Bungay Rose - First Edition

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Welcome from your

Bungay Labour Party Recent News

The Bungay Rose

Suffolk County Council Labour Group has risen from 4 councillors, prior to May 2013 elections to a healthy 15 councillors now. Waveney District Council held a by-election on 8th August due to the death of Labour Councillor Mike IvesKeeler in June (Oulton Ward). Our candidate Len Jacklin was successful in holding the seat with an increased majority. The Conservatives however continue to retain a slim overall majority.

Sue Collins

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter Bungay branch Labour Party re‑established itself a year ago and we hope that you find this first edition of our newsletter informative. Future editions will carry articles and comments from as wide and diverse a group of local people as possible.

Current Issues

Waveney is a key marginal seat and our Parliamentary candidate is Bob Blizzard. Our office in Lowestoft and our fulltime local organiser will support both the general election campaign and the district council campaign that go to the Polls on the same day, The newly formed National Health watchdog is designed to be the ‘consumer’ voice - where individuals and groups can express their views on how local health services are

delivered. Given the Coalition Government’s hostile attitude to the NHS we need to be vigilant. Jenny Hyams, from Bungay GP Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a member of the steering group for www.healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk.

Upcoming Richard Howitt, the only current Labour MEP for the Eastern Region will be running again in the European elections in June 2014. But now there are 6 other candidates from our region who will also be standing. The Waveney Constituency Labour Party AGM is scheduled for a 10am start on 2nd November at the Aspire Centre. All Party members are invited to attend. For a future branch meeting Julia Quantrill, one of our local Police Community Support Officers has agreed to come to a meeting and give a talk on local policing in Bungay.

Sue Collins

Meet Bob Blizzard


It’s a worrying fact that one in three people suffer from mental ill health at some time in their life. So we need to be sure that if we need it, the NHS will provide the mental health care we need. But sadly, the Tory/LibDem government is taking 20% out of our local NHS budget. The impact on mental health services looks to be devastating. Two dementia wards at our local mental health hospital at Carlton Court have already been closed, a community mental health team has been disbanded, and there are proposals to cut adult in-patient beds by more than half (from 42 to 20) and reduce front line clinical staff by 500 across Norfolk and Suffolk. We could lose all these beds from Carlton Court, threatening its whole future.

Bungay medical practice and patient group have voiced concerns. That’s why I’ve been campaigning against this outrage, holding protests outside Carlton Court. When I became Waveney’s MP in 1997, local mental health services were appalling, with no local in-patient beds. I’m proud I got the Labour government to invest in an extension to Carlton Court with new modern wards and expanded community mental health teams. Now we are going backwards. That’s one reason why I want to be your MP again. If you would like to know more about the campaign, email: bob@waveney.co

Bob Blizzard Promoted by Tod Sullivan, Aspire Centre, Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, NR32 4AH Printed by Bungay Printers, 4b Market Place, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1AW.

Bob Blizzard

Bob says… “Cameron says the govt has no money, yet in April he gave a huge income tax cut to millionaires while the rest of us are struggling to make ends meet. That can’t be fair! All in it together?”

by Sue Collins

Did you know that the first Mayor of Bungay was a Labour Councillor?

Our research demonstrated that any Town Council could have either a Chairman or Town Mayor. Therefore despite tough opposition from some traditionalists, the Town Council voted to be led in the future by a Town Mayor.’ Some residents remember this time very well: Dorothy Huthart, who was the Labour branch secretary at the time talks of how determined and effective Madeleine was as a leader and has fond memories of working with other Party members like Jim Jervis as Treasurer, George Young and Happy Sturgeon. She says that the branch was very active and would have some 20-30 people regularly attending branch meetings. Arthur Fisher, proud of his socialist roots as one time Father of the Chapel at Clays and later fulltime secretary of the NGA, remembers well his many civic roles performed over 24 years of service in the town: He has, in his time, lead the town council as Chairman and later Mayor, and in 2000-1 taken on the ceremonial duties of Town Reeve. He too recalls with affection his friend and colleague Jim Jervis who in the 80’s and 90’s also fulfilled these same roles. Bob Blizzard recalls just some of his legacy:

Madeline Parr, Bungay’s first Mayor

In 1997 Madeleine Parr became the first formally recognised Mayor of the Town. Previous leaders of the town council were referred to as Chairman, as it was considered that Bungay could not have a Mayor because the Town Trust had, as their ceremonial head, a Town Reeve. However David Jermy, now Labour Regional Organiser for the Eastern Region, tells how it all came about: ‘I was Chairman of Bungay Town Council in 1996 when the Labour group (which had a majority on the Town Council) decided that too many people thought that the Town Reeve was the civic head, with many electors in Bungay not sure as to what the Town Council actually did, because the Reeve seemed to be the person with the overall power to say what would happen in the town.

• Created the traditional final day of the Bungay Festival • Instigated the Bigod Way Footpaths and Godric Way cycle routes

have yet to take their place within society, remain very much at the heart of many who live in Bungay. These basic principles are the very fabric of what underpins the Labour Party. As a result a new branch, whilst still relatively small is growing all the time. We currently have over 30 members and at least another 20 or so supporters. In 2015 we have the opportunity to make a real difference: We need to get a Labour MP back into Parliament to more accurately represent the needs and views of Waveney in Westminster. Bob Blizzard is an experienced parliamentarian and is already on the campaign trail, meeting, listening and speaking up for ordinary people all over the constituency. You will next have the opportunity of meeting him when he is out and about in the town on 28th and 29th September. On the same day as the general election we will be voting in the next Waveney District Council, and it is time that we made sure that our two Bungay seats are filled by Labour Party councillors. This can be achieved with your support. Please help us in any way you can. The information box on page 4 will provide contact details so that you can ask questions, express your views, offer help and get involved. We have a tough act to follow but together we can make a difference, so let’s make sure we have a Party in 2015 and get back to the future!

• Created our November 5th fireworks display • Found the funding for the Bungay Town Trail information leaflet • Led the conversion of old derelict garages adjacent to the Castle into Jesters and the Castle Information Centre • Promoted Bungay in Bloom projects that gained commendations from across East Anglia • Created the Bungay Real Ale Trial Well things changed over the years and the one time thriving, active Bungay Branch virtually faded from sight for a while. However the values and ideals fundamental to how we live together in fair and more equal communities; where those of us who are currently strong and able, support those who are struggling or

Just some of todays’ branch members. From L to R: Sue Collins, Liz Taunt, Maureen Woods, Declan Keiley, Terry Woods, Neil Harvey, Caroline Norton




What is a food bank? Fred: ’So what’s this I hear about a foodbank in Bungay? I can’t believe people round here need something like that.’ Beryl: ’It’s a sad fact that some people are genuinely struggling to put food on their tables at the moment. That’s why a decision was made to have a food distribution centre in Bungay.’ Fred: ’Well who are these people then – I can’t believe it’s anyone I know?’ Beryl: ’You might be surprised. Quite a few people, through no fault of their own, can find themselves suddenly in a position where they only have enough coming in to pay the bills or eat, but not enough for both. I know there are some parents who go without meals themselves just so they can feed their kids.’ Fred: ’Scroungers more like!’ Beryl: ’No Fred, they’re just ordinary people like you and me who suddenly find themselves in a position where they can’t make ends meet. For instance, there are those who have been made redundant from local jobs, and others who have found new employment but are having to wait until their salary cheque comes through. Some families have had

benefits cut or delayed, especially those with disabilities, and then there are others who get caught out when their landlord puts up the rent.’ Fred: ’So what do they do, just walk in off the street and get given some free food? It’s alright for some!’ Beryl: ’No, vouchers are given to people and families in need by professionals and care staff, like doctors, Citizens Advice Bureau, housing and other social welfare people, and it is limited to a maximum of 3 vouchers per household because it is just meant to tide people over until they can get back on their feet.’ Fred: ’OK so where does this food come from then?’ Beryl: ’Well basically from us. Bungay people have always been supportive and generous, after all situations like this could happen to the best of us. The local churches and some of our supermarkets help by receiving the donations and passing them onto the Waveney Foodbank. I’ve just heard that Bungay library is now collecting donations, so it is even easier to give whatever you can spare.’

Fred: ’There’s food for thought then, I’m pretty sure I’ve got quite a bit in my stock cupboard that could help, but I’m curious, tell me how did this foodbank idea start?’ Beryl: ’Well it’s organised by a charity called the Trussell Trust who first came together to help people abroad, but then realised there was a critical need for people in this country. The Waveney Foodbank is part of this bigger organisation.’ Fred: ’Ok I’m convinced, I suppose I just didn’t realise there is so much hardship so close to home. I’ll definitely put a donation together and get it down to the library this afternoon.’ The Bungay branch of the Labour Party is pledged to support the Waveney Foodbank. It acts as a recipient for donations and has members who are also volunteers. However our overall goal will be to initiate and support policies that will help eradicate poverty within our communities and ultimately remove the need for Foodbanks within the UK. For further details please contact 0845 2691078 Printed with permission of The Waveney Foodbank

Buy In & Give One Donation! All your kind donations are gratefully received and extremely welcome…

Thank you!

Local Labour Information 1




Contacts: Sue Collins, Bungay Labour Chair 24







Meetings: 2 8th & 29th September - Campaign Weekend 21st November and thereafter 3rd Thursday bi-monthly at the Kings Head and Queen Jules pub. 11







: BungayLabour.org.uk

: Bungay Labour Party 18

: 07407 088499



: @Bungay_Labour

: Bungay@Waveney.co




The Bungay Rose CROSSWORD by David Robson and Liz Taunt 24


















Animated TV town for kids....way back modelled on Bungay? (8)


Responsible for 'EducaDon, educaDon, educaDon' (4,5)


Complement of SDP gangsters (4)


Felt for instance (7)


See 4D


SeMle promptly (3,2,3,4)


Flexible (7)


Local traffic slogan (3,3,2,3)


A terrible ruler (4)


Joe was a shocking playwright (5)


Can be found all over the place (7)


Set back when Parliament's on holiday (8)


Heard when nearing the end of voyage (4,2)


Labour's third Prime Minister (6,6)


Prominent local canine (5,3)


The opposite of skinnies perhaps (7)


StaDc David, for instance? (6)


See 1A


Jimmy Hill has a big one! (4)














Consumable (6)


Cameron's cupboard? (7)


Pop musician's first name (4)


One such as Tony Benn (7)


A common name for a poliDcian (5)


Benefits cheque (4)


PoeDc Alfred (8)



Send your completed crossword to the address at the bottom of the page to be in with a chance of winning a House of Commons bottle of wine. Solution in the next edition of The Bungay Rose.


We want to hear from YOU


Animated TV town for kids....way back modelled on Bungay? (8)


Responsible for 'EducaDon, educaDon, educaDon' (4,5)


Complement of SDP gangsters (4)


Felt for instance (7)


See 4D


SeMle promptly (3,2,3,4)

 I would 10 Yes, Flexible (7) like to receive my copy of4,9A

Use this space tell us your views, Local traffic slogan to (3,3,2,3)

Your details:


comments, and of any issues you have with Joe was a sand hocking (5) Bungay theplaywright local area.

12 local Can campaign be found all over the place (7)


Set back when Parliament's on holiday (8)

14 Yes, Heard when nlike earing end deliver of voyage  I would tothe help


Labour's third Prime Minister (6,6)


Prominent local canine (5,3)


The opposite of skinnies perhaps (7)



StaDc David, for instance? (6)



See 1A



Jimmy Hill has a big one! (4)



The Bungay Rose by email in future A terrible ruler (4)

 Yes, I would like to get involved in my (4,2) campaigning materials

15 Yes, Consumable 6) to make phone calls  I would (like 18

for the phone bank Cameron's cupboard? (7)

 Yes, I would like to donate to the 20

Pop musician's first name (4)

Labour Party

22 One Tony in Benn Please putsuch thisas slip an(7) envelope and

return to: 23 A common name for a poliDcian (5) Waveney Holt, Outney Road, 24 Benefits cheque (4) Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1DZ

25 alternatively PoeDc Alfred please (8) or complete the details on our website.

Name: Address:

The Labour Party may contact you using the details you provide. If you do not wish to hear from the Labour Party, please write to: The Labour Party, One Brewer’s Green, London SW1H 0RH.

TEAM LABOUR | contact@waveneylabour.org.uk Promoted by Tod Sullivan, Aspire Centre, Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, NR32 4AH Printed by Bungay Printers, 4b Market Place, Bungay, Suffolk NR35 1AW.

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