Detail from poster by Esther, 7E
Monday, 10 October 2011 of students who achieved 5+A*- joined BGTC in Year 7 C including Engl ish & Maths.
Black History Month: Week 2 It’s week two and there’s plenty to see and do! A copy of the programme of events happening in and around Tower Hamlets is on display near reception. Here’s just a taster of what’s on this week:
The Big Draw
The Big Draw 17-19 October | 3.30 - 4.30 Art Department
. This week.. e cas Music Show Oct. | 5pm ay 13th Thursd e. All welcom
October is a busy month at BGTC. Not only is it Black History Month, but we will soon be doing our bit for Breast Cancer Awareness Week by wearing pink, raising money and raising awareness. It is also Diwali towards the end of the month but before all of that, let me introduce you to The Big Draw - a fantastic event hosted by our Art Department next week. Ms. Braithwaite and Mr. Marston would like to invite all students (and staff) to take part in a three day drawing experiment. Running as an after school club from Monday to Wednesday we are calling all creative thinkers! Come and explore the microscopic shapes, colours and textures of the world around us. Take a much, much closer look. Sign up sheets will be in registers this week and permission slips will be required to take part in the event. I will definitely be there, pencil at the ready. I hope you will be there too.
Thu 13 Oct. - Sun. 30 Oct.
From Bronze to Gold Exhibition Rich Mix, Bethnal Green Road. Sat 15 Oct.
Jungle Animal Gift Bag Making Idea Store, Crisp Street. Sat 15 Oct.
Arts & Crafts Session Watney Market Library.
Sat 15 Oct.
Dig Out Dem Roots Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives.
If you have an article, feature, photo or event you would like to include in our weekly newsletter, please send me an email to It’s amazing just how many fantastic things are happening each week at BGTC. There’s never enough room on the page. Thank you. Adam Smith, Multimedia Designer.
Be a good sport. Upcoming sports competitions at BGTC. This week, our P.E. Department will be hosting and taking part in not one but four borough competitions. All the best to our fantastic student athletes representing the school. Monday 10 October | 3.30pm
Tower Hamlets Girls’ (7/8) Badminton Competition Tuesday 11 October | 3.30pm
Tower Hamlets Girls’ (9,10,11) Badminton Competition Wednesday 12 October | 3.30pm
Tower Hamlets (7/8) Table Tennis Competition
Thursday 13 October | 3.30pm
Tower Hamlets Boys & Girls Cross Country Competition
Read all about it.
New books in the LRC this week As well as all the daily newspapers, magazines and journals made available to students and staff by the LRC, there are also a wide range of new books added each week too. New arrivals this week include two ethically themed books, The Rough Guide to Ethical Living and Is That Fair, Fair Trade? Also included amongst the eight new reads is Terry Deary’s Who’s Horrible in History, a look back at some of the most crazy criminals, rotten rebels, wicked women and ruthless rulers in the world.
Every Day Counts. Attendance Olympics: Week 2
Last week saw the triumphant return of our Attendance Olympics competition with 9G winning Heat 1 of the competition. So, who won Heat 2? This week’s winning tutor group was 9C. For those of you who haven’t seen our Olympic themed competition before, the rules are simple and you don’t need to worry about trying to buy tickets! Tutor groups compete against one another based on their individual, daily attendance percentages. The more students present and on time each morning, the further their little runner will sprint along the track. At the end of the week it is always close but one tutor group will take the photo finish. The competition opens to all year groups after half term.
Last week
This week
Did you manage to solve last week’s riddles?
This week we are returning to number puzzles, a Number Maze. Can you find your way from start to finish by a d d i n g consecutive numbers? We have done the first five for you. Can you find sums from 6 to 25?
Q. What is once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years? A. The letter m. Q. A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no street lights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road with its lights off steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there? A. It was during the day time. Q. There are two clocks in your classroom, one that loses a minute a day and one that doesn’t work at all. Which one works best? A. The one that doesn’t work! The clock that loses a minute will only be correct once every 720 hours, whereas the broken clock is correct twice a day.
As always, post your answers in a Voice Box or return them to M r. P e d l e y. Prizes to be won!