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Flexible office space TO LET near Chester
Flexible office space near Chester TO LET
We have a range of office space to suit all requirements www.legatowen.co.uk
We have a range of office space to suit all requirements www.legatowen.co.uk
Bolesworth Estate offers a variety of properties to let, from traditional office spaces and industrial units to bespoke retail and leisure development - all set in a stunning, accessible rural location that provides the perks of the city without compromise.
• On-site parking
Bolesworth Estate offers a variety of properties to let, from traditional office spaces and industrial units to bespoke retail and leisure development - all set in a stunning, accessible rural location that provides the perks of the city without compromise.
For further details contact Harriet Cope
• On-site parking
• Good transport links
• Good transport links
For further details contact Harriet Cope
• Super fast broadband 07548 845167 harrietcope@legatowen.co.uk
• Super fast broadband
03000 6 03000 busnescymru.llyw.cymru businesswales.gov.wales
07548 845167 harrietcope@legatowen.co.uk
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