Ben Murray for Young Labour International Officer

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Manifesto for Young Labour International Officer Ben Murray

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An International Young Labour for all members "I want to build an International Young Labour which provides all members the opportunity to pursue their interests in other countries and organisations, ensuring that Young Labour is an active and engaged member of the international young socialist and social democrat community.�

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for an International Young Labour

1) I will create Young Labour Ambassadors and

4) I will develop inward campaign exchanges

Country Groups

Having helped campaign with our friends in Europe,

I will work to establish a network of Young Labour

and hosted others from New Zealand, I have seen

working groups in each country for which there

the great benefit that campaign exchanges can have.

exists interest. These groups will elect a chair who

We need to develop this further.

will act as our Ambassador to our sister

5) I will open Young Labour’s international work

organisations in the given country.

to all members, both in terms of awareness and

2) I will ensure that Young Labour plays a


prominent role in the debate about Britain’s

Too few members know anything about the

relationship with the European Union

international side of Young Labour. That needs to

Whether we like it or not, debate about the

change. As an internationalist party, each and every

European Union is not going away. We need to

member should have the knowledge of how we

ensure that we are involved with the progressive

conduct our international relations.

defence of cooperation.

Each and every member should also have the

3) I will deepen relations between Young

opportunity to engage in this area of Young Labour

Labour and our sister/cooperation

activity. I will investigate the potential for funding


support for those who would rule out participating on

I hear time and time again from our friends across

the grounds of cost.

the world – particularly in Europe – that they want to see more of us. I will deepen our relationships with the youth sections of our sister parties, improving attendance at their events and congresses, and also those of ECOSY and IUSY. I want it to be the norm rather than a novelty that we are attending these events.


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establishment of Country Groups

Why create Country Groups and Ambassadors?

respective member organisation(s) in those countries

This will massively increase the engagement of Young Labour with our sister parties and their

Young Labour/Labour conference would be a


useful opportunity for each Country Group to

It’s also an effective and accessible way of engaging


all members with countries and member organisations in which they have an interest.

The ‘Group Chairs/Ambassadors’ will meet with the IO to report back and share ideas

How would it work? To ensure accessibility, the Country Groups would

major role in organising the inward exchange of

exist primarily on Facebook. Eventually, the groups

their respective member organisation for the

could have their own space on a Young Labour

2015 short campaign, and potential outward

International website, or section of the new Young


Labour website. I will create an online questionnaire, asking which Country Group members would like to

The Group, led by their ‘Ambassador’ will have a

At IUSY/ECOSY festivals, members of the

join. Having compiled the results, I will set up

Country Groups will be encouraged to participate

Facebook groups for the countries that were

in bilateral meetings between YL and their


respective countries

All members will be encouraged to join any country group that they wish

The group will elect a chair who will serve as the Young Labour Ambassador to that country

In Country Groups that contain just one member, that person will become Ambassador. This provides both the opportunity for the individual to pursue their interest, and also deepens our relations with those organisations

In liaison with their group, and the IO, the Ambassador will be responsible for co-

ordinating relations between YL and the


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defending cooperation

Debate on Britain in Europe

we can’t be critical of the current model or policies,

Barely a day passes without comment on Britain’s

which come from Brussels. We should call for greater

place within the European Union. As progressive

democracy in these institutions, and challenge the

internationalists, we support the principle of

Commission to offer an alternative strategy to

cooperation across borders – knowing important

imposed austerity, which has seen the tragic

issues require such cooperation, and the

suffering of many of our friends on the continent.

formalised institutions to ensure the effective

Campaigning for a social Europe

delivery of agreed policies. We also know that our

With colleagues from across Europe, we must fight

position is not one that is heard often in public. As

for a Union in which our cooperation focuses on

the debate steps up a gear, we, as the Youth

improving people’s lives and supporting the

section of the largest political party in Britain, need

vulnerable. Within ECOSY, we’ve called this vision a

to be at the forefront of that argument. It’s our

social Europe. This is a vision of sustainable

future that would be adversely affected should we

economic growth where profits are shared equally,


‘guaranteeing the best achievable living and

Defending the principles of cooperation

working conditions to all’. The purpose of our

Whether we like the current form of Europe or not,

movement is to to ‘empower and enable every

we cannot deny that the principle of pooling

European to have a decent life, a life filled with

sovereignty is a necessary one, considering the

opportunities for self determination and self-

globalised world in which we all strive to effect

expression, participation in the democratic life of a

positive change. I will launch a Young Labour

society in which knowledge, services, prosperity and

campaign to defend our role in the European

power are equally shared.’ Young Labour must join


our colleagues in campaigning for this social Europe

Championing reform Defending the principles of cooperation that lie at the heart of the European project does not mean


in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections across Britain.

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involvement with our community

Deeper relations with our sister organisations I hear time and time again from our friends across the world – particularly in Europe – that they want to see more of us. Last September I was lucky enough to participate in a campaign exchange with the PvDA (Dutch Labour Party). Friends I have met at previous IUSY and ECOSY events were surprised to see British campaigners, rather expecting us not to attend. The recent improvement in our engagement should be celebrated, and used as a springboard to further involvement, both for further exchanges, and also attendance at their party congresses. Our German colleagues, for

This photo, from IUSY World Festival, Hungary, 2009

instance, are organising a camp to celebrate the

says ‘Great Britain - Young Labour - 4 participants’.

150th anniversary of their mother party’s founding

Since then we’ve made progress. In 2012, we took a

( Sister

delegation of 40 to Croatia. This might seem

organisations from all over Europe will be sending

impressive – and is certainly a welcome increase –

their members to join in the celebrations, and

but other countries, such as Sweden, France, Austria

participate in the workshops and seminars that

and Germany frequently take delegations exceeding

have been organised. We should be doing exactly

200. Our low attendance has not been due to a lack

the same.

of interest – after all, who wouldn’t enjoy a low-cost

Improved attendance at ECOSY and IUSY

summer holiday with international comrades and never-ending parties? It’s been a lack of awareness.

in 2009. For different reasons, UK attendance was virtually non-existent.

Should you elect me, I will keep reminding every member of the fantastic week available in Turkey this summer.


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Campaigning exchanges

Outward exchanges

campaign exchange. I know many of our members

Campaign exchanges are great fun. In September

would want to be involved with exchanges, and I

I, and four others, helped the PvDA (Dutch Labour

would arrange similar and regular exchanges to other

Party) campaign in their general election campaign.

countries. I envisage the Country Groups also being

It’s a brilliant way for Young Labour members to

involved with arranging these exchanges.

immerse themselves in the politics of another

Inward exchanges

country, to meet like-minded people, share

Just as it’s great to participate in outward exchanges,

campaigning best practice and to build

we should invite our international friends to support

relationships with both the sister organisation, and

our electoral campaign efforts. Based upon my

their members. These relationships can prove

experiences, I have drafted proposals for how an

incredibly valuable – for instance, if you find

inward exchange might operate. Again, I would look

yourself stranded in Amsterdam, there’s a good

to involve the relevant Country Group with the

chance that one of our friends from the PvDA will

organisation of the exchange. During the 2010

put you up!

campaign, I hosted a Kiwi in my home constituency of Waveney, while others hosted a young US Democrat. Not only did this deploy keen campaigners onto the streets of Lowestoft, it helped generate a buzz within our campaign. Members of the local campaign – particularly young – enjoyed talking to them about New Zealand and US politics, and we shared best practice ideas with them. Many international colleagues have expressed an interest in coming to Britain to campaign, and as engaged members of the international young socialist and

This is a photo of all who participated in the


social democrat community, it’s right that we should facilitate this.

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international to every member

Increased awareness of Young Labour’s

countries have addressed each event. Prime

international work amongst the membership

Ministers and others usually address, and then

I’m fully aware that I may have been using

engage with, the delegations.

acronyms in this manifesto that have made little

I make no apologies for using a page of my manifesto

sense to many members. So, for those who do not

to explain the international cooperation organisations

know what IUSY or ECOSY mean, let me explain.

of which we are members. I hope this brief summary

Both are what I’ve referred to in this manifesto as

will have instilled some interest in members, so that

cooperation organisations. IUSY, or the

they will join us in Turkey this summer for ECOSY

International Union of Socialist Youth, is the global

Summer Camp, 2013.

organisation for cooperation between socialist,

Too few members know anything about the

social democrat, and Labour party youth sections.

international side of Young Labour. That needs to

It is closely related to, although its membership

change. As we are an internationalist party, each and

differs slightly from, the Socialist International.

every member should have the knowledge of how we

ECOSY, or the European Community of Socialist

conduct our international relations. I will ensure that

Youth, is based upon the same idea, but its

opportunities to participate in international activities

membership is European, and it is the official youth

are communicated properly to all members.

section of the Party of European Socialists (PES). ECOSY is a member of IUSY. Both organisations arrange regular events, the highlights of which are IUSY’s World Festival and ECOSY’s Summer Camp. Both comprise a week of workshops, seminar, rallies, bilateral meetings, sport, sunbathing, and, of course, parties. I’ve been fortunate enough to attend two IUSY festivals in

Investigation into potential funding support I cannot promise that I will realise a solution to this problem, but I recognise that it’s not right that we have members who would otherwise love to attend international events, but because of cost, exclude themselves from enjoying the benefits that engagement with our international colleagues brings.

Hungary and Austria, and one ECOSY festival in Croatia. Prominent speakers from the host


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an International Young Labour

“What I respect most about Ben is his commitment to our members and the innovations he deploys in their aid.

dedication to getting more young people involved in the work our sister parties are doing in ECOSY and IUSY.”

When I found myself stranded in Amsterdam one night his IUSY couch-surfing site linked me up with a local comrade who kindly put me up for the night.

Hazel Nolan, Secretary, SERTUC Youth & Trade Union Officer, London Young Labour

It is this commitment and forethought he puts into our international movement which makes him an ideal candidate for this role” Tony Richards, Coventry South CLP & Communications Officer, LSE Labour “It's great to see Ben running for YL International Officer because he really gets what the role is about. Ben has been one of UK Labour's most prominent representatives at ECOSY and IUSY over the past few years, and he's enthusiastic about making sure other YL members get the chance to get involved too. This might be a new role for Young Labour but it's not a new concept - we need an experienced candidate to make sure even more young members participate in ECOSY and IUSY events. Ben has great ideas to enable more people do that.” Caroline Hill, Tewkesbury CLP, UCLU Labour & TU Officer, YLNC 2013-15


“Over the last few years I have seen Ben prove his

“I'm supporting Ben Murray for Young Labour International Officer because he's passionate about strengthening our links with Europe, which I believe is vitally important. It's also great to know that he will work to widen participation at international events, something which really needs doing.” Alice Smart, Vice Chair, Leeds Labour Club “I met Ben at the IUSY summer festival in 2011, where he led the UK delegation, and again this year at ECOSY with a considerably larger delegation in tow! Ben is well known among international comrades thanks to his stellar efforts setting up the young socialist and social democrat couch-surfing network, and general likeability. If you want an excellent international officer who has and will reach out to international comrades, I couldn’t recommend Ben more for the position.” Ciara Leena, Irish Labour Youth To read all endorsements, visit

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an International Young Labour

Bob Blizzard, PPC for Waveney, MP 1997-2010, Government Whip 2007-2010

Robert Steenbergen, Vice President, Dutch Young Socialists

Chelsea Torrance, Chair of VicLabour, New Zealand Rajen Giri, President, Youth Organisation of Bhutan

Jakob Esmann, Executive Committee, Danish Social Democratic Youth & Presidium Member, Nordic Youth Council

Pavel Melendez Cruz, International Secretary, Party of the Democratic Revolution & Former Vice President of IUSY

Thomas Messenger, President, Warwick Labour Club

Brando Benifei, Vice President of ECOSY James Sleep, former LGBT Coordinator, IUSY

Dominic Curran, Coventry South CLP & Associate Editor, Left Futures Andrea Campos-Vigouroux, Streatham CLP; Treasurer, Manchester Labour Students

Bart van Bruggen, Amsterdam President, Dutch Young Socialists

Curtis McLellan, International Officer, Labour Students

Tore Sinding Bekkedal, Norwegian Workers’ Youth League (AUF)

Richard Howitt MEP, Member of the European Parliament for the East of England & Labour’s spokesperson for Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament

Jauke Lodder, International Secretary, Dutch Young Socialists

Kirstin Hay, Hammersmith CLP

Guy Bromley, Brent Central CLP & Brussels Labour

Benjamin Butterworth, LSE Labour Club

Cllr Chris Carter, Charnwood Borough Councillor & Loughborough University Labour Society

Stephen Fulham, Bristol East CLP & Acting Chair of Bristol Young Labour

Conrad Landin, Associate Editor, Left Futures & Cambridge CLP

Daniel Warham, Islington North CLP, President – UCLU Labour

Stuart Benson, Former Australian Young Labor (Tasmanian Branch) President Raed Debiy, International Secretary, Fatah Youth Movement Nimrod Barnea, IUSY Vice President, Israel

Cllr Cris Drew, Penzance Town Council, St Ives CLP Colm Flanagan, Blackley & Broughton CLP, Young Fabians Political Education Officer For a full list of supporters, or to pledge your support, visit

Tim Barnett, General Secretary, New Zealand Labour Party


IUSY World Festival & ECOSY Summer Camp – Austria 2011, Croatia 2012. Dutch campaign exchange.

Don’t forget to sign up to – the couch surfing network for young socialists across the world!

+ 10 @Ben_Murray

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