LW on Leadership
o the best leaders have a natural ability, or can it be learned? At what stage can you demonstrate leadership skills, or if you don’t feel you have them now, how do you acquire these skills? LW asked a wide group of Legal Women these questions and more, to get an insight into what leadership skills are valued in today’s world and it’s clear that the old style ‘I’m the boss’ doesn’t create a work environment attractive to many, except perhaps the boss! Even then, the reality is that an autocratic style means the business is likely to take a nosedive in profitability due to missing out on new ideas and/or clients sooner or later. So,
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listening to staff and actively creating the right sort of team you can lead, gives any business a competitive edge. The following pages capture the views of Paralegals, former Law Society Presidents, CILEX and its former President; lawyers working in Chambers, In-House, Third Sector (charities, public service etc) and private practice law firms. We would love to know your views; what leadership means to you and the extent to which it measures up in your workplace. Let us know on twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram or if you prefer not to have your name publicised email Legal Women confidentially. ■