Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 1834 – 1907 One of the most genius and surprising discoveries of XIX century was ''Periodic Tabla of Elements''. It was proposed back in 1869 by the russian scientist Mendeleev, in a time when either electron or cores weren't known. He used some files where were written the chemical properties and atomic weights of elements that he listed in different ways. The result was a table where the elements of the same column had the same chemical properties and the others in the same line created a period. Mendeleev predicted the existence of three elements which were missed in the table. The three elements were discovered later. Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk of Tumenskaja district. He was the 17th cild in family. His father, the college's director of Tobolsk, was a really smart man. His mother, a very energetic and talented woman , was from a family of Siberian merchants and owners of several factories. She inherited some assets.Dimitri's father died when he was 13 years old and his mother's factory was destroyed by the fire. When his mother understood his excellent skills travelled from Tobolski to Moscow to provide him a higher education. The young Mendeleev wasn't accepted in Moscow University, so in 1850 he inserted in St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. In 1855 , after he graduates, travells to Crime to work as a math's an physic's teacher.In that time arises the interest for chemistry. In 1856 Mendeleev he protects the master's thesis winning the right to go back in St. Petersburg as a lecturer at the University.There he made successful researches and published articles in almost all branches of natural sciences.
He was the 17th child in his family.
He discovered the periodic table of elements In 1859 he was allowed to make a job trip abroad.He worked in France and later in in Heidelberg, Germany where he builds his own lab and begins to experiment on physics of fluids.His results weren't appreciated by him so he decided to go back in University of St. Petersburg as a lecturer. In 1862 he got married, but he didn't share the same interests with his wife so in 1881 the got divorced.Later he got married for the second time. 1868-1871 were the most important years in Mendeelev's life. It was the time when he discovered the periodic law of the chemicals elements and wrote "Principles of Chemistry". Mendeleev shared interests for chemistry, technology and the economy of the oil industry. He was attracted by the idea of production of a smokeless fuel.Only after a year and half he developes the technology of the smokeless fuel production,in powder form,which passed the whole similar foreign products, in quality and in price too. He created the Office of Measures and Measurements, which quickly became the leading meteorological center in Europe.In 1899 Mendeleev dealt with organizing expeditions to the Arctic Ocean. In 1899, at age of 65, takes part in an expedition to the Urals. Mendeleev became the most famous Russian scientist of the time and received countless awards and prizes (but surprisingly not the Nobel Prize. He was elected as a foreign member of many academies. The 101 element was named mendelevium for his honor.