Monday 1st July . Issue 121
Word on the Street The Newsletter of Bethnal Green Academy and Sixth Form
A world of creativity Last Week at BGA was International Creativity Week. The school was transformed into five different countries where students were involved in a diverse and vibrant collection of learning activities.
Atmospheric experience As part of their Geography and Science GCSE course last week Mr Whipp, Ms Brannick and Mr Pedley took two separate Yr 10 groups to the 'Atmosphere' Exhibit at the Science Museum.
Students were vertically grouped and spent their time engaging in creative learning activities with an international theme that included samba, painting, food tasting, calligraphy and capoeira. The week was very successful and students enjoyed learning in different ways and with different groups of people. Afternoon lessons were spent with visiting practitioners who brought their cultural skills and knowledge into BGA to contribute to a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
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Students worked really hard when at the Climate Change exhibit, and said they really enjoyed the experience. Mr Whipp says that "Not only was their behaviour when at the museum exemplary, but while traveling there and back they really made us proud". Amin Uddin made us especially proud by giving his seat up to a lady on the train, and she proceeded to ask which school he went to. "BGA of course". Congratulations to all who participated !
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Raising aspirations at BT As part of SoLFEST 2013, 11 of our sixth form students spent 24th – 26th June at BT taking part in a ‘Work Inspiration’ event. A On Monday they took part in personality exercises that helped them to pinpoint their talents, passions and natural abilities. Before this, they created a colossal paper tower during an ice-breaker challenge. They also completed CV and non-verbal communication workshops. Tuesday saw our learners embark on work experience, matched with different BT employees according to their interests. Some were partnered with project managers and Personal Assistants, others with engineers. Some
Inspiring Art showcase
learners went out and did some “jumpering” to learn how to make network connections. On Wednesday learners were tasked with presenting their idea for a new revolutionary communications device. After this, they were given support that will assist their application for a BT apprenticeship. All sessions were delivered by current BT apprentices and this really inspired our learners. 80% of the class now intend to apply for BT’s Higher Apprenticeship scheme. Far left: Learners at BT Showcase learning about global networking. Left: Learners posing with their winning paper tower.
The last dance Fabulous dresses and sharp suits were donned for the Year 11 prom on Thursday. Students and staff partied the afternoon away at a countryside venue, where we saw some amazing dance moves and some moving speeches and messages. Everyone had a great time. Our Year 11s were great company and great ambassadors for our academy.
On Wednesday this week the Art Department opened an Exhibition of students’ work. Their art was inspirational and showcased some very talented young artists from across the year groups at BGA. Governors, staff, parents and students were impressed and Year 12 students welcomed visitors and discussed their work eloquently and with great pride. Well done to all our artists and photographers and a big thanks to all in the Art Department for showing us all what our students can do!
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