www.bgtc.org.uk/blog 29 November 2010
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow! Movember: Raising Awareness of Prostate and Testicular Cancer Both Mr. Bowers and Mr. Lynch deserve a massive well done for being such good sports and growing top notch, handlebar moustaches in support of Movember. “What’s Movember”, I hear you ask? Well, for those of you that missed last week’s issue, throughout the month of November, gentlemen around the world are encouraged to grow moustaches to both increase awareness of and raise funds for research into Prostate and Testicular Cancer. This truly is a valuable cause as it kills 1 man an hour in the UK alone. For more information a b o u t t h e e ve nt a n d a d v i s e o n s e l f examination, visit: uk.movember.com or prostate-cancer.org.uk
Code Crackers Quick Response Codes: A Trial Run If you haven’t seen one of these patterns before, think of it as a barcode, just like those on anything you buy in the shops and the assistant scans at the till. The difference being, these ones contain secret messages! Quick Response (QR) codes are a great way of sharing ideas really quickly and easily, provided the technology is in place. So, we thought we’d give it a go at BGTC! Some of you might already have camera-phones that can read them, if not there’s a link below to a downloads page. Have a go at cracking the code and following the secret instructions. I have prizes ready and waiting for anyone that cracks it! Good luck! Try downloading a QR Code reader for your mobile phone here: http://analytics.percentmobile.com/device_qr_code_readers/
verb • to recognise or ascertain what makes (someone or something) different: children can differentiate the past from the present.
XLP Showcase Auditions Tuesday 14 December • Period 3+4
As reigning champions of the XLP Showcase Competition, Mr. Privett is on the look out for musical talent at BGTC. If you and your friends think you've got what it takes, if you can sing, rap, play an instrument, you name it - Mr. Privett wants to see you at the auditions. The best acts will be chosen to go forward to the regional heats to represent the school. Prizes include a session in a top recording studio and your very own CD release!
Holocaust Survivors visit BGTC This term, our Year 9 students have been learning about the Holocaust and this week we were incredibly privileged to meet a group of people from the Jewish Cultural Centre who actually lived through these times. To hear first-hand accounts of life as a Jewish person in Nazi Germany and World War II really put the severity of these events into perspective. We were really impressed with our students level of questioning. If you would like to learn more, there is a new website launching in Januar y, www.holocaustexplained.co.uk.
Food For Thought Future Chefs Winner Well done to Rahena Khanom who was the winner of the school heat Finals and Local Fi n a l i s t i n t h e Fu t u r e C h e f Co o ke r y Competition held last week. Watch this space for next year's competition open to Year 9,10 and 11 students who have great cooking skills. Also, be sure to check out the full gallery of photos on our website, www.bgtc.org.uk/photos.
Bring Your Brain Philosophy Club: Tuesdays • 3.15 • Room 221 How did the universe begin? What should we fight for? What happens when we die? What will happen at the end of the world? With questions of this magnitude, this is why you need to bring your brain. If you’d like to join the debate and discuss the big questions surrounding life, the universe and everything then this is for you. Mr. Pedley’s new, extra-curricular club, exploring all things philosophical meet every Tuesday after school in room 221.