7 minute read

Healing with Energy


The best version of you Heal your past. Create your future

Mor Yelvington Energy Healer / Relationship Coach

When we are born into this world, we come into a family, parents, that already have so much baggage with them.

Our first language is energy. We feel and understand without words. We perceive how others feel and think beyond the words they say.

We come into this world and try to fit in. We talk like our mother. We act like our fathers. We align and agree with our friends and teachers. We resist and react to our surroundings.

We try to be The best version of ourselves.

But, What is that? What does that look like? Is it perfect? Is it flawless? Is it who you really are?

In this reality, we are told to be the best version of ourselves, but is it really us or is it the best version we see ourselves in the eyes of society?

Is it the eyes of your parents? The eyes of your kids? The eyes of your teachers or bosses?

Who are the eyes you see yourself through?

What version of yourself are you striving to be and for whom? What if you let yourself be the one and only version of YOU? That is just YOU. The you that is free of judgment. That you that is free from others points of view.

Free of confinement.

The YOU that is so powerful, so free, so open that if you let yourself BE that version of you it will burn down all the limitations you've been living with.

As a mom, I often contemplate: "What Is the balance between controlling my kids so they behave correctly in society, and letting them be who they are?

Sometimes I wonder: Who is really the teacher? Me or them? Who is really responsible? Do they feel as responsible for me as I feel responsible for them?

I always knew that as a mom I have a responsibility to take care of my kids, but I never thought about responsibility from their perspective.

Now twist that - how responsible are you for your parents? For their happiness? For their health? For their well-being?

As a child how much responsibility do you have? Not to let them down? Not to disappoint them? Not to disobey them? To make them proud? To make them happy? To care and love them?

You see, when I look at it from a different perspective, kids have so much responsibility for their parents as well.

Now the question is- how much of these responsibilities do they have?

How many of the roles that we take on are really just judgments that were made for us to fit in? What if instead of shaping our kids to fit into this reality, we let them create their own. What if we just let them be who they are and accept them for who they are without any judgment or point of view?

And what if we did the same for ourselves?

What if we didn't judge ourselves anymore?

What if the only real responsibility we had was to just be us?

You are here for a reason.

Mor Yelvington


Light Code Healing

Maria is a healer with strong psychic abilities. Her holistic career started as a yoga teacher, working with clients who suffer from anxiety and depression, she specializes in yin and restorative yoga, and Maria attuned herself with reiki soon after, so as to be able to further assist her clients in shifting and moving their energy.

As she opened up to working more within the energetic field, her physic abilities grew and she was introduced to many different types of spirits; Light beings in particular.

Maria started to have dreams and visions of her time in different galaxies and on different planets, and it became clear that she is an Arcturian Starseed.

One night, as she was going through the divorce from her ex-husband, and she found herself in a very dark and lonely place, she asked for guidance…One of the Light Beings, the high princess appeared in front of her and informed her that she has a big healing mission on this earth and that she was now stepping into the full potential of her powers. She was at that moment given the knowledge of Light Code healing, and the ability to perform this powerful healing modality. She is also a channel for healing codes and light language and uses both in her healing sessions.

Maria is the only one in the world that claims to have this gift, and she is known for the powerful shifts she implements on the souls that she works with. Today she specializes in working with those who have experienced emotional trauma, as light code healing is a rapid way to free you from trauma conditioning and limiting beliefs.

“Traumatic experiences have the ability to change how we feel about ourselves and the world around us, they can make us adopt negative beliefs. Trauma is not always one big event, it can be small repetitive hurts. These negative beliefs will imprint as “ low vibrational codes” into your grids, and as they build up, they can start to negatively affect your reality, as they become your reality.

We carry codes regarding all aspects of our life: our relationship with food, love, romantic relationships, friendships, and money. All aspects of you, who you are, and what you have been through, are written in the Light Codes within your grids. Your codes appear to Maria as swirling, golden signs anchored into grids, layers of light, on and around your body. ”

Light code healing explained

Ascending to earth

Each time we ascend to earth we arrive with lessons that we need to learn. These can be lessons of many things, but for example; learning to feel compassion, understand unconditional love, or learn to be independent and realize our inner strength are some common lessons. You will be placed into a timeline/ reality where you will have the opportunity to learn these lessons.

Each lesson has its own “soul contract” , and for your soul to evolve each contract has to be learned / “completed” .

Your timeline.

As you are anchored within a reality where you can work through your soul's contact, you might experience trauma around this contact. Trauma is a powerful teacher.

If you do not learn your lesson, your contact does not complete and the experiences will repeat, the same type of people will appear in your reality until you have learned the lesson. Unfortunately, traumatic experiences can create negative beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, and these beliefs will imprint as low vibrational codes into your grids

Light Codes

For example, if we are in a timeline learning about independence, and living through loss and separation, this can create the belief that we will always lose the people we love, and that love is not safe. This then might lead to us pushing people away or choosing unhealthy relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable as we are scared of true soul connections, out of the fear of losing them. Your Light Codes are deeply imprinted beliefs from moments of emotional trauma, coding that is negatively affecting your current reality. Our grids are filled with codes around love, relationships, money, abundance, and health.


She would then heal the emotional trauma you have lived through - in this life and past lives, upgrade the Light Codes around love, making you feel safe to love, reminding you that they did not leave because of you and that you are loveable.

Finally, she would call back your soul from all timelines where you are still anchored and experiencing the loss, grief, and anger, and heal those emotions.

She would then release any deeply rooted emotions held in your physical body and support the elevation of your frequency reconnecting you to your soul star.

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