Business Connexions June 21

Page 29


One in five people experienced depression this year Around one in five (21%) adults experienced some form of depression in the early part of 2021, new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed. The study, which covered the period from January 27 to March 7, showed that rates of depression in adults were more than double pre-pandemic levels, with low earners most likely to experience depressive symptoms. The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a significant rise in unemployment, with many companies forced to lay off staff, and the study found that 40% of unemployed adults experienced some form of depression compared with 19% of employed or self-employed adults. Adults who were retired had the lowest rates of depressive symptoms across all employment groups (10%), while rates for those who were economically inactive for reasons other than retirement were similar to those observed for unemployed adults. When compared with employed or self-employed adults, those unemployed or economically inactive for reasons other than being retired continued to be more likely to experience some form of depression. Around one in three (35%) adults who reported being unable to afford an unexpected expense of £850 encountered depressive symptoms during the early part of the year, compared with one in five (21%) adults before the pandemic. Almost three in ten (28%) adults living in the most deprived areas of England experienced depression; this compares

with just under two in ten (17%) adults in the least deprived areas of England. Workers with incomes of less than £10,000 a year had the highest rates of depression (37%) when compared with all higher-income groups. Adults educated below degree level had higher rates of depressive symptoms (23%) compared to those with no qualifications (19%), a degree or equivalent (18%), or other qualifications (16%). Women were more likely than men to experience some form of depression across all age groups, with over four in ten (43%) young women aged 16 to 29 years experiencing depressive symptoms compared with 26% of men of the same age. Adults of mixed ethnicity or “any other ethnic group” appeared more likely to experience some form of depression (35% and 32% respectively) than white adults (20%). However, after controlling for age, sex and other characteristics, the study showed that no statistically significant differences were found between these ethnic minority groups and white adults. In addition, the study found that black or black British adults had lower odds of experiencing some form of depression when compared with white adults.

“When compared with employed or self-employed adults, those unemployed or economically inactive for reasons other than being retired continued to be more likely to experience some form of depression.”

Business Connexions | 29

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