game. “Before the game, I thanked Taylor for saving my life and asked him if he had ever used the AED before. He said no - so I guess he is batting at 1.000%. After the team won the game, a few of the fans came up to me to say how glad they were that I had survived the incident. It seems that many of them were there when my emergency occurred... After the game, I had the opportunity to speak with the rest of the team… I congratulated them on the fine season… Like many other alumni, Sanford means a great deal to me, but I’m not sure how many other alumni can say that Sanford saved their life.” - John Crescenzi ’63 John Crescenzi ‘63 and Allen Wolfe ‘63 in the Quigley Dining Hall F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence


After Attending Alumni Day in April, Allen Wolfe ’63 approached John with the idea of sharing his story to help Sanford prepare for future incidents like his own. At the time, six campus buildings needed new AED devices. With support from their classmates, over $6,800 was raised for these life-saving devices. Contact the Sanford Development Office at 302-235-6510 or development@sanfordschool.org to join this effort.

From this moment, the varsity baseball team continued their incredible winning streak, boasting a regular season record of 16-1, which culminated in a historic conference title for the first time since 1975. This spring, Matt Wilson received the Waterman Award for Coaching Excellence, and Head Coach Jamie Clark was named Delaware Baseball Coach of the Year. To read about our Athletic Awards, please turn to page 33. “Last year was a great baseball season, winning the conference and getting a first-round bye in the state tournament. We knew we were a special team, and I was proud of the way we showed it on the field.” - Brady Fox ’24 As they prepare for the upcoming season, both our players and staff are excited to build on the team’s success. This fall, our Building and Grounds crew renovated the field, thanks to Coach Clark’s leadership and a successful fundraising campaign. With generous restricted gifts, we now have newly renovated playing surfaces for the team in the spring.


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“Expectations are higher, and we are playing a tougher schedule this year. However, our goals remain the same. We focus and work hard in practice every day and play as a team on game day with the goal of winning each contest. We are also looking forward to playing on our newly refurbished field this spring ” - Jamie Clark, Head Coach We invite each member of our community to reflect on our shared history and the many lives that have been touched by our school. One way to participate is by viewing the scanned Sanford yearbooks on our website: www.sanfordschool.org/alumni/digital-yearbooks Sanford’s legacy is shaped by the commitment of many individuals who have left a lasting impression and those who support our school’s future. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s contributions to our ongoing journey. Your support guarantees Sanford’s legacy continues to thrive and endure for future Sanford Warriors.

Thank you to the following contributors: Mr. John S. Crescenzi ’63 Mrs. Susan Fischer ’64 & Mr. Douglas Fischer Mr. Bruce R. Pease ’63 Ms. Ellen J. Rende ’63 Mr. David Robertson ’63AA Mrs. Susan Shelley ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Wolfe ’63

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BU I L D I N G & G RO U N D S U P D AT E S Within the last year, our campus has undergone significant transformations to create spaces that celebrate our rich history and enhance the learning experiences for our students. These changes reflect our commitment to preserving the past and preparing for a promising future.

BUILDING & GROUNDS TEAM Led by Kevin Needham, our B&G team consists of Skip Cook, Andrew Fehnel, Brian Friedkin, Frank Lindsey, Chris Pyle, and Tyler Needham.



This strategic move includes a new pole storage barn and a new shed. These improvements optimize our indoor facilities by reducing clutter and clearing space.

The newly dedicated War Memorial is a cherished spot for students and alumni to reflect in the William Aydelott Quadrangle.


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“I am thrilled to teach preschool through sixth grade in this beautifully renovated space. I am so grateful to the administration for their support and Building and Grounds for working tirelessly to ensure we have a bright and welcoming room to learn Spanish.” – Maureen Murphy

This newly redesigned space offers a comfortable ambiance for college meetings and discussions with our new college counselors, Heather Graber Stinson and Pete Williams.



A new bridge ensures uninterrupted training on the original course. We’re committed to providing secure pathways, ensuring our athletes continue to thrive on our beautiful trails.

In tribute to Krista Berneike, B&G has revitalized the creek-side area for lower school students. Berneike Beach is now a beloved space where students can learn and play.

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Our Strategic Plan


arlier this fall, Sanford School’s Board of Trustees approved the new Strategic Plan. Underpinning this strategic vision is the guiding principle encapsulated in our theme, “Branching Out. Growing Together.” With this ethos at its heart, Sanford’s strategic direction promises to redefine educational standards and reaffirm our distinguished position within Delaware’s independent school community.

Cultivating Educational Excellence We will deliver student-centered education that meets students where they are and propels them to their highest levels.

Fostering Financial Health We will secure the school’s financial sustainability through strategic enrollment and financial practices.

Nurturing an Inclusive Culture The Sanford community embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion to create an environment of belonging. This work is never complete, and we continue to listen, learn, engage, and act.

Enriching Our Future We will ensure Sanford has the financial assets and state-of-the-art, environmentally responsible facilities necessary to provide excellent educational programs. Approaching Sanford School’s centennial in 2030, our leaders are dedicated to enriching the legacy of our community. We aim to provide present and future students with an experience as exceptional as those who came before them. “Branching Out, Growing Together” will be our guiding light, shaping our path forward. We eagerly invite our entire school community to join us in this important endeavor. Together, we will create a meaningful and impactful journey for future generations.

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SANFORD CLASS OF 2023 On Friday, June 9th, 2023, sixty seniors received their diplomas during Sanford’s 87th Commencement, which was held in the Class of 1955 Amphitheater. Hundreds of guests attended the event, which featured a keynote address from Upper School faculty member Staci Krape; student addresses from Louisabella Wagner and Fadima William; musical presentations from Phoebe Chen, Isabel Asher, and Amanda Belej; and the presentation of diplomas by Head of School Mark Anderson, Board of Trustees President Jason Russell and Head of Upper School Abbi Smith. THE MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 2023, FROM LEFT TO RIGHT ARE: 1st row: Matthew Stein, Andrew Bebbington, Helena Coker, Eva Sawdey, Julia Mitchell, Isabel Asher, Ashley Schnyder, Amanda Belej, Xander Tomaseski, Jack Davenport 2nd row: Kunal Viswanathan, Daphne Tanner, Island Lewis, Julianna Shepherd, Ekaterini Fotakos, Kaylee Rathbone, Azareya Kilgoe, Stella Adamopoulos, Jackson Fox 3rd row: Nicolas Karpinski, Erin Milligan, Bingquan “Bruce” Yi, Tatiana Maroney, Zoë Watson, Fadima William, Ashley Dwyer, Oliver McKay, Louisabella Wagner, Alexander Krape 4th row: Simona Giancroce, Ut “Phoebe” Chen, Andrew Timmons, Sasha Tigan, Thiwara “Ashkey” Phouthavongsa, Skyler Cozine, Paidyn Moore, Alease Malloy, Kevin Young, Kendall Giordano, Dallas Pierce 5th row: Nikolai Lorenson, Zoe Kashner, Emma Martino, Emerson Cuffe, Isaiah Johnson, Cooper Robertson, Alessandra Schaer, Audrey Everett, Kaelyn Doherty, Nai-te Watson, Jr. 6th row: Sam Christopher Stanford IV, Dayon Polk, Noah Kerzner, Nyle Patel, Charles Sternberg, Braden Onesti, Brandon Lewis, Jr., Jack Lazarski, Justin Griffith, Sean Forrest 10

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Commencement Awards Daphne Tanner and Noah Kerzner received the Scholastic Award, given in honor of the Class of 1939, to outstanding students who have excelled each year academically in Upper School while pursuing a challenging and well-rounded program of study. Jack Lazarski received the Alumni Award, presented to the students whose participation in the extracurricular activities has been most dedicated. Eva Sawdey and Sean Forrest received the Thomas McCarthy Award for Citizenship, awarded to a student who has always been a responsible and contributing citizen in every aspect of campus life. Dayon Polk received the Kenneth D. Jones Memorial Award, given to the senior who has shown outstanding leadership, loyalty, and good citizenship and is always gracious in manner and considerate of others. Audrey Everett received the Nancy C. Sawin Final Award for Girls given to the senior who has shown outstanding leadership, ing ng leadership le eadership, loyalty, and good citizenship, and who in her daily life is always gracious in manner and considerate of others. Paidyn Moore received the Headmaster’s Award, presented on an occasional basis as deemed appropriate by thee faculty and the Head of School, to honor a member of the graduating class whose achievement or presence has been so exemplary aryy that special recognition is in order.

Class of 2023, we have been honored to work with you and to know you. And, as Coach Ted Lasso would say, I appreciate you. -Mark Anderson F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence


CLASS DAY honors exceptional Upper School students who have excelled in academics, athletics, arts, and service.

SENIOR AWARDS Kaelyn Doherty received the Chrysalis Award for her dedication to the Sanford yearbook. Audrey Everett and Jack Lazarki received the Dale Seymour Award, presented to the Senior boys and girls who have received the greatest number of athletic letters in their Sanford careers. Justin Griffith and Dallas Pierce received the Sanford W. Sawin, Jr. Memorial Award for outstanding achievement in the field of athletics. Kaylee Rathbone received the Frank H. Simmons Memorial Literary Award. Emma Martino received the Helen Vermeychuk Scholarship Award and the Bruce O. Jones Art Award, given for outstanding achievement in the field of art. Paidyn Moore received the Sanford W. Sawin, Sr. Award for Mathematics. Fadima William received the Marcelle Orsini Award for Foreign Language.

Noah Kerzner received the Damon Brown Memorial Award in Science. Daphne Tanner received the W. Michael Akers Memorial Award for History. Cooper Robertson received the S.T.E.M. Award. Julia Mitchell received May V. Hays Memorial Plaque, given to the outstanding senior in choral music study. Amanda Belej received the C. Edgar Fry, Jr. Memorial Award, presented to the senior who has shown outstanding ability in the field of dramatics Jack Lazarski received the Clarence A. Hays Memorial Plaque, given to the outstanding senior in band and instrumental music. UNDERCLASSMEN AWARDS Andrew Taylor received the Sigma Diploma Mathematics Award. Emelie Cummins received the Stanley C. Nott Challenge Trophy. Julia Trask’s art was selected as the Gift to the School. Academic Engagement Awards: Adithi Chandra and Julian Nesbit. Spirit of Sanford Awards: Abigail Krape and Eli Smith.


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The Cum Laude Society Awards are sponsored by the Cum Laude Society but are presented by the Upper School academic departments to individuals who have shown outstanding achievement in their respective fields.

Megan Athey received the Williams College Book Award, given to the member of the junior class who ranks in the top 10% of his or her class, who has demonstrated intellectual leadership, and has made a significant contribution to the extracurricular life of the school.

Q Amelia Xu English Q Cameron Sherr History Q Daniel Brake Mathematics Q Amarai Kahlon Science Q Julia Trask Visual Arts Q Ian Trask French Q Morgan Wilson Spanish Q Colton Brooks Latin Q Finley Anderson Performing Arts

Catherine Shapiro received the Brown University Book Award, presented to the junior who best combines academic excellence with clarity in written and spoken English. Varun Pappu received the Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award, given by the University of Rochester, to honor outstanding high school students who have demonstrated excellence in the sciences. Andrew Taylor received the Rensselaer Medal Award, given to the member of the junior class who ranks in the top 10% of his or her class, who has excelled in advanced math and science classes, demonstrated a potential for success in a challenging academic environment, and exhibited significant involvement in extracurricular activities.

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MIDDLE SCHOOL AWARDS: Q Alex Asher Spanish Q Alex Musiychuk Band, Academic Achievement Award Q August Townes Second Citizenship Award Q Campbell Eckard Drama Q Charlotte McLeod Chorus, Sanford Award Q Chris Liu Science Q Cole Stella Social Studies

Lower School students made a special parting gift for Libbie Zimmer, a painting of a Sanford tree. This art work not only represents Sanford but each Lower School student, as it was created using their fingerprints.

Q Dylan Tuskweth Art Q Ellie De Luca Girls’ Athletics Q Ethan Isett First Citizenship Award Q Griffin Amendum Boys’ Athletics Q Henry Flathers Latin Q Katie Pei English Q Liv Lefkon Service Award Q Oliver Anderson French, Evergreen Award Q Sean Joyner Mathematics


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Class of 2027

“I would like to thank the Class of 2027 for crossing paths with me. Without realizing it, we all grew together. Without even knowing it, we’ve changed each other’s lives forever, and I find that beautiful.” – Dylan Tuskweth, Closing Exercises Speaker. F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence


Sanford Welcomes New Board Members Our Board of Trustees consists of strategic leaders who generously contribute their time and expertise. We express our gratitude to Diane Kedash, Harry Schiavi, and Scott J. Sherr ‘87 AA for their exceptional service as Sanford Trustees. Their dedication and thoughtful contributions have significantly enhanced our school, making it a better and more robust institution. We also welcome three new trustees, Mark Denlinger, Paris Waterman Dupree ‘07, and Lewis Macleod, who have joined the Board to support Sanford’s mission and vision further. Mark Denlinger Mark Denlinger is an Outside Sales representative at Delren HVAC, Inc., covering Eastern PA, Southern NJ, and Delaware. Delren specializes in critical ventilation products for commercial projects. Mark holds an A.A.S Degree in HVAC/R and has 18 years of experience in HVAC and construction. He collaborates with engineers, contractors, and building owners to design and support ventilation systems. Mark previously worked in building automation systems and managed sales for international brands focusing on energy-efficient HVAC systems. Mark actively supports Sanford, where his three daughters, Alexa ’32, Savannah ’34, and Livi ’36, attend. He looks forward to serving on the Buildings and Grounds committee. In his free time, he enjoys family activities, golf, exercise, and following Philadelphia sports teams.

Paris Waterman Dupree ’07 Paris Waterman Dupree ’07 is the Vice President and Assistant General Counsel Vice President, Assistant General Counsel -Sports, Entertainment, Media and Brand at JPMorgan Chase & Co. As Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, Paris provides strategic, commercially pragmatic, and transparent advice to business partners on commercial and strategic transactions. This includes sponsorship and partnership arrangements, naming rights, talent and influencer deals, live events, and other marketing and advertising matters. In the current role, Paris drafts and negotiates a broad range of agreements primarily in support of JPMorgan Chase’s Sports, Entertainment, Media, and Brand line of business. Paris graduated from Brown University in 2011, where she received academic honors. She excelled in two Division 1 sports and as Women’s Lacrosse team captain. Afterward, she graduated from the George Washington University Law School in 2015. In 2022, Paris was inducted into the Sanford Athletic Hall of Fame alongside her father, Stan Waterman. She resides in Wilmington, DE, with her husband Vernon and son Cairo ’38.

Lewis Macleod Born and raised near Leeds, UK, Lewis Macleod has a diverse career in food production spanning the UK, USA, and Canada. He holds a Master’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London and completed the General Management Program at Harvard Business School in 2011. Transitioning from engineering to operations, Lewis led a Fresh Prepared food business in the US and Canada. He later partnered with a New York private equity firm, contributing to significant acquisitions in the mushroom industry. When his children, Arran ‘25, Macy ‘27, and Eddie ‘30 became students at Sanford, a connection was formed that introduced his family to the school’s vibrant community. Passionate about travel, adventure, and Formula 1 racing, the Macleod family is currently converting a school bus into an RV, aiming to visit all 50 states before their children graduate!


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Welcome New Faculty & Staff (Left to right): Kate Brower, Edwin Way, Biz Perry, Alaina Schumann, Brian Taylor, Sophie Weber, Stacy Mallery, Caitlin Powderly, Lauren Lundberg, Jody Cross, Niall Hood, Leigh Jones, Mickey Maley, Cheveé Taylor, Anne Fleming, Grace Bell, Emily Jones, Heather Stinson, Christopher Keiser, Michael Symons, Nadia Saleh.

Introducing the Head of Lower School: Cheveé Taylor Cheveé Taylor, our new Head of Lower School, brings a deep passion for education and a warm, welcoming spirit to Sanford. Her genuine affection for the Sanford community shines through in her words: “I have fallen in love with Sanford. The warm embrace from teachers and other community members felt so authentic, and I was enraptured by the students. Students instantly greeted me with a smile and enthusiastically shared the incredible teaching and learning happening in the space. In these moments, I instantly felt at home.” Cheveé’s dedication to fostering a nurturing learning environment at Sanford promises an inspiring chapter for Sanford’s Lower School. F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence








Dear Sanford Community, This group of retirees holds a truly remarkable spot in the rich history of Sanford. Once a person reaches the incredible milestone of 20 years, their dedication and service deserve not just recognition but a heartfelt celebration. When we reflect on two decades in the life of a school like ours, it becomes apparent that this group has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless Sanford students and their families. Their impact spans across multiple generations, influencing the school community in profound ways. In various aspects and for numerous students, these retirees embody not just a mere part but a significant essence of the Sanford program that resonates with our cherished traditions and values. Todd Helmecki’s name is synonymous with the AP Upper School history class, which students affectionately call “APUSH.” Former Sanford teacher Mark Shields says, “As a teacher, Todd’s knowledge of and passion for the subject matter is unparalleled, and combined with his sense of humor, he is a student favorite! Todd’s teaching excellence is evident with the consistent yearly success of his AP students. A true gentleman and family man, Todd has been a great mentor and role model for generations of Sanford students. I feel personally lucky to have been a colleague of Todd’s for many years and salute his numerous contributions to Sanford.” Patti Reynolds ‘76 has has set the educational foundation for many four-year-olds in our JK, now PreK program. Christine DiUbaldo shares, “Patti is a Sanford legend. She knows Sanford’s history first hand, as she was a student/faculty kid here for 14 years, a parent to three amazing “lifer” children, and a JK teacher for two decades. Patti, you have lived the Sanford experience in every way possible. Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement.” The originator of the Sanford News Network and Sanford Stream Team, John Fritz, allowed scores of students to tell Sanford’s story via media. I am most grateful to Mr. Fritz for his commitment to remain an exceptional classroom teacher throughout his time at our school. In all his varied roles, John Fritz made a difference at Sanford; he leaves a rich legacy here and will be greatly missed. John Fritz has been an integral part of the Sanford team for decades, and his passion for teaching and learning was evident in all he did. His dedication to student learning was unmatched, and for that, we are grateful.


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Last but not least, I want to thank two friends and colleagues. Rarely has one couple or one family touched the life of our school so profoundly and in so many ways. For eleven years, Libbie Zimmer has been our Lower School leader, the voice and champion for students and teachers in Preschool through grade 4. Throughout her remarkable time at Sanford, Libbie has made a profound and lasting impact on the Lower School community. As a nurturing and inspiring role model, she has guided our youngest Warriors, fostering their growth and cultivating their love for learning. With her warm and inclusive approach, Libbie has created a close-knit and supportive community for students and their families. We are immensely grateful for everything Libbie has done and the positive transformation she has brought to our school. Casey Zimmer has not only and directed our College Counseling office, but he also taught English and advised and coached many Upper School students. Dean of Upper School Students Matt Wilson shared, “Casey’s dedication to helping students was unwavering. He always prioritized what was best for each individual, striving to find the school where they would thrive and be happy. As Casey embarks on his next adventure in cold and dreary Florida, the Sanford community extends their wishes of good luck and bids farewell to a mentor, coaching partner, colleague, and above all, a dear friend.” Thank you to all of our retirees! We appreciate the time, talent, and energy they have given to Sanford. With gratitude,

Mark Anderson erso Head of School





F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Rea Reac R Reaching ach hing ing i n for f E Exc Excelle Excellence xc el elle llle ll le l nce ncc e



F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence

Annual Report of Giving 2022–2023 Dear Sanford Community, My position at Sanford offers a distinctive vantage point. I engage with prospective families and students who express their admiration for our educational approach, our campus, and the strong sense of community. I converse with current families, assisting them in resolving any challenges they encounter while also celebrating what they cherish about our school. I share nostalgic conversations with fellow alumni, some of whom lived on campus for most of their childhood. Furthermore, I have conversations with donors who are eager to contribute to our school’s continual improvement for the benefit of future generations of students. What all these groups have in common is a deep-rooted love for our school. Sanford has a special place in the hearts of many. We see this every day in our happy students, grateful parents, and engaged teachers. In the 2022-2023 school year, we asked our community to “opt-in” and take advantage of all that Sanford has to offer. This included opting into our culture of philanthropy. The pages within this Annual Report vividly illustrate our community’s unwavering support. Together, we raised over $2 million through annual fund contributions, restricted operating gifts, and endowment fund donations. On behalf of the school, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who chose to “opt-in” and generously supported our school. Your commitment is truly appreciated. This year, our focus for the school year centers around “well-being.” The “well-being” of Sanford hinges on our annual, collective efforts –supporting both current campus initiatives and ensuring its enduring success. Contributions to the Sanford Fund are pivotal in the daily function of our school. These funds aren’t merely optional but indispensable, shaping the essential Sanford experience our students rightly deserve. The well-being and financial health of an independent school mirror the involvement and donations from its community. When members are engaged, they are motivated to enhance the school further, support our mission, and cultivate a thriving educational environment for all. I look forward to seeing future success this year and more engagement from our community. Again, I extend my gratitude to those who generously supported Sanford with their contributions last year. In a community where we firmly believe that “No Talent Lies Latent,” your gifts play a vital role in unlocking the full potential of our students. With th gratitude,

Jaime me Morgan ‘02 Associate Head Advancement iat H ad off SSchool h l ffor Ad a

F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence


Dear Sanford Community, On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued support of Sanford. When my wife, Paige, and I chose Sanford for our children eight years ago, we were FRQÀGHQW WKDW LW ZRXOG EH D JUHDW ÀW IRU RXU IDPLO\ 7KH SDVVLRQ IRU WKH VFKRRO WKDW ZDV VKDUHG E\ WKH WHDFKHUV VWDII DQG VWXGHQWV ZDV HYLGHQW RQ RXU ÀUVW VFKRRO YLVLW 7KH FODVV sizes and individualized approach to learning on a college-like campus, together with teachers who clearly cared for their students, assured us that our kids would be challenged to become the best versions of themselves both in and out of the classroom. We didn’t fully anticipate how Sanford would welcome and involve our entire family so that we could all be a part of the Sanford experience. As President of the Board of Trustees, I am fortunate to work alongside other Sanford supporters who work tirelessly to ensure Sanford is a great place to be today and make prudent decisions to ensure a solid future for generations to come. This commitment is evident in the 100% participation of the Board in gifts to the Sanford Fund each year. The Sanford Fund is the foundation of Sanford’s success, allowing the incredible faculty and staff to educate and nurture our children every day. Thank you for joining us in supporting the Sanford Fund. I look forward to another successful year ahead! Best, R. Jason Russell President Board of Trustees


F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence






Thank You to all the members of the Sanford community who supported the 2022-2023 Sanford Fund (formerly known as the Annual Fund) made a campaign pledge payment, or gave a gift to the Sanford Endowment or a restricted fund this past school year. All of these avenues of support are necessary for the school’s overall well-being. Your generosity makes it possible to provide an exceptional experience for Sanford’s students. The following list* recognizes those who have expressed their dedication to the school, its faculty, and our students at either a leadership level of giving ($2,000+) or a giving club level ($1-$1,999) during the recently completed fiscal year. *We make every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your listing, or if you feel you should have been included and were not, please contact us by email at development@sanfordschool.org and accept our sincere apologies for the oversight.

LEADERSHIP CIRCLE LEVELS OF GIVING Support Sanford at a leadership Diane and John Bernard level of giving and receive an invitation to an annual Leadership Circle reception. Dee Biscardi WARRIOR CIRCLE ($25,000+)


Stacey Bacchieri Davenport Family Foundation Sandy and Bruce Hammonds Diane and David Kedash Melissa and Bill Lafferty Randi LaPoint Michael & Nancy Pia Foundation Heather and Kenny Mitchell ’93 Richard Nielsen Kate and Ted Rosenthal Sharon and Ric Struthers Carol and Ed Warner ’62

Megan and Chris Cascio Pam and Bob DiFilippo Heather and Ted Dwyer Susan and Chris Grundner Mona Singh and Randeep Kahlon Catherine and Patrick Kaser Ellen ’89 and Chris Kinney Helen and Ernie Lareau Jenny and Qi Li Lisa Lloyd-Washington and Shun Washington Emma and Lewis Macleod Tina and Guy Marcozzi Kelly and Greg Mitchell Jaime ’02 and Adam Morgan Northrop Grumman Maureen and Peter Paoli Lee Paynter ’75 Carolyn Polis Frances and Tom Roosevelt Jennifer Wasson and Chad Stover Barbara Supplee Marilyn and Michael Uffner Tricia and Andrew Vella Susie and Greg Williams Andrea and Tom Winner Roza and Rouslan Zenetl

HEAD’S CIRCLE ($10,000+) Nicol and Mark Anderson Sandy Boucher ’74 Xiaoxia and Pete Danby ’04 Diane and Scott Davenport ECMC Foundation Megan Broomall-Filliben and Joel Filliben Neelu and Chai Gadde Elaine and Richard Handloff Mimi and Jim Keating Nancy and Jim McKeon Kathy and Ken Nachbar Lori and Harry Schiavi Nancy Horisk-Sherr and Scott Sherr ’87AA Struthers Family Foundation Gina and Stan Sykora Lynette and Jeff Townes

1930 CIRCLE ($5,000+) Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Pam and Tom Allingham Jennifer and Michael Barlow Donna and Bill Dickhart Toni and Jim Durbano Anonymous Aimee and Todd Flubacher Susan and Tom Keiser Ellie and Ron Maroney Eileen Maroney Stephanie and Eric Moran Sharon ’80 and Edward Rubin Paige and Jason Russell Nicole and Edrees Siddiqi The Donna Dickhart-Sadonjaree Family Fund Bill Ward Rebecca Warne-Wasniewski and John Wasniewski Rachel Wolf ’94

SUNNY HILLS CIRCLE ($2,000+) Craig Boyd ’65 Amy ’02 and Jamie Clark Nick Darling ’96 Blair and Charlie Fleischmann Claudia Rodriguez and Andres Gutierrez de Cos Heather and Andy Jefferson Inge and John Konther Lantana Veterinary Center Sue and John Malloy Brigid and Jack McVaugh ’67 Linda and Scott Price Linda and Dennis Risk Lon Schlussel Danny Seymour ’67

SANFORD CLUB ($650+) Abbott Laboratories Angelika and Mark Albright ’95 Amazon Smile Jen and Nate Atwood Glenda Smith and Desmond Baker Bank of America Kristin and Karl Bennett Bryan and Paul Bente

Bri and James Brant Carol and Otie Brown ’58 Michele Bruxelles Frances and Peter Buttenheim Jen and Rory Conway Ann and Jack Davis Jackie DeLaFuente and Greg Hughes Kyle and Brian DiPietro Juan Espadas ’88 Troy Foster ’94 Sophia and Leon Fotakos Rohan Gadde Melissa and Ryan Gannon Laura and Matt Giardina Helene Lee and Carlo Gopez Chris Herget Gail Hoffman ’66 Incyte Corporation Maliha and Michael Iqbal JPMorgan Chase Holly and Eric Kalish Andrea and Chris Kaufmann Jenn Keating ’91 and Doug Davis Ericka DeVinney and Tom Keithley Nicole and Sandor Kovacs Marlo and David Kropiewnicki Beth and Owen Lefkon Connie Lotz Maraleta and Jack Malloy Dave May Becky and Michael McCudden Michele Darnell and Walt McDermott Pam and Bill Millard Libby and David Moore Alexis and Rob Moore ’97 Kay and John Mullen Karen and Kevin Needham Leslie and David Neuberger Melinda and Richard Norwood Shannon and Matthew Peterson Ronnie and Larry Poli Jennifer and John Powell Christina and Raoul Rayos Melissa and Matt Scarborough Lydia Cox and Gregg Somerville Ryan Struthers ’06 Mia Papas and Morel Symons Andrea and John Valentine Alex Vermeychuk Kimberly and Adam Wahl Bruce and Barbara White ’68 Vicki Goodman and Todd White Lucie and John Wilkens

Ann and Bill Wolfe ’70 Betsy and John Yung

FOUNDER’S CLUB ($350+) Emily and Steve Amendum Shannon and Clay Athey Kathryn and Stephen Axt Caroline Beard Lynette and David Belej Rick Bente ’00 Boeing Company Melissa and Erich Bollman Barbara and Gerard Bricks Betsy and Tom Burke Cathy and Len Correale Condylia and Dan Courtney CSL Behring Sue and André Dagenais Elisa and Jon Davis Meghana and Prim Desai Mark Donovan ’82 Marguerite Donovan Meredith and David Farone Gretchen and Mark Farrall Laura and Jon Fernau Melissa and Bill Fikioris ’92 Susan and Douglas Fischer Kristina and Chris Flathers Gene Ford ’70 Jane Fouracre Donna and Ted Frentzel Karina Aguilar and Eduardo Gatica Lauren and Derek Getz Wendy Ottenbacher-Gipe and Andrew Gipe Lindsay and Chris Goetz Carol and William Graff Jill and Chris Grant Brian J. Handloff Cindi Handloff Josiah Hannon ’11 Jenn and Zachary Haupt Alexandra Heliotis Stacey and Josh Hendrix Lisa Gannon and Lou Hering Wendy and Jim Honaker Candyce and Rob Pizzala Kim and Ben Isett Susannah and Anthony Jenks JK Group, Inc Tom Keating ’89 Michelle and Roger Kerzner Kim and David Lawson Andrew Levin ’02 Jane and Wendell Lloyd Justine Lynch ’54 continued on page 24

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2023 Auction A Committee Chairs Auction Chair: Meghan Carney Decor: Renee Richardson Beverages: Colleen Loughlin & Jennifer Walters Bevera Enterta Entertainment: Lauren Paoli & Bianca Rodriguez Grade B Baskets: Paige Russell & Susan Grundner Acquis Acquisitions: Christine Ramsey, Aimee Flubacher & Rebecca Wasniewski Data/W Data/Website: Toni Durbano & Kate Kline Promot Promotion: Veronica Chavez Class Art: A Amy Clark & Nicki Liss

The Sanford Home & School Association hosts an annual spring auction, serving as a vital fundraiser and community-building event. This lively occasion, made possible by dedicated volunteers, donors, and attendees, generates funds crucial for the association’s separate operating budget. These finances fund grade socials, community events, and Summer Study Grants for faculty, enriching Sanford’s educational experience. While essential for the school, auction donations are distinct from the Sanford Fund goal, directly benefiting the Home & School Association. The event’s proceeds sustain various initiatives, including teacher support, student activities, and grade-level gatherings like the Fall Family Picnic, Parent Social, Caroling in the Quad, Winter Trivia Night, and prom transportation. Through this vibrant auction, the Sanford community thrives, fostering connections and enhancing educational opportunities. The 2023 Auction centered around a Kentucky Derby theme, complete with Southern fare, bluegrass music, fascinators, and fun! A passionate and dedicated group of Sanford parents organized the event. Their collective effort was headed by auction chair Meghan Carney (Annie ‘32 and Mia ‘37), who will return to co-chair with Toni Durbano (Rachel ‘26). 24

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Save the Date Saturday, April 20, 2024 at the Delaware Museum of Nature & Science


Founder’s Club ($350+) continued from page 20 Jennifer and Tom Madden Melissa and Rob Mangrelli Meg and Joe Marcozzi Beth Martin ’03 Brian Matthews ’96 Pia King McCann ’03 Heidi and Gordon McGregor Abbey and Paul McNulty Dennis Meloro Jodi and Jason Moore Magna and Rawle Munro Beth and Mark Novkovic Janis and Pat Nutini Elizabeth and Mike Perry Elva Joy and Ira Pitel ’68 Cynthia and John Pollich Rebecca Hunting Pompon and Ray Pompon Suzanne and Nick Punturieri Karla and Chris Raymond Kate Ruby Missy and Jeff Ruhland Joan and Marc Samonisky SAP Allison and Ed Scannell Mary and Paul Serdiuk Leslie and Aaron Shapiro JoAnn Simmens Abbi and Billy Smith Simi Sonecha Sue and Rod Stull Dione and Joe Suto Charlie Sykora The Happy Difference Foundation Shukree Tilghman ’97 Martha Aguilar and Jaime Vargas Bhavana and Santosh Viswanathan Carla Wasniewski Mac Weymouth Jessica White Chris Wilkens ’03 Carole and Gordon Wilkie Sunny and Frank Xu Anne Marie Trzaska and Richard Zolper

SANFORD PINES CLUB ($150+) Hank Allingham ’06 Ann and Bruce Anderson Dana Anderson Caron Anderson-Kotschessa Reema and Tom Antonelli Lauren and Lee Asher AstraZeneca Michelle and Mark Ayres Marietta Bala ’54 Ruth and Brooks Banta Karen Banta-Burnett Ceil and Andy Baum Betsy and Charles Bemis Benevity Community Impact Fund Laurence and Geoff Birkett Tiffany and Jeff Brake Linda and Jim Brant Josh Bricks ’93 Paula Fernandez and Kevin Brown


Lisa and Jack Butler Veronica Chavez and Mark Cadungog Campbell Soup Company Karen Carney Christine and Dave Carswell Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter Frances and Michael Carunchio Anne and Matthew Clark Susan and David Connor Frank Conway ’65 Molly and Matt Cooney Julie and Miles Cowart Josie Reyes-Uribe and Cristian Cuello-Mambi Fabienne Daniels Barry Davis Sarah Noonan-Davis and Brian Davis Lynnie and Jim Davis John de Ris ’57 William Deputy Discover Financial Services Christine and Dom DiUbaldo ’94 Audrey Donohue Paige and Ford Draper David DuHadaway Paris ’07 and Vernon Dupree Melissa and Ted Evans John Farnandez ’51 Ali and Andrew Fehnel Sarah McDonald and Heidi Fenstermacher Jo and Johnny Finch Kim ’03 and Bryant Fisher Caron and Marc Francy Kristen and Jon Frentzel Sherry and David Gagne Ann Marie ’03 and Brandon Galasso Stacy and Joe Gandia Kate Chope and Jose Garcia-Lopez Christine and Steve Gardiner Joanna and Josh Gates Laura and Ken Gaylor Deirdre and Marco Giancroce Tara ’89 and Brian Gipe Vanessa Greaves Laura and David Greene Barbara and Steve Gregg Janice Griffith Janay Freebery-Hannah and Bruce Hannah Nedda Moqtaderi and Ian Henry June and Larry Holmes, Sr. Margaret and Tony Ingram Patricia and Anthony Ingram Dede and John Johnston Pat Jones Arlene and Nick Joyner JPMorgan Chase Amanda ’05 and Steve Jumps Elaine and Fred Kahler Jim Karr Kristi Kerins Marly and Miles Kessinger John Kidd Kathy and Michael Kinnard Katharine Knarreborg ’03 Marianne and Jim Lazarski Ailan Lee and Chao Lee Janet and Edward Leo Jackie and Eddie Leo Sophia and Marc Lewycky




Pat and Glenn Lieske Susan Lin ’96 Wendy and Frank Lindsey Mimi and Charlie Link Colleen and Steve Loughlin Jen and Frank Luckangelo Sandie Luhn ’56AA Lorie and Mick MacLeish Alease Malloy ’23 Carmelita and Napoleon Manubay Barbara and Tom Marshall Andi Martin ’71 Joanne and Frank Mayer Gretchen and Al Mayne Tara and Patrick McConn Pam and Jim McDermott Karen and Phil McLaurin Patricia McLellan Claire Messano Mike Milligan Susan and Reza Moqtaderi Robynn Morrison Chris and Jamie Mosberg Leah Ilene Moses-Ferragamo and John Ferragamo Sharon and David Mullen Marisa M. Muller Jen Nightengale ’82 and Skip Cook Gene Ostrom ’48 Lauren and Jason Paoli Thomas Patterson and Matthew Wyrebek Esa Street and Shahid Perkins Cari and Marcus Phillips Beverley and Ira Powell Bonnie and Michael Principe Lisa ’99 and Hunter Reed Laurel Riegel David Rodeck ’05 Isabel and Steve Rose ’69 Laurie Rowe LePage Greg Rude Megan and Craig Rushmore Joyce and Gil Scarborough Brett Scarborough Max Schneider Lisbeth and James Selsor Jackie Sham ’70 Russell Shearer ’84 Bambi and Jay Siegfried Larry Silver ’68 Nina Silverman-Weeks Theresa Litherland and Tim Sluder Savita and Param Sreekanth Katherine and Frank Stafford Debbie Starr ’68 Cathy Sullivan and Henry Stevenson ’72 Sally Stremlau ’61 Valerie Thompson ’00 Lois Tigani Christine ’06 and Jeff Townsend ’06 Janet and Mike Upton Bill Waggener Allison and Jeff Walker Water Words That Work, LLC Sandra Wu and Ta-Chen Wei Jillian Wharton Beth and Tom Whipple Marna Whittington Noël and Clint Williams Alli and Pete Williams Stephanie and Josh Wilson

Pauline and Thomas Winner Tracy and Cliff Wise ’84 Brandon Wollaston ’09 Ed Woodring Loren and Rich Yates ’78AA Jie Lin and Yong Zheng Libbie and Casey Zimmer David Zinder ’77

CHAPEL VALLEY CLUB ($50+) Agilent Technologies Francine Amelio and Michael Klein Ginny and Jim Amendum Susan and Paul Arruda Annie and Daniel Aulisa Sue and Dan Bachtle Judy Bagdon Jill and Hughes Barber Annie Baum ’12 Kristina and Paul Beard ’99 Jeff Beard ’76 Amijo and Scott Bearley Rosie and Delroy Beckford Roy Belair Cosmia and John Bell Melissa Manrique and Jordan Bellomo Lucy Benson ’13 Hannah Bescript ’19 Missy and Dan Bloom Marie and Herb Bollman Jen and Chris Bowen Karin Braack Gini and Newt Brosius Liz Brown Virginia Brown ’06 Ann and Winston Brundige Elise Burke Parcha Rebecca and Jeff Butcher Barbara Casarino Maryke Castro Mark Censurato Joyce Chance Betsy Chapin ’75 Stacey Chirnside ’73 Denise and Allen Christiansen Liz and R.T. Christopher Cecilie Zwick Coker and David Lee Coker, Jr. Megan and Doug Coleman Beth and Chris Colgan Matthew Collins Lucy Conner Kristen Cornatzer Zee and Troy Cowan Theresa Crossan Susan and Jim Curtis Kathy and Dave Dabkowski Janice Dallap Faythe and James Daniels Panakkal David Jo Ellen de Cos Sue and Randy Delano Amanda and Mark Denlinger Debbie Deveney ’69 Gloria and Rich Diodato Cindy Duan ’11 Bernadette and Jeremy Edwards Fran and Micah Edwards Marina and Hassan El-Bietar Brittany Elia Wynne Esbitt

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At Sanford, we nurture individuality, encourage expression, and support growth. Philanthropy drives our achievements, ensuring students thrive and pursue their ambitions. Each fall, our community rallies behind Sanford through the Sanford Annual Fund. Parents, alumni, grandparents, and our dedicated faculty all contribute. These donations bridge the gap between tuition and the resources our teachers need for a dynamic curriculum. While the name Annual Fund emphasizes the need for yearly gifts, it doesn’t fully convey the impact on those it supports. This year, we’ve renamed it the Sanford Fund, highlighting its direct support for every student and teacher daily. This fund is essential, not just a luxury. It’s not about “nice to have” dollars; these are crucial budgeted resources. The Sanford Fund is our highest giving priority, ensuring the school’s educational excellence. Your support, year after year, sustains the Sanford experience and empowers generations of learners. Join us in making a lasting difference.

Chocolate Creators & Business Makers

Exploring Our Campus

Music Meets Technology

Sanford third graders honed entrepreneurial skills by becoming chocolatiers and learning about profits, debt, charity, and goods/services through their own Chocolate Market Day.

Mrs. Whipple’s sixth-grade class studied Sanford’s stream health, identifying plants, testing water parameters, and proving its cleanliness using LaMotte Company’s monitoring kit.

Upper School music technology students blended music and technology, creating background tracks and recording podcasts about their favorite music topics using instruments.

It’s clear to see that Sanford Warriors are not just students — they are athletes, artists, bakers, musicians, scientists, and so much more. The Sanford Fund makes exploring these talents possible. 26

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CHAPEL VALLEY CLUB ($50+) continued from page 22 Lauren and Brent Evans Christina and James Everhart Janet Farina Maria and John Fernau Libbie and Sam Fiechter Oliver Fleischmann ’14 Kara and David Fontes Kelley and Tom Ford Sally and Francis Forrest Dale and Bennett Foster Kelly Freebery-Hannah Terry and Frank Fresconi Bernice and Richard Friedemann Melissa Watson and Steve Friedemann Gina and John Fritz Carol and Barry Fry Jill and Mitch Fryling Bre and Kevin Ganc Nicole Gandolfo Dianne Gay Kyle and Olin Gay JD Gaylor ’21 Reese Gaylor ’12 Jen ’05 and Michael Gentile Gavin Gibson ’15 Erika Glaeser Elaine Greaves Kanta and Vijay Gupta Karen and Ken Hackett Jamy and Kevin Haughey John Heliotis Barbara and Buzz Helmecki Shannon and Todd Helmecki Liz Phung and John Helveston Cara Herrmann Anita and Bill Hildebrandt ’57 Hillary King Hinkson ’05 Nancy Hitch Colleen and Jim Hoban Ray Hrabec ’67 Barbara and Carter Hubbard ’67 Lyn Hublein Charlotte B. Hublein Rick Huddelson ’55 Mike Huffman ’64 Kathy Hughes ’68 Alyssa Hull Michael Ickes Ailene and Robert Ickes Tina and Dimitris Iliadis Ryan John ’08 Marylou and Evert Johnson Jen Nauen and Paul Johnston Helen and Floyd Joyner Gila Katz Silvia and Axel Kaufmann Phyllis and William Kirby Beth and Jeff Kosinski Jenn Kowalski Staci and Dan Krape Laura and Jim Kurtz Jacob Lafferty ’19 Lizzy ’02 and Rob Lancellotti Doris LeStourgeon Courtney and Alex Lewandowski Anna Littlefield Elaine and Jonas Lodge Janet Lowrey ’55AA Danielle Logan and Brendan Lucey Marisa and Bob Maddox


Emily Malafronti ’14 Taniya and Sudhin Mandal Maria and Oswaldo Manrique Vivian and Rinaldo Marcozzi Marion and Les Matier Mark Matthews Jamie and Charles Maucher Jackie and Frank Mayer ’97 Carol and Chip Mayo Sean and Sara McCue Aidan McDermott Emily and Kevin McDermott ’07 Peggy and Michael McGowan Tracey and Carl McKay Brooke and C.R. McLeod Andrea and Quadii McMillan Helen and Sam McMonagle Steven Medoff Alicia and Jamal Merrell Bonnie and Craig Meszaros Suzanne and Scott Meyer Lori and Alan Miller Pattie ’82 and Jake Miller Tammy and Jonathan Moats Jeff Molush Andi and Bill Moses Marguerite Cranmer-Murphy and Ed Murphy Maureen and Mike Murphy Olivia Murphy-Rogers ’08 Nashoba Brooks School of Concord, Inc. Jenna Newborn Purvi and Alakh Patel Bruce Pease ’63 Karen and Gary Perkins Fran and Chris Petersen Chrissie and Joe Petrillo Julie and Bob Pierce Sophia Pollanger Joseph and Chanel Purnell Katie Pustolski ’11 Chris and Paul Pustolski Abby and Christopher Pyle Michelle and Martin Raffo Raj Ramachandran ’96 Lauren and Christine Ramsey Graeme Ramshaw ’98 Cynthia ’77 and Joe Rasemas Skye Rashkind Mo Reardon ’68 Carol Reid Patti ’76 and Martin Reynolds Caroline Ritter ’13 Nancy and Frank Robertson Diane and Bruce Robertson Helen ’68 and George Ruff Lauri Sakata ’94 Sahar Salehi and Behnam Abasht Wendy and Ken Saubier Carol and Jim Scarborough Irene and Morris Schnyder Grace Schulte Nan Semmelman ’03 Kelley and Andrew Seravalli Anne and Harry Shelton ’82 Jennifer Simonton Ananya Singh ’18 Kristen and Mitch Slijepcevic Kate Smith Rodmond Smith ’76 Judith and Timothy Snyder Carlene and Javon Spencer




Tiffany Stanchek Ginny and Dave Steele Henry Stenta ’24 Jackson Stenta ’27 Joann and Jim Stevens Annette and James Stewart Patricia A. Stilp Winnie and Tim Straightiff Maria and William Tate Heather and Greg Taylor Mary Ellen Taylor Mélanie Terrasse ’10 Drew Thawley Aimee and Scott Timmons Robin and Craig Tisdel Deb and Don Towe August Townes ’27 Brooke Townsend Katie ’06 and David Trachtenberg Megan van Herwaarden’98 Karen and Tony Vietri Sofia Vietri ’20 Judy and Harold Walls ’67 Nicole and Justin Wample Robyn and Stan Waterman Regina and Nai-te Watson ’89 Katie and Josh Weaver Max Weiner ’97 Christine Whitcraft ’95 Charlene and David Wieland Becky and Josh Wilson Julie and Matthew Wilson Amy Wise Megan Chiplock and Adam Wohlman ’93 Brianna Wolfle ’16 Christine and John Yasik Valerie Young Christine ’01 and Erik Zwick

FRIENDS OF SANFORD CLUB ($5+) Raina Allen Lyuboslava Kolarova-Allen and Sean Allen Krista Bacchieri ’08 Darren Blakemore ’99 Lauren Bond ’08 Chrissy Bonner Kate and Jay Brower Ana Brown Anthony Bushek Heather Carlisle Jessica Chronister ’00 Barbara and Thomas Clewell John Crescenzi ’63 Jody and Matthew Cross Danielle and David Cummins Sarah Cushing Haley Dabkowski Laura Davies ’16 Caitlyn Derrick Lenora and Emedio DiGiacomo Taylor DiGiovine Tiffany Domingues Nellie and Albie Forwood Nathania Francois Lisa and Brian Friedkin Jessica Gandolfo Diana Gantt Ann Gillespie ’79 Rachel Glickman Arlene and Alan Goodman Sarah Greenwood ’08 Roshni and Joel Guerry

Khallid Hart ’12 Logan Herring ’00 Amber Hickman-Taylor Sandra and Tim Hopkins Lisa Hutchinson Laura and Jon Jezyk Nicole and Mark Jolly Sandy and Fletcher King Whitney King ’08 Eugenia Kirtses Meghan Hannum Kivler ’00 Laura-Lavinia and Alexander Levine Nicky Liss BJ Love Lauren Lundberg ’13 Jessica Macdonald Maria and Tony Martin Nancy and Patrick Martin Olivia and Marc McCollum Brianna McCoy Bryan McLellan ’14 Katie McNichol Ashley and Sean Monaghan Carol and Greg Moore Laura Lee ’72 and Jack Morris Lena and Tom Mucchetti Bonnie and Conrad Olie Taylor Parrott Danielle Blount and Marion Pearson J.T. Pembroke ’09 Scott Persichetti William Petterson S P Plastek Chase Rapine ’15 Britne and Nelson Roland Anna Roosevelt ’07 Lossie Freeman and Stephen Ross Melissa and Michael Ryan ’72 Sarah Satinsky Renie and Mark Shields Ryan Spears ’02 Dezde Stella Veronica Stevens Charlene and Randy Stone Charlie Strine Kendall Towe ’10 Payton Walker Nai-te Watson ’23 Rosemary Wilson ’60 Danielle and Mark Wolanski James Wood Hunter Zavawski

HONOR ROLL Thank you to all the members of the Sanford community who support the school over multiple years. The following list recognizes those who gave a gift to the school in the 2022-2023 school year and have also donated in 9 or more previous years.

35 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING John Farnandez ’51 Ann Gillespie ’79 Doris LeStourgeon Andi Martin ’71 Carol and Chip Mayo Bonnie and Craig Meszaros Carol and Greg Moore

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Cum Laude Students 2023

Scholastic Writing Awards: Sanford continued its longstanding success in the 2023 Scholastic Writing Awards competition. In this adjudicated contest, all submissions are entered into a blind evaluation process conducted by some of the foremost leaders in the visual and literary arts. Jurors look for works that exemplify the awards’ core values: originality, technical skill, and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. The award recipients were: Ada Henry was awarded two Gold Keys in Poetry for “Invisibility” and “Apocalypse” and a Silver Key in Personal Essay & Memoir category for “Becoming No One”

AP Scholars Congratulations to the 43 Sanford Students who earned this distinction. From this group, the average student took five AP exams, with seven students taking seven exams or more.

Adithi Chandra was awarded a Gold Key in the Humor category for “A Guide to Premeditated Kidnapping for Santa Claus”

AP Scholar with Honor Skyler Cozine, Emerson Cuffe, Lucas DeVinney, Morgan Kropiewnicki, Cooper Robertson, Catherine Shapiro, Henry Stenta, Morgan Wilson

Catherine Shapiro was awarded a Gold Key in the Personal Essay & Memoir category for “An Island in the Sea of Time” Emelie Cummins was awarded a Gold Key in Flash Fiction for “Peculiar” and received two Honorable Mentions in Poetry for “Icarus, Hold My Hand” and “Please” Paidyn Moore ‘23 was awarded a Silver Key in the Personal Essay & Memoir category for “The Weasel Table”


F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence

AP Scholar Stella Adamopoulos, Finley Anderson, Isabel Asher, Megan Athey, Andrew Bebbington, Daniel Brake, Adam Brownell, Alexandra Butler, Cailin Conway, Emelie Cummins, Rahul D’Souza, Ekaterini Fotakos, Justin Griffith, Jiahuan “John” He, Phoenyx Hendrix, Nicolas Karpinski, Jack Lazarski, Nikolai Lorenson, Reagan Metz, Olivia Opher, Nyle Patel, Cameron Sherr, Chloe Steiner, Charles Sternberg, Sasha Tigan

AP Scholar with Distinction Yixiang “Jack” Huang, Amanrai Khalon, Noah Kerzner, Paidyn Moore, Varun Pappu, Kaylee Rathbone, Eva Sawdey, Daphne Tanner, Andrew Taylor, Amelia Xu National Merit Semifinalist: Varun Pappu National Merit Commended Students: Amanrai Kahlon, Amelia Xu, Andrew Taylor, Catherine Shapiro, Lucas DeVinney, and Morgan Kropiewnicki.

S A N F O R D Fran and Chris Petersen Joan and Marc Samonisky Anne and Harry Shelton ’82 Katherine and Frank Stafford Janet and Mike Upton David Zinder ’77

30 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING Dana Anderson Ann and Winston Brundige Kathy and Dave Dabkowski Sue and André Dagenais Juan Espadas ’88 Sandy and Bruce Hammonds Anita and Bill Hildebrandt ’57 Ray Hrabec ’67 Candyce and Rob Pizzala Kathy Hughes ’68 Elaine and Fred Kahler Mimi and Jim Keating Kristi Kerins Sandy and Fletcher King Helen and Ernie Lareau Heidi and Gordon McGregor Brigid and Jack McVaugh ’67 Chris and Jamie Mosberg Kathy and Ken Nachbar Karen and Gary Perkins Joyce and Gil Scarborough Renie and Mark Shields Nina Silverman-Weeks Cathy Sullivan and Henry Stevenson ’72 Sally Stremlau ’61 Lucie and John Wilkens Loren and Rich Yates ’78AA

25 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING Stacey Bacchieri Ruth and Brooks Banta Ceil and Andy Baum Bryan and Paul Bente Barbara and Gerard Bricks Carol and Otie Brown ’58 Frances and Peter Buttenheim Betsy Chapin ’75 Frank Conway ’65 Marguerite Donovan Gene Ford ’70 Dale and Bennett Foster Lisa and Brian Friedkin Tara ’89 and Brian Gipe Kanta and Vijay Gupta Gail Hoffman ’66 Lisa Hutchinson Dede and John Johnston Tom Keating ’89 Jenn Keating ’91 and Doug Davis Ellen ’89 and Chris Kinney Jennifer and Tom Madden Joanne and Frank Mayer Pam and Jim McDermott Marguerite Cranmer-Murphy and Ed Murphy Gene Ostrom ’48 Julie and Bob Pierce Chris and Paul Pustolski Carol Reid Patti ’76 and Martin Reynolds Helen ’68 and George Ruff Lauri Sakata ’94 Carol and Jim Scarborough Russell Shearer ’84


Bambi and Jay Siegfried Larry Silver ’68 Sharon and Ric Struthers Robyn and Stan Waterman Beth and Tom Whipple Christine Whitcraft ’95 Carole and Gordon Wilkie Christine and John Yasik

20 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING Pam and Tom Allingham Susan and Paul Arruda Rosie and Delroy Beckford Kristin and Karl Bennett Missy and Dan Bloom Chrissy Bonner Craig Boyd ’65 Gini and Newt Brosius Nick Darling ’96 Diane and Scott Davenport Ann and Jack Davis Christine and Dom DiUbaldo ’94 Blair and Charlie Fleischmann Diana Gantt Laura and David Greene Barbara and Steve Gregg Shannon and Todd Helmecki Lisa Gannon and Lou Hering Inge and John Konther Staci and Dan Krape Wendy and Frank Lindsey Sandie Luhn ’56AA Justine Lynch ’54 Tina and Guy Marcozzi Mark Matthews Peggy and Michael McGowan Steven Medoff Pattie ’82 and Jake Miller Jen Nightengale ’82 and Skip Cook Suzanne and Nick Punturieri Raj Ramachandran ’96 Frances and Tom Roosevelt Isabel and Steve Rose ’69 Sharon ’80 and Edward Rubin Rodmond Smith ’76 Lydia Cox and Gregg Somerville Mary Ellen Taylor Carol and Ed Warner ’62 Rachel Wolf ’94 Ann and Bill Wolfe ’70

15 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING Caron Anderson-Kotschessa Sue and Dan Bachtle Marietta Bala ’54 Karen Banta-Burnett Caroline Beard Betsy and Charles Bemis Michele Bruxelles Christine and Dave Carswell Beth and Chris Colgan John Crescenzi ’63 Susan and Jim Curtis Debbie Deveney ’69 Pam and Bob DiFilippo Mark Donovan ’82 Heather and Ted Dwyer Sophia and Leon Fotakos Gina and John Fritz Neelu and Chai Gadde Laura and Ken Gaylor Lyn Hublein Rick Huddelson ’55




Mike Huffman ’64 Ryan John ’08 Amanda Rufo Jumps ’05 Catherine and Patrick Kaser Diane and David Kedash Susan and Tom Keiser Katharine Knarreborg ’03 Beth and Jeff Kosinski Melissa and Bill Lafferty Susan Lin ’96 Nancy and Patrick Martin Dave May Patricia McLellan Brooke and C.R. McLeod Jaime ’02 and Adam Morgan Laura Lee ’72 and Jack Morris Olivia Murphy-Rogers ’08 Janis and Pat Nutini Michelle and Martin Raffo Mo Reardon ’68 Laurel Riegel Melissa and Michael Ryan ’72 Nan Semmelman ’03 Danny Seymour ’67 Ryan Spears ’02 Debbie Starr ’68 Ryan Struthers ’06 Gina and Stan Sykora Bill Ward Noël and Clint Williams Tracy and Cliff Wise ’84 Ed Woodring Betsy and John Yung

10 OR MORE YEARS OF GIVING Angelika and Mark Albright ’95 Ginny and Jim Amendum Emily and Steve Amendum Nicol and Mark Anderson Ann and Bruce Anderson Jen and Nate Atwood Annie and Daniel Aulisa Glenda Smith and Desmond Baker Annie Baum ’12 Cosmia and John Bell Rick Bente ’00 Sandy Boucher ’74 Josh Bricks ’93 Stacey Chirnside ’73 Liz and R.T. Christopher Jessica Chronister ’00 Amy ’02 and Jamie Clark Cecilie Zwick Coker and David Lee Coker, Jr. Jen and Rory Conway John de Ris ’57 Gloria and Rich Diodato Kyle and Brian DiPietro Paris ’07 and Vernon Dupree Melissa and Bill Fikioris ’92 Kim ’03 and Bryant Fisher Oliver Fleischmann ’14 Nellie and Albie Forwood Terry and Frank Fresconi Karina Aguilar and Eduardo Gatica Reese Gaylor ’12 JD Gaylor ’21 Jen ’05 and Michael Gentile Jill and Chris Grant Sarah Greenwood ’08 Elaine and Richard Handloff Josiah Hannon ’11

Jamy and Kevin Haughey Barbara and Buzz Helmecki Nedda Moqtaderi and Ian Henry Ruth and Lowell Hoffman Barbara and Carter Hubbard ’67 Heather and Andy Jefferson Arlene and Nick Joyner Helen and Floyd Joyner Holly and Eric Kalish Ericka DeVinney and Tom Keithley Whitney King ’08 Jackie and Eddie Leo Andrew Levin ’02 Jane and Wendell Lloyd Lisa Lloyd-Washington and Shun Washington Connie Lotz Lorie and Mick MacLeish Barbara and Tom Marshall Beth Martin ’03 Brian Matthews ’96 Brianna McCoy Becky and Michael McCudden Michele Darnell and Walt McDermott Helen and Sam McMonagle Jodi and Jason Moore Alexis and Rob Moore ’97 Susan and Reza Moqtaderi Andi and Bill Moses Karen and Kevin Needham Bonnie and Conrad Olie Bruce Pease ’63 Cari and Marcus Phillips Katie Pustolski ’11 Graeme Ramshaw ’98 Cynthia ’77 and Joe Rasemas David Rodeck ’05 Kate and Ted Rosenthal Lon Schlussel Kelley and Andrew Seravalli Jackie Sham ’70 Nancy Horisk-Sherr and Scott ’87AA Sherr Jennifer Simonton Kate Smith Winnie and Tim Straightiff Heather and Greg Taylor Martha Aguilar and Jaime Vargas Karen and Tony Vietri Kimberly and Adam Wahl Judy and Harold Walls ’67 Regina and Nai-te Watson ’89 Max Weiner ’97 Jessica White Bruce and Barbara White ’68 Chris Wilkens ’03 Alli and Pete Williams Rosemary Wilson ’60 Julie and Matthew Wilson Andrea and Tom Winner Megan Chiplock and Adam Wohlman ’93 Brandon Wollaston ’09 Libbie and Casey Zimmer

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Eleven Sanford students received Scholastic Art Awards for their work in Photography, Ceramics & Glass. Finley Anderson was awarded a Gold Key in Photography for “Shadowed,” a Silver Key in Photography for “Jo Malone,” and two Honorable Mentions in Photography for “Mid-Air” and “In the Mountains” Olivia Garcia-Chope was awarded an Honorable Mention in Ceramics & Glass for “Rings of Jade” Charles Kahler was awarded a Silver Key in Photography for “Once Upon A Tree” Morgan Kalish was awarded a Gold Key in Photography for “Bridge” Delaney Patterson was awarded an Honorable Mention in Photography for “Shining Under Dying Light” Catherine Shapiro was awarded a Gold Key in Photography for “Ice Lights” and an Honorable Mention in Photography for “Tree Frame” Julianna Shepherd was awarded an Honorable Mention in Photography for an untitled piece. Jackson Stenta was awarded a Gold Key in Photography for “Henry” Dylan Tuskweth was awarded a Gold Key in Photography for “Nighttime Barn” and a Silver Key in Photography for “Hello From The Other Side” Madeline Wilson was awarded an Honorable Mention in Photography for “Lonely Dog” Yiheng “ Henry” Yao was awarded a Gold Key and was named a Scholastic Art Award National Winner in Photography for “The Loneliness” Yao earned three silver keys in Photography for “The Crossing” “Riding a Bike” and “Withered Dandelion” and three Honorable Mentions in Photography for “The Worker” “Beijing Landscape” and “Crossing Street” 30

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Elizabeth Brown Elise Burke Parcha Anthony Bushek Heather Carlisle Thank you to those who supported Elizabeth Christopher the school by applying for corporate Jamie Clark matching grants through their employers Cecilie Zwick Coker or facilitated grants from foundations. The Mary Beth Colgan following is a list of gifts from foundations Matthew Collins and corporations for the 2022-2023 year. Jennifer Conway Darwin Cook Abbott Laboratories Kristen Cornatzer Agilent Technologies Jody Cross Amazon Smile Sarah Cushing AstraZeneca Kathleen Dabkowski Bank of America Fabienne Daniels Benevity Community Impact Fund Scott Davenport Boeing Company Jacqueline DeLaFuente Campbell Soup Company Caitlyn Derrick CSL Behring Taylor DiGiovine Davenport Family Foundation Christine DiUbaldo Discover Financial Services Tiffany Domingues Do More 24 Brittany Elia ECMC Foundation Lauren Evans Incyte Corporation Andrew Fehnel JK Group, Inc Kara Fontes JPMorgan Chase Nathania Francois Lantana Veterinary Center Brian Friedkin Michael & Nancy Pia Foundation Nashoba Brooks School of Concord, Inc. John Fritz Ann Galasso ’03 Northrop Grumman Jessica Gandolfo SAP Rachel Glickman Struthers Family Foundation Khallid Hart ’12 The Donna Dickhart-Sadonjaree Jamy Haughey Family Fund Shannon Helmecki The Happy Difference Foundation Todd Helmecki Water Words That Work, LLC Stacey Hendrix BOARD OF TRUSTEES - 100% Candyce Hublein-Pizzala Mark Anderson Alyssa Hull Desmond Baker Lisa Hutchinson Barry Davis Margaret Ingram Ted Dwyer III Laura Jezyk Todd Flubacher Patrick Jones Chai Gadde Amanda Rufo Jumps ’05 Laura Giardina Elizabeth Kosinski Christopher Grundner Jennifer Kowalski Diane Kedash Staci Krape Susan Keiser Lizzy Denenberg Lancellotti ’02 Lisa Lloyd-Washington Alexander Levine James McKeon Courtney Lewandowski Kenneth Mitchell, Jr. ’93 William Lindsey Dennis Risk Nicole Liss Katherine Rosenthal Anna Littlefield R. Jason Russell BJ Love Harry Schiavi Lauren Lundberg ’13 Scott Sherr ’87AA Jessica Macdonald Ryan Struthers ’06 Patrick Martin Stanley Sykora David May Rebecca Warne-Wasniewski Brianna McCoy Rebecca McCudden FACULTY & STAFF - 100% Emily McDermott Emily Amendum Kevin McDermott ’07 Mark Anderson Brooke McLeod Susan Bachtle Katie McNichol Hughes Barber Suzanne Meyer Cecilia Baum Jeffrey Molush John Bell Jaime Morgan ’02 Lucy Benson ’13 Maureen Murphy Laurence Birkett Kevin Needham Melissa Bloom Jenna Newborn Melissa Bollman Jennifer Nightengale ’82 Christina Bonner J. T. Parrott Jennifer Bowen Ana Brown





Purvi Patel J.T Pembroke ’09 Karen Perkins Scott Persichetti William Petterson Sophia Pollanger Chanel Purnell Christopher Pyle Michelle Raffo Skye Rashkind Patti Reynolds ’76 Megan Rushmore Sahar Salehi Sarah Satinsky Maxwell Schneider Grace Schulte Nina Silverman-Weeks Abigail Smith Carlene Spencer Katherine Stafford Tiffany Stanchek Charlie Strine Maria Tate Heather Taylor Brooke Townsend Katrina Weaver Mac Weymouth Jillian Wharton Thomas Whipple Clint Williams Pete Williams Matthew Wilson Amy Wise Danielle Wolanski Loren Yates Hunter Zavawski Christopher Zimmer Libbie Zimmer

Jen and Rory Conway Danielle and David Cummins Paige and Ford Draper Fran and Micah Edwards Melissa and Ted Evans Laura and Jon Fernau Megan Broomall-Filliben and Joel Filliben Sherry and David Gagne Ann Marie ’03 and Brandon Galasso Lindsay and Chris Goetz Jill and Chris Grant Brian J. Handloff Shannon and Todd Helmecki Stacey and Josh Hendrix Colleen and Jim Hoban Heather and Andy Jefferson Mona Singh and Randeep Kahlon Susan and Tom Keiser Ericka DeVinney and Tom Keithley Marlo and David Kropiewnicki Kim and David Lawson Tracey and Carl McKay Jodi and Jason Moore Jennifer and John Powell Kate Ruby Leslie and Aaron Shapiro Nancy Horisk-Sherr and Scott ’87AA Sherr Carlene and Javon Spencer Heather and Greg Taylor Robin and Craig Tisdel Martha Aguilar and Jaime Vargas Jessica White Andrea and Tom Winner Sunny and Frank Xu


Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Tiffany and Jeff Brake Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter Barbara Casarino Mark Censurato Beth and Chris Colgan Meghana and Prim Desai Gretchen and Mark Farrall Neelu and Chai Gadde Kate Chope and Jose Garcia-Lopez Karina Aguilar and Eduardo Gatica Brian J. Handloff Cindi Handloff Amber Hickman-Taylor Susannah and Anthony Jenks Holly and Eric Kalish Catherine and Patrick Kaser Ericka DeVinney and Tom Keithley Nicole and Sandor Kovacs Colleen and Steve Loughlin Danielle Logan and Brendan Lucey Emma and Lewis Macleod Sue and John Malloy Michele Darnell and Walt McDermott Dennis Meloro Libby and David Moore Maureen and Mike Murphy Beth and Mark Novkovic Cari and Marcus Phillips Rebecca Hunting Pompon and Ray Pompon Christina and Raoul Rayos


Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Lauren and Lee Asher Lynette and David Belej Cecilie Zwick Coker and David Lee Coker, Jr. Diane and Scott Davenport Heather and Ted Dwyer Sally and Francis Forrest Sophia and Leon Fotakos Deirdre and Marco Giancroce Michelle and Roger Kerzner Staci and Dan Krape Marianne and Jim Lazarski Sue and John Malloy Eileen Maroney Tracey and Carl McKay Mike Milligan Kelly and Greg Mitchell Libby and David Moore Nancy and Frank Robertson Irene and Morris Schnyder Veronica Stevens Aimee and Scott Timmons Bhavana and Santosh Viswanathan Regina and Nai-te Watson ’89

CLASS OF 2024 PARENTS Nicol and Mark Anderson Shannon and Clay Athey Jennifer and Michael Barlow Melissa and Erich Bollman Karin Braack Lisa and Jack Butler

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Performing Arts Delaware All-State Sr. Chorus: Amelia Xu, Annabelle Bagdon, Amanda Belej, Juliet Procope, Charli Harris, Sean Keiser, Aidan McDermott Jr. Chorus: Campbell Eckard, Charlotte McLeod, Sam Cascio Delaware All-State Jr. Band: Alice Goodall, Cammie Opher, Alex Musiychuk

JOIN US! February 15-18


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CLASS OF 2025 PARENTS continued from page 28

Lori and Harry Schiavi Lon Schlussel Kristen and Mitch Slijepcevic Abbi and Billy Smith Dione and Joe Suto Mia Papas and Morel Symons Aimee and Scott Timmons Bhavana and Santosh Viswanathan Tracy and Cliff Wise ’84 Loren and Rich Yates ’78AA

CLASS OF 2026 PARENTS Raina Allen Jen and Nate Atwood Kathryn and Stephen Axt Jennifer and Michael Barlow Amijo and Scott Bearley Dee Biscardi Rebecca and Jeff Butcher Veronica Chavez and Mark Cadungog Megan and Doug Coleman Jen and Rory Conway Christine and Dom DiUbaldo ’94 Toni and Jim Durbano Melissa Watson and Steve Friedemann Stacy and Joe Gandia Melissa and Ryan Gannon Deirdre and Marco Giancroce Susan and Chris Grundner Shannon and Todd Helmecki Stacey and Josh Hendrix Nedda Moqtaderi and Ian Henry Sandra and Tim Hopkins Laura and Jon Jezyk Diane and David Kedash Staci and Dan Krape Lisa Lloyd-Washington and Shun Washington Tara and Patrick McConn Dennis Meloro Tammy and Jonathan Moats Stephanie and Eric Moran Esa Street and Shahid Perkins Bonnie and Michael Principe Karla and Chris Raymond Missy and Jeff Ruhland Theresa Litherland and Tim Sluder Tricia and Andrew Vella Bhavana and Santosh Viswanathan Jessica White Julie and Matthew Wilson Stephanie and Josh Wilson Anne Marie Trzaska and Richard Zolper

CLASS OF 2027 PARENTS Emily and Steve Amendum Nicol and Mark Anderson Lauren and Lee Asher Betsy and Tom Burke Megan and Chris Cascio Mark Eckard Lauren and Brent Evans Sarah McDonald and Heidi Fenstermacher Megan Broomall-Filliben and Joel Filliben Kristina and Chris Flathers Laura and Matt Giardina Roshni and Joel Guerry Jenn and Zachary Haupt


Tina and Dimitris Iliadis Kim and Ben Isett Arlene and Nick Joyner Holly and Eric Kalish Kim and David Lawson Beth and Owen Lefkon Emma and Lewis Macleod Melissa and Rob Mangrelli Brooke and C.R. McLeod Pam and Bill Millard Leah Ilene Moses-Ferragamo and John Ferragamo Leslie and David Neuberger Lossie Freeman and Stephen Ross Greg Rude Lori and Harry Schiavi Abbi and Billy Smith Dezde Stella Lynette and Jeff Townes

CLASS OF 2028 PARENTS Michelle and Mark Ayres Jen and Rory Conway Julie and Miles Cowart Aimee and Todd Flubacher Jill and Mitch Fryling Stacy and Joe Gandia Melissa and Ryan Gannon Joanna and Josh Gates Wendy Ottenbacher-Gipe and Andrew Gipe Wendy and Jim Honaker Sandra and Tim Hopkins Alicia and Jamal Merrell Lena and Tom Mucchetti Chrissie and Joe Petrillo Cari and Marcus Phillips Wendy and Ken Saubier Melissa and Matt Scarborough Sandra Wu and Ta-Chen Wei Andrea and Tom Winner Jie Lin and Yong Zheng

CLASS OF 2029 PARENTS Veronica Chavez and Mark Cadungog Megan and Chris Cascio Faythe and James Daniels Susan and Chris Grundner Jackie and Frank Mayer ’97 Brooke and C.R. McLeod Abbey and Paul McNulty Alexis and Rob Moore ’97 Purvi and Alakh Patel Rebecca Hunting Pompon and Ray Pompon Linda and Scott Price Paige and Jason Russell Allison and Ed Scannell Dezde Stella Charlene and Randy Stone Heather and Greg Taylor Rebecca Warne-Wasniewski and John Wasniewski Sunny and Frank Xu Roza and Rouslan Zenetl

CLASS OF 2030 PARENTS Reema and Tom Antonelli Bri and James Brant Betsy and Tom Burke Amy ’02 and Jamie Clark Anne and Matthew Clark Meredith and David Farone Christine and Steve Gardiner




Helene Lee and Carlo Gopez Claudia Rodriguez and Andres Gutierrez de Cos Janay Freebery-Hannah and Bruce Hannah Jenn and Zachary Haupt Nedda Moqtaderi and Ian Henry Wendy and Jim Honaker Laura and Jon Jezyk Emma and Lewis Macleod Melissa and Rob Mangrelli Leslie and David Neuberger Wendy and Ken Saubier Kimberly and Adam Wahl

CLASS OF 2031 PARENTS Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Paula Fernandez and Kevin Brown Molly and Matt Cooney Josie Reyes-Uribe and Cristian Cuello-Mambi Xiaoxia and Pete Danby ’04 Libbie and Sam Fiechter Kristen and Jon Frentzel Lauren and Derek Getz Maliha and Michael Iqbal Andrea and Chris Kaufmann Sophia and Marc Lewycky Jamie and Charles Maucher Jackie and Frank Mayer ’97 Jaime ’02 and Adam Morgan Lena and Tom Mucchetti Elizabeth and Mike Perry Linda and Dennis Risk Allison and Ed Scannell Jennifer Wasson and Chad Stover Jessica White

CLASS OF 2032 PARENTS Bri and James Brant Amy ’02 and Jamie Clark Sarah Noonan-Davis and Brian Davis Amanda and Mark Denlinger Meredith and David Farone Kristina and Chris Flathers Nicole Gandolfo Jenny and Qi Li Marisa and Bob Maddox Taniya and Sudhin Mandal Meg and Joe Marcozzi Brooke and C.R. McLeod Abbey and Paul McNulty Alexis and Rob Moore ’97 Magna and Rawle Munro Leslie and David Neuberger Michelle and Martin Raffo Lauren and Christine Ramsey Lisa ’99 and Hunter Reed

CLASS OF 2033 PARENTS Kristina and Paul Beard ’99 Betsy and Tom Burke Xiaoxia and Pete Danby ’04 Lauren and Brent Evans Ali and Andrew Fehnel Kristen and Jon Frentzel Vanessa Greaves Claudia Rodriguez and Andres Gutierrez de Cos Nicole and Mark Jolly Sophia and Marc Lewycky Danielle Blount and Marion Pearson Elizabeth and Mike Perry Linda and Dennis Risk

Britne and Nelson Roland Paige and Jason Russell Noël and Clint Williams

CLASS OF 2034 PARENTS Cosmia and John Bell Melissa Manrique and Jordan Bellomo Kate and Jay Brower Molly and Matt Cooney Condylia and Dan Courtney Amanda and Mark Denlinger Lauren and Derek Getz Jamy and Kevin Haughey Brooke and C.R. McLeod Ashley and Sean Monaghan Jaime ’02 and Adam Morgan Lauren and Jason Paoli Purvi and Alakh Patel Shannon and Matthew Peterson Linda and Scott Price Joseph and Chanel Purnell Nicole and Edrees Siddiqi Rebecca Warne-Wasniewski and John Wasniewski Vicki Goodman and Todd White

CLASS OF 2035 PARENTS Lyuboslava Kolarova-Allen and Sean Allen Anne and Matthew Clark Ali and Andrew Fehnel Libbie and Sam Fiechter Kyle and Olin Gay Helene Lee and Carlo Gopez Taniya and Sudhin Mandal Danielle Blount and Marion Pearson Michelle and Martin Raffo Lauren and Christine Ramsey Lisa ’99 and Hunter Reed Jennifer Wasson and Chad Stover Allison and Jeff Walker Katie and Josh Weaver Roza and Rouslan Zenetl

CLASS OF 2036 PARENTS Melissa Manrique and Jordan Bellomo Condylia and Dan Courtney Sarah Noonan-Davis and Brian Davis Elisa and Jon Davis Amanda and Mark Denlinger Kelley and Tom Ford Liz Phung and John Helveston Margaret and Tony Ingram Maliha and Michael Iqbal Brooke and C.R. McLeod Ashley and Sean Monaghan Sahar Salehi and Behnam Abasht Becky and Josh Wilson

CLASS OF 2037 PARENTS Kyle and Olin Gay Lizzy ’02 and Rob Lancellotti Lauren and Jason Paoli Nicole and Edrees Siddiqi Alli and Pete Williams

ALUMNI & ASSOCIATE ALUMNI 1940s Gene Ostrom ’48 Lucina Garcia Conner ’49

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As I reflect on my first year as the Director of Athletics, I am proud to acknowledge the exceptional achievements of our talented studentathletes. I appreciate the warm welcome and enjoy being a part of the Sanford community. Our Sanford Warriors have shown unwavering commitment, sportsmanship, and teamwork. For the 12th consecutive year, Sanford has been honored with the Dale Farmer State Champions in Sportsmanship Award. This esteemed recognition is given to schools that embrace the philosophy of the DIAA and promote “Education through Athletics” in their programs. Even from my short time at Sanford, I appreciate the integral role the entire Sanford community has in our athletic endeavors. Sanford shines through our athletes, dedicated coaches - many of whom are also full-time faculty, and our enthusiastic supporters. Some of our highlights include: The girls’ basketball team secured their sixth championship title. This achievement has been many years in the making and showcases the legacy of excellence in the program. Dallas Pierce secured her 1000th career point on her final shot as a Sanford Warrior and was named Delaware Player of the Year.


F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence

I also want to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of Justin Griffith, a standout competitor who earned his 3rd state championship title. Justin finished his high school career being a 4-time conference champion, 5-time state finalist, and 3-time Individual state champion. He finished his career with the most individual wins and state titles in Sanford’s history. His final national ranking was 12th in the 190-weight class. For the first time in program history, the boys’ swim team won the DISC Conference championship and finished 3rd at the DIAA Championships. Charlie Sternberg was state runner-up for Tennis’ first singles. The baseball team also had an exceptional year, securing the DISC Championship, their first title since 1975. Meanwhile, our boys’ basketball team continues to excel, claiming another DISC Championship.. Athletics continues to grow; we are thrilled to have started an outdoor track program, which gives runners the opportunity to compete in the spring. Thank you for supporting Sanford Athletics. Your continuous encouragement has played a vital role in our athletes’ success and our program’s growth. Pat Jones Director of Athletics


1950s John Farnandez ’51 Dolores Sawin MacLeish ’53AA Marietta Webb Bala ’54 Justine Bailey Lynch ’54 Richard Huddelson ’55 Janet Lowrey ’55AA Sandie Dyson Luhn ’56AA James Davis ’57 John de Ris ’57 William Hildebrandt ’57 Otis Brown ’58

1960s Rosemary McMullen Wilson ’60 Sara Stremlau ’61 George Warner ’62 John Crescenzi ’63 Susan Kerbin Delano ’63 Bruce Pease ’63 Susan Adler Fischer ’64 Michael Huffman ’64 Craig Boyd ’65 G. Franklin Conway, Jr. ’65 Gail Lasko Hoffman ’66 Raymond Hrabec ’67 Carter C. Hubbard ’67 John McVaugh, Jr. ’67 Danny Seymour ’67 Harold Walls ’67 Katherine Moon Hughes ’68 Ira Pitel, Ph.D. ’68 Mo Reardon ’68 Helen Wright Ruff ’68 Lawrence Silver ’68 Deborah Cundiff Starr ’68 Barbara Law White DSW ’68 Caron Anderson-Kotschessa ’69 Debbie Crowell Deveney ’69 Stephen Rose ’69

1970s Eugene Ford, Jr. ’70 Jacqueline Crowell Sham ’70 Bill Wolfe ’70 Andrea Martin, Ph.D. ’71 Laura Connell Morris ’72 Michael L. Ryan ’72 Henry Stevenson III ’72 Anastasia McHugh Chirnside ’73 John Kidd ’73 Sandra Smith Boucher ’74 Lisbeth Chapin ’75 Dianne Hearn Gay ’75 Sara Davis McCue ’75 Lee Paynter ’75 Jeffery Beard ’76 Patricia Davis Reynolds ’76 R. Bruce Robertson ’76 S. Rodmond Smith III ’76 Cynthia Cope Rasemas ’77 David Zinder ’77 Richard Yates, Jr. ’78AA Patricia “Ann{” Gillespie ’79 James Wood ’79

1980s Sharon Gore Rubin ’80 Diana Waters Gantt ’81 J. Mark Donovan ’82 Patricia Clarke Miller ’82 Jennifer Nightengale ’82 Harry Shelton, CPA ’82 Chris Herget ’83


C. Russell Shearer, Esq. ’84 Clifton Wise, Jr. ’84 Jonas Lodge ’85AA Scott J Sherr ’87AA Juan Espadas ’88 Tara Hamilton Gipe OTRL ’89 Thomas Keating, Ph.D. ’89 Ellen Chung Kinney ’89 Nai-te Watson ’89

1990s Jennifer Keating ’91 Bill Fikioris ’92 Josh Bricks ’93 Kenny Mitchell, Jr. ’93 Adam Wohlman ’93 Dom DiUbaldo ’94 Troy Foster ’94 Lauri Sakata ’94 Rachel Wolf ’94 Mark Albright ’95 Alex Vermeychuk ’95 Christine Whitcraft ’95 Nicholas Darling ’96 Susan Lin ’96 Brian Matthews ’96 Raja Ramachandran ’96 Eugenia Kirtses ’97 Frank Mayer ’97 Rob Moore ’97 Leah Moses-Ferragamo ’97 Brett Scarborough ’97 Shukree Tilghman ’97 Max Weiner ’97 Graeme Ramshaw ’98 Megan McGuin van Herwaarden ’98 D. Paul Beard ’99 Darren Blakemore ’99 Lisa Pia Reed ’99

2000s Paul Bente IV ’00 Jessica Spears Chronister ’00 Logan Herring ’00 Meghan Kivler ’00 Valerie Thompson ’00 Christine Keighley Zwick ’01 Amy Pia Clark ’02 Lizzy Denenberg Lancellotti ’02 Andrew Levin ’02 Jaime Lareau Morgan ’02 Ryan Spears ’02 Kimberly Brown Fisher ’03 Ann Marie Pizzala Galasso ’03 Katharine Bente Knarreborg ’03 Elizabeth Keighley Martin ’03 Pia King McCann ’03 Nan Goff Semmelman ’03 Christopher Wilkens ’03 Pete Danby ’04 Simi Sonecha ’04 Jennifer Samonisky Gentile ’05 Hillary King Hinkson ’05 Amanda Rufo Jumps ’05 David Rodeck ’05 Mary Herzog Smith ’05 Kaitlyn McNeil Ward ’05 Henry Allingham ’06 Virginia Brown ’06 Ryan Struthers ’06 Jeff Townsend ’06 Christine Nutini Townsend ’06 Katie Keeports Trachtenberg ’06




Paris Waterman Dupree ’07 Kevin McDermott ’07 Anna Roosevelt ’07 Krista Bacchieri ’08 Lauren Bond ’08 Sarah Greenwood ’08 Ryan John ’08 Whitney King ’08 Olivia Murphy-Rogers ’08 Claire Messano ’09 J.T. Pembroke ’09 Brandon Wollaston ’09

2010s Mélanie Terrasse ’10 Kendall Towe ’10 Cindy Duan ’11 Josiah Hannon ’11 Kathryn Pustolski ’11 Annie Baum ’12 Haley Dabkowski ’12 Reese Gaylor ’12 Khallid Hart ’12 Lucy Benson ’13 Lauren Lundberg ’13 Caroline Ritter ’13 Oliver Fleischmann ’14 Emily Malafronti ’14 Bryan McLellan ’14 Gavin Gibson ’15 Chase Rapine ’15 Laura Davies ’16 Brianna Wolfle ’16 Marc McCollum ’17 Ananya Singh ’18 Hannah Bescript ’19 Jacob Lafferty ’19

2020s Charles Sykora ’20 Sofia Vietri ’20 JD Gaylor ’21 Michael Ickes ’22

CURRENT STUDENTS Alease Malloy ’23 Nai-te Watson ’23 Henry Stenta ’24 Rohan Gadde ’25 Aidan McDermott ’25 Jackson Stenta ’27 August Townes ’27 Kelly Freebery-Hannah ’30 Charlie Neuberger ’30 Payton Walker ’35

ALUMNI PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS Pam and Tom Allingham Emily and Steve Amendum Nicol and Mark Anderson Dana Anderson Susan and Paul Arruda Annie and Daniel Aulisa Stacey Bacchieri Sue and Dan Bachtle Glenda Smith and Desmond Baker Karen Banta-Burnett Ceil and Andy Baum Caroline Beard Rosie and Delroy Beckford Betsy and Charles Bemis Kristin and Karl Bennett Bryan and Paul Bente

Laurence and Geoff Birkett Missy and Dan Bloom Chrissy Bonner Barbara and Gerard Bricks Gini and Newt Brosius Ann and Winston Brundige Michele Bruxelles Christine and Dave Carswell Denise and Allen Christiansen Liz and R.T. Christopher Cecilie Zwick Coker and David Lee Coker, Jr. Beth and Chris Colgan Zee and Troy Cowan Susan and Jim Curtis Kathy and Dave Dabkowski Sue and André Dagenais Diane and Scott Davenport Ann and Jack Davis Pam and Bob DiFilippo Christine and Dom DiUbaldo ’94 Marguerite Donovan Heather and Ted Dwyer Wynne Esbitt Blair and Charlie Fleischmann Aimee and Todd Flubacher Nellie and Albie Forwood Dale and Bennett Foster Sophia and Leon Fotakos Terry and Frank Fresconi Lisa and Brian Friedkin Gina and John Fritz Neelu and Chai Gadde Karina Aguilar and Eduardo Gatica Laura and Ken Gaylor Laura and David Greene Barbara and Steve Gregg Kanta and Vijay Gupta Sandy and Bruce Hammonds Lisa Gannon and Lou Hering Lyn Hublein Candyce and Rob Pizzala Ailene and Robert Ickes Susannah and Anthony Jenks Dede and John Johnston Jen Nauen and Paul Johnston Elaine and Fred Kahler Mimi and Jim Keating Diane and David Kedash Susan and Tom Keiser Michelle and Roger Kerzner Sandy and Fletcher King Kathy and Michael Kinnard Inge and John Konther Beth and Jeff Kosinski Nicole and Sandor Kovacs Melissa and Bill Lafferty Randi LaPoint Helen and Ernie Lareau Marianne and Jim Lazarski Jackie and Eddie Leo Wendy and Frank Lindsey Connie Lotz Jen and Frank Luckangelo Jennifer and Tom Madden Tina and Guy Marcozzi Barbara and Tom Marshall Mark Matthews Joanne and Frank Mayer Carol and Chip Mayo Pam and Jim McDermott

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All-Conference First Team: Lazo Slijepcevic

All-Conference First Team: Emerson Cuffe, Audrey Everett, Sia Tsatsaronis Second Team: Allie Butler, Bridget Caldwell Honorable Mention: Helena Coker, Corrine Nolan

All-Conference First Team: Matthew Kopp, Brandon Lewis Second Team: Alex Krape, Nai-te Watson Honorable Mention: Noah Kerzner

All-Conference Second Team: Ashley Dwyer, Caroline Moore Honorable Mention: Emma Martino, Reagan Metz


F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence



Peggy and Michael McGowan Heidi and Gordon McGregor Nancy and Jim McKeon Karen and Phil McLaurin Patricia McLellan Andrea and Quadii McMillan Steven Medoff Bonnie and Craig Meszaros Lori and Alan Miller Carol and Greg Moore Chris and Jamie Mosberg Andi and Bill Moses Marguerite Cranmer-Murphy and Ed Murphy Kathy and Ken Nachbar Karen and Kevin Needham Jen Nightengale ’82 and Skip Cook Melinda and Richard Norwood Janis and Pat Nutini Bonnie and Conrad Olie Karen and Gary Perkins Esa Street and Shahid Perkins Fran and Chris Petersen Julie and Bob Pierce Cynthia and John Pollich Beverley and Ira Powell Suzanne and Nick Punturieri Chris and Paul Pustolski Carol Reid Patti ’76 and Martin Reynolds Laurel Riegel Frances and Tom Roosevelt Kate and Ted Rosenthal Sharon ’80 and Edward Rubin Joan and Marc Samonisky Joyce and Gil Scarborough Carol and Jim Scarborough Renie and Mark Shields Bambi and Jay Siegfried Jennifer Simonton Lydia Cox and Gregg Somerville Carlene and Javon Spencer Savita and Param Sreekanth Katherine and Frank Stafford Winnie and Tim Straightiff Sharon and Ric Struthers Sue and Rod Stull Gina and Stan Sykora Mary Ellen Taylor Robin and Craig Tisdel Deb and Don Towe Janet and Mike Upton Andrea and John Valentine Karen and Tony Vietri Kimberly and Adam Wahl Bill Ward Robyn and Stan Waterman Beth and Tom Whipple Lucie and John Wilkens Carole and Gordon Wilkie Andrea and Tom Winner Tracy and Cliff Wise ’84 Ed Woodring Loren and Rich Yates ’78AA Betsy and John Yung Libbie and Casey Zimmer Anne Marie Trzaska and Richard Zolper


GRANDPARENTS Francine Amelio and Michael Klein Ginny and Jim Amendum Ann and Bruce Anderson Judy Bagdon Ruth and Brooks Banta Caroline Beard Roy Belair Diane and John Bernard Marie and Herb Bollman Linda and Jim Brant Karen Carney Frances and Michael Carunchio Maryke Castro Joyce Chance Barbara and Thomas Clewell Susan and David Connor Cathy and Len Correale Theresa Crossan Janice Dallap Panakkal David Jo Ellen de Cos William Deputy Donna and Bill Dickhart Lenora and Emedio DiGiacomo Audrey Donohue David DuHadaway Marina and Hassan El-Bietar Christina and James Everhart Janet Farina Maria and John Fernau Jo and Johnny Finch Jane Fouracre Caron and Marc Francy Donna and Ted Frentzel Bernice and Richard Friedemann Carol and Barry Fry Erika Glaeser Arlene and Alan Goodman Carol and William Graff Elaine Greaves Janice Griffith Karen and Ken Hackett Elaine and Richard Handloff Alexandra Heliotis John Heliotis Barbara and Buzz Helmecki Ruth and Lowell Hoffman Larry Holmes, Sr. and June Holmes Charlotte B. Hublein Ailene and Robert Ickes Patricia and Anthony Ingram Marylou and Evert Johnson Helen and Floyd Joyner Elaine and Fred Kahler Jim Karr Gila Katz Silvia and Axel Kaufmann Marly and Miles Kessinger Phyllis and William Kirby Laura and Jim Kurtz Helen and Ernie Lareau Ailan Lee and Chao Lee Janet and Edward Leo Pat and Glenn Lieske Mimi and Charlie Link Jane and Wendell Lloyd Maraleta and Jack Malloy Maria and Oswaldo Manrique Carmelita and Napoleon Manubay Vivian and Rinaldo Marcozzi Ellie and Ron Maroney




Maria and Tony Martin Marion and Les Matier Joanne and Frank Mayer Gretchen and Al Mayne Helen and Sam McMonagle Carol and Greg Moore Susan and Reza Moqtaderi Robynn Morrison Sharon and David Mullen Kay and John Mullen Maureen and Peter Paoli Thomas Patterson and Matthew Wyrebek Ronnie and Larry Poli Carolyn Polis Beverley and Ira Powell Carol Reid Laurie Rowe LePage Lisbeth and James Selsor Mary and Paul Serdiuk JoAnn Simmens Judith and Timothy Snyder Ginny and Dave Steele Joann and Jim Stevens Annette and James Stewart Barbara Supplee Lois Tigani Marilyn and Michael Uffner Bill Waggener Carla Wasniewski Charlene and David Wieland Susie and Greg Williams Pauline and Thomas Winner Valerie Young

FORMER FACULTY & STAFF Dana Anderson Delroy Beckford Peter Buttenheim Lisbeth Chapin André Dagenais Ann Davis Gloria Diodato Paris Dupree Micah Edwards Laura Gaylor Laura Giardina Sandra Hammonds Kristi Kerins Alexandra King Edmund Mayo Heidi McGregor Carol Moore Chris Mosberg Frances Petersen Joan Samonisky Kelley Seravalli Mark Shields Katherine Trachtenberg Janet Upton Megan van Herwaarden’98 Stan Waterman Christine Yasik Richard Yates

TRUSTEE EMERITI & FORMER TRUSTEES Thomas Allingham, II Stacey Bacchieri Paul Bente Newton Brosius Brian DiPietro Charles Fleischmann

Sophia Fotakos Sandra Hammonds Andrew Jefferson Dede Johnston Holly Kalish Kristi Kerins Alexandra King William Lafferty Doris LeStourgeon Jennifer Madden Guy Marcozzi Andrea Martin Bonnie Meszaros Patricia Miller Kathryn Nachbar Thomas Roosevelt Sharon Rubin ’80 Lawrence Silver Gregg Somerville Sharon Struthers William Ward Clifton Wise Elizabeth Yung

NEW 2023-24 FAMILIES Bernadette Devine and Jeremy Edwards Bre and Kevin Ganc Nicole and Justin Wample

FRIENDS OF SANFORD Cara Herrmann Marisa M. Muller Richard Nielsen S P Plastek Patricia A. Stilp Drew Thawley Marna Whittington

IN HONOR OF… In Honor of all the wonderful educators at Sanford Kelly Freebery-Hannah ’30 In Honor of Sanford Faculty & Staff Jen Nauen and Paul Johnston In Honor of all the amazing PreK teachers Margaret and Tony Ingram In Honor of Sanford 10th Grade Faculty Kate Chope and Jose Garcia-Lopez In Honor of Abby Davis ’35 Sharon and David Mullen In Honor of Alex ’23 and Abby Krape ’26 Marly and Miles Kessinger In Honor of Alex Deputy ’35 Joyce Chance William Deputy In Honor of Alyssa Hull Tiffany and Jeff Brake In Honor of Amanda Rufo Jumps ’05 Libby and David Moore In Honor of Ashley Schnyder ’23 Maria and Tony Martin Irene and Morris Schnyder In Honor of Audrey Everett ’23 Joann and Jim Stevens

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State Championship Winners, DISC Champions DE Player of the Year: Dallas Pierce All-Conference First team: Zoe Kashner, Zy Kilgoe, Dallas Pierce Second team:Tyler Edwards, Jada Snow Honorable Mention: Naomi Allen, Ellie Carter-Soriano All-state First team: Zy Kilgoe, Dallas Pierce Honorable Mention: Jada Snow

DISC Champions All-Conference First team: Dayon Polk, Tommy Vaughn Jr. Second team: Sean Forrest, Chris Stanford, Jayden Taylor Honorable Mention: Stephen Conway, Jordan Spencer All-State Third team: Dayon Polk Honorable Mention: Tommy Vaughn Jr.

DIAA Championships: State Champion: Boys’ Team Second Runners Up Justin Griffith (190 Weight Class) Podium Finishes All-Conference 2nd Place - Carson Kalish First team: Justin Griffith (100 Fly), MJ Hoban (100 Second team: Blake Bearly Breastroke); 400 Free Relay: Honorable Mention: Orion Brady Bollman, Braden Powell, Schlussel Carson Kalish, MJ Hoban All-Academic All-State 3rd Place - Carson First Team: Justin Griffith Kalish (200 IM), 400 Medley Relay: Brady Bollman, Braden Powell, Carson Kalish, MJ Hoban Boys Team DISC Champions DISC Boys’ Coach of the Year: Lucy Benson All-Conference First team: MJ Hoban, Carson Kalish Second Team: Julia Caldwell, Morgan Kalish, Julian Nesbit, Andrew Timmons, Honorable Mention: Audrey Everett All-State First team: MJ Hoban, Carson Kalish Crown Trophy Academic Award: Julian Nesbit, Morgan Wilson


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HONOR/MEMORIAL continued from page 34

In Honor of Beth Colgan Charlene and Randy Stone In Honor of Bill Gross and exceptional teachers everywhere James Wood In Honor of Brittany Elia Abbey and Paul McNulty In Honor of Brooks ’07 and Chester ’15 Burnett Ruth and Brooks Banta Karen Banta-Burnett In Honor of Bruce Pill Mark Eckard In Honor of Caden ’30 and Sloan Miller ’33 Francine Amelio and Michael Klein In Honor of Caleb Ferragamo ’27 Andi and Bill Moses In Honor of Candyce Pizzala Reema and Tom Antonelli Meg and Joe Marcozzi In Honor of Carl ’33 and Summer Waggener ’36 Bill Waggener In Honor of Cecila Coker Marianne and Jim Lazarski


In Honor of Hunter Zavawki Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Heather and Andy Jefferson In Honor of Jackie Pitts ’55 Susan and Douglas Fischer In Honor of Jaime Arruda ’94 and Erin Timmer ’96 Susan and Paul Arruda In Honor of Jana Washington ’26 Jane and Wendell Lloyd In Honor of Jeff Molush Marianne and Jim Lazarski In Honor of Jen Nightengale ’82 Lauren and Lee Asher In Honor of Jenn Kowalski Marianne and Jim Lazarski In Honor of Jeremy Rasemas Cynthia ’77 and Joe Rasemas In Honor of Jillian Wharton Jackson Stenta ’27 In Honor of JJ ’34 and Alexandra Courtney ’36 Alexandra Heliotis In Honor of Joan Samonisky Dana Anderson Jen ’05 and Michael Gentile Jaime ’02 and Adam Morgan




In Honor of Michael ’31 and Samantha ’31 Kaufmann Andrea and Chris Kaufmann Silvia and Axel Kaufmann In Honor of Michelle Raffo Anne and Matthew Clark In Honor of Nick Luckangelo ’21 Jen and Frank Luckangelo In Honor of Patti Davis Reynolds ’76 Sean and Sara Davis ’75 McCue Diane and Bruce Robertson Becky and Josh Wilson

In Memory of Eleanor Sanford Russell Sandie Luhn ’56AA

In Honor of Richard Dane Norwood ’05 Melinda and Richard Norwood

In Memory of George W. Pickering John Farnandez ’51

In Honor of Ryan Ickes ’25 Lenora and Emedio DiGiacomo

In Memory of Helen Vermeychuk Alex Vermeychuk Simi Sonecha

In Honor of Sahar Salehi Dee Biscardi In Honor of Samantha Crell ’28 Marylou and Evert Johnson In Honor of Scott Davenport Rebecca Warne-Wasniewski and John Wasniewski

In Honor of Charlie Strine Dee Biscardi

In Honor of Kara Fontes Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos

In Honor of Stan Waterman Paris ’07 and Vernon Dupree

In Honor of Clint Williams Marianne and Jim Lazarski

In Honor of Kathryn ’32 and Henry Flathers ’27 Barbara Supplee

In Honor of Summer Millard ’27 Pat and Glenn Lieske

In Honor of Elise Burke Parcha Libby and David Moore Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter In Honor of Elizabeth Kelly Leslie and David Neuberger Charlie Neuberger ’30 In Honor of Elizabeth Kosinski Amanda and Mark Denlinger Meg and Joe Marcozzi In Honor of Emily Amendum Ginny and Jim Amendum In Honor of Evan ’19 and Danielle Miller ’13 Lori and Alan Miller In Honor of Gavin Gibson ’15 Tiffany and Jeff Brake Nicole and Sandor Kovacs Henry Stenta ’24 In Honor of Henry ’30 and Lillian ’35 Gopez Ailan Lee and Chao Lee

In Honor of Laura Jezyk Libbie and Sam Fiechter Payton Walker In Honor of Laurence Birkett Fran and Micah Edwards Mia Papas and Morel Symons In Honor of Liam Guerry ’27 Panakkal David

In Honor of Suzanne Meyer Tiffany and Jeff Brake In Honor of the Krape Family Helen and Sam McMonagle In Honor of Thomas Whipple Tiffany and Jeff Brake In Honor of Tiffany Stanchek Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter In Honor of Todd Helmecki Paige and Ford Draper Marianne and Jim Lazarski

In Honor of Libbie Zimmer Caroline Beard Nedda Moqtaderi and Ian Henry

In Honor of William Petterson Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Marianne and Jim Lazarski Alease Malloy

In Honor of Liz Christopher Amanda and Mark Denlinger


In Honor of Luke Maddox ’32 Marisa and Bob Maddox

In Memory of Arthur Crowell ’49 Debbie Deveney ’69 Jackie Sham ’70

In Honor of Mark and Nicol Anderson Ann and Bruce Anderson In Honor of Megan Athey ’24 Jo and Johnny Finch

In Memory of Davis “Deeg” Sezna ’97 Brett Scarborough Susan and Jim Curtis

In Honor of Reid Goodman-White ’34 Arlene and Alan Goodman

In Honor of Ceil Baum Renie and Mark Shields

In Honor of Cristina Riegel ’13 Laurel Riegel

In Memory of Chip MacKelcan Annie and Daniel Aulisa Barbara and Steve Gregg

In Memory of Drew Wilkie ’99 Carole and Gordon Wilkie

In Honor of Stacey Hendrix Marianne and Jim Lazarski Alease Malloy

In Honor of Kylie ’33 and Claire Connor ’36 Susan and David Connor

In Memory of Cathy Perry Elizabeth and Mike Perry Cara Herrmann

In Honor of Rachel Glickman Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter

In Honor of John Fritz Shannon and Clay Athey Patricia McLellan

In Honor of Courtney Kendall ’03 Amy Soriano and Dawn Carter

In Memory of Bud Webb ’50 and David Webb Marietta Bala ’54

In Memory of Arthur Kaiser Connie Lotz In Memory of Beatrice Cope Cynthia ’77 and Joe Rasemas In Memory of Bob Gates Joanna and Josh Gates

In Memory of Jennifer McKay Khallid Hart ’12 Lois Tigani In Memory of Jim Bemis ’92 Betsy and Charles Bemis Melissa and Bill Fikioris ’92 In Memory of Joe Borkovich ’98 Graeme Ramshaw ’98 In Memory of Joe Darnell Michele Darnell and Walt McDermott Aidan McDermott ’25 In Memory of John Squires ’67 Barbara and Carter Hubbard ’67 In Memory of Leonor Garcia Kay Lucy Conner In Memory of Linda McGuin Joan and Marc Samonisky Patricia Stilp Marna Whittington Megan van Herwaarden ’98 Nashoba Brooks School of Concord, Inc. In Memory of Mandy Hubbard Sedgwick ’65 Barbara and Carter Hubbard ’67 In Memory of Nancy Sawin Bruce and Barbara White ’68 In Memory of Paul Donovan Angelika and Mark Albright ’95 Katie ’06 and David Trachtenberg Marguerite Donovan In Memory of Paul J. Bruxelles Michele Bruxelles In Memory of Phil and Dottie Sawin Lorie and Mick MacLeish In Memory of Poppy Sarah McDonald and Heidi Fenstermacher

continued on page 40

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DIAA & DISC Coach of the Year: Jamie Clark DISC Co-Champions All-Conference First Team: Luke Filliben (1st Base), Tyler Goetz (Outfield), Ryan Timmons (Catcher) Second Team: Owen Barlow (2nd Base), Brady Bollman (Pitcher, 3rd Base, Utility), Brady Fox (Pitcher, Outfield, Utility), Jack Lazarski (Outfield) DISC Assistant Coach of the Year: Casey Zimmer All-State First Team: Brady Fox (Utility) Second Team: Luke Filliben (1st Base), Brady Fox (Outfield)

All-Conference First Team: Brady Colarik, Noah Kerzner, Andrew Taylor Second Team: Blake Bearley

All-Conference First Team: Tyler Edwards, Amelia Kopp Second Team: Audrey Everett, Lauren Kedash Honorable Mention: Siobhan Cox

DIAA Championships Runner Up: Charlie Sternberg (1st Singles) All-Conference First Team: Charlie Sternberg (1st Singles) Second Team: Varun Pappu (2nd Singles) Honorable Mention: Ryan Gagne, Joel Winner (1st Doubles) Jackson Fox, Antonio Ameer (2nd Doubles)



All-Conference First Team: Elizabeth DeLuca, Paidyn Moore Second Team: Bridget Caldwell, Corinne Nolan, Bea Novkovic Honorable Mention: Eme Cummins, Zoe Watson

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continued from page 36

Nancy and Chris Adamopoulos Kathryn and Stephen Axt Jennifer and Michael Barlow Melissa and Erich Bollman Amy ’02 and Jamie Clark Cathy and Len Correale Davenport Family Foundation Debbie Deveney ’69 Megan Broomall-Filliben and Joel Filliben Melissa and Ryan Gannon Mona Singh and Randeep Kahlon Sue and John Malloy Michael & Nancy Pia Foundation S P Plastek Missy and Jeff Ruhland Andrea and John Valentine Tricia and Andrew Vella Kimberly and Adam Wahl Ed Woodring

This annual award recognizes a student at graduation whose potential inspires a teacher’s best efforts. The endowed fund was established in 2008 to honor former Sanford faculty member Helen Vermeychuk, who died in 2008. Our 2023 recipient was Emma Martino ’23.

In Memory of Sandra DuHadaway David DuHadaway In Memory of Scott Scrivner ’92 Betsy and Charles Bemis Melissa and Bill Fikioris ’92 In Memory of Tamyr Carrow McWethy ’72 Stacey Chirnside ’73 In Memory of Tom Johnson and exceptional teachers everywhere James Wood In Memory of the Sawin Family Danny Seymour ’67

SANFORD ENDOWMENT FUND AND RESTRICTED GIFTS Gifts to the Sanford Endowment, other endowed funds, and restricted operating funds, are an investment in Sanford. We are proud of Sanford’s past and look forward to providing exceptional educational opportunities to current and future generations of Sanford students. The following list honors donors who gave restricted or endowment gifts in the 2022-2023 school year, as well as the annual awardees of our endowed funds.

SANFORD ENDOWMENT GIFTS Sharon and Ric Struthers Struthers Family Foundation Gina and Stan Sykora

GIFTS TO ENDOWED FUNDS Frances and Peter Buttenheim Paris ’07 and Vernon Dupree Heather and Kenny Mitchell ’93

DONOVAN FUND This annual award recognizes a faculty member who has been distinguished in his or her work in the area of professional development. The fund was established in 2009 to honor former Sanford faculty member and World Language Chair Paul Donovan. Our 2023 recipient was Karen Perkins.

CHIP AND DEBBIE MACKELCAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND This annual monetary award, the MacKelcan Scholar, is given to a student who demonstrates academic achievement, positive school citizenship, and financial need. The endowed fund was established in 2011 to honor former Sanford Head of School, Chip MacKelcan and his wife Debbie. The MacKelcan Scholar is anonymous.


JOHNS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING This annual award recognizes a faculty member who challenges students to believe in themselves, work hard, dream, and achieve. The endowed fund was established in 2013 to honor former Sanford faculty member Lloyd Johns. The 2023 recipient was Brittany Elia.

WATERMAN FUND This endowed fund was established in 2016 by the school to recognize an exceptional Sanford coach who embodies Stan Waterman’s high moral character, dedication to the development of the whole athlete, and outstanding sportsmanship. The 2023 recipient was Matt Wilson.

MITCHELL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND This endowed fund was established in 2021 by Heather and Kenny Mitchell ’93. The first Mitchell Family Scholarship was awarded to a member of the Class of 2027. It is granted to a student who demonstrates great potential to add to the life of the school through leadership, academic and co-curricular participation, and demonstrates significant financial need. The Mitchell Family Scholar is anonymous.

This annual award recognizes a faculty member who is a mentor, going above and beyond for their students and colleagues. The endowed fund was established in 2013 to honor former Sanford faculty members Sue and André Dagenais. Our 2023 recipient was Laurence Birkett.

2022-2023 SUMMARY OF GIVING Sanford Fund $624,730 THE EVERGREEN SOCIETY TODAY! Honor, Transform, Sustain For more information on becoming an Evergreen Society member, or to let us know that you have included Sanford School in your estate plans, please contact Jody Cross in the Development Office. 302.235.6526 or email crossj@sanfordschool.org “I have included Sanford School in my estate planning as a way of giving back and honoring its mission, ‘No Talent Lies Latent…’ I can think of no better place for students to learn and grow… It is an honor to be a part of ensuring [Sanford’s] future sustainability.” ~ Kristi Kerins, former Head of School and Evergreen Society member These individuals have made a commitment to Sanford by including the school in their estate plans. Legacy gifts can range from small bequests to large gifts that are transformational. *Indicates that the member is deceased. *Richard Ayres ’50 *Frank Bailey ’57 Otis Brown ’58 *Evelyn Dew *Frank Delle Donne *Elisabeth Harrington Deveraux ’39 Linda Dulin ’68 Jean Jewett Fawcett ’47 Nina Fogwell Jerry Gebhard ’65 *Susan Lynch Henry ’44 *Joan Homan ’54 Kristi Kerins

*Marnie Sawin Langerak ’43 *Kendrick Lee, Jr. ’56 John and *Linda Poloncic McGuin *Jennifer McKay Patricia Clarke Miller ’82 *Claire Olsen Jacquelin Pitts ’55 Mo Reardon ’68 *Nancy Sawin *William Sawin ’45 *William Shaw, Jr. ’50 *John Squires ’67 *Katharine “Wendy” Townsend Swift ’46 Christine Yasik

Restricted Operating Gifts


Capital Giving


Endowment Gifts*




*unrestricted and restricted funds

2022-2023 ANNUAL FUND GIVING Amount

Sanford % of Participation




Faculty and Staff



Current Parents






Parents of Alumni





Foundations and Corporations


Corporate Matches






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SCHNYDER WINS THE PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD - GOLD LEVEL Since participating in the HOBY program, Ashley Schnyder has been determined and worked hard to complete her community service hours. Ashley earned The President’s Volunteer Service Award. at the highest level: Gold- for completing 250+ hours. Ashley gave her time to various causes she felt passionate about, totaling 281 hours of service. Ashley received an award certificate and a letter from President Biden to recognize her efforts.

RATHBONE SCORES AT DELAWARE’S POETRY OUT LOUD STATE COMPETITION Kaylee Rathbone secured second place at the Poetry Out Loud State Finals! This prestigious competition, sponsored by the Delaware Division of the Arts in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation, forms part of a nationwide initiative that inspires high school students to deepen their appreciation of poetry by memorizing, performing, and engaging in competition.

Ashley is a varsity tennis player and also the President of Sanford Mini-Thon. Under her leadership, the club raised a record $7,364.05 this past April.

PAPPU NAMED NATIONAL MERIT SEMIFINALIST Varun Pappu was named a National Merit Semifinalist due to his impressive PSAT scores. Six other Sanford seniors, Amanrai Kahlon, Amelia Xu, Andrew Taylor, Catherine Shapiro, Lucas DeVinney, and Morgan Kropiewnicki, have been recognized as National Merit Commended Students.

KAHLON WINS FIRST PLACE AND MS. HULL AWARDED AT BIOGENEIUS Amanrai (Rai) Kahlon was awarded the “First Place, Medicine & Health category” for the 11th grade at the regional Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF). Alyssa Hull was presented with a “Teacher Recognition Award” and a $300 gift certificate from Fisher Science Education. KAHLON AND D’SOUZA WIN THE MEDICINE & HEALTH CATEGORY AT THE NEW CASTLE COUNTY SCIENCE FAIR Two Sanford juniors were recognized with top awards: Amanrai (Rai) Kahlon won 1st place, and Rahul D’Souza won 3rd place in the Medicine & Health category.


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SANFORDPLUS FORENSICS: A year-long investigative science and technology course where students learn to analyze and evaluate evidence found at crime scenes. Topics covered include fingerprint and hair analysis, blood spatter analysis, anthropology, and crime scene analysis. This demanding and fast-paced course culminates in the analysis of a crime scene. “Forensics with Mrs. Krape was a highlight of my senior year! The projects were amazing as we used forensic science and technology to solve real-world problems.” – Andrew Timmons ADULTING: Upper Schoolers acquire essential life skills for adulthood through hands-on learning, covering areas like cooking, cleaning, basic car maintenance, and job application skills! “The adulting class is filled with practical knowledge that I find really helpful.” – Tegan Kovacs

OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS: Middle Schoolers learn essential survival techniques like building shelters, purifying water, making fires, and more. They discover strategies for animal encounters, tool usage, and signaling.

WOODWORKING: One of our most popular classes, woodworking practices through projects and lessons, gaining expertise in using hand tools, power tools, and woodworking machinery.

ROCK BAND: Rock Band steals the show at the winter and spring concerts, captivating the audience with iconic tunes like “Stand By Me” and “Bohemian Rhapsody”. “As a band, we work together on harmonizing and keeping the beat… we hope everyone enjoys our performance as much as we enjoy playing it for you!” – Campbell Eckhard

ROBOTICS: Students get hands-on with mini Spheros, Dash, and VEX IQ robots! They have learned how to program them to complete missions using drag-and-drop programming while mastering commands and logic statements.

ANIMATION: New to our Upper School, students dive into the world of animation, from stop-motion to video games! F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence




Donna Wiener Anderson ’76, shares that she became a grandmother on July 3, 2022!

Since college, Nick Iacono ’07 has been competing in national/regional professional tournaments. This summer, he was named one of Golf Digest’s Best Teachers for 2022-2023!

Our New York City Alumni Happy Hour was a great opportunity to reconnect!

It was great to see Sanford Alums at our Philly Meet Up in May 2023! Featured: Sarah Greenwood ’08, Abby Gilmore ’08, Whitney King ’08, Lauren Bond ’08

Joan Samonisky shares about her trip to Bermuda, where she spent lunchtime with the Corday family. Pictured with her are Brett Corday ’02 and Alison Corday Young ’98. It was great to connect with them, their spouses, and their parents, Cindy and Rob. 44

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Mesha Mosley ’16 is currently working on the NBA’s social content team and just wrapped up covering this year’s 2023 NBA Draft! Her team also just won our first Hashtag Sports Award for the Best Week Ever in NBA History on TikTok, surpassing 107M video views.



Peter Walpole ’11 is back in the classroom teaching a Masters-level PR R Branding Campaigns course at City College of New York. He kept his day job at Golin (and even hired one of his former students, Gabby Babson – pictured!) He lives with his girlfriend Sarah and dog Rosie in Brooklyn. Marisa Ciarrocki ’04 was named Justin McLellan ’16 traveled with the Pope to Portugal as a Vatican partner at Leonard Sciolla, LLP, journalist for World Youth Day. in May of this year. She has been with the firm since 2014. Marisa has vast experience in personal injury product liability, including toxic torts, employment discrimination, and commercial litigation matters. She also handles professional licensing and other ethical matters, including the representation of bar applicants. Amanda Belej ’23 starred in New Light Theatre’s production of “Godspell” this past August.

James Steinberger ’19 is proud to announce that he has been awarded the ObamaChesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service. This two-year scholarship, funded by Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, supports rising college juniors. James is excited to join a cohort of talented students who share his passion for public service. The scholarship will also offer a fullyfunded work-travel experience, where James plans to explore citizen councils and their impact on policy outcomes in Europe. James will learn from guest speakers throughout the program and build connections with fellow Voyagers. Additionally, he will attend a convening this fall to meet President Obama and Brian Chesky. James thanks the Obama Foundation, Barack Obama, Brian Chesky, and Occidental College for this lifechanging opportunity.

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Andrew Bebbington ’23 completed Basic Training at West Point this summer. Sanford Middle School students encouraged Andrew to make it to the end and “Ring the bell” with letters they wrote to him last school year following Mr. Schneider’s presentation about West Point. Andrew stopped by the Middle School this fall to personally thank them. At Basic, Andrew’s class of Cadets voted on their motto, which will adorn their class rings: “Earned Not Given.” Morgan Williams ’13, together with Jessica Glass ’13, serves as the state scheduler for Senator Coons. Morgan arrived on campus when Senator Coons nominated Andrew Bebbington ’23 for West Point.

Ivana Gatica ’15 is a copywriter at Havas Chicago, working across various brands, including AutoZone and Choose Chicago. She recently talked to AdForum about the importance of mental health in the workplace and how to best stay inspired while working in a fastpaced industry as a creative. 46

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Katrina Cakste Wilson ’57 published a memoir, “War, Love, and Redemption: A Memoir.” The book details her fascinating life as she escaped Latvia at the age of six and then sailed to the U.S. on a wooden ship with her mother at the age of eleven. She met her husband, H. David Wilson ’57, a naval hero, while they were students at Sanford.



Laura Thompson Howden ’84, Kim Viden Blatz Steven Daiber ’73 ran into George ’84, and Tera Gilston Mountain ’84 attended the Jennings, Jr. ’67 in Kansas while working as Delaware Museum of Nature & Science’s Wine and an artist in residence. They are both pictured Dinosaurs event in September 2023. at George’s sustainable farm.

It was great to catch up with Xiaoxi Ivy Wang ’15 during her visit to campus this October. She was accompanied by none other than our former history teacher, Mark Shields, who graciously gave her a tour.

Emily Malafronti ’14 married Brian Tuhy on September 22, 2023, and was supported by alums Lucy Benson ’13 and Gavin Gibson ’15. Her sibling, Chris Santizo-Malafronti ’14, traveled from Guatemala for her big day. Sanford Visual Arts Instructor Rachel Glickman was her photographer! This fall, Mark Anderson had the honor of officiating Jillian Trevor Schlack ’15 recently graduated from the University of Arizona Pembroke ’13 wedding, which had a number of Sanford alumni in attendance! Tuscon with a master’s in Optics. F A L L | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 | Reaching for Excellence




Stay Connected to Sanford We love welcoming our alumni, to campus. Mark your calendars for our upcoming events. JANUARY 25:

Alumni Happy Hour in Wilmington, DE FEBRUARY 15-18:

Zoe Zabel ’14 married Pierce Pistick on April 29, 2023. The couple now lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with their goldendoodle Miller, right next to TCU’s campus, where they both attended college. Zoe and her husband both work for tech companies and get to work from home together! This photograph features the Zabel family, including her siblings: Sanford lifers Katie ’21, Brad ’17, and Drew ’19, and her father David and mother Kathy, a longtime Board Member from 2009-2021.

Winter Musical: The Addams Family FEBRUARY 16:

Alumni Reception for the Winter Musical Performance 6:15–7:15 PM APRIL 20:

Spring Social & Auction MAY 4:

Alumni Family Day JUNE 7:

Commencement, 10:00 AM

Is your contact information up to date? This fall, Ryan McKeon ’19, 3x captain of his college hoops team and 2x state champion at Sanford, presented in Mr. Anderson’s leadership class. Current Sanford Warriors support their former teammates Amiya Carroll ’22 and Dallas Pierce ’23 at the Monmouth vs UMASS game!


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Please contact Lauren Evans in the Development Office alumni@sanfordschool.org


Katharine (Townsend) Swift ’46 Katharine “Wendy” Swift (1928-2021) was an adventurous traveler exploring 128 countries. With her husband, they owned Algonquin Outfitters and Camp Pathfinder in Ontario, blending their love for the outdoors with their careers. Wendy was passionate about painting, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, camping, and skiing. William Thomas Purcell, Jr. ’48 William Thomas Purcell, Jr. (19292021) succumbed to abdominal cancer on December 3, 2021. He served in Japan during the Korean War, pursued a career in the tire industry after graduating from the University of Illinois, and enjoyed family, woodworking, boating, swimming, and marathon running. Mary (Mills) Presby-Oppenheimer ’52 Mary Presby-Oppenheimer (19342021) was a cherished wife, mother, and public servant, working for Los Angeles City Council President John Ferraro. She was passionate about acting and writing, contributing to the Los Angeles Times and working on her first novel. Mary’s love for life and art brought her family and friends immense joy. Jennie Lee (Floyd) Harris ’63 Jennie Lee Floyd Harris (1943-2022) was a proud Sanford alumna, excelling in lacrosse and field hockey. She later became President of RBJ Consultants, specializing in safety inspections. Jennie Lee cherished family moments and enjoyed bridge, piano, and active church involvement, leaving a legacy of community and dedication. Edward Flanagan ’73 Edward J. Flanagan (1955-2021) was a gifted archaeologist focusing on Native American archaeology in the Middle Atlantic region. His pioneering findings and techniques have profoundly influenced his field, leaving a lasting legacy among fellow archaeologists. Joseph Charles Borkovich ’98 Joseph Charles Borkovich (1979-2022) was an accomplished stage manager known for his work with the Radio City Rockettes and Universal Studios Orlando. Passionate about performing arts, he received the C. Edgar Fry Theater Award in his senior year at Sanford. Joe enjoyed music, movies, gaming, fine cuisine, travel, and was a certified diver. Jerry Mirman ’72 Jerrold A. Mirman, Jr. (1953-2019) was a compassionate soul known for his generosity, humor, and love for his dogs. He worked as a foreman at Akron Scrap Iron Company and served as a paramedic and dispatcher. Jerry dedicated his time to volunteering and community theater, excelling as a stage manager, designer, and actor.


Bill Shaw ’50 William Franklin Shaw, Jr. (19312022) discovered his passion for building trades while constructing the Sanford Field House. He graduated from the University of Delaware, pursued a career in education, and later opened a private psychological practice. Bill excelled in carpentry, masonry, and historic restoration, leaving a mark in his field even in retirement. Dr. Richard G. Ivins ’63 Dr. Richard G. Ivins (1945-2022) of Upper Chichester, PA, passed away at 77. He served as chief clinical psychologist at Haverford State Hospital and later in private practice. With a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi, he consulted for Riddle Memorial and Lankenau Hospitals. Douglas Wood Douglas Wood (1938-2023), a cherished former Head of Upper School at Sanford, passed away on January 19, 2023. He dedicated 18 years to Sanford, excelling as Head of Upper School Science and Director of College Counseling. Doug and his wife, Judy, actively participated in campus life and chaperoned students on European trips. He retired to Culpeper, VA, and is survived by his son, Dave Wood. Doug will be dearly missed. Elizabeth “Kim” Brady ’75 Elizabeth “Kim” Brady (19572021) overcame significant medical challenges. She pursued a career in software engineering and teaching, facing dangers like a volcanic eruption in Ecuador. In 2020, she reconnected with family and faith. Kimberly Thomas Levine ’75 Kimberly Thomas Levine (1957-2022) passed away on November 4, 2022, after bravely fighting cancer. She leaves behind her husband Ron, daughters Ashley and Kelley, granddaughter Harper, sister Jane Peck, and brother David Thomas. Kim’s strength and love touched many lives, and she will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Bruce MacQueen ’72 Bruce Campbell MacQueen, (19952019) was the dedicated general manager of River House in Arlington, VA, for 25 years. Bruce found joy in playing guitar, cherishing music, and relishing moments at the MacQueen cottage in Muskoka. Annabell Leah Ottey Davis Annabelle Leah Ottey Davis (1924 -2023) of Newark, Delaware, was the daughter of the late Orville Evan Ottey and Edith (Robinson) Ottey. Leah graduated from the University of Delaware in 1944 with a bachelor’s

degree in education. Her first job after college was with the US Army through the University of Delaware. She used her math skills to calculate rocket trajectories. She then taught at Sanford School for 25 years, where she was passionately engaged with her children, fellow teachers, and the school community. Many students considered her a second mom. Leah was very athletic in her youth and could do cartwheels into her early 70s. Leah will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved her. Scott Scriver ’92 Scott Scrivner (1974-2022) excelled academically, earning honors from Sanford School and later a Bachelor’s degree from Kenyon College and a Master’s from the University of Wisconsin. His dedication to public service shone through in his role at The Pew Charitable Trusts. He adored his daughter, Paige, shared his passion for nature with her, and was cherished by friends from various stages of his life. Scott will be deeply missed for his kindness, joy, and caring nature.

Michelle (Carney) Haygood ’86 Michelle Haygood (1967-2022) was best known for her adventurous and energetic spirit. She was a “Sanford Lifer” and visited campus often for alumni events to see many of her lifelong friends, mentors, and coaches. Michelle spent most of her professional career in banking and real estate. She always said that her most significant accomplishment was being a mother. Susan M. Lynch Henry ’44 Susan Lynch Henry (1926 -2023) had a rich life journey. She attended schools in Washington, DC, and Delaware before studying at Colby College in Maine. After working in Washington, DC, she moved to Denver, where she met and married John Henry. They shared 25 wonderful years, traveling the world and enjoying life. Sue also found joy in her friendships, love for dogs, and passion for travel. After John’s passing, she continued to explore the world and cherished her time with loved ones.

Thomas Miller “Verlaine” ’67 (1949-2023) From The Guardian: Retta Kathleen “Kathy” Dillon ’61 “As the leader of the New York band (1943-2023) After graduating from Television, Tom Verlaine, who has died Sarah Lawrence College, Kathy spent aged 73, was a key figure in the coterie her career as a writer and industrial of musicians – Blondie, Talking Heads, programming coordinator. Blessed the Ramones, the Patti Smith Group with a keen sense of humor, Kathy’s – who made downtown Manhattan laughter lit up everything around her. a laboratory of new sounds and new She was also known for her optimism, styles in the mid-1970s. Although each brilliance, many talents, and generosity. of those groups pursued a very different An avid reader, she had an intellectual musical path, together, their impact curiosity and was always happy to would shape what became known as share information with friends and the punk movement, while Television’s even teachers. The 1961 Sanford debut LP, Marquee Moon, released yearbook describes Kathy as the “class in 1977, would secure a place among philosopher” and “a girl endowed the most admired and enduringly with many abilities.” As proof of that, influential albums of its era.” she was the co-editor of the class’s Robert Hamlin, III ’95 yearbook, a member of the National (1976-2023) After Sanford, Robert Honor Society, the Student Council, studied Business Administration at the Chapel Choir, the varsity hockey, basketball, and lacrosse teams, and the The University of Maryland Eastern Shore. He managed the family’s Marco varsity cheerleading squad. She also Cleaning Services, following his father’s won awards at the national and state science fairs. A good friend to many, she footsteps. Robert cherished time with his sons and is survived by his children, remained close to her Sanford friends sisters, nephew, niece, cousin, and throughout the years. Visits to her at numerous relatives and friends. her brownstone home always sparked happy memories of time spent together Sarah Humphreys Magliano ’85 at Sanford. Sarah Magliano (1966-2023) of Newark, DE, passed away unexpectedly Tom Palmer ’66 from underlying health issues. She was Tom Palmer (1947-2023) was a an animal lover; they always brought a cherished husband, father, and smile to her face. Sarah was a happy-gograndfather. He excelled in sales and lucky person who enjoyed gardening, owned a successful business in South her cat, cooking, and driving her black Florida. Tom was known for his quick Camaro. wit and made lifelong friendships through his love for sports, especially golf. He leaves a legacy of love and friendship, deeply missed by family and friends.

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