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Female Sexuality

S e x u a l i t y F e m a l e


Feeling sexy, after motherhood... Julie Demers Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapist

When a woman becomes pregnant her body changes, this is inevitable. In order to harbor life inside her and for it to grow and develop, the woman's body is sacrificed. There are women who are luckier than others and have more elastic skin where there are no stretch marks or bloating, but not everything is so pretty for all mothers.

There are many mothers whose body is beautiful when they get pregnant, every pregnant body is beautiful... But after giving birth, things change. The clothes no longer fit like before, the abdomen can be distended, the stretch marks wreak havoc on the skin, fluid retention does not go away from one day to the next and the worst, the kilos that are usually gained during pregnancy can be an accompanying mother for years. All of this can be really frustrating for a woman who has been a mother.

While it is true that the fact of having brought a beautiful baby into the world is more than enough to forget all those physical ills, a woman who does not feel good about her body can be really bad emotionally for this reason. It is necessary for a woman who does not feel good about her body to learn to feel good and sexy because every woman is, whether she has been a mother or not... and she has the body she has. Being and feeling sexy is more a matter of attitude and how you see life. The canons of beauty imposed by society have nothing to do with reality.

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a body that has been marked by motherhood. Each sign, each stretch mark… Each mark on your skin is a reminder of how tigress you are and how you face life every day. There are women who think that after becoming mothers they must lose their sexual attractiveness and that it is normal to hate the new body, that it must be covered... But this does not have to be the case, you do not have to forget that your body is yours and what you feel! towards him will make you feel better or worse!

You only have one body and you have to take care of it, but your mind is also very important. You may have found yourself with a few extra kilos, but that does not have to make you feel worse about yourself, you have been a mother! You need to learn to feel good in your skin, not to hate yourself for the changes in your skin, you don't have to beat yourself up in the gym or go on impossible diets. Don't let anyone dare to talk about your body or how you look. It is you who should look and feel good. This way you will feel sexy, whatever others say.

You don't have the body of a catwalk model, but that doesn't mean you can't be sexy, that you can't have and feel the power of your body, of your inner strength. That is much more powerful than having a body 10. Enough of hating the body of a woman that has changed due to giving birth... Enough of comparing yourself with bodies that have undergone surgery or that do not know the ravages of motherhood.

When you put yourself first, you get to CREATE the balance you desire and NEED. This morning, I spent more than an hour before the kids where you are a mother and you have strength. Appreciate the gift of life, of having good health. Enjoy your own love, the love you enjoy giving to your baby, the love towards your family. If you feel good about yourself and your body no matter how it is, you will also be doing your children a favor... They will see in you a security model that will make them love themselves just the way they are, without comparison. Self-love is the sexiest thing there is. Your confidence is the most important.

Tips to feel sexy after motherhood

Accept yourself as you are

True, your hips may be wider, and bloating is not pretty to look at. You may even have some gray hair and wrinkles on your face. But we're talking about you, how beautiful you are, and how your body is now your new you and that's what's important. Don't look at the past, look in the mirror and get the best out of yourself right now.

You are living. You are raising a human being. You are a superwoman even if you don't believe it right now. All of this should bring you the confidence you need to realize that you are the most beautiful thing on this planet.

It is possible that during the stage of pregnancy your sexy clothes were left aside, perhaps the pants you had before you became pregnant no longer fit... But that does not mean that you should dress differently or that you should not feel beautiful in the clothes you wear. Go shopping for clothes and buy the one that suits you best. You deserve it after having been pregnant for 9 months, having gone through birth or cesarean section, and because your body has changed. Don't you think?

Put yourself first before everything

When you are a mother, you are constantly giving in to the needs of others. Your child comes first and it's normal, but there are times when your own needs must also be taken care of, both for your sake and that of your baby or others. If you realize how important your needs are too, your confidence will come back to you and then you will feel sexier and more confident. You will be unstoppable.

From now on, you have no excuse. Look in the mirror and feel like the most beautiful of women because you are. Look at your imperfections and see them as marks of your strength, of your courage, that you have given life to the most beautiful thing you have in life. A sexy woman's body doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be real. It is your strength, your courage and your confidence that really makes you sexy to the world, but above all, to yourself.

Julie Demers

Holistic Pelvic Floor Therapist https://www.juliedemers.com email: julie@juliedemers.com

The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence. —Beyoncé

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