Monday 15th July . Issue 122
Year 9 Sports Leaders
Wimbledon Ladies Final
Our year 9 sports leaders had the task of running Virginia Primary School sports day last week. They represented the school extremely well, organising each event whilst encouraging and supporting the younger children. Kate Gooding (Head teacher of Virginia) said “Last week Mr Oakley helped to run the school’s sports day. He was accompanied by some of his sports leaders from year 9. The boys brought the equipment to the Atlee Centre and helped with running the activities. It was very successful and meant we could
run athletics activities for the first time. Thank you!” Prior to this our sports leaders also helped run the year 3/4 primary school football tournament; a well attended sports festival won by Christ Church School. Students: Yubaidul Hussain, Omar Hussain, George Bruno, Guled Abdi, Daniel Gbadeyan, Amadou Sacko, Abdul Mohamed, Joshua Mackley, Silvio Marcelo, Adil Ali, Abdi-Rahman Sabriye.
Eight lucky year 7’s were rewarded for outstanding effort and behaviour with a trip to the ladies final day at Wimbledon! After taking part at the interactive tennis tent we headed over to court 1 to watch some high level tennis before going to Henman hill (Murray mount) to catch the end of the ladies final and have a picnic. For myself, Ms Parsons and the students involved, it was a memorable day and a once in a life time experience. Students: Iqbal Ali (Saleh), Abida Ali, Najia Ali, Rima Begum, Christine-Marie Mugeni, Adam Stewart, Yoseph Aschalew, Hafsana Khan.
Word on the Street The Newsletter of Bethnal Green Academy and Sixth Form
What Country friends is this? Last Thursday and Friday BGA was transformed into a cultural world of workshops to celebrate Shakespeare Day. Learning activities were based on the Bard’s comedy play, Twelfth Night (see over page). On Thursday we welcomed visitors from Teach First, a group of Brazilian students from Bell London, BGA governors and other guests. Our Year 7 students took part in a range of exciting and inspiring workshops delivered by their aptly costumed teachers. Students enjoyed the different ways of learning about Shakespeare. The Street was adorned with colourful Chinese lanterns, butterflies, exotic flowers, Islamic tiles and a model of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, all the result of much hard work from BGA students and the Art department.
On Friday our new Year 7-to-be students came to BGA to soak up the Shakespeare experience. They participated in workshops led by our visiting teachers and enjoyed a taste of things to come at their new school. At the end of each of the two days students, staff and visitors enjoyed an impressive performance of Twelfth Night by our talented, young BGA actors. Photos of the performance are on pages 2 and 3. Well done to everyone who helped to make these two days so special.
Lloyd’s Readers big day out
Tower Hamlets Cricket Cup
Over the last two weeks our cricket teams entered the U13 and U15 Tower Hamlets Cricket cups. The U13 team went out in the second round as they lost to Morpeth in a competitive and good-natured match; we scored 82 runs, falling 35 runs short of a win. Considering it was their first competitive cricket match I was very impressed with the skills and teamwork on show. Yash Parssottam and Savio Samkutty Samuel got the majority of runs and wickets and co-captained the team.
The U15 team went all the way to the semi-finals where they fell just short losing to St.Paul’ Way in a low scoring game. Romjan miah, Haider Jabarkheil, Jubaed Al Kadir and Mahek Parssottam were the star performers though everyone contributed to the cup run. I was so proud of the students both on and off the field and we are excited about building on our progress from this year where we have become a closeknit unit, onwards and upwards!
Last Thursday our Lloyd’s Readers students were rewarded for their hard work over the last year, with a day out courtesy of Lloyd’s Readers. They enjoyed a visit to the Lloyd's building and then to the Ministry of Stories in Hoxton where they made their very own comic books!
Creative Capoeira
During International Creativity Week BGA hosted capoeira taster sessions for the students. The students really seemed to enjoy the mix of music, dance and martial arts – cross curricular at it’s best! Marcello in year 10 proved to be a promising talent, helping the professionals run the activity.
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As part of their Geography and Science GCSE course last week Mr Whipp, Ms Brannick and Mr Pedley took two separate Yr 10 groups to the 'Atmosphere' Exhibit at the Science Museum. On Wednesday this week the Art Department opened an Exhibition of students’ work. Their art was inspirational and showcased some very talented young artists from across the year groups at BGA. Governors, staff, parents and students were impressed and Year 12 students welcomed visitors and discussed their work eloquently and with great pride. Well done to all our artists and photographers and a big thanks to all in the Art Department for showing us all what our students can do!
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