Lord Mayor’s Show Children in Need charity netball Movember Guess Who Attendance Olympics Issue #92 - Monday 21 November 2011
Welcome to our new-look newsletter. Over
the coming weeks our trusty publication will be evolving into a magazine and online blog, incorporating new photo galleries, videos, as well as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr integration, making it even easier for you to stay up-to-date with all things Bethnal Green. If you have any ideas for regular features or you would like to write an article, please let us know. Read all about it!
Cover story Students on parade at the Lord Mayor’s Show Last weekend a team of our students studying Art and volunteer staff from Allen & Overy joined forces to represent our joint venture, Artbeat at the Lord Mayor’s Show. The group designed and made their own banners and t-shirts (pictured), visually exploring the themes of justice and the environment. Not only did the Lord Mayor come and visit the students in their Art class but we also got a special mention in the short documentary shown on the BBC before the live broadcast. Perched precariously on top of a postbox, I just about managed to get some photos of our students parading past the Lord Mayor with their creatively colourful costumes. There were thousands of people lining the streets around St. Paul’s Cathedral. The atmosphere was fantastic and the marching bands really added a carnival feel. A little fact I learnt that weekend - carnival floats are called floats because the procession used to take place on the Thames and was only moved to the streets relatively recently considering the show has been running for nearly 800 years! Look out for more photos from the In Pictures section (right) on our website soon, including more from the Lord Mayor’s Show and the snaps from our charity netball match are not to be missed. In Pictures (from the top): • Mr. White (that’s not his real hair) defends a goal attack as the staff beat the students 15-10 in our charity netball match • Our students parade through the streets of London with their colourful tshirts and banners •
In Pictures.
What a good sport. Charity netball match for Children in Need. Last thing on Friday, our Year 11 Girls’ netball team took on a “select” staff team in a charity match for Children in Need. Our philanthropic students are always keen to lead on fundraising initiatives and this was no exception. A task force of eager ticket sellers drummed up a crowd of fans who watched the match from the viewing platform in exchange for a welcome donation to the charity. Our Year 7 tutor groups also took part in a miniathletics tournament, competing for the Children in Need trophy. As if that wasn’t enough, our hard working Year 11s also slaved away in the school’s food technology room on Thursday evening, making “spotty” cakes to sell to raise yet more money for Children in Need. A massive thank you to everyone that supported the event and helped make it such a success.
Fan-tash-tic Movember Update Following on from last week’s article, our team of male moustache growers are still doing there bit for Movember and raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. Check out the “Guess Who” style game on Pedley’s Puzzle Page overleaf. For more information about this important cause, visit uk.movember.com
On the run.
Attendance Olympics Update It’s a photo finish for Heat 3 of our Attendance Olympics competition. The winners this week are:
7E, 8E, 9E, 10C and 11C. A special well done to 7E who managed an unstoppable 100% attendance every day this week! As always, keep an eye on the big screens in The Street and check the Students page of the school website for more information.
It’s a date.
Upcoming events this week. Wednesday (15.15) Climate Change Action Group Trip with Rushanara Ali MP Thursday (16.00) Year 7 Parents’ Evening Friday (All Day) Student Leadership Conference * Friday is also a whole-staff Inset Day.
Tai Chi
For the next two weeks Bethnal Green will be trialling Tai Chi morning classes for students and staff. This is a great opportunity to get some exercise, stay healthy and kickstart your morning with a relaxing routine. Start your day the Tai Chi way! 07.30 - 08.00 - Staff 08.00 - 08.30 - Students and Staff
If you have an article, feature, photo or event you would like to include in our weekly magazine, please send me an email to asmith@bgtc.org.uk. It’s amazing just how many fantastic things are happening each week at Bethnal Green. There’s never enough room on the page. Thank you. Adam Smith, Multimedia Designer.
Welcome to Pedley’s Puzzle Page, Movember Special. Can you spot the teachers just from their moustache growing attempts?
Fan-tash-tic Movember Guess Who? The aim of the game is simple - can you guess which moustache belongs to which member of staff?
1. 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. We even have some prizes to give away, courtesy of Fashion Designer, Dee Hewitt who has kindly donated some curly moustache keyrings.
Check out some more of Dee’s work in her online store, www.etsy.com/shop/DeeHewitt
Movember Money
The funds raised in the UK support the number one and two male specific cancers - prostate and testicular cancer. This is an increasingly important cause to raise awareness of as just last week it was announced in the press that cancer is now the biggest cause of death in men in the UK, overtaking heart disease for the first time. Prostate cancer killed more than 10,000 men last year in the UK alone, so let’s do all we can to raise awareness and raise funds for the Movember health partners, The Prostate Cancer Charity and the Institute of Cancer Research. A huge thank you to all the students and staff for their continued support. Yet again, Bethnal Green has risen to the challenge and you should all be very proud of anything you can do to help the range of charities we support throughout the year.