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Advice and support following a bereavement
The staff at St. Luke’s Hospice would like to express their sincere sympathy to you and your family at this sad time.
We hope that this directory will be of benefit to you at this time. The first few weeks of bereavement can be a particularly difficult time when there may be several practical matters to deal with and decisions to make. This directory aims to provide some useful help and advice during the early days of bereavement, including guidance on the practicalities and an explanation of the feelings and emotions you may experience. The final section includes contact details of some organisations that offer support and advice.
The inclusion of any advertisement in this directory does not imply that St Lukes Hospice endorses any particular service or product. At the time of going to print the information within this directory was accurate and as up to date as possible.
For more copies of this directory please contact: Wellbeing, Information and Support Hub (WISH)
Tel: 01268 524973 www.stlukeshospice.com