Niva International School Yearbook - Silver Talon 2017

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is honored to have 25 years of building skills for excellence.

Let’s move further to


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A Dedication to the King History of the School Message from the Top Teachers and Staff Nursery Kindergarten 1G Kindergarten 1N Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten Graduates Grade 1G Grade 1N Grade 2 Grade 3G Grade 3N Grade 4G Grade 4N Grade 5 Grade 6G Grade 6N Grade 7G Grade 7N Grade 8G Grade 8N Grade 9G Grade 9N Grade 10G Grade 10N Grade 11G Grade 11N Whole School Photo Seniors August Activities September Activities October Activities November Activities December Activities January Activities February Activities March Activities April Activities May Activities Advertisers Yearbook Staff

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Thailand honors Silver Talon our new King

His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn

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A Dedication to the King By: Jakob Herman

Khoon ru mai kup wah, His Majesty not only had strong ties with America, but it was also his birthplace. His father and mother both met in Cambridge, Massachusetts where they were studying medicine. His father attended Harvard University and his mother studied at Simmons College. King Bhumibol only lived in America as an infant but his presence can still be felt in Cambridge at King Bhumibol Square, which was named after his birth. He grew up without his father, because he passed away when King Bhumibol was only 1 year old. He was raised by his mother who was a commoner. This impacted the way he was raised because since his mother did not always live a life of royalty, he too was raised with commoner values. King Bhumibol always thought that one of the most important things to do was to solve problems that affected real people, those who were vulnerable and needed the most help, and achieved this by going out into the field and interacting with the Thai people. He would venture to the places where these people lived. It amazed me that he was constantly traveling around Thailand and going to see the people who lived in the poor and rural parts of the country. King Bhumibol empowered the people of Thailand to be useful and to figure out ways to solve the problems that plagued

the country. He spoke face to face with the people who worked directly with these struggles whether they be farmers, policemen, or school teachers. King Bhumibol had an exceptionally scientific and creative mind. Growing up, he studied science and technology at the Ecole nouvelle de la Suisse Romande in Lausanne, Switzerland. After the passing of his older brother, the former king of Thailand, he focused his studies on political science to prepare for his new role as King. He was only 19 years old when he ascended to the throne. His majesty conceived thousands of projects and designed many inventions that aimed to combat many problems. One invention he created himself was nicknamed “The Monkey’s Cheeks�. This invention was used to solve the many floods that Thailand experiences. King Bhumibol remembered monkeys that would store food in their cheeks to eat later as inspiration for this project. He used this knowledge to create a system of reservoirs that would be used for storing excess water. This extra water would then be used for irrigation. He knew that the use of environmentally healthy solutions to solve problems not only would benefit the country, but would also make communities stronger. When I first moved to Thailand, I immediately noticed the many portraits of the King,

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HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej

adorning the front of public places, hanging inside Thai homes, and in offices. I would wonder why people would pray and present small gifts in front of these portraits to pay homage to him. But after learning about what he has done for this country, I understand that this is the kind of devotion that King Bhumibol inspired to the people of Thailand. I feel that this quote from His Majesty accurately expresses his goal for progress and the advancement of Thailand: “Since that time up until the present time, there have been progress and changes all through the time. The changes have not come by themselves; these changes have come from the doings of everyone in the country.” King Bhumibol lived humbly; he did not take all the credit for Thailand’s growth. Instead, he acknowledged the hard work of everyone. His Majesty cared very little about how he was viewed. What he strived for most in his 70-year reign was building Thailand into a thriving nation. In the short time I have lived here in Thailand, I have grown interested in King Bhumibol’s many accomplishments that have benefited the growth of the country and its people. I am inspired by his determination and will to create Thailand into a strong country. While studying in Switzerland, King Bhumibol collided with the rear of a braking truck outside Lausanne. He injured his back, suffered paralysis in half of his face and incurred cuts on his face that cost him the sight of his right eye. Many people are not aware that His Majesty had a glass eye. Even though he was

partially paralyzed and could only see through one eye, he continued to carry out his duties. It is his unbreaking will and everlasting determination that inspires me to work harder, and to be grateful for what I have. I would like to conclude by addressing how much King Bhumibol cherished the value of family. Another quote by His majesty truly astounded me at how much he cares for people. He stated, “The members of a family are expected to help one another whenever there is a need for assistance. The giving of aid is a merit in itself. The giver does not expect to hear others sing his praises every day, nor does he expect any return. The receiver is never the less grateful. He too, in his turn, will carry out his obligations.” His quote not only can be applied to Thai families but also to how he lived his own life. His Majesty always searched for ways to be useful to those in need and to serving those people every day. I want to make it clear that King Bhumibol never expected praise and never desired anything in return, because that is what family members do for each other. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej considered all of Thailand to be a part of his family. Let us all remember and learn from Thailand’s gifted King and how he chose to live and serve his country. Let us look back on how he solved problems and solve our own problems in the same way. Let us carry on his legacy and strive for a better, and brighter future. Thank you. Kup khoon kup.

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History of the School

Niva International School was established in 1991, known then as NIVA O verseas School (NOS), which accepted only foreign and overseas Thai students. The students then completed the British International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGSCE) program to qualify to enter Thai and overseas universities or to continue their education for the British “A� Levels. From the beginning to date, NIVA has used the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of holistic education that harmoniously develops the intellectual, social, physical and moral capabilities to the optimum in a nonsectarian setting that welcomes and respects all human diversities. After eight years of successful operation, NOS started Niva International Kindergarten. As the student population grew steadily, the two schools were merged and relocated to the current location as Niva International School. The current school has three modern

buildings and adequate indoor and outdoor facilities to achieve the vision, mission and school goals for our students. In 2004, NIVA restructured its program to provide a complete 12-year American college preparatory education while retaining most valuable strands from the British 11-year IGCSE program. NIVA has been accreditted twice by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC); from 2010-2015 and then from 2016-2021.

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Message from the CEO

Looking back to the beginning days of NIVA, I feel so grateful to all our parents, students, teachers, and staff who have been the motivation for what the school is today. It has been a long and productive journey of 25 years and now we Mr. Nathan Anthony can see clearly Founder and CEO the outstanding accomplishments of our students. Many of our alumni have become global newsmakers because of their capabilities, positive attitude, problem solving skills and leadership. We have a few pilots, engineers, surgeons, fashion designers, CEOs, business owners and other careers around the world. This year, NIVA has made a strong commitment to prepare our future students for strong leadership, global business, and technology awareness. Students also learned about passive and multiple sources of income that most universities do not teach. NIVA is looking forward to see our newer graduates with the 21st century skills to think ahead and plan their personal individual successes. I have talked to all the High School students on planning their passions for life, passions for what they want to do for their careers, and passions for their spirit and how to monetize their big dreams through their passions. The curriculum for our modern day education should include these important areas: first is English as a global language, second is technology to drive all personal and administrative branding, and third is business courses for passive and multiple sources of

income. On the light side of things, we have joined a few global competitions. One of our recent achievements is with the Manga High Maths Challenge by being number 1 in Thailand and number 3 in Asia. Moreover, our secondary students participated in the World Scholar’s Cup which was held in Bangkok and were qualified to take part in the next round, which will be held in Vietnam or Greece. Our students are gaining recognition for their skills and competencies in the academics fields. In my upcoming book, “Breakthrough Education: How to Choose your Education for a Definitive Success in Life!”, I talk about how everyone can and should take advantage of formal and informal education that are important for them to build a career that will be the most satisfying and meaningful to their lives in terms of how they want to live their lives and how they want to earn their money. The book is for parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators, accreditation agencies and governments. The purpose is to make education which caters to the specific needs of students, promoting individual success rather than just producing another brick in the wall. Lastly, I would like to end with a quote from Sir Richard Branson which says, “There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.” As you reminisce over this year by looking through the yearbook, I would like to encourage you to think forward to become great through your own passions.

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Teachers and Staff

Vanisara Anthony Rybkin (Nikki) Co-Owner, Niva IS

Lisa McLeod, Ph.D Head of Academic Administration

Prime Petchboot (Prime) Nursery Assistant

Jirawan Aupapan (Jang) Thai Principal & K1N Teacher

Clarissa Bol K3G Teacher

Patcharaporn Boonprasert (Ice) K1 Assistant

Naluemol Chaimuenwong (Susie) K3 Assistant (Sem 1)

Maria Teresa Ortiz Grade 1G Teacher

Jason Koch Guidance Counselor

Marlon Esguerra Guidance Counselor

Jolly Castro (Joy) Nursery Teacher

Honey Grace Daborbor K1G Teacher

Junnalie Pilar (June) Head, Kindergarten & K2 Teacher

Denisa Ivanovova K3N Teacher

Sarunchana Wattanasiri (Sine) K2 Assistant

Vijitra Klaemongkol (Ploy) K3 Assistant (Sem 1)

Donia Yaqoob K2 Assistant (Sem 1)

Charity Buga-ay Grade 2 Teacher

Patrick Guerrin Grade 3G Teacher

Kaniz Asiya Thakur Grade 1N Teacher

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Teachers and Staff

Sneha John Grade 3N Teacher

Eileen Taay Grade 4G Teacher

Philippe Burelle Grade 4N Teacher ES Academic Coordinator

Marlar Win Than Grade 5 Teacher ES Events Coordinator

Leema Thomas Grade 6G Homeroom Secondary Science

Matthew Melling Grade 6N Homeroom English Teacher

Melvin Rae Pantoja Grade 7G Homeroom Math Teacher

Awit Esguerra Grade 7N Homeroom Social Studies & ELD Teacher (Middle School)

David Waswa Grade 8G Homeroom Math Teacher

Gabriel Pierce Grade 8N Homeroom Head, ELD and PSP

Rey Conrad Jr. Galarrita Grade 9G Homeroom Science Teacher

Jonathan Mark Rolt (Jon) Grade 9N Homeroom Social Studies Teacher

Farzam Garshasbi Grade 10G Homeroom Math Teacher

Niorn Sudthisawat Grade 11G Homeroom Head, Thai Department

Andrew Saiko Grade 11N Homeroom English Teacher

Ambika Subrahmanya Grade 10N Homeroom Business Studies

Horst Baelz Niranun Wilairattanakul (Ni) Grade 12 Homeroom Grade 12 Homeroom Head, S.T.E.M. Thai Teacher, Leadership Class Advisor Leadership Class Advisor

David Common Grade 11G Homeroom English, PSP

Janet de Guzman Elementary ELD & ICT

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Teachers and Staff

Angkakul Taprom (Pao) Thai Teacher

Amphika Pombuppa (Beau) Thai Teacher

Puangpetch Tirakunburana (Maam) Thai Teacher

Kevin Sting Alburo PE Teacher

Lourdes Caramol (Lulu) PE Teacher

Dominic Bone Business Studies & PE

Gretchen Arnaldo Music Teacher

Mella Mae Rom Music Teacher

Regean Badulis Music Teacher

Kseniia Sonina PSP Teacher

Alexander de Guzman Head, IT Department Grade 8 ILT Teacher

Jerubem Era (Bem) High School ILT, Graphics and Media

Marcus Alberts ELD and ILT

Elham Nejati Art Teacher (Sem 1)

Arien Van Lavieren Art Teacher (Sem 2)

Yanping Fang Chinese Teacher

Sichao Tang Chinese Teacher

Dai Sakai Japanese Teacher

Yuta Abe Japanese Teacher

Aarti Sachdev History Teacher

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Teachers and Staff

Pornthip Uaatthakarn (Nok) Sunattaya Jansuwan (Ya) Haruethai Chaiwong (Nual) Nisakorn Niamhom (Apple) Sudawadee Pho-ong Chief Accountant & Accountant Payable Accountant Receivable (Nan) Facilities and Purchasing Finance (Sem 1) Marketing and Purchasing (Sem 1)

Mra Pan San (Andrea) School Registrar

Papatsorn (Rew) School Registrar

Pangruedee Nuanpong (Cash) Receptionist and Librarian

Vemaglor Velasco (Vem) Sujika Intharasawan (Suki) Preeyarrat Jangun (Aum) Book Room Personnel Niva Shop Personnel School Nurse

Warapong Rungroj Cafeteria Worker

Prakong Vilaibool Cafeteria Worker

Ratchanu (Jeab) Receptionist

Thayika Phumkham (Tak) Liaison Personnel (Sem 2)

Chavida Vibunthanachot (Dada) Liaison Personnel (Sem 1)

Jakkapan Nuengkunya (Win) Cafeteria Worker

Phakkharaphon Sriprasoet Hathaichanok Klaysuban Cafeteria Worker Cafeteria Worker

Kyaw Win Sa bye (Sabai) Cafeteria Worker

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Teachers and Staff

Maung Tong Cafeteria Worker

Aye Cafeteria Worker

Janchai Klunpimay (Fon) Head, Housekeeping

Kularb Lardlun Housekeeping

Wanphen Insingthong (Pen) Housekeeping

Mintra Oungmit Housekeeping

Khin Thet Ei Housekeeping

Hippy Keovonsa Housekeeping

Kyi Thein Housekeeping

Mi Su Housekeeping

Nattaya Udomphon Housekeeping

Ei Chaw Housekeeping

Mi Khine Housekeeping

Thae Su Win Housekeeping

Yongyudly Purayiartek Maintenance

Sontorn Luekaya Maintenance

Ba Khaing Maintenance

Azeem Dawood Guard (Sem 1)

Petnoy Sangmanee Maintenance

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Daranee Janyajarasporn Niva Parents Students Council

Teachers and Staff

Rattanaporn Sjurseth Niva Parents Students Council

Kessirin Orachunka Niva Parents Students Council

Ekkawut Hannirojrum Niva Parents Students Council

Ratchada Baur Niva Parents Students Council

Mayneil LeaĂąo Niva Parents Students Council

Malinee Toomsap Niva Parents Students Council

Puksida Sukpanthee Niva Parents Students Council

Wasana Wanlopbanhan Niva Parents Students Council

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Nursery Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Jolly Castro

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Behind you, all our memories. Before you, all our dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need. Although our time has finished but our smiles will never fade. I’ve watched these little children learn and grow as they changed from day to day. I hope that all the things we’ve done have helped these little ones in some small ways. I wish all my Nursery students the best of everything. Remember to always do your best and to be kind to others.

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Nursery Students

Arsham Garshasbi Prasertsubpakij Nickname: Shammy

Supida Wongwanakul Nickname: Ava

Angela Naomi Villamar Velasco Nickname: Naomi

Nathanicha Srirojanakul Nickname: Pony

Sudchanan Krirkkraikijporn Nickname: Pattie

Jessica Blessing Dawood Nickname: Jessica

Shawn Simiyu Wafula Nickname: Junior

Woradorn Pekka Kanjanasatit Nickname: Erik

Angeline Anthony Nickname: Angie

Phukij Wanitchotikarn Nickname: Idin

Sirisook Janamrung Nickname: Kaowhom

Pattanapong Laotanasamul Nickname: Wave

Dominic Thomas Taay Koch Nickname: Thomas

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Kindergarten 1G Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Honey Grace Daborbor

Message from the Homeroom Teacher My dearest K1G students, It’s time for you to move on to the next level. I couldn’t be any prouder as a teacher of what you have accomplished during your 1st year as KG students. Not all days were easy for us but most of our days were filled with learning, excitement, and happiness. May we treasure all those times we spent together learning from each other. Always keep in mind to do small things with great love. See you around little monkeys! Love, Teacher Grace

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Nakhun Chakorngowit Nickname: Khun Khun

Kindergarten 1G Students

Pittayaporn Chaleecheep Nickname: Ai

Alanchakorn Pornpilipun Nickname: Porsche P.

Anontavit Vesaruchavit Nickname: Nont

Worachot Fu Nickname: Chot

Inthadz Sathanakulphanich Nickname: Bike

Napaphat Pitutip Nickname: Charmy

Priyakorn Impitiwong Nickname: Preme

Pakin Seakok Nickname: Pakin

Katharina Yimchareon Nickname: Kate

Kitpraorn Waiyamai Nickname: Insee

Kann Somsuk Nickname: Kiwi

Siriphatsara Siriwattanavarakorn Nickname: Celine

Irwin Panichakorn Nickname: Icon

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Kindergarten 1N Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Jirawan Aupapan

Message from the Homeroom Teacher To my cute K1N students, It has been a wonderful experience teaching you this school year. I have seen you grow and develop as the months passed by. I enjoyed every bit of time teaching you, guiding you, and motivating you to be the best you can be. I am so proud of you and privileged to be your teacher. Good luck as you move on to K2. I will still see you around! I love you!

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Xuan Ming Cui Nickname: Leon

Thananchanok Naraprasit Nickname: Sea Sea

Kindergarten 1N Students

Gian Rafael Codero Daborbor Nickname: Gian

Peerapat Indrakamhaeng Nickname: Spec

Peeraphat Kongpool Nickname: Sky

Parith Kultangwattana Nickname: Jaguar

Phitcha Piturat Nickname: Lenny

Katrina Amelia Rolt Nickname: Kat

Ekkawin Sriprasert Nickname: Porsche S.

Han Ge Su Nickname: Ruyi

Phalat Thanaprasertsuk Nickname: Arty

Pon Treesirikasem Nickname: Jayden

Kirk Williams Nickname: Jaya

Pattarawadee Pittayathon Nickname: Fang Fang

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Kindergarten 2 Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Junalie Pilar

Message from the Homeroom Teacher The K2 class this year is composed of free-spirited students who love to do things their way. They think independently, act freely and speak carelessly. They are not scared to correct anyone who makes a mistake about something they have learned before. Playing games while learning makes them very happy. Our learning time is always a happy time. And that’s one reason I love this class. Good luck in K3 my K2 bunnies!

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Kindergarten 2 Students

Surasan Buabud Nickname: Rapat

Yi Feng Choo Nickname: Like

Sukhita Gopinath Nickname: Ferrie

Elaura Burelle Nickname: Elaura

Jieana Lexi De Guzman Nickname: Iana

Jiratch Intharasawan Nickname: Grammy

Dilan Chansirimeta Nickname: Dilan

Ziming Huang Nickname: Samuel

Jinthicha Kiatinantaprecha Nickname: Jinnie

Gemma Hutchinson Nickname: Gemma

Narapat Kirnara Nickname: Janjaow

Shen Run San Nickname: San San

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Kindergarten 2 Students

Natthakitta Manawong Nickname: Ava

Rungnada Mangkalad Nickname: Nada

Kasinpoj Pattralungkarn Nickname: Sathu

Lertphisidh Peslapunt Nickname: Papaeng

Pariyakorn Pumkeaw Nickname: Lydia

Sahatsadon Puripanyo Nickname: Ryu

Kedsareeya Saekok Nickname: Minnie

Donpicha Sumpunwetchakul Nickname: Kimnoey

Pakin Thamissarakul Nickname: Ryuu T.

Nutt Thanaprasertsuk Nickname: Angpao

Phuwanop Tharadilokpat Nickname: Nanon

Phuwapat Tharadilokpat Nickname: Napat

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Kindergarten Graduates

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Homeroom: Ms. Clarissa Bol

Message from the Homeroom Teacher To my Dear little Kindies of K3G Cogratulations!! You have crossed the first milestone of your school life! May you all be successful in everything you do. You may not be able to read these big sentences right now but you will very soon. I want you to know that I will always care for you, I will always believe in you, I will always listen to you and you will succeed.

Homeroom: Ms. Denisa Ivanovova

Message from the Homeroom Teacher It is my privilege to teach this year’s K3N students. They are a bunch of funny and relaxed students who can always cheer you up. I wish you all the best in chasing your dreams!

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Kindergarten Graduates

Daiwei Si Yong Li Nickname: Davi C

Came in 4th Quarter

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Kindergarten Graduates

Alice Tichada Barnes Nickname: Alice

Teerachaot Songtis Nickname: Forwil

I want be a farmer and a sailor

I want to be a pilot

Pundit Sombatpan Nickname: Mark

Yu-an Tenedero Esguerra Nickname: Yuan

I want be a Policeman

I want to be a fisherman

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Kindergarten Graduates

Yatouchpong Wisetsomsakul Nickname: Marvin

Tyler Ung Nickname: Tyler

I want to be a Policeman

I want to be a dentist

Pin Ying Choo Nickname: Love

Phuprai Praisant Nickname: Bay

I want to be a Chef

I want to be a Doctor

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Kindergarten Graduates

Dakanda Naknan Nickname: Cha-Aim

Natphasut Krajangrat Nickname: Fifa

I want to be an air hostess

I want to be a football player

Wallapa Jongjairak Nickname: Mint

Ray Phannikorn Nickname: Ray

I want to be a singer

I want to be a fireman

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Kindergarten Graduates

Sirinut Toomsap Nickname: Sam

Thamonwan Fu Nickname: Wan-whon

I want to be a pilot

I want to be a Doctor

Evelyn Rolt Nickname: Eve

Nataphat Tassasuwan Nickname: Baton

I want to be a chef

I want to be an architect

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Kindergarten Graduates

Nutt Prakhongwong Nickname: Few

Ditakorn Chanchitsopon Nickname: Deo

I want to be a doctor

I want to be a Doctor

Johan Emmanuel Badulis Nickname: Johan

Supichapa Indrakamhaeng Nickname: Jet’aime

I want to be a Policeman

I want to be an air hostess

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Kindergarten Graduates

He Cheng Nickname: He-He

Suthera Tongsom Nickname: Nami

I want to be a policeman

I want to be a policeman

Chacharnat Prawatyothin Nickname: Poon

Natthasamma Sinlapakantang Nickname: Sammie

I want to be a Nurse

I want to be an Artist

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Kindergarten Graduates

Jirayu Rattanajariya Nickname: Land

Semen Sonin Nickname: Simon

I want to be a Policeman

I want to be a policeman

Rada Sofia Baur Nickname: Sofia

I want to be a Nurse

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Kindergarten Graduates

Suttha Chuengsateinsup Nickname: U-Jay

Thananpat Pairojkitthavorn Nickname: Yongmei

I want to be pilot

I want to be a doctor

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Grade 1G Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Maria Teresa Ortiz

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Do you know the feeling of opening a box of presents and you are excited to find out what’s inside? That’s how I am feeling every single day with my bubbly Grade 1G. They are fun to be with and can make a sad day into a happy one. Keep on doing your best. Best of luck in Grade 2. I will truly miss you.

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Grade 1G Students

Avery James Barnes Nickname: AJ

Ariyapas Bukarant Nickname: Home

Danny Chansirimeta Nickname: Danny

Xin Cheng Nickname: Xin Xin

Tawich Chounont Nickname: Bee

Iona Anatta Common Nickname: Iona

Phokawin Jairakkhwammetta Nickname: Win

Aekaraya Kawinakrathiti Nickname: Phos

Thaninchote Panja-ananyot Nickname: Pun Pun

Sirichai Pisachai Nickname: Tigger

Kaninpatr Rattanavekinruk Nickname: Up

Natthapon Rongklad Nickname: Auto

Darren Rubellin Nickname: Darren

Warittha Sukonthachart Nickname: Ivy

Kamonluck Triyotee Nickname: Jomkwan

Parima Viwatassawin Nickname: Mei

Baramee Wanlopbanhan Nickname: Buun

Nawapol Wongprom Nickname: Guitar

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Grade 1N Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Kaniz Thakur

Message from the Homeroom Teacher My little Gryphons in Grade 1N are extremely intelligent and wonderfully adorable! Over the year, I have watched them learn and grow; giving their best to every challenge and celebrating the success together. It has been my true pleasure to be their Homeroom Teacher for this academic year and I wish them great success for their delightful journey at NIVA.

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Grade 1N Students

Min-Song Cho Nickname: Min-Song

Sean Chaleekul Nickname: Sean

Sudarat Chiranonthira Nickname: Jia Jia

Siraviskon Foda Nickname: Hatim

Mary Irene Itchayatikan Nickname: Irene

Nichakhun Khamsrikaew Nickname: PP

Prima Songthong Nickname: Pitta

Piraya Songthong Nickname: Peeya

Krittin Sudlapa Nickname: Gusta

Peeradol Suttareeyasri Nickname: Phil

Komrat Tarntaweewichien Nickname: Fu

Zulli Usaprom Nickname: Zulli

Sam Ezekiel Villamar Velasco Nickname: Sam

Shane Wafula Nickname: DJ

Wuttikorn Watcharapimonpan Nickname:Tinn

Krittapas Yasena Nickname: Otto

Praiya Han Nickname: Kawhom

Napasorn Kanaviwatchai Nickname: Plai-Fah

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Grade 2 Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Charity Buga-ay

Message from the Homeroom Teacher This year each of you has become a shining star. You have worked hard. You have done great. And now you are ready to take a new adventure. So off you go. Have fun and believe that you can do it. I know you can, and I know you will. And always remember, I will just be somewhere around to cheer you on and to say “I believe in you!� Love lots, Ms. Charity.

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Grade 2 Students

Pattarawan Marlene Ang Nickname: Marlene

Chayapon Boonsanay Nickname: Harry

Priya Charoensook Nickname: Priya

Tzu Yao Chien Nickname: Henry

Peimai Joshua Dennis Nickname: Peimai

Sorawit Apiwatwaninthorn Nickname: Wit

Kamolthip Hannirojrum Nickname: LookMee

Thapanan Janyajarasporn Nickname: Kevin

Polthakorn Chatvisuta Nickname: Pol

Preeyapat Pairojkitthavorn Nickname: YongHua

Thanadej Promploy Nickname: Sugus

Chandriya Gopinath Nickname: Kiki

Kallayavara Shooruang Nickname: Dream

Urassaya Uchupaiboonvong Nickname: Nano

Prakoon Charoenlerdsiriwanich Nickname: Ete

Chutiya Denkesineelam Nickname: Gigi

Apicha Fu Nickname: Huy

Abigail Leworthy Nickname: Abi

Phutanat Jacoby JR Nickname: Happy

Pawintita Kijkransangworn Nickname: Nudee

Pun Rattanajariya Nickname: Pun

WeiWei Xing Nickname: Wei Wei

Teeramet Rojanapanukorn Nickname: Field

Jinnan Shen Nickname: Lala

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Grade 3G Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Sneha John

Message from the Homeroom Teacher We had a wonderful time in 3G. We learned plenty of new things and worked hard during this year. 3G has done an amazing job in academics and sports. As a teacher I had one of the most amazing year of my life. Thank you guys! All the best for the coming academic year!!

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Grade 3G Students

Carl Emmanual Lucion Badulis Nickname: Carl

Poonnapop Wongprom Nickname: Cartoon

Aonsiri Praditphonlert Nickname: Jena

Preecha Wanphansa Nickname: Sai-Parn

Eion Joseph Limpiado Buga-ay Nickname: Joseph

Sarah Thongprasoot Nickname: Earn

Pattharakorn Satharalal Nickname: Pupha

Khavee Ekintumas Nickname: Keano

Tatchakit Manusnon Nickname: Leo

Kanjanarin Kanyanat Nickname: Memo

Yada Wattanachongkol Nickname: Grace

Aya Miyamoto Nickname: Aya

Johnson Li Nickname: Johnny

Sunawut Somwattana Nickname: Meepern

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Homeroom: Mr. Patrick Guerrin

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Choice! Five letters that mean so much. You have many choices through life, that affects you and others. Choices that you will need to make sense of the world when sense and reason go missing. Choices to deal with problems that lie before you. You will make choices to help solve problems that could involve innovation and invention. And, you will need to make choices about who you are, and where you want to go in life.

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Silver Talon

Grade 3N Students

Wasina Itthipoowadol Nickname: Kris

Pawarisa Khanchanaat Nickname: Perth

Bianca Ngamjaturong Nickname: Bianca

Aaron Piyawattanametha Nickname: Aaron

Jan Jervis Villoso Rom Nickname: Janboy

Ziefei Wang Nickname: Angela

Tinna Aroonwechkul Nickname: Fhasai

Kruekkul Nuadngam Nickname: Hero

Dorian Rubellin Nickname: Dorian

Jiratchaya Thanomboon Nickname: Toey

Angela Ung Nickname: Angy

Naphat Chakorngowit Nickname: Naii Naii

Chun Yu Wei Nickname: Jason

Khunnapat Phannikorn Nickname: Kenny

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Homeroom: Mr. Philippe Burelle

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Ah! Grade 4‌ When I think of them, I see a family. I asked them to leap with me at the beginning of the year, to trust me, to take risks and to make mistakes. They have done just that, and so much more. It is difficult to express how proud I am of each of them, how much growth I have seen them go through, but against all odds, at every challenge I faced, they have been there for me, keeping me going, helping me grow in return‌

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Grade 4G Students

Rachata Tobias Baur Nickname: Tobi

Thitirat Boonserm Nickname: Pingpong

Jiratheep Chanpitakkul Nickname: Win

Pavin Charoensook Nickname: Pavin

Pimpitcha Junpunya Nickname: Lily

Kayapat Kaewkulsri Nickname: Im

Nicholas Piyawattanametha Nickname: Nick

Jirath Promploy Nickname: Guy

Pinyapach Sinlapakantang Nickname: Pinya

Nichamon Abdullor Nickname: Nicky

Natalie Sjurseth Nickname: Natalie

Pichayapa Songthong Nickname: Pretty

Chankacha Toomsap Nickname: Paul

Sarun Tuedic Nickname: Guy

Postsavat Rojanapanakorn Nickname: Roje

Suvitchaya Veerachit Nickname: Yuki

Ryo Ocean Wakabayashi Nickname: Ocean

Phanita Apipattravut Nickname: Gracy

Viyata Lantongsakul Nickname: Por-Jai

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Homeroom: Ms. Eileen Taay

Message from the Homeroom Teacher You are smart and beautiful people, full of surprises! You have shared lots of stories, and your laughter has always filled the room. You have kept an open mind, you have made mistakes, learned from them and made things perfect when it’s time. I must say you are amazing. And you have grown a lot over the year! Do stay curious and at the same time, be wise. With much honor and pride, Ms. Eileen.

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Grade 4N Students

Areeya Mae Carganilla Nickname: Areeya

Prin Chobkitchakarn Nickname: Prin

Natnaree Jairakkhwammetta Nickname: Hilin

Nichanun Khamsrikaew Nickname: Praykao

Aung Kyaw Myo Aye Nickname: Alex

Primrata Numkietiwongsa Nickname: Mew

Hoang Nam Pham Nickname: Man

Edward Pharothai Pilkington Nickname: Edward

Warankron Raktapongpaisal Nickname: Weir

Punnapas Udomtham Nickname: Jim

Alina Udomsaph Nickname: Alina

Pichaya Viwatassawin Nickname: Ming

Elly Wu Nickname: Elly

Phimchanok Tan Mukgard Nickname: Angie

Chayapon Nonsee Nickname: Peace

Pautirakorn Sae Guo Nickname: Yi Yi

Kullada Sarethaveekul Nickname: Jny

Pakin Han Nickname: Kawklong

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Grade 5 Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Ms. Marlar Win Than

Message from the Homeroom Teacher “We had a crazy fun roller coaster ride this school year. It was very fortunate to have spent a year together taking on various challenges, gaining knowledge, and fulfilling accomplishments. Our experiences have been met with both hardship and laughter. Although our time has come to an end, we carry forward with all our aspirations and goals. I cannot ask for more, as these children have been wonderful. Thank You, Grade 5. I love you.

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Grade 5 Students

Suzanne Anthony Nickname: Suzi

Tamisa Aroonwechkul Nickname: Jan Jao

Thanunya Boonsanay Nickname: Kanomsen

Bruno Venicius Horta Nickname: Bruno

Wadjanapa Itthipoowadol Nickname: Kleis

Panchapol Jarungkitkul Nickname: JJ

Maninthorn Tharakhet Nickname: Tan

Austin Maiocchi Nickname: Austin

Kittinat Orachunka Nickname: Totti

Suttipat Suttapreeyasri Nickname: Fame

Tran Le Thao Linh Nickname: Linh

Photsatorn Wangsuphadilok Nickname: P.K

Phuriphat Aiengthong Nickname: Mart

Apitchaya Denkesineelam Nickname: Ping Ping

Manutsawin Kamonwaranon Nickname: Ribbiin

Sorrawut Somwattana Nickname: Podee

Pornpattranit Soponsirirak Nickname: Ge Gee

Nitchanan Suksawad Nickname: Som-O

Jinze Huang Nickname: Jinze

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Homeroom: Ms. Leema Thomas

Message from the Homeroom Teacher I am so happy and proud to be the homeroom teacher of the most fantastic and joyful kids of 6 G. We feel like home at school and start the day from homeroom,the learning community which has unique individuals with his or her own learning style, strengths, interest, history, hopes and dreams. Students have developed a great sense of responsibility which helps them to be great human beings. I notice my students help each other in all their academic activities.They are good listeners and participators. We have awesome dancers, musicians, artists, comedians, and athletes in our class. The shining stars to illuminate the sky for ever. I love you all!

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Buncherd Aritat Nickname: Gun

Kanchanaart Chitikarn Nickname: Ujean

Ketsomboonsak Chunyanuch Nickname: Huiling

Grade 6G Students

Cha Nathan Seung Jay Nickname: Seung Jay

Charoensook Parisa Nickname: Paris

Chobkitchakarn Pann Nickname: Pann

Jahara Nel Ocdol Galarrita Nickname: Ajah

Pairotkitthavorn Thanapat Nickname: Young Fu

Praditphonlert Tansiri Nickname: Ninja

Sumpunwetchakul Kunapas Nickname: Kimnite

Udomsaph Milin Nickname: Milin

Khamklad Latima Nickname: Looktarn

Komahawong Wichaya Nickname: Perth

Meng Vengkeng Nickname: Keng

Prakongsang Bhuicha Nickname: Puyee

Siwasutum Rachata Nickname: Few

Jeehye Maeng Nickname: Jeehye

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Homeroom: Mr. Matthew Melling

Message from the Homeroom Teacher It has been an absolute pleasure to be your homeroom and English teacher this year. You guys have made me laugh countless times with your crazy personalities and for that I am extremely thankful. I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to get to know each of you and I would like to thank you all for being a fantastic class and giving me a year filled with happiness. I wish you all the best of luck in the future! P.S. Me and Pinny are best friends for life!

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Camille Joy Lucion Badulis Nickname: CJ

Jennifer Darawee Pilikington Nickname: Jennifer

Peerapat Apipornsakul Nickname: Billy

Grade 6N Students

Pingpan Krutdumrongchai Nickname: Ping

Clyde Karol Lichardo Leano Nickname: Clyde

Merg Han Li Nickname: Linda

Pabhinwich Manodham Nickname: Timmy

Pichamon Songthong Nickname: Title

Supisa Sukseree Nickname: Fah

Plaifa Tachapahapong Nickname: Pei Pei

Tisanaphas Yimchareon Nickname: Chris

Chavakorn Arunkunarx Nickname: Trav

Netra Deepak Nickname: Nicki

Yanisa Hemaruchatanan Nickname: Pinny

Tanat Leewattanakarn Nickname: Zen

Pavornpas Udomtham Nickname: Wyn

Apiwit Thitiluk Nickname: Atom

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Homeroom: Mr. Melvin Pantoja

Message from the Homeroom Teacher To my dear 7G students, as you finish a valuable mission in your life this school year, you are now ready again to face a greater and even more valuable challenge. When you are facing new trial, just always think of all great moments, adventures and difficult times that you’ve been through that helped us to become a better person. I’m so thankful for the smiles and laughter that we shared throughout the year. God bless and Congrats!

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Grade 7G Students

Sebastian Noel Alavi Nickname: Jedi

Kulchana Benyabhawongs Nickname: Sun

Gabriel Lorenzo Flores Ceballo Nickname: Gabby

Pattarapol Horsuwan Nickname: Arm

Similan Karnjanapen Nickname: Similan

Ravin Lapupatum Nickname: Jiro

Nontapat Noppakao Nickname: Bond

Nada Paesalasakul Nickname: Nada

Richard Roland Petrasch Nickname: Richie

Elizabeth Alisa Pilkington Nickname: Elizabeth

Abdullah Umer Saleem Nickname: Umer

Sanjana Subrahmanya Nickname: Sanju

Pipu Vacharaskunee Nickname: Patrick

Joey Hsuan Wu Nickname: Joey

Supawat Horsuwan Nickname: Earth

Tarntipthanwa Jitchayanunkul Nickname: Benja

Phatharaphan Leevirawong Nickname: Duece

Pawat Sutikunsombat Nickname: Win

Kawin Yam Nickname: Yam

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Homeroom: Ms. Awit Esguerra

Message from the Homeroom Teacher It’s important to work hard and give it everything you’ve got, but know that there are so many more things about you that will determine the life you have. Most of the things, if not all of the things that will make you successful, happy and give you a wonderful life will not be measured by the exams you’re about to take.

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Grade 7N Students

Tita Matrot Nickname: In Arm

Nadia Paesalasakul Nickname: Nadia

Bipasa Pradhan Nickname: Nanu

Pathorn Preyaprawat Nickname: Pete

Krannithi Raktapongpaisal Nickname: Win

Nuntiya Singhaparu Nickname: Namwan

Yixian Issac Tan Nickname: Issac

Santiratch Tunlamai-ngam Nickname: Nub

Parit Vacharaskunee Nickname: Peter

Pasika Viwatassawin Nickname: Xin

Marion Ellemar Manipol Galicia Nickname: Marion

Warin Kasemlonnapa Nickname: Son Son

Nutchaya Keeratiyakornsakul Nickname: Mild

Emily Thidarat Prins Nickname: Emi

Xiao Long Sid Nickname: Long

Nutdanai Sirinuanchanaon Nickname: Petch

Nichada Srivilairit Nickname: Pink

Atita Nanthatanakuj Nickname: Amy

Sirawich Smitsomboon Nickname: Get

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Homeroom: Mr. David Waswa

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Grade 8G students are an amazing lot! It’s a mixed group of highly talented individuals who have represented Niva in various fields. Besides being academically endowed, 8G has some of the best sports personalities such as Ivy, DeeDee, Kheang and Shannon just to mention but a few. The unity exhibited is commendable and this can be seen during school events. I am so proud to be the homeroom teacher.

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Silver Talon

Grade 8G Students

Shannon Anthony Nickname: Shannon

Tawan Aroonwechkul Nickname: Sun

Sirimongkol Chitcholtan Nickname: Dollar

Phuriwat Chotiranasak Nickname: Copper

Nathaniel James Cyr Nickname: Nate

Divine Essence Nickname: Doe

Puriyod Laohabutr Nickname: Nick

Pataranid Mattapongsri Nickname: Dee Dee

Vengkheang Meng Nickname: Kheang

Mindha Nandakwang Nickname: Minnie

Kittiphat Nimitthanachote Nickname: John

Solatthika Roypromma Nickname: Nam-Wa

Prinda Techaiya Nickname: Prim

Viput Traikityanukul Nickname: Chin

Phalichakarn Khaodee Nickname: Money

Pawarisa Rodjakhen Nickname: Dream

Phol Sansernpanya Nickname: Phol

Thanawat Sirikulpiyarat Nickname: Dank

Supravee Srisathaporn Nickname: Ivy

Pornapat Supmee Nickname: Mee-Mee

Phubase Chadaratthiti Nickname: Pooh

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Homeroom: Mr. Gabriel Pierce

Message from the Homeroom Teacher “The 8N class has had a TERRIFIC year!! Our students have developed a wonderful understanding of all their subjects across this school year, and they have all done so using English as their only medium for instruction. It is clear that our students in 8N are cut out for the leadership roles that high school has in store for them. I am honored to have had the opportunity to teach this group of students and truly look forward to seeing them as they become high school students at NIVA.�

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Grade 8N Students

Jakkraphat Chanthararomlumduan Nickname: Ken

Ekpawee Limcharoen Nickname: Bior

Phatlapha Limthong Nickname: Amy

Kittipong Nimitthanachote Nickname: Alex

Nutchanon Nonthapiboon Nickname: Ken

Rasarin Piratwarathorn Nickname: Paper

Minlada Preedakulphanit Nickname: Kaijawe

Artithaya Saikuea Nickname: Pom-pam

Aiya Sosannoi Nickname: An-Ant

Siwach Toprasert Nickname: Pan

Hikaru Yasuda Nickname: Hikaru

Mengtao Hu Nickname: Tao

Tien Yi Lee Nickname: Teddy

Song Lee Lee Nickname: Song Lee

Natnicha Parinyanusorn Nickname: Moss

Pudid Paosuwan Nickname: Pomp

Pitipat Sacharoen Nickname: Earth

Porjaingam Sirivirojsakul Nickname: Projai

Puri Tantiyagul Nickname: Kong

Gorn Wannapailote Nickname: Gorn

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Homeroom: Mr. Rey Galarrita

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Good habits formed at youth make all the difference (Aristotle). Continue to work hard above expectations so that one day when you are already out there, you will do something amazing.

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Grade 9G Students

Alyssa Camille Carganilla Nickname: Aica

Chanannetr Chanyasak Nickname: Kate

Kulchat Harnchanpanich Nickname: Kaopunn

Sydney Elizabeth Herman Nickname: Syd

Chonnakan Janyajarasporn Nickname: JJ

Sirasich Jayagupta Nickname: Automne

Thanita Kaninanant Nickname: Palmy

Kunanont Kanokmaneeporn Nickname: Yim

Sirivayad Limcharoen Nickname: Siri

Chayanid Mattapongsri Nickname: Drive

Tanakorn Namngern Nickname: James

Samiksha Subrahmanya Nickname: Sonu

Le Thao Chi Tran Nickname: Claire

Chane Bharinagul Nickname: Chane

Bheesama Prakongsang Nickname: Khan

Zhou Ziyao Nickname: Yaya

Pakkawat Anusorn Nickname: Boss

Thitipong Thanansirichet Nickname: Moth

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Grade 9N Class Photo 100%






Homeroom: Mr. Jonathan Rolt

Message from the Homeroom Teacher ‘You are all unique and amazing. Many of you speak multiple languages (where I struggle with just one), have a love to sing (How far I’ll go) or draw (thank you for the white board doodles), are talented at sports and have friends who count on you to be there for them. There are many ways of being smart. You are all smart and all are the reason I love to come to work each day.’

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Grade 9N Students

Phumwatchana Boonlue Nickname: Mark

Nadia Boonton Nickname: Nadia B.

Marianne Marteine Galicia Nickname: Marteine

Kirittabun Jankaew Nickname: Guy

Dollada Kasarn Nickname: Nadia K.

Punyapa Leephokanon Nickname: Angie

Ravisara Parinyanusorn Nickname: Mint

Patarakorn Pombuppa Nickname: Chopin

Narika Pramunwong Nickname: Moma

Ploynapas Sirinuanchonaon Nickname: Ploy

Nicholay Sjurseth Nickname: Nikki

Jin Woo Nickname: Jin

Nadine Johanna Bruijniks Nickname: Deeny

Pokchok Chokpongpun Nickname: Pok

Navin Hemaruchatanan Nickname: Perth

Rangsiman Nuadngam Nickname: Ford

Sutida Puttisachon Nickname: Few

Yang Shi Nickname: Yang

Chalisa Wongthannasopon Nickname: Nene

Li Jia Yu Nickname: Leo

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Homeroom: Mr. Farzam Garshasbi

Message from the Homeroom Teacher So my dear students, we have completed another great school year full of ups and downs, pretty much like a roller coaster ride. However, remember to always enjoy the ride and never forget your childhood passion or dream. As Eleanor Roosevelt said “Future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.�

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Silver Talon

Grade 10G Students

Aeoron Jan Role De Guzman Nickname: Aeron

Jatuchai kittibodee Nickname: Porsche

Sireeporn Laohabutr Nickname: Name

Cyrel Clark Licardo LeaĂąo Nickname: Cyrel

Piruda Chatvisuta Nickname: Dada

Natharika Pama Nickname: Annalyn

Nattamon Panichakul Nickname: Petch

Pongpatapee peerapatanapokin Nickname: Dan

Panwira Preedakulphanit Nickname: Yeye

Sirada Kasemlonnapa Nickname: Lily

Sumaika Saleem Nickname: Sumai

Kanyapat Taechapeti Nickname: Mimi

Isabelle Yitong Tan Nickname: Belle

Supanit Ton Nickname: Jinny

Reid Eric Wyngaard Nickname: Reid

Kamolchan Tongthiraj Nickname: Moon

Pathamaporn Tuaijaroen Nickname: Mild

Natasong Yuan Nickname: Natasong

Kulnicha Wongthanasopon Nickname: Lilly

YiDuo Li Nickname: Iren

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Homeroom: Ms. Ambika Subrahmanya

Message from the Homeroom Teacher My dear students, I am glad that I had an opportunity to be the homeroom teacher for Grade 10. Remember that you all are very special and I want you all to know that I had a wonderful year with you. Hope one day you will remember your craziness and smile, remember your laziness and laugh, and remember your homeroom teacher in those moments. Never stop learning and growing. Best wishes.

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Silver Talon

Grade 10N Students

Yada Apipattarachai Nickname: Jah

Phanuwat Apipornsakul Nickname: Benz

Deedee Boonrodwong Nickname: In

Nittinun Boonyakida Nickname: New

Charudech Jongcharoenkijkarn Nickname: Earth

Nitcharee Karunworawong Nickname: Meme

Parichaya Leartvichayagamon Nickname: Nippon

Ching-Lin Lee Nickname: Pei Pei

Tien En Lee Nickname: Allen

Panuchakorn Manodham Nickname: Amy

Don Nilmongkol Nickname: OJ

Proud Promrat Nickname: Proud

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Grade 10N Students

Pann Puttharak Nickname: Pann

Prima Sirinapapant Nickname: Nene

Pavit Trisoopasin Nickname: Diamond

Irin Vanitchaearntham Nickname: Irin

Hao Zheng Nickname: Henry

Pariyakorn Angkittisawatdi Nickname: Pun Pun

Teetuch Limpunyalert Nickname: Fu

Nattaradon Prindawattanasiri Nickname: Mathew

Benyapha Sirikulpiyarat Nickname: My Dear

Thanapat Srisittidecharak Nickname: Hun

Napat Thamakulangkul Nickname: Pan Pan

Tae Young You Nickname: Andy

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Homeroom: Mr. David Common and Ms. Niorn Sudthiswat

Message from the Homeroom Teacher Give me 88 words to Rave about you and your eternally positive Attitude. Whether you’re Dancing, performing or presenting, your smiles and jokes fill Every homeroom class with happiness and Enjoyment and Laughter. Your Events and activities are always perfectly planned, and I will forever Value and cherish the fun times I’ve shared with you - as your English teacher, ELD teacher and Homeroom teacher (Not once, but TWICE!). You have truly Given me so much joy, pride and happiness, and I love you all. THANK YOU :D

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Grade 11G Students

Hyeok Ju Choe Nickname: Joshua

Amitta Sangphadung Nickname: Dear

Karita Kongkasai Nickname: Bonus

Nutaya Pimolsaengsuriya Nickname: Beamy

Natthawan Teevaranone Nickname: Lek

Martin Oliver Galicia Nickname: Oliver

Melada Chatvisuta Nickname: Mell

Peeh Pitakpongsutee Nickname: Peeh

Puvis Thongthanomkul Nickname: Saab

Chanon Yotsoontorn Nickname: Phai

Rajata Lueangaram Nickname: Aingfah

Natcha Prayoonrat Nickname: Patty

Arpha Triwattana Nickname: Briony

Jakob Meyer Herman Nickname: Jake

Sirinat Niyomsup Nickname: Beam

Chanakan Rojanapenkul Nickname: Mimi

Kochapon Akkarapongdecha Nickname: Rapee

Chayanon Jenyajaraporn Nickname: Gino

Hance Adriene Pesarillo Nickname: Hance

Ryosuke Kubota Nickname: Yosuke

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Homeroom: Andrew Saiko

Message from the Homeroom Teacher My diligent, hard-working, punctual, enthusiastic and thoughtful 11N! Didn’t recognize yourself there, did you? Guys, it’s been my best year teaching because of you. Thank you for the great times together and fun memories. Never stop trying and never stop developing yourself. Use all available tools and resources. Remember, there is no elevator to success, you must take the stairs. Put all of your heart in the things you do and all the things you do in your heart. Rock on!

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Grade 11N Students

Maylin Catherine Cerf Nickname: Maylin

Thanabordee Chiranuvat Nickname: Bond

Hyeok Jin Choe Nickname: Timmy

Atikarn Khemklad Nickname: Karn

Orakot Lertsawasdeekun Nickname: Som

Romrawin Limsatabodee Nickname: Titan

Korawin Phagudom Nickname: Jazz

Duc Long Pham Nickname: Long

Thanita Sa-ardsorn Nickname: Pun Pun

Rinradee Sae Lao Nickname: Lily

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Silver Talon

Arina Sangphadung Nickname: Phia

Grade 11N Students

Ittichar Sangphadung Nickname: Fern

P Watcharasin Nickname: P

Sorawit Kunvittapisarn Nickname: Time

Pymm Sansernpanya Nickname: Pymm

Nuz Wattananaphakaseam Nickname: Peaky

Sorawit Horsuwan Nickname: Art

Kalkidan Abebe Tafesse Nickname: Kali

Ioru Yasuda Nickname: Ioru

Phalitchakorn Khaodee Nickname: Make

Chonrasit Limcharoen Nickname: Boss


Silver Talon


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Seniors 100%






Homeroom: Mr. Horst Baelz and Ms. Niranun Wilairattanakul

Message from the Homeroom Teachers This year’s seniors are a Chaucerian collection of distinct individuals, all of them great personalities. As a teacher I feel privileged to spend time with this richness of ideas, even when it may take some effort to get everybody to pull on the same rope and in the same direction. Having been with you for a few years now, I can see how you have developed from silly little kids to responsible young adults. You are the promise of a bright future.

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Silver Talon


SG PRESIDENT Pacharapus Khoomsyn (Tus) Industrial Engineering and Management, Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)

“I’m an incredibly sane man who’s showing his saneness in insane ways.”

Thanyatorn Benjasatidsap (Jam) Marketing, Mahidol University International College (MUIC)

“Take it easy, life is so simple.“

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Silver Talon


Dome Bharinagul (Dome) Bachelor of Business Administration, Thammasat University

“The road to success is through blood, sweat, and tears.”

Tharistri Charoenvasnadumrong (Fink) Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University

“Have faith in yourself”

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Silver Talon


Chalita Areewijit (Fluke) Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Chulalongkorn University.


John Paul Ronald Cyr II (JP) Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School Of Business. AZ, USA

“Life is like a volleyball - you’ll get pushed and smacked around, but at least you’re not getting spiked by me.”

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Silver Talon


MinJeong Kim (Min) Architecture and Construction Management, Eindhoven Univeristy of Technology (Netherlands)

“I don’t like people, but I love humanity!”

Puttinart Krungkraipetch (Perth) BBA, Thammasat University

“Do not let the cover of the book tell you the story of the book. “

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Silver Talon


Kann Lertsawasdeekun (Gun) Aviation Institute, Rangsit University

“When I see the word “I miss school”, I mean, I miss my friends and the fun, not the building.”

Elamarie Carmel D. Mission (Carmel) Psychology, Trinity Western University.

“I suffer from that problem where my neutral expression makes it look like I’m angry or sad, but I swear I’m not!”

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Silver Talon


Nateethorn Pakapongpun (Beer) International Hospitality Management (ICIH), Mahidol University of Internaiton College

“Bye bye”

Siripatsorn Patchana (Tangmo) Bachelor of Science Emphasis on Sport Performance, Grand Canyon University. AZ, USA

“-The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen is a watermelon inside a watermelon -.”

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Silver Talon


Sidhdanai Peslapunt (Thames) The Thai Bar Under The Royal Patronage

“Either I’m really early or I’m not here.”

Chosita Sukseree (Ploy) Sustainable Tourism Management, Srinakharinwirot University.

“Bye Bye!! Don’t forget me :))”

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Penpicha Tavisaengiri (Ploy) Bachelor of Business Admistration, Mahidol University International College (MUIC)

“Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.”

Andaman Kanjanapen (Forrest) Global Business Program, Hosei University (Japan)

“初めまして、私の名前はフォレストで す。森じゃない! Call me anything, just not tree or jungle. XD”

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Somsri Dumrongruxsoontorn (Ping Ping) Faculty of Engineering, Thammasart University

“Master has given Ping Ping a high school diploma, Ping Ping is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”

Jiratchaya Amornsatitpan (Jijy) Communication Arts, Assumption University

“Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life” - Joyce Meyer

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Kullanan Nuadngam (Nine) Communication Arts, Assumption University

“Nice to have met you.”

Marie Kishi Hotel Management, Stamford University

“I had a good time at Niva International School. I was able to gain a lot of good experiences at school. :)”

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Kittawat Taweesub (Flook) Fashion and Textile Design, Bangkok University

“Good boys go to heaven, but I go everywhere.”

Nichapa Tritippanich (Auey) Bachelor of Arts Program in Journalism (Mass Media Studies), The Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasart University.

“My name is Auey, not auy. Thank you and please remember (me).”

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Bhumirat Tuaijaroen (Max) Saint Louis University, USA Civil Engineering

“Think with your heart, do with your brain.”

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August Activities

Mother’s Day The mother’s day celebration is when children of Thailand honor the mother of the family for their love and care and also celebrate the birthday of the Mother of Thailand, the Queen.

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August Activities

Annual Health Checkup On August 29th the entire school prepared for a medical check-up from Vejthani Hospital. The students receive medical check-ups blood tests, physical test, eye-sight test, x-ray, etc.

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August Activities

Reading Week Reading week was a week-long activity where students participated in different activities that promoted reading. Each day had a different theme as follows:

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August Activities

(Monday) Comfy Cozy Day: For this day students of Niva were allowed to bring pillows, blankets, etc. to keep them comfy during the day. (Tuesday) Pajama Day: Pajama day was the day when students wore their colorful, comfy and cozy pajamas to school. (Wednesday) Poem Day: Students brought their favorite poem or the poem of their choice to school

while the teachers ask them to read their poems. (Thursday) Buddy Reading Day: Some secondary grades were scheduled to read story books to the elementary students. (Friday) Character Day: Character day was the day that students dressed up as their favorite character from their favorite book.

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September Activities

Education Fair at The Mall, Bangkapi Our School Choir and Niva Band performed some songs at the Education Fair in The Mall, Bangkapi last September 3 and 4. Their performances caught the attention of many viewers and they had the chance to promote the school.

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September Activities

Elementary Student Government Election The Elementary students have their electronic voting for their leaders of the Elementary Student Government. After the votes finished, the results were as follows: President: Janjao (G5), Vice President: Yuki (G4), Secretary: Linh (G5), Treasurer: Nick (G4),

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September Activities

Kindergarten and Nursery Day Camp The Nursery and Kindergarten put up their tents and did camp activities such as: identifying camp gear, roasting marshmallows on a simulated camp fire, scavenger hunt, and many more. This is to prepare students for real camps later on when they grow up.

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September Activities

Waii Kru Teacher’s Day (Wan Wai Kruu) – Wan Wai Kruu is an annual tradition in Thailand to pay respect to the teachers by presenting them with flowers made by the students. The students are then shared strings with the teachers to signify the bonds between them.

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September Activities

Teacher Bonding Day Student-Teacher bonding day – students and teachers bonding together through various activities

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September Activities

Seniors Bonding Camp The seniors went on an amazing trip to Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy. They did team building activities and strengthened their bond as a class to prepare them for the teamwork that lies ahead of them.

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September Activities

SG Induction and Seniors Presentation The Student Government are the leaders of the school and it is a practice at Niva to have an Induction Ceremony to recognize and dedicate them for leadership work. Leadership is the heart of the school and we highly support this program. After the ceremony, the Seniors presented a video to introduce them to the students. and did a dance afterwards.

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September Activities

After School ECA Demonstrations Life skills are a part of the students’ development and this is to prepare them for skills that they can use in the real world. The school invited a few outsourcing educational institutes to help out and introduce their expertise to the students. The activities ranged from crafts making to dance skills and math skills.

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September Activities

Nursery Bread and Fruits Arts Activity Some cute activities with the Nursery students as they learned how to simply make artwork with the simple shapes made from bananas, grapes, raisins, etc. They created a face with these fruits on top of the bread.

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October Activities

Kindergarten Swimming Class Swimming is part of the Physical Education program at our school. Students from their early age learn important skills that will help them later on. It is also a good way to emphasize physical activities in the children through swimming.

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October Activities

Mourning Flag Ceremony (Half Mast) It was a sad day when we heard the news of the passing away of HM the King Bhumibol. After the mourning period, we came back to school and held a half mast for the King. Mr. Anthony made a small speech with tears in his eyes and everyone honoured the King by bowing down on the floor and giving respect.

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October Activities

IPS Inter-School Mathematics Challenge Our elementary students received some recognition for participating in the Interschool Mathematics Challenge that was held in IPS (International Pioneers School). Our students had the skills to take on other international schools and they did a great job in presenting themselves and representing the school well.

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October Activities

Math Olympics / Hedgehog Day The secondary students demonstrated excellent skills in math by solving different problems by their house colors. The groups were divided into middle school math and high school math. When a team finishes solving the problems, they move on to the next round until all have completed the task.

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October Activities

Elementary Math Olympics The students had an amazing experience with their friends as they developed their skills solving tough and challenging math problems.

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November Activities

ISAA Open Girls Volleyball Champions The Niva girls volleyball team achieved an amazing victory this tournament. Let’s continue to show support for our talented team!

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November Activities

Volleyball Awards

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November Activities

ISAA Open Boys Volleyball Our boys’ team played hard. Although they weren’t the champions, they fought hard enough to get them in the 3rd place. Congratulations to them for having reached third place!

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November Activities

Loy Krathong The elementary students made krathongs during their first and second periods of class during the Loy Krathong day. Some of their parents came to help them make krathongs in which they were able to float their kratongs on the rivers or lakes.

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November Activities

Teachers and Parents Friendly Soccer Match The first soccer match of the Teachers and Parents started a wonderful relationship and this continued to have regular monthly games. It strengthened the bonds of both parents and teachers/staff which gave a lovely atmosphere at school.

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November Activities

Kindergarten Cooking Vegetables The kindergarten learned how to prepare healthy vegetables for lunch. They learned to wash the vegetables, prepare them and cook them. The students felt proud of their accomplishment and ate their cooked vegetables along with their regular lunch.

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November Activities

University Visits One of the special parts of this university visits was when some of our alumni came to promote their university. Pin, Calm, and James from Thammasat University met with their old friends and it was nice having them share their experiences at their university. Other universities also came and presented as well.

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November Activities

International Schools Spelling Bee Our students did well and received medals from the Spelling Bee competitions against other schools. It was impressive to watch our students tackle hard words where they were able to spell out most of the words given to them. Congratulations to our team.

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December Activities

Kindergarten’s Great Giver Ceremony A solemn remembrance during the late King Bhumibol’s birthday as the kindergarten dedicated songs and gave flowers to pay respect. It was a moving and touching experience.

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December Activities

Elementary’s Great Giver Ceremony The elementary had some messages and songs for HM the King Bhumibol as they talked about many of the good things the King had done for the country of Thailand. They were proud to be born during His reign and have somehow seen the good things He had done for the country.

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December Activities

Secondary’s Great Giver Ceremony In honour of the King’s great achievements, the secondary students reminisced the projects that the King had done and gave reports and videos of the many projects that lifted Thailand up. Songs, music and candle lighting were some of the highlights in this ceremony.

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December Activities

KG & Elementary Christmas Presentation Remembering the Christmas spirit by celebrating with songs and dance. The Kindergarten and Elementary students presented their talents through organized singing, dancing, and playing instruments. The music teachers’ efforts really paid off in these performances.

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December Activities

ELD Performs Cinderella in Grade 4 Classes As a sort of dry run for their big performance, the Grades 3-4 ELD students performed their skits to the grade 4 mainstream classes. The performances were entertaining and built confidence in the students abilities to speak in front of other students.

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December Activities

Secondary Christmas Presentation Christmas time is best spent singing songs with friends and family. Secondary school’s wonderful performances truly achieved filling the school with the holiday spirit.

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December Activities

Grades 4-5 Camp Grades 4-5 took back a lot of great memories of being with friends and doing the activites together. The pictures are a reminder of the things worth remembering and to look back one day.

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December Activities

Kindergarten Christmas Party The Kindergarten kids had a wonderful party with lots of fun activities and games. Also some of the kids had the chance to celebrate their birthdays during the occasion.

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December Activities

Teachers and Staff Christmas Party Having a memorable Christmas party at school created an intimate atmosphere where teachers and staff bonded over lunch to celebrate the festive season with great food and were also entertained by performaces of some of our students.

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January Activities

Nursery and Kindergarten Career Day Each year our students were asked what they wanted to be when the grow up. But on career day, each student got to dress up and be the person they could be in the future. There was a fashion show where students got to present their chosen career for that day.

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January Activities

High School Camp The high school students who attended their camp at Kanchanaburi. Everyone bonded and made better friendships with each other while having fun!

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January Activities

Kindergarten Chinese New Year Crafts The students began the celebration by making red roosters out of paper cups and red construction paper. Ms. Tang oriented the students with the animal this year and Ms. Fang made sure the roosters could make clucking sounds! Students also sang Chinese songs and danced in their classrooms.

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January Activities

Chinese New Year January 27, 2017 Niva International School celebrated the annual Chinese New Year. The school brought in and made many Chinese cultural foods and festivities that many students enjoyed.

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February Activities

Nursery Pasta Necklace Psychomotor Crafts Students are learning to insert a string into uncooked pasta noodles by practicing to steady their hands. It takes concentration and also learning to differntiate colors by alternating the red noodles and the yellowish noodles. After they finished, they were able to wear the necklaces around their necks.

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February Activities

Middle School Camp Middle School Camp 2017 was hosted in SuanSaiYok Resort in Kanchanaburi. All teachers and students enjoyed various events and activities ranging from cave tours and sports activities, to a walk rally through an Adventure Park. Also the most enjoyable activities were during the camp fire.

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February Activities

Visiting Global Company Program February 6, 2017: Cool activities to learn more about of Food Business Management with professionals from Executive chef. This program will be advantage these opportunities, helping high school juniors and seniors take their first real steps toward promising food business careers.

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February Activities

Cultural Field Trip We took our wonderful students with GPA’s of 3.75-4.00 to a trip to the Faculty of Science, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University for a Thai Cultural Event: Remembering Thailand ‘s Beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Tuesday February 7th, 2017 as a reward for students’ great academic job.

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February Activities

Grades 1-3 Camp Students from Grades 1-3 of Niva arrived at Charliena Resort, Nakon Pathom, to enjoy their two days and one night camp. There, the kids visited Chulalongkorn University’s Museum of Natural History, enjoyed the activities arranged by teachers at the resort, and visited a cow farm before heading back.

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February Activities

Valentine’s Day Program Love flew once again around Niva with special serenades from the students, a valentines lunch music presentation, and a fashion show. Grade 11 handed out slips of paper so that students may request songs to be sung to their special valentines. Beautiful roses and treats were provided by Grade 12.

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February Activities

ISAA Under 15 Boys and Girls Basketball All the players were nervous during the match and exhausted after 5 matches. They practiced really hard and were ready to win. There were drives and defense moves that titillated the audience at every turn. The games were close and each basket were met with cheers from the excited audience.

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February Activities

Grade 4 Presents Original Plays to KG Once upon a time, both grade 4 homerooms each collaborated to write their very own fairy tales with the intent to present them to lower grades. Tailoring creative characters, armed with their enthusiasm, the students visited kindergarten and performed with enthusiasm, dedication and leadership,

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February Activities

Powerful Youth Leadership Workshop David Charron, a co-founder and director of impact “Powerful Youth”, asked “Who is a leader and why?”, a student answered “Me, because everyone can be a leader”. Through the activities, students made decisions and followed through with their plan as they worked as a team.

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February Activities

Niva Dance Troupe & Band @ KPIS Music Challenge Niva’s Dance Troupe and Pop Band partook in the “KPIS Music Challenge 2017: Singing, Band, and Dance Contest” on the 24th of February. The audience was wild with hand waves and clapping as they cheered for NIVA’s first performance.

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February Activities

Nursery and KG Field Trip to Ocean World Our Nursery and Kindergarten students learned many things about sea life during their field trip to Ocean World on February 24th. Ocean World is the largest indoor ocean park in Asia and many of the sea creatures and animals from around the world are found there.

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February Activities

Niva’s Got Talent Gifted and Talented students are anything but few and far between in the halls and classrooms of Niva International School. The school body was thrilled and amazed by the performances of Niva’s most talented students

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March Activities

School Field Trip to Golden Jubilee Museum Grades 1 to 12 embarked on an educational field trip to the Golden Jubilee Museum of Agriculture. Along with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, the students learned and observed the various projects initiated by the late King Rama 9 that has helped in the development of agronomics and modern agricultural technology.

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March Activities

Elementary Talent Show This years “Niva’s Elementary Got Talent” show was one of the best shows yet. Our judges were shocked by the performances of Niva’s most talented elementary students.

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March Activities

ELD Cinderella Play The Grades 3-4 ELD class performed the play “Cinderella�. They had prepared for 2 months, practicing their lines and memorizing the scripts. They wore beautiful dresses, had stunning backgrounds and the students acted very well, even without an English background, they spoke English clearly and confidently.

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March Activities

Grade 10G Drama Grade 10G created a parody entitled, “Game of Tiaras” which was a mixture of “Game of Thrones”, Disney Pricesses and other Disney characters. The comedy was spot on and the audience referenced many of the scenes to some parts of the movies.

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March Activities

Grade 10N Drama Grade 10N presented “10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse�. This was one of the funniest plays this year and the characters were very passionate in their lines. It was impressive how well they spoke English and acted with confidence at the same time.

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March Activities

Grade 11G Drama Grade 11G presented “Beauty and the Wimp”. The story was a parody of “Beauty and the Beast”, taking most of the plot from the Disney movie and created a high school teen romance. Belle is a nerdy student at the school and the Beast is instead a wimpy student who had to gain confidence to win Belle’s heart.

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March Activities

Grade 11N Drama Grade 11N presented their version of “Snow White through the Looking Glass”. They used most of the plot from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” and created a semi modern take to the story by adding modern dialogue and modern dancing to the story.

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March Activities

Niva Run for a Reason Niva’s Charity Run was held at Nawamin Pirom Park on the 10th of March 2017. By purchasing a “Run for a Reason” T-shirt, we were able to collect money for two charities in Thailand, namely “The Peace Charity Foundation” and “Foster House Ban Tab Kwang Foundation”.

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March Activities

Teachers Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day It was teachers training but the teachers also decided to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by wearing some green Irish costumes and playing a few games before having the in-service training for that day.

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March Activities

Nursery and KG Animals Day What happened at Kindergarten? We didn’t see our kids that day. Instead, we saw a bunch of different animals running around the playground. It was actually our students dressed up in animal costumes. This activity showed how creative parents can be in dressing up their children with unique animal costumes.

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March Activities

World Scholars Cup On Friday, March 17th, a van set off from Niva International School to NIST for the Bangkok Round of World Scholar’s Cup. This is the first time that Niva has ever participated in this global competition that was initiated and sponsored by Yale University in the United States.

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March Activities

Elementary Sports Day The culmination of the Color House Teams for the Elementary students was during this sports day. Each team did their best to get the highest points possible. This will help their team win the overall championship when combining the points from the secondary students’ teams.

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April Activities

Songkran Activities The theme for this year’s Songkran is “Yard Sale”. The theme revolves around the traditional Thai street market. In addition to the regular activities, the High School students sold Thai goods and Thai food. The dress theme was dyed recycled shirts. The day ended with the traditional water splashing and games.

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April Activities

Manga High Awards The whole school joined in the international maths competition held by Manga High. We came in 1st place in Thailand and 3rd place in Asia. It was a new milestone in achievement for Niva. More than 200 students got medals and we had a pizza party for all the students right after the awarding ceremony.

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April Activities

Kindergarten Sports Day The Kindergarten also divided into teams and played all sorts of competitive games to help their team win. The teachers were enthusiastically cheering for their team and the parents were ever supportive in cheering for their children.

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April Activities

Secondary Sports Day The culminating activities for the house colors this school year through the Secondary Sports Day. The finals for basketball, volleyball, swimming, and badminton were competed by the different teams to get the final points for their house. The day ended with house cheerings and dancing to music.

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April Activities

Elementary Reading Recital and Debate Grades 1 and 2 started off by telling stories through speech choir. The activities were followed by the Debate activities. Students were divided into teams and were assigned to support a certain topic. Each team impressively stood their ground with convincing reasoning. Teachers were impressed by the students.

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April Activities

Elementary Science Fair The Elementary students prepared their science projects and displayed them in their assigned booths to showcase to the teachers, students, and parents. It was very impressive how the students were able to articulate their words when explaining their projects to the people asking them. A job well done.

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April Activities

High School Prom This year, the Grade 11 students organized a Masquerade themed prom entitled, “A Night of Mystery�. Students dressed up elegantly and wore party masks. the prom was held at The St. Regis Bangkok Hotel in Sukhumvit. One teacher commented that it was the best prom so far.

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May Activities

Elementary: Young Musicians Concert The Music Department held their yearly music recital to showcase what the students have learned and how they have improved from the beginning of the school year. The theme was: “All-American Music� where students played popular songs from different genres that shaped the culture of the USA.

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May Activities

Secondary: Young Musicians Concert The day after the Elementary had their concert, the Secondary took on the “All-American� theme once again and showcased their renditions of famous songs. This was participated by the Niva Band, Niva String Ensemble, the Guitar class, and the Niva Choir. The audience were truly entertained.

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Yearbook Staff

Mimi Graphic Editor-in-Chief Silver Talon

Titan Layout and Design Silver Talon

Aing Fa Layout and Design Silver Talon

Lily Talon 2017 Yearbook Online

Hance Literary Editor-in-Chief Silver Talon

Boss Layout and Design Silver Talon

Peeh Layout and Design Silver Talon

Jake Literary Editor Silver Talon

Timmy Layout and Design Silver Talon

Joshua Layout and Design Silver Talon

Long Layout and Design Silver Talon

Dear Layout and Design Silver Talon

Karn Talon 2017 Yearbook Online

Fern Talon 2017 Yearbook Online

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Yearbook Staff

Beamy Video Editor-in-Chief Niva Collection

Lek Video Associate Editor Niva Collection

Gino Video Editor Niva Collection

Som Video Editor Niva Collection

Jazz Video Editor Niva 60 Seconds

Kali Video Script Writer Niva Collection

Rapee Video Team Niva Collection

Beam Video Team Niva Collection

Mr. Bem Overall Yearbook Advisor and Photographer

Mr. Alex Production Advisor Silver Talon

Ms. Nan Purchasing and Printing Communication

Mathew Photographer Silver Talon Activities

Ms. Ambika Advertising Advisor Silver Talon

Mr. Gabe Literary Advisor Silver Talon

Ms. Andrea Literary Advisor Silver Talon

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Gold Awards Semester 1

Semester 2

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