7 minute read

Women's Health


Dr. Elaine Mele PT, PYT, FNCP Physical Therapist Yoga Therapist Functional Nutrition Provider


that is a very important question“The first wealth is health” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is boring, but timeless and true that to make an impact on your health you must address both diet and exercise. You can take all the supplements and pills in the world but if your foundation lacks these two basic building blocks then you are just pouring well-intentioned sand into a sieve with very large holes.

I am a true believer that food can change our lives. Research shows, that a diet full of nutritionally vacant, ultra-processed foods will lead to obesity, depression, slowed cognitive function, and a host of chronic pain and disease. The short-term pleasure with long-term damage. However, a varied, whole food diet can provide the energy and resources we need to live vibrant lives and ward off illness.

In my first article for this magazine (January 2022), I mentioned the CARDIA study (2015) which concluded that lifestyle changes made later in life can still have great impacts on longevity, health, and happiness in our later years. So, it is never too late to start.

Perimenopause and Menopause can be the tipping points in our lives that help determine our quality of life as we age. Looking at how we fuel our bodies, and making the necessary changes to our eating habits, can be two of the most foundational steps we take to improve the odds that those years are spent with health and vibrancy.

The changes that occur to our bodies and brains during the Perimenopause and Menopause transition beg for us to take a closer look at what we put into our bodies, not only for our basic nutritional needs but to support and sometimes mitigate the changes that result from the (often) wild hormone fluctuations we experience during this period.

There are many, many things I can include in this article regarding nutrition, food recommendations, supplements, herbs etc. There is a lot to sift through. Some recommendations I see are research-based, some anecdotal (which I believe still makes them valid), others I see are baseless and tip towards false advertising. The following list of food groups is not exhaustive and there are many I have left out for the sake of brevity. In addition, broad diet recommendations are often very difficult to dispense, for everybody has different needs and nutritional requirements so it is always best to seek individualized guidance from a knowledgeable professional. However, I have chosen to focus on some basic food groups that I feel cover a large ground, are relatively easy to incorporate, and have some scientific research backing them up. In my opinion, any change no matter how small is still a good chance so here we go…..


Are weak estrogen receptors which mean circulating estrogen will “bind up” to these molecules, removing excess estrogen from the bloodstream. Reduced estrogen in the bloodstream helps maintain a more steady hormonal level, leading to (hopefully) reduced estrogen-related side effects such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Many phytoestrogens are soy-based. Soy has historically received a bad rap from some poorly dispensed research information that suggested an increased risk of breast cancer in women following a diet high in soy or soy products. Since then, that research study has been broadly disputed and the most current, general consensus indicates that for most women, high quality, organic soy products do not pose a risk for increasing the incidence of cancer (Chen, 2018). However, women with a history of breast cancer or a genetic predisposition to cancer should proceed with more caution and discuss this with an experienced medical professional. In some well-documented research studies, soy has actually been shown to have the most positive effect on hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and heavy periods compared to other foods

Sources: Beans, soy, tofu, edamame, cruciferous vegetables (see below), dried fruit, and flaxseed.


Are the building blocks of muscles, bones, skin, and blood. We experience a steady and significant loss of muscle mass and bone strength as we age, but we can greatly slow down this process with exercise and adequate protein intake. Help with tissue repair, healing, and the regulation of hormone levels. Some researc www.elainemele.coh shows it can also m help reduce e wlaeiine@elaight gainnemeand le.com feelings of bloat.

The recommended amount per day: .8-1.0 g per kg body weight (roughly 55g for a 150 lb woman). Recent studies suggest higher numbers, up to 1.2-2.6g/kg may be most beneficial (Phillips, 2016). Sources: chicken, pork, fish, soy, beans, legumes, eggs, fermented foods (tempeh, kefir)

Vitamin D

Not only helps to keep bones strong but also aids in maintaining cognitive function. It is involved in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, bone loss, and depression, to name a few (Lerchbaum, 2016). Recommended dosage: 700-800IU / day has been shown to reduce fracture risk and is generally recommended for women in the menopause years. Doctors often recommend even higher dosages, up to 2,000 IU/ day, but this is on a case-by-case basis so be sure to consult your medical provider before beginning a high dose regimen. Sources: Sunlight (15 min a day), dairy products, salmon, tuna. This is one of the few nutrients where a supplement (outside of getting it from sunlight) is sometimes preferred.

Magnesium Glycinate

Best overall (compared to other forms of magnesium) to aid in sleep and mood, while also being gentle on the GI system. Magnesium is important in the process of converting food to energy. Helps regulate cortisol (a stress hormone), supports your thyroid, and assists in the production of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. Mild evidence that it can help with hot flashes. Recommended dosage: 300-400mg / day at minimum Sources: broccoli, bananas, nuts, seeds, spinach, black beans, avocado, kiwi, spinach, flax, sesame, and sunflower seeds.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fats help the body produce and properly absorb hormones and are good for overall brain health due to their ability to help with neuronal synthesis. Other benefits include decreased overall inflammation, and prevention of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. For all of these, the risk increases with menopause. www.elainemele.com Recommended dosage: 1100mg, at minimum. This can vary with certain medi elain c e al @ co ela nditions.inemele.com Sources: sardines, salmon, tuna, flaxseed (oil), chia, walnuts (oil), eggs, soybeans, olive oil.

Cruciferous vegetables provide fiber, which is important for healthy elimination and bowel function. They can also help optimize thyroid function and contain antioxidants that fight against cancer. High in Iron and Calcium, which are important minerals to maintain strong, healthy bones. Cruciferous vegetables also contain moderate levels of Vitamin B and Magnesium which assist in regulating mood and energy levels. There is some evidence that these foods help with hormone regulation (Fowke, 2000). Broccoli especially has been shown to balance the amount of “good” estrogen vs “bad” (the type that increases the risk of cancer in some women) estrogen in the bloodstream. Other Sources: cauliflower, kale, bok choy, collard greens, arugula, brussel sprouts

Other important micronutrients to consider:

- Vitamins B-6, B-12, E, and Zinc

With any lifestyle change, I often encourage my clients to take small steps to avoid overwhelm. Add (or take away) 1-2 new foods a week. Always consult your trusted medical provider before making any drastic changes to your diet especially if you are experiencing or are at risk for significant illness or disease. Be patient and kind to yourself along this journey and don’t forget to enjoy your food. It can and should be a source of both need and pleasure. I am here to help, go to www.elainemele.com to sign up for a free 20 min consultation to discuss your wellness needs.

Disclaimer: the recommendations in this article are not intended to substitute for direct and individualized medical care. Please consult a trusted health care provider before making any significant changes to your diet.


Chen M, et al. Association between soy isoflavone intake and breast cancer risk for pre- and post-menopausal women: A meta-analysis of epidemiological studies. PLOS One. 2014;9:e89288. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0089288. Accessed Oct. 10, 2018. Phillips, S. M., Chevalier, S., & Leidy, H. J. (2016). Protein “requirements” beyond the RDA: implications for optimizing health. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41(5), 565–572. https://doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2015-0550 Lerchbaum E. Vitamin D and menopause--a narrative review. Maturitas. 2014 Sep;79(1):3-7. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2014.06.003. Epub 2014 Jun 13. PMID: 24993517.

Dr. Elaine Mele

www.elainemele.com elaine@elainemele.com

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