Lets Talk Business August 2023

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How businesses should prepare for the future of technology
INSIDE: ENVIRONMENT- Sustainability is good for business • PATRON FOCUS - A perfect partnership • SPOTLIGHT FOCUS - Hammersmith & Fulham - Building a borough fit for the future • INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Trade deals with Australia and New Zealand is good news
Alexandra Koch Pixabay

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Book now by calling 0208 232 2000 or email events@hibrentfordlock.co.uk

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In this issue we look into the future of AI, the power and potential. Plus we show how technology developed locally is improving agriculture in Africa. We also showcase our award-winning international trade support work with a “Thank You” award from the Mayor. Happy summer holidays.

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let’s talkbusiness
contents & welcome 3 4-9 Artificial Intelligence 11 Director Focus 12-13 Skills 14-15 News 16-17 The Big Interview 21 Environment 23 Patron Focus 27 News 28-31 Spotlight Focus 32-33 International Trade 35 Equality & Diversity 37 News 39 Health & Wellbeing 40-41 New Members 42 Business Awards 43 Forthcoming Events 45 Technology 46 5 Minutes with… 4 28 Disclaimer: let’s talk business is published for the Chamber of Commerce and is distributed without charge to Chamber members. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at the Chamber of Commerce. Views expressed in let’s talk business are not necessarily those of the Chamber of Commerce. Reprinting in whole or part is forbidden except by permission. © 2023. Please note that submitting an article does not guarantee publication. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published in this journal, Benham Publishing and its agents can accept no responsibility for the veracity of claims made by contributions in advertising or editorial content. Benham Publishing cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in web or email links supplied to us.
karen@benhampublishing.com Production Chris Millett Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email: chris@benhampublishing.com Enquiries West London Chambers of Commerce Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS Tel: 07879 813817 Email: sallysmith@westlondonchambers.org.uk Web: www.westlondonchambers.org.uk Editor Sarah Dale Email: sarahdale@benhampublishing.com Tel: 0151 236 4141
Karen Hall Tel: 0151 236 4141 Email:karen@benhampublishing.com Publisher Ian Fletcher Benham Publishing Limited Aintree Building, Aintree Way, Aintree Business Park, Liverpool L9 5AQ Tel: 0151 236 4141 Fax: 0151 236 0440 Email: admin@benhampublishing.com Web: www.benhampublishing.com Media No. 1989 Published Aug 2023 16 Contents 11 32 23 Welcome to our summer edition Alan Rides - Chief Executive OfficerWest London Chambers of Commerce Outgoing Mayor of Hounslow presenting award to Alan Rides

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since the mid-20th century, but its evolution has accelerated tremendously in the past few decades.

The initial stages were characterised by a lack of progress due to limited computer processing capabilities and data. However, with the advent of increased computational power, advancements in machine learning, and the availability of vast amounts of data, AI has evolved significantly.

Today, we are in the era of AI that is capable of deep learning. This means that AI can learn and improve from experience, solving complex problems without being explicitly programmed to do so. It’s the technology behind self-driving cars, generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, recommendation systems, and many other advancements that were just science fiction a few decades ago.

Futurist Bernard Marr, an internationally bestselling business author, is a CEO and strategic advisor to some of the world’s biggest organisations including Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Toyota, and the United Nations. A prolific writer, he has penned 22 best-selling books, writes a regular column for Forbes and is a frequent contributor to the World Economic Forum.

AI The Power and Potential

Internationally best-selling business author Bernard Marr talks to Sarah Dale about the future of AI, the positives and the pitfalls, and how businesses should prepare for the future of technology.

“AI’s power and potential are immense,” said Bernard, who lives in Milton Keynes with his wife and three children.

“From automating mundane tasks and providing real-time analytics to creating complex algorithms that can outperform humans in specific tasks, AI has already shown us a glimpse of its potential.”

AI can learn from data, identify patterns, and make predictions, all at a scale and speed that is beyond human capability. This makes it a powerful tool for addressing a wide array of challenges across various industries, including healthcare, finance, education, and transportation, to name a few.

In medical healthcare, AI has the potential to drastically improve diagnostics, patient care, and research. AI algorithms can analyse medical images, genomics data, or electronic health records to detect diseases such as cancer at an early stage, often with greater accuracy than human physicians. They can also predict disease progression or recommend personalised treatment plans based on a patient’s unique profile. Moreover, AI can automate administrative tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to spend more time on patient care. In research, AI can sift through vast amounts of biomedical literature to identify potential new drug candidates or predict their possible side effects.

“For business leaders, it’s crucial to understand that digital transformation isn’t just about implementing new technologies; it’s about fundamentally changing how your organisation operates,” said Bernard.

“You need to create a culture that embraces change and fosters innovation.

“First, develop a clear vision and strategy for your digital transformation. Identify the business areas where emerging technologies like AI could have the greatest impact. This could be improving customer service with chatbots, enhancing decision-making with data analytics, or automating routine tasks.

“Second, invest in skills. Your workforce needs to be able to leverage these technologies effectively. This might involve hiring new talent, reskilling existing employees, or partnering with external organisations.

“Lastly, prioritise data management. The value of AI and other emerging technologies lies in their ability to extract insights from data. Ensure you have robust data governance, privacy, and security measures in place.”

AI does pose a risk to jobs, particularly those involving routine or repetitive tasks, however, it can also create new jobs. In fact, many of the jobs that exist now didn’t a few decades ago. AI is expected to create new roles related to developing, managing and maintaining AI systems. However, this transition requires proactive measures, including reskilling and upskilling of the workforce, to ensure people can take advantage of these new opportunities.

Like any technology, AI can pose dangers if not properly managed and regulated. Some potential dangers highlighted by Bernard include:

let’s talkbusiness artificial intelligence 4
Alexandra Koch Pixabay
First, develop a clear vision and strategy for your digital transformation. Identify the business areas where emerging technologies like AI could have the greatest impact.

artificial intelligence

• Privacy and security: AI systems can process vast amounts of data, which can be a risk if these systems are not properly secured. They can be used for malicious purposes, such as surveillance, data theft, or cyberattacks.

• Bias: If AI is trained on biased data, it will produce biased results, leading to unfair outcomes. This is especially concerning in areas like hiring, lending, or law enforcement, where bias can have serious real-world consequences.

• Ethics and accountability: As AI systems become more autonomous, it can be difficult to determine accountability. For example, if a self-driving car is involved in an accident, who is to blame? The manufacturer, the owner, or the AI itself?

• Socio-economic impact: AI might increase inequality if the benefits are not widely distributed.

Bernard’s latest book, Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World, outlines the essential skills needed for success in an increasingly digital world.

“As the technology landscape evolves, most of the future workforce will be doing jobs that don’t yet exist,” he said. “Even our current jobs are not immune to change; they will evolve, some will become obsolete, and many new ones will emerge.”

With this in mind, his book aims to prepare everyone - not just those in the workforce today, but those who will join in the futurefor this rapid evolution. He explores the need for skills beyond just the current job market, including the jobs that may exist in the future as we delegate more tasks to machines. Interestingly, these future skills lean more towards softer skills, the areas where machines are currently unable to match human capabilities.

“The aim of the book is not only to inform but also to encourage individuals to cultivate these skills, in order to succeed in the digital era,” he added.

“It emphasises the importance of continual learning, adaptability, and a keen awareness of technology, while also underlining the importance of emotional intelligence, ethical awareness, and personal wellbeing. In essence, it provides a comprehensive guide to thriving in a future that, while uncertain, holds many exciting opportunities for those prepared to navigate it.”

Bernard predicts that AI will become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, in ways we can and cannot currently imagine.

“We will likely see more applications in areas like personalised education, preventive

healthcare, and sustainable energy management,” he said.

“AI will become more explainable and transparent, addressing current concerns about ‘black box’ decision-making. We’ll also see the rise of ‘edge AI’, where AI processing happens on local devices, reducing data privacy concerns and improving efficiency.

“In terms of regulation, I expect to see more comprehensive frameworks emerge to address ethical, privacy, and security issues. “However, the future of AI depends on our actions today. By investing in research, promoting ethical use, and ensuring equitable access, we can harness the potential of AI while mitigating its risks.”

Future Skills:

The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World by Bernard Marr (Wiley, £18.99) is out now

How To Use AI in Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems or machines that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence.

It is a multidisciplinary field integrating computer science, mathematics, statistics, cognitive science, and other domains to create intelligent systems capable of perceiving, reasoning, learning, and making decisions. Businesses can leverage AI in numerous ways to enhance operations, improve decision-making processes, and deliver superior products or services. The potential applications of AI are extensive, offering increased efficiency, enhanced customer experiences, and competitive advantages in the marketplace. Below are some prevalent applications of AI in business:

Customer Service

AI chatbots and virtual assistants offer 24/7 customer support, providing personalized recommendations and handling inquiries, reducing human intervention and enhancing satisfaction.

Data Analysis

AI algorithms rapidly analyse vast data volumes, uncovering patterns, trends, and insights overlooked by humans. This enables data-driven decision-making,

process optimization, and discovery of new business opportunities.

Predictive Analytics

AI builds predictive models for future trends, customer behavior, demand patterns, and market dynamics, facilitating better planning, optimized inventory management, and personalized recommendations.

Marketing and Advertising

AI analyses customer data to deliver personalized ads and recommendations, optimizing ad placements and budgets based on real-time performance data for enhanced marketing campaign outcomes.

Fraud Detection and Security

AI detects fraudulent activities in financial transactions, online payments, and cybersecurity breaches, preventing risks and safeguarding sensitive data.

Supply Chain and Logistics

AI optimizes supply chains by analysing data, predicting demand, managing inventory, and identifying efficient routes. This reduces costs, minimizes delays, and improves efficiency.

Product Development and Innovation

AI generates new product ideas, improves existing products, and automates R&D processes, guided by customer feedback and market trends for product design and innovation.

Human Resources

AI automates HR tasks like resume screening, candidate sourcing, onboarding, and aids in performance evaluations, learning, and talent management.

Risk Assessment

AI analyses data to assess risks in finance, insurance, and cybersecurity, informing decision-making and reducing potential losses.

Virtual Assistants and Voice Interfaces

AI virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri enable voice-controlled interfaces for tasks like scheduling, information retrieval, and smart device control, enhancing business efficiency.

AI can enhance just about any business. Its goal is to create intelligent systems that automate tasks, augment human capabilities, solve complex problems, and provide valuable insights in decision-making processes.

Chamber member Blue Summit simplifies the process of leveraging AI technology, enabling businesses to harness its full range of benefits. We provide comprehensive solutions that encompass every aspect of AI implementation, ensuring you can maximize the advantages AI offers.

So let’s embark on a new phase together. www.bluesummittech.com

let’s talkbusiness 5

Embrace Digital Stay Human

WSI Digital Advisors are a local Digital Marketing Consultancy, who believe that people buy from people, so when customers are asking them about AI, what do they say?

1 The story so far

After years of noise …. Crypto, NFTs etc … the real kickstart was in November last year when ChatGPT launched…. after being “trained” on a massive but curated amount of information up to 2021, ChatGPT 3 was the first of the new AI systems available to the public. It uses enormous data sets and vast computing power to allow machine learning – AI systems train and improve themselves over time.

They excel for example at identifying patterns and making predictions e.g. In identifying tumours from x-rays they are vastly more accurate than humans.


The most interesting technology is Generative AI – this behaves in an almost human-like way, creates words, images, videos, try it out its extraordinary! This area is already evolving at huge speed, with multiple AI systems coming to market.

As the newer versions come on stream they are trawling the internet for the most up to date and relevant answers.

2 Using AI tools

If you use predictive text on your phone or let Gmail finish your sentences or if your phone uses FaceID, or you talk to Alexa or Siri, then you are already using AI every day. To get up close and personal try ChatGPT – the most readily available AI chat interface, the secret is in the questions (prompts) you ask. There are 4 crucial elements of a great prompt – imagine you are talking to a very literally minded person..

1. Define your objective clearly

2. Set the context to keep relevant

3. Give examples and structure

4. Test and refine your prompts until you get the results you are happy to work with…..

Here’s a couple of examples

“write me an email asking casual golfers to come and play this weekend at West Middlesex golf club, the cost is £50, and the email must be 100 words or less”

“describe to a french person a beautiful sunset in west London”

“build me a marketing plan for terracotta tiles in the UK, the product will be imported from Italy and will be more expensive than comparable UK products”

“What products will sell well in a UK garden centre in April”

Go to ChatGPT and give them a go! (https://openai.com/chatgpt)

It’s a fantastic way to get your creativity flowing and to give you a start to a piece of work – you then apply the “icing on the cake” that sets you apart.

Of course, check and validate everything first!

3 What comes next

This is all just a starter and moving fast, so used well, will help businesses with costs and efficiencies – we’d advise companies to embrace the change, it’s too early to say which ones will be the “winners”, but that’s not a reason not to get started.

As Darwin said “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”

Chamber member WSI Digital Advisors are happy to give you personal guidance to help you steer your business where you need it to go - Visit our website to find out more or download a guide to ChatGPT, or be really radical and give us a call! on 020 3488 7608


The top 20 AI-ready London boroughs, according to SAS are:

The boroughs were ranked according to how many university courses with AI components were on offer, AI jobs available within five miles, life satisfaction average, and awards from InnovateUK for projects in 2022-25.

Across the UK, SAS also ranked the most AI-ready cities:



When looking at how many AI companies are in each city, Manchester took the top spot with 90 AI companies, Birmingham second with 83 and Edinburgh with 82.

Top countries with the highest private investments in AI in 2022, according to Stanford University’s AI Index Report 2023:

1. United States

2. China

3. United Kingdom

4. Israel

5. India

6. South Korea

7. Germany

8. Canada

9. France

10. Argentina

11. Australia

12. Singapore

13. Switzerland

14. Japan

15. Finland

let’s talkbusiness artificial intelligence
1. Hillingdon 2. Islington 3. Southwark 4. Ealing 5. Newham 6. Tower Hamlets 7. Lambeth 8. Lewisham 9. Westminster 10. Richmond upon Thames 11. Waltham Forest 12. Camden 13. Barking and Dagenham 14. Harrow 15. Greenwich 16. Hackney 17. Hounslow 18. Haringey 19. Havering 20. Merton 1. Edinburgh 2. Cambridge 3. Oxford 4. Birmingham 5. Bristol 6. Manchester 7. Leeds 8. Glasgow 9. Cardiff 10. Nottingham 11. Brighton 12. Liverpool 13. Leicester 14. Milton Keynes 15. Sheffield 16. Coventry 17. Newcastle Norwich Derby 20. Ely
If you use predictive text on your phone or let Gmail finish your sentences or if your phone uses FaceID, or you talk to Alexa or Siri, then you are already using AI every day.
Alexandra Koch Pixabay
SAS Technology Solutions, worldwide analytic experts, recently published their AI Cities Index 2023 looking at which parts of the UK are most AI-ready. Using a selection of key indicators, their analysis of the top 20 AI-ready London boroughs is as follows:

AI will transform small businesses in the UK

AI tools like chatbots, predictive analytics, and process automation will help small businesses save time and resources on routine tasks. This will enable them to redeploy their attention to higher-value tasks and to better serve their customers.

It is unique however how this is the first time that a technological leap is almost entirely only affecting knowledge work. This makes it plausible that in the not very far future we will see quite successful “one person companies” that are able to provide services to their local communities without the need of much additional staff. Whilst this might sound like a potential threat to many jobs, I believe it will more likely create huge economic opportunities.

As the co-founder of nPlan, an AI company focused on the construction industry, I have seen firsthand how AI can benefit small businesses. We founded nPlan a few years ago with a vision of using AI to forecast and prevent delays on construction, engineering, and infrastructure projects. Our AI studies historical project data to get better at estimating job durations, identifying dependencies, and flagging potential risks. By automating the tedious risk analysis work, we free up our clients to focus on managing projects and clients, as well as scaling up the analysis to superhuman levels. Some were hesitant to trust an AI

at first, but after using the system, they found they gained time, reduced costs, and improved project outcomes greatly.

AI will not only help large projects and enterprises but will also level the playing field for small businesses like those in the Chamber of Commerce. Powerful AI tools are becoming more affordable and accessible through cloud platforms, and more and more specialised platforms. With the right mindset of adaptation and lifelong learning, small businesses can harness AI to boost productivity, gain insights, and build new products and services, potentially becoming competitive with much larger incumbents.

The key will be for businesses to take a strategic approach to integrating AI, focusing on specific problems and opportunities that AI can address. They also must invest in re-skilling and upskilling their employees and incentivizing a culture of continued learning as AI changes jobs and the workforce. Overall, while there may be challenges, small businesses that take proactive steps to adopt AI in a responsible way can benefit substantially from this transformational technology. My experience with nPlan is proof that AI, if deployed thoughtfully, can be a huge boom for businesses in the UK.

let’s talkbusiness 8 artificial intelligence
AI will transform small businesses in the UK in the coming decade. While AI will likely replace some existing jobs and tasks, it will also create new opportunities and efficiency gains for small businesses.
Our Chamber is seeing more advanced IT companies joining this year and we are pleased to welcome our first AI company: nPlan. This information shows the level of AI investment in the UK and by comparison as a % of country GDP we would be above China and USA so we should be proud of our country’s leading position in this field.
Alan Rides CEO West London Chambers

WSI Digital

When clients approach us, they often start by saying...

• I’m getting no leads from my website

• My social media marketing seems like a waste of time

• I don’t know if I’m getting value for money when I spend it on marketing

• Should I do Google Ads

• I just want to sell more stuff online

We add value by using our business expertise to help small and medium sized businesses to achieve more sales and leads online.

We don’t believe in the “onesize-fits-all” approach to digital marketing – every brand and every business is different, so we use our online commercial experience supported by the technical

expertise of the WSI network to recommend and deliver a strategy based on your individual business needs and budget.


We are first and foremost business people - in our careers we’ve been directors of large retailers and B2B companies. We therefore always start with a FREE ASSESSMENT of your current position and possible actions.

Our first step will be to LISTEN to you, to understand what you already do, and how you describe your customers and your products.

The second step is to ANALYSE what we have heard. We use our experience and the power of the WSI network to explore opportunities and to build


strategic options for you.

The next stage is to give you OPTIONS and IDEAS to get a fix on what you think of those ideas when given in context.

The last step of our introduction is to PROPOSE a solution to you. THE BEST BIT IS – up to this point DOESN’T COST PENNY – Our “listen and understand” approach means that we want to be sure your solution fits with your overall strategy, budget, company culture and capabilities.

THEN IT GETS BETTER – we use the power and scale of our network to deliver cost effective solutions for you.

We have no technology of our own to sell you, so we will work out the best option for you and take it from there.


• Build a new site, improve an existing one or extend your ecommerce capabilities so you can sell more online.

• We will help you bring your website ideas to life

Search Engine Optimisation

• Make sure you get found when people are looking for businesses like yours online. This can be Local, on Google Maps, National or even on an International level.

• We focus on getting you found by working on what your customers are searching for.

Content Marketing

• Develop engaging and relevant content for your customers across website pages, blogs and articles and your social channels.

• We will work with you to understand what will make your customers engage, like and trust you enough to buy from you.

As Digital Consultants, WSI Digital Advisors are happy to give you guidance to help you steer your business where you need it to go. We are West London Chamber members and last year won “Best Digital Marketing Agency”.

We are also part of WSI, a large global digital network which means we are always informed on the latest developments. We are happy

Paid Search Advertising

• Give your website traffic a boost with Google, Microsoft and Facebook Ads.

• We get the right customers looking at your brand at the right time.

Outbound Digital Marketing

• Use Email (still the best performing digital technique), and Marketing Automation to streamline your communications.

• We help you choose the right CRM, set up your email campaigns or help you to build connections on LinkedIn.


• Develop your digital strategy, deliver a transformation project or secure ongoing advice.

• We will be your guide through the forest of options, ideas and tactics that digital marketing offers. We’ve lots of ideas e.g. could AI work for you?

to come and share insights and advice in short presentations to business teams in the local area.

Visit our website to see more about what we do, download handy guides to ChatGPT, reach out if you want a chat about any problems you may have - or simply follow us on our socials!

let’s talkbusiness 9
Embrace Digital. Stay Human. www.wsidigitaladvisors.uk 020 3488 7608
Advisors are a family owned digital marketing company based in Chiswick, run by Peter & Nicky McKenna

Bell Road, Hounslow

We have developed a trusted relationship with the people of Hounslow, and our years of experience in the area mean that we know what works for the local community.

Our most recent Hounslow-based development on Bell Road will mark the start of a new chapter for many when it completes later this year.

Located in the heart of Hounslow, it will provide 127 new homes for the local community.

The Bugler Group is a multi-disciplinary construction and property development business with an enviable track record of delivering high quality homes throughout London and the South East for over 40 years.

High quality homes since 1982. www.bugler.co.uk

Westfield is perfect site for vibrant co-working space Venture X Whit e City

Company director Chris Lukins talks to Sarah Dale about flexible working, how to grow a business and being a Chamber director.

Take a walk around White City and you will feel the buzz of a vibrant area of regeneration.

It has a wealth of shops, restaurants and bars at Westfield and is close to Shepherd’s Bush market and the Television Centre development.

It is all of the above plus its connections to Central London that drew Chris Lukins to open a franchise of Venture X co-working spaces at the location.

Venture X White City Company Director

Chris, who is a Director of West London Chambers of Commerce, said: “We have that real true sense of Central London here. It is such a vibrant area and it has something for everybody, which makes our business a great place.”

The co-working space opened in November 2021 and features two floors of workspaces, outdoor terraces, tech-enabled meeting and board room facilities and a community hub. There are five members of staff who work at Venture X White City and its sister site in Chiswick Park.

“Being in White City, we have a lot of tech and media companies working from here which is no surprise, but it is also a real mix of people from your solo worker who wants to work away from home and offices filled with larger companies,” he said.

“It’s been a bumpy few years for the business community for various reasons. Everyone knows what’s happened with the costs in the last 12-18 months. Businesses thrive in stable and certain environments, and it has not been like that, and it is still not like that, but hopefully, I would like to think it’s going to improve.

“Businesses have struggled to make sure that they are managing these costs in the right way, but what has changed significantly is people’s working practices. People thought Covid was going to be a momentary thing; some workers have known nothing different than a hybrid model.

“We’re a flexible officer provider and when change came along, we could provide a solution to customers’ needs.”

In late 2022, Chris was approached by Alan Rides and Sally Smith from the Chamber to build on his membership and become a Director on the Board, which he readily accepted.

“It is a beneficial relationship,” said Chris.

“Sally and Alan approached me at the end of last year as part of a larger expansion programme that they were working with for the West London Chambers of Commerce to reach further into Hammersmith & Fulham where White City sits.

“They wanted new members on the board from that area. We had a happy existing relationship, so it made sense to me, and it has had a positive effect.

“We try to provide a connection from the Chamber to SMEs in West London who are potential clients. Through being more involved with the Chamber and holding events here, it helps us access more reach.

“The Chamber is a group of like-minded people who want to grow together. It’s a healthy community from my perspective.”

As the Director of his own business and a Director on the Chamber Board, Chris is well-placed to offer advice to new businesses starting up.

“For a period of time there was a vision for a young business to grow as big as possible as quickly as possible, and that’s changed and won’t go back,” he said.

“I think businesses are now looking long-term. Commitment requires consistency, hard work, resilience and patience. Try to grow strategically and make long-term plans.

“We’re very happy with what we provide in London currently, but we will continue to grow that network and beyond West London in the future as we’re always looking to grow.”

We try to provide a connection from the Chamber to SMEs in West London who are potential clients. Through being more involved with the Chamber and holding events here, it helps us access more reach.

director focus let’s talkbusiness 11
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13 let’s talkbusiness

A Good Thing

ReLondon recently launched a brandnew circular economy project (Heston in the Loop) with the London Borough of Hounslow, and A Good Thing CIC was delighted to have been chosen to be a partner.

Heston in the Loop is a first-of-its-kind initiative to create a circular, low-waste neighbourhood. A group of specially-selected organisations, including A Good Thing, are working to change people’s relationship with their ‘stuff’ in this part of west London.

A Good Thing operates an online platform that allows businesses (of any size and of any type) to quickly and easily give things away to local charities – meaning less to landfill and more to a good cause.

It takes 30 seconds for a business to create a free account at www.agoodthing.org.uk, and it can then create a listing immediately. A business can give away anything it no longer needs — and we mean anything! We’ve seen plastic bags, candles, stationery, gardening equipment, end-of-line clothing, packaging, crafting materials and half-used tins of paint successfully donated to local charities via our platform… alongside the more traditional items like furniture and IT equipment.

We’re challenging all local businesses to give it a go! Have a rummage in your cupboards, storerooms, lockups or sheds, and donate even just one unloved item via the platform.

It’s really easy for charities to get involved, too. It takes 30 seconds to register a not-for-profit

Get ready for the #Right2CleanAir

Recently, W.H.O. Europe announced that “everyone has the right to breathe healthy indoor air” and “everyone has the right to adequate information about potentially harmful exposure”. If you have not thought about the air quality in your office, venue or event before, now is a good time!

Charity Golf Afternoon

Husband and wife Richard and Cathy Benwell co-founded A Good Thing in 2020

organisation for a free account, and they can immediately begin to request any items that are on offer nearby.

A Good Thing is a new way to avoid landfill and give back to your wonderful local community. When it was set up just three years ago, the idea was simple: businesses are generating too much waste, while many charities are in need of more resources. What if the two could be connected?

A Good Thing launched its pilot in 2021 in the Thames Valley area with some fantastic results, and is now excited to be scaling the idea to charities and businesses right across the UK. It’s working with 200 businesses and over 1,000 charities all across the country, and welcoming new members every day.

A Good Thing is thrilled to be working on Heston in the Loop, and to be building connections across the wider west London area. They can’t wait to see what can be saved from landfill — and the difference that can be made to the community through supporting the wonderful work of local charities. For more information visit www.agoodthing.org.uk

• Invest in portable filtration: Ensure the air purifier works for the size of your space at low noise levels

• Monitor CO2 levels: High CO2 levels impacts productivity and can be used as a proxy for viral loads.

• Check VOC levels: If you have recently refurbished your office, check the levels of chemicals your staff will breathing. The ‘new’ smell is not fresh, it is chemicals. Ventilation and carbon filters will make your office safer.

• Check PM2.5 levels: High levels of particles in your space will lead to an increase in absenteeism (asthma, allergens, viruses, hayfever).

• Raise money: Event organisers can make their money back with a nominal increase in ticket prices.

• Open doors and windows during meetings: If this is not possible, flush the air in the room regularly by opening the windows, or take more frequent breaks.

• Ask venues “how clean is your air”: Venues will invest in clean air when there is a demand for it

• Shout it out: If you have good ventilation and filtration, let it be known!

This year’s tournament was our third annual Charity Golf afternoon. We were delighted to welcome 68 golfers and 90 guests for dinner. The event was 50% up from last year and was organised by our wonderful apprentice Aya.

Alan Rides Chamber CEO said “We would like to congratulate our winning team, Golf Rooms, second place, AimLess and third, West London Chambers. Teams included: QPR, Brentford and Chelsea FC, Lampton, Berkeley Group, Windlesham Golfers, Russell Finex, Ealing Eagles, One Golf, London Networking and Radanks.

We would like to thank our trophy sponsors Russell Finex, Radanks and Oasis, plus hole sponsors and of course all the team at Wyke Green Golf Club. Additional competitions were organised via Golf Rooms for putting, nearest the pin and in the simulator the straightest drive, making the day a huge success. Funds raised will go to the earthquake appeals in Turkey and Northern Syria, and the amount will be in the region of £4,000. Your kindest and generosity is much appreciated.”

Indoor venues and offices that do not have ventilation up to the new standards, risk holding super-spreader events and excluding those more clinically vulnerable from their spaces. Invest in upgrading or installing mechanical ventilation but if this is too costly, here are some affordable tips:

The air will never be 100% clean but businesses and venues have an obligation to take some steps. If you are not monitoring the air, you cannot know the quality of air your staff, guests, customers are breathing.

To find out more about clean air in events visit Chamber member Smart Air’s website: https://smartair.uk/cleanair-venues

let’s talkbusiness skills 14 news
Clinically vulnerable performer The Anchoress uses two air purifiers on stage during rehearsals and on tour
Golf teams Winners Second place Third place

Plane Saver Credit Union celebrates 30 years of service

Coworking office space offers even more flexibility with UBC day passes and pay-as you-go

According to research from property experts JLL the prediction is that 30% of offices will be rented on a flexible basis by 2030. Organisations are moving away from conventional office leaseholds in favour of options that afford them more freedom and flexibility.

Chamber member Plane Saver Credit Union recognised an important milestone in May - their 30th Anniversary. They held an event at their offices in Brentford to celebrate. Sally Smith, West London Chamber’s COO, was there to help mark the occasion along with other partners including members of Hounslow Council, employees and Board Directors. Sally said “It was a privilege to attend such a momentous event and hear more about their journey from their origins in the aviation industry to their successes today, with 24,000 members and a successful merger in Essex under their belt.”

Plane Saver Credit Union was founded in 1993 by a group of British Airways engineers in the spirit of “people helping people”. Quite simply they wanted to provide their colleagues with access to a range of savings products, affordable loans and financial education.

Today more than 24,000 members benefit from flexible savings such as their newly launched ISA and Platinum Saver and affordable loans direct from pay. Plane Saver is proud to say that it is now one of the largest credit unions in the UK. It recently merged with a smaller community based credit union providing financial services and financial education to the people of Essex and East Hertfordshire.

Ian Atkins, Chair of Plane Saver Credit Union’s Board said,” I am proud to say that we have provided a vital service for people over the last 30 years, helping to build financial resilience and a secure financial future for our members. We have become a trusted partner in our members’ lives supporting them through both triumphs and challenges. I am excited about the future ahead and the opportunities this will bring.”

Please contact sarahdavidson@planesaver.co.uk for more information about Plane Saver Credit Union’s services and products or visit www.planesavercu.co.uk

At UBC we’re seeing increasing interest and take-up in our flexible office space. To cater for this increase, we’ve adapted our offering to include our hUBClub day passes and pay-as-you-go credits to accommodate even more flexibility.

Whilst working at home has some advantages, many people miss the social interaction of a workplace and realise that while working from home is convenient, it’s not the most productive solution.

Entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes are now seeking more collaborative and supportive business communities in which to work.

We’re in constant contact with our clients at Brentford and our other UK centres. Here’s what they’re telling us:

• Working from home is isolating. The home can be a lonely place when you live and work in the same four walls day in, day out. This is particularly true for solo entrepreneurs who don’t have regular access to a central office.

• Coworking is inspiring. Working alongside other people, even if

Email: brentford@ubcuk.com

Tel: 0800 169 9822


you don’t work for the same company, is more mentally stimulating than working alone. Often, we find that our coworking clients value having like-minded professionals nearby for inspiration and ideas. It’s also helpful for building a business network - our clients regularly swap contacts and provide recommendations to each other.

• Business support is invaluable. Working alone, it’s easy to feel like you’re taking on the world all by yourself. But with UBC, you have access to business support from our own business centre staff. From answering phone calls to setting up your meeting room projector, having a little help on your side is a welcome relief.

If you’re interested in joining a supportive community of business professionals, why not try coworking at UBC? Our Brentford workspace offers a full range of options, from cost-effective day passes to private flexible office space.

You can’t miss us - The Mille is a landmark glass building on the Golden Mile, Great West Road. Pop in for a chat and bring your laptop.

let’s talkbusiness 15 news

How technology developed in Fulham is helping farmers in Nigeria

Establishing Enrichgeo Technologies was “a calling” for Tonye Khama. With a background in international law and Russian language, he had worked in contracts management and project management before a lightbulb moment in a conversation with friends led to a new business venture in the field of IT services focusing on Agriculture space.

“I am British Nigerian and that Nigerian background helps me,” said Tonye, who has been a member of West London Chambers of Commerce for a year. “This was a calling; it was meant to be. I always know when something is right, I always listen to my inner voice, and I know my capabilities.” In November 2021, daily conversations started between Tonye and Balaji and two other friends. “January came and we said we have the skillsets and the connections, and we know what we each bring to the table, so why don’t we do this ourselves?

It all fit together and that’s how Enrichgeo came about.” Fast forward a year-and-a-half and the global IT services provider has two cofounders with their presence in UK and Nigeria. They offer a range of services both in the UK and internationally.

One of their topmost interesting services is the usage of Geospatial Analysis to support farmers. What Tonye is most proud about is leveraging this technology to analyse agricultural land producing valuable data for farmers. Using coordinates, it can determine the size of the plot of land, humidity, irrigation, soil nutrients, the best produce to grow on

the land, even if there is a river running through it. Traditional surveys can take six to seven months, but Tonye adds that Enrichgeo Technologies can do it much quicker taking around two to three weeks depending on the size of the land. He adds that this technology can be used in the field of Construction, Power, and Energy also.

Another major challenge that exists in the field of Agriculture is about the farmers’ real-time data about their farms, crops and their farm input supplies.

To counter this challenge, Tonye says that “EnrichGeo has developed a powerful Data Analytics tool to capture farmers’ details in real-time and can be used for business intelligence”

They have started working with Nigerian farmers and are in talks with farmers and landowners across the world, particularly in Kenya (tree farming), Oman, Nigeria, Cameroon and Zimbabwe to capture their data as well as use to Geospatial technology.

EnrichGeo has partnered with likeminded other IT as well as

let’s talkbusiness the big interview 16
Co-Founder and Director of Enrichgeo Technologies, Tonye Khama tells Sarah Dale how his business makes a real difference to people’s lives and why human connection is so important in business and life.

Agricultural consulting companies to provide a ONE STOP INTEGRATED SOLUTION for the farmers. With these, EnrichGeo has now built the capability of capturing farmers’ details, Geospatial technology to support farmers with the right crops, an e-Commerce platform for the farmer to procure farm input supplies as well as to sell their produce.

“Now it’s time to realise all of it. The next step is to take the data collective tool and put it to work in Nigeria. We have three guys over there who are in their last year at university and have a background in farming and understand the hard life of a poor Nigerian farmer. We are starting to onboard farmers; the three people who work for us look after 500 farmers. By the end of 2023, we hope to have 20,000 farmers and by 2026, an ambitious target of over a million farmers. That’s why we’re looking at investors so we can grow. Investment gives us the platform to set up

EnrichGeo is also working to develop other solutions like Logistics tracking and Warehouse management to support the farmers to transport their goods as well as to preserve

Tonye proudly says “EnrichGeo is approached by international clients for ginger, avocados, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. We are linking the farmers’ produce with these clients and help farmers to sell their product at much better rates and raise their standard of living”

As many farmers in Nigeria cannot afford the data analysis, the company works to secure funding from local authorities in Nigeria and the

“What we do makes a massive difference to everyday people. You take a potato grower in Nigeria and help him get his potatoes onto a shelf in UK supermarket. I’m as much British as I am Nigerian. If we can bring the worlds

Co-founder Balaji Varadarajan says “The world needs urgent focus on Food security and sustainability. EnrichGeo brings technology to support this and do its part to this society”

Tonye credits his strong, positive relationship with the

West London Business Chamber for providing good connections and support

“Joining the Chamber has been very helpful to us” he said. “It’s been very important because it takes a community to make things happen. Take a football game as an example. It is not one good player that wins the game, it has to be collective.

“I have become good friends with Alan [Rides] at the Chamber and my relationship with the Chamber leads to talking to people about future projects.

“There are a lot of good things going on. The challenge is getting the right partners onboard and we are looking at talking to investors; we are in that process. We put all our money into the business so now we are looking at investors to move the company forward, but we are not just looking for people to invest their money, we want them to invest in our vision

“The way connections have emerged is amazing. We are in talks with people in Zimbabwe as a result of a conversation with the Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

“Having integrity and being decent is key. We always try to be that way with people. At EnrichGeo, the founders and the employees strongly believe in human relationship, that has more value to us.

The Chamber also put forward Tonye for a Trustee role at The Mulberry Centre. Tonye is working on forging a mutually beneficial relationship between West London Chambers of Commerce and Chambers in Nigeria.

Although Tonye and his wife Alena and their two daughters moved to Grantham in February, he attends regular meetings in London and Nigeria either in person or virtually. He dedicates his success in his life to his wife who has been a massive support to him.

When asked what drives EnrichGeo, “It’s our passion to do something back to the farmers who have been giving so much to this world. We will consider ourselves successful if we have reduced poverty and food waste even by 1% globally” said Tonye

Interested to know more about us? Reach out to Tonye @ tonye.khama@enrichgeo.com Our website is www.enrichgeo.com

let’s talkbusiness 17
Rituparna Parial, EnrichGeo Partner (Boaz Agri Analytics pvt Ltd) Balaji Varadarajan Co-Founder Emmanuel Adeniyi, AgroTech Officer, EnrichGeo Technologies Alex Omowale, AgroTech Officer, EnrichGeo Technologies
The world needs urgent focus on Food security and sustainability. EnrichGeo brings technology to support this and do its part to this society
Balaji Varadarajan, co-founder
EnrichGeo Technologies Solutions Our Specialization We are interested to partner in new markets and for Investment Partners Call: +44 79 20 54 6143 Email: info@enrichgeo.com Website: www.enrichgeo.com EnrichGeo Technologies Solutions Suite 3, 567 Fulham Road, London, SW6 1ES ● Geospatial capabilities to educate farmers with details about the RIGHT CROP for their land ● NextGen Farming technique ● MarketPlace to connect Farmers directly with Consumers and Farm Input Suppliers ● Consumers and Farm input suppliers ● Real time tracking of farmers’ produce ● IntelR – A powerful data analytics engine for Market Intelligence reports An agritech start up with our flagship product EnrichAgro EnrichGeo helps farmers’ progress from the start of the farming season through to harvest. EnrichGeo also provides digital tools to enable farmers to access new markets by connecting them with produce buyers.
Photo credit David Greenwood

Specialists in employee share schemes and reward management

David Craddock has been advising on employee share schemes and employee share trust arrangements for over 35 years. He advises on every aspect of the implementation process, working personally with the client at each stage, and offering solutions and expertise in all the technical questions that require clarification during the consultation.

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David Craddock is one of those rare people who has not only a first class grasp of legal and technical issues but also the ability to explain and advise on them in a practical way.



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20 let’s talkbusiness

Sustainability is good for business

Everyone wants their local environment to be improved, and businesses have a major role to play.

Inspiring your employees to travel sustainably where possible, especially for shorter journeys, could also benefit your company in a myriad of ways. Encouraging staff to walk, scoot or cycle can improve their physical and mental health. The use of electric/hybrid vehicles and public transport could reduce their travel costs and benefit the environment. In addition, customers now seek out companies who have green credentials, care for their staff and the environment.

Hounslow Council’s Traffic, Transport and Parking (TTP) Team are already making strides to educate, promote and inspire those who have an interest, and are keen, to transition to a longer term healthier and sustainable lifestyle.

Sustainable Transport

Walking, cycling, wheeling (in a wheelchair) or even scooting to work helps incorporate physical activity into our lives making us fitter and healthier. Encouraging

employees by offering incentives to travel sustainably could include:

• Offering bike loans to staff, free cycle training courses and free cycle repairs.

• Supplying safe bike storage

• Providing annual Travel Card loans.

• Encouraging car sharing or having a pool car.

• Providing EV charge points to encourage ‘green vehicles’.

Promoting Active Travel in your company

Would you like to promote active travel within your company? If so, here’s how we can support you. We can:

• Send you leaflets about free cycle training courses for Hounslow residents – we have provided free cycle training for over 1,100 adults over the past three years. These provide skills and confidence to cycle more in and around the borough.

Group sessions are available for beginners and improvers. Free advanced cycle training courses are also available and designed to train confident riders to tackle busy junctions, roundabouts and traffic lights.

• Provide details of where and when to visit Dr. Bike – they have looked at approximately 700 bikes in Hounslow during the past 3 years. Dr. Bike will undertake a basic assessment of your bike and provide minor repairs.

• Talk to your employees who live in the borough about the ‘Try before you bike scheme’, to help them try a new bike before they make the decision whether or not to buy.

• Provide bus and train timetables.

• Guide you to information detailing how to register your

staff with car clubs such as ‘Zip Car’ so they are able to use a car when necessary, reducing car reliance.

• Detail where the nearest EV charge points are – there are currently 400, but a further 2,000 are being installed between now and 2026.

The new Lime Bike Scheme may also be suitable for your staff. Lime Bikes have been introduced in Chiswick and Brentford and the scheme is being expanded to Osterley, Isleworth and Hounslow in July and Heston, Cranford, Bedfont, Feltham and Hanworth in August.

We are here to help. If you would like any further information or support, please contact:

Jacqueline Joseph, Head of Parking & Customer Engagement– Traffic, Transport & Parking at Jacqueline.Joseph@hounslow.gov.uk

let’s talkbusiness 21 environment

Unleash the Potential of your Business at West Thames College

Join the many local businesses already working with West Thames College to upskill their existing staff or find the next generation of talent. We also provide opportunities for your business to inspire our students which helps meet your Corporate Social Responsibility targets, and increase local community involvement.

We provide a range of industry-recognised programmes and initiatives for you

First-class Apprenticeships to support existing or new staff to gain on-the-job training and the practical skills your business demands

Discover your future workforce through our range of programmes with built-in work experience opportunities, including T-Levels with placements that lasts at least 45 days, BTEC courses with shorter one-or-two-week placements, or internships which offer a full summer-long work placement

Upskill your staff through our fully-funded Multiply Maths programmes which can be tailored to your business’s numerical needs and delivered at our Isleworth Campus, your business premises, or online

Visit West Thames College to inspire the next generation of talent with opportunities such as insight talks that showcase your industry, judging a challenge or competition at one of our events, mentoring a student, work shadowing at your workplace, or even mock interviews to develop our

Who we work with

Start working with West Thames College today T-Levels, Multiply Maths, and Student Engagement Martina Greeves, Head of Careers & Work Placement 0208 326 6422 wex@west-thames.ac.uk
Neena Gharu, Head of Apprenticeships 0208 818 6833 apprenticeships@west-thames.ac.uk Visit west-thames.ac.uk/employers to find out more about the opportunities we can offer your business.

A perfect partnership

West Thames College CEO and Principal Tracy Aust talks to Sarah Dale about the important relationship between the college and local businesses and how being a Patron of the Chamber has helped them forge strong links.

student achievement rates for 16-18s, adults and overall achievement.

“That’s really what it’s about for us – providing an Outstanding experience for our students and serving a very local need.”

The students are at the heart of everything West Thames College does whether it’s providing students with skills they need to gain a qualification or by supporting them in their next steps.

Tracy Aust, who has worked at the college for almost 25 years and was appointed CEO and Principal seven-and-a-half years ago, has always worked in education specialising in economics, accounts and business before progressing up the career ladder.

The college has 2,000 students aged between 16 and 18 and 4,000 adult students and courses range from entry level to Higher Education provision. It has also set out its sustainability roadmap putting green skills on the agenda and working towards becoming net zero.

“As a college, we’re in a really good place,” she said.

“We have forged excellent strategic partnerships enabling us to meet the needs of our local community and we’re a ‘Good’ college with ‘Outstanding’ features following our latest Ofsted inspection in September 2021. We are currently the Number 1 College in London with the highest

Education is not without its challenges, however. Funding is, Tracy adds, the single biggest challenge the college faces with staff recruitment coming a close second. The college is keen to recruit dual professionals, people who are qualified and experienced in a particular sector who can teach those valuable skills to others.

The college has set up employer advisory boards in different sectors to work with employers on curriculum and skills to determine what skills are needed. It has mutual benefits: students can gain valuable experience on work or industry placements and employers can talk to the college about any skills they need for their business and develop together new courses or modules on courses to plug skills gaps to provide a talent pipeline for employers. Meeting more business leaders through the Chamber has been a clear advantage of being a Patron.

West London Chambers of Commerce is based in the

college’s building and the education institute joined the Chamber several years ago.

“When I became CEO and Principal, I wanted to maximise the relationship by becoming a Patron,” said Tracy.

“It’s a great relationship and has brought about lots of benefits by enabling me and the college to network and attend events that have led to all sorts of opportunities.

“For us – a local College serving local needs – it’s critical.”

The Chamber’s extension across the borough is a big advantage for the college which can make connections with local business leaders. A significant proportion of businesses in West London are SMEs, so Tracy adds it would be foolish not to engage with local firms and form partnerships. Being able to sponsor the Chamber’s events has also boosted the college’s reach and awareness amongst local employers.

“Being a Patron has mutual benefits; it’s provided opportunities to collaborate and build a strong relationship,” she added.

“About a year ago, Alan [Rides] became one of the Governors and the Chamber has

sponsored two of our student awards.

“For me, it’s not about those oneoff encounters, it’s about how to build these deeper relationships.

“The benefits to the students are what we really see, and that’s what it’s critically about, students working with businesses. They have given our students firsthand experience in the workplace. Students are at the heart of what we do.

“Every single event I go to, there’s always something that comes out of it, whether it’s a new interaction or a new engagement or building on existing connections. It gives us the platform to show what we can do for local SMEs by upskilling employees or plugging the skills gap.”

Tracy has some top tips for new Chamber members – use fully the networking opportunities available because they are invaluable; and talk to Alan [Rides] and Sally [Smith] about how they can help your business and ask them to signpost you to introductions.

“Alan and Sally are great advocates for local organisations and the area and the way they work with people and the reach they have is incredible,” she added.

“It’s a relationship that’s continued to grow and develop over time.”

23 let’s talkbusiness patron focus
We are currently the Number 1 College in London with the highest student achievement rates for 16-18s, adults and overall achievement.
Celebrating WTC Student Success at the 2023 Student Awards Ceremony
YOUTH SKILLS &EMPLOYMENT Visit www.hounslow.gov.uk/YSEG

Let’s work together for Hounslow’s young people

Hounslow Council has launched a Youth Skills and Employment Guarantee (YSEG) to power future growth within the borough.

Key to its success will be partnership support from the local business community plus education providers and the voluntary sector.

The initial ambition of the YSEG is to ensure all young people aged 14-25 have better access to the skills and employment opportunities across Hounslow.

The offer to our young people will include:

• Skills pathways that ensure young people are equipped for future employment opportunities

• Richer, better quality work experience and training programmes including apprenticeships

• Improved access to information, advice, and guidance to help navigate opportunities available through the Council and partners

Our YSEG will also endeavour to remove barriers and improve outcomes for young people who currently have difficulty accessing skills, training, and employment including those with special educational needs and disability (SEND), care experienced and those who have experienced or have been supported by the Youth Justice System.

As a Council, we are also committed to boosting opportunities for young people including pooling 25% of the Council’s apprenticeship levy to local micro or SME non levy payers in our priority and growth sectors to enable more local apprenticeships.

Contact: enquiries.yseg@hounslow.gov.uk

Cllr Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council at recent YSEG launch.

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Exceptional Students Celebrated at 2023 Student Awards Ceremony

West Thames College celebrated its exceptional students at their annual Student Awards ceremony. These awards recognise students who have overcome challenges by going that extra mile in order to achieve success. They also reward those who have gone out of their way to help others succeed.

Students then proudly took the stage to collect their awards. Here is the complete list of winners.

14-16 Award

Zaland Faisal Ahmed

Access to Higher Education and Science

Vidya Ruth Fernandes

Art & Design

Sponsored by Jelly

Ismael Mohamad Wahid


Beauty & Hairdressing

Sponsored by Dennis


Simran Multani

Beauty Therapy (Adults)

Oxana Sapojnic


Sponsored by HSBC

Sarah Moursy

Computing & ICT

Sponsored by Qlue

Amanuel Hailemichael

At the ceremony were the friends and families of our awards’ winners as well as a number of local dignitaries including the Deputy Lieutenant (DL) of Greater London and Representative DL for the Borough of Hounslow: Rosi Prescott, Deputy Mayor of Hounslow: Councillor Harleen Atwal Hear, Hounslow Council Leader: Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, the MP for Brentford & Isleworth: Ruth Cadbury, the College Governors and former student Asim Chaudhary.

West London Chambers were among the employer partners, which also included: Dennis Williams, HSBC, Hyatt Place, Jelly, Mindful Education, Qlue, TOLL Logistics. In the

words of Alan Rides, CEO and Sally Smith, COO of West London Chambers: ‘We are so proud of our local College and hearing some of the students’ stories is humbling. They have had many challenges on their educational journey. Well done to all the Award winners.’

The night started with perhaps one of the most well-known members of WTC’s alumni community taking to the stage, Asim Chaudhry. Asim was born in Hounslow and is an actor, writer and director as well as British comedian best known for co-creating the BAFTA Award winning People Just Do Nothing (BBC) and been nominated for, and a recipient of, many national awards.

Construction & Building Trades

Ahmed Mohamed

Dance, Performing Arts & Makeup

Nashwyl Pires

Engineering & Motor Vehicles Maintenance

Sponsored by West London Chambers

Laurence De Menezes

English & Maths

Sponsored by HSBC

Thomas Hall

ESOL (Adults)

Sponsored by Mindful Education

Svitlana Kukalo

ESOL Threshold

Sponsored by Hyatt Place

Mobina Roozegar

Health & Care

Rachel Callant

Media & Music

Sofia Quershi

Partnership (Adult)

Sponsored by Mindful Education

Ahmad Ibrahim Aloudat

Sport & Uniformed Public Services

Corneliu Gancerenco

Supported Learning

Student of the Year

Sophie Kent

Travel, Tourism & Aviation

Sponsored by West London Chambers

Syed Ali

Apprentice of the Year

Sponsored by TOLL Group

Remi Colin

Ernest Harrison Award (Adult Learner of the Year)

Mariana Rekrutiak

Andrew Ward Creative Award

Jasraj Sidhu

The Mille – A Business Growth Hub on Your Doorstep

In today’s challenging and ever-changing business landscape, it’s more important than ever for small businesses in Hounslow to operate flexibly and cost-efficiently.

Where workspace is concerned, a serviced office or coworking space gives businesses the flexibility they need to adapt to changing market conditions. If your business needs to grow or shrink, you can easily adjust your office space to accommodate your needs.

This approach can save businesses a significant amount of money, as flexible workspace typically includes all rents and rates – from cleaning to receptionist support – within one simple monthly bill. That gives businesses much-needed control and visibility over their costs.

But that’s not all.

Another major benefit of a flexible workspace is that it provides a readymade business network. For example, Chamber member UBC’s office space in The Mille on Great West Road is home

to dozens of businesses and entrepreneurs. Whether you use an office space full-time or on a flexible hour-by-hour basis, you’ll become part of a vibrant community of business professionals, such as marketers, designers, accountants, franchising specialists, law firms, and much more. Here’s how you can join our community at The Mille:

• Attend a networking event. We run regular free business events, which is the perfect way to connect with other professionals and grow your network. Our events typically feature a guest speaker, a light breakfast or lunch, and plenty of networking time.

• Sign up to a virtual office. Our most flexible workspace option gives you a prime business address at The Mille with mail handling. You can also add meeting room or coworking time,

and a call answering service from our team of professional receptionists.

• Take out a coworking subscription. Need somewhere to work productively? Our coworking membership gives you a private desk with storage in our beautifully designed shared office. Try it out with a flexible day pass.

• Private office. Perfect for growing businesses and professionals who need their own private space, a serviced office gives you a dedicated fulltime office with all the essentials you need within a furnished and fully serviced environment. Ready to save money, increase flexibility, and improve productivity – while expanding your business network here in Hounslow? Get in touch with the UBC team at ubcuk.com or pop into The Mille for a tour, and discover how flexible office space can help your business thrive.

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Building a borough fit for the future

Hammersmith & Fulham’s ground-breaking Industrial Strategy drives how we are building the best place to do business in Europe.

Already the sixth most competitive place in the UK, we have developed internationally competitive clusters in life and health sciences, tech, and creative industries by collaborating across the triple-helix of innovation: the public, private, and education sectors.

Upstream – our growth partnership with Imperial College London – is the first of its kind between a university and a council, playing a pivotal role in creating an ecosystem of innovation by connecting, supporting, and promoting the science, tech and creative industries.

A core aim of this collaboration has been to facilitate the development of strategic

innovation clusters. Our White City Innovation District (WCID) home to Novartis, Airbus, ITV, BBC, NATO, Royal College of Art and others - is attracting the world’s most innovative organisations, spanning life sciences, biotech, engineering and more. Together with the local community, we are establishing this vibrant district as a major global economic and cultural hotspot. To date, the WCID has supported over £3.2bn in private investment across H&F, representing 75% of the total secured across West London, creating an additional 6,500 high value jobs.

Furthermore, our pioneering partnership with Barcelona City Council and the 22@Network BCN innovation district, is the first of a new international network of municipalities that

will cement our place as a prime destination for investment and foster inclusive economic growth.

Beyond innovation, we are a building a borough fit for the future for all our diverse community. Our new Civic Campus will breathe new life into Hammersmith, with the town hall as the anchor. The mixed-use development will include flexible and affordable office space for new start-ups, a 4-screen cinema with cafes, shops and restaurants, a public rooftop bar, Community and event space and 204 new homes.

The redevelopment of the worldfamous Olympia London will include a 4,400-capacity new live music venue, 1,575 seat theatre, 100,000 sq. ft. of restaurants and bars and 550,000 sq. ft. of new offices and provide new

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Beyond innovation, we are a building a borough fit for the future for all our diverse community. Our new Civic Campus will breathe new life into Hammersmith, with the town hall as the anchor.

opportunities for businesses and residents.

Ed-City – a £150m development that will bring a new state-of-the art education hub and youth centre to White City, as well as 132 new genuinely affordable homes for local people and 1,000 new jobs – will pioneer a new approach to providing education locally. But notwithstanding our approach to collaboration,

innovation and development, Hammersmith & Fulham is just a great place to live, work and play. Nestled in the heart of West London on the banks of the River Thames, the borough effortlessly blends history, culture, and innovation together.

Boasting an array of trendy eateries, chic cafes, and lively bars that line many of its streets, the borough has a

bustling and energetic social scene. The area also hosts many vibrant cultural offerings; residents can immerse themselves in the thriving arts scene, world renowned theatres, and cultural venues at every turn. From upscale shopping destinations to lush parks, this growing Borough offers endless possibilities for a truly rewarding lifestyle.

Committed to the growth and transformation of Hammersmith town centre

Since 2006, Hammersmith Business Improvement District (BID) has been committed to the growth and transformation of our town centre, the hub of West London.

We are a not-for-profit, business-led organisation, working to make Hammersmith a greener, more resilient, more welcoming and desirable place to work, live and visit. Our programme of events and festivals has entertained thousands over the years, helping to forge new partnerships and strengthen our local community.

A summer of free entertainment

This summer, our award-winning Summer Festival returned for its 16th year, offering Hammersmith residents and workers free sports screenings, film and theatre nights, outdoor wellness events and live performances in the heart of the town centre, entertaining over 30,000 people. We’ve been showing all the action live from Wimbledon on our Big Screen, put on two film nights (the exhilarating Top Gun: Maverick and Disney’s charming Luca) and have worked with the

National Theatre to bring NT Live: Life of Pi to Hammersmith audiences – all completely free.

The hub of West London

Hammersmith combines the best of both worlds. A bustling town centre on the doorstep of central London with a beautiful riverside setting on the banks of the Thames. With two Underground stations, we are one of London’s busiest transport hubs and this connectivity is why so many major global brands call Hammersmith their UK or European home.

Public realm and green investment

The BID has long been a champion of sustainability and green investment. With the benefits of our excellent transport links perhaps comes a reputation for being an area known for its major roads rather than green spaces. So, we are always looking for ways of encouraging sustainable travel

and ways to revitalise underused spaces around Hammersmith that the public could enjoy spending time in.

Our pioneering Zero-Emissions Arts Markets champion sustainability – with all stalls, materials and products delivered with zero-emissions – as well as support local SMEs and revitalise spaces around Hammersmith. We’ve also worked with businesses to provide new green spaces and parklets around the town centre and have funded beehives on the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, which provide over 250 jars of local honey every year.

New arrivals

The recent redevelopment of Kings Mall into Livat Hammersmith and arrival of IKEA – the Swedish giant’s first mini store in London –has given a brilliant boost to Hammersmith’s economy. Livat Hammersmith are sponsors this year of our Summer Festival and share our passion for sustainability. With a new Civic Campus development set to arrive in the next few years too, we are excited to see what the future has in store for Hammersmith, and to help shape it.

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Photo credit: JasonHawkes
The BID has long been a champion of sustainability and green investment.

Business Support

Ensuring businesses are attuned to the opportunities available and have a strong and strategic voice. Projects will include:

• Networking - providing opportunities for businesses to network and feedback ideas via events such as one to ones and BID socials.

• Communications - providing regular communications and updates to businesses on both the BIDs activities and wider activities in Fulham.

• Investing in People - providing a variety of free training courses from First Aid, Social Media Training and Mental Health First Aid.

• Investment - working with partners to identify investment opportunities for the area to help boost economic growth.

• Free Energy Assessments - in partnership with Advantage Utilities.

A key aim of the BID is to make Fulham a welcoming and safe place to visit at any time. We will continue to focus on initiatives that help enhance the look and feel of the BID area. Projects will include:

• Crime Reduction Partnership - in collaboration with Safer Business Network. An initiative to enhance the safety of the area and support businesses to reduce the impact of crime through a secure and GDPR compliant intelligence platform, that enables businesses to share and report intelligence.

• Safety - supporting safety through campaigns such as WAVE, Ask for Angela and Drink Aware as well as providing awareness for businesses through Government strategies such as VAWG (Violence Against Women & Girls).

• Enhanced Cleaning - supporting cleanliness through anti-litter campaigns and subsidised waste and recycling services.

• Street Team - the BID will launch a Street Team to patrol the BID area, providing reassurance and information to businesses and visitors alike.

Clean & Safe Marketing & Events

Providing a mix of marketing activities and events to enliven the area and navigate people around the district. Ensuring the profile of the area contin ues to grow and is promoted to an increasingly wider audience. Projects will include:

• Promotion of Fulham - promoting Fulham businesses through a new dedicated consumer website, complete with business directory and associated social media platforms to highlight the quality and diversity on offer.

• Events - building on the success of past events to put Fulham firmly on the map as a destination to boost footfall, dwell time and spend.

• Discover Fulham - the BlD’s successful Discover Fulham brand will continue to grow across multiple platforms. Promoting the area as a destination that people want to work in and visit.

For more information visit www.discoverfulham.co.uk

Successful ballot means Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District secures second five-year term

Fulham businesses vote to keep BID until 2028

Fulham Broadway Business Improvement District (BID) is delighted to announce it has been successful in securing the votes required for a new five-year term from 2023 to 2028, having received the backing of businesses in Fulham.

Of the businesses who placed their vote, 76.97% voted in favour of the BID carrying on their work, and 87.9% by rateable value voted in favour. The turnout figure had increased by 10% from the original ballot five-years ago.

Fulham Broadway BID thanks all its levy paying businesses for their support. Planning begins immediately for the new BID term which commences on 1 October 2023. The BID will commence work on delivering the projects set out in its Business Plan for 2023 to 2028, to build a better district where businesses can thrive.

The news also means the people and businesses of Fulham can look forward to more great events that the BID helps organise and fund. This will include the hugely successful Fulham Foodie Festival, Christmas lights, Street Wardens, security initiatives and more.

Fulham Broadway BID Manager Andy Bell commented: “We are absolutely delighted to have secured a new five-year term to carry on our work on behalf of businesses in the area and are honoured to have received such strong support. We would like to thank all those that voted in the ballot, and we look forward to working with everyone over the next five years.”

For more information on support available www.discoverfulham.co.uk

Andy BellBID Manager
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Chamber international trade update

Recognition award for Alan

London is the third richest city globally, the UK is the sixth largest GDP and the world’s 10th largest exporter; not bad for a small island at the top of Europe with a population of 65 million. By comparison to other much larger countries we punch well above our weight. And how much is this worth? Our Business and Trade Minister Kemi Badenoch MP announced last week that the figure is now at £864 billion up 22.8%, and she set a target of £1 trillion by 2030.

Twin Town

I am very proud to have won a “Thank you” award from the outgoing Mayor of Hounslow, for my work at the Chamber over the past year, which I accepted on behalf of all the Chamber team.

Last year we strengthened our ties with our Twin Town of Issy Les Moulineaux which is a suburb of Paris. Reciprocal visits both from and to Issy were held to commemorate 40 years of strong ties. Companies visited in Hounslow by the inward mission were Enjoy Work, Pernod Ricard, JC Decaux, Gunnersbury Museum, The Music Museum, High Street Quarter, Treaty Centre and Bedfont Lakes. Our outbound mission included local Hounslow companies and the local authority. Bilateral trade links were improved, and lessons learnt for tourism, sport and construction.

two trade missions with receptions of invited guests from 50 companies each.

The last of our Twin Town agreements is with Jalandhar in India, which is work in progress. We have held two trade with India events this year. The last with 60 attendees, including some visitors from India coming specifically for this event. They were received by our local MP Ruth Cadbury who is part of Labour’s shadow international trade team. A follow up India event is being organised at HSBC HQ in Canary Wharf showing the importance of this market.

Other International trade links

This has been a year in which we have fully stamped International on our Chamber’s activities, both for export growth and inward investment. We should not forget that

The Chamber has also established strong ties with other twin towns of Ramallah with an MOU signing. Sadly, a planned visit had to be postponed. We have also signed an MOU with Lahore Chamber on the back of the Twin Town links. We have hosted

We have also now established trade links with MOUs being signed with Chambers from Tripoli and have received two inbound missions.

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This has been a year in which we have fully stamped International on our Chambers activities, both for export growth and inward investment.
Outgoing Mayor of Hounslow presenting award to Alan Rides Alan Rides with Trade Minister Kemi Badenoch MP Ruth Cadbury MP

We have organised an event on Trade with Morocco and will sign an MOU. Most recently we received a Ministerial led trade mission from Kurdistan region of Iraq. Additionally, we have MOUs with three Chambers in Lebanon and later this year we are planning an environment trade promotion event with New Zealand. We are certainly putting West London and Hounslow on the international map.

Foreign Direct Investment

This has resulted in export growth and Foreign Inward investment which is easier to measure. We now have companies who have joined our Chamber and set up in our areas from Italy, Iran, Portugal, USA, Morocco, Iraq, India, Pakistan, Egypt Taiwan, and Nigeria to name a few.

They all take part in our regular events including Business Breakfasts, International trade seminars, sector summits, Golf Charity events, West London Festival of Business and West London Chambers business awards. This means that we are now delivering an event every week to assist local companies to grow.

Trade deals with Australia and New Zealand is “good news”

Free trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand will make exporting cheaper, faster and more secure for UK businesses.

The UK has signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Australia and New Zealand with businesses expected to be able to use the new agreement from 31 May 2023.

The benefits of the agreement include more flexible rules of origin when exporting goods that are better suited to modern supply chains; equal treatment and improved business environment for UK businesses operating in Australia and New Zealand; and easier travel rules for UK businesspeople wishing to deliver services in Australia and New Zealand. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has welcomed the news of the new FTA. “It is good news to hear that the free trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand will finally come into force at the end of the month,” said William Bain, head of trade policy at the BCC.

“These deals will lower tariffs, simplify customs procedures, allow for greater freedom of movement for labour and provide stronger market access for the UK’s world-leading services sector.

“But the success of any free trade agreement comes down to whether businesses use it, so it’s vital the Government shouts from the rooftops about these new opportunities.”

A recent BCC survey found that almost a quarter of firms (23%) said finding a business partner or distributor overseas would encourage them to either start exporting or export more.

“We have strong Chambers in both Australia and New Zealand and will be working with them to get the most out of these trade deals for all our economies,” he added.

The top five UK goods exported to Australia (in the four quarters to the end of Q4 2022) were: medicinal and pharmaceutical products [£464.4m]; cars [£391.7m], other manufactures (consumer) [£339.2m]; specialised machinery (capital) [£282.5m]; and beverages [£249.9m].

The top five UK goods exported to New Zealand (in the four quarters to the end of Q4 2022) were: cars [£174.9m]; mechanical power generators (intermediate) [£78.9m]; specialised machinery (capital) [£76.9m]; road vehicles other than cars (capital) [£58.4m]; and medicinal and pharmaceutical products [£42.4m].

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international trade
KRI event with Minister of Industry pexels-tom-fisk pexels-pixabay pexels-pavel-danilyuk pexels-shvets-production
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West London Queer Project (WLQP)

Receives Two-Year Funding from National Lottery Communities Fund to Expand Services.

Chamber member, WLQP has been successful in a bid with the National Lottery Communities Fund. This funding will enable WLQP to expand their services and offerings into the neighbouring boroughs of Richmond, Ealing, Hillingdon and Hammersmith & Fulham over the next two years.

The primary goal of this expansion is to improve and enrich the lives of West London’s LGBTQ+ community by providing social, networking and sporting opportunities that currently do not exist in these boroughs.

Aubrey Crawley, WLQP’s founder, said, “We are incredibly grateful to the National Lottery Community Fund for recognising the value and importance of our work. This funding will allow us to make a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ people living in West London and beyond.”

“LGBTQ+ spaces, including theatres and performance venues across London are

continuing to disappear and these spaces are vital for our community to feel safe, connected and empowered.”

Joe Leonard, co-founder adds, “At the same time, the landscape for the LGBTQ+ Community has been evolving and we no longer have to rely only on bars and night clubs to meet other people, enjoy ourselves and have a sense of belonging. This is why we offer a wide range of events including Touch Rugby, regular walks, family meetups and drag and comedy shows. We’re also in the planning stages of adding football to our list of offerings.”

WLQP has always been committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and this funding will allow them to expand their reach and impact. The expansion into neighbouring boroughs is consistent with WLQP’s longterm vision and will allow the organisation to better serve the community’s evolving needs.

The primary goal of this expansion is to improve and enrich the lives of West London’s LGBTQ+ community by providing social, networking and sporting opportunities that currently do not exist in these boroughs.

let’s talkbusiness 35 equality and diversity
Visit www.wlqp.org to learn more about the West London Queer Project

Spring Grove House is a spacious and elegant building located within the campus of West Thames College in Isleworth, West London.

The house is available to hire per room/per day and is a popular venue for:

• Business meetings (smaller rooms seat up to 12)

• Conferences (larger rooms seat up to 65 people)

• Training events

• Film location

• Photo shoots

Historical Setting:

This Grade II listed building has period features dating back to the 18th century when it was the home of pioneering botanist Sir Joseph Banks, who famously accompanied Captain Cook around the globe.

Great Location:

Spring Grove House is well connected, just 3 miles from Heathrow Airport, close to the A4 and easily accessible by public transport from central London.

Book Now Online

Thames Explorer Trust is seeking sponsorship

The Thames Explorer Trust provides learning programmes and foreshore walks for around 20,000 people a year. As the demand has increased it is hoping to find sponsorship of £6,000 towards the cost of creating a new IT-based booking system to reduce the burden on its small office team comprising the Director and two part-time staff.

The Trust’s high reputation for its unique river learning programmes was confirmed when, in its 30th year, it received the 2018 Thames Heritage Trust Award. Based at Chiswick’s Pier House, it offers schools programmes from there and other sites along the Thames: the London Museum of Water & Steam (Kew Bridge), Linden House (Hammersmith), Hogarth’s House (Chiswick), Fulham Palace, Trafalgar Rowing Centre and the Royal Naval College (both in Greenwich), the Millennium Bridge, Southwark, Rotherhithe, Hermitage Moorings (Wapping) and Limehouse. It provides fieldwork sessions for university students and leads very popular In the Footsteps of Mudlarks discovery walks for family and adult groups on the Central London foreshore. Only TET has a permit from the Port of London Authority to provide these because of the educational (rather than the acquisitive) focus and the quality of the experience.

This range of work fulfils the Trust’s charitable objectives and earns sufficient income to cover the costs of resources, room hire and fees for its team of high-quality freelance teachers. Though the pandemic stopped all of its work, the furlough scheme and emergency funding grants enabled TET to survive, and user numbers are now climbing back to pre-Covid levels.

From the beginning the Trust has benefitted from generous support from charitable trusts and foundations for the development of rich learning materials. In addition, for state schools in London, Essex and Kent, the Port of London Authority funds a free outreach programme about London as a port. However, upgrading a booking system does not fit the criteria of most charitable funders. It is a complex and time-consuming challenge, each booking having to juggle (amongst other things) the learning programme, the location chosen, the availability of an appropriate freelancer, paperwork and safety obligations for the school or group, even the state of the tide on the preferred date. Cancellations and refunds, postponements and rescheduling can add complexity to this process!

A software programme called Salesforce has been identified which can be tailored to TET’s needs. The Kusuma Trust has generously offered £10,000 and TET has set aside £5,000 from its own reserves. It now needs another £6,000 to meet the cost of £21,000.

If you would like to discuss the project and explore how you might support TET, please contact Simon Clarke, TET’s Director, on simon@thames-explorer.org.uk Fine out more at https://thames-explorer.org.uk

Hounslow Council formally re-sign the Armed Forces Covenant

TET exploring the foreshore at Chiswick Eyot

West London Chambers is really pleased to rewelcome Thames Explorer Trust to our membership. In the past we have organised a foreshore trip for the Chamber. I can feel an event coming on. Think Black Wellies rather than Black Tie! - Sally Smith

Invited guests included; Rosi Prescott (Deputy Lieutenant for Hounslow ), Cabinet members at Hounslow Council, Royal British Legion representatives, West London Chamber of Commerce, representatives of Hounslow Friends of Faith, Met Police, the London Fire Brigade and representatives of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Airforce) and Cadets.

The formal covenant was signed by Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Ajmer Grewal, Hounslow Council

Cabinet Member for Safety and Regulatory Services, Mayor of Hounslow Council, Afzaal Kiani and Wing Commander Chris Owen, Ministry of Defence.

At a recent event Hounslow Council formally re-signed the Armed Forces Covenant pledging that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly. The agreement is a renewal of commitment to supporting the Armed Forces community and recognises the contribution to the country that serving military personal, veterans and their families have made and continue to make.

Cllr Ajmer Grewal, said: “I was honoured to be able to host the renewal of the Armed Forces Covenant at Hounslow House with such an esteemed audience. I am proud to be the Lead member for Safety and Regulatory Service, a post that has enabled me to forge ahead and ensure we, the Leader and my fellow councillors collectively sign up to the Armed Forces Covenant. “We were one of the first boroughs to sign the Covenant and our renewal will ensure members of the Armed Forces, their families and veterans are treated fairly and given the same opportunities.”

Colonel (Retd.) Peter Germain, Chief Executive Greater London Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association, said: “We are very proud and privileged to be able to welcome another employer as a valued partner to the Defence Family. Congratulations and thank you.”

Alan Rides (CEO) and Christopher Durkin (President) of the Chamber attended and were very proud to be invited to sign the covenant reflecting a united community is behind this covenant.

More information about the covenant is available on the Armed Forces Covenant website. For information on Hounslow’s commitment see The Armed Forces Covenant in Hounslow.

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Armed Forces Covenant web
Environmental Studies on the foreshore


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Men & Mental Health

This is normally inherent from childhood, as they may have had family who did not talk openly about emotions or saw therapy as a sign of weakness or it could even be a cultural thing, where emotions were not seen or heard.

I am proud to say that I currently have more male clients than females and this is so good to see, however there are those who still do not believe that therapy can help them or that they don’t need it. This could be because of fear, lack of awareness, they may even see it as a sign of weakness. For if they have

been told their whole lives that you must “just get on with it`’ or “be a man”, this is enough to keep males from entering the world of therapy. I think on the contrary, that for a man to come to therapy is a sign of courage and it shows such strength to come and open up to somebody and share your inner most thoughts and allow yourself to be vulnerable. With me, you will never be judged and you will hopefully leave the session feeling less burdened that you arrived.

I recently presented a Men & Mental Health presentation to the first team at Eastbourne Borough Football Club and I was blown away by how

engaged and attentive the guys were throughout my presentation. I left feeling hopeful that even if they learnt just one thing from my presentation, I have done what I aimed to do and they were more aware of the importance of men and mental health.

One of the main reasons why I always offer a FREE 90 Minute therapy session is to give those who are more sceptical the opportunity to come and discover about themselves and to understand why they behave the way they do. It also costs nothing, no commitment as there is no contract to sign and no hidden agenda, purely 90 minutes of your time and

the possibilities of what you may discover is immeasurable. I therefore urge those guys who feel that they don’t need therapy to at least dip their toe in the water and as I have just said you lose nothing, but could gain the chance of living your best life!

Reeta Minhas-Judd is a life therapist and has run her wellbeing company, RMJ Wellbeing, for the past three years. Her focus is primarily on the positive health and wellbeing of her clients, with the ultimate goal of helping them to enjoy a happy existence. For more information visit www.rmjwellbeing.com

We have noticed an increase in the number of men pro-actively seeking therapeutic support across all demographics. There is a much healthier attitude towards getting support and seeking ways to improve wellbeing. We’re also noticing demand for follow-up occasional ‘drop-ins’ to refresh on self-care and mental health best practice. Early engagement with professionals can pre-empt difficulties and strengthen resilience in an increasingly stressful world.

Chamber member Anchor Counselling offers low-cost psychotherapy and counselling to Hounslow residents. www.anchorcounselling.org

let’s talkbusiness health and wellbeing 39
For some men, even in the current times we live in still have a phobia/ hesitation when it comes to therapy.
As a father I saw first hand the positive impact therapy has had on my children. It is a shame that it has taken a full generation before I realised my stigma towards therapy was only holding me back from being the best version of myself.
Heather Ann @pixabay

Welcome to our New Members West London Chambers of Commerce


Nima Eskandar 16 Grant Avenue Walton on Thames KT12 2FL 07447 433823


Aminoa Ltd

Richard Phillips Nant-Yr-Ochain

Michaelston-Y-Fedw Cardiff CF3 6XT 01633 894 300


Atlantic Xiyang Ltd

Lin Lin Zheng 66D Stanley Road Teddington TW11 8TX 07963 516367


Avande Connect

Ashley Said-Kirton Boundary house, Boston Road London W7 2QE 07983 577663


BFG Technologies Limited

Savio Gracias 630 Whitton avenue west Greenford UB6 0EE 07459 491271


Content Architects

Hena Husain 07878 187761


Datawaves Ltd

Hamza abdelmalek Flat 2 Copperas Court 169 Tankerton Road Whitstable CT5 2BY 07856 489381


Denova Glosoft Limited

Imran Ahsan Faridi 30 Hounslow Ave London TW32DX 07459 766394


Engineered Green Technologies Ltd

Mr Atul Sharma

Chiswick Gate 598 -608 Chiswick High Road

London W4 5RT 0208 998 3456


Fulham Works by Spacemade

Abbie England Unit 21, Fulham Broadway Centre Fulham Road London SW6 1BW abbie@spacemade.co

Greater Hammersmith Ltd t/a Hammersmith BID

Livia Caruso

Colet Court, 100 Hammersmith Road London W6 7JP 0203 362 4626


Habib Bank AG Zurich

Mr Saket Ranjan 5-7 High Street, Southall London Middlesex UB1 3HA 07795 218978


let’s talkbusiness
new members 40

Holy Trinity


Sally Baily Holy Trinity Church High Street

Hounslow Greater London TW3 1HG 07836 251432


LCT International Limited

Nicholas Bray 3 Shortlands

London W6 8DA 0204 542 3230 n.bray@lct.co.uk


George Dobson

Flat 3, 348 Kennington Road

London SE11 4LD 07944 303264



Recruitment Ltd

Richard Poppleton 11 Castletown Rd London W14 9HE 07887 863266


Reset Media

Ian Diez 07802 843203 diezyoung@gmail.com

Saffron Mortgages & Protection Consultant Ltd

Amit Vasudeva 75 Hanover Ave London

Feltham TW13 4JR 07894 355712


Sally Chacatté

Leadership Consulting

Sally Chacatté 44a Fletcher Road London W4 5AS 07771 885987


Shewise Salma Ullah

Holy Trinity Church 6 High Street London Hounslow TW7 5HA 07944 817799 salma@shewise.org


Meena Sangar Draper Close Isleworth TW7 4SX 07340 847425


Thames Explorer Trust

Simon Clarke

The Pier House, Corney Reach Way Chiswick, London W4 2PW 0208 742 0057


Twining Enterprise

Eddie Loughlin

Access House, Manor Road West Ealing

London W13 0AS 07487 264887


UK Star Care Ltd

Emmanuel Afotey Vista Business Centre 50 Salisbury Road London Hounslow TW4 6JQ 07961 926259


World Options Ltd

Kevin Price

1 Meadow Rise Consett County Durham DH8 6NS 07849 269906


Background vector created by BiZkettE1 - www.freepik.com

let’s talkbusiness 41

Business Awards 2023

23rd November 2023, at 6.00 pm at Clayton Hotel, 626 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5RY

Join us for our Business Awards Black Tie Gala Dinner

The pre-dinner drink’s reception will give guests chance to meet each other. This will be followed by a 3-course dinner, with keynote speakers to be announced.

The Business Award winners will be announced after the dinner, so this could be your ‘Oscar’ moment. You will be in the company of the great and the good of our three boroughs. The evening is a great way to thank your team for the challenges we have all faced this year and is a brilliant start to the Christmas festivities.

Many congratulations on a great Business Awards event. It was most enjoyable and good to see and speak to the thriving business community you have created in the area.

Michael Stone, Kensington, Chelsea & Westminster Chamber of Commerce Ltd

Big BIg thankyou to Alan, Sally, Lisa, Gerry, Ina and Natasha from me Sylvia and Richard, for a great evening. Great atmosphere and congratulations on the new West London Chambers of Commerce. Looking forward to next year and will rally more of the team to be there.

Paul Denny, SKS Group

Thank you so much for a wonderful evening, the Award and the cheque! It was such a pleasure to meet some of you and learn more about the West London business community.

To book your tickets visit the booking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-awards-2023-ceremony-tickets-620617312087

let’s talkbusiness 42 business awards

Forthcoming Events

Summer Evening Drinks

ArtsEd 14 Bath Road London W4

10th August 2023

6:30pm – 9:00pm

£20/£25 + fees

Come along to our Summer ‘do’ and have some fun whilst meeting new businesses! We can guarantee a glass or two of something cold, some light bites and fascinating company.

Net Zero Webinar

16th August 2023

10 am – 11 am

Webinar via Zoom

Baghdad Chamber of Commerce - MOU signing

Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS

22nd August 2023

12:00pm – 4:00pm

Acton BID Business


Venue tbc

8th September 2023

8:30 am – 10:30 am

£10/£15 plus booking fees

West London Chambers of Commerce

Northern Iraq - Meet the Buyer with KBEBC

Spring Grove House, West Thames College, London Road, Isleworth TW7 4HS

19th September 2023

12.00 noon – 4.00 pm

Webinar: Cost of Living problems? Need business finance?

20th September

10.00 am – 11.00 am

Webinar via Zoom

Women in Business

Bush Theatre, 7 Uxbridge Road, London W12 8LJ

10th October

8.30 am – 10.30 am

£10 plus booking fees

Acton BID Business


Venue tbc

3rd November 2023

8.30 am – 10.30 am

£10/£15 plus booking fees

Please contact Sally Smith on sallysmith@westlondonchambers.org.uk or 07879 813817 or visit www.westlondonchambers.org.uk for more information.

let’s talkbusiness 43
forthcoming events

5 minutes with...

David Armstrong

Senior Project Officer at Chelsea FC

Q1 Who are you?

David Armstrong, Senior Project Officer at Chelsea FC.

Q2 What’s your business all about?

As one of the world’s leading football social responsibility programmes Chelsea FC through the Foundation uses the power of football and sport to motivate, educate and inspire. We believe that the power of football can be harnessed to support communities and individuals both at home and abroad.

On top of our outstanding football development programmes, the Chelsea FC Foundation works on a broad range of initiatives focusing on employment, education, social deprivation, crime reduction, youth offending and much more.

Q3 Three words to describe yourself? Ambitious Driven Dreamer

Q4 Ideal Customer?

Someone who can benefit in a life changing way from what we offer.

Q5 Biggest achievement? Career progression to date, starting my own business or running the London Marathon.

Q6 Biggest gripe? Slow progress

Q7 Your inspiration? My wife and family.

Q8 Philosophy in Business? Fortune favours the bold.

Q9 Sporting Hero?

Bobby Moore, Muhammed Ali or David Beckham.

Q10 Biggest tip for success?

If you have a good idea then just be proactive and take action, you will learn from your mistakes on the way.

let’s talkbusiness 5 minutes with 46
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