Word On The Street - 14 Nov 2011

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Monday 14 November 2011

Just a Mo’! Raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer this Movember

Bethnal Green wins Outstanding Progress Award F o l l o w i n g o n f r o m l a s t w e e k ’s h o p e f u l announcement, Bethnal Green is proud to report that we won the Outstanding Progress Award at the Education Business Awards last week. The glamorous ceremony held at the equally impressive Emirates Stadium (below) was hosted by BBC newsreader Moira Stewart.

Our brave ‘Mo Bros’ (male teachers) have joined forces, put down their razors and are growing moustaches for the duration of November in support of Movember, a month of raising money for and awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. Next week we will be running a ‘Guess Who?’ competition (see above) with some moustache-themed prizes. Check out the school website for more information or visit uk.movember.com to find out more.

The event was attended by a range of schools from all over the country including teachers from channel 4 documentary Educating Essex to our relative neighbours Sir John Cass. More photos, quotes and news coverage from channel 4 and The Independent will be appearing on our website very soon. We are thrilled that the fantastic improvements we have made as a school over the past few years have been recognised nationally but as always we are looking to the future, striving to make our best even better again.

Street Life CitySafe Day of Action sees local shops sign up to safety campaign As part of our CitySafe Day of Action, students from Bethnal Green and students from local primary school Thomas Buxton took to the streets to spread the word about the new CitySafe Haven campaign and ask local businesses to sign up to join the group. The initial aim of the project is to encourage our community to report 100% of crime. The more often we report it, the better it can be dealt with and that will help make our community a safer place. Thank you to everyone that took part and signed up. There are more plans in the pipeline so watch this space or visit www.citizensuk.org/category/citysafecampaign to stay up-to-date.

If you have an article, feature, photo or event you would like to include in our weekly newsletter, please send me an email to asmith@bgtc.org.uk. It’s amazing just how many fantastic things are happening each week at Bethnal Green. There’s never enough room on the page. Thank you. Adam Smith, Multimedia Designer.


Our School Vision Update Continuing with our LOVE Bethnal Green campaign, we have been asking students to help us make our school even better by contributing their comments, concerns and ideas for Our School Vision. A huge thank you to all the students and staff that have contributed so far. Here are just a few of your thoughts:

Every day counts. Attendance Olympics Update.

The Attendance Olympics is now running as a wholeschool competition. You can stay up-to-speed with your tutor group’s progress by visiting the Students page of the school website (see above) or keep an eye on the big screens in The Street. So, who’s winning? Well, the winners of Heat 1 were:

7E, 8B, 9T, 10B and 11C.

Congratulations to our “front runners.” Your nearperfect attendance figures for the week were clearly unbeatable and you all crossed the finish line ahead of your rival tutor group teams. Heat 2 is proving just as close a race. Our attendance figures are looking really good but teams like 7B will be hard to beat with back-to-back 100% attendance statistics. Tune into the screens on Monday or the Students page of the website to find out who won and remember, every day counts!

This Week Word Puzzles Galore Have a go at some of these classic word puzzles. On offer this week we have some anagrams (words whose letters can be rearranged to make another word), a word wheel and a word ladder. Use the letters in the wheel to make as many words as you can but you must always use the centre letter. The words in the word ladder differ by one letter on each step. Enjoy!


a It [Be thn al Gre en] ha s re he sp mo at ul rf e wo nd a n d t h e wo rd ‘ l o v e’ We cou ld im pro ve ou r ma ke s me thi nk of all the le a r n i n g by c h o o s i n g stu den ts an d divers ity. wh at we wa nt to lea rn ab out.

s Th e ext ra rev isio n cla sse . lot a us lp after sch ool he We can sha re our ide as t h r o u g h t h e s t u de n t cou nci l. ng I l i k e t h e l e a r n i are me nto rs bec aus e the y al wa ys th e re for yo u wh en you’re dow n. n To ma ke leadershi p eveve bet ter we sho uld ha mo re les son s wh ere the stu den ts are te ach ing , no t the teache rs.

Word Scramble - Countries ULTRA ASIA (9) BIG MULE (7) COLD ANTS (8) NEAR GYM (7) NICE LAD (7) SLENDER THAN (11) ANY ROW (6) A SNIP (5) LIZARDS WENT (11)

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