Niva Gazette Vol. 14, Issue 01, March 2017

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Student Online Magazine | Niva International School

Vol. 14, Issue: 01: March 2017


of a Senior Golfer Siripatsorn Patchana

Best Accounts on Instagram English Dramas Sing Up Day

Maths Challenge

Niva is #1 in Thailand & #3 in Asia Maths Challenge

By Moon, 10G

Congratulations Niva! We won first place in Thailand and got third in Asia. This is truly a remarkable achievement for our students. They have worked so hard and sacrificed their free time to get to the top. We are fabulous!

“I have bonded with my classmate who participated in the competition,” said Ken, a participant in the Asia Math Contest. He got ready by “finishing the work the teacher set before then preparing for the contest” during various subjects throughout the day. “It is fun to compete because I want to win over my friends and others in the school”. As for

5 Tips for Exams

Mr. Freddy, on of the coordinators and math teacher, “The students have the opportunity to gain their knowledge, to challenge themselves globally, review, know their weaknesses, and compete!” He thinks that students who are interested, should give it a try. If there is something new you have not heard about, do not attack it, but try it.

By Sonu, 9G

This month’s most important (and most dreaded) academic event was the Quarter 3 exams! One student described the exam period as “tiring”, and another said they were hoping for good grades. For more specific recounts, a poll was taken the week after exams, and the results are shown in the graph. As usual, as the school year progresses, the exams tend to get tiring. Here are some tips to get you prepared: 1. Don’t forget to take some time to relax, maybe by watching a movie or listening to some music. 2. Dring lots of water and exercise. It also helps keep your mind sharp 3. Get lots of rest before the exams. Sleep at least 7-8 hours each night. 4. Remember to eat breakfast before the exam. Food boosts your thinking capacity. 5. For some other amazing suggestions, don’t forget to check out the NIVA Gazette!

Again...We are #1 in Bangkok



Pwaa! On Friday, March 17th, a van set off from Niva International School to NIST for the Bangkok Round of World Scholar’s Cup. This is the first time that Niva has ever participated in this global competition that was initiated and sponsored by Yale University in the United States. In this van were Mr. Matt and Mr. Jon with three teams – 2 in the junior division and 1 in the senior division. The two junior groups consisted of Prin(G4), Pann(G6), Ping(G6), and Nicki(G6), Ajah(G6), and Linda(G6). The senior group consisted of Claire(G9), Cyrel(G10), and Shannon(G8). After reaching NIST and checking in, the three teams were directed towards a conference room for the Collaborative Writing competition, where they researched different topics for 15 minutes and spent the remaining 45 minutes writing an argumentative essay. Next, the three teams did the Scholar’s Challenge, which is a series of 120 multiple-choice questions in 6 subjects. The next 3 rounds consisted of debates. Due to the lack of practice and confidence while facing older and more experienced opponents,

Niva lost the first 2 rounds. However, we realized our mistakes and made quick improvements, resulting in winning the third round. The 3 teams all headed back home at the end of the first day to rest and prepare for the second day. On the second day, the World Scholar’s Cup was hosted at a different school – SISB. Niva participated in the Scholar’s Bowl, which was a team challenge involving clickers being handed to the teams and 6 rounds of questions appearing on the stage screen. The participants would click a letter on the clicker to answer a question before the time limit of 15 seconds ran out. The alpaca distribution followed, which cheered us all. Those cute, cuddly stuffed animals could cheer anyone’s day up! Finally, the awards ceremony got all the scholars silent and hoping for the best. Medals were handed out for each subject and category in each division. Our teams won more than 15 medals in total and a trophy for 3rd place in the collaborative Writing for senior division. We made it to the next round of events taking place in either Athens, Hanoi, or Cape Town. It was a very impressive two-day event! By: Claire Tran 9G

World Scholar’s Cup: The Great Debate “I chose the debate because I wanted the opportunity to learn something new. I have never debated before, so I decided to join not to just win for the school but for my future and to have the opportunity to win a scholarship!” said Cyrel, a participant of Niva’s Debate Team who competed at World Scholar’s Cup 2017 (WSC) along with Claire and Shannon. The purpose of the WSC according to Cyrel is, “To help the younger generation prepare for the world, and to inspire them to use that knowledge to solve future problems”. On that day, “The Team was nervous due to the lack of experience and confidence,” but through time, they “learned from mistakes and thought of new tactics.” The Team won in their third round and is now qualified to compete in the next stage in Athens, Greece. By: Moon 10G

Niva joins

Niva has joined over 50,000 singers for Sing Up Day that was on March 22! It was amazing. The choir and the Grade 3-4 ELD students had the song, “Let Love Shine Through”, recorded on video in front of the students during the flag line up. The video will then be sent to the organizers where they will show it along with many other schools around the world. It was

very impressive because we didn’t expect the song to be good. But the result was very nice and everybody gave a warm round of applause to the singers and congratulated them afterwards. I heard some students say, “Music day is not that bad and it was very good”. By Timmy, 11N

New ECA’s this Quarter School subjects are as important as they get. However, ECAs also play a vital role in helping students develop their abilities. Our school offers a wide variety of extra curriculum activities such as Spanish, Badminton, and Film Productions. These ECAs take place after school on Tuesdays and is part of the school curriculum. Through these ECAs, students are

able to explore other skills outside of the usual academic courses and have fun. This quarter, we were able to meet new friends, work with new people and were introduced to new courses that would help us in college in the future. By: Claire Tran 9G


by the Grade 3 & 4 ELD Sudents

On March 3rd, the ELD class performed the play “Cinderella”. They had prepared for the event for 2 months, practicing their lines, and memorizing the scripts. There were beautiful dresses, stunning backgrounds and the students acted very well, even without an English background, they spoke English clearly and confidently. Parents and teachers alike watched the drama and there was a lot of positive feedback from the audience as the drama ended. They took pictures with their children in the costumes and they had a group photo at the end. Many of the students who performed wanted to have this activity again and this may turn out to be a start of a tradition within the ELD class. by Aeron de Guzman, 10G

The Golden Jubilee Field Trip On the 1st of March, the Grades 1 to 12 embarked on an educational field trip to the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture in Pathumthani Province. Along with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, the students learnt and observed the various projects initiated by the late King Rama 9 that has helped in the development of agronomics and modern agricultural technology. Thereafter, we strolled through Thai traditional houses and studied the simple way of life, in addition to the various plants such as vegetables and fruits growing in ecofriendly pots. We headed inside the building to watch a 3D video on the King’s projects ensuing an enjoyable group bonding game and later observed the models of electricity generators, Thai food and imitations of traditional vintage shops, boat markets and many more. It sure was a fun and memorable experience for students of every age. By Natasong 10G

SCHOLARSHIP HIGHLIGHT Goals of a Senior Golfer

By Kali, 11G

I have recently interviewed one of the Niva Seniors from the class of 2016- 2017. One of her top hobbies is to play golf, and her name is Siripatsorn Patchana, better known as Tangmo. Tangmo had applied to 10 universities in November, all on the west coast, and successfully got a full scholarship to the Grand Canyon University, in Arizona, USA. She applied as a major of sports science and all of her hard work and dedication to golf for the past 8 years had finally payed off. Tangmo practices golf for 3-4 hours each day after school and during the weekends, either in the morning or all day, depending on her schedule. She would participate in tournaments twice a month and in the United States during the summer, the summer of her sophomore year. She has told us that her father was the one who inspired her golfing career, he has been playing for about 25 years and he wanted his children to take after him and so she did. She would play golf with him and so a while later he focused on her golfing more than anything else. Tangmo has expressed how much her father/ her coach has been her number one fan throughout the years and how his ongoing support has benefited her and helped her live up to who she is now. Before her official acceptance letter, her unofficial acceptance was through a skype call which actually took place in this very school. During the interview, she expressed how much joy and excitement she felt hearing that she got accepted! Her parents were happy with it so she made the decision to go there. Later on Tangmo talked about golf as a sport. She talked about how golf is a serious sport and it’s not just a physical challenge on the field but a mental one too, players really need to concentrate to be able to play golf well. It’s not just practice in the range too, there are hours of part time fitness to get the body in shape. Playing in the tournament, can be stressful and even though you don’t have to face an opponent face to face, it’s the state of your mind that really matters. Even though the process of finding and getting a university might have been dreadful and draining, I think it’s safe to say that it was all worth it for her in the end.

Highlight ENGLISH DRAMAS Grade 10 and 11’s Drama Presentation On the 8th and 9th of March, the assembly hall was transformed into a theatre world: 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse (by 10N), Game of Tiaras (by 10G), Beauty and the Wimp (by 11G), and Snow White through the Looking Glass (by 11N) were all on stage in front of the whole secondary school and a portion of elementary. High school art electives also experienced aspects of stage production by constructing theatrical backdrops and props. The plays themselves are told through make-believe yet empathetic themes the juniors and sophomores had put together. Inspired by this quarter’s drama presentation, a Drama club, where students can self-express through various forms of art, is underway for next schoolyear! By Moon, 10G


Niva’s Charity Run was held at Nawamin Pirom Park on the 10th of March 2017. It started at 7:30 in the morning untill 12 noon. All the Niva students, teachers, and parents were invited to participate in our charity run. Also, by purchasing a “Run for a Reason” T-shirt, we were able to collect money for two charities in Thailand, namely “The Peace Charity Foundation” and “Foster House Ban Tab Kwang Foundation”. The purpose of

the Niva Charity Run was to help charity organizations with their needs and also to enjoy the activities while making valuable memories with friends, family, and teachers. It was such a nice day and a great experience for all who came that day. I look forward to next year’s Charity Run. By Song Lee, 8N

Niva’s Elementary Got Talent This years “Niva’s Elementary Got Talent” show was one of the best shows yet. Our judges were shocked by the performances of Niva’s most talented elementary students. From the awesome guitar performance by DJ to Im and Lily’s breathtaking dance performance, the audience was amazed. First place went

to PP who played the drums. Second place went to Otto. Lastly, third place was won by Alina, Areeya, and Elly with their jaw dropping dance moves. We can’t wait for next year’s talent show! By: Jake, 11G

niva joke lel


What’s the difference between shoes, and you and me? There is no difference… because they must come in pairs! -Anonymous If we were shoes, I would be a pair of Jordan, and you would be just a pair of flip flop -Anoynymous Your shoes are untied, can I tie it for you, because I don’t want you falling for anyone else ;) -Marianne Marteine M. Galicia Hey boy, your feet must be tired, because you have been running through my mind all day long -Nadine I wear shoes, you wear shoes, we should date! -Anonymous I can add happiness to your life, and subtract sadness from it - Jin Woo Are you a 90 degrees angle? Because you are just right 90° -Nadine


I’m good at algebra, because I can replace your X, and you wouldn’t have to figure out Y -Mark Are you a circle? Because your face looks so round - Ploy Mangahigh and chills - Anonymous

Textile for Charity Some pictures of our charity drive in NIVA is on the first floor between the canteen and the bookroom. Donations are being collected and will be given to the orphanages in Kloengtoey. The people behind the Textile 4 Charity are Mr. Mac and Ms. Bee, who are running this charitable institute. - By: Ms. Ambika

Open Basketball Showdown A basketball showdown was held on the 3rd of February, 2017 at Niva International School. It was the ISAA Open Basketball Tournament. Eight teams (including NIVA) played against each other. The teams participating were from the following international schools: RAIS, PAIS, RBIS, CIS, SJMIS, MISB, NIVA and IPS. We interviewed players from some of the teams. Question: How do you feel about today’s tournament? Most of them answered that they felt excited and nervous at the same time. Two Grade 12 players from SJMIS and PAIS said that they are going to try their best to win because it is their last year to play for their school. Question: Do you think you’ll win? Everyone that we asked said that they will try their best to win and they will make sure to still have fun together. Even though our Niva team didn’t get to win in this tournament, they still played hard, had fun and learned new things from the what they have experienced that day. By: Angie, 9N

NIVA’s BEST for the month of MARCH 2017 By: Ioru Yasuda, 11G

Best Students in Manga High Math’s Challenge

Niva is in the TOP 3 Kindergarten Animals Day: Best Animal Costume

Rapat - K2

Few - K3

Alice - K3

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18 Soi Phokaew 3, Yaek 9. Klong Chan, Ladprao 101, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240 Thailand

Tel: 02-948-4605-7

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