2007-2010 most improved school rd in London.
7 February 2011
most improved school th in England. It all ad
ds up, up, up!
Competition Special 3 competitions in 1 newsletter. Make sure you’re in it to win it!
Artbeat is back!
Artbeat 2011 Exhibition: Preview Event Since its launch in 2003, I think it’s fair to say that the Artbeat project, supported by our community partner Allen & Overy, has gone from strength to strength at BGTC and this year it is bigger and better than ever.
Artbeat 2011 Community Arts Initiative Preview Night - An Interpretation of Art and Literacy
© Allen & Overy LLP 2010
We kick things off with the Preview Exhibition this Thursday at the Allen & Overy offices, Bishops Square. We are also pleased to announce a brand new Enterprise project that will add an online store and much more to the Artbeat empire! Visit, www.artbeatgallery.co.uk to see the site taking shape. More next week.
PSHE Thought for the Week: A problem shared is a problem halved.
Say what? “Supersize” Quote Competition By now you should have noticed one or two of the super-sized quotes around the school. We hope you like them. As wise as the words are and as famous the people are that said them, we would like you to come up with your own.
XLP Borough Finals
In tutor time, we want you to come up with an inspirational quote about the importance of education. You can write something between you or find a quote in a book that you like - either way, the winning entry will be made “supersize” and put up on the wall in The Street with your names underneath. Please write your name, tutor group and idea on a piece of paper and post it in a Voice Box. Good luck! www.bgtc.org.uk/wordonthestreet
Word of the week.
• consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted: a reliable source of information. Synonyms: dependable, good, valid, sound.
What’s in a name? Competition Time Again
Miss Gledhill is running a competition for students and staff to come up with a name for our new internet cafe area. You may want to incorporate ideas that reflect the global nature of internet communications as well as the bright and colour ful plants and flowers that surround the area. Oh and don’t forget the fish. So, if you have an idea for a name or a logo, or if you like any of the suggestions so far that include “The Wifi Garden”, “The Rainforest”, “eDen” and “The Global Cafe”, draw your design on the template (left) and post it in a Voice Box. The best idea will be turned into a giant banner like those with the tube maps on them. Don’t forget to include your name!
Puzzled? Mr. Pedley’s Weekly Brainteaser Competition
Two fathers and two sons walk into a coffee shop, but only sit in three chairs. Why? Write your name, tutor group and answer on a piece of paper and post it in a Voice Box. Mr. Pedley will announce the winners and the prizes next week! www.bgtc.org.uk/wordonthestreet