Lisa Majtner 1878 – 1968 Lisa Majtmer (Lise Meitner) was born in Vienna in 1878. She was the third child of Hedwig and Filipp Majtnerit. Philip worked as a lawyer, was a 'free thinker' and humanist. He and Hedwig turned home into a meeting point for interesting people, legislators, writers, chess player, lawyers etc. Their children grew up in an intellectual environment. In the family were eight children. Lisa played the piano at an early age, but she was attracted more by math and science; takes note in 1892, after she had learned to maintain books, arithmetic, history, geography, a little French and gymnastics. Later she entered in a public school .Liza after ending his schooling in 1901 at the Academic Gymnasium, a well known boys school , entered in the University of Vienna. In 1905 starts doctorate. In 1907 goes to Berlin, where he stays for more than thirty years. Lisa took lessons from Maks Plank. This famous physicist disliked female students, but when Lisa appeared in his office he made an exception! Lisa joined Otto Hani in researches of radioactivity. They worked under the same roof for thirty years, first together, then independently,they were close colleagues and good frinds .Majtneri and Hani were among the first to izolate the isotope . In 1930 they ( with Shtrasmanin) analyzed products by neutron bombardment of uranium. After Eat and Shtrasmani sampled the existence of barium in uranium bombarded with neutrons, Majtneri with her nephew Frisch threw light on the physical mechanism of separation. In January 1939, proposes to Fission term process (division). It judged that the slow neutrons are captured more easily. Majtneri was accepted as a perfect experimental ; for its diffusion experiments Wilson builds itself a chamber, first in Majtner Berlin.
She worked in Berlin for 30 years.
Lisa Majtner studied the separation of atomic nuclei.
As Majtner Lisa was Jewish, in the summer of 1938 she was forced to flee the Nazi Germany. Friends helped her to settle in Sweden, in Stockholm, which arrives with penniless pocket (its bank account was frozen in Berlin) and without knowing the Swedish language . In Sweden was a general dislike for refugees from Nazi Germany. Majtnerin colleagues treated her as a foreign, drawn and disenchanted. However Liza works and lives in Sweden for twenty years, until 1960, at which she goes to Cambridge, in Britain.She was a woman full of faith and persevering, he knew exactly what and where she should be: physicists, among friends. Its capacity to create friendship was huge. It was not embarrassing. She never got married , although he was very attractive and had a lot of young boys around her . According to her words: "... just I had not time for that" .Happened that only Eat and Shtrasmani won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1940 for discovering the separation of nuclei (seen by many as an example of discrimination for women) . In 1966 all: Eat, Majtneri and Shtrasmani were honored by the Atomic Energy Commission US with the Enrico Fermi Award for the same invention. Unfortunately, Majtneri was unable to attend the ceremony because of the poor health. Died sleeping , just after midnight on 27 October 1968, a few days before he had the ninety anniversary .There is an inscription on her tombstone: "Lisa Majtner: A physicist who never lost her humanity".